Project Fellow Notification

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(An Institution of Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment)
K. Karunakaran Transpark, Akkulam, Thuruvikkal P.O,Thiruvananthapuram–695011, Kerala
Website:, E-mail:

No. NATPAC/378/2022-GA1 Date: 08.12.2023

Applications are invited from enthusiastic, dynamic and creative candidates having
excellent academic record and professional experience, to the following temporary
positions in KSCSTE - National Transportation Planning and Research Centre

Sl. Project
Essential Educational Qualification per month
No. Position
M.Tech in Transportation Engineering
or equivalent from any recognized 27,800/-
University/ Institute
2. B.Tech in Civil Engineering from any
recognized University/ Institute with
minimum of 2 years relevant
Upper age limit:36 years. Age relaxation for reservation categoryapplicable

Tenure: One year or completion of project whichever is earlier. Based on the

duration of the project and review of performance, the tenure may be extended
further for a period of 2 more years.

Job requirements/ Nature of Job: The incumbents are expected to participate in

the ongoing plan/consultancy activities and the placement of the candidates in
different functional divisions will be done as per requirement of the institute,
keeping in mind the knowledge and experience of the selected candidates either
independently or as part of the team. The candidates are expected to adhere to the
mandate of the institute and work towards the overall R&D goals of the Institute.
The selected candidates shall be willing to work in
Headquarters,Thiruvananthapuram, Regional Centre at Kozhikode or
Regional Centre at Ernakulam or any other location as assigned from time to
time. . Vacancies include anticipated vacancies which are likely to arise during the
financial year. Shortlisted candidates alone will be called for the interview

General Conditions:

The engagement of project fellow will be on contract basis and will not confer
any rights to the candidates, whatsoever, implicitly or explicitly for their
continuation beyond the fixed tenure/absorption / regularization in NATPAC.
The project fellow appointed may has to travel extensively as per requirement.
Director, KSCSTE-NATPAC reserves the right to increase/ decrease the number
of positions and to alter the conditions or to modify/cancel the recruitment
process for the positions mentioned above at any stage. The decision of the
Director, KSCSTE- NATPAC will be final and binding.
Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected and no communications will
be issued.

The application form can be downloaded from our website and submit the filled-in application to the address
‘The Registrar, KSCSTE-NATPAC, K Karunakaran Transpark, Akkulam,
Thuruvikkal P O, Thiruvananthapuram -695011’ by post on or before 27th
December 2023.


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