ARM5 Update 1 Release Note Active Risk
ARM5 Update 1 Release Note Active Risk
ARM5 Update 1 Release Note Active Risk
Release Note
6 January 2012
All other product names referenced are believed to be the registered trademarks of their respective
1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 4
2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Release Version ............................................................................................................................... 5
4 Installation ........................................................................................................................................ 5
5 Change History................................................................................................................................. 6
5.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 6
5.2 ARM 5 Update 1 (build 1441) .................................................................................................. 7
5.2.1 Resolved Issues .................................................................................................................. 7
5.2.2 Known Issues .................................................................................................................... 32
5.2.3 Current Backlog of Support Issues Escalated to Development ........................................ 33
1 Purpose
This document is the Release Note for ARM 5 Update 1 (Build 1243).
2 Scope
This document provides installation instructions, details of issues addressed in this service pack and a
list of known issues.
3 Release Version
This release document describes ARM 5 Update 1 (Build 1243).
4 Installation
There are two versions of ARM 5 Update 1 (Build 1243) available:
Please ensure that you refer to the prerequisites and installation guide for further details.
5 Change History
5.1 Introduction
The following attributes are listed for each issue:
Active Risk reference number
Category i.e. broadly which part of the application is effected by the issue
Severity (see below)
An overview of the issue
Information on how the issue can be reproduced
The severity of an issue is determined based on its impact on the system or the user. The guidelines
for setting Severity were:
Catastrophic error causing irrevocable loss of data.
Large-scale failures that prevent many people from doing their work.
Performance is so bad that the system cannot accomplish business goals.
Security violations exposing data to unauthorised users.
Severe problem causing possible loss of data.
User has no workaround to the problem.
Performance is so poor that the system is barely usable.
Moderate problem causing no permanent loss of data, but wasted time.
There is a workaround to the problem.
Internal inconsistencies result in increased learning or error rates.
An important function or feature does not work as expected.
Minor but irritating problem.
Causes no loss of data but the problem slows users down slightly.
Minimal violations of guidelines that affect appearance or perception.
Mistakes are recoverable.
The problem is rare and causes no data loss or major loss of time.
Minor cosmetic or consistency issue.
This section describes the support issues that have been resolved.
PM005129 - AbiGroup The „Risk Adjusted‟ selection box is disabled (grayed out) on None
Abigroup - NAX the Schedule Gantt chart when analyzing Activity
Schedule Uncertainties only (and saving the results). This precludes
Analysis Risk the possibility of displaying the probabilistic „Uncertainty‟
Adjusted option result, in the absence of any risks. In ARM 3.1 U2, the „Risk
not allowed for Adjusted‟ selection box was enabled always (whether
uncertainty only. displaying only the shifts due to Uncertainty or
PM004670 - Active Risk User access warning fails with error instead of stop sign. 1. Run ARM report using account without access to ARM
STG - Reports 2. ARM generates an error rather than WARNING SIGN.
error rather than
show message if
not an ARM user
PM004714 - Active Risk Pasting over certain text fields appends instead of 1. Open existing risk in risk detail dialog 2. Copy 15 chars to
STG - Pasting overwriting. clipboard 3. Paste these over an existing risk id Copy is
over text in the appended, risk id is not overwritten. This happens on owner
detail dialog fails field also.
PM004781 - Active Risk Attribute names don't handle '>' or '<' characters correctly 1. Create a new Attribute entry that contains an '<'
STG - < symbol 2. Tools->Admin->Configuration->Drop-down Lists->Lists-
not supported in >Activity and Portfolio Views->Attributes
risk detail 3. Create a new risk and add the new attribute value to the
attribute picker risk.
4. Save the Risk.
5. Close the Risk.
6. Open the Risk again, not that the '<' is changes to '<'.
PM004883 - Active Risk Response Detail screen next page up-down arrows not 1.Created risk with plan and 3 responses
STG - Response grayed out 2.Response Detail screen up-down arrows not grayed out on
detail navigation the last response
arrows not
PM004968 - Active Risk Response IDs not displayed on the Summary Plan grid until 1. Create a new risk record in a folder that uses the default
STG - you exit and go back in to the same risk scoring scheme.
ResponseIDs for 2. Enter all mandatory fields in Risk Tab
new risks not 3. Enter all mandatory fields in Scoring Tab
displayed in 4. Enter Data in Response/Mitagation Tab
detail dialog 5. Save
response grid 6. Click on New Response
7. Enter data in new response field
8. Save
9. Notice Response List does not populate the Response ID
PM004985 - Active Risk Certain Oracle log entries are confusing/missing when 1. Install an Oracle database 2. Inspect the log file Some
STG - Installer installing/upgrading an ARM database. entries can be confusing. This should be generally improved
log messages
not written for
some Oracle
PM005091 - Active Risk RMS_ResponseDetail_Responses package body would not RMS_ResponseDetail_Responses package body would not
STG - compile. compile in ARM 5 as it is referring to rm_impact.CategoryID1
Superseded column, which is not existing.
oracle package
still present after Line # = 23 Column # = 7 Error Text = PL/SQL: SQL
upgrade Statement ignored
Line # = 316 Column # = 14 Error Text = PL/SQL: ORA-
00904: "IMP"."CATEGORYID1": invalid identifier
PM005166 - Active Risk Filtering on Loss properties also returns Accident records Create a filter with loss criteria, run this against a list of
STG - Accidents accidents and losses. The Losses will be filtered correctly but
show in loss the the accidents will show as well.
