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Food Processing Aid Means A Substance Which

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Food safety means the assurance that food preservation service, transportation service or
does not cause harm to human health and life. trading.
2. Food-borne disease means a disease caused 8. Food product lot means a specified quantity
by eating or drinking a food contaminated with of a type of products bearing the same name, of
pathogens. the same quality, ingredients and shelf life, and
produced by the same producer.
3. Food processing aid means a substance which
is intentionally used in the processing of food 10. Food poisoning means a pathological state
materials or food ingredients in order to achieve caused by absorbing
a technological purpose and can be removed
contaminated or poisonous food.
from or remains in foods.
11. Food contamination risk means the
4. Food processing means a process of preparing
possibility that contaminants infiltrate into a
preliminarily processed food or fresh and raw
food in the course of production or trading.
food by an industrial or manual method to
create food materials or food products. 12. Food contamination means the presence of
contaminants in food which are harmful to
5. Catering service establishment means a food-
human health or life.
preparing facility, such as shop or stall trading in
ready-to-eat food and cooked food restaurant, 13. Food additive means a substance with or
facility preparing ready-to-eat food portions, without nutritious value, which is intentionally
canteen or collective kitchen. added to food in the process of production in
order to retain or improve particular
6. Conditions for food safety assurance means
characteristics of food.
technical regulations and other regulations
applicable to food, food producers and traders 14. Food production means the conduct of one.
and food production and trading activities several or all activities of cultivation rearing,
promulgated by competent state agencies for harvest, fishing, exploitation, preliminary
the purpose processing, processing, packaging and
preservation in order to make food.
of assuring food safety for human health and
life. 15. Primary production means the conduct of
one, several or all activities of
7. Food testing means the conduct of one or
several tests and assessments of the conformity cultivation, rearing, harvest, fishing and
with relevant technical regulations and exploitation.
standards of food, food additives, food
16. Preliminary processing of food means the
processing aids, food fortifiers, packages, tools
treatment of cultivated, reared, collected,
and food
harvested, fished or exploited products in order
containers. to make ready-to-eat fresh and raw food or a
food material or semi-finished products for the
8. Food trading means the conduct of one,
food processing stage.
several or all activities of food display,
17. Food safety incident means a circumstance harm caused by the deficiency of these
occurring due to food poisoning, a food-borne substances or elements to the health of the
disease or another food-induced circumstance community or a particular group in the
which is directly harmful to human health or life. community.
18. Contaminant means an element which is 23. Functional food means a food used to
unwanted and unintentionally added to food support a function of the human body, relax the
and likely to adversely affect food safety. body, boost the immunity against diseases,
including supplements, health protection food
19. Shelf life means the period before the end of
and medical nutritious food.
which a food still retains its nutritious value and
remains safe under the preservation conditions 24. Genetically modified food means a food
indicated containing one or several ingredients which
have been genetically engineered.
on its label under the producer's guidance.
25. Irradiated food means a food which has
20. Food means a product eaten or drunk by
been irradiated by a radioactive source to treat
humans in fresh and raw, preliminarily
the food, preventing it from degeneration.
processed, processed or preserved form. Food
excludes cosmetics, cigarettes and substances 26. Street food means a food processed for
used as pharmaceuticals. instant consumption and sold by vendors on
streets or in public or similar places.
21. Fresh and raw food means unprocessed
food, including fresh meat, eggs, fish, aquatic 27. Prepackaged food means a food completely
products, vegetables, tubers and fruits and packaged and labeled, ready for sale for further
other unprocessed foods. processing or instant consumption.
22. Micronutrient-fortified food means food 28. Tracing of food origin means the tracking
supplemented with vitamins, minerals and trace down of the creation and circulation of food.
elements in order to prevent or remedy the

good manufacturing practices (GMP): Good manufacturing practice (GMP) describes the
minimum standard that a medicines manufacturer must meet in their production processes.
good agricultural practices (GAP): Good agricultural practice is a certification system for
agriculture, specifying procedures that must be implemented to create food for consumers or further
processing that is safe and wholesome, using sustainable methods
good hygiene practices (GHP): Fundamental measures and conditions applied at any step within
the food chain to provide safe and suitable food.
SSOP: Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures are generally documented steps that must be
followed to ensure adequate cleaning of product contact and non-product surfaces. These cleaning
procedures must be detailed enough to make certain that adulteration of product will not occur.
Biological hazards include microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, yeasts, molds and parasites,
leading to infections or foodborne illnesses when eaten.
1. Microbes
Table 1. Virus

Family Symtom
Illness ingestion, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, Shellfish, raw vegetable and fruit,
and stomach cramps infected person,
Hepatitis A Liver failure and death Fecal-oral route:
Contaminated surfaces or utensils:
Liver failure, fever, nausea, vomiting, Raw/undercooked meat
Hepatitis E
jaundice, and fatigue
Gastroenteritis, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, Infected person
and dehydration Fecal-oral route
Respiratory infections, conjunctivitis (pink Contaminated surfaces or utensils
Adenovirus eye), and gastroenteritis with diarrhea and
Astrovirus mild gastrointestinal disease in children
acute respiratory disease with fatal Routes: fruit bats, infected
Nipah Virus
encephalitis, leading to mortality rates animals/person
H5N1 Routes: Infected birds
acute respiratory tract infection with fever
Influenza a
and sore throat, cough and malaise.

