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QSB6 - 7 Introduction Script

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Text and Audio Script

Introduction to QSB4.5 and QSB6.7 Engines

Scene Number: 0014 999
Text Audio
All numbers and specifications listed in this program are used All numbers and specifications listed in this program are used
for illustration purposes only. Current information can be for illustration purposes only. Current information can be
found in the Service Manuals located on QuickServe Online. found in the Service Manuals located on QuickServe Online.

Scene Number: 0014 1000

Text Audio
At the conclusion of this module you should be able to:
• Visually recognize TIER 3 QSB engines. Visually recognize TIER 3 QSB engines.
• Describe the TIER 3 emission requirements that apply to Describe the TIER 3 emission requirements that apply to the
the B series engines. B series engines.
• Recognize the similarities and differences in design between Recognize the similarities and differences in design between
TIER 3 QSB engines and previous B series engines. TIER 3 QSB engines and previous B series engines.
• Identify the fuel system used on TIER 3 QSB engines. Identify the fuel system used on TIER 3 QSB engines.
• Identify the electronic control system used on the TIER 3 Identify the electronic control system used on the TIER 3
QSB engines. QSB engines.
• Name and locate the sensors used on the TIER 3 QSB Name and locate the sensors used on the TIER 3 QSB

Scene Number: 0014 1005

Text Audio
• EPA/CARB Tier 3 The Tier 3 QSB electronic industrial product line is designed
• EURO Stage III to meet the latest worldwide government regulations
applicable to diesel engines used in off-road applications.

Scene Number: 0014 1010

Text Audio
Significant Changes There are significant changes to the Tier 3 QSB engines when
compared to the Tier 2 QSB electronic engines.

Scene Number: 0014 1030

Text Audio
• 6.7L The QSB6 displacement is 6.7L These inline 6 cylinder
• Inline 6 Cylinder engines are now equipped with a Bosch high pressure common
• Bosch High Pressure Common Rail rail (HPCR) fuel system.

Scene Number: 0014 1040

Text Audio
• 4.5L The Tier 3 QSB4 is a 4.5L inline 4 cylinder engine and also
• Inline 4 Cylinder uses the Bosch HPCR fuel system.
• Bosch High Pressure Common Rail

Scene Number: 0014 1050

Text Audio
Power ratings for the Tier 3 engines are dependant on the
rated speed and engine size. This chart displays the
horsepower output for the different configurations.

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Scene Number: 0014 1060
Text Audio
Implementation of the Tier 3 emission standards began in
2005 and will continue until the phase-in of Tier 4
requirements. This chart shows the emissions regulations
schedules beginning with Tier 1 and going through Tier 4.

Scene Number: 0014 1065

Text Audio
Due to design improvements, aftertreatment systems are not
required on Tier 3 QSB engines.

Scene Number: 0014 1070

Text Audio
CM850 (arrow) The Tier 3 B engines are equipped with the CM850
Electronic Control System.

Scene Number: 0014 1080

Text Audio
TIER 3 QSB Engine The TIER 3 QSB engines share many design features with the
ISB CM850 and the ISB Euro 3 common rail equipped
engines. Therefore, where practical, these engines will be used
as a basis of comparison.

ISB CM850 Engine (ISB '02)

ISB Euro 3 Engine (ISBe3)

Scene Number: 0014 1090

Text Audio
Rubber Damper The QSB six cylinder engines use either a viscous damper or
rubber damper depending on rating. The QSB four cylinder
engines do not utilize a damper.
Viscous Damper
QSB 4 Cylinder

Scene Number: 0014 1100

Text Audio
• Reduced Noise The Tier 3 QSB engines will be significantly quieter due to
• Block Improvements block improvements, pilot injection and rear gear train
• Pilot Injection design. The noise reduction will assist OEM's in meeting
• Rear Gear Train Design increasingly stringent noise targets.

Scene Number: 0014 1105

Text Audio
The cylinder block released for the Tier 3 QSB is a
sculpted/ribbed design for high rigidity, with a standard block
stiffener plate and an enclosed tappet cavity. These features
improve noise reduction as well as durability. The block has a
commonality of some taps and bosses with previous B and
QSB designs, however there are several new bosses and profile

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Scene Number: 0014 1106
Text Audio
Parent Bore Design (arrow) The cylinders of the new block are similar to the ISBe3
engine. The cylinder bores are a parent bore design (no
sleeves or liners).
107mm (dimension as in ppt) Bore size is 107 mm. Coolant does not completely circulate
Vent Passages (arrow as in ppt) around each cylinder bores as it did with the ISB '02 and
previous B engines. There are vent passages between each of
the cylinders that circulate coolant to the cylinder head.

