GT 2
GT 2
GT 2
ted free
No 2 (1565) Friday, January 29, 2016 W eekly Newspaper, International Edition - Published by ““The
Weekly The Georgian TIMES ” Media Holding S ince 199
Says Ugulava
is ‘Political
On p. 2 On p. 6 Prisoner’ On p. 9
P O L I T I C S Friday, January 29, 2016
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Georgian politics is still the Chairmanship of the Geor- scape, and it has become a very
boiling over, and unfortu- gian Dream and been expelled difficult transformation.
nately each development from all other party positions, Several grave problems stem
makes the situation worse. to be replaced as Prime Minis- from the recent past – the non-
The geopolitical configura- ter by a “technician”, the ex- transparent and monopolistic
tion around Georgia (for Foreign Minister and Vice-Pre- tendencies of political parties
instance, the deterioration mier Giorgi Kvirikashvili. This and individuals, the inadequa-
in relations between Saudi appointment has been accept- cy of the legal background to
Arabia and Iran, which are ed by all the parties involved. media regulation, financial and
creating a new religious- The real power now belongs economic disparities, the as-
confessional conflict which to Kaladze, which will now run sumption of state control, etc.
could directly affect the coalition’s election cam- At present, there are three main
Georgia) is adding further paign and select its candidates. problems affecting the develop-
unpredictable elements to This Palace Coup taking place ment of media plurality:
an already volatile mix. prior to the most important and - Decreasing audiences
decisive Parliamentary elec- for certain types of media
Georgia is in deep political tions in Georgian history indi- - Increasing numbers of
crisis, as can be seen by the as- cates how far the political cri- soap opera-like media “man-
sassination of the prosecutor in sis has developed. The “tech- ifestos” (delivered through
the Zugdidi region, the politi- nical” political team now run- programmes, articles,
cal scandal linked to the so- ning the country will remain in projects, talk shows, etc.)
called “Pardon Commission” place in the hope that it can hold - Domination of political
is a very bad indication that ance of all categories of the na- anism of Zviad Gamsakhur- polarity and confrontation
and the corruption cases involv- the elections in normal condi- the political crisis will contin- tional media (TV channels, dia and Eduard Shevardnadze
ing it. Crisis has become con- tions, although knowing that it Moreover, the ongoing
ue to deepen. printed media, electronic media and the tyranny of Mikheil “New Cold War” between Rus-
tinual, and could soon descend will not stabilise the situation Restrictions on Freedom and radio). Georgian is still in Saakashvili, and has seen sia and the West
into the “Moldovan Scenario” because the crisis within not of Speech and Monopolisa- the process of transition from a heavy abuses of human rights, (USA+EU+NATO+G-7) is di-
and escalate beyond the politi- only the ruling coalition but the
tion of the Media: Due to the hard authoritarian regime to a and the suppression of free- rectly affecting Georgian soci-
cal realm, as it did in 1992-94. opposition parties, including stalemate shaping up in Geor- democratic system, but is now dom of speech and the free ety and influencing foreign pol-
It is important to understand the previously ruling United gian politics and the high polar- moving rapidly towards devel- media. The Georgian media icy and orientation, thus mak-
what factors have created this National Movement, will inev-
isation of the public it is diffi- oping even more illiberal features is still in the process of being ing these too frequent subjects
crisis and why. We also need to itably deepen sooner or later. cult to predict where the pro- (i.e. less institutional protection transformed from the Soviet- of media interest and polaris-
know where the crisis could lead The present situation is ab- cesses in the country are lead- of civil liberties) than before. style “unipolarity” of ing the medias further.
and what kind of further con- solutely anarchic, as no party All the above-mentioned
ing. This polarisation at all lev- Georgia has a heritage of Saakashvili’s Presidency,
frontations we are likely to see. is likely to win the elections els (from local issues to foreign authoritarian regimes, such as when the three national TV factors demonstrate where
Analysis suggests that the fol- outright and Georgia can there- policy orientation) has made the the Latin American Junta- channels behaved like they Georgia stands at this stage, and
lowing developments are cred- fore expect more elections how likely it is that political
full elaboration of freedom of type governance of the Kito- were in the Brezhnev era, into
ible: soon after the scheduled Oc- expression and speech difficult, vani-Ioseliani-Sigua Military a “multipolarity” characteris- instability will provoke further
1) Instability leading to tober ones. This means that and negatively affects the bal- Council, the soft authoritari- tic of a plural media land- destabilisation.
