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ANSWER KEY AND EXPLANATIONS 313VERBAL ABI Tach; 13. 14. 15. 16. oe ss Soop » Pops ILITY WORKSHEET 1: NOUNS premonition - ‘premonition’ means a strong feelin, about to happen. ruler ~ ‘ruler’ also means a person exercising control greed - ‘greed’ is the selfish desire for anything including power owner ~ ‘loser’ means someone who lose, not someone something. operator ~ although ‘in-charge’ is also correct, ‘operator’ is the bes answer as it is derived from the verb operates in the given sentence, maintenance - the second choice is the correct spelling of the word, relaxation - the first choice is the correct spelling of the word, maker - although ‘carver’ is also correct, ‘maker’ is the best answer as it is derived from the verb making in the given sentence. inspiration - the first choice is the correct spelling of the word fear - ‘fear’ is also the noun form of the verb. ‘Afraid’ is an adjective, determination - ‘overcoming’ is a verb. plans - ‘methodology’ means ‘a system of methods’ while the first sentence is talking about plans. thoughts - based on the first sentence, the wolf has not eaten the young creature yet so it is not yet in the wolf belly. kingdom - ‘kingdom’ refers to the land or realm being ruled by monarch while ‘reign’ is the period of time during the monarch’s rule. lawsuit - a ‘business suit’ is a type of clothing, which is not the topic of the first sentence. travels - ‘travels’ is a noun which means ‘the movement of people between distant geographic location’. author ~ when talking about a book, we use ‘author’ not ‘producer’ connection - ‘connection’ is a noun derived from the verb ‘connect’ knowledge - ‘knowledge’ is a noun derived from the verb ‘know’. dangers - ‘dangers’ is a noun derived from the verb ‘dangerous’. ig that Something j, Who lost VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 2: GENDER 1. 314 a. so fraulein - ‘Fraulein’ is the German word for Miss, while ‘Frau’ is fo" Mistress. Maria is an unmarried woman in the movie, thus, Fraulein S the correct answer. governess - ‘governess’ is a household administrator while gov"! is the head of a province. Monsieur - the pronoun his refers to a male, and so does ‘Mo Princes - the second choice is the plural of prince, while the first toa female royalty. heroines - the first choice refers to a kind of illegal drug w second refers to the chief female character in a story- ‘ne, sine duke - the first choice is masculine while the second is feminin¢- the subject is named Peter, we assume the masculine form. nor" nsieur’ fers ile theduchess ~ the subject Aurora is a female so use ‘duchess’. 7, be 3. a witch-asareference to the Harry Potter series, Hermione is a female character so we use ‘witch’. 9, b. wizard ~ Merlin is a male character, so we use ‘wizard’. 10, a. emerita ~ Lydia Cruz isa female character, so we use ‘emerita’. 11. b. bachelor - ‘bachelor’ means “a man who is not and has never been married’. 42. a. widow - ‘widow’ means ‘a woman who has lost her husband by death and has not married again’. 43. b. her- ‘administratrix’ is ‘a female administrator’. 14, a. duck - of the two choices, only a ‘duck’ lays eggs. 15. b. abbot- ‘abbot’ means ‘a head of an abbey of monks’ while ‘earl’ means ‘a British nobleman’. 16. b. executrix ~ an ‘executrix’ is a female executor. 17.a._cearina - the pronoun her refers to a female. 18. a. signor - ‘signor’ is the Italian of Mister. 19. a. giants - when addressed as a whole species, we use ‘giants’. 20. b. countess - ‘countess’ is ‘a woman holding the rank of a count or an earl’. VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 3: GRAMMATICAL NUMBER 1. b. crises -as discussed, the plural form of crisis is ‘crises’ 2. a. slices - the plural form of slice is ‘slices’. 3. a. regalia - ‘regalia’ has no singular form. 4, b. rainbows — ‘rainbows’ is the plural form of rainbow. 5. b._ eyeglasses - ‘eyeglasses’ is plural in form and in use. & a. school - we use ‘school’ when talking about a group of fishes. 7. a. pants ~ ‘pants’ is plural in form and in use. 8. a. thanks - ‘thanks’ isa noun and is more appropriate for the sentence. 9. b. scenery - the subject is singular ‘and thus, we use the second choice. 10. a. chauffeur - the subject is singular and thus, we use the first choice. 11. b. analysis - the sentence talks about only one group of data so we use the singular form. 12. a, deer - ‘deer’ is a collective noun denoting any quadruped. 13. b. quota - ‘quota’ is always singular in form. 14. a. datum - ‘datum’ is the singular form of ‘data’. 15. b. theses - the class has many students, so we use the plural form. 16. b. hoaxes - the plural form is ‘hoaxes’. 17. a. indices — although both are accepted as the plural form, the technical one is ‘indices’. 18. a, mathematics - the correct spelling of the word is the first choice. 19. b. soliloquy - the second choice is the correct spelling of the word. 20. b. people - the word is used collectively in this context, so we use ‘people’. 315VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 4: VERBS lia a. had ~ we use the past tense form to si ignify that the action has just! ended. 2. a. had to - the group needed to stop playing so we use ‘had to’, 3. a. may ~ since the weather affects all flights, there is big chance fora turbulence to occur, thus, we use ‘may’. 4. b. seem - ‘seem’ is more appropriate because we are talking about another person. 5. a. would - ‘would’ is used to ex event. ‘press the consequence of an imagined 6b. need - a person usuall b, ly needs to get up to turn off an alarm clock, enotes a present tense so we use ‘can’ implies a remote chance; sinc is already certain. am able to ~ ‘might © you're already there, the situation 9. b. need - in connection with item 8, the situation is already certain so we eliminate ‘may’ since it implies chance. 10. a. must - in connection with items 8 and 9, one has to Stay hydrated to be able to run up and down the stairs, ‘Can’ implies that you have a choice to whether or not do the action while ‘must’ implies a need. 11. b. will-the sentence is asking for information about the future so we use ‘will’. 12. b. handled - one can't train phone calls so the appropriate word here is ‘handle’, 13. b. completed - one can’t teach reports so the appropriate word here is ‘completed’, 14. a. learned - since it is Lara Salning the knowledge, we use ‘learn’ instead of ‘teach’, 15. a. looked - ‘look’ here is used as a linking verb, ‘Saw’ is not applicable Since ‘surprise’ is an adjective and cannot be seen, 16. a, was~-the subject manager is singular so we use ‘was’, 17. b. may~since Sunny is injured, there is a big chance that her trip will be cancelled, thus we use ‘may’ 18. b. completed - the action was done i 19. b. would - the sent 20. a. were VERBAL ABILITY WORKSH Lob Was ~ ‘in’ isa Preposition so it is . Not appro) riate for th sentence. 