Scene Number: 0014 1110

Text Audio
Camshaft Gear (arrow) The camshaft, thrust plate and camshaft gear are like that of
Camshaft (arrow) the ISB '02. The camshaft will have the camshaft speed
Camshaft Speed Indicator Ring (arrow) indicator ring mounted to the camshaft at the front of the
Scene Number: 0014 1120
Text Audio
Camshaft Bushing (arrow) From production, camshaft bushings will be installed in the
front and rear of the cylinder block camshaft bores. The
inner camshaft bores will not have bushings. Camshaft bores
that previously had no bushings can be bored oversize to
accept a standard camshaft bushing. Oversize bushing are not

Scene Number: 0014 1130

Text Audio
Rear Gear Train Other important changes, when compared to the TIER 2 B,
include moving to a rear gear train design. This has resulted in
a Tier 3B that is 43 mm longer overall
Rotation of Accessory drive in Opposite Direction and has an accessory drive that rotates in the opposite
direction when compared to the front gear train equipped
Tier 2 QSB engines.

Scene Number: 0014 1150

Text Audio
Rear Gear Housing (arrow in both pictures) The die cast aluminum gear housing is at the rear, sandwiched
between the block and the flywheel housing.

Scene Number: 0014 1180

Text Audio
The cylinder head is a four valve QSB (VP44) style.

Scene Number: 0014 1190

Text Audio
Intake (arrow) The intake and exhaust rocker levers are the same as the
Exhaust (arrow) rocker levers on the ISB '02 and ISBe3 engines.

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Scene Number: 0014 1195
Text Audio
Push Tube (arrow) The push tubes and tappets are the same as those on the ISB
'02 and ISBe3 engines.
Tappet (arrow)

Scene Number: 0014 1200

Text Audio
ISB '02 The rocker lever cover will be the same as the ISBe3 and use
TIER 3QSB and ISBe3 studs and mounting nuts to mount the cover. There is no
"Cummins 24 Valve" cast into the cover as there was on the
ISB '02 cover. Emblems are, instead, adhered to the plain
rocker lever cover.

Scene Number: 0014 1210

Text Audio
Internal Baffling (arrow) The crankcase breather has internal baffling under the rocker
lever cover and exits the rear of the cover like the ISBe3.
The baffling should not be removed for service.
ISBe3 and ISB '02 A new breather connection tube from the rocker lever cover
TIER 3QSB to the rear gear housing eliminates the separate drain line that
Breather Connection Tube (arrow) was used on the ISBe3 and ISB '02 engines.
Separate Drain Line (arrow)

Scene Number: 0014 1220

Text Audio
TIER 3QSB Push in Elbow (arrow) The crankcase breather tube will be similar to the ISB '02 and
ISBe3 Bolted Mounting Plate (arrow) ISBe3 engines, but it is not interchangeable. A push in elbow
ISB '02 Capscrew Mounted Elbow (arrow) with an o-ring seal that is held in place by a clamping plate
will be used. ISBe3 engines used a bolted mounting plate with
sealant and ISB '02 engines used a single capscrew mounted

Scene Number: 0014 1230

Text Audio
Increased PTO Torque Capability Design improvements to the accessory drive have increased
the PTO torque capability from 105 ft-lb (142 N•M) to 180
ft-lb (244 N•M) when compared with the previous QSB
engines. Like the air compressors that mount at this location,
the adapter is supplied with oil through an internal drilling in
the rear gear housing.

Scene Number: 0014 1240

Text Audio
Belt Tensioner (arrow) A low mount front belt tensioner drive arrangement is used
on the QSB6 and QSB4 Tier 3 similar to the Tier 2 QSB
engine. The belt tensioner is located in a position between the
water pump and the crank pulley and mounts onto the water
inlet connection. The Tier 2 drive locations and ratios are
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Scene Number: 0014 1245
Text Audio
Bosch High Pressure Common Rail Fuel System (arrow) The Tier 3 engines use the Bosch High Pressure Common
Rail fuel system with full authority electronic control.

Scene Number: 0014 1246

Text Audio
CM850 ECM (arrow) The electronic control system precisely controls injection
timing and fuel metering. The CM850 ECM mounts onto the
cylinder block on the fuel pump side.

