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Classic Steam Engine
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Classic Steam Engine
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Classic Steam Engine
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CLASSIC STEAM ENGINE ec MUST ce Ue okt) elem ges tess cues Sern Dee eae atrenye trates Hits cence nee ‘We'll tackle this train starting where it tacks: the wheels. Up front, a pivoting assembly call a truck holds the steering wheels. Next come the big, driving wheels. Another pivoting truckat the back holds the trailing wheels. We call thisa “standard” ruck because you'll build two more forthe coal tender, Then we'll take you through the engine frameand body, coal tender, and enough track segments fo create a loop. ‘To get you chugging along with ease, we've together kit items like the wheels, pegs, smoke for the boiler, sand dome, and wa crhandlatiall bits and blades, ‘wel getihis* TIMBER LINE Hee (aciiasg +H BEFOGLALO MERETEK 38 WOOD magazin | October 2025Note: To keep your fingers safely away from the bit when routing small parts, frst secure ‘the part, flat on the router table, Ina wooden, hhandscrew clamp that can be used asa handle. aaa ‘STEERING TRUCK Cut the steering truck parts (A-D) to size [Materials List]. Drill the holes Inthe sides of the steering frame (A) for the axle pegs [Drawing 1, Photo A], then round over the lower front and back ends of the frame. Glue the steam spacers (B) 10 the sides ofthe frame [Drawing 2], flush, at the top and centered front to back. (st the steering bridge (1 toshape {Drawing 1] and glue it to the top of the frame/spacer assembly, flush at the back [Drawing 2]. Cut four axle pegs t0 7" Jong and use them to attach wheels to the frame (A) [Photo Bl. ‘STEERING TRUCK EI STEERING TRUCK PARTS. “To ensure straight holes for the wheel axles, clamp the steering frame (a) against a backer block, then dil the notes at the dil press using 9 sharp brad-point bit. ‘With the steering truck assembly (4-0 face down, drill counterbore, "i" deep on the bottom face of the steering frame (A) then a” hole through the steering frame and steering bridge (©) to accept a recessed peg that ‘will connect the truck ro the engine body [Drawing 21 Round over three edges on each steam chest (D) [Drawing 1), leaving the upper inside edge square. Then, form the round. over on the rear inside corner of each, Lay out and drill the holes fon the front end of each steam chest [Photo C]. Glue and clamp the steam chests to the steam spacers (B) and steering bridge [Drawing 2] so they sit ‘is above the steering bridge and "ie beyond the front end, left ai Learn how tosafely handle small parte atthe router table. woodmagazine com! mallandeate| feluinezet Front View -—- —_4 STEERING BRIDGE KORMANYHID 28 IK GOZLADA (bal olal gata tata.) 0.9 atm 0.3 mely Re08 ‘WOOD magazine | October 2023,Slot the %s"-thick plastic spacers from the project kit around the axle Install 16" Forstner bitin the dil press and clamp a steam chest (0) pegs. With glue in only the bottom of the axle holes, clamp the pegs toa backer block Drill s"-deep holes in the front edge only of the to the frame (A) through the wheels and spacers. steam chest. Repeat for the other chest EA ENoine trucks Get the wheels, axle pegs, and dowels you need in one hhandy project kt. woodstorenet! engineandcoalit aNote: Usesmatt, beads of cyanoacrylate ‘glue on the shaft near the pegs’ heads to affix ‘hem into the drive- rod holes to prevent ‘transferring glue through the holes. 