Coup d’Etat: On 22 Decem- the political crisis will be
ber 2015 Prime Minister Irakli worse than ever by the end of
Gharibashvili resigned sudden- the year.
ly without explanation. His Criminality and Social NEWS
departure had been expected at Destabilisation: The recent
some time due to economic attempts on the lives of region-
mismanagement and the ineffec- al chief prosecutors – Alexander PRESIDENT HOLDS NSC SESSION
tiveness of his leadership. Goguadze in Poti, who sur-
However, this resignation was vived, and Vakhtang Kiria in President Giorgi Margvelashvili chaired a session
very similar to that of Soviet Zugdidi, who was shot dead - of the National Security Council (NSC) on January 29,
leader Nikita Khrushchev in and the improbable suicide of which was also attended by PM Giorgi Kvirikashvili.
1964, which is now known to well-known businessman Bidz- Preparation for the NATO Warsaw summit and Geor-
have been a “Palace Coup ina Kuchava, founder of the gian troops’ participation in the international missions,
d’état” and nothing more. Georgian Voice media outlet, specifically in the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan,
Two clans within the ruling indicate that political instabili- were discussed, officials said after the meeting.
Whether Kvirikashvili was going to attend or not the
“Georgian Dream” coalition – ty is transforming into crimi-
NSC was an issue frequently raised in the media in the
the Kaladze and Gharibashvili nality, as in the 90s of the last lead up to the session as his predecessor Irakli
clans – have fought a fierce un- century. These serious criminal Garibashvili attended NSC meeting only once, snub-
derground battle and Kaladze accidents have demonstrated bing it on two other separate occasions, which was
has won. Moreover, Gharib- that political disputes will be- viewed by opponents as disrespect towards the Presi-
ashvili and his clan, the so- come more serious confronta- dent.
called “Kakhetian” grouping led tions in the months ahead. On January 27, when the PM’s office announced
by his father-in-law, ex-Police Severe social and economic about Kvirikashvili intention to attend the NSC session,
Major-General Tamaz Tamaza- conditions are also increasing it also said: “The head of the government believes that
it is important to respect institutions and such issues
shvili, has had real problems the political crisis. The Geor- [whether the PM will be attending or not NSC sessions]
with its political ally the Re- gian currency has lost more should no longer become a topic of discussion, espe-
publican Party and its leader- than 50% in three weeks, hav- cially when the authorities have much more important issues to tackle.”
ship, and this confrontation fi- ing fallen to the very danger- “We discussed preparations for the NATO Warsaw summit and the work that has to be done by the various state agencies in
nally determined his resigna- ous rate of 2.48 Lari to the the lead up to the summit. We spoke about strengthening of our defense capabilities through deeper integration into NATO. We also
tion. However, this sudden and dollar, and it could decline still discussed Georgian troops’ participation in the international missions, specifically further cooperation for Georgian troops’ partici-
strange “voluntary retirement” further. The Georgian This in- pation in the Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan,” PM Kvirikashvili said after the meeting.
could not have taken place flates the prices of essential President Margvelashvili said that at the meeting “we defined clearly next steps” and “process of coordination” on the path of
NATO integration.
without the involvement of the products like bread, eggs, milk,
Other participants of the meeting were Parliament Speaker; Defense Minister; Foreign Minister; Interior Minister; Head of the
coalition’s “founding father”, etc. The deterioration of social State Security Service; Chief of the General Staff of the Georgian Armed Forces; chairman of the parliamentary committee for
Bidzina Ivanishvili. and economic conditions in defense and security, and secretary of NSC Irina Imerlishvili.
Gharibashvili has also lost Georgia prior to the elections
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I N T E RV I E W Friday, January 29, 2016
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G E O P O L I T I C S Friday, January 29, 2016
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GEORGIA PLEDGES PROBE December, 2014, who served there till March, 2015. After that
Georgia was contributing five officers to the mission.
