Structural Engineering For Architects

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Structural Engineering

for Architects: A

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Laurence King Publishing Limited
Text © 2013 Pete Silver, Will
McLean, and Peter Evans

Pete Silver, Will McLean, and Peter Evans have asserted their right under the
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US consultant: Christopher D. Rockey, SE, AIA, Assistant Professor, College of

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Structural Engineering for
Architects: A Handbook

Pete Silver Will McLean Peter


Laurence King Publishing



1 Structures in nature
1.1 Tree
1.2 Spiderweb
1.3 Eggshell
1.4 Soap bubbles
1.5 Human body

2 Theory
2.1 General theory of structures
2.1.1 Introduction
2.1.2 External loads
2.1.3 Internal forces Axial Shear Bending Torsion Static equilibrium Simple analysis Common beam formulae
2.1.4 Material properties Stress Strain Steel properties Concrete properties Timber properties
2.1.5 Sectional properties Bending Axial compression Deflection
2.1.6 Fitness for purpose Vertical deflection Lateral deflection Vibration
2.1.7 Structures Categories of structure Stability Towers
2.2 Structural systems
2.2.1 Introduction
2.2.2 Material assessments
2.2.3 Structural components Beam systems Concrete slab systems

3 Structural prototypes
3.1 Form finding
3.2 Load testing
3.3 Visualizing forces

4 Case studies
4.1 Introduction

4.2 1850–1949
4.2.1 Viollet-le-Duc’s innovative engineering approaches
4.2.2 St. Pancras Railway Station Shed
4.2.3 Eiffel Tower
4.2.4 Forth Rail Bridge
4.2.5 All-Russia Exhibition
4.2.6 Tetrahedral Tower
4.2.7 Magazzini Generali Warehouse
4.2.8 Zarzuela Hippodrome

4.3 1950–1999
4.3.1 Crown Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)
4.3.2 Los Manantiales Restaurant
4.3.3 Concrete Shell Structures, England
4.3.4 Geodesic Domes
4.3.5 Palazzo del Lavoro (Palace of Labor)
4.3.6 Concrete Shell Structures, Switzerland
4.3.7 Jefferson National Expansion Monument (“Gateway Arch”)
4.3.8 Maxi/Mini/Midi Systems
4.3.9 Tensegrity Structures
4.3.10 Munich Olympic Stadium Roof
4.3.11 Bini Domes—inflatable formwork
4.3.12 Niterói Contemporary Art Museum
4.3.13 Structural Glass

4.4 2000–2010
4.4.1 Ontario College of Art and Design expansion, featuring the Sharp Centre
for Design
4.4.2 Atlas Building
4.4.3 “Het Gebouw” (The Building)
4.4.4 Hemeroscopium House
4.4.5 Kanagawa Institute of Technology (KAIT) Workshop/ Table
4.4.6 Meads Reach Footbridge
4.4.7 Pompidou-Metz
4.4.8 Burj Khalifa

Further reading and resources

Picture credits and acknowledgments


“At the age of 17 I was told that I could never be an architect, as I

would never fully comprehend building structures. So that is how I
came to study architecture, with a chip on my shoulder. I religiously
attended all the lectures on structural engineering, indeed any
engineering, and found out that it was surprisingly easy to
understand and, even better, that it was fun. Subsequently I fell in
love with the engineering science, not that I have ever fully
comprehended it but—who cares? You don’t need to ‘understand’
love after all….

This book is one of those love letters that one receives and only has
to decide if one wants to respond. How much I wish I had come
across this book in my youth—it would have saved so much effort
spent reading so many boring ones.

You can take it or leave it, but since it is now available no one can
now say that ‘you will never understand structure.’ Take my word,
this book will give another dimension to your understanding of the
planet we live on and above all…it’s fun!”
Eva Jiricna
June 2011

The aim of this book is to enable students of architecture to develop an

intuitive understanding of structural engineering so that, in the long term,
they are able to conduct productive dialogs with structural engineers. It is
also hoped that the book will serve as a valuable reference and
sourcebook for both architecture and engineering.

In Giorgio Boaga’s book The Concrete Architecture of Riccardo Morandi,

published in 1965, the Italian engineer Morandi discusses the perceived
difficulty of the architect–engineer relationship, but refuses to take sides
in this unhelpful argument. More importantly, he describes how “ is
always possible, within certain limits, to solve a problem—functionally,
structurally, and economically—in several equally valid ways” and that
“...the loving care given to the formal details (quite independently of the
requirements of calculation) transcend the purely technical aspect and,
intentionally or not, contribute to artistic creation.”1 In these statements
Morandi is no more siding with the gifted “calculator” than with the

flamboyant designer—he is merely on the side of interesting work, which
may appear unnervingly simple or unexpectedly expressive.

In his 1956 book Structures, Pier Luigi Nervi explains his use of isostatic
ribs, which followed the stress patterns that had been made visible by
new photoelastic imagery techniques. More recently, the detailed
arithmetic and algebraic calculations of Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
have been made visible through computer graphical output— an
incredibly powerful tool for the more intuitively minded. A step further than
this is structural engineer Timothy Lucas’s putative explorations of a
digital physical feedback system, which would enable the engineer to
physically differentiate and explore the structural forces through an
augmented physical model. Throughout the history of technology,
physical testing has been and continues to be a vital component in the
development of technology and design engineering strategies. Similarly,
the field of biomimetics is surely only an academic formalization of a
timeless process, where we learn from the rapid prototyping of nature and
the previous unclaimed or forgotten inventions of man to develop new
design, engineering, material, and operational strategies.

The book is divided into four parts:

Part 1—Structures in nature describes some common structural forms

found in nature.

Part 2—Theory outlines a general theory of structures and structural

systems that are commonly applied to the built environment.

Part 3—Structural prototypes introduces methods for developing and

testing structural forms, including both “hands-on” modelmaking and full-
scale prototypes, as well as analytical computer modeling.

Part 4—Case studies presents a selection of key figures involved in the

evolution of structural engineering and built form, from the mid-nineteenth
century to the present.

1 Boaga, G., and Boni, B., The Concrete Architecture of Riccardo Morandi,
London: Alex Tiranti, 1965, p. 10

Structures in nature


More than 80,000 species of tree, ranging from arctic willows

a few inches high to giant redwoods that can grow to over
300 feet tall, cover 30 percent of the Earth’s dry land.


Trees come in various shapes and sizes, but all possess the same basic
structure. They have a central column, the trunk, which supports a
framework of limbs, branches, and twigs. This framework is called the
crown, and it is estimated that there are a finite number of branching
systems for all tree species (around 30). Branches and twigs in turn have
an outside covering layer of leaves. A tree is anchored in the ground
using a network of roots, which spread and grow thicker in proportion to
the growth of the tree above the ground.

All parts of the framework of a tree—trunk, branches, and twigs—are

structural cantilevers with flexible connections at the junctions. All have
the property of elastic behavior.

Hardwood and softwood: these terms refer to the types of tree from which
the wood comes. Hardwood comes from deciduous forests; softwood
from coniferous forests. Although hardwoods are generally of a higher
density and hardness than softwoods, some (e.g. balsa) are softer.


Much of the energy produced by the leaves of a tree has to be diverted to

make unproductive tissue (such as the woody trunk, branches, and roots)
as the tree grows. The overwhelming portion of all trees (up to 99
percent) is made up of nonliving tissue, and all growth of new tissue takes
place at only a few points on the tree: just inside the bark and at the tips
of the twigs and roots. Between the outer (cambial) layer and the bark
there is an ongoing process of creating sieve tubes, which transport food
from the leaves to the roots. All wood is formed by the inner cambium and
all food-conveying cells are formed by the outer cambium.

A tree trunk grows by adding a layer of new wood in the cambium every
year. Each layer of new wood added to a tree forms a visible ring that
varies in structure according to the seasons. A ring composed of a light
part (spring growth) and a dark part (late summer/fall growth) represents
one year’s growth. Timber used in construction is chosen on the basis of
having an even balance of stresses within the plank. If a tree has grown
on the side of a hill, it will grow stronger on one side and the stresses will
be locked in to create a harder “red” wood that will eventually cause a
plank to warp—by twisting or bowing.

Wind resistance

Trees are generally able to withstand high winds through their ability to
bend, though some species are more resilient than others. Wind energy
is absorbed gradually, starting with the rapid oscillation of the twigs,
followed by the slower movement of the branches, and finally through the
gently swaying limbs and trunk. The greater surface area of a tree in leaf
makes it more susceptible to failing under wind load.

The basic structure of a tree

Section through a tree trunk a outer bark b inner bark c heartwood d
cambium e sapwood


Material properties

Spider silk is also known as gossamer and is composed of complex

protein molecules. Chains of these molecules, with varying properties,
are woven together to form a material that has an enormous capacity for
absorbing energy. The silk of the Nephila spider is the strongest natural
fiber known to man.

A general trend in spider-silk structure is a sequence of amino acids that

self-assemble into a (beta) sheet conformation. These sheets stack to
form crystals, whereas the other parts of the structure form amorphous
areas. It is the interplay between the hard crystalline segments and the

elastic amorphous regions that gives spider silk its extraordinary
properties. This high toughness is due to the breaking of hydrogen bonds
in these regions. The tensile strength of spider silk is greater than the
same weight of steel; the thread of the orb-web spider can be stretched
30–40 percent before it breaks.

Silk production

Spiders produce silken thread using glands located at the tip of their
abdomen. They use different gland types to produce different silks; some
spiders are capable of producing up to eight different silks during their

Web design and production

Spiders span gaps between objects by letting out a fine adhesive thread
to drift on the breeze across a gap. When it sticks to a suitable surface at
the far end, the spider will carefully walk along it and strengthen it with a
second thread. This process is repeated until the thread is strong enough
to support the rest of the web. The spider will then make Y-shaped netting
by adding more radials, while making sure that the distance between
each radial is small enough to cross. This means that the number of
radials in a web is related directly to the size of the spider and the overall
size of the web. Working from the inside out, the spider will then produce
a temporary spiral of nonsticky, widely spaced threads to enable it to
move around its own web during construction. Then, beginning from the
outside in, the spider will replace this spiral with another, more closely
spaced one of adhesive threads.

Impact resistance

The properties of spider silk allow it to be strong in tension, but also

permit elastic deformation. When completed, the entire spiderweb is
under tension; however, the elastic nature of the fibers enables it to
absorb the impact of a fast-flying insect. On impact a local oscillation will
occur, and the faster the oscillation the greater the resistance. This ability
to store energy, and the fact that most of the energy is dissipated as the
fiber deforms, allows spiders to intercept and catch their prey, by
absorbing these creatures’ kinetic energy.

The spider’s silk-spinning glands

Sequence of web building

A giant spiderweb

The successful completion of an arrested landing on the flight deck of an
aircraft carrier. The “checkmates” to which the aircraft becomes attached
perform a similar kind of impact resistance to that of a spiderweb.


The structure of an eggshell varies widely among species but

it is essentially a matrix lined with mineral crystals, usually a
compound such as calcium carbonate. It is not made of cells,
and harder eggs are more mineralized than softer ones.

Bird’s eggs—material properties

Birds are known for their hard-shelled eggs. The eggshell comprises
approximately 95 percent calcium carbonate crystals, which are stabilized
by an organic (protein) matrix. Without the protein, the crystal structure
would be too brittle to keep its form.

Shell thickness is the main factor that determines strength. The organic
matrix has calcium-binding properties and its organization during shell
formation influences the strength of the shell: its material must be
deposited so that the size and organization of the crystalline (calcium
carbonate) components are ideal, thus leading to a strong shell. The
majority of the shell is composed of long columns of calcium carbonate.

The standard bird eggshell is a porous structure, covered on its outer

surface with a cuticle (called the bloom on a chicken egg), which helps
the egg retain its water and keep out bacteria.

In an average laying hen, the process of shell formation takes around 20


Strength and shape

The structure of a bird’s eggshell is strong in compression and weak in

tension. As weight is placed on top of it, the outer portion of the shell will
be subject to compression, while the inner wall will experience tension.
The shell will thus resist the load of the mother hen. Young chicks are not
strong, but by exerting point-load forces on the inside of the shell they are
able to break out unaided (the chick has an egg-tooth, which it uses to
start a hole).

It is the arch/dome shape of the eggshell that helps it resist tension.

The strength of the dome structure of an eggshell is dependent on its
precise geometry—in particular, the radius of curvature. Pointed arches
require less tensile reinforcement than a simple, semicircular arch. This
means that a highly vaulted dome (low radius of curvature) is stronger
than a flatter dome (high radius of curvature). That is why it is easy to
break an egg by squeezing it from the sides but not by squeezing it from
its ends; staff members at the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto were
successful in supporting a 200-pound person on an unbroken egg.

A chicken egg

Generated eggshell mesh using shell-type elements

A microscopic view of the lattice structure of an eggshell

A low-tensile, compressive arch will resist larger forces when pointed

The stone and steel arches of the Pavilion of the Future, built by Peter
Rice for the 1992 Seville Expo, express their resistance to forces by
separating the tensile and compressive elements

Soap bubbles

Surface tension

A soap bubble exists because the surface layer of a liquid has a certain
surface tension that causes the layer to behave elastically. A bubble
made with a pure liquid alone, however, is not stable, and a dissolved
surfactant such as soap is needed to stabilize it; soap acts to decrease
the water’s surface tension, which has the effect of stabilizing the bubble
(via an action known as the Marangoni effect): as the soap film stretches,
the surface concentration of soap decreases, which in turn causes the
surface tension to increase. Soap, therefore, selectively strengthens the
weakest parts of the bubble and tends to keep it from stretching further.


The spherical shape of a soap bubble is also caused by surface tension.

The tension causes the bubble to form a sphere, as this form has the
smallest possible surface area for a given volume. A soap bubble, owing
to the difference in outside and inside pressure, is a surface of constant
mean curvature.


When two soap bubbles merge, they will adopt the shape with the
smallest possible surface area. With bubbles of similar size, their
common wall will be flat. Smaller bubbles, having a higher internal
pressure, will penetrate into larger ones while maintaining their original

Where three or more bubbles meet, they organize themselves so that

only three bubble walls meet along a line. Since the surface tension is the
same in each of the three surfaces, the three angles between them must
be equal to 120 degrees. This is the most efficient choice, and is also the
reason that cells of a beehive have the same 120-degree angle and form
hexagons. Two merged soap bubbles provide the optimum way of
enclosing two given volumes of air of different size with the least surface
area. This has been termed “the double bubble theorem.”

Merged soap bubbles

The double bubble theorem applied to the design of the biodomes at the
Eden Project in Cornwall, UK, by Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners

Human body

Human skeleton

The human skeleton has 206 bones that form a rigid framework to which
the softer tissues and organs of the body are attached. Vital organs are
protected by the skeletal system.

The human skeleton is divided into two distinct parts. The axial skeleton
consists of bones that form the axis of the body—neck and backbone
(vertebral column)— and support and protect the organs of the head
(skull) and trunk (sternum and rib cage). The appendicular skeleton is
composed of the bones that make up the shoulders, arms, and hands—
the upper extremities— and those that make up the pelvis, legs, and feet
—the lower extremities.

Bones—material properties

Most bones are composed of both dense and spongy tissue. Compact
bone is dense and hard, and forms the protective exterior portion of all
bones. Spongy bone is found inside the compact bone, and is very
porous (full of tiny holes). Bone tissue is composed of several types of
cells embedded in a web of inorganic salts (mostly calcium and
phosphorus) to give the bone strength, and fibers to give the bone
flexibility. The hollow nature of bone structure may be compared with the
relatively high resistance to bending of hollow tubes as against that of
solid rods.

Muscles—bodily movement

The skeleton not only provides the frame that holds our bodies in shape,
it also works in conjunction with the body’s 650 muscles to allow
movement to occur. Bodily movement is thus carried out by the
interaction of the muscular and skeletal systems. Muscles are connected
to bones by tendons, and bones are connected to each other by
ligaments. Bones meet one another with a joint; for example, the elbow
and knee form hinged joints, while the hip is a ball-and-socket type of
joint. The vertebrae that go to make the spinal column are connected with
an elastic tissue known as cartilage.

Muscles that cause movement of a joint are connected to two different

bones, and contract to pull them together. For example, a contraction of
the biceps and a relaxation of the triceps produces a bend at the elbow.
The contraction of the triceps and relaxation of the biceps produces a
straightening of the arm.


It has been said that the human body, when taken as a whole, is a
tensegrity structure. In a tensegrity structure, the compression elements
do not touch each other insomuch as they are held in space by separate
tension elements (strings, wires, or cables). The cell biologist and
founding director of the Wyss Institute at Harvard, Don E. Ingber, has
made the connection between the tensegrity structures of Kenneth
Snelson (see page 156) and living cells, and asserts that “an
astoundingly wide variety of natural systems, including carbon atoms,
water molecules, proteins, viruses, cells, tissues, and even humans and
other living creatures are constructed using a common form of
architecture known as tensegrity.”1

1 Ingber, Donald, E., “The Architecture of Life” in Scientific American, pp. 48–57,
January 1998

1 Ballet pose
Walking is actually “falling with style.” If you try to walk very slowly, you
will start to fall. Try leaning forward from the hips. At some point, your
center of gravity goes “outside of you,” and one leg moves forward to
form a triangle that keeps you from toppling over—keeps you stable.
Carry on bending, and you will reach the point when the only way to
maintain your center of gravity is to extend your other leg behind you.
This is a process known as “cantilevering.” With built structures, a
cantilever describes an element that projects laterally from the vertical. It
relies on counterbalance for its stability and on triangulation to resist the
bending moments and shear forces of the (canti-) lever arms.

2 Gymnastics rings
The stressing of the human body as it strives to maintain a double

3 Tower of people
A Spanish tradition (torres humanas), whose intention is self-evident. A
number of strategies may be employed, but in all cases a decent
foundation for the tower is critical. As with a tree, there is a uniform root
structure that is acting to buttress the “column.” Every participant wears a
wide belt to reinforce the connection between the spinal column and the
pelvis, and hence protect the kidneys from undue pressure.

4 People circle
A circle of people sitting on each others’ laps creates a type of tensegrity
structure, by which they are all supported without the need for any

5 Flying buttress
The structural principle of the human tower is also expressed in the flying
buttresses traditionally used to brace low-tensile masonry structures.

6 Forth Rail Bridge
The designers of the Forth Rail Bridge used their own bodies to
demonstrate how the span of the bridge uses the cantilever principle.
Replicated here, the bodies of the two men at ground level are acting as
columns (in compression), and their arms are being pulled (in tension).
The sticks are in compression and are transferring the load back to the
T = Tension
C = Compression
R = Reaction


General theory of structures


In structural engineering terms, a building can be considered as a

series of individual interconnected components whose function is
to transfer externally applied loads through a structural system into
the building’s foundations.

This chapter examines the types of loads that can be applied to

structures and the forces that develop within structural components
to resist these externally applied loads.

Structural engineering uses the principles of static equilibrium to

analyze load distribution. In this chapter the basic concepts of static
equilibrium are examined and explained using simple models, while
some common mathematical formulae are provided for common
beam arrangements.

To determine whether a structural component is capable of resisting

the loads applied to it, two major factors have to be considered: the
component’s size, and the material from which it is made. Further
sections of this chapter examine both the geometric and material
properties of structural components and their implications on
structural performance.

While a building’s components must be designed to ensure that

they are capable of withstanding the load applied without
collapsing, they must also be designed to ensure they can perform
their desired purpose without wobbling, deflecting, or vibrating to
such an extent as to disturb the building’s occupants or cause
damage to fittings and fixtures. These criteria are often called “in
service” or “serviceability” states and are explained in the section in
this chapter entitled “Fitness for purpose.”

Individual components are combined to form structures that vary

from thin concrete shells to steel-trussed bridges to igloos to
multistory high-rise towers, and all must be sufficiently stable to
resist any imposed lateral forces and hence avoid “falling over.”

Stability and the various load-transfer mechanisms different
building types employ to achieve stability are explained in this
chapter using the building classifications developed by Heinrich

A brief glossary of the terms used in this section is as follows:

Force—A measure of the interaction between two bodies. Measured

in pounds (lb) or kilopounds (kip), where 1,000 lb = 1 kip.

Load—A force acting on a structural element. Measured in pounds

(lb) or kilopounds (kip), where 1,000 lb = 1 kip.

Mass—A measure of the amount of material in an object. Measured

in pounds (lb).

Sigma (∑)—Mathematical term meaning “the sum of.” For example:

∑F = F1 + F2 + F3

Weight—A measure of the amount of gravitational force acting on

an object. Measured in pound mass (lb mass).

The mass of an object can be converted into weight using the


Force = mass x g

where g is acceleration due to gravity = 32.2 ft/s2

External loads

When external, dead, live, or wind loads are applied to a building

they induce internal forces within the structural elements that are
transmitted into and resisted by the foundations.

Newton’s third law of motion states that forces occur in pairs with
each force of the pair being equal in magnitude and opposite in
direction to the other. Hence, for a building to be stable every
external load or force that is applied to it has to be resisted by an
equal and opposite force at the supports. This state is called static

External loads can be applied to a structural member in two
fundamentally different ways:

Axially—These loads act in the direction parallel to the length of a

member and typically induce either internal compressive or tensile
forces within it.

Perpendicularly—Perpendicular (or shearing) loads act

perpendicularly to the direction of the length of a member. This type
of load can induce shear, bending, and torsional forces within a
member depending on the geometry of the member and point of
application of the load.

Each of the five internal forces induced by externally applied loads

—tension, compression, shear, bending, and torsion—are explained
in the following section.

Internal forces

The process of structural analysis and design involves

determining the magnitude of the various internal forces
(compression, tension, shear, bending, and torsion) to which
each member is subjected to ensure each member is capable
of resisting those forces.

External compressive point load applied to column

External tensile point load applied to a tie member

Axial loads act in the direction parallel to the length of a member. They
can either act to resist compressive loads, which try to shorten a member
or resist tensile loads, which try to lengthen the member. Members in
structural systems that are under compressive loads are termed struts or,
if they are vertical, columns. Members under tensile loads are termed


External point load applied to beam

Internal shear forces act perpendicularly to the direction of the length of a

member and are induced by externally applied shear loads. For the
purposes of analysis, shear loads are considered to be applied to a
structural member via either point loads, such as a person standing on a
beam, or distributed loads, such as the weight of a floor supported by a


External point load applied to beam developing bending moment

Bending, also termed flexure, occurs when a load is applied

perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis of a member. This load induces
internal forces that act parallel to the length of a member. The magnitude
of these internal forces varies proportionally across the depth of the
member from compression at one face to tension at the other. At a point
between the compression and tension faces the internal force is zero.
This is termed the neutral axis. The algebraic sum of the internal forces
multiplied by the distance from the neutral axis is called the bending
moment. Moments normally occur simultaneously with shear forces and
are measured in kip feet (k-ft). A simple example of a bending load
moment can be demonstrated via a vertical shear load applied to the end
of a cantilevering beam. In this situation the bending moment can be
calculated as the applied shear load multiplied by the length of the

External point load applied to cantilevering beam developing torsion

at support

If the point of application of a load is “eccentric” from the longitudinal axis

of the member, a twisting moment will be developed. This in turn induces
torsional forces within the member to resist the twisting action. Torsional
forces are distributed across the cross-section of a member in a circular
manner where the outer fibers experience the highest forces. The
magnitude of torsion is a product of the applied load and distance from

the point of application to the longitudinal axis of the member. Torsion is
measured in kip feet (k-ft).
Static equilibrium

As stated, the applied loads on any structure must be resisted by equal

and opposite forces to achieve static equilibrium and thus adhere to
Newton’s third law of motion. This concept can be demonstrated with a
simple seesaw (see illustrations below).

For the seesaw to be in equilibrium both of the following conditions need

to be met:

i) The sum of the applied vertical loads are resisted by equal and
opposite reaction forces.


W1 + W2 = R

ii) The sum of the moments around any arbitrary point is zero.


For a seesaw to be in static equilibrium the applied vertical forces must
be equal to the vertical reaction force:


W1 + W2 = R

Also the sum of the applied bending moments around any point must be
zero. Hence considering the counterclockwise bending moment
developed around the pivot point;

Mcounterclock = W1 x L1

And the clockwise bending moment around the same point:

Mclock = W2 x L1

If the seesaw is balanced i.e. it is in static equilibrium, then:

Mcounterclock = Mclock
W1 x L1 = W2 x L1

If these conditions are not achieved the seesaw will “fail” by falling to the
ground. Further examples of balanced systems are ilustrated on the
opposite page.

The support reactions to a beam with a single point load can be

calculated using the concepts of static equilibrium by considering a beam
with a single point load to be an inverted seesaw (i.e. the applied load on
the beam is the support reaction to the seesaw and the beam support
reactions are the seesaw applied loads). The support reactions generated
from a point load of any magnitude placed on the beam can be calculated
as indicated on the loaded beam opposite.

The concept of static equilibrium is fundamental to the analysis of

structural systems. The following section contains an example of an
analysis technique called the “Method of Sections.” This indicates how
the concepts of static equilibrium can be used to calculate the forces in
the internal members of a loaded truss.

Seesaw example 1

Seesaw example 2

Beam example
Simple analysis

The axial force, shear force, bending moment, and torsion developed in a
member under various loading scenarios can be calculated with simple
formulae. These member actions are often displayed graphically using
force diagrams. Common member loading scenarios with the associated
formulae and force diagrams are indicated on pages 36–39. In addition,
an example of the “Method of Sections” technique for determining the
forces within the members of a truss is included on pages 34–35 as this
explains some useful concepts of analysis and static equilibrium.

To analyze a beam accurately the support conditions must be modeled

appropriately. The formulae on the following pages use the concepts of
“pinned” and “fixed” support conditions. “Pinned” supports act like hinges
and provide no resistance to rotation, whereas “fixed” supports are rigid
and provide full resistance to rotation. A beam with pinned supports at
both ends is termed “simply supported.” A beam with fixed supports at
both ends is termed “fully fixed.”

Considering the pinned support conditions in the context of the loaded

frame indicated in the diagram shown opposite bottom, it can be seen
that the loaded beam cannot transfer any moment into the supporting
columns. When load is applied to the beam the bottom face at midspan
will experience tension while the top face will be in compression. This is

termed a “sagging” moment. The shear force applied to the beam is
resisted by internal shear forces within it, which are transferred through
the pinned connection into the column as axial forces.

Considering the fixed support conditions in the context of the loaded

frame indicated in the diagram opposite bottom, it can be seen that no
rotation between the column and beam can occur because as the beam
deflects under load the column will also be forced to deflect. This alters
the deflected shape of the fixed frame in comparison to the pinned frame.
As with the pinned frame under load, a sagging moment is developed at
the midspan of the fixed frame. Unlike the pinned frame, with the fixed
frame moments also develop at the supports whereby the forces are
reversed, with tension developing in the upper section of the beam and
compression in the lower section. This is termed a “hogging” moment.

The point along a fixed beam at which sagging moment turns to hogging
moment (i.e. the point at which the moment is zero) is known as a point of
contraflexure. Internal shearing forces are transferred through the fixed
connection and into the columns as axial loads in a similar manner to
pinned connections.

Fixed connections reduce the midspan bending moment and deflection of

a beam significantly in comparison to pinned connections, enabling the
use of smaller beams. This is demonstrated in the photographs on page
32 of a simple model of identical beams with identical loads at midspan,
one with pinned and one with fixed supports. The bottom photograph
clearly shows the points of contraflexure that develop on the fixed model
beam and the reduced midspan deflection. The formulae on the following
pages indicate that the moment at the midspan of a fixed beam under a
central point load is half that of the same beam with pinned connections,
and that the deflection will be four times smaller.

Another significant advantage of frames with fixed connections is their

ability to resist lateral loads without collapsing, as pinned frames would.
This is examined in section on rigid framed structures.

Pinned connections are simpler to construct and less expensive than

fixed connections because they are not required to resist any transferred
moment and allow smaller, more slender columns to be utilized.

The concept of fixed and pinned supports is theoretical—in practice, very

few connections behave as either purely pinned or rigidly fixed. These
concepts are useful at the preliminary design stages to quickly assess
beam and column sizes and a building’s resistance to lateral forces.

Beyond the preliminary design stages connections are either designed as
pinned, and the connection details are developed to accommodate a
degree of rotation, or the moment transfer between the beam and column
is calculated subject to the relative stiffness of the members, and the
connection is designed to be capable of transferring this moment. The
latter is known as a moment connection.

Beam with simply supported end conditions

Beam with fully fixed end conditions

Simple frames with pinned and moment connection

Model of beam under load with pinned and fixed support conditions

Simple models using wood beams loaded at midspan to

demonstrate the implications of “pinned” and “fixed” ended beam
support conditions on deflection

Examples of pinned and moment connections in various materials

Method of sections

Fv = vertical loads
Rv = vertical reaction M = bending moment
FAB = Axial force in truss members

The following four concepts can be used to calculate the forces in the
members of a truss using the method of sections.

i) Moment = Force x perpendicular distance from point of reference
ii) In a static system the sum of applied vertical forces equals the
sum of the vertical reactions:

ΣFv = ΣR

iii) In a static system the bending moments around any point are

ΣM = 0

iv) Components of force:

A force can be described as two separate component forces acting at
right angles to one another.

Fx = F cos 30 θ
Fy = F sin 30 θ

Truss with central point load

The following example shows how the Method of Sections uses the four
concepts described above to calculate the forces within the vertical and
diagonal members of this loaded truss.

Step 1
From Concept ii)


20 kips = RA + RN (Equation 1)

From Concept iii)

taking moments around support RAsubstituting into equation 1 gives


RN x 60' = 20k x 30'

RN = 10 kips

RA = 20 - RN

RA = 10 kips

Step 2

Consider the truss is cut as shown left. The forces in the individual
members of the truss have to be replicated to maintain static equilibrium.
Initially assume the forces act in the directions indicated (tension). Note
that forces that pass through the joints produce 0 moment at these points
as the perpendicular distance from line of force to point of reference is 0.

Take moment around point G (Concept iii)

(FHK × 10') + (RA × 30') = 0

Substituting in RA from Step 1 gives

FHK = - 3 RA

FHK = - 3 × 10k

FHK = 30k

The negative indicates that the direction of force is in the opposite

direction than originally assumed, hence the force required to maintain
static equilibrium in the cut truss model is compressive.

Considering moments about point K (Concept iii) substituting RA gives:

(20k × 10') + (FGJ × 10') - (RA × 40') = 0

FGJ × 10' = (10k × 40') - (20k × 10')

FGJ × 10' = 200 k-ft/10'

FGJ = 20k

For the final unknown FGK consider vertical vertical component of FGK plus
the other vertical loads equilibrium of the cut truss. If ∑Fv = ∑Rv then the
and reactions must equal zero. Where:

Vertical compononent of FGK = FGK sin θ (Equation 2)

Therefore rewriting Equation 2 gives

Vertical compononent of FGK = FGK (1/√2)

Hence considering vertical forces and reactions:

20 - (1/√2) FGK - 10 = 0

FGK = 14.14k

The positive value indicates that the force FGK is acting in the direction
assumed on the cut truss diagram and is tensile.