Table 2. Parasite

Parasitic Worms
Nematodes Trematodes Cestodes
Toxoplasma Anisakis (seafood) Clonorchis (seafood) Taenia spp. (meat)
Cryptosporidium Ascaris Fasciola hepatica
Cyclospora Gnathosma sp Fasciolopsis buski Echinococcus spp.
Trichinella spiralis
Entamoeba (meat) Paragonimus
Giardia (fruit, vegetable) A.costaricensis
Table 3. Fungi

Species Domain Class Family

Alternaria Dothideomycetes Pleosporaceae
Grains and nuts, Seafood,
Aspergillus Eurotiomycetes Aspergillaceae Dairy
Botrytis Leotiomycetes Sclerotiniaceae Fruit and vegetable
Meats, especially processed
Cladosporium Dothideomycetes Davidiellaceae meats and cured meats.
Fusarium Sordariomycetes Nectriaceae
Geotrichum Saccharomycetes Dipodascaceae
Monilia Leotiomycetes Sclerotiniaceae
Manoscus Eurotiomycetidae Monascaceae
Mortierella Mortierellomycetes Mortierellaceae
Mucor Mucoraceae Chilled or frozen fish
Neurospora Sordariomycetes Sordariaceae
Oidium Leotiomycetes Erysiphaceae
Oosproa Leotiomycetes Erysiphaceae
Penicillium Eurotiomycetes Aspergillaceae Processed meats, dairy
Rhizopus Fruit and vegetable

Staphylococcus sp
a) S. Aureus


(1) Surface proteins that promote colonization of host tissues.

(2) Factors that probably inhibit phagocytosis (capsule, immunoglobulin binding protein A).

(3) Toxins that damage host tissues and cause disease symptoms.

The enterotoxins target the lining of the small intestine. They bind to specific receptors on intestinal cells and
activate a signaling cascade within the cells. This cascade essentially tells the cells to hypersecrete fluids and
electrolytes, leading to a massive imbalance.

c) Diarrhea and vomiting

d) PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism of gap Gene: The first step involves using PCR to amplify a
specific region of the gap gene from the bacterial DNA sample. the PCR product (the amplified DNA fragment) is
then treated with restriction enzymes. The digested DNA fragments are separated by size using gel electrophoresis.
By comparing the banding patterns of different bacterial isolates, scientists can identify differences in their gap gene
sequences and potentially differentiate between different Staphylococcus strains.


Bacillus sp
a) Most concern: B.cereus
b) Mechanisms causing illness: By producing anthrax toxin: The toxins damage the intestinal lining,
leading to inflammation and fluid secretion.
c) Hazards bring to consumers: Diarrhea, gastrointestinal symptoms,fatal, respiratory diseases
d) Means of detection:
- The enumeration of B. cereus using mannitol-egg yolk-phenol red-agar: B. cereus colonies on MYP agar
are typically pink-red and surrounded by a zone of precipitation due to lecithinase activity.
- Plate count method analysis: Food samples are collected, diluted and cell culturing is performed
following the standard of ISO 7932 ( for direct plate counting) and ISO 21,871 (for detection and counting
of low numbers through the most probable number).
- Toxin detection: The availability of gram positive bacteria’s toxin can be determined by using commercial
immunological kits or a combination of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry.
+ Immunological assays: These commercially available kits use antibodies that specifically bind to
B. cereus enterotoxins. The presence of a toxin-antibody complex indicates the presence of enterotoxins
in the food sample. These tests are relatively rapid but may not differentiate between all types of B. cereus
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): PCR can be used to detect specific genes that are unique to B. cereus.
This method is very specific and can be used to detect B. cereus even if it is present in very low numbers.
- Real-time PCR: Real-time PCR is a variation of PCR that allows for the detection of B. cereus DNA in real
time. This method is even faster than traditional PCR and can be used to quantify the amount of B. cereus
present in a sample.
- Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP): Based on using the ability of DNA polymerase to
synthesize new strand of DNA complementary to the offered template strand, the exact information about
the DNA of bacteria available in the food sample can be detected rapidly.
e) Prevent foodborne illness:
Proper Cooking: Ensure thorough cooking of foods, especially rice, pasta, potatoes, and meats. Reach the
recommended internal temperatures:

Raw animal meats: 145°F (63°C) for at least 15 seconds

Fruits and vegetables for hot holding: 135°F (57°C)

Rapid Cooling: Don't let cooked food sit out at room temperature for extended periods. This is prime time
for B. cereus spores to germinate and multiply. Cool leftovers quickly to below 41°F (5°C) within two hours.

Temperature Control: Maintain hot foods at or above 140°F (60°C) and cold foods at or below 41°F (5°C)
during storage and serving. This slows down or halts bacterial growth.

Minimize Reheating: Reheat leftovers only once to steaming hot. Repeated reheating creates ideal
conditions for B. cereus growth and toxin production.

Prevent Cross-Contamination: Use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw and cooked foods to avoid
transferring B. cereus spores.

Proper Storage: Store cooked rice and other starchy dishes in the refrigerator within two hours of cooking.
Reheat only the amount you'll consume.
Following Good Hygiene Practices: Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after handling
food. Keep food preparation surfaces clean and sanitized.

Clostridium sp
a) C. Perfringens; C. Botulinum

b) C. Perfringens harms humans. It produces toxins in the intestines after large amounts are ingested. C. Botulinum
produces extremely potent neurotoxin in contaminated food. The toxin blocks the release of acetylcholine, a
neurotransmitter vital for muscle movement. This leads to progressive flaccid paralysis, affecting muscles
responsible for breathing, swallowing, and speech.

c) Clostridium sp. cause enteritis and enterotoxaemia humans.

d) Cell Culture Assays: This method involves culturing cells susceptible to C. Perfringens/ C. Botulinum toxins. If the
food sample containing the toxin is added, the cells will show signs of damage or death. It's specific but time-
consuming and labor-intensive.

Immunological Assays



General Safe Food Handling Practices:

Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after handling food, especially after handling raw
meat or poultry.

Keep food preparation surfaces clean and sanitized with a disinfectant solution after preparing raw meat or

Use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw and cooked foods to avoid cross-contamination.