Returns from all 64 polling stations in Gardabani municipality,
located in the Kvemo Kartli region, showed GD’s Gocha Jamarauli
INTO ALLEGED SEXUAL ABUSE The Georgian MoD said in a statement that the allegations will
be investigated “in great detail and in case such grave crimes are
with 16,104 votes and UNM’s Besik Kakhabrishvili with 6,851 votes.
33.13% of 71,847 voters, registered in the Gardabani munici-
OF MINORS BY ITS TROOPS IN proven, perpetrators of such crimes will be brought to justice.”
It said that “every individual, who was under a direct obligation
pality, turned out at polling stations, according to the Central Elec-
tion Commission. No minimum turnout threshold is set for the polls to
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC to investigate the facts and establish the truth of this matter in be valid.
2014, will be suspended from carrying out their professional du- “Results show that GD maintains high rating and remains domi-
ties” pending the investigation. nant political force and UNM is a bankrupt political force, which will
The Georgian Ministry of Defense said on Friday it will “inves-
Defense Minister, Tina Khidasheli, told journalists on January no longer be an important factor in the Georgian politics after Octo-
tigate in great detail” allegations that members of the Georgian
29 that suspension has applied to six people, including to Deputy ber, 2016 parliamentary elections,” Irakli Kobakhidze, executive
armed forces were involved in sexual abuse of minors while serv-
Chief of the General Staff Col. Roman Jokhadze, who was in secretary of the Georgian Dream-Democratic Georgia party, said.
ing in the EU military mission in the Central African Republic (CAR).
charge of overseeing Georgian troops in international missions. MP Sergo Ratiani, executive secretary of UNM, said that the
MoD released the statement shortly after Office of the UN High
“Today, after the report is published by the Office of the United ruling coalition won the election in Gardabani through applying “all
Commissioner on Human Rights said on January 29 that there are
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, each and every one the methods – administrative resources, the State Security Ser-
“allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse of minors in the Cen-
of those militaries participating in the mission will be treated as vice, intimidation, scuffles at the polling stations.” "Now they won in
tral African Republic by members of foreign military forces” – among
potential suspects,” the Georgian MoD said in the statement. this one district [Gardabani]… but serious defeat anticipates them
them from Georgia and France.
“They have families, and most of them have served their coun- in the October parliamentary elections," MP Ratiani added.
The alleged crimes mostly took place in 2014, but “only came to
try and international security selflessly and with great integrity. According to the International Society for Fair Elections and De-
light in recent weeks,” according to the UN High Commissioner for
This is the reason why it is unacceptable for the alleged actions of mocracy, and Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA), which
Human Rights.
several individuals, in case these are proven, to shame the image monitored elections in Gardabani, confrontations which took place
“A joint UN team in the CAR recently interviewed a number of
and prestige of the Georgian Armed Forces. The Government of outside two polling stations, did not affect voting process, and in
girls who said they had been sexually exploited or abused by
Georgia and first of all, the Georgian Armed Forces themselves, overall situation was calm during the voting in Gardabani. The moni-
foreign soldiers. Four of the girls said their abusers were attached
have been devoted to serving international peace and security toring groups reported some cases of procedural irregularities.
to contingents operating as part of the European Union operation
missions over the course of [past] 17 years and will continue to do PM Giorgi Kvirikashvili commented on elections in Gardabani,
(EUFOR/CAR). Two of the girls interviewed said they were raped
so in future, in their role as the most reliable and trusted partner for as well as on upcoming parliamentary elections in October 2016, at
by EUFOR soldiers, and the two other girls said they were paid to
the democratic states of the world,” the MoD said. a government session on Friday morning.
have sexual relationships with other EUFOR soldiers. While the
“Pursuant to the above, it is our primary goal as the Ministry of Referring to confrontation between GD and UNM supporters
nationalities of some of the soldiers remain unclear, three of the
Defence of Georgia to investigate the facts in the shortest time that took place outside the polling station No.2, PM said that there
girls said they believed their abusers were members of the Geor-
possible. In case these crimes are proven, specific individuals, were “certain tensions” and called “on all the parties, including of
gian EUFOR contingent. The four girls were aged between 14 and
who have taken such undignified actions for the Georgian Armed course our supporters, supporters of the ruling coalition, to maxi-
16 at the time of the alleged abuse,” the Office of the UN High
Forces, and insulted name and damaged reputation of the Geor- mally lower temperature.”
