Qunut-Of-Ramadaan 1442H Version

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Qunut of Ramadaan

Abu Abu Hurayrah

Night of 15th of Ramadaan, 1441H
Revised 14th of Ramadaan, 1442H

When we investigate the sunnah, we find there are three types of Qunut when we are referring
to Qunut as supplication
a) Qunut of Witr (outside Ramadaan)
b) Qunut of Nazilah (during certain important events)
c) Qunut of Witr (during Ramadaan)

We will discuss only the Qunut of Witr (during Ramadaan). Qunut of Witr (during Ramadaan) is
recited in the last rakah of witr after the Ruku’ and it is done on and after the 15th of Ramadaan.

First of all, it is important to know that there is no authentic report regarding the Qunut of witr in
Ramadaan from the Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).

However, there is an authentic report in Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah narrated by ‘Abdur Rahman
Ibn ‘Abdin Al-Qari. A part of this report is in Saheeh Al-Bukhari. But the part describing the
supplication of Qunut in Witr is not in Bukhari. The report of Ibn Khuzaymah has been
authenticated by the great scholar of Hadith, Sheikh Mohammad Nasiruddin Al-Albaani
(Rohmatullaahi ‘alayhi). This report details some information about the Qunut done during the
time of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab when he appointed Ubay Ibn Ka’aab to lead the people in taraweeh
prayer done in congregation.

The narrator said: “They (i.e the sahabah and the tabee’ee) used to curse the disbelievers in the
middle of of Ramadaan. saying :
، ‫ون عن سبيل َِك‬ َ ‫ذين يص ُّد‬ َ َّ‫ اللَّه َّم قاتِل الك َفر َة ال‬: ِ‫‍ون الكفر َة في ال ِّنصف‬ َ ‍‫َوكانوا َيلعن‬
‫قلوب ِه ُم‬
ِ ‫وألق في‬
ِ ، ‫بين كلمت ِِهم‬ َ ‫ وخالِف‬، ‫ِك‬ َ ‫ِنون بوعد‬َ ‫ وال يؤم‬، ‫بون ر ُس َل َك‬ َ ‫و ُي َك ِّذ‬
ُ ‫ ث َّم يصلِّي ع َلى ال َّنبيِّ صلَّى هَّللا‬، ‫الحق‬ ِّ ‫ إ َل َه‬، ‫جز َك وعذا َب َك‬
َ ‫وألق عليهم ِر‬ ِ ، ‫عب‬ َ ُّ‫الر‬
‫كان‬َ ‫ َو‬: ‫ قال‬، ‫للمؤمنين‬َ ‫ير ث َّم يستغف ُر‬ ٍ ‫استطاع من َخ‬ َ ‫للمسلمين بما‬
َ ‫ع َلي ِه وسلَّ َم و َيدعو‬
‫ت‬ ِ ‫للمؤمنين والمُْؤ مِنا‬
َ ‫واستغفار ِه‬
ِ ، ِّ‫فرغ من َلعن ِة الكفر ِة وصال ِت ِه ع َلى ال َّنبي‬ َ ‫يقو ُل إذا‬
‫ ونرجو رحم َت َك‬، ‫وإليك نسعى ونح ِف ُد‬ َ ‫ و َل َك نصلِّي ونس ُج ُد‬، ‫َّاك نع ُب ُد‬ َ ‫ اللَّه َّم إي‬: ‫ومسأل ِت ِه‬
‫ ث َّم ُي َك ِّب ُر و َيهْوي ساج ًدا‬، ‫عاديت مُلح ٌِق‬ َ ‫ إنَّ عذا َب َك لمن‬، ‫ ونخافُ عذا َب َك ال ِج َّد‬، ‫ ربَّنا‬.
[Allaahumma Qaatilal Kafaratalladheena yasudduna ‘an Sabeelik, wa Yukadh-dhibuuna
Rusulak, wa laa Yu’minuuna bi-wa’dika, wa khaalif bayna Kalimatihim, wa alqi fee
quluubihmur-Ru’b, wa alqi ‘alayka rijzaka wa ‘adhaabaka, Ilaahal Haqq]

