Computer Science 3

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1(a) A supermarket uses a stock control system.

Details of products are stored on a stock database.

The quantity of a particular product in stock is stored as a binary number usingtwo bytes.
There are 312 tins of beans left in stock.

How would this quantity be represented as a binary number in the computer?

(b) The name of a product is stored using characters from the computer's character set.

(i) Explain what is meant by the character set of a computer.


(ii) Explain how codes are used to represent a character set.


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2(a) Convert the denary number 43 into an 8 bit binary number.

(b) Using binary subtraction, calculate your answer to the following. You must show your working.

(c) Using two’s complement convert the denary number −43 into an 8 bit binary number. You must show your


(i) Using normalised floating point binary representation using 4 bits for the mantissa and 4 for the exponent,
represent the denary value 1.75. You must show your working.


(ii) Using normalised floating point binary representation using 4 bits for the mantissa and 4 for the exponent,
represent the denary value −1.75. You must show your working.


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3(a) State which bitwise manipulation on 00010101 would have achieved the same result as the calculation on part

(b) Two equal (unsigned) integers, shown below, are added together. Calculate the result, showing your working.

(c) Convert the denary number -52 into an 8-bit binary number using two’s complement.

(d) Describe why two’s complement may be preferable to sign and magnitude.

(e) Using floating point representation with 4 bits for the exponent and 4 bits for the mantissa, add together the
following floating point binary numbers and write the answer as a normalised floating point number with 4 bits
mantissa and 4 bit exponent.

0110 0010 and 0100 0011


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(f) Demonstrate subtraction in binary using 8-bit two’s complement using the equivalent of the denary calculation
47-23. You must show all working.


4(a) Convert the unsigned binary number 11110000 to:

(i) Denary:


(ii) Hexadecimal:


(b) An AND operation with the mask 10101010 is applied to the binary number 01010101. Show the result.


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(c) An OR operation with the mask 10101010 is applied to the binary number 01010101. Show the result.

(d) 00001100 is shifted two places to the left.

(i) Show the result.


(ii) Identify what arithmetic operation this shift is equivalent to.


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(e) Convert the denary number –8 to:

(i) An 8-bit sign and magnitude binary number.


(ii) An 8-bit two's complement binary number.


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(f) A computer represents floating point binary numbers using a 6-bit mantissa and 4-bit exponent, both using two's

Add the following three numbers together and give the answer in the format described. You must show your


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5 Below are extracts from the ASCII and EBCDIC character sets.



Explain, referring to ASCII and EBCDIC, what would happen if computers were to use different character sets
when communicating.


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6(a) Change the denary number 89 into the following representations.

(i) An 8 bit binary number.


(ii) A binary coded decimal number.


(iii) An octal number.


(b) Using the denary number 89 as an example, explain the relationship between binary and hexadecimal


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(i) Change the denary number -89 into a two's complement, 8 bit binary number.


(ii) Change the denary number -72 into a two's complement, 8 bit binary number.



(i) Add the two binary answers which you obtained, using 8 bit arithmetic.

You must show your working.


(ii) Explain why your answer to the addition sum is wrong.


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7(a) The organisers of an international football competition are planning to use a large electronic score board to
display information to spectators in the stadium. The board can display three lines of text of 15 characters each.

The program stores the text to be displayed in an array called Board, so that

Board(1,1) contains the letter in the top left corner of the display board
Board(3,15) contains the letter in the bottom right corner of the display board.

A module in the program updates the display every time the contents of this array are changed.

State the identifier, number of dimensions and most appropriate data type of the array Board.

Identifier _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Number of dimensions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Most appropriate data type _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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(b) The program contains a module which clears the display using a routine to insert a space in each element of the
array using the following algorithm.

Complete this algorithm by filling in the blanks.


The program contains a module which displays a message at a given position using the algorithm below. For
example, DisplayString(“HELLO”,2,1) should display the message “HELLO” on the second row, starting from the
first column.

MID(Message,i,1) returns the character at position i in the string.

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8(a) A Huffman code is a type of binary code where characters are represented by binary numbers of different
lengths. A possible Huffman code for a character set of four characters is:

A=0 B = 11 C = 100 D = 101

For example the word BAD would be represented by 110101.

State how the word CAB would be represented in this code.


The following algorithm takes a message as binary digits, one at a time, from a source and outputs the message
that is being transmitted.

(b) Explain the purpose of line 01.


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(c) State what the operation + does on line 04. State the name of this operation.


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The source of the message needs a routine to encode messages into the Huffman code. The routine should
allow the user to enter a message and output the encoded message.

Write this routine in a high level language you have studied, stating the name of the language you have used.
Yo u should use good program writing techniques to ensure that your routine is easy to understand.

You can assume that the message consists only of the characters A, B, C and D.

Name of language



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(e) Programming language environments provide several facilities for editing and debugging programs.

Name two of these facilities. Describe how each can be used when writing the routine in part (e).


9(a) Each record in CardFile contains data as in the table below.

For each item of data, state the most appropriate data type and the size in bytes.

Item Data type Size in bytes

The card's six digit identification number
The amount of credit on the card
Whether the owner of the card is entitled to free
school meals

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(b) The school has 100 pupils.

Calculate an estimate of the size of the file in bytes.

You must show your working.


When a pupil tops up a card, the following algorithm is used to update the amount of credit on the card. The
algorithm is written in pseudocode.

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(c) Explain the difference in the use of = in lines 06 and 07, identifying the type of operator being used in each case.

(d) At the start of each day, a routine is executed which tops up the cards of all pupils who are entitled to free school
meals with £3.50.

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Complete the algorithm for this routine by filling in the spaces.


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(e) When a new pupil is given a card, the record for the card needs to be inserted into the file.

Write an algorithm in pseudocode which:

Allows the user to input the six-digit identification number, the initial amount of credit and whether the pupil
has free school meals
Produces a new sequential file with the record for the new card inserted.

The quality of written communication will be assessed in your answer to this question.

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10(a) A real binary number may be represented in normalised floating point binary notation using 4 bits for the
mantissa followed by 4 bits for the exponent, both in two's complement binary.

The following binary numbers are in the format described.

Calculate their denary values.

You must show your working.

(i) 01010110


(ii) 01001110


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(b) A real binary number may be represented in floating point binary notation using 7 bits for the mantissa followed
by 5 bits for the exponent, both in two's complement binary.

(i) State which of the binary numbers P and Q is normalised. Give a reason for your answer.

P = 101100110001
Q = 110100110011


(ii) The binary number R is not normalised. Write the normalised form of R.

You must show your working.

R = 000110100101


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11(a) A real binary number may be represented in normalised floating point binary notation using 5 bits for the
mantissa followed by 3 bits for the exponent, both in two's complement binary.

The following binary numbers are in the format described.

Calculate their denary values.

Show all working.

(i) 01100011


(ii) 10100111


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(b) Write the denary number +3.5 as a normalised binary number in the format described in (a).


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(c) Using only 6 bits, the normalised binary numbers X and Y are in different formats.

X = 010111
Y = 011101

X and Y are the maximum possible values for each of their formats.

(i) State the number of bits in the mantissa for X.


(ii) State the number of bits in the exponent for Y.


(iii) Explain the trade-off between accuracy and range when representing numbers, using the denary values of X
and Y in your answer.


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(i) Convert the denary number 231 to an unsigned 8-bit binary number.


