ThirdEyeChakra Researchgate
ThirdEyeChakra Researchgate
ThirdEyeChakra Researchgate
The Third Eye Chakra is related to us experiencing clear and concise thoughts, as
well as connecting us with the higher functions of consciousness and spiritual
reflection. It offers us the possibility of wisdom, discernment, intuition, and
knowledge, as well as consciously staying connected with our spiritual home. It is
the ‘gateway’ to ‘higher worlds’ which can be opened through meditation. (for
more information on the chakra system in general see previous posts).
Much of the information below is from my book: Chakra Wisdom Workbook available here: Shop
Balanced aspects: the wise person, wisdom, discernment, imagination, intuition, knowledge,
psychic perception.
Unbalanced aspects: too intellectual/analytical, judgemental, ridged viewpoints, rejects spirit,
How to balance:
Music: classical and new age, the note of A
Oils: camphor, mint, jasmine
Stones: lapis lazuli, sapphire, sodalite
Activities: meditation, sunshine, yoga, tai chi, qi
Colour: indigo, dark blue
Element: ether/light
Located: between the eyebrows.
Helps regulate: the pituitary glands, eyes, nose,
sinuses, head, face.
Associated with: wisdom, detachment,
imagination, intuition, knowledge, trusting in a
higher source.
1. How often does the belief in a higher power come to your mind?
less often-6 points,weekly-4 points, few times a week-2 points, daily-0 points …...... points
3. How often do you have symptoms related to any of the following body parts:
the pituitary glands, eyes, nose, sinuses, head, face?
less often-0 points, weekly-4 points, few times a week-6 points, daily-8 points .…... points
5. How often do you try to understand the ‘truth’ behind the situations that come my way, as
a ‘tool’, so you can respond with wisdom and discernment?
less often-6 points, weekly-4 points, few times a week-2 points, daily-0 points ...… points
Total points:…………
Over 14 points, indicates this chakra may be calling for your attention.
Acknowledge Spirit
I trust in a higher source and I acknowledge my direct connection with it.
In the stillness, I listen for the wisdom inside, and I am open to the spirituality
that is within and all around me.
I trust in a higher source to guide me, and others who ask for my guidance.
I open myself to the truth that is within and around me and know that it is there for me to receive.
I use my imagination in creating and pursuing
my dreams and wishes.
I ask myself, “What do I want?”
Inner Knowing
I trust my inner knowing and I am at peace
with myself.
I create more moments of stillness and
silence, and I listen for the truth.
I recognise that a great deal of knowledge and
information comes to me, in the form of
intuition, e.g., clairvoyance, clairaudience, and hypersensitive feelings.
I use my intellect, combined with intuition, to delve into circumstances from a philosophical and
spiritual viewpoint.
I aim to understand the truth behind the situations that come my way, as this helps me to respond
with wisdom.
I cultivate positive beliefs about life, myself, and others.
I am aware of my thoughts and I ask myself, “Are they uplifting and
are they true?”
I choose to respond (rather than react) to all situations from an enlightened position.