Antenna Design, Other Style
Antenna Design, Other Style
Antenna Design, Other Style
I. Introduction
How Antennas Work
Properties of Antenna
A. Size
B. Shape
C. Directivity
Current and Voltage Distribution
Antenna Parameters
A. Resonant Frequency
B. Gain
C. Bandwidth
D. Impedance
E. Polarization
F. Efficiency
II. Types of Antenna
III. Sample Problems
IV. Design Proper
Theory of Operation
Design Computation
Construction Procedure
Cost Analysis
V. Conclusion / Recommendation
Antenna Basics and
An antenna or aerial is an electronic component designed
to transmit or receive radio waves. The words "antenna" (plural:
antennas) and "aerial" are used interchangeably throughout this
vertical) plane, are either omni-directional (radiate equally in the
plane) or directional (radiates more in one direction than in the
other). All antennas radiate some energy in all directions but
careful construction results in large directivity in certain directions
and negligible power radiated in other directions.
A transmitting antenna takes waves that are generated by
electrical signals inside a device such as a radio and converts
them to waves that travel in an open space. The waves that are
generated by the electrical signals inside radios and other devices
are known as guided waves, since they travel through
transmission lines such as wires or cables. The waves that travel
in an open space are usually referred to as free-space waves,
since they travel through the air or outer space without the need
for a transmission line. A receiving antenna takes free-space
waves and converts them to guided waves.
frequency radio waves have short wavelengths (measured in
A. Size
An antenna works best when its physical size corresponds to
a quantity known as the antenna’s electrical size. The electrical
size of an antenna depends on the wavelength of the radio waves
being sent or received. An antenna radiates energy most
efficiently when its length is a particular fraction of the intended
wavelength. When the length of an antenna is a major fraction of
the corresponding wavelength (a quarter-wavelength or half-
wavelength is often used), the radio waves oscillating back and
forth along the antenna will encounter each other in such a way
that the wave crests do not interfere with one another. The waves
will resonate, or be in harmony, and will then radiate from the
antenna with the greatest efficiency.
Television and FM radio use tall broadcast towers as well but
use much shorter wavelengths, corresponding to much higher
frequencies, than AM radio. Therefore, television and FM radio
waves have wavelengths of only about 3 m (about 10 ft). As a
result, the corresponding antennas are much shorter. Buildings
and other obstructions close to the ground can block these high-
frequency radio waves. Thus the towers are used to raise the
antennas above these obstructions in order to provide a greater
broadcasting range. Receiving antennas for television sets and FM
radios are small enough to be installed on these devices
themselves, but the antennas are often mounted high on rooftops
for better reception.
B. Shape
Antennas come in a wide variety of shapes. One of the
simplest types of antennas is called a dipole. A dipole is made of
two lengths of metal, each of which is attached to one of two
wires leading to a radio or other communications device. The two
lengths of metal are usually arranged end to end, with the cable
from the transmitter or receiver feeding each length of the dipole
in the middle. The dipoles can be adjusted to form a straight line
or a V-shape to enhance reception. Each length of metal in the
dipole is usually a quarter-wavelength long, so that the combined
length of the dipole from end to end is a half-wavelength. The
familiar “rabbit-ear” antenna on top of a television set is a dipole
Satellites and radar telescopes use microwave signals.
Microwaves have extremely high frequencies and, thus, very short
wavelengths (less than 30 cm). Microwaves travel in straight
lines, much like light waves do. Dish antennas are often used to
collect and focus microwave signals. The dish focuses the
microwaves and aims them at a receiver antenna in the middle of
the dish. Horn antennas are also used to focus microwaves for
transmission and reception.