Scene Number: 0014 1247

Text Audio
25 micron Pre-Filter (arrow) Due to the closer tolerances of a High Pressure Common Rail
fuel system, an additional 25 micron pre-filter is required to
be mounted by the OEM between the fuel tank and the gear
type lift pump mounted on the high pressure fuel pump
3 micron Primary Fuel Filter (arrow) Final filtering is provided by a 3 micron primary fuel filter
mounted on the pressure side of the gear type lift pump.

Scene Number: 0014 1250

Text Audio
Manual Priming Pump - TIER 3QSB (arrow) A manually operated priming pump located on the 25 micron
pre-filter head has replaced the ECM cooling plate mounted
electric priming pump used on previous common rail equipped

Electric Priming Pump - ISB CM850 (arrow)

Scene Number: 0014 1255

Text Audio
Gear Type Lift Pump (arrow) The high pressure fuel pump assembly on the TIER 3 QSB is
EFC Valve (arrow) similar to the high pressure fuel pump assembly used on
previous common rail equipped B series engines. The
assembly contains a gear type lift pump, an EFC valve with
associated wiring and external plumbing.

Into the Gear Type Lift Pump (arrow) The fuel flows from the tank through the pre-filter and into
the gear type lift pump.
Gear Type Lift Pump to Primary Filter (arrow) From the gear type lift pump out to the primary fuel filter.
Filter to High Pressure Pumping Section (arrow) After flowing through the filter, fuel flows from the filter to
the high pressure pumping section of the fuel pump.
High Pressure Fuel to Rail (arrow) Once the fuel is pressurized in the high pressure section of the
fuel pump assembly, it flows out to the high pressure
common rail.
Pump Drain to Fuel Drain Manifold (arrow) The fuel pump also has an external drain line that carries
pump leakage back to the fuel drain manifold.
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Scene Number: 0014 1270
Text Audio
Fuel Rail On previous engines a drain line from the fuel rail and the
Head injector drain met at the fuel return manifold with the drain
Injector Drain line from the fuel pump and then returned the drain fuel to
Fuel Return Manifold the tank.
Fuel Pump
To Tank

Fuel Rail Now an all-in-one drain line from the fuel rail, the injector
Head drain and the fuel pump drain is used to route the drain fuel to
Injector Drain the fuel return manifold and onto the tank.
Fuel Return Manifold
Fuel Pump
To Tank

Scene Number: 0014 1275

Text Audio
(arrow) A new style quick disconnect low pressure fuel line connector
is used at several locations on the low pressure side of the fuel

Scene Number: 0014 1276

Text Audio
This fuel line quick disconnect is removed by pressing the two
tabs inward that are located on the connector. This allows
the internal white clip ring to expand around the shoulder on
the fuel line fitting. The fuel line quick disconnect can then
be pulled from the shouldered fuel line fitting.

Scene Number: 0014 1280

Text Audio
Fuel Cooled ECM Cooling Plate The ECM cooling plate has changed from a fuel cooled unit
to an air cooled unit.
Air Cooled ECM Cooling Plate

Scene Number: 0014 1290

Text Audio
New - 29mm (arrow) The new 29mm diameter injector replaces the old 26mm
injector. The new style injector has a removable hold down
clamp instead of the old attached style hold down clamp.
Old - 26mm (arrow)

Scene Number: 0014 1300

Text Audio
New - Saucer Shaped Sealing Washer - 1.5mm The flat injector sealing washer has been replaced by the new
saucer shaped sealing washer. The new saucer shaped sealing
washer is 1.5mm thick like the old flat style sealing washer.
Old - Flat Sealing Washer - 1.5mm

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Scene Number: 0014 1310
Text Audio
Fuel Rail (arrow) The fuel rail is a new design and utilizes a newly designed
Fuel Rail Pressure Relief Valve Cartridge (arrow) pressure relief valve cartridge.

Scene Number: 0014 1320

Text Audio
The fuel shutoff function is controlled by the ECM through
the engine wiring harness. No external shutoff valve control
wiring is required.

Scene Number: 0014 1330

Text Audio
• Reduced Diameter The lubricating oil flow for the QSB is similar to the ISB '02
• Flow Rate for the 4 Cylinder and 6 Cylinder Engines Differ and the ISBe3 engines.

