16614-Article Text-64730-70023-10-20230417
16614-Article Text-64730-70023-10-20230417
16614-Article Text-64730-70023-10-20230417
Full Paper
Received in revised form
Nana Rahdianaa, Sukarmanb*, Khoirudinb, Amri Abdulahc, 26 March 2023
Apang Djafar Shieddiequec Published Online
19 April 2023
aDepartement of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Buana
Perjuangan, Karawang, 41361, West Java, Indonesia *Corresponding author
bDepartement of Mechnical Engineering, Universitas Sukarman@ubpkarawang.ac.id
Buana Perjuangan, Karawang, 41361, West Java,
cDepartement of Mechnical Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi
Keywords: Metal forming, high-strength SUS 304, Hydraulic press bending machine, V-dies
punches radius, Spring-back factor, Bending angle
diverse shapes, plate specifications, and increased spring-back becomes smaller. This was consistent with
tolerance for metal formation, using a combination of the theoretical analysis, for example, when the liquid
elastic-plastic bending and workpiece stretch chamber pressure was 10 MPa and 20 MPa, the spring-
deformation [2]. back effect decreased by 8.9% and 26%, respectively
There are two methods of metal forming based on [12]. Yang et al. studied the spring-back resuming
temperature treatment, which include cold metal phenomenon in bending 70 mm and 127 mm diameter
forming at room temperature and hot working at high pipes. The materials used include high strength TA-18,
temperature. The workpiece is not heated during cold medium-strength TA-18, LF2M, and Cr14Ni9Ti. The
forming, rather it is performed under re-crystallization method employed was FE (Finite Element) simulation,
conditions. The stress used throughout this process and it was found that the efficient and precise bending
include Kinematic shaping and shaping with set tools process depended on the material's mechanical
[3]. It is important to note that the kinematic forming properties. This simply means that proper and accurate
process is more flexible than the other one, and the final FE modeling and simulation strongly depended on
shape is not determined by the tool's shape but by its understanding the modeling of the material’s unique
relative motion with the workpiece. Furthermore, metal response at the time of loading [13]. It is important to
forming with dies is influenced by the desired note that the phenomenon that occurs in plate
workpiece geometry, specifically curvature, and the bending differs from pipe bending. This is because
spring-back caused after pressing. It has been metal plates are plastically deformed along straight
discovered that this formation led to high productivity lines, which change their shape during bending, and
and shorter processing times in many cases due to the they are generally used by trial and error. However,
geometry of dying and fixed objects [4]. bending operations' precision and achievement
The bending process used was cold forming and the depend on operating parameters, properties of
machine specifications such as the bending machine's material, and the investigation of microstructure and
pressure capacity, product bending length, and the texture during continuous bending of rolled AZ31 sheet
dies' open height were considered. The method of by experiment and FEM [14], [15].
selecting sheet metal bending machines has become This current study focuses on the analysis of the
an important practical issue to consider, because it is bending force, bending work, and spring-back effect
essential to obtain the exact requirement of the design in the process of bending 3.0 mm thick HS-SUS 304
decision-maker. materials applied as a safe, strongbox, and strongroom
It is also important to note that the distance protection system. Furthermore, it aims to determine
between the punch and die have to permit the the effect of angles and spring-back factors at 90-
workpiece to be mounted or pulled freely during the degree and 50-degree bending angles with high
bending process. Some workpieces, such as some precision application. The evaluation problem was the
refrigerator components and filing cabinet products, application of V-bending process as cold metal
required side mounting called 'side pulls’ that need to forming using a hydraulic press bending machine. The
be avoided. Installation from the front of the bending spring-back effect on the bending angle was observed
machine is preferable in view of increasing operational by varying the tip punch radius and the V-die angle.
efficiency. This simply showed that sufficient tip-to-die This tip punch radius and V-die degree input
distances help to improve operational efficiency [5]. parameters were chosen to meet the target.
The Spring-back phenomenon is a complex physical
issue, and its value depends on the natural deformation
of an element. It was found that the final flexural radius 2.0 METHODOLOGY
was lower than the reference radius of the
compensated party [6]. This is the reason the Spring- 2.1 Material and Dimensions
back phenomenon in the bending process usually
accounts for many dies setups [7]. Several studies The HS-SUS 304 has a 3.0 mm thickness and was
conducted on this phenomenon include Cho et al., produced by "Bahru Stainless Sdn Bhd" with batch no.
who investigated the effect of some parameters in Y181003A05E01442. The degrees of bending angle in
specific U-die bending processes such as die corner, the 90o and 50o longitudinal bending directions were
radii of punch, clearance between punch, and die on selected with 0.5o (30-minute degree) tolerance.