2 v2. W round-over DRIVE TRUCK (Cut the drive frame and spacer (E, F)10 size [Materials List] Drill the holes in the sides of the frame and round aver the lower front and back ends [Drawing 3] Glue the spacer to the frame, flush at the back end [Drawing 2} Use the full-size patterns to bandsaw the drive rods (G) to size and shape, then drill the holes through the sides [Drawing 3). Round over the outside front corner of each drive rod [Drawing 21. Use the full-size pattern and bandsaw the valve gears (H) to shape [Drawing 3, Photo D]. Glue the valve gears to the inside face of each drive rod (G), aligning the top and upper angle. Then round ‘over the inside front comer of each valve gear to provide clearance for the steering bridge (C) [Drawing 2}. Glue the axle pegs into the holes in the rive rods (G) [Drawing 21, then add the wheels o the assembly [Photo F]. Once the glue dries, drill the counterbore and hole through the drive frame and spacer (EF) for the connector pin, STANDARD TRUCKS AA trailing truck brings up the rear of the train engine. Make three of these “standard” assemblies, Two will be used for the tender, Cut the standard frames and side frames (I) t0 size. Drill holes in the sides of each part [Drawing 4] and round, over the lower front and back ends, Form the centered groove in the top face of each. standard frame () (Cut the spring groups (K) to size [Materials List]. Glue and clamp them to the sides of each standard frame (0), ‘centered front-to-back [Drawing 2], Glue the axle pegs into the side frames U), then attach the wheels to the assembly. Spray-mount the full-size pattern to a*2"-thick blank, Attach the blank to carrer board with double-faced tape and bandsaw the valve gears (Ht shape. E rive ruck 7 PARTS o VALVE GEARULL.SZE PATTERN DRVERODFULL-SIZEPATTERN Set aside two of these truck assemblies for the coal tender, Cut the engine tongue and. Link (LM) to size, drill the holes, and form the round-overs [Drawing 4]. Glue the tongue (L) into the groove of the engine standard frame (), flush at the front end [Drawing 2]. Once the ‘le dries, drill the counterbore and hole in the frame and tongue, (Cut a 6"-long workpiece to thickness and ‘width for the engine hitch shroud (N) [Materials List. Form the centered groove along the bottom face and the round-overs on one end [Drawing 4], Mark the finished length and dri 11” hole centered on that layout line, then a % recess on the top face [Photo FI. Cut a7"-wide dado on the bottom face aligned with the length line, Crosscut the hitch shroud to length, leaving alllof the dado to create a7 rabbet. ‘WOOD magazine | October 2023,Ee ‘vs spacer Using the ic" spacers from the project kit, and with glue in only the bottom of each hole, sip the wheels onto the axle pegs and glue the pegs into the holes inthe drive frame (2) Use a1" Forstner bit to drill the through-hole, 13s" from the end, Then, instal ae" Forstner bit and drilla hole, 4" deep on the top face and {We from the end Insert an "a" connector pin through the bottom of the standard truck assembly STANDARD and glue it into the 2" hole in the link (M) TRUCK f [Drawing 2]. Cut the top ofthe connector pin flush with the top of the link, then glue and clamp the hitch shroud (N) to the top of the frame (I) and around the tongue (L). Glue ahs" hitch pin into the hole in the end of the ‘tongue from below and, once the glue dries, cut the top of the pin flush with the top face of the hiteh shroud, Idi stanpano TRUCK PARTS TopView “nents” | tw ~~ 1 ee 14 ir ae rc 1 groove Wwe deoplcontered ENGINEHITCHSHROUD (Gettomvew) ENGINE TONGUE. rs @ 0 e+ STANDARD FRAME Rew hho. ¥ f seg ap py ENGINE HITCH SHROUD 43ENGINE FRAME Gat the catwalk and fame ral (©, P10 Sie Materials List} rll holescemtered on te with ofboth pars and noth the front end of the catwalk [Drawing 5]. Cut a. tong workpiece thickness and with for ‘the front support (Q). Form a centered groove othe top ie round over the corners omeend, then ct itt eng ve the fame ral into the rot support groove fish at the front end [Drawing 6]. tera se iMatrials ist and gett the top of ‘the frame rail/support assembly (P, Q), flush y atthe frontend [Drawing Cut the engine arate o he back ceo the baer rate "rom he ame boiler (S) to length from a 2° dowel and rail (P) to account for the thickness of the catwalk (O). Center the Sere tt tothe back nceofhebolereradle ater Senthe bone toe eucing nee a sebe eeu. iPhoto Gh Cut and sand the curve on the boiler crude, then bevel-cu theron end ENGINE Cut two oo" workpieces for the FRAME PARTS. ash pans (1), Use the full-size patterns {olay out the side views ofthe left and right ash pans on each workpiece [Drawing ] and cat them on the layout lines. Then lay out and cut the top views [Photo Hl, Crosscut 2%" theash pans to length, sand the cut surfaces smooth, and round over the outside and 6 bottom corners [Drawing 6] 2 cs 1. 