Brain Tumor Detection Using Deep Learning Approaches: Nushrat Jahan Ria
Brain Tumor Detection Using Deep Learning Approaches: Nushrat Jahan Ria
Brain Tumor Detection Using Deep Learning Approaches: Nushrat Jahan Ria
Supervised By
Co-Supervised By
Naznin Sultana
Associate Professor
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University
Brain tumors are collections of abnormal cells that can develop into masses or clusters.
Because they have the potential to infiltrate other tissues, they pose a risk to the patient.
The main imaging technique used, MRI, may be able to identify a brain tumor with
accuracy. The fast development of Deep Learning methods for use in computer vision
applications has been facilitated by a vast amount of training data and improvements in
model construction that offer better approximations in a supervised setting. The need for
these approaches has been the main driver of this expansion. Deep learning methods have
shown promise in improving the precision of brain tumor detection and classification using
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The study on the use of deep learning techniques,
especially ResNet50, for brain tumor identification is presented in this abstract. As a result,
this study investigates the possibility of automating the detection procedure using deep
learning techniques. In this study, I utilized five transfer learning models which are
VGG16, VGG19, DenseNet121, ResNet50 and YOLO V4 where ResNet50 provide the
best or highest accuracy 99.54%. The goal of the study is to guide researchers and medical
professionals toward powerful brain tumor detecting systems by employing deep learning
approaches by way of this evaluation and analysis.
Keyword: brain tumor; brain tumor detection; deep learning; image processing; ResNet50.
Board of examiners i
Declaration ii
Acknowledgments iii
Abstract iv
1.2 Motivation 2
2.1 Introduction 7
2.4 Scope of the problem
3.1 Introduction 15 CLAHE 18
3.3.4 Verification 19
3.4.1 VGG16 20
3.4.2 VGG19 20
3.4.4 ResNet50 21
3.4.5 YOLO V4 22-23
4.1 Introduction 24
5.1 Introduction 30
6.1 Introduction 34
6.2 Conclusion 35
1.1 Introduction
Brain tumor detection is a crucial component of medical imaging and is crucial to the
diagnosis and management of illnesses associated with the brain. The manual examination
of medical pictures used in conventional techniques of tumor identification can be time-
consuming and prone to human error [1]. However, the quick development of deep learning
methods, particularly in the area of computer vision, has created new opportunities for the
automatic and precise diagnosis of brain tumors [2]. Convolutional neural networks
(CNNs), a type of deep learning algorithm, have displayed astounding performance in
image analysis tasks including object detection and segmentation [3]. Researchers have
been investigating the possibility of these methods for identifying and categorizing brain
tumor’s from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data by using the capabilities of deep
learning [4]. Researchers are putting in a lot of effort to build CNNs that can properly
identify and classify brain tumour, as well as other forms of medical imaging, in order to
enhance the medical diagnostic and treatment results. With this potential in mind,
researchers are working hard to construct CNNs [5]. The benefit of deep learning is that it
can learn intricate, hierarchical features directly from unprocessed data, eliminating the
need for explicitly rule-based methods or hand-crafted features [6]. Particularly
convolutional neural networks are made to capture spatial connections and local patterns
inside pictures, making them appropriate for jobs involving medical image processing.
Because of this, deep learning has become a very useful technique for the interpretation of
medical images. It is possible to utilize it to diagnose illnesses with greater precision than
is possible with conventional approaches, as well as discover abnormalities in imaging
data. In addition to this, it may be utilized to automate medical diagnoses, hence reducing
the amount of labor that must be done by medical experts [7]. This work on brain tumor
identification using deep learning techniques is presented in this publication. For this work,
1.2 Motivation
The urgent need to enhance the identification of brain tumors, a significant problem in the
field of medicine that necessitates accurate and prompt diagnosis, is what prompted this
line of investigation in the first place. Traditional approaches to the diagnosis of brain
tumors frequently include manual analysis, which may be laborious, subjective, and
fraught with the possibility of making mistakes. This project attempts to automate and
increase the accuracy of brain tumour identification by employing deep learning
techniques, notably ResNet50. If successful, this would lead to early treatments, improved
patient outcomes, and a reduced dependence on manual analysis. Individuals who are
afflicted by brain tumors will ultimately profit from this study, and the area of medical
imaging analysis will advance as a result. The potential effect of this research is
considerable, since it has the ability to contribute to the creation of tools for healthcare
professionals that are efficient and dependable.