Refrigerate or freeze leftovers promptly within 2 hours of cooking (1 hour if exposed to temperatures above

Reheat leftovers to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) and ensure all parts of the food reach this

Thaw frozen food safely in the refrigerator, cold running water, or microwave using the defrost setting.
Never thaw food at room temperature.

Specific Measures for C. Perfringens:

Cook food thoroughly to reach safe internal temperatures:

Raw animal meats: 145°F (63°C) for at least 15 seconds

Ground meats: 160°F (71°C) for at least 15 seconds

Cool cooked foods rapidly to below 41°F (5°C) within 2 hours.

Avoid reheating food multiple times.

Minimize the time cooked foods spend in the "danger zone" between 40°F (4°C) and 140°F (60°C), where
bacteria multiply rapidly.

Specific Measures for C. Botulinum:

Be cautious with low-acid home-canned foods. Improper canning practices create ideal conditions for C.
Botulinum growth. Use commercially canned goods or follow safe home canning procedures from reputable

Discard any canned food with bulging lids, leaks, or spoilage signs.

Boil commercially prepared precooked foods like sausages or hot dogs for at least 2 minutes before

Do not store or consume fermented or reduced-oxygen packaged foods (e.g., garlic in oil) if they are not
commercially prepared or produced according to safe handling guidelines.

Streptococcus sp


Direct Tissue Invasion: Certain Streptococcus species can directly invade and damage tissues.

Toxin Production: Some Streptococcus species produce toxins that can damage tissues and cause widespread


Strep Throat : This common infection causes a sore throat, fever, and swollen lymph nodes.

Impetigo: This highly contagious skin infection causes red, oozing sores.

Erysipelas: This infection causes a raised, red, and painful area on the skin, often on the legs.



Probiotic: Probiotics are widely used microorganisms to deal with specific diseases due to gram positive
bacteria in chickens

Hand hygiene: Hand hygiene is one of the most cost-efficient interventions to prevent gram - positive
infections within and outside the health care setting.

Good practices in food preparation: inactivating positive bacteria by heating, sterilization and hygienic

Temperature control: ensuring that foods are not held at abusive temperatures after purchase (i.e., for
prolonged periods of time in a vehicle) and are properly placed in a clean, properly operating refrigerator will help
prevent food safety issues. Minimize time in the "danger zone" (4°C to 60°C): Streptococcus can multiply more readily
in this temperature range. Promptly refrigerate or cook leftovers to minimize their time in this zone.
Teicoplanin: It is an antibiotic used in the prevention and treatment of serious infections caused by Gram-
positive bacteria, it is a semi-synthetic glycopeptide antibiotic with a spectrum of activities similar to vancomycin.
Its mechanism of action is inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis teicoplanin.

Propidium monoazide quantitative real-time PCR: PMA-qPCR combines the use of a viability dye (propidium
monoazide) with real-time PCR. PCRspecifically target and quantify the DNA of live Streptococcus cells in a sample,
avoiding interference from dead Streptococcus or other dead bacteria that might be present.

Dipicolinic Acid detection: Dipicolinic acid, commonly present as a Ca2+ chelate complex, is a unique and
characteristic biomarker for endospore of some gram positive bacteria strain but not in the spores formed by other
organisms such as molds. Based on this distinct feature, the detection of dipicolinic acid can be used as the methods
for investigating the presence of gram positive bacteria. Dipicolinic acid detection can be performed by
spectrophotometry, Raman/surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and infrared spectroscopies, fluorescence
and photoluminescence.

Colorimetric detection (Lateral Flow): Some antibodies such as B183 and B48 react very strongly with gram
positive bacteria spores. Using immunogold staining they showed that both antibodies were bound to surface
epitopes of spores. Such antibodies enable detection of whole spores in rapid tests, such as lateral flow

Biosensors: Due to the low number of recognition elements (such as antibodies, aptamers) that enable
efficient and specific targeting of whole bacterial spores, only a few biosensors have been developed in the literature.
Biosensors attract considerable attention because of their simplicity, sensitivity and rapidity. Electrochemical
biosensors are the most rapidly growing compared to other methods, because they are low cost, sensitive and easy
to miniaturize

Table 4. Gram positive bacteria

Raw meat, poultry; Unpasteurized dairy

Staphylococcus Non-spore Facultative
Coccus products; Foods that are left at room
aureus forming anaerobic
temperature for extended periods

Streptococcus Non-spore Fecal-oral transmission; Raw meat, poultry;

Cocci Anaerobic
agalactiae forming Unpasteurized dairy products;

Streptococcus Non-spore Facultative Raw meat, poultry; Unpasteurized dairy

dysgalactiae forming anaerobic products;

Streptococcus Non-spore Facultative Fecal-oral transmission; Unpasteurized dairy

uberis forming anaerobic products;

Corynebacterium Non-spore Facultative skin or wound infection

pyogenes forming anaerobic

Streptococcus Non-spore Human saliva

Sperical Anaerobic
sobrinus forming
Micrococcus Non-spore Soil, dust, water, and on human skin,
Coccus Aerobic
luteus forming particularly the head, arms, and legs

Meat, vegetables, or dairy products; starchy

Bacillus cereus Rod Aerobic foods left at room temperature for extended
Clostridium forming Canned food, vacuum meat, Improperly
Rod Anaerobic
botulinum fermented vegetables or fish, honey