This process can be repeated at adjacent nodes to calculate all the

internal member forces of the truss.
Common beam formulae

Simply supported beam formulae for common load cases

Bending moment diagrams

Shear force diagrams

Deflection calculations

Fully fixed beam formulae for common load cases

Bending moment diagrams

Shear force diagrams

Deflection calculations

Cantilevering beam with eccentric load

Bending moment diagram

Shear force diagram

Torsion diagram

Uniformly loaded horizontal cable formulae

Material properties

A structural component’s ability to resist applied loads is based on

two very basic criteria: what it is made of (material properties), and
how big it is (sectional properties).

This section examines material properties; section 2.1.5 examines

sectional properties.

The two most fundamental material properties that determine a

material’s structural characteristics are its stress and strain
capacities. Stress is a measure of the force per unit cross-section of
material. Strain is a ratio of the “change in dimension” to “original
dimension” of a material when it is loaded.

External loads applied to a structural element induce internal forces within
it. Stress is a measure of the intensity of these internal forces, and is
expressed as force per unit area. This is normally written as pounds per
square inch (lb/in2 or psi) or kips per square inch (kips/in2 or ksi).

As the load applied to an element increases, the internal forces and

therefore the internal stresses experienced by that element increase until
eventually the material reaches a limit beyond which it will fail. The
limiting stress can be determined in two different ways:
i) “Yield stress” (or ‘proof stress’)—this is the stress limit beyond which
the material no longer behaves “elastically” (see section
ii) “Ultimate stress”—this is the stress beyond which the material will fail
by being either crushed or pulled apart.

The process of designing a material that will not exceed its yield stress
capacity is termed elastic design because the material will behave in
accordance with elastic principles in all load conditions. Materials classed
as ductile, such as mild steel, can be designed to exceed their maximum
yield stress using plastic design theory, which allows greater loads to be
supported than elastic design. These concepts are developed further in
the bending stress section and in section

There are two types of stress that can be induced in a structural element:
“direct stress” and “shear stress.” Direct stresses are developed when an
element is subjected to an applied force parallel to its longitudinal axis.
Shear stresses are developed when an element is subjected to an
applied force perpendicular to its longitudinal axis.

Axial loads act parallel to the length of a member and hence induce direct
stresses, whereby the magnitude of stress is calculated as the force
applied divided by the cross-sectional area perpendicular to the direction
of load.

Shear loads develop shear stresses on the cross-section of the loaded

member in the direction parallel with the direction of load. The distribution
of shear stress is termed the shear flow. This varies, the maximum
occurring at the midpoint and reducing to zero at the extreme fibers. The
maximum shear stress in a rectangular section is:

τmax = 1.5W/A

Where W = applied shear load

and A = cross-sectional area of member

Typically, the average stress over the member cross-section is taken as

τaverage = W/A

Shear forces also simultaneously induce stresses parallel with the

longitudinal axis of the member called “complementary” shear stresses.
These can be explained by considering a small length of a beam under
shear load as illustrated on the opposite page. In order for the small
length of beam to maintain static equilibrium there must be an additional
pair of equal and opposite forces acting at right angles to the main shear
forces in the beam. In some materials, including timber, these
complementary shear stresses can be more critical than the main shear

Bending forces, as with axial forces, induce direct stresses within an

element. Unlike axial force-induced stresses, the magnitude and the
direction of direct stresses due to bending vary across the cross-section
of a member. The extreme fibers of an element under bending experience
the highest tension and compression stresses simultaneously. In between
the extreme fibers the stress levels reduce to a point where stress is zero.
This point is known as the neutral axis. In accordance with elastic theory,
bending stress in a beam is calculated by dividing the applied bending
moment by the “section modulus” of the beam. This is a sectional
property explained in section

Elements under axial stress

External compressive point load applied to column

External tensile point load applied to column

Shear stress in beam under bending

External point load applied to beam

Bending stress in beam under bending

Beam under bending showing compression/ tension and neutral


Torsional forces induce shear stresses in the plane perpendicular to the

longitudinal axis of a member. These shear stresses act in a circular
nature and their magnitude varies linearly across the cross-section from
zero at the center to a maximum at the outer face. Due to the radial
nature of torsional stresses, the “shear flow” is highly dependent on the
shape of the section under stress. Solid circular sections and hollow

sections have a closed circular route that stress can follow and hence
these shapes are able to resist torsional loads more efficiently than
“open” sections (such as steel I beams). The torsional stress is calculated
using the polar second moment of area, which for a solid circular section

The polar second moment of area of a rectangular section is more

complicated and beyond the scope of this book; however, the stress in a
rectangular section is often approximate to:

where hmax and hmin represent the breadth and width of the rectangular
The values of the direct yield stress capacity, σ, and the shear yield
stress capacity, τ, are generally not the same for a given material. For
example, for mild steel:

Different materials can withstand differing maximum shear and direct

stress values, making some more suited to structural applications than
others. A list of various common materials with their associated stress
capacities is provided in the table on page 46.

Element under torsion

Eccentric external point load inducing torsional stress in beam

Approximate shear stress due to torsion in solid rectangular section:

Metals and concrete are “isotropic” materials, meaning that they have
identical material properties in all directions. Hence a cube of concrete or
metal will support the same compressive load regardless of which face of
the cube the load is applied to. The same is true for tensile and shear
loads. Timber and carbon fiber are orthotropic materials, meaning that
their material properties vary in different axes. For example, a cube of
timber will compress more easily when the load is applied perpendicularly
to the grain than if it is applied parallel to it. In addition, the shear stress
capacity of timber parallel to the direction of its grain is significantly less
than the shear strength perpendicular to it. Because of this the
complementary shear stresses described previously are often the critical
shear design criteria of a timber beam under vertical load as opposed to
the main shear stresses, which act in the direction of the applied load.
Hence, when designing in orthotropic materials the orientation of the
material laminations has to be considered at the design stage.

While both concrete and mild steel are isotropic materials they differ from
one another in that the tensile and compressive strength of mild steel is
identical. Concrete, however, has a high compressive capacity but
negligible tensile strength in all axes, primarily owing to the microscopic
cracks that develop in it during curing. Bending moments develop
simultaneous compressive and tensile stresses in a structural member,
and hence a concrete element would fail under very small loads due to its
poor tensile capacity. To counter this, concrete is reinforced with
longitudinal steel reinforcing bars in areas that are subject to tensile

Reinforced concrete beam section


When a sample of material is placed under load it will undergo some

deformation. This deformation will be either via elongation, compression,
or shearing depending on how the load is applied. Strain is a
measurement of the ratio of the extent of deformation under load against
the original dimension of a sample of material. There are several different
types of strain including linear, volumetric, and shear. Linear strain is the
ratio of the elongation under axial load against the original length. This is
written as:

Strain, ε=δ/l

δ = deformation, and
l = original length

When they are loaded, most materials exhibit “elastic” behavior in

accordance with Hooke’s Law. As load is applied materials deform and
when the load is removed they return to their original dimensions. Plotting
the strain against the stress in a material as it is loaded produces the
graph illustrated on the opposite page. This example is based on a mild
steel sample. The straight line area indicates the linearly elastic region. In
this area the material adheres to Hooke’s Law and returns to its original
size as load is released. The ratio of stress divided by strain in this region
is a constant value known as the elastic modulus. For tensile forces that
induce tensile stresses and strains, this is more commonly known as
Young’s modulus. Other elastic moduli include the shear modulus,

volumetric modulus, and Poisson’s ratio, all of which are briefly explained
in the diagrams opposite.

Young’s modulus, E = linear stress/linear strain = σ / ε

This value, combined with other sectional properties, is used to calculate

the “stiffness” of structural members using the formula:

Stiffness K = EI/L

Where I = second moment of area (see section

L = length of member

The stiffness of a member or system of members is used when

calculating the deflections of structural members and to determine the
amount of load that is resisted by each of the members in a system
where the stiffer elements will attract the greater loads.

As the load applied to a sample of material is increased it will eventually

reach its elastic limit beyond which it will not return to the exact
dimensions upon release of the load. At this point the material is
behaving “plastically” and is represented by the plastic range indicated on
the graph opposite.

As load, and therefore stress, is increased incrementally the material will

eventually reach its ultimate stress capacity, at which point it will break.

Both mild steel grade A615 and aluminum 6061-T6 have very similar
stress capacities of around 40 kips per square inch, meaning that they
will be able to support very similar loads prior to reaching their yield
strengths. Aluminum 6061-T6, however, has a Young’s modulus of
10,000 kips per square inch, which is approximately three times smaller
than that of mild steel at 29,000 kips per square inch; hence an aluminum
beam will deflect three times more than an identical-sized mild-steel
beam under the same loads. In this example the steel beam can be said
to have a “flexural stiffness” three times greater than an aluminum beam
as the geometrical properties I and L are constant.

The extent of deformation that a material is able to undergo before failure

occurs determines whether it is classified as “brittle” or “ductile.” Materials
that fail before strain reaches 5 percent are classified as brittle. These
include concrete, timber, glass, and ceramics. Brittle materials tend to fail
suddenly and without warning. Materials such as mild steel and aluminum
are classified as ductile, as they can exhibit a significant degree of

deformation prior to failure. This can often be seen as a change to the
cross-section of an element in tension, or high deflection of beams in

Other properties that affect the performance of the most common

structural materials are included in the following section.

Types of strain

Stress/strain graph

Young’s modulus

The yield and ultimate stress limits for some typical materials,
together with their associated Young’s moduli

Steel properties

Structural steel is graded to identify its yield stress characteristic. The
most common grades for steel sections in the US are A36 or A992, which
represent a yield stress capacity of 36 ksi and 50 ksi respectively. Higher-
strength steels contain higher levels of carbon. While increasing the
carbon levels adds strength, it also increases brittleness and makes steel
less easy to weld. More brittle steel has a greater susceptibility to brittle
fracture in cold conditions, and hence steel must be specified not only
based on its yield stress characteristics but also the climate conditions to
which it will be exposed.

Brittleness can be assessed by measuring the resistance of steel to

impact. A common test to assess impact resistance is the Charpy v-notch
test, which involves using a pendulum to strike a sample of material and
calculating the energy absorbed in the sample by measuring how far the
pendulum swings back after striking the sample.

Under cyclic loading and unloading, metal structures can develop
microscopic cracks at the surface owing to “fatigue.” If left to develop,
fatigue cracking can lead to the sudden catastrophic failure of a member.
Structures subject to cyclic loading—such as road bridges, certain
industrial buildings, gymnasiums, and dance floors—must be designed
against fatigue failure. This is done by estimating the number of loading
cycles over the lifetime of the structure and using experimental data to
reduce the design stress of the steel.
Concrete properties

Concrete is graded in terms of its compressive strength and the exposure
conditions that it will be subject to. The actual design-mix proportions,
including the percentage of cement, will then be designed specifically to
meet these requirements. In reinforced concrete the cover of the concrete
to the steel reinforcing bars is also an important parameter. The “cover”
must be sufficient to ensure the steel reinforcement is not exposed to any
chemicals or water in the environment that could cause it to rust. As steel
rusts it expands. This causes the concrete to spall, which in turn leads to
greater damage occurring. Minimum depths of cover are provided in the

various concrete codes; they generally range from 3⁄4" to 3" depending on
the severity of the exposure conditions.

Concrete can shrink in several different ways after it is poured, owing to
the loss of moisture and subsequent change in volume. These ways
include drying shrinkage, plastic shrinkage, “autogenous” shrinkage, and
“carbonation” shrinkage. All types of shrinkage form cracks, which can
affect the durability and appearance of the material. Shrinkage can be
controlled in several ways. These include reducing the size of the
concrete pour, protecting curing concrete from drying out by covering it
with wet cloth, or reducing the volume of water in the concrete mix by
using chemical additives called plasticizers.

Creep is a phenomenon whereby a solid material under constant load
gradually deforms. As concrete beams are loaded they are subject to
creep, which results in a gradual increase in deflection over time. The
degree of creep is subject to many criteria including the concrete mix
design and the relative humidity during curing and in-use conditions. In
certain circumstances long-term creep deflections can be up to twice the
short-term dead load deflections. The implications of creep can be
particularly significant for concrete beams spanning over glass façades or
non-loadbearing partitions. In these situations as the deflection of the
concrete beam increases the non-loadbearing elements can be subjected
to load that they are not designed to support, causing damage to occur.
The effects of creep are allowed for in the design process by reducing the
Young’s modulus of the concrete by up to two-thirds at the design stage.
Timber properties

Timber is an orthotropic material, and has varying structural properties in
different directions. This is particularly relevant in shear design of timber
beams as the shear capacity parallel to the grain is significantly lower
than the shear capacity perpendicular to the grain; hence, when a beam
is loaded in direction perpendicular to the grain it will generally fail in
shear due to the complementary shear stress (see section as
opposed to the normal shear stress.

Natural material

Timber being a naturally occurring material means that it contains
imperfections and irregularities such as knots and can develop splits,
known as shakes, as it dries out. In addition timber is a hygroscopic
material meaning that it will give up moisture as it dries out or take up
moisture from the atmosphere depending on the relative humidity of its
surroundings. Timber is unique among structural materials in these
respects. Engineered timber products, such as glulam, Laminated Veneer
Lumber (LVL), and Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) are manufactured from
thin layers of timber glued together. This ensures enhanced mechanical
properties in comparison to standard timber, as any imperfections are
distributed across the length of the member as opposed to being
concentrated in one area at, say, a knot. Engineered products also are
more dimensionally stable as the thin veneers can be dried effectively
during the fabrication process, thus alleviating the issue of drying out
while in use.

As with concrete, timber is subject to creep; the strain can increase by 60
percent over ten years under permanent load. This is often allowed for in
the design by the use of load duration factors, with higher factors being
applied to loads applied for longer periods.

Service class
Timber exhibits different properties when wet, and therefore the design
must recognize the likelihood of the timber becoming wet and amend the
material properties accordingly.

Sectional properties

The dimensions of a structural element’s cross-section significantly

affect the ability of that member to resist applied loads.

The following sections explain the relationship between geometrical

sectional properties and the axial and bending stress capacities of
an element.

They are not intended to give detailed guidance on the design of

structural elements, as that is beyond the scope of this book, but
rather to provide a conceptual understanding of how cross-
sectional geometry can impact the behavior of structural elements.


A simply supported beam with a vertical load placed at midspan will

develop a bending moment. The upper fibers of the beam at midspan will
experience a compressive stress while the lower fibers will experience a
tensile stress. The stress across the cross-section of the beam between
these extreme fibers will vary as described in section At a
particular position on the cross-section the stress will be zero. This is
known as the neutral axis.

Intuition dictates that a ruler orientated as shown in the photograph

opposite left will be “harder,” i.e. require a greater load in order to bend
than the ruler orientated as shown in the photograph on the right.

This apparent increased strength of the ruler in the photograph on the left
is due to a geometric property called the “second moment of area” or
“moment of inertia.” If a cross-section is divided into a series of smaller
areas and each of these areas is multiplied by the square of the distance
from their centroid to the neutral axis, the summation of these quantities
for the whole cross-sectional area is the second moment of area. For a
rectangular section, this is calculated as:

Second moment of area, I = BD3 / 12

where B = width of section, and D = depth of section

Bending theory relates second moment of area, bending moment, and

stress in the equation:
where M = bending moment,
I= second moment of area,
σ= bending stress, and
y= distance to neutral axis

Written alternatively:


This is commonly rewritten as:

σ = M / Sel

where S is called the “elastic section modulus.”

Hence, looking back at the intuitive example of the plastic ruler it can be
seen that with a rule with cross-sectional dimensions of 1½" x ⅛" thick,
the associated elastic section moduli in the two different rectilinear
orientations are as indicated opposite.

Many building design codes are written using plastic, as opposed to

elastic, design theory. Elastic design limits the maximum stress within a
section to the elastic yield or proof stress. A beam designed in
accordance with elastic theory will reach its maximum bending capacity
when the extreme fibers on its upper and lower faces reach their elastic
stress limit, as indicated in the stress distribution diagrams opposite. The
elastic section modulus explained above is valid when this triangular
stress distribution exists.

Plastic design allows for some plastic deformation of the extreme fibers of
a beam in, for example, bending to occur when they reach the elastic
stress limit, thus distributing stress to the lower fibers, which can then
also be designed to develop full elastic stress capacity. A stress block
indicating a section that has developed full plastic capacity is indicated

The elastic section modulus, S, can be replaced with the plastic section
modulus, Z, in the equations above to calculate the maximum plastic
moment capacity of a section.

The plastic section modulus of a rectangular beam is:

Z = BD2/4

A rule orientated in two directions

Cross-section of rule considered in two different orientations

Cross-sections of rule with section moduli

Elastic section modulus about the x–x axis:

Elastic section modulus about the y–y axis

Stress distributions across cross-section of beam in bending
Axial compression

Members under axial compressive load can fail in two fundamentally
different mechanisms:

i) Compressive failure
ii) Buckling

Compressive failure is a function of the cross-sectional area of the

section and the strength of the material. Quite simply: if the load applied
is too great for the column to withstand, it will crush the member.

Hence, capacity of strut owing to pure compressive load is as follows:

Compressive failure generally governs the design of “short” columns.

Longer, more slender, columns, however, are prone to fail via the second
mechanism, buckling, which occurs before they reach their ultimate
compressive capacity.

When a long slender column is placed under an increasing axial load,

that column will be seen to start to bow or buckle at a certain load
magnitude. This can be demonstrated simply with a 12-inch plastic ruler
as it is loaded carefully by hand.

If the load is increased further, the column will eventually fail in buckling
rather than crushing. Buckling, unlike compressive failure, is a function of
both the height and the sectional properties of a member.

As the slenderness of a column increases the criteria governing its axial

strength alters from a stressgoverned crushing capacity to a geometry-
governed buckling capacity once the slenderness exceeds a certain limit.
The graph below indicates this relationship.

While the height of a column is simply the distance from the base to the
top, the “effective height” is the extent of the column that is subjected to
buckling and is determined by the restraint conditions at either end.
Pinned supports at the top and bottom provide no restraint to rotation,

and therefore the deflected shape of the column will be a single curve as
it is loaded axially, as indicated in the photograph of a rule opposite.
When the top and bottom supports are fixed, however, no rotation can
occur at these points and the deflected shape of the axially loaded
column will change. The length over which buckling occurs in a pin-ended
column is half of the length over which buckling can occur in a fully fixed
column. A column with one end fixed and one end free to rotate and
move (a cantilever) will have an effective buckling length of twice a
pinned column. These and other end restraint conditions together with the
associated column effective lengths are demonstrated graphically on
page 54. Equations developed by Euler describe the critical loads
columns can withstand prior to buckling. These are: critical buckling load,
P comp

The “radius of gyration” is a geometrical property, where:

Slenderness is defined as:

As can be seen from the equations above the buckling capacity of a

column is inversely proportional to the effective length of the column

squared. Therefore, doubling the effective length will reduce the buckling
capacity by a factor of 22 = 4. In the case of a nonsymmetrical column
section, the second moment of area will be different depending on which
axis is being considered. As shown in the example of the 12-inch ruler,
slender columns always fail in buckling around their weakest axis and
hence the slenderness must always be calculated on the basis of the
minor, or smaller, axis. For this reason, typical column sections such as
wide flanges (W-shapes) tend to be relatively symmetrical in comparison
to, for example, universal steel beams, which have large disparities
between their slenderness ratios in the x and y axes (see diagrams on
page 54).

A 12-inch rule under load by hand

Axial load applied to a plastic rule

Column compression and buckling

Compressive capacity

Effective lengths of columns with differing end restraints

Lo = Actual length
LE = Effective length

Standard universal beam and column sections

Typical beam shape

Typical column shape

While “bending moment” is a term for the internal force that is developed
in a member under load, “deflection” describes the extent to which a
beam is displaced when loaded.

The formulae for calculating the deflection of beams under common

loading and support conditions are indicated on the diagrams in section

The second moment of area of a beam significantly impacts the degree a

beam will deflect, as can be seen from the equation below for a simply
supported beam supporting a uniformly distributed load.

Deflection, δ = 5ωL4/(384EI)

ω = applied load per foot
L = length of element

E = Young’s modulus of material
I = second moment of area of rectangular cross-section (= bd3/12)

As explained in section, the second moment of area of a

rectangular section is directly related to the cube of the depth of the
section. Therefore the deflection of a beam under uniformly distributed
load is inversely related to the cube of the depth of the member. So
increasing the depth of a member by a factor of 2 reduces the deflection
of the system by 2 to the power 3, which is 8 times.

While it does not relate to section properties, it is worth noting that for a
uniformly loaded element the deflection is also related to the length of an
element to the power 4. Hence doubling the length of, for example, a 26
foot-long beam to 52 feet without changing its section properties will
result in an increase in deflection of 2 to the power 4, or 16 times the
original deflection. Increasing the span of a 15-foot beam to 20 feet
without changing any of the section properties will result in the deflection
increasing by over 3 times.

Fitness for purpose

So far, the performance of a structure has been examined in relation

to how well it could resist applied loads without elements failing in
terms of stress limits. This section examines another set of criteria
that a structure has to meet to ensure that the building can serve the
purposes for which it has been designed. These criteria are the
“serviceability” limit states, and generally relate to the movement of
the structure under various loads.
Vertical deflection

A beam can be designed to be perfectly capable of resisting the stresses

induced by an applied vertical design load, and therefore not pose any
risk of causing a structural collapse, and yet still fail the serviceability
deflection criteria, and hence be unsuitable.

Excessive vertical deflection of beams and slabs can cause the following

• Perceived movement by building users, causing discomfort;

• Damage of finishes, such as ceilings and services, which may be

supported by the deflecting structural members;

• Damage to the building cladding;

• Visually perceptible sagging of structural elements, causing


The extent to which a structure can deflect vertically without exceeding

any of the serviceability conditions is a function of the length of the span
and the deflection under live load. Deflection under self weight is not
relevant to the first three items in the list as this deflection would have
already occurred prior to the application of the cladding, the services, and
the live loads, and hence would not be additional to any discomfort or
damage that could occur. In order to limit the possibility of visual sagging,
long-span beams can be fabricated with an upward curve that offsets
some of the dead load deflection. This is called pre-cambering. Beams
are often pre-cambered in the opposite direction to the deflection in order
to cancel out the majority of the dead load deflection, thus reducing the
overall perceived critical deflection.

The allowable deflection criteria vary slightly between materials and

codes of practice, but in general the governing deflection criteria for
beams and slabs are approximately as shown below:

Beam Allowable dead + imposed = L/240 deflection load

and Allowable live load deflection = L/360

or Allowable live load deflection = L/500 for beams carrying brittle

finishes (such as brick)

Cantilever Allowable dead + live load = L/120 deflection

and Allowable live load deflection = L/180

where L = length of beam

In certain circumstances an increased deflection criteria is required. For

example, in commercial buildings the cladding is often made from large
glazed units that are susceptible to damage owing to the “racking” effect if

the supporting beam deflects significantly. To reduce this risk, edge
members supporting large glazed cladding elements are often designed
to meet L/1,000 or ½", whichever is the lesser of the two.
Lateral deflection

As with vertical deflection, the lateral deflection limits for most structures
are determined to limit any perceived lateral movement and therefore
discomfort to building users and limit damage to building elements. The
maximum allowable deflection limit is related to the height of the building,
and is often taken as: height/500.

As well as in the case of deflection, a floor can also be deemed to fail

serviceability requirements if it is subject to excessive vibrations.
Vibrations can be caused by a single impulse force, such as the dropping
of equipment, or, for example, an industrial process.

Essentially, vibration occurs when the floor structure oscillates. The

amplitude and frequency of each oscillation will determine how
perceptible the vibration is to the building user. Amplitude and frequency
are functions of the span and stiffness of the floorplate, its self weight, the
intrinsic damping within the floor, and the force that is causing the
vibration to occur. The assessment of a floor’s vibration characteristics
requires detailed calculations and is often undertaken using Finite
Element software for all but the simplest of structures. Finite Element
Analysis (FEA) is a method that can be used to create a mathematical
model of a structure. The technique subdivides structural components
into small pieces, or elements, and sets up mathematical equations that
model the behavior of and interaction between these elements, and thus
the structure as a whole. These equations are then solved simultaneously
in order to find an approximate solution; that is, to predict how the
structure will behave as it is put under load. As the behavior of each
element affects and is affected by its neighbors, the calculations have to
be repeated a number of times to take account of the effect of the
neighboring elements. This leads to a more accurate approximation of the
behavior. Further executions of the calculations will increase the accuracy
of the analysis until a point when there is almost no difference between
each subsequent repetition of the calculations. In FEA these calculations

can be run many times, enabling very accurate models of components to
be developed. Breaking the elements down into even smaller pieces
further increases the accuracy of the FEA, but requires a greater number
of calculations to be undertaken and therefore greater computing power.

The actual movement of a floor when subject to vibration is usually well

within the allowable deflection criteria; however, the perception to a
building user can be of much greater discomfort. The acceptable levels of
vibration vary significantly between building usages, from industrial
facilities at one end to laboratories and hospital surgeries at the other. A
range of acceptable vibration criteria is available in design guides,
advising on the maximum accelerations of the floor for different end-user

FEA computer analysis of floor vibration

Categories of structure

The previous sections have examined the loads applied to structural

components, and how the material and sectional properties of those
components contribute to their structural capabilities.

This section considers structures as whole entities of interconnected

components and examines how they can be categorized and stabilized.

Heinrich Engel developed a system of categorization for structures, which

was first published in 1965. He separated structural types into four


• Form active
• Vector active
• Surface active
• Section active

These categories form a useful system for examining the primary

structural drivers for the vast majority of structural forms.

Engel’s categories provide designers with a useful framework within

which structural forms can be grouped. Once the mechanism of load
transfer in a building is identified, a designer can determine what
parameters will and will not affect the structural efficiency of that building,
and develop a design accordingly.

In reality, the practical requirements of achieving the required building

function, form, and aesthetic while supporting irregular loading conditions
often determine that structural components will have to be designed to
act in more than one mechanism of load transfer at any one time. For
example, a floorplate may be designed to support vertical loads via a
section active mechanism and simultaneously distribute lateral load to
structural cores via a surface active mechanism. Similarly, arches and
trusses are commonly required to support irregular loads that induce
bending stresses in their components, thus reducing their structural
effectiveness. In effect, most buildings are designed to compromise to
some extent between pure structural efficiency and practical

Form active

“Form active” structures rely on a series of flexible, non-rigid components

to achieve a stable form under loading. The most simplistic and easily
apparent of these forms is a chain or rope bridge, which will deflect in
order to reflect the position of any load placed upon it. Other, more three-
dimensional examples include tensile fabric and gridshell structures,
which when placed under tension also create stable forms that can be
manipulated using double curves to create more interesting and more
stable arrangements.

Pneumatic structures are further examples of structures whose form is

directly related to the (hydrostatic) forces applied to them.

More common but less obvious examples of form active structures

include arches. An arch can be considered to act in a similar manner to a

loaded chain, with the exception that whereas the chain’s components
are in pure tension an arch’s components are in pure compression.

In a perfectly efficient form active structure, the components are

subjected to pure axial stresses (either compression or tension) only. If a
point load is applied to the surface of a flexible form active structure,
deformations will occur. Even rigid arches will develop bending under
point loads (unless the load is applied vertically at the crown of the arch),
which significantly reduces their structural efficiency.

The Olympiahalle, Olympic Park, Munich, Germany, 1972, a tensile fabric
structure (see pages 158–61)

The Savill Building, a gridshell structure visitor center at Windsor Great
Park, UK, Glen Howells Architects, Büro Happold and Robert Haskins
Waters Engineers, 2006

Arch at Gaudí’s Casa Milà

Arch of the Winter Garden, Sheffield, UK, Pringle Richards Sharratt
Architects and Buro Happold

Traditional stone arch of a Roman aqueduct, Segovia, Spain

Catenary arch of a suspension bridge in British Columbia, Canada

Vector active

“Vector active” structural forms transfer load via a series of interlinked

rigid components, which are small in comparison to the length of the
overall structure and therefore not capable of developing significant
bending or shear forces. The distribution of the externally applied force
back to the points of support is subject to the directional and geometrical

relationship between the components—hence the term “vector active.” A
simple two-dimensional truss is the most common example of a vector
active structure. More complex examples include spaceframes and
spherical or hemispherical dome structures.

The efficiency of a vector active structure is dependent on the individual

members working in axial tension and compression only, rather than in
bending. To achieve this the loads must be applied at or through the
points where the members connect— known as the nodes. In reality it is
often impossible to avoid some bending moment occurring in some
members of a truss due to accidental loading scenarios or, in the case of
bridges, due to the load of traffic on the bottom chord. Therefore,
individual components of vector active structures are often designed with
some additional sectional capacity to avoid instabilities developing.

Cape Fear Memorial Truss Bridge, Wilmington, USA

Lamella Dome of the Palazzetto Dello Sport, Rome, Italy, Pier Luigi Nervi

Lamella Dome at Materials Park, South Russell, Ohio, USA, John
Terrence Kelly

Detail of a spaceframe structure

Surface active

“Surface active” structures include concrete or masonry domes, cellular

buildings, and concrete shells. These are characterized by rigid surfaces
that are capable of developing axial (compression and tension) and shear
stresses. As with form active structures, any applied forces are redirected
via the form or shape of the structures and therefore shape is intrinsically
linked to structural performance.

The efficiency of a surface active structure is dependent on the form of

the surface in relation to the forces applied to it. For example, the
efficiency of a dome is driven by its height in relation to its span. A
perfectly hemispherical dome is the most structurally efficient form in
terms of material used and volume encapsulated.

Again, as with form active structures, surface active structures are poor at
supporting point loads that generate local bending stresses. Openings
within a stressed surface, or other discontinuities, also reduce the
structural efficiency of the system.

When a surface active structure is designed purely to respond to the
forces applied to it, it can be an extremely efficient form. For example, the
reinforced-concrete roof to Smithfield Market in London forms an elliptical
paraboloid that covers a column-free area of 225 x 125 feet and
measures just 3 inches thick with a rise of nearly 30 feet.

In many buildings the floor structure is designed as a horizontal surface

active structural element, known as a diaphragm. This is used to transfer
lateral loads into the vertically stiff elements of the building, such as shear
walls or lift cores. This is expanded on in section

Concrete Shell Aquarium, City of Arts and Sciences, Valencia, Spain,
Santiago Calatrava and Félix Candela

2, 3
Interior and exterior views of the reinforced-concrete roof at Smithfield
Market, London

Section active

“Section active” structures are the most versatile and most common form
of structure in Engel’s system. Section active structures rely on the
sectional properties of individual rigid components, such as beams and
columns, to support applied loads. All buildings that are constructed from
beams, slabs, and columns—from agricultural sheds to high-rise
commercial buildings—can be described as section active. In contrast to
form and vector active systems, the components of a section active
system are designed to resist bending, shear, and torsion forces as well
as axial tension and compression.