Scene Number: 0014 1340

Text Audio
The lubricating oil pump has been changed from that used on
the ISB '02 and ISBe3. The bore diameter has been reduced to
match the change to the cylinder block. As with the ISBe3
engine the QSB engine will utilize different flow rate pumps
for the four and six cylinder engines.

Scene Number: 0014 1350

Text Audio
The cylinder block is no longer machined for saddle jet piston
cooling nozzles. The block is only machined for J-jet style
cooling nozzles like those used on some ISB '02 and ISBe3

J-jet Piston Cooling Nozzle (arrow)

Nozzle Mounting Location (arrow)

Scene Number: 0014 1360

Text Audio
Dump to Sump (arrow on both images) The regulated oil pressure on the QSB will be returned to the
oil pan (sump) rather than back to the oil pump as it was on
some previous versions of the B series engine.

Scene Number: 0014 1370

Text Audio
• 8 Plate Cooler for 6 Cylinder Engines The lubricating oil cooler and cover uses an eight plate cooler
• 7 Plate Cooler for 4 Cylinder Engines for 6 cylinder engines and a seven plate cooler for 4 cylinder

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Scene Number: 0014 1380
Text Audio
1 1/8" Standard Thread or M27 Metric Thread (arrow) The oil filter head and oil filter will be the same as used on
Oil Pressure Regulator (arrow) the ISB '02 and ISBe3 engines. The primary oil filter option
is the high mount oil cooler cover with the 1-1/8" standard
thread for filter mounting. Engines built in the UK may use
the low mount oil cooler cover with a M27 metric thread for
filter mounting. The oil pressure regulator remains the same
as the ISB '02 and ISBe3 engines.

Scene Number: 0014 1390

Text Audio
• TIER 3QSB Standard Option The standard option for the oil pan is a suspended oil pan like
• Suspended Oil Pan that used on ISBe3 engines. Typical capacities are 18 quarts
• 18 quart Capacity (6 cylinder) for the 6 cylinder and 12 quarts for the 4 cylinder. Other
• 12 quart Capacity (4 cylinder) options include a standard 15 quart capacity oil pan and a
high capacity 25 quart oil pan that can be utilized on the 6
cylinder engine.
• TIER 3QSB Paper Gasket Option
• 15 quart Capacity (6 cylinder)
• TIER 3QSB High Capacity Option
• Form In-Place Gasket
• 25 quart Capacity (6 cylinder)

Scene Number: 0014 1395

Text Audio
This diagram illustrates the typical coolant flow.

Scene Number: 0014 1396

Text Audio
225°F (107°C) - 212°F (100°C) Because of improved coolant flow efficiencies, the maximum
top tank temperature has been increased to 225°F (107°C)
from the previous 212°F (100°C) for the Tier 2 engine.

Scene Number: 0014 1400

Text Audio
The Coolant Thermostat will not be the same used on current
ISBe2 and ISB '02 engines. A new increased coolant flow
thermostat has been released.

Scene Number: 0014 1410

Text Audio
Water Pump (arrow) Because of changes to the cylinder block, cylinder head and
thermostat, the coolant pressures will be higher than the
ISBe3 and ISB '02 engines, but the water pump will remain the

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Scene Number: 0014 1420
Text Audio
Cup Plug Heater Option (arrow) Coolant heater options are similar to the ISBe3 and ISB '02
engines. As with the previous versions of the engines, there
are 2 block heater installation options: the cup plug option
that mounts in the engine block expansion plug ports and the
threaded option that mounts in the thread boss location next
to the oil cooler cover.

Threaded Plug Heater Option (arrow)

Scene Number: 0014 1430

Text Audio
Captive Capscrew (arrow) The QSB 6.7 intake manifold is a two-piece design with a
Ambient Air Pressure (AAP) Sensor captive capscrew. The intake manifold also provides
Intake Temperature Manifold Pressure (TMAP) Sensor mounting locations for the Intake Temperature Manifold
Pressure (TMAP) Sensor and the ambient air pressure (AAP)
Scene Number: 0014 1440
Text Audio
QSB 4.5 Air Intake Manifold (arrow) The QSB 4.5 air intake manifold uses a circular inlet with a
circular grid heater element, as well as a rotating elbow. This
elbow design is similar to the ISB '02 design.
QSB 4.5 Air Intake Connection (arrow)

