ELE305 - Training Exercises - Lecture 04 - Part I

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ing Circuit Analysis, 11e ISV Irwin, Engin 6.3 Find the phasors of the following signals, (a) Wt) = 2060s Gr — 10°) (b) i) = —4 sin (101 + 35°) (©) ve) = 60 sin (st — 25°) SOLUTION: (@) V =202-10° (b) é(t) = 4sin(Se + 35° + 180°) — 4cos(10¢ + 215" — 90") = 4cos(10¢ + 125°) T= 42425" 60.costtor ~ 118") © v= 2-115" Chapter 8: AC-Steady State Analysis Irwin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, 11e ISV 8.5 Find Zin the circuit in Fig PR.S. Given that V, =2.0° V ne z (R42) IP Zr, =O 2123+ yas Ba Res casa aeaity rant Chapter 8: AC-Steady State Analysis Irwin, Engin ing Ci Analysis, 11e ISV 8.11 In the circuit shown in Fig. P8.11, determine the value of the inductance such that the cusrent isin phase with the source voltage v= 13 60s (600 + 85°) V. 50 » L 83 uF Figure P8.11 SOLUTION: & Ip Land Vs are an prose Yad GE 3% a Ms = 8 j > Me > Sey to LS a Rt Atte Petree =O Bejel =jeool a Ze= 1 = -j2008 0 jee > jé00L -j2008 = 0 GooL = 20:08 Ls aso 600 33:5 mH Chapter 8: AC-Steady State Analysis Irwin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, 11e ISV 8.13 Find the value of the capacitance, C, shown in the cit in Fig, P8.13 so thats) willbe it phase wilh the source voltage. a Ba sa, toms cos (2501+30V © Figure P8.13 SOLUTION: HI 60 136V oo Cb) amd (4) ane om pRane cf Zey ~ Req 3g Xeq =R => 4 Keg = © 4 Sy — G6 4gt0)45Xe 48 AS 44 (to+ Xe) Chapter 8: AC-Steady State Analysis Bey AES . ASD + (do +Xc)* 1584 Woe Xe)& Ao a +45 “Xe4 Kelton 584 Hot Xe)* ‘ 45K 4 A0X ¢ (Lo+Xe) 154 Mos Xc\ ue _ “Hoke * 4 - 1584 Uo+ Key Keg 2° > 45S Cx oye (tor Ke) = © = d+ Aoo + A0X%e =O => Xe ~ BB = 388 ow | am Se “Fak = Eo Joox325 ay [C= 1% al sv jt Analysi £8.20 Calculate vt) in the creit shown in Fig. P8.20; (Dis 200.cos (10% + 60°) mA. isis 100 sin (10't + 90°) mA, and ¥{¢) = 10 sin (1059) ¥. os) ae ig Figure P8.20 (2) Find the amplitude of w(t (b) Find the lagging of mp) in degrees. SOLUTION: Ty = abo Le mA 5 Ty = 100 £o° mA Tg = I) —T, = 173 Lao" mA =lofa v5 tes) = -j4on By Superposition Suse Vee Te Bote + Vs te ti Vo = 8997 2-13" (2) [Amplitude ep =4v | ke [Eapairg op Me = 28 Irwin, Engin ircuit Analysis, 11e ISV 8.24 Calculate 0,(0 in Fig. P8.24. 2H 20 Figure P8.24 SOLUTION: vi) = 50 ce Sty 2 jOR+jwr Zs y6)yejh 29 05, Pov : wal re gos ans, Chapter 8: AC-Steady State Analysis 30 9g Circuit Analysis, 11e ISV Selo” = 2.04 Leara Y+3 .08-4)9-83 J, nou 2 4 (a-o4 L242") = ag. Ie Las vale) = 28-16 co (E+ F329") V Ls Chapter 8: AC-Steady State Analysis Irwin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, 11e ISV 8.20 Fin (0 and win the ceil io Fig, PE an ROMO gay Crcatorasya igure P8.20 SOLUTION: % = jun -jeo)6o) = jaa L 2 B= sk > Msirean kee) 4eo'# ads? = F E> sas esr a Wr JS C595 este 2L-85°V WO = 29-75 cos (OF ESI kyet De-2S* 4 j2 (40) 420.952. 