Sách TOIEC-276-280

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Discount Coupon printer cartridge Airline Mileage Points

Black ink……. $5 Value Redemption

Color ink……$10 Value
Provident ink cartridges To Southeast Asia……..70.000
To Southeast America....................80.000
Expires 2/7
To Europe ……………………..…90.000
25. What problem does the woman mention?
A. An item she purchased is defective To Oceania …………………....100.000
B. She cannot locate a product 28. Why does the woman call the man?
C. A sale price seems incorrect A. To upgrade a seat
D. An expiration date has passed B. To register for a prize
26. What does the man say recently happened? C. To sign up for a program
A. Merchandise was rearranged D. To confirm a flight
B. Flyers were distributed 29. Look at the graphic. How many mileage points
C. An order was delayed will the woman use?
D. A service was discontinued A. 70.000
27. Look at the graphic. What discount will the B. 80.000
woman most likely receive? C. 90.000
A. $2 D. 100.000
B. $5 30. What does the man suggest the woman do?
C. $7 A. Use her points on d different flight
D. $10 B. Bring her membership card to the airport
C. Wait to submit a request
D. Change the time of her departure


[1-3] [4-6]
W-Br: Excuse me, I bought W-Br: Is there any way I can
……………………… here last week, but ……………………………………. to Los
when I got home, I realized that one of the Angeles? My flight from New York didn’t
……………………………………. I’d like …………………………………. so I
to exchange it for another one. missed my connection.


M-Au: I’m sorry about that. This jacket has M-Am: Let’s see, I don’t have
been very ……………………… this ……………………………………, but if
season and, ………………………, we’re you’re ………………………….. in San
sold out of them right now. Can I Francisco, there is a flight leaving in
………………………some other jackets? twenty minutes.
W-Br: Actually, I really like jacket. Do you W-Br: As long as it takes me to Los
know if you’ll be getting more of them in Angeles, I’ll take it. My name’s Joan
……………………… soon? Martin
W-Au: Yes, but let me M-Am: ………………………………..,
…………………………….. to see when Ms. Martin. Please hurry to gate ten.
they’re arriving. I’d ………………………
put one aside for you once they come in
[7-9] [10-12]
M-Br: …………………………, Flora! M-Au: I can’t believe the Vancouver
How was Spain? ………………………’s so soon!
W-Am: Wonderful, thanks. I went with a W-Am: I know. It should be great, with all
few friends – we ………………………... those big-name speakers. Are we all set for
in Valencia for two weeks ………………………?
M-Br: Yeah, I really enjoyed Valencia M-Cn: Uh-oh. I completely forgot to
when I ……………………………. last ……………………………………………!
year. Did you do a lot of sightseeing? I’ve been so busy getting
W-Am: Only a little, really. We were more ……………………… ready!
interested in …………………………….. M-Cn: All right .. We’re only two days
in front of the hotel every day. Once in a way from leaving – it might be
while, we did try out ……………………… ………………………………. now!
though W-Am: Let’s not stress out about it. I saw
something about ……………………… to
and from the hotel. Let’s talk to
………………………….. and see
[13-15] [16-18]


W-Am: Hi, ……………………………….? W-Br: Excuse me, sir. Did you request
M-Cn: Yes, I’m ………………………the ……………………………. for this flight?
Esmar E2 – it’s …………………………… We’re serving the special meal orders now
with a clip for attaching it to the bike W-Am: No, I didn’t. But I don’t mind
W-Am: The Esmar E2 ... let’s see. This having a vegetarian meal, if you don’t have
wall here has all our bike any more of the ………………………
………………………………….. W-Br: Oh, for some reason, we have this
M-Cn: Hmm. These are mostly small bags. seat number – 24A – down for a special
I’m a bike messenger and I need something meal request. Sorry about the mix-up. We
bigger for ……………………… have plenty of the regular
W-Am: Wait, I see one in a box. How ……………………………. meals, but
about this one ………………………? you’ll have to wait just a little while for
M-Cn: OK, there we go. Do you those to be served
W-Am: Sure. I’ll ring it right up. It’ll be 72
dollars with tax. And please feel free to
Biking World. It has lots of useful riding
M-Cn: Great. I’ll take one.
[19-21] [22-24]
W-Am: Steve, you ……………………… W-Br: Hello, this is Annabelle Futuro. I
you wanted to see that new Janet Carmen haven’t …………………………………
film yet for a flight I’m leaving on tomorrow.
M-Au: Mhm Peter sent me a ticket a few weeks ago, but
W-Am: Well, some of us in …………………………….. was on it. So
……………………… are going to see it called and spoke with India and she said
tonight that I would be re-ticketed
M-Au: That sounds great, but I probably M-Au: Thank you for calling. I’m afraid
won’t ………………………until around that Indira has ……………………………..


seven. ……………………………………? rather suddenly, and Peter’s
W-Am: we were planning on going at six ………………………, but I’ll do my best
thirty. Sure you can’t come to that? to help you
M-Au: Yeah... I haven’t finished this W-Br: The ticket was supposed to be here
month’s ………………………yet. Are last week. I’m speaking at
there any later showings? ……………………………….., and it’s
W-Am: Well, there is another one at nine very important that I be there tomorrow
o’clock, but I don’t know if the others want M-Au: Here, I found you in the computer.
to go that late. I’ll ……………………… Well, the ticket was mailed just yesterday. I
and ……………………… ………………………………………this
inconvenience, Ms. Futuro. I’ll issue you
another one and send it by messenger to
………………………before noon
[25-27] [28-30]
W-Br: Excuse me, I need to W-Br: Hello. I’m going on
……………………………….. in my ……………………… to South America
printer, but I see only black ink cartridges next month, to Sao Paulo, Brazil, and I
on the shelf. Do you have color cartridges? would like to use my frequent flyer mileage
M-Au: Oh, we just ……………………… points to …………………………………
that part of the store. You’ll find the color on that South America Flight
ink on the other side of …………………. M-Au: OK. Can I get your Beam Airways
I’ll show you …………………………………………?
W-Br: OK, great. And I bought this W-Br: Sure. It’s EA555
………………………with me. It’s valid M-Au: Let see. Ms. Silva. Oh, I regret to
for Hinton printer cartridges too, right? inform you that you don’t have enough
M-Au: Yes, we accept those coupons. Just miles
make sure you give it to ………………… W-Br: Oh, I was really hoping to get
when you get to the checkout counter ……………………………………
M-Au: But I see you’re flying to Geneva in
two weeks. You’ll accumulate enough


miles... actually, the exact number of miles
you need from that flight. So, if you
you can upgrade your flight to South
America when you return form Europe
M-Br: Perfect! I’ll do that


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