PM005287 - Active Risk The 'Check Project Network' option in ARM is grayed out for 1. Import a project.
Active Risk - imported projects. If a folder is selected that is not an 2. Select 'Check Project Network'.
Check Project imported project, the option is not grayed out. Notice the option is grayed out.
Network option
PM004961 - Active Risk Renaming ARM Lite home tab removes all webparts 1. Install the SharePoint 2010v2 for ARM
STG - Renaming 2. Configure the ARM Lite
ARM Lite home 3. Goto Site Actions->Site settings->Top Link bar
tab removes all 4. Change the Name of the tab to ARM Lite
webparts 5. Save it
6. Open the ARM Lite Tab.
7. All the webparts configured are missing
PM005094 - Active Risk Error occurs when running the ARM Database installer 4U1 Run the ARM Database installer 4U1 470 using an SA
STG - Installer 470 against specific databases account with a password containing reserved characters
SQL Server SA
PM005095 - Active Risk Installing the database as a user without the sysadmin role Create a new SQL user called "test", give it DB_Owner
STG - Installer fails access to the database you wish to upgrade. Run the
SQL Server Sys upgrade and use the SQL user as above, select the DB you
Admin issue wish to upgrade. You receive an error during upgrade
PM005305 - Active Risk Primavera import only works with log level set to 9 (DEBUG) - Set up ARM so it is ready to allow importing from a
Active Risk - Primavera server - Make sure log level is something besides
Primavera 9 (DEBUG) - Attempt a project import This fails.
import only
works with log
level set to 9
PM005350 - Active Risk Primavera WBS nodes are not being imported as ARM 1. Import a Primavera project
Primavera WBS summary tasks. 2. Once imported if you check on the properties of the
nodes are not imported WBS items
being imported 3. Properties do not show a WBS id e.g. 1.2.1
as ARM 4. Does not show on the critical path
summary tasks. 5. Does not show it's a summary task.
6. Gannt chart as a result is not displaying correctly.
PM005351 - Active Risk Activities imported from Primavera do not show the same Import/update Primavera project plans. Imported activities
Activities order as MSP import for same project are not ordered on their activity start date.
imported from
Primavera do
not showthe
same order as
MSP import for
same project
PM005344 - Active Risk Risk ID Custom Label does not show on dashboard 1. Create a custom label set and rename all the labels
Active Risk - including Risk ID [under Risk, issue section] in Tools->Admin-
Risk ID Custom >Configuration->Label.
Label does not 2. Save and press ok to come out.
show on 3. At this step ARM is going to refresh the desktop and will
dashboard display custom labels as entered except for Risk ID column
which will remain as Risk ID.
Problem: ID column should also change to the custom label
as per functionality.
PM005263 - Airbus When running the ARM database install, it fails connecting Configure SQL Server to run on a non-standard port and run a
Airbus - to a non-standard SQL port. database install.
Database install
fails with non-
standard SQL
PM005223 - Amcor There's a difference in the way filter "order by" is working in 1. Create a filter, and order by Risk Score and Risk ID
Amcor - Risk ARM and reports 2. Make a note of the risk score, and IDs.
Register report 3. Run the risk register report and configure the same filter
not respecting 4. Note that the risks are ordered by the risk score, but not the
filter ordering ID.
PM005260 - Amcor ARM 5 Filter bug - Unexpected Error received when filtering 1. Create a new filter.
Amcor - Filter using "Expected Cost x Probability" 2. In Tree Node Criteria section
error Choose"Select Tree Nodes" radio button
Choose 'Live'
Choose '1' for Include Children to Level
Choose 'Activity View'
3. For 'Select Nodes', choose a node from the list
4. In Field criteria section
Choose Risk, Issue... > Status Any Of
then select more than two of the available options
5. In Reassessment Section
6. In Ordering Section
Choose Scoring > Current Assessment > Exposure
Choose Scoring > Current Assessment > Expected Cost
x Probability Descending
Choose Risk, Issue.. > ID Ascending
7. Save then run the Filter
PM005261 - Amcor The planned residual risk level is greyed out and looks as if 1. Select Tools > Admin
Amcor - Layout it is read only, when in fact it is editable. This is confusing 2. Goto Configuration tab
config screen the end user 3. Select 'Responses' from Labels and Fields section
shows hidden 4. Status should have Visible checked and select On Track
fields from drop down list for default value
5. Planned Residual Risk Level should have Visible &
Mandatory boxes checked
6. Click Save at bottom then ok to close the window
7. Create a new risk record
8. Enter values for all mandatory fields in Risk Tab
9. Enter values for all mandatory fields in Assessment
(scoring) tab
10. Enter values for all mandatory fields in Treatment
(Mitigation) Tab
11. Select New Action
12. Enter values for all mandatory fields in Action Tab
13. Note Planned Residual Risk Level is white indicating it is
one of the fields available for input
14. Save
15. Return to/Open same risk
16. Goto Treatment Tab
17. Select New Action
18. Enter values for all mandatory fields in Action Tab
19. Note Planned Residual Risk Level is grayed out which
looks as if it is not available for input but actually it does
accept input.
PM005282 - Amcor Informed support that we are not able to resolve this issue NULL
Spell Checker as the issue seems to be with third party component.
missing common PM005282 - Spell Checker missing common words
words Rupal Desai 14:05 (0 minutes ago) to Shamanga, Shoaib
Hi Shamanga/Shoaib This is to inform you that we have
Problem 5282 for 5.1 with below comment from developer.
