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CN Pyqs

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Ch 1
1. List out and explain various network topologies.
2. With diagram explain OSI reference model. Write down various Tasks performed by each layer in
3. What is the physical layer in OSI model responsible for? Which Protocol is used in physical layer.
4. Which of the OSI layers handle each of the following:
(1) Dividing the transmitted bit stream into frames
(2) Determining which route through the subnet route
(3) Dividing the application data into segments
(4) Give some examples of protocols that work at the Application layer?
5. Compare ISO/OSI model vs. TCP/IP mode
6. Give comparison between X.25 network and Frame relay.

Ch 2
1. What is the difference between error detection and correction? Explain any one Error correction
technique with suitable example
2. Classify and explain Transmission Media.
3. Compare Circuit Switching vs. Packet Switching

Ch 3
1. What is Sliding Window Protocol? What do you mean by ARQ? Explain Selective repeat ARQ in
2. Explain HLDC protocol with modes of operation, and frame format.
3. Write note on sliding window protocol.
4. What is framing? List all methods used for framing and discuss any Two methods used for framing
5. What is sliding window protocols? For what purpose this protocol is Used? What are the
advantages of sliding window protocol?
6. Explain the concept of piggybacking.
7. Explain the Go Back N protocol.
8. A bit string 0111101111101111110, needs to be transmitted at the data link Layer. What is the
string actually transmitted after bit stuffing?
9. What are the issues of stop and wait protocol at data link layer? How selective Repeat protocol
resolves issues of stop and wait protocol?
10. What is Framing? Explain byte stuffing technique.

Ch 4
1. What is ALOHA? Explain variants of ALOHA protocol.
2. What do you mean by Collision? Classify Multiple Access Protocols. Explain CSMA/CD protocol in
3. Give comparison between 1-persistent and P-persistent CSMA.
4. Give comparison between CSMA/CA and CSMA/CD
5. Justify that how slotted ALOHA is better than pure ALOHA.

Ch 5
1. What is the difference between hub and a switch? In which layer of OSI model Do each of these
operate? Discuss the use of router and bridge in computer Networks.
2. Classify and explain various Ethernet Technologies and Standards
3. Explain following terms:
1) Repeater 3) Bridges
2) Router 4) Gateway
4. Write a short note on Bluetooth technology.
5. Distinguish between Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet standards
6. Explain the terms: LAN, MAN, WAN.
7. How Bluetooth works? Explain Bluetooth architecture.

Ch 6
1. Explain IPv4 datagram format and importance of each filed
2. With a neat diagram explain distance vector routing protocol
3. Differentiate the following: (i) Connection Oriented Services and Connection Less Services (ii)
4. Explain Classful and Classless IPV4 addressing schemes with examples.
5. Draw and explain IPV4 datagram in detail. Also explain fragmentation.
6. Discuss functionality of ARP, RARP and ICMP.
7. What is the role of routing algorithms at network layer? Explain Distance vector routing algorithm
in detail.
8. Explain IPv4 header fields with necessary diagrams.
9. What is the need of IP address? What is classful and classless IP
10. What is the function of following protocols?
11. Explain Link State routing algorithm.
12. What are the responsibilities of the network layer in the Internet model?
13. Write a short note on Network classes. What is the use of subnetting in Assigning IP address?
14. Answer the following in brief:
(1) How ARP resolves IP address into MAC address?
(2) What do you mean by piggybacking?
15. Explain the concept of flooding.
16. How does NAT works? Explain
17. What is the difference between port address, logical address and physical Address?
18. What is count-to-Infinity problem? Explain it with example
19. Differentiate between static and dynamic routing.
20. Explain leaky bucket and token bucket algorithms?
21. Write a short note on: ICMP
22. Explain Point-to-Point and Multipoint connections / links with Necessary diagrams.
23. What do you mean by Congestion? Classify congestion control algorithms
24. What is flooding? Give its advantages and applications?

Ch 7
1. Explain the three different phases in a TCP transmission with the help of Diagrams.
2. Give differences between Frame, Packet and TPDU. How Encapsulation is done?
3. Briefly explain types of addresses used at Host to Network Layer, IP Layer, Transport Layer and
Application Layer of TCP/IP model.
4. Draw neat sketch of connection establishment and connection Termination used in TCP with
necessary flags.
5. Compare TCP vs. UDP.

Ch 8
1. What is the role of Domain Name Server (DNS) in Internet? Explain the Hierarchy of various
domain names.
2. What is Cryptography? Explain Substitution and Transposition Ciphers With examples.
3. Write short note on POP3 and SMTP
4. Explain Domain Naming System functioning for Internet.
5. Write a short note on Electronic Mail.
6. Explain functionality of Domain Name System (DNS).
7. Write a short note on RSA cryptosystem
8. Distinguish between symmetric and asymmetric encryption scheme.
9. Explain functioning of HTTP with supporting diagrams.

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