O Allaah, destroy the disbelievers who turn away [hinder] people from your path, [those] who
disbelieve in Your Messengers, and don’t believe in Your promise, And make their words against
each other, cast upon their heart fear, and cast upon them harm and Punishment, The God of

Then they would send salaam upon the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), and make du’a
for the Muslims from the goodness as much as possible, then seek forgiveness for the

He said: and when they would finish cursing the disbelievers, and sending salah upon the
prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and seeking forgiveness for the believers (male and
female), and other needs, they would say:

َّ‫ إن‬، َّ‫ونخاف عذا َب َك ال ِجد‬

ُ ، ‫ ونرجو رحم َت َك ر َّبنا‬، ‫ و َل َك نص ِّلي ونس ُج ُد وإلي َك نسعى ونحفِ ُد‬، ‫ال َّله َّم إ َّيا َك نع ُب ُد‬
‫عاديت ُملح ٌِق‬
َ ‫عذا َب َك لمن‬
[Allaahumma Iyyaka Na’budu, wa lakaa nusalli, wa nasjud, wa ilayka Nas’aa, nahfidu, wa narjuu
Rahmataka, wa nakhshaa ‘adhaabakal Jidd, Inna ‘adhaabaka liman ‘Adayta Mulhiq]

O Allaah, You only we worship, and You only we pray to, and You only we prostrate to, to You
only we run, You only we work for, we only seek Your mercy and fear Your severe punishment,
Indeed your punishment will catch up to those who declare enmity against You.

Then they made takbir and went to Sujuud…” [Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah, Authenticated by

It should be noted that this is the du’a of the Qari appointed by Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (radiAllaahu
‘anhu). The Qari was the illustrious companion Ubayy Ibn Ka’ab (May Allaah be pleased with all
of them).

The supplication of Ubayy Ibn Ka’ab has two supplications with clear wordings from him and
then general guidelines of what to add in the Qunut of Witr (during Ramadaan).

This should be [i.e. recommended] our guideline to make qunut during Ramadaan. So, all
Praise be to Allaah for facilitating us with action based on chain of narration.

The Qunut that we hear from our Imams:

When it comes to Qunut of Ramadaan, we hear the Imams reciting different du’as in their
Qunut.. Are all of them from the Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)? Are all of them from
the sahabah? It is important to note the following points:

a) The Qunut doesn’t have to be with specific wordings from the Prophet (Sallallaahu
‘alayhi wa sallam) or the Sahabah (may Allaah be pleased with them).
b) So we see our Imams use their own words or sometimes borrow some du’as from the
Prophet’s supplications.
c) Many times the du’as are exceptionally long creating inconvenience, hardship for the
followers. This is against the sunnah. Hence our scholars advice to keep the du’as of
Qunut during Ramadaaan short and choose the guidelines the sahabah set for us.
d) Qunut in Wtir (during Ramadaan) is not obligatory, hence if the Imam misses it
unintentionally/intentionally, it will not affect the validity of salat al Qiyam.
e) The Qunut du’a can be read from a book or paper during the prayer in case the person
can’t say the du’as from the memory.

Some examples of Prophet’s Du’as: Below are some authentic du’as of the Prophet
(sallallaahu ‘alyhi wa sallam). Some of them he (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) taught to be said
in the Qunut/witr , some he used to say in his witr prayer (without specifying where or when) and
other duas on different occasions. Since these are commonly borrowed by Imams to be recited
in the Qunut, we are mentioning these for the followers so they can enjoy the supplications
recited during qunut of Witr during Ramadaan (when the Imams are reciting).

