The Impact of COVID-19 On Sustainable Business Mod
The Impact of COVID-19 On Sustainable Business Mod
The Impact of COVID-19 On Sustainable Business Mod
Abstract: Businesses have been exposed to various challenges during the global pandemic, and their
response to this disruption has impacted their resilience as well as their chances to overcome this
crisis. Small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) are changing their business models in order to
adapt to this changing environment. Service‐based industries have been hit particularly hard. This
research investigates how SMEs operating in service industries have been coping with the
disruptions caused by the COVID‐19 pandemic. This research aims to gain insights into which
transformation drivers they have focused on and which technologies they have selected as a means
to respond to the disruption. These insights regarding SMEs are then explored according to their
influence on the redefinition of sustainable business models in SMEs. The review data was analyzed
via a customized research framework that contains three dimensions and 30 subconcepts. The
results show the distribution of drivers and technologies across service sectors. They are organized
into a Business Model Canvas and could be considered useful for academia and practitioners. The
highly unpredictable environment allows for only a few feasible strategic approaches regarding an
Citation: Gregurec, I.; SME’s decision on to follow incumbents, to become a challenger, or to reinvent themselves based
Tomičić Furjan, M.; Tomičić‐Pupek, on their own transformation drivers and readiness to apply digital technologies.
K. The Impact of COVID‐19 on
Sustainable Business Models in
Keywords: SMEs; COVID 19; service sector; transformation drivers; digital technologies; business
SMEs. Sustainability 2021, 13, 1098.
The year 2020 has been projected to “set a record for so‐called mega bankruptcies” of
many companies (taken from [7]). Moreover, as mentioned, “Things have changed, and
the future is uncertain” [8]. The high unpredictability of the business environment in
combination with the high malleability [9] demands for a strategy for change, whereby a
total renewal could also be seen as a viable option.
New strategy approaches for small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) should
help increase the likelihood of overcoming the impact of the pandemic since SMEs have
been badly hit financially due to their limited resources and expertise [10]. Based on a
common understanding of factors that could impact how businesses are coping with their
survival, an approach with three dimensions could be of interest. First, the operating
industry and sectors within the industry influence the exposure of SMEs because SMEs
tend to be more concentrated in sectors that have been directly affected by COVID‐19
response measures (e.g., retail and services). They are typically more credit constrained
than larger businesses [11]. For this reason, focusing on how SMEs respond to all
challenges posed by a pandemic made sense, especially in the service sector, which has
been severely impacted by lockdowns in most countries. Second, various transformation
drivers set the course of response and form the direction of transformation. Third, as a
means of raising effectiveness, exponential technology development in previous years
was seen as a promising tool. At that time, digital technologies did not find a strong and
widely based application in the SME sector; however, due to the COVID‐19 disruption,
SMEs are now trying to avoid a total shut down of economic activities by introducing
digital technologies that were not considered a high priority earlier. All three dimensions
are in‐line with the transformational scenarios seen before the COVID‐19 disruption, and
could form a solid sustainability framework for changing business models of SMEs.
Based on these three dimensions of coping with the disruption caused by the COVID‐
19 pandemic, this article aims to provide insights into the following research questions:
What drives SME transformation in the service sector, and which technologies are
being selected to respond to the pandemic disruption?
How does the operating service sector, transformation drivers, and selected
technology influence the redefinition of sustainable business models in SMEs?
To achieve the aim of finding academic and practical implications for making SME
business models more sustainable, a comprehensive literature review was preformed to
bridge the gap in understanding how this pandemic affected the existing business models
of SMEs. Collected data was analyzed and its impact on business models was explored.
This corresponds with the structure of the paper. First, the theoretical background and the
research framework are presented in order to introduce the dimensions and their
subconcepts used in the review. The next section presents the literature review results and
gives an overview of most important findings. The review results are presented in the
context of a business model’s transformation in order to support the sustainability of
businesses. The discussion and conclusions are given at the end.