Streptococcus Human saliva

Coccus Anaerobic

Listeria Facultative Meat, fish, dairy, vegetable

monocytogenes anaerobic

Table 5. Gram negative bacteria

Escherichia coli: Shiga Rod Facultative Meat, unpasteurized milk, fruits
toxin-producing E. coli anaerobic and vegetables (if not washed
(STEC) properly)
Fecal-oral transmission
Pseudomonas Rod Aerobic
Erwinia carotovera Rod Facultative
Campylobacter jejuni Spiral Anaerobic Raw or undercooked poultry
Helicobacter pylori Spiral Anaerobic
Salmonella Flagellum Facultative Raw or undercooked poultry,
Non-spore anaerobic eggs, and meat.
Shigella Rod Facultative
Vibrio cholerae Flagellum Anaerobic Water or raw or undercooked
Tannerella forsythia Rod Anaerobic
Aggregatibacter Cocci Facultative
actinomycetemcomitans anaerobic
Porphyromonas Cocci Anaerobic
Treponema vincentii Spiral Anaerobic
Prevotella intermedia Rod Anaerobic
Fusobacterium, Rod Anaerobic
Pseudomonas, Rod Aerobic
Chondromyces, Rod Aerobic
Spirillum Rod Aerobic
Myxococcus Coccus Aerobic
Xanthomonas Rod Aerobic
Acetobacter Rod Aerobic
Neisseria meningitidis Diplococci Facultative
N. gonorrhoeae Diplococci Facultative

Canned pâté
Raw materials
- Salmonella spp.: pig: from farm, transport, lairage, slaughterhouse, distribution, market, consumer, etc.
Transportation and social stress increase the fecal excretion of S. typhimurium in pigs
- Yersinia enterocolitica: pig: in slaughterhouses by contamination from tonsils and intestinal contents:
hygiene practices as removing the head and bagging the rectum.
- Trichinella spp.: pigs: from farm: well-established and controlled farm systems
- E.coli
Parasite: Toxoplasma gondii.: Toxoplasma gondii: pigs: from farms.
During processing
Escherichia coli, Trichinella spp, Toxoplasma gondii, Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium spp,
Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus spp, Yersinia enterocolitica:
- Contamination occurs in pig farming, and insects are also carriers of microorganisms such as Salmonella and
Escherichia coli (Flies, ants, and cockroaches can be carriers for these foodborne pathogens if the product is left
open in the environment. Recontamination is also able to occur if the product is not stored appropriately. Cross-
contamination from kitchen utensils)
- Cross-contamination due to inappropriate operations of workers
- Listeria monocytogenes is naturally present in the soil and can be transmitted by water
- workers’ PPE.
- Factory equipment

Raw material
Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. cholerae , Salmonella, and Listeria.
Parasites: Agmasoma sup species, Zoothamnium, Epistylis, Vorticella.
During Processing: cross-contamination of bacteria: E.coli, Staphylococcus aureus,...
Storage – Transportation:
Environmental contamination (Water):
- Bacteria: Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Clostridium botulinum
- Parasites: Agmasoma sup species, Zoothamnium, Epistylis, Vorticella.
Spoilage Ingredients: Pseudomonas, Aeromonas hydrophila, A. veronii, A. boivar, A. sobria and
Shewanella putrefaciens are spoilage bacteria for fresh prawns.
Prevent & Control
Sanitation and Hygiene: cleaning and disinfection of facilities, equipment, and utensils. proper hygiene for
food handlers: proper handwashing procedures and the use of suitable clothing and hair restraints.
Facility and Equipment design and maintenance to prevent harborage points for microorganisms: ensuring
proper ventilation, drainage, and waste disposal systems. Regular maintenance of equipment ensures it functions
correctly during processes that might control biological hazards, like cooking or cooling.
Pest Control: procedures to manage pests, like rodents and insects, that can introduce biological
contaminants into food. This involves measures to exclude pests from the facility and eliminate any existing
Proper Storage and Transportation: fast + packaging + temperature (cold chain protocols for refrigerated or
frozen foods)
Training and Documentation
Soil and Water Management: GAP promotes testing and treating irrigation water to reduce contamination
by harmful microbes. It also emphasizes proper manure management to prevent manure-borne pathogens from
reaching crops.
Seed Selection and Planting: GAP encourages using disease-resistant seeds and proper planting practices to
minimize the chance of plant diseases.
Fertilizer and Pesticide Use: GAP guidelines promote the responsible use of fertilizers and pesticides to
minimize contamination risks and ensure pre-harvest intervals are followed to allow residues to degrade before
Harvesting and Handling: GAP emphasizes proper hygiene during harvesting to prevent contamination
from workers or equipment. It also covers proper handling and storage practices to minimize the risk of post-
harvest spoilage by pathogens.
Wildlife Management: GAP advises on measures to deter wildlife that can introduce biological
contaminants from entering farms.
Worker Training: Similar to GMPs, GAP highlights the importance of training farmworkers in safe
handling practices to minimize contamination risks throughout the production process.
• Inactivating microorganisms in foods (e.g. pasteurising, cooking, sterilising).
• Inhibiting the growth of microorganisms in foods (e.g. modified atmosphere packaging, cool chain).