0 | eo ° we ae wea V [Attach the side-view patterns and cut the side of each ash pan (T). Then ial attach the top-view pattern to the cut edge and cut the top to give the ot / pane their final shape Mole 26" Front wa L/ Soden TY Sierion Tepe ‘epan ake pan she pan bet 2 6 rod-overs FRAMERAL ow ° Raw ae ° ° e ° 1 os - we Sete FRONT SUPPORT CATWALK ASH PANFULLSIZE PATTERNS ‘WOOD magazine | October 2023,{Glue and clamp the ash pans (7) flush atthe edges ofthe catwalk (0) {and 6"s« trom the front end. Make sure the edge with the 4" ‘ound-over is oriented at the outside Glue and clamp the ash pans onto the Dottom of the catwalk (0) [Photo I Lay out and cut the curve on the rear of the catwalk [Drawing 5}, then glue and clamp the frame rail assembly (P,Q, R) to the bottom of the catwalk, making sure to align the holes [Drawing 6! Cut the cross ral, stair base, and stairs (WV, W) to size [Drawing 6]. Glue the cross ral (U) to the bottom ofthe catwalks (0) and back end ofthe frame ral (P). Glue the stair base (V) to the bottom of the front support (Q), centered and flush atthe front end. Add the stars (W). (Cut a V2e2¥/12" workplece for the cowcatcher (X). Shape one end [Photo J, then crosseut it to length. Glue the cowcatcher to the bottom ofthe stair base (0), flush atthe back edge [Drawing 6] IDIENGINE FRAME ASSEMBLY “Ttyourtablesaw blade to 55°, rotate the miter gauge to 20°, and crosscut the end of the workpiece. Then, rotate the miter gauge to the opposite 20" setting and make the second cut above). BOILER PRESSURE This jig secures the boiler in its jaws while its platform serves as a base or a router rest depending on orientation. To make the jaws, rout a 1"-wide 45° chamfer ‘on 1¥4x2¥ax18" hardwood, then 1 - crosscut it into four 4” lengths and glue up pairs of jaws. Laminate #2" plywood to form the platform. Lay ‘outand cut the radii. Screw each platform to a Jaw, centered side to side and overhanging the inside of the jaw by 45ENGINE BODY Dil the headlight hole inthe front end ofthe boler (5) Photo K, Drawing 7] A dowel vise simplifies this, See Boiler Pressure on the previous page. You can also use it tochamter the front [Photo L. Glue the headlight into the hole. Fe Sit irstne 0 orang sana seribe the back end of the boller(S) onto the end of the firebox, flush atthe top face. Cut and sand the curve, then glue the firebox to the boiler [Drawing 7]. Once the glue dries, mark a centerline along the top of the boiler and drill the holes for the smokestack, sand dome, and water dome. Cut the cab front, sides, and backs (2, AA, BB) to size. Drilla hole inthe cab front (2) and cut notches in the ends [Drawing 61. Notch the upper edge of the cab sides (AA) and rabbet the lower (utside face. Glue the cab acks (BB) tothe sides [Drawing 7, then glue the side/back assemblies tothe ends ofthe cab front. Glue the cab assembly onto the top face ofthe catwalk (0), aligning the back of the cab with the back corners. Seribe the headliner (CC) shape onto a™-thiek ‘workpiece [Photo MI, cut it to shape, and luc it to the top edge ofthe cab front (2), flush atthe front and centered [Drawing 7 Cut a blank to overall size forthe cab roof (DD) [Materials List, then seribe To markan accurate ‘centerline, lay 8 alongside the boiler ‘and use that to guide the tip of your pencil ED TRAIN ENGINE EXPLODED VIEW 46 WaterDome 4 donel "ilo Clamp the jig around the boiler (Sto keep it vertical atthe aril press. Dri the Mie" counterbore, then the 4 bore to receive the headlight sole centered in the counter= the inside curve ofthe headliner (CC) onto It Photo NI. Bandsaw the curve to rough shape, then use a spindle sander to sand to ‘your layout line. Use the full-size pattern to lay out the outside curve [Drawing 8}. Cut and sand it to shape, and round over the back corners. Set it aside. Notch the firebox (Y) [Drawing 71 by setting your tablesaw blade */" high, ‘then making