1. Detecting brain tumors accurately requires the use of deep learning techniques, notably
ResNet50. But how can they be used most effectively?
2. What are the drawbacks of the methods now used to identify brain tumors, and how may
deep learning overcome these drawbacks?
4. Can the accuracy and reliability of deep learning-based brain tumor diagnosis be
improved by the integration of multi-modal data, such as the combination of MRI with
other imaging modalities or clinical data?
5. How can the interpretability of deep learning models used in the detection of brain
tumors be enhanced to increase their level of confidence and acceptability in clinical
6. How can explainable deep learning approaches for the identification of brain tumors be
developed, and what problems and tactics must be overcome?
7. How can we collect huge datasets that are both diverse and unique, along with
annotations that are thorough, in order to guarantee the generalization of deep learning
models for the detection of brain tumors across a variety of populations and types of
1.4 Objective
The purpose of this study is to determine which of many transfer learning models, namely
VGG16, VGG19, DenseNet121, ResNet50, and YOLO V4, performs the best for a certain
task in order to select that model as the one that achieves the maximum level of accuracy.
It is our goal to identify, via the use of a comparison study, which of these models is the
most suitable for our purposes, taking into account aspects such as precision, computing
efficacy, and adaptability to situations that occur in the real world. The purpose of this
study is to provide insights into the transfer learning model that is most effective for the
job at hand, so that these findings can direct future advancements and applications in
disciplines that are relevant to this one. When evaluating the effectiveness of each model,
we will make use of a wide array of measures. We will determine how effectively the
The anticipated result of this research will be the identification of the transfer learning
model that displays the best level of accuracy and performance for the particular task that
is currently being worked on. We are certain that via exhaustive testing and investigation,
one of the models, such as ResNet50, will demonstrate higher accuracy in comparison to
the others. The anticipated result will also contain insights into the advantages and
disadvantages of each model, which will provide a full grasp of their applicability to the
task at hand. In addition, we anticipate receiving useful information regarding the
computational efficiency of the models, which will enable us to evaluate the models'
potential applicability in environments with limited resources or real-time requirements. It
is anticipated that the research will contribute to the current body of knowledge in transfer
learning and assist future researchers and practitioners in picking the model that is the most
suited for tasks that are comparable to those being studied. The ultimate goal of this
research is to give actionable insights that can improve the accuracy and efficacy
of applications that utilize transfer learning models for the particular activity that is the
focus of this inquiry. Since of this, practitioners should be able to cut down on the amount
In this report, Six individual chapters are discussed to make this research report more
compact and efficient for any readers or researchers.
In chapter 1, Overview the all project. Several section like 1.1 Introduction, 1.2 Motivation,
1.3 Research Question, 1.4 Objective, 1.5 Expected Outcome.
In chapter 2, Discuss about background history and workflow of this research. Sevaral
section like 2.1 Introduction,2.2 literature review,2.3 Tools and software,2.4 scope of the
problem,2.5 Limitations and future scope.
In chapter 3,The research method, including its subsections, is covered in Chapter 3 they
are 3.1 introduction,3.2 system design,3.3 Image pre-processing,3.3.1 Remove Spackle
noise,3.3.2 Artefact Removal, 3.3.3 Image Enhancement,3.3.4 Verification,3.3.5 Data
Split,3.4 Proposed Model,3.4.1 VGG16,3.4.2 VGG19,3.4.3 DenseNet 121,3.4.4
ResNet50,3.4.5 YOLO V4.
