d66 Books To Find On A Forbidden Lands Bookshelf

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d66 Books to Find on a

Forbidden Lands Bookshelf

INTRODUCTION: Books may not be that common in the Forbidden

Lands, but they do still exist. This list can be used to add books to a book-
shelf. Whether or not the information in a book is useful is up to the Gam-
emaster, but in such a setting even a book of inaccurate information can be
worth anything from a few coppers to a few golds.
d66 Books to Find on a
Forbidden Lands Bookshelf
Design, Editing and Layout: Adrian Kennelly

Images: Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission

Published by Azukail Games, a trading style of eGDC Ltd

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D66 may be rolled for a random book, or appropriate ones may be selected manually.

11 Armour of Vengeance by Marlenia (On the suit of ceremonial armour worn by
Teramalda in which she was roasted, but which then animated and attacked, and
tales of its depredations across the Ravenland)
12 Aslene that Was by Laydinia (Stories about Aslene, prior to it becoming the
wasteland it is today)
13 Atrocities of the Golden Bough by Dorvalinder (A diatribe against the elven
druidic organisation, the Golden Bough, listing, fake, atrocities that the druids are
supposed to have committed)
14 Beasts of the Night by Norinda (Warning tales about the monsters that lurk in the
night, waiting for the foolish to blunder into their grasp)
15 Born to Serve by Dorgeman (On the Whiners, which according to the author were
created by the gods to serve others)
16 Clans of the Orcs by Traga (A listing of the different orc clans and how they sup-
posedly differ from each other)
21 Curse of the Psychopomp by Ondia (How the Psychopomp of Alderland cursed
Ravenland after hearing about the actions of Zygofer)
22 Emperor of the Orcs by Jakala (A disparaging account of the Urhur clan and its
self-proclaimed emperor, Hroka)
23 Exodus from Persecution by Laravinder (On how the Ailanders fled Alderland,
crossing the mountains to Ravenland)
24 Falender that Was by Orvinder (On the founding of the wooden city of Falender to
its burning at the hands of bandits)
25 Foul Beliefs of the Raven Sisters by Trasiger (An inaccurate book published by
the Rust Church, that either deliberately misinterprets the beliefs of the Raven
Sisters or accuses them of things that are not true)
26 History of the Land by Ormenia (A history of the Ravenland, though only those
parts that directly deal with the Alderlanders are truly accurate, though they are
surprisingly unbiased)
31 In Praise of Rust by Tramalene (Paeans to the god Rust and his wife Heme)
32 Listening to the Music of the Ogres by Manarsi (A collection of ogre songs and an
examination of them by the author, who considers the music primitive but stirring)

d66 Books to Find on a Forbidden Lands Bookshelf

33 Mystery of the Dwelvers by Garello (Speculation on what the strange, dwarf-like
creatures sometimes encountered deep underground might be; the dwarves treat
them with respect but the author seems to believe they are degenerate dwarves)
34 Objects of Power by Legawa (Collected stories on various legendary artefacts; the
stories contain at least an element of untruth, for many of them are contradictory)
35 Order of the Silent by Thyronde (On the religious order of knights who were
tasked with guarding the wall known as the Iron Lock)
36 Origin of the Blood Mist by Ravergil (A religious, and inaccurate, tract from the
Rust Brothers about how the Blood Mist was sent as a punishment)
41 Peoples of the Land by Brinelda (On the different people who live in the Raven-
42 Tale of Years by Drynil (A history of the Forbidden Lands from a human point of
view; some factual elements, many mythical)
43 The Demon Flood by Analene (How Zygofer opened a nexus that summoned
hordes of demons and used them to defeat King Algarod)
44 The Devastation of the Harga Plains by Imelda (How the Harga Plains were
purged of life through fire and magic during the Fourth Alder Wars)
45 The Great Cleansing by Vergald (A laudatory work on how the Rust Church killed
any Raven Sisters found in the villages on the plains of Harga)
46 The Honoured Dead by Manaena (A book about the restless dead who have yet to
find peace, and how they should be treated with honour and respect)
51 The Invaders from Alderland by Burnella (On the Man Flood, when King Alvagard
led an army into Ravenland)
52 The Lost Mines by Kaliko (On the productive gold mines at Glethra, whose loca-
tion was lost years ago; the book collects a number of legends as to why this is
the case)
53 The Origin by Arvald (The mythical origin story of humankind, though a careful
reader will note that it has been slightly altered to make humans seem more im-
portant and favoured by the gods)

d66 Books to Find on a Forbidden Lands Bookshelf

54 The Shift by Yarene (A somewhat apocryphal history book about how humans
were settled in the Alderland and elves and dwarves in the Ravenland; appears
to be strongly biased towards humans with a suggestion that they were the ones
who granted the Ravenland to elves and dwarves)
55 The Treachery of Martea by Laravald (How Martea was seduced by Zygofer, and
taught him the art of necromancy)
56 The True Way by Father Geno (The preachings of Father Geno on Corax and the
Reapenters and why their way is the only way to follow)
61 The Wall by Trinhelda (On the construction of the Vond Wall in Shadowgate Pass)
62 The Wasting of Aslene by Corynde (How Aslene was turned into a ruined waste-
land now called the Ashen Vale by demons and fighting)
63 Treasures of the Elves by Borgala (A thoroughly inaccurate book on what elven
rubies really are)
64 Woods of the Lands by Calgo (An overview of the different woods of the Forbid-
den Lands, together with rumours and legends about them)
65 Wyrm by Yindia (The teachings of the Congregation of the Serpent)
66 Zygofer the Cursed by Losinder (A general biography of the sorcerer Zygofer the
Whisperer, who seized power)

d66 Books to Find on a Forbidden Lands Bookshelf

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d66 Books to Find on a Forbidden Lands Bookshelf

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