English 7
English 7
English 7
Here's a detailed lesson plan that aligns with the learning competency "EN7LIT-II-3:
Identify one’s meaning and purpose in selecting the type of literary text for composition."
**I. Objectives:**
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
- Define the terms "meaning" and "purpose" in the context of selecting literary texts for
- Analyze their own meaning and purpose for choosing a specific literary text for composition.
- Develop an awareness of how their personal meaning and purpose influence their writing
**II. Materials:**
- Whiteboard and markers
- Projector for displaying text on the board (if available)
- Copies of various literary texts (short stories, poems, or excerpts from novels)
- Handouts with prompts for self-reflection
- Writing materials for students (notebooks, pens, or laptops)
**III. Procedure:**
**IV. Assessment:**
- Assess students based on their participation in class discussions, their ability to articulate their
meaning and purpose, and the quality of their written reflections.
**V. Homework:**
- Assign students to select another literary text independently and write a brief reflection on their
meaning and purpose for choosing it. This can serve as ongoing practice.
**VI. Extension Activity:**
- For advanced students, introduce more complex literary theories such as reader-response
theory or post-structuralism and discuss how these theories can inform meaning and purpose in
text selection.