The structural efficiency of a section active structure is dependent on the

cross-sectional properties of the individual components and their
unrestrained length and height.

Standard concrete structural frame

Standard steel structural frame

Standard timber structural frame

Any building, regardless of its particular load transfer mechanism, can be

subjected to lateral forces. These are generated from wind, seismic,
and/or “out of tolerance” forces developed due to a lack of verticality in

columns or the actual geometry of the building itself. In all cases the
structure must be designed to be capable of transferring these lateral
forces into the foundations. This must be done without overstressing any
structural elements and without the building undergoing significant lateral

The extent to which a structure can be allowed to deflect under lateral

loads is dependent on the use of the building and the material from which
it is constructed. Typically, buildings are designed with an allowable
lateral deflection limit of height/300 under the most onerous loading
conditions such as a 1-in-50-year wind scenario. Buildings with brittle
cladding, such as large glazed panels or brickwork, are more susceptible
to damage and hence are often limited to overall height divided by 500.
This is primarily to avoid damage occurring to the cladding elements
rather than to avoid discomfort to the building’s users, which will normally
be negligible at such a level of deflection.

There are several fundamentally different methods by which a structure

can be stabilized. The most common of these are explained in the
following sections.

Tolerance of wind and seismic loads

1 Lateral wind load inducing lateral deflection of structure

2 Seismic ground movement inducing lateral deflection of structure

3 Geometry of structure induces lateral deflection of structure

i Initial profile of structure
ii Deflected profile of structure

Rigid framed structures

Rigid framed structures are constructed from a series of columns and

beams that form a frame onto which the building’s cladding and

floorplates are attached. They are typically constructed from steel,
reinforced concrete, or timber.

In rigid frames the resistance to horizontal loads is provided by a number

of “stiff frames” located throughout the structure. In each of these stiff
frames the connection between the beam and the column is designed to
be capable of transferring both the bending moment and the shear force
that are developed by the applied horizontal forces (see diagram below).
Since this stiff moment connection will not rotate, the frame will remain
rigid under lateral load. The only lateral deflection that can occur will be
due to the deflection of the vertical columns, which are designed to limit
this deflection to within acceptable parameters. If the connections
between the beams and columns of a frame are designed with pinned
connections rather than moment connections, the frame would have no
capacity to resist lateral loads and would form a mechanism that is by
definition unstable.

The rigid frames within a multistory building have to extend throughout

the height of the building in order to be able to transfer the applied loads
into the foundations. Any discontinuities caused by requirements such as
double-height floors or locally removed columns will generate weak points
and therefore necessitate larger, stiffer structural members in these
locations to avoid exceeding the allowable deflection criteria.

Lateral loads, particularly wind, can be applied in all directions and so a

rigid framed structure must be designed with frames orientated at right
angles to one another to resist all possible loading scenarios.

The floor slabs that span between each frame in a rigid framed structure
(and most other stabilizing systems) are often designed to act as
diaphragms and distribute the lateral loads into each frame. In many
cases the horizontal depth of the slab provides a sufficiently stiff element
to ensure that it will not “rack” when lateral loads are applied. Even a
timber floor can be considered to be a stiff diaphragm when detailed
correctly. The location of large openings in the floorplate must be carefully
considered to ensure the diaphragm is not compromised.

Rigid frame under vertical and lateral loads

Pinned frame under lateral loads forming mechanism

Rigid frames under lateral loads

Floor slab acting as diaphragm

Braced framed structures

Braced framed structures, like rigid framed examples, are fabricated from
a series of beams and columns linked together via a floorplate acting as a
diaphragm. Unlike in rigid framed construction, in braced frames the
beam-to-column connection is designed as a pinned connection, and thus
is not capable of resisting applied lateral loads. Instead stability is

provided via other elements such as shear walls, cores, or braced frames
located strategically throughout the plan of the building. These stiff
elements—as is the case for the frames in a rigid framed structure—must
continue for the full height of the building.

Ideally the location of the stiff cores, bracing, or shear walls in a braced
structure will be distributed evenly on plan. This will result in an even
deflection of the building under lateral load. If the shear wall and cores
are distributed non-symmetrically the structure can be subject to twisting
under lateral loads.

Designing a braced structure can have the following implications in

comparison to a rigid structure:

• Reduced cost of beam/column connections

• Reduced size and weight of beams and columns since they do not have
to resist lateral forces
• Reduced complexity of beam/column connections make fabrication

The floorplans of rigid frame buildings, however, are not limited by the
need for cores or shear walls and can therefore accommodate more
open-plan arrangements than braced structures.

Such factors as the total height of a building, the height between each
floor of a multistory building, and the span between the columns all have
a significant effect on frame stiffness. As frame stiffness reduces, column
and beam sizes must increase to meet the deflection requirements.
These factors significantly influence the efficiency of braced and rigid
frames and can determine which is the most suitable option.

Plan of braced structure with symmetrical stabilizing elements
i Center of gravity of the building
ii Structural cores
iii Shear walls
iv Edge of building
v Extent of deflection under lateral loads

Plan of braced structure with nonsymmetrical stabilizing elements.

Nonsymmetrical arrangement of cores causes twisting of building
under lateral loads

i Center of gravity of the building
ii Structural cores
iii Shear walls
iv Edge of building
v Extent of deflection under lateral loads

Concrete diaphragm with a structural core: The Shard under construction,
London, Renzo Piano Building Workshop

Cellular structures

Buildings fabricated from a series of solid walls and floorplates can be

described as cellular structures. The most common example of this form
of construction is a typical masonry house with brick- and blockwork
cavity walls and a timber joist floorplate with timber floorboards. Other
examples of common cellular structures include in situ timber studwork
structures, and precast concrete and prefabricated steel buildings.

The stability of a cellular structure is provided by the walls, which act as

surface active stiff panels that transfer the horizontal loads to the
foundation level. Walls are significantly stiffer in their longitudinal axis
than their transverse axis because stiffness is related to the cube of the
depth of a member (see section So the walls in a cellular
structure must be distributed in both perpendicular directions to ensure
the structure is capable of resisting the horizontal wind loads that can be
applied in all directions.

As with framed buildings, the floorplates in a cellular structure have to act

as diaphragms to transfer lateral loads into the stiff walls oriented parallel
to the direction of the applied load. Large openings for staircases have to
be located carefully to ensure that the floorplate remains stiff enough to
distribute the forces effectively and to avoid distortion of the building
under lateral load.

The floorplates and walls also have to be designed to be capable of

resisting the vertical loads applied by the building’s self weight and its
occupants. As mentioned previously, this is an example where a
structural element is designed with two distinct load transfer mechanisms:
surface active to transfer the horizontal loads and section active to
support the vertical loads.

In summary, for cellular systems to be effective the following conditions

have to be achieved:
i) Structural wall panels are vertically continuous through the height of
the building, thus providing a direct stress path for loads to the
foundations and avoiding transfer structures.
ii) The floorplate must be capable of acting as a diaphragm. Timber
joists in particular require blocking and to be positively fixed to the

iii) Holes in the floor should be located to allow sufficient connectivity
between the floorplate and the stabilizing walls.
iv) The floorplate must be positively connected to the stabilizing walls to
enable the shear forces to be adequately transferred.

Structures inherently resistant to lateral forces

Certain structures are inherently stable owing to their form. These include
many form and surface active examples such as domes, shells,
gridshells, cable net, and tension fabric structures. All of these can be
designed to resist lateral forces without the need for any additional
stabilizing elements. The stability system of domes and tension fabric
structures are examined on the following sketches.

Structures such as igloos 1, airship hangars 2, and tensile fabric
structures, for example London’s Millennium Dome 3, can resist lateral
forces without any additional stabilizers

As buildings extend in height, structural stability becomes increasingly

difficult to achieve owing to the relative reduction in the height-to-width
ratio. When a structure approaches 30 stories or, say, 400 feet high,
alternative, more complex stability systems are needed to provide
resistance to lateral forces. These different systems can be separated
into two distinct groups:

• Interior structures
• Exterior structures

Interior structures are so called because their stability system is
essentially located within the interior of the building via cores or shear
walls. Exterior structures, on the other hand, use the perimeter skin of the
building to form a stiff tube to provide stability.

Examples of each of the subgroups of these typologies, together with the

ranges over which they are efficient, are provided in the following tables.

Towers—interior structures

Towers—exterior structures

Structural systems


This section examines the most common structural-frame materials

used in building construction: steel, reinforced concrete, and


Section 2.2.2 discusses the attributes of each material against a

series of criteria that help determine the suitability of each structural
material in specific building types.

Section 2.2.3 then provides general data for structural components

including rules of thumb and economical span ranges.

Structural material assessments
Structural steel construction assessment

Common usage All sectors, particularly high-rise

Structural The inherent strength of steel determines that it is

performance capable of spanning relatively long distances
efficiently. This enables buildings to have larger
grids with fewer columns

Weight In general steel-framed buildings weigh less than

concrete-framed ones, and therefore exert smaller
loads onto their foundation system

Deflection Deflection, as opposed to stress failure, is often a

critical design criterion for steel beams—
particularly long-span beams. This can be limited
by pre-cambering up to two-thirds of the dead load
applied to a steel beam

Vibration As steel frames are often lightweight and relatively

long-span, they can be susceptible to adverse in-
use vibrations. This must be identified and
designed out—by reducing spans, increasing
permanent dead loads, or stiffening the system

Fire protection Steel has virtually no inherent fire resistance and

normally requires additional measures, such as
sprayed or painted coatings applied directly to its
surface or boarding with fire-resistant material, to
achieve the necessary fire protection

Program Steel frames can be erected very quickly in
comparison to concrete frames, reducing
construction programs. However, the use of
following trades such as cladding and fire
protection can offset this program advantage

Sustainability The environmental performance of a steel-framed

building in comparison to a concrete-framed
building is subject to many variables, and should
be examined on a case-by-case basis

Cost The cost of a steel frame is generally driven by the

weight of the steel used

Flexibility Steel frames can be relatively easily strengthened

or adapted post-construction

Reinforced concrete construction assessment

Common usage All sectors

Structural Reinforced concrete can be designed to span long

performance or short distances depending on the depth and
volume of reinforcement used. Post-tensioning of
the concrete can be used to further increase the
distances that can be efficiently spanned

Weight In general, concrete-framed buildings weigh more

than steel-framed buildings and therefore exert
larger loads onto their foundation system

Deflection The deflection of concrete elements is normally

governed by the depth of the beam in relation to
its span. Cambering of the formwork can be used
to reduce the dead-weight deflections

Vibration The heavy nature of long-span concrete frames

reduces the risk of problems due to vibration;
however, this must still be examined at design

Fire protection Concrete has excellent inherent fire protection,

achieved via the “cover” it affords to the reinforcing
bars. Cover can be increased to achieve higher
protection as required

Program In situ concrete frames take longer to construct

than steel frames. Precast frames can be
constructed in a similar timescale as that for steel
frames. Overall building programs can be reduced
if exposed concrete finishes are used, as this can
negate the requirement for following trades for
suspended ceilings and some cladding

Sustainability The environmental performance of a concrete-

framed building in comparison to a steel-framed
building is subject to many variables, and should
be examined on a case-by-case basis. The
inherent thermal mass of a concrete frame can be
used in the environmental strategy of a building;
however, the cooling/heating design strategy must
be developed to utilize this to achieve the
maximum benefit

Cost The cost of a concrete frame is generally driven by

the concrete volume, the mix design, the
reinforcement volume, and the formwork type

Flexibility In situ concrete is “poured” and can therefore be

formed into any shape more easily than other
materials. Existing concrete frames, in general
terms, are more difficult to adapt than steel frames
as the reinforcement is not visible and hence any
post-construction redesign is reliant on the
existence and accuracy of record drawings or
intrusive examination. Post-tensioned concrete is

complicated further owing to the requirement to
avoid damage occurring to the post-tensioned

Timber construction assessment

Common usage Residential, education.

Typically low-rise (up to 5 stories)

Structural Timber frames generally are designed to span

performance shorter distances than concrete or steel. Glue-
laminated timber and Laminated Veneer Lumber
(LVL) are products that have been manufactured
to increase the structural performance of timber.
The grade of timber has a large bearing on its
ability to resist load

Weight The lightweight nature of timber makes it an

excellent material for long-span lightly loaded roof
structures or pedestrian bridges

Deflection As with other materials, deflection is related to

section depth

Vibration As timber is primarily used to span shorter

distances than other structural materials, vibration
is often not a critical design driver

Fire protection Requires significant fire protection

Program Prefabricated timber frames with pre-applied

insulation can facilitate a very rapid construction

Sustainability Arguably the only truly renewable construction
material, if sourced responsibly. Overall
environmental performance of the structure is still
subject to many factors and should be examined
on a case-by-case basis

Cost Generally low-cost material, but the selection of

connections (mechanical) can have a significant
effect on cost

Flexibility Highly flexible and adaptable

Structural components

As with any “rule of thumb” system, the information provided in this

section is of a general nature and is sufficiently accurate to provide
a basic feel of the section sizes and depths required at the early
design stage, but should always be proved via detailed calculations
as the design progresses.

The information in this section is divided into coverage of the

structural elements—including beams, slabs, and columns—and
then subdivided according to the various materials commonly used
to form these elements.
Beam systems

Properties of steel beams

The aspect ratio between primary and secondary beams can significantly
affect the load a system can support, and hence will impact the
performance of the beams. The rules of thumb in this table assume than
an aspect ratio of approximately 1:3 is achieved.

Properties of concrete beams

Properties of timber beams

Properties of engineered timber products

Engineered timber products include Glue-laminated beams (glulam),

Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL), and Laminated Strand Lumber (LSL).

Each of these products is fabricated from layers of sawn timber, which

are glued together to form the beam. This process increases the
homogeneity of the final product as all the imperfections within sawn

timber, such as knots, are distributed along the beam rather than being
concentrated at particular positions. This in turn increases the strength of
the element.

The fabrication process also reduces the tendency of the members to

warp, twist, or bow.

Engineered timber products can be fabricated to a range of section sizes

and lengths.
Concrete slab systems

Properties of concrete slab systems

Properties of post-tensioned reinforced concrete slabs

The primary conceptual design aspects of post-tensioned concrete

design are listed below:

Post-tensioning is a specialized construction process as described in the

post-tensioned reinforced concrete beams section previously.

Post-tensioned concrete slabs can span longer distances than traditional

reinforced-concrete slabs.

Slab depths are reduced, leading to less material and therefore less load
owing to self weight.

Post-tensioned slabs limit the flexibility of being able to cut holes into a
floor system post-construction, owing to the risk of cutting through the
post-tensioning tendons.

Structural prototypes

Form finding

During the twentieth century, architects and engineers both

developed ways of designing complex structural forms by
experimenting with physical models and through borrowing from
structures found in nature. Finding and creating new structural
forms was accomplished by extracting geometric information from
physical models, in particular three-dimensional compressive
surfaces—shells—or three-dimensional tensile surfaces—
membranes. With the advent of computer-aided design along with
an increased knowledge of the behavior of materials, a variety of
approaches to form finding can now be pursued using computer
programs to calculate optimum structural solutions for given
geometric parameters.

Suspension models

A “catenary” curve is derived from hanging a chain or Arches produced in

this way are structurally efficient, because the thrust into the ground will
always follow a cable that, when supported at each end, is allowed to
bend under its own weight. In the case of a suspension bridge, the cables
that are stretched between the masts form a catenary curve; however,
once the cables become loaded (by hanging a deck from vertical cables
placed at regular intervals) the curve becomes almost parabolic. When a
catenary curve is inverted, it forms a naturally stable arch. the line of the

To generate compressive, shell-like structures, a net or fabric is

suspended from a set of points and then fixed in position by saturating it
with plaster and/or glue. This is then flipped over (mirrored horizontally) to
create a thin shell-like form. Owing to their structural efficiency, these
forms may be described as “minimal surfaces.”

Soap films

Soap bubbles (see section 1.4) are physical illustrations of a minimal
surface. A minimal surface is more properly described as a surface with
equal pressure on the inside and the outside. A film obtained by dipping a
wire frame contoured closed shape into a soapy solution will produce a
minimal surface.

Structural application

Designers such as Frei Otto and Heinz Isler have used form-finding
structural prototypes as both design and engineering tools. In the case of
Otto—and specifically his work with soap films—these models were
painstakingly photographed, logged, mapped, and drawn, generating
profiles for latterly realized projects. Heinz Isler, whose interest was in
optimally engineered thin reinforced concrete shells, regularly used
physical scale models to generate surface geometries. These reverse-
engineered plaster models were very accurately measured on a custom
rig, with the subsequently plotted profiles used as the basis for his large-
scale “catenary” shells.

Virtual form finding

Form-finding software is now widely available as a design and analysis

tool and is no longer solely the domain of the professional engineering
office. Form-finding software is based on principles such as the geometric
optimization of the soap-film modeling techniques pioneered by Frei Otto.
Typical form-finding software contains a range of procedural geometric
transformations as well as ascribable properties for the constituent
material construction and arrangement, which may include fabric type,
steel cabling, and connectors. The virtual model can then be subject to
prestress and live load simulations. While there is no question of the
value of these excellent new tools, which allow for fast iterative modeling,
there are still good arguments for physical prototyping. The physical scale
model as an analog of the final physical construction has much to tell the
designer, not least in relation to material behavior and project-specific
constructional and assembly issues.

1 Hanging nets
Antoni Gaudí’s models explored the design of vaulted compression
structures using the same principle as the catenary curve, by hanging
weights from flexible nets and then inverting the resultant forms

2 Suspension model
Structural model made to establish the form of the arches for a new train
station in Stuttgart, Germany, 2000, by Christoph Ingenhoven and
Partner, Frei Otto, Büro Happold, and Leonhardt and Andrae

3 Control points

Images created using form-finding software for the design of membrane
structures. Control points (CP) are used to create space. The program
operates in such a way that when a force is applied to one point the load
of the force is distributed homogeneously so that the membrane is always
under tension to produce a smooth transition between points.

4 Soap-film model
Model by Frei Otto for the design of a membrane structure using soap
film on a wire-bounded framework. This is both a minimal and an
anticlastic surface, which can be graphically described as a “double-
ruled” surface, i.e. one that can be described using a grid of straight lines.

5 Ice shells
Heinz Isler designed a technique whereby fabric was draped over masts
and then saturated with water. In freezing temperatures the membranes
solidified and the masts could be removed, forming “ice shells.” Shown
here is an image of ice shells constructed at Cornell University, Ithaca,
NY, in 1999 by Dr. Mark Valenzuela and Dr. Sanjay Arwade, with the
assistance of undergraduates from Dr. Valenzuela’s Modern Structures

6 Modeling techniques

Structural models can employ a range of form-finding techniques

according to the properties of the materials used, as shown in the
examples here. All models by second-year undergraduate students at the
School of Architecture, University of Westminster, London, 2007–9.

Left to right, top to bottom:

Gridshell vault, formed using (elastic) timber strips that are held in tension
and fixed at the base of the model.

Complex surface built up of laser-cut profiles in an interlocking grid

Interlocking cardboard profiles used to model a formwork core

Disposable sticks and elastic bands employed to model a collapsible

tensegrity dome

Paper ribbons folded and interlocked to generate a regular solid

Hyperbolic parabolas (saddle shapes) generated by saturating a hung

fabric with plaster

Load testing

Load testing has always been a critical part of structural design

development. While the prediction of the behavior of materials and
construction elements may be calculated mathematically and with
computer models (such as Finite Element Analysis and
Computational Fluid Dynamics, see pages 106–9), much can be
learned by prototyping and observation. The first time it was
understood that reinforced concrete could flex and bend under load
was on the completion of Berthold Lubetkin’s Penguin Pool at
London Zoo in the 1930s.

As can be seen from Robert Stevenson’s work on the Bell Rock

Lighthouse, there is evidence that the use of prototype models was
paramount to the resolution of successful structural design to resist
the enormous power of the sea. Similarly, monolithic, compressive
vaults and domes have, from Gothic times, required innovative
construction techniques and materials that are still under constant
development. This section is also illustrated by a set of practical,
problem-solving exercises, showing examples of a considerable
variety of resolutions.

The spiraling, reinforced-concrete ramp of Lubetkin’s Penguin Pool at
London Zoo, under construction in 1933

Photograph of Bell Rock Lighthouse showing the parabolic curve at the
2 Bell Rock Lighthouse

The design of the Bell Rock was the culmination of knowledge gained
from the construction of previous lighthouses (many of which had failed)
and from prototyping with scale models. John Smeaton had built the
Eddystone Lighthouse in 1759, pioneering the use of stone. Not only
were the stones “dovetailed” to interlock with each other, but they also
employed wedges similar to the dowels in a “scarf” joint. The ideal profile
to resist the enormous impact from wind and waves was found to be
parabolic in shape; Robert Stevenson and John Rennie are known to
have built scale models against which they would throw buckets of water.

Section through the interlocking stone blocks at foundation level

Models of the construction details. Held at the Museum of Scotland,


Load testing a dome
3 Thin-shell monolithic domes
Modern (lightweight) materials technology linked to the use of air-
supported formworks has greatly improved the efficiency and practicality
of casting concrete domes (which are similar in shape and structure to an

eggshell). Inspired by prototypes developed by Félix Candela, Pier Luigi
Nervi, and Anton Tedesko among others, shown here is a project by Dr.
Arnold Wilson at the Brigham Young University Laboratories, Idaho, USA,
to load test a thin-shell concrete dome. Using air-supported form
technology (made from nylon-reinforced vinyl, which is left in place as a
watertight finish), the dome is formed using polyurethane foam and
sprayed (reinforced) concrete.

Inflatable formworks, showing reinforcing


4 Brick vaults
Inspired by the work of Eladio Dieste and others, the Vault201 prototype
vault was built by MIT architecture students at the Cooper-Hewitt National
Design Museum, New York. The vault spans 16ft, is 1½in thick, and uses
720 bricks. The curvature of the vault is composed of splines that vary in
profile but are fixed in length in order to keep an equal coursing pattern
and to save custom-cutting too many bricks. In the end, as a result of
prototyping, a taxonomic system of three different brick modules was

To quote the students: “1) learn from building, 2) analyze and abstract as
rules, and 3) re-embed into the design process.”

(See for a full account of this project.)

The following illustrations are taken from first-year undergraduate student

projects conducted at the University of Westminster, London, UK, from
2009 to 2011. Students were introduced to common construction
materials, fabrication processes, and workshop practices and were then
asked to design and build a 1:1 scale object in order to solve a specific
structural problem. Prototyping took the form of sketching, modelmaking,
and experimenting with materials, and students learned how the act of
“making” can form an integral part of the design process. Objects were
assessed according to structural efficiency (lightness), craftsmanship,
construction details, and the innovative use of materials.

5 Supports for a sheet of glass
In this project the students explored testing methods to support a human
body 8in in the air on a 0.62 sq in, 0.25in-deep sheet of (untempered)
glass. All examples shown employ elements that are primarily in
compression. (See section Axial compression.)

a, b
Multiple, point-loaded structure exploring iteration and scale


Stiffness achieved using corrugation and stability through the use of a
circular plan

The arch and the cantilever principle combined

i, j
Pointed arches used as colonnades

k, l
A pointed arch, perforated for lightness, acting as a portal frame

Students testing their support structures

6 Brick-supporting plinth
The brief was to design a column that could support a single Fletton brick
at a height of 3 feet, without bending, buckling, or rotating. The load was
considered primarily to be vertical, though the plinth should resist torsion
(see section Stress: Element under torsion). Maximum footprint
was set at 10 x 10in. These efficient minimal structures were to be
designed to fail under the load of two bricks.

This project set out to explore the structural potential of the double helix
by employing elements made from a stiff material with the capacity for
elastic deformation—in this case, bamboo. Torsive forces were applied in
order to twist opposing elements in opposite directions; they were then
locked at either end so that the forces canceled each other out. This
produced an extremely rigid structure with a high strength-to-weight ratio

This project consisted of a mast that was made up of multiple, folded
(paper) elements slotted around a cylindrical core. Rigidity was achieved
through a system of bracing that would resist torsional movement by
tensioning lever arms at the top and base, using a network of
triangulating wires

A lightweight, compressive lattice consisting of three masts that were
intertwined for stability

A monolithic, planar structure whose form was derived by extruding from
a simple plan. A series of ribs was connected (critically) at the point of
rotation. To prevent the thin, planar ribs from buckling under load, they
were individually laminated (using foamboard)
This project explored the possibility of cantilevering the brick, while at the
same time employing a minimum number of primary elements. By using
two rods with the capacity for elastic deformation they could be
“laminated” together to act simultaneously in tension and compression to
form a rigid structure

A single, tapering lever arm was stiffened using a series of ribs, which
also acted to stabilize the structure at ground level. The vertical cantilever
was completed by tensioning the lever arm back to the base of the

This deployable solution used a telescoping mechanism. A set of
cardboard cylinders was slotted so that they could be pegged at various

This project set out to leave a clear space below the brick while also
being deployable. The solution involved using three armatures that were
each centrally hinged. The desired height was achieved by tensioning
each of the arms to its neighbor with the appropriate length of cable

The core of the mast consisted of cards that were stacked and slotted
together vertically. Rigidity was achieved by tensioning the top to the

This simple column was stabilized by tensioning cables to the base plate

Supported by 200 helium balloons, the brick was held by a perforated,
polystyrene beam in order to stabilize and spread the load

7 Cantilever support for an apple
The following illustrations show the results of an exercise to explore
solutions to cantilevering an apple 16in horizontally and 16in vertically
from a 16 x 16in footprint. The load was considered primarily to be
vertical, though the apple should remain stable in the horizontal plane.
The diagrams describe the tensile (red) and compressive (black)
elements at work in the structures.

Diagram explaining the general requirements for each structure

Photographs of four selected structures with diagrams describing the
tensile (red) and compressive (black) elements

The students’ solutions to this structural problem were varied and

8 Glass “sandwich” panel spanning element
This structural prototype developed by David Charlton at the University of
Westminster, London, UK, creates a “sandwich” panel using traditional
incandescent light bulbs close-packed in hexagonal plan formation and
bonded to thin sheets of glass using structural silicone. The glass

honeycomb-like core created from recycled light bulbs utilizes the relative
longitudinal compressive strength of the bulb similar to that of an eggshell
(see Section 1.3 Eggshell). The close packing of the bulbs resists the
tendency of the bulbs to buckle (and fracture), providing lateral stability.
This novel prototype reminds us of the usefulness of putting distance
between the top and bottom chord of a beam, truss, or spaceframe, thus
creating structural “depth” with which to “span.” This prototype also shows
how, with thoughtful geometric configuration, compressive strength can
be maintained with lightweight and even fragile materials maintaining
impressive strength and reducing dead (static) loads.

9 Cable net structure

A cable net structure for a DIY version of London’s O2 Arena (formerly the
Millennium Dome) was constructed by first-year undergraduate students
at the University of Greenwich, London, UK. This 1/36 scale model
utilized all of the structural attributes of the original, albeit simplified by
using eight rather than twelve uprights (compression members) for this
mast-supported cable net.

Visualizing forces

A key development in engineering analysis has been the ability to

visualize forces within a “structural model.” In a process developed
at the beginning of the twentieth century, photoelastic modeling
allowed scale models fabricated from transparent cast resin to have
the internal structural forces made visible. Using two polarizing
lenses set each side of a scale model, light is passed through the
rig, and birefringence (double refraction) occurs in direct relation to
localized stress patterns. Whereas physical models may have been
previously used to verify structural calculations, these photoelastic
structural “analogs” allow the designer to simultaneously test and
observe structural forces and structures in action.

With the development of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and

application of the Finite Element Method (FEM), graphical
computing allows the designer to model a two- or three-dimensional
structural system or connection and study the fourth dimensional
effects of gravity, static and live loads, and other applied structural
forces. The advent of inexpensive computing allows a fully

integrated Building Information Model (BIM) to be recast or
reconfigured with information feedback from FEA analysis and
additional dynamic environmental factors such as wind loads,
modeled with Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) software.

Photoelastic modeling

Photoelastic modeling is an experimental method to determine stress

distribution in a material, and is often used for determining stress-
concentration factors in complex geometrical shapes. The method is
based on the property of birefringence, which is exhibited by certain
transparent materials. A ray of light passing through a birefringent
material experiences two refractive indices. Photoelastic materials exhibit
this property only on the application of stress, and the magnitude of the
refractive indices at each point in the material is directly related to the
state of stress at that point. A model made out of such materials produces
an optical pattern representing its internal stress patterns.

Professor Robert Mark of Princeton University brilliantly illustrates both

the method and analytical usefulness of the photoelastic technique in his
book Experiments in Gothic Structure (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1982),
where a series of comparative (sectional) models of some of the great
Gothic cathedrals of Europe are photoelastically modeled and subjected
to notional live (wind) loads. These live and responsive illustrations of
stress patterns in a given structure provide valuable indicative evidence
of localized “hot spots” for study or amelioration. The correlating
numerical and algebraic structural calculations, however, must be
separately computed.

Photoelastic model of Bourges Cathedral choir. The photoelastic
interference patterns are produced by simulated dead weight (static

Photoelastic model of Beauvais Cathedral choir. The photoelastic
interference patterns are produced by simulated wind loading.

Photograph showing how Professor Mark simulated dead weight (static
loading) on a model of Beauvais Cathedral using hanging weights of
differing masses, attached to corresponding cross-sectional locations.

A live loading model of Amiens Cathedral subjected to simulated lateral
wind loading. Vertical wires are attached to the model and evenly

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

The first step in using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is constructing a

finite element model of the structure to be analyzed. Two- or three-
dimensional CAD models are imported into FEA software and a
“meshing” procedure is used to define and break the model up into a
geometric arrangement of small elements and nodes. Nodes represent
points at which features such as displacements are calculated. Elements
are bounded by sets of nodes and define the localized mass and stiffness
properties of the model. Elements are also defined by mesh numbers,
which allow reference to be made to corresponding deflections or
stresses at specific model locations. Knowing the properties of the
materials used, the software then conducts a series of computational
procedures to determine effects such as deformations, strains, and
stresses, which are caused by applied structural loads. The results can
then be studied using visualization tools within the FEA environment to
view and to identify the implications of the analysis. Numerical and

graphical tools allow the precise location of data such as stresses and
deflections to be identified.

1 Two-dimensional Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

In the FEA analysis of a simple structure, an arch (a) has a uniform load
applied (b). Image c shows how the arch behaves or deforms under load,
with sides pushed outward, and the apex lowered. In image d color
coding is introduced, representing the internal stress pattern distribution
within the arch structure.

