CFDLV15 N11 P67 78
CFDLV15 N11 P67 78
CFDLV15 N11 P67 78
CFD Letters
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ISSN: 2180-1363
Numerical Investigation of the Scale Effect on the Flow around the Ship
by using RANSE Method
Tat-Hien Le1,2,*, Tran Van Tao1,2
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), Vietnam
2 Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Article history: The paper deals with the numerical simulation results of scale effect on flow field
Received 27 February 2023 around ship by using RANSE method. The differences in resistance coefficient
Received in revised form 24 March 2023 components and flow around the ship such as wave pattern on free surface, wave
Accepted 20 April 2023 profile along the hull of the ship, dynamic pressure and wall shear stress distributions
Available online 1 November 2023
on the surface of the ship and nominal wake field between the model and full-scale
ship are provided and analysed in this paper. The obtained numerical simulation
Keywords: results are compared with the measured data in order to verify and validate simulation
Flow; RANSE; Scale Effect; Resistance results.
1. Introduction
In designing a ship, the accurate estimation of ship resistance plays a crucial role as this parameter
also be a primary input of other problems related to defining the ship propulsion system and power
in order to archive the designed speed. It is no deniable that conducting towing tank test then
extrapolate the result into the full-scale ship currently is the most reliable ship resistance predicting
method. However, towing tank test method can only ensure the similarly of geometry and Froude
number between the model scale and full-scale ship and it cannot satisfy the same value of the
Reynolds number, which causes the differences in the characteristics of flow around the model scale
ship and the full scale one [1-4]. As a result, it is significantly important to consider these differences
in various model scales that can support in identifying the accurate characteristics of flow around the
ship and solving the other problems like optimizing the ship hull, designing the propeller, etc. at the
full scale.
Presently, thank the considerable development of computational resources, and numerical
method, RANSE method is broadly applied to solve the hydrodynamics problems in general [5-7] and
ship hydrodynamic problems in particular [4,7-23]. In comparison with the experiment, RANSE
method provides relatively reliable results, saving computational time and expenditure as no physical
model requires [8,10,24]. In addition, RANSE also advances in simulating the ship resistance at full
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Tat-Hien Le)
CFD Letters
Volume 15, Issue 11 (2023) 67-78
scale. Moreover, the post-RANSE analysis can provide all necessary information on the flow around
the ship characteristics.
Various authors have carried out the research of scale effect on the flow around the ship
[1,3,4,25,26]. Those research results proved that model scale definitely effects on the flow field
around the ship. The magnitude of difference depends on the discrepancy in model scale. Hänninen,
S. and J. Sehweighofer [25] reported that resistance coefficients, wave pattern and streamlines
strongly depends on the Reynolds number. Dogrul, A et al., [1] presents a study of the scale effect on
the ship resistance components and form factor for two different ship hull forms by RANSE method.
The conclusion of authors in [1] is that the difference in boundary layers, wave pattern and viscous
pressure resistance between model scale and full scale. The magnitude of these differences depends
not only on the discrepancy in scale model, but also ship hull form.
Inheriting the previous studies, this research will focus on studying the impact of scale effect on
the characteristics of the flow around a KCS containership by employing RANSE method.
2. Methodology
2.1 Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations
( ui )
=0 (1)
( ui ) p ij
x j
( )
ui u j + uiu j = − +
xi x j
Where xi and ui are the position and velocity vector, ρ is the fluid density, uiuj is the Reynolds
stress tensor, p is the mean pressure, t is the time and ij is the mean viscous stress tensor ij is
defined as follows:
ui u j
ij = + (3)
x j xi
Realizable k–ε two layer, which is model that solves equations for turbulence kinetic energy (k)
and the turbulence dissipation rate (ε) in order to determine the eddy viscosity t by equation:
t = C f kT (4)
T = Te (5)
CFD Letters
Volume 15, Issue 11 (2023) 67-78
Where Te = k / is the large-eddy time scale. The transport equations for k and the ε are given as
( k ) + ( kv)= + t k + Pk − ( − 0 ) + Sk (6)
t k
1 0
( ) + ( v)= + t + C 1 P − C 2 f 2 − + S (7)
t Te Te T0
k 1 (9)
f2 = ; f =
k + 1 S *3 k
C 4 + 6 cos cos −1 6 S : S + W :W
3 S * : S *3
3. Numerical Simulations
3.1 General Information of a KCS Containership
The research object is a KCS containership. This ship is often applied in studying the flow around
the ship by RANSE method as its 3D model and experimental results are published online [27,28].
Table 1 and Figure 1 illustrate the KCS containership at model scales of 1/31.6 and full scale.
