Calculation For Graphite Cavity Ion Chamber Response To Cs-137 Gamma Ray Using Egsnrc Monte Carlo Code
Calculation For Graphite Cavity Ion Chamber Response To Cs-137 Gamma Ray Using Egsnrc Monte Carlo Code
Calculation For Graphite Cavity Ion Chamber Response To Cs-137 Gamma Ray Using Egsnrc Monte Carlo Code
Department of Industrial Physics and Medical Instrumentation, Faculty of Applied Science, King Mongkut’s University
of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok,Thailand
*Corresponding author: E-mail:
The calculation of the ionization chamber response is one factor in establishing a primary standard of air kerma
in Thailand. The EGSnrc Monte Carlo code was used for calculation a cylindrical model of the ionization chamber. The
chamber was computed the response by applying the Cs-137 spectrum incident on the chamber flat surface. The physical
constants simulation comprises the stopping power ratio between graphite and air, the ratio of mass-energy absorption
between air and graphite, the fraction of electron energy lost by bremsstrahlung production in air. The constants were
calculated by a radiation key data recommendation following ICRU report 37 and ICRU report 90. Besides, Wall
scattering and attenuation correction and axial non-uniformity were also calculated. The results based on ICRU report 37
are 1.0100(11), 0.9992(6), and 0.0012(2) for the stopping power, the ratio mass-energy absorption, and electron energy
loss, respectively. However, the stopping power ratio following ICRU 90 is decreased by 0.78%. For the correction factor,
wall scattering is 0.9623 (1), wall attenuation is 1.0671 (1), and 0.9998 (5) for axial non-uniformity. The calculation
results were compared with the PENELOPE code and EGS5 code. The comparison between this work and the others do
not possess a significant difference. Therefore, the result is acceptable to use for the graphite cavity ion chamber.
1. Introduction
The graphite cavity ionization chamber has been used as a primary standard instrument for Air
Kerma of gamma-ray. The primary standard for gamma-ray has established since 1973 by the International
Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) using the graphite plane-parallel plate ion chamber. The suggestion
quantity of measurement is the exposure of Co-60 that means all charged particles liberated from the air when
the gamma-ray passes through the medium. Furthermore, the physical constants and correction factors were
recommended for calculating the quantity and corrected the result to ideal. The necessary physical constants
are average energy spent by an electron of charge, e, to produce an ion pair in dry air, the ratio of the mean
mass energy-absorption coefficient of air and graphite energy, and the ratio of the mean stopping power of
graphite and air. The correction factors, namely wall scattering and attenuation, radius, and axial non-
uniformity of the beam over the chamber, were applied for adjustment of the result to an ideal. Those were
introduced by Boutillon and Niatel (1973).
Monte Carlo method has widely accepted for calculation in the field of radiation. In practically, The
method is used for approximating a complicated experiment, such as axial non-uniformity, scattering and
attenuation of a chamber wall, and calculating the constants for specific each ion chamber. (Rogers &
Treurniet, 1999). The accuracy of the calculation is more than 0.1% (Rogers & Treurniet, 1999; Yi, Hah, &
Yeom, 2006) that enough to approach the real measurement result. The EGSnrc is one popular code of Monte
Carlo calculation developed by the Research Council of Canada. The code is an open-source that they have
a researcher community to developed and maintain. Since the code has many libraries that suit each problem,
for example, patient radiation dose when CT scan or phenomena of a chamber; thus, users can select a library
suitable for their own problem.
Office of Atoms for Peace Thailand cooperate with Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science
has installed the primary standard for Cs-137 gamma rays since 2017. The primary standard is a cylindrical
graphite cavity chamber that has 19 mm diameter and length. The calculation of physical constants and
correction factors is the first step for establishing standard cause it is necessary to evaluate Cs-137 irradiation,
which uses for radiation safety in hospitals and factories.
This research presents the Monte Carlo calculation results for physical constants and correction
factors by EGSnrc code. The recommendation key data for radiation fields of the International Committee of
Radiation and Unit (ICRU) reports 37 and 90 are applied to calculate the mass stopping power ratio and the
mass-energy absorption of graphite and air. Moreover, the fraction of electron energy lost by bremsstrahlung
production in the air with wall attenuation and scattering correction and axial non-uniformity is also
calculated and demonstrated in this paper.
2. Objectives
1. To propose Monte Carlo for calculation physical constants and correction factors for OAP’s
graphite cavity chamber and comparing the calculation result with another work.
2. To supporting to establish the primary gamma-ray standard in Thailand.
I 1 W en
K S k .
airV 1 g air e a ,c c ,a i i
where I is the ionization current, W e is the average energy sperate by an electron of charge e to
produce an ion pair in dry air that was applied following the recommendation from the Consultant Committee
for Ionizing Radiation; g air is the mean fraction of electron energy lost through radiative processes in the air,
en is the ratio of the mean mass energy-absorption of air and graphite, Sc ,a is the ratio of the mean
a ,c
L(T, ) /
T c
dT Scol ( ) / c
Sc ,a Tmax
. (2)
L(T, ) /
T a
dT Scol ( ) / a
Where Scol ( ) / is unrestricted mass collision stopping power; L(T, ) / is the restricted
stopping power and is kinetic energy. The stopping power would be express as a ratio of graphite c and air
3. ‘g’ code is a library for calculating en and g air . This code must be in a separate
a ,c
calculation for each of the material interested. In this case, the calculation was done for air and graphite by
the Cs-137 gamma-ray spectrum. The mass-energy absorption is integrating all energy fluence as
g air
(g )dT .