2 Acrylic tower project
The following images illustrate the Finite Element Analysis of a 30-foot-
tall triangular prismatic tower. The lower 10 feet of the prism comprise a
fabricated steel plinth with the remainder manufactured from solid optical-
quality acrylic. The prism structure has been analyzed using a three-
dimensional computer model and Finite Element Analysis. The structure
was modeled using brick elements for the acrylic prism and steel plinth.
Steel tensioning rods were used to clamp the acrylic blocks together and

were modeled using line elements with temperature boundary conditions
applied to produce the desired level of pre-tension. Three models were
produced. The first model was to determine the post-tensioning forces
and the “along” wind response of the structure; the second model was to
determine the “across” (or cross-wind) wind response, and the third
model was to determine the effects of temperature on the tension rods.
The FEA images present contour plots illustrating the resultant
deflections and stress distributions for the “along” wind condition together
with the first mode “natural resonant” frequencies and resultant

a Post-tension induced stress in an acrylic prism around steel rod fixings

b Wind load-induced acrylic stress c “Along” wind load, showing resultant
displacement d Localized stress in the steel base plate caused by “along”
wind load e Movement caused by “first mode,” or natural resonant lateral
frequency f Movement caused by “first mode,” or natural resonant
torsional frequency

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

The Navier-Stokes equations, named after Claude-Louis Navier and

George Gabriel Stokes, are a set of equations that describe the motion of
fluid substances such as liquids and gases. The equations are a
dynamical statement of the balance of forces acting at any given region of
the fluid. The various numerical approaches to solving the Navier-Stokes
equations are collectively called Computational Fluid Dynamics, or CFD.
When translated into a graphical format, the motion of the fluids can be
seen as particles moving through space. CFD can then be used to
simulate wind dynamics—speed and direction—in and around buildings.
The architect is able to explore variations in design that can, for example,
improve natural ventilation or minimize excessive downdrafts from tall
buildings. Using inbuilt or referenced weather data, this analytical
computer software allows the user to model and overlay annual wind
speed, frequency, and direction, directly on top of a design model, helping
the designer develop strategies for natural ventilation, wind shelter, and
appropriate structural resistance.

1 CFD flow vector analysis section
CFD flow vector analysis showing air movement and velocity in a cross-
sectional view of an urban block.

2 CFD flow vector analysis plan
CFD flow vector analysis showing air movement and velocity at two
heights above an urban block. Note the prevailing southwesterly wind
flow and the turbulence and vortex shedding around the tall building at
the center bottom of the images.

Case studies


In attempting to describe and explain structures and structural

principles the case studies that seem the most useful are often
highly individualized “one offs,” exemplary artifacts of unique
individuals whose work was formed as a part of a larger
philosophical approach to societal needs, both contemporary and
for the future. We see this approach, albeit in vastly different ways
and means, in the work of structural innovators such as Pier Luigi
Nervi, Richard Buckminster Fuller, and Konrad Wachsmann, to
name but three. All of these structural artists produced compelling
and prototypical projects experimenting with new construction
processes, fabrication methods, new geometric configurations, and
programmatic determinants. The work of these structural pioneers
also tested (or completely circumvented) the limits of contemporary
engineering and architectural orthodoxy, presenting new models for
the production of our built environment, the principles of which we
still struggle to fully understand, let alone wholeheartedly embrace.
While these individuals are now figures from the last century, their
experimental work can be usefully understood as presenting a
beautiful diversity of approach for new ways of making the world. It
is in this context that the exhibition mounted at the Architecture
Museum, Munich, in 2010, “Wendepunkte im Bauen—Von der
seriellen zur digitalen Architektur,” revisited Konrad Wachsmann’s
seminal book of 1961 The Turning Point of Building and staged a
show of how the legacies of work by figures like Wachsmann can be
re-read, thoughtfully assimilated, and, with the addition of new
digital fabrication tools, provide the fuel for some new kinds of
architecture and engineering that usefully (and delightfully) serve
society. If it is unclear whether the likes of Nervi, Fuller, Wachsmann
(and even Jean

Prouvé and Frei Otto) are engineers, architects, builders, or artists

then that surely is the point. The relationship between the
perception of the architect and the engineer can and has been a
problematic one, with mutual misunderstanding from the less
talented (or officious) of both arts. Unhelpful internecine squabbles
about which professional body lays claim to which talent is
irrelevant, except to say that these professions were slow to claim

any of the aforementioned individuals as one of their own, their
prodigious but aberrant talents dismissed or, worse, treated with
benign neglect by their “professions.”

The case studies are simply intended as a collection of structural

diagrams, self-illustrating structural and material investigations
realized as architecture. These range from the highly unusual
concrete truss roof at Chiasso by Robert Maillart from 1924 (which
can be seen as a direct translation or materialization of the
structure’s very own structural analysis) to Antón García-Abril’s
whimsical structural experiment the Hemeroscopium House of 2008.

The case studies are shown within the context of the general work
and impact of their creators, and are presented chronologically. With
just over half of the examples derived from the second half of the
twentieth century, this section also includes significant structures
from the latter half of the nineteenth century and state-of-the-art
projects from the beginning of the twenty-first.


Viollet-le-Duc’s innovative engineering approaches

Viollet-le-Duc was responsible for a series of major restorations to

medieval buildings, and produced two significant illustrated dictionaries of
architecture. He was considered an artist, a scientist, an engineer, an
archaeologist, and a scholar.
Viollet restored Notre Dame Cathedral, Hôtel de Cluny, and other well-
known medieval buildings in Paris as well as the cathedrals of Amiens,
Saint-Denis, and Lausanne (for which he was awarded a medal by an
international jury) and numerous city halls and chateaux. He considered
that the restoration of Gothic architecture required a deep understanding
of, and respect for, the structural engineering from which much of its
beauty was derived, but was not afraid to reinterpret a brief. He wrote that
restoration is a “means to reestablish (a building) to a finished state,
which may in fact never have actually existed at any given time.”1

In several unrealized projects for new buildings, Viollet determined that
it was appropriate to apply the construction and materials technology of
the day (such as cast iron) to the structural logic and forms of the Gothic
period. He also explored natural forms, such as leaves and animal
skeletons, and used the wings of bats as an influence for the design of
vaulted roofs.

1 Viollet-le-Duc, E., The Foundations of Architecture: Selections from the

Dictionnaire raisonné, New York: George Braziller, 1990, p. 170

Structural description
Rib vaulting

Eugène Viollet-le-Duc (1814–1879)

1, 2
Compositions in masonry and iron. From E. Viollet-le-Duc, Entretiens sur
l’Architecture, Paris, 1863

St. Pancras Railway Station Shed

Structural description
Wrought-iron barrel vault roof with cast-iron columns

London, England

Completion date

Plan dimensions
690ft long x 240ft arch span wide


William Henry Barlow (1812–1902) and Rowland Mason Ordish

The Butterley Company

St. Pancras Station, the meeting of the styles: section

The initial plan of the station was laid out by William Henry Barlow.
Barlow modified the original plans by raising the station 20 feet on 720
iron columns, thus providing a usable undercroft space and also allowing
the approach tracks to cross the Regent’s Canal on a bridge rather than a
tunnel. A space for a hotel fronting the shed was included in the plan, and
the competition for its design was won by George Gilbert Scott with a
brick Gothic Revival building.
With a covered area of 183,000 square feet, William Barlow’s train
shed is still considered to be one of the largest enclosed spaces in the

Station under construction

St. Pancras Station, interior view

Eiffel Tower

Structural description
Steel pylon or lattice tower

Paris, France

Completion date


Plan dimensions
410ft x 410ft

Gustave Eiffel (1832–1922), Maurice Koechlin, and Emile Nouguier

Gustave Eiffel (Eiffel & Cie)

Stephen Sauvestre

For the Universal Exhibition of 1889, a date that marked the centenary of
the French Revolution, the French Journal Officiel launched a major
competition to “study the possibility of erecting an iron tower on the
Champ-de-Mars. The tower would have a square base, 410 feet on each
side, and 985 feet high.” The proposal by entrepreneur Gustave Eiffel,
engineers Maurice Koechlin and Emile Nouguier, and architect Stephen
Sauvestre was chosen. In 1884, Gustave Eiffel had registered a patent
“for a new configuration allowing the construction of metal supports and
pylons capable of exceeding a height of 985 feet.”1 The company was
aiming to achieve the iconic height of 1,000 feet (more precisely, 304.8
meters). For the competition, Stephen Sauvestre was employed to
transform what was essentially a large pylon into a decorative, functional
structure. He proposed stone pedestals to dress the legs, monumental
arches to link the columns and the first level, large glass-walled halls on
each level, and a bulb-shaped design for the top.
The curvature of the uprights was designed to offer the most efficient
wind resistance possible, as Eiffel explained: “Now to what phenomenon
did I have to give primary concern in designing the Tower? It was wind
resistance. Well then! I hold that the curvature of the monument’s four
outer edges, which is as mathematical calculation dictated it should be ...
will give a great impression of strength and beauty, for it will reveal to the
eyes of the observer the boldness of the design as a whole. Likewise the
many empty spaces built into the very elements of construction will
clearly display the constant concern not to submit any unnecessary
surfaces to the violent action of hurricanes, which could threaten the
stability of the edifice.” 2
The greatest difficulty in erecting the tower was the connection of the
four main pillars at the first-floor level. The pillars sprang at a precise
angle from bases that were 260 feet apart to connect with the second
floor at a height of 165 feet.
All of the construction elements were fabricated in Eiffel’s factory
located on the outskirts of Paris. Each of the 18,038 sections used to
construct the tower was traced out to an accuracy of a tenth of a
millimeter, and they were then put together using temporary bolts to form
prefabricated sections of around 16 feet in length.

On site, the bolts were replaced one by one with a total of 2,500,000
thermally assembled rivets, which contracted during cooling to ensure a
very tight fit.
The pillars rest on concrete foundations installed several feet below
ground level on top of a layer of compacted gravel. Each corner edge
rests on its own supporting block, applying to it a pressure of 6,000 to
8,000 pounds per square foot, and each block is joined to the others by
underground walls.
In all, the construction weighs 11,100 tons. Between 150 and 300
workers were on site at any one time.

1, 2 Eiffel, G., Excerpt from an interview in the French newspaper Le Temps,

February 14, 1887

Sketch describing Eiffel’s construction principle

Detail photograph of the Eiffel Tower showing the rivets

Overall view of the tower

Forth Rail Bridge

Structural description
Cantilever truss bridge

Queensferry, near Edinburgh, Scotland

Completion date

1½ miles

Benjamin Baker (1840–1907), Allan Stewart, and John Fowler

Sir William Arrol & Co.

The Forth Rail Bridge, connecting Edinburgh with Fife, is the longest
cantilever bridge in the world for rail transport, and the world’s second
longest such structure after the Quebec Bridge. It was designed by
Benjamin Baker, Allan Stewart, and John Fowler, who also oversaw the
building work. The bridge was built by Glasgow-based company Sir
William Arrol & Co. between 1883 and 1890, and was the first in Britain to
be constructed using steel alone; up to this time, the strength and quality
of steel yields could not be predicted.
The design concept for the bridge was illustrated by Baker in his
“human cantilever” model (see section 1.5). The bridge comprises two
main spans of 1,710 feet with two spans of 480 feet at each end. Each of
the main spans is made up of two cantilevering arms that support a 350-
foot central truss. Connecting each end of the bridge to the river banks is
a series of 165-foot span trusses.
The cantilever arms spring from three 330-foot-tall towers, which are
built around four primary columns that each rest on a separate
foundation. The southern group of foundations had to be constructed as
caissons under compressed air to a depth of 90 feet. While the two

cantilevering arms that spring from each of the towers counterbalance
each other, the shoreward ends carry weights of about 1,100 tons to
counterbalance half the weight of the suspended spans and live load.

View of the Forth Rail Bridge under construction

The Forth Rail Bridge today

The use of cantilevers in bridge construction was not a new idea, but
Baker’s design included calculations for incidence of erection stresses,
provisions for reducing future maintenance costs, calculations for wind
pressures (evidenced by the Tay Bridge disaster), and the effect of
temperature variation on the structure. A recent materials analysis of the
bridge, ca. 2002, found that the steel in it—estimated to weigh between
60,000 and 75,000 tons—is still in good condition.

The weight limit for any train on the bridge is 1,570 tons, meaning that
any current UK locomotive can use the bridge. Up to 200 trains per day
crossed the bridge in 2006. The bridge is being considered for nomination
as a UNESCO World Heritage site. During construction, over 450 workers
were injured and 98 lost their lives.

All-Russia Exhibition 1896

Structural description
Hyperboloid tower; steel, tensile enclosure; double-curvature steel

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Vladimir Shukhov (1853–1939)

His “gittermasts,” attenuated hyperbolic paraboloids, were true

minimum weight forms. 1
Matthew Wells

The All-Russia Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1896 was held in Nizhny
Novgorod on the left bank of the Oka River. The event was the biggest
pre-revolution exhibition in the Russian Empire, and was organized with
money allotted by Czar Nicholas II. The All-Russia Industrial Conference
was held concurrently with the exhibition, which showcased the best of
Russian industrial developments from the latter part of the nineteenth

For the exhibition, the engineer and scientist Vladimir Shukhov
pioneered the use of steel in a number of radical building types, including
the world’s first hyperboloid tower; the world’s first steel, tensile
enclosure; and the first double-curvature steel gridshell.
In the 1880s, Shukhov had begun designing roof systems that
minimized the use of materials, time, and labor. Probably based on
Pafnuty Chebyshev’s work on the theory of best approximations of
functions, Shukhov invented a new system that was innovative both
structurally and spatially; he derived a family of equations to enable the
calculation and construction of hyperboloids of revolution and hyperbolic
Hyperbolic structures have a negative Gaussian curvature, meaning
that they curve inward rather than outward. As doubly ruled surfaces,
they can be made with a lattice of straight beams so remain relatively
straightforward to build. Inspired by observing the action of a woven
basket holding up a heavy weight, Shukhov solved the problem of
designing lightweight, efficient water towers by employing a hyberbolic,
steel, lattice shell. Owing to its lattice structure, the tower also
experiences minimum wind load.
Shukhov called it azhurnaia bashnia (“lace tower”/”lattice tower”). The
system was patented in 1899, and over the next 20 years he designed
and built nearly 200 of these towers, no two exactly alike, with heights
ranging between 40 and 225 feet.

1 Wells, M., Engineers: A History of Engineering and Structural Design, Oxford:

Routledge, 2010, p. 130

The world’s first double-curvature (diagonally framed) steel gridshell,
shown during construction. The roofs of these pavilions were formed
entirely of a lattice of straight angle iron and flat iron bars

The world’s first steel, tensile enclosure—the Elliptical Pavilion of the All-
Russia Exhibition, during construction in 1895

The Hyperboloid Water Tower —the world’s first steel, lattice, shell
structure, completed in 1896

Drawing of the “gittermast”

Interior view of the mast looking up

View of the completed mast


Tetrahedral Tower

Structural description
Octet truss spaceframe tower

Beinn Bhreagh, Nova Scotia, Canada

Completion date


Plan dimensions
Triangle with 6ft sides

Dr. Alexander Graham Bell (1847–1922)

Frederick Baldwin

Alexander Graham Bell discovered the octet truss while conducting

research on flying machines.
Bell wanted to develop a kite that would be large enough to carry a
man. In the same way that, in the second half of the century, the geodesic
dome would solve Buckminster Fuller’s problem of enclosing the
maximum amount of space with the lightest structure, the tetrahedron
enabled Bell to increase the size of a kite without increasing its weight.
His first innovation was to remove a face from the standard box kite,
producing a triangular section—lighter, more rigid, and less prone to
torsion under wind load. He went on to combine several small triangular
kites, thus increasing the surface area with little increase in weight, until
eventually settling on the tetrahedron, one of nature’s most stable
Bell appreciated that the kite structure might be applicable to ground-
based, lightweight metal frames, and his experiments with tetrahedral
cells culminated in the construction of an observation tower at Beinn
Bhreagh, his summer estate near Baddeck, Nova Scotia.
Bell assigned the engineer Frederick Baldwin the job of building the
tower, each “cell” of which was composed of six 4-foot-long pieces of ⅝-
inch diameter ordinary galvanized iron pipe and four connecting nuts.

Each cell could support 4,000 pounds without stress. On completion in
September 1907, the tower stood nearly 82 feet high.
The octet truss is now a common, standard component, used in many
construction applications and seen every day in cranes throughout the
Dr. Bell said of his own, inventive ability to apply discoveries made in
one field to another: “We are all too much inclined, I think, to walk through
life with our eyes shut. There are things all round us and right at our very
feet that we have never seen, because we have never really looked.” 1

1 Carson, M. K., Alexander Graham Bell: Giving Voice to the World, New York:
Sterling, 2007, p. 118

Bell’s design for a multicelled, tetrahedral kite

Observation tower at Beinn Bhreagh, constructed using unskilled labor
and sited deliberately so as to be subjected to high wind loads

Magazzini Generali Warehouse

Structural description
Reinforced-concrete, gabled, constant-force truss-supported roof

Plan dimensions
110ft wide x 80ft long

Robert Maillart (1872–1940)

Chiasso, Switzerland

Completion date

The truss takes up a plantlike form, reminiscent of certain

structural forms of the “art nouveau” period such as in ... the
buildings of the Catalan, Antoni Gaudí.1
Max Bill

Built at the beginning of the twentieth century, this remarkable structure is

still in use as a bonded warehouse for temporary storage of goods in
transit at the Swiss/Italian industrial border town of Chiasso. It is an
excellent example of a self-illustrating structural idea realized in in situ
reinforced concrete. The most visually striking elements are the concrete
trusses, which are cast in conjunction with the gabled roof slab. The thin
roof slab acts to reinforce the compressive top chord of trusses that are
supported by split “treelike” columns with cantilevered arms. The resultant
form, given the dimensional constraints and a gabled cross-section for
snow load, is an almost perfectly built diagram of evenly distributed
internal forces.
The structure consists of six reinforced concrete trusses creating a
clear span between structural supports of 80 feet. An additional covering
13 feet either side is created by a cantilevered edge, creating an overall
covered width of 120 feet. The unique design means that all chords in the
trusses are of the same cross-sectional dimension with the connecting
elements between the top and bottom chord placed vertically, similar to a
Vierendeel truss. In addition, the six trusses are also longitudinally
connected by four linear elements to prevent buckling. The most formally
complex elements of the structure are the 12 column supports, which
bifurcate at the top with the major structural support pulled in on each
side to pick up the truss, and with a smaller arm extending to the edge of
the gable. These geometrically complex columns (T-shaped in section)
are additionally shaped to reflect specific structural and functional
requirements, including an enlarged, protected base for this storage

depot and a longitudinal arched diaphragm wall where the column meets
the truss, providing structural stiffening and an even load distribution.
In a paper for the Society for the History of Technology, authors Mark,
Chiu, and Abel2 undertook a structural analysis of this unique building.
Using numerical and photoelastic methods, they confirmed that its
sculpted form is in fact more structurally expedient than is suggested by
its carefully crafted appearance, wherein, as Max Bill stated in his
monograph on Maillart, “The form follows the flow of forces.” The results
of their analysis showed “almost uniform force levels” in the upper and
lower truss chords, showing that the form is derived from, or at least
closely replicates, the moment diagram.

1 Cross-section drawing of Maillart’s unique roof design

2 Main view of Chiasso “shed” interior

3 Detail of cast column support at the roof edge

4 Detail of column and hanging truss connection

5 Diagram of the structural logic and development of the roof form: A
shows a simply supported beam B shows the bending moment of that
beam C shows the reversal of that moment diagram D is a diagram of
Maillart’s ultimate structural resolution of the Chiasso “shed”

Analysis also showed that the monolithic construction, working in

conjunction with the geometry of the cross-section and the designed
connections, allows the roof to function as a type of “stressed skin”
structure. In conclusion, the analysis clearly confirms that the structural
logic is successful and an even distribution of internal forces is achieved
alongside specific programmatic and site requirements, specifically its
industrial use and issues of snow loads.
Maillart’s work with concrete was influential on the work of architects
and engineers like Pier Luigi Nervi, who includes the Chiasso warehouse
and shed in his book Structures, in the chapter “Understanding Structures
Intuitively.” The adjacent warehouse is also structurally interesting as an

early example of flat-slab construction, wherein Maillart replaced beams
in the structure with specially designed columns and column capitals
designed to provide the necessary structural stiffness and axial support.

1 Bill, M., Robert Maillart: Bridges and Constructions, London: Pall Mall Press,
1969, p. 171
2 Mark, R., Chiu, J. K., and Abel, J. F., “Stress Analysis of Historic Structures:
Maillart’s Warehouse at Chiasso” in Technology and Culture, Vol. 15, No. 1 (Jan.
1974), pp. 49–63

Zarzuela Hippodrome

Structural description
Doubly curved reinforced concrete shell structures

Madrid, Spain

Completion date

Eduardo Torroja (1899–1961)

Eduardo Torroja, the Spanish engineer, was born in 1899 into a family of
mathematicians, engineers, and physicists. He was the founder of the
International Association for Shell Structures (IASS) and, at its peak in
the 1930s, Eduardo Torroja’s Engineering Bureau was producing many
innovative designs and experimental construction techniques, including
early developments in prestressing concrete.
In 1959, at a time when shell structures were frequently used all over
the world to roof buildings such as sports and exhibition halls, industrial
plants, silos, and cooling towers, Torroja organized and convened an
International Colloquium in Madrid. During this colloquium, Torroja
proposed the founding of the IASS.
Torroja is quoted as saying: “…far more than the technical results, I
value the experience in its human, social, and professional dimension …
to create organizations where the different professions, the upper and
lower echelons, could work together in perfect harmony; where everyone
has grown accustomed to living a life on the highest rung of humanity,

where courtesy, mutual respect, and support, and maximum personal
dignity reign.” 1

1 Schaeffer, R. E., Eduardo Torroja: Works and Projects; book reviewed by Pilar
Chías Navarro and Tomás Abad Balboa in Journal of the International Association
for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), Vol. 47, No. 3, December, 2006, p. 152

Section through the roof

Aerial view showing the double-curved roof under construction

The roof of the grandstand at the Zarzuela racecourse cantilevers some


Crown Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)

Structural description
Steel portal frame with cantilevered ends

Chicago, USA

Completion date

Plan dimensions
220ft long x 120ft wide


Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969)

Where technology attains its true fulfilment, it transcends into

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

One of Mies van der Rohe’s most celebrated works, Crown Hall remains
an elegant and concisely engineered structure well over 50 years after its
completion. Built as part of a 120-acre campus entirely designed by Mies
in the Bronzeville neighborhood of Chicago, Crown Hall remains the
centerpiece of this remarkable architectural park, which is still the main
IIT campus out of five that the institute has in the city. Crown Hall was
designed to house the faculty of architecture and town planning (a very
deliberate, proximate relationship), and Mies had a particular interest in
this project as he directed the architecture program at IIT from 1938 until
1958. The building is arranged over two levels and uses a planning
module of 10 feet. To enter, you ascend 6 feet on travertine stone steps
and enter the clear-span space of the main “studio” floor, a single-volume
space 220 feet long, 120 feet wide, and 18 feet between terrazzo floor
and white-painted acoustic ceiling. Two stairs to the lower floor—leading
to additional lecture, teaching, and library spaces—punctuate the largely
unobstructed ground-floor level. The main floor also contains low,
freestanding oak-clad partitions and two nonstructural, slim service risers,
which are the only floor-to-ceiling elements.
While there are no gratuitous structural gymnastics, Mies cleverly
reverses a typical beam-and-roof arrangement and sets the four main
structural beams at 60-foot centers across the outside of the roof,
supported by eight external columns, forming welded portal frames made
from hot-rolled steel sections. This structural arrangement maintains a
perfectly clear space and smooth uninterrupted soffit. The nature of the
fabricated steel construction also creates usefully rigid connections and
obviates the need for any visible cross-bracing. The roof projects 20 feet
beyond the main steel frames at each end, enhancing the effect of its
underside as a kind of floating plane. This steel-framed prism is glazed on
all sides with sandblasted (translucent) glazing to the lower panels. The
building was renovated in 2005 by Kreuck & Sexton Architects, who
undertook a thorough and fastidious job that involved an entire reglazing,

sandblasting the steelwork and repainting in an appropriate “Mies Black”
that did not contain lead and will not fade in sunlight.

1 Main entrance to Crown Hall, with two of the four fabricated plated

2 Rear entrance to Crown Hall

3 Axonometric illustration showing the structural assembly

4 Detail of column support and plate-steel support beam, which
incorporates an access ladder of square-section steel welded to the
column flanges

5 Corner detail, showing level sandblasted glass at lower

The steelwork for Crown Hall is a mixture of standard hot-rolled column

and angle sections, and specially fabricated steel components. Eight
larger columns at 60-foot centers support the four custom-fabricated plate
girders, which are 6 feet high. Intermediate, smaller H-section columns
are located at 10-foot centers and delineate the glazing regime. With all
structural elements visible and clearly expressed, and featuring
impeccable detailed design, Crown Hall is still an exemplary model of
well-worked structural logic, elegant material composition, and forthright
utility. Mies had also used the “exterior structure” logic found at Crown
Hall in his National Theater, Mannheim competition entry of 1953,

although for this much larger structure, 525 feet long and 262 feet wide,
he had proposed to replace the solid steel of the plate girders with an
open steel lattice truss. Mies executed many projects in Chicago, but
alongside his Lakeshore Drive apartments, the newly restored Crown Hall
remains one of his most potent and enduring works.

1 Blaser, W., Mies van der Rohe, London: Thames and Hudson, 1972, p. 80

Los Manantiales Restaurant

Structural description
Reinforced-concrete hyperbolic shell

Xochimilco, Mexico City, Mexico

Completion date

Félix Candela (1910–1997)

Fernando Alvarez Ordóñez, Joaquin Alvarez Ordóñez

It may be said there are two basic criteria for a proper shell: the
shell must be stable and of a shape which permits an easy way to
work. It should be as symmetrical as possible because this
simplifies its behavior. Either interior groins (as in the restaurant
in Xochimilco) or exterior edges should be able to send loads to
points of support, or else there should be a continuous support
along certain edges. 1
Félix Candela

Candela collaborated with Colin Faber on the general form of the

restaurant. The form of the shell is a “groined” vault, made up from four
intersecting hyperbolic parabolas with curved edges free of any edge
stiffeners so as to reveal the thinness of the shell. The groins are the
valleys in the shell, formed at the convergence of the intersecting
hyperbolic parabolas.

Candela stiffened the groins using V-section beams. These V-beams
are reinforced with steel, while the rest of the shell has only nominal
reinforcing to resist local cracking. For the foundations, Candela
anchored the V-beams into footings shaped like inverted umbrellas to
keep the shell from sinking into the soft soil. The footings were then
linked with steel tie bars to resist lateral thrusts from the shell.
Hyperbolic parabolas may also be understood as ruled surfaces. That
is to say, their three-dimensional geometry can be generated by series of
straight lines. The form boards for construction followed the path of these
straight-line generators. Once the reinforcing steel mesh had been laid on
them, the concrete was poured by hand, one bucket at a time.

1 Faber, C., Candela: The Shell Builder, New York: Reinhold Publishing Corp.,
1963, p. 199


Section and elevation

The buildling during construction

The building today

Concrete Shell Structures, England

Structural description
Concrete shell structures

Markham Moor and Ermine, Lincolnshire, England

Completion dates

Sam Scorer (1923–2003)

Sam Scorer was a prolific architect, and in addition to his pioneering work
on shell structures he carried out much buildingconservation work
including major restoration on Lincoln Cathedral in the UK. He was
chairman of his local planning committee, produced Architecture East

Midlands magazine in the mid-1960s, and was a Fellow of the Royal
Society of Arts.
As a talented painter in his own right, and in giving vent to his artistic
frustrations, Scorer came up with radical designs for hyperbolic-
paraboloid (doubly curved) roofs—most notably in a Lincoln church and
what is now a roadside restaurant on the A1 at Markham Moor.
The last-named was originally designed as a canopy over a gas
station, extending at one end from a long, low building housing an office
and kiosk over a row of pumps. A few years after its construction in the
late 1950s, a restaurant was built underneath the flying roof. Early in the
new millennium it was threatened with demolition to make way for a slip
road, but a campaign in 2005 granted it a reprieve.
Unlike the restaurant, the interior of St. John’s Church fully benefits
from having such a majestic roof—its saucer shape effectively eliminating
the need for columns, allowing a large interior space unencumbered by
structure. From the outset, Scorer was interested in how theology related
to the building, what the church stood for, how it worked, and how it
related to the community, the emphasis very strongly being one of a “tent
of meeting.” The font is at the lowest point of the church and the altar,
also designed by Scorer, at the highest—all presided over by a fine
stained-glass window designed by Keith New, who also designed
windows in the rebuilt Coventry Cathedral.
The pouring of the 3-inch-thick concrete roof at St. John’s had to be
done in one continuous operation, in very frosty conditions. Although
kerosene burners were employed to prevent freezing, hairline cracks
appeared on drying, requiring additional support for the concrete tie beam
beneath the floor, for which more concrete was added to the two pools of
water (that reflect the significance of baptism) at either end of it. The
outer surface of the roof was covered in fiberboard and super-purity
aluminum (since re-clad in a proprietary membrane in the late 1990s,
after damage). The formwork of the roof had such a fine appearance that
it was retained, producing a fine ceiling comprising a mass of timber slats.
The church was completed in 1962 and was listed in 1995.