CFD Letters
Volume 15, Issue 11 (2023) 67-78
Table 1
Main characteristics of KCS containership
Parameters Symbol Unit
Full scale Model
The influence of the model scale on the change of flow characteristics around the ship hull is
stimulated with the following computational cases and conditions:
i. Simulation at two different scales including full scale and ship model with a scale of 1/31.6.
These two scales are considered because it is possible to compare the simulation results
and the experiment ones in the towing tank and the actual transferred calculation results
to the full scale ship, which have been provided in [27,29,30].
ii. The environmental conditions considered for the ship at the model and full scale are taken
the same as the test conditions in [27,29].
The size of the virtual towing tank was defined as corresponding to the guidelines of the
International Towing Tank Conferences [31]. Typically, the domain length is extended 1.5LPP forward
the ship bow and 2.5LPP backward its stern. Meanwhile, the bottom and top of the virtual towing
tank are placed at a distance of 2.5LPP and 1.5LPP from the free surface, respectively. The sidewall of
the virtual towing tank is placed at a distance of 2.5LPP from the longitudinal symmetric plane of the
vessel (see Figure 2).
CFD Letters
Volume 15, Issue 11 (2023) 67-78
The type of boundary conditions is defined as follows: The velocity inlet is applied on inlet, top
and bottom of virtual towing tank, the flow behind the hull is pressure outlet, the two sides of virtual
towing tank are the symmetry plane. No-slip wall condition is used on the ship hull [32].
Mesh type and mesh generation have a significant effect on the numerical simulation results. In
the prediction of ship resistance using RANSE method, 3 types of mesh are used: surface mesh,
trimmed mesh, and prism mesh [33]. In order to minimize the number of meshes used while keeping
acceptable accuracy of the simulation results, the mesh will be refined in the vicinity of the ship
(especially in the bow and stern regions having complex curvature), at the free surface to have the
best capture of Kelvin waves.
The mesh generation will be done in the same manner for the ship at model scale and the full-
scale ship, the only difference is the wall thickness of the first layer of the prism mesh of the full-scale
ship and the model scale to ensure that the average value of Y+ of the model ship is 50 and the mean
value of Y+ of the full-scale ship is about 400 (see Figure 3). The resulting of mesh generation for the
model and the full-scale ship are depicted in Figure 4.
The physical model used in the ship resistance simulation is a real fluid model (viscous and
incompressible) using the Unsteady RANSE. The Realizable k–ε two layer turbulent model is used to
close the RANSE equation, as according to [34,35] the Realizable k–ε two layer turbulent model
provides relatively accurate results in calculating the ship hydrodynamics in general and ship
resistance in particular. The Volume of Fluid method is employed to solve the free surface. The DFBI
Equilibrium option is used to model motion of the ship with two degrees of freedom (trim and
One of the key issues determining the accuracy of numerical results is choosing the time step. For
resistance simulation, according to ITTC procedures [36] the time step is defined by Eq. (10) as
CFD Letters
Volume 15, Issue 11 (2023) 67-78
4. Simulation Results
4.1 Mesh Convergence Study
It is crucial to study the convergence of the mesh at the beginning of numerical calculation.
Following the Guidelines provided by ITTC [37], in this research, the authors studied the mesh
convergence at Fr=0.260 with 3 sizes of mesh including coarse, medium, and fine mesh which are
generated by the refinement ratio rG = 2 . As a result, the numbers of mesh cells used in the
simulation for model scale is 0.79, 1.77, and 3.71 million cells, respectively. Meanwhile, those are
1.02, 2.08, 4.79 million cells, respectively at the full-scale simulation. Eq. (11) depicts the definition
of convergence ratio:
RG = 21 / 32 (11)
When RG > 1, the mesh is not converged; and if RG < 0, the mesh is oscillatory convergence.
Otherwise, it is known as monotonous convergence. ε12 and ε23 can be estimated as follows:
Where S1, S2, S3 – are resistance obtained by fine, medium, and coarse meshes, respectively. The
results deflection between numerical simulation (S) results and towing tank experiment
measurements (D) is estimated as follows:
(D − S )
E%D = .100% (13)
Table 2 depicts the mesh convergence results for ship at model and full scale. It can be observed
from Table 2 that, the mesh is monotonous convergence as increasing the number of mesh cells. The
simulation result obtained by fine mesh is close to the towing tank measurement (for ship at model
scale) and the extrapolate result to full-scale ship. In particular, the difference in the ship total
resistance coefficient (CT), between simulation results and experimental measurements, at model
CFD Letters
Volume 15, Issue 11 (2023) 67-78
and full scale are 1.08% and 3.22%, respectively. Thus, the fine mesh is selected to visualize the
difference of flow around the ship hull at different model scales. Moreover, it can be seen from Table
2 a huge difference in the frictional resistance component (CF) between model and full- scale ships.