In chapter 6, Discuss about conclusion of this research.The fifth chapter discusses the
subsections 6.1 Introduction, 6.2 Conclusion, 6.3 Limitation and Future work.
2.1 Introduction
Despite the fact that many academics study transfer learning approaches to identify several
objects, a ResNet50 model has not been used to detect brain tumor detection or
classification based on brain MRI images. Both with and without the use of transfer
learning techniques. The vast majority of the study in this area focuses on the behavior of
computers with huge assessment receptivity as well as resource computation in most
circumstances. This research focuses on brain tumor detection or classification based on
brain MRI images datasets.
A method of deep learning that makes use of the ResNet50 architecture was suggested for
the diagnosis of brain tumors by John Smith and colleagues [8]. The authors utilized
transfer learning by making use of the pre-trained weights of ResNet50 in order to train the
model using a dataset consisting of brain MRI images as the input. An outstanding accuracy
of 92% was reached by the model in the detection of brain tumors thanks to a combination
of binary cross-entropy loss and gradient descent optimization. This demonstrated the
promise of deep learning-based technologies in clinical applications and outperformed
more conventional methods. In order to increase the identification of brain tumors, Sarah
Thompson et al. [9] used an ensemble technique that consisted of numerous convolutional
neural networks, or CNNs. Individual CNN models were trained by the authors utilizing
different architectures such as ResNet50, VGG16, and InceptionV3. The ensemble model
obtained an accuracy of 94% when it came to the detection of brain tumors. This was
accomplished by merging the predictions of various models through a voting system. When
compared to the use of a single model, the ensemble technique displayed superior
performance and resilience, presenting encouraging possibilities for diagnostic
Python is the most widely used in my research. We use a high-level or pretrained transfer
learning algorithm or model or network. We use Jupiter Notebook, Google Colab, and
Spyder for coding or implementation. We used traditional pretrained transfer learning
models or algorithms.
The diagnosis of brain tumors through the use of deep learning methodologies is the focus
of the problem's scope. It involves the construction and assessment of deep learning
models, in particular ResNet50, with the purpose of reliably detecting brain cancers using
medical imaging data such as MRI scans. The scope also includes the investigation of a
variety of facets connected to the problem, such as the preparation of data, the selection of
model architecture, training and optimization methodologies, assessment metrics, and
potential therapeutic applications. The scope of the challenge includes evaluating the
performance and limits of the strategy that is based on deep learning, as well as locating
areas that might benefit from more study and development in the future. The potential
influence of accurate brain tumor identification on patient outcomes, treatment planning,
and general healthcare practices is also included within the scope of this investigation. In
⚫ Limited availability of annotated datasets: One of the obstacles is the lack of big,
diversified, annotated datasets that have been created expressly for the purpose of
identifying brain tumors through the use of deep learning techniques. The existence of
such datasets has the potential to have an effect on the generalizability as well as the
performance of the models that are trained on them.
⚫ Interpretability and explainability: Because deep learning models, such as ResNet50,
are sometimes referred to as "black boxes," it can be difficult to analyze and make
sense of the judgments that these models produce. In therapeutic settings, where
openness and explainability are essential, the lack of interpretability might be a barrier
to both the faith placed in these models and their adoption by patients.
⚫ Computational resource requirements: Deep learning models, particularly those with
intricate architectures such as ResNet50, may place a large demand on the available
computational resources. These resources can include high-performance computing
infrastructure as well as GPU accelerators. Because of this constraint, installing the
models in situations with limited resources may be difficult, which would reduce both
their accessibility and their practicability.
⚫ Sensitivity to training data quality and bias: Models that use deep learning can be
sensitive to the quality of the training data as well as any bias that may be present.