First Du’a: This is the most closest du’a of the Qunut from the Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa

It was narrated that Abu Al-Hawra said:

"Al-Hasan (the grandson of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: "The Messenger of
Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬taught me some words to say in witr in Qunut:

‫ وباركْ لي‬، ‫توليت‬ َ
‫ وتولني فيمن‬، ‫عافيت‬ ‫ وعافني فيمن‬، ‫هديت‬ َ ‫الله َّم ! اهدني فيمن‬
‫ [ و] إنه‬، ‫ [ ف ] إنك تقضي وال يُقضى عليك‬، ‫قضيت‬ َ َ
‫ وقني شرَّ ما‬، ‫أعطيت‬ ‫فيما‬
‫ [ ال منجا منك إال‬، ‫وتعايت‬ َ
‫تباركت ربَّنا‬ َ
] ‫عاديت‬ ‫ [ وال َيع ُِّز من‬، ‫واليت‬
َ ‫ال َي ِذ ُّل من‬
] ‫إليك‬

Allahumma ihdini fiman hadayta wa 'afini fiman afayta wa tawallani fiman tawallayta wa barik li
fima a'tayta, wa qini sharra ma qadayta, fa innaka taqdi wa la yuqda 'alayk, wa innahu la
yadhilluman walayta, wa laa ya’izzu man ‘aadayta tabarakta Rabbana wa at'alayt, Laa Manja
wa laa manjaa minka illaa ilayk

(O Allah, guide me among those whom You have guided, pardon me among those You have
pardoned, turn to me in friendship among those on whom You have turned in friendship, and
bless me in what You have bestowed, and save me from the evil of what You have decreed. For
verily You decree and none can influence You; and he is not humiliated whom You have
befriended. And whoever you have regarded as enemy will not be honored, Blessed are You, O
our Lord, and Exalted are you. There is no refuge except towards you)'" [See sifat salat
an-nabi, all these words are authenticated by Imam Al-Albaani]

Please note, this du’a was taught in general to be recited in the regular Qunut.

[some said the addition ‘Du’a fil qunut is da’eef, it is not, it is saheeh, has been authenticated by
Sheikh Muqbil and others, they also say the addition “wa laa ya’izzu man ‘adayt” is da’eef. It is
not, it is saheeh…]

Second Du’a: This is a du’a that the Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) used to say at the
end of a gathering.

Ibn 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported:

Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬seldom left a gathering without supplicating in these terms:

‫ ومن اليقين ما‬،‫ ومن طاعتك ما تبلغنا به جنتك‬،‫اللهم اقسم لنا من خشيتك ما تحول به بيننا وبين معاصيك‬
‫ واجعل‬،‫واجعله الوارث منا‬،‫ وقوتنا ما أحييتنا‬،‫ وأبصارنا‬،‫‏ اللهم متعنا بأسماعنا‬.‫تهون به علينا مصائب الدنيا‏‬
‫ وال‬،‫ وال تجعل الدنيا أكبر همنا‬،‫ وال تجعل مصيبتنا في ديننا‬،‫ وانصرنا على من عادانا‬،‫ثأرنا على من ظلمنا‬
‫ وال تسلط علينا من ال يرحمنا‬،‫مبلغ علمنا‬

"Allahumma-qsim lana min khashyatika ma tahulu bihi bainana wa baina ma'sika, wa min
ta'atika ma tuballighuna bihi jannataka, wa minal-yaqini ma tuhawwinu 'alaina
masa-'ibad-dunya. Allahumma matti'na biasma'ina, wa absarina, wa quwwatina ma ahyaitana,
waj'alhul-waritha minna, waj'al tharana 'ala man zalamana, wansurna 'ala man 'adana, wa la
taj'al musibatana fi dinina, wa la taj'alid-dunya akbara hammina, wa la mablagha 'ilmina, wa la
tusallit 'alaina man-la yarhamuna,

(O Allah, apportion to us such fear as should serve as a barrier between us and acts of
disobedience; and such obedience as will take us to Your Jannah; and such as will make it easy
for us to bear in the calamities of this world. O Allah! let us enjoy our hearing, our sight and our
power as long as You keep us alive and make our heirs from our own offspring, and make our
revenge restricted to those who oppress us, and support us against those who are hostile to us
let no misfortune afflict our Deen; let not worldly affairs be our principal concern, or the ultimate
limit of our knowledge, and let not those rule over us who do not show mercy to us)."