multiple passes using your miter gauge to nibble away the width of the notch, Cut the water valve (EE) to fit Ease the upper front and side edges of the water valve and glue it into the notch, Note: instaltan ‘auxiliary fence on your miter gauge that extends 3 ‘beyond the blade to support the boiler! firebox assembly as youcut the notch. WOOD magazine | October 2023Flip the jig and clamp it to the boiler (5) withthe top ofthe platform flush atthe frontend of the boiler. Instalta 's" chamfer bit ina plunge router and rout the chamfer in multiple passes until its 2° wide, Place the boiler/irebox assembly (S/Y) onto the engine frame and Scribe the top ofthe firebox onto a workpiece to lay out the shape of the headliner (CC), Place the cab roof (DD) behind the headliner (CC), flush with the sides fof the cab, and scribe the headliner curve onto the end ofthe roof EL eNciNe Bovy parts Round over one end of a dowel and a1" dowel, then cut each one to length to form the water and sand domes [Drawing 71. Sand or cut away the top "s" of the smokestack, then glue it and the sand and water domes into their holes in the top of the boiler (S). Ge and clamp the boller‘firebox assembly to the boller cradle (R), catwalk (0), and cab front (2). Use the gridded pattern to lay out the side skirts (FF) [Drawing 8] and cut them to shape. Glue the side skirts to the cab side (AA) rabbets, flush, atthe back ends, and to the sides of the engine frame assembly [Drawing 7]. Glue the cab roof (DD) to the top of the cab assembly and to the back end of the water valve (EE). Extend the "™s" holes in the frame ral and catwalk into the boiler (S) and firebox (¥) by Apply glue to the holes in the catwalk (0), then attach the trucks to the engine using "x" connector pins [Drawing 6]. Apply a finish. We sprayed four coats of matte lacquer, buffing between coats with extra-fine steel wool SE ~— cS Rene! face $— 1%" oa (Left side shown) Het COWCATCHER ‘SIDE SKIRT GRIDDED PATTERN aaa ‘Your steam engine won't get far without fuel to fire the boiler. Build this coal tender to ‘move i farther on down the line. ‘START WITH THE TRUCKS Retrieve the two standard trucks started earlier. Cut the coal tongues and tongue extension (GG, HH) to size [Drawing 9] Round over the back corners of the extension and glue it to one of the tongues, flush at the front end [Drawing 10]. Drill a pilot hole fora screw eye in the end of the extension, round over the front corners of the tongue/extension assembly, then glue {into the top groove of one of the standard truck assemblies, ash atthe back end, 6) Pull etepin ten the other coal tongue (GG) [Drawing 10] and. round over the rear comers [Drawing 9]. Glue the tongue into the groove of the remaining truck assembly, flush at the front end. Once the glue dries, drill the counterbores and holes in the frame and tongue of both wheel assemblies. Cut a 6’-long workpiece to thickness and width for the coal hiteh shroud (i). Form the centered groove along the bottom, Ei coat TENDER PARTS face [Drawing 9]. Mark the finished length and cut a dado across its width at that length line, Drill the hole in the tap face, then crosscut the hitch shroud to length, leaving, all ofthe dado to form the %s"-wide rabbet. Round overall four corners. ‘Glue the hiteh shroud to the tongue and frame of the rear truck assembly {Drawing 101. Then, glue a hitch pin into the hole in the end of the tongue and cut it flush ‘with the top face of the shroud. Insert the screw eye into the hole in the front tongue. Ree et bbe we ‘Weep ‘W"deop cantare Coal Stroud ‘WOOD magazine | October 2023,BUILD THE BODY Cut the rail and bottom (J, KK) to size and drill the holes [Drawing 9]. Notch the front corners ofthe bottom and round lover the lower edges of the un-notched portion [Drawing 10]. Round over the front ‘comers ofthe bottom (KK) and all four ‘corners ofthe ral (0). (Out the sides (LL) forming the notches and round-overs [Drawing 9]. Clamp the sides to the bottom (Kk) [Drawing 10] and measure to verify the width of the divider, font, back, and top (MM-PP). Cut them to size and lay out and cut the curve on the top of the divider (MM). Glue the back. (00) to the top (PP), flush at the back end, then glue the front (NN), divider (MM), and top/back assembly between the sides. Cat the water tanks (QQ) to size and round over the comers [Drawing 10] Glue them to the top (PP), spaced as shown and centered side-to-side Glue and clamp the upper body assembly (L1.