Gas station canopy, Markham Moor

St. John’s Church

Diagram of the hyperbolic-paraboloid roof structure

Copy of one of Sam Scorer’s sketches for the church bell tower

St. John’s Church

Geodesic Domes

Structural description
Geodesic dome structures

System designer

Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983)

…world engineering not only was surprised by the geodesic

behavior but clearly stated that it was unable to explain or predict
the unprecedented performance per pound efficacy of the
geodesic structures by any of the academically known principles
of analysis. 1
Richard Buckminster Fuller

When discussing the work of Richard Buckminster Fuller (also referred to

as “Bucky”), it is difficult to do so without mentioning his larger theoretical
and philosophical project for what he called “Spaceship Earth.” This
project, which lasted the duration of his professional life, encompassed a
highly tuned, environmental, “humane” consciousness and interests that
were to include energy, transportation, and servicing systems with special
attention given to that most fundamental of human needs, shelter. As an
ex-US Navy man, Fuller recognized the logistical and operational
excellence of this highly resourced organization, if not its sociopolitical
raison d’être. Buckminster Fuller declared that the designer must concern
himself with “Livingry” not weaponry, and so began his lifelong
experiment “of what one man can do,” which was to embrace art,
architecture, engineering, and poetry. As well as being a highly skilled
and articulate strategist, Fuller also interested himself in what he
described as the artifacts of his ideas, which in themselves are highly
original. These inventions include several patented structural systems,
most notably the geodesic dome, which latterly became synonymous with
Fuller. It is worth noting that while geodesic geometry and geodesic
domes are an end (or artifact) in themselves, they are also closely related
to Fuller’s social and technological mapping of the world, with the
mathematics of geodesy crucial to establishing networks of food
distribution, energy systems, freshwater supply, and shelter. As his long-
time collaborator Shoji Sadao recently noted, “For Bucky, the problem of
transferring the planet’s spherical form on to a two-dimensional piece of
paper had not been resolved satisfactorily.” 2
The geodesic dome patented by Fuller in 1954 is known to be the most
structurally efficient of the domes derived from the icosahedron (a 20-
sided polyhedron). In the patent application, Fuller described it as a
spherical mast, which evenly distributes tension and compression
throughout the structure. The form combines the structural advantages of
the sphere (which encloses the most space within the least surface, and
is strongest against internal pressure) with those of the tetrahedron
(which encloses the least space with the most surface and has the
greatest stiffness against external pressure). A geodesic structure
distributes loads evenly across its surface and, as with a spaceframe, is

efficient to construct, as it is composed entirely of small elements. The
geodesic dome is the product of a geometry based on the shortest line
between two points on a mathematically defined surface; it takes its name
from the science of geodesy— measuring the size and shape of the
Earth. It consists of a grid of polygons that is the result of the geodesic
lines intersecting. The number of times that you subdivide one of the
triangular icosahedra faces is described as the “frequency”; the higher the
frequency, the more triangles there are, and the stronger the dome will
be. The scalability of the geodesic dome is interesting, with Fuller pointing
out that “… every time a geodesic dome’s diameter is doubled, it has
eight times as many contained molecules of atmosphere but only four
times as much enclosing shell…”3 This realization led to Fuller’s proposal
in 1950 to enclose the whole of midtown Manhattan in a 2-mile-diameter
geodesic dome, whose enclosure would have weighed significantly less
than the volume of air contained within and whose structure would be
largely rendered invisible because of physical proximity and our relative
visual acuity.

Figure 1 from Fuller’s US Patent 3,197,927, in which he describes
different geodesic structural configurations based on the “great circle”
subdivision of a sphere
Fuller and his consultancy companies, Synergetics and Geodesics Inc.,
produced many structural types of geodesic enclosure, working in
collaboration with other architects and engineers. Fuller also licensed his
technology, which comprised the patented geometric configuration and
various connection details. Domes were fabricated from a wide range of
materials, which included cardboard, plywood sheets, sheet steel, and
fiber-reinforced plastics. Four key domes and dome types are described
overleaf. They utilize different materials and fabrication processes but are
all derived from Fuller’s geodesic geometry.

1 Krausse, J., and Lichtenstein, C., Your Private Sky: R. Buckminster Fuller,
Zürich, Lars Müller Publishers, 2001, p. 229
2 Sadao, S., A Brief History of Geodesic Domes, Buckminster Fuller 1895–1983,
Madrid: AV Monographs 143, 2010, p. 87
3 Fuller, R. B., Critical Path, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1981, p. 209

The Climatron, St. Louis, Missouri, 1960

Murphy and Mackey Architects

Plan dimensions
175ft diameter


This climate-controlled enclosure has recently celebrated its 50-year

anniversary as a tropical and subtropical greenhouse at the Missouri
Botanical Garden. The clients had wanted a large space without any
internal walls or supports, which led them to Fuller’s new technology. The
structure is a quartersphere dome fabricated from tubular aluminum
sections, acting in compression, which are bolted to cast connector joints
(or nodes) with tensile forces carried through interconnected aluminum
rods. The structure is held aloft on a series of structural-steel articulated
columns. The Climatron was originally clad in acrylic plexiglas panels,
which were replaced with glass and an additional support frame in the
1990 refurbishment.

Recent photograph of the restored Climatron dome

Detail of the Climatron’s aluminum structural frame. Note the
reciprocating tension rods

Wood River Dome, Wood River, Illinois, 1960

R. Buckminster Fuller with Synergetics Inc (James Fitzgibbon and Pete

Plan dimensions

385ft diameter


This dome is the less-celebrated near relation of The Union Tank Car
Building in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which was demolished in 2008.
When the Baton Rouge dome was constructed in 1958, it was the world’s
largest clear span—a record that it held for 11 years. The Wood River
dome is an almost identical construction, albeit with a less elaborate
interior. Both structures are geodesic exoskeletons of welded tubular
steel, fixed to a folded 7⁄64-inch (12-gauge) welded sheet-steel skin, which
acts in tension as well as providing the environmental envelope. The
Wood River dome was built from the top down, with the structure
gradually raised pneumatically with a huge air-inflated fabric bag. The
building remains in use for the servicing of railcars.

Recent picture of the Wood River dome

Detail of the Wood River dome showing the sheet-steel structural skin
and tubular-steel exoskeleton

Geodestic (Fly’s Eye) Dome, Snowmass, Colorado, 1965

R. Buckminster Fuller

Plan dimensions
26ft diameter


In 1965, Fuller was granted a patent on his Monohex-Geodestic

structures, which he also called the Fly’s Eye Dome. While still based on
his geodesic geometry, he utilized the configuration of pentagons and
hexagons that we recognize as a simple football. Fuller then created
holes (the “eyes”) in the pentagons and hexagons, leaving a triangular-
shaped component to connect them. Combined with this geometric
development, Fuller also used the plastic properties of Glass Reinforced
Plastic (GRP) to create an additional upstand around the openings. This
compound (or double) curvature creates a very strong construction

A 26-foot diameter Fly’s Eye Dome, made from 50 GRP panels, which
are bolted together using 2,000 stainless-steel bolts

The USA Pavilion, Montreal, Canada, 1967

R. Buckminster Fuller, Shoji Sadao

Plan dimensions
250ft diameter


The pavilion was constructed for the Montreal Expo of 1967, and
consisted of a three-quarter sphere, geodesic, double-layered, tubular-
steel space grid. Fuller’s geodesic dome was originally weathered using
1,900 molded acrylic panels, which incorporated six triangular sun blinds
within each six-sided panel, and were automatically opened or closed in
response to the movement of the sun in relation to the structure. This
remarkable structure still exists as an ecological museum overlooking the
city of Montreal. Interestingly, if you look for the equator (or the horizontal
half-point) of the dome you will see that the horizontals below (toward the
ground) are parallel and of decreasing circumference, whereas the
structural geometry above the equator is purely geodesic.

Recent composite photograph of the Montreal dome

Detail of the Montreal dome showing welded-steel tubular framework

Palazzo del Lavoro (Palace of Labor)

Structural description
Reinforced-concrete and steel cantilevered canopies


Turin, Italy

Completion date

Floor area
485,000ft2 (270,000ft2 on the ground floor)

Height of canopies

Pier Luigi Nervi (1891–1979) and Antonio Nervi

Nervi & Bartoli

Pier Luigi Nervi was one of the great architect/engineer/builders of the

latter part of the twentieth century. He worked as a structural engineer
and designer on some remarkable collaborations, such as Giò Ponti’s
Pirelli Tower (Turin 1955–6) and with Marcel Breuer on the UNESCO
Headquarters (Paris, 1955–8). It is, however, his singleauthored works or
collaborations with his son Antonio that remain his most distinct
contributions to the field of architecture and construction. The Palazzo del
Lavoro is one such project; it is particularly notable for the speed of its
construction, which provided 485,000 square feet of exhibition space in
little over 11 months. The unusual structural design, comprising 16
independent column/ canopies, was employed in order that finishing work
could run concurrently with structural work—a criterion that would have
proved problematic with a single roof structure.
Each roof structure, or “mushroom” canopy, measures 130 feet square
and 65 feet high. The mushroom support columns are cast in six vertical
sections, with the steel formwork for each section subdivided into four
reusable molds that were bolted together. The casting of each column
lasted ten days. The horizontal joint lines are clearly detailed as a
recessed shadow gap. The geometric form of each column transforms
from a 16-foot-wide cruciform at the base, to a circular profile at the top,
with an 8-foot diameter. The surface finish of the columns is further
articulated by the close vertical board markings of the inside of the
formwork mold. Originally the mushroom canopy structures were
conceived in concrete, but for speed of construction the canopy elements
were prefabricated off-site as a series of 20 tapered steel fins radially
arrayed around a central hub, which is bolted to the concrete column
head. A gap of 6½ feet is left between each structural canopy and a
glazed element introduced in order to provide rooflights— with the

external glazed envelope created by “Jean Prouvé type” folded-steel
mullions, which are held on hinged connections to allow for thermal
expansion. In addition to the main internal exhibition floor, a mezzanine
level wraps around three sides, independently supported by a separate
column grid and with an in situ cast slab featuring Nervi’s innovative
“isostatic” rib geometries.
Nervi, writing in his book Structures, explains that his employee, Aldo
Arcangeli, had suggested that the ribs of a concrete slab should follow
the lines of a structure’s principal bending moments. These isostatic lines
were made visible in the technology, relatively new for the period, of
photoelastic modeling, wherein the stress patterns of a clear substrate
are made visible through polarized light. By constructing a scale model of
a structure in a clear epoxy, Nervi began to create a new development of
the surface geometry and structural behavior of a concrete floor slab. He
first employed this new technique in the Gatti Wool Mill in Rome (1951),
where 16 curved ribs connect back to each column head in a repeated
pattern, which is beautifully reproduced using reusable ferrocement
formwork—another technological development pioneered by Nervi.
However, structural engineer Matthew Wells, writing in Engineers: A
History of Engineering and Structural Design, is broadly dismissive of
these “isostatic” lines as meaningless and paradoxical, in that by
reflecting structural action in built form you thus affect the structural action
that you had originally modeled. Given Nervi’s role as a designer these
observations seem petty, as structural optimization was perhaps only one
of many factors influencing the conception, engineering and construction
of his work. It is worth noting that Nervi was a builder as well as an
architect and engineer, and that it seems unlikely that without his direct
involvement—and that of his builder cousin, John Bartoli—he would have
been able to produce such structurally and architecturally ambitious
Pier Luigi Nervi also made a considerable contribution to the
construction industry through new production processes, including
prefabrication and material innovations such as ferrocement, which was
developed and patented by Nervi and Bartoli as a new construction
material. Ferrocement consisted of the use of a strong cementitious
mortar mix, built up over densely packed fine metal-mesh reinforcement.
Originally pioneering it for shipbuilding in the 1940s, Nervi was
determined to develop a reinforced-concrete technology that could
dispense with labor-intensive timber formwork for complex geometric
forms and that simultaneously optimized the structural performance of the
material, creating what Claudio Greco calls “a more homogenous and
efficient composite.”1 Working in conjunction with Professor Oberti at the
Politecnico of Milan, Nervi’s tests on the ferrocement revealed a
considerable improvement of the tensile strength of the material in

comparison with ordinary reinforced concrete and its relatively crude
distribution of tensile steel reinforcement. The fabrication process of
Nervi’s ferrocement also meant that expensive and complex timber
formwork could be largely dispensed with, as the fine steel meshes,
densely layered into a fibrous matrix, could hold their shape while a
cement mortar is hand-applied with trowels. Ferrocement was used for
the highly detailed, reusable “isostatic” formwork molds and in its own
right as a thin, cementitious panel. Notable ferrocement projects include
the prototype Nervi- and Bartoli-designed storage building, Magliana
(Rome, 1945), fabricated in undulating panels of 1.2-inch-thick
ferrocement; and the La Giuseppa motorboat, constructed in 1972 and
still seaworthy almost 40 years later. Nervi and Bartoli’s skilled workforce
was also used in the prefabrication of building components. Using the
processes and techniques of the terrazzo and concrete industries, which
worked in both prefabrication and in situ cases, Nervi was able to control
quality, program, and cost. Interestingly, in the Palazzetto dello Sport
(Rome, 1957) he employed a combination of precast trapezoidal concrete
panels (variously sized, with protruding steel reinforcement) with in situ
concrete ribs cast between them, forming downstand beams to ensure a
structurally integral whole.

1 Greco, C., “The ‘Ferro-Cemento’ of Pier Luigi Nervi, The New Material and the
First Experimental Building” in Spatial Structures: Heritage, Present and Future,
proceedings of the IASS International symposium 1995, June 5–9, 1995, Milan:
S.G.E. Publishers, 1995, pp. 309–316

Reflected ceiling plan, showing the isostatic rib layout prototyped at the
Gatti Wool Mill, Rome (1951)

Recent interior view of the Palazzo del Lavoro, showing the independent
“mushroom” canopies

Detail of column form and the transition from a cruciform base to a
circular column head

Elevation of one of the 16 “mushroom” canopies

Detail of column head and radial steel fins

Detail of canopy soffit

Concrete Shell Structures, Switzerland

Structural description
Reinforced concrete shells

Wyss Garden Center/ Deitingen Süd Service Station/Brühl Sports Center
Solothurn, Switzerland

Completion date

System designer
Heinz Isler (1926–2009)

Willi Bösiger AG

Over a period of more than 40 years, Swissborn engineer Heinz Isler
created a unique body of work. His material was reinforced concrete, with
which he created a built encyclopedia of thin concrete-shell structures,
through a process of intuitive form finding coupled with modelmaking,
prototyping, and analytical tools of his own devising. His work is primarily
located in Switzerland, but the quality of the projects and his unique
working methods have extended his influence much farther afield.
What is striking when visiting Isler’s Swiss projects is how well
maintained they are— with the exception of the service-station roof at
Deitingen, which is structurally intact but with which its international oil
company tenant’s corporate identity does not chime. His factory buildings
and sports and garden centers are clearly coveted by their enlightened
owners, who recognize their interesting fusion of structural and material
efficiency with a highly expressive form. As self-illustrating structural
concepts, these delicately frozen membranes absolutely confirm the
structural integrity of specific geometric forms, material properties, gravity,
and scale.
Isler’s concrete roof shells can be crudely divided into three main types:
bubble shells, freeform shells, and inverted membrane shells. Bubble
shells were one of his first real structural innovations in the development
of large-span shells. Inspired by the geometry of a pillow, Isler developed
a test rig where he could inflate a rubber membrane to form a double-
curved synclastic “pillow” shape in pure tension, which logic suggested
would form a compression shell if inverted. Isler’s testing included coating
the inflated structure with plaster and then accurately measuring the
curvature of the surface, with his own measuring jig, a calibrated pointed
steel rod relocatable and capable of measuring to within a thousandth of
an inch in the x, y, and z dimensions. When challenged about the
consistency of this empirical approach to structural development and
testing, Isler described how the measured data would be plotted as a
series of two-dimensional curved profiles, with any inaccurate
measurements clearly showing. During structural modeling of the square-
plan bubble shells, Isler was surprised to find that the static load of the
structures was not evenly distributed to the four edges of the shell, but
that 90 percent of the total load was distributed to the four corners. This
discovery has subsequently seen the bubble shells employed for literally
hundreds of mostly industrial projects for large factory, warehouse, and
transport purposes. The shells typically range from 50- to 300-foot spans,
feature a circular opening at their apex for daylighting and ventilation, and
are clad with a fiber-reinforced plastic dome, also developed by Isler. In
profile, these structures feature an edge beam that doubles as a gutter
and has a span-to-depth ratio of 1:25; the circular openings are reinforced
by an upstand approximately 10 inches deep, although the main
structural shell is only 3 to 4 inches thick.

The other key Isler shell type that utilizes form-finding techniques is the
inverted membrane shell, where a hanging membrane or flexible grid is
hung from four corners, loaded and subjected to gravity. The resultant
tensile form is then made rigid and turned upside down to form a self-
supporting compressive structure. Isler used many modeling techniques
to create these forms, including fabric saturated in wet plaster or resin
that was then allowed to dry before inverting the surface to create a
prototype structure. Isler also discovered other useful structural devices in
the form-finding process—and that by hanging a fabric membrane from
four points set in from the corners, the free-hanging edge material forms
a beam or arch structure when rigidized and inverted. A key example of
the inverted membrane shell technique is the iconic Deitingen Süd
Service Station project, where two identical triangular (in plan) three-
point-supported shells, each 85 feet wide, span 105 feet with a pure
compressive steel-reinforced concrete shell of only 3½ inches thickness.
The relationship between the support points of such structures is
important to note, and to avoid hugely costly slab foundations the support
points are literally connected with prestressed tension ties.

A cross-section of the inverted membrane shell of Deitingen Süd Service
The third key type of Heinz Isler shell structure comprises what he calls
freeform shells. These are not derived from the form finding of inflation or
hanging-gravity catenary models—or by mathematics, such as the
“anticlastic,” or saddle-shaped, form of a hyperbolic paraboloid—but
through a graphic process of carefully interfaced radii and compound
curves. The garden center pavilion at Wyss is an early example of such a
structure, from 1962. With a span of 80 feet, a shell only 2¾ inches thick
is created, which has four support points. The original curtainwall glazing
for these buildings was hung from a series of slender prestressed
mullions. The free edges of the shell are turned up, to form a kind of
stiffened arch between supports and to direct rainwater to the corners.
The external surface of the Wyss shell was, and is, painted, whereas

most of Isler’s shells are not. This was primarily an aesthetic decision, but
also a recognition that this type of shell is not a purely compressive
structure and that where areas of tension occur local cracking might
appear, making the structure susceptible to rainwater. The building is
almost 50 years old, and although the glazing system has been
refurbished the shell remains in excellent condition.
The importance of continual modeling and testing was key to the
success of Isler’s projects, as was a highly skilled construction team. The
fabrication of a concrete shell requires a large amount of timber formwork
and attendant carpentry—a fact of which Isler was well aware. In order to
mitigate waste, he began to utilize woodwool panels as a permanent
formwork and interior finish, which was both thermally and acoustically
beneficial. He also designed reusable glued laminated (glulam) timber
formwork for products such as the bubble shells.
One of the key features of Isler’s work is that the process of design,
engineering, and construction of these shell structures is all under his
close control, and that only the process of modelmaking and prototyping
(sometimes at full scale) would have allowed the construction of these
unique projects. Surely the most elegant illustration of his ideas, and
certainly the most ephemeral, are the ice forms he constructed by
hanging fabric, which he then saturated with water before the Swiss
winter completed the process, forming delicate ice shells.

Wyss Garden Center shell, almost 50 years after its construction

Detail of Wyss shell, showing the cantilevered “folded” edges that
protrude at the central span by 11½ feet

Corner support detail, shaped to funnel rainwater

Panoramic view of Deitingen Süd Service Station, showing both shells

Roadside shell at Deitingen Süd

Solothurn Tennis Center, showing one bay of the repeated “hanging
membrane” type shell

Corner detail of Brühl Sports Center, Solothurn

Connection detail between two shells at Brühl Sports Center, Solothurn

Interior of Brühl Sports Center, Solothurn, with central openable rooflight
Structural description

Jefferson National Expansion Monument (“Gateway

Structural description
Weighted stressed-skin catenary arch

St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Completion date

Plan dimensions
630ft between legs at ground level


Eero Saarinen (1910–1961) (Eero Saarinen and Associates)


Hannskarl Bandel (Severud-Perrone-Sturm-Bandel)

Fabrication and construction

Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company

Although the first Jefferson Memorial design of 1948 was of partly

subjective inspiration, it was also a stroke of rational structural
functionalism: a catenary arch which, geometrically, was as
predictable as a circle.1
Allan Temko

Upon his victory in the international design competition in 1947, the

winning notification letter was famously sent not to Eero Saarinen but his
father, the other “E” Saarinen: highly acclaimed architect, Eliel. Once this
mix-up was resolved, Eero set about assembling a team to design and
engineer this monument to the westward expansion of the United States.
The structural engineering consultancy of Severud-Perrone-Sturm-Bandel
was chosen, and a principal of this office, Dr. Hannskarl Bandel, began to
work together with Saarinen to develop the project. Bandel is credited
with helping Saarinen achieve the desired geometry of the arch. In a
brilliant account of the engineering and construction process, a former
colleague of Bandel’s, Nils D. Olssen,2 explains how Saarinen’s desire to
utilize a hanging-chain “catenary” curve was transformed when Bandel
modeled a catenary curve from differently sized and weighted links, which
altered the profile to Saarinen’s desired shape. This early modeling
seems to have proved extremely useful in developing an equilateral
triangular, prismatic cross-section of tapering size, with a flat edge to the
back of each leg. At ground level, the legs stand 630 feet apart, which
matches the arch’s visible (above-ground) height. The arch’s external
cross-section varies from 54 feet at the base to 17 feet at the apex. As a
structural work, the monument is not only challenging in its geometry but
also in its material construction, assembly, and structural type. The
structure consists of a double skin of steel held together with internal ribs,
which forms a type of stressed skin or semi-monocoque structure and
dispenses with any separate structural frame—so this is not a steel-clad
structural framework; here, the cladding is also the structure. The outer
skin was fabricated in 1⁄4-inch cutlery-grade type 304 stainless-steel sheet
and the inner skin is ⅜-inch carbon-steel sheet. The two arch legs were
constructed simultaneously from 142 prefabricated sections. On-site
cranes of up to 72 feet in height lifted these segments, after which
operation specially designed climbing cranes, mounted to the back of the
arch legs, would lift each segment into place. Each section was welded
together, with no little skill involved in such long, fully welded seams,
which cause local distortion owing to heat. As the construction

proceeded, the cantilever of each leg steadily increased, and at 530 feet
high a 255-foot stabilizing truss was raised using the climbing cranes and
fixed until the arch was complete. The final two “keystone” segments
were designed to be fixed into place very early in the morning when the
temperature of the structure was stable. However, when news of this
momentous occasion got out, the mayor requested a daylight operation
so that it could be recorded for posterity. When sun hit the structure,
differential movement in the legs prevented the final connection—a
dilemma that was only solved by the attendance of the local fire service,
who cooled the back of the arches with sprayed water that caused each
leg to slowly rise to the correct position.
Interestingly, the void between the inner and outer steel skins of the
arch was filled with concrete up to a height of 300 feet and reinforced with
steel tendons; above this level, steel stiffeners were employed. This
concrete mass is used to prevent sway and ensure that the thrust line is
straight down into the 60-foot-deep foundations, rather than forcing the
legs outward. The concrete also helps to resist buckling, a technique that
was utilized in the very slender, rakishly angled columns of Will Alsop’s
Peckham Library (London, 2000), which were pumped with concrete after
they were positioned. In pictures, the Jefferson Memorial is an impressive
piece of processed steel. However, what may not be immediately obvious
is that this is a visitor “experience” and, in the best tradition of such
edifices—including Eiffel’s eponymous tower, the Statue of Liberty (Eiffel-
engineered), and London’s Great Fire “Monument”—this is a building for
ascending. In what Bandel told Olssen was the real engineering triumph
of this project, not-quite-vertical transportational devices take you up to a
prismatic interior of seemingly doll’s-house proportions, from the windows
of which you can view eastward to the mighty Mississippi River and
westward to St. Louis and beyond. From ground level, you would be
hard-pressed to even see these lookout windows. A unique tram system,
devised by lift specialist Dick Bowser and comprising five-person
pressed-steel capsules on a “paternoster” type loop, takes you from the
underground museum (buried in the slab) to the summit. The arch legs
also contain a service lift and emergency-escape stairs.

1 Temko, A., Eero Saarinen, New York: George Braziller Inc., 1962, p. 42
2 Olssen, N. D., “Jefferson National Expansion Memorial (The Saint Louis Arch)” in
Spans (The Quarterly Newsletter of Inspired Bridge Technologies), third edition,
July 2003, pp. 1–3

St. Louis Arch photographed at night

View of the stainless-steel arch from ground level, which shows the
tapering triangular cross-section. Note the panel lines, indicating the
sheet-steel construction

An illustration from CADenary tool v2, a virtual catenary modeling
program that has been developed by Dr. Axel Kilian

Maxi/Mini/Midi Systems

Structural description
Steel column-and-truss structures


Completion date
Various (1962–2000)

Plan dimensions

Architect and system designer
Fritz Haller (b. 1924)

The Swiss autodidact architect Fritz Haller has produced three notable
steel construction systems, but curiously is still better known for the
system furniture he designed for USM. These structural systems, some
dating back to the early 1960s, have proved highly effective as flexible
and adaptable “open” systems, and are also quietly structurally
Haller’s three distinct steel building systems are: the Maxi system, for
single-story large-span structures; the Midi, for multistory, medium-span,
and densely serviced structures; and his Mini system for one- or two-story
small-span structures. The USM factory in Münsingen utilizes the Maxi
system, but the whole facility has been an ongoing project between USM
and Haller, which has seen seven phases of construction and expansion
between 1962 and 2000. The Maxi system (1963) is the most universal
and deliberately open-ended: based upon a 47-foot grid, columns are
fabricated from four outward-facing rolled-steel-angle sections connected
at a distance by steel flats. Large open trusses, also fabricated from
standard steel-angle sections, sit within the open cruciform column heads
to complete the structure. The system is designed to be reconfigurable
and easily demountable, and a concise palette of roofing finishes and
cladding systems— opaque, glazed, fixed, and openable— completes the
building envelope. The column configuration is of particular structural
interest, as lateral stability is cleverly absorbed in moment connections
and carefully disaggregated columns, which can incorporate vertical
servicing where required, while visually the effect is curiously more
transparent than might be expected. The column size in the Maxi system
is consistent from edge to internal supports (despite different loading
conditions) in order to maintain maximum flexibility for future expansion or
reconfiguration of these primarily industrial buildings.
Haller’s second system was the Mini system (1968), which has been
utilized for private residences, small school classes, and pavilions.
Designed for one- and two-story structures with spans of 20–24 feet, this
system uses a mixture of components including steel Square Hollow
Sections (SHS) and custom-folded plate-steel elements. Parallels could
be made with the work of Jean Prouvé, whom Haller knew, particularly in
the use of break-press formed components, which were relatively
lightweight in relation to the hot-rolled sections of the Maxi system and
were specifically designed for ease of assembly, structural performance
and utility. The folded-steel column/mullions (designed to resist shear
stresses) work in both the linear condition of a supporting wall and the
corner condition, cleverly turning a corner by virtue of their unique profile.
Beams are formed from thin folded plate steel and castellated for reduced

weight and service runs; the beams also incorporate additional triangular-
shaped “tabs” folded from the flange, to support or fix a soffit or ceiling
surface to. The Midi system (1976) is arguably the most sophisticated of
Haller’s architectural “products,” and combines the use of foldedplate and
pressed-metal components and the utility of regular hot-rolled steel
sections. Designed with a planning module of 8 feet, this is the most open
system and can be used for structures of several stories. Grid
configurations of 31½ x 31½ feet, 47 x 31½ feet, and 24 x 24 feet, or a
mix of these, are possible, with columns relocatable anywhere on that
grid. A doubling up of the top and bottom chords and vertical bracing
forms a unique truss design. The truss is then stiffened with a specially
fabricated foldedand-pressed steel component, which connects all four
steel-angle truss chords, thus creating a strong lateral connection that
also acts to resist torsional forces. The Midi system has been used for
schools, offices, and other commercial buildings and represents a higher
order of geometric and dimensional coordination, providing for services
distribution and maintenance, supports and locations for multiple and
easily adapted internal partitioning, and simple connections for external
envelope and cladding systems. With legislative and regulatory changes
in thermal-performance requirements, both the Maxi and the Mini system
have thermal-bridge issues that would require design changes. However,
the Midi system is still being used for new projects in spite of Haller’s
retiring from practice, with new schemes coordinated by 2bm architekten.

Extract from a patent drawing of a variation of the Midi system, 1977

Interestingly, you will not enjoy any fetishized, large-scale cross-bracing
in a Haller project, as lateral stability is cleverly absorbed in moment
connections and the carefully disaggregated columns and beams. The
lack of visible cross-bracing allows the structural system to remain
sufficiently “open” as to allow major modification, extension, or
replacement without difficulty owing to lack of structural

USM factory: interior of factory showing administrative offices,
Münsingen, Switzerland

Detail of Maxi system column at building edge, USM factory, Münsingen,

SBB circular accommodation buildings, utilizing a radial version of the
Midi system, Löwenburg, Murten, Switzerland, 1982

Temporary school classroom using the Mini system, Solothurn,

Private residence using the Mini system, 1967, Solothurn, Switzerland

Tensegrity Structures

Structural description
Tubular aluminum and steel cable tensegrity tower structure

Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, Netherlands

Completion date


Plan dimensions
20ft x 20ft

Kenneth Snelson (b. 1927)

The ancient invention of weaving reveals in a direct way the basic

and universal properties of natural structure such as modularity,

left and right helical symmetry, and elementary structural
geometry … Weaving and tensegrity share the same grounding
principle of alternating helical directions; of left to right; of
bypasses clockwise and counterclockwise.1
Kenneth Snelson

Over the summers of 1948 and 1949, Kenneth Snelson was a student at
the unique educational experiment that was Black Mountain College,
North Carolina, USA, where staff included composer John Cage, dancer
and choreographer Merce Cunningham, painter Willem de Kooning, and
(most importantly for Snelson) polymath Richard Buckminster Fuller, for
whom Snelson began to make models for use in Fuller’s lectures. During
his time as a student, Snelson developed and formalized the structural
innovation of the tensegrity structure, or as Snelson prefers “continuous
tension, discontinuous compression structures,”2 whereby the
compression elements of a given structure do not touch each other,
insomuch as they are held in space by separate tension elements
(strings, wires, or cables). There was subsequently much disagreement
about the intellectual ownership of this engineering discovery, but both
Fuller and Snelson registered patents in relation to tensegrity structures,
with Fuller coining the word “tensegrity,” formed from tension and
integrity, as one of his composite designed nouns. “Tensegrity” was
included in The Oxford English Dictionary in 1985.
The structural interest in tensegrities is more than a vernacular
curiosity, as the discontinuity of tensile and compressive forces creates
tremendous structural integrity with an even more remarkable material
efficiency, most certainly doing more with less and presenting a very
useful model of what Snelson calls “forces made visible.” 3 Within the
worlds of architecture and construction, examples of tensegrity structures
are thus far relatively limited in number; although the deployment of
tensegrity for the Kurilpa Bridge in Brisbane, Australia is impressive, that
example may not be the most elegant exemplar of the structural
efficiencies integral to tensegrity. Kenneth Snelson has worked as a fine
artist since the 1950s and is, through his sculptural commissions and
maquettes, the preeminent communicator of the potential of the
tensegrity structure in all of its forms and configurations and at a number
of different scales. Notable works include Easy Landing (Baltimore, MD,
1977), which is a horizontal sculpture supported at three points and
cantilevered at each end; his Needle Tower sculptures I and II
(Washington and Otterlo, 1968 and 1971), which are tapering columns
made up of 24 progressively smaller (three compressive element)
modules; and his Rainbow Arch sculpture (private collection, 2001),
which creates a semicircular arch using similar three-component
modules. In his Needle Tower II, Snelson uses a repeated geometric

configuration of 24 four-strut tensegrities, but with each module
decreasingly scaled. The effect is to make the tower look even taller than
its considerable height of 100 feet. The modules at the top of the tower
more closely resemble Snelson’s smaller-scale structural sculptures,
whereas the base module uses building-construction sized elements,
none of which appear to have suffered any kind of weathering or fatigue
since their installation over 40 years ago.