(ii) Convert the hexadecimal number 6F to an unsigned 8-bit binary number.


(b) The floating point number 001101 0100 is stored using 6 bits for the mantissa and 4 bits for the exponent, both in
two’s complement. This number is not normalised.

(i) Give the normalised version of this number, showing your working.

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(ii) Convert your answer to part (i) to denary, showing your working.


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(c) Add together the two numbers below. Both numbers are stored in normalised floating point format, using 6 bits
for their mantissa and 4 bits for their exponent which are both in two’s complement. Show the result in the same
format and show your working.

0110000110 +


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13 A company releases an Internet connected fridge. Users can email messages to the fridge and it puts them on
its display.

The fridge uses the ASCII character set. Give one disadvantage of the fridge using ASCII rather than Unicode.


14(a) State why computer systems store data in binary.


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(i) Convert the denary number 97 into an 8-bit binary number.


(ii) Convert the denary number 171 into a hexadecimal number.


(iii) Convert the denary number –97 into an 8-bit binary number using two’s complement.


(iv) Convert the denary number –17 into an 8-bit binary number using sign and magnitude.


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(c) State one advantage of using two’s complement instead of sign and magnitude.


(d) Calculate the addition of these two 8-bit (unsigned) binary numbers.

Show your working.


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15 George owns a small book shop. He wants a program to work out the daily sales figures.

He uses a text file called “Sales.txt” shown in Fig. 1. Each line represents the sales total for a different day of the
week. The program can run at any point during the week and therefore the text file may not have seven lines.


The program needs to read the text file and then calculate:

• The number of days that the program is calculating over

• The total sales over that period
• The average daily sales over that period

At the end of the text file, it should then print the results of these calculations to the screen.

When the values are being read from the Sales.txt file they will be a string data type.

In order for them to be processed they will need to be cast (i.e. converted) to a different data type.

Explain what data type the values in “Sales.txt” should be converted to.


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(i) Convert the hexadecimal value B7E to a binary number.


(ii) 110010101 is a binary number that is represented using sign and magnitude.

Convert this binary number to a denary number.


(iii) Complete this binary subtraction. Both numbers are 8-bit integer values represented using two’s

Show the result in the same format and show your working.


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(b) The normalised floating point number 1010 1110 is stored using 4 bits for the mantissa and 4 bits for the
exponent, both in two’s complement.

Give the denary version of this number, showing your working.


(c) Table 3 here shows floating point numbers that are stored using 6 bits for the mantissa and 3 bits for the
exponent, both in two’s complement.

Tick (✓) one box in each row to state whether each number is normalised or not normalised.

Binary number Normalised Not normalised

010101 100
110101 111
011010 010
101010 110

Table 3

17 A programmer creates another function to count and return how many capital letters are in a string that is passed
into the function as a parameter.

The asc() function takes in a character and returns its ASCII value. For example asc("A") returns 65. Capital
letters have ASCII values between 65 and 90 inclusive.

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(i) Complete the function below.

function countCapitals(text)
// initialise counter to 0
capCount = 0
// loop through each character in the string passed in
for x = 0 to text.length-1
c = text.subString(x, 1)
// check if character is a capital
if asc(c) >= 65 ……………………………………………………………
// if so, increment counter
next x


(ii) Give one similarity between ASCII and Unicode.


(iii) Give two differences between ASCII and Unicode.

Difference 1

Difference 2


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18 A bubble sort will sort an array of 50 integer values called numberArray.

State why the integer values are stored in an array instead of separate variables.


19(a) ChillDel Limited distributes chilled food from food manufacturers to supermarket distribution depots, using
refrigerated vehicles. During transit, the temperature of chilled food must be maintained in the temperature range
0.0 °C to +4.5 °C.

There are five temperature sensors located within the body of the vehicle, which are sampled every second, and
their values are recorded during the transportation of the foods.

In the vehicle is a display that shows information gathered from the five temperature sensors during
transportation. This display is 16 characters wide by 8 characters high.

The information displayed is:

the lowest and highest values recorded during transportation from any of the sensors
the current sampled lowest and highest values from the sensors
the current average value.

The temperature range of the sensors is −4.9 °C to +9.9 °C.

Design an output screen to display the required information.

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(i) All the sampled data from the sensors is stored on a memory card for analysis at the receiving distribution
depot. Complete the data table below.

Data type Size in bytes

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Time (hh:mm:ss)
Sensor 1
Sensor 2
Sensor 3
Sensor 4
Sensor 5
Error flag


(ii) If the samples are taken every second, and the length of the journey is three hours, calculate an estimate of
the file size in kilobytes (KB). Show your working.


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(c) The software code written to sample and record the sensor data carries out the following actions:

Module number Action

1 Get the system DateTime
2 Read each sensor value
3 Check sensor reading is within range
4 Initialise values
5 Get sensor value
6 Write sample record to serial file
7 Set error flag
8 Do nothing

The modules are not in any particular order.

(i) Below is a particular type of structure diagram showing stepwise refinement.

It uses:

The order (left to right) of the boxes on each level to represent sequence
☆ to show iteration
○ to show selection.
Using the module numbers fill in the diagram below.

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(ii) Module 6 is called ‘Write sample record to serial file’.

Write the subroutine in pseudocode to perform this action.


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20 A computer uses a Von Neumann processor.

RISC and CISC are types of processor architecture.

Describe the differences between the two architectures.


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21(a) A real binary number may be represented in normalised floating point binary notation, using 4 bitsb for the
mantissa followed by 3 bits for the exponent, both in two's complement binary.

(i) Convert the denary value 1.75 to normalised two's complement binary in the format described.

You must show your working.


(ii) Convert the following number to denary.

You must show your working.

0 1 1 0 1 1 1


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(b) A programmer has 16 bits to use to store a real binary number.
Describe the trade-off between accuracy and range when deciding how many bits to use for the mantissa and


22(a) Give the number 55 in binary as an 8-bit unsigned integer.

(b) Represent the number 55 in normalised floating point binary notation, using 8 bits for the mantissa followed by 8
bits for the exponent, both in two's complement binary.

(c) Represent the number 55 in normalised floating point binary notation, with the mantissa and exponent both in
two's complement binary, using as few bits as possible.


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(d) State why a programmer might choose to declare a variable as a floating point number.


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23 Asim is the head of a chess club. One of his jobs is to send out a monthly newsletter.

For the newsletter, club members send in descriptions of games they play using chess notation, which consist of
a sequence of symbols, letters and numbers. It is important that these descriptions are accurate.

One member sends in the description as a plain text file. The text file is saved using Unicode, an extract of which
is shown below.

(i) Explain what is meant by the term ‘Unicode’.


When Asim opens this file on the text editor on his computer it looks as below.

(ii) Explain why the text may not be displaying correctly.


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24 Express the denary number –43 in binary using 8-bit two's complement representation.

Show your working.


25(a) The XOR operator can be used to encrypt data.

Show the effect of applying XOR on Text and Key, by completing the last row of the table below.


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(b) Show the effect of applying XOR on your answer to part (a) and Key, by completing the first and last rows of the
table below.

(c) Explain whether the type of encryption described above is symmetric or asymmetric.

(d) Explain why asymmetric encryption is more suited to transactions over the internet than symmetric encryption.