2. Theoretical Background
The theory of business [12] states that all organizations have to take into
consideration three types of assumptions affecting their way of doing work: assumptions
relating to the organizational environment, assumptions relating to the accomplishment
of the mission, and assumptions about the competencies and resources enabling the
fulfillment of the mission. Further on though, the theory has to be rethought, especially
when the organization has experienced a great success or failure. The COVID‐19
pandemic has exposed great flaws in the current business models and operations of many
SMEs. The theory of business enables organizations to rethink their three elemental
assumptions when the business environment becomes chaotic [13].
A business model presents what benefits an organization provides to its customers
and partners, as well as how benefits flow back into the organization in the form of
Sustainability 2021, 13, 1098 3 of 24
revenue [14]. Business models present the current or future state of organizations,
showing simple and easy to understand illustrations of some or all aspects of the how
they do business, and how they communicate with others in that same field of work [15].
There is no single, or generally agreed on, definition of the term “business model”,
but, as the study made by [16] shows, most definitions can be interpreted in a way such
that a business model is a model representing an organizational system, an organizational
unit characteristic represented in an abstract way, or as an individual means adjusted to
an author’s representation.
Business Model Canvas—BMC [17], is the most commonly used business model
framework (as shown in [18–20]). The use of BMC goes beyond the creation of a business
model. It helps in organizing management and in improving each of the nine business
model elements, namely: relationships with customers, customer segments and channels
(related to customer definition and understanding); key partners, activities, and resources
(directed towards crucial organizational factors improvement); value proposition (that
refers to the core of innovations within the product or service); and costs and revenue
streams (which refers to the financial component of the model).
The roots of innovation in business models have been examined in [21]. Their
research has shown that “knowledge absorptive capacity, organizational agility, and top
management mindfulness” are influence factors. They have a significant impact on
creating changes within business models. If they are incorporated within the innovation
process with care, newly created and improved business models can serve a mediation
role between those factors and the improved performance of organizations. The sharing
of knowledge connected to new ways of creating and delivering value through emerging
technologies has a significant role in improving companies’ performance as well;
regardless of whether it is implemented through organizational platforms for knowledge
exchange on the corporate governance level [22], or the use of a specific technology.
Authors [23] describe how Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used for building a
knowledge management system that changes organizational culture and directs
innovation towards creating better business performance. Thereby, the knowledge about
how new technologies can contribute to better business models, and consequently better
performance, can start as an internal process. For example, it can come from the
employees of the organization itself. Alternatively, it can also start as an external process,
coming from other stakeholders involved in the value creation and delivery process [24].
According to the researchers in [25], the development of a completely new or
enhanced version of an existing business model is a strategic venture, which usually
results from “(a) certain previous concepts evolving, mainly due to technological
advancements, (b) the achievement of social/user acceptance for previous concepts,
generating economies of scale or the snowball effect, and/or (c) disruptive and
breakthrough innovations”. The disruptive innovations are defined as rather passive
entities [26] that “prevent something, esp. a system, process, or event, from continuing as
usual or as expected” [27]. In this manner, the global COVID‐19 pandemic is a passive
entity because organizations have no influence on its appearance or spread; nevertheless,
they have to act accordingly and rethink (or rebuild) their business models.
Sustainable business models, as by definition “simplified representation of the
elements, the interrelationship between these elements, and the interactions with its
stakeholders that an organizational unit uses to create, deliver, capture, and exchange
sustainable value” [28], have become the focus of many studies, due to the knowledge gap
relating to how to determine elements focusing on the transformation of business models
[29]. Thereby, the business model should be a result of organizational innovation for
sustainable processes [30].
According to the bibliometric analysis of research done so far, made by [31],
sustainable business models are mostly presented in the Journal of Cleaner Production,
which is published by three prominent institutions in business management—Technische
Universiteit Delft, the University of Cambridge, and Lunds Universitet. The focus of
Sustainability 2021, 13, 1098 4 of 24
research is on: “(1) sustainable business models and innovation, (2) sustainable business
models and circular economy, (3) sustainable business models and value creation”, which
brings this study on a justified path of research in line with these previous analyses and
The literature review on sustainable innovation made by [32] has considered
published work from three perspectives; namely: (1) internal–managerial, showing that
what an organization does in its strategic and management planning has a great impact
on innovations and the development of novel business models; (2) external–relational,
proving that sustainable innovation results from collaboration among all stakeholders
involved and; (3) performance evaluation, whereby organizational measurement values
can be used to evaluate innovation as well. Another initiative for sustainable performance
improvement was presented in [33], pointing out the possibility of using integrated
reporting and integrated thinking (for combining financial and nonfinancial indicators).