Needle Tower II, Kröller-Müller Museum, 1969

Needle Tower II during annual cleaning, 2011

Two configurations of a simple three-strut tensegrity structure, where the
compressive struts (and thus the forces) are both connected and held
apart with tensile wires

If Snelson has extended structural possibilities through sculpture, then

Fuller’s thought experiment about the potential for such structures is
equally inspiring. Musing on the structural qualities of the rim-andspoke
bicycle wheel, it seemed to Fuller that this was perhaps the most

ubiquitous instance of “tensional integrity where tension was primary and
comprehensive and compression secondary and local.”4 Fuller saw the
possibility of applying the tensegrity principle at various scales, and posits
the idea of replacing the wheel’s compressive struts, or members, with
miniature tensegrity structures, and the struts within the miniature
tensegrity masts replaced by even smaller tensegrity masts, and so on
until you reach molecular-sized manipulations. “At this stage of local
miniaturization the inherent discontinuous-compression, tensional
integrity of the non-solid atomic structures themselves would coincide
with the overall structuring principle of the whole series of masts-within-
masts complex, thus eliminating any further requirements of the now
utterly obsolete conception of ‘solid’ anything.”5 The cell biologist and
founding director of the Wyss Institute, Don E. Ingber, has made the
connection between the tensegrity structures of Snelson and living cells,
and asserts: “An astoundingly wide variety of natural systems, including
carbon atoms, water molecules, proteins, viruses, cells, tissues, and even
humans and other living creatures are constructed using a common form
of architecture known as tensegrity.”6 Ingber summarizes the operational
characteristics of tensegrities thus: “Tensegrity structures are
mechanically stable not because of the strength of individual members,
but because of the way the entire structure distributes and balances
mechanical stresses.”7 And so, although this structural principle is a
rarely deployed commodity in the construction industry, its inherent
strength and potential lightness offer huge possibilities in the fields of
structural engineering, architecture, and beyond.

1 20.9.12)
2 Heartney, E., Kenneth Snelson: Forces Made Visible, Lennox, MA: Hard Press
Editions, 2009, p. 22
3 Op. cit., p. 9
4,5 Krausse J., and Lichtenstein C., Your Private Sky: R. Buckminster Fuller,
Zürich, Lars Müller Publishers, 2001, p. 232
6,7 Ingber, D. E., “The Architecture of Life” in Scientific American, January 1998,
pp. 48–57

Munich Olympic Stadium Roof

Structural description
Mast-supported cable net


Munich, Germany

Completion date

Roof area
371,000ft2 Height of tallest mast 260ft

Günter Behnisch (1922–2010) with Frei Otto (b. 1925)

Fritz Leonhardt, Jörg Schlaich, and Heinz Isler

Frei Otto not only considers the temporary nature of his

membrane structures desirable, but admits that his objections to
making architecture stem from his reluctance to fill the Earth’s
surface with lasting buildings. He hesitates to pursue a project
unless he is certain that its realization will be temporary enough
not to be in man’s way. This endorsement of obsolescence
contradicts the traditional view of architecture as a fulfilment of
man’s need for monuments. Yet, as vernacular buildings of all
periods prove, artistic value is not dependent on the durability of
a structure, nor on the amount of preciousness of its material. On
the other hand, temporariness does not mean improvisation, as is
evident from the amount of research invested in each lightweight
structure. 1
Ludwig Gläser

Given the above, it seems contradictory that this most celebrated work of
Frei Otto no longer belongs to the category of temporary or ephemeral
structures, having been designated as national protected monument in
2000. It may also be worth noting that Otto was not even involved in
Günter Behnisch’s winning competition entry of 1967, although its design
and technology were clearly influenced by Rolf Gutbrod and Otto’s
recently completed German Pavilion at the Montreal Expo in April 1967.
When the technical feasibility of the competition winner was subsequently
called into question, Frei Otto was contacted by Behnisch, and, working
with his Institute of Lightweight Structures (IL) in Stuttgart, Otto developed
the final form for the stadium roof.
This colossal roof structure consists of nine interconnected “anticlastic”
(or saddle-shaped), curved cable nets, which are supported by welded
tubular-steel masts up to 260 feet long and with a 11,200 kip load
capacity. The masts, which puncture the roof membrane, are positioned

behind the spectators at the rear of the west stand, and they support, or
“pick up,” the skin of the roof at two points with suspended cables. The
front edge of the roof is held taut by a continuous edge cable, pulled
across the structure and anchored to the north and south of the stadium.
The technical challenges of an innovative project like this were numerous
—not least coping with the massive tensile forces required to act on the
cable net, keeping it in place. The two biggest tensile loads at the front
edge, with pulls of up to 11,200 kip, were resisted by inclinedslot and
gravity-anchor foundations, which formed massive buried concrete
diaphragm walls using opposing geometry and mass to resist the tensile
forces. Elsewhere in the stadium, ground anchors were used to resist
tensile forces, a technology untried in Germany at that time. The cable-
net surfaces themselves were formed by a rectangular grid of paired
cables, of either 7⁄16 inch or 5⁄8 inch diameter. The grid dimension was 30
inches; however, Otto was not happy with this, arguing that a 20-inch grid
would be considerably safer during construction. The cables are fixed
together at intersections with aluminum clamps, which allow them to
rotate in relation to each other when pulled into the final configuration.
The edge cables and main support lines are all in 3⅛-inch-diameter steel
cable, with the front edge consisting of a bundle of these elements
clamped together in cast-steel “arms.” The cable net was eventually clad
in 310 foot x 10 foot x 3⁄16-inch-thick clear acrylic panels fixed by flexible
neoprene connectors at the cable-intersection nodes, with the joints
between the panels sealed by a neoprene strip clamped to the panel
edges. The weathering strips are, curiously, one of the most visible
delineations of the structural form, although they are nonstructural. The
original design had investigated cladding the cable net in a PVC
membrane, timber sheathing, or even thin precast concrete panels. Otto
has subsequently constructed cable-net structures that are entirely clad in

Diagram of two bays of the Munich Olympic stadium roof showing how
the anticlastic roof surface is created with a mast-supported cable net
pulled down to ground at the back with the free edge supported by a
longitudinal tensile cable
Frei Otto had first developed cable-net structures in the early 1960s,
when his work with fabric structures began to become dimensionally
limited by the tensile strength of a given substrate. By disaggregating the
tensile forces into a low-resolution weave of fewer but stronger fibers
(typically steel cabling), Otto could achieve considerably larger structures,
which were first seriously prototyped at the Montreal Expo in 1967. The
cable net forms a structural grid, which is then clad—in the case of
Montreal, largely in fabric. Cable nets are certainly not the only structural
innovation of Frei Otto, who pioneered the use of tensile fabric structures
and developed a formidable array of pneumatic and branching structures.
What is particularly impressive about his work are the form-finding
techniques he developed to model these hitherto unimaginable
structures. In particular, Otto developed soapbubble modeling, wherein
the fine meniscus of a soap film finds its form within a geometrically
delineated frame. This type of prototyping was born out of Otto’s close
observation of nature and natural processes in a way that pre-dates the
development of biomimetic engineering, whereby engineers define
solutions through the study of natural processes (human, animal, and
Otto’s experimental work, carried out with students of the IL in
Stuttgart, are particularly well documented in the IL Documents, a series
of books published between 1969 and 1995, which investigate specific
material, structural, and geometric properties. This substantial body of

research is unique in that the ambitions of the work are neither
exclusively engineering nor design, but a synthesis of the two.
The Munich Olympic Stadium remains a remarkable achievement,
which must have seemed startling 40 years ago. Frei Otto remains one of
the very few figures whose interest in structural innovation and
experimentation outweighs his ambitions as a builder. In a lecture at the
Architectural Association in the late 1990s, Otto explained to a questioner
that, owing to the nature of his constructions—which might be a tent or an
inflatable—he was never entirely sure of the location or number of Frei
Otto buildings in existence on the planet at any given moment.

1 Gläser, L., The Work of Frei Otto, New York: MoMA, 1972, p. 10

Munich Olympic Stadium: view of main stand

Detail of tubular-steel compression mast at the rear of the stadium

Roof covering to the rear of the main stadium

Detail of cable-net and polycarbonate panel connection

The cable-supported roof incorporates floodlight rigs. Tours of the
stadium include a walk on the roof edge

The tensile roof-edge element comprises a cluster of ten separate woven-
steel cables

Bini Domes—inflatable formwork

Structural description
Reinforced-concrete dome, utilizing inflatable formwork

Killarney Heights, New South Wales, Australia

Completion date


Plan dimensions
60ft diameter

System designer
Dr. Dante Bini (b. 1932)

NSW Department of Public Works with Dr. Dante Bini

Taylor, Thompson, and Whitting Consulting Engineers with Dr. Dante Bini

For over 45 years, Italian-born architect Dr. Dante N. Bini has dedicated
his professional life to the development of what he calls “automated
construction technologies.” In 1965, in Bologna, Italy, he successfully
constructed a 40-foot-diameter, 20-foot-high hemispherical concrete shell
structure in three hours, using the unique pneumatic formwork of a giant
balloon. This first prototype did, however, have some teething problems,
particularly the uneven distribution of the wet concrete caused by an
unpredictable (asymmetric) inflation. Improvements were made, and in
1967 at Columbia University, New York, Bini demonstrated in two hours
the construction of another large-scale “Binishell.” For this first US
prototype, Bini utilized a complex web of helical “springs” with steel
reinforcement bars threaded through their middle, which allowed for a
geometrically controlled inflation and thus a uniform concrete distribution
across the shell structure. For this demonstration and subsequent
Binishell structures, an additional external membrane was also used,
which allowed for the subsequent vibration and compaction of the
concrete, post-inflation. Over 1,500 Binishells were constructed

throughout the world between 1970 and 1990, with diameters of between
40 and 120 feet and with a varying elliptical section.
Less interested in the experimental form finding of Swiss engineer
Heinz Isler’s elegant European shells, Bini was concerned with how the
construction process itself could evolve and how a lightweight and low-
cost resource such as air could be utilized in the construction industry.
Concrete shell structures like Isler’s and Félix Candela’s are structurally
efficient and enclose huge volumes with a small amount of material, but
the fabrication of formwork required a large on-site semi-skilled
workforce. Bini’s inflatable formwork, or “Pneumoform,” eradicates the
need for such a large site team and allows for more high-speed
The sequence of fabrication first involves the construction of a ring
beam and ground-floor slab. The ring beam cleverly contains a “cast in”
egg-shaped void, which will contain a separate inflatable tube to hold the
main membrane in place during inflation as well as air inlets and outlets.
The internal “pneumoform” of nylon-reinforced neoprene is then laid over
the slab and secured at the edge; on top of it, a complex network of
crisscrossing helical springs is stretched across the diameter of the
circular ground slab. The springs have no specific structural function but
control the even distribution of steel reinforcement bars, which are
threaded through the springs, and also maintain an even concrete
thickness by holding the mix in place. Once the reinforcement is in place,
the concrete is poured. A regular concrete mix is used with small
amounts of retarders and plasticizers added to extend the workability of
the mix for two to three hours. After the pour, an outer membrane of PVC
is laid over the wet concrete, which will help to control evaporation during
the setting process and allow for vibration of the concrete. The inflation
procedure then begins, using low-pressure blowers, and takes about one
hour; pressure is regulated by controlling the outlet to maintain an even
“lift.” When the shell is fully inflated, the concrete is vibrated using rolling
carts hung from cables at the top of the structure. The internal air
pressure is maintained for between one and three days depending on the
diameter. For a 120-foot-diameter dome, the thickness of the completed
shell is 5 inches at the base and 3 inches at the crown.

Construction of Killarney Heights Public School Binishell, New South
Wales, Australia, 1973

Completed building
Critical to the success of this innovative construction technique and
structural type was the system design and fast construction program. Bini
designed the 60-foot-diameter dome for Killarney Heights Public School,
New South Wales, to be erected (with foundations already in place) in 12
days. On the tenth day the concrete-covered membrane was inflated and
subsequently vibrated free of air pockets with the innovative guided
vehicles (described above). By day 12, the reinforced concrete shell was
sufficiently stable to begin to cut openings for entrances, windows, and

Niterói Contemporary Art Museum

Structural description
Cylindrical cantilever

Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Completion date

Plan dimensions

165ft diameter at roof level


Oscar Niemeyer (1907–2012)

Bruno Contarini

Oscar Niemeyer was in his eighties when he designed the Niterói

Contemporary Art Museum along with his long-time collaborating
engineer, Bruno Contarini.
The building consists of three floors built into a cupola that cantilevers
from a cylindrical base. The base springs from a reflecting pool, and the
cupola is accessed by a snaking ramp. The building is constructed from
reinforced concrete and employs three circular floorplates ranging from
115 to 130 feet in diameter and supported by a central cylinder 30 feet in
diameter. The floorplates employ prestressed girders resting on 16-inch-
diameter columns.
Each sheet of the seventy ¾-inch-thick triplex glass plates is 16 feet
high and 6 feet wide. Framed by steel bars and with an inclination of 40
degrees to the horizontal plane, they can sustain a load equivalent to 20
The structure was designed to withstand a weight equivalent of 80
pounds per foot, and winds of up to 125 miles per hour. It consumed 113
million cubic feet of concrete.

Niterói Contemporary Art Museum

Cross-section through the museum

Detail of the central cylinder base and reflecting pool

Interior view looking out to Guanabara Bay

Structural Glass

Structural description
Loadbearing glass structures


Completion dates

Tim Macfarlane (b. 1954)

Glass is no longer an ornamental item … but has emerged into a

structural element. 1
Fazlur Khan

In the early 1990s, there was a quiet revolution in the way that glass was
employed in architecture as a structural material. This increased
experimentation in the application of glass was not limited to the thin

sheath of the building skin—framed in timber, steel, or aluminum—but
increasingly extended to frameless glazing and, ultimately, to structural
glazing with no support at all other than crafted laminations of glass itself
and the magic of structural silicone. At the forefront of these new
approaches to the art, architecture, and specifically the engineering of
these experimental and innovative projects was the structural engineer
Tim Macfarlane of Dewhurst Macfarlane Consulting Engineers.
Through a series of small but iconic projects in close collaboration with
architects such as Rick Mather, Eva Jiricna, and Ohlhausen DuBois
Archits, Macfarlane helped to change the way in which glass was
classified as a construction material and redefined the engineering
potential of this wondrous substrate. He likens this process to “making
rules up as you go along” insomuch as the structural properties and
materialperformance expectations were not comprehensively codified as
part of the structural investigations. Macfarlane also draws parallels with
the proliferation and wonderful diversity of reinforced-concrete use as
architects and engineers began to test the limits of this new material at
the beginning of the twentieth century. From Maillart, to Luigi Nervi, to
Félix Candela (to name but three), these “structural artists” were not
reading rule books but writing them, each in his own highly individualized
way and for differing programmatic instances. After this flowering of
diverse and intriguing engineering approaches, Macfarlane suggests that
a kind of Fordism took over and industrial efficiency tended to normalize
and limit possibilities. With industry less likely to be “light on its feet” and
more likely to play an increasingly protectionist game, the possibilities
were limited through a codification of structural properties linked to
relative economic success and known methods of construction.
The reliance on a mathematical model to create a design is only one
approach, and Macfarlane states: “Maths has never led me to a solution,
but has helped to determine how to represent the solution.”2 Macfarlane
also adds that the full extent or knowledge of a material and its properties
are virtually unfathomable, and therefore structural possibilities and
strategies should not be limited by our own experience.
Macfarlane categorizes a brief history of his own work, and the
technological development of structural glass, with a series of projects,
prototypes, and material tests that are detailed overleaf. These range
from simple, lateral innovations in fabrication or assembly to completely
new methods of construction using glass. Macfarlane cites the advent of
the consulting engineer, formalized between 1907 and 1915, as an
important evolutionary stage in the proliferation of structural possibilities.
These possibilities are, by definition, only limited by our knowledge of
material properties, fabrication, and assembly techniques, as well as
other instruments of structural advantage such as geometry. However,
Macfarlane thinks that it is only through the full exploration of these fields

that architects and engineers can challenge the intellectual-property-
protected “products” of patented systems of construction and better
answer the detailed programmatic requirements of any given job with
hitherto unimagined structural and engineering solutions.

1 Khan, Y. S., Engineering Architecture: The Visions of Fazlur R. Khan, New York:
Norton, 2004, p. 79
2 Interview with Tim Macfarlane by Will McLean, 3 May 2012

The Klein Residence, Santa Fe, New Mexico, by Ohlhausen DuBois
Architects, uses glass as a primary loadbearing element (for description
see overleaf)

Joseph store

Structural description
Tensile steel rods and structural glass frame

London, England

Completion date

Eva Jiricna (b. 1939)

Dewhurst Macfarlane

A seemingly small but important innovation allowed this intricate and

elegant staircase to have its trademark transparent stair treads. In each
case, Macfarlane layered together, but did not laminate, a ¾-inch sheet of
sandblasted annealed glass and a 5⁄8-inch-thick piece of acrylic. The glass
provided stiffness and a hardwearing top, the acrylic a safety factor.

Joseph store staircase with layered glass stair treads and stainless-steel

Klein Residence

Structural description
Glass as primary loadbearing element

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Completion date

Ohlhausen DuBois Architects

Dewhurst Macfarlane

The Klein Residence represents an audacious approach to structural

glass. Its use for the house’s glass lookout pavilion is both “double-take”
inducing and a thoroughly worked engineering solution. The aim was to
create a living room with uninterrupted views toward the mountains
without any visible structural impediment. The result is a space where the
two glazed sides of the living room meet in the northwest corner with the
steel structure of the roof supported by the glass alone. The architect
Mark DuBois has stated that “the architectural space formed by the
loadbearing glass wall is visually remarkable and psychologically very
intriguing.”1 After initially exploring the option of an all-glass corner
column (L-shaped or cruciform in plan), the design team proceeded with
the concept of an all-glass multipanel bearing wall. The wall, 11½ feet
high by 28 feet long, comprises seven equally sized panels and makes up
the west wall of the room. The adjacent north wall (also fully glazed) is
visually identical, but non-loadbearing. Each structural glass panel is
fabricated from three sheets of fully tempered (toughened) glass
laminated with PVB film. The central sheet is ¾ inch thick, with ¼-inch
sheets each side. The two outside sheets are slightly shorter so that all
load travels through the central sheet. The structural glass wall was
engineered with a safety factor of three and designed to have a maximum
deflection of L/100, which is 1⅜ inches over the 11½-foot height. To avoid
any visible framing at the head and sill of the glass, a special steel
channel was fabricated and recessed into the floor and soffit. The
success of the engineering concept depends on an even distribution of
the static load throughout the seven panels; this became one of the main
challenges for the design and engineering team. The solution was to
make the steel channel adjustable, using threaded rods at the top and
bottom of the glass panels. Stacks of spring washers were used at the
roof connection to further ensure equitable support along the length of the
wall and redistribute that load in the case of a panel failure. If previous
developments of structural glass have produced remarkable “all glass”

structures, then the Klein Residence shows how glass can be utilized as
a structural support system for other (non-glass) elements.

1 20.9.12)

All-glass Extension

Structural description
Laminated all-glass beam and column structure

London, England

Completion date

Rick Mather

Structural engineers
Dewhurst Macfarlane

This extension to a private residence, although relatively modest in scale,

has had an enormous impact on the perception and expectations of glass
technology in architecture. This is a lean-to structure, in which the
columns and beams comprise laminations of three ½-inch-thick sheets of
annealed glass bonded together with clear resin. The beams are cut to a
curved profile, and are 11 inches deep at their midpoints, and 8 inches
deep at the column connection, which is a mortise-and-tenon joint (see
Broadfield House, below). The columns, which are 8 inches deep, are
similar laminations to the beams, and this layering provides an inbuilt
safety factor. The structure is clad in double-glazed units that uniquely
feature glass-edge spacers for increased transparency, and the roof
panels are coated with a conductive layer that can be used as a heating

All-glass extension showing laminated glass beams and columns

Broadfield House Glass Museum

This all-glass structure was built as an extension to Broadfield House

Glass Museum in Dudley. The glass technology is similar to that used in
Macfarlane’s earlier All-glass Extension with Rick Mather, but this project
is significantly larger, with the structure measuring 36 feet long x 19 feet
wide x 11½ feet high. The glass columns and beams are 1¼ inches thick,
and made from three layers of ⅜-inch annealed glass bonded with a resin
laminate. The beams and columns are connected at the top edge by a
mortise-and-tenon joint, with the center layer of three laminations
protruding from the column and the central layer of the beam cut back
accordingly. The columns are at 42-inch centers and are 8 inches deep,
with the beams 12 inches deep. The double-glazed cladding panels of the
front face and roof are bonded to columns and beams with structural
silicone. Another intriguing feature of this project is the 7-foot-wide
opening created for glass doors, which is achieved using an all-glass box
beam or lintel—surely another structural first.

All-glass extension showing mortise-and-tenon joint between column and

Station Entrance Canopy

Structural description
Cantilevered glass beams in four offset sections

Yurakucho, Tokyo, Japan

Completion date

Designers and engineers

Dewhurst Macfarlane

Yurakucho Station canopy model

Detail of Yurakucho Station canopy showing overlapping glass beam

On the plaza of Rafael Viñoly’s Tokyo International Forum, Tim

Macfarlane was invited to submit a design for a canopy to Yurakucho
underground station. What he designed, engineered, and ultimately built
was an unprecedented 35-foot-long x 16-foot-wide cantilevered canopy,
fabricated entirely from glass. The glass roof is supported by three glass
composite beams, which each consist of four groupings of glass blades

that taper from the cantilever connection to the unsupported edge. The
glass-beam components consist of two ¾-inch-thick glass sheets,
laminated together, which are bolted at the midpoint and at the end of the
next offset group of glass “blades.” The number of laminated, layered
glass components is four at the steel cantilever connection and reduces
to a single glass component (of two laminated layers) at the canopy top
The mechanical connections between the components are made with
2-inch-diameter highstrength stainless-steel pins, with specially designed
bezels fitted to the holes for a more even load distribution. What made
this project technically feasible was a combination of the physical testing
carried out with glass fabricators Firman Glass and City University, and
Finite Element Analysis. Although the results of this glass testing had
been successful, the clients decided to also use acrylic as beam
components as an additional safety factor; these elements are only
visible through their different edge color, which is much lighter than that of
glass. The outer canopy skin is made from a lamination of two 3⁄4-inch
glass sheets, with joints bonded and sealed with structural silicone.

Apple Stores

Structural description
Laminated glass panels and all-glass reciprocal beam system


Completion date

Bohlin Cywinski Jackson

Designers and engineers

Dewhurst Macfarlane

Dewhurst Macfarlane’s work for Apple includes a number of technical

innovations. The trademark all-glass stair treads are three-ply glass
laminates bonded together with SentryGlas®, an extremely strong
ionoplast interlayer. Cleverly, a stainless steel bracket is laminated into
the central section, which can then be bolt-connected to the all-glass
balustrade. For the Fifth Avenue Apple Cube, the process of laminating,
or embedding, stainless steel fixings within the layered glass components
was repeated, but to reduce the number and complexity of junctions in

the roof a reciprocal framed structure was used. The reciprocal frame
concept can be described as building big spans with short lengths. This
method of making short lengths go a long way (or span farther than their
length) was an expedient solution arrived at by medieval builders. The
ease of construction, or certainly the omission of complex four-way
connections, was a factor in the use of a reciprocal beam arrangement for
the Fifth Avenue glass cube. A reciprocal arrangement of laminated glass
beams in the 32 foot x 32 foot roof utilizes stainless steel joist hangars at
the midpoint of the cross beams, creating a planar reciprocal
arrangement that is both structurally and constructionally efficient.

Apple Store all-glass stair, Chicago, 2010

All-glass stair detail showing bolted stair treads, Apple Store, Chicago,

Glass cube, Apple Store, Fifth Avenue, New York, 2006

Details showing the reciprocating stainless steel connections, Apple
Store, Fifth Avenue, New York


Ontario College of Art and Design expansion, featuring
the Sharp Centre for Design

Structural description
Steel-truss box

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Completion date

Plan dimensions
Steel-truss “box” 280ft long x 100ft wide x 33ft high

Floor area

Height of tapered columns


William Alsop (b. 1947) with Young + Wright Architects

Carruthers & Wallace Ltd

Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD), Sharp Centre for Visual Art:
view looking south toward the CN Tower

View looking north

When British architect William Alsop was invited to design an extension

for the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD), he spurned the
adjacent site set aside for the scheme and instead elevated this new
department in a pixelated aluminum-clad steel box eight stories above the
existing structures, propped on pencil-thin canted legs.
The starting point for the structural engineers was to create a
“tabletop”: a stiff, inhabitable structure supported on legs. The stiffness is
afforded by two-level structural-steel trusses that span in an east–west
direction and are shaped by large diagonal members running through
them, which are designed to allow for the passage of both people and
services. Between these large two-story-height assemblies run
longitudinal structures that link the horizontal trusses together and
provide the perimeter box of the “table.” To make this box sufficiently stiff,
the structure is braced horizontally at the levels of the main and
intermediate floors and the roof. The engineers worked closely with the
architects in positioning and orientating the 98-foot-long legs in a
seemingly random arrangement that also makes structural sense. The
triangle is a famously efficient and, more importantly, structurally stable
shape, and the leg pairs were thus designed as a series of triangular
supports. Another consideration was creating stable elements at ground
level to support these legs. The leg-support structures, which extend from
the ground level down into the underlying rock, comprise concrete

caissons (piles) that range from 3 feet to 6½ feet in diameter, and extend
a distance of up to 60 feet into the rock. The caissons are configured in a
triangular pattern (for each pair of columns) and interconnected at grade
level to form a three-dimensional frame. Another very important structural
consideration is the design of the tabletop to resist lateral loads, which
come from two sources in downtown Toronto: wind loads and
earthquakes. These lateral loadings are resisted in two ways: one is the
orientation of the triangular leg elements, which are most effective at
resisting lateral loads in the transverse direction; the other is the large,
stiff, cantilevered, concrete stair-core element positioned at the northern
end of the building, which resists most of the lateral loads in the
longitudinal direction.

Long section, showing how the concrete core provides a vertical link and
lateral stability to the elevated “tabletop” extension

Cross-section, showing the extent of the cantilevered frame
The tabletop is supported by six pairs of legs; the architect wanted
what he called “cigar legs,” which were created by using a large steel
Circular Hollow Section (CHS) with specially rolled fabricated-steel
conical components welded to each end. These leg elements worked well
structurally but were large and heavy items, which carried logistical
implications. To avoid unnecessary transportation costs and complex site
operations, the steelwork was designed and fabricated in pieces that
could be trialpreassembled in a workshop and then subsequently
reassembled on site. The hollow structural-steel “cigar legs” are 89 feet in
length and 36 inches in diameter, with a wall thickness of 1 inch. The
computer structural model used to evaluate static and live loads
estimated a maximum horizontal displacement of 5⁄16 inches at the
southeastern corner of the “tabletop.” The structural design also includes
redundancy, to provide alternative load paths in the event of the
catastrophic failure of a leg support.

Structural diagram, illustrating bending-moment effects and dead (static)

Structural diagram, illustrating wind load in east–west direction

Structural diagram, illustrating wind deflection of steel structure at level

Steel-frame construction built around the concrete lift/ stair core, with 8
out of the 12 final columns in place

Placement of the final two pairs of leg supports. Note the blue-painted
steel-leg armatures used to hold the legs in the correct position during


Detail of double-leg connections to the underside of the steel “tabletop”
structure, with stiffening plates welded to the web of the universal beam

View of 95-foot-long steel legs at the fabrication shop, showing the
specially rolled, tapered, welded end sections

Details of the steel-leg base connection

Atlas Building

Structural description
Reinforced precast concrete exoskeleton with steel box beams

Wageningen, Netherlands

Completion date

Plan dimensions
145ft long x 145ft wide


Rafael Viñoly (b. 1944) (Rafael Viñoly Architects) with Van den Oever,
Zaaijer & Partners Architecten

Pieters Bouwtechniek B.V.

The idea of an exoskeleton, and that the structural function of a building

could be purposely made visible, is not a new one; the Atlas Building is
an excellent recent example of this genre, which notably includes Piano
and Rogers’ Centre Pompidou and the more integrated diagrid of Norman
Foster’s Swiss Re “Gherkin” building. This new seven-story office and
laboratory for Wageningen University is part of the university’s move to a
new campus in De Born, north of Wageningen. The outer frame is
constructed from large double-diamond precast concrete elements
measuring 24 feet long and 12 feet high, with the reinforced concrete
elements measuring 15¾ inches wide and tapering to 15 inches at the
front edge. Cast into the center of each of the precast components is a
steel plate, which picks up one of the specially fabricated steel box
beams, and spans across to an internal column to the edge of the atrium.
The connections with steel beams and the precast concrete exoskeleton
are carefully controlled with slotted-hole and pin connections, ensuring

that only vertical load (and no lateral differential movement) is transferred
to the frame; two internal concrete cores are designed to resist lateral
The plan of the building is that of a “square donut,” and the structural
arrangement is such that there are no columns in the open floor space.
The precast concrete units are fixed together using a simple keyed joint,
and are held in place with steel dowels and chemical fixant. At each floor
level, 2-inch-diameter steel tension rods are cast into the precast units.
The former resist any problematic shear loads caused by thermal
expansion of individual units.
The high-quality precast finish of the double-diamond external
framework components was achieved with reusable steel formwork and
self-compacting concrete. Titanium dioxide, an ingredient more commonly
utilized in house paint and toothpaste, was used as an admixture to help
whiten the concrete and inhibit mold growth. Recent trials in the Dutch
city of Hengelo have also seen titanium dioxide being experimentally
used as photocatalytic coating on concrete, which in sunlight will
metabolize harmful nitrogen oxides contained in vehicle exhausts into
more benign nitrates. The building façades are virtually identical except
for cutaway sections at ground level on two sides for access doors and
the main entrance, which is a two-story hexagonal void punched through
the latticework of the north façade. A 295-foot-long steel entrance bridge
leads you into the building.

South-facing façade of the Atlas Building, with concrete exoskeleton
wrapped around and supporting the building

Façade detail

Corner detail, showing the steel “internal beam” connection and the
horizontal steel tension rods


“Het Gebouw” (The Building)

Structural description
Double (balanced) cantilevered steel tube

Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht, Netherlands

Completion date

Plan dimensions
90ft long x 13ft wide (each block)


Stanley Brouwn (b. 1935) and Bertus Mulder (b. 1929)

Pieters Bouwtechniek B.V.