As this issue is seemed to be caused by issue with third
party components, this can not be fixed. This is coming
straight out of the ChadoSpellServer component. There's
nothing we can do other than raise a support request with
Command=Render Jira ref - http://jira:8080/browse/ARM-
869 Can I please request you to update your system for
this problem with this and advise customer accordingly.
Thanks Rupal Rupal Desai
PM005025 - BAE Labels are truncated on the Waterfall Chart even when the 1. Open different risks with multiple step details, one by one
BAE Systems - Systems option to prevent truncation is selected (NonActiveX) 2. Select menu item View/Waterfall Chart 3. Compare the
Waterfall chart resulting waterfall charts
labels are
PM005214 - Bechtel Login issue when access ARM through a proxy (ISA server) NULL
Bechtel - Login environment
fail with Proxy
(hotfix released)
PM005310 - CMCS When a user attempts to open the Layout Configuration 1. Select Tools->Admin and then configuration tab. 2. Click
CMCS - Error in Screen, an Unexpected Error occurs. Layout 3. Select Action and this should result in Unxepected
Field Layout error screen.
PM005032 - EADS Report User Access/AuditLog is searcing for resouces on 1. Setup the resource name format (under tools, admin,
EADS - User firstname,surname system settings) to lastname,firstname.
Access/Audit 2. When the User Access/Audit log report is run (SSRS), the
Log report bug report returns all the users, however if the parameters are
changed so a specific user is selected the report, no results
are returned.
3. This is as the report is looking for resource by
firstname,surname, where as ARM is setup to display by
PM005272 - EADS User cannot modify a risk when it has a qualitative Create a Risk with a qualitative assessment Add a Plan. Add
EADS - Detail assessment a Response Entered value for planned cost. Saved Risk
dialog error screen. Reopened the RISK, ROI changes to infinity and
prevents save doesn't allow modification of any field in the Risk Data Entry
PM005267 - ENEC Excel import fails when using the qualitative excel import None
ENEC - Excel where the scoring scheme is not using the default PID
import fails when
using the
qualitative excel
import where the
scoring scheme
is not using the
default PID
PM005309 - ENEC Error occurs when user attempts to create a filter using field 1. Open a new filter. 2. Under field criteria select: Risk, Issue
ENEC - criteria "Reviewed By" and selecting "is". > Reviewed By. Select "is" and then add in some text like "dd"
'Reviewed By You get an error.
is...' Filter Error
PM005312 - ENEC Customer opened an existing risk, clicked view audit 1. Import a risk from excel that contains quotes in the
ENEC - Excel comments from the view menu. Click on the yellow "notes" comments field 2. Open the comments from ARM
import allows section and you get the comment box open but with a
quotes which javascript error. The text contains quotes, which are not
then causes being encoded correctly and consequently causing a
errors. javascript error.
PM005311 - ENEC Documents attached in ARMLite fail to open. 1. Log in to ARM Lite ( http://sup-41u1-470.test.local:81/ );
ENEC - Unable 2. Open a risk;
to open a linked 3. Click on the small attachment icon on the right bottom
doc in App corner;
Framework 4. Attach any files or web address and save;
5. Open the attachment tab, double click on the attached
6. This won't open.
PM005289 - Enexis After upgrading to ARM 5 SP1 from ARM 3.1 an issue has 1. Change the language format to 'Dutch (Netherlands)' on
Enexis - Issues been encountered entering decimal points for risk scoring, your workstation.
with European which was not an issue in ARM 3.1. At the same time, the 2. Attempt to score a risk with decimal notation and save it.
numeric notation risk level does not correspond with the change. For When going back into the risk, notice the difference. Also, the
in Detail Dialog example, when it should be low, it may go to high and vice risk level saved may not be what is expected.
versa. The root cause is the desktop locale, the customer
workstation is running Windows XP SP3 and the language
format is 'Dutch (Netherlands)'.
PM005303 - Enexis Each time a filter is run with a date in it the actual filtering is 1. Create a New filer on certain nodes.
Enexis - Date done on the day minus one 2. Create Filter Criteria, e.g. '25 November 2011'.
filters are one 3. Execute filter.
day out 4. Results are displayed correctly.
5. When the user edits the same filter again it changes the
date to '24 November 2011'.
PM005313 - Enexis The frequency field should pick up the locale for formatting None
Enexis - numbers that have a decimal point.
Frequency field
is not picking up
number format
from client locale
PM005313 - Enexis BV The frequency field should pick up the locale for formatting None
Enexis BV - numbers that have a decimal point.
decimal point
notation across
impact and
frequency fields
PM005200 - Force Issue in ARM5 SP1, ideal fix release is SP2. We have 1) Log in to ARM 5 SP1 as ARM administrator;
Force Protection Protection tested this in ARM 4 470 and this is working fine. Check 2) Click on a folder with imported projects from Primavera or
- Check Project Project Network function in Schedule Analysis is greyed out. MS Project;
Network option Steps to replicate the issue 3) Navigate to ANALYSIS>QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS>
not enabled "Check Project Network" is greyed out, should not.