Commissioner on Human Rights said.
gian militaries, will be held responsible,” the Georgian MoD said. “There are very important elections ahead in October. The world
It also said that the UN human rights staff also interviewed a
Chief of the General Staff of the Georgian Armed Forces, Maj. is watching Georgia with special attention and these elections will
girl and a boy, who were aged 7 and 9 respectively in 2014 and
Gen. Vakhtang Kapanadze, said: “Such actions committed no mat- be of huge importance for us; these elections should further
who were allegedly sexually abused by French troops.
ter by whom, should be punished. Our goal is to carry out a thor- strengthen Georgia’s position as of the European country,” the PM
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein
ough investigation and in the process we will cooperate with all said.
last week “raised the cases with the European, Georgian and
the relevant agencies; we will spare no effort to establish the truth “We should prove that we are really European country and
French authorities, as well as with another country on a similar
and if such [crimes] are proven, specific perpetrators will be pun- despite of any provocations, which might be initiated and which
allegation for which additional corroboration is needed,” his office
ished.” might be in someone’s interest, as the ruling coalition we bear
said. greater responsibility and we have to prove that we can hold
It said that all four authorities have promptly responded to the
genuinely fair elections,” Kvirikashvili said.
High Commissioner and stated that they have already begun inves-
The PM asked the Justice Minister to review legislation and to
make penalties for “physical insults” stricter.
“These are extremely serious accusations and it is crucial that
these cases are thoroughly and urgently investigated,” the UN GD’S CANDIDATE WINS “As far as I know there are fines and quite soft punishments –
I do not want us go from one extreme to the other, but in many
High Commissioner for Human Rights said. “I am heartened at the
initial responses we have received from the countries concerned, GARDABANI GAMGEBELI ELEC- civilized countries stricter punishment are envisaged for physical
insults and probably we should make some preventive measures
as well as from the European Union, which show they take these
terrible allegations very seriously. We will continue to closely fol-
TION in this regard ahead of the elections,” Kvirikashvili said.
He also congratulated GD’s Gocha Jamarauli on the election
low up on these cases, and any others which emerge as the UN
Georgian Dream ruling coalition candidate won elections for victory and also thanked election monitoring groups for their work.
team on the ground continues its investigations.”
Gardabani municipality head (gamgebeli), held on January 28, with The PM hailed Jamarauli for saying after winning the election that
Georgia joined the EU military mission in the Central African
70.15% of votes, defeating his only rival in the race from opposi- he would serve as “gamgebeli for everyone” regardless of their
Republic by sending there over 150 soldiers in June, 2014. Number
tion UNM party, who garnered 29.85%. party affiliation.
of Georgian troops in the mission decreased to about 85 soldiers in
P U B L I C I T Y Friday, January 29, 2016
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N E W S Friday, January 29, 2016
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GEORGIA SAYS TO ‘COOPERATE investigation provides reasonable grounds to believe that a person
has committed ICC crimes, do we proceed to the next phase,” she
having a meeting with the Georgian leadership] if there is a chance,”
Lavrov said.
“When that time comes, I may request the judges to issue an
Lavrov also said that bilateral relations with Georgia “are now
moving out from deep freeze.”
PROBE arrest warrant or summons to appear for those individuals who
our evidence shows to be criminally responsible.”
“We are in favor of having normal, good neighborly relations
with Georgia,” Lavrov said, adding that the Georgian people “should
She said that the investigation, “as in all cases and with all our not be paying price” for ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili’s “criminal
Georgia’s Justice Minister Tea Tsulukiani said that Tbilisi will work, will be independent and impartial.” mistakes.” Blaming personally Saakashvili for launching war in
continue to “cooperate actively” with The Hague-based Interna- “We do not provide any details of any aspect of our investiga- august, 2008, Lavrov also said that Moscow had no other choice
tional Criminal Court, which has authorized its prosecutor to open tive activities while they are ongoing; they are completely confi- but to recognize independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in
investigation war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly dential,” the ICC Prosecutor said. 2008.
committed in the lead up to, during, and after the August, 2008 war “The Office counts on the full support and cooperation of all
in Georgia. the parties throughout the investigation,” she added.