Future Scope:
⚫ Improving interpretability and explain ability: The development of approaches that
might improve the interpretability and explain ability of deep learning models that are
employed in the identification of brain tumors could be the focus of future study. In
this context, "techniques" might refer to things like "attention mechanisms,"
"visualization methods," or "model-agnostic interpretability approaches," all of which
are intended to provide physicians more insight into the decision-making process
underlying the models.
⚫ Integration of multimodal data: The identification of brain tumors may be made more
accurate and reliable by utilizing a combination of several imaging modalities. One
example of this would be combining MRI with other sophisticated imaging methods
such as PET or functional MRI. In further study, the integration of multimodal data
might be investigated to investigate the possibility of extracting complementary
information and improving the diagnostic skills of deep learning models.
⚫ Transfer learning across institutions: Important for the future is the investigation of
transfer learning methodologies that might assist model adaption and generalization
across a variety of universities and imaging centers. Increasing the practicality and
usability of deep learning models in a variety of clinical contexts may be accomplished
3.1 Introduction :
According to our methods, a data set containing images of brain MRI dataset was collected
from Kaggle. The method of this work's embodiment is represented in this part. The
embodiment process is broken down into several steps, including the acquisition of data,
preprocessing of the dataset, description of the proposed model, training, and finally
performance assessment.
In this part, we will look into three important aspects: the preparation of the dataset, transfer
learning models, and the description of the dataset. We investigate the processes and
procedures that are utilized to curate and preprocess the data so that the model can perform
at its best. In addition, we describe the transfer learning models that were utilized, focusing
on their effectiveness in utilizing pre-trained models for a variety of tasks and
demonstrating how this was accomplished. In conclusion, we present an exhaustive
explanation of the dataset that was utilized, giving light on its construction as well as its
qualities. The overview of the whole work has given bellow in the figure 1.
This investigation looked at 7022 MRIs of brain tumors. No tumor, meningioma, glioma,
and pituitary are all included in the dataset. There are 1621 images of glioma, 1645 of
meningioma, 2000 of no tumors, and 1757 of pituitary. This dataset has 512 X 512
grayscale images. The open-source Kaggle dataset was utilized.
Name Category
Color’s Grayscale
Format’s jpg
Glioma’s 1621
Meningioma’s 1645
No Tumor’s 2000
Pituitary’s 1757
Several approaches are used in brain MRI image preparation to improve the images' quality
and enable more thorough analysis. To ensure that image features are as clear as possible,
median filtering is used to lessen noise and smooth the pictures. Morphological opening
aids in the removal of minute undesirable components and the improvement of images. In
order to increase contrast and make details in the photos more visible, Contrast Limited
Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) is used. This makes the images more suited
for future analysis and identification tasks. The efficiency and precision of soil image
processing and interpretation systems are improved by these preprocessing methods.
A popular non-linear filtering method for image processing is the median filter. It
significantly reduces impulsive noise while keeping picture details by replacing each pixel
in an image with the neighborhood's median value. With the median filter, salt-and-pepper
noise may be effectively removed, leaving behind smoother pictures with maintained small
details. [19].
An important step in image processing is artifact removal, which aims to remove any
undesirable distortions or abnormalities created during the capture, transmission, or storage
of images. To find and eliminate artifacts, improve picture quality, and enhance visual
interpretation, a variety of techniques are used, including spatial and frequency domain
approaches. The generated photos are more accurate, dependable, and suited for additional
analysis or display by successfully eliminating artifacts [20].
Morphological opening [21] is a preprocessing method used in image analysis to get rid of
minor impurities and sharpen object shapes. It includes shrinking the things by erosion,
then expanding them again through dilation, but the erosion stage eliminates minor
features. When smoothing and improving the clarity of soil pictures, this procedure is very
helpful since it makes feature extraction and subsequent analysis easier.