This temporary exhibition space is a collaboration between the Dutch

conceptual artist Stanley Brouwn and architect Bertus Mulder, known for
his restoration of the Rietveld-Schröder House and recent reconstruction
of the Rietveld Pavilion at the Kröller-Müller Museum. “Het Gebouw” (The
Building) plays a neat structural game with a square-section prismatic
slab perched at a 90-degree rotation atop its close relation, creating a
balanced cantilever 38 feet long at its greatest extent. Stanley Brouwn is
one of Holland’s most celebrated artists, and is best known for his
conceptual artworks in relation to walking and feet. In a notable series of
works from 1960 to 1964, entitled this way brouwn, the artist stopped
passers-by and asked them to draw directions from a to b. In 1960,
Brouwn also documented all the shoe stores in Amsterdam and began to
make a series of measured walks. Interestingly, he measured these walks
in the Stanley Brouwn Foot (SB foot), which was based on the length of
his own foot. One SB foot measures 10 inches, and the design of the Het
Gebouw pavilion is based upon this module. The length of each block is
90 feet and the cross-section of each block measures 13 feet x 13 feet.
The building is subdivided into a 5 SB-foot grid, which is clearly visible
and helps to organize the building components. The structural challenge
was to create a rigid upper level with two identical cantilevers of 38 feet.
The structure is fabricated from small hot-rolled steel sections, with

bracing provided by diagonal steel rods. Where the two blocks meet, the
steel sections are considerably enlarged and moment connections
provided with stiffened corner plates. The structure is built using primarily
bolted connections and was originally designed to be demounted and
Het Gebouw sits on the edge of Leidsche Rijn, the site of a new
residential development for 80,000 people west of Utrecht, and the
pavilion is adjacent to a large geodesic dome constructed from cardboard
tubes and designed by Japanese architect Shigeru Ban. “Het Gebouw”
and Ban’s “Paper Dome” were both built as cultural buildings, with Het
Gebouw hosting regular art exhibitions and the Paper Dome operating as
a community theater. These projects, commissioned by Bureau Beyond,
were to act as magnets and a focus for future developments—once again
extending the built-environment frontier, and reminding us why the
Netherlands is one of Europe’s most densely populated countries. Het
Gebouw was originally commissioned for five years, but the building’s
success as what architect Bertus Mulder describes as “An autonomous
work of art,” and increasingly as a local landmark, has persuaded the
municipal authorities to retain the structure. However, owing to major
construction work in the vicinity the local ground level is being raised by
3½ feet and as a consequence Het Gebouw will also be raised; Bertus
Mulder explained that the building will not have to be disassembled, but
can be lifted as a single entity and refixed to a modified and elevated
Two sections in each block of the building are glazed both sides with an
entrance door centrally located in one of the glazed panels, all
coordinated with Brouwn’s dimensional system. The gallery curator
explained that during a recent exhibition-opening party, a large crowd of
children and parents had caused noticeable movement in the
cantilevered ends: a not unpleasant but slightly unnerving experience. In
actuality, Mulder explained, 200 people in one end of this small building
would still not be cause for (structural) concern, but it is difficult to see
how they would all fit in. As well as an enigmatic work of art and
architecture, Het Gebouw is an excellent structural model that illustrates
the performative possibilities of simple materials cleverly arranged.

Artist Stanley Brouwn’s original model

2, 3
Het Gebouw and the delicate structural balancing act

Beneath one of the gravity-defying cantilevers

The steel skeletal framework. Note the diagonal tensilesteel rods in the
walls of the upper structure and the heavier, steel SHS elements used in
the central (connecting) section

Hemeroscopium House

Structural description
Helical cantilever

Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain

Completion date

Floor area


Antón García-Abril (b. 1969), Elena Pérez, Débora Mesa, Marina Otero,
Ricardo Sanz, and Jorge Consuegra, Ensamble Studio

Technical architect
Javier Cuesta

Materia Inorgánica

Eastern elevation of the Hemeroscopium House, showing granite

As a structural diagram, a construction sequence, and as a set of

constructional elements, the Hemeroscopium House is an exceedingly
elegant pedagogic tool. Components include a warren truss, a Vierendeel
truss, and three forms and sizes of prefabricated reinforced-concrete
beams. This project for a private residence northwest of Madrid also
employs a 22-ton rough-hewn granite boulder as a kind of anchor and
counterweight balanced atop the structure, without which we are assured
there would be no structure at all. In a recent lecture in London, architect
Antón García-Abril explained that it is the “gravitational traces that make
the space.”1 The complex engineering and design for the project took one
year, but the structural frames took a mere seven days to assemble. The
structure for the house consists of seven key elements, which are
stacked up using a helicoidal arrangement. The first element is the stable
and heaviest “mother beam,” which is 72 feet long and 8¾ feet high and
weighs a not inconsiderable 65 tons. This concrete I-beam is
prefabricated off-site and uses specially designed pre-tensioned steel
reinforcement to achieve its desired strength. The second element is an
inverted U-shaped beam of 72 feet, which picks up another massive
concrete I-beam at its cantilevered end and also, at its midpoint, a U-
shaped concrete beam that has reinforced glazed ends, is filled with
water, and acts as an elevated, linear swimming pool. That this 69-foot-
long pool contains 28 tons of water only seeks to reinforce the complex
network of structural interdependencies. As the low-slung structural
helicoids rise, a transparency of beam elements is introduced using steel
to create the fifth and sixth spanning elements—a steel Vierendeel and
warren truss, respectively—and the seventh and final beam is another

concrete I-beam, upon the end of which sits the granite counterweight
drilled through and bolted to the beam. This counterweight allows the last
beam, which is balanced atop the water-filled beam, to cantilever at its
other end and support the steel warren truss. These complex structural
relationships between the elements and the structure in its entirety are,
however, explicitly illustrated. There has been no attempt to hide or
obfuscate structural actions, with this single house able to tell a number
of stories, both structural and spatial.

1 García-Abril, A., “Stones and Beams,” lecture given at the Architectural

Association School of Architecture, March 2, 2011

South elevation, with cantilevered linear pool

Fabrication drawing of concrete beam no.3, showing the distribution of
steel reinforcement

Axonometric drawing showing structural logic and sequential assembly

Kanagawa Institute of Technology (KAIT) Workshop/

Structural description
Post-tensioned, structurally optimized steel frame

Kanagawa, Japan

Completion date

Floor area


Junya Ishigami (b. 1974) (Junya Ishigami + Associates)

Konishi Structural Engineers

Kajima Corporation

Tomonaga Tokuyama

Though not immediately obvious to the eye, there are two

different types of columns in the structure, the verticals (those
bearing vertical forces), and the horizontals (those bearing (or
resisting) horizontal forces). I wanted to make the columns as
slender as possible, and assigning the forces was more effective
than trying to make every column bear both. I didn’t want just any
sort of slender columns. 1
Junya Ishigami

Junya Ishigami is a young architect who does not seem to be afraid of

producing wonderful pieces of architecture and design while
simultaneously employing the creative potential of engineering properties
and dynamics. If Ishigami’s Table project of 2005 is both engineering set
piece and conjuring act—which, based on our engineering
preconceptions, appears to defy gravity— then his workshop for the
Kanagawa Institute of Technology (KAIT) is a complete work of
architecture and engineering.
Commissioned as part of the university’s redevelopment of its campus,
this 21,500-square-foot single-story structure was designed as an open-
access studio facility, available for students to undertake project work in a
range of different media. The architect conceived of the building as a
stroll through the woods that cleverly delineates the one-room
environment into ambiguous domains through column densities and
disposition “in a way that gives no hint that any rules or plan for their
placement exist.”2 The plan of the building is a slightly skewed square; a
single roof plane is held aloft by 305 columns, each unique in its cross-
section sizing and orientation. The building is glazed on all sides, and the
deep plan lit throughout with strips of rooflights.
Although this project is visually stunning, in that a lightness and
transparency is maintained with numerous yet startlingly slender
columns, this is only half of the story. The engineering of this structure is
an extremely precise and yet unorthodox mix of parametrically defined
precision and a radically innovative hierarchy of structural “action
designation.” Ishigami creates two “classes” of column, ostensibly for two
different functions: one set of columns to carry the load of the I-beam roof
grid and one set to resist lateral movement, which the architect calls the
vertical and horizontal columns. Where Ishigami has been extremely
skillful is in creating a lightweight forest of columns where the specific
structural function of any given one cannot be identified. The supports are
all differently sized and vary from column no. 240 (a compact 3⅛ x 2¼-
inch solid steel section) to column no. 277 (6¼ x ⅝-inch steel flat), with all

of them specifically orientated at angles down to a tolerance of one
decimal place. The construction of KAIT was critical in maintaining
Ishigami’s aim of creating an even treatment of all column connections.
The columns are erected using two different processes according to their
type. For the verticals, the bases are joined to independent foundations,
with steel I-beams placed across the top ends. Pin joints are used to
attach the verticals to the beams. The detail of these pins is ultimately
concealed in order to match the welded detail of the horizontals’ top ends.
In order to keep the horizontals (the lateralresisting columns) slender and
prevent their own weight acting on them as a vertical force, they were
suspended from the roof beams. After the verticals were joined to the
beams, the horizontals were inserted with a crane from above the beams
and fixed. The horizontals are not intended to bear snow loads and other
vertical forces, so the initial design was to keep their connection with the
floor vertically loose to avoid potential buckling from snow load. The
problem with making loose holes and inserting the horizontals into them
was that you would make visible details that didn’t match the
corresponding details of the verticals at the floor–column connection. This
outcome was unacceptable to Ishigami, so he used another approach:
before fixing the horizontals to the beams the roof was preemptively
loaded with weights equal to the snow load, and then the columns were
fixed. When the temporary loading is removed, the horizontals (lateral-
load columns) are put into tension, thus preventing bending if the
structure is snow loaded. The process maintains the required ambiguity
of structural function that Ishigami required while creating a new structural
type—or at least a new structural approach, achieved through very
detailed analysis using software developed by his firm.
Junya Ishigami belongs to a long line of designers for whom the
structural strategy, logic, and material use of any given design are
codependent with the programmatic ambitions of a design project. His
Table project, which has been exhibited in Basel, London, Tokyo, and
Venice, is worth mentioning in relation to the general themes of this book
for its structural audacity and creative “reverse engineering.” A table
surface (31 feet long x 8½ feet wide x 3½ feet high) of ⅛-inch-thick steel
is held by four legs, one located at each corner. That the table can
support its own material weight over this span is seemingly impossible;
that it can support everyday objects such as fruit bowls and vases seems
illusory at the very least. What Ishigami has done has pre-rolled the top of
the table, like the spring of a clockwork mechanism, and the tabletop is
only bought level when unrolled and carefully loaded with precisely
placed and weighted objects. The table is so delicately balanced and
structurally optimized as to slowly ripple to the touch. As is shown by the
KAIT project, Junya Ishigami’s innovations are both structurally inventive

and polemically rich and provide clues to hitherto unimagined design
solutions for a new generation of architects and engineers.

1, 2 Ishigami, J., Project information provided by the office of Junya Ishigami &
Associates, 2011

Plan drawing, showing the unusual layout of the 305 columns, which are
indicated by dots

Diagram showing the roof-beam structure and the two designated
“classes” of column

KAIT under construction, showing the separate column-cluster

View of roof structure during construction, with red prime-painted steel
sections to left of picture temporarily in place to replicate snow loading

Section drawing through the edge of the KAIT building

Exterior view of completed building

Interior view of finished project before occupation

Architect’s drawing of the Table project, with locations of table objects and
their weight

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) diagram of the tabletop

Elevation drawing of the Table in its “deployed” and “undeployed” (rolled-
up) state

Factory photograph showing the steel tabletop being rolled (prestressed)

The “gravity-defying” finished, fully laden Table

Meads Reach Footbridge

Structural description
Portal-frame profile with a stainless-steel stressed skin

Bristol, England

Completion date


Niall McLaughlin (b. 1962)

Timothy Lucas (Price & Myers)

Martin Richman

The art of structure is how and where to put the holes. 1

Robert Le Ricolais

The brief from the client for an “invisible” walkway for pedestrians and
cyclists over Bristol’s floating harbor was developed by architect Niall
McLaughlin, engineers Price & Myers (Geometrics Group), and the light
artist Martin Richman. The ambition of “invisibility” led the design team to
look at a perforated surface that would not have to be lit at night but could
be a source of illumination itself, emitting light through a distribution of
The structural form of the bridge is that of a four-legged portal frame
with flexible, pinned base connections at each end. The span is achieved
by using the torsion-box principle of a plane wing, creating a stressed-
skin structure made entirely from grade 2205 stainless steel. The bridge
is formed from a series of perforated stainless-steel ribs, connected to a
thin-plate perforated stainless-steel spine element; the ribs are also
connected by intermediate longitudinal sheet steel struts and internal
cross-bracing elements inside the deck. This relatively lightweight
framework is then wrapped in 1⁄4-inch stainless-steel perforated sheets,
which are welded to the subframe assembly (this is a fully welded
structure). The depth of the balustrades is effectively forming the bridge’s
spanning capacity, with the underside of the structure providing lateral
stiffness. The “walkable” deck of the bridge is the only element that is not
welded, and it is formed from a series of removable textured and
perforated stainless-steel panels. These panels allow access to the
lighting battens fixed inside the bridge. The bottom edge profile of the
bridge is formed from a solid stainless-steel rod, which helps to resist
tensile forces.
The perforations that cover the bridge are interesting in a number of
ways; primarily employed so as to allow the bridge to luminesce in
darkness, putting holes in a bridge is also structurally intriguing. Although
there is a risk that you structurally weaken the bridge, you are also
removing material and thus lightening the static “dead” load, which is
structurally beneficial. The size of the perforations varies from a diameter
of 3⁄8 inch to a maximum of 1⅝ inch. The holes are positioned at regular
centers, with their diameter locally determined from a Finite Element
Analysis (FEA) of a stressed-skin unpunctured model. The engineers
managed to link their structural data map to a spreadsheet, which
produced a series of numerical maps with varying perforation diameters
detailed. This information could be sent direct to the CNC plasma cutters
that were cutting the steel sheets for the bridge. In areas of high stress
distribution, such as the haunches of the “portal” bridge legs, the holes
decrease in size, and sometimes there are no holes at all. Niall
McLaughlin has said, “the pattern of holes becomes a stress map of the
work the bridge has to do to cross the river.”2 In all, there are 55,000
perforations. The bridge was preassembled in sections, which were

welded together on a vacant plot adjacent to the final location, and the
83-ton bridge was lifted whole by a mobile crane into its final position.

Elevation of “portal” bridge. The portal design creates rigid connections at
the haunches of the bridge, while the pinned base connections allow for
the thermal expansion and live loading of the structure

Exploded view, showing construction elements
The bridge links the harbor to the city center, and has received awards
from both the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and the
Institution of Structural Engineers.

1 Quoted in Sandaker, B. N., On Span and Space: Exploring Structures in
Architecture, Oxford: Routledge, 2008, p. 71
2 Spring, M., Meads Reach footbridge, Bristol,, 23 July 2010

Detail drawings: plan, elevation, and rib details

Visualization of stress distribution through Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

A sample of the spreadsheet used to generate the machine code for
automated CNC laser cutting of the perforations

Developable surfaces: the geometrically complex surfaces of the
structure were carefully modeled to allow them to be developed from flat
sheets, for ease of fabrication

3D model of stainless-steel component with variably sized hole cut-outs

3D model

Fabrication of bridge in stainless steel, showing ribs and spine elements

Lifting the bridge (whole) into position

The Meads Reach Footbridge is illuminated, so that the inner ribbed
structure is revealed at night

12, 13
Detail of finished bridge


Structural description
Timber gridshell roof structure

Metz, Lorraine, France

Completion date


Plan dimensions
Hexagonal roof 300ft wide—86,000ft2

Floor area

Shigeru Ban (b. 1957), Jean de Gastines, Philip Gumuchdjian

Terrell Group

Demathieu & Bard

Production software
Design to Production

Specialist timber fabricator

Holzbau Amann

Fabric membrane
Taiyo Europe

I bought this hat 10 years ago in Paris, but it’s the same you see
everywhere in Asia, usually worn by field workers. It has a
bamboo structure, a layer of insulation, and oil paper as
waterproofing. The building has the same fundamental elements,
including the hexagonal weave pattern. 1
Shigeru Ban

Pompidou-Metz, a new outpost of the eponymous Paris-based parent

institution, is an exhibition space for visual art with a restaurant, store,
and auditorium. The three main gallery spaces are 260-foot-long
rectangular tubes stacked on top of each other with picture windows at
each end. A 250-foot-high concrete-and-steel tower connects the gallery
spaces, and the entire structure is wrapped in a fabric-clad hexagonal
timber-gridshell structure.

The roof of the new Pompidou-Metz was inspired in part by the woven
canework of a Chinese hat that architect Shigeru Ban found in a Paris
market. The roof, hexagonal in plan, is a giant, triaxial, woven, double-
layered timber gridshell with a three-way parallel grid of 9½-foot modules.

The structure consists of 715 tons of glue-laminated timber elements,
prefabricated in a German factory and assembled on site. The majority of
these elements are glulam planks 17 inches wide, 5½ inches deep, and
approximately 50 feet in length. The planks are overlaid in three
directions and then a second layer of planks is added with timber blocks
between, increasing the depth and thus the structural performance of the
assemblage. A tubular concrete-and-steel tower, which contains the
vertical circulation and access to the elevated gallery elements, supports
the prow of the timber roof “hat” with a tubular steel ring. Similar rings are
also used to form four openings in the roof for the protruding galleries.
Interestingly, assembly of the timber gridshell was started from its highest
point, and by using scaffold support towers the timber framework was
built outward from this central tower to the edge beams. The edge beams
themselves are also glulam timber, but with a considerably deeper
section than that of the roof; they work as simple two-dimensional arch
structures, minimizing the number of edge supports to six: one for each
apex of the hexagon. The edge supports are formed by pulling the
gridshell down through the horizontal plane to form six three-dimensional
latticework columns, set back from the edge of the structure. This
complex timber gridshell spans up to 130 feet.
Although hexagonal in plan this is not a symmetrical surface; the
geometry of this timber grid is pulled up and down through the horizontal
plane, utilizing both synclastic and anticlastic curvature to provide
stiffness. The tighter radii of the lattice columns provide excellent
structural stiffness and resistance to wind loads. The structure underwent
rigorous wind-tunnel testing at Nantes’ CSTB (Centre Scientifique et
Technique du Bâtiment), as well as testing for snow loadings and
subsequent internal climatic effects.

View of a virtually complete Pompidou-Metz at night, with the timber
gridshell clearly visible through the PTFE fabric skin

The original structural design of the project was undertaken by Cecil

Balmond’s specialist engineering studio, Advanced Geometry Unit, at
Arup. This early design differed from conventional gridshells in that it
employed the use of reciprocal beams fabricated from steel and timber,
specifically designed to simplify the connections by cojoining the woven
node points in a structural “sandwich” or lamination. The final realization
of the project used the more conventional gridshell system of a double-
layered three-way woven timber grid, comprising six layers of glulam
timber planks at 16-inch offsets with steel bolts connecting the node
points. The use of glulam timber, however, made it possible to preform
the planks with a specific radius: each was fabricated with a single
custom curve along its length, and was then Computer Numerical Control
(CNC) milled to introduce a secondary twist (or curvature). It would have
been possible to laminate the timber planks in two directions, but for
fabrication purposes it was decided to create oversized, single, curved
elements and machine the additional curvature. The laminated timber
elements are connected end to end using steel plates spliced into the
head of each plank and then bolted.
The timber structure is covered with a waterproof membrane made
from fiberglass and Teflon (PTFE or polytetrafluoroethylene). The PTFE is

cut from flat sheet and assembled into panels using pattern-cutting
software to precisely mimic the timber form. The membrane is then
connected back to the structure using T-section steel elements. The
fabric is held 12 inches away from the timber structure, to allow for a
smooth airflow and prevent condensation.

1 Lang Ho, C., “Interview: Shigeru Ban” in Modern Painters, May 28, 2010, p. 22

Diagram showing the double curvature of the timber “planks.” The first
curvature is created by glue-laminating single curved elements along the
length of the member, with additional curvature (or twist) introduced by
machining the timber element across the short section

Double-curved glulam timber planks being prepared at the factory in
Germany. Each plank is approximately 49 feet long

Detail of special turnbuckle tool, created to winch the planks together on

Computer model of the timber latticework, with all elements to scale

Construction picture, with laminated-timber perimeter edge beams clearly
visible and the tubular-steel framings fixed around the protruding galleries

Detail of computer model, showing the tight geometry of the lattice leg

Detail of a timber lattice leg support, showing the steel ring that holds
down the PTFE fabric covering

Diagram showing the geometry and assembly of the three-way double-
layered timber lattice structure

Looking from the top of one of the gallery tubes, we can see the second
layer of timber planks being laid over the lattice, with spacing blocks

Interior photograph showing the intersection of the tubular-steel service
tower and the apex of the timber roof structure

Burj Khalifa

Structural description
Buttressed core tower

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Completion date

Floor area
3 million ft2


Architect and engineer

William F. Baker (b. 1953), Skidmore Owings, and Merrill (Partner in
Charge of Structural and Civil Engineering)


Foundation contractor
NASA Multiplex

While the world’s tallest building, and indeed the world’s tallest manmade
structure, is located in the Middle East, the Burj Khalifa is very much a
product of North American engineering, and more specifically the high-
rise progenitor of Chicago. The location of the tallest “skyscraper” has
been a constantly changing competition that follows economic migrations
and has now found its way to Dubai. Chicago-based Skidmore, Owings
and Merrill’s role in the evolution of the high-rise is significant, with five
out of ten of the world’s tallest buildings being the work of SOM. In this
context, it is important to make reference to the remarkable contribution
that SOM engineer Fazlur Khan made to development of new forms of
high-rise structural thinking, such as the “trussed tube” of the John
Hancock Center and the “bundled tube” of the Sears Tower (now
renamed the Willis Tower). The legacy of Khan’s quiet but significant
innovations still resonates in the construction of tall buildings, where
material and structural efficiencies are achieved through new geometric
configurations and radical rethinkings of engineering orthodoxy.
At 2,717 feet high, the Burj Khalifa sets a new building-height record,
which for economic reasons alone is unlikely to be surpassed any time
soon. This predominantly residential block was conceived with a Y-
shaped plan, the utility of which delivers increased surface area (and thus
vistas for its residents). More important, however, in what is undoubtedly
a major engineering achievement, is the increased structural stability that
the tapering Y-shaped form affords, employing what William F. Baker
describes as a “buttressed core” structural system. The core, a hexagonal
tube that contains all the vertical access, is buttressed at 120-degree
intervals by three tapering accommodation wings. Unusually for a building
of this immense height, the external form of the structure is asymmetric,
which is not a lightly used design conceit but the result of extensive wind-
tunnel testing and numerous Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)
modelings of the tower, which confirmed that tapering the structure and
offsetting stepped changes in building width would prevent the
consolidation of organized vortex shedding and substantially reduce the
wind forces acting on the building. The effects of the wind are also
mitigated by the glazing mullions, or “fins,” which SOM have likened to
the dimples on a golf ball, “to create surface turbulence and reduce the
lateral drag forces on the building.”1
The building is constructed of reinforced concrete—a feat that would
have been unimaginable in 1965, when Fazlur Khan had seemingly

pushed the limit for high-rise reinforced-concrete design with the 37-story
Brunswick Building in Chicago. New analysis techniques and the
refinement of concrete technology have made the Burj project possible.
The technical challenges, however, of pumping concrete to such heights
over such long distances and in such extreme heat were considerable
(UAE temperatures can exceed 120˚F). Other technical challenges for a
building this large, and with such significant static loads, are the
timedependent changes of concrete shrinkage and creep; over a 30-year
period it is predicted that vertical shortening will reduce the overall height
of the building by approximately 12 inches. This shrinkage and creep also
creates changes in the structural performance of reinforced concrete
insomuch as it alters the ratio of how much load is taken up by the
concrete and how much by the internal steel reinforcing (rebar). It has
been estimated that immediately after construction the concrete in the
walls and floor at level 135 will support 85 percent of the load, with the
rebar supporting 15 percent. It is predicted that after 30 years this ratio
will have changed to 70:30 percent, with the rebar taking twice the load it
did when the structure was completed.

The building is supported on a solid reinforced-concrete raft, 12 feet

thick; the material is a C50 Self Compacting Concrete (SCC). This
concrete raft is supported by 194 friction piles, each 5 feet in diameter
and 140 feet long, and each designed for a load capacity of 3,300 tons.
The groundwater in the site was found to contain high concentrations of
chloride and sulfate, which could prove extremely corrosive to the
foundations. Several strategies were employed to prevent this potentially
harmful corrosion, such as a specially formulated concrete mix, various

waterproofing technologies, and cathodic protection, which utilizes a
titanium mesh beneath the raft along with electricity to repel harmful
The construction sequencing of the tower was also vital to the long-
term durability of the structure, especially in light of the asymmetrically
spiraling layout of the structural setbacks. The superstructure of the tower
uses a range of concrete mixes, from 12,000 psi to 9,000 psi cube
strength containing Portland cement and fly ash, and was constructed
using a self-climbing (jump form) system, and a mixture of specially
designed steel formwork for curved columns and proprietary systems for
the concrete decks.
The vast scale of this project is perhaps best illustrated with climate
data, which shows that a ground temperature of 115˚F is reduced to
100˚F on the 162nd floor at the top of the tower; similarly, there is a 30
percent reduction in humidity between the top and bottom of the building.

1 Baker, W. F., Mazeika, A., and Pawlikowski, J., “The Development of Burj Dubai
and The New Beijing Poly Plaza” in Structures Congress 2009: Integrated Design:
Everything Matters, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 1–10

1, 2
The completed Burj Khalifa, currently the world’s tallest building: note the
asymmetrical setbacks designed to “confuse” the wind

Wind-tunnel testing of a 1:500 scale model of the tower. The wind tunnel
models contain pressure taps to collect wind data from different areas of
the building model

Detail of the concrete structure with a four-story section of cladding in
place. The fast-track nature of contemporary construction means that the
structural build and finished cladding are programmed simultaneously to
allow for internal fitout

The Burj Khalifa under construction with the tripartite plan of the
buttressed core visible

Further reading and resources

Ackermann, Kurt (et al), Building for Industry (Industriebau), Surrey: Watermark
Publications, 1991

Adams, Jonathan, Columns: Detail in Building, London: Academy Editions, 1998

Addis, William, Creativity and Innovation: The Structural Engineer’s Contribution to

Design, Oxford: Architectural Press, 2001

Anderson, Stanford (ed.). Eladio Dieste, Innovation in Structural Art, New York:
Princeton Architectural Press, 2004

Bechthold, Martin, Innovative Surface Structures Technologies and Applications,

Oxford: Taylor & Francis, 2008

Beukers, Adriaan, Lightness: the inevitable renaissance of minimum energy

structures, Rotterdam: 010, 1998

Bill, Max, Robert Maillart: Bridges and Constructions, London: Pall Mall Press,

Billington, David P., The Art of Structural Design: A Swiss Legacy, New Haven:
Yale University Press, 2003

Blaser, Werner, Mies van der Rohe, London: Thames and Hudson, 1972

Blockley, D., The New Penguin Dictionary of Civil Engineering, London: Penguin,

Boaga, Giorgio, and Boni, Benito, The Concrete Architecture of Riccardo Morandi,
London: Alex Tiranti, 1965

Borrego, John, Space Grid Structures, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1968

Burgess, S. C., and Pasini, D., “Analysis of the structural efficiency of trees” in
Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 15, No. 2, April 2004, pp.177–193, Oxford:
Taylor & Francis, 2004

Carter, Peter, Mies van der Rohe at Work, London: Phaidon, 1999

Chanakya, Arya, Design of Structural Elements, Oxford: Taylor & Francis, 2009

Chilton, John, The Engineer’s Contribution to Contemporary Architecture: Heinz

Isler, London: Thomas Telford, 2000

Cobb, Fiona, Structural Engineer’s Pocket Book, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann,


Coucke, P., Jacobs, G., Sas, P., and De Baerdemaeker, J., Comparative Analysis
of the Static and Dynamic Mechanical Eggshell Behaviour of a Chicken Egg,

Department of Agro-engineering and Economics, International Conference on
Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA 23, September 16–18 1998, pp.1497–
1502, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium, downloadable
as a PDF from

Coutts, M. P., and Grace, J., Wind and Trees, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1995

Denny, Mark, The Physical Properties of Spider’s Silk and their Role in the design
of Orb-webs, Department of Zoology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina,
1976, downloadable as a PDF from:

Elliot, Cecil D., Technics and Architecture, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992

Engel, Heinrich; Structure Systems, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company,

Fisher, R. E., Architectural Engineering—New Structures, New York: McGraw-Hill,


Fuller, R. B., Inventions: The Patented Works of R. Buckminster Fuller, New York:
St. Martin’s Press, 1983

Gole, R. S., and Kumar, P., Spider’s silk: Investigation of spinning process, web
material and its properties, Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, 208016, downloadable as a PDF

Goodchild, C. H., Economic Concrete Frame Elements: A Pre-Scheme Design

Handbook for the Rapid Sizing and Selection of Reinforced Concrete Frame
Elements in Multi-Storey Buildings, Surrey: British Cement Association, 1997

Gordon, J. E., Structures: Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down, London: Penguin, 1978

Greco, Claudio, Pier Luigi Nervi, Lucerne: Quart Verlag, 2008

Heartney, E., Kenneth Snelson: Forces Made Visible, Stockbridge, MA: Hard Press
Editions, 2009

Heyman, Jacques, Structural Analysis: A Historical Approach, Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1998

Hilson, Barry, Basic Structural Behaviour, London: Thomas Telford, 1993

Holgate, Alan, The Work of Jörg Schlaich and his Team, Stuttgart: Axel Menges,

Hunt, Tony, Tony Hunt’s Structures Notebook, Oxford: Architectural Press, 1997

Ioannides, S. A., and Ruddy, J. L., Rules of Thumb for Steel Design (paper
presented at the North American Steel Conference), Chicago: Modern Steel
Construction, February 2000, downloadable as a PDF from

Kappraff, J., Connections, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991

Khan, Y. S., Engineering Architecture, New York: Norton, 2004

Krausse, J., Your Private Sky—Buckminster Fuller, Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers,

LeDuff, P., and Jahchan, N., Eggshell Dome Discrepant Event, Teacher’s Guide
SED 695B, 2005,

Macdonald, A. J., Structure & Architecture, Oxford: Architectural Press, 2001

Margolis, I., Architects + Engineers = Structure, London: John Wiley & Sons, 2002

Mark, R., Experiments in Gothic Structure, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989