spring-back [8]. Y. Yu also studied the variation of Samples A and B were selected for the 1.0 mm and 1.2
elastic modulus during plastic deformation and further V-die punch radii. Furthermore, six samples having
examine its effects on spring-back in U-bending [9]. twice the bending angle of 90o and 50o, with 320 mm
Phanitwong et al. investigated the effect of part's in length and 105 mm in width provided sufficient
geometry on spring-back in the U bending process [10]. experimental data. The chemical composition and
Chikalthankar et al. investigated the effects of critical mechanical properties of HS-SUS 304 are summarised in
factors in Spring-back addressed in v-shaped bending, Table 1 and 2 meanwhile, Table 3 shows the workpiece
and discovered that the punch angle was the most geometry and specifications in linear and angular
critical and significant parameter in spring-back [11]. geometry.
Furthermore, Zhiying and Lihui examined the stress Figure 1 presents the workpiece dimensional HS-SUS
distribution of spring-back in the Hydro-forming process 304 as used in a safe, strongbox, and strongroom
and found that as the hydraulic pressure increases, the protection system.
137 Sukarman et al. /Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 85:3 (2023) 135–144
Bending line H
Bending line G
Bending line F
2.2 Force and Work Bending need to be used. There is also a need to consider the
material’s thickness and mechanical properties,
The bending radius determines the quality of the specifically tensile strength when determining the
bending process because it affects the product's bending radius. The resources for calculating the
quality. For example, a small bending radius often minimum radius for materials with tensile strengths up
leads to cracking, and when the radius is too big, it to 640 N/m2 are presented in Table 4 [16].
results in wastage of materials. The V-die basically has Bending force Fb (N) is generally calculated
a width of 49.1 mm, and its punch radius availability according to Equation (1) and (2) [17]:
include 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2 mm. SKD 11 hardened for w/s ≥ 10:
material with a bending radius of 1.0 mm and 1.2 mm
𝑏𝑠 𝑠2 𝑅𝑚
were used for V-die bending in this study as shown in 𝐹𝑏 = (1)
Figure 3. It was observed that the punch does not align
with the bending of the V-die, but was designed to for w/s < 10:
achieve the application's greatest or smallest possible
4,𝑠 𝑏𝑠 𝑠2 𝑅𝑚
bending angle. 𝐹𝑏 = (1 + ) 𝑤 (2)
The bending radius therefore affected the
dimensions and eventually led to the failure of the Where bs is described as the bending width (mm), w is
material (cracks). The bigger radius employed also described as the width of the V-Dies (mm), s is
affected the length of the material needed. This described as the thickness of the material (m), Rm is
denoted that when a part has many flexure profiles, the tensile strength (N/mm2), and w is the width of the
this condition tends to result in inefficiency of the V-die opening. A safety factor of 20% was added from
material used. Therefore, the workpiece length and manual calculation to the actual force (Fa). Figure 3
the blank material have to be controlled in order to provides the V-dies bending geometry and profile,
determine the radius of the dies. It is important to note while Figure 4 shows the force setting matrix in the
that a wrong application of a bending radius is able hydraulic press bending machine.
to affect the last dimension of a part and lead to the Calculation of the bending work Wb (in N.m) as
failure/crack of the material. To prevent these cases, shown by the Equation 3 [12].
a V-dies punch bending radius that is not too small
Table 4 Minimum bending radius (mm) for angles less than 120o
∅ = 𝛼1 − 𝛼2 (4)
The spring-back factor, kR is the ratio between the
bending angle requested for dies (α1), and the
bending angle that the workpiece has after spring-
back (α2). The spring-back factor is expressed as
Equation 5 [16], [17], [22].
𝛼 𝑟 +0,5𝑠
𝑘𝑅 = 𝛼2 = 𝑟𝑖1 +0,5𝑠 (5)
1 𝑖2
The inner radius of the V-dies is calculated according v, is the compensation factor (mm)
to Equation 6 [17]: l, is the component length (mm), k is the correction
factor and its value depends on the r / s ratio as
𝑟𝑖2 described in equations 11 and 12.
𝑟𝑖1 = 𝑟 ,𝑅 (6)
1+ 𝑖2 𝑚
for r/s >5
Rm, s, ri2, and E represent tensile strength (N/mm2),
material thickness (mm), workpiece radius (mm), and 𝑘=1 (11)
modulus of elasticity (N/mm2), respectively.