-QQ) to the bottom (KK) [Drawing 10]. Note that the bottom ‘overhangs the front (NN) by %'. Glue the ral (0) to the underside of the bottom (KK) with the holes aligned, Finish-sand any areas of the tender that need attention. Apply glue to the holes In the coal tender bottom (KK), and attach the wheel assemblies using "x" connector pins [Drawing 10], making sure the trucks can pivot. Apply finish to spruce the tender up to match the engine. {Just bulld a set of standard trucks, lengthen part 23 to sult and create what you want on top. Use our design -your-own-car ki, no. RS-O13B0E (S10, woodstore nev/dreamear, then send us photos at 49CURVED TRACK ‘The engine and tender are great for display, but that's not ‘what we designed them for. This is a toy to be played with, so you'll need a sturdy, smooth-nunning track. Six sections of straight ‘rack and eight sections of curved track will form a simple ‘oval shape. Adjust the quantity to customize the length and shape of your track. ees rttases a) and tops (SS) to size Materials Lis, Drawing tf]. Photocopy and enlarge the half-size track pattern [Drawing 12] and use ito lay out the curved track bases (TT) and tops (UU), then cut them to shape. Install a 14°" dovetail bt in the router table, ralse Ito 4", and rout the notches inthe ends of the bases (RR, TT) [Photo OL. Leave the bit at this height forthe next step Glue the track tops (8S, UU) tothe bases, centered [Drawing I]. 50 (Cut a ox116"-long blank for the track connectors (VV) [Drawing i]. Rout the faces ofthe workplece to create the bow-tie shape [Photo P]. Crosscut the connectors to length [Materials List). Finally apply finish to all ofthe track sections. After the finish dries, form the tracks nto a loop, hook up the coal tender, and chugga-chugga, choo-choo! # Note: ityou're concerned about ‘the connectors being choking hazards for any young ones, glue ‘a connector into one end of ‘each track section. WOOD magazine | October 2023,ete erie oats Position the fence so the bit cuts into the edge of the workpiece with- ‘ut removing the comers. Rout both faces on one edge and test the fitin the track. Adjust the fence if needed, then rout the other edge. Install tallauilary fence to your router-table miter gauge, and a stop block that center the bit on the width of the tack bases (RR, TT). Rout the notches on both ends of the straight and curved bases, MATERIALS LIST PART mero sat_ wat. y. STEERING TRUCK FRAME A STEERING FRAME 1e | as | os | cla 0 | carwatk 65 | 63 |2e| c fi B_ STEAMSPACERS win |e )|ele P| FRAME RAIL 65) 19 | 254 | c [a C (steenncernce [95] 60 | «4 | cia Q* |FRONTsuPPoRT 13/38/95 | ct D | STeAmcHEsTs 3 | 8 [2 [cle R_| BOILER CRADLE 13) 38 | as |e [a DRIVETRUCK S_[ousn ‘=| [wl ma E | onverame [13 [8 [@ [¢ [a T? | asirans a eC F _DRIVESPACER: 13 | 38 | 95 cia U_| cross rai 7 13 | 6 cpa G _DRIvERODS 65) 27 |109 | M2 5 [sane os | 13 | €3 ase H VALVE GEARS: 10 | 16 | 36 M2 W_| sans os} 13 | 4 eye ‘STANDARD TRUCKS: Ss X® | CowcarcHER: ne 1 STANDARDFRAMES | 16 38 54 els § | Bopy 1 stbe Frames es[s fs [ele 3 [y_ [nnssox sts Ts Tuts ta) seancorours [os [to | |e 6 S| z_|casrnowr es |e [eo [et Zhi Tevcneroncve fos) ie [7 [ea S [ak |conswss es) a8 fe |e a) Sha tune be te te ts 2 ‘CAB BACKS [esl es [as [c [2 Bl ne [nrensao Te fe [stele $3 [CC [werouner [os [is [os fe [| = | pp* casroor > [ele lt 2 ke | warervave Ta [we [as [ee [a Ma FF | sioeskints 4) a jos | c fe ART eee PART ee GG coATONUES [65 13-78 -C 2 RR STRAGHTTRACKDASES 9 52311 C HH Toncueextension | 65 | 1935 | ¢ [1 pe] SS | steacHTTRackTors | 19 | 36 | on | M IF [comtnrrcusirouo| 13 | 25) ar |e | Gl rr | cunveoteacnsnses | 10 | 152 | 200 | WRAL as| 19 | 1] ¢ |2 GE) UU | cunveotracktors | 65 | 130 | 251 | M KK sorrow 1 [7 [|e [4 = | we! connectors [as [7 [wie OL ses es] 63 [171] ¢ le a a FC ssfo fe feta MATERIALS KEY c-chey Moot Watt NN FRowr es] 0 as [ce [a BLADE AND BITS: Dado ste. Bw. and 1 Fortrer Bs, x 00 [prc es| 0 | 25 | ¢ ft SOURCES. Tain Engine and Cont Tender kit no. RS-01360 525, Sere S39 Set Progect cost cost us sbout $10 tobuld this project. (Slag [warenrans Tes] ss [os Tw [2 | our cost wit ary by region and source 3PHOTOGRAPHER: JASON DONNELLY ILLUSTRATORS: ROXANNE LEMOINE, LORNA JOHNSON t's time to hitch some cargo to your Classic ‘Steam Engine (issue 291, October 2023) with this log-hauling car. The base features two pivoting trucks to keep it on the rails, plus a beefy platform topped with a pair of log racks. Load them up with sticks to create realistic looking logs for your lumber-hauling empire. We've assembled a kit [Sources} that includes the specialty items like the wheels and pegs to make it easy to get started. EXPLODED VIEW ‘START WITH THE TRUCKS Front and rear truck assemblies get your log car started on the right track exploded View) ‘Cut the truck frames and springs (A, B) to size [Materials List, Drawing 1] Form the centered groove (on the top of each frame, then drill the holes in the sides for axle pegs [Photo Al, Round over the lower ends of the frames [Drawing 1, Photo B), ‘then glue and clamp the springs (B) to the frames, centered front-to-back [Drawing 2} Cut the side frames, tongues, and tongue extension (C-E) to size {Drawing 2] Dril the holes in the side frames (C) and round over the ower comers. Round over both corners on the back end ofthe tongue extension | comector pn oe (€) [Drawing 2], leaving the front end 7 ‘Steam Engine an team Engine and que for now Then, glue and clamp BBS est the tongue extension to the top of a W: your logs to the mil. tongue (D), lush at the front end. = woodstore net! classiesteam To ensure straight holes for the axle pegs, clamp the truck frames (A) against a backer block on your dil-press table, then dri "deep holes using a "42" brad-point bt Install 4" round-over bit in the router table and clamp a truck frame to‘ backer block to keep your fingers away from the bit and prevent tear-out as you rout across the grain. 3Use a pair of support blocks to hold the tongue assembly ina vertical postion as y dl the hole atthe drill press. Ax" brad= ‘oLpaLNézeT oe ‘Smmes tat a 13 mms arta, KAMION KERET ‘sszeszerts wan 7 ‘2am ty 18mm ey 8 Scsatkoz6 csap 52 point bit makes a clean hole in the end grain (Once the glue dries, drill the a" hole in the front end of the tongue assembly [Drawing 2, Photo Cl, Round over the drilled end, then glue the tongue assembly into the groove on the front truck frame (A), flush at the back end. Drill the “ja” hole in the remaining tongue (D), round over the back corners, and glue it Into the groove on the rear truck frame, flush at the front end. Gata 6°-long workpiece to thickness and width for the hitch shroud (F) [Materials List]. Form a centered groove along one face to fit the rear truck tongue (D) [Drawings 1,2), then cut the %" dado 2 from one end. Drill the hole on the top face [Photo D] and round over the corners ‘on the same end. Crosscut the hitch shroud {to length just beyond the edge of the dado to form ah" rabbet. Round over the front ‘corners and glue the hitch shroud to the rear truck tongue [Drawing 2}. Fotungeet Siyuk 13: mély iq 28 288 18 yuk esmey 13 herony 35 mel absent NYELVKAPCSOLO 13 horony. g5maly 18 ink 65mely Roapentogit 'Shorony @mely NYELVKAPCSOLO KAMION OLDALKERET Bi TrucK ASSEMBLIES Suk 8 wéodt 9.5 fuk 13 otenturatid L esmelyon az alse eigen 25 fakerok ‘WOOD magazine | Dec 2023/0an 2024Install 6" Forstner bitin the dil press and dri a "deep hole, Centered % from the end of the workpiece. The backer block prevents tear-out as the bit passes into the groove. Begin the wheel assembly by gluing an axle peg into each hole in the ‘truck side frames (C) [Drawing 2] using, few drops of eyanoaerylate glue on the ‘underside of the peg heads. Once the glue cures, slip the wheels and spacers onto the axle pegs, then switch back to wood sue and glue the ends of the pegs