2. b. has been shown - this interest is gin oe ns Participle form, till ongoing so we use a past 3. a. have wanted - 4 today. he want has Started since last summer and is still true 4. a have been taking ~ the action Started three weeks ago, EET 5: TENSES 316ated hae ed eon 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. bY 20. a. a. wrote - the action is done. had set ~ there are two com; ‘had’ to indi plete separate actions in the si use ‘had’ to indicate its com; P ee ie aitaeal a pletion. il Bn ~ the action is to be done tomorrow so we use a future tense nae aan ee two complete separate actions in the sentence. icate its completion. was taught - the correct past tense form of the verb ‘teach’ is ‘taught’. has invented - the effect of the action is still ongoing so we use ‘has’. could - the idea of the sentence is wished it was possible so we use the past tense could. will have stayed - the sentence is in present perfect tense. has been suffering - the suffering has begun in the past and is still going on now. collected ~ the sentence talks about an action done in the past so we use a simple past tense. collect - the sentence uses a simple present tense. will collect - the action will happen in the future so we use future tense. has always known - the subject ‘Rosa’ is singular so we use ‘has’. spoken - with the clue word ‘has’, we choose the past participle form ‘spoken’. were killed - the subject ‘cattle’ is a plural noun so we use ‘were’. chosen one - we use the past participle form ‘chosen’. VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 6: PRONOUNS ie ae One 10, 11. 12. 13, 14. b. b. ss coop oop os anybody - the word cannot means we have to use a positive pronoun to avoid double negatives. herself — it’s specified that the action was done by a female so we use a female pronoun. Sa : nothing — to make the second phrase positive in meaning, we use ‘nothing’. . , myself - the subject is singular so ‘ourself is not applicable. That the subject is abstract, making it far from the speaker, so we use ‘that’. i a me - the speaker is only an object in the sentence so we use ‘me’ them - the objective form of the pronoun is en 5 jecti he pronoun is ‘them’. them - the objective form of the p! . : whom - Satine is only an object in the sentence so we use ‘whom’. most - ‘much’ is used for amounts and measurements. my - we have to use an attributive possessive pronoun. its - the subject ‘sunbeam’ is singular so ee ‘its’. ject ‘one’ is sil we use ‘his’. ~ the subject ‘one’ is singular so i ie -the subject ‘crumbs of bread’ is plural so we use ‘they’. 31715. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. b. his - the pronoun takes the place of Nick, not aunt so we use ‘his’ themselves - we use the reflexive pronoun themselves’ ‘ these; that - ‘trinkets’ is plural so we use ‘these’ while ‘g singular so we use ‘that’. i Ae those - the subject ‘small stalls’ is plural so we use ‘those’, that - the subject ‘fridge magnet’ is far from the speaker, so We usel ‘that’. hop’ is those ~ the subject ‘places’ is plural so we use ‘those’, VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 7: ADJECTIVES 1. a. Egyptian - the first choice is the correct spelling. 2. b. warm ~ ‘warmth’ is a noun while ‘warm’ is the adjective form. 3. a. annual - ‘annual’ is the adjective form while ‘annually’ is an adverb, 4. b. fairest - since there is no one to compare with, we use the superlative form. 5. b. Russian - ‘rustic’ refers to the way of living in the countryside. 6. b. pristine; immaculate - the second choice is the correct spelling of the words. 7. b. European - the second choice is the correct spelling. 8. b. early - we need to describe only one subject with no comparisons, so we use ‘early’. 9. a. nefarious - the first choice is the correct spelling. 10. a. prettier - the comparison is between two persons only, so we use ‘prettier’. 11. b. powerful - to have whatever one desires; one needs to be “powerful not ‘brave’, 12. a. energetic - since we are describing only one person, we use ‘energetic’, 13. a. ancient - the appropriate word for the sentence is ‘ancient’. 14. a. peculiar ~ we are describing one group only, so we use ‘peculiar’, 15. b. better - we are comparing the present with the Past, so we use ‘better’, 16. b. calmest - we are comparing more than two Persons, so we use ‘calmest’. 17. a. younger - we are comparing only two persons, so we use ‘younger’. 18. a. no - the appropriate word for the sentence is ‘no’, 19. a. unanimous - the appropriate word for the sentence is ‘unanimous’. 20. b. lose - the appropriate word for the sentence is ‘lose’. VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 8: ADVERBS 1. a remarkably - ‘remarkably’ describes the word unusual. 2b. unbelievably ~ unbelievably’ describes the word won. 3. a. quite ~ ‘quite’ describes the word doubefiul 4. b._ briskly - ‘briskly’ des, _ 318 cribes the word walked.10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. oP Soooe pees s completely - ‘completely’ describes the word amazed. extremely - ‘extremely’ describes the word risky. exceptionally - ‘exceptionally’ describes the word well. ‘plays’ is a verb. surprisingly - ‘surprisingly’ describes the word well. straight - ‘straight’ describes the word went. ‘new’ is an adjective because song is a noun. absolutely - ‘absolutely’ describes the word wonderful. really - ‘really’ shows the intensity of the exhaustion. slowly - ‘slowly’ describes the word ‘moving’. badly - ‘badly’ describes the word ‘plays’ extremely - if one gets low scores, the exam had to be extremely difficult, not hardly. late - the appropriate word for the sentence is ‘late’. daily - the appropriate word for the sentence is ‘daily’. rather - ‘rather’ describes the word ‘ugly’. almost complete - the appropriate phrase for the sentence is ‘almost complete’. lovingly - the appropriate word for the sentence is ‘lovingly’. remarkably - the appropriate word for the sentence is ‘remarkably’. VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 9: PREPOSITIONS a. b. ce ooe RS seo cepa oD in - Tacloban City is a general place so we use ‘in’. around - the sentence talks about travelling throughout the place so we use ‘around’. during - we are talking about the duration so we use ‘during’. of -‘of expresses the relationship between kinds and knowledge. for - ‘for’ is used to express a use of worms. on ~acat can only sleep on the surface of a TV set so we use ‘on’ on -‘on’ is used for specific days. into — ‘into’ tells the destination of the action dive. until - the action continues in the future so we use ‘until’, during; despite - we use ‘during’ when we talk about the length of stay; ‘despite’ means in spite of. with - the appropriate word for the sentence is ‘with’. on - the appropriate word for the sentence is ‘on’. besides - the sentence talks about people other than the detective, so we use ‘besides’. around - the appropriate word for the se inside - ‘beneath’ means ‘underneath’. to - the appropriate word for the sentence is ‘to’. to - the appropriate word for the sentence is ‘to’. to ~ the appropriate word for the sentence is to’ to - the appropriate word for the sentence is ‘to’. ntence is ‘around’. 31920. b. from - we are comparing two individual sports, so we use ‘from’, VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 10: CONJUNCTIONS VERBA! 