PM005184 - Force Labels on the Waterfall Chart are truncated even though the 1. Save responses with a title at the maximum allowable
Force Protection Protection truncate label option is deselected. length
- Waterfall chart 2. Run the Waterfall chart and deselect truncate labels
labels truncated
PM005026 - Groupama ARM cannot handle circular relationships for risk and None
Groupama - summary risks i.e. ARM generates an unfriendly error
PM005237 - KCP If a user stores splash screen URL then any further attempts 1. Opened a new session on an ARM server - log in with an
KCP - Security to open ARM bypasses the Disclaimer notification. admin user.
Disclaimer 2. Clicked Start to go to ARM main screen.
bypassed by 3. Clicked on Tools->Admin menu option.
bookmarking the 4. Under Security tab in Admin window, Go to Disclaimer
splash screen section and click Edit button.
5. Tick the checkbox to enable disclaimer at startup.
6. Enter relevant text in the section and close Admin Window
after saving text.
7. Logout ARM Application and exit from main ARM screen.
Below steps are to verify that it is working initially but stops
working when accessed through bookmark:
8. Log in again in a new session.
9. Once logged in make sure that you are able to see the
Disclaimer before ARM main screen.
10. Click OK on disclaimer and bookmark the Splash Screen.
11. Open a new IE session and use this bookmark to access
ARM. In this situation it bypasses the splash screen.
PM005300 - Leighton Problem running 'Risk Metrics' report, report "hangs" and None
Leighton Asia - Asia never returns the report output.
Metric report
PM005245 - Lockheed VBScript pop-up error is shown on logging into ARM Open the splash screen. An error is thrown here.
ARM 5 Custom Martin
Logo VB Script
PM005134 - Logica The "[Chart/Reports]-Access Admin Reports" role has no 1. Add/remove the "[Chart/Reports]-Access Admin Reports"
Logica - SSRS effect on the ability to view SSRS admin reports. Giving right to a specified role
Admin reports to "[Chart/Reports]-Access Admin Reports" to any role does 2. Login as a user with the above role
be controlled by not allow users to run admin reports. The only way to allow 3. Go to the reporting services main page - Note the
Access Admin users to run admin report is to give them "[Administration]- Administrative column
Reports role ARM Administration" role.
right (merge
from 5.1)
PM005053 - Logica The reports deployment wizard cannot handle non-default 1. Deploy reports to the none default location
Logica - Report deployment locations
Deployment tool
doesn't handle
install directory
PM005134 - Logica ARMTopMenu report is not linked with Admin Reports 1. Add/remove the “[Chart/Reports]-Access Admin Reports”
Logica - Admin “[Chart/Reports]-Access Admin Reports” role right to a specified role
Reports role 2. Login as a user with the above role
right 3. Go to the reporting services main page
4. Note the Administrative colunm. Its existing does not
depend on the “[Chart/Reports]-Access Admin Reports” right
5. Now add/remove [Administration]-ARM Administration” role
6. Login again with this role.
7. Go to the reporting services
8. You will note that when you add the [Administration]-ARM
Administration” role, the user can view the admin reports
however when you remove this role, the user can no longer
see admin report.
PM005073 - Logica The email test tool errors on 64bit environments 1. Run the email test tool from a 64 bit environment
Logica - Email
test tool error on
PM005118 - Logica The database installer cannot handle passwords that 1. Run the database installer where the DBO password
Logica - Special contain reserved DOS special characters e.g. @, &, ^ and ! contains any of the characters mentioned in the description.
characters not
passwords in DB
PM005294 - Logica When running a "risk detail" report, in a addition to the 1. Create specific filter to run before running risk detail report
Logica - Impact regular ID number (top left) there is a second ID number 2. Run the risk detail report and it shows the ImpactID field
ID field in Risk entitled "Impact ID" in the third row on the right. 3. Navigate to Tools/Admin/Configuration/Fields/Scoring tab to
Detail report hide the ImpactID field
does not respect 4. Rerun the Risk Detail report and it still shows the ImpactID
field config field.
PM005270 - Logica We have replicated this problem where resource import tool 1. Try importing resources in resource import tool using a CSV
Logica - makes it mandatory to enter Group information for input file and don't enter UserName and Domain (this is so the
Resource Import resources whereas in ARM it is not. entry will be treated as a resource). This operation fails due
Tool issues to a missing group. If we put a null or -- as group it asks for
PM004981 - If Mirvac NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation set to 1 causes upgrade If registry settings for the dos filename conversation are set
registry settings failure incorrectly, in particular NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation is set
for the dos to 1, the Database upgrade process fails.
conversation are The correct settings should be as under.
set incorrectly, in
perticular [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr
NtfsDisable8dot ol\FileSystem]
3NameCreation "NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation"=dword:00000000
is set to 1, the "Win31FileSystem"=dword:00000000
Database "Win95TruncatedExtensions"=dword:00000001
upgrade process
PM005266 - Mirvac Navigation (up/down) buttons do not always work correctly. 1. Open Risk in the detail dialog
Mirvac - Detail 2. Try Navigating to different risks using up and down arrow at
Dialog right top corner.
Navigation issue 3. You should be able to navigate between risks.
4. Go to the Plan tab of any of the risk and create a response
[save it too].
5. Now go back to risk tab and try navigating using same
buttons as in step 2. You will observe that these button turned
stale and do not allow navigation.
PM005359 - Mirvac Intermittently getting 'Invalid SPM' error on selecting a Risk Select a Risk in the App Framework
Mirvac - ARM in the ARM App Framework
getting 'Invalid
SPM ' error on
selecting the
PM005265 - Mirvac Select to display impact category (mainly Score Band) in 1. From System Settings and in configuration, configure Grid
Score Band not related Risks grid, it fails to display any value or colour View to include score band for display in the related RISK
display on Category.