Third Du’a:

Ali bin Abi Talib narrated:

that the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬used to say in his Witr:
‫ت‬ َ ‫ُوذ ِب َك ِم ْن َك الَ ُأحْ صِ ي َث َنا ًء َع َلي‬
َ ‫ْك َأ ْن‬ ُ ‫ِك َوَأع‬
َ ‫ِك مِنْ ُعقُو َبت‬ ُ ‫اك مِنْ َس َخطِ َك َوَأع‬
َ ‫ُوذ ِبم َُعا َفات‬ َ ‫ض‬َ ‫ُوذ ِب ِر‬ ُ ‫"‏ اللَّ ُه َّم ِإ ِّني َأع‬
َ ‫َك َما َأ ْث َني‬
‫ْت َع َلى َن ْفسِ َك‬
(Allāhumma innī a`ūdhu bi-riḍāka min sakhaṭika, wa a`ūdhu bi-mu`āfātika min `uqūbatika, wa
a`ūdhu bika minka, lā uḥsī thanā’an `alaika, anta kamā athnaita `alā nafsik)

“O Allah, I seek refuge in your pardon from Your Punishment, and I seek refuge in You from
You, I am not capable of extolling You as You have extolled Yourself.”
[Tirmidhi, authenticated by Al-Albaani]

Note: this is not necessarily in qunut!

Same du’a has been narrated by our mother Aisha (RadiAllaahu ‘anha) that she heard the
Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) saying in his sujuud in the tahajjud prayer. [reported by

Fourth Du’a:

Qatadah asked Anas:

Which Supplication would the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬often make ? He replied: The supplication he
would usually recite was:
َ ‫"‏ اللَّ ُه َّم َر َّب َنا آ ِت َنا فِي ال ُّد ْن َيا َح َس َن ًة َوفِي اآلخ َِر ِة َح َس َن ًة َو ِق َنا َع َذ‬
ِ ‫اب ال َّن‬
Allaahumma Rabbanaa Aatinaa Fid-Dunyaa Hasanah wa Fil Aakhirati Hasanah, Wa Qinaa

"O Allah, give us in this world what is good and in the next what is good, and protect us from
the punishment of Hell-fire".
The version of Ziyad adds: When Anas wished to supplicate, he uttered this supplication. When
he uttered some other supplication, he combined it with this supplication.
[Saheeh Abi Dawud, authenticated by Al-Albaani]

Fifth Du’a:

Narrated Ibn `Abbas:

When the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬got up at night to offer the night prayer, he used to say:

ِ ‫ض َو َمنْ ف‬
، َّ‫ِيهن‬ ِ ْ‫ت َواَألر‬ َ ‫ َو َل َك ْال َحمْ ُد َأ ْن‬، َّ‫ِيهن‬
ِ ‫ت َق ِّي ُم ال َّس َم َوا‬ ِ ‫ض َو َمنْ ف‬ ِ ْ‫ت َواَألر‬ِ ‫ت ُنو ُر ال َّس َم َوا‬ َ ‫ َأ ْن‬،‫اللَّ ُه َّم َل َك ْال َحمْ ُد‬
َ ‫ َوالس‬،‫ َوال َّنا ُر َح ٌّق‬،‫ َو ْال َج َّن ُة َح ٌّق‬،‫ َولِ َقاُؤ َك َح ٌّق‬،‫ َو َق ْولُ َك َح ٌّق‬،‫ت ْال َح ُّق َو َوعْ ُد َك َح ٌّق‬
،‫َّاع ُة َح ٌّق‬ َ ‫ َأ ْن‬،‫َو َل َك ْال َحمْ ُد‬
َ ‫ َوِإ َلي‬،‫مْت‬
‫ْك‬ ُ ‫اص‬ ُ ‫ْك َأ َنب‬
َ ‫ َو ِب َك َخ‬،‫ْت‬ َ ‫ َوِإ َلي‬،‫ت‬ ُ ‫ت َو ِب َك آ َم ْن‬ ُ ‫ْك َت َو َّك ْل‬ ُ ‫ اللَّ ُه َّم َل َك َأسْ َل‬،‫ َوم َُح َّم ٌد َح ٌّق‬،‫ُّون َح ٌّق‬
َ ‫مْت َو َع َلي‬ َ ‫َوال َّن ِبي‬
َ ‫ت ْال ُمَؤ ِّخ ُر الَ ِإ َل َه ِإالَّ َأ ْن‬
‫تـ‬ َ ‫ت ْال ُم َق ِّد ُم َوَأ ْن‬
َ ‫ َأ ْن‬،‫ت‬
ُ ‫ َو َما َأعْ َل ْن‬،‫ت‬
ُ ْ‫ َو َما َأسْ َرر‬،‫ت‬
ُ ْ‫مْت َو َما َأ َّخر‬ ْ ‫ َف‬،‫مْت‬
ُ ‫اغفِرْ لِي َما َق َّد‬ ُ ‫َحا َك‬
َ ‫َأ ْو ـ الَ ِإ َل َه َغ ْير‬