320 1 POENARAWN ee PETS Tee TP Teo Te Toe s sepegoes and - ‘and’ connects the two clauses. so ~ ‘so’ connects the two clauses. : after - ‘after’ is a subordinating conjunction. and - ‘and’ connects the two clauses. ; while ~ ‘while’ is a subordinating conjunction. so that - ‘so that’ is a correlative conjunction. nor - ‘nor’ connects swimming and surfing. as if - ‘as if is a subordinating conjunction. nevertheless - ‘nevertheless’ is a conjunctive adverb. and - ‘and’ connects after school and on weekends. and - ‘and’ connects Jan and his brother. yet ~ ‘yet’ connects unique and dangerous. but - ‘but’ connects exciting and rather dangerous. ‘rather’ is an adverb. whenever - ‘whenever’ connects the two clauses. unless ~ ‘unless’ connects the two clauses. provided that - ‘provided that’ connects the two clauses. since ~ ‘since’ connects the clauses. ‘finally’ is an interjection. unless ~ ‘unless’ is the conjunction of the sentence. if - ‘iP connects the two clauses. while - ‘while’ connects the two clauses. L ABILITY WORKSHEET 11: INTERJECTIONS b. hurray ~ ‘hurray’ is the word in the sentence that expresses strong emotion. oops - ‘oops’ expresses strong emotion. great - ‘great’ expresses strong emotion. alas ~ ‘alas’ expresses mild emotion, well - ‘well’ expresses mild emotion. help - ‘help’ expresses strong emotion, whew - ‘whew’ expresses strong emotion, hey - ‘hey’ expresses strong emotion, goodness ~ ‘goodness’ ex; whoa ~ ‘whoa’ ex] finally ouch Presses strong emotion. v ‘presses mild emotion, finally’ expresses strong emotion, ouch’ expresses pain, Psst ~ ‘psst’ expresses mild emoti aa emotion.18, b. bang - ‘bang’ expresses strong emotion. 49, a, crash crash’ expresses strong emotion. 20. a. oh ~‘oh’ expresses mild emotion, yERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 12: ARTICLES 1, a an-apple is singular so we use ‘an’. 2, b. the-we talk about a specific party so we use the definite article ‘the’. 3, a. some - the drapes are not specific so we use ‘some’. 4, b. an - since we used an article in lawyer, we have to use one in entrepreneur. 5, a. (no article) - since we did not use an article in calculus, we won't use one in trigonometry. 6, b._ the-the woman who owned fifty-one cats is specified so we use ‘the’. : a - since we used an article in cat, we have to use one in dog. 8. a. some -the kid in the sentence can be any kid and was not specified so we use ‘some’. 9. b. (noarticle) ~ since we did not use an article in scary, we won't use one in exciting. s 10. b. a~-new starts with a consonant so we use ‘a’. 11. b. the - Trish is the baby of the speaker's cousin, so we use ‘the’. 12. a. a-3" starts with a consonant, so we use ‘a’. 13. b. (no article) - no article is needed in the sentence. 14. a. some - the woman is not known nor specified so we use ‘some’. 15. a. the - Nikki is specified so we use ‘the’. VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 13: SUBJECT—VERB AGREEMENT 1. was - everybody is a singular pronoun so we use the s-form verb. is - the verb agrees with the nearer subject, Edmond, which is singular. keep - few is a plural indefinite pronoun so we use the -s form verb.. looks - the verb agrees with the nearer subject, wall, which is singular. is - the verb agrees with the affirmative part of the sentence, father, which is singular. was-the subject,director, remains singular despite the phrase along with. were - the subject books is plural so we use ‘were’. change - there are two subjects, Ami and Luz, so we use a base-form verb. was -- everything is a singular pronoun so we use the s-form verb. 10. leaves -- each refers to a singular subject so we use the -s form verb. 11. gives - hypothesis is singular so we use the -s form verb. 12. are - the subjects rice and meat are separate things being combined so we use the plural form. 13. comes - the subject Luis is singular so we use the -s form verb. 14. favor — a number is always plural so we use the base-form verb. 15. is ~ food is a collective noun so we the singular verb. 16. does - friend is singular so we use the singular verb. » 321 Pw Pn17. stays ~ Sandy is singular so we use a s singular verb. 18. likes - the subject Danny is singular so we use ‘likes’, 19. remember - the nearer subject kids is plural so we use the base form ve; 20. wants - the subject Sophie is singular so we use ‘wants’, rh, VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 14: SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION 322 1, 2. 10. 11. 12. 13. © a. These days, computers rule the world. - The sub plural so we use the base-form verb, rule. : The guard hoped for help from everyone in finding the criminal. - ye need to place the modifiers in their correct places. The help hoped for by the guard comes from everyone, not the criminal Claire is the best daughter among the three daughters of the G family. - Claire is being compared to three other daughters, th use the superlative form. When comparing three or more peo} use among. In order to win, Patricia wore a beautiful gown. - To be able to win, wearing a beautiful gown is necessary. The winnin, tense but the wearing of the gown is already done. After winning, she passed out. - It is the only logical sentence in the choices. Letters a, c, and d are dangling modifiers. The regrets I have are worse than yours. - When comparing two things, we use worse. - Yours is used to show the second person's ownership of the regrets. The subject regrets is plural so we use are instead of is. Imay have eaten somethin ject computer is omez, us, We ple, we ig is in the present ig bad. - Since the effect of eating something bad is still being experienced, we use the past participle eaten. People recognized that voice as mine. - We use the predicative Possessive form of the pronoun, mine, | read everything but I can’t find the assignment. - We eliminate choices a and b because they are run-on sentences, The appropriate verb for the sentence is find so the answer is letter d. Did you do this to clear your conscience? - The first verb is the only one that should be inflected. You is always partnered with a plural verb. Little kids who play with fire get their fi and the pronoun must agree. Ifthe su the word finger must be plural too. My grandma always reminds me to b ingers burned. - The subject 'bject is plural, the pronoun and : e prepared for anything, - The subject grandmais singular so the word reminds must be singular t00- Alway is not a word SO any choice that have ‘alway’ is wrong. Love makes us act like we are , i * ols. ~ Thi is singular make has to be singular tog ee44. b. To go ziplining is excitin, 'g and all but once you're there though, it’s = Li i scary. ~ Letter b is the only choice with the correct spelling of exciting, once, and you're, 15. a. The dog with the black collar belongs to Sofia. - The subject dog is singular, so we use the -s form of the oices c,d, a word belong. Choices c, d, and e 16. d. I caught a robber in my garden one summer night. - The robber was caught in the garden during a summer night. The other choices can be misleading on what the robber was taking. 17. b. When he lost all his money, all his friends deserted him. - The pronouns preceding money and friends should be in the possessive form. The correct word to use is deserted as it means abandon. 18. b. We first met on a sunny April day. - The action of meeting up was already done so we use the past tense form met. The correct sequence of adjectives should be sunny April day. 19. d. During the 2008 recession, my family was affected very hard. - We use a comma instead of a semicolon and affect instead of effect. Affect means make a difference while effect means bring about a result. 20. d. Perhaps the most difficult endeavor is the lonely one. - Difficult is a VERB. 1. 2. 3. 