Social Science
Social Science
Social Science
1. The Philippines ten-year transaction period before the granting of complete independence from
the Americans.
A. Commonwealth Government
B. Third Republic
C. Puppet government
D. Revolutionary
20. Known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Government employees and officials.
A. RA 6713
B. RA 1425
C. RA 7610
D. RA 9262
21. Which of the following describes the Battle of Manila Bay between American and Spanish naval
A. The Americans ships outnumbered those of the Spaniards.
B. The Spaniards readily won the battle over the Americans.
C. It was a mock naval battle between the Spaniards and the Americans.
D. The Americans won the battle with great difficulty.
22. What right and duty do Filipinos exercise when they participate in ratifying a proposed
A. Citizenship
B. Habeas corpus
C. Suffrage
D. Bill of Rights
23. The Old name of EDSA during the World War II
A. 19 de Junio
B. Highway 54
C. Highway 53
D. Highway 52
24. Who was the first president of the Republic of the Philippines when independence from America
was granted on july 4, 1946.
A. Pres. Corazon Aquino
B. Pres. Elpidio Quirino
C. Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
D. Pres. Manuel Roxas
25. According to him President “… this Nation will be great again…!
A. Pres. Corazon Aquino
B. Pres. Elpidio Quirino
C. Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
D. Pres. Manuel Roxan
26. He had promised sweeping economic changes, and he did make progress in land reform,
opening new settlements outside crowded Luzon island. His death in an airplane crash in March
1957, was a serious blow to national morale.
A. Pres. Ramon Magsaysay
B. Pres. Elpidio Quirino
C. Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
D. Pres. Manuel Roxas
27. Martial law remained in force until 1981 under Proclamation #
A. 1081
B. 1425
C. 9994
D. 7610
28. What in SONA stands for?
A. State of the National Address
B. State of the Nation Approval
C. Status of the Nation Address
D. State of the Nation Address
29. What is Republic Act 8049?
A. Anti – Hazing Law
B. Anti sexual harassment Law
C. Law Protection Women and Children against all forms of abuses, discrimination and
D. Expanded Senior Citizen Act of 2010
30. What is Republic Act 9994?
A. Anti – Hazing Law
B. Anti sexual harassment Law
C. Law Protecting Women and Children against all forms of abuses, discrimination and
D. Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010
31. Republic Act 9262 adheres with
A. Anti – Hazing Law
B. Anti sexual harassment Law
C. Law Protecting Women and Children against all forms of abuses, and exploitation
D. Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010
32. Republic Act 7877 also known as
A. Anti – Hazing Law
B. Anti sexual harassment Law
C. Law Protecting Women and Children against all forms of abuses, discrimination and
D. Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010
33. Section 5 (5), Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution mandates the Government to give the highest
budgetary to:
A. Department of Interior and Local Government
B. Department of Education
C. Department of Science and Technology
D. Department of Public Works and Highways
34. The chairmen of the 1972 Constitutional Convention
A. Former Presidents Garcia and Marcos
B. Former Presidents Garcia and Macapagal
C. Former Presidents Garcia and Quirino
D. Former Presidents Garcia and Roxas
35. With peace education in mind, What is NOT included
A. Dialogue
B. Mediation
C. Cooperation
D. Conflict
36. What is the very foundation of genuine peace and reconciliation
A. Happiness
B. Joy
C. Confrontation
D. Social Justice
37. The newly appointed secretary of DSWD by Pres. Noynoy Aquino
A. Jinky Soliman
B. Dinky Soliman
C. Pacquito Ochoa, jr.
D. Butch Abad
38. The first essay of Rizal
A. El Amor Partio
B. A la Juventud Filipina
C. Sa Aking Kabata
D. Mi Ultimo Adois
39. The Republic Act that requires us to teach Rizal and other Filipinos patriots to tertiary students
A. RA 7836
B. RA 7610
C. RA 1425
D. RA 9165
40. What is the Right of SUFFRAGE advocates
A. The Right of the people to vote
B. The Right of the people to vote and be elected in public office
C. The Right of the people not to vote
D. The Right of the people for clean elections
41. Where is the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) located?
A. UP Los Banos, Laguna
B. UP Diliman, Quezon City
C. Up Ilollo
D. UP Manila
42. The mountain that separates the continents of Asia and Europe
A. Ural mountain
B. Mt. Kilimanjaru
C. Mt. Everest
D. Mt. Apo
43. The old name of Vietnam
A. Formosa
B. Siam
C. Persia
D. Annam
44. The “yellow Race” also known as:
A. Tigris and Euphrates
B. Hwang-Ho and Yangtze
C. Nile and Indus
D. Aegean and Mekong
45. The major rivers in China
A. Tigris and Euphrates
B. Hwang-Ho and Yangtze
C. Nile and Indus
D. Aegean and Mekong
46. The World biggest peninsula
A. Arabian peninsula
B. Iberian peninsula
C. Korean peninsula
D. Italy
47. The boot-shaped peninsula
A. Arabian peninsula
B. Iberian peninsula
C. Korean peninsula
D. Italy
49. The term of office for the President under the 1987 Constitution
a. 3 years
b. 6 years
c. 3 year with re – election
d. 6 years with re – election
50. It embodies the national policy on information technology and serves as a guide to all government
agencies in the effective utilization of information technology resources.
52. It is the environmental milestone that requires industries to install anti – pollution device and ban
the use of incinerators.
53. A broader regional free trade zone established composed of ASEAN engaging Japan, China and South
Korea in expanding economic relations.