This is considered a significant contribution to sustainable development initiatives such
that it demonstrates how the company can use its own resources and capital to generate
value for itself and all stakeholders connected to its operations. The study [34] explains
the impact of organizational and environmental context factors on technology usage in
small and medium‐sized manufacturing firms in developing countries. It shows that the
support of top management and competitive pressures influence decisions on using e‐
commerce. For two other factors from this study—government support and adoption
costs—no significant influence was confirmed due to, among other reasons, the
availability of appropriate government policies and funding, and the cost‐effectiveness of
online e‐commerce platforms [34].
The influence of the pandemic on sustainable business models has been identified to
be one of the emerging trends in research about the impact of disruptions on sustainable
business models [31]. This has been recognized by other authors as well. Thereby, the
influence of either one or a combination of several digital technologies, driven by different
change initiatives in one or several industrial sectors in the pandemic era have been
investigated. In [35], the use of artificial intelligence in agriculture has been evaluated in
regards to it being successful in developing sustainable business models, as it can
contribute to reducing the influence of the environment. As well, when AI is combined
with other digital technologies, it can promote digital communication and collaboration,
and can contribute to achieving the social distance measures related to the COVID‐19
pandemic. Transformation from traditional to additive manufacturing based on Industry
4.0 technologies, researched in [36], shows that through performance measurement
methods sustainable business models can be achieved. It enables “optimizing material
consumption, creating new shapes, customizing designs and shortening production
times”. Lastly, aviation is one industry that has experienced many risks and
vulnerabilities connected to the pandemic. Stakeholders in this industry should consider
how to achieve a balance between short‐term help and resilience to other disruptions in
order to overcome future crises [37]. Brought by the pandemic, the unpredictability and
the uncertainty in which businesses operate are influencing severely the “environmental,
economic, technological, educational and training, and social” dimensions [35] when
rethinking business models and enabling or raising sustainability.
accordance with BPMN 2.0. Ref. [38] using the Bizagi Process Modeler [39]. Vertical swim
lanes are showing the main steps of the methodology.
The model in Figure 1 shows the steps represented as activities (blue rectangles) in
sequences starting in the upper left corner of the figure (green circle). The first two
activities of identifying relevant databases and keyword search combinations could start
in parallel (yellow rhombus with “+” sign). They had to be finished before performing
searches in the databases and platforms, and before creating the main dimension
constructs. Therefore, the literature gathering process started with the identification of
relevant databases for this research where the following databases and platforms were
selected: Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), Emerald, Wiley, Proquest, EbscoHost,
ScienceDirect, and Taylor and Francis Online. The search strategy was based on the
keyword combination: ‘SME’, ‘entrepreneurship’ ‘service sector’, ‘pandemic’, and
‘COVID‐19′. It was conducted in December 2020. The search resulted in a total of 89 hits.
After merging all 89 papers, duplicated papers were excluded, leaving 85 different papers
for further analysis. Parallel to the search, the dimensions of the research framework
(Figure 2) for the study were constructed based on the goal to investigate the three
dimensions of how SME’s are coping with the challenges posed by the disruption. The
three dimensions included: (1) Scope dimension related to the operating service sector, (2)
Driver dimension related to the change driving force, and (3) Technology dimension
related to selected technology for responding to disruptions in the market. The research
framework was inspired by similar existing frameworks [40,41], which have been proven
to identify the implications relating to both theory and practice. Relevant meta‐data (e.g.,
authors, title, journal, year of publication) and content analysis data across the three
dimensions from the selected 85 papers were extracted and coded. Based on the three
dimensions, the gathered scientific literature was investigated for appearing subconcepts
across dimensions. Each time a new subconcept was recognized, it was added to the
Sustainability 2021, 13, 1098 6 of 24
framework and recorded (activities with yellow rhombs with “×” signs). Finally, the
content of the articles was extracted and analyzed.