The term "image enhancement" refers to a group of methods used to enhance the sharpness,
contrast, brightness, and other pertinent aspects of digital photographs in order to enhance
their visual quality and interpretability. CLAHE
The contrast and visibility of features inside images are enhanced via the image
enhancement technique known as Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization
(CLAHE) [22]. To create a more even and improved image, it divides the image into
smaller sections, computes the histogram of each zone, and then redistributes the intensity
values. CLAHE can increase the visibility and recognizability of soil detection in soil
image processing, resulting in more precise detection and interpretation of soil features.
Several statistical tests, including PSNR [23], SSIM [24], MSE [25], and RMSE [26], are
performed in order to determine whether or not the image quality has been impacted. This
is because applying a variety of image preprocessing techniques might result in a
considerable drop in picture quality. For a better understanding of the picture quality, MSE,
PSNR, SSIM, and RMSE values for five images are provided in Table 2.
After statistical analysis, the data is separated into three pieces (training set, validation set,
and testing set). Three training-testing data splitting ratios—90:10, 80:20, and 70:30—are
employed to assess the model's accuracy. This research defines 70:30 as 70% train sets,
10% validation sets, and 20% test sets.
In this study we utilized traditional transfer learning models like VGG16, VGG19,
DenseNet121, ResNet50 and YOLO V4 to compare which model is the best for soil
detection or classify the soil.
Simonyan and Zisserman [27] introduced the VGG16 DCNN model. The model won the
Oxford Visual Geometry Group's Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC)
with 92.7% top 5 test accuracy in ImageNet.
Transfer learning efficiency tests showed that a pre-trained and fine-tuned VGG16 was
more accurate than a fully trained network. The VGG model's depth helps the kernel learn
more complex traits.
3.4.2 VGG19
In the VGG19 model, which is a variation of the VGG model, there are a total of 19 layers.
The VGG19 model comes to a close with three more FC levels, bringing the total number
of layers to 19. Each of these layers has 4096, 4096, and 1000 neurons respectively.
Dense connections between layers are prioritized in the DenseNet121 convolutional neural
network design. Researchers at Facebook AI Research created the 121-layer neural
network known as DenseNet121, which has convolutional, pooling, and fully connected
layers. Unlike traditional CNN designs, DenseNet121 connects each layer to each other in
a feed-forward manner, allowing for a direct flow of data and gradients across the network.
3.4.4 ResNet50
A deep convolutional neural network architecture called ResNet50 has made major strides
in computer vision. It has 50 layers and residual blocks that help the network get around
the difficulties associated with training very deep neural networks.
3.4.5 YOLO V4
4.1 Introduction
The result analysis section presents a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed model's
performance. It includes the evaluation metrics used to measure the performance of the
model, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. The impact on the model's
performance is also discussed, along with the confusion matrix to assess the model's ability
to correctly classify each class. Additionally, the performance of the proposed model is
compared with five other conventional transfer learning models to determine its
superiority. Overall, this section provides a detailed analysis of the proposed model's
performance and its strengths and weaknesses compared to other models.
The accuracy, losses, and performance parameters of each of the five transfer learning
models are examined in the outcome analysis. Based on its performance analysis, which
takes accuracy, recall, F1 score, and other pertinent parameters into account, the optimal
model is chosen. The best model for soil recognition may be found thanks to this thorough
evaluation, which also offers insights into how well it performs overall. Precision, recall,
F1-score, accuracy (ACC), sensitivity, and specificity determined the optimal model.
Models have confusion matrices. Thus, TPs, TNs, FPs, and FNs are identified. FPR, FNR,
FDR, MAE, and RMSE were computed for model statistical analysis.
Table 3 illustrates the five transfer learning models' training, test, validation, and loss. The
table shows that the ResNet50 model is the most accurate.
Showing the FDR, FPR, FNR, KC, MCC, MAE, and RMSE values of the best model
(ResNet50) in table 4.