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26(a) Show a representation of the hexadecimal number AB in:

(i) Binary


(ii) Denary


(b) Show a representation of denary -119 in 8-bits using:

(i) Sign and Magnitude


(ii) Two's Complement


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(c) A floating point number is represented with a mantissa of 8-bits followed by an exponent of 4-bits, both in two's

00011010 0010

(i) Identify whether or not the number is normalised.


(ii) State how you arrived at your answer to part (i).


(d) Two floating point numbers are shown below. Calculate the answer of the second number subtracted from the
first. You must show your working and ensure your answer is normalised.

01001100 0011 - 01001010 0010


27(a) Convert the binary number 01101111 to a hexadecimal number.


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(b) Convert the denary number –19 to an 8-bit number using:

(i) Two’s complement representation.


(ii) Sign and Magnitude representation.


(c) The two below are stored using unsigned binary. Calculate the subtraction of 01110010 from 11000011. Show
your working.

(d) Convert the denary number 1⅝ (i.e. 1.625) to a normalised floating point binary number using 5 bits for the
mantissa and 3 bits for the bits for the exponent. Show your working.


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(i) Convert the denary number 188 to an unsigned 8-bit binary number.


(ii) Convert the denary number 188 to hexadecimal.


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(i) Convert the denary number −44 to an 8-bit binary number with sign and magnitude representation.


(ii) Convert the denary number −44 to an 8-bit binary number with two’s complement representation.


(c) Explain how, using bit shift, the unsigned binary number 00101100 can be divided by 4.


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(d) Demonstrate subtraction on the two numbers below, both stored in normalised floating point format, using 6 bits
for their mantissa and 4 for their exponent. Show the result in the same format. Show your working.

010010 0100 - 010010 0010


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29 A company releases an Internet connected fridge. Users can email messages to the fridge and it puts them on
its display.

The fridge uses the ASCII character set. Give one disadvantage of the fridge using ASCII rather than Unicode.


Convert the denary number 72 to an unsigned 8-bit integer.


(b) Convert the unsigned binary number 10000101 to denary.


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(c) Convert the denary number 104 to hexadecimal.

(d) The following floating point binary number is represented using 7 bits for the mantissa and 4 bits for the
exponent, both using two’s complement.

Mantissa Exponent
0100101 0100

Convert the number to denary, showing your working.


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(e) Given that computers store everything in binary, explain how they are able to represent text.

31(a) A Boolean expression is entered into a Karnaugh Map.

Give a simplified version of the expression using the Karnaugh Map. You must show your working.

Simplified Expression: [3]

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(b) Draw a logic gate diagram to represent the expression below. [4]

(¬A ∧ B) ∨ (¬C ∧ D)

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32 A student writes a program to apply a symmetric encryption algorithm to work on messages of up to 25 ASCII

Describe what is meant by the term ‘ASCII’.


The encryption algorithm works in the following way.

A message of up to 25 characters (spaces and punctuation are not included) is placed in a 5×5 array. Any
leftover spaces are filled with random letters. The message I LOVE COMPUTER SCIENCE becomes:


The key is a sequence of ten numbers.

In this example we will use 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5. The first 5 numbers state how many spaces the rows 0
to 4 must be rotated right.

A key with the first 5 digits 1 2 3 4 5 would result in


The next 5 digits state how many spaces down the columns 0 to 4 should be rotated.

Applying the last 5 digits 1 2 3 4 5 to the grid above would give

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Part of the pseudocode for the algorithm is written below.

global array grid[5,5]

// letters and random letters have been entered
// into the 2D array, grid

for i = 0 to 4
x = getNextDigitInKey()
next i

for i = 0 to 4
x = getNextDigitInKey()
next i

//Now reassemble array back into string.

Demonstrate how the bytes below are added together. Show your working.


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(b) Demonstrate how the bottom byte below is subtracted from the top byte. Show your working.

(c) Convert the binary number shown below to hexadecimal.



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(d) The number below is represented in floating point format with a 5-bit mantissa in two’s complement followed by a
3-bit exponent in two’s complement. Calculate the denary value of the number, showing your working.

01001 010

(e) The numbers below are represented in floating point format with a 5-bit mantissa in two’s complement followed
by a 4-bit exponent in two’s complement. Normalise the numbers shown below, showing your working.

00011 0010


11100 0110


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(f) Show the byte below after having an AND applied with the masking byte.

Byte 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
AND 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(g) Show the byte below after having an OR applied with the masking byte.

Byte 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
OR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

34(a) Variables in programs contain specific types of data.

Complete the table below to suggest a suitable data type for each piece of data.

Data Data Type

‘H’ Character
–2.625 Real
(b) Show the denary number 35 as an 8-bit (unsigned) binary number.


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(c) The character ‘A’ in the ASCII character set is represented by the denary value 65. Write the binary
representation for the ASCII character ‘H’. Show your working.


(d) Show the denary number –2⅝ as a floating-point binary number with a 6-bit mantissa and 4-bit exponent, both
stored using two’s complement representation.


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35 RestaurantReview is a website that allows users to leave reviews and ratings for different restaurants.

The website uses a database with the following structure.

The database management system ensures referential integrity is maintained.

The database previously stored reviews using the ASCII character set. ASCII uses 1 byte per character. It is
decided to switch to the Unicode UTF-32 character set which uses 4 bytes per character.

Give an advantage and disadvantage of changing character sets from ASCII to Unicode UTF-32.




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36(a) A simple program is shown below.

Fig. 8.1
State the most suitable data type of the variable count


(b) State the data type of the result of the expression (count*num)<=100


(c) State the data type of the result of the expression

str(num) + " goes into 100 " + str(count) + " times."


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37(a) Show how the binary number 01011110 is represented in hexadecimal.


(b) Show how the hexadecimal number 9B is represented in denary.


(c) Show how the denary number –87 is represented in sign and magnitude binary.


(d) Complete the following binary subtraction. Show your working.



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(e) The floating point binary number 010011 011 consists of a 6-bit mantissa and 3-bit exponent, both represented
in two’s complement. Convert the number to denary, showing your working.


(f) Show the denary number –5.25 in floating point binary form representing the mantissa and exponent in two’s
complement, using as few bits as possible. Show your working.


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38(a) Convert the binary number 11101100 into a denary number.


(b) Convert the binary number 10110011 into a hexadecimal number.


(c) Convert the two’s complement binary number 10011011 into a denary number.


(d) Calculate the subtraction of the following two 8-bit binary numbers.

You must show your working.


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(i) Convert the denary number –119 to an 8-bit binary number with two’s complement representation.


(ii) Convert the unsigned binary number 1101101 to hexadecimal.


(iii) Convert the denary number 171 to hexadecimal.


(iv) Convert the hexadecimal number A6 to binary.


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(b) Show how the denary value –9.125 can be represented in normalised floating point format, using 8 bits for the
mantissa and 4 bits for the exponent, both in two’s complement.


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(i) Show the result of applying an XOR mask of 1100 0111 to the byte 0101 1101.


(ii) Describe a mask that could be applied to an 8-bit number to ensure that:

• the most significant bit is always set to 1

• all other bits remain unchanged.



