Streptococcus Agalactiae
Streptococcus Agalactiae
Streptococcus Agalactiae
Streptococcus agalactiae is a gram-positive, chained coccus bacterium and the reservoir in which it
is found is infected udders. Strep. ag. is an obligate pathogen of the udder of dairy cattle. The
presence of Strep. ag. infections has been reduced by modern milking technologies. This
bacterium still is a threat for all dairies that do not have a closed herd. Strep. ag. cannot persist
very long outside of the mammary gland. Cattle infected by Strep. ag. often have more than one
quarter infected.
Strep. ag. is a contagious pathogen that is transmitted primarily from cow-to-cow through
contaminated milk present on milking equipment. Heifers become infected as calves due to the use
of non-pasteurized waste milk containing Strep. ag. When non-salable/waste milk is fed it cross-
contaminates the mammary gland of these heifers. These animals may then freshen with blind or
infected quarters. Purchasing Strep. ag.-infected cows or heifers can introduce the pathogen,
which can spread quickly throughout the herd when little or no mastitis control/biosecurity
programs are in place. Employees can transfer the pathogen from one place of employment to
another if good hygiene is not practiced.
Strep. ag. usually causes subclinical disease with periodic clinical flare-ups from mild to moderate
clinical mastitis episodes. Strep. ag. infections cause mild udder swelling and irritation that leads to
damage of the gland causing reduced milk production and elevated somatic cell counts (SCC). A
reduction in milk solids may lead to income loss. A decrease in milk production from one quarter
can be as high as 40% without apparent clinical signs of mastitis. Additionally, some infected
quarters will cease production of milk all together.
Bacteria may be shed in high concentrations, which can lead to increased bulk tank bacterial
counts. Very high SCC levels (greater than 1,000,000) can be seen despite low rates of clinical
mastitis. This can be attributed to an infection with Strep. ag. Isolating Strep. ag. from 30 to 40
percent or more of milk samples indicates a significant non-clinical mastitis problem. Therefore,
each cow with a SCC greater than 200,000 should be considered infected. Cows with SCC higher
than 500,000, but the milk was culture negative for Strep. ag. does not indicate the cow is not
infected with Strep. ag.. Culturing at several time points will help delineate the problem.
Overall, Strep. ag. is susceptible to beta-lactam antibiotics. Treatment with intramammary beta-
lactams, either in a lactating or dry cow formulations, is the most effective means to control and
clear infections. Rarely, cows will fail to respond to antibiotic treatment and because of the high risk
of transmission, the animal should be culled. Consult a veterinarian before starting antibiotic
There are several options to choose from when managing a Strep. ag.-infected herd. The urgency
of the situation dictates the method used. Emergency Program is necessary if the two of the last
four consecutive bulk tank somatic cell counts were greater than 750,000, which is a result of a
confirmed Strep. ag.-infected cow. This treatment plan is also called a ‘blitz’ approach. Treating all
cows and all quarters is required. Make sure to inform your milk cooperative and local veterinarian
of this issue. Follow a prescribed treatment schedule and do not introduce new heifers or cows
during this time, without culturing negative. A Short-Term Program is necessary when 50 percent
or less of your herd is infected and/or your herd’s bulk tank weighted SCC is ranging between
300,000 and 600,000, and there are confirmed cases of Strep. ag. Cull cows that have a long-term
history of mastitis and have high SCC. Additionally, dry off and dry treat all cows that are within 80
days of calving. Segregate treated cows and milk them last. Treat infected cows and implement a
long-term control program. A Long-Term Prevention and Control Program is necessary if there
are several confirmed cases of Strep. ag.-infected cows, but few clinical cases and the weighted
SCC is between 200,000 to 400,000. If implemented, Strep. ag. infections can be eliminated over a
two- to three-year period without extensive antibiotic therapy.
A good Long-Term Prevention and Control Program is necessary to address Strep. ag.
infection, as it is possible to eradicate this pathogen, since it only resides in the udders. Excellent
pre- and post-milking teat sanitation, excellent milking hygiene including glove wearing, using
single-use towels and maintaining milking equipment are necessary for reducing transmission of
this and other pathogens. Segregate all cows and develop a plan for housing and milking. Stop
purchasing animals until prevention practices are in place. Purchased animals should be tested for
contagious pathogens and quarantined until tests are received. Regular bulk tank culturing is an
effective way to monitor for the presence of Strep. ag.
J Hogan, R Gonzalez, R Harmon, S Nickerson, S Oliver, J Pankey, and K Smith. Laboratory Field
Handbook of Bovine Mastitis. National Mastitis Council, Inc. Revised 1999.
R Mellenberger and J Kirk. (2001) Mastitis Control Program for Staph. aureus Infected Dairy Cows.
Using Bulk tank Milk Cultures in a Dairy Practice. National Mastitis Council, Inc.