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29 minutes of 105 minutes total ation Strateaiee of Product Knowledge yement ee 1 Management sctivty Samp; Integration Practices ¢s, Reports Ramp; Dashboards yement ‘net You have successfully completed the certification exam te becom: Certified Professionals! 100% 75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 75%: 100% 1 Salesforce Cemitied Sales Cloud Consultant. WalesEEEREEEEEEE EERE BA Ee BEEEE FEBEE 4.00 EE Ebel EEEEE ealSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:15:55 65 of 65. Slee reps at Cloud Kicks (Cle) often racaive important customer amas thay want torecord as activties related to contacts in Salesforce. Ck has Office 365, as ell asa polcy that plevents users from installing anything directly on their computers. Which solution shoulé @ consultant recommend to meet this requirement? ‘AL >) Ughtning Consoe for Sales B._) Salestorce for Outlook CC.) Salesforce Console for Sales D.@ Einsten Aaivity Capture Mark thie tam for Inter roviowSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 6A of 65. ‘After completing 3 suersesfl Saaz Cloud rsllout to 2 new businate uni at Universal Containers, sales forecasting within Salesferce is inaccurate. Upon closer inspection, some opporunites appear inthe ncowect forecast category. How should @ consultant troubleshoot this issue efficiently? [AL Write» conditional validation rule on the Forecast Category Field 8.@ Verify the Stage to Forecast Category Mappings on the Opportunity object. 6.) Make the Forecast Careaory a required field on relevant Opportunity age layous 1D.) Greate @ report to determine the number af opportunities in each forecast category. ~) Mark this em for later review. LES EESalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 63 of 65. Universal Container! aalae operations team nacds to provide visibility an salar pipeline changes on a monthly besis. How should the consultant meet this requirement? A.) Create training on how to use date fiters on reports to compare Pipeline for diferent éate anges. 8.) Create an Opportunity History report for open pigeline Opportunities Im a gwen date range, © reste a eles pipeline dashboard thet includes filters for Opportunity ate ranges. 0.) Create @ custom pipeline date range field and dsplay it on the Forecasting tab. Mac this ser for later review. Ss esSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:16:06 62 of 65. Cloud ek (Ck) rocerty want live with Galee Cloud. Management at CK wants to determine whether Sales Cloud is beirg used appropriately and whether it's being kept up to date. They want to Justify Ue costs for future nplernentation phases. ‘What should a consultant recommend to meet the requirement? ‘A.@ Date Quality Analysis Dashboards from the AppExchange 8.) Validation fules for key Opportunity Nelds C.) Set Up Audt tral for mentoring changes 1,” Screen flows for new business Opportunites Mark thie tam for Inter roviow:Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 61 of 65, Universal Containers is grouing its international business. Somestic secount ‘executives believe that the standard price book has become dificult to use because there aie toe many ecards reflecung diferent curercies and county-specific product variations. What should the consultant recommend to improve usabiliy for account executives? © Use custom price books for domestic and international customers. Use separate product catalogs for domestic and international Create product families to enable users to filter by continent and 1D.) Update the product naming conventions to iclude the currency in the product name, ~ Mark this tem for later review:Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:16:13 60 of 65. Cloud Kekr hae completed the discovery ataga, and Inaderchip hae aligned on the project's business goal. ‘What stould the consultant formalize with stakeholders before movieg tothe next project stage? [AL Onboerd tenm members to stor development of the solution, 8.) Define key metres to identify how success will be measured, C._) Create user stones to present for proritzation. D.