Scene Number: 0014 1450

Text Audio
Charge air cooling is required on the QSB6 and QSB4 Tier 3
to achieve lower intake temperatures that in turn helps reduce
N0x emissions. Heat from the intake air is removed with the
use of charge air cooling. Because aftertreatment is not
required on the QSB engines a standard muffler is all that is
"Cool" Charge Air
Intake Manifold
Air Intake
Power Cylinder
Turbocharger Compressor Outlet
Turbocharger Compressor Inlet
Charge Air Cooler
"Hot" Charge Air

Scene Number: 0014 1460

Text Audio
The QSB 6.7 exhaust manifolds offer four different
turbocharger mounting positions for high and low mount. The
following scene discusses the high mount versions in detail.
The low mount versions are the same as the ISB '02
manifolds, but do not have an EGR connection.
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Scene Number: 0014 1470
Text Audio
HMRO Exhaust Manifold The HMRO (high mount rear outlet) and the HMFO (high
mount front outlet) exhaust manifolds have new part
numbers, but removal and installation is the same as previous
industrial engines.

HMFO Exhaust Manifold

Scene Number: 0014 1490

Text Audio
QSB 4.5 HMFO Manifold (arrow) The QSB 4.5 engine has two different high mount
turbocharger exhaust manifold options. The HMFO and
HMRO manifolds.
QSB 4.5 HMRO Manifold (arrow)

Scene Number: 0014 1500

Text Audio
• 6 Cylinder Engines - HX-35 Holset Turbocharger The QSB6 TIER3 engines incorporate a wastegated HX-35
• 4 Cylinder Engines - HX-27 Holset Turbocharger Holset turbocharger similar to the one used on the QSB TIER
2 product. This arrangement limits the adjustability of the
turbo compressor housing in chassis to +/- 5°. QSB4 engines
incorporate a HX-27 Holset turbo with similar limitations on
orientation. Multiple turbo options are available to
accommodate various turbo locations and compressor outlet
angles to meet installation requirements. Ratings at the lower
end of the horsepower range may utilize non-wastegated

Scene Number: 0014 1530

Text Audio
• CM850 Electronic Control System The CM 850 equipped QSB TIER 3B will have all the
• Same Features as TIER 2 QSB primary electronic control features of the current Tier 2
• 12 and 24 Volt Compatible QSB. The CM 850 system is compatible with 12 and 24 volt
• Multiplexing Capable electrical systems. The system is also capable of multiplexing
• Meets Electromagnetic Standards and meets Cummins Inc. electromagnetic compatibility

Scene Number: 0014 1535

Text Audio
There will be three warning lamps on the dash: red for "stop
engine," yellow for "check engine" and a "wait to start" lamp.
There is no option for a separate "maintenance" lamp.

Scene Number: 0014 1540

Text Audio
J1939 Connection (arrow) The engine harness is bundled and covered with convolute
construction and includes an on engine J1939 connection as
the primary service connection.

Scene Number: 0014 1550

Text Audio
The electronic system includes the following sensors to
monitor the engine system parameters:
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Scene Number: 0014 1560
Text Audio
Fuel Pressure Sensor (arrow) A Fuel Pressure Sensor, located in the high pressure rail.

Scene Number: 0014 1570

Text Audio
Intake Temperature Manifold Pressure (TMAP) Sensor A combination Intake Temperature Manifold Pressure
(TMAP) Sensor, located on the intake manifold cover.

Scene Number: 0014 1580

Text Audio
Coolant Temperature Sensor (arrow) A Coolant temperature sensor, located at the front exhaust
side of the cylinder head.

Scene Number: 0014 1590

Text Audio
Crankshaft Speed Sensor (arrow) A Crankshaft speed sensor, located on the front of the engine.

Scene Number: 0014 1600

Text Audio
Camshaft Speed Sensor (arrow) A Camshaft speed sensor, located on the front gear cover.

Scene Number: 0014 1610

Text Audio
Ambient Air Pressure (AAP) Sensor (arrow) An Ambient air pressure sensor, located on the top of Air
Intake Manifold. This sensor allows for altitude adjustment.

Scene Number: 0014 1620

Text Audio
WIF Sensor (arrow) A Water in fuel sensor, located in the bottom of the OEM
supplied 25 micron spin-on fuel filter.

Scene Number: 0014 1630

Text Audio
Oil Pressure Switch (arrow) A lubricating oil pressure switch is mounted on the front gear
cover near the camshaft speed sensor.
Oil Pressure Switch (arrow)

Scene Number: 0014 1640

Text Audio
Alternator (arrow) Alternator and alternator mounting options are the same as
the ISB '02 and ISBe3 engines. The alternator can be pad-
• Pad-Mounted mounted, hinge-mounted or spool-mounted.
• Hinge-Mounted
• Spool-Mounted

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Scene Number: 0014 1650
Text Audio
Starter (arrow) The starter will be located on the right hand (exhaust) side of
the engine.