The content analysis of gathered papers about service sectors was filtered in 12
identified groups (subconcepts in Table 1): healthcare, financial, retail, education,
entrepreneurship, franchising, food, travel and transportation, tourism, the entertainment
sector, and lastly the general services group (i.e., no specific service sector or referred to
as general services). Some publications referred to more than one service sector; therefore,
the sum of matching publications to sectors presented as frequencies across all service
groups was greater than the number of analyzed papers (85).
Table 1. Content analysis in the scope dimension in relation to its focus on the service sector.
technology. As a result, the sum of frequencies across all technologies in Table 3 is also
greater than the number of analyzed papers.
Research framework
SC1: Healthcare sector TD1: Organizationally driven changes TC1: Artificial intelligence
SC2: Financial sector TD2: Customer driven changes TC2: Internet of Things
SC3: Retail sector TD3: Technology driven changes TC3: Big data and data analytics
SC4: Education sector TD4: Financially driven changes TC4: Cloud computing
SC5: Franchising sector TD5: General social changes TC5: Virtual reality
4. Results
The analysis data presented in previous section in Tables 1–3, show the content
matching the three dimensions and their subconcepts through reported transformations
in regard to scope, i.e., operating service sector, transformation drivers, and digital
technologies selected for transformational support. From the content analysis of 85
publications in relation to the three dimensions and their 12 sector subconcepts, 5 driver
subconcepts and 13 technology subconcepts, 526 records of publications matching the
subconcepts were analyzed, where each publication had to be matched to at least one
subconcept in each of the three dimensions. Based on the findings from the literature
review, the impact on business models is explored via Osterwalder’s Business Model
Canvas [17].
4.1. Reflection on the Scope Dimension in Relation to Focus on the Service Sector
The content analysis in the scope dimension in relation to its focus on the service
sector in Table 1 shows that most publications are related to profit‐oriented
entrepreneurship and to services in general. Tourism, education, healthcare, food, and
Travel/transport are sectors that are most often explicitly reported about in the recorded
scientific publications. Financial, entertainment, fashion, retail, and franchising sectors are
not the subject of focus in many scientific publications. They appear only in a few articles.
Agility is critical for SMEs. It allows them to deal successfully with these economic,
political, social and psychological challenges. SMEs need to cultivate capabilities and
skills in order to leverage their flexibility in responding to market needs and social
demands. They need to quickly adjust their operations [62]. The market context or sector
within which SMEs operate, may influence their readiness of adjust, and how the business
model can be transformed [4].
Some sectors have become more vulnerable than others during the COVID‐19
pandemic. Travel, tourism, hotels, hospitality, aviation, restaurants, retail, public
entertainment, education, and sports were the sectors with the highest disruptions to
business while other sectors such as food, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and information
technology seem to be less vulnerable [1–3,7,43,45,59,82,87,97,99]. Some sectors were
challenged by specific issues in regard to social changes, which has been demonstrated
through the example of sharing platforms. These platforms aim to offer sustainable
production chains and new consumption behaviors, and provide budget‐based and
environment friendly alternatives [86]. Meanwhile, some challenges have become
common for more sectors. For example, in the transportation or tourism industry [87] and
in the fashion industry, the sharing paradigms experience the same potential challenges,
e.g., hygiene and health risks—associated with close or skin contact; psychological and
social risk—related to the need for social distancing; and a lack of trust in service
providers. The impact of challenges may also magnify during this pandemic. Customers’
needs, buying habits, purchasing, decision making, and routines have changed demand
patterns as customers are now working more from home. Various social and professional
events have been postponed, cancelled, or held virtually in online environments. Due to
these changes, some industries profited and experienced a greater demand (e.g., fashion
and rental platforms). However, during the COVID‐19 pandemic, the concern is that the
current layout of demands and the initiatives that are being implemented to respond will
eventually be disrupted again [86]. Since the impact of the COVID‐19 disruption was
different depending on particular sectors, SMEs operating in these sectors have responded
differently to the challenges ahead of them in terms of focusing on a transformation driver
and by applying different technological solutions.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 1098 9 of 24
the formation of smart businesses. Many of the new digital technologies can be considered
disruptive for some market players. At the same time though, they can be considered a
tool for success for others during the pandemic [4,42,43,103].
