Operating Manual For Type 7409 Oceanographic Release Transponder (ORT)

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Operating Manual for

Type 7409
Oceanographic Release
Transponder (ORT)

Head Office
Sonardyne International Limited T. +44 (0) 1252 872288
Blackbushe Business Park F. +44 (0) 1252 876100
Yateley, Hampshire E. support@sonardyne.com
GU46 6GD United Kingdom www.sonardyne.com
Section 0 OM-7409C
Page 1 of 4 Issue B – Rev 0






This document represents a provisional Operating Manual for use with the Aluminium Bronze
Oceanographic Release Transponder (ORT) Type 7409C used in conjunction with the Lightweight
Command Unit Type 7663. This provisional document is to be superseded by an upgraded
Operating Manual which will fully cover the Type 7409C and Type 7663.


Where ORTS are fitted with Stainless Steel Release Mechanisms in lieu of Aluminium Bronze
Types Operational instructions vary from those issued in the main text. Attention is drawn to
the Addendum concerning types of shackle to be used, fitting instructions, Safe Working
Loads (SWL) etc.

Prepared by : G Brown

Authorised by : C D Pearce

Date of Issue : 20 May 2003


Blackbushe Business Park, Yateley, Hampshire, GU46 6GD, United Kingdom
Tel: (0) 1252 872288 Fax : (0) 1252 876100 www.sonardyne.co.uk
Section 0 OM-7409C
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1. GENERAL OPERATIONAL & SAFETY PROCEDURES............................................................... 1-1
1.1 Hazard Appreciation .............................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 General Handling of Equipment............................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Dismantling Sub-sea Equipment Suspected of Being Internally Pressured ......................... 1-2
1.4 Electronic Hazards................................................................................................................. 1-3
1.5 Batteries General................................................................................................................... 1-5
1.6 Equipment Environmental Limitations ................................................................................... 1-7
1.7 Instrument Load Bearing Capability....................................................................................... 1-7
1.8 Floatation Equipment............................................................................................................. 1-7
1.9 If In Doubt .............................................................................................................................. 1-8
1.10 Definitions of Various Loads and Loadings ........................................................................... 1-8
2. DEPLOYMENT SCENARIOS ......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Deployment Scenario 1 ......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Deployment Scenario 2 ......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Other Deployment Scenarios................................................................................................. 2-1
3. THE ORT RELEASE SYSTEM AND SHACKLE............................................................................ 3-1
3.1 Load Links for Use with ORTS Incorporating Aluminium Bronze Release Mechanisms ...... 3-1
3.2 Fitting Load Links to the Aluminium Bronze ORT.................................................................. 3-1
3.3 Shackles for Use at the Transducer End and Safe Working Load (SWL) Considerations ... 3-1
3.4 Release Load Testing............................................................................................................ 3-1
3.5 Breaking Load........................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.6 ORT System Proof Load Testing........................................................................................... 3-1
4. OPERATION ................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Nature and Purpose............................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Operational Equipment .......................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 Operation at Sea.................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.4 Serviceability.......................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.5 Pre-Deployment Tests ........................................................................................................... 4-3
4.6 PSION Battery Changing and Loading LCU Programme ...................................................... 4-4
4.7 Setting the Release Mechanism ............................................................................................ 4-5
4.8 Deployment............................................................................................................................ 4-5
4.9 Relocation.............................................................................................................................. 4-6
4.10 Recovery................................................................................................................................ 4-6
4.11 Post-Operational Care ........................................................................................................... 4-6
5. MAINTENANCE OF THE ORT ....................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Routine Maintenance Requirements ..................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Repair Policy and Warranty ................................................................................................... 5-1
5.3 Changing ORT Battery .......................................................................................................... 5-1
5.4 Inspection of Load Bearing Parts........................................................................................... 5-3
6. MECHANICAL REPAIR OF THE ORT ........................................................................................... 6-1

7. ELECTRONIC REPAIR OF THE ORT............................................................................................ 7-1

7.1 Servicing Policy...................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Transducer Tests for the ORT............................................................................................... 7-1
7.3 Logic PCB Description........................................................................................................... 7-1
7.4 Transmitter/Pre-Amplifier Description ................................................................................... 7-2
7.5 Simple Electronic Tests ......................................................................................................... 7-2
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All amendments and additions will be issued with a new copy of this sheet,
recording the history of amendments.

Issue Revision Date Comments Section Page

A 0 12.08.93 Initial Issue All All

A 1 01.11.93 Addendum added Add

A 2 26.01.96 Addendum only revised – CPN for spring assisted Add All
release hook assembly changed and Release
Loading Tool diagram added

A 3 23.05.96 Changed to reflect change of Company name 0 1&4

B 0 20.05.03 CN7729 Changed to reflect EU Lifting regulations All All

Section 1 0M-7409C
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The Sonardyne Oceanographic Release Transponder (ORT) Type 7409 has been subject to
mechanical upgrading. Early models, manufactured in "Duplex" stainless steel, have been
superseded by Type 7409 constructed with aluminium bronze mechanical parts. Operators
should note the important differences between the variants in their safe working loads, the
approved types of shackle and load link to be used and differences in the fitting of release
shackles during the setting of release mechanisms. It should also be noted that this product
is not designed for the lifting of persons. Section 2 outlines deployment scenarios and
Section 3 covers safe working loads and fitting of shackles. Operation of the equipment is
covered in Section 4.


(1) The electronic operation of Type 7409 remains the same in all variants.

(2) The Addendum to this document covers operational aspects pertaining to those
ORTs fitted with Stainless Steel Release mechanisms where these are fitted in lieu
of Aluminium Bronze types.


Subsea equipment remains safe in use when operated and handled within standard operating
procedures and written guidelines, therefore in normal operation little threat is posed to the
safety of individuals or instruments. However all subsea units are capable of posing a threat
to personnel safety, particularly when pressure housings become internally pressurised.
Great care must be taken when this happens, or is even suspected to have happened, since
the pressures present within the instrument are likely to be extremely high. Internal pressure
problems may also be aggravated by unknown chemical hazards if battery breakdown has
also occurred.

The following non-exhaustive list gives examples of typical hazardous situations:

♦ a pressure housing becomes internally pressurised by water pressure, following a leak

♦ a pressure housing becomes internally pressurised due to battery explosion
♦ attempts are made to charge non-rechargeable battery packs/cells
♦ using an instrument outside its design parameters or beyond its load bearing limits
♦ using unauthorised components or inferior parts in critical assemblies, eg release systems


Do not allow instruments to be dropped or exposed to shock damage which can cause
sensitive internal components to fail. Note that minor damage to metal finishes often creates
burrs which can present a hazard to unprotected hands or other parts of the body. Control the
local environment by preventing personnel stepping into the bight of haphazardly laid ropes or
cables which are attached to a unit. Do not allow an instrument to block an access or impede
normal traffic flows in a gangway or on a stairway.

Watertightness of instruments depends on fine surface finishes, accurate dimensional

tolerances and cleanliness of components. Generally when dismantling equipment care
should always be taken, the disassembly process should be carried out in a well ventilated
area with as few personnel in the vicinity as possible. Servicing must always be carried out by
competent personnel with appropriate training.
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1.3.1 Introduction
All sub-sea equipment fitted with pressure housings are subject to a vast range of externally
applied pressures and are susceptible to internal pressure rise if, for example, a leak occurs
or the units battery destructs. Internal pressure presents a potentially dangerous situation
and all appropriate safety measures must be enforced. Note that fumes given off by
deteriorated batteries, particularly lithium based types, pose a health hazard. Apply
precautions as appropriate to the circumstances prevailing at the time.

Note (1) that there is likely to be no prior indication of the presence of internal pressure, first
indications being that the endcap(s) of the unit are being forced out of the housing under
pressure during the dismantling process.

Note (2) that when a unit has leaked it often behaves like a valve, ie water pressure causes a
rise in internal pressure which cannot then escape because the point of leakage becomes
sealed. Complete removal of an endcaps retaining mechanism means that it becomes
unconstrained and therefore free to be discharged from its housing under high internal
pressure, an uncontrolled and potentially dangerous situation. It is recommended that
safety glasses be worn when removing the endcap.