Natural occurrence
Several bacteria, viruses, and parasites inhabit the surfaces of the raw food naturally. Several parasites are
present in the food by symbiotic relations between the organism and the parasite. The sources of these contaminants
are multiple including industrial and municipal discharges, natural geological formations, urban and rural run-off.
They are easily infected into the shrimps during the part of harvesting and selecting shrimps and washing the
shrimps with water which could be contaminated with pathogenic bacteria.
Although packaging materials are essential for the transport and storage of food, many of them are associated
with chemical contamination. As it is not possible to exclude them from our routine, it is important to develop research
aimed at identifying the endocrine disruptors present in them, including the effects of chronic exposure; and that
regulatory agencies and industry come together to reduce or prevent this risk.
• Ingredients: Hormones are used to help in shrimp growth and reproduction so there will be residues left
inside the shrimps when they are harvested.
Endocrine disruptors (ED) are exogenous agents that interfere with hormone synthesis, metabolism, and/or
action. There is growing evidence of increasing exposure to these substances over the decades. Associated with this,
an increase in the incidence and prevalence of diseases associated with ED has been observed. Some examples are
hormonally mediated cancers, such as breast, prostate, and testicles, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, diabetes
mellitus, obesity, allergies, autoimmune diseases, infertility and male genital malformations.
Insecticides, pesticides
Many insecticides can cause poisoning after being swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin.
Symptoms may include eye tearing, coughing, heart problems, and breathing difficulties. The diagnosis is based on
symptoms, blood tests, and a description of events surrounding the poisoning. Pesticide residues (2,4-D, malathion,
diazinon, and fenpropimorph) can cause leukemia, reproductive, immunological, and neurological cancers if
• Ingredients: Pesticides (bifenthrin and imidacloprid) exposure reduced the ability of post-larval shrimp to
capture live prey at environmentally realistic concentrations. Concentrations of a broad suite of pesticides
were also measured in shrimp farm intake waters. Some pesticides were detected in every sample.
• Storage/transportation: There is no record of using pesticides and insecticides during storage and
transportation of the raw materials.
Environmental contamination (Soil - Water - Air)
1. Cultivation process
• Routes of chemical contamination
Rain and storms impact pond water, raising pH because the composition of rainwater contains many weak
acids. Besides, rain causes the soil around the pond to wash away. The soil contains a lot of alum, causing the water
to be directly contaminated with alum. These lead to abnormal levels of iron ions in shrimp ponds, affecting their
breathing and nutrient absorption.Shrimp meat can be contaminated with large amounts of heavy chemicals.
Industrial aquatic food (contain a lot of protein and phosphorus) and chemical pond cleaning solutions
contribute to elevated residues, increasing heavy metals and toxins in shrimp. These sediments in the water
decompose and produce toxic gasses such as ammonium nitrogen, H2S, nitrogen nitrogen or nitrate that poison
shrimp and increase toxic residues in shrimp meat. High residues of cleaning detergents cause shrimp to be
contaminated with high levels of mercury and thread. The result is chemical pollution in shrimp used as raw materials.
• Routes of biological contamination
Pond water is polluted due to household waste and human garbage thrown into shrimp farming water sources,
causing the presence of specific microorganisms such as E. coli and coliform to increase. This organism enters the
shrimp, sticks to the shrimp shell, enters the shrimp's body through the food, thereby contaminating the input
Some small-scale ponds use too much food compared to the shrimp population, causing food residue, thereby
creating favorable conditions for other microorganisms to grow. Leftover bran/rice is the source of substrate for
microorganisms such as E.coli, coliform, Feacal Streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and especially toxic algae
that develop when shrimp ponds are polluted due to increased organic waste in the pond. This causes the shrimp's
meat quality to be affected due to competition from other microorganisms during the development process. From
there, diseases such as fungal disease, white spot disease, ...
The weather is becoming more and more unusual. This will make it easier for microorganisms to grow and
attack the shrimp's body. Aspergillus glaucus molds and osmophilic bacteria that can withstand a wide temperature
range can continue to grow and cause disease in raw materials.
2. Harvesting/Storage/Transportation (Pre-processing)
• Routes of biological contamination
The raw material that is stored in the improper temperature, in the untight packaging, or refreezing may
stimulate the growth of microorganisms.
The ice used to marinate shrimp during transportation to the mainland does not ensure the quality of the input
water source and is contaminated with E. coli, Listeria... when marinating the shrimp, these microorganisms can
cause damage to the shrimp
- Routes of chemical contamination
The ice used to marinate shrimp during transportation to the mainland is contaminated with lead, arsenic,
chlorine residue, etc. When the ice melts, it creates favorable conditions for these chemicals to contaminate the
shrimp. Therefore, it is necessary to control the quality of water used to make ice.
3. Processing
• Routes of physical contamination
During processing, the metal pieces from the irregularly maintained metallic equipment or the defective
metallic packaging fall into the food.
Defrosting stage: At this stage, if the previous stage (raw materials) is not transported well, it can be
contaminated with soil, sand, metal fragments,... from the beach or containers.
Metal fragments, soil, sand, etc. that are not cleaned during the washing process are still mixed in the product.
The added additives are not carefully sieved, leaving behind impurities, strings, etc.
Mixing Stage: Contamination from foreign objects: Tools and equipment used for stirring and handling the
shrimp paste can chip or break, leaving behind fragments of metal, plastic, or wood in the product. These can cause
injury to the mouth, throat, or digestive system if ingested. Despite thorough sifting and manual picking, small shrimp
shells, bones, or other inedible parts might escape detection and end up in the salted mixture. These can pose choking
hazards to consumers.
In sun-drying Stage: Because Sunning in a greenhouse if possible, Sand, hair, Impurities such as dust, dirt,
or insects → Cover by muslin cloths during sunning.
• Routes of chemical contamination
Washing Step: the quality of water is a very important factor. The water used is not of guaranteed quality and
contains contaminants such as heavy metals (Lead, arsenic,...) and chlorine residue in the water.
Grinding/Pounding: Shrimp oxidizes when exposed to atmospheric oxygen, causing shrimp to lose color.
This is due to the formation of chemical reactions between oxygen and compounds in shrimp meat, leading to color
changes and loss of freshness of the product. This discoloration process does not affect food safety, but may affect
the quality and aesthetic value of the product
- Routes of biological contamination
Thawing Step: During the defrosting process, the temperature of the shrimp mass gradually increases, which
is a favorable opportunity for microorganisms to grow, typically Bacillus cereus and psychrophilic bacterial spores.
Besides, the liquid secreted during the defrosting process is a rich source of nutrients for the growth of molds of the
Aspergillus, Penicillium and Citromyces groups, and bacteria of the Bacillus genus.
Washing Step: Due to: water source does not meet QCVN 01:2009 standards, for water to wash food during
processing. Therefore, a small amount of E.coli and Coliform may remain mixed in the water source and then enter
the shrimp mass.
In sun-drying: Pathogenic microorganisms from the environment can be found like: Escherichia coli,
Salmonella, Bacillus. This can happen if the weather is not sunny enough. Choosing a suitable sunny day is important
in this step. Implementing a “closed drying method” (phương pháo phơi kín) to allow sunning to occur even on rainy
and humid days.
Packaging Step: the pressure is not enough to seal the mouth, so aerobic respiratory microorganisms can still
grow. These types of microorganisms can be mentioned as the bacterial families Bacillus spp., Staphylococcus spp.,
Pseudomonas spp.
4. Transport
Undesirable physical damages due to improper handling may cause packaging leakage and the product may
be exposed to the outside environment and post contaminated by microorganisms and spores in air during
5. Consuming
During consumption, consumers do not preserve the correct conditions on the packaging, and at the same
time, do not preserve it as instructed. At this time, in addition to the remaining microorganism and spores, there is
also additional microflora at the infected consumer's home. From there, the food spoils faster, leading to food
poisoning or even worse.
Spoilage ingredients
1. Harvesting/Storage/Transportation
Shrimp: Shrimps are more prone to spoilage than other muscle foods because of their high moisture content, having
a great amount of free amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, and non-nitrogenous compounds used for microbial
growth, and melanosis.
**Biological Hazard:
• Growth of spoilage microorganisms – Psychrotrophic gram-negative bacteria, such as Pseudomonas spp.,
Shewanella putrefaciens, Aeromonas spp., and Photobacterium phosphoreum are responsible for the
development of compounds that significantly degrade the quality and safety of shrimp.
• Other microorganisms can be found such as Clostridium botulinum, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Escherichia
coli, etc.
→ Route of transmission: Spoilage microorganisms from one food or surface are transferred to the whole batch
through direct contact (several dead shrimps from the harvesting batch)
→ Prevention:
o The harvested product must go through the quality check of texture and odor
o Shrimp need to be stored properly to maintain their freshness. Keep shrimp refrigerated at a
temperature below 4°C to slow down the growth of microorganisms.
**Chemical Hazard
• Autolysis (endogenous protease actions during shrimp storage) → favorable conditions for bacterial growth
• With no oxygen supply, the glycogen stored in the shrimp muscle tissue gradually converts into lactic acid
by the enzyme actions present in the shrimp muscle, causing a decline in the pH of the shrimp muscle tissue
and stiffening in the shrimp muscle. The lactic acid formation and therefore the stiffening of muscle go on
till the glycogen supply is ultimately used up.
• Hydroperoxides formed from autoxidation itself easily decompose to lower molecular weight volatile
compounds responsible for off-aromas, including alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones
• Histamine, the principle toxin responsible for seafood poisoning, is converted from free histidine by bacterial
histamine decarboxylase
• Putrescine and cadaverine are important spoilage indicators of seafood, and are generated from
decarboxylation of arginine and lysine.
→ Prevention: Shrimp need to be stored properly to maintain their freshness. Keep shrimp refrigerated at a
temperature from 4°C to freezing to slow down the growth of microorganisms.