Digital technologies can have different impacts on different sectors. This also
depends on the countries and regions where the SME operates. The potential to make the
transition to industry 4.0 can vary [97] and can lead to technological, economic, social, and
cultural changes, as well as changes in the class structure of societies [103]. The selection
of appropriate technology as a response, depends on the driver transforming operations,
as well as on the applicability of the technology in the core processes of SMEs.
Figure 3. Service sectors (SC) in relation to transformation drivers (TD) and selected technologies (TC).
Figure 4. Transformation drivers (TD) across operating sectors (SC) and selected technologies (TC).
Sustainability 2021, 13, 1098 12 of 24
Figure 5. Technologies (TC) across operating service sectors (SC) and transformation drivers (TD).
The triple‐dimensioned combinations presented in the bar charts in Figures 3–5 are
limited to publications published in 2020, and can be indicative of SMEs responses to the
disruptions caused by the pandemic. Furthermore, the results are considered in the
context of business models in order to explore their impact on the redefinition of the
elements of business models.
Every crisis, regardless of the origin, has an immediate effect on financial markets as
well. So, one of the biggest problem facing SMEs when they need to transform their
existing business model, and consider new one, may be acquiring the needed capital. If
this pandemic lasts longer, businesses may run out of money (if they have not already)
[48]. SMEs face very specific and unique problems regarding access to external capital.
This relates to their informational opacity and their ownership structure. These problems
are often compounded by a lack of physical and tangible assets that can be used as
collateral against loans. This means that many SMEs are overly reliant on internally
generated funds to capitalize on their operations and provide the necessary liquidity to
fund their day‐to‐day operations.
Uncertainty caused by the COVID‐19 pandemic has resulted in new ways of
understanding the paradigm of entrepreneurship [2,7]. This is especially the case when
we combine the pandemic with accelerating digital transformation [97]. This is important
to consider since SMEs play a vital role in fostering innovation, economic growth, and
reducing unemployment [100].
Competitiveness in operating industries puts pressure on SMEs to continuously
create new innovative value propositions and become more resilient in relation to
industry incumbents [4]. Due to this, they also need to consider possible collaborative
work with other SMEs in the same sector or field of work [119]. They can do this by
adopting digital technology. In this period of COVID‐19, the pandemic can actually
trigger SMEs in any industry to create new strategies and set the stage for long‐term
growth and market leadership [43]. Adopting digital technologies can also help SMEs to
enhance the digitization of internal operations and processes, to improve performance
effectiveness and efficiencies, to reengineer business models, to ensure business survival
or even to enhance business process innovation [43].
In order to analyze the research described in Sections 4.1–4.4., in terms of how the
operating service sector, transformation drivers, and selected technology influence the
redefinition of sustainable business models in SMEs in practice, we rely on Business
Model Canvas—BMC [17].
This subchapter tries to define in which of the nine elements a special emphasis
should be made. This has been conducted in order to contribute to enabling better
organizational resilience and perform faster adapting processes, as well as improve
further disruption response, sustainability, and growth. To do so, three (3) steps need to
be implemented:
1. The operating service sector, in which the organization (creating the new business
model) is working in, need to be identified.
2. Technologies within this specific sector, which are already used by other companies,
can then be sorted out. In that way, the technologies have the potential to be
considered for use such that they change the value proposition of the product or
service that needs to be improved or redefined. The number of appearances of each
technology can be the decision factor, whereby the organization can choose to use
the technology with the highest number of appearances and be the Follower SME.
Alternatively, it can choose one of the technologies with the fewest number of
appearances (if possible 0) and be the Challenger SME. These strategy
operationalization options are described in more detail in the discussion chapter.