The following precautions & procedures are recommended.

1.3.2 Instruments Not Incorporating Any Pressure Relief Facility

Sonardyne equipment generally has a bottom/lower endcap held in place by a guard which
comprises six legs, each secured by a nyloc nut. Where equipment does not incorporate this
design apply this general procedure but take appropriate precautions according to the design
and circumstances.

Partially remove the guard by evenly undoing each nyloc nut, one turn at a time for about three
turns, do not remove them entirely. Note any tendency for the endcap to move out of the
housing as the guard or retaining mechanism is undone. Note that some small internal
pressure may have built-up during equipment assembly but this should be insignificant.

If an endcap is stuck in its housing due to corrosion, silts etc evenly applied mechanical
leverage should be applied to free it. Once free the endcap will move under internal pressure
until stopped by the partially removed guard, it cannot be pushed back into the housing by
hand because of internal force. If any significant endcap movement is observed, or there is
any doubt about the units condition, precautions MUST be taken at this point. DO NOT
proceed with any further dismantling of the instrument.

Make the unit as safe as possible by restricting lower endcap travel as follows:

Using two ropes tie the ends of the instrument together. Run one rope down the side of the
unit and tie one end to the bottom endcap (not the guard), tying the other end to the top
endcap. Tie the second rope in a like manner to the first but along the other side of the unit,
thus constraining endcap travel in the event of pressure discharge. Place the unit in a safe
working area, preferably in the open air, do not leave unattended until all is safe.

Cautionary Notes:

1) Internal pressure dissipates to atmosphere in a very short time and may be

accompanied by water, debris, noise etc. Do not allow unnecessary personnel to enter
the vicinity of the work or to be anywhere near dissipating gases and debris. It is
recommended that safety glasses be worn when removing the endcap.
Section 1 0M-7409C
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2) Endcap behaviour during the pressure dissipation period is unpredictable but if

satisfactory restraint has been applied, as outlined above, there should be little danger
of an endcap flying away.

3) Note that if an endcap guard (or other retaining mechanism) is removed in an even
manner the chances of the endcap “cocking” over and jamming in a housing are
much reduced. If an endcap cocks and jams during the pressure dissipation period
full pressure relief may not have been achieved. Proceed with extreme caution in
this situation.

With the unit in as safe an area and condition as possible, and with all safety
precautions taken, stand alongside the instrument whilst continuing to undo the nyloc
nuts in turn, in an even manner. When the second ‘O’ ring seal is nearly clear of the housing
(or once the internal pressure cannot be resisted) the endcap will be forced out of the housing
and pressure dissipated.

1.3.3 Instruments Incorporating Automatic Pressure Relief Valves

Automatic Pressure Relief valves open when a rise in internal pressure exceeds a
predetermined threshold. Sonardyne’s policy is to fit automatic pressure relief valves to all
units incorporating LITHIUM based battery packs/cells. LITHIUM batteries must NEVER be
fitted to instruments which do not incorporate the automatic pressure relief system. All
precautions outlined in para 1.3.2 above should be adhered to during the dismantling process
due to the possibility of residual pressure.


1.4.1 High Voltages


High Voltages

Operation of this equipment does not present any danger to users in normal use. If
the internal electronics chassis is removed from it's housing for maintenance, the user
should be aware that high voltages are present, particularly on the transmitter PCB
and transducer.

Storage Capacitors

Note that subsea equipment incorporates capacitors which are capable of storing
large quantities of electrical energy. Avoid inadvertent discharge during dismantling.

1.4.2 Handling Of Electronic Components

Most of the circuits in subsea equipment use CMOS logic which is easily damaged by static
discharge or excessive supply voltage. The best handling for electronics is NO HANDLING.
Field servicing cannot compare in efficiency and accuracy with the original factory calibration
and therefore field servicing should be limited to checking correct calibration/operation (within
the limits of the test gear available) and repair by exchange of PCB's or modules.
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1.4.3 Safety Precautions For Lithium Batteries


Lithium based batteries become hazardous (fire and corrosion) if exposed to air and
water. If damaged they may also emit thionyl chloride. Consult battery
manufacturer's safety notices prior to operating lithium based battery products.

Additional information applicable to lithium based cells is available from


Station Road
England TW12 2BY Telephone (UK) 0181 979 7755

1.4.4 Lithium Based Batteries, General

Special precautions and regulations apply to transport, handling and disposal of lithium based

Lithium batteries are powerful sources of electrical energy and should be handled with care to
avoid short circuiting.

Where a battery powered underwater instrument is suspected of flooding, extreme caution

must be exercised in opening the instrument in case an internal pressure has developed
which might cause the components to fly apart causing damage or injury. Release of cell
contents within the pressure vessel is very unlikely to cause hazard but the following safety
procedures should be followed.

1.4.5 Lithium Based Batteries, Temperature

Cells and batteries, and hence the whole Sonardyne instrument, should not be exposed to
temperatures in excess of 70°C. Instruments should not be left on deck in strong sunlight
such that they become hot to the touch.

Instruments should be cooled to normal room temperature or lower before being opened.

1.4.6 Opening A Lithium Powered Instrument

The normal procedure before opening any underwater instrument is to wash in fresh water,
remove salt deposits and dry it. The instrument should only be opened in clean, well
ventilated, dry surroundings.

All precautions outlined in para 1.3.2 above should be applied during dismantling processes
if it is suspected that internal pressure is present. Transponders are generally opened at the
Sensor End Cap end first. By keeping the unit cool any internal pressure build up is

1.4.7 Fault Procedures

If a cell or battery is shorted or starts to heat up, it should be disconnected from the
transponder immediately and removed to the outdoors or to a well ventilated area to cool
down, tongs or a shovel are recommended for this purpose. Once the temperature has
dropped and it is deemed safe to do so, the cell or battery can be disposed of as below.
Suitable protection clothing should be worn when handling suspect cells/batteries and if the
skin has come into contact with the electrolyte, it should be washed thoroughly with water.
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If a cell is ruptured, potentially flammable materials may be exposed. A special extinguisher

for lithium fires is manufactured by Chubb. Local safety measures should include the
availability of buckets of graphite powder which are also used to extinguish lithium fires.

1.4.8 Disposal Of Lithium Based Batteries

Cells and batteries in small quantities can be disposed of in a secured landfill. If a secured
landfill is not immediately available then appropriate safety precautions should be taken to
temporarily secure the items. Packaging suitable for the storage and transport of lithium
cells/batteries must be used at all times when not installed in an instrument.


1.4.9 Transporting Lithium Based Products

The current regulations and information below is provided for guidance only. Note that data
sheets concerning quantities of lithium per cell are available from cell manufactures and these
may change without prior notice, therefore the quantities of lithium per battery pack cannot be
verified by Sonardyne Ltd. When transporting lithium based products it is the operators
responsibility to comply with local, national and international regulations in force at the time
of transport.

By Road:

Transport Emergency Card (Road)

CEFIC TEC(R) - 43G18

Class 4.3 ADR
It. 19

By Sea:

International Maritime Dangerous Goods Regulation IMDG 9033

By Air:

IATA Regulations UN 3090 and UN 3091


1.5.1 Use Of Appropriate Battery Types

Sonardyne equipment uses a variety of battery types. In some instrument designs only one
type of battery pack is authorised for use but others will accommodate nicad rechargeable,
alkaline or lithium based packs. Instruments must NOT be fitted with alternative battery pack
types unless they are specifically designed to use them.


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1.5.2 Charging of Batteries in Sealed Containers

Batteries/Cells may give off gases when recharged. Sealed containers MUST be
allowed to vent to atmosphere during the charging process.

1.5.3 Attempting to Charge Non-Rechargeable Battery Packs


All PRIMARY BATTERIES, ie alkaline-manganese dioxide, lithium-manganese dioxide, silver

oxide, zinc air, zinc carbon and zinc chloride batteries are NOT designed to be charged.

Non-rechargeable cells exhibit a range of unpredictable characteristics if any attempt is made

to charge them, Very high pressures and temperatures can occur in an instrument.