into the holes inthe truck frames (A), and the side ‘frame (C) to the spring (B) [Photo El. Slot the 4s"-thick spacers from the project kt around the axle pegs land between the wheels and the truck frame (A) before clamping the “wheel assembles into place. Once the glue dries, remove the spacers To forma recess forthe truck connector pins, drill a4" counterbore 1W deep, centered on the bottom face of each truck frame (A) [Drawing 2 ‘Then drill" holes through the track assemblies, centered in the counterbores. Add the screw eye to the front truck and gue the hitch pin into the hole in the rear truck tongue, trimming It lush to the top of the hitch shroud (F) 53Glue and clamp the side rails (H) to the frame ral (), centered front- Glue and clamp the steps (K) to the bottom faces ofthe platform to-back and with the side rallnotches fish to the top face of the _wings (3). Position the steps flush to the ends ofthe wings and aligned frame rai. with the outside edges. FRAME AND PLATFORM Di toc car parts Cut the frame rail (G) to size and round over the comers [Drawing I. Use the fullsize pattern tocuttheside 5 rails (H) to size and shape [Drawing 4]. lil Then glue the side rails othe frame nil Photo F. = atin paonms() ose and ge S11 —t them tothe top face ofthe frame rail, STEP Entview) flush with the sides ofthe side rails) [Drawing 3] Cut the platform wings 0) to size, form the miter on one end, then sue tem fo the edges ofthe platform ssembiy, hush atthe end «ot LOG RACK VERTICAL FULLSIZE PATTERN 8 x je OB ae PLATFORM a ASSEMBLY 54Lay out the connector pin hoes on the bottom face of the frame rail (G) [Drawing 3], then drill the "Ys." holes: through the frame ail and platform assembly at the dil pres ‘Cat a6-long workpiece to thickness and width forthe steps () [Materials List. Rabbet one edge, then chamfer the opposite edge [Drawing l. Cut the teps to Jength and glue them to the bottom of the platform wings () [Drawing 3, Photo Gl Once the le dies, usea sanding block toround over the comers ofthe platform wings and steps. LOG RACKS Use the full-size pattern to cut and sand the log rack verticals (L) to size {Drawing 4]. Cut the log rack horizontals (M) to size, then glue them to the verticals [Drawing 5, Photo Hl Cat the log rack plates (N) to size and glue them to both faces of the rack assembly (L/M), flush at the bottom edge [Drawing 5]. Drill the holes in the corners, glue in the dowels, then cut and sand them flush, Sand the chamters Con the bottom corners of the rack assembly (L-N) Apply glue to the holes in the platform assembly, then connect the front and rear trucks using the connector pins from the project kit [exploded View), making sure the ‘trucks can pivot freely. Once the glue dries, rim the pins flush to the top of the platform. Glue the Iog rack assemblies to the top of the platform [Exploded View), centered lover the connector pins and square to the edges, MATERIALS LIST We used a packing tape-wrapped block to support the glue-up on ‘these small parts. Lightly clamp across the joint fist clamp both parts to the block to align the faces, then tighten both clamps. ‘Tofinish, we sprayed on three coats ‘of matte lacquer, buffing between coats with fine steel wool. Conneet the Jog car to your train and fil it with cargo. We collected straightish branches that seemed like a good size for our car and. cut them to length, \ Ei Loc rack Assematy ol : aC Co ae TRUCK FRAMES. 16 C2 STEPS 5/1 |e | c SPRING GROUPS 9s) | cl4 LOGRACKVERTICALS [65] 16 | 60 | M TRUCKSIDEFRAMES [65.13 | 54 C4 LOGRACK HORIZONTALS 65/8 | 47 | M ‘TRUCK TONGUES e5/ 13 | | cle LOG RACK PLATES s [es || Tonaveexrension [65/13 [82 | € [1 | spartsinitaty ct oversize Sethe instructions. ITCH SHROUD 1/25 | 28 | cs | wareniats nev: C-cnery Momanle FRAME RAL as) te [tee ca | BITS Ae, i: andr bred: pom ibs, Frsnerb SIDERALS 85) 18 | a7 | m | 2) SOURCES: Train Log Car Kit no, AS-013806 $10 each evareoas 65) | s | [2 | pmasscresen icon urabon S00 tobuld tisproject Your PLATFORM WINGS [65 20 | 63 C | 4 | costuilvarybyvegion and source 55
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