Dll-Q3-English 3-W8

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Teacher: ROSBEL P. SORIA Quarter 3

and Time: MARCH 18-22, 2024 (8:00-8:50) Checked Principal II


A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding GAD SEMINAR Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates CATCH-UP FRIDAY
of English vocabulary used in English vocabulary used in both understanding of
both oral and written oral and written language in a English vocabulary
language in a given context given context used in both oral and
written language in a
given context
B. Performance Proficiency uses English Proficiency uses English Proficiency uses
Standards vocabulary in varied and vocabulary in varied and English vocabulary in
creative oral and written creative oral and written varied and creative oral
activities activities and written activities
C. Learning Ask and respond to questions Ask and respond to questions Ask and respond to
Competencies/ about informational texts about informational texts questions about
Objectives listened to (environment, listened to (environment, informational texts
(Write the Lode for health, how-to’s, etc.) health, how-to’s, etc.) listened to
each) EN1OL-IIIg-h-3.2 EN1OL-IIIg-h-3.2 (environment, health,
how-to’s, etc.)
II. CONTENT Responses to Questions on Responses to Questions on Responses to
(Subject Matter) Informational Texts Informational Texts Questions on
Informational Texts
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide K to12 MELC- GUIDE p 133 K to12 MELC- GUIDE p 133 K to12 MELC- GUIDE
pages p 133
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules
from Learning
Resource LR
A. Reviewing previous Read the sentences below Read the passage below and Rearrange the jumbled
Lesson or presenting and choose the words with answer the following questions. letters to make it
new lesson long a, i, o, and u sounds. Ducks and Chickens correct using the given
1. Hannah bought a cake for Ducks love to be in the water. clue.
me. They love to splash, throw
2. Can you buy me a bike water around, and make a
father? muddy mess. Chickens, on the
3. I hope that Prince Rey is other hand, choose to stay dry.
happy. Unlike ducks, chickens do not
4. My sister Antonia is at the have waterproof feathers that
lake. keep them dry and warm. So, if
5. A cute puppy was hit by a chicken gets wet, it can
the car. become sick. Ducks have oil
glands. This oil keeps their
feathers waterproof.
Ducks lay beautiful, large eggs
all year, and tend to be
friendlier than chickens. Both
duck and chicken did share the
same nest to lay their eggs in
and both decided to sit on each
other’s eggs, so funny to watch!

1. Who loves to play in the

A. ducks
B. chickens
2. What makes ducks’ feathers
A. wet glands
B. oil glands
3. If a chicken gets wet, it can
become _______.
A. sick
B. tired
4. Why is it that ducks and
chickens are fun to watch?
A. They share the same nest to
lay their eggs in.
B. They both love to play in the
B. Establishing a Read the passage. Read the selection. Have you heard about
purpose for the stories of people who
lesson All About Snakes saved lives?
Who are they?
Snakes are scary, yet What do you want to
interesting animals. They are know about the story?
reptiles and are cold-blooded.
They are limbless and has
elongated body and tail. They
can smell with their tongues.
They do not have feet. They do
not have ears, but they can
hear through their jaw. They
change their skin from time to
time. A number of snakes have
venom that can kill their prey.
Their venoms are also used to
create antidote against snake
bites. They are carnivorous.
They eat fish, chicken, mouse,
birds, bat, and other animals.
C. Presenting examples/ Edible Roots • What type of animals are Read the story “A
instances of the new Have you eaten a root? You snakes? Brave Little Girl”.
lesson. probably already have. • What are the characteristics of
People and animals eat many snakes? It was already seven
kinds of roots. Root • How will you describe their o’clock in the evening.
vegetables are plants that venom? But Trina’s parents
grow underground and can • What do snakes eat? have not yet arrived
be eaten. home from work. She
A carrot is a kind of root called her three
vegetable. Many people like younger brothers for
to mix it with their salad or eat dinner but still mother
it raw. Turnip is another root isn’t home until they
vegetable. It is a member of slept.
the cabbage family. Turnip is
usually eaten boiled, What time of the night
steamed, fried or even raw. was it?
Although, some people do not _____________
consider potato as veggie, Why did Trina call her
but it is really a root younger brothers?
vegetable. ___________

After two hours, Trina

woke up feeling hot.
When she opened her
eyes, she saw that their
house was on fire.

What happened after

two hours?
What did Trina see?
What do you think
she will do?

She immediately got

up, grabbed the
youngest brother and
ran out of the house.
Trina suffered from
major burns but her
brother wasn’t hurt.
tried to get back to the
house to get her two
other brothers. A
neighbor saw her. She
was warned and held
her tightly. She cried
hard while calling the
names of her two

What did Trina do

with her youngest
Why did Trina try to
go back to their
Was she able to get
back? Why? Why
What do you think
would happen next?

