Chm1101 Lecture 1-3
Chm1101 Lecture 1-3
Chm1101 Lecture 1-3
CHM: 1101
Basic Inorganic Chemistry
Lectures : on (
Extra lecture materials on MUELE blended learning platform.
References: (
Grading : Presentations/ Assignments 10%
Course Tests (2) 10%
Practical Experiments 20%
Final Exam 60%
Problem Assignments: Distributed periodically Basic
and some might NOT be collected for evaluation. Chemistry
Office Hours: On appointment.
Laboratory Details
If you want to walk on water you have to get
out of the boat!!
From John Ortberg’s
“ When teachers want students to grow, they don’t give them answers -they
give them problems! … It is only in the process of accepting and solving
problems that our ability to think creatively is enhanced, our persistence is
strengthened, and our self-confidence is deepened.
If someone gives {you} the answers to the test, {you} may get a good score
on the test, but {you} have NOT grown.”
This course has a code CHM 1101 and it is a 4 CU
If organic chemistry is defined as the chemistry of
hydrocarbon compounds and their derivatives, inorganic
chemistry can be described broadly as the chemistry of
“everything else.” This includes all the remaining
elements in the periodic table, as well as carbon, which
plays a major and growing role in inorganic chemistry.
In this course we shall mainly be concerned with the
Atomic and molecular structure.
Chemical bonding.
Other principles that allow an understanding of the Chemistry
Shapes of atomic orbitals and electron distribution
• Quantum numbers
• Pauli Exclusion Principle.
• Rule of maximum multiplicity.
Periodic table:
• History of the periodic table, electron configurations,
• Aufbau principle,
• Relationship of the physical properties of the elements
(size, ionization energy, electron affinity, nuclear
shielding, and electronegativity) in comparison to the
position in the periodic table
Lewis structures of covalent molecules
• Effects of lone pairs, multiple bonding; bond angles, bond
lengths, dipole moments;
Valence Bond theory:
• Hybridisation and
• Resonance
Molecular Orbital theory for
• Homonuclear
• Diatomics,
• bond order, sigma, pi, and delta bonds,
• multi-center bonding Basic
Introduction to Solid state chemistry
• Amorphous vs. crystalline solids, types of bonding
in solids, the crystalline state,
• Crystal Growth Techniques, The Unit Cell,
• Crystal Lattices, Crystal Imperfections, the
amorphous state,
• Sol–Gel Processing, Glasses, Cementitious
• Important materials applications i: fuel cells
Suggested Reading List
1. Greenwood N.N. and Earnshaw A. (1990). Chemistry of
the elements, Pergamon Press, New York.
2. Shriver D.F., Atkins P.W. and Langford C.H. (1991)
Inorganic Chemistry, Longman, London.
3. Cotton F. A. and Wilkinson (1987). Basic Inorganic
Chemistry. John and Wiley Sons, New York .
4. Bodie Douglas, Darl H. Mc Daniel and John J.
Alexander (1983) Concepts and Models of inorganic
chemistry 2nd edition. John and Wiley Sons, New York
5. Strauss S. H (1994) Guide to solutions for Inorganic
Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, Tokyo.
6. Any other relevant textbook of inorganic chemistry.Basic
The Scope of Inorganic Chemistry
Basic Inorganic
An Interdisciplinary Research Field
Basic Inorganic
• Energies of electrons
According to Dalton,
All elements were made of tiny indivisible particles
called atoms.
Atoms could not be created, destroyed or sub-divided.
Atoms of the same element had the same properties and
the same mass while those of different elements had
different properties and different masses
Classical experiments
These threw light on the existence of particles from
which the atoms are composed and how these particles
are arranged inside the atom.
The neutral element particles in the tube are
dissociated into +ve and -ve particles.
Positive particles move to the cathode and negative
particles move to the anode.
Stage one
• Consider the forces acting on an oil drop moving
down wards in air
But a = 0
Stage two:
• The oil drop takes up charges from ionised air
molecules. It may pick one or more +ve charges i.e.
By definition, E = V/x
where V = potential difference between the plates.
x = distance between the plates
By rearrangement,
The expt was repeated so many times but the same drop
was used throughout.
Almost all α-particles passed through the foil without
A small % age of α-particles was found to be slightly
deflected through about 1˚.
A few of the α-particles were scattered through large angles
& some were reflected back in the direction from which
they had come.
Explanation (1911)
He postulated that most of the mass of an atom and all of its
positive charge reside in a very small but extremely dense
region which he called the nucleus.
Most of the total volume of the atom is empty space in
which electrons move around the nucleus.
Atomic Number
In 1913 H.G.J Moseley was able to measure the
energies of X-rays emitted by various elements using
the following setup:
X-rays are produced when fast moving electrons
strike a solid target & their λ s are characteristic of
the element in the target.
Using a series of solid elements as the target,
Moseley was able to resolve and photograph their
For a number of elements, he could show that the
square roots of the freq of the X-rays were directly
proportional to integers which he could allocate to
the different elements.
These intergers are now called atomic numbers.
This is done using a mass spectrometer
A mass spectrometer is a device which separates a
stream of gaseous ions depending on their
mass/charge (m/z) ratio.
Uses of Isotopes
As tracers in biological and medical experiments.
Dating samples, i.e determining how old a sample is
especially the geological samples.
Dating samples
In dating a sample the isotopic species, 14C, is normally
14C is produced when cosmic rays in the atmosphere
collide with other atoms to produce neutrons.
The neutrons produced then react with 14N in the
exists in the atmosphere as CO2 gas & this CO2 is
taken in by plants for photosynthesis.
2 processes usually happen, the plant can be eaten by
animals and 146C is incorporated in living tissues, or the
plant can die.
is continuously disintegrating whether in the
atmosphere, plant or animal but because there is
replenishment by photosynthesis in plants and by
eating plants in animals, the levels of 146C in animals
and plants remain constant.
A 1.00g sample of carbon made from wood found in an
archaeological site gave 7900 carbon - 14 - disintegrations
in 20 hour period. In the same period (20h) 1.00g of carbon
from a modern source (from a living tree) underwent 18,400
disintegrations. Calculate the age of the sample.
+Ze = charge on the nucleus
+e = charge on each proton
-e = charge on the electron
r = Bohr’s radius
Postulate 2
Not all circular orbits are permitted for the electron. Only
the orbits which have angular momentum of the electron,
mvr, equal to integral multiples of h/2 are allowed.
For n = 3,
Calculate the radius of Bohr's first orbit for hydrogen atom.
The general expression for Bohr radius is given as:
From the equation above, the size of an orbit can be easily evaluated.
Postulate 3
As a result of the restrictions on the angular momentum of
an orbit, the energy of an electron in a given orbit is fixed.
As long as the electron stays in that orbit, it neither absorbs
nor radiates energy.
The total energy, E, of an electron is the sum of its potential
energy (-ze2/r) and its kinetic energy (mv2/2).
Substituting for r
Postulate 4
To change from one orbit to another the electron must
absorb or emit a quantity of energy exactly equal to the
difference in energy between the two orbits.
In making such a transition a quantum of energy equal to h
would be emitted or absorbed.
Consider an example when an electron jumps from an
energy level Ei to another energy level Ef in a H-atom
In summary,