@ Develop wiceframes tw visualize the groduet end stave, Mark thie tam for Inter reviow: ES SSSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 59 of 65. ‘Cloud KGeks has created an integration from its concumer websie'e Contact form to Salesforce. The integration creates a Contact in Salesforce fer each form submission ‘wuhout storing itin the external systen. The Contacts ereated on an Account named “Website” which represents Contacts that were generated from the website, “The integratian has heen in use fora while, and users are reporting slow performance when dealing with Contacts in Salesforce. ‘What shoulda consultant recommend to improve performance? A. >) Use Salesforce Connect, © Use Contacts a2 external ebjects. CC.) Use multiple Accounts to store the related recerds 1D.) Use Opportunities instead of Contacts. Nac this iter for later review. Oe ESSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant SR of 65. Urivercal Container is rsligning alas teritoris and neade to update ownership across ts 400,000 accounts. The organizaton-wde default for Accounts is Private Which two fectors should the consultant consider when updating the sales terrcories ‘and Account owners? Choose 2 answere A. | The oxganization-wide default shoule be set to Public before the update can be performed. 1BL/>| The Salesforce Platform can update up to 200 accounts sa time, .(@ The team can defer sharing calculations to decrease the risk of lock crrors during the date update {€ the data update will cause sharing recaleulatons ard should be completed during oft-peak hours Hark this itr for later review.Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:16:25 57 of 65. “The corcultant at Cloud Kicks has noticed that clos cata ie quickly cutdated and wants to keep Account data current ‘What stould the consuitant -ecommend to maintain currert Account informatien? A. Use third-party data services to update ard add records to Salesforce. BL) Build 2 weekly data update from in-house systems to refesh data in Salesforce, C.-) Emailthe contacts and leads to obtan their current information. 1.) Enable Automated Account Fielés in Setup. Dace this iter for later cview. Ss 0SSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 56 of 65. “Tha aales director at Univerenl Containers wants to ensure that 2 custom Hild an the Lead object is excluded from Einstein Lead Scoring, How should the consultant meet the requiremen:? A. >) Exclude the custom field from all page layouts. 8.@ Omit the custom field from the scoring model C.(7) Clear the custom fcli's value on all ecards, 1D. Make the custom felé Read-Ony on all profiles. ack this itr for later review. 6 a ooSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:16:34 55 of 65. "Auser t Cloud Kicks (CK) cwne more than 12,000 recards. The CK admin has noticed that making changes to the staring model is taking increasingly more time. ‘What are two solutions the consultant could implement to resolve the issue? Choose 2 answers |A.Q@ Remove the users from the role hierarchy. 8. | Nove the users to the bottom othe role hierarchy. Nove the users to the top ofthe role hierarchy, Nass transfer the records to anether role inthe ral hierarchy. Mark thie tam for Inter roviowSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:16:37 SA of 65. Universal Containers has four preductlinas, each with ie unique sales eyele. Ones: the prospects qualified, the sales reps shculd fellow the product-specific sales ele. \Which two actions should @ consultant recommend to meet these recuirements? Choose 2 answers A.) Define Opportunity Teams for exch product tne 8.) Use Flow to create product-specific sales processes. .§@ creote Opportunity record types for each product line. 0.@ Implement sales processes that map to exch Opportunity recerd type. Dace this iter for later rview.‘Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:16:42 53 of 65. “Topropary plan fr company orouth, Cloud Kieke noade ts foracart monthly revenue projections fram the sales of ts arnual subscription service. \What stould the consuitant configure to meet ths requirenent? A. >) Opportunity dashboard showing products sold each month 8.@ Opportunity products with menthly produet Schedules C. Opporunity dashboard chowing appertuntios eozad each month 1D.) Opportunity products with formula fields for each month's value ack this itr for later ceview. Se oo‘Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:16:46 52 of 65. Cloud Keke (Ck) plane to inploment hdvanced Currency Managemantforits Salesforce implerientation. CK has Rol-up Surnmary fields on the Account and ‘Opportunity What stould CK consider when evabling Advanced Currency Managementin its Salesforce org? 1A.) Recount Rollup Summary fields will update fram the Opportunity object. 