It was observed that the total length of the for r/s ≤5
workpiece as a blank dimension to be bent was
1 𝑟
affected by the bending angle. This dimension is 𝑘 = 0,65 + 𝑙𝑜𝑔 (12)
2 𝑠
generally an indication of the expression in Equation
7 and 8 [12]. To ensure the validity of the data, all measuring
equipment that was used has been calibrated as
For the opening bending angle between 0o-165o, presented in Table 6.
The Spring-back phenomenon is presented in Figure 5.
𝑙 = 𝑎+𝑏+𝑣 (7) [17], [23]:
𝑙 = 𝑎+𝑏 (8)
for β = 0o-90o.
180𝑜−𝛽 𝑠
𝑣 = 𝜋( ) . (𝑟 + . 𝑘) − 𝑧 (9)
180𝑜 2
for β > 90o until 165o,
180𝑜−𝛽 𝑠
𝑣 = 𝜋( ) (𝑟 + . 𝑘) − 𝑧. 𝑡𝑎𝑛∅ (10)
180𝑜 2
180𝑜 −𝛽
where ∅ =
, and 𝑧 = 2. (𝑟 + 𝑠)
β represents the inner side bending angle (o) Figure 5 Material elasticity in the bending process
3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION uneven constant x = 1/3 and a depth of V-die, h =
0.0238 m.
3.1 Bending Force Analysis 𝑊𝑏 = 𝑥. 𝐹𝑏 . ℎ
= (0,3)(35.073,32 𝑁)(0,0238 𝑚)
Force and work were analyzed according to the = 250,42 𝑁. 𝑚 = 85,95 𝐽𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑒
bending lengths of F, G, and H, which were 320 mm.
The bending process is applied longitudinally using 1.0 3.2 Spring-back Analysis
mm, and 1.2 mm in tip punches radius. HS-SUS 304 has
a 3.0 mm thickness with a tensile strength of 615 MPa. The HS-SUS 304 selected in this study provided spring-
The bending force requirement was calculated using back factor at 0.96 as shown in Table 5. Furthermore,
Equation 1 (w/s > 10), and the work was calculated the boundary of the experiments was 1.5 mm bending
based on Equation 3. The V-Dies model had a radius, 3.0 mm material thickness, and the radius
bending depth of 23.8 mm, and the unevenness thickness ratio was 12 < 1, therefore α1 was calculated
constant denoted as x was set at 1/3. The result of based on Equation (4).
bending force at positions E, F, and G showed that bs
𝛼2 𝛼2
= 230 mm, the thickness of the material, s = 3.0 mm, Rm 𝑘𝑅 = , and 𝛼1 =
𝛼1 𝑘𝑅
= 615 MPa (N/mm2), and the width of the V-dies, w = for α2 = 90o
49.1 mm. 90o
𝑏𝑠 𝑠 2 𝑅𝑚 α1 = = 93.75o (≈93o45”)
𝐹𝑏 = for α2 = 50o
𝑁 50o
(320 𝑚𝑚)(9.0 𝑚𝑚2 )( 615 ) α1 = = 52.10o (≈52o5”)
𝑚𝑚2 0.96
49.1 𝑚𝑚
= 35073.32𝑁 = 35.07 𝑘𝑁 Where 𝛼1 represents the degree of the theoretical
The bending machine was set to 40.0 kN based on the bending process, and was used to set up the CNC
bending force calculation, while work bending was bending machine program.
calculated at G position using Equation 3 with an
Table 7 Bending angle result and actual Spring-back factor which 𝑟𝑖1 = 1.0 𝑚𝑚
Table 8 Bending angle result and actual Spring-back factor which 𝑟𝑖1 = 1.2 𝑚𝑚
0.80 0.80
Avrg. SB degree (o) R-1.0
0.70 Avrg. SB degree (o) R-1.2 0.70
0.968 0.968
Average SB Factor R-1.0
0.966 Average SB Factor R-1.2 0.966
The spring-back (SB) factor
0.956 0.958
0.954 0.956
The bent line positions
Tables 7 and 8 listed the results of the linear and theoretical bending [17], and a difference of 0.17 % to
angular dimensions. The bending radius of 1.0 mm and 0.60 % was discovered when 1.0 mm was used, while
1.2 mm was used during the plastic deformation, and that of R1.2 was around 0.00%–0.19%.
