Conquerors Notes Student

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The Conquerors: The Ancient Middle East (Ch. 2.2 pg 31-32, Ch 3.

3, pg 63-65)
Hittites (1650 BCE)
 Indo-Europeans ______________________________________________________
 Fierce army
– ______________________________________________________________
– Conquered Anatolia, Syria, and ____________________________________
 Instituted less harsh laws than Hammurabi’s Code
– ___________________________________
 Formed empire in Anatolia (Turkey)
– Battle of Kadesh vs. _____________________________
– Fought Egypt to a draw (peace treaty)
– Blended culture with _____________________________
The Great Temple at Hattusas in Turkey
The Hittite War Machine
 850 BC – They originally came from northern Mesopotamia- __________________
 Highly advanced _______________________________ allows them to take over large area of the
Middle East and Egypt
 King Sennacherib – bragged had destroyed 89 cities and over 820 villages!
 Well organized, _______________________________
 ____________________________________________________
 Leather armor, metal armor
 ____________________________________________________
 Padded loincloths
 ____________________________________________________
 Shields
 _________________________
 Engineers to build bridges
 Workers (called _______________________) to dig under city walls
 Foot soldiers and cavalry officers
 _______________________________________ to break down city walls
Assyrian mercy? Forget about it…...
 Once they came to your city, you could count on being _______________________
 If you were enslaved, you were moved to a new area away from your home so you could not rebel
 Burned down _________________________________________
 Use of torture: __________________________________________________
 Stacked heads outside of walls of cities as a warning
 Women and children were NOT spared either!
 Between 850 and 650 BC, the Assyrians took over __________________________
 Took over parts of Anatolia (Turkey) and Egypt as well
 Reached its height around _______________________
Assyrian Rule
 Despite what you might think, they ruled well and often fairly
 Assyrian kings chose local rulers loyal to them to govern their own areas called
 The local governor reported to a ___________________________ who reported to the king and
his advisors
 More land meant more taxes and riches captured- ___________________________
 Built Roads- protected merchants
 The threat of Assyrian invasion forced most to ___________________________
Assyrian Culture
 Capitol city was at Nineveh, on the Tigris River, established by King
 Walled city, 3 miles long and 1 wide, was the largest city in world for its time
 Sculptures, art, elaborate pottery has been found there
 Most art was focused on _____________________________________________
 Housed one of the world’s largest and oldest libraries!
 King Ashurbanipal collected more than ___________________ clay tablets from
 Epic of Gilgamesh was found here!
 Library was organized into rooms according to subject
Assyrian Decline & Fall
 King Assurbanipal died and in 612 BCE, the Chaldeans and Medes burned
 Some clay tablets survived the fire and looting
 Chaldeans took over the ___________________________________
 Chaldeans also called _____________________________________
 Descended from Hammurabi’s people
– Reached height of power under King Nebuchadnezzer- conquered ___________________
 Restored city of ___________________________________
– Built a tower 300 feet high
– Walls were 11 miles long & thick
– Stored 4 years worth of food in case of a siege
– Built the __________________________________________ of Babylon
 Built for Nebuchadnezzer’s wife
 ____________________________________________ of the World

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