Nailon Es - Pip

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Project Profile and Overview

Program Proponent : SARAH P. MEJARES
Program Owners : Grade 1 Teachers
Target Learners : 67 Grade 1 Learners out of 86 struggling learners with
Oral Passage Reading
Number of Batches : Batch 1 -March 2024-April 2024
and Proposed
Implementation Date:
Proposed Venue : Nailon Elementary School
Total Proposed
Budget : P1,000

II. Project Initiative Background and Rationale:

Shared Vision
In the next three years (2024-2026), Nailon Elementary School, envisions to produce
holistically-developed learners with the 21st century abilities necessary to become
contributing members of society. The school continuously capacitate teachers with
approaches and techniques to equip learners with a solid literacy foundation to improve
their speaking, listening, writing, and viewing skills that are essential for attaining all-
inclusive development. Dynamic partnership and collaboration gear towards shared
responsibility for enduring learning.
Smart Goal
By the end of the Fourth Quarter of SY 2023-2024, Nailon Elementary School shall
boost the proficiency in Oral Passage Reading of Grade 1 learners by 85% through
instructional strategies such as repeated readings, partner reading, choral reading,
technology-assisted reading, timed reading, phrased reading and echo reading.
School systems are often challenged to meet the needs of learners who are not
performing at grade level expectations and provide support services to help them close
the achievement gap (Cimmiyotti, 2013).
Since reading is a skill utilized in every academic subject area, it is a logical domain
to examine for a correlational relationship with the academic performance.
This project is designed to answer the dire need to address the Oral Passage
Reading gaps in early literacy specifically Grade 1. As shown in the Early Grade
Assessment (EGRA). BOSY results,67 0r 77% out of the 86 Grade 1 pupils are
struggling in Oral Passage Reading. This result is alarming and needs urgent initiative
to be done in line with the National Reading Program, SIP and AIP. The activities
included in intensified reading program remediation.
III. Project Initiative Description
The Reading Enhancement Activities Design (READ) is designed to address the
Oral Passage Reading gaps affecting the literacy skills of the Grade 1 learners closely
arched with the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and Annual Improvement Plan (AIP). It
aims to address the challenges identified in the EGRA.
This initiative includes several key components: LAC sessions, coaching and
mentoring of teachers. Furthermore, this project integrates Drop Everything And Read
(DEAR)activities from the National Reading Program’s Catch – up Fridays, SIP, E-
BASA (Year 3).
IV. Target Stakeholders Description
Reading Enhancement Activities Design (READ) in Nailon Elementary School
targets 67 Grade 1 learners composing of 33 boys and 34 girls with ages 6 to 7 years
old. They are identified through the Beginning of School Year (BOSY) of Earle Grade
Reading Assessment (EGRA) with foundational literacy needs, particularly in Oral
Passage Reading.
They are selected based on the EGRA(BOSY) results making sure they are not
generalized instead, they are collectively chosen to address the learning gap of the
pupils specifically in Oral Reading Passage.

V. Workplace Application Project/ Job-Embedded Learning

A. WAP Overview
Name :Maritess F. Jumao-as
Postion :Master Teacher
Duration :2 months
Division/School :Nailon Elementary School
Specific Literacy :Oral Passage Reading
Target Audience :Grade 1 Teachers
Type of WAP Activity :LAC Session

B. Terminal Objective

After series of LAC sessions, the Grade 1 Teachers will be able to produce booklets
containing Oral Passages to augment proficiency by 85% in foundational literacy skills
specifically Oral Passage Reading of the identified Grade 1 learners in Nailon Elementary
WAP: JEL Template

Specific Activities Timeline Expected Learning

Task/Learning Outcomes/MOVs Facilitators
Conduct LAC Prepare LAC Successful conduct School Head
Session Plan of LAC Session

Organized LAC Week 1 Identified LAC LAC Coordinator

Members members

LAC Coordinator
Select Resource Identified resource
Speaker speaker School Head/LAC
Prepare Training Training Matrix

Develop Oral Crafting of Oral April 2024 Oral Reading Master Teachers
Passage reading Passage reading Passages
materials materials Grade 1


VI. Implementation Plan

Day/ Session Outputs Topic/Content Methodology Nominated Resources

Time Objectives Highlights Project
Conduct Successfu Prepare LAC LAC School Head Projector
LAC l conduct Plan Sessions laptop
Session of LAC LAC
Session Organize Coordinator
Week 1 LAC
training Members
pictures Select Topic

Develop Crafted Identify the Developing/ Master Bond
Oral Oral materials Crafting of Teachers paper
Week 4 Passage Passage needed Oral Laptop
reading reading Passage Grade 1 printer
materials materials Prepare reading Teachers
materials materials
Craft Oral Coordinators



Submitted by:


Master Teacher
Advocacy for
Reading Proficiency
Holistic Development

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