Attempts to charge a primary battery may lead to an imbalance within the cell potentially
leading to gas generation and in extreme cases explosion.

Battery packs MUST NOT be reconfigured from one type to another, eg nicad to alkaline or
lithium. Alkaline or lithium cells may be inadvertently charged.

1.5.4 Handling Of Used Batteries

Batteries should not be discharged below their end point voltage. To do so can lead to internal
corrosion and leakage of electrolyte in certain types of sulphur dioxide cells. Although there is
very little gas to cause a pressure rise under these conditions, the electrolyte leakage will
cause severe corrosion.

After recovering an instrument from the sea it should be opened, and the battery voltage(s)
checked while still connected to see if above the end point voltage for that type of cell.
Disconnect and mark as usable or not with date of disconnection noted both on the pack and
in written records. Check the instrument for signs of corrosion, such as at solder joints, as a
sign of any slight leakage.

The remaining life of a battery depends on both time and, for a transponder, the number of
times it has been interrogated. Normally transponders keep their own record of battery usage,
but users must maintain a separate record of time elapsed whilst battery is installed and
connected, plus estimates of the number of interrogations.

1.5.5 Re-Connecting A Partially Used Battery

Calculate if the remaining battery life will allow your next mission to be safely accomplished. If
so, note the date of re-connection, both on the battery label and in written records, against the
serial number of the instrument.

1.5.6 Fitting A New Battery

Note the date it is connected and therefore starts to supply current. Write this date on the
battery label and also in your written records.

1.5.7 Battery Pack Fuses

A number of Sonardyne battery packs have carefully selected, high-reliability fuses soldered
onto the diode-board of the pack. These are 2 amp "Littlefuse" devices. If you have blown a
fuse due to mis-handling, it may be replaced by an identical type, but the rating must not on
any account be increased.
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1.6.1 Storage Temperature Limits

Equipment may be stored at temperatures in the range -20 to + 60°C. It should be noted
however that lines connecting pressure transducers to a transponder may become partly filled
with seawater during service. This cannot easily be expelled and may therefore freeze if
transponders are stored at sub-zero temperatures after recovery from the sea.


Appropriate shackles must be used in release systems to ensure optimal operation and
freedom from corrosion. It is essential to note that instruments, their release mechanisms and
shackles form part of an integrated and complete system.


1.8.1 Introduction

Floatation equipment is fitted to subsea transponders in order to aid their recovery once a
deployment is complete. A nett upthrust requirement is given in manuals and technical data
for any particular instrument. The following guidelines are given to assist operators in their
understanding of the general requirements.

1.8.2 Minimum Nett Buoyancy Of Floats

Floats are described as having a minimum nett buoyancy in sea water and this is the figure
quoted in Sonardyne Float Technical Data and by the float manufacturer. Total upthrust can
be calculated by knowing this figure, eg, a float with 30kgs nett buoyancy in sea water
supporting a load with weight in sea water of 30kgs would result in neutral buoyancy, ie no nett

1.8.3 Float Inserts

Float collar Inserts are used to allow floats of larger internal bore to be used with housings of
nominal 6” diameter. The weight in water of an insert is usually slightly positive and this will be
additional to the weight of the instrument being supported by the float. Two inserts will result in
approx 0.5kg reduction in nett upthrust.

1.8.4 Nett Upthrust

The difference between the nett buoyancy of the float and the total weight of an object, or
objects, in water that it is supporting, eg.

Nett Upthrust =

(Minimum nett buoyancy of the Float) - (the weight of the instrument + inserts in water)

eg 30kgs - (12 + 0.5)kgs = 17.5 kgs nett upthrust

1.8.5 Float Storage Conditions

Special storage conditions are not called for if due care and attention is applied to a float.
Floats are not hygroscopic and should not therefore be affected by moisture in air.
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1.8.6 Float Over-Pressure

The maximum water depth quoted for a float must not be exceeded. Over-pressured floats
are forced to absorb water and their weight in air thus increases. All floats should be weighed
prior to use to check that they are maintaining their original manufactured weight.


Contact Sonardyne for advice.

Our telephone number is (UK) +44 0 1252 872288

Our facsimile number is (UK) +44 0 1252 876100

Sonardyne International Limited

Blackbushe Business Park,
Yateley, Hampshire
GU46 6GD, England


1.10.1 A Static Load

An unvarying long term load.

1.10.2 A Dynamic Load

A time varying load resulting from the motion and inertia of connected masses and forcing
functions such as wave action on the vessel. This may include transient and steady state
harmonically alternating loads.

1.10.3 Static Failure Load

The load at which failure of one or more of the components results in the unintentional release
of the load. This is sometimes referred to as the parting load or maximum ultimate static load.

1.10.4 Static Proof Load

The maximum in-line static load the instrument can bear without suffering an unacceptable
degree of permanent deformation. Ideally this should correspond with the load at which the
maximum stress at any point in any component is the 0.2% proof stress for the material used
in that component (in the condition that it is used).

1.10.5 Shock Load OR Snatch Load

A time transient load generally caused by the sudden acceleration (positive or negative) of the
load. Examples are the sudden snatch of a load off the deck or a sudden arrest of a load
falling under gravity.

1.10.6 Safe Working Load (SWL)

The Safe Working Load (SWL) is the maximum load which the equipment can safely lift. The
SWL considers both the strength and stability of the equipment. A factor of safety of 4 against
the static failure load has been used as the basis for labelling this product. The SWL of an
aluminium bronze ORT is 2000kg when using approved shackles. Please refer to the
Addendum for information on stainless steel release mechanisms.
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1.10.7 Proof Load

Normally a Load that is periodically applied to the load bearing device to demonstrate that it is
still safe. Generally this is 2 times the Safe Working Load.

1.10.8 Release Load

The maximum in-line load the instrument can withstand and successfully release without
overloading any part of the release mechanism or demanding an unsupportable quantity of
energy from the battery supply (at its specified end point).
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The mooring weight, the release, the string of instruments, the top float and finally a second
release mechanism (not necessarily an acoustic release) are assembled on deck. The
assembly is lifted by crane over the deck, possibly over people and vulnerable equipment,
over the side of the vessel. The assembly is lowered until the mooring weight touches the
bottom. A light load is put on the lift line and the uppermost release mechanism is actuated,
leaving the assembly moored on the seabed.

In this scenario the ORT becomes part of the lifting tackle as it forms an in-line load, thus safe
working loads and health and safety considerations MUST be taken into account.


This method involves the use of a cradle attached to the side of the vessel capable of safely
taking the static and dynamic loads from the assembly described above. The mooring weight
is supported by the cradle and the acoustic release attached to the mooring weight. The
release and the mooring weight are then supported by the cradle. The entire string is
assembled in this manner until, as in Scenario 1, the assembly is lowered to the seabed and
released from the vessel.

In this scenario the risk to health in the event of mechanical failure is much reduced but health
and safety considerations MUST STILL be taken into account.


Where the deployment scenario differs from Scenarios 1 and 2 above and is determined by
the circumstances present at the time of deployment health and safety considerations should
still be taken into account.
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NOTE: (1) Refer to the Addendum to this document for details concerning ORTs
fitted with Stainless Steel Release Mechanisms, Shackles, Safe Working
Loads etc.
(2) Definition of various loads and loadings are given in Section 1.10
(3) It is the responsibility of the operator to conduct a risk assessment prior
to any lifting operation. Various factors may indicate that a lower Safe
Working Load should be adopted for a given set of conditions. Examples
of factors that may influence the SWL includes sea state, the location
where a lift is being conducted and the nature of the object being lifted.


It must be noted that ONLY the Sonardyne Load Links (Part Number 7710-073, Computer
Part Number 231-015C) supplied by Sonardyne Ltd are approved for use in the ORT Release
Mechanism. The Release Mechanism and its Load Link is a critical operating assembly, the
use of any non-approved coupling negates the special design characteristics and, therefore,
must NOT be used.


Figure 2 shows the general arrangement of the aluminium bronze release casting fitted to
the Type 7409C. The STRAIGHT PIN of the load link is inserted into the hook, NOT the
curved end.