C. Directivity
Directivity is an important quality of an antenna. It describes
how well an antenna concentrates, or bunches, radio waves in a
given direction. A dipole transmits or receives most of its energy
at right angles to the lengths of metal, while little energy is
transferred along them. If the dipole is mounted vertically, as is
common, it will radiate waves away from the center of the
antenna in all directions. However, for a commercial radio or
television station, a transmitting antenna is often designed to
concentrate the radiated energy in certain directions and
suppress it in others. For instance, several dipoles can be used
together if placed close to one another. Such an arrangement is
called a multiple-element antenna, which is also known as an
array. By properly arranging the separate elements and by
properly feeding signals to the elements, the broadcast waves
can be more efficiently concentrated toward an intended
audience, without, for example, wasting broadcast signals over
uninhabited areas.
amount of power. Two common arrays used for rooftop television
reception are the Yagi-Uda array and the log-periodic array.
When an RF signal voltage is
applied at some point on an
antenna, voltage and current
will result at that point.
Travelling waves are then
initiated, and standing waves
may be established, which
means that voltage and current
along the antenna are out of
There are several critical parameters that affect an
antenna's performance and can be adjusted during the design
process. These are resonant frequency, impedance, gain, aperture
or radiation pattern, polarization, efficiency and bandwidth.
Transmit antennas may also have a maximum power rating, and
receive antennas differ in their noise rejection properties.
A. Resonant frequency
The resonant frequency is related to the electrical length
of the antenna. The electrical length is usually the physical length
of the wire multiplied by the ratio of the speed of wave
propagation in the wire. Typically an antenna is tuned for a
specific frequency, and is effective for a range of frequencies
usually centered on that resonant frequency. However, the other
properties of the antenna (especially radiation pattern and
impedance) change with frequency, so the antenna's resonant
frequency may merely be close to the center frequency of these
other more important properties.
B. Gain
In antenna design, gain is the
logarithm of the ratio of the intensity
of an antenna's radiation pattern in
the direction of strongest radiation to
that of a reference antenna. If the
reference antenna is an isotropic
antenna, the gain is often expressed
in units of dBi (decibels over
isotropic). For example, a dipole
antenna has a gain of 2.14 dBi [2].
Often, the dipole antenna is used as
the reference (since a perfect
isotropic reference is impossible to
build), in which case the gain of the antenna in question is
measured in dBd (decibels over dipole).
directions as energy is conserved by the antenna. The gain that
can be achieved by an Antenna is therefore trade-off between the
range of directions that must be covered by an Antenna and the
gain of the antenna. For example, a dish antenna on a spacecraft
has a very large gain, but only over a very small range of
directions - it must be accurately pointed at earth - but a radio
transmitter has a very small gain as it is required to radiate in all
C. Bandwidth
The bandwidth of an antenna is the range of frequencies
over which it is effective, usually centered around the resonant
frequency. The bandwidth of an antenna may be increased by
several techniques, including using thicker wires, replacing wires
with cages to simulate a thicker wire, tapering antenna
components (like in a feed horn), and combining multiple
antennas into a single assembly and allowing the natural
impedance to select the correct antenna. Small antennas are
usually preferred for convenience, but there is a fundamental limit
relating bandwidth, size and efficiency.
D. Impedance
Impedance is similar to refractive index in optics. As the
electric wave travels through the different parts of the antenna
system (radio, feed line, antenna, free space) it may encounter
differences in impedance. At each interface, some fraction of the
wave's energy will reflect back to the source, forming a standing
wave in the feed line. The ratio of maximum power to minimum
power in the wave can be measured and is called the standing
wave ratio (SWR). A SWR of 1:1 is ideal. A SWR of 1.5:1 is
considered to be marginally acceptable in low power applications
where power loss is more critical, although an SWR as high as 6:1
may still be usable with the right equipment. Minimizing
impedance differences at each interface (impedance matching)
will reduce SWR and maximize power transfer through each part
of the antenna system.
E. Polarization
The polarization of an antenna or orientation of the radio
wave is determined by the electric field or E-plane. The
ionosphere changes the polarization of signals unpredictably, so
for signals which will be reflected by the ionosphere, polarization
is not crucial. However, for line-of-sight communications, it can
make a tremendous difference in signal quality to have the
transmitter and receiver using the same polarization. Polarizations
commonly considered are linear, such as vertical and horizontal,
and circular, which is divided into right-hand and left-hand
Efficiency is the ratio of power actually radiated to the
power put into the antenna terminals. A dummy load may have a
SWR of 1:1 but an efficiency of 0, as it absorbs all power and
radiates heat but not RF energy, showing that SWR alone is not
an effective measure of an antenna's efficiency. Radiation in an
antenna is caused by radiation resistance which can only be
measured as part of total resistance including loss resistance.
