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(Course Catalogue ForM)
Dersin Adı Course Name
Yönetim Bilgi Sistemleri Management Information Systems
Ders Uygulaması, Saat/Hafta
(Course Implementation, Hours/Week)
Kodu Yarıyılı Kredisi AKTS Kredisi Ders Uygulama Laboratuar
(Code) (Semester) (Local Credits) (ECTS Credits) (Theoretical) (Tutorial) (Laboratory)
ISL 343E Güz-Autumn 3+0 4.5 3 - -
Bölüm / Program İşletme Mühendisliği
(Department/Program) Management Engineering
Dersin Türü Zorunlu-Compulsory Dersin Dili İngilizce-English
(Course Type) (Course Language)
Dersin Önkoşulları MAT 261 (Lineer cebir)
(Course Prerequisites) MAT 261 (Linear algebra)
Dersin Mesleki Temel Bilim Temel Mühendislik Mühendislik Tasarım İnsan ve Toplum Bilim
Bileşene Katkısı, % (Basic Sciences) (Engineering Science) (Engineering Design) (General Education)
(Course Category
by Content, %) 40 60
Dersin İçeriği Basic concepts of management information systems, evolution of information systems; the needs
(Course Description) and the use of information systems in business and management for effectiveness and
competitive advantage; methods of analyzing, designing, developing and managing information
systems; knowledge management, business intelligence, enterprise systems, e-commerce.
Dersin Amacı The objective of this course is
(Course Objectives) 1. To teach the basic technologies, concepts and components of management information
systems together with the basic methods, principles and techniques for analyzing,
designing, improving, managing and using these systems by using application practices.
2. To provide a systematical, analytical and managerial perspective for benefiting from
information systems in solving process/organization/management problems, by explaining
the role of these systems in improving effectiveness and competitive advantage in
Dersin Öğrenme Students who will successfully complete this course will be able
Çıktıları I. To understand the role of management information systems in improving effectiveness and
(Course Learning competitive advantage in organizations, and hence to achieve competencies for benefiting
Outcomes) from information technology in decision making and in solving
process/organization/management related problems.
II. To have significant knowledge about the basic concepts and processes of information
III.To be informed about the technologies that are related to information systems.
IV. To apply basic techniques and principles of using, analyzing, designing, developing and
managing business information systems for the improvement of effectiveness in business
V. To be concerned about the technical, economic, social and ethical issues about information
systems and information technology.
Ders Kitabı LAUDON, K.C ve LAUDON J.P (2012), Management Information Systems –Managing the
(Textbook) Digital Firm12th edition, Prentice Hall.
Diğer Kaynaklar O’Brien and Marakas, C.M., 2017, Management Information Systems, McGraw Hill Irwin.
(Other References)
TURBAN, E., LEIDNER, D., McLEAN, E. Ve WETHERBE, J. (2006) Information Technology
for Management: Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy, 5th Edition, Wiley.

Ödevler ve Projeler  Term Project: IT systems Analysis and Design

(Homework & Projects)
Laboratuar -
(Laboratory Work)
Bilgisayar Kullanımı - MS WORD, MS EXCEL, SQL, MY SQL, ACCESS
(Computer Use)
Diğer Uygulamalar -
(Other Activities)
Başarı Faaliyetler Adedi Değerlendirmedeki Katkısı, %
Değerlendirme (Activities) (Quantity) (Effects on Grading, %)
Sistemi Yıl İçi Sınavları 1 30
(Assessment Criteria) (Midterm Exams)
Kısa Sınavlar
Projeler 1 30
Dönem Ödevi/Projesi - -
(Term Project)
Laboratuar Uygulaması - -
(Laboratory Work)
Diğer Uygulamalar - -
(Other Activities)
Final Sınavı 1 40
(Final Exam)

Weeks Topics Outcomes
1 Introduction to Management Information systems I, II
2 Information Systems in Organizations, Management and the Networked Enterprise I, II,V
Information Systems in Strategy Making and Creating Competitive Advantage, Case Study
3 Software concepts, Programming Languages and Tools, Software licenses, Free/Open I, II,V
Source Software, Introduction and Technology guide to Software Types and Software
4 Classification of Information Systems Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), Office I, IV
Automation/Collaboration Systems, Decision Support and Intelligent Systems Enhancing
Decision Making, Client Server Architecture
5 Introduction to Computer Hardware Components (Input, Processing, and Output Devices), II, III, V
Managing Hardware Assets – TCO.
6 Introduction to Telecommunications, Components and Functions of Telecommunication II, III, V
System, Network Computing, Types of Networks
7 Course Content Review and MIDTERM EXAM
8 Introduction to Data, Database and Database Management Systems (DBMS) II, IV
9 DBMS, Data Models, Designing Databases, Normalization, Data System Activities II, IV
Managing Data Resources, Data Quality: Case Study
10 System development phases; analysis, design, implementation, testing and conversion. I, IV
System Development Methodologies, BPM, software development project management
11 Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management; Basic Concepts and Definitions, I, II, IV
Knowledge Management Systems, Data Warehouse, Knowledge Discovery, OLAP, Data
Mining, Case Study
12 TERM Project Presentations I, II, III, IV, V
13 Enterprise Systems: ERP Systems, SCM Systems, CRM Systems, Integration of Systems: I, II, III, IV, V
Case Study
14 E-Commerce and the Internet, Information Systems Security I, II, III, V


Outcomes a b c d e f g h i j k ME1 ME2
ISL 343E X X X X X X X X X

1: Little, 2. Partial, 3. Full

Düzenleyen (Prepared by) Tarih (Date) İmza (Signature)
Nihan Yıldırım, PhD

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