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1 a 0000000100111000 2 1 for correct binary, 1 for 16


Examiner's Comments

The question did state that

a binary number was
required, this means that
the relatively common
answer of using two 8-bit
binary numbers that add up
to 312 was not an answer
to the question as set. It
was odd to see so many
responses that gave the 16
bit, 2's complement version
of –312

b i Normally equates to the 2 Not: Stored on a computer

symbols on a keyboard
/ digits / letters…
…that can be
represented /
interpreted / understood
by a computer
May include control

ii Each symbol has a 3

(binary) code / Examiner's Comments
…which is unique. Many candidates adopted a
Number of bits used for scatter gun approach to this
one character = 1 byte pair of questions, inserting
Example code: ASCII / the facts that they knew
Unicode… about character sets
…uses 8 bits /16 bits seemingly at random
per character between the two parts.
Use of more bits for Despite this most scored
extended character set well here and some
candidates gave clear and
well-presented responses
to both parts.

Total 7

2 a 00101011 1 For 1 mark.

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b 00011010 2 For 2 marks.

1 mark for correct answer

plus an additional method
mark for showing borrowed

No method mark for

converting numbers to
denary performing
subtraction and converting
back to binary.

Allow full marks for

converting second number
to two’s complement and
performing addition.

c 11010101 2 For 2 marks – showing valid

method 1 mark.

d i 0111 0001 2 For 2 marks – 1 mark for

mantissa 1 mark for

ii 1001 0001 2 For 2 marks – 1 mark for

mantissa 1 mark for

Total 9

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3 a Shift left (1). 1 For 1 mark.

b 00101010 2 For 2 marks – award 1 mark

111 for correct answer and 1
mark for carrying bits.

c 11001100 2 For 2 marks (award 1 mark

per nibble).

d It is not easily possible 2 Up to 2 marks for a valid

to carry out calculations description.
using sign and
magnitude (1) whereas
they will work with two’s
complement (1).

e Matching exponent to 211 3 For 3 marks (award 1 for

(23) we get 0110+1000 matching exponents) 1
mark for mantissa and 1 for
Mantissa is 111 exponent exponent.
0011 normalised answer is
0111 0011

f 23 in 4 For 4 marks – 1 mark per

binary 00010111 bullet or equivalent stages.
–23 2’s complement
11101001 (may be two
steps to get this, negate
bits plus 1)
47 in
binary 00101111
add them
together 00011000

Total 14

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4 a i 240 1

ii F0 1

b 00000000 1

c 11111111 1

d i 00110000 1

ii Multiplying by 4 1

e i 10001000 1

ii 11111000 1

f 6 If candidate fails to discard

the overflowing 1 they can
still get marks 1–4.

(1 per –)

Total 14

5 – Characters from a 2
computer using ASCII will
be interpreted as different
characters by a computer
using EBCDIC.
– Text will be
(1 per –)

Total 2

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6 a i 01011001 1
Examiner's Comments

Most candidates correctly

converted from denary to

ii 10001001 1
Examiner's Comments

Most candidates correctly

converted from denary to
binary coded decimal.

iii 131 1
Examiner's Comments

Most candidates correctly

converted from
denary/binary to octal.

b –Split the binary number in 3

groups of 4 Examiner's Comments
–Change each into a single
value/(Hexadecimal) digit Candidates who answered
–Digits which are between this question by
10 and 15 are given letters demonstration, scored well.
A to F Those who tried to describe
–In this example: 0101 = 5 the process using prose
and 1001 = 9/Therefore 89 invariably lacked clarity and
= 59(hex) therefore did not achieve
full credit.

(1 per –, max 3)

c i 10100111 1
Examiner's Comments

Most candidates correctly

converted from denary to
two's complement.

ii 10111000 1
Examiner's Comments

Most candidates correctly

converted from denary to
two's complement.

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d i 2 Note: follow through from

candidate answers to
previous part

If ft answer generates no
(1 for 8 bit correct answer, 1
carries – max. 1 mark
for showing appropriate
correct carries)
Examiner's Comments

For the most part, those

candidates with correct
answers for the previous
question parts produced
correct answers for this but
some did not gain credit for
an 8 bit answer because
they did not evidently
discard the 9th carry bit.

ii –Answer needs 9 bits / 2 NOT simply "overflow"

Carry / overflow out of 8 bit
byte Examiner's Comments
–Two negative numbers
have been added and the Most candidates gained
result is a positive number some credit for identifying
–Answer is 95 the need for 9 bits or the
discarded bit producing a
positive answer. Few
(1 per –, max 2) candidates gained
maximum credit with some
candidates stating that sign
and magnitude should be
used for binary subtraction.

Total 12

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7 a Identifier: Board / board 3 Allow suitable name

Number of dimensions: Allow 2D
2 Do not except alphanumeric
Most appropriate data
type: Character / String Examiner's Comments

Generally well answered,

the most common error was
with the dimensions where
candidates gave (3, 15) or
45 as the answer.

b In order 3 cao

Examiner's Comments
Column This question was well
Row answered with most
candidates gaining full

Total 6

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8 a 100011 1
Examiner's Comments

Almost all candidates

achieved this mark

b Initialise the value of d 2

(to the empty string) Examiner's Comments
Before it gets used in
line 04 / as it may Many good answers given,
already contain a value/ with most candidates
to give it a starting gaining at least 1 mark,
value although some candidates
only stated “it sets d to a
null value”.

c Joins the strings d and 2 Allow append

x into one string Do not accept ‘add’
Concatenation operator
Examiner's Comments

This was poorly understood

by many candidates. Most
thinking it was a
mathematical addition, and
unfortunately not realising
that the variables were

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d Example (in pseudocode): 7 Cannot access bullet points

2, 3 & 5 without a loop

Allow for python's use of


Examiner's Comments

Those that did poorly on

this question showed a lack
of understanding about the
difference between the
variable A and the string
Award up to 5 marks for the literal “A”. It was a shame
algorithm: that some candidates also
missed out on marks for not
inputting/passing the
INPUT message “message” in and the
Uses a loop indentation of their code.
… to correctly visit each Python seems to be the
character most common language
Replaces “A”, “B”, “C” used but the syntax was not
and “D” with correct always used correctly.
Outputs the result

Award up to 2 marks for


Meaningful identifiers

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e eg 6 Not dry running / trace


Translator Diagnostics
reports when syntax Steping
errors are made and Executes each line in
suggests solutions / turn
example from code
Allows the code to stop To allow checking of
at chosen point path(s)/values
To check variables /
example from code (Variable) watch
To monitor the status of
Award one mark for each variables (and
correctly named facility, and objects)…
up to two marks for the … as you step through
description. code / as they change

Examiner's Comments

Translator Diagnostics,
Breakpoints and watches
were generally well known
but not always expressed
clearly. With breakpoints,
for example, most got the
point of stopping execution
at a statement but then just
said “to find the error” rather
than checking variable
values to see if they
matched expected values.
In the case stepping it was
not always clear if they
were describing dry running
or stepping.

Total 18

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9 a Card identification number: 6

Data type: String / text /

Size: 6

Amount of credit:

Data type: Real / Currency size 4/8 bytes

decimal / float / double
Size: 4 / 8 Examiner's Comments

Free meals: Mostly well answered,

though a large minority of
candidates do not know
Data type: Boolean how many bytes each data
Size: 1 type uses.

b Adds up sizes eg 6 + 4+ 3 Allow follow through from b

1 = 11 and between steps
Multiplies by 100 eg 11
* 100 = 1100
Adds 10% for overhead If 8 bytes used for Amount
eg 1100 * 1.1 = 1210 the corresponding answers
bytes are 15, 1500, 1650

Examiner's Comments

Most candidates gained all

3 marks here though some
lost the “overhead” mark.

c In line 06 = is a 4 Do not accept conditional

relational / comparison operator for line 06
To check whether two Examiner's Comments
items are the same
In line 07 = is an The comparison operator
assignment operator was generally well known
To change the value of as was the assignment
a variable / NewAmount operator but often
candidates missed out the
term “assignment”.