18.) Account cross-object formulas slays use the dynamic cenversion| rate for currency conversion. C-@ Opportunity Rol-up Summary Felds will usdate from the Oppertunty Line Item ebiect 1D. >) Dated exchange rates are used in Opportunity forecasting or currency Felds in ather types ef reports. Macc thie iter for later view. Review all | Submit ExamSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 51 of 65. Cloud Keke (Ck) hae an extamnal antorpeies recourea planing (ERP) eyetinn that stores product order information. CK wants to view those orders as 2 related list on the account recordin real time, Which best practice should the consultant recommend? A. ~) Implement Salesforce to-Solesforce to get real-time product arder Information, and add i as related Ist on the Recount Create external objec prozuct order information in Salesforce, run 3 right batch to get details from ERP, and add the external object a5 9 related list on the Account c./>) Create a Ughtning component, and get the reel-tme product order Information from ERP using REST integraton. © Fnvlement Salesforce Connect and en external abject to get real-time product eréer information, and add the external abject as a related lst on the Account. ace this itary for lar raion CS ESSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:16:55 50 of 65. ‘Cloud Keke! (CK) marketing dapsrtment is migrating from its email compaign and ‘management system to Salesforce, The merketing acrnin wants to ensure that CK's femal templates are reined. Which two solutions should @ consultant recommend fora successful migration? Choose 2 answers AQ Impor email templates with the Data Loader. 8.) Enable Email Import and use the Import Wizard 6.6] Manually recreate the emall and mail merge templates in Salesforce. 1D.) Create and deploy an eral template change set ace this iter for later review.Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 49 of 65, Universal Containare has inplemantac Salesfores forall ofits asles aecocitar. Al sales assocites are required to select the win o loss status on every closed ‘Opportunity. Managers like to measure the win aU forall f the sales assocates. How should @ consultant meet the requirement? [A: >) Build » custom Lightring component to show the win ratio based on won Opportunities. 18.@ bullé 2 custom report on Opporunity with custom summary formulas tp show win/loss rate. Ensure that all managers have access tothe standard Win/Loss report. 1D.) Create 9 custom formula Feld on Opportunity to capture the win ratio for Orportunities ack this iter for later review.Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:17:02 48 of 65. ‘consultanthae been tacked wits analysing the way aales rope ute Salastorea to work a deal from inception to close, and then presenting this information to management, \What stould the consuitant utlize to present the information? A.@ Business Process Map 8.) System Landscape Diagram C.) Sales Archeecture Mep 1D.) Entity Relationship Diagram Mark thie tam for Inter review: Es OESalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 47 of 65. Cloud Keke requinee ite enlas raps tog thiough an internal corfcstion pracaee on Enablement Sites (myTrailhead) before they can add specific groups of Products to Opportunities. Which two solutions should be used to validate that sales reps have completed the Enablement Sites (mytrailhead) badge? Choose 2 answers 1A. @@ Use a Validation Rule on Opporuinity Products to prevent a sales rep from adding Protucts marked as requiring the Enablement Sites (nyTraithend) badge ifthe rep has yet to complete the badge 8.7) Use 2 Validation Rule on Products marked as requiring the Enablemens Sites (myTrailnead) badge to prevent those Broducts from being added to 2n Orporturity C7] Use a Flow Builder process on Products marked as requirng the Enablemer® Sites (myTrailhead) badge to automatically sharethe Products wth sales reps who have completed the bedge. Use a separate price 200k for te Products requiang the Enablement Sites (myTralhead) badge and anly share the price book with sales reps who have completed the badge. Darke thie tem for Inter review eS ESSSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:17:11 46 of 65. ‘What sro tae enpabiltias of Data Londor? Choose 2 answere A. | Prevents importing duplicate records 8. | Bxtreas organization and configuration metadata C6 Exponss fel history data .Q@ Runs one-time er scheduled data loads Mar this iar for later review. LS ES EESalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 45 of 65. Cloud Keker (Ck) hae = custom obec, Projact_s, that hae 2 loop relationship to the Opportunity object. The CK project manager has requested a report that Indudes both Project_c and Opportunity dat ‘What stould the consultant use to inclide data frorn both the Project_c and Opportunity abject in one reper? © Custom report types 8. Junction resorts CMa reports Cross-object fiers acc this iter for later rview. SSSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:17:20 44 of 65. ‘Cloud Keks (Ck) ic juct kicking ofits project. The coneultant wants to diva deeper Into Cs precess and pain points Which three approaches shuld @ consultar¢ use to learn about and empathize with ‘the customer? Choose 9 answers A. Shadowing 8. | Demonstrating 1c.) Leading Workshops 0.