Dont worry we know you care, and we care too, here's how.
What have we done for the environment?
Climate Change: Apple is committed to using recycled and responsibly sourced
A program focused on ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water and materials in its products.
improving water resource management worldwide.Apple aims to be 100% carbon The company has implemented innovative recycling programs to
neutral across its entire supply chain by 2030. recover valuable materials from old devices.
The company has made significant progress in reducing its carbon footprint by Apple works closely with suppliers to ensure responsible mining
transitioning to renewable energy sources for its operations. practices and reduce the environmental impact of mining
Apple actively supports the development and adoption of clean energy solutions. operations.
Worker Rights:
Apple places a strong emphasis on protecting worker rights and ensuring fair treatment throughout
its supply chain.
The company collaborates with suppliers to provide safe working conditions and fair wages.
Apple actively audits its suppliers to ensure compliance with its Supplier Code of Conduct and takes
corrective actions when necessary.