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d In order: 3 Accept a reasonable test for

free meals.
For this question case is
FreeMeals ( = TRUE) irrelevant for variable
Amount + 3.50 names
FreeMeals Allow correct cast i.e
float(3.50, real(3.50)
Do not accept £3.50

Examiner's Comments

Most candidates gained the

3 marks. The most common
error was to put the £ sign
before the 3.50 (i.e. £3.50)

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e Example: 8 Content Levels of response

Examiner's Comments High level response (6-8

Candidates who believed a Candidate offers a
sequential file was one complete, working algorithm
where records are added to which both shows clearly
the end inevitably failed to how insertion point is
score more than 2 marks in determined and how the
this question. It was new file is produced. The
generally not well algorithm is in correctly
answered; candidates who structured pseudocode with
did try to find an insertion indentation, suitable
point often did it poorly. identifiers or comments as
This is one of the standard appropriate. Technical
algorithms that candidates terms and spelling will be
should ensure they are used appropriately and
familiar with. correctly.

Medium level response (3-5

Candidate has an algorithm
which is not fully explained
or contains some errors for
example in determining the
insertion point. There is an
attempt to structure the
code correctly but may
contain some errors,
however the overall
structure of the code can
still be understood.
Technical terms and
spelling are mostly correct.

Low level response (0-2

Candidate's algorithm
neither shows fully how the
insertion point is
determined nor explains
how a record is inserted.
The code is poorly
structured or not structured
at all, and errors with
spelling and technical terms
make the algorithm difficult
to understand.

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Total 24

10 a i Exponent 0110 = 6 3 Accept alternative methods

Mantissa 0.101, move point
6 places right becomes Examiner's Comments
Denary value is 40 As expected most
candidates (using the usual
different methods of
completing the task)
correctly answered the

ii Exponent 1110 = -2 3 Accept alternative methods

Mantissa 0.100, move point Accept either fraction or
2 places left becomes 0.001 decimal value
Denary value is 1/8 =
0.125 Examiner's Comments

Candidates on the whole

correctly answered the

b i P normalised… 2
… as mantissa starts 10 Examiner's Comments

Most of the candidates

were able to correctly
identify the proper answer
and the reason for it.

ii Mantissa 0001101 move 3 Correct mantissa &

point 2 places right & fill exponent with no
with 0s on right explanation max 2
Decrease exponent by 2
011010000011 cao

Examiner's Comments

For some reason this

question was not as well
answered as anticipated,
perhaps it was because of
the slight change in
direction from the previous

Total 11

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11 a i Exponent 011 = 3 3 Accept alternative methods

Mantissa 0.1100, move
point 3 places right Examiner's Comments
becomes 0110.
Denary value is 6 Most candidates got full

ii Exponent 111 = -1 3 Accept alternative methods

Mantissa 1.0100, move Accept either fraction or
point 1 place left decimal value
becomes 1.101
Denary value is -3/8 = Examiner's Comments
Most, but not all, candidates
were foxed by the negative
mantissa and exponent and
worked out the numbers
correctly but didn't realise
that it was a negative. This
was a challenging question,
aimed at the higher grade

b Pure binary 11.1 so 3

mantissa 0.1110 Examiner's Comments
Point moved 2 places
so exponent 010 Most candidates answered
01110 010 this correctly.

c i 2 1
Examiner's Comments

It was pleasing to see that a

high proportion of
candidates were able to
correctly identify where the
mantissa and exponent

ii 2 1
Examiner's Comments

It was pleasing to see that a

high proportion of
candidates were able to
correctly identify where the
mantissa and exponent

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iii Larger mantissa 4 Allow opposites.

increases accuracy
Smaller exponent Examiner's Comments
decreases range
X = 64 It was really pleasing to see
Y = 1.75 the high proportion of
candidates who got full
marks on this question.

Total 15

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12 a i 11100111 1 AO1.2

ii 0110 1111 1 AO1.2

b i Move decimal place 1 4 AO1.2

place right = 0.1101 to
Pad with 0s, mantissa is
Exponent is 4 / Subtract
1 from exponent…
New exponent is 3 =

ii move dp 3 places right 3 AO1.2 Accept conversion of un-

0110.1 normalised number (will
6.5 result in same output)

Accept method of using

0.1101 x 2^3

FT required from part (i) if

this is done incorrectly.

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c Calculating exponent of 5 AO1.2 Alternative:

6 for first
number/Calculating Calculation of
exponent of 4 for exponents (6 and 4) //
second number difference between
Moving binary point exponents of 2
correct number of Move first mantissa 2
places in both mantissa places left // second
to give 0110000.0 and mantissa 2 places right
01010.0 to match exponents
Addition of 0110000.0 …giving 011.000 +
and 01010.0 to give 0.10100 (exp 4) //
0111010.0 0.11000 + 0.00101 (exp
Movement of binary 6)
point six places to left to Correct addition
match original mantissa (answer of 011.1010 //
format and give value of 0.111010)
011101 Final answer
Calculate exponent in normalised (011101 exp
original format to give 6)
value of 0110
If exponents initially
matched to 4, final bullet
point should only be given if
answer is normalised. If
exponents matched to 6,
answer will already be
normalised. Ensure that
answer is in format
described (6 bits for
mantissa 4 bits for
exponent) to gain final
bullet point.

Total 14

13 Fewer characters can be 1 (AO1.2) Accept: Special symbols,

represented (1) such as emoticons, can’t be

Characters from different Examiner’s Comments

languages can’t be
represented. (1) Most candidates correctly
stated that ‘fewer
characters can be

Total 1

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14 a 1 mark for any of the 1 (AO1.2) Examiner’s Comments

following bullet points, e.g: (1) This question was generally
answered well.
Computers use binary
logic for on/off or 1/0
Computer systems are
based on
Binary is high tolerance

b i 0110 0001 1 (AO2.2) Must get the whole answer

(1) right for the mark to be

Examiner’s Comments
To gain the mark, the
candidate was required to
use all 8 bits. Some used 7
bits and therefore did not
achieve the mark.
Candidates should be
reminded to read through
each question carefully.

ii AB 1 (AO2.2) Must get the whole answer

(1) right for the mark to be

Examiner’s Comments
This question was
answered well with most
errors relating to a

iii 1001 1111 1 (AO2.2) Must get the whole answer

(1) right for the mark to be

Examiner’s Comments
This was generally
answered well although
some candidates were
confused between two’s
complement and sign and

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iv 1001 0001 1 (AO2.2) Must get the whole answer

(1) right for the mark to be

Examiner’s Comments
As with Question 4 (b) (iii),
this was answered well
although some candidates
gave an answer using two’s

c – Can be easily used in 2 (AO2.2) Award 0 or 2 marks

binary arithmetic (2)
or Examiner’s Comments
– Increased range of This question was worth
numbers available either 2 or 0 marks. It was
generally not answered well
with most candidates being
too vague.

d 1 mark per bullet up to a 2 (AO2.2) Award mark for bullet point

maximum of 2 marks, e.g: (2) one with or without the
overflow stated.
(1) 0110 0100
suitable working out Examiner’s Comments
As with the other binary
calculation, this was
generally answered
correctly. Some candidates
gave the wrong answer but
gained a mark for evidence
of a suitable method. The
question reminds
candidates to show their
working and most
candidates did.