@ bitermewing E.G Embodying ark this iter for later review.Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:17:24 43 of 65. “The entarprice architect for Cloud Kicks wants to underatand how objects in Sales Cloud are cannected te one enather, Which two approaches should # consultant use to help the archtect? Choose 2 answers [Ac_| Obtain an export of object data From the current system. 2. Explain the types of object relationships in Salesforce. Use Schema Bulder to shaw a visual of relatee objects. 1D.) Review the Object Manager tab in Setup with the custome. Mark thie itam for Inter review: Es ESSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 42 of 65. [At Cloud Kicks (CX), exch sales rap ie acsigned a cales ope enedialct and # ealee engineer. CK wants to ensure that the assigned sales ops specialist and soles lengineer have access to the correct Accourts. The o¥yanizauion wide defaults (OND) for Contact are set ta ‘Contalled by Parent’. \Which olution should the consultant recommend to meet this requirement? [AL Add the Sharing button tothe page layout so sales reps can share CContarts a: needed BL@ Setup Account Teams with defaults for each seles rep C./>) Use Apex Managed Sharing to autornaticaly stare any new Contacts. 1. Chance the Contact OWO to Private anc create shanng rules to grant wsibity. ark this iter for later review.Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:17:31 a1 ot 65. Cloud eke wants to implement toam selling to share difteringlavele of necare to Accounts and associated records, such as epportunities, cntrads, and cases, based ‘on team member responsibaties \Which capability should the consultant recommend? AL Rote Rerarchy 8.@ Account Teams c.) Sharing rules 1D.) Opportunity Teams Mark thie tam for Inter reviowSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 40 of 65. Slee managers nt Clow Kier have noticed that information in some opportunity reports is incomplete. A consultant has periermed an analysis and determined that ‘opportunity stage reports often lack key information that sales manayers expect at ech stage because sales reps have yet to enter the data, What should the consultant recommend so oppertunity stage reports always contain the data managers expect? A.) Nark the fields es required on the Poge layout, 8.) Create an Autolaunched flow to determine i required fields are © Customize Path and create validation rules dependent on stages. 1.) Configure Fath by checking the Key Field Requred checkbox. Marke thie iam for later raview. LES ES SE ESSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 39 of 65. |Accoas 9 opportunities nt Cloud Kicee should be rectictad Sales deers should only have access to two categories of epportunties: opportunites they own, and ‘opportunities that are led to accounts they own, What are two actions @ consulta can take to meet the requirement? Choose 2 answers A.) Set organization-wide defaults for opportunities to Public Read-Only. 8. Set organization-wide defeuits for opportunities to Privat, G.) Set Territory Management grant Reed access to opportunities ~ owned by ethers {G9 Set opportunity acess on the ral to View All opportunities associated with their accounts ark this iter for later review.Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 0 38 of 65. Cloud Keke (Ck) roconty etarted using Sale Cloud and heres ite butinace website outside of Selesforce. On its website, CK has a lead generation web page. The VP of soles wats the leads captured Ws CK's self hosted website wo be reflected in Salesforce. ‘What should the consultant recommend? © Implement. thid-paty application irom the AppExchange to create rew leads in Salesforce 1B. >) Implement Web-to-Lead to create leads in Salesforce from the CK vwebsite, C. >) Implement custom REST APL to integrate the CK website and Salesforce. 1D.) Implement an hourly batch integration from the CK webste to Salestrce, Nore this iter for Inter review.Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 37 of 65. “Ths acmin at Universa! Containers har been geting complhints tram sales rept about duplicate Leads within Salesforce. The admin has already set up a matching rule for Leads ‘What stould the consuitant recommend to resolve the issue? [AL Confirm the standard matching rule inactivated, 8.) Change the criteria fer the standard Lead matching rule. C._) Change the criteria fer the standard Contact matching rue, .