When using the Type 7409C in a lifting role, whereby it forms part of a lifting tackle
arrangement, it is essential that the SWL is not exceeded. The SWL of the aluminium bronze
ORT is 1,500 kg when fitted with a /2 inch stainless steel 'D' shackle (Sonardyne Computer
Part Number 231-0008) at the transducer end (Fig 6, Item 10), but this can be increased to a
maximum SWL of 2,000 kg when a suitable shackle is used in its place.


All Type 7409C ORTs are tested for correct operation of the release mechanism at a pull of 2
tonnes. Proof load certificates can be supplied.


Sample 7409C units fitted with aluminium bronze release mechanism have been tested to
breaking load, an applied load in excess of 11 tonnes being recorded. It should be noted that
there is no one weak point, the hook, Load Link, release mechanism body and transducer
guard are all "plastic" at that load.


Operational Proof Load testing should be carried out to two times the Safe Working Load, ie
4,000 kg.

ORT System means the ORT plus its shackles and load links.
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The Oceanographic Release Transponder System is a system for mooring oceanographic

instruments on the seabed without any surface buoy. All the equipment, apart from the
anchor weight and rope, can be recovered from a maximum depth of 2000 metres. The main
component of the system is the Type 7409C Oceanographic Release Transponder (ORT).
This is a self-contained acoustic transponder with internal battery and an electrically-actuated
anchor release mechanism. This device responds to securely-coded acoustic commands in
the 16 to 20 kHz band and with the appropriate surface-command equipment, slant ranges of
up to 4 km are possible. The transponder may be relocated by slant range measurements
prior to execution of the "Release" command. The ORT is also suitable for long term site
marking but is not intended for use in general purpose acoustic navigation applications, being
optimised for high security in response to all interrogations and commands. The operational
battery life is 9 months.

The standard system includes a Type 7663 Lightweight Command Unit (medium-frequency
version) as the surface-command device. The LCU is an "intelligent dunking transducer" with
internal rechargeable battery and full electronics for acoustically transmitting and receiving
ranges, commands and data telemetry. It is controlled over the underwater cable which
suspends the LCU from the ship. Any terminal or computer with an ASCII interface can be
used to control the LCU. The one supplied with the system is a hand-held battery-powered
device, the PSION ORGANISER II, contained in a splashproof housing.


Figure 1 outlines the ORT system in use, Figure 2 the ORT Type 7409C and Figure 3 the
Lightweight Command Unit. The PSION connects via an interlink cable to the LEMO
connector at the side of the LCU drum.

Note: Where ORTs are fitted with Stainless Steel Release Mechanisms some operational
equipment and conditions vary. Refer to the Addendum to this Document for details.

4.2.1 LCU Battery Charger

Figure 5 shows the LCU battery charger 7115-03. Figure 4 shows this connected to the LCU.
This may be set for 230V or 115V ac operation as follows:

Warning do not change 230V/115V switch whilst unit is connected to supply.

1. Disconnect power input.

2. Remove lid.

3. Change over internal switch to 230V/115V as required.

4. Refit lid.

5. Connect appropriate power input.

6. Check for green LED illuminating during charging process.

Charging for 16 hours is recommended, see also 4.4.2 and 4.11 below.
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4.3.1 Equipment List

1 or more ORT Type 7409C with Sonardyne Load Link (see Note below) fitted in the
release mechanism, see Figure 6 and ORT spare parts list.
NOTE: For ORTs fitted with Stainless Steel Release Mechanisms a /2 inch Stainless
Steel Shackle will be required in lieu of the Load Link. Refer to Addendum to
this document.
1 only Type 7663 LCU with cable and LEMO connector attached.
1 only PSION ORGANISER hand-held terminal in splashproof case with correct
Sonardyne program.
1 only Comms Interlink cable fitted between connector on PSION splashproof case
and LEMO connector on the LCU cable.
1 only Type 7115-03 Battery Charger, if LCU battery is discharged.


4.4.1 ORTs have a 9 month shelf life when fitted with Alkaline battery packs. There is no ON/OFF
switch, external or internal. In storage the battery may be left connected or disconnected
according to the anticipated interval between operations. In order to avoid unnecessary
dismantling, the service status should be recorded on a card and attached externally to the
ORT in storage stating:

a. Date battery changed.

b. Battery serial number and date of manufacture.

c. Whether left connected or disconnected.

d. History of use of unit with the particular battery fitted.

4.4.2 The battery of the LCU may discharge over a period of a few months in storage, therefore, the
unit should be charged by the Type 7115-03 Charger overnight if it has not been in recent use.
In an emergency, the LCU may operate satisfactorily after only half an hour charging.

NOTE: Do not leave the Comms Interlink cable plugged into the LCU as this increases the
current consumption of the LCU.

4.4.3 The PSION battery may be readily tested by switching the unit on, and the battery may be
changed speedily if it fails during operations, see 4.6 below.

4.4.4 All system units should be inspected externally for wear and tear.

a. No serious impact damage to Transducers, Guards or Release Mechanism.

b. No oil leaking from Transducer nor marine growth present.

c. Cables and mouldings in good condition (LCU).

d. Connections in good condition and not salty or corroded.

e. All nuts and bolts present and tight.

f. No serious corrosion, no marine growth around or inside Release Mechanism. Hook free
to swivel (if open).
Section 4 OM-7409C
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4.5.1 Lay ORT and LCU alongside each other on the deck or bench. Place Coupling Loop around
the two transducers. Connecting the Comms Interlink cable to LCU, brings the LCU out of
sleep mode automatically. The following sequences of keystrokes apply both to pre-
deployment testing and to operations with ORT on the seabed, except that the sequences will
be slower at long range in the sea. Assuming good battery condition in PSION carry out
following commands.

NOTE: If LCU battery is low, as little as half an hour charging may be sufficient to get it
operational. For PSIONs fitted with alkaline batteries refer to 4.6 below for battery
change instructions.

4.5.2 Operating the PSION

NOTE: (1) EXE = ↵ and is used to terminate a character string I/P or select the current
LABEL highlighted by the cursor to be actioned.

(2) At certain points in the operation of the LCU program "press a key" is displayed.
This is optional to speed up the operation but the program will automatically
continue after a period of time if a key is not pressed.

Turn ON the PSION and select the LCU menu option displayed on the PSION by using the
cursor keys, then press EXE. A title page will then be displayed showing the PSION software
version and the release date. The PSION will attempt to establish communications to the
LCU and, if successful, will display the serial number and LCU type.

The PSION will then ask if the LCU is deployed in water. Press N (for no) during pre-
deployment test in air to select LCU transmitter low power operation or Y (for yes) to set
normal power, ie full power, for in-water operation. If N is selected the PSION sets the LCU to
low power (Default). The main PSION menu will now be displayed, for ORT select page 2 and
then the D/ORT option, the PSION will prompt for 'New Addr' (see Changing the ORT Address

The following options are available using cursor keys:

Addr - allows the ORT address to be changed.
Arm - arms an ORT so that it will accept the release command.
Range - slant range to ORT and status.
Release - release an ORT.
Exit - returns to main PSION menu.
4.5.3 Changing the ORT Address

Select the addr option from the menu. You will then be prompted for the new ORT address.
The software will check that the address is valid, if it is not, an error message will be displayed
indicating that the address has not been changed and you are returned to the D/ORT Cmd
menu. Once a valid address is entered the psion returns to the D/ORT Cmd menu with the
new address displayed. The new address will then be used by the software in all future

NOTE: Use the shift key to input letters.

4.5.4 Ranging to a ORT

Select the range option from the menu. The software will ask you to confirm that you want to
range to the ORT. It will then display a message indicating that it is waiting for the first range.

The range will be displayed in metres along with the status received from the ORT. The
ranging command will be sent continuously until the letter Q is pressed when you will be
returned to the D/ORT Cmd menu.
Section 4 OM-7409C
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If no reply is received from the ORT then the last range of 0.0m will be displayed indicating
that it received no reply.