Total 9

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15 1 mark per bullet up to a 2 (AO3.3) Examiner’s Comments

maximum of 2 marks, e.g: (2) This was generally
answered well although
Float/real/double/single/ some candidates picked
decimal/currency… Integer for the data type
…because the values in which would not be
the text file contain a accurate given that
decimal space… averages are likely to be a
…representing decimal value. There are a
monetary values… range of data types that
….the values will be support decimal values, any
used in calculations of which would be
acceptable as an answer.

Total 2

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16 a i 1011 0111 1110 1 CAO

ii -149 1 CAO

iii 0011 1001 3 Working could include

showing “borrowing” values
One mark for correct from other columns or
left hand nibble (CAO) making the second number
One mark for correct negative and adding.
right hand nibble (CAO)
One mark for working Answer must be 8 bits to
clearly shown achieve full marks (stated in

No marks if only working is


Examiner’s Comments
Most candidates were able
to gain some marks, with
many gaining full marks. A
popular method was to do
two’s complement addition.
Candidates should be
encouraged to show their
working in binary and not
do the subtraction in denary
and then just give the
answer in binary. The
question asks them to
complete a binary

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b Exponent is -2 4 Accept alternative method

Move decimal place 2 of -0.75 x 2-2 for BP2 and
places left BP3. BP2 credited for -0.75,
Fill with 1s giving BP3 credited for multiplying
1.1101 by 2-2
Denary answer is
Correct answer with valid
-0.1875 // working gets full marks

Examiner’s Comments
Most candidates correctly
identified the exponent and
that the point needed to be
moved to the left. Any valid
method of working was
given marks here, where
candidates got the correct

c Binary Normali Not nor 4 One mark per row. No mark

number sed malised if both/neither box is ticked.
010101 x
Accept other marks that
clearly indicate choice (e.g.
110101 x X)
111 Examiner’s Comments
011010 x This question was mostly
010 well answered. However,
some candidates were able
101010 x
to identify 01 as being
normalised but not 10 being

Total 13

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17 i function countCapitals(text) 3 Accept alternative answers

// initialise counter to 0 in high-level languages
capCount = 0
(e.g. capCount ++ or
capCount +=1 / && for
// loop through each
character in and for BP1)
the string passed in
Accept countCapitals =
capCount for BP3
for x = 0 to text.length-1

c = text.subString(x,
(Returning via assigning to
function identifier is used in

// check if character
VB / Pascal)
is a capital

if asc(c) >= 65 and Accept and asc(c) < 91

asc(c) <= 90 instead of <=90
// if so, increment counter

capCount = capCount Allow FT for returning the

+ 1 value they increment as a
endif counter if it isn’t capCount
next x

return capCount


ii Both (use binary) to 1

represent characters //
are character sets
The first 7/8 bits of
Unicode is the same as
ASCII (overlaps)

iii ASCII has fewer 2 Only mark the 1st answer

characters (128/256) // for each difference
Unicode has more
characters For BP2&3, must have both
ASCII is 7/8 bits sides to get the mark
whereas Unicode can
be larger 16/32 / can Examiner’s Comments
have variable sized Candidates should be
characters encouraged to give a
ASCII limited to Latin / complete answer. Just
English / European saying ‘Unicode uses more
characters whereas bits than ASCII’ is not
Unicode can represent enough to be given a mark
other symbols (e.g. at this level.

Total 6

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18 1 mark for: 1 Examiner’s Comments

Can refer to all 50 only The concept of having a

using one identifier // all single indexable identifier
values can be indexed seemed to be poorly
in one array understood with few
The numbers can be candidates gaining the
passed as a single mark. While many
parameter candidates understood that
Does not need 50 an array can be iterated
variables to be through, they did not link
declared/passed this to the fact that
elements in an array are
indexable. Similarly,
unqualified points such as
‘an array is easier to sort’
were not given marks for
the same reason.

There was a common

misconception that an array
would use far less memory
space than 50 separate
variables. There would be
minimal difference since
each separate value would
take the same amount of
storage space as the
corresponding value in an
array. The only overhead
for separate variables
would be the extra pointers
to the memory locations for
each, compared to one
pointer for an array.

Total 1

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19 a Logical flow of layout 5

(i.e. flow left to right, top
to bottom)
°c or deg C shown for Space for data must be
all values displayed shown.
Label and space for
data output of Maximum Examiner's Comments
Highest and lowest
values… In general this was well
…Current Highest, answered with most
lowest and average candidates gaining 4 marks.
values… Some candidates gave the
…in the correct format highs and lows of each
for data (sign,digit, dot, sensor, which made the
digit) screen very cramped and
did not allow them to leave
space for the data. A small
minority of candidates didn't
use the grid and just wrote
across it.

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b i Date type Size in 4 Allow 2 or 4 bytes per

bytes character (unicode) for Date
& Time (i.e. 20 or 40 bytes)
Date ( STRING/ 10
dd/mm CHAR
Allow date (8 bytes), time (8
bytes), long int (4 bytes)
Time ( STRING/ 8 instead ofSTRING/CHAR
hh:mm CHAR
:ss) Allow decimal/float/double
Sensor REAL 4 or 8 instead of REAL
Allow byte or short int for
Sensor REAL 4 or 8
Error Flag
Sensor REAL 4 or 8 Examiner's Comments
Sensor REAL 4 or 8 It was disappointing to see
4 that a lot of candidates are
Sensor REAL 4 or 8 not aware of the correct
5 data type to use and the
byte sizes.
Error BOOLEA 1
Flag N

Date ‐ type and size

Time–type and size
Sensor 1 … Sensor
5–type and size
Error Flag–type and

ii record size 4 Record size allow FT

60*60*3 * record size Accept divide by 1000
(10800* record size)
System overheads Examiner's Comments
converted to KB divide This was mostly answered
by 10244 very well, with the main
weakness being not
allowing for overheads or
showing how they
converted to KB.

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c i 6 One mark for each correct

box on row 1 & 2.

One mark for correct row 3

Examiner's Comments

Most candidates were

unsure of where the
initialisation of values
should take place within the
design, although most
candidates in thealgorithm
questions placed it

ii If file does not exist … 6

… create file Examiner's Comments
Open file …
…as append … On the whole this question
… write record to file … was answered poorly. Most
Close file candidates gained the
marks for opening and
closing the file but few
understood the concept of
file access modes and their
effect on data already in the
file. Also a few candidates
did not appreciate the
difference between how to
write to a file as opposed to
the screen.

Total 25

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20 CISC is more complex / 4

RISC is simpler / CISC
longer instruction set
RISC requires more
RAM Do not accept "task" in
CISC many address place of "instruction".
CISC may have more Examiner's Comments
RISC takes one A fair number of responses
machine cycle / CISC were still mentioning cost
takes many cycles to as a difference: the
complete one Principal Examiner felt this
instruction response was not
RISC fixed number of contextualised to computing
bytes / CISC variable and as such no credit was
number allowed for this.