Loss resistance usually results in heat generation rather than
radiation, and therefore, reduces efficency.
Types of
Types of Antenna
• Parabolic
The Parabolic antenna is a
high-gain, reflector antenna used
for radio, television and data communications, and also for
radiolocation (RADAR), on the UHF and SHF frequencies. The
relatively short wavelength of electromagnetic (radio) energy at
these frequencies allows reasonably sized reflectors to exhibit the
very desirable highly directional response for both receiving and
Practical considerations of antenna effective area and
sidelobe suppression reduce the actual gain obtained to between
35 and 55 percent of this theoretical value.
• Omnidirectional
An omnidirectional antenna is an antenna system which
radiates power uniformly in all directions.
• Whip
A whip antenna is the most common example of a
monopole antenna, an antenna with a single driven element and
a ground plane.
• Discone
A discone antenna is a
version of a biconical antenna where
one of the cones is replaced by a
disc. It is usually mounted in vertical
orientation, with the disc at the top
and the cone under it. It may be made of solid metal sheets,
which is practical for small indoor high-frequency antennas, such
as for Wi-Fi, or of discrete metal elements assembled to a "star" at
the top and a cone of beams going down from the star's center,
which makes it less vulnerable to wind. The cone and the disc are
separated by an insulator.
The insulator keeps the disk and the cone a fixed distance
apart. This distance determines part of the antenna's properties.
It should he about a quarter of the diameter of the top of the
cone, which is usually about 3 mm.The antenna's feed point is in
the center of the disc.
• Dipole
A dipole antenna, invented by Heinrich Rudolph Hertz
around 1886, is an antenna with a center-fed driven element for
transmitting or receiving radio frequency energy. These antennas
are the simplest practical antennas from a theoretical point of
Radiation pattern and gain
A dipole's radiation pattern
Dipoles have a toroidal (doughnut-shaped) reception and
radiation pattern where the axis of the toroid centers about the
dipole. The theoretical maximum gain of a Hertzian dipole is 10
log 1.5 or 1.76 dBi. The maximum theoretical gain of a λ/2-dipole
is 10 log 1.64 or 2.15 dBi.
Feeder line
dipole is fed with an unbalanced feeder, common mode currents
can cause the coax line to radiate in addition to the antenna
itself, and the radiation pattern may be asymmetrically distorted.
This can be remedied with the use of a balun.
Common applications of dipole antennas
Set-top TV antenna
The most common dipole antenna is the "rabbit ears" type used
with televisions. While theoretically the dipole elements should be
along the same line, "rabbit ears" are adjustable in length and
angle. Larger dipoles are sometimes hung in a V shape with the
center near the radio equipment on the ground or the ends on the
ground with the center supported. Shorter dipoles can be hung
Folded dipole
Another common place one can see dipoles is as antennas for the
FM band - these are folded dipoles. The tips of the antenna are
folded back until they almost meet at the feedpoint, such that the
antenna comprises one entire wavelength. The main advantage of
this arrangement is an improved bandwidth over a standard half-
wave dipole.
Shortwave antenna
Dipoles for longer wavelengths are made from solid or stranded
wire. Portable dipole antennas are made from wire that can be
rolled up when not in use. Ropes with weights on the ends can be
thrown over supports such as tree branches and then used to
hoist up the antenna. The center and the connecting cable can be
hoisted up with the ends on the ground or the ends hoisted up
between two supports in a V shape. While permanent antennas
can be trimmed to the proper length, it is helpful if portable
antennas are adjustable to allow for local conditions when moved.
