Church Constitution Sample
Church Constitution Sample
Church Constitution Sample
Article 1
The Trust Deed shall be abided by at all times and takes precedence over the Constitution. A
full copy of the Trust Deed must be held in the church office for members to inspect at any
reasonable time. Standing Orders give the rulings as to how the Constitution shall be
Article 2
Name & Governance.
The name of this fellowship shall be The Congregational Church, xxxxx. Governance of this
fellowship shall be through the Church Meeting, being the Church Members gathered under
the guidance of the Holy Spirit to seek the mind of Christ.
Article 3
Mission Statement.
The purposes for which this fellowship was formed and is continuing are as follows:
1. To maintain a centre of Christian life and influence in the community and to support
the fellowship of the Churches of Jesus Christ throughout the world.
2. To develop a depth of spiritual knowledge and commitment within the fellowship and
proclaim clearly to those outside of the fellowship the love of God offered towards them and in
particular the need, truth and assurance of salvation.
3. To do such things and to have and exercise such rights, privileges and powers
conferred by law upon a religious corporation or church as may from time to time seem good
to the Church Meeting under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
4. While recognising the expedience and privilege of seeking the advice of other
Christian Churches and associating with them for mutual advantage and service to others, to
remain a free and autonomous body in matters of church governance and not to accept any
form of ecclesiastical constitution or authority other than that formed and accepted by the
Church Meeting under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Article 4
Role and Responsibility of Members.
Members shall:
1. Set aside time for prayers and private devotions, seeking to grow in Christian stature
and faith.
2. Gather together for worship and partaking of the Lord's Supper regularly
3. Support the ministry of the Church prayerfully and practically in every way possible.
4. Work under the leadership of the Spirit through the church body and structure,
attempting to strengthen and increase the Kingdom of God on earth.
5. Attend Church Meetings regularly.
Article 5
Membership. New members: Acceptance into membership shall be following a
recommendation to the Church Meeting by Deacons and Minister, after interview. All new
members shall be required to undergo instruction in Congregational polity and history.
Members shall be accepted into Church Membership during worship at the first available
communion service after approval at a Church Meeting.
Removal from Membership: The Roll of Members will be updated annually, by the Diaconate.
Any recommendations for amendment will be submitted to the Church Meeting for approval.
Article 6
The Minister. The Minister shall have in charge the spiritual welfare and growth of the
Congregation. The Minister shall be chosen and called by the Church Meeting when, after
appropriate interview by both Diaconate and Church Meeting, a 90% majority at a Meeting
called specially for that purpose are in favour of calling that person. A quorum for such a
special Meeting shall be at least 51% of the Church Membership.
While the term of the Minister may be indefinite, the Church may, at any time, by a 90%
majority vote of Church members at a Meeting called specially for that purpose, request
his/her resignation with the understanding that it will be presented within a mutually agreed
time. A quorum for such a special Meeting shall be at least 51% of the Church Membership.
In the event of the above meetings, all members shall be informed at least three weeks
Article 7
The Diaconate. The Diaconate shall be appointed by the Church Meeting and shall be
responsible for the general day to day organising and running of the Church and are
empowered to act on the Church Meeting's behalf. The Secretary, the Treasurer and all other
Deacons shall, when able, assist the Minister in worship and all pastoral duties and bring to
the attention of the Minister any matters with which they feel he/she should be acquainted.
Article 8
Alteration of Constitution. This constitution may only be amended at an Annual General
Church Meeting. All members shall be notified of the proposed amendments in writing at
least three weeks before the Meeting. Changes will take effect from the date of the next
Annual General Church Meeting.
"We, this Church of Christ, having given ourselves to the Lord and to one another, according
to the will of God, do promise and covenant and dedicate ourselves in the presence of God to
walk together in love and in all the laws and ordinances of Christ, according to the commands
of His blessed Gospel, through the same Jesus Christ so strengthening us. Amen".
2.1 A quorum of two thirds of the Diaconate is required to conduct a Deacons’ Meeting
which shall normally be chaired by the Minister.
2.2 The Diaconate, which shall be appointed by the Church Meeting, shall comprise the
Minister, the Church Secretary, the Church Treasurer, and a maximum of nine other elected
Deacons. This number shall be reviewed annually. The Diaconate shall be elected from the
Membership Roll and elected members of the Diaconate must have been members of the
Church for not less than one year prior to their election.
2.3 The Church Secretary shall be elected annually at the Annual General Church
2.4 The Church Treasurer shall be elected annually at the Annual General Church
2.5 All other Deacons shall be elected at the Annual General Church Meeting for a term
of office of three years. These Deacons may serve for two consecutive terms of office but
must then stand down for at least one year before being eligible for re-election.
2.6 Nominations for the Diaconate must be submitted in writing to the Church Secretary
one month before the date of the Annual General Church Meeting.
2.7 Method of election. Votes may only be cast by Church Members attending the
Annual General Church Meeting. Ballot papers shall be used. If there are more candidates
than vacancies then Order 2.8 shall apply. In the event of there being only the same number
of candidates as vacancies or if there are less candidates than vacancies a ballot shall still
take place and to be elected the candidate(s) must secure at least 75% of votes cast. Each
Church Member may, if so prompted, vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies on
the Diaconate.
2.8 If, at any election, there are more candidates than vacancies it may be necessary to
hold more than one ballot to achieve the necessary 75% of votes cast. At the conclusion of
the first ballot any candidate(s) achieving 75% or more shall be elected. Of the remaining
candidates, those with the least votes will be required to stand down so that the number of
candidates remaining equals the number of remaining vacancies. A second ballot will then be
held with the intention that any candidate gaining 75% of votes cast shall be elected.
2.9 Two church members shall be appointed at the Annual General Church Meeting to
oversee the ballot. The two members shall not be among those standing for election. The
names of those elected shall be passed to the Chair of the Meeting for announcement.