Total 4

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21 a i 1.75 Converted to 4
binary 1.11 Examiner's Comments
Move decimal point
0.111 Candidates are getting
Exponent is 001 expert at these and there
Correct answer were very few wrong
0111001 answers.

ii Exponent 111 = 000 + 1 3

= –1 Accept other methods
0110 move decimal
point = 0.011 Examiner's Comments
Convert to decimal/
fraction 0.375/ 3/8 The most common errors
were either moving the
exponent the wrong way or
treating the whole number
as a single entity. Very few
candidates are doing this

b The larger the 4

… the more accurate Allow opposites
the number
The larger the Examiner's Comments
....the greater the range Very few candidates got
this wrong, most managed
to achieve the full four

Total 11

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22 a 00110111 2
(1 mark per nibble) Examiner's Comments

This question was well

answered, with most
candidates achieving full

b 01101110 00000110 2
Examiner's Comments
(1 mark for mantissa, 1 for
exponent) Few candidates achieved
full marks on this question.
Many represented a
normalised floating point
mantissa with two of the
same bit at the start.

c 0110111 0110 2
Examiner's Comments
(1 mark for mantissa, 1 for
exponent) Few candidates achieved
full marks on this question.
Many reduced the number
of bits by deleting the
leading zero's, rendering
the result negative.

d The variable may need 1 Max. 1 mark

to store decimal
numbers. Examiner's Comments
To store very large /
small values. This question was
reasonably well answered,
with many candidates
achieving the mark.

Total 7

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23 i Three of: 3 Accept each character is

represented by 1byte / 2
bytes / 4bytes (or
□ Unicode is a equivalent value in bits) for
character set [1] BP 3
□ Mapping different
binary values to Examiner's Comments
characters (on the
screen).[1] Many candidates'
□ Each character is explanations lacked clarity.
represented by 1-4 Although most did state that
bytes. [1] Unicode was a character
□ It supports a very set.
large number of
characters [1]
□ It is backward
compatible with ASCII

ii □ Asim's text editor may 2 Question states plain text

only support ASCII file so no credit for mention
which doesn't include of missing graphics files.
characters for the chess
piece [1] Examiner's Comments
□ Cannot recognize /
understand the binary Few candidates referred to
values of the two pieces the codes that represent the
[1] symbols in their
explanations, more so
OR referring to the symbols
themselves which did not
gain credit.
□ Asim may be using a
font which doesn't
include a representation
for the chess pieces…
□ …and so those
characters can't be
represented. [1]

Total 5

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24 Method [3 marks] 4
Examiner's Comments

□ Treat left most bit as These questions were well

negative value (e.g. answered, with many
–128) [1] candidates achieving full
□ Treat remaining bits marks. However, some
as positive values [1] candidates lost marks for
□ Total them the simple arithmetic errors.
relevant placeholder Candidates should be
values. [1] reminded to thoroughly
check their responses.

□ Work out the positive

equivalent in binary [1]
□ From the right,
working left copy down
all the bits up to and
including the first 1 [1]
□ Flip the remaining bits


□ Work out the positive

equivalent in binary [1]
□ Take the one's
complement (e.g. flip
the bits) [1]
□ Add one [1]

Answer [1 mark]

11010101 [1]

Total 4

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25 a 2
One byte correct (1) all
three bytes correct. (1)

b 2 Allow FT if (a) is incorrect

but bottom row must match
One byte correct (1) all XOR with top row and key.
three bytes correct. (1)

c Symmetric (1) …. as the 2 Allow FT for asymmetric if

same key is used to decrypt (b) indicates asymmetric
it as encrypt it (1) encryption used

d Any four from: 4

Symmetric encryption
would require both parties
to have copy of the key (1)
this couldn’t be transmitted
over the internet or an
eavesdropper monitoring
the message may see it (1)
Asymmetric gets round this
requirement as there are
two different keys (1) One
key encrypts the data (1)
which can be publically
distributed (1) and a
different key to decrypt it (1)
which is kept private (1)

Total 10

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26 a i 10101011 1

ii 171 1

b i 11110111 1

ii 10001001 1

c i Not Normalised 1

ii (Mantissa) Starts with 00 1

(normalised numbers start
01 or 10)

d Exponent of first number is 5 Accept any sensible

3 (1) method (eg converting one
Making it 0100.1100 (1) number to have same
Exponent of second exponent as other and
number is 2 (1) subtracting) with correct
answer for full marks.
Subtract numbers (1)
Normalised is 01001110
0010 (1)

Total 11
Making it 010.01010 (1)

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27 a 6F 1 AO2.1 Examiner’s Comments

Very well answered by the

majority of candidates.

b i 11101101 1 AO2.1 Examiner’s Comments

Very well answered by the

majority of candidates.

ii 10010011 1 AO2.1 Examiner’s Comments

Very well answered by the

majority of candidates.

c 2 AO2.1 NB some candidates

represent carries with 10 as
binary 2 rather than 2

Accept answer with missing

leading zero.

Examiner’s Comments

1 Mark for answer Well answered although

candidates were required to
1 Mark for showing working show their binary working.
using appropriate binary

d 1 ⅝ is 1.101 in fixed point 3 AO2.1 Examiner’s Comments

(1 Mark)
Again, this question was
binary point needs moving generally well answered
one place giving with most candidates
showing clear and logical
01101 001 workings.

One mark for Mantissa


One mark for exponent 001

Total 8

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28 a i 10111100 1

Examiner’s Comments
Again, these questions
were very well received by
candidates with most
scoring full marks.

ii BC 1


b i 10101100 1


Examiner’s Comments
Again, these questions
were very well received by
candidates with most
scoring full marks.

ii 11010100 1


c Shift Right (1) 2 Allow one mark for correct

number of places but wrong
Two (1) (AO1.2) direction.

Examiner’s Comments
Generally most candidates
stated that two bit shifts
were required but some
went on to state the
incorrect direction i.e. left.

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d Binary point: shifted four 6 Correct answer with clear

places gives: binary subtraction/2’s
01001.0 (1) (AO1.2) complement addition
Binary point shifted two calculation gives full marks.
places gives:
010.010 (1)

Subtraction carried out

01001.000 –

…’Borrowing’ (1)
…Answer: (1)
Normalised to: 01101
Mantissa 1 (1)
Exponent 0011
Examiner’s Comments
Candidates whose solution
was presented in a logical
manner tended to score at
least 4 marks on this
question. Candidates used
different methods to find the
solution, all of which were
accepted (provided the
logic of the calculation
could be followed).
Centres should advise
candidates to present the
layout of their responses to
this type of question in a
logical manner.

Total 12

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29 - Fewer characters can be 1 Accept: Special symbols,

represented (1) such as emoticons, can’t be
AO1.2 represented.
- Characters from different
languages can’t be
represented. (1) Examiner’s Comment
Most candidates correctly
stated that
‘fewer characters can be

Total 1

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30 a 01001000 1


b 133 1


c 68 1
AO1.2 Examiner’s Comments
A significant number of
candidates achieved all
three available marks
across the first three parts
of this question.

d - Exponent is 4 3 Accept any other method if

- Move binary point 4 working is shown
places to the right AO1.2
- Answer is: 9.25 (3)
(1 per -, max 3) Examiner’s Comments

This question was well

attempted by most
candidates. The methods
used were invariably,
clearly shown.

e - Computers use a 2
character set/ASCII/
- To map binary values to (2)
- Each character is Examiner’s Comments
represented by a unique
value Most candidates achieved
(1 per -, max 2) both available marks. With
the majority describing

Total 8

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31 a 3 Also accept: ¬C vB
Accept alternative symbols.