Ideal half-wavelength dipole
If the dipole is not driven at the centre then the feed point
resistance will be higher. If the feed point is distance x from one
end of a half wave (λ/2) dipole, the resistance will be described by
the following equation.
Rx = 75 / sin2(2πx / λ)
Folded dipole
A folded dipole is a dipole where an additional wire (λ/2) links
the two ends of the (λ/2) half wave dipole. The folded dipole works
in the same way as a normal dipole, but the radiation resistance
is about 300 ohms rather than the 75 ohms which is expected for
a normal dipole. The increase in radiation resistance allows the
antenna to be driven from a 300 ohm balanced line.
Infinitesimal dipole
frequency. More often, gains are expressed relative to an isotropic
radiator, which is an imaginary aerial that radiates equally in all
directions. As it is impossible to build an isotropic radiator, gain
measurements expressed relative to a dipole are more practical
when a reference dipole aerial is used for experimental
more significant problem. One solution to this problem is to use a
Current balun
• Magnetic Loop
Magnetic loop antennas (also known as Small
Transmitting/Receiving Loops) have a small antenna size
compared to other antennas for the same wavelength. The
antenna is typically smaller than 1/4 wavelength of the intended
frequency of operation. Antennas for shortwave communication
are normally very large sometimes covering hundreds of feet or
meters in length. The advantage of the magnetic loop is that with
its small size it maintains very high efficiency levels.
The magnetic loop antenna is an old antenna, however,
many military, commercial, and ham radio operators still use
them today. The Magnetic Loop was widely used in the Vietnam
War due to its high portability.
• Helical Antenna
A helical antenna is an
antenna consisting of a
conducting wire wound in the
form of a helix. In most cases,
helical antennas are mounted
over a ground plane. Helical
antennas can operate in one
of two principal modes:
normal (broadside) mode or
axial (or endfire) mode.
its polarization, while the space between the coils and the
diameter of the coils determine its wavelength. The length of the
coil determines how directional the antenna will be and its gain;
longer antennas will be more sensitive in the direction in which
they point. A reflector is almost always used to increase the
sensitivity, or gain, in one direction (away from the reflector).
• Horn Antenna
A horn antenna is used for
the transmission and reception
of microwave signals. It derives
its name from the characteristic
flared appearance. The flared
portion can be square,
rectangular, or conical. The
maximum radiation and
response corresponds with the
axis of the horn. In this respect, the antenna resembles an
acoustic horn. It is usually fed with a waveguide.
or outgoing electromagnetic field. If the horn is too small or the
wavelength is too large (the frequency is too low), the antenna
will not work efficiently.
• Microstrip
In telecommunication,
There are several types of
microstrip antennas (also
known as a printed antennas)
the most common of which is
the microstrip patch antenna
or patch antenna. A patch
antenna is a narrowband, wide-
beam antenna fabricated by
etching the antenna element
pattern in metal trace bonded to
an insulating substrate. Because
such antennas have a very low profile, are mechanically rugged
and can be conformable, they are often mounted on the exterior
of aircraft and spacecraft, or are incorporated into mobile radio
communications devices.
frequencies because the size of the antenna is directly tied to the
wavelength at the resonant frequency.
• Rhombic Antenna
A rhombic antenna is a broadband directional antenna,
mostly used in HF (high frequency, also called shortwave) ranges.
gain, and allows it to capture energy from a wide area, thus
making it a little less susceptible to sharply localized fading than
smaller antennas.
• Slot Antenna
A slot antenna consists of a
metal surface, usually a flat plate, with
a hole or slot cut out. When the plate is
driven as an antenna by a driving
frequency, the slot radiates
electromagnetic waves in similar way
to a dipole antenna. The shape and
size of the slot, as well as the driving
frequency, determine the radiation
distribution pattern. Slot antennas are
often used instead of line antennas
when greater control of the radiation
pattern is required. Slot antennas are
often found in standard desktop microwave sources used for
research purposes.