Sea salt
**Biological Hazard: If not stored properly, salt can be spoiled and clumped.
→ Route of transmission:
→ Prevention:
o Keep salt separate from shrimp.
o Salt must be stored in a cool, dry place. The containers must be able to protect salt from getting
moisture from the environment.
o Utensils or scoops that are used to add salt into the processing step must be dry.
**Chemical Hazard:
• Heavy metals: Sea salt may contain trace amounts of heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, mercury,
and cadmium. Heavy metals can enter the ocean through natural processes or human activities.
However, the levels of heavy metals in sea salt are typically very low and not considered a significant
health risk when consumed in normal amounts.
• Microplastics are tiny particles of plastic that can enter the ocean through pollution and other sources.
→ Prevention: Choose the legit supplier to buy the ingredients
2. Processing

• Insufficient Fermentation: Shrimp paste is traditionally made through a fermentation process, during which
naturally occurring microorganisms break down the shrimp proteins and develop the characteristic flavors.
If the fermentation process is not carried out properly, it may result in incomplete or inadequate fermentation,
allowing harmful bacteria to survive and cause spoilage. As lower water activity, the growth of spoilage
microorganisms, so prolonging the shelf-life of the product. Therefore, the higher fermentation will have
higher water activity, which lowers the shelf-life of the product. However, the nutrition parameter will
• Cross-Contamination: Cross-contamination can occur during the production process if equipment, utensils,
or surfaces that come into contact with the shrimp paste are contaminated with harmful microorganisms. If
proper sanitation practices are not followed, pathogens from other sources can be introduced into the paste,
leading to spoilage.
3. Product storage/Distribution
Biological Hazard:
• Bacterial contamination: Spoiled shrimp paste can harbor various bacteria, including pathogens such as
Salmonella, Vibrio, and Clostridium species. These bacteria can cause foodborne illnesses if consumed.
Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever.
• Mold growth: When exposed to moisture or improper storage conditions, spoiled shrimp paste can become a
breeding ground for molds. Mold growth can lead to the production of mycotoxins, which are toxic
substances produced by certain molds. Consumption of mycotoxin-contaminated shrimp paste can cause
adverse health effects, including nausea, gastrointestinal problems, and even long-term health risks
depending on the specific mycotoxin involved.
• Yeast and fungal contamination: Spoiled shrimp paste can also be contaminated by yeast and fungal species.
While not all yeasts and fungi are harmful, some can produce toxins and cause food spoilage. Consumption
of shrimp paste contaminated with harmful yeast or fungi can lead to digestive issues and other health
Chemical Hazard:
• Additive Contamination: Some shrimp paste products may contain additives or preservatives to enhance shelf
life or improve flavor. If these additives are contaminated with harmful chemicals or are used in excessive
amounts, they can introduce chemical hazards into the paste and contribute to spoilage.
• Packaging Materials: Chemical hazards can also originate from the packaging materials used for shrimp
paste. If the packaging materials contain harmful substances or if there is a migration of chemicals from the
packaging into the paste, it can lead to spoilage and potential health risks.
4. Consuming
• Bacterial growth: Shrimp paste can be susceptible to bacterial contamination, especially if exposed to
moisture or unsanitary conditions. Bacteria such as Salmonella, Vibrio, and Clostridium species can multiply
in the paste and cause spoilage. The presence of these bacteria can lead to foodborne illnesses when
• Mold and yeast growth: Moisture and improper storage conditions can promote the growth of molds and
yeasts in shrimp paste. These microorganisms can cause visible changes in texture, color, and odor, indicating
spoilage. Some molds and yeasts can also produce toxins, posing health risks when consumed.
• Changes in texture and appearance: Spoiled shrimp paste may become slimy, discolored, or develop an
unusual texture. It can change from a smooth and uniform consistency to clumpy or watery.
It is essential to handle and store shrimp paste properly to minimize the risk of spoilage. This includes following
recommended storage temperatures, keeping the paste in airtight containers, and using sanitary practices during
preparation and storage.

