AI and Search: Jonathan Schaeffer WWW - Cs.ualberta - Ca/ Jonathan
AI and Search: Jonathan Schaeffer WWW - Cs.ualberta - Ca/ Jonathan
AI and Search: Jonathan Schaeffer WWW - Cs.ualberta - Ca/ Jonathan
Jonathan Schaeffer
Search is an integral part of many artificial intelligence applications It takes many forms:
Explicit (e.g. game-playing programs, optimization, path-finding, planning, web agents, theorem proving, satisfiability, belief networks, NPcomplete problems, DNA sequence alignment) Implicit (e.g. Prolog deductions)
Search is...
Some will argue that AI consists of only two fundamental concepts: Knowledge
Refine the values of heuristic knowledge No need to include explicit knowledge that will be uncovered by the search Eliminate the knowledge acquisition bottleneck Chess with a random number evaluation function Bridge/poker/scrabble using simulations
Representation and manipulation of factual and probabilistic knowledge Explore knowledge alternatives to arrive at the best quality answer
AI Textbooks
Changing Perceptions
Alpha-beta algorithm (games are popular) A* (puzzles, planning and optimization) AO* (theorem proving) Simulations (maybe, for probabilistic domains) SAT (maybe, for satisfiability)
Over the years, the percent of pages devoted to search in introductory AI books has decreased
Neilson (1980) 17% Rich (1983) 31% Russell and Norvig (1995) 12% Poole, Mackworth and Goebel (1998) 10% Russell and Norvig (2003) 13%
Search Reality
Search algorithms are well understood No major advances in our basic understanding of the algorithms But is the algorithm alone enough to tell you how to use search in a highperformance program?
Most of the core AI search algorithms can be expressed in 20 lines of code Is search really that simple?
If the search algorithm is really 20 lines of code, then why is my search routine over 20 pages of code?
M. Newborn, 1985
Usually trivial decision made based on the application to be solved Standard algorithms are often impractical The enhancements can reduce the execution time of a search by orders of magnitude
Efficient search is all about search enhancements Given an application domain, choice of algorithm is usually trivial 99% of the effort is spent implementing, debugging, tuning and analyzing search enhancements The AI textbooks have it backwards
Brute-force Search
The Challenge!
Search enhancements make it possible for brute-force techniques to solve a problem Paradoxical that a dumb and exhaustive searcher can out-perform a smart and selective searcher This is one of the major advances in AI
Build high-performance search programs Start with the basic algorithm and improve the search through:
Heuristic Search
Search Goals
Combination of search and knowledge to explore a state space to find the best quality answer The goal is to dampen or eliminate the exponential growth of the search tree
Optimal solution(s) May not be achievable in reasonable time Come up with the best quality decision within given resource constraints Solution quality can be significantly worse than an optimal solution
Search Knowledge
Ingredients in a Searcher?
Terminal nodes of search tree are welldefined by the application domain E.g., win/loss/draw; length/cost of solution Cant reach all the terminal nodes Stop search at leaf nodes and approximate result Use a heuristic evaluation function
Application-dependent information State generation
Adversary search
Even X O X O
Maximize O
Branching factor
Alpha-beta and variants A* and variants Simulations Expecticmax and variants Many other algorithms for handling specific cases
Single-agent search
X X X loses X O O X X O wins X O O O
Imperfect information
Terminal node
Heuristic node
X O Even X O X O
S D e e a p r t c h h
Backup rule
Pre-packaged code is usually readily available Just need to put in application-dependent information
Generic search algorithms get poor performance There are a plethora of enhancements in the literature that can dramatically improve the efficiency of search
IDA* Example
15-Puzzle (test set of 100 positions): Full-width search 1,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000 000,000,000,000 DAG, not a tree ~10,000,000,000,000 IDA* 36,302,808,031 Enhanced search [1] 21,261,747 Further work [2] ~1,000,000 Hot off the press! [3] 19,540
Alpha-beta Example
Checkers program:
Need I say more? Minimax search: 100,000,000,000,000 Alpha-beta search: 310,000,000 Enhanced search: 7,000,000
[1] Joseph Culberson and Jonathan Schaeffer. Pattern Databases, Computational Intelligence, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 318-334, 1998. [2] Richard Korf and Ariel Felner, Disjoint Pattern Database Heuristics, Artificial Intelligence, vol. 134, no. 1-2, pp. 922, 2002. [3] Ariel Felner, Robert Holte, Jonathan Schaeffer, and Uzi Zahavi. Unpublished, 2004.