The document provides an overview of basic electrical laws covered in Chapter 2 of a course on fundamentals of electronics. It discusses Ohm's law, which establishes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit. It also covers Kirchhoff's laws, which relate the voltages and currents in branches that meet at nodes. Additionally, it defines series and parallel resistor configurations and the formulas for calculating equivalent resistance and voltage/current division in such circuits. Worked examples are provided to demonstrate applying these fundamental analysis principles.
The document provides an overview of basic electrical laws covered in Chapter 2 of a course on fundamentals of electronics. It discusses Ohm's law, which establishes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit. It also covers Kirchhoff's laws, which relate the voltages and currents in branches that meet at nodes. Additionally, it defines series and parallel resistor configurations and the formulas for calculating equivalent resistance and voltage/current division in such circuits. Worked examples are provided to demonstrate applying these fundamental analysis principles.
The document provides an overview of basic electrical laws covered in Chapter 2 of a course on fundamentals of electronics. It discusses Ohm's law, which establishes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit. It also covers Kirchhoff's laws, which relate the voltages and currents in branches that meet at nodes. Additionally, it defines series and parallel resistor configurations and the formulas for calculating equivalent resistance and voltage/current division in such circuits. Worked examples are provided to demonstrate applying these fundamental analysis principles.
The document provides an overview of basic electrical laws covered in Chapter 2 of a course on fundamentals of electronics. It discusses Ohm's law, which establishes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit. It also covers Kirchhoff's laws, which relate the voltages and currents in branches that meet at nodes. Additionally, it defines series and parallel resistor configurations and the formulas for calculating equivalent resistance and voltage/current division in such circuits. Worked examples are provided to demonstrate applying these fundamental analysis principles.
Spring 2024 Lecture 2 Contents • Chapter 2 • BASIC LAWS • Ohm’s Laws • Nodes, Branches, and Loops • Kirchhoff’s Laws • Series Resistors and Voltage Division • Parallel Resistors and Current Division
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS • Introduction To actually determine the values of (V, I) in a given circuit requires that we understand some fundamental laws that govern electric circuits. These laws, known as Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws, form the foundation upon which electric circuit analysis is built.
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS Materials in general have a characteristic behavior of resisting the flow of electric charge. This physical property, or ability to resist current, is known as resistance and is represented by the symbol R. The resistance of any material with a uniform cross-sectional area A depends on A and its length l
The circuit element used to model the current-resisting behavior
of a material is the resistor.
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS OHM’S LAW • Georg Simon Ohm (1787–1854), a German physicist, is credited with finding the relationship between current and voltage for a resistor. • This relationship is known as Ohm’s law.
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS
• A useful quantity in circuit analysis is the reciprocal of resistance R,
known as conductance and denoted by G:
The power dissipated by a resistor can be expressed in terms of R.
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS Examples 1. An electric iron draws 2 A at 120 V. Find its resistance.
2. The essential component of a toaster is an electrical element (a
resistor) that converts electrical energy to heat energy. How much current is drawn by a toaster with resistance 12 Ω at 110 V?
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS NODES, BRANCHES, AND LOOPS • A branch represents a single element such as a voltage source or a resistor. • A node is the point of connection between two or more branches. • A loop is any closed path in a circuit.
• A network with b branches, n nodes, and l independent
loops will satisfy the fundamental theorem of network topology:
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Example: Determine the number of branches and nodes in the circuit.
Identify which elements are in series and which are in parallel.
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS KIRCHHOFF’S LAWS • Kirchhoff’s laws were first introduced in 1847 by the German physicist Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824–1887). • Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL)
i1 + i3 + i4 = i2 + i5
• Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL).
v2 + v3 + v5 = v1 + v4
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS Example
4. For the circuit find voltages v1 and v2.
5. Find v1 and v2 in the circuit.
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS Example 6. Find the currents and voltages in these circuits.
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS SERIES RESISTORS AND VOLTAGE DIVISION • The two resistors are in series since the same current i flows in both of them. Ohm’s law: v1 = iR1, v2 = iR2 , KVL : −v + v1 + v2 = 0 • The equivalent resistance of any number of resistors connected in series is the sum of the individual resistances. • Notice that the source voltage v is divided among the resistors in direct proportion to their resistances; the larger the resistance, the larger the voltage drop. This is called the principle of voltage division, and the above circuit is called a voltage divider • In general for N series R :
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS PARALLEL RESISTORS AND CURRENT DIVISION • The two resistors are connected in parallel and therefore have the same voltage across them. Ohm’s law: v = i1R1 = i2R2, KCL : i = i1 + i2 • The equivalent resistance of two parallel resistors is equal to the product of their resistances divided by their sum. • total current i is shared by the resistors in inverse proportion to their resistances. This is known as the principle of current division, and the above circuit is known as a current divider. • For N parallel R:
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS Examples 7. Find Req for the circuits.
8. Find the equivalent conductance G eq for the circuit
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS Examples 9. Find I o and v o in the circuit. • Calculate the power dissipated in the 3-Ω resistor.
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Chapter 2- BASIC LAWS Examples 10. For the circuit, determine: • (a) the voltage v o, • (b) the power supplied by the current source, • (c) the power absorbed by each resistor.
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Chapter 2- Summary 1. A resistor is a passive element in which the voltage v across it is directly proportional to the current i through it. That is, a resistor is a device that obeys Ohm’s law, v = iR 2. A short circuit is a resistor (a perfectly conducting wire) with zero resistance (R = 0). An open circuit is a resistor with infinite resistance (R =∞). 3. The conductance G of a resistor is the reciprocal of its resistance: G = 1/R 4. A branch is a single two-terminal element in an electric circuit. A node is the point of connection between two or more branches. A loop is a closed path in a circuit. The number of branches b, the number of nodes n, and the number of independent loops l in a network are related as b = l + n − 1.
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Chapter 2- Summary 5. Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) states that the currents at any node algebraically sum to zero. In other words, the sum of the currents entering a node equals the sum of currents leaving the node. 6. Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) states that the voltages around a closed path algebraically sum to zero. In other words, the sum of voltage rises equals the sum of voltage drops. 7. Two elements are in series when they are connected sequentially, end to end. When elements are in series, the same current flows through them (i1 = i2). They are in parallel if they are connected to the same two nodes. Elements in parallel always have the same voltage across them (v1 = v2).
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Chapter 2- Summary 8. When two resistors R (= 1/G ) and R (= 1/G ) are in series, their 1 1 2 2
equivalent resistance R and equivalent conductance G are R = R + R
eq eq eq 1 2
9. When two resistors R (= 1/G ) and R (= 1/G ) are in parallel, their
1 1 2 2
equivalent resistance Req and equivalent conductance Geq are
Req = R1R2/ /(R1 + R2) , Geq = G1 + G2 10. The voltage division principle for two resistors in series is v = (R /(R + R ))v, v = (R /(R + R ))v 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2
11. The current division principle for two resistors in parallel is
i = (R /(R + R ))i, 1 2 1 2i = (R /(R + R ))i 2 1 1 2
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