Human: Hygiene knowledges + Human sanitation

1. Ingredients
a. Biological Contamination
• Improper personal hygiene can include not washing your hands thoroughly before handling food, coughing or
sneezing near food, or having infected wounds that come into contact with food.
• Contaminated irrigation water: If water used to water crops is contaminated with sewage or runoff from animal
feedlots, it can contain harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
• Inadequate sanitation facilities: Farmworkers who do not have access to proper toilets and handwashing facilities
are more likely to contaminate crops.
• Contaminated manure used as fertilizer: If manure is not properly composted before being applied to fields, it
may contain harmful pathogens.
• Animal waste in the growing environment: If livestock graze in food-producing fields, their feces can contaminate
the crops.
b. Chemical Contamination
• Improper pesticide application: If pesticides are not applied correctly, they can leave residues on crops that are
hazardous to human health.
• Antibiotics in animal agriculture: Overuse of antibiotics in animal feed can result in the development of antibiotic-
resistant bacteria, which can contaminate meat and poultry.
• Industrial pollutants: Industrial facilities' air and water pollution can contaminate crops with heavy metals and
other toxins.
• Microplastics are small pieces of plastic that can contaminate soil and water, eventually ending up in our food.
c. Preventive Measures
There are several steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of food contamination while handling ingredients.
This includes:
• Farmers and food handlers should maintain good personal hygiene, which includes thoroughly washing hands
before handling food.
• Irrigation should only be done with clean, potable water.
• Farmworkers should have proper sanitation facilities.
• Manure should be properly composted before it is used as fertilizer.
• Pesticides should be applied according to the label instructions.
• The use of antibiotics in animal agriculture should be limited.
• Efforts must be made to reduce industrial pollution.
• Researchers are working to find ways to reduce microplastic contamination in our food supply.
2. Harvesting
a. Biological Contamination
Source of contamination: Pathogenic germs (viruses, bacteria, and parasites) on harvesters' bodies or
clothing. This may also apply to tainted harvest-related equipment.
Routes of transmission:
• Direct contact: When picking, sorting, or packing produce, contaminated hands or clothes come into contact
with the produce.
• Using the same equipment or containers for contaminated and uncontaminated produce is known as cross-
contamination. Pathogens from decaying or infected objects can transfer to healthy ones in this way.
• Animal contact: Pathogens can be spread by the droppings, fur, or bites of wild animals, rodents, or even
farm animals.
Examples: Salmonella, E. coli, and the hepatitis A virus.
b. Chemical Contamination
Improper handling or storage of chemicals used for cleaning and sanitization is the source of contamination.
Routes of transmission:
• Chemical residues: Harvested produce may contain chemical residues from improperly cleaned equipment.
• Unintentional spills: Lubricants or cleaning supplies that leak onto crops during harvest.
Examples include leftovers from chlorine bleach and lubricants from harvesting equipment.
c. Preventive Measures
• Hygiene Procedures: Harvesters need to wear gloves, hair restraints, and clean clothes. Hand washing
correctly and on a regular basis is essential.
• Sanitation: Using vetted cleaning solutions, tools and equipment used during harvesting should be routinely
• Handle with Care: Try to avoid bruising or damage to produce during harvesting, since these might serve as
pathways for germs.
• Storage: To reduce the possibility of contamination, harvested produce should be carried in clean vehicles
and kept in clean containers.
• Instruction: Make that harvesters receive the necessary instruction on safe handling procedures, equipment
sanitation, and hygiene standards.
3. Storage/Transportation
a. Biological Contamination
Source of contamination: During storage and transit, food can get contaminated by pathogenic
microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, and parasites) from a variety of sources.
Routes of transmission:
• Inadequate temperature control during storage: Pathogens can proliferate quickly when temperatures are too
high. Additionally, spoilage microbes have the ability to proliferate and degrade products.
• Poor personal hygiene: Pathogens can be introduced by personnel handling food during storage and
loading/unloading who have contaminated hands or clothing.
• Cross-contamination: Pathogens can spread through touch or condensation when tainted and uncontaminated
food are stored together.
• Pest infestation: Pathogens can be introduced by rodents, insects, and birds through their droppings, fur, or
contact with food packaging.
Examples include Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, and E. coli.
b. Chemical Contamination
Source of contamination: Improper handling or storage of chemicals intended for pest control, fumigation,
or cleaning.
Routes of transmission:
• Chemical residues: Food packaging and surfaces may include chemical residues from improperly cleaned
storage facilities or transportation vehicles.
• Food can become contaminated by contact or fumes from broken or leaking cleaning chemical or fumigant
• Inappropriate use of pesticides: When pesticides are used in excess or without authorization during transit or
storage, residues may accumulate beyond acceptable levels.
Examples include residues from cleaning products, pesticides, and improperly stored mycotoxins.
c. Preventive Measures
• Hygiene: Employees who handle food in storage or transit should follow basic hygiene precautions, such as