4.5.5 Releasing an ORT

Select the ARM option from the menu and the software will ask you to confirm that you wish to
ARM the ORT. If you press Y (for yes) the ARM command will be sent to the ORT. The
software will display a message indicating that the ORT is ready for the release command to
be sent otherwise it will display a message indicating that the LCU did not receive a reply from
the ORT and offer the choice of re-sending the command (Y) or not (N).

You now have about 20 seconds to again finally satisfy yourself, that you are addressing and
releasing the correct ORT.

To proceed with the release select the RELEASE option from the menu. The software will
prompt that you want to release the ORT, enter Y to proceed, the software will then send the
release command. The message "∗ = RELEASING NOW" will be displayed indicating that the
release command has been sent.

The ORT release clutch shaft turns for 10 to 15 seconds through 180 degrees to open (if
closed) the mechanism or close (if opened). The ORT pings once per second and the PSION
confirms release by adding an asterisk (∗) to the display and beeping for each ping received.
Approximately 8 asterisks displayed followed by "GOOD RELEASE" indicate that the ORT has
released successfully.

If you were too slow in sending the release command after arming the ORT, the PSION will
display "∗ = RELEASING NOW" as the LCU transmits the command and then reports "Got
Reply But No release, Reply Was: " with the address, range and status scrolling round on
the bottom line of the display or "∗ = RELEASING NOW" and then "NO REPLY" if the range
reply is not received.

After release is complete, you are returned to the D/ORT Cmd menu, select the range option
so that the decreasing slant range to a surfacing ORT is displayed.

4.5.6 Powering Down PSION and LCU

To switch off the PSION and the LCU from the D/ORT Cmd menu select EXIT. This returns
to the MAIN LCU Menu page 2, then select page 1, and then select EXIT. At the prompt
"EXIT to Main PSION menu [Y/N]" key Y. This returns to the Power Up Menu. Press 'O' (not
zero) to turn PSION off and disconnect the cable between the PSION and LCU at the LCU


Unclip and remove the PSION splashproof case.

Pull PSION down and out of the splashproof case.
Remove battery cover from the bottom of the PSION and extract the 9V PP3 battery.
After taking battery pack out, press "On/Clear" once to clear all capacitors inside PSION.
Fit new battery pack and replace cover and place PSION in splashproof case.
Press "On/Clear", "Copyright" sign comes up on display.
Select English.
At this point there are a lot of menu items displayed on the screen.
Remove all these from the menu by pressing "Del", then "Y".
Repeat this until you just have "Comms" and "Off" displayed on the screen.
Now press "Mode" ("MOD" on case).
Screen displays "Name:"
Type in the PSION programme name, ie "Lcu" (or "Mod" for Ministry of Defence versions)
Press "EXE" twice and the programme displays the programme name, "Comms" and "Off".
Press "On/Clear" twice, to ensure that "Comms" is fully installed.
Section 4 OM-7409C
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NB This last stage must be done, or else the comms does not come up in the programme
and the programme will come up with a "missing proc" error. If the programme does
not load up at this point, then there is a problem with the PSION, so please contact
Sonardyne for further help.


Each release activation rotates the Clutch Shaft 180°, regardless of whether the hook is open
or closed. If hook is closed and locked, go through the full release sequence (select
Transponder Address, Arm, Release) to open the hook and Clutch Shaft. If hook is open,
check Clutch Shaft is open to accept the hook, if not go through full release sequence,

Insert a Sonardyne Load Link (see Figure 6 Item 31), or alternatively a ½ inch Stainless Steel
Shackle in the case of ORTs with Stainless Steel Release Mechanisms (refer Addendum),
into the release mechanism, swing hook shut and check it closes fully.

Note that when fitting Stainless Steel Shackles the curved part of the shackle fits into the
hook, not the straight pin.

If Clutch Shaft has stopped in an intermediate position and not fully open or fully closed it
indicates a problem on the internal micro-switches. These are not fatal and may be
intermittent, so try one or two full arm/release sequences to see if it stops in the fully open

With Hook held fully closed, activate the full release sequence again to close the Clutch Shaft,
HOLDING THE HOOK FULLY CLOSED THROUGHOUT. Damage may result if the edge of
the Clutch jams on the side of the hook's spindle. A "Mousing Hole" is available for inserting a
pin to hold the hook in position during the setting sequence.

WARNING Remove pin before deployment if used.

The ORT is now ready for attachment to the anchor rope and oceanographic instruments.


Although ORTs are made from Aluminium Bronze, highly resistant to corrosion, it is preferable
to isolate all dissimilar metals. Therefore a nylon rope is preferable for connection to iron
anchor weights. If a wire rope must be used, Sonardyne can supply insulators allowing a
shackle to be coupled to the Load Link without electrical contact (refer to Figure 6 and ORT
Parts List item 11, also insulating bushes [not illustrated] parts 1 and 2). All shackles should
be moused (locked) with monel locking wire.

The maximum depth rating is 2000 metres. With the anchor weight, ORT, Oceanographic
Instruments and buoyancy suspended in the water, an acoustic test should be performed
before lowering to seabed.

The LCU should be suspended in the water below keel depth, see Figure 1. Additional weight
may be used up to 50 kg maximum. The load should be taken by securing the LCU's cable-
drum to the deck and ensuring that the brake is applied.

Test at low power as if in air (Section 4.5). The Arm command can be safely tried, but the
Release command will drop the anchor weight.

If the "string" of anchor weight, ORT instruments and buoyancy are to be allowed to free fall to
the seabed, the anchor rope should be long enough to prevent the ORT crashing into the
seabed after the anchor weight has landed.

After deployment, the latitude and longitude must be recorded with as great accuracy as
possible to facilitate the recovery operation.
Section 4 OM-7409C
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The ship should proceed to the previously recorded position, stop, set up LCU for "Deployed
in Water" and deploy the LCU over the side. With the correct ORT address selected, the LCU
will range omni-directionally out to a maximum slant range of 4 km. For reasons of noise,
thermoclines or masking topography this maximum range may not always be achieved.
Therefore, the greater the accuracy of the original position estimate and repositioning
accuracy, the easier relocation is.

The LCU only provides a slant range with no directional indication. The objective is to move
the ship until the slant range is close to the water depth, but not so close that the floatation
may hit the ship on surfacing. It should be possible to manoeuvre the ship very slowly with the
LCU deployed with extra weight, but there is always a risk of damage by the ship's propeller.


Once the ship is sufficiently close to be able to see the floatation on surfacing, the Arm and
Release commands can be transmitted as described in Section 4.5. During release operation,
asterisks will appear on the PSION as pings are received from the ORT. After release is
completed, the pinging stops, the ORT and LCU can perform ranging again. During a long
ascent, the slant range will be shown steadily decreasing, providing the ship is stationary, thus
confirming correct operation of the release mechanism. If no pings are received, or only a
few, a micro-switch fault may have prevented shaft rotation. A repetition of the arm, release
sequence should cure this.

When the string has surfaced, the floatation may not be easily visible. The ORT, at the
bottom of the string, should be in sufficient depth to continue the ranging operation from the
LCU. This can aid positioning the ship for visual contact. If the PSION display indicates
before release that the ORT is "tilted", ie beyond 45° from the vertical, it is likely the buoyancy
has failed or there is other damage to the "string".


All equipment should be thoroughly washed in fresh water and dried before storage. The
ORT's battery should be changed if a "low" indication is indicated. The LCU battery should be
charged for 16 hours by plugging the mains-powered Type 7115-03 charger into the LCU's
LEMO connector, see Figure 4.
Section 5 OM-7409C
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This system is designed for oceanographic survey work in which the typical deployment time
is 2 weeks to 2 months. The only routine maintenance requirements are to grease the ORT
release mechanisms, to change the batteries in the ORT and recharge the batteries in the
LCU. A life of 9 months for an alkaline battery has been provided in the ORT so that it is
unnecessary to change the battery before every deployment.

Changes at 6 monthly or 9 monthly intervals are adequate. The current drain from the
battery is constant whether on the seabed or in storage. The voltage of the alkaline battery
falls gradually and operation does not cease until well after the 9 months has elapsed.
However, the power of the ORT reply signal gradually reduces. It is important to keep a
record of the date when a new battery is connected. Time elapsed during storage with the
battery connected must be subtracted from the 9 month life, in the same way as time on the

Visually inspect the release hook and its hinge pin before each deployment and grease if
necessary using Castrol EPL2 or equivalent underwater grease, or as a minimum at each
battery change.


