Digital Marketing Fundamental

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What is Digital Marketing ?

1. Digital marketing
- Any kind of marketing that happens on a digital platform (bất kì loại hình
marketing nào diễn ra trên nền tảng kĩ thuật số)
- Digital marketing include all marketing efforts that use an electronic device
or the internet.
- It's most used within marketing channels such as search engines (công cụ
tìm kiếm) like: Google or Bing, along with social media, email, and other
websites to connect with current or prospective (tiềm năng) customers.
- Now, digital marketing doesn't include only inbound marketing methods or
only outbound marketing methods. Instead, it encompasses all marketing
strategies if they're digital. The main difference is that outbound tactics aim
to put marketing messages to as many people as possible in the online space
— regardless of if/whether (cấu trúc mệnh đề danh từ nè êhhee) it's relevant
or welcomed. Examples: this are banner ads at the top of websites that try to
push a product or promotion to people who aren't care or receive it.

2. Inbound Marketing
- Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by
creating content and experiences to them.
- What really sets inbound marketing apart is that marketers who use digital
inbound tactics, use online content to attract their target customers to their
websites by providing information that's helpful to them. For example, one
of the most powerful inbound digital marketing assets (tài sản) a business
can leverage is a blog.

3. Digital MKT # Inbound MKT ?

- Inbound marketing is a methodology that uses digital marketing assets to
attract, and delight (hài lòng) customers online.
- Digital Marketing is a term (thuật ngữ) used to describe (diễn tả) all online
marketing include inbound or outbound.

4. The important of marketing channels in digital marketing:

- If you only focus on a single channel, you're going to miss out on a large
portion of your target audience.
- Focus on a single channel can create a poor custumers experience and
prenent from (ngăn cản) you nurturing (nuôi dưỡng) prospective custumers.
- Make a postive impression on (ấn tượng) your customers requires (đòi hỏi)
the delivery of relevant (liên quan) content when they need or want it.
- Creat different strategies (chiến lược) for each channel and focus on it
together to impact (tác động) customers is most important. This apprach, call
it “cross-channel” or “omni-channel” (đa kênh). It’s provides a clear (rõ
ràng) brand impression for your prospective customers and make their
experience as seamless (liền mạch) as possible.

5. Content Marketing:
- Your content is what exist your website, your blog and other pieces like
- When you create content match with prospective customers’s needs, answers
their questions. Your content will naturally (tự nhiên) attract highly qualified
prospective customers when they search topics related (liên quan) to your

6. SEO:
- SEO is practice of optimizing (tối ưu hoá) your website and your content để
increase (tăng) your chances of (cơ hội) appearing (xuất hiện) in search
engine (công cụ)
- Càng ở gần đầu trang thì website càng nhận được nhiều lượng truy cập mà
không phải trả tiền. This is why SEO is often a top priority (ưu tiên) for
digital marketers who don’t paid for ads.
- SEO and content direct impact each other. So the best content marketing
strategy always considers (xem xét với) the best SEO practices.

7. Social media marketing

- Digital marketer tend (xu hướng) use a combination of (kết hợp) social
media channels to their websites by promotion their content. It’s also used to
communicate and enagage (thu hút) with prospective customers.

8. Ads
- Traditional ads is outbound tactic marketing. You can use technologies to
deliver Ads to who have pre-visited your website.
- Remember, this important is to deliver content that provides (mang lại) value
(giá trị) to people you hope will become customers.

9. Email marketing
- Email is a powerful tool you can reach (tiếp cận) customers direct.
- Email bị mang tiếng xấu là spam và quảng cáo. But you can use email
marketing to deliver hepful content to your customers and they will satisfied
(hài lòng) about it.
 Tóm tắt lại nội dung:
- Digital marketing là tất cả loại hình marketing nào diễn ra trên nền tảng kỹ
thuật số.
- Để làm hài lòng khách hàng và khách hàng tiềm năng, cần phải tạo nội dung
có liên quan đến các kênh họ sử dụng nhiều nhất.
- Để triển khai hiệu quả chiến lược Digital MKT, sẽ cần kết hợp hỗn giữa
Content MKT, SEO, Ads và Email.

A closer look at Digital Marketing Channels

1. Digital marketing look like for B2B businesses:
- Goad: The company is B2B, your digital marketing efforts are focus
generation (tạo ra) prospective customers on online, with a goal of
connecting your prospective customers with a salesperson..
- So, your marketing strategy is attract and convert (chuyển đổi) the highest
quality prospective customers for business through your website and support
digital channels. Besides your website, you also focus on business-related
(liên quan đến kinh doanh) channels like Linkedln,…where your target
audience is spend time.
2. Digital marketing look like for B2C businesses:
- Goad: The company is B2C, your digital marketing efforts is to attract leads
to your website and have them needn’t to speak with a salesperson. So,
businesses don’t focus on business-related channels.
- For B2C companies, channels like Instagram and Pinterest often be more
valuable than business-focused platforms like LinkedIn.
- Content you create depend on (phụ thuộc) your customers’needs at different
stages in buyer’s journey (hành trình của người mua). You should start by
creating customers personas to identify (xác định) what your
customers’goals and challenges relation (liên quan) to your business. Your
content should aim to help your customers overcome their challenges.
- Next, you’ll need to think about when your customers most likely to
consume (tiêu thụ) your content, depend on the stage of customers’journey
they’re in.
- With conten mapping, the goal is build conten according to (theo): one, the
characteristics (đặc điểm) of the customers. It’s customers’pesonas. And
two, how closer their lifecycle (vòng đời).
- During the awarenes (nhận thức) stage, it’s effective (hiệu quả) if you use:
 Infographics: it’s very easy sharing, meaning it’s help increase your
chances (cơ hội) được research through social media when others
share your conten.
 Short video: it’s also very easy sharing and can help your brand be
seen by new customers on platforms (nền tảng) like YouTube,
- During the consideration (cân nhắc) stage, think about use:
 eBooks: it’s benefits for leads generation (tạo ra) because it’s usually
more comprehensive (toàn diện) than a blog or infographic.
 Free samples
 Webinars: it’s more detail (chi tiết) and interactive form (hình thức
tương tác) of video content, webinars are effective (hiệu quả) content
format (định dạng).
- Finally, the decision stage:
 Case study: case study detail on your website can be an effective
content for who are ready to buy decison. A good case study will
attract the emotions and logics of the persona by providing detail
information and quantitative (định lượng) data on the final solution.
 Testimonials: like feedback