85°1° ease VY ech £8 ja (ueo4)-24 Qeig-168V Vatty = 244) cor (194 FE 72) Chapter 8: AC-Steady State Analysis Figure P3.38 (4) Find the real part of L (b) Find the imaginary part of I, SOLUTION & 2 aan Rein KLOV: viz tye yee +¥ tv co Td yO a+ 4+ jv~je-ly +e = Mah tM Uvnit oly op 20 V [31+ j29) + (208 - 344) =0 V= 2084) 3ut 2424 Ve 202 + jaa V {= hele] A yt horrjeer (@) [Re (fo) = 1-bIA {b) [Tm Co) = 46 TA sv 8.50 Use mesh analysis fo find V, in the circuit shown in Fig. P8350. Figure P8.50 find (a) the amplitude and (b) the angle of phase. "The phase angle must be in the interval (180°, 180°). SOLUTION: KVL@ Ts vades ty (6-Je 14 )-Ty (Uoje)= lo-je o Hy = Oe -p 7859 A Zi(w- 6) t Tals) = ia Tas -}4 A Ves (Hota )4 2 4 (0-15 4) 2-244) = ~OWE tT) FEY V (a) |Amputude Vo = 9:20 V db) | Angle ast Vos 4-4" Chapter 8: AC Steady State Analyste Irwin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, 11e ISV 3.55 Caleulate/, in the figure 40 20 20v Figure P8.55 SOLUTION: : wewill use mesh analysis reuse Writing mesh equations —20 + 81, + (11 — fA), — (9 — j3)y h=h+i (13 Pils ~ 8h — 1 J3), = 0 1, = 19712 —2.1°A Chapter 8: AC-Steady State Analysis 106 ircuit Analy: 8.65 Use source exchange to find the curreat I, ia the network in Fig. P8.65. zo 19 Figure P8.65 SOLUTION: etn E1PYA Z= 2 b-j) = Afr rs O84 /-26-57° Re (oas.e-2eaze ) (¢se-194") O89 226-5 7°42 Jo = 24-3689 8 Chapter 8: AC-Steady State Analysis 116 sv jt Analysi 8.70 Use source transformation to find I, in the network in Fig. P870. Figure P8.70 SOLUTION: ~~ @iseev - 3 ia » 20 » pre | 7 a) ro a a afta) sty ey ra-its ae > se) _ it oe = 5-4 re 73 Jy = Biel bhe-njfouy) ancy taanyj-ts ny He Py gyn) = yese-t 81 tee DORM, |. = (a9ate ova Chapter 8: AC-Steady State Analysis 123 Irwin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, 11e ISV 8.74 Use Thévenin’s theorem to find V, in the network in Fig. P8.74 Figure Pa.74 SOLUTION: (See Next Page) Chapter 8: AC-Steady State Analysis KCL tothe mpavnodes - aM + 4-Va +at u—Vi =0 *5 4 1 Vi da yu-yVa =o wh => Ci -y)Va -yVa = -jte ® Ge Hey Ce = ODS @ + Gy n= 3 G @+b: (yaa = 6-y16 = Vy = Se * —_ 0 Vy RC ayo 8V= Voe = Vn 132 Irwin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, 11e ISV 8.77 Find the Thévenin’s equivalent of the circuit nosis v Figure P8.77 SOLUTION: (See Next Page) Chapter 8: AC-Steady State Analysis $ Be trols? = 09/3687" «to [35 = 36 /antiy 9-y6 J. ae Ado] FB = 0.45 /48-45 1 Qo [25 14 [88.48 V . sine 4 The = Nic MU, = -35-46+ 484.08 4682 —4113.8 ey = 49.54 - 4 24-1 = 3.05 —139.61° v= View Ne -y 6 ut b a 3-L Ards Fz ayhd_, Abb = 648-3264 te Ee g-y6 . Kaya 3 137 Irwin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, 11e ISV 8.81 Use Norton's theorem to find 1, in the circuit in Fig. P8.81 2ora Figure P8.61 SOLUTION: (See Next Page) Chapter 8: AC-Steady State Analysis VW Vy, - 220: vy _ _ ; y4 => C1-y2)= gh => Ve ue Va = 3087 a wae -t6 +h 08 v & At 6-T -&=0 =yTi4ILA Kc = Th ye eeeeeeB = ae geokA Tse + Saf aye Ney AL he ASU =. is 5, - 2 arNGe-yod +9. AS = At5-J° A+ Nn 3 Aga vos A = 4.65[-ae” A ‘=

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