Marketing Mix
Marketing Mix is a combination of marketing
tools that a company uses to satisfy their target
customers and achieving organizational goals.
McCarthy classified all these marketing tools
under four broad categories:
>> Product , >> Price ,
>> Place , >> Promotion
These four elements are the basic components
of a marketing plan and are collectively called 4
P’s of marketing.
Marketing Mix and 4P
Product: Product refers to the goods and
services offered by the organization. A pair of
shoes, a plate of rice, a lipstick, all are products.
All these are purchased because they satisfy
one or more of our needs. We are paying not for
the tangible product but for the benef it it will
provide. So, in simple words, product can be
described as a bundle of benef it s which a
marketer offers to the consumer for a price.
While buying a pair of shoes, we are actually
buying comfort for our feet, while buying a
lipstick we are actually paying for beauty
because lipstick is likely to make us look good.
The range of products offered by an
organization is called the product mix.
Motor car manufacturer- cheap, basic family
runabouts, medium prices family saloons,
estate cars, executive saloons, and sports cars.
Within most of these product lines, various
refinement can be offered e.g. two door and four
door function of the family saloons, variations in
the engine size and of course a range of colors.
The range of products offered by an
organization is called the product mix.
Motor car manufacturer- cheap, basic family
runabouts, medium prices family saloons,
estate cars, executive saloons, and sports cars.
Within most of these product lines, various
refinement can be offered e.g. two door and four
door function of the family saloons, variations in
the engine size and of course a range of colors.
It is important to note that people generally want
to acquire the benef its of the product, rather
than its features. For example for buying a
motor car a person is buying such thing as
luxury or speed or economy or status. The facts
that these benef its are achieved by differences
in engine size suspension design or paintwork is
really of secondary interest. All the
organizations are selling benef its of the product
to their customers.
Product life cycle
PLC: Various studies have shown that as the
time goes product passes though a series of
stages. The product life cycle is the combination
o f these stages fo rm the time they are
introduced until the time they are withdrawn.
Product life cycle
Product life cycle
From the PLC it is possible to plan the product mix ,
plan the development and introduction of new
products , plan the development and introduction of
new products, plan to withdrawal or obsolete or
unprofitable products and set the revenue targets for
each product within the total range
Price: Price is the amount charged for a product or
service. It is the second most important element in the
marketing mix. Fixing the price of the product is a
tricky job. The factors have to kept in mind while
pricing a product are:
like demand for a product,
cost involved,
Commercial Television
Direct mail
Commercial radio
C h a n n e l A r e pr e s e n t s a d i r e c t m a r k e t i n g c h a n n e l .
Manufacturers of goods such as m/c tools, computers, ships
and other large expensive items tend to move them direct to
the buyer without involving middleman or inter middleman.
e.g.: ship/plane
Place-Channel of distribution
Most common channels of distribution are given below:
Acts of Parliament