The units are warranted against faulty materials and workmanship for a period of 1 year after
delivery. Faulty units will be repaired free of charge providing they are delivered at the
owner's/user's expense to Sonardyne or to any of its agents, and providing all
recommendations with regard to operation and user servicing have been followed. It is
Sonardyne's policy to minimise the inconvenience caused to the user in having to ship
complete instruments back to Sonardyne or its agents for repair. But only those repair
procedures which can be carried out on board ship without special equipment or specific
training are described in this Manual.


5.3.1 Dismantling A clean workbench in a clean, dry area is necessary. The ORT should be washed in fresh
water and dried first. It should be allowed to warm up to room temperature or higher, up to
30°C, to make opening easier. Firstly a check should be made for internal pressure, such
as caused by battery faults or by ingress of water. If fitted, the Pressure Relief Valve Spindle
can be seen in a cut-out in the Release Casting. Hook a wire through the cross-hole of the
spindle a pull to open the valve manually. Pressure over about 1.5 bar will open it

WARNING: Where no pressure relief valve is fitted internal pressure will tend to push the
endcaps out of the housing as the M8 Nyloc Nuts are removed from the legs of the guard. It
is recommended that the Nyloc Nuts be removed evenly at a rate of one turn each. This will
allow any movement of endcaps to be constrained safely should any internal pressure be
present. If any evidence of internal pressure is apparent the unit should be taken to a safe,
well ventilated area and the endcaps secured together by rope before final removal of the
M8 Nyloc Nuts and guard. When the endcaps have left the housing to a point past the
second 'O' ring all internal pressure should have dissipated.

Care MUST be taken during this procedure in order to avoid possible personal injury to the
operator or anyone in the vicinity.
Section 5 OM-7409C
Page 2 of 4 Issue B – Rev 0 Unscrew the 6, M8 Nyloc nuts and remove the nuts and washers. Remove the Guard and
take care to store the washers and nuts by screwing back onto the Guard legs as they are
made from Aluminium Bronze to avoid crevice corrosion on the threads. The Transducer
Endcap, not the release Endcap, should be removed next. This is easier if an assistant
holds the housing, or if it is held in a large vice by a soft-lined split clamp. The Transducer
Endcap can be pulled gently by the flange or the flange tapped gently with a soft hammer,
evenly all round. If the flange is not pulled evenly, the Endcap will jam in the close-fitting
bore of the Housing. The Endcap may be rotated a little, backwards and forwards. The
resistance to removal comes from the friction of the "O" rings which, under pressure, lose
their lubrication. When there is a small gap between the flange and the top of the tube a pair
of large-bladed screwdrivers can be used at opposite sides to lever out the Endcap. As the
"O" rings come into view each should be wiped with a clean tissue to absorb any trapped salt
water or sediment. Pull out the Endcap and remove the screws securing the transducer leads to the electronic
assemblies. There are no user-serviceable parts on the Transducer. Simple electrical tests
can be performed as in Section 7.2 and it can be returned to Sonardyne for re-building if
leaking oil or damaged, providing the "O" ring sealing grooves are not damaged. Being of
Aluminium Bronze there should be no serious corrosion or pitting in the grooves. Remove the Housing from the main assembly by twisting, pulling or by gently levering off the
Release Endcap flange. This is best done with the Release Mechanism in a vice so that any
water drops trapped in the "O" ring groove fall downwards. Clean the sealing bores at both
ends of the Housing and inspect for surface finish. There should be no scratches which can
be felt with a fingernail, especially longitudinal ones, or leakage past the "O" rings may
result. It may be possible to cure fine scratches by polishing, but this is at the user's risk. The Battery Pack is on one side of the chassis, see Fig 6 Item 5. One M3 x 12mm screw
and wavy washer, items 16, 23 retain the pack, which should be pulled away from the
Release end to free it. Remove the Molex plug which connects the Battery Pack onto the
Transmitter/Pre-amplifier PCB (the top PCB). Record the details of the new Battery Pack, ie serial number and date of manufacture and
the present date. An alkaline battery has a shelf life of a year or two if stored in a cool place.
For a long deployment it would be wise to ensure the unused Battery Pack is no more than 6
months old. The alkaline Battery Pack consists of 12 'C' size cells connected in series and
has duplicated wires and duplicated contacts in the Molex plug for security. Check the
voltage between a black wire and a red wire. A fresh pack should give 18 volts and an
unused pack of less than 17.0 volts should be rejected. The Molex plug passes from the battery side of the chassis to the electronics side through
the hole behind the grey PVC Chassis End Plate. In early models this hole is not present
and the wires must pass around the outside of the Chassis. The Battery Pack locates on the
Motor Plate by means of 2 screw heads and 2 holes in the Motor Plate. The pack is retained
by a single 3mm screw, 12mm long and a wavy washer through the square bar. Before finally connecting the new Battery Pack the quiescent current consumption should be
measured by connecting an Ammeter in the +ve line by use of the 7009-265 Test Box (ORT
Break in cable) between top PCB and the Battery Pack. This should show consumption high
at first eventually reducing to <750 micro amps, typically minus 10 to 20%. This value gives
the nominal 9 months life and any higher or lower value reduces or increases the likely life of
that particular unit with a Battery Pack of nominal capacity. Providing the ORT has been operating satisfactorily before battery changing, no further tests
are necessary. By re-connecting the Transducer and performing the tests in Section 4.4 the
user can assure himself the unit is functional before re-assembly.
Section 5 OM-7409C
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5.3.2 Re-Assembly Ensure all "O" ring grooves are clean and free of any scratches, especially longitudinal
scratches across the bottom of a groove. Whether replacing the old "O" rings or installing
new ones, the rings should be carefully inspected through a low-power magnifying glass for
cuts, blisters, excessive material along the mould split line or any other moulding faults or
damage. Check the size is correct, they are "imperial" size 200-241-5560 in neoprene or
nitrile rubber with a hardness of 60 shore. The Sonardyne order code is 200-2415. Fit the
"O" rings at each end. Install a fresh or re-conditioned (ie heated in an oven) silica gel bag
by taping on top of the Logic PCB, to ensure there is no condensation after immersion in
cold water. Clean the Housing tube inside and out and check the Address on the Label corresponds with
that on the Logic PCB EPROM. Note that one end of the Housing is internally machined
with a slightly deeper sealing bore. This end slides over the main Chassis Assembly and
seals onto the Release Endcap. Before sliding it on, check again there are no scratches on
the sealing surfaces which could cause leaks and lubricate those surfaces with a non-
crystallising silicone grease or petroleum jelly. After installing the Housing on to the main assembly, the Transducer Endcap wiring must be
attached to the electronics terminal block by means of screws. Ensure that Red and Blue
leads link up Red-Red and Blue-Blue. If a pressure Relief Valve is fitted in the Release Endcap (models with Lithium option) check
the spindle is pushed fully in. The ORT is now ready for service or storage. Ensure the date
of servicing is recorded and whether or not the Battery Pack is now plugged. If putting into
service, perform the tests in Section 4.5.

Sonardyne cannot accept any responsibility if a Lithium Battery is fitted to a unit that is not
fitted with the appropriate endcap incorporating a pressure relief valve.


The load bearing parts of the unit should be inspected prior to each use and in more detail at
regular intervals. If the unit has been in storage for an extended period of time it should be
inspected in detail prior to use.

5.4.1 Pre-use Inspection

• Ensure that the outside of the unit is clean of any bio fouling.

• Visually check the guard and release mechanism for signs of deformation

• Inspect all shackles closely; are any of the pins bent? This can sometimes be felt as the
pin binding in the thread for part of a revolution when you turn it. Replace any shackle
with a deformed pin

• Inspect the plastic bushes for signs of indentation, replace any bush where there is
gross deformation or damage to the bush

If gross deformation is observed in any part then very close attention should be paid to the
rest of the unit.
Section 5 OM-7409C
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5.4.2 Detailed Inspection

The detailed inspection should include the basic pre-use checks as well as focussing more
closely on attempting to locate any evidence of corrosion.