10. complex-compound ~ non-gradable adjective. Thus, we must use comparative words. Since we are comparing types of endeavors, we use the superlative form most difficult. AL ABILITY WORKSHEET 15: SENTENCE STRUCTURE simple - The sentence is composed of one independent clause. complex-compound - The sentence has two independent clauses and one dependent clause. > compound - The sentence has two independent clauses joined together by the conjunction but. ; : compound - It has two independent clauses joined together by a semi- colon. complex - compound - The sent by the conjunction because. ; simple - The sentence is composed of one independent clause. complex-compound - It has two independent clauses and one dependent clause. complex - The sents clause. It has one independent clause and one dependent clause. tence has two independent clauses joined together ence has one independent clause and one dependent It has two independent clauses and one dependent clause. 323VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 16: AFFIXES 1. childish 11. inconsistency 2. misplaced 12. Unfortunately 3. spoonful 13. unpredictable 4. oversleep 14, uninspired 5. Journalism 15. wonderful 6. reflection 16. inappropriate 7. happily 17. stubbornness 8. combination 18. homeless 9. reconsiders 19. injustice 10. disorganized 20. unusual VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 17: PUNCTUATIONS 6 a 11a. 16. Low c. 206d. 7 de 12. ¢. 17. b. 3. a 8. da 13. a. 18. a. 4. b. Skb 14. d. 19. a. 5. b. 10. a. 15. b. 20. c. VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 18: CORRECT USAGE a 6. b. 11. b, 16. b i a. 7. db. 12. b. 17. a. 3. db. 8. a. 1B. a. 18. a. 4. a. 9. a. 14. b. 19. b, 5. b. 10. b. 15. b. 20. b. VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 19: IDENTIFYING ERRORS 1. D. women 8. E 15. A. dropped 2 &£ 9. C.this 16. E. 3. D.already 10. A. There 17. E. 4, £E 11, A.It’s 18. D. theater artist 5. £E 12. E. 19. E. 6. A.does 13. C. publishes 20. A. have 7. £. 14. C. friends VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 20: SYNONYMS 1b. 6. d. 2 a Tike. 3. b. 8. a 4c Laare 5. a 10. b. 324yr vena ABILITY WORKSHEET 21: ANTONYMS 1. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. veen eoeee ogee VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 22: ANALOGY single-Word Approach 1, c. Physics - Mendel is the father of Heredity; Newton is the father of Physics. c. Wood - A scalpel is used to cut flesh; a chisel is used to cut wood. b. Veronica Roth - Book-Author Relationship c. White - Contrasting pair of words e. Scientist - Tool-User Relationship d. Society - The first word is related to the third word. Therefore, 24 word must match the fourth word. a. Treacherous ~ Canine refers to dogs, which are known to be loyal. Feline refers to cats, which are known to be treacherous. 8 e. Japan - Currency-Country Relationship a. Biden - Country-President Relationship 10. c. Zeus - Earth is named after Gaia. Jupiter is named after Zeus. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. Paired- lord Approach 1. Gold : Aurum ~ Ferum (Fe) is the old name of Iron; Aurum (Au) is the old name of Gold. 2. a. shoe: stiletto - Stiletto is a type of a shoe; just like a mansion is a type of a house. 3. a. brother : sister - Male-Female Relationship ' 4, { c. four : five - Quartet is composed of 4 singers, while a quintet is composed of 5. Don Quixote : Miguel de Cervantes ~ Book-Author Relationship lawyer : courtroom ~ Profession-Workplace Relationship neurons : nervous system - Superior vena cava is found in the heart, the main organ of the cardiovascular system; while neurons are found 8 in the brains, the main organ in the nervous system. * ¢ K:W- In the periodic table of elements, Potassium is labeled as “K”, 7 while Tungsten is labeled as “W”. . duet : two - A solo is composed of “one” person only; while a duet is composed of “two” people. Thymine : Cytosine - Adenine and Guanine are purines, so the next two should be pyrimidines (i.e., Cystosine and Thymine) 325VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 23: PARAGRAPH ORGANIZATION Loa 2-3-1 6. b. 1-2-3 2 a 2-3-4 7d. - 3 e 213 8. b. 4. a 2-3-1 9d. 5. a 4-2-3-1 10. c. 3-1-2 VERBAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 24: READING COMPREHENSION 1 G 6 lla. 16. b. 2 be Tid, 12. d. 17. ¢. 3 a 8. b. 13. ¢, 18. b. 456: 2 a 14. 19. d. SoG 10. b. 15. a. 20. a. ANALYTICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 1; LOGICAL REASONING 1. a. Flint is energetic. - The middle term is “Happy” since it appeared in both premises. Hence, “Happy” should not appear in the conclusion, Furthermore, the argument does not include “all” or “some’, hence, we will not be using these words in the conclusion. Lastly, we cannot directly infer that “Flint is sad.” since it did not appear on the premises. 2. c. Claire is washing the dishes. - It was established on the premise that should Claire wash the dishes, then Clint will be sweeping the floor, Since it is stated that Clint is sweeping the floor, then it is only logical to assume that Claire is washing the dishes. 3. Some parents wear capes. - Using a Venn diagram for this argument would be helpful. Your diagram should look like this: advo seam Hence, the logical conclusion would be: “Some parents wear cape” 4. b. She would love to go ona trip to Japan. - Since the statement revolves around travelling, then the best choice would be the one that als? revolves around travelling. Letter b is the choice that revolves 0 traveling. 326for items 5 to 7, your diagram should look like this: 5. ¢ 6 4. 7 a. 8. d. 9 od 10. b. Lic: 12. b. Evelyn Rose Theodore Frances Jenny Evelyn. Jenny Theodore cannot be determined - If the wolves howled, the logical conclusion will be that there was a full moon. However, if there is no full moon, no conclusion can be drawn as to whether wolves howl or not. The water is cold. - The middle term is “frozen.” Hence, it should not appear in the conclusion. If we remove the middle term, what is left is “water” and “cold”. If we are to connect the remaining terms, then what we are left with is “The water is cold.” B4 - your diagram should look like this: B1 B4 B3 B2 BS Inferences I, Il, and IV only. ~ Using a Venn diagram would be helpful in visualizing the problem. The diagram should look like this: I should exercise if | want to feel happy. - The statement says that the body secretes “feel-good” hormones when exercising, The “feel-good” hormone obviously makes someone feel good. Hence, I should exercise if | want to feel happy or feel good. 327Foritems 17 to 19, your diagram should look like this; 328 17.¢. 18. d. 19. a. 20. a. Alan drives a luxury car. - Since “CEO” appeared on both Premises, it should automatically not appear in the conclusion. The remaini terms are “luxury car” and “Alan”. To make sense of the remaining term, we could conclude that “Alan drives a luxury car.” If Jemima is being treated by Karen with ice cream, then she must have given Karen a keychain. - This is based form th Karen receives a keychain from Jemima, she will tre. cream.” The other choices are incorrect. The drink is a soda, so it is not juice. - In the given situation, th only two possible drinks in the pitcher. It cannot be both. Some Filipinos are intelligent, - this, we would end up with: fe statement "ip ‘at her with ice ere are If we are to create a Venn diagram for intelligent Matt Heidi Winston Heston Levy Matt Heidi Heston Some natives can ski, _L ABILIT' Y WORKSHEET 2: PU! : PUZZLES anayTICAl sudoku: LMagic Square: 1 Magic sum: 21 2. Magic sum: 15 3. 