"Allahumma laka l-hamdu; Anta nuras-samawati wal ardi wa man fihinna. wa laka l-hamdu; Anta
qaiyim as-samawati wal ardi wa man flhinna. Wa lakaI-hamdu; Anta-l-,haqq, wa wa'daka
haqqun, wa qauluka haqqun, wa liqauka haqqun, wal-jannatu haqqun, wannaru haqqun, was-sa
atu haqqun, wan-nabiyyuna huqqun, Mahammadun haqqun, Allahumma laka aslamtu, wa
Alaika tawakkaltu, wa bika amantu, wa ilaika anabtu, wa bika Khasamtu, wa ilaika hakamtu,
faghfirli ma qaddamtu wa ma akh-khartu, wa ma asrartu, wa ma a'lantu. Anta al-muqaddimu, wa
anta al-mu-'akhkhiru. La ilaha il-la anta (or La ilaha ghairuka)"

O Allah: All the Praises are for You: You are the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever in
between them. All the Praises are for You; You are the Maintainer of the Heavens and the Earth and
whatever is in them. All the Praises for you. You are the Truth, Your Word is the Truth, and Your
Promise is the Truth, and the Meeting with You is the Truth, and Paradise is the Truth, and the (Hell)
Fire is the Truth, and the Hour is the Truth, and the Prophets are true, and Mohammad (sallallaahu
'alayhi wa sallam) is true. O Allah! I surrender myself to You, and I put my trust in you, I believe in
You and I repent to You and with You (Your evidences) I stand against my opponents, and to you I
leave the judgment . O Allah! Forgive me my sins that I did in the past or will do in the future, and
also the sins I did in secret or in public. You are the one advances things or delays things, You are
my only God (Whom I worship) and there is no other God for me (i.e. I worship none but You)."

[Saheeh Al-Bukhari]

Sixth Du’a:

Abu Salamah Ibn 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Auf reported:

I asked 'A'isha, the mother of the believers, (to tell me) the words with which the Messenger of Allah
(‫ )ﷺ‬commenced the prayer when he got up at night. She said: When he got up at night he would
commence his prayer with these words:

َ‫ش َهادَ ِة َأ ْن َت َت ْح ُك ُم َب ْين‬ ِ ‫ض َعالِ َم ا ْل َغ ْي‬

َّ ‫ب َوال‬ ِ ‫ت َواَأل ْر‬ َّ ‫ب ِج ْب َراِئيل َ َومِي َكاِئيل َ َوِإ ْس َرافِيل َ َفاطِ َر‬
ِ ‫الس َم َوا‬ َّ ‫"‏ ال َّل ُه َّم َر‬
ٍ‫شا ُء ِإ َلى صِ َراط‬ َ ‫ِف فِي ِه مِنَ ا ْل َح ِّق بِِإ ْذ ِن َك ِإ َّن َك َت ْهدِي َمنْ َت‬ ْ ‫عِ َبا ِد َك فِي َما َكا ُنوا فِي ِه َي ْخ َتلِفُونَ اهْ ِدنِي لِ َما‬
َ ‫اخ ُتل‬
ٍ ‫ُم ْس َتق‬

Allaahumma Rabba Jibreel wa Meekaaila wa Israafeela faatiras-samaawaati wal-Ardi, ‘Aalimal

Ghaybi wash-shahaadati anta tahkumu bayna ‘ebaadika feemaa kaanuu feehi yakhtalifuun,
Ihdinee limakhtulafa feehi minal-haqqi bi-idhnika innaka tahdee mantashaau ilaa