Soon, rescuers arrived

and tried to put off the
fire. But after some
minutes, their house
collapsed. Trina’s
parents arrived from
work. They
embraced Trina and
brought her to the
Because of Trina’s
bravery their town
mayor offered help to
her family. They built
their new home and
gave money to support
Trina and her
brother’s schooling.

Why did the mayor

offer help to Trina’s
How did the mayor help
Trina and her family?
D. Discussing new 1. What are root vegetables? Factual information or details 1. What is the story all
concepts and A. Plants that grow are presented in informational about?
practicing new skills. underground and can be texts. These texts provide 2. Who is the main
eaten. specific details about particular character in the story?
B. Plants that grow above the persons, places, things, events, 3. What can you say
ground and cannot be eaten. and topics. about Trina as the
2. A kind of root vegetable. Details in informational texts oldest sister? What
A. carrot are basically determined by character traits
B. banana asking important questions, did Trina show in our
3. It is a member of the such as what, who, when, story?
cabbage family. where, why, and how. These 4. If you were Trina,
A. potato questions serve as guide in would you do the
B. turnip getting the factual details about same? Why? Why not?
a given selection or text. 5. How did the mayor
recognize and reward
Trina’s bravery?
E. Discussing new Informational texts are Discuss the concept of the When you read a book,
concepts and nonfictional writing, written lesson. you can think of
practicing new skills with the intention to inform questions before you
#2. the reader about a specific read and while you are
topic. These are typically reading.
found in magazines,
newspapers, science books,
autobiographies, and
instruction manuals. They use
special texts that allow their
users to easily find key
information and understand
the main topic.

F. Finding practical Read the passage and Read the passage carefully Read the informative
application of answer the questions. then answer each question by text inside the box and
concepts and skills in Frog vs. Toad choosing the correct letter make one question
daily living inside the box. Write the letter about the idea
Frogs have long powerful of your answer inside the presented by the text.
legs for jumping. Their skin is balloon.
moist and smooth. They like
to live near the water. They Dolphins
lay their eggs in clusters.
They make a croaking noise. Dolphins are “carnivores”
They enjoyed eating insects. because they eat meat. The
They are called amphibians. female dolphins are called
Toads have short legs for “cows”. But they don’t “moo”
walking and hopping. like really cows do.
Their skin is dry and bumpy Dolphins are really fun to Nutritionists’ advise:
and they like to live in watch, especially the young 1. - Eat breakfast for
dry places. They lay eggs in ones. Young dolphins are you to have the energy
long chains. They make a called “calves”. They like to do for the whole day.
croaking noise. They enjoy tricks in the water. You may Breakfast should be
eating insects have seen a real dolphin inside eaten within two hours
and they are also called a big aquarium. of waking.
1. Where can you go see Question:
1. What do frogs and toads dolphins? __________________
have in common? 2. Why are dolphins called __________________
2. Which animal needs to live “carnivores”? ______________
closer to water? 3. What are female dolphins
3. How do frogs and toads called?
differ? 4. Why are dolphins fun to
5. What are young dolphins

A – They are called “cows”

B– Dolphins are called
carnivores because they eat
C – We can see dolphins inside
a big aquarium.
D – They are called “calves”
E – They do tricks in the water.
G. Making What are informational texts? What are informational texts? What are informational
Generalizations and texts?
Abstraction about the
H. Evaluating Learning Read the passage carefully. Read the story and answer the Read the story.
Match the question to its following questions.
correct answer. It’s Hot!
Cake for Kate N. N. Hermosa
Fishes Jake bakes a cake.
He takes the cake to Kate. It was summer. The
Fishes are animals that can “Did you bake this cake Jake?” animals felt hot.
breathe under water because Kate asks. Hudson, the cub, rolled
they use gills to breathe “Yes,” he says. in the mud.
instead of lungs. They use Together, Kate and Jake eat He rolled in the wet
their fins for movement. the cake mud. “Ah, that’s so
Fishes have scales on their “Oh, thank you, Jake,” Kate good,” says Hudson.
skin instead of fur or hair. All adds. Justin, the pup,
fishes are cold-blooded “It is your birthday,” Jake went to a tub. But the
animals, meaning they get smiles. tub had no water. “Too
their body temperature from bad,” says Justin. So,
the surrounding water. When 1. What is the story all about? he went to
they have babies, they lay a. a cake for Jake b. a cake for roll in the mud with
many eggs at one time. Kate c. a cake for May Hudson. Hudson and
2. Who bakes a cake? Justin had fun. They
a. Kate b. Jake c. May had fun in the wet
3. Who eats the cake? mud.
a. Jake and Dave b. Kate and
Jake c. May and Jake Fill in the table below.
4. Who thanks Jake? Get your answers from
a. Kate b. Dave c. May the story.
5. What is the cake for?
a. Kate’s birthday b. Jake’s
birthday c. May’s birthday

I. Additional Activities
for Application or

A. No. of learners
earned 80%in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

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