“We welcome the fact that as a result of authorization [to open Georgia, as a state party to the Rome Statute, will be obligated
the investigation] the entire case will now completely fall under the to fully cooperate with ICC – something that will not apply to Russia,
legal framework and it will be a legal process during which we will because it is not an ICC member. NEW PACE PRESIDENT SAYS
continue to actively cooperate with [the ICC] Prosecutor,” the Geor- The investigation will cover a period from July 1, 2008 – over
gian Justice Minister said on January 28. one month prior to the war’s start – to October 10, 2008, when UGULAVA IS ‘POLITICAL PRIS-
“Based on this decision, which creates a good basis for us to
actively cooperate [with ICC] in frames of this investigation, we will
Russia withdrew troops from the areas it was occupying in Geor-
gia beyond breakaway South Ossetia.
provide additional information to the ICC Prosecutor within one
month – the timeframe given to us, as well as to Russia – in order Newly elected President of the Parliamentary Assembly of
for her [the ICC Prosecutor] to conduct impartial, independent and Council of Europe, Spanish lawmaker Pedro Agramunt said that
effective investigation,” she said. raising with countries concerned the issue of “liberation of political
“We have studied this decision and believe that formulations in
the decision are right from the legal point of view and are also in line
LAVROV ON PANKISI AND TIES prisoners”, among them ex-mayor of Tbilisi Gigi Ugulava, will be
among priorities.
with Georgia’s national interests,” the Justice Minister said. WITH GEORGIA One of the leaders of the opposition United National Movement
She pointed to those parts of the decision in which the ICC pre- (UNM) party, Gigi Ugulava, was sentenced in September, 2015 to 4
trial chamber agrees with Prosecutor that South Ossetia is not years and 6 months in prison after being found guilty of misspend-
recognized state and it should “be considered as part of Georgia” ing of public funds while serving as the mayor of the capital city –
– as a result investigative proceedings undertaken by the de facto charges, which he has denied as politically motivated. In Decem-
authorities in South Ossetia are not capable of meeting the Rome ber President Giorgi Margvelashvili turned down an appeal from a
Statute requirement that the case has to be investigated by “a State group of citizens asking him to pardon Ugulava.
which has jurisdiction over it.” In his inaugural speech after being elected as PACE President
The Justice Minister also pointed out those parts of the deci- on January 25 for mandate of one year, renewable once, Agramunt
sion which speak about attacks on ethnic Georgians in South said that one of the objectives of his presidency will be “to defend
Ossetian “reportedly committed with a view to forcibly expelling the rights of the PACE parliamentarians, in order that they can
ethnic Georgians from the territory of South Ossetia in furtherance carry out their mandate as elected representatives in the Council
of the overall objective to change the ethnic composition of the of Europe and in their own countries.”
territory, sever any remaining links with Georgia and secure inde- “Thus, the liberation of figures such as the Ukrainian [military
pendence.” pilot] Nadiya Savchenko [who is in detention in Russia and who
Tsulukiani also welcomed that the investigation will cover a was elected in absentia to Ukraine’s parliament in 2014] and other
period from July 1, 2008 – over one month prior to the war’s start political prisoners, including Giorgi Ugulava from Georgia, and the
– to October 10, 2008, when Russia withdrew troops from the defence of their liberty, their freedom of movement and freedom of
areas it was occupying in Georgia beyond breakaway South speech, must be one of the priorities to take up with the authorities
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said during annual of the countries concerned,” said Agramunt, who is chair of the
Ossetia. press conference in Moscow on January 26 that there are “re-
The Georgian Justice Minister also said that in parallel to ICC European People’s Party (EPP) in PACE and who has also served
ports” of Islamic State fighters training in Georgia’s Pankisi gorge. as a co-rapporteur for the monitoring of Monaco and Azerbaijan.
