21ST Century Lit Reviewer
21ST Century Lit Reviewer
21ST Century Lit Reviewer
3. GRAPHIC NOVELS - Is a style of fictional literature of
- Narrative in comic book formats extreme brevity
- Narrative work in which the story is - There is no widely accepted
conveyed to the reader using a definition of the length and category.
comic form. It could range from word to a
- The term is employed broadly thousand.
manner, encompassing non-fiction
works and thematically linked short 9. CREATIVE NON-FICTION
stories as well as fictional stories - Also known as literary non-fiction or
across a number of genres. narrative non-fiction
- Archie Comics by John Goldwater - A genre of writing that uses literary
and illustrator, Bob Montana, is a styles and techniques to create
good example. factually accurate narratives.
- Contrasts with other non-fiction,
4. MANGA such as technical writing or
- Japanese word for comics journalism, which is also rooted in
- It is used in the English-speaking accurate fact, but is not primarily
world as a generic term for all comic written in service to its craft.
books and graphic novels originally - As a genre, creative non-fiction is
published in Japan. still relatively young and is only
- Considered as an artistic and beginning to be scrutinized with the
storytelling style. same critical analysis given to fiction
- Ameri-manga - sometimes used to and poetry.
refer to comics created by American - 1000 Gifts by Ann Voscamp and
artists in manga style. Wind, Sand, and Stars by Antoine
- Shonen - Boy’s Manga (Naruto, de Saint-Exupery are examples.
Bleach, One Piece)
- Shojo - Girl’s Manga (Sailormoon) 10. SCIENCE FICTION
- Seinen - Men’s Manga (Akira) - Is a genre of speculative fiction
- Josei - Women’s Manga (Loveless, dealing with imaginative concepts
such as futuristic science and mind-mapping tools in creating a
technology, space travel, time travel, mind map (Pasuello 2017)
faster than light travel, a parallel
universe and extraterrestrial life.
- Often explores the potential 3. MOBILE PHONE TEXT TULA
consequences of scientific and other - Is a traditional Filipino poem. An
innovations and has been called a example of this poem is a tanaga
“literature of ideas”. that consists of 4 lines with 7
- Examples include Suzanne Collins’ syllables each with the same rhyme
Mockingjay and Sarah Maas’
at the end of each line.
Kingdom of Ash.