3. The transformational driver, which initiated the change, indicates which of the nine
elements of BMC is the most important one. The framework for positioning the five
subconcepts of the transformational driver dimension has been found and
broadened from the initial business model option (BMO) matrix, defined by [120]
and previous research on influence of digital transformation drivers onto the BMO
matrix dimensions [121]. For each positioned driver, the number of appearances
within the investigated operating service sector is again the decision factor, whereby
Sustainability 2021, 13, 1098 14 of 24
the one with the highest number of appearances indicates which BMC element
should be given the greatest emphasis.
In Figure 6, the positioning of the transformational drivers has been conducted,
whereby some drivers can have an impact on more than one of the nine BMC elements.
The same figure shows an illustrative example, where a company is active within the
tourism sector (SC10). In this example, 10 of the explored papers in this research are
referred to. The blue text in Figure 6 highlights specific values for the sector in the
Figure 6. Positioning transformation drivers into Business Model Canvas (BMC) elements via an illustrative example.
which can have an effect on organizational elements, such as the need for new skills
and competencies. If these two initiatives are intertwined, it would have a positive
impact on the sustainability of SMEs. In other words, if the customer initiative is not
followed by organizational initiatives, this could have a negative impact on a SME’s
resilience and sustainability.
2. Investigating new technology options and the application of possibilities in service
sectors where according to the review results no reported cases have been found
(blanks in Figures 3–5) or where certain technologies have not been considered
within this review (due to methodology described in Section 3, which is referring
only to technologies reported at least once in gathered publications).
3. Applying the research methodology to other sectors (or possible new disruptions),
and investigating how other sectors have responded to the disruptions in their
operations and markets.
Digital transformation initiatives have been thoroughly investigated in this recent
period. Technology development is exponentially growing, and it sets the stage for the
digital environment in which businesses operate. This research shows that SMEs have
shifted their focus from technology driven transformation towards more socially‐related
driven transformation initiatives. Social media and platforms, as well as mobile
technologies, were technologies most often selected as a tool for the transformation of
channels of communication and/or service delivery. A possible explanation for this can be
found in the common use and experience of service providers and consumers with these
broadly available technologies. Yet, other technologies may result in more impacts;
however, they are not so commonly used by the broader broad public due to the
complexity of the technology, lack of competencies among the public on its use, long
implementation periods, the need for additional equipment, etc. Building more easy‐to‐
use technology solutions with short implementation periods and that are oriented
towards enabling desired value propositions would contribute to supporting SMEs in
their efforts to quickly respond to disruptions. More research is needed to identify typical
scenarios relating to the implementation of technologies in SME’s operating sectors.
Further research is also needed to support the development of appropriate and feasible
methodologies for designing sustainable business models.
custom value proposition can arise from a different driver focus and/or from
applying a technology which others did not consider. Customization‐driven
technology solutions pose a risk in the short‐ term, but they also offer to build
accompanying skills and competencies, which can be beneficiary for long‐term
resilience and sustainability.
3. The “reinvent myself SMEs” (those who are applying the renewal strategy approach)
could rethink their operating service sector if the driver and technology niches, as
well as existing specific skills and competencies, can be identified. This approach has
the potential to bring big benefits, but it is also the most risky (which is in accordance
with the entrepreneurial spirit of SMEs).
In regular environments, SMEs struggle on deciding when and how to balance
between the exploitation of existing products or services and the exploration of new ones
(referred as strategic ambidexterity [122]). Unstable and unpredictable environments
force SMEs to rethink their business strategy and change their operating model. In the
COVID‐19 disruption, strategic ambidexterity has cascaded into operational processes in
terms of changing purchase and inbound logistics scenarios, new ways of providing
services, and the development of alternative delivery channels. SMEs rely on existing
paradigms, but they are also exploiting new possibilities. The flexibility of SMEs and their
agile response can be seen as an advantage in relation to large businesses concerning
strategic ambidexterity. Nevertheless, they often lack competences and capacity to take
advantage of the situation. Building capacities and competencies for future growth
opportunities should be a priority when business activities are reduced due to health
form of financial aid can help retain employment and contribute to the continuation of
business activities only temporarily. Nonfinancial measures in the form of improving
digital competencies, designing customer journeys with higher social interactions,
developing new and more sustainable ecosystems and alliances, creating new value
propositions oriented towards the quality of life, and a safe and sustainable work
environment should be the focus of long‐term policies.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, K.T.‐P. and I.G.; methodology, M.T.F. and K.T.‐P.;
validation, K.T.‐P., M.T.F., and I.G.; formal analysis, M.T.F.; investigation, I.G.; data curation, I.G.