@ Contin the custom matching ule is activated, Mark thie tam for Inter review Es OESalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:17:59 36 of 65. ‘Cou KGcks is preparing to deploy its configurations, The chasen release date ic during » Salesforce Release window. The current configuration i in 2 Non preview ‘Sandbox. Which two strteaies should a consultant recommend? Choose 2 answers A. | Test new configurations ina Non-preview Sandbox. 8. §@ Deploy after the Salesforce Release C.) Deploy before the Salesforce Release .Q@ ‘est new configurations ina Preview Sandbox. acc this item for later review.Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:18:02 35 of 65. ‘Reslos manager at Unverssl Containers wants te give sales eperatons rer access to the team's ferecast. The sales manager is the forecast marager. The sales ‘peratlons user wil need to report on the forecast How can the sales operations user get access tothe forecast data forthe sales manager's team? ‘A. -) The stles manager can share the forecasts page with the sales cperations user. 1B. The consultant can erable the View All Forecasts permission on the sales operations profie. €.@ Ihe sales manager can temporarily assign the sales operations user 25 the manager ofthe forecast. 1. The consuitant can erante = custom tenait tyne on the forecast ane shareit with the sales operations user Dore this tom or Inter reviewSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 34 of 65. “Ths maeting team ie using = separate platform for manazing procpacts and wants tohand off cualifed prospects to the sales team, How should the consultant meet this requirement? A. >) Greate Salesforce users forthe marketing team so they can enter leads directly into Salesforce. 2. Create a report of Satsforce leads anc compare it with marketing cata on a regular bass. © feconmend an integration with the marketing platform that ceates leads n Salesforce, 1.) Recommerd an integration with the marketing platform to Salesforce that generates tasks with ead information Mac this ser for later review. esSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:18:07 33 of 65. alee ranagement at Cloud Kicks warts ta track the fallowing information: ‘= Open apportunites inthe current quarter by sales rep + Accounts that ae current customers + Open cases in the last quater for open opportunities ‘What should a consultant recommend to mast these requirements? A.) Create a reporting snapshot. BL Create a dynam dashboard. C2@ create 9 joned repor: D. Create 9 summery report with cross filters. Mar this iter for later review. nS‘Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 32 of 65. ‘A consultants configuring Finetein Forecasting to help the aales taam predict how much they will sell by the end ofa forecasting period \Which two censiderations should the consultant keep in mind to ensure that predictions are displayed? Choose 2 answers A. | Predictions are enly shown when the useris in the forecasting hierarchy. 9 Fredicions are only shown when at ast 12 manths of Oaporurity| data exists Predictions are based only on the stendard Close Date and Amount Fels. ._ | Predictions are enly shown when data gyre in Tables CRM is enabled Mark this itr for later review.Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:18:11 31 of 65. ‘Reslos cop ovine an opportunity ane can visw the arrociatad account, bute unable toview contacts on that account, ‘What stould the consultant -ecommend to allow account owners to selectively share ‘an acccunt's contacts with epportunity owners? |A. Transfer account ownership from themselves te the opportunity 1.) Add opporsunity owners tothe Opportunity Team ard configure contact sherng. €.@ Aad opportunity owners to the Account Team and configure contact sharing 1D.) Transfer contact ownership from themselves tothe opportunity ower. | Mark this item for later review.Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 04: 30 of 65. Cloud Kekr wants to know how many closed won Opportnitne = Campaign hat (generated over the last 30 days. \Which two steps should the consultant take to meet this requirement using standard functionality? Choose 2 answers Aas citers to the auto-assaciation settings and limi it tothe past 30 cays, BL) Add chilé Campaigns ofthe primary Campaign source automatically. €.@ ok the admin to enable Customizable Campaign Inluence. 1D. | Define rues for Campaigns to add Opportunities and then lock atter 30 dors. ark this iter for later ceview.Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 0 29 of 65. Cloud Kekr wants to ute = Web-to-L aad form c0 potential customers ean submit requests forts products. Some existing authenticated customers also use this form torequest new products, but ther requests are being blocked ‘What should the consultant recommend to resolve ths issue? [Ac Greate 9 new motching rule tha: ignores Contacts, ond set the Duplicate Rule to allow and report (with aert). 18.) create ancener Ouplicate fule f9 run only whan the current User 1s the default Web-to-Lead creator, and set that rule te allow an¢ report (ithout alert) Nodify the current Duplicate Rue to tun enly when the current user is the defaulk Web-to-Lead creator, anc set that rule te allow ane report (ith alert, 1D.) Necify the current Duplicate Rule with @ Condition where the current ser isthe oyster admin (with ser) Marc this iter for later review. OS ESSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 28 of 65. Cloud ek (Ck) wants to migeste dats from ite exieting enterprise eouree planning (ERP) systern to Sslesferce. CK wants to organize its date using the uniaue 1D that isa number type un the ERP. ‘What should the consultant recommend to meet the requirement? [Ac ) Use the ERP unique ID 9s the Salesforce ID. 8.) Create an External ID unicue number eld inthe ERP labeled ERP unique 1D." €.@ Hap the ERP unique TD to'@ custom External TO unicue number field D.Creste atest fed and insert the ERP unique 1D. Mack this itr for later review. OSS OSSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:18:19 27 of 65. Cloud Kekr wants aalet ope to share key documents directly with custoraes without setting up an Experience Cloud site. Which Salesforce feature satisfies this requirement? ALO) Chatter links 8.) Emailtempates €.@ Content Deiveriog D. >) Report Subscriptions ack this iter for later review. ooSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 26 of 65. Universal Container in eventing & nese pracram to orders over the course of 1 to 3 years in monthly installments begining in the ‘month the produds are sold. The adirin needs to configure Sales Cloud to ‘accommodate the new pricing terms and to help the finance department forecast easy, low customare te pay for large ‘What should the consultant recommend to met the requirement? A.@ Use Revenue Schedules to capture installment payment plan cetals far eath Product. Set the defsut quantities to 12, 24, and 36 in a new Price Book for Installment sales. C._Add # custom field to the Quotes object to capture the number of installments, 1D.) Create Flow to create an Order for each installment payment Nac this iter for later eeview. es soSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:18:25 25 0f 65. “The Cloud Kicks team needs to quickly look up contact, accounts, and ‘opportunities and easily log calls from their mobile phones: Oue to limited coverage tn certain geagraphie eas, the team wants access te customer information while ut ofthe ofice and when they are without an internet connecton. Which two steps should the consultant raccrnmend? Choose 2 answers A.(@ Unable Offine Access ana offine Eat 1B. Download the Salesferce mobile app. | Fable Mobile Sok. D._ | Enable Salesforce Inbox. =) Mark this tem for later review. LES ES‘Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 24 0f 65. \Ussrs a Cloud Kies (CK) any the global aanreh is returning tao many catults when searching for contacts. CK's admin corfirmed that users have the correct Permissions and record access for the contacts they want 10 see \What stould a consultant recommend to yield better search results? © 414 company name next to contacts Full name in the search window. 8.) Use parentheses operator to limit search tothe Contacts object 6.) Add LIKE keyword next to contect’s full name nthe search window. 1D.) Use quotation marks operator around contacts first and lastname. Mark thie tam for Inter reviow: EsSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:18:31 23 0f 65. Cloud Keks hae the Entorpece Edition and plane to integrate its email aystann with Salesforce, and wants to show the last 2 months of email activity to ts 75 sales ps. What should a consultant recommend to meet this requirement? AL) Sales Cloud Console 2.) Emailto Salesforce . >) Sales Clove Einstein D.