investigation Georgia should continue its reconciliation and “confi- Georgian PM Giorgi Kvirikashvili responded by telling journal-
dence-building efforts with our Ossetian brothers and sisters.” MP from Georgian Dream (GD) ruling coalition and member of
ists in Tbilisi that there was no threat coming from Pankisi gorge. the Georgian delegation in PACE, Eka Beselia, said that describing
“This investigation should not hinder building of united country “The Georgian government exerts full control [in Pankisi] –
where such conflicts, ethnic cleansings will never reoccur,” she Ugulava as a “political prisoner” by Agramunt is caused by the
Pankisi poses no terrorism threat whatsoever. Several dozen of latter’s “political sympathies” towards UNM, which is a member of
said. people from there went to [Syria] to fight for the Islamic State, but
ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda requested to open the inves- EPP.
there is a strict control over their return and criminal prosecution “The fact that the EPP is openly lobbying for the UNM is a well-
tigation in October, 2015 and identified the following crimes, which applies [against them],” PM Kvirikashvili said.
she “reasonably believes” fall under the jurisdiction of the ICC: known. We want to hope that Mr Agramunt in his capacity of PACE
“We will provide them [Russia] information through available president will forget his personal, political friends and political sym-
“Killings, forcible displacements and persecution of ethnic Geor- channels of communication in order for them to have more precise
gian civilians, and destruction and pillaging of their property, by pathies and he will manage to be balanced in his public statements
information about the situation existing in the region,” Kvirikashvili pursuant to principles of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of
South Ossetian forces (with possible participation by Russian added.
forces)”; Europe,” MP Eka Beselia said.
Lavrov mentioned Pankisi when responding a question about But GD MP Tedo Japaridze, also a member of the Georgian
“Intentionally directing attacks against Georgian peacekeepers relations with Georgia and if it was possible to lift visa require-
by South Ossetian forces; and against Russian peacekeepers by delegation in PACE, called on his colleagues from the ruling coalition
ments with Georgia. to refrain from criticizing new President of PACE.
Georgian forces.” The Russian Foreign Minister said that Moscow introduced
Georgia, as a state party to the Rome Statute through which “I would call on my colleagues from the [GD parliamentary]
visa regime with Georgia largely because of terrorism threat from majority group… to refrain from making critical and especially per-
the ICC was established, is obligated to fully cooperate with ICC – Pankisi. Russia unilateral introduced visa rules with Georgia in
something that does not apply to Russia, because it is not an ICC sonally targeted remarks towards him [the new PACE president],”
2001. GD MP Tedo Japaridze, who chairs foreign affairs committee in the
member. “By the way reports are coming even now that IS members Georgian Parliament, told Georgian journalists in Strasbourg. are using this remote territory for training, rest, and replenishing,” “Of course he tends to be biased [in favor of UNM] as he is
Lavrov said. from the EPP – I am not mentioning this party in a negative context,
He then also added: “But recently process of normalization of we know that [EPP] and our opposition [UNM] are affiliated and
ICC PROSECUTOR’S STATE- our relations has been reflected in significant easing of visa re-
have sympathies towards [UNM],” added Japaridze, who has been
elected as one of the twenty Vice-Presidents of PACE.
MENT ON LAUNCH OF 2008 WAR “We are ready to move towards visa-free regime in the future,
but it is a bit strange if it is discussed in the condition when we
MP Japaridze, who chairs the Georgian delegation in PACE,
also spoke about the issue in his remarks at the Assembly session,
PROBE have no diplomatic relations,”
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said at an annual press con-
when he congratulated Agramunt on his election as the president
and said that Georgia “is not some whipping boy to be kicked here
ference in December that Moscow was “ready to cancel visa and there.”
Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Fatou regime” for Georgian citizens. The Russian Foreign Ministry eased “We are not perfect yet in Georgia, but who is perfect? We are
Bensouda, who has been authorized by ICC judges to investigate visa requirements for the Georgian citizens starting from Decem- much better than we used to be, and our progress has been
alleged crimes committed in the lead up to, during, and after the ber 23. recognised by European institutions. Georgia is committed to be-
August, 2008 war in Georgia, said the probe “will take as long as Issue of easing, but not lifting, visa requirements for the Geor- coming a small pad of democracy in our part of the world,” MP
needed to gather the required evidence.” gian citizens have been regularly raised in talks between Georgian Japaridze said.