Desktop 2. Create a Risk
3. Assign Score.
4. Link to another risk.
5. Click on the Related risk button on the parent risk to view
related risk.
6. You will observe that related risk impact score band is not
displaying anything in related risk category.
PM005307 - Mirvac Within the Response Grid, the data under the 'Design 1. Open a response and verify "Design Effectiveness" is
Mirvac - Design Effectiveness' column is not populating. The fields are enabled and populated.
Effectiveness empty and greyed out. When hovering your mouse over it a 2. Proceed to ARM App Framework for the same instance and
not displayed on pop-up appears stating, "Cell not visible due to current view the Response Grid. Notice there is no data populated for
App Framework configuration settings." Enabling the field in the ARM Grid Design Effectiveness.
response grid. Configuration does not help. 3. Double-click on one of the responses and notice it is
populated within the response details.
PM005308 - Mirvac By default, on the ARM desktop and ARM App Framework, 1. Create a custom impact label, defining Current as 'Inherent
Mirvac - App the Current and Target risk levels are both defined as Risk (Before Controls)' and Target as 'Current (After Controls), it
Framework not Level. Once custom labels are used, it becomes displays correctly within the Scoring tab in the application.
using configured inconsistent. 2. Now, if you go to ARM App Framework, the first Risk Level
label for Current column definition remains at 'Risk Level' while the next column
Risk Level shows 'Current (After Controls) Risk Level'. Here is where the
unexpected behavior lies.
PM005327 - Mirvac Custom Label not shown in Business Area Settings dialog 1. Change the label for Impact -> Current = 'Inherent-Before
Mirvac - Custom Controls'
Label not shown 2. Change the label for Impact -> Target = 'Current-After
in Business Area Controls'
Settings dialog 3. Open Business Area Settings, current label is not updated
only target.
PM005332 - Mirvac The Score Band cell on the desktop is not displayed 1. Enable Risk Level, Probability and then Score Band from
Mirvac - Scoring correctly when Probability and Risk Level are not displayed one of the impact categories listed.
Fields may not 2. Check the desktop and both are displayed as expected on
be displayed the desktop.
correctly on the 3. Disable Risk Level and Probability.
desktop 4. Check the desktop and Score Band data is no displayed,
just blank.
PM005333 - Mirvac The report parameters for the Status drop down are being 1. Run Risk List With Response Report
Mirvac - Risk displayed using the ARM internal ID instead of the English 2. Modifiy the filter options within the report
List with language word. 3. Show filter = yes
Responses 4. Status = active
SSRS report 5. Press view report button: status = 2, rather than active.
parameters are
not displayed
PM005335 - Mirvac Category menu is chopped off in ARM App Framework Self explanatory.
Mirvac -
Category menu
is chopped off in
PM005335 - Mirvac Category menu is truncated in the Risk web part of the ARM None
Mirvac - App Framework
Category menu
is chopped off in
PM005202 - MissionSE The date format under the Waterfall chart shows 07-Feb- None
MissionSE - 2011 while the Due date towards the bottom has 07/02/2011
date formats on
waterfall chart
PM005088 - NASA The Evaluations tab (renamed it to Lessons Learned) not be 1. Upgrade a 3.x database to 4u1
NASA - showing after upgrading to ARM 4u1.
linkages during
PM05297 - NR - Network Filters are timing out when a filter is created that includes None
Filter Rail Tree view properties
PM004972 - NGC ARM Export Import drops the Total cost and displays 1. Create a new risk and assess the risk
NGC - Funded 0:'Funded From Provision' setting not forcing the Response 2. Add a plan
From Provision (Planned) Cost 3. Add Responses with some cost
default not 4. Note the “Total plan cost”
respected in 5. Export the risk and import it back in ARM, the total cost now
Excel Import says “0”
PM005051 - NGES Quad Chart Issue, missing copy chart button None
NGES - Missing
Copy button on
NAX Quad
Sheet Chart
PM005329 - OMV Error on running an and filter, reported by Bob Runnels and Log into arm, create a risk with two categories assigned e.g. '
OMV - Running Mariam while on site at OMV Customer' and 'External' Create a filter with two criteria: Risk
an 'And' filter on > Category - Any Of - Customer Risk > Category - Any Of -
two categories External
results in an
PM005318 - OMV Date picker does not allow a selection further than 10 years None
OMV - Detail ahead or behind the current date
dialog date
picker only
shows adjacent
10 years in the
year select list.
PM005319 - OMV If an impact value is several decimal places less than one, None
OMV - Impact e.g. 0.0001, this gets rounded off to 0 when the distribution
values get type is changed.
rounded when
distribution type
PM005320 - OMV Inconsistencies in numerical notation of Current and Target Current and Target Min, Expected, Max fields do not add
OMV - assessment values commas in a consistent manner.
in numerical
notation of
Current and
PM005321 - OMV Negative values in an impact do not show on risk detail None
OMV - Negative report or other standard reports.
'Min' values do
not show on the
Risk Detail
PM005322 - OMV When there is a value (other than Nil/0) in the None
OMV - Auto- Probability/Frequency and then the user deletes the value
complete on and attempts to enter in 0.002, the auto look up enters a 0.
probability field
inhibits entering
a decimal value.