@ Einsten Acivity Capture Standerd ‘Mark thie tam for Inter reviewSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 22 of 65. Ses reps want t9rovinw pricing on heetorisal centracts whan working on neve ‘opportunities at Cloud Kicks. Cortracts are created from the Account page. Sales reps need to view all contracts for Une Account on the Opportunty record, \What stould a consultant implement to mest the requirement? © Use the Related List - Single comporent to dsplay the Accoure's Contracts on the Opportunity Lightning page. 18.) Create an object-specfic action to create a Contract record frem the Opportunity page layouts used by sales. Add the Contracts related lst to each ofthe Opportunity page layouts Used in the sales record types. 1D.) Build 2 custom Opportunity lookup field to Coneracts with an Account cepersdency filter anc make it editable ark this iter for later review.‘Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 21 0f 65. “The Cloud Kicks (CK) TT team wants te enable Pereon Accounts in ite Salesforce org ‘Which dire prerequisties must be me: before the consultant ean enable Ferson Accounts? Choose 3 answers [A:Q@ The oiganisotion-wide defoult shoring is set so ether Contacts CContralied oy Parent or both Account and Contact are Private. 18. (@ Atleast one Record Type snould be created for Accounts. ©The oxganination-wide default for both Accounts and Contacts should be set to Public Read/Write. 1.7) the © customer portal must be dasbled to allow Person Account self registration in the future. 9 ser Frofies wimn Ress access to Accounts must also have Res access to Contacts. ack this iter for later review. SsSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 20 of 65. [Merthem Trails Qutftters (NTO) ie randy to start the next phace ofits Salesforce linplementaton. A consultart recommends using Universal Process Notation (UPN) to document the business process maps NTO wil use as is guide. [ASNTO maps out ts processes, which two key principals oF UPN should the team keep in ming? Choose 2 answers A.(@ Keep version control and change history atthe diagram level B® Limit the number of sctvty boxes on the screen to 8 to 10, C._| Use simbols of diferent colors, arrons, and sutim lanes for clarity. ._ | Attach supportira information atthe detail level Mark this iter for later review.Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 19 of 65. “Ta Cloud Kiker (ke) sale tear works with te diferent types of oad: distributors and retailers. CK's management wants the sales team tofollow two aiferere lead qualiicauon processes before converting the lead into an opportunity. ‘Which three actions should a consultant recommend to meet ths requirement? Choose 3 answers A.) Create 2 new profil and only assign one lead record type to it 8.) Add leads wo ciferent campaigrs based on lead type, @ reote Status picklst values speciicto exch lead type. D.Q@ Create distibuter and retaller lead record types. E.(@ Create retaler and distributor lead processes. Mark this iter for later review.‘Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 18 0f 65. Sometimes, salar repenced to crate contacts without accounts based on businere processes. ‘What should the consutant cake inte consideration about these contacts? A. >) Contacts without accounts neee to be shared through sharing rules B.@ Contacts without acccunts are private and only the owner and adm can view them. C.>) Contacts without accounts neee to be manually shared. 0.) Contacts without accounts are shared through the Role Merar
) Set up a Path based om the KPIs. 1B.) Nocify a report based on KPIs. C. Tnetall a Kor Tracker app fiom the App Exchange D.@ Setup a dashboard with the KPI reports. ack this iter for later eeview. a a ooSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:19:13 9.0f 65. Sales reps at Clouc Kicks (CK) nead to see the Onportunity amount with the Recounts iceaunt Hild. Ck aalas rope ara located in diforont ragions and ue different currencies. A consultant creates 2 castor formula field on the Opportunity. Which currency will the custom formula use for its value ifthe opportunty and ‘eccunt records have diferent currencies? ALO) Recount currency 8.) Corporate currency C.) User currency B.@ Opportunity currency Mark thie tam for Inter reviewSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant BOF 6S. Cloud Kicks (CK) wants to implement sharing rules. Which tree consideratiens should the consutant explain to CK? CChosse 3 answers (Ck can expand accase bayond the organization. wide default lavele with sharing rules. 