The rear-most element is called the reflector. The next
element is called the driven element. All the remaining
elements are called directors. The directors are about 5%
shorter than the driven element. The reflector is about 5% longer
than the driven element. The driven element is usually a folded
dipole or a loop. It is the only element connected to the cable.
Yet the other elements carry almost as much current.
The formula for the
aperture area of any TV
antenna is A=Gλ 2/4π where
λ is the wavelength and G is
the gain factor over an
isotropic antenna (not dB).
A UHF Yagi today is designed for channel 69. If you see an old
Yagi, it might be intended for channel 82. In the future they will
be cut for channel 51. It is not possible to tell by looking at a Yagi
which era it belongs to, so be careful.
The Yagi antenna
The next three much longer elements form a "phased array" for
the VHF band. I am unsure of the function of the three remaining
smaller elements, information is quite scant here but one would
certainly be a UHF "reflector". Likely the other two also fulfill this
function also.
You will notice the effect of very strong storms from the sea
have had in bending the second larger elements. In my locality
storms are a problem but not as much as roosting parrots such as
large sulphur crested cockatoos.
Comparing a Yagi/Corner-
Reflector to an 8-Dipole-
The graph above shows the gain functions for four TV antennas:
• Plot A is the Channel Master 4228 8-Bay, a stacked dipole
reflector antenna.
• Plot B is the Channel Master 4248, a Yagi/Corner-Reflector.
• Plot C is the 4248 with all of its directors removed, making it a
pure corner reflector antenna.
• Plot D is the 4248 with its corner reflector removed and
replaced by a single reflector element, making it a standard
Yagi. The D2 plot shows the backward gain where this exceeds
the forward gain.
Radiation patterns
The overhead view shows nulls at 30° and 90° to both sides.
These can be used to eliminate multi-path (ghosts) or
interference. You simply rotate the antenna until the offending
signal is in one of the nulls.
A Yagi also has some forward nulls that can be used as ghost
killers. But a Yagi/Corner-Reflector acts more like a corner
reflector for most channels, and has no nulls. At channel 60 you
can finally see the Yagi pattern start to emerge.
• Log – Periodic Antenna
In telecommunication, a log-periodic antenna (LP, also
known as a log-periodic array) is a broadband, multielement,
unidirectional, narrow-beam antenna that has impedance and
radiation characteristics that are regularly repetitive as a
logarithmic function of the excitation frequency. The individual
components are often dipoles, as in a log-periodic dipole array
Sample Problems
1. A half-wave dipole antenna is capable of radiating 1 kW and
has a 2.15 dB gain over an isotropic antenna. How much power
must be delivered to the isotropic (omnidirectional) antenna, to
match the filed strength directional antenna?
A( dB ) = 10 log10
2.15 = 10 log10
10 0.215 = 2
1.64 = 2
P2 = 1640 W
φO = (but, the problem involves 2 paraboloid antenna, thus this equation becomes
70λ 0.05
φO = 2 x = 140 x
D 2
φ O = 3.5 O
Theory of Operation
A transmitting antenna takes waves that are generated by
electrical signals inside a device such as a radio and converts
them to waves that travel in an open space. The waves that are
generated by the electrical signals inside radios and other devices
are known as guided waves, since they travel through
transmission lines such as wires or cables. The waves that travel
in an open space are usually referred to as free-space waves,
since they travel through the air or outer space without the need
for a transmission line. A receiving antenna takes free-space
waves and converts them to guided waves.
The antenna on a radio receiver behaves in much the same
way. As radio waves traveling through free space reach the
receiver’s antenna, they set up, or induce, a weak electric current
within the antenna. The current pushes the oscillating energy of
the radio waves along the antenna, which is connected to the
radio receiver by a transmission line. The radio receiver amplifies
the radio waves and sends them to a loudspeaker, reproducing
the original message.
frequency. For the log periodic type, one can design in a greater
frequency band, the reason why it is useful for multiband
transceiver operation and as a TV receiving unit to cover the
entire VHF and UHF bands. There are many types of log-periodic
antenna. For this design, a log-periodic dipole type was
implemented because it provides between 4 and 6 dB gain over a
bandwidth of 2:1 while retaining an SWR level of better than
1.3:1. With this level of performance it is ideal for many
applications, although a log periodic antenna will be much larger
than a Yagi that will produce equivalent gain. However the Yagi is
unable to operate over such a wide bandwidth.
