Emrs TGT Syllabus
Emrs TGT Syllabus
Emrs TGT Syllabus
New Delhi
• General Awareness
General knowledge and Current affairs with special emphasis in the field of education.
• Reasoning Ability
Puzzles & Seating arrangement, Data sufficiency, Statement based questions (Verbal.
reasoning), Inequality, Blood relations, Sequences and Series, Direction Test, Assertion
and Reason, Venn Diagrams.
• Knowledge of ICT
Fundamentals of Computer System, Basics of Operating System, MS Office, Keyboard
Shortcuts and their uses, Important Computer Terms and Abbreviations, Computer
Networks, Cyber Security, and Internet.
• Teaching Aptitude
Teaching-Nature, Characteristics, Objectives and Basic requirements, Learner's
characteristics, Factors affecting teaching, Methods of Teaching, Teaching Aids and
Evaluation Systems.
• Khelo India, Fit India and other similar programs (for PET only)
• General Hindi
संधि, समास, धिलोम शब्द, पर्ाार्िाची शब्द, सामान्र् असुधिर्ााँ, िाकर्ांशों के धलए एक शब्द, महु ािरे - लोकोधिर्ा,ं
अपधित गद्ांश पर आिाररत प्रश्न |
• General English
Verb, Tenses, Voice, Subject-Verb Agreement, Articles, Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks,
Adverb, Error Correction, Sentence Rearrangement, Unseen Passages, Vocabulary,
Antonyms/Synonyms, Grammar, Idioms & Phrases
• Subject specific syllabus: -
Reading Comprehension
(Section – A)
Writing ability
(Section –B)
Testing ability to express facts views/opinions in a coherent and logical manner in a style suitable
to the task set.
B.1 One short writing task such as: notice, message or a postcard.
B.2 Writing a report of an event, process, or place.
B.3 Writing an article / debate / speech based on visual / verbal input on a given concurrent topic
for e.g., environment, education, child labour, gender bias, drug-abuse etc. presenting own
views fluently.
B.4 Writing a letter (formal/informal) on the basis of verbal / visual input. Letter types include:
(a) letter to the editor; (b) letter of complaint; (c) letter of request; (d) descriptive, personal
Ability to apply the knowledge of syntax, language/grammatical items and to use them accurately in
The following grammatical structures will be tested:
✓ Tenses, Modals, Voice, Subject – verb concord, Connectors, Clauses, Parts of speech,
Punctuation, Sequencing to form a coherent sentence or a paragraph
(Section – D)
To test the candidate’s familiarity with the works of writers of different genres and periods of English
The candidate should have a thorough knowledge of: -
✓ Shakespeare’s works.
✓ Romantic Period (e.g. Shelley, Wordsworth, Keats, Coleridge, Byron etc.)
✓ 19th & 20th Century American and English Literature (e.g. Robert Frost Hemingway, Ted
Hudges, Whitman, Hawthorne, Emily Dickinson, Bernard Shaw etc.)
✓ Modern Indian Writing in English (e.g. Anita Desai, Vikram Seth, Nissim Ezekiel, K.N. Daruwala,
Ruskin Bond, R.K. Narayan, Mulk Raj Anand, Khushwant Singh etc.)
✓ Modern Writings in English from different parts of the world.