PM005331 - OMV Impact analysis report is showing .25 instead of 0.25 for Run the Impact Analysis report
OMV - Impact values less than 1 i.e. there is no zero in front of decimal
analysis report is place.
showing .25
instead of 0.25
for values less
than 1
PM005328 - OMV ARM does not correctly separate the file name from a http 1. Create a document and store it on SharePoint server.
OMV - Linked linked document. 2. Make sure you have access to the document.
Documents 3. Open a risk or create a new Risk.
dialog does not 4. Link the document from SharePoint location to the risk.
handle URLs to You would notice that a big SharePoint location including file
SharePoint files name is being picked up in the file name instead of just having
well file name.
PM005330 - OMV The Quantitative Impact Analysis Report is having None
OMV - Impact hardcoded ARM logo. This should pickup company logo
Analysis report from common location.
is not picking up
the deployed
reports logo
used by the
other standard
PM005337 - OMV The Impact Analysis Report rounds decimal values in the None
OMV - Impact "Results Statistics table" where as the "model percentile
Analysis report - values" it is not rounded.
Decimals round
to zero
PM005349 - OMV When attempting to copy a risk from a read-only folder, 1. Set a folder as read-only from tools-> admin-> security ->
OMV - Unable to ARM throws an error business area-> change it for a user group
copy a risk from 2. Then add yourself only to that group (security-> Users)
a folder that is 3. Reload the desktop, and then attempt to copy a risk from
read only the read-only folder to a read-write folder
4. Error message is generated (logged in document below)
If you attempt to cut or delete a risk an appropriate error
message is given
PM005365 - OMV It is not possible to cancel the black flag comments popup. 1. Open risk detail dialog
OMV - Black 2. Select Menu View>Black Flag Comments The black flag
Flag comments comments popup appears. It is not possible to cancel the
box does not comment
allow you to
cancel the
PM005001 - Raytheon While installing the Integration services, due to some None
Raytheon - ESB security restrictions applied on their Domain Controller, the
Services cannot validation code we are using in Installer, is failing to validate
run with the user credentials. If a “Local System” or “Network
ARMSetup Service” account for the installation and later change the
account service property to run under a domain account, the MSMQ
service queues are not getting updated with the updated
user credentials and hence becomes in-accessible by the
integration service. If we continue to run Integration service
under LS or NS account and create channel for Project
server using this as well, it will not be able to get
authenticated against the Project server.
PM005115 - Raytheon F7 Key in Internet Explorer 8.0 No Longer Triggers 1. Open a particular risk record
Raytheon - Spellchecker 2. Press the F7 Function key
Alternative 3. You will be notified of Caret Browsing configuration
shortcut required 4. Disable future notifications
for spellchecker 5. Press F7 Key again and web browser error occurs,
(F7 used by IE8) "'SpellCheckPage' is undefined..."
PM005173 - Raytheon Help File for SSRS Standard Report titled "Risk Staleness" NULL
Raytheon - is not correct in defining what data is reported. From the
Online help Help File - The Risk Staleness report shows an analysis of
description of the number of risks that have moved in the last, 30, 30-60
Risk Staleness and over 60 days grouped by reporting folder. The report is
report is based on an Update record being generated and not
incorrect movement of a Risk Level or Score.
PM004840 - Rio Rio Tinto It is not possible to reorder risk attributes 1. From the Administration console enter the configuration tab.
Tinto - Ordering 2. Select the 'Lists...' button
of Attributes 3. Edit Attributes.
4. Expand the Tree. Drag and drop folder. Folder will always
appear at bottom of list.
PM004964 - Rio Rio Tinto Error importing an MS Project Plan into an ARM system 1. Create several business areas
Tinto - Error configured with multiple ARM Business Areas 2. Login in any of the business areas that was not the first to
importing MS be created
Project 3. Ensure that MS Project integration has been configured
4. Import a Project, the import will fail
PM005190 - RR Rolls Error opening risk details with a plan and actions, where a 1. Open a risk with a plan and actions.
- Detail dialog Royce plan has been deleted. 2. Click on plan tab and click edit, delete, click yes to confirm.
error after 3. Reopen the risk, an error will be generated.
deleting plan
PM005197 - RR Rolls The waterfall chart is not displaying labels correctly for the 1. Create a plan with 4 actions in a logical order with relevant
- Missing label Royce first response where a plan has many responses. data (action 1, 2, 3 and 4).
on waterfall 2. View waterfall chart, the first action is not labelled.
PM005133 - RR Rolls The Response ID is not displayed on the UI when a new 1. Create risk/plan/response
- ResponseID Royce response is created. When the UI is refreshed the ID 2. Created action and the response(action) ID does not get
not showing for appears generated.
new responses
PM005030 - RR Rolls The Risk Metrics report incorrectly calculates EMV Running the Risk Metrics report with the same resource as the
- Risk Metrics Royce risk owner and treatment owner. The report calculates the
report EMV against both the risk owner and treatment owner.
PM004622 - RR Rolls The Scoring Scheme dialogue is slow to load with 200+ 1. Create 200+ scoring schemes
- Scoring Royce scoring schemes 2. Load the Scoring Scheme dialogue
Scheme dialog
slow to load or
PM005190 - RR Rolls The Detail Dialogue generates an error after a plan is edited 1. Open a risk with a plan and actions.
- Detail dialog Royce to delete actions/responses. Refreshing the page 2. Click on plan tab and click edit, delete, click yes to confirm.
error after overcomes the problem. 3. Reopen the risk, an error is generated
deleting plan
PM005275 - RR Rolls This is an issue to track a change made to the ARM 1. Open an Impact record.