the spring-back degree was calculated using
equation 4. Figure 7 shows that the average spring- 3.3 Blank Dimensions Analysis
back degree when using the radius of the tip punch
R1.0 was more precise than R1.2. This indicated that The calculation of absolute dimension length is
the radius of the punch was affected by the spring- essential for evaluating the accuracy of the bending
back degree. It is therefore concluded that punch tip radius used. The ratio of r/s (radius/thickness ratio) was
radius is an essential parameter in the V-bending 0.33 and 0.4. Equation 12 was therefore selected to
manufacturing process [20][21]. evaluate the correction factor, k because the ratio of
The spring-back factor was calculated using r/s was less than 5. The k factor data were obtained as
equation 5 and the result was presented in Figure 8. It follows.
was observed that when radius of 1.0 mm was used, 1 1.0
𝑘𝛼1−320 𝑚𝑚 = 0.65 + . log ( )
the spring-back factor results were 0.9618, 0.9609, and 2 3
0.9600 meanwhile, using a bending radius of 1.2 mm = 0.41
the results were 0.9641, 0.9634, and 0.9655. This
experiment confirmed that the increase in tip punch Equation 9 was used to determine the
radius affected the spring-back factor [19]. It was also compensation factor (v) because the bending angle
observed that there were no cracks or other bending was required at 90°. The results of correction (k) and
failures in the bending results when the radius was 1.0 compensation factor (v) using 1.0 mm and 1.2 mm tip
and 1.2 mm. This is consistent with previous findings punch radius are shown in Table 9 and 10.
that a minimum bending radius for HS-SUS 304 from 90 3
2.66 to 5.0 mm at this thickness is 1.0 mm [18]. The 𝑣𝛼1−320 𝑚𝑚 = 𝜋 (1 + . 0.41) − ((2)(1 + 3))= -5.37 mm
180 2
average of the spring-back factors used for both of
the tip radius punches has been compared with the
143 Sukarman et al. /Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 85:3 (2023) 135–144
Table 9 The value of k and v for = 0.33 and 𝑠 = 3
Bending line
𝜶𝟏 - 320 mm 𝜶𝟐 -320 mm 𝜶𝟑 -320 mm
β (o) 90 90 50
Table 10 The value of k and v for = 0.4 and 𝑠 = 3
β (o) 90 90 50
Equation 10 was used to determine the significantly affects the blank length of the workpiece.
compensation factor (v) when the bending angle was The larger bending radius required more blank lengths
required at 130° (180o-50o). for bent workpieces. This experiment was consistent
(180−50) 3 (180−50)
with the existing theory that the compensation factor
𝑣𝛼3−320 𝑚𝑚 = 𝜋 (1 + . 0.41)-(2(1+3)tan ) in the bending process is directly proportional to the
180 2 180
= -2.27 mm V-dies punch radius. Further investigations need to be
conducted and evaluated by providing several
Equation 7 was selected to determine the required variations of the bending angle using HS-SUS 304 and
workpiece length (blank dimension) with a radius of a 2.5 mm thick stainless steel with multiple bending
1.0 mm when the bending angle β was lower than parameters included in finite element simulation.
𝑙 = 𝐴+𝐵+𝐷+𝐸+𝑣
𝑙 = 24.8 + 28.0 + 38.8 + 26.5 − 5.45 − 5.45 − 2.2 Conflicts of Interest
𝑙 = 104.00 𝑚𝑚
The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest
Furthermore, the same methodology was used to
regarding the publication of this paper.
calculate the length of a workpiece with a tip
bending radius of 1.2 mm.
𝑙 = 𝐴+𝐵+𝐷+𝐸+𝑣 Acknowledgement
𝑙 = 24.8 + 28.0 + 38.8 + 26.5 − 5.37 − 5.37 − 2.27
𝑙 = 105.09 𝑚𝑚
It was observed that the bending result was closer The authors are grateful for the financial assistance
to 105 mm than the comprehensive requirement by provided by Universitas Buana Perjuangan. The
using a tip punch radius of 1.2 mm. The dimension authors also expressed gratitude to the laboratory
deviation of the blank material used in this experiment staff for their help with apparatus setup and data
was 0.09 mm. meanwhile, the result was 0.25 mm collection.
when a radius of 1.0 mm was used
4.0 CONCLUSION [1] Z. C. Lin and D. A. Y. Chang. 1996. Selection of Sheet Metal
Bending Machines by the PRISM-inductive Learning
The findings of this study indicate that the Method. J. Intell. Manuf. 7(4): 341-349.
experimental setup used was sufficient, as the spring [2] H. Palaniswamy, G. Ngaile, and T. Altan. 2004. Optimization
back value was directly proportional to the die- of Blank Dimensions to Reduce Springback in the
Flexforming Process. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 146(1): 28-
bending radius. It means that the bending radius
144 Sukarman et al. /Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 85:3 (2023) 135–144