• Inspect the surface of the aluminium bronze components closely; in particular you are
looking for localised areas of a copper coloured deposit. This would be an indication of
crevice corrosion. In the aluminium bronze components suffering from crevice corrosion
copper is deposited in the crevice during the process. You should seek advice from
Sonardyne if any evidence of corrosion is found. This type of corrosion is unusual but
can be accelerated in sulphide polluted waters. Particular attention should be given to
examination of the condition of the thread form at the bottom of the guard assembly, as
this forms a key part of the tensile load path during lifting operations.

• For units fitted with Stainless Steel release mechanisms the presence of crevice
corrosion could be difficult to detect. The release mechanism parts should be inspected
using a hand lens looking for signs of pitting. Particular attention should be given to the
Section 6 OM-7409C
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6.1 The items most likely to suffer mechanical problems are:

a. Distortion of Guard due to impact

b. Bending of Release \Hook Assembly due to impact

c. Crushing or cutting of Transducer boot due to an impact which severely distorts the Guard

d. Random failure of motor or gearbox

e. Intermittent operation of micro-switches

f. Sacrificial Anodes

It should be emphasised that experience of damage with this release mechanism on

navigation transponders is extremely rare and relates to accidents in the offshore
construction industry where very large anchors have dragged or large structures have been
lowered onto Transponder moorings. There have been no recorded cases of failed motors
and gearboxes except in early navigation transponders. In those models the motor drive
was not current-limited to limit torque and hence prevent gearbox or Clutch Shaft damage.
The damage occurred when the mechanism jammed due to lack of operator care in re-
setting the shackle. Failure of a micro-switch while a unit is deployed will not cause failure to
release, but may require a second attempt. It will cause problems on the surface in re-
setting the shackle before the next deployment.

6.2 A damaged release mechanism may be replaced by unscrewing the 4, M10 bolts (item 15,
Fig 6) and replacing the complete Release Hook Assembly (CPN 640-569B) including Hook,
Pin etc (item 29, 14, 22, 19, 25). To check the internal parts (Clutch Shaft not bent,
bearings, seals), the unit must be dismantled as in Section 5.3.1 and a test made of the
Motor's current consumption. The Molex connector next to the Motor should be removed
and 6 volts applied to the Motor via pins 1 and 2 of the free plug. The Clutch Shaft should
rotate continuously and, monitoring the current on a moving coil meter, the needle should be
practically steady with a current of not more than 30 mA being drawn. If this test is
satisfactory, replace the Molex plug and perform several Arm, Release sequences using the
LCU, as in Section 4.5, before re-assembly.


6.3 If the current is excessive or fluctuates more than ±50%, it is necessary to remove the
Motor/Gearbox to test further. The two PCBs must be removed and the top PCB's
connections to the transducer terminal block must be disconnected first. Then unscrew the
four screws retaining the top PCB and carefully unplug from the lower PCB. The lower PCB
is retained by two screws and 4 hexagonal spacers which are screwed onto studs in the
bushes which are pressed into the Chassis. Note that fibre washers are placed on the
bushes to space the PCB further off the Chassis. The Motor/Gearbox complete with pinion
gear may be removed by unscrewing four cap-head screws.

6.4 Perform the same current consumption test on the Motor/Gearbox alone. The current taken
should be no more than 50mA at 12 volts. If the Motor or Gearbox is defective a new
assembly, including pinion, can be obtained from Sonardyne, order code 265-0152. This will
need to be re-wired and it is suggested the old Motor/Gearbox wires are cut off close to the
Motor and the new wires soldered together, insulated and protected by heat-shrink sleeving.
Section 6 OM-7409C
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6.5 With the Motor/Gearbox removed the condition of the release drive assembly (the large
gear, the internal bearing, seals and the Clutch Shaft) can be assessed. If the Clutch Shaft
can be turned by finger and thumb it is adequately free. Due to salt trapped in between the
shaft and the sealing block, it may require extra torque to free it initially. This is acceptable.

6.6 If there are any problems with the Release Endcap Assembly, including the Motor/Gearbox,
it is recommended the whole assembly should be returned to Sonardyne's factory. The
gear, Clutch Shaft, bearings and seals are definitely not suited to dismantling, re-assembly
and testing without factory jigs.
Section 7 OM-7409C
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Sonardyne's policy for user servicing of electronics modules is to recommend diagnosis of

which module or modules have faults and to replace those modules by spare modules. In
the case of the ORT, the individual Address code of a unit has been allocated to a particular
instrument. A replacement PCB set should ideally have the same Address code as the
faulty PCB set it is replacing. This eliminates the inconvenience of re-labelling the Housing
to correspond with the new PCB set. The Address code is factory programmed into the
EPROM plugged into the Logic PCB. Therefore, the spare Logic PCBs contained in the
PCB sets are supplied without EPROMs and the Addresses required are supplied as
separate EPROMs. Even if only one PCB set is purchased for a batch of ORTs, it is
recommended that one spare EPROM of each allocated Address code is purchased in
addition. Providing there is no fault in the EPROM on the original Logic PCB, it can be
transferred to the spare PCB set preserving the original Address of the ORT.

The reason for changing the PCB's as a set is that part of the receiver circuit is on both
boards and charging only one board at a time may cause ranging errors.


7.2.1 The calibration of acoustic transducers requires specially-instrumented water tanks,

calibrated hydrophones etc, but two simple tests can be performed with simple test
equipment. The insulation resistance can be tested at 500 to 1000 VDC and should exceed
10 Meg ohms. The Transducer must be disconnected from the electronics and the tester
connected to the red and blue leads. A reduced insulation resistance could indicate a
leakage of water or water absorption by the oil inside the rubber boot. It may not affect
performance significantly, but it is recommended the Transducer/Endcap Assembly (item 3
on Fig 6) should be returned to Sonardyne's factory, well packed, for investigation.

7.2.2 The Transducer's "low frequency capacitance" in nanofarads (nF) and the serial number is
engraved during manufacture on the metal band around the rubber boot. The capacitance
at the end of the Transducer's leads can be measured, usually at 1 kHz on a conventional
capacitance bridge. If this is less than 75% of the value engraved it could indicate internal
problems, such as loss of silvering on the ceramic. An internal open circuit connection will
show up as a drastic loss of capacitance. A typical value should be 5nF.

The low-frequency capacitance test may not show up the serious fault of a cracked ceramic.
This will almost completely prevent acoustic transmission, so an in-water range test will
detect this kind of damage.

7.2.3 Although the above tests may indicate the transducer is operational, a visual inspection may
reveal leaking oil, cuts in the rubber boot or other damage. In all cases there is no user
repair possible and the Transducer Endcap Assembly should be shipped back to Sonardyne
for re-build, providing the "O" ring grooves have not been damaged. A spare one or the re-
built Transducer Endcap should be re-fitted to the ORT.


The circuit is controlled by a 32768 Hz oscillator which drives the frequency synthesiser and
sequence logic. The received acoustic signal reaches the Logic PCB from the Transmitter /
Pre-amplifier as a hard-limited 5V square wave. The digital receiver is on the Logic PCB
and correct reception of the initial frequency of the particular code initiates the sequence
logic. The logic sequence program is contained within the EPROM, which also contains the
Address code. Although a stored program is involved there is no microprocessor. The
Logic PCB also generates the reply frequencies, drives the release motor, senses the micro-
switches, the mercury tilt switch and the battery low-voltage comparator.
Section 7 OM-7409C
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The Transducer is connected to both the Transmitter output and the Pre-amplifier input via
the T-R Network. This protects the Pre-amplifier from damage by the Transmitter's high
output voltages. It also prevents loading of the Transmitter by the low impedance of the Pre-
amplifier protection components. The Transducer output when receiving small signals is
amplified and filtered in a band from 16 to 20 kHz. The filtered output is amplified until it
hard limits at 0 to 5V peak-to-peak. The signal passes to the lower (Logic) PCB at this level
via the inter-board connector PL3. The Transmitter Section uses VMOS power transistors
driven by push-pull 5V logic levels coming from the frequency synthesiser on the Logic PCB.
To provide the surge of current when transmitting, two large electrolytic capacitors are
connected in parallel and directly connected to the Battery Pack. When the Transmitter is
not being driven by the push-pull logic signals, the VMOS transistors take no current and the
leakage current of the large capacitors must be negligible if the nominal battery life is to be
achieved. A metal electrostatic screen is fitted under the Pre-amplifier to prevent a positive
feedback oscillation due to the close proximity of the synthesiser on the PCB below.