“Today’s decision by the judges marks the start of the investi- PM’s special representative for relations with Russia Zurab “We do not need political supporters and apologists for any
gative process,” she said. “Identifying eventual suspects will only Abashidze and Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin – party in Georgia from Europe and elsewhere placing their political
a format of direct bilateral talks on economic, trade and humanitar- future above the interests of our country,” he continued. “Let me
ian issues, launched in late 2012. The Russian Foreign Ministry’s be clear: PACE’s mandate is to oversee an electoral level playing
position on the issue has been that lifting of visa requirements was field. To that end, we welcome probes, questions, electoral and
not likely until restoration of diplomatic relations between the two media monitoring and fact-finding missions... If disturbing facts are
countries, which were severed after the August, 2008 war; discovered we should name and shame the individuals whom we
Lavrov’s January 26 remarks appear to be reiteration of this posi- hold accountable – but the people themselves, not Georgia.”
tion. “There should be specifics, not rumors. President Agramunt
Commenting on Lavrov’s remarks, Georgian PM Kvirikashvili mentioned in his speech the name of one Georgian whom he la-
told journalists that restoration of diplomatic relations with Russia beled a political prisoner. That person has been prosecuted in
“has significant preconditions – territorial integrity, and even more Georgia for misusing public funds. Am I happy that this person is in
importantly, respect of sovereignty, that is respecting sovereign jail? Of course not, but nobody is above the law in Georgia,” MP
choices made by the Georgian authorities along with the Georgian Japaridze said.
people.” “Georgia is not some whipping boy to be kicked here and there;
Georgian PM’s special representative for relations with Rus- we are an independent and sovereign state. If that is important in
sia, Zurab Abashidze, said that the issue of restoration of diplo- any year, it is twice as important in an election year. If PACE is to
come at a later stage and will be strictly informed by the evidence contribute to democratic consolidation in Georgia this year, parti-
matic relations “is not on the agenda.”
we collect.” san preferences should be tamed… We all have preferences and
“And it cannot become an issue on the agenda at this stage.
The decision of three-judge pre-trial chamber of The Hague- weaknesses, but those are personal matters. Political groups, lead-
Our Russian colleagues know the reason why. Restoration of
based ICC on January 27 came over three months after the ICC ers, the President and vice-presidents have a mandate and a duty
diplomatic relations is impossible as long as Georgia’s territorial
prosecutor filed a 160-page request asking judges to authorize to serve democracy and human rights,” he added.
integrity remains violated, but if we see that there is a significant
opening of the investigation into alleged war crimes and crimes “It would be better for them [GD MPs] if they confront less with
progress, then at certain stage this issue will probably become
against humanity related to the Georgia-Russia war in 2008. international institutions and their leaders,” said MP Davit Bakradze,
part of the agenda,” Abashidze told journalists in Tbilisi.
The request, which the Prosecutor filed on October 13, was the leader of UNM parliamentary minority group and a member of
detailing alleged crimes attributed to the Georgian, Russian and In his remarks on Georgia during the press conference, Lavrov
the Georgian delegation in PACE.
South Ossetian sides, and was also accompanied by confidential hailed informal bilateral dialogue led by Georgian PM’s special en-
In October, 2015 PACE adopted a resolution, prepared based
annex, including a list of “persons or groups that appear to be the voy Abashidze and Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory
on report by Pedro Agramunt, which was criticizing Georgia, along
most responsible for the most serious crimes, with an indication of Karasin. Lavrov said that the two diplomats have “mutual trust”,
with Turkey and Russia, for “abuse of pretrial detention”.
their specific role.” which helps to discuss “any issue.” In his inaugural address Pedro Agramunt also said that unre-
“My Office’s own investigators will collect evidence, from a “By the way I am open for contacts with my Georgian counter- solved conflicts, among them Abkhazia and South Ossetia, “con-
variety of sources,” Prosecutor Bensouda said in a statement. part. I am sure that other contacts are also quite possible When stitute threats to Europe’s security.”
“Only if and when the evidence my Office collects during the asked the President [Putin] did not rule out such a possibility [of
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