(1, 1st

Gives: Bv¬C (2, Last 2 Examiner’s Comments
- Correct two groups The question required
identified. candidates to find the
- Bv Boolean expression
- ¬ represented in the
(1 per -, max 3) Karnaugh Map. Most
candidates achieved a mark
for showing the correct
groupings on the map.
Many went on to achieve
the marks for the resultant
expression. Alternative
notations were accepted
and credited.

b - NOT gates after A and C 4

- AND gates: one taking
(NOT) A, B as inputs the AO2.2
other taking (NOT) C, D (4)
as inputs.
- An OR gate taking in the
outputs of both AND Examiner’s Comments
- …No further gates or Most candidates achieved
connections some credit on this
(1 per -, max 4) question. There were some
unusual representations for
NOT gates. Candidates are
best advised to use the
representations listed in the
appendix to the

Total 7

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32 - American Standard 2 (AO1.1)

Code for Information
- A character set
- Maps values to
- Uses 7-bits/ 8-bits per
(1 Mark per -, Max 2)

Total 2

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33 a 10101001 ← Answer, 1 2 (AO1.2)

111111 ← Carry bits, 1
Mark Examiner’s Comments

Most candidates achieved

both marks on this

b 2 (AO1.2) Allow 2 marks for any other

← Borrowed bits, valid method with working

1 Mark If converted to denary and

calculated, no marks.
← Answer, 1
Examiner’s Comments

Mark Responses which used

binary subtraction or two’s
compliment were accepted
for this question. Most
candidates scored two

c 370F 2 (AO1.2)
1 Mark for the first two
digits (i.e. 37)
1 Mark for the last two digit Examiner’s Comments
(i.e. 0F)
Most candidates achieved
both marks on this

d - Exponent is 2 3 (AO1.2)
- Mantissa becomes Examiner’s Comments
- Value is 2.25 Most candidates achieved
(1 Mark per -, Max 3) full marks on this question.
Those who did not,
invariably scored zero

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e 01100 0000 4 (AO1.2)

1 Mark for mantissa, 1 mark

for exponent. Examiner’s Comments

10000 0100 Surprisingly, this question

was poorly attempted. Few
1 Mark for mantissa, 1 mark candidates gained full
for exponent. marks with many not
gaining any credit.
Candidates should be
reminded that the first two
bits of the mantissa must be
different in normalised
floating point numbers.

f 10111001 1 (AO1.2) cao

Examiner’s Comments

Invariably, all candidates

achieved the available mark
on each of these question

g 11111111 1 (AO1.2) cao

Examiner’s Comments

Invariably, all candidates

achieved the available mark
on each of these question

Total 15

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34 a Hello – String 3 (AO2.1)

35 – Integer
True - Boolean

b 00100011 1 (AO1.2) Examiner’s Comments

In general, most candidates

achieved this mark. Some
candidates calculated the
correct binary value but
then did not show their
result as an 8-bit binary
number. Candidates should
be reminded to read the
question thoroughly.

c – If A is 65, H is 72 2 (AO2.1) If step one is incorrect allow

– 72 in binary is 01001000 FT for second mark

Examiner’s Comments

Some responses lacked

attention to detail in that
candidates initially
calculated the denary ASCII
value of H to be something
other than 72. This error
was then followed through
to the binary representation.
Candidates should be well
advised to check their
workings to combat such

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d – -2.625 in fixed point is 3 (AO1.2) Give full marks if correct

101.011 answer.
– Binary point moves two
places left giving Allow FT
1.01011/Mantissa is
101011 Examiner’s Comments
– Exponent of 2 is 0010
Answer 101011 0010 The presentation of the
(1 per - , max 3) responses to ‘denary to
floating point’ conversion
questions is improving.
Although, some candidates
are not reading the question
thoroughly and presenting
their final answer in a
different format to that
specified in the question i.e.
a 6-bit mantissa and a 4-bit

Total 9

35 Advantage 2
More characters can be AO1.2 Examiner’s Comments
Some candidates’
may include foreign were not clear enough to
alphabets gain credit e.g.
‘disadvantage – reviews
take up more space’ is not
may include emojis sufficient at this level of
study. Candidates should
clearly demonstrate
understanding that ‘reviews
take up more storage’.

Reviews take up more
storage (4 times their
previous storage size).

(1 mark max for advantage,

1 mark max for

Total 2

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36 a integer 1

b Boolean 1

c String 1

Total 3

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37 a 5E 1
AO1.2 Examiner’s Comments

Although this question was

well answered by most
candidates, in some cases,
incorrect workings rendered
an incorrect hexadecimal
answer. Candidate should
be reminded to double
check their workings.

b 155 2
(1 mark for first two digits, 1 AO1.2 Examiner’s Comments
mark for final digit)
A relatively high proportion
of candidates presented
their answer to this question
in binary as opposed to
denary, hence, losing
credit. Candidates should
be reminded to read the
question carefully.

c 11010111 2
(1 Mark for the left most 1, AO1.2 Examiner’s Comments
1 mark for the remaining 7
bits) Some candidates
demonstrated confusion
between sign and
magnitude and two’s
complement binary
representation of negative

d 1121 2
022022 AO1.2 Examiner’s Comments
00101111 Many candidates achieved
00011010 full marks on this question.
1 mark for correct answer Those who did not,
1 mark for valid method generally did not show
evidence of binary
subtraction. Converting the
binary numbers to denary,
carrying out the subtraction
and converting the result
back to binary does not
evidence binary subtraction.

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e Exponent is 3 3
AO1.2 Examiner’s Comments

This question was better

Mantissa becomes attempted than similar
0100.11 questions in previous
series. Most candidates
clearly demonstrated the
Which is 4.75. (accept ‘floating’ of the point the
4¾) correct number of places.

(1 per -, max 3)

f In fixed point is 1010.11 4 For MP3 any number of

AO1.2 leading 0s is valid (including
Examiner’s Comments
Mantissa becomes
1.01011 Many candidates did not
convert the original denary
number to the correct fixed-
Exponent of 3 / 11 point binary representation.
Others who did convert to
fixed point correctly did not
go on to represent their
Giving answer of 101011 floating-point solution in as
011 few bits as possible.

(1 per -, max 4)

Total 14

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38 a 236 1

b B3 1

c –101 1

d 1 mark per bullet up to a 2 Allow any suitable method

maximum of 2 marks, e.g: AO2.1 of working out, e.g. the
(2) carry method or using two’s
0101 1010 complement.
Suitable working out

Total 5

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39 a i 1000 1001 1 Correct answer only


ii 6D 1 Correct answer only


iii AB 1 Correct answer only


iv 1010 0110 2 Correct answer only

1 mark per nibble AO1.2

b 10110.111 in fixed point 5

Move binary point four
places to the left AO1.2
Gives mantissa of
therefore exponent is 4
= 0100
Forming final answer of
10110111 0100

c i 1001 1010 2 1 mark per nibble, mark left

to right

ii 1000 0000 2

Total 14

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