5. Magic sum: 34 6. Magic sum: 102 ANALYTICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 3: FLOWCHART 1. b. Gates 11-20 - These gates serve 2. a. She does not havea ticket. - This you have a ticket?” 3. c. She is traveling toa destination wi serving domestic routes, international routes, step is preceded by the question “Do ithin the country. - Gates 1-10 are 33010. ¢. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ticket - Before checking-in, the question “Do you have a ticket?” is asked. She found an ATM. - this part of the flow chart does not have a line that is directly linked to “Go home”. Annstill has money left after buying clothes. - this reasoning precedes the step in the flowchart that says “Buy some take-away food.” to check her account balance - This reason succeeds the part of the flowchart that is “Look for an ATM.” to download a mobile banking application - This reason did not appear in the flowchart. She is applying for the position of customer service. - The other available position would require an applicant to take the written exam first before proceeding to the first interview. both a and b - As what appears on the top right of the flow chart, both Aand Bare valid assumptions. He is applying for the position of financial analyst - this is the direct reasoning as presented in the flow chart as it is directly linked to taking the written exam. curriculum vitae - This is the first thing that is required in the process of applying for company A. late afternoon - Since watching television is scheduled after taking an afternoon nap, then the period for that would be any time during or after the afternoon. Ken did not take a bath. - This does not have a direct impact on Ken having lunch. Furthermore, Ken having extra money or reheating his breakfast lead to Ken having lunch (as shown on the chart). Ken will watch television after waking up from his afternoon nap. - The other assumptions do not match what is presented in the chart. ANALYTICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 4: PROBLEM SOLVING Pollan Mok Toz - Do not confuse Mek with Mok. Mek means “is” while Mok means “was”. Naxan Mek Lang ~The suffix -an means “the”, hence, for the sentence to become directly translated, we add -an to mean “the daffodil.” The car was fast. Autopatin ~ pa is a suffix that signifies ownership (my) while tin signifies negation (not). ‘Autopalantin - lan is a suffix that means “also” also my cars - iko is a suffix that is added to make a noun plural. Fellar Mayum Istak Ruloz - When Mayum is added to Fellar it translates to “nobody”. Istak means “is” and Ruloz means “absent”. 3318. d. Yiddim Heogh Chang Ghozhwa ~ Yiddim means “I”; Chang turns th a verb into past tense; -wa is a possessive suffix which translates t “my". ; . 9. a. He is washing clothes. - Prezw is a verb that trans lates to “wash” _ Ching turns the verb into its present tense; -wa is not needed since n possessive noun (his, her, my, your, etc.) was mentioned. 10. b.Yiddim Shuo Chang Nazhwa- Chang should be part of the senteng since it is int eh past tense; -wa is also added since it signifies! ownership of the bag “my bag”. I. 1. 57 Solution: Lay out the possible numbers based on the first description (; a two- digit number whose digits add up to 12). 39 4857 HC BAC Eliminate numbers based on the 24 descri include 3 and 19). exclude numbers that do not have 3 as a factor: 39 48 57 66 75 tion (the number's factors 84 93 exclude numbers that do not have 19 as a factor: 39° 48 S766 75 gS gg Check if 57 is a factor of 684, 684 +57 =12 1. 1,000.00 Solution: (DESCRIPTION IN THEPRORRE E DESCRIPTION IN THE PROBLEM SOLUTION | cota sa NIN THE PROBLEM | - total salary for the week 3,700 | Lone hour overtime on Friday ~100 = 3,600 | =400 = 3,200 | not workon +300 = 3,500 | Worked for three and a half-days} =45-— _ (Monday, Tuesday, Thurs, aril mea day, Friday) | Daily pay ~ ee shursday, Frida four hours overtime on Thursday _did not work on Wednesday 1,000 3322. Shours Solution: Using the diagram below, move each arrow the according to how many kilometers each should travel in a unit of time. For example, since each small unit on the line is equal to 250 km, move the left arrow 1 unit every hour (representing 250 km/hr), and move the right arrow 2 units every hour (representing 500 km/hr). Get the total distance each time you move the arrows. Eventually, after 5 hours, the total distance covered by the left and right arrows will be 1,250 km and 2,500 km, respectively. Thus, after 5 hours, the planes will be 3,750 km apart. eegege eeegeegee s 3 e 8 es 8888 8 8 8 8&8 4S # £ 2 §€§ 8 § 8 8 a eld 543 21hs 1 2 3 4 § ANALYTICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 4: COGNITIVE REASONING 1. 25 2. E112-The letters are alphabetical. A7 B14 C28 D56 _E112 Wee x2 x2 x2 x2 15 30 25 50 45 90. Qe te x2 -5 x2 -5 x2 4. 0.50 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 _0.50 a a wa 40.10 +010 +010 +010 5. 136 -The letters are alphabetical. pa Qd—sé=«éRGSC“«CSS 3G wo ow we Ye Y 2? 3? a” s? e 6. 31~Add the two preceding numbers to get the next number. 2 5 7 12 «19°—~—C 34 on +2 +5 +7 +12 33311. 12. 13. 14. 15, 334 = The sequence is alphabetical in order. However, position of the two letters every other term (i.e, "D “HG” instead of “GH"). interchange th instead of "Cp 2500 . 720 —10 2 -8 0 -6 2 +120 -10 48-6 g 9SE - The letters are alphabetical. 202 25A 35B «SOC. 70D: __9SE Base es +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 1793 183 305 S27 8491271 1793 a : u +1220 (+222 +322 +422 4522 76st B, ° m 2 ,K N,O RS ; ky Ly 4H 116L ~M96P CE leh Mer ozeer x2 x4 x6 x8 124.375 - The letters are alphabetical in reverse order. N780 M390 L195 975 148.75 124.375 au! Kau a) + a) +2 +2 +2 i i > oS m¥ ueRICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 1: VOCABULARY AND SPELLING 1. b._ pasttime (pastime) 2. a, concieted (conceited) 3, c. oppurtunity (opportunity) 4, d. a,b, and c - embarass (embarrass), rythm (rhythm), accomodate (accommodate) 5, e. neither a, b,norc 6, a. irreperable (irreparable) 7. d. a,b,and c ~ sorrugate (surrogate), terestial (terestrial), solenmity (solemnity) 8. d. a, b, and c ~ dealing (dealing), begining (beginning), halsyon (halcyon) 9. b. supplyer (supplier) 10. c. combineation (combination) 11. e. neither a, b, nor ¢ 12. e. neither a, b, nor ¢ 13. e. neither a, b, nor ¢ 14, d._ a,b, and c - abored (aboard), skintone (skin tone), softdrinks (soft drinks) 15. b. singking (sinking) 16. a. tuitorial (tutorial) 17. b. cartrige (cartridge) 18. c. decaing (decaying) 19. e. neither a, b, nor ¢ 20. a. symtoms (symptoms) CLERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 2: ALPHABETIZING 1. b. 4-5-1-2-3 - Disregard the article “The” and arrange the words by the second word. 2c. 2-4-5: 3-1 - Since all words starts with “Succubus”, arrange the words according to the word that comes after. 3. b, 1-5-3-2-4 4. e@ 4-1-2-3-5 5. c 1-2-5-4-3 6 e 3-1-5-2-4 7. b. 4-5-2-3-1 8c, 5-4-3-2-1 9b, 2-1-3 10. a. 1-2-3-4-5 11. b, 3-1-2-4-5 12. b, 5-1-2-3-4 33513. c. 14. b. 15. a. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. popes 2-5-3-4-1 - Disregard the title “Dr.”, and since all items have the same last names, arrange them according to their first name. 4-3-2-5-1 ~ Arrange the set of words by changing “lana Garcia anq Associates, Inc.” to “Garcia, lana and Associates, Inc.”, “The Mind Museum” to “Mind Museum”, “161N Storybrooke Avenue” to “One Hundred Sixty-One N Storybrooke Avenue”, “Department of Tourism” to “Tourism, Department of”, and “221 Baker Street” to “Two Hundred Twenty-One B Baker Street.” 3-5-1-4-2 - The arrangement should be: 1) Bantiles, Francis John, 2) Colas, Faye and Associates, Inc, 3) Correos, Christine and Partners, Ltd, 4) Dela Pefia, Faye, M.D. and 5) Torrion, Famela and Associates, Inc. 1-2-4-5-3 4-3-5-2-1 - Spell out all numbers then arrange alphabetically. 1-2-3-4-5 2-1-3-4-5 5-4-3-2-1 NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 1: DIVISIBILITY RULES A. 1.3 6.2,4,8,5, 10 11.2, 4,8,5,10 2.2,4,5,10 7.5 12. 2, 4, 8, 3, 6,5, 10 3.2, 4,8, 3,6 8,2, 5,10 13.2, 4,8, 3, 6,9, 5, 10 4.2 9.2,3,4,8,6 14.2,5,1 5.2,4,8,3,5, 10,6 10. none 15.2, 4,5,8, 10 B. 1. false 6. true 2. true 7. false 3. false 8. true 4. false 9. false 5. true 10. true PROBLEM SOLVING 1. Could Mr. Picardo put the 2,142 papers on his desk into a.3 equal piles? Yes c.9 equal piles? Yes b.4 equal piles? No d.8 equal piles? No 2. The answer could be any multiple of 60. (e.g,, 60, 120, 180, ...) 336- k ws RICAL oe WORKSHEET 2: MULTIPLES AND FACTORS BUILDIN ( A 1.1,2,17,34 6.1,13 t 2.1, 2, 4,7, 8, 14, 28, 56 7.1,3,41,1 ' 3.1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48 Eaortctaan 16, 20, 40, 80 : 4.1,3,5,1 9.1,11,121 5.1,7 10.1, 5,29, 145 B. 1.7, 14, 21, 28, 35 6.42, 84, 126, 168, 210 2.12, 24, 36, 48, 60 7.5,10, 15, 20,25 3. 68, 136, 204, 272, 340 8.31, 62, 93, 124, 155 4.14, 28, 42, 56, 70 9. 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 5. 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 10. 72, 144, 216, 288, 360 Cc 1.51319 6.27 x 5? 2.7101 7.3X7XA47 3.2x 13x31 8.3x5x29 4.3.x 107 9.37x5x17 5.22x3x5x7 10.2°x5 D. 1. GCF = 12, LCM = 36 3. GCF = 5, LCM = 150 2. GCF = 9, LCM = 36 4. GCF = 23, LCM = 46 PROBLEM SOLVING 1.13 (41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89,97) 2.3,5and7 3. They are all odd numbers. NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 3: INTEGERS A 12 6. 16 11.7 28 7.9 12. 20 a4 8. 22 13. 4 aie 9, 12 14, 12 S 10, -25 15. 25 B 1 -20 6. 17 hs 7. 27 8. 4 4 >4 9, -28 2 10. —10 337Cc. 1-4 2. -12 3. -125 4. 16 5. —36 NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 4: PEMDAS A 1.8 2.48 3.12 4.35 5.42 6.37 7.16 8.58 9.35 10.46 11. 144 736 12-120 8 81 13. -24 9. -72 14. -75 10. 14 15. 21 B. c 1.84 1.38 2.25 2.16 3.46 3.2 4.6 4.18 5.19 5.8 6.-9 7.30 8.60 9.37 10.8 NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 5: DECIMALS Addition of Decimals 1. 20.2946 2.1886 3.106.225 4. 200.36843 5. 480.9823 Multiplication of Decimals 1.99.09 2.11.3 3.30.1 4.157206 5,325.08 PROBLEM SOLVING 1.5.2 2.12.32cm 3.9.1kb 4.10.1 kg 5.37.4 338 Subtraction of Decimals 1.2.208 2. 3.406 3.9.116 4.47.52 5.-23.7197 Division of Decimals 1.392 2.177.792 3.0.072 4.0.384 5.1735 6. 2 cups 7. 10.948 pages 8. 0.33 kg 9. 3.48 bags 10. 9.4 litersNUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 6: FRACTIONS A. Pw > PPS woe SN vor YN veene 2 1 3 655 3 is 5 2 7 3 1 1 7 32 34 54 2 eS 9.2 3 & 1 7 10.2 2 2 2 12 6.132 1 20+ 7.10+ 3 . 2 1 3h ; 8.16 10 1% 2 9.12 1 2 10.94 10 7 65 3 or 24 45 z 78 100 669 2 3 20 3 3 “9 ‘ 7 is 10.= rs 5 z 6< . > e 8< < 9.> s 10. < 457 777 177 es4 35755 yoo 23,2525 23456 vase? 1 2 3 43232 3435355 76543 12’ 10’ 8 o4 339NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 7: ADDING SIMILAR FRACTIONS C. Word Problem 3 LL 5 u 25 19 3.5 4.1 6 5.5 NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 8: ADDING DISSIMILAR FRACTIONS a “12 t 24 2 3.14 2 wv 4 20 5.12 15 B. 19 1 20 ut 2155 3.1 6.14 é 712 18 s 8.2 9.14 2 10.14 ie 614 is 7.14 7 8.12 53 41q 13 5.56 C. Word Problem 12 3 2155 13 35 4.127% 105 NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 9: Al SIMILAR FRACTIONS A. ; a 1.45 5 2. Te 1 3.285 15 4. 5. B. 1 2, 3.30 4. Cc. 1 2. 1 poo 15 6.112 3 7.264 29 8.242 2 9.342 14 A 10.215 5.29 25 6. 135, 7 7. a5 \ 8. 17, 3 3.167 4 4.82 9.12 36 10.12 72 DDING MIXED NUMBERS WITH NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 10: ADDING MIXED NUMBERS WITH DISSIMILAR FRACTIONS 107 6. 190 7. 2255 1 8.41— 18 9. 2355 341v7 5.222 10.222 c 1 3 184 Lig 6 ‘ 2.8 7.22 7 3.198 8.297 77 103 424 9,398 5.138 10.422 e 23 B 158 3.58 3 2.82 0 NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 11: SUBTRACTING SIMILAR FRACTIONS A, 625 i 74 é B aD 25 3 10.8 4 0 7.0 gt “3 po 4 10,£ ” 1 1.5 meters 3.2 meters s 2.5 hour 42 NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 12; 5 NUMERICAS UBTRACTING DISSIMILAR A. 3 2 1. is 6.8 i 8 2.3 Zi 3423 3.£ 25 a 9 a as 5,2 39 10 0. 120 B. Ls 1 10 655 a : 2. i, 14 3-2 8 o 15 43 9.2 5 ry 5.4 4 3 10. 15 c 7 1. p meters 2.4 meters 3.2 mile 8 NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 13: SUBTRACTING MIXED NUMBERS WITH SIMILAR FRACTIONS A. A 4 it 6.83 241 2.7 a 3a 3.5 are 3 10 452 9.17 " 5.6 10.275 B. 1.32 6.72 2 83 262 7.135 15 ae 3.34 8.4 5 3. i 78 455 aga) 5. 2% 10.84 343NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 14: SUBTRACTING MIXED NUMBERS, WITH DISSIMILAR FRACTIONS NUMERICAL ABILITY ‘WORKSHEET 344 2112 1 3.32 4.122 “4 5.158 16 c 5 1.205 ft 2.5 & meters 3.5 meter 4. Hazel by = km A1t is 22) 4 6.34 7.82 8.102 7 9.7% 2 1 10.52 6.4 is 7.153 7 8.22 29 9.153 10.3% n 15: MULTIPLYING FRACTIONS Boot 1 10,2 423 a68 “Gat 6 11.2 a 12.2 5 13,2 ‘ 14.2 3 15,2 10 9104 is 10.192 8NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSH! 15 ol A. 1 or a 39 98 5.2 or 35 i 65 7.52 rr 8.12 7 1.6 runners 2. 42 pieces 3.7 bricks 11.22 12.52 13.2% 14.232 15. 70 EET 16: DIVIDING FRACTIONS i 9.2 1 10.3 ‘ ws 12.20r 2 13.20r 75 14.2 or 3 15.5 a a eres PSRE SS. wwe patton Sls ° - wn n 345,NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 174: FRACTION AS Pal Skill Building gan AWho A 1.50 6.11 2.45 7.13/6 x 12 = 26 3. 18/5 x 45 = 162 8. 37/9 x 80 = 2,960/9 = 3282 4.100 9. 47/5 x 100 = 940 ° 5 495/2 = 247 % 10. 47/8 x 14 = 658/8 = 82% 1.25 6.160 2.75 7.200 3.15 8.900 4.60 9. 2,400 5.240 10. 210 Problem Solving 1. 200 X % = 50 for Perry 200 x % = 100 for Gemma 200 - 50 - 100 = 50 gummies left 2/7 x 1,757 = 502 votes Ys x 456,000 = 114,000 from other cities 456,000 - 114,000 = 342,000 original population of Trevy City 4. 1/10 + 3/8 + 1/12 = 12/120 + 45/120 + 10/120 = 67/120 67/120 x 56,843 = 31,737.34 P56,843 - P31,737.34 = P25,105.66 5. 1/8 x 500 = 62 1/2 ml spilled 500 - 62 % = 437; ml was left YN NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 17B: FRACTION AS PART OF A WHOLE A. 1.45 6.1412 2.55 7.752 3.160 8.50 4.50 9.24 1 5.92 10.15 B. 1.100 6.135 2.100 7.272 3.270 8.142 4. 1,000 9. 1394 5.70 10.48 346 wi1. P26,000 2. P1,750 3. P19,500 4, P130,000 5. 1,350 AL ABILITY WORKSHEET 17¢: oan 17C: FRACTIONS AS PART OF A WHOLE 1 13 4 6. © ta 7. ips 32 2 a eI 21 42 9.4 Al "6 Fi ad 10.5 B i 2 § 6.2 2 7.17 a 8.5 45 91 5.5 10.% c Ee “10 22 “4 Br) ) 44 Ue (MERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 18: PERCENT FRACTION | DECIMAL | FRACTION | DECIMAL 9 0.90 | 6 9 42.45 aa Qo 10 3 0.75 0.50 | 4 | a 9.75 ie 1.75 a | 1 0.02 2 2 __| —— | 50 | | 1 — _ 347(" @ | [ - B. 1. 218 29.80 = 80% 50 = 90 2. 2x 1,344 = 2,688 5x 1,406 = 7,030 3x2,730 = 8.190 17,908 17,908 xk 0.05 895.40 17,908 >_ 895.40 17,012.60 350 3. Tosa 28% 4 235,000 117,500 x 0.50. x 0.25_ 117,500 29,375 5 0.15 x 0.50 x 350 = 26.25 NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 19A: A 1.17.5 O11 | 10. 