Postulates of Ethics
2. Science- branch of study that deals Moral reasoning and behavior are guided by
with the standards and norms of
human actions fundamental principles known as ethical
3. Why does- ethics refers to the postulates. Although there are many ethical
goodness and badness the rightness
frameworks, the following broad postulates
and the wrongness of human
actions which are the main frequently serve as the foundation for
principles of making a moral ethical considerations
decision that falls upon the morality
of human act
What is postulates of ethics?
Ethics therefore is a normative
philosophical science that deals with the
goodness/badness or the Ethical postulates are fundamental
rightness/wrongness of human actions. principles or beliefs that guide ethical
behavior and decision-making. They serve
The difference
1. Epistemology- there is no difference as the foundation for ethical theories and
between the two only the word provide a framework for
hence; ethics from ethos or ethicos
which means custom or character evaluating the morality of actions and
and morality from mos which means choices. Some common ethical postulates
custom or habit include principles such as honesty, respect
for others, fairness, and the promotion of The course examines human nature by
well-being. treating the individual as a physical being, a
knower, a responsible agent, and a person
> Division of Philosophy in relation to other individuals, society, God,
Traditionally, philosophy has been and the goal or purpose of human life.
separated into a number of branches, each
of which focuses on a distinct area of study Human organism according to Plato
and analysis. The primary areas of contains three elements-Reason, Spirit and
philosophy consist. These are the Appetite. An individual is just when each
main areas of philosophy. part of his or her soul performs its functions
without interfering with
● Metaphysics: Examines the nature of those of other elements. For example, the
reality, existence, and the fundamental reason should rule on behalf of the entire
structure of soul with wisdom and forethought.
the universe.
● Epistemology: Concerned with the nature 1.The Dignity of the Human Person
and scope of knowledge, addressing Immanuel Kant was the first and most well-
questions about belief, truth, and known Western philosopher to assert that
justification. human dignity is innate. He maintained that
● Ethics: Explores concepts of morality, even a cruel individual cannot violate
right and wrong, and principles guiding someone's inalienable right to dignity. As
human long as one accepts the Kantian perspective,
conduct. everyone is treated with dignity from birth
● Aesthetics: Focuses on the nature of and until death.
beauty, art, and appreciation, investigating
subjective experiences related to artistic Fundamentally, the idea of human dignity is
expression. the conviction that each and every
individual has unique worth derived only
from their humanity. Other than the fact
that they are human, it has
c. Human Person nothing to do with their class, race, gender,
religion, or any other characteristic.
from natural selection to moral selection.
a. Man as a creature created in the image After Adam and Eve eat the cursed fruit and
and likeness of God learn about good and evil, they become
The fact that humans are unique in having human "not only in a biological sense, but
the potential for moral and intellectual also in an ethical sense."
awareness is one reason for being made in
God's image. God created humans to be
fundamentally distinct from other animals.
He imbued us with some of His own
attributes; we experience personality,
truth, beauty, meaning, will, and reason in
common with Him.