- Category123 Royce database. There is no specific problem visible to the user 2. Assign a number of impact categories to the Impact record.
column that it addresses, or at least there is not one that can be 3. Save the Impact record.
populated reliably replicated. A change, however, has been made to 4. Run a SQL query against the
incorrectly the database and it needs to be tracked and tested as it is RM_ImpactCategoryForImpact table to list all records for the
included to 4.0.1, CHF5. This issue is SQL Server updated Impact. The CategoryID column should have values
specific for ARM 4.0.1 and ARM 5.0. and affects both SQL of 0 for the cost and time impact category and then should
Server and Oracle for ARM 5.1 The ordering in Column have a unique number for the remaining impact categories (1,
Category123 in the RM_ImpactCategoryForImpact table is 2, 3, etc.). It is also valid if there are more than 3 impact
not correct. categories, to have the categories that have an index grater
than 3 set to 0.
PM005040 - RR Rolls The ARM App Framework does not gracefully handle an 1. Attempt to login into an ARM Lite site (either Native or
- ARM App Royce attempt when an unauthorised user tries to access the SharePoint) with a non ARM user
Framework system
doesn't cleanly
handly non-ARM
PM005222 - RR Rolls When a User completes an action by entering in the None
- Integrated Royce completion date, the user is not prompted to enter a actual
scoring not residual score
triggered by
completion date
PM005133 - RR Rolls The Response ID is not displayed on the UI when a new None
- ResponseID Royce response is created. When the UI is refreshed the ID
not showing for appears
new responses
PM005140 - RR Rolls Planned Residual Risk Level is grayed out which looks as if None
- Target Risk Royce it is not available for input but actually it does accept input.
Level field
shown greyed
PM005127 - RR Rolls Opening a scoring scheme in ARM instance that has 200+ 1) Run ARM 5 x86;
- Opening a Royce scoring schemes can often take a long time 2) Navigate to
in ARM takes a scoring scheme
long time, often
several minutes.
PM005177 - RR Rolls While creating a new filter, if you attempt to run the filter None
- Saving new Royce before saving it, the filter dialog closes hence you are
filter not intuitive unable to save it. That would force the user to start creating
- After creating the filter criteria again.
new filter the
next step is hit
"New" even
though the filter
is already
PM005176 - Rolls It is possible to save duplicate filter names. None
Allows Saving a Royce
new filter with
duplicate (same)
PM005047 - Sandia Changed Assessment label to read Analysis but on the 1. Login to ARM as administrator
Sandia - scoring screen it shows Analysis 2. Navigate to TOOLS>ADMIN>Configuration>Labels
Pluralisation of 3. Select a custom Label Set, choose "Impact" and replace
Assessment the word "assessement" with any label
label 4. An "S" will be added in the "ALTERNATIVE
ASSESSMENTS DIALOG" tab in Risk>Assessment.
PM005000 - Saudi Cannot assign a username on the new asset screen 1. Select View from the main menu
Saudi Aramco - Aramco 2. Select Portfolio view from the drop down list
Cannot set 3. Select to show Assets
owner on new 4. In Assets column
asset screen 5. Right click to create New Asset
6. Enter information in mandatory fields
7. In 'Owner' field click person icon
8. New Owner window will launch
9. Highlight a name from the list
10. Click on 'Select' at bottom of window
11. Owner window will close automatically and return to New
Asset window
12. The selected Owner does NOT populate in the owner
PM005124 - TIE TIE An error message occurs on project import or update The issue can be recreated against a relatively large
- Primavera completion when importing or updating large Primavera or Primavera or MS Project 2003 project plan.
Import timeout MSP 2003 project plans. 1. From the ARM main screen, right-click an Activity Tree
node and select "Import" from the context.
2. Once the Import/Update/Export Data dialog is open follow
the prompts to import or update a Primavera project plan. For
the issue to be recreated, the Primavera project plan should
be large enough to force the project import or update
operation to take longer than 120 seconds. On completion of
the project import/update operation, an error message pop-up
dialog appears. An error message is also logged in the ARM
application log file.
PM005232 - USAF Issue is tested on ARM 5.0 Build 1121 - ORA and SQL Prerequisite: User is a part of Multiple Groups
USAF - instance both. This is the issue when user runs a filter on Example: User A is a Part of "Group A" and "Group B" both.
Duplicate a field which has multiple values. Steps:
records when 1. Log into ARM.
filtering on multi- 2. Open Resource Filter dialog.
value 3. Create filter on Following field criteria. - Resource ->
parameters Group => Any OF => "Group A" , "Group B" 4. Run the filter
- User A satisfies the filter. Although name of the "User A" is
displayed twice in the "Resource Configuration Dialog".
PM005281 - USAF The Report is returning result; Scoring changes were made 1) Create a filter for responses; 2) Select a risk with few
USAF - Bug in to a risk in the Strategic folder. Changes were not reflected responses; 3) Modify the values in Scoring and Respond
Risk Process in this section of the report. However, the # in 'Response Grid; 4) Save the changes; 5) Run SSRS; 6) Run the
Health Report updated' column changed from 0 to 3. One part of the report created filter; 7) Run "Risk Process Health" Report.
was updated while the other didn't.