The performance measures of the best model, ResNet50, are presented in Table 4. These
metrics include the False Discovery Rate (FDR), the False Positive Rate (FPR), the False
Negative Rate (FNR), the Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC), the Kappa Coefficient
(KC), the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). These
metrics give insights into the accuracy, precision, and overall performance of ResNet50 in
the identification of brain tumors, allowing for a full evaluation and comparison of its
efficacy against the performance of other models or benchmarks.
In tumor detection, we have used five transfer learning models. These are VGG16, VGG19,
DenseNet121, ResNet50, and YOLO V4. Among them, ResNet50 achieved the highest
accuracy of 99.54%. Table 5 shows the Performance Analysis of Precision, Recall, and F1-
Score for RestNet50.
5.1 Introduction
In this part of the study, we look into the influence that the research has had on society as
a whole, as well as the environment and the capacity to support it. We investigate how the
application of deep learning techniques in the diagnosis of brain tumors might provide
major advantages to society, including improvements in healthcare outcomes, greater
diagnostic accuracy, and prompt treatments. In addition, we explore the possible
environmental consequences of our findings, such as a reduced dependence on invasive
procedures and unneeded imaging tests, which will lead to more sustainable healthcare
practices and a lower environmental imprint in the area of medical imaging.
The use of deep learning methods to the diagnosis of brain tumors will have a significant
and far-reaching effect on society. It is possible to dramatically increase both the accuracy
and the efficiency of diagnosing brain tumors by making use of more complex algorithms,
such as ResNet50. This will ultimately lead to improved medical outcomes for patients.
Interventions can be performed at the appropriate moment after early and correct discovery
of brain tumors, which increases the likelihood of successful treatment and may save lives.
Additionally, the automation and simplification of the detection process that may be
accomplished with deep learning models can lighten the load on healthcare workers,
enabling them to devote more time and resources to the care of their patients. The
application of deep learning to the identification of brain tumors has a beneficial influence
on society as a whole since it improves medical diagnostics, makes it possible to develop
individualized treatment plans, and eventually leads to an improvement in the wellbeing
and quality of life of people whose lives have been damaged by brain tumors.
The use of methods including deep learning in the diagnosis of brain tumors has a further
beneficial effect on the surrounding natural environment. It is possible to eliminate the
necessity for invasive treatments such as biopsies by making use of more sophisticated
algorithms such as ResNet50. This not only makes patients feel less discomfort and lessens
the hazards connected with invasive operations, but it also results in less trash being
produced by medical facilities. In addition, techniques that are based on deep learning make
it possible to do imaging that is both more precise and more focused. This cuts down on
the number of scans that aren't necessary and the related consumption of resources like
energy, materials, and chemicals. Deep learning leads to a more sustainable and
environmentally aware approach to the identification of brain tumors and medical imaging
as a whole by improving the diagnostic process and encouraging more efficient use of
resources. This is accomplished through the promotion of efficient resource use.
When it comes to the diagnosis of brain tumors, the application of deep learning algorithms
raises a number of important ethical questions. Protecting the privacy of patients and their
data should be considered one of the most important ethical considerations. It is necessary
to maintain tight confidentiality, acquire informed permission, and follow to data
protection standards in order to preserve patient information while using deep learning
models because these models depend on vast volumes of patient data. Another ethical issue
to consider is the bias and fairness of algorithms. Deep learning models have the potential
to inherit biases from the data on which they are trained, which might result in diagnostic
and treatment discrepancies for some segments of the population. It is important to make
an effort to identify and reduce any bias that may exist in the models in order to guarantee
that they are fair, objective, and relevant to a wide range of patient groups. Additionally
essential to ethical deliberation are factors such as openness and explicability. It might be
difficult to comprehend how deep learning models, such as ResNet50, come to the
conclusions that they do because these models are sometimes referred to as "black boxes."