Design Computation
The group decided to use a frequency range of 100MHz –
500MHz. The antenna, which is of a dipole array type of log
periodic antenna, was design with such frequency to ensure
signal reception from the very high frequency’s (VHF) low-band,
high band and at the ultra high frequency range (UHF). The
summary of the computations used in the design of the log-
periodic dipole array antenna is as follows:
λ 3 x 10 8 m/s 3m
Longest element: = 6
= = 1.5m
2 100 x 10 Hz 2
λ 3 x 10 8 m/s 0.6m
Limiting factor of element: = 6
= = 0.3m
2 500 x 10 Hz 2
L1 = 1.5m
L2 = τ x L1 = 0.7(1.5) = 1.05m
L3 = τ x L2 = 0.7(1.05) = 0.735m
L4 = τ x L3 = 0.7( 0.735) = 0.5145m
L5 = τ x L4 = 0.7( 0.5145) = 0.36015m
3 x 10 8 m / s
D1 = 0.09λ = = 0.27 m
100 x 10 6 Hz
D1 = 0.27m
D2 = 0.7( 0.27 ) = 0.189m
D3 = 0.7( 0.189) = 0.1323m
D4 = 0.7( 0.1323) = 0.09261m
Construction Procedure
antenna element
square boom
element holder
element cover
impedance matching device(matching transformer)
boom cover
1. Prepare all the materials for the antenna construction.
2. Cut the antenna element according to the computed length
as governed by the designed frequency range.
3. Measure the appropriate distances of each element on the
antenna boom with reference to your calculations.
4. Mark the measured distances, cut the boom into the desired
length, and then bore holes according to the markings.
5. Place the element holder on the antenna boom length, and
screw it in place.
6. Screw the antenna elements to its holder.
7. Connect each dipole element through wires.
8. Place the element and boom cover.
9. Test the antenna for reception.
Like those of the rhombic, the applications of log-periodic
antenna lie mainly in the filed of high-frequency communications,
where such multiband steerable and fixed antenna are very often.
It has an advantage over the rhombic in that there is no
terminating resistor to absorb power. Antennas of this type have
also been designed for use in television signal reception, with one
antenna for all channels including those of the UHF range. As a
matter of fact, most TV antennas in use today are the log-periodic
variety so that they can provide high gain and directivity for both
VHF and UHF TV channels. Log-periodic antennas are also used in
other two-way communications systems where multiple
frequencies must be covered.
Cost Analysis
Boom 1 60 60
3 25 75
Boom cover 2 1.50 3
10 0.25 2.50
10(small), 0.50(small),
Screws 10
5(big) 1(big)
5 8 40
Clam 1 20 20
Coaxial cable 4 meters 9 36
Balun 1 35 35
After careful analysis and study, the group obtained with the
designed and constructed antenna, the group was able to
conclude that the design of a Log-Periodic dipole array antenna is
a good antenna design to consider for television (TV) signal
reception. With a log-periodic design, one can obtain TV signal of
all channels included in the very high frequency (VHF) and the
ultra high frequency (UHF) band, without suffering video and
audio quality. Less noise and ghosting is attained by properly
tuning and directing the antenna to the direction of highest
reception by installing in an appropriate location and height. It
should be noted here that the main beam of the antenna is
coming from the smaller front element as in the figure below.
The conclusion of the group had made its based only on the
direct observation from the TV signals received as pictured in a
television monitor. It is therefore recommended that for a more
specific, detailed, and accurate facts to support the log-periodic
antenna’s efficiency, testing through computer software
simulations should be implemented. With this method, numerical
data and precise evaluation of the antennas behavior will be
obtained – its beam width, directivity, its exact gain, and even the
effects of external conditions such as the prevailing
climate/weather sate.