and K.T.‐P.; writing—original draft preparation, K.T.‐P., M.T.F. and I.G.; writing—review and
editing, M.T.F. and I.G.; visualization, K.T.‐P.; supervision, M.T.F. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The paper has been prepared in the context of the ABCitiEs Interreg Europe project which
has received funding from the European Regional Development Fund.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data sharing not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
Table A1. Appearances of service sectors (SC) in relation to transformation drivers (TD) and selected technologies (TC).
Sector TD01 TD02 TD03 TD04 TD05 TC01 TC02 TC03 TC04 TC05 TC06 TC07 TC08 TC09 TC10 TC11 TC12 TC13
SC01 6 7 2 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1
SC02 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 3
SC03 1 2 1 1 2 2
SC04 7 9 6 2 5 3 1 1 2 2 1 5 1 3 2
SC05 27 18 14 19 18 5 3 3 1 2 2 3 1 12 2 7 17
SC06 1 1 1 1 1
SC07 1 5 3 5 2 1 1 3
SC08 2 2 2 1 2 1
SC09 4 6 4 4 5 1 1 1 1 4
SC10 6 8 3 5 9 4 2 3 5
SC11 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 1
SC12 15 17 10 16 21 7 5 3 4 6 2 3 2 9 4 10 12
Sustainability 2021, 13, 1098 19 of 24
Table A2. Appearances of transformation drivers (TD) across operating sectors (SC) and selected technologies (TC).
Driver SC01 SC02 SC03 SC04 SC05 SC06 SC07 SC08 SC09 SC10 SC11 SC12 TC01 TC02 TC03 TC04 TC05 TC06 TC07 TC08 TC09 TC10 TC11 TC12 TC13
TD01 6 2 1 7 27 1 1 2 4 6 15 12 9 8 5 7 3 3 6 4 17 6 14 24
TD02 7 3 2 9 18 1 5 2 6 8 3 17 15 8 6 5 9 5 3 3 3 22 8 19 17
TD03 2 1 6 14 4 3 1 10 16 9 8 5 6 4 3 5 4 12 8 13 9
TD04 3 3 1 2 19 1 3 2 4 5 2 16 7 4 3 2 5 2 1 3 3 14 4 11 20
TD05 4 2 1 5 18 5 1 5 9 3 21 11 5 3 3 9 3 1 1 2 20 8 16 24
Table A3. Appearances of technologies (TC) across operating service sectors (SC) and transformation drivers (TD).
Tech SC01 SC02 SC03 SC04 SC05 SC06 SC07 SC08 SC09 SC10 SC11 SC12 TD01 TD02 TD03 TD04 TD05
TC01 3 1 3 5 1 7 12 15 16 7 11
TC02 3 1 3 5 9 8 9 4 5
TC03 2 1 3 3 8 6 8 3 3
TC04 3 1 4 5 5 5 2 3
TC05 3 2 2 1 4 6 7 9 6 5 9
TC06 1 2 1 2 3 5 4 2 3
TC07 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 1
TC08 1 1 3 3 6 3 5 3 1
TC09 1 1 2 4 3 4 3 2
TC10 3 1 2 5 12 1 2 2 2 2 9 17 22 12 14 20
TC11 1 1 2 1 1 4 6 8 8 4 8
TC12 4 3 2 3 7 1 1 1 1 3 2 10 14 19 13 11 16
TC13 1 2 17 3 4 5 1 12 24 17 9 20 24
Sustainability 2021, 13, 1098 20 of 24
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