1 2,000 | 0.0055} | PERCENT AS PART OF A WHOLE 6.81.25 2.162 7.125 3.12 8.6.1875, 4.585 9.18 5.40.6 10. 109.62 B. 1.28 6.1,957.5 2.525 7.3,500 3.2561 8.8,190 4. 186.2 9.1,397.4 5.35.65 10.1125 c. 1.P15,000 2.2,429 3. P25,207.27 discount P987,132.97 amount to be paid 348oo BILITY WORKSHEET 198: PERCENT As PART OF A WHOLE é 4,40 2,56 3,300 4,10 5.30 B. 1.20 2.80 3,137.5 4,200 5.16 C 1.P60,000 2.180 3,P1,000 6.85 7.376 8.110 9.14 10. 343.75 6.15 7.20 8.500 9.25 10. 22.5 4. P90.00 5. P218.75 sMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 19C: PERCENT AS PART OF A WHOLE SLLBUILDING 1.250% 2.40% 3.75% 4.500% 5.20% OBLEM SOLVING 1.30% 2.25% 3.85.71% 6.1.67% or 12% 7.20% 8.12.5% 9.5% 10.10% EASE MERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 20: PERCENT INCREASE/DECR "LL BUILDING 1.100% 2.33,33% 3.200% 4.50% 5.150% M SOLVING 1.20% 2.50% 3.15% 4.9.09% op. 6.-50% 7.-66.67% 8.-90% 9, 1,566.67% 10. -70% 349NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 21: FINDING THE OLD VALUE SKILL BUILDING 1.40.000 6. 1,875 2. 2,500 7. 9,800 3.15,000 8. 4,560 4.14,000 9. 8,900 5. 18,500 10. 4,500 PROBLEM SOLVING 1. f + 0.20f = 24,000 1.20f _ 24,000 “1201.20 f = 20,000 2. R + 0.125R = 9,000 1.125 _ 9000 1a2s 1125 R = 8,000 3. S- 0.255 = 600 2755 _ soo 0.75 075 S=800 4. T-0.50T = 1,500 0. 5 5. W-0.05W = 7,650 gsr _ 7,650 095 ~ 095 W= 8,052.63 NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 22: FINDING THE NEW VALUE A. Find the value of the following, 1.60 6.2025 2.175 7.72 3.43.75 8.22.5 4.33.60 9.19.5 5.91.80 10.108 B. Find the new value, 1.45 6.315 2,126.50 7.88 3. 362.50 8.1,806.25 4.1344 9. 262.50 5.74.8 10.57.60 350pROBLEM SOLVING 1.440 - 0.15 (440) = 374 7,200 + 0.15 (7,200) = 8,280 41.200 - 0.35 (1,200) = 780 00 + 1.25 (35,000) ,000 + 0.085 (150,000 NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 23: COMBI DECREASE INED PERCENT INCREASE AND 1, Ityear: 400 + 0.20 (400) = 480 24 year: 480 - 0.10(480) = 432 Ans: 432 2 1s month : 1,000 - 0.15(1,000) = 850 24 month : 850 + 0.10 (850 = 935 Ans: 935 3. 1st week : 500 - 0.20(500)= 400 24 week : 400 + 0.15 (400) = 460 Ans: 460 4 1st year : 1,200 - 0.10 (1,200) = 1,080 34 year : 1,080 + 0.20 (1,080) = 1,296 Ans: 1,296 5. 1st month : 3,500 + 0.25 (3,500) = 4,375 24 month : 4,375 ~- 0.25 (4,375) = 3,281.25 Ans : 3,281.25 6. 1st month : P5,000 - 0.10 (5,000) = 4,500 2» month : P4,500 + 0.10 (4,500) = P4,950 34 month ; P4,950 - 0.15 (4,950) = P4,207,50 Ans. P4,207.50 PROBLEM SOLVING 1. P880 + 0.25 (880) = 1,100 1,100 - 0.20(1,100) = 880 Ans. P880 2. 1% Month : 1,250 -.10(1,250) = 1,125 1,125 + 0.10 (1,125) = 1,237.50 Ans. P1,237.50 3. Ayear ago : P 2,499 + 0.10 (2,499) = P2,748.90 This year: P 2,748,9 - 0:30 (2,748.9. P1,924.23 4. After 6 months: 36,000 - 0.10 (36,000) = 32,400 ‘After another 6 months: 32,400 - 0.15(32,400) = 27,540 Ans. P27,540 5. 2013 : P250 + 1.00 (250) = P500 2017: P500+0.20 (500) = P600NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 24: RATIO AND PROPORTION A. Pene ~ Oo ew Ne . C.25:2 GCF of 50:4 is 2:50+2= 25 & 4+ C10 2+6=8 > 40+8=5 > 5x2=10 D. P8.00 12:96 > (simplify) 1:8 > P8.00 C.4x95 A. 9:11 GCF(Greatest Common Factor)of 162 and 198 is 18>162+18=9 @ 198+18=11> 9:11 B.4:3 24:18 is no yet in its simplest form > GCF of 24 & 18 is 6 > 242654 & 18+6=3 > 4:3 B. 2,080.00 5:80 > (simplify) 1:16 > 16x130 = 2,080 A. P140,000: P105,000: P105,000: P70,000 4:3:3:2 > 44+3+3+2=12 > 420,000+12 = 35,000 > (Distribute 35,000): 4x35,000 = 140,000: 3x35,000 = 105,000: 3x35,000 = 105,000: 2x35,000 = 70,000 > 140,000: 105,000: 105,000: 70,000 €.210:45 Prove: GCF of 210 and 45 is 15. 210+15= 14 & 45215=3> 14:3 = 210:45 A.750m 50:4 > (60 minutes in 1 hour) 6 =15 > 50x15= 750 > 25:2 15:6 GCF of 195 and 78 is 39 > 195+39=5 & 78+39= 2>5:2 21:19 — GCF of 504 and 456 is 24> 50. 10:7 17:11 78772 T= i> 17:11 7:6 GCF of 315 and 270 is 45> 315+45= 7 & 270+45= 6> 7:6 32 - Sol'n: (36)? = = (36) > mr ee 12s) @)=CE)O)> 2 > Geaproan= BS n= 13 98 stm) (G) C2) he 2,178 n a (reciprocal) = n> n = 19g 97 =Sol'n: (103) 2 = 24 2 (103) sn = Be Sn = 97 9 -Sol'n: (4) (2) = (26 bad se _ @ @= (3) G >) > a 7 > (retprocal)n ~ ne 76“a caL ABILITY WORKSHEET 25: AVERAGES he average +: Sol’n: 8+12+7+8+10=45 ; 455-9 pari :Sol'n: 25+14437+22+28+30+17=173 ; 173+6= 24.71 458: S0l'n: 487+445+4634422+4774+454=2,748 ; 2748+ 459.8: Sol'n: 126+180+145+198+150=799 ; 799: ; 98.71 : Sol’n: 85+94+102+75+54+112+99=621 ; 621+7= 88.71 4378: Sol’n: 1,214+1,189+1,458+1,789+1,240= 6,890 ; 6,890+5= 378 1h tina : Sol’n: 125+95+110+135+114+108+98= 785 ; 785. 4 8414 : Sol’'n: 32+97+87+102+83+123+65= 589 ; 589 g 10: Sol’: $4+11+7+10+15+4+11+6+9+10410+9+13+114+3+1748 4+14411414412+8+9412+1148+74104114345+6+12+ 8+741149+12+11+6+5414412+10+18+22+11+10+8+ 10, 1,994,244.17 : Sol’n: 1,274,518+1,545,622+1,922,890+2,022,124+2, 345,897+2,854,414= 11,965,465 ; 11,965,465+6= 1,994,244.17 f find © \ L 3 4 5 6 IL Find the missing number Lat :Soln: 13 = BREA 65 =54+K > 65-54=X > 12x 225 Solin: 25 = PHSHEAONN , 195 = 100 + X> 125 - 100 =X> 25 =x 399 ssorn: 91 = SZEBS#7ZHOZHK . gos - 356 +X > 455-356 =X> : Sol’n: 7 99 =x 4 88 soln: 73.6 = SStS2tZB+87** . 368 = 280 + X > 368 - 280 =X + Sol'n: 73. z >8B=x 837s sorn: 4g = Mt37+85#52408% , 299 - 251 + X > 288 - 251 = acaae 6 X>37=x 6. 44278+2974X e 1,265 - § 252 gon 253 = 2zetansrazereo7 i . 1,265 = 1,013 +X>1, 2: Sol’'n: 253 = _ 1013 = X> 252=x 643 “Sol'n: 461 = S7i264399#+412 1% 5 2,305 = 1,662 + X > 2,305 - :Sol'n: 461 = . 1662 X> 643= x 8 411s gory. 497.4 = 2ODtSseteerB2Pee » 2,462 = 2,051 + X> + Sol'n: 492.4 = = 2462.2,051= x> 411=X 353LAN 243H1OV6HZTIEN, 6 91 g- 4 79 9. 1,183 :Sol'n: 1,182 = “9 aa pil2Ta Xe ee 1,254489B+2,435+3,1244% 11,870=7, 7114X> 10. 4,159; Sol'n: 2,374 = > 11, i 11,870-7,711=X> 4159=X NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 26: TABLES, CHARTS, AND GRAPHS 354 1. ¢. Gesellschaft has a decreasing trend in the number of job applicants ~ as presented in the table, it does not show a clear indication that there is q decreasing trend in the number of applicants for Gesellschaft. d. Kompanya As shown in the table, the number of job applicants for Kompanya slowly increases as the months go by. c. September September has a total number of 304 applicants. b. Gongxi: 64 +74+68+72+75+74=427 a. 365 :58 + 65 +51 +62 +64 + 65 = 365 a. There is an increase in the number of passengers per year -As shown by the line on the graph, it keeps on going up, which indicates that there is an increase in the number of passengers. 7. b. 2006 There was a sharp increase from 2005 which is a little less than 100,000 to 2006 which is a little more than 120,000. 8. c. 60,000 The line starts somewhere between 80,000 and 100,000 while it ends somewhere between 140,000 and 160,000. We assume the values that lie in between as a basis for the approximation. Hence, 155,000 - 90,000 = 65,000. 9. d. P1980 Sol’n: 4500 X 0.44 = 1980 10. c. Laundry Laundry only receives 7% of Anton’s weekly budget. 11. b. P 810 - Sol’n : 4500 X 0.18 = 810 12. b. P 577.50 Sol’n: 5250 X 0.11 = 577.5 13. a. P 367.50 Sol’n: 5250 X 0.07 = 37.50 14. d.P 1050 Sol’n: 5250 X 0.20 = 1050 - ¢. P2310 Sol’n: 5250 X 0.44 = 2310 16. c. Company C The co; difference between the black and gray line. 17. b. Company B - The blue line for thi 's company has the shortest length. 