7.5.1 The purpose of these tests is to decide whether the ORT appears to work electronically and
if not, to identify which of the two PCBs is faulty. If a PCB appears to be faulty it must be
replaced by a spare working PCB. In the case of the Logic PCB, the spare PCB in standard
form is not fitted with an EPROM. Either a spare with the Address of each ORT must be
carried or the EPROM from the original PCB, presuming the EPROM is uncorrupted, must
be fitted to the spare Logic PCB.

7.5.2 Firstly check the battery voltage and quiescent current consumption as in Section
and Check the voltage between pin 15 (+ve) and pin 1 of connector SK2 on the top
PCB is between 4.8V and 5.2V.

7.5.3 If a frequency counter of high input impedance is available, check that 19200 Hz is present
on Test Point 4 (TP4) of the Logic (lower) PCB. This checks the crystal oscillator is
functioning correctly.

7.5.4 Monitor Test Point 4 on the Pre-amplifier (top) PCB. This should have a series of spikes on
it, but if the side of the Transducer is scratched a noise-like signal should appear on TP4.
Check the signal on SK2 pin 3. This should be a square wave both when quiescent and
when scratched. When not scratching the transducer, if in a quiet location, the signal on pin
3 will be at a much lower frequency. These tests show the Transducer and pre-amplifier are
all working.

7.5.5 Due to the complexity of the logic sequence and the need for a precise sequence of
frequencies to stimulate it, further testing can only be carried out using the LCU. With the
ORT opened and the Transducer wires connected to the terminal block, set up the LCU and
Coupling loop as in Section 4.5. Select the correct Address and initiate the Ranging
Command repetition. Monitor Test Point 1 on the Logic (lower) PCB with an oscilloscope.
As each pulse is heard to be transmitted by the LCU and "envelope" waveform should be
seen. This is the detection output of the receiver. The trimpot on the upper PCB adjusts
detection threshold and should not be touched.

7.5.6 Check the signal at LK1 on the top PCB. A sequence of 6 pulses should appear, 4 as the
LCU transmits each of the 4 interrogation pulses and 2 as the ORT replies are heard. if
there are only 4 pulses the ORT logic is not attempting to reply so a logic fault may be
present or the Address is not correct. Check the Address on the EPROM and check it is the
correct way round in the socket.
Section 7 OM-7409C
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7.5.7 If 6 pulses are present but no ORT transmission is heard, check the drive to the transmitter
on pins 9 and 11 of SKT1 wrt SKT1 pin 5. Bursts of 5V square wave of about 60
microsecond period and 10 msec duration should appear on both during the replies. Check
the supply voltage on pin 1 of IC1 (HEF4049) of the top PCB. This should be 10 to 16 volts.
Check the battery voltage appears across the large capacitors on the top PCB. If all those
are correct a high voltage tone burst should appear on the pins which have soldered wire
connections to the terminal block. The voltage cannot be accurately specified because the
Transducer is operating in air, but could be over 1000 volts peak-to-peak. Take care not to
touch the output terminals on the top PCB or an electric shock may be received.

NOTE : Use of 100:1 oscilloscope probes rated at >2 kv peak is recommended.

7.5.8 If all of the above tests are positive but no replies are heard, the Transducer may be faulty,
even though the LCU might receive a reply by electrical coupling. If no high voltage output is
found but the drive is present on SK1 pins 9 and 11, change the Transmitter/Pre-amplifier
PCB. If the 6 pulses are not present at LK1 on the top PCB, change the Logic PCB. After
any changes, fully test as in Section 4.5 and also test in water at as great a range as
possible. Note that in shallow water or with shallow immersion in deep water the full range
cannot be expected to be achieved due to propagation limitations.
Figures OM-7409C
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Figures OM-7409C
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Figures OM-7409C
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Figures OM-7409C
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Figures OM-7409C
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Figures OM-7409C
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(Refer Fig 6)


1 Guard 750-068C
2 Housing 710-122C
3 Transducer Endcap Assembly 640-5056
4 Release Endcap Assembly 640-5063
5 Battery Pack (Alkaline) 640-3235
8 PCB MF Set
9 PCB 631-010C
10 ½ inch stainless steel D shackle 231-0008
Safe Working Load (SWL) 1250 kgs
11 Insulating Washer x 2 755-0675
Insulating Sleeve 770-1040
12 Anti-extrusion Seal 202-3408
13 Seal 'O' Ring 200-2408
14 Hook Hinge Pin* 815-048A
15 Screw M10 x 30 mm 211-1587
16 Screw M3 x 12 mm 222-279B
17 Screw M3 x 6 mm 222-2767
18 Screw Set-SK-HTS 229-5005
19 Nut Nyloc AL/BR M8* 230-0782
21 Washer AL/BR M10 230-128A
22 Washer AL/BR M8* 230-1270
23 Washer Plain 6BA 230-1767
Washer Crinkle M3 230-1767
24 Spacer, HEX 730-2854
26 Bush 770-053B
27 Motor Gearbox 265-016C
28 Release Hook* 890-3236/C
29 Release Casting AL/BR* 890-3229/D
30 Transducer LF See Item 3
Not supplied separately
31 Sonardyne Load Link 231-015C
Safe Working Load (SWL) 1500 kgs

*Release Hook Assy 640-569B

Insulating Bush Load Link Inner 770-117A
Insulating Bush Load Link Outer 770-1187
To fit Load Link
Figures OM-7409C
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Addendum OM-7409C
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This Addendum covers the operational variations of ORTs Type 7409, 7409B and 7409C
when these are fitted with Duplex Stainless Steel release mechanisms, as illustrated in
Addendum Fig 1.

This Addendum does NOT cover the fitting, deployment and safe working load (SWL) of
ORTs which incorporate an Aluminium Bronze release mechanism, see Section 3 of this

Definitions of various Loads and Loadings are given in Section 1.10 of this document.



The ½ inch stainless steel 'D' shackle (Sonardyne Computer Part Number 231-0008) is
approved for use in the ORT stainless steel Release Mechanism. The Release Mechanism
and its shackle is a critical operating assembly and should be tested as such before
deployment. Replacement shackles should ideally be ½ inch stainless steel, as above, but
galvanised steel shackles of equivalent design and capability can be used. The ½ inch
Stainless Steel 'D' shackle should also be used at the Transducer end of the instrument to
satisfy Safe Working Load requirements, see below.

(Sonardyne Ltd can type approve other shackles on request).


The SWL of the ORT fitted with a stainless steel release mechanism is 1,275kg.

When using the Type 7409 in a lifting role, whereby it forms part of a lifting tackle
arrangement, it is essential that the SWL is not exceeded.


Operational Proof Load testing should be carried out to 2 times the Safe Working Load, ie
2,550 kg - see Section 1.10.

NOTE: ORT System means the ORT plus its shackles


It is critical to ensure that new anode sets are fitted when any deterioration is noted in those
installed. Anti-corrosion protection will be compromised by continuing to use anodes whose
material is in a state of decay. Maximum corrosion protection is only possible where new
sacrificial anodes are fitted throughout the instrument, refer to Addendum Figure 1 for
Computer Part Number.
Addendum OM-7409C
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A.1.5 Insulation of dissimilar metal parts

The Aluminium Bronze Endcap and Stainless Steel Release Mechanism assembly are
insulated in order to reduce corrosion to a minimum. It is essential that this insulator be
fitted at all times, refer to Figure 1 for Computer Part Number.


Addendum OM-7409C
Page 3 of 3 Issue B – Rev 0


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