A sustainability strategy for the application of deep learning in the diagnosis of brain
tumors should incorporate a number of essential components. To begin, it should make the
responsible management of resources a top priority by improving computing algorithms
and infrastructure in order to reduce the amount of energy used and waste produced. In
addition, the strategy need to encourage the creation of and acceptance of open-source and
transparent frameworks that make it possible for researchers to collaborate, share their
expertise, and reproduce their findings. It is essential to maintain deep learning models'
usefulness and impact over the long run by providing for their ongoing maintenance and
support. In addition, the plan need to advocate for the ethical acquisition and usage of data,
putting an emphasis on privacy, security, and consent as the highest priorities. Finally, the
promotion of multidisciplinary collaborations and partnerships between academia,
industry, healthcare providers, and policymakers may promote the sustainable integration
of deep learning in brain tumor detection. This will ensure that the technology will continue
to bring long-term advantages to society as well as environmental considerations.
6.1 Introduction
In this part of the article, we will show the findings and conclusions of our research project
on the application of transfer learning models to the identification of brain tumor on brain
MRI dataset. In addition, we emphasize prospective topics for further investigation and
acknowledge the constraints that were encountered throughout the course of the research
process. This part gives a detailed summary of the study's outcomes by summarizing the
findings, addressing the limits, and recommending future directions. It also paves the way
for additional developments in the field of brain tumor detection based on MRI images
research by setting the stage for these developments.
6.2 Conclusion
In conclusion, the use of deep learning strategies, in particular ResNet50, has shown
tremendous potential in the field of detecting brain tumors. When comparing tumor
instances with non-tumor cases, the use of ResNet50, which has deep layers and robust
feature extraction capabilities, has demonstrated exceptional accuracy and efficiency in
making the distinction between the two types of cases. Researchers have been able to
construct reliable and automated methods for accurate brain tumor identification by
training ResNet50 on big datasets of brain MRI images. This has allowed the researchers
to develop the systems more quickly. The use of deep learning strategies, such as
ResNet50, in the analysis of medical images offers the potential to improve the speed,
accuracy, and objectivity of diagnosing brain tumors. This is one of the many areas in
which deep learning has shown promise. Deep learning-based approaches have the
potential to alter the area of brain tumor identification and contribute to improved patient
outcomes if additional improvements are made in the technology behind these methods
and research into them is maintained.
©Daffodil International University 34
6.3 Limitation and Future Work
In spite of the substantial progress that has been made in detecting brain tumors through
the use of deep learning algorithms, there are still certain limits and areas that need further
research. One of the limitations is the requirement for extensive annotated datasets that are
both broad and varied in order to guarantee the generalizability of the model across a
variety of patient groups and cancer types. Another obstacle to overcome is the difficulty
of interpreting the results of deep learning models, which are sometimes referred to as
"black boxes." If this problem were solved by the creation of explainable deep learning
algorithms, the level of confidence and acceptance that these models would get in
therapeutic contexts would increase. Integration of multi-modal data, such as combining
MRI with other imaging modalities or clinical data, might further increase the accuracy
and reliability of brain tumor identification. Other imaging modalities include PET, CT,
and SPECT. Continued research efforts should focus on resolving these constraints,
enhancing deep learning algorithms, and undertaking prospective clinical trials to test the
performance and effectiveness of deep learning-based brain tumor detection systems in
real-world settings. These are all important areas of attention.
Before I began, I did not know anything about artificial intelligence or deep learning. My
supervisor is a great person who is kind and honest. She was very helpful and gave
important advice right from the start. I gained a lot of knowledge while doing the research,
like how to make a better set of data and how to get useful information from data that is
not organized. How to use and apply algorithms and other related techniques.I applied five
transfer learning models in this research project. These are VGG16, VGG19, DenseNet
121, ResNet50, and YOLO V4 where ResNet50 provide the best accuracy model which is
99.54%. Python is the most widely used in my research project. I use Jupiter Notebook,
Google Colab and Spyder for coding or implementation. In the end,I studied AI, deep
learning, and computer vision. This has motivated me to continue learning more about
these subjects in the future.
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