56. Program designed to solved the social ills of the Filipino society through social renewal and
transformation and to strengthen the moral fiber of the Filipino people.
a. People Empowerment
b. “Galing Mo Pinoy!”
c. People Initiative
d. Moral Recovery Program
57. The integration of national markets into a single world place where goods, services, financial capital
and technology flow unhampered between countries.
a. Market Liberation
b. Free Trade Zone
c. Globalization
d. Market Integration
58. World body with 143 member – countries that set governing rules in economic relations and trade.
59. Refers to the increasing reliance on markets, not governments to guide economic activity.
a. Liberation
b. Deregulation
c. Globalization
d. Privatization
60. Social stratisfaction is the system used in assigning men their respective ranks in the society based
61.A society that gives importance and adopts the democratic view of education, places great emphasis
62. It is global financial body which imposes sanctions on countries who fail to act against money –
63. It measures the numerical index of a person’s general intelligence as compared to others of the same
type of intelligence.
a. Maturity
b. Intelligence Quotent (IQ)
c. Emotional Quotient (EQ)
d. Aplitude
64. This law allows college students to choice among 3 component programs of national service namely
ROTC, literacy training service or civic welfare training.
65. It is the corporate mind of the pupils and teachers organized around principles of knowledge in
which all minds are thinking as one.
a. Social mind
b. Educative mind
c. Philosophical mind
d. Intelligence
66. It is outmost educational importance that the social basis of human nature should be habitual when?
67. Which of the following situation would hasten the changes the social quality of human nature?
68.They ware the first to regard the school as an instrument of social development.
69.These are values which are basic, urgent and obligatory in character in man’s life and activities.
A. Religious values
B. Ethical values
C. Cultural values
D. Social values
70.Social stratification is the system used in assigning men their respective ranks in the society based on?
71.A society that gives importance and adopts the democratic view of education, places great emphasis
72. Policy of the State to promote social justice in all phase of national development and give
preferential attention to the welfare of the less fortunate members of the society.
A. Human rights
B. Democratic
C. Freedom
D. Social Justice
73. It is the power of the State to command and enforce obedience to its’ will form people within its’
jurisdiction and to have freedom from foreign control.
A. Government
B. State
C. Sovereignty
D. Eminent Domain
A. Jathropa or “tuba-tuba”
B. Liquefied petroleum gas
C. Ethanol
D. Coco methyl ester
75. The “Asean +3” was recently expanded with 3 new partner -countries during the 2006 APEC in
Vietnam to foster broader regional free trade in the region. These countries are?
76. If the the school is considered as a agent of social and cultural changes, it should function as?
A. Transmitter of culture
B. Perpetuator of tradition
C. Pioneer of programs
D. Innovator of instructions
77. It mandates the blending of coco methyl ester (CME) in all diesel fuel and ethanol in gasoline sold
across the country.
78. The most important and central message of the Moral Recovery Program.
A. Fiscal reforms
B. Taxation
C. Overspending
D. Fiscal deficit
a. Monetary policy
b. Fiscal policy
c. Trade policy
d. Investment policy
82. Under the 1987 Constitution, which among it’s basic principles embody the sociological aspects of
83. The measurement of the total value of the country’s economic production
84. It is the power of the State to impose charge or burden upon persons, property or property or rights
for the use and support of the government and to enable it to discharge its’ appropriate functions.
A. Eminent Domain
B. Police Power
C. Taxation
D. Constitution Powers
85. It is the power to apply the law to contest or disputes concerning legally recognized rights or duties
between the State and private persons brought before the judiciary.
A. Executive Powers
B. Legislative Powers
C. Judicial Powers
D. Constitutional Powers
86. They are rights which are intended to ensure the well- being and economic security of individuals.
Among them are the rights against involuntary servitude, etc.
A. Constitutional Rights
B. Social & Economic Rights
C. Civil Rights
D. Political Rights
87. They are rights which are intended to ensure the well being and economic security of individuals.
Among them are the right property and just compensation.
B. Police Power
C. Power of Taxation
D. Emergency Powers
b. Monetary policy
c. Fiscal policy
d. Trade policy
e. Investment policy
90. Under the 1987 Constitution, which among it’s basic principles embody the sociological aspects of
91. The measurement of the total value of the country’s economic production
A. Eminent Domain
B. Police Power
C. Taxation
D. Constitution Powers
93. It is the power to apply the law to contest or disputes concerning legally recognized rights or duties
between the State and private persons brought before the judiciary.
A. Executive Powers
B. Legislative Powers
C. Judicial Powers
D. Constitutional Powers
94. They are rights which are intended to ensure the well- being and economic security of individuals.
Among them are the rights against involuntary servitude, etc.
A. Constitutional Rights
B. Social & Economic Rights
C. Civil Rights
D. Political Rights
95. They are rights which are intended to ensure the well being and economic security of individuals.
Among them are the right property and just compensation.
96. These are the rights of the citizens which give them power to participate, directly or indirectly, in
then establishment or administration of the government, suffrage and information in matters of public
E. Political Rights
F. Civil Rights
G. Constitution Rights
H. Economic Rights
97. The rights of the citizens which the law enforce at the government, suffrage and information in
matters of public concern.
E. Political Rights
F. Civil Rights
G. Constitutional Rights
H. Economic Rights
98. It is declaration and enumeration of the individual rights and privileges which the Constitution is to
protect against violations by the government, by groups or by individuals.
E. Civil Rights
F. Bills Rights
G. Political Rights
H. Constitutional Rights
99. It signifies that “all persons subject to legislation shall be treated alike, under like circumstances and
conditions both in the privileges conferred and liabilities imposed”
E. Bill of Rights
F. Constitution Rights
G. Political Rights
H. “Equal Protection of Law”
100. The Philippines is a Democratic and state. Sovereignty resides in the people and all the government
authority emanates from them.
E. Presidential
F. Bicameral
G. Republican
H. Constitutional