PM004981 - USAF and The database upgrade fails if the server has Set NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation to 1; update the following
Various - BAE NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation set to 1 registry keys:
NtfsDisable8dot Systems [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr
3NameCreation ol\FileSystem]
set to 1 causes "NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation"=dword:00000000
upgrade failure "Win31FileSystem"=dword:00000000
"Win95TruncatedExtensions"=dword:00000001 Run the
database installer.
This section describes the customer issues that have not been successfully resolved.
PM004961 - STG - Active Risk High Renaming ARM Lite 1. Install the SharePoint 2010v2 for ARM
Renaming ARM home tab removes all 2. Configure the ARM Lite
Lite home tab webparts 3. Goto Site Actions->Site settings->Top Link bar
removes all 4. Change the Name of the tab to ARM Lite
webparts 5. Save it
6. Open the ARM Lite Tab.
7. All the webparts configured are missing
PM004796 - NR - Network Medium The Provision Drawdown Error is associated with a specific configuration and
Provision Rail chart times out. project that is currently being investigated by
Drawdown chart development.
times out
PM005365 - OMV OMV Medium It is not possible to cancel 1. Open risk detail dialog
- Black Flag the black flag comments 2. Select Menu View>Black Flag Comments The black
comments box popup. flag comments popup appears. It is not possible to
does not allow you cancel the comment
to cancel the
PM005281 - USAF USAF Medium The Report is returning 1. Create a filter for responses;
- Bug in Risk result; Scoring changes 2. Select a risk with few responses;
Process Health were made to a risk in the 3. Modify the values in Scoring and Respond Grid;
Report Strategic folder. Changes 4. Save the changes;
were not reflected in this 5. Run SSRS;
section of the report. 6. Run the created filter;
However, the # in 7. Run "Risk Process Health" Report.
'Response updated'
column changed from 0 to
3. One part of the report
was updated while the
other didn't.
This section describes the backlog of issues that have been escalated to development from Support; more information is available from support at request.
These issues are currently being investigated and assigned to future releases or service packs:
PM004962 RTIP - Dow 4-Low 4.0 Update 01 PM004962 - RTIP - Dow Chemical - Saudi Aramco JV ( KBR
Chemical ) - No Save blue pen icon in Responses tab, under admin ->
PM005364 Leighton Contractors 2-High 4.0 Update 01 PM005364 - Leighton Contractors - Delete performance -
time out error ocurrs when deleting risks (list attached)
PM005324 Rio Tinto 4-Low 4.0 Update 01 CHF6 PM005324 - Rio Tinto - French characters with accents
cause the risk title to be cropped when displayed on the
desktop and detail dialog.
PM005324 Rio Tinto 4-Low 4.0 Update 01 CHF6 PM005324 - Rio Tinto - Full 255 accented characters of the
risk title are not displayed in detail dialog
PM005327 Mirvac 4-Low 5.0 SP1 PM005327 - Mirvac - Label not changed - Business Area
PM005354 Rolls Royce 4-Low 5.0 SP1 PM005354 - RR - SharePoint Login is not connected to ARM
PM005333 Mirvac 4-Low 5.0 SP1 PM005333 - Mirvac - Risk List With Response Report : Status
ID is displayed not the name in the filter options
PM005334 Mirvac 4-Low 5.0 SP1 PM005334 - Mirvac - Risk List With Response Report :
Incorrect rank numbers are printed
PM005354 Rolls Royce 4-Low 5.0 SP1 PM005354 - Rolls Royce - Sharepoint login is not connected
to ARM Lite.
PM005332 Mirvac 3-Medium 5.0 SP1 PM005332 - Mirvac - score band colour/level is not displayed
on desktop unless probability or the risk level are displayed
as well
PM005342 OMV 3-Medium 5.0 SP1 PM005342 - OMV - Ability to remove structured numbering
from CAWS build 398
PM005343 UKHO 3-Medium 5.0 SP1 PM005343 - MOD - UKHO - UK Hydrographic Office - UKHO
duplicate or Multiple filter results in ARM Desktop search
PM005325 US Air Force 3-Medium 5.0 SP1 PM005325 - US Air Force SAF AQ/AFMC - Error received
when running a Score History Chart against a Concern
PM005347 Bechtel 3-Medium 5.0 SP1 PM005347 - Bechtel ( 24x7 ) - Max Value is being shown on
Scoring Scheme Admin Report for "Very High" impact band
PM005355 Rolls Royce 3-Medium 5.0 SP1 PM005355 - RR - ARM Lite using IE8+ outside of intranet
zone (no auto login) requires a separate login each webpart
PM005350 Active Risk 3-Medium 5.0 SP1 PM005350 - AR - Primavera WBS nodes are not being
imported as ARM summary tasks.
PM005351 Active Risk 3-Medium 5.0 SP1 PM005351 - AR - Activities imported from Primavera do not
show the same order as MSP import for same project
PM005355 Rolls Royce 3-Medium 5.0 SP1 PM005355 - Rolls Royce - ARM Lite using IE8+ outside of
intranet zone (no auto login) requires a separate login each
PM005363 ENEC 3-Medium 5.0 SP1 PM005363 - ENEC - ARM Webpage error when saving a
PM005336 WICET 2-High 5.0 SP1 PM005336 - WICET - Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal -
Downloaded the risk register to excel, I can only see the
details IF my current/last filter contains the selected risk.
PM005359 Mirvac 2-High 5.0 SP1 PM005359 - Mirvac - Intermittent Invalid SPM error in the App