washing their hands frequently and dressing in clean clothes.
• Temperature control: To prevent the growth of pathogens and guarantee the safety of food, maintain the
proper storage and transit temperatures.
• Maintaining proper sanitation requires routinely employing cleaning agents that have been approved and
sanitizing storage facilities and transportation vehicles.
• Pest control: To stop infestations, put in place efficient pest management measures.
• Storage separation: To avoid cross-contamination, keep tainted and uncontaminated food in different
• Safe packing: To prevent contamination and harm to food, use appropriate food-grade packaging materials.
• Chemical storage: Keep fumigants, insecticides, and cleaning supplies out of the reach of locations where
food is kept.
• Instruction: Provide personnel with instruction on safe chemical handling methods, hygienic practices, and
sanitation protocols.
4. Processing
Hygiene: When infected food handlers fail to wash their hands after using the toilet, handling raw shrimp,
taking out garbage, cleaning up spills, handling money, touching other contaminated surfaces such as blemishes,
pimples, the nose, boils, open wounds and soiled tissues, food contamination takes place. Failure to wear gloves or
touching contaminated surfaces even while wearing gloves, sneezing or coughing into a gloved hand, food, food
contact equipment or surfaces are ways foods also get contaminated during processing shrimp paste.
• Washing: washing shrimp not clean enough, which benefits the bacteria growth later on.
• Mixing - Grinding: use equipment that is not clean enough after CIP, which causes contaminants easier.
• Incubating: the wooden barrels containing shrimp paste are not clean enough which makes contaminants
• Fermenting-Periodic stirring: stirring equipment is not clean enough; opening the cap of barrels, people
carelessly let the impurities on the cap fall down to the shrimp paste inside; letting their clothes or dirty gloves
or bare hands touch shrimp paste when stirring, which cause contaminants.
• Sieving: sieving material is not clean enough; utensils to move shrimp paste to containers are not clean
enough; letting their clothes or dirty gloves or bare hands touch shrimp paste when sieving.
• Jarring: letting dirty gloves or bare hands touching the inside of the jar after sterilizing can cause
Sanitation: Placing shrimp paste near the toilet, disposed waste, or opening shrimp paste without washing
hands carefully after going to the toilet can cause contamination.
5. Product storage/Distribution
Hygiene: Contamination can occur via storage in the market in contaminated bins and other containers,
possible contact with decaying products. Fortunately, since shrimp paste is contained inside a jar, this reduces the
risk of contamination much better as human handling does not touch shrimp paste directly. Contamination also occurs
when shrimp paste is not kept at the clean and dry areas. As people open the jar, bacteria from those areas cause
contamination. This includes the trip home from the store, the time the food is on the table and the time people have
it in their bag for lunch at work.
Sanitation: Placing shrimp paste near the toilet, disposed waste, or opening shrimp paste without washing
hands carefully after going to the toilet can cause contamination.
6. Consuming
Hygiene: During the serving of food, when kitchen tools used for raw food such as meat, poultry, fish or
unwashed vegetables come in contact with utensils used for shrimp paste, microorganisms can be transferred. Shrimp
paste gets contaminated if they are placed back on the same plate that previously held food or when left uncovered
for a long time, creating opportunities for their contamination by microorganisms present on the body of flies, rodents
etc. that can come in contact with shrimp paste.
Another factor that can cause contamination is the use of poor wash water to clean utensils used for shrimp
paste, such as jar, spoon, bowl to contain shrimp paste for meals. Poor wash water contains bacteria which can be
transferred in those utensils. If these utensils are in touch with shrimp paste, shrimp paste gets contaminated as well.
Sanitation: Placing shrimp paste near the toilet, disposed waste, or opening shrimp paste without washing
hands carefully after going to the toilet can cause contamination.
Biological hazards
Bacteria: Bacillus cereus, Campylobacter spp., Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium perfringens, E. coli O157:H7
and Other Pathogenic Escherichia coli

Listeria monocytogenes, Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), Salmonella spp. Shigella spp.
Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Yersinia spp.
• Fungi
• Prions
• Prion (Proteinaceous Infectious particles) consists of a conformationally distinct form of a normal cellular
protein, which is capable of converting the normal protein into the diseased form.
• Degenerative neurological disease in humans if they consume bovine products derived from cattle suffering
from a prion disease.
• Resistant to most disinfection procedures.
• Virus
• Avian influenza (AI), Hepatitis A and E, Rotavirus, Enterovirus, Norwalk virus, Echovirus, Norovirus,

• Parasites
• Protozoans • Trematodes • Flagellata
• Cryptosporidium • Rhizopoda • Trypanosoma
• Cyclospora • Entamoeba gambiense
• Toxoplasma histolytica • Trypanosoma
• Entamoeba • Naegleria rhodesiense
• Giardia duodenalis (syn. fowleri • Trypanosoma
Giardialamblia, Giardia • Acanthamoeba cruzi
intestinalis) • Balamuthia • Ciliata
• Helminths mandrillaris • Balantidium coli
• Trichinella • Flagellata
• Taenia • Ciliata

Food properties and microbial growth

• Temperature
• Humidity
• Oxygen
• pH
• Moisture
• Nutrient content
• Antibiotics presence in food ingredients
• Biological structure of food ingredients

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