Scene Number: 0014 1655

Text Audio
You are about to leave the Virtual Classroom and take the You are about to leave the Virtual Classroom and take the
assessment. assessment.

Select "Next" to continue to the assessment. Select "Back" to Select "Next" to continue to the assessment. Select "Back" to
return to the Virtual Classroom or click on the Program return to the Virtual Classroom or click on the Program
Guide icon to view the program guide. Guide icon to view the program guide.

Note: If you are in Review Mode selecting “Next” will either Note: If you are in Review Mode selecting “Next” will either
return you to the Main Menu if you have completed all of the return you to the Main Menu if you have completed all of the
modules in your Play List, or it will take you to the next modules in your Play List, or it will take you to the next
module in your Play List. module in your Play List.

Scene Number: 0014 1660

Text Audio
The TIER 3 QSB 6.7L engines are equipped with which of the The TIER 3 QSB 6.7L engines are equipped with which of the
following electronic control systems? following electronic control systems?
CM850 Electronic Control System
CM870 Electronic Control System
CM554 Electronic Control System
CM500 Electronic Control System

Scene Number: 0014 1670

Text Audio
Which of the following features are associated with the TIER Which of the following features are associated with the TIER
3 QSB 6.7L engine block? 3 QSB 6.7L engine block?
A standard block stiffener plate
Replaceable Cylinder Liners
A front gear train for noise reduction
An open tappet cavity

Scene Number: 0014 1680

Text Audio
Which of the following is true regarding the TIER 3 QSB Which of the following is true regarding the TIER 3 QSB
Increased Cylinder Bore
Increased Connecting Rod Length
Decreased Cylinder Bore
Decreased Stroke

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Scene Number: 0014 1690
Text Audio
Design improvements to the accessory drive Design improvements to the accessory drive
Increased its torque capability
Increased PTO speed
Eliminated the need for accessory drive shaft bushings
Decreased the weight of the accessory drive assembly

Scene Number: 0014 1700

Text Audio
An additional 25 micron pre-filter is required to be mounted An additional 25 micron pre-filter is required to be mounted
by the OEM between: by the OEM between:
the fuel tank and the gear type lift pump.
the gear type lift pump and the primary fuel filter.
the primary fuel filter and the high pressure pumping section
of the fuel pump.
the high pressure pumping section of the fuel pump and the
high pressure common rail.

Scene Number: 0014 1710

Text Audio
Which is a feature of the high pressure fuel pump assembly on Which is a feature of the high pressure fuel pump assembly on
the TIER 3 QSB 6.7L engine? the TIER 3 QSB 6.7L engine?
All of the answers are correct.
Contains a gear type lift pump.
Contains an EFC valve with associated wiring.
Utilizes external plumbing between the gear type lift pump
and the high pressure pumping section of the fuel pump.

Scene Number: 0014 1720

Text Audio
Drag and drop the sensor label to the proper picture. Drag and drop the sensor label to the proper picture.
Fuel Pressure Sensor
Coolant Temperature Sensor
Camshaft Speed Sensor
Ambient Air Pressure Sensor

Scene Number: 0014 1730

Text Audio
Which turbocharger is incorporated with the TIER 3 QSB Which turbocharger is incorporated with the TIER 3 QSB
6.7L at higher horsepower? 6.7L at higher horsepower?
Wastegated HX-35 Holset turbocharger.
Wastegated HX-27 Holset turbocharger.
Non-wastegated HX-35 Holset turbocharger.
Non-wastegated HX-27 Holset turbocharger.

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Scene Number: 0014 1740
Text Audio
What type of fuel system is now used on the TIER 3 QSB What type of fuel system is now used on the TIER 3 QSB
6.7L engine? 6.7L engine?
Bosch High Pressure Common Rail
Cummins Accumulator Pumping System
CELECT Unit Injector System
Bosch VP44 Distributor Pump System

Scene Number: 0014 1750

Text Audio
The maximum top tank temperature on the TIER 3 QSB The maximum top tank temperature on the TIER 3 QSB
6.7L has increased to? 6.7L has increased to?
225°F (107°C)
212°F (100°C)
235°F (113°C)
220°F (104°C)

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