T air
Where E is energy fluence of photons and T is an energy fluence of primary electrons of initial
kinetic energy T.
4. CAVRZnrc is a library for calculating wall scattering and attenuation correction factors kwall and
axial non-uniformity correction factor kan. The kwall compensates photon energy when interacting with the
chamber wall. The interaction consists of attenuation photon energy when passing through the wall and
scattering with electron or atomic nuclei, the correction for the wall can be expressed by
Dnoatt ,noscatter Dnoscatter
k wall ksc katt . (5)
Dnoscatter Dreal
The calculation for axial non-uniformity was taken to account for changing realistic as a point source
to an ideal that is a parallel source. Thus, the correction would be shown as
kan po int
, noatt
. (6)
Dnoscatter , noatt
where D is the energy deposited is as follows for each condition, where a subscript shows the
condition of photons interaction, and superscript represents the characteristic.
The method of the Monte Carlo calculation is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 shows a step of the calculation procedure. In the first step, we calculated the axial non-
uniformity correction factor to transform a point source into a parallel source. Then, the correction factor for
wall scattering and attenuation was applied for compensating photon energy losses from the chamber wall.
After that, the air inside the cavity was converted to whole graphite by the stopping power ratio between
graphite and air and changed it as air by mass-energy transfer between air and graphite. The red point in
figure 1 is an interesting point that responds to the Cs-137 gamma-ray. For g air is compensates electron
energy loss when they pass through the air inside the cavity (D. T. Burns, 2006).
The calculation was set ECUT (Electron energy cut) equal to 10 keV (Szymko, Michalik, Knyziak,
& Wójtowicz, 2019). The graphite density is 1.700 g/cm3 for a recommendation of ICRU reports 37 and
2.265 g/cm3 for ICRU reports 90 (D. Burns & Kessler, 2018; Szymko et al., 2019). All coefficients were
computed by the EGSnrc code and applied the Cs-137 gamma-ray spectrum into the code that shows in Figure
2. The results are compared with other codes (PENELOPE and reference article) to prove their equivalence.
Furthermore, the wall and axial non-uniformity correction factors are also calculated and compare the result
with the other. All calculations were computed 108-109 histories with Xenon 2.2 GHz 24 cores and spent
around 2-3 hours each condition.
Figure 2 Cs-137 gamma-ray spectrum using in the calculation for physical constants and correction factors
( Mouhti, Elanique, Messous, Belhorma, & Benahmed, 2018)
Table 1 The calculation results and compare with the PENELOPE code.
This work PENELOPE difference
Sc ,a 1.0100 (11) 1.0099 (11) 0.01%
The international committee of unit and radiation has announced a new key data in ICRU reports 90
for the radiation field since 2016. They strongly recommend a new current of graphite is 81 eV with 3.8%
the relative uncertainty. (D. Burns & Kessler, 2018, Szymko et al., 2019). The density of graphite also
recommends to 2.265 g/cm3. (only case of physical constants). Thus, the graphite properties are changed and
mainly affect to the stopping power constant. New physical constants are calculated, as shown in Table 2,
and compared with other works that also used EGSnrc and BIPM values.
A total difference in the calculation based on ICRU reports 37 and ICRU reports 90 is approximately
0.81%. The main difference is that the stopping power ration decreased by 0.78% while others are increased
by 0.04%.
Table 2 The calculation results base on ICRU 90 and compare with other papers are accepted.
This work
(D. Burns & Kessler, 2018) (Szymko et al, 2019) with ICRU report 37
Sc ,a 1.0020 (36) 1.0023 (12) 1.0023 (8) -0.78%
The correction factors for the cavity chamber are calculated using the model in Figure 1b. The
calculation details are 1.825 g/cm3 graphite density and 1.725 cm3 cavity volume. Dry air at 293.15 K and
1013.25 hPa was set for the air inside the cavity. Table 3 shows the results with uncertainty inside a bracket
and compares them with the EGS5 code and PENELOPE code.
Table 3 The correction factor for the wall scattering and attenuation and axial non-uniformity.
k sc 0.9623 (1) 0.9552 (1) -
In the case of the EGS5 code, due to the limitation of calculation, which does not separate for
scattering and attenuation, the result only composited both phenomena and express it as the wall correction
factor follow equation (5).
5. Conclusion
The results provide physical constants of 1.0100(11) for the mass stopping power ratio between
graphite and air, 0.9992(6) for the mass-energy absorption air and graphite, and 0.0012(2) following ICRU
reports 37. However, the calculation based on ICRU reports 90 is decreased by around 0.81%. The significant
change is that the stopping power ratio is decreased by around 0.78% while the others are increased by 0.04%.
For correction factors are 0.9623(1) and 1.0671(1) for photons scattering and attenuation at the wall,
respectively and the axial non-uniformity shows the ratio between a parallel and a point source for this
chamber is 0.9998(5). All calculations are compared with the PENELOPE code, EGS5 code, and reference
article is no significant difference. Therefore, the calculation has proven confidence and could be applied to
OAP's graphite cavity ion chamber that using for the Cs-137 gamma-ray.
6. Acknowledgements
I would like to express my sincere thankful to Prof.Dr. Chul-Young Yi University of Science and
Technology of Korea for his introduce how to coding a PENELOPE code and Dr.Tadahiro Kurosawa
National Metrology Institute of Japan for EGSnrc and EGS5. In additional, this research was supported by a
funding of upgrade a primary standard laboratory project of Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP).
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