Megson, T. H. G., Structural and Stress Analysis, Oxford: Elsevier, 2005

Millais, M., Building Structures, London: E & F Spon, 1997

Morgan, J., and Cannell, M. G. R., Structural analysis of tree trunks and branches:
tapered cantilever beams subject to large deflections under complex loading, Tree
Physiology 3, pp.365–374, Victoria, BC: Heron Publishing, 1987, downloadable as
a PDF from:

Mosley, B., Bungey, J., and Hulse, R., Reinforced Concrete Design, Basingstoke:
Palgrave, 2007

Nerdinger, W., Frei Otto: Complete Works, Basel: Birkhauser, 2005

Nerdinger, W. (et al), Wendepunkte im Bauen Von der seriellen zur digitalen
Architektur, Munich: Edition Detail, 2010

Nervi, Pier Luigi, Structures, New York: F. W. Dodge Corporation, 1956

Nordenson, Guy (ed.), Seven Structural Engineers: The Félix Candela Lectures,
New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2008

Otto, Frei, Finding Form, Fellbach: Edition Axel Menges, 1995

Popovic Larsen, O., Reciprocal Frame Architecture, Oxford: Architectural Press,


Rice, P., An Engineer Imagines, London: Ellipsis, 1993

Sandaker, B., The Structural Basis of Architecture, Oxford: Routledge, 2011

Scott, Fred, On Altering Architecture, Oxford: Routledge, 2007

Steel Construction Institute, Steel Designers’ Manual, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell,


Torroja, Eduardo, Philosophy of Structures, Los Angeles: University of California
Press, 1958

Twentieth-Century Engineering, exhibition catalog, New York: Museum of Modern

Art, 1964

Veltkamp, M., Free Form Structural Design: Schemes, Systems & Prototypes of
Structures for Irregular Shaped Buildings, Delft: Delft University Press, 2007

Wachsmann, K., The Turning Point of Building, New York: Reinhold, 1961

Wells, M., Engineers: A History of Engineering and Structural Design, Oxford:

Routledge, 2010

Useful websites:

(websites accessed 10.10.12)


Page numbers in italics refer to picture captions

airship hangars 70
Alsop, William: Ontario College of Art and Design extension, Toronto, Canada
aluminum 44, 46, 134, 138, 156, 172
Aon Center, Chicago, USA 72
bending stress capacity 58, 59
catenary arches 59, 88, 150–1
and compression 15, 59
pointed arches 14, 15, 96
stability 79, 80
and tension 15
Arwade, Dr. Sanjay 91

Baker, Benjamin: Forth Rail Bridge, Queensferry, Scotland 21, 120–1

Baker, William F. (Skidmore, Owings and Merrill) 198
Baldwin, Frederick: Tetrahedral Tower, Nova Scotia, Canada 124–5
Ban, Shigeru 178
Pompidou-Metz, Metz, Lorraine, France 194–7
Barlow, William Henry: St. Pancras Railway Station shed, London 79, 116–17
Bartoli, John 141
beams 78–83
bending moments 27, 28, 30, 36, 37, 38, 50, 127
bending stress capacity 40, 41, 43, 50–1
cantilevers 27, 38, 56, 79, 81, 170
common formulae 24, 36–9
and compression 30, 40, 41, 50, 81
concrete 33, 43, 48, 75, 78, 81, 182–5
deflection 30, 32, 36–7, 44, 48, 55, 56, 74, 75
eccentric loads 27, 38, 40
fixed connections 30, 31, 32, 37, 52, 72, 79
loading analysis 24, 30–9
moment connections 30, 31, 33, 64, 79, 81, 152, 153, 178
neutral axis 40, 41, 43, 50, 51
pinned connections 30, 31, 32, 33, 52, 64, 66, 79, 80
“second moment of area” 36, 37, 41, 42, 44, 50, 52, 55
section moduli 40, 41, 50, 51
shear loads and forces 26, 27, 30, 36–8, 40, 41
and slabs 78, 79, 81, 84, 85
standard sections 52, 54, 78, 79, 82, 83
static equilibrium 28, 29, 40, 41
steel 33, 42, 44, 52, 74, 78–80, 176–7
support conditions 30–3, 36–7
and tension 30, 40, 41, 44, 81
timber 33, 49, 82–3

torsion 27, 38, 42
Young’s modulus 36, 37, 55
see also frames
Behnisch, Günter: Munich Olympic Stadium Roof, Germany 59, 158–61
Bell, Alexander Graham: Tetrahedral Tower, Nova Scotia, Canada 124–5
Bell Rock Lighthouse 92, 93
Bini, Dr. Dante: Bini Domes, New South Wales, Australia 162–3
biomimetics 7, 159
bone 12, 46
bridges 47, 59, 60, 81
cantilevered 21, 120–1
footbridges 190–3
steel 79, 80, 120–1
suspension 59, 88
truss 21, 60, 79, 120–1
Brouwn, Stanley: “Het Gebouw,” Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht, Netherlands 178–81
Büro Happold59, 89
buttresses/buttressing 20, 21, 198–201

cables 39, 88, 103, 156–61

Calatrava, Santiago: Concrete Shell Aquarium, Valencia, Spain 61
Candela, Félix94, 162, 166
Concrete Shell Aquarium, Valencia, Spain 61
Los Manantiales Restaurant, Mexico City, Mexico 132–3
canopies 134, 135, 140–3, 170
cantilevers 178–85
beams 27, 38, 56, 79, 81, 170
bending moments 19, 27, 38
bridges 21, 120–1
canopies 129, 140–3, 170
columns 52, 126
cylindrical 164–5
defined 19
deflection 56
frames 130, 150, 156, 173, 174
in load testing 96, 98, 100–1
in nature 10, 19
shear loads and forces 19, 38
stability 19, 98
Cape Fear Memorial Truss Bridge, Wilmington, USA 60
carbon fiber 43, 46
catenary curves 88, 89
Charlton, David 102
Christoph Ingenhoven and Partner: train station, Stuttgart, Germany 89
buckling 52, 53
cantilevers 52, 126
and compression 21, 26, 41, 52, 53
deflection 30, 52
height and width 52, 54
in nature 10, 20

outrigger 71
standard sections 52, 54
steel 33, 52, 152–5, 186–7, 188
support conditions 30, 33, 52, 54, 126, 186–7
and truss systems 152–5
Young’s modulus 52
see also frames; plinths
compression/compressive elements
and arches 15, 59
axial compression 52–4, 96
and beams 30, 40, 41, 50, 81
and bending stress 40, 41, 43, 50
and columns 21, 26, 41, 52, 53
compressive capacity 42, 43, 48, 49
compressive failure 52
and external loads 21, 25, 26, 35, 44, 52–4, 69, 96, 102
and frames 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66
and internal forces 25, 26, 27
in nature 14, 15, 18
neutral axis 27, 40, 41, 43, 50, 51
in tensegrity structures 18, 156, 157
and trusses 35
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) 104, 108–9, 198
beam support conditions 33, 43
beams 48, 78, 81
compressive capacity 43, 48
creep 48, 199
deflection 48
domes 61, 94
failure 43
frames 62, 74, 81
grade 48
properties 43, 48, 81
reinforcing 43 see also reinforced concrete
shell structures 61, 94, 134–5, 162
shrinkage 48, 199
slabs 78, 79, 81, 84, 140
standard concrete 62
strain capacity 43, 46, 49
stress capacity 43, 46
sustainability 74
tensile capacity 43
weight 74
Young’s modulus 46, 48
construction programs 74, 75, 76
Contarini, Bruno 164
control points 90
Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) 49, 83

dead loads 48, 56, 74, 190

beams 30, 32, 36–7, 44, 48, 55, 56, 74, 75
calculations 36, 37, 55
cantilevers 56
columns 30, 52
concrete 48, 75
defined 55
and fitness for purpose 24, 56–7
lateral 57, 63
slabs 56
steel 74
timber 76
vertical 56
floorplates 61, 64, 65, 66, 68
walls 126, 158
domes 14, 17, 60, 61, 69, 70
concrete 61, 94, 162–3
geodesic 80, 124, 136–9
lamella 60, 80
load testing 92, 94
steel 80

Eddystone Lighthouse 93
eggshells 14, 15
Eiffel, Gustave: Eiffel Tower, Paris, France 118–19
elastic design theory 40, 50
elastic moduli 44, 50, 51
Engel, Heinrich 24, 58, 62
Euler equations 52, 53
external loads 25
axial 25, 26, 40, 44, 52–4, 96
and compression 21, 25, 26, 35, 44, 52–4, 69, 96, 102
and deformation 12, 44
distributed loads 26, 36–7, 39, 55, 71, 90, 144
and internal forces 25, 26–7, 40
load testing 92–103
load transfer mechanisms 21, 30, 58, 60, 61, 64, 68, 69, 176
perpendicular loads 25
point loads 26–9, 30, 34, 36–8, 41–2, 59, 61, 78, 96
shear loads 25, 26, 27, 30, 40, 43, 49, 176
and static equilibrium 24, 25, 28–9, 40
and tension 21, 25, 26, 30

Faber, Colin 132

ferrocement 141
financial issues 74, 75, 76
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) 6, 57, 104, 106–7, 170, 190, 192
fire protection 74, 75, 76, 82
fitness for purpose 24, 56–7
floorplates 57, 58, 61, 64, 65, 66, 68

floors and stability 57, 61, 64, 65
Fowler, John: Forth Rail Bridge, Queensferry, Scotland 21, 120–1
bending moments 64, 66
braced 66–7, 71, 72
cantilevered 130, 150, 156, 173, 174
and compression 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66
concrete 62, 64, 75, 81, 176–7
diagrids 72
fixed 30, 31
outrigger construction 71
pinned 30, 31
portal 80, 96, 130–1, 190–3
rigid 62, 64, 65, 66, 71
spaceframe structures 60, 80, 102, 124–5, 136, 139
stability 30, 63, 64–7, 71, 172–3, 176, 186, 190
steel 62, 64, 69, 74, 80, 130–1, 181, 186–9
timber 62, 76
and trusses 60, 71, 72, 80
tubular 72, 138, 139, 156–7, 178–81, 198–201
vibration 74, 75
Fuller, Richard Buckminster 112, 124, 136–7, 156, 157
Geodestic (Fly’s Eye) Dome, Snowmass, Colorado, USA 139
The USA Pavilion, Montreal Expo, Canada (1967) 80, 139
Wood River Dome, Illinois, USA 138

Garcia-Abril, Antón: Hemeroscopium House, Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain 113, 182–5
Gaudí, Antoni89
Casa Milà, Barcelona, Spain59
glass 46, 102, 166–71
Glen Howells Architects: The Savill Building, Windsor Great Park, UK 59
glulam 49, 76, 83, 145, 194, 195, 196
graphene 46
Grimshaw, Nicholas: Eden Project, Cornwall, UK 17, 80

Haller, Fritz: Maxi/Mini/Midi Systems 152–5

the human body 18, 19–21
human hair 46
ice shell, Cornell University, NY 91
igloos 70
impact resistance 12, 13, 47, 93
“in service” statesee fitness for purpose
Ingber, Don E. (Wyss Institute, Harvard) 18, 157
Integrated Building Information Model (BIM) 104
internal forces 26–39
analyzing 24, 30–9
bending moments 25, 27, 28, 30, 34, 36, 37, 38, 55
common beam loading scenarios 36–9
compression 25, 26, 27
deflection calculations 36, 37, 55
and external loads 25, 26–7, 40

method of sections technique 28, 30, 34–5
shear forces 25, 26, 27, 30, 36–8, 40, 60, 64, 68
and static equilibrium 25, 28–9, 40
and stress 40
tension 25, 26, 158
torsion 25, 26, 27, 38, 42, 98
International Association for Shell Structures (IASS) 128
iron 46, 116
Ishigami, Junya: Kanagawa Institue of Technology workshop/table, Japan 186–9
Isler, Heinz 88, 91, 144–5, 158, 162
Brühl Sports Center, Solothurn, Switzerland 148–9
Deitingen Süd Service Station, Switzerland 144, 145, 147
Wyss Garden Center, Switzerland 145, 146

John Hancock Center, Chicago, USA 72, 198

Kelly, John Terrence: Lamella Dome, Materials Park, South Russell, Ohio, USA 60
Khan, Fazlur (Skidmore, Owings and Merrill) 198
Kilian, Dr. Axel 151
Koechlin, Maurice 118
Kreuck & Sexton: Crown Hall, IIT, Chicago, USA 131
Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, Netherlands 156, 157

Laminated Strand Lumber (LSL) 83

Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) 49, 76, 83
live loads 56, 88, 104, 105, 120, 173, 191
loads 24 see alsodead loads; external loads; live loads; seismic loads;snow
loads;wind loads
Louisiana Superdome, USA 80
Lubetkin, Berthold: Penguin Pool, London Zoo, London 92
Lucas, Timothy 6–7, 190

Macfarlane, Tim 166–7

all-glass extension, London (Mather) 169
Apple stores (Bohlin Cywinski Jackson) 171
Broadfield House Glass Museum, Dudley, England (Design Antenna) 169
Joseph store, London (Jiricna) 168
Klein Residence, Santa Fe, New Mexico (Ohlhausen DuBois Architects) 167,
Yurakucho Station canopy, Tokyo, Japan 170
Maillart, Robert 126, 166
Magazzini Generali Warehouse, Chiasso, Switzerland 113, 126–7
Mark, Professor Robert 104, 105
material properties 40
brittleness 44, 47, 63
buckling 52, 53, 151
deformation 12, 44
ductility 40, 44
elasticity 10, 12, 16, 40, 44, 45, 49
isotropic materials 43
load resistance 24, 43
in nature 12, 14, 18

orthotropic materials 43, 49
strain capacity 14, 40, 44–6
stress capacity 12, 14, 40–3, 46
and structural systems 74–6
McLaughlin, Niall: Meads Reach Footbridge, Bristol, England 190–3
“Method of Sections” technique 28, 30, 34–5
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig: Crown Hall, IIT, Chicago, USA 130–1
Millennium Dome, London 70
modeling techniques 91
Computational Fluid Dynamics 108–9, 198
Finite Element Analysis 106–7
Integrated Building Information Model 104
photoelastic modeling 6, 104, 105, 140
soap film 88, 90, 159
suspension models 88, 89
see also prototyping/prototypes
Morandi, Riccardo 6
Murphy and Mackey Architects: The Climatron, St. Louis, Missouri, USA 138

prototyping 7, 88, 124, 159
structures in 10–21, 88
Navier-Stokes equations 108
Nervi, Antonio: Palazzo del Lavoro, Turin, Italy 140, 142–3
Nervi, Pier Luigi 6, 94, 112, 127, 140–1, 166
Lamella Dome, Palazzetto Dello Sport, Rome, Italy 60
Palazzo del Lavoro, Turin, Italy 140, 142–3
neutral axis 27, 40, 41, 43, 50, 51
Newton ’s third law of motion 25, 28
Niemeyer, Oscar: Niterói Contemporary Art Museum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 164–5
Nouguier, Emile 118

One Canada Square, London 71

Oriented Strand Board (OSB) 83
Otto, Frei 88, 112, 158, 159
Munich Olympic Stadium Roof, Germany 59, 158–61
soap-film models 88, 90
train station, Stuttgart, Germany 89

people circles 21
plastic 50, 52, 53, 137, 139, 144
plastic design theory 40, 50
plastic section modulus 50
plinths 98, 107
Poisson’s ratio 44, 45
Pringle Richards Sharratt Architects: Winter Garden, Sheffield, UK 59
form finding 88–91
load testing 92–103
nature 7, 88, 124, 159
visualizing forces 104–9
Prouvé, Jean 112, 140

pylons 118–19

reinforced concrete 48
beams 33, 43, 75, 81, 182–5
bending stress capacity 43, 92
deflection 75
domes 162–3
flexibility of use 75
frames 64, 75, 176–7
properties 43, 48, 75
roofs 61, 126–7, 140–3
shell structures 88, 128–9,132–3, 144–9
slabs 84, 85, 126
structural assessment 75
sustainability 75
tensile capacity 43
vibration 75
weight 75
Renzo Piano Building Workshop: The Shard, London 67
Rice, Peter: Pavilion of the Future, Seville Expo (1992) 15
Richman, Martin 190
Robert Haskins Waters Engineers 59
Roman aqueduct, Segovia, Spain 59
barrel vault 116–17
concrete 61, 126–7, 140–3
isostatic ribs 6, 140–1
rib vaulting 114–15
steel 79, 80, 140–3
timber 76, 83
truss-supported 79, 113, 126–7
see also canopies
rubber (natural) 46

Saarinen, Eero: Jefferson National Expansion Monument (“Gateway Arch”), St

Louis, Missouri, USA 150–1
Sadao, Shoji 136
The USA Pavilion, Montreal Expo, Canada (1967) 80, 139
Sauvestre, Stephen 118
Scorer, Sam: Concrete Shell Structures, Lincolnshire, England 134–5
sectional properties 40, 44, 50
axial compression 52–4, 96
bending stress 50–1
section moduli 40, 41, 50, 51
see alsodeflection
seesaws 28, 29
seismic loads 63
serviceability state see fitness for purpose
shell structures
concrete 61, 88, 94, 128–9, 132–5, 144–9, 162
ice shells 91, 145

see alsoeggshells
Shukhov, Vladimir: All-Russia Exhibition (1896), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia 122–3
Sir William Arrol & Co. 120
Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM): Burj Khalifa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
and beams 78, 79, 81, 84, 85
concrete 78, 79, 81, 84–5, 126, 140
deflection 56
floor slabs 64, 65, 140, 162
waffle slabs 84, 85
Smithfield Market, London 61
Snelson, Kenneth: tensegrity structures 18, 156–7
snow loads 126, 187, 188, 195
soap bubbles 16, 17
CADenary tool program 151
Computational Fluid Dynamics 104, 108, 198
Finite Element Analysis 57, 106
form-finding 88, 90
spiderwebs 12, 13
static equilibrium 24, 25, 28–9, 30, 35, 40, 41
beams 33, 42, 44, 52, 74, 78–80, 176–7
bridges 79, 80, 120–1
columns 33, 52, 152–5, 186–7, 188
compressive capacity 42, 43
deflection 74
domes 80
failure 44, 47, 74
fatigue 47
flexibility of use 74
frames 62, 64, 69, 74, 80, 130–1, 181, 186–9
grade 44, 47
gridshell structures 122–3
lattice 118–19, 122–3
mild steel 40, 42, 43, 44, 46
properties 47, 74, 78–80
in reinforced concrete 43, 48
roofs 79, 80, 140–3
sheet steel 137, 138, 150, 151, 190
skin 138, 150–1, 190–3
spaceframe structures 80, 139
stainless steel 139, 150, 168, 170, 171, 190–3
standard steel 52, 62
strain capacity 43, 44, 46
stress capacity 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48
structural assessment 74
sustainability 74, 75
tensile capacity 43, 81
towers 118–19, 122–3

trusses 79, 120–1, 152–5,172–5,182–5
vibration 74
weight 74, 75
Young’s modulus 44, 46
Stevenson, Robert 92
Stewart, Allan: Forth Rail Bridge, Queensferry, Scotland 21, 120–1
strain 44–6
defined 40
and deformation 12, 44
and failure 44
measuring 44, 45, 46
strain capacity 14, 40, 43, 44–6, 49
stress ratio 44, 45
and tension 44, 45
types of 44, 45
stress 40–3
axial stress 40, 41, 59
bending stress 40, 41, 43, 49, 50–1, 58, 59, 60, 61
defined 40
direct stress 40, 42, 68
and failure 40, 56, 74
and material properties 12, 14, 40–3
in nature 10, 19
shear stress 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 49, 61, 153
strain ratio 44, 45
stress capacity 12, 14, 40–3, 46
torsional stress 42
ultimate stress 40, 44, 46
yield (proof) stress 40, 42, 46, 47
bending moments 30, 43, 60, 140, 175 see also beams
bending stress capacity 40, 41, 43, 50, 51, 58, 61, 92
cable net structures 69, 103, 158–61
categories 58–72
cellular structures 61, 68
concrete shell structures 61, 88, 94, 128–9, 132–5, 144–9, 162
form active structures 59, 61, 62
glass structures 102, 166–71
gridshell structures 59, 69, 91, 122–3, 194–7
hyperbolic structures 91, 122–3,132–3
load 24, 25
in nature 10–21, 88
pneumatic structures 59, 138, 159, 162–3
section active structures 62
spaceframe structures 60, 80, 102, 124–5, 136, 139
spiral 12, 92, 199
spiral structures 12, 92, 199
stability 19, 24, 57, 63–70, 96, 102, 152, 153
static equilibrium 24, 25, 28–9, 30, 35, 40, 41
structural material assessments 74–6
surface active structures 61

tensile fabric structures 59, 69, 70, 138, 159
vector active structures 60, 62
see alsoarches; bridges; columns; domes; frames; shell structures; tensegrity
structures; towers
struts 26, 41
suspension bridge, British Columbia, Canada 59
sustainability issues 74, 75, 76, 82
Swiss Re Tower, London 72
Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia 80

Taipei 101, Taiwan 71

Tedesko, Anton 94
tensegrity structures 156–7
compression/compressive elements 18, 156, 157
in nature 18, 20
tension/tensile elements 18, 156
tension/tensile elements
and arches 15
and beams 30, 40, 41, 44, 81
and bending stress 40, 41, 43, 50
and external loads 21, 25, 26, 30
and frames 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66
and internal forces 25, 26, 158
in nature 12, 14, 15, 16, 18
and strain 44, 45
surface tension 16
in tensegrity structures 18, 156, 157
tensile capacity 43, 49, 81
tensile fabric structures 59, 69, 70, 138, 159
and trusses 35
beams 33, 49, 82–3
bending stress capacity 49
compressive capacity 43, 49
creep 49
deflection 76
elasticity 49
flexibility 76
frames 62, 76
grade 49
grain 43
gridshell structures 194–7
hardwood 10
imperfections 49
properties 43, 49, 76, 82–3
roofs 76, 83
serviceability 49
softwood 10, 46
standard timber 49, 62
strain capacity 46
strength classes 49

stress capacity 10, 43, 46, 49
structural assessment 76
sustainability 76, 82
tensile capacity 49
weight 76, 83
Young’s modulus 46
see also glulam
titanium 46
Torroja, Eduardo: Zarzuela Hippodrome, Madrid, Spain 128–9
towers 71
buttressing 20, 198–201
exterior structures 71, 72
human 20, 21
hyperboloid 122–3
interior structures 71
lattice 98, 118–19, 122–3
modeling 107
spaceframe structures 124–5
stability 71, 98, 118, 198
steel 118–19, 122–3
structure 20, 21
tubular frames 72, 156–7, 198–201
see also pylons
trees 10, 11, 20, 126 see also timber
bending stress capacity 58, 60
in bridges 21, 60, 79, 120–1
and column systems 152–5
and compression 35
and frames 60, 71, 72, 80
method of sections technique 28, 30, 34–5
octet 124–5
in roofs 79, 113, 126–7
steel 79, 120–1, 152–5,172–5,182–5
and tension 35
Vierendeel trusses 79, 126, 182, 183
warren 79, 182
tungsten 46

University of Greenwich, London (student prototypes) 103

University of Westminster, London (student prototypes) 91, 96–102
Valenzuela, Dr. Mark 91
barrel vaulting 116–17
brick 95
gridshell 91
load testing 92, 95
rib vaulting 114–15
see also domes
vibration 24, 57, 74, 75, 76
Viñoly, Rafael: Atlas Building, Wageningen, Netherlands 176–7

Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène 114–15

Wachsmann, Konrad 112

as diaphragms 126, 158
shear walls 66, 71
for stability 68, 71
Willis (formerly Sears) Tower, Chicago, USA72, 198
Wilson, Dr. Arnold 94
wind loads 63, 64, 68, 107, 108–9, 122, 124, 175
wind resistance 10, 93, 118, 121, 164, 194–5, 198see also wind loads
Young’s modulus 36, 37, 44, 46, 55

Picture credits

Pictures by Will McLean, Pete Silver, and Peter Evans, except where indicated
13 (1) David Scarf/Science Photo Library
13 (4) Carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN72), U.S. Navy, photo by Photographer’s
Mate Airman Justin Blake
15 (2) Generated eggshell mesh using shell-type elements. (Based on a diagram
from Comparative Analysis of the Static and Dynamic Mechanical Eggshell
Behaviour of a Chicken Egg by P. Coucke, G. Jacobs, and J. De Baerdemaeker,
Department of Agro-engineering and -economics, KU Leuven, Belgium, and P.
Sas, Department of Mechanical Engineering, division PMA, KU Leuven, Belgium)
15 (3) ©Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc./Visuals Unlimited/Corbis Rights Managed
15 (4) ©Paul M.R. Maeyaert
15 (5) Courtesy MBM Arquitectes
17 (2) Laurence King Publishing
19 (1) ©Alexander Yakovlev/Fotolia
19 (2) ©Rick Rickman/NewSport/Corbis
20 (3) William Ruddock
20 (4) Image courtesy of Patrick Hughes, photography by John Timbers
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59 (5) ©Suzanne Bosman/Alamy
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91 (5) Courtesy Heinz Isler

92 RIBA (image no. 2845-23)
93 top ©Ian Cowe/Alamy
94 (3) Images courtesy of Dr. Arnold Wilson at the Brigham Young University
Laboratories (TBC)
95 (4) Images courtesy of MIT Masonry Research Group (MRG): John
Ochsendorf, Mallory Taub, Philippe Block, Lara Davis, Florence Guiraud Doughty,
Scott Ferebee, Emily Lo, Sze Ngai Ting, Robin Willis, Masoud Akbarzadeh,
Michael Cohen, Samantha Cohen, Samuel Kronick, and Fabiana Meacham
105 (1–4) Images courtesy of Prof. Robert Mark
108–9 Drawings by Akos Kovacs
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116 National Archives
117 (2) National Railway Museum/Science and Society Picture Library
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121 ©Louise McGilviray/Fotolia
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133 (3) ©Cecil Handisyde-AA
133 (4 & 6) Luis M. Castañeda
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135 (1–4 & 6–8) Courtesy of William Ruddock
137 (1) US Patent 3,197,927
138 (3–4) Images courtesy of © Karl Hartig
139 (5) Courtesy, The Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller
142–143 Images courtesy of Andrea Giodorno
151 (1) Daniel Schwen (Wikimedia Commons)
151 (3) Image courtesy of Axel Kilian, Designexplorer
153 (1) US Patent 4,059,937
157 (1) © Kenneth Snelson
163 (1–5) Images courtesy of Dante Bini, photography by Max Dupain
164 ©Trajano Paiva/Alamy
165 (3) ©Arcaid Images/Alamy
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167 Frank Oudeman
168–171 (1–10) Images courtesy of Dewhurst Macfarlane
172 Photograph by Richard Johnson, © Will Alsop, Alsop Architects, Archial Group
173 Photograph by Richard Johnson, © Will Alsop, Alsop Architects, Archial Group
174 © Will Alsop, Alsop Architects, Archial Group
175 (5–7) Images courtesy of Carruthers Wallace
175 (8–12) © Will Alsop, Alsop Architects, Archial Group
179–81 Images courtesy of Bertus Mulder
182–85 Images courtesy of Ensamble Studio
188–89 Images courtesy of Junya Ishigami and Associates

191–93 Images courtesy of Price & Myers and M-Tec/WEC Group
195 ©imagebroker/Alamy
196 (3, 4 & 6) Images courtesy of Holzbau Amann
196 (5) Image courtesy of designtoproduction, Zürich
197 (7) Image courtesy of designtoproduction, Zürich
197 (8–11) Images courtesy of Holzbau Amann
200–201 © Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP


Jessica Brew
Philip Cooper
Liz Faber
Samantha Hardingham
Kate Heron
Eva Jiricna
Tim Macfarlane
Bert and Freda McLean
Robert Mark
Bertus Mulder
Christian Müller
Nils D. Olssen
William Ruddock
Esther Silver

Copyright 2
Title Page 3
Contents 4
Introduction 6
1. Structures in nature 8
1.1 Tree 9
1.2 Spiderweb 11
1.3 Eggshell 16
1.4 Soap bubbles 20
1.5 Human body 22
2. Theory 29
2.1 General theory of structures 30
2.1.1 Introduction 30
2.1.2 External loads 31
2.1.3 Internal forces 32 Axial 32 Shear 33 Bending 33 Torsion 34 Static equilibrium 35 Simple analysis 38 Common beam formulae 46
2.1.4 Material properties 50 Stress 50 Strain 56 Steel properties 60 Concrete properties 60 Timber properties 61
2.1.5 Sectional properties 62 Bending 62 Axial compression 65

337 Deflection 70
2.1.6 Fitness for purpose 71 Vertical deflection 71 Lateral deflection 73 Vibration 73
2.1.7 Structures 74 Categories of structure 74 Stability 85 Towers 96
2.2 Structural systems 98
2.2.1 Introduction 98
2.2.2 Material assessments 99
2.2.3 Structural components 103 Beam systems 103 Concrete slab systems 109
3. Structural prototypes 112
3.1 Form finding 113
3.2 Load testing 120
3.3 Visualizing forces 139
4. Case studies 151
4.1 Introduction 152
4.2 1850–1949 153
4.2.1 Viollet-le-Duc’s innovative engineering approaches 153
4.2.2 St. Pancras Railway Station Shed 156
4.2.3 Eiffel Tower 159
4.2.4 Forth Rail Bridge 164
4.2.5 All-Russia Exhibition 166
4.2.6 Tetrahedral Tower 171
4.2.7 Magazzini Generali Warehouse 174
4.2.8 Zarzuela Hippodrome 179
4.3 1950–1999 181
4.3.1 Crown Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) 181
4.3.2 Los Manantiales Restaurant 186
4.3.3 Concrete Shell Structures, England 190

4.3.4 Geodesic Domes 195
4.3.5 Palazzo del Lavoro (Palace of Labor) 203
4.3.6 Concrete Shell Structures, Switzerland 211
4.3.7 Jefferson National Expansion Monument (“Gateway
4.3.8 Maxi/Mini/Midi Systems 225
4.3.9 Tensegrity Structures 231
4.3.10 Munich Olympic Stadium Roof 235
4.3.11 Bini Domes—inflatable formwork 244
4.3.12 Niterói Contemporary Art Museum 247
4.3.13 Structural Glass 250
4.4 2000–2010 262
4.4.1 Ontario College of Art and Design expansion,
featuring the Sharp Centre for Design
4.4.2 Atlas Building 271
4.4.3 “Het Gebouw” (The Building) 274
4.4.4 Hemeroscopium House 280
4.4.5 Kanagawa Institute of Technology (KAIT) Workshop/
4.4.6 Meads Reach Footbridge 293
4.4.7 Pompidou-Metz 302
4.4.8 Burj Khalifa 311
Further reading and resources 317
Index 321
Picture credits and acknowledgments 334


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