Implementing Your Digital Marketing Strategy

There are 4 main steps to practice a digital mkt strategy at organization (tổ
 Build your customers personas
 Indentify (xác định) your goal and the digital mkt tools you need
 Evaluate (đánh giá) your channels and assets (tài sản) existing
 Plan your campaigns (chiến dịch)

1. Buyer (customers) personas ?

- Customers personas can be crated by research, survey (khảo sát) and
interview your business’ target customers.
- Keep in mind, information of customers should be based on real data
- Tools to create and track buyers personas:
 Map my persona (starter)
 Hubspot Persona Template (experiencer)
 Hubspot Buyer Persona Tool (track of all the research)
2. Indentify your goal and the digital mkt tools you need:
- Your marketing goals should always have a direct connec to the fudamental
(=basic) goals of your business.
- Tools to effective mkt goals:
 HubSpot Marketing Plan Template
 Inbound Goad Calculator
- Following factors (các yếu tố) to evaluation (đánh giá) process (quá trình)
and help make the best buying decision:
 User interface (giao diện):simple
 Features and Native Intergrations: make sure chossing a platform that
has the capabilities (khả năng) you need
 Customer Support
 Learning Resources
 Usersbase and reviews
3. Evaluate your channels and asset existing:
- Gather (thu thập) what you have and categorize (phân loại) in a spreadsheet
(bảng tính). You will have a clear understand of your media exitsting
owened (sở hữu), earned (kiếm được) and paided.
a) What is owned media ?
 Owned media refers (quy vào) to the digital assets your brand or
company owns – if that’s your website, social media profiels, blog
 Owned media can also include some content you created but isn’t
publish on your website (ex: a blog you created is published on A
b) What is earned media ?
 Earned media refers to the exposure (mức độ hiển thị) you earn
through mkt truyền miệng. You can earn media by obtaining (thu
được) mentions (số liệu) in the news and positive reviews, as well as
(cũng như) by people sharing your content through their networks or
social media channels.
 Earned media is a recognition (sự công nhận) you receive (nhận
được) as a result (kết quả) of these efforts
c) What is paid media ?
 Paid media refers to any vehicle (phương tiện) or channels you
finance (tài trợ) to catch the attention (sự chú ý) of your customers.
 This includes things like Google Ads, paid social media posts,…
(ex: paid your posts on other website) or any other vehicle through
which you pay in exchange (đổi lấy) for increased (gia tăng)
visibility (sự hiển thị)
- This is 3 part of ca work together, although, it’s not necessary for success.
Example, if your owned and earned media are both successful, you needn’t
to invest (dùng/đầu tư) in paid. So, evaluate the best solution to help you
meet your goal and then incorporate (kết hợp) the channels that work best
for business in your digital mkt strategy.
4. Plan your campaigns:
- At the heart (trọng tâm) of digital mkt is content.
- Content helps convert (chuyển đổi) your visitor wibsite -> leads. It’s also
improving your brand’s online presence (sự hiện diện)
 To start, make a list of your existing owned content and rank (xếp
hạng) each item (mục) according to what has previously (trước đây)
performed (đã hoạt động) best so với goals now. For example, if your
goal is leads generation (tạo ra), rank your content according to part
generated the most leads over the last year (such as a blog post, eBook
or landing page,…). The idea now is figure out (đoán ra) what’s
currently working and what’s not working, so you can set yourself up
success planning content in future.
 Evaluating your past earned media so với your goals now can help
you get an idea of when to focus your time. Look at where your leads
are coming and rank each earned media from most effective to least
 Finally, audit your paid media: you need evaluate your exitsting paid
media of each platform (such as Google Ads, Facebook,..) to
determine (quyết định) what’s most help you meet your goals now.
Each audit is complete, indentify (xác định) any gaps (lỗ hỏng) in the
content you have, always keeping (lưu ý) your buyer persona top of
- From there, you can start to develop (phát triển) your content creation plan
based on your finding and the gaps you’ve indentified.
- A content creation plan should include: a title, the content format (định
dạng), the goal, the planned promotional (kênh quảng cáo) and notes why
you creating the content, as well as (cũng như) priority (ưu tiên) level of the
- When practice a digital mkt strategy, you need to:
 Build your buyer personas
 Indentify your goals
 The digital mkt tools you need
 Evaluate your existing digital channels and assets
 Plan your campagns
- Your content will mixxed of owned, earned and paid media. You will make
sure audit for each before start a new digital mkt campaign

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