O Allah, Lord of Gabriel, and Michael, and Israfil, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, Who
know the unseen and the seen; You decide amongst Your servants concerning their differences.
Guide me with Your permission in the divergent views (which the people) hold about Truth, for it is
You Who guides whom You will to the Straight Path. [Saheeh Muslim]

Seventh Du’a:

The following du’a is reported by Ibn ‘Abbas from the supplication of the Prophet (Sallallaahu
‘alayhi wa sallam) during the night prayer (either in sujuud or in the end). In one report, it is
recorded he said this while going to the masjid. Ibn ‘Abbas said the Prophet asked for nineteen
things but the sub-narrators forgot some of them! The hadith is recorded by Bukhari, Muslim
and others.

‫ص ِري ُنورً ا َو َعنْ َيمِينِي ُنورً ا‬ َ ‫[وفِي ل َِسانِي ُنورً ا ] َوفِي َسمْ عِي ُنورً ا َوفِي َب‬ َ ‫اللَّ ُه َّم اجْ َع ْل فِي َق ْل ِبي ُنورً ا‬
‫ْن َيدَ ىَّ ُنورً ا] َأ َمامِي ُنورً ا َو َخ ْلفِي ُنورً ا َو َف ْوقِي ُنورً ا َو َتحْ تِي ُنورً ا‬ ِ ‫اري] ُنورً ا َو ِمنْ [ َبي‬ ِ ‫َو َعنْ شِ َمالِي [ َي َس‬
‫‏[واجْ َع ْل فِي َن ْفسِ ي ُنورً ا]‏‏‏[ َوَأعْ ظِ ْم لِي ُنورً ا] [اللَّ ُه َّم َأعْ طِ نِي ُنورً ا]‏‬
َ ‫َواجْ َع ْل لِي ُنورً ا‬

Allaahummaj’al fee Qalbee Nuura, fa fee lisaanee nuuraa, wa fee

sam’ee nuuraa, wa fee basaree nuuraa, wa ‘an yameenee nuuraa, wa
‘an shimaalee [yasaaree] nuuraa, wa amaamee [ bayni yadayya]
nuuraa, wa khalfee nuuraa, wa fawqee nuuraa, wa tah’tee nuuraa,
waj’al lee nuuraa [waj’al fee nafsee nuuraa] [wa a’dhim lee nuuraa]
[Allaahumma a’tenee nuuraa]

"O Allah! place light in my heart, light in my tongue, place light in my hearing, place light in my
eyesight, place light on my right, place light on my left, place light in between them, place light infront
me, and light behind me, and place light above me, and light below me. O Allah! grant for me light,
[grant light in my soul], [make light abandon for me] [oh Allah give me light]


a) There is nothing reported regarding the Qunut of Witr (during Ramadaan) from the
Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). [from his actions or his words]
b) There is an authentic report from the companions’ time detailing the general description
of the Qunut of Ubayy Ibn Ka’aab (May Allaah be pleased with him) with some special
wordings from his du’as.
c) The Qunut of Ramadaan is flexible and open as we see from the description of the du’a
of Ubayy Ibn Ka’aab. However, it should be kept short and easy for the followers.
d) If the Imam wishes to add some of the authentic du’as of the Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi
wa sallam) said on different occasions, there is no problem with that.
e) The Imam can also add supplication from his own wordings.
f) Qunuut of Ramadaan should be done in the last rakah, after the ruku’ as the sahabah
performed it!
g) Raising your hand in the qunut is highly recommended but not obligatory. Saying
Ameen after the imam says the du’a are legislated in the sunnah!
h) Wiping face and body after du’a qunut (or any other du’a) is not from the sunnah!
i) When we learn these du’as, it is best to learn them exactly from the texts that are
reported with authentic narrations. This way we will not attribute any false words or
supplications to our Prophet (sallalalahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and his companions.

The best guidance is the guidance of the Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).

Compiled by
Raihan Kamal
Ramadaan 20, 1439H
[with some correction/addition on Ramadaan 15, 1441H]
[Further revision on Ramadaan 14, 1442H]

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