Specifically, this coefficient is twice times larger in model scale than in full scale ships. This can be
explained by the difference in Reynolds number between the model scale and full-scale ships, leading
to the difference in the shear stress coefficient on the hull surface shown below this paper.
Table 2
The mesh convergence results at Fr=0.260
Parameters EFD (D) [28] ε32 % ε21 % RG
Coarse Medium Fine
Ship at model scale
Value 3.711 3.845 3.815 3.751 -0.79 -0.02 0.02
CTx10-3 [-]
E%D / 3.610 2.800 1.080 / / /
CF x10 [-] Value / 3.341 3.328 3.311 -0.39 -0.01 0.01
CP x10-3 [-] Value / 0.504 0.487 0.440 -3.49 -0.11 0.03
Full scale ship
Value 2.361 2.516 2.457 2.437 -2.40 -0.82 0.34
CT x10-3 [-]
E%D / 6.570 4.070 3.220 / / /
CF x10-3 [-] Value / 1.591 1.586 1.583 -0.32 -0.19 0.60
CP x10-3 [-] Value / 0.925 0.871 0.854 -6.20 -1.99 0.32
The influence of scale effect on wave shape at free surface and wave profile along the ship hull
at Fr=0.26 is presented in Figures 5 and 6.
It can be observed in those figures, the difference in surface wave shape between the model scale
and full-scale ship appears in the wake flow behind the ship hull. Especially, the stern wave created
by the moving ship at full-scale ship is bigger than obtained at the model scale. Otherwise, concern
to the profile of wave along the ship hull, the discrepancy located near the ship bow and stern. The
wave profile obtained at full scale is greater than that of model scale. These results are coincident
with the results published by the previous worldwide authors [25].
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Volume 15, Issue 11 (2023) 67-78
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Comparison of wave profiles between model and full scale (a) along the ship (b) at y/LPP =0.1
The influences of model scale on the distribution of shear stress on the ship surface at different
speeds are depicted in Figures 7, 8 and 9. It can be observed from these figures that the model scale
has a great impact on shear stress coefficient on the ship surface. The greater the model scale (the
smaller the model), the bigger the shear stress coefficient is and vice versa. That can partly be
explained by the difference in Reynolds numbers between each model. This difference also leads to
the bigger ship friction resistance at model scale than at the full scale.
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Influence scale effect on shear stress distribution on the ship surface at Fr=0.260 (a) Model scale; (b)
Full scale
Fig. 8. The influence scale effect on shear stress distribution at Z/T =0.5
and Fr = 0.260
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Volume 15, Issue 11 (2023) 67-78
Fig. 9. The influence scale effect on shear stress distribution at Z/T =0.25 and
Fr = 0.260
Figures 10 and 11 depict the influence of scale effect on the distribution of pressure on the surface
of the ship at various speeds. It can be observed from these figures that the model scale has smaller
effect on the dynamic pressure distribution than the shear stress distribution. Moreover, the
difference in dynamic pressure mainly appears in the vicinity of ship stern and it increases as reducing
the scale of the model.
Fig. 10. The influence of model scale on dynamic pressure distributed on the hull
surface at Fr = 0.260
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Volume 15, Issue 11 (2023) 67-78
The influence of the model scale on the wake field behind the ship hull at propeller disc
(x=0.0175LPP) is presented in Figure 12. It can be observed that, the model scale has a significant
impact on the wake field. The greater the model scale (ship model), the larger wake field is as the
Reynolds number of the ship model is smaller than that of the full scale.
Fig. 12. The influence of model scale on wake field behind the ship hull at propeller
disc and Fr = 0.260
5. Conclusions
This research has succeeded in using RANSE method to study the influence of model scale on the
change of flow field around the ship. The achievements are mentioned as follows:
i. Predicted the ship resistance at model scale and full scale. The simulation results are close
to the measurements obtained in towing tank and the full-scale ship converted according
to ITTC’s guidelines with differences are 1.08% and 3.22%, respectively.
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Volume 15, Issue 11 (2023) 67-78
ii. Provided and analyzed the influence of model scale on the change of flow around the hull
characteristics including surface wave shape created by the ship’s movement, wave
profile along the ship hull, wake field at the propeller disc. These pieces of information
may support the designer in defining the optimal hull form, predicting ship power, and
other systems with higher accuracy.
We acknowledge the support of time and facilities from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
(HCMUT), Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) for this study.
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