18. a. 3800 (~27800 ~~24000 = 3800) ua 19. c.28 (~16+~12 = 28) 20. b. 2.5-5.0 - Since the stud ' 2 ly showed icipants 10s weight that ranges betw, ed that most of the participai ; een 2.5 ld set our expectations in this range. and 5.0, then we coul # ana mpany, as represented in the chart, has the leastBILITY WOR! soca ‘ SHEET 27: ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIO) Ns 4,.w=97cm 5.255 2. R= 0.08 a ae 3.726 1.6 9.-2 4.x=8 10.y-2 1.(-3)) C2)? a = (-3)(1)(4) cs 2-12 4. (~3)(1)*(-2)8 2.(-3)()*(-2) = (—3)(1)(-8) =6 ret 3,[-3@)2(-2) 5, =9(-2) = 2 t 1 f 6.35 2 7.10(r +s) 3.m-5 8.5(s — 2) 4atbt+4 9.5wt3=w-6 5.6h + 10 10.3x-2=5+% MBER PROBLEMS WUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 28: NUI 4 n=25.5 lis 12.75 tne 115 tre11 Sx=23 t ' dt. x, 24: 3x '84 2nd = 3g "31-2 = 38 4x =38+2 ee 355Substitute x to get 2" number: 2nd=3x-2 2nd = 3 (10) -2 2nd = 30-2 2nd = 28 23 3. 4. 5. 2nd: x +12 34; 2 (x412) or 2x +24 1% + 2nd + 3rd = 188 x+x+12+2x+24=188 4x + 36= 188 4x = 188 - 3b 4x =152 4°54 x=38 Substitute x to find the 24 number 2nd: x +12 2nd: 38 +12 2nd= 50 Substitute x to find the 3" number 34: 2x +24 3°: 2 (38) +24 34:76 +24 34= 100 C. CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS 1. Istix 0 X+x4+24+x4+4=090 3x+6=90 3. 0 84 3 x = 28 -> 1stnumber 356substitute x to get 2" 3" numbers qt:x+2 3M x44 24: 2842 3°: 2844 34:30 3%: 32 Ix Deas x42 Bux +4 4: +6 18+ 2m + 3rd 4 4th = 152 yext2+xt44x46=152 4x+12=152 4x = 152-12 140 wa x=35318 Substitute x to get 2>4 3r¢, & 4th number 2nd: x42 Brix +4 Ath + 6 2m: 3542 a 2m: 37 35+4 4h: 35+6 i 4:41 357NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 29: AGE PROBLEM SKILL BUILDING 1. Ethan is 9 years older than Xio. Age in 5 years _| Age now Ethan x+9 ace Xio x x+5 2. Bonbon is twice as old as tala. age 2 years ago age now Bonbon 2x-2 2x Tala x-2 x _| 3. 5 years ago age now age in 4 years Amira x-2 x43 x+7 Xio x-5 x x+4 4. 3 years ago age now age in 2 years | Ethan 4x-3 4x 4x+2 | Xio x3 x x42 ] PROBLEM SOLVING 1. 5 years ago age now F k+21 K+26 K K-5 K (K+21) + (K-5) = 42 2K +16 = 42 2k _ 26 2 2 Therefore, K=13 F=K+26=39 3. C=C F=C+5 C+F=37 C+C+5=37 2C+5=37 2c _ 32 273 C=16 Therefore, C=16 F2C+5=1645-94 358(at +10) + (T+ 10) =50 3T + 20 = 50 5r_ 30 = 2(10) = 20 P+J=48 3J+J=48 88 44 J=12 Therefore, JM is 12 years old. NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 30: WORK PROBLEM 1. 0.66 hour -Sol’n: 24tat> Wemof2and1 isa) =*>F=*> = 0.66 (reciprocal) * =n>2+ > (LCM of 5 and 3 is 15) 2. 1.88 hours- Sol’n:! +4 = a5 a (reciprocal) = =n>188= 3. Ghours soln: £4 4=1> (LCM of 12and nis 1an)12n(2 +4 = 1)> 484 4n = 12n > 48 = 12n—4n > 48=8n>S=>6=n =+> (LCM of 3,5,and 2 in) = 0.97 hours - Sol’n: +++ tou 3°54 n> 3p = a> (reciprocal) 5 =n > 0.97 =n 5. 48 minutes - soln: s+ = =1> (LCM of 45 and 30 is 90) = t> 1 30 = = > (reciprocal) ~ =n > 18 =n 3S 30 minutes - Sorn: 2+ Ba1> (cM of 60 and nis 60n)60n (2+ 5 = 1) > 1200 + 20n = 60n > 0’ 40n 1200 = 60n— 20n > 1200 = 40n > “= “> 30=7 a 3591 , inutes = 90 minutes — 7. 32.14minutes — -Sol’n: convert 1.5 hours to minu| nutes + seo 1 4 t>2=:s 450 21 450 7 = +> (LCM of 90 and 50 is 450) > + 50 (reciprocal) 2 =n>3214=n 8. 16.8 minutes — - Sol'n: + tas = +> (LCM of 28 and 42 is 84) ~* ae Ly S25 (reciprocal)! = n> 168=n ee 9. 2.90 hours ; Sol'n: ptattst (LCM of 7,11, and 9 is 693) ~*S*?” = * > (reciprocal) = = n>2.90=n 10. 229.1 minutes + Sol'n; H+ - 447 1 (LCM of 630 and 360 is 2520) sao, yy (reciprocal) =" = n > 2291 =n NUMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHEET 31: MOTION PROBLEM SKILL BUILDING 1.t=3 2.t=10 3.t=50 4t=2 5. t=50 PROBLEM SOLVING 1. 50t + 60¢ = 330 110¢ 330 110 ~ T10 t=3hrs 2. 40¢ + 50t = 450 90¢ 450 90 90 t= Shrs 3, 55t + 45¢ = 400 100¢ 400 100 ~ 100 t= 4hrs 360UMERICAL ABILITY WORKSHi : Ba Rae EET 32: GEOMETRY PROBLEM 1.L=30 2.W=2 3.W=9 4.L=19 5.L=42.5 PROBLEM SOLVING 1 108 = 2 (3W-5)+2W 108 = 6W-10+2W 118 _ aw 8 8 W=14.75 Therefore, width = 14.75 cm L= 3(14.75) -5 = 44.25 cm 2. L=2W-5S P=92 P=2L+2W 92 =2 (2W-5)+2W 92=4W-10+2W pogmmews 70 = 2L+ 224) 70=2L+% 70 = 84% a 4 wa 10a 280 _ 14L “4 14 L=20 Therefore, L = 20 cm Ww =2@- 15cm 361= 2(20) +2(15) 0+30 P=70m 4 (P) = 4(70) = 280m. 5. P=1m=100cm L=3W W=W P=2L+2W 100 = 2(3W) + 2W 100 = 6W +2W 300 _ aw 8 8 W=12.5cm Therefore, W=12.5 cm 3W = 3 (12.5cm) = 37.5 cm GENERAL INFORMATION WORKSHEET 1: CONSTITUTION Le 6.c 11.b 2b 7d 12.a 3.a B.e 13.b 4.e oe 14.b 5.b 10.d 15.d GENERAL INFORMATION WORKSHEET 2: REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6713 la 6a ile 16.d 2b 7c 12.b 17.e 3.a 8.b 13.a 18.a 4.d 9.¢ 14.b 19.c S.e 10.d 15.b 20.ePRACTICE EXERCISES IN NUMERICAL ABILITY pIVISIBILITY RULE 1,2,880 = 2, 4, 8, 3, 6,9, 5, 10 2, 35,505 = 3, 9,5 3, 1,980 = 2, 4,3, 6,9, 5, 10 4, 200,00 5, 134,460 = 2, 4, 3, 6,9, 5,10 FACTORS (Answers may be written in any order.) 1.50=1, 2,5, 10, 25,50 6.36 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,9, 12, 18, 36 2.72 =1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 72 7.12 =1, 2,3, 4, 6,12 3.150 = 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 25, 30, 50, 75, 150 8.25=1,5,25 4,42 = 1,2, 3, 6,7, 14, 21,42 9. 100 = 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100 10.13 = 1,13 5.90 = 1, 2, 3, 5, 6,9, 10, 15, 18, 30, 45, 90 MULTIPLES 1.50 = 50, 100, 150 2.72 = 72,144, 216 3.150 = 150, 300, 450 4.42 = 42, 84, 126 5.90 = 90, 180, 270 2,24, 36 5, 50,75 9. 100 = 100, 200, 300 10. 13 = 13, 26, 39 PRIME FACTORIZATION 6.36 = 32x 2? 7.12 = 22x3 3.150 = 52x3 x2 8,25 =5? 4.42=7x3x2 9, 100 = 52x 2? 5.90 =32x5x2 10.13 = 13 INTEGERS Addition Subtraction oe + 2.2 3.-1 4.5 5-5 String of Numbers 1-1 2.0 MULTIPLICATION & DIVISION 1.-8 3.18 4,.-7 363PEMDAS 1. 2(7-5)°-8 +244x3 P 2(2)?-8+24+4x3 E 2(4)-8+24+4x3 MD 8-4 + 12 AS 16 2. 4(-6 + 3)?-3(4—5)3 P 4(-3)? —3(-1)% E 4(9)—3(-1) MD 36 + 3 AS 39 DECIMALS Addition 1,246.58 2.11.33 3. 164.02 4.5.16 Division 1.32 2,909.09 3.105 4.0.754 FRACTIONS Converting Fraction to Decimal CONVERTING MIXED NUMBER TO IM a4ce2t bstat 364 3. 4(3-(2-4)? +1) -4(3-1) P 4[3—(—2)* + 1)?-4(2)2 4[3 — 4 + 1]?-4 (2)3 4[3 — 4+ 1]?-4(2)3 E 4[o}*-4(2)* MD 0 AS —32 4 3 [2(4-2)2 + 1] + 5(1-2)2 P 3 [2(2)? +1] +5 (-1)2 3 [2(4) + 1] +5 (-1)2 3 (8+ 1] +5(-1)? E 3(9)+5(1) MD 2745 AS 32 Multiplication 1.4.08 2.396.7310 Converting Decimal to Fraction c= 6 d.& 25 PROPER FRACTION» ie CONVERTING IMPROPER FRACTION TO MIXED NUMBER 7 c. 8: 9 a 105 1 a b. 55 4.17 2 COMPARING FRACTIONS a = b. < a FRACTIONS AS PART OF A WHOLE 1.66 4.24 2.84 5.912 1 35 PERCENT a 0.0375 0.0025 b. 3.25 ae - NR 5 & a PERCENT INCREASE & DECREASE 1.333% 2.150% 322-2 = 11.11% "72 sie S| 455? = 5 = 10% FINDING THE NEW VALUE 1.40 + 0.35 (40) =40 + 14=54 2,100 — 0.10 (100) = 100-10 = 90 3. 12,000 + 0.10 (12,000) = 12,000 + 1,200 = 13,200 RATIO AND PROPORTION 1.3.2 hours (Direct Proportion) 2.5 days (Inverse Proportion) 3. Wife: Php 4,800,000; Son: Php 4,000,000; Daughter: Php 3,200,000 (Partitive Proportion) 4.35 cm, 25 cm, 15 cm (Partitive Proportion) 5.25 girls (Partitive Proportion) 6.48 minutes (Direct Proportion) UNEAR EQUATION 1.-3 4.-1 2.0 5.-5 coeSOLVING MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSIONS Lx =3 6.x = 6 2x=5 7.x =3 3.x = 3 Bx = 2 4x=2 9x = 4 5.x =3 10.x = —4 WRITING MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSIONS 134+ 2x 2.5x- 6 3.4% -2 = 11 43x -3 = 4-x% 5.44 2x =x -2
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