2. When multiple shering rules are assigned, the user is assigned the least restrictive access, .) | When a sharng rule ts deleted, the sharing access created by that rule must be manually emeved, ‘Sharing rules apply only to new records that meet the definition of the source date set. . Orsenization-wide defautts must be Public Read Only or Private to create sharing rules b. ack this iter for later review. Ss SSSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 7 of 65. The Cloud Kicks global sales teams are distributed across regions. Sales leadership wants to give accent to dashhoards basse or region. Fer example, ters within the region should have access to regional dashbeards, while the leadership team should hhave access to global dashboards. What should the consultant recommend to meet this requirement? A. @ Create Dashhioard folders for ench regional sles teary and one « D, Dashboard felder forthe leadership team. Create region-ased sales groups, one leadership group, and one DDeshbosrd folder with View access, Create one Cashboard folde for all regional sales teams and one Dashboard folder for the leadership eam. Create one Dashboard folder for all regions for sales and leadership teams with View arcece Mark this iter for later review. ssSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 6 oF 65. Universal Containers (UC) deployed Sales Cloud three months ago to the North [American sales teame. Cre ofthe earon UC solected Sales Cloud i ae mobile support which provides exibiity for sales reps. How should the consultant assure UC's management that Seles Coud 's being successfully adopted on mobile devices? AL) Greate 9 custom Salesforce report type te show the use of mobile evices by users inthe last three months, Leverage Visualforce to show the use of mebile cevices by users during the last three months. ._>) Create a reper to show the volume of oppertunities create in the last three months compared to a year ago. 1.) Track sales results morth-over-month for the las three months to how an incaace in the average order sire ack this iter for later review. Ss SsSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:19:25 Sof 65. Cloud Kicks sales reps want to see all of their current opportunities, ard the full {etsic, with a minimal amount of navigation oF clicks te eyee through therm. ‘Which functionality should the consultant teasmmend? A>) Create a "My Oppertuntios' report and oper wach opportunity in 2 new browser tab. 2. Create a My Team Opportunities’ report and open each opportunity in 8 new browser tab. C.@ From the my Opportunties lst wew, select the split view opti, 1D.) Construct a naw Sales Conssle app including opportunities, Nac this iter for later review.Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:19:29 of 65. Cloud Kicks uses an external enterprise resource planning (ERP) application to procees it arcors. This FR applicttion needs to recsive dats abeut ofportnitoe when the oppertuniy clses. Which two solutions should the consultant recommend? Cchoase 2 answers REST callout Connected ape Single sign-on (Outbound Message with Tigger Flow Mark thie tam for Inter raviow ES SS SE)Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Time Remaining : 01:19:31 3oF65. An executive at Cloud Kicks (CK) has asked is admin to create a diagram to show the high lovel pracecses within the business. CX plans to use the diagram te chow the context ofa new process within the overall business as « whale. What should the admin create to meet this requirement? A 5 Capability Medel \Vaiue Stream Map Strongths, Wasknossos, Opportunitios, Threats (SWOT) 10.@ Sunpliers, Imports, Process, Outputs, Custemers (SIFOC) Mack this itr for later review. eS oa ooSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 2.0f65. Sales managers at Cloud Kicks need to visualize all open opportunities based on the location ofthe related Accoune Which solution should a consultant eecommend? 1A. © Eat tncatin Sevicoe nd id tha Accent Adri fil to the Opportunity page layou. 2. Usng Tabieay CRI, import» dot opportunities. Create a dasboard thet uses a report grouping opportunites by Account. D.@ Usng Mops, configure s Data Layer showing open opportunities lens with the State and City for all Mark thie tam for Inter reviow EsSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant 1.0f65. A censultant is working with Cloud Kicks (CK} on fs intial Ssles Could Implementation. Ck wanes its anlas rape to bs able toute Sslex Clouse track acccunts, contacts, and opportunites beforeits global conference in 4 months. What should the consultant recommend to meet the requirement? A. >) Deploy the Salesforce mobile app to the tear pror tothe event, 1. @ Se: obtainable metrics, goals, and milestones for the deadline. CC) Retchedil the evine te itr Fictional fr complet. 1. Inplemantadeltional features to make the team more productive, ‘Mark this tem For later review.
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