Lesson Plan Science 5

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Republic of the Philippines

Region X
Division of Gingoog City
Brgy 11, Gingoog City


Writer: Mae Ann C. Trapal
School: Gingoog Christian Colleges

Content Standards: The learners demonstrate understanding of weather disturbances

and their effects on the environment.
Performance Standards: The learners should be able to prepare individual emergency
Learning Competency and Code: Describe the effects of a typhoon on the
community; S5FE-IVe-5
Quarter: 4 Week: 5 Day: 1

I. Objectives:
At the end of 50-minute period, the pupils should be able to attain at
least 75% proficiency level to:
1. To describe the effects of a typhoon on the community
II. Content:
Subject Matter: The effects of a typhoon on the community
ESP: Self Confidence and Teamwork
English: Speaking/Reporting
Strategies: 7Es Learning Model, Cooperative learning
➢ curriculum guide
➢ https://sciencing.com/effects-typhoons-6060279.html,
➢ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5Ne_pSrTbs


• Divide a class into four equal groups. Then pose for a situation Manila
that you commonly see or you have experienced whenever there paper/
is a typhoon. You will be given 1 minute to decide for a pose pentelpen
then afterwards everyone will freeze. One representatives of the
group will then explain their group’s pose to the class.
Ask :
1. What impact to the community about situation that you choose to
present whenever there is a typhoon?
2. What do you observed in the community when the typhoon is
Motivation: fact or bluff Strip words
of Fact and
• The class divided into four groups. Bluff
• Each group has a strip of word, the FACT and BLUFF.
• After the teacher read the statement, each group will analyze if it
is Fact or a Bluff.
• They will raise the word FACT if they think the statement is
correct but if they think it is wrong, they will raise the word

1. People can be killed, injured, or lost during typhoons.

2. Flooding can cause people to drown, houses to be completely
destroyed, property to be swept away, and farms to lose all of
their crops to the winds and relentless rains.
3. Plants will grow better because of floods and severe winds.
4. Food shortages, lack of access to good medical care and
medical supplies, and limited access is not the main problem
whenever there’s a typhoon.
5. Community becomes productive whenever there is a typhoon.

• What do you think is our lesson for today?


• Group the learners and let them perform the activity (Please Sheets
refer to activity sheet ) Information
• For the group activity assessment, Please see attached Rubrics. Sheets
• Rubrics Marking Pen

Power point
➢ Reporting of group outputs. presentation
➢ Teacher gives additional information about the lesson through pilot,
power point presentation. Cartolina,
➢ Typhoons are major storms that affect everything they come in video clip
contact with, from boats to agriculture to human beings.
➢ A typhoon is just a one of the many weather disturbances we
experience. It brings heavy rains, floods, and landslides.
Video clip
➢ https://study.com/academy/lesson/typhoon-facts-lesson-for-
➢ https://sciencing.com/effects-typhoons-6060279.html

Application: Link my Word Chart /
Powerpoint /
1. The teacher will pose a question to the learners which they need to Activity
think over. cards/sheets
2. After 1-2 minutes, they will share their answer to the whole class.
3. The teacher will be calling the pupils.
4. They should share their ideas by starting the statement using the last
word answered by last person.
(The teacher should make sure to check the grammar of the pupils.)
5. In the end, the teacher should not forget to capsulize the learners’
Question :
1. What is typhoon?
2. What are the possible effect of typhoon in the community?
3. Do a typhoon can affect all the living things?
4. What action should the community do whenever there’s a
5. What have you learned in our discussion today?

How do you find the activity?
What values you will develop so that you can be a winner?

Identify and encircled the correct answer Paper and
1. They can be killed or lost during typhoon?
a. Human
b. Cars
c. Infrastructure

2. It can cause people to drown, houses to be completely

destroyed, property to be swept away, and farms to lose all of
their crops to the winds and relentless rains?
a. Flooding
b. Landslide
c. Mudslide

3. What do you called about heavy rains, floods and landslide?

a. earthquake
b. typhoon
c. mudslides

4. What a typhoon brings in the community?

a. Crisis
b. Disaster
c. All of the above

5. What should a community do during typhoon?

a. Watching news about the weather update
b. Be alert
c. All of the above

Research the effect of typhoon Yolanda in the community of Leyte. Activity
Activity Sheet:
Title: describe the effect of typhoon in the community

What you need:

• Manila paper,
• pentlepen,
• pictures
What to do:
1. Organize a class into 4 groups
2. Each group will have materials needed to perform this activity t.
3. Ask them to answer the given question.
4. Let them present their output by group
5. Ask them to have their group yell if they finish to answer

Effects on the community Explanation



Heavy rains


1. What are the possible problems if there is a flood?
2. What is the result if heavy rains will continue?
3. What happened to the plants if the mudslide will take over?
4. Describe how typhoon can affect our lives?
Group Presentation Rubrics

Category Beginning Developing Proficient Advanced

(10pts) (15pts) ( 20pts) ( 25pts)
Performance Work was Students Students Students
unorganized followed some followed all of followed all of
and students of the directions the instruction the directions
were not for the and instruction
focused on the assignment and went
task beyond

Teamwork Only one of the Most of the All members All members of
team members team members participated and the team
did the worked together completed the participated
assigned work on the task at work collaboratively
hand and worked well

Content Only few Some of the Almost all All the answers
answers or answers or answers or or information
information are information are information are are correct and
correct and a correct. They correct and they they understand
hard time to understand the understand the the goal of the
understand the goal through goal of the activity
goal of the teacher’s activity
activity guidance
Information sheet

Effects on typhoon in the community


Flood is a state of high water level along

a river channel or on the coast that
leads to inundation of land, which is not
usually submerged. This is a natural
disaster but can be a man made too


A mudslide is also known as a debris-

flow or mudflow and it usually involves
the movement of small particles of soil
that have partly or completely liquefied,
down a slope or over a surface.

Heavy rain

Heavy rainfall can trigger earthquakes in

what one scientist calls "disaster
triggering disaster


Landslides are a type of "mass wasting,"

which denotes any down-slope
movement of soil and rock under the
direct influence of gravity. The term
"landslide" encompasses five modes of
slope movement: falls, topples, slides,
spreads, and flows. These are further
subdivided by the type of geologic
material (bedrock, debris, or earth)

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