Modularized CIS Curriculum - 1
Modularized CIS Curriculum - 1
Modularized CIS Curriculum - 1
Module Curriculum Team Members
1. Bekuretsion H/silassie
2. Berhanu Mekonnen
3. Cherint Aytenfsu
4. Fikadu Shermeka
5. Melaku Adela
6. Tefera Ayano
7. Teshome Gudissa
Name of the University: Dilla University
Level: Undergraduate
Degree Nomenclature: By the end of three years study the graduate will be
awarded Bachelor Degree of Education in Curriculum and Instructional
o ECTs……………………………….180 hrs
Name of the Department: Curriculum and Instructional Supervision
1.Background of the Department
Education is generally a key to societal development. The Government of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has given due attention to educational access, equity,
relevance, quality and efficiency. The expansion of higher education institutions in the country
is part of this scheme. The success or failure of training responsible citizens to meet national
goals depends mostly on the pattern of teacher education which in turn is highly influenced by
the nature of curricula implemented at various levels of the education system.
Teacher education faculties have been strengthened to produce competent and effective
teachers through both pre-service and in-service programs. The Faculty of Teacher Education
at Dilla University has been training teachers based on the Teacher Education System Overhaul
The University has given so far more attention to the training of subject specialists in eight
major subjects that correspond to curriculum of secondary school level. Nowadays, extending
(advancing) the focus of the University from offering additional subjects to address untouched
demands in area related to education is found to be very important.
The Department of Pedagogy was established in 2005/06 academic year and the first batch of
the department graduated in July 2008. The members of the department have made a series of
consultative meetings to improve its educational provision and decided to change the name of
the department into the Department of Curriculum and Instructional Supervision.
The Department of Curriculum and Instructional Supervision at the Institute of Education and
Behavioral Sciences envisions to become a center of excellence in producing curriculum
experts and instructional supervisors in the country.
Producing competent and effective curriculum experts who help in curriculum
development, implementation and evaluation at all educational levels.
Training competent and effective instructional supervisors who could enhance the
implementation of active learning methods and continuous assessment techniques;
Producing curriculum experts and instructional supervisors who could render
consultancy services for governmental and non-governmental institutions as well as
who conduct research in the area of curriculum and instructional Supervision.
2 .Rationale
Curriculum development, implementation as well as evaluation has been given due attention by
the Ethiopian Ministry of Education in order to meet the numerous challenges the country has
already faced. The demand for more and better schools, the need to relate the curriculum to the
learners’ environment; the need for appropriate, suitable and relevant instructional materials,
and the desirability of preparing responsible and competent citizens who could contribute to
sustainable development of the country have necessitated reviewing the existing curricula at
higher education institutions.
The Faculty of Teacher Education launched a National Workshop on Curriculum Review from
March 6-7, 2008 at Dilla University. This historical moment has given the members of the
former Department of Pedagogy to review its curriculum.
It sent its former curriculum to an external reviewer from Addis Ababa University and later
discussed on important curricular issues during the workshop together with the reviewer.
Finally, it realized that the name ‘Pedagogy’ seems obsolete as a field of study even though it
was popular some years back, for instance, when a number of educators graduated from the
Bahir Dar Teacher College (now Bahir Dar University) majoring ‘pedagogy’ and minoring one
subject that they would teach at secondary school or at teacher training institute or college.
Today, the expansion and progress made in the area of education has led to the existence of
relatively adequate graduates or would-be teachers who studied the various disciplines as major
subjects. Hence, the department changed its name from ‘Pedagogy’ to the Department of
‘Curriculum and Instructional Supervision’. It is intended to produce curriculum experts and
instructional supervisors who could work at Ministry of Education(MoE),Regional Education
(REBs), Zonal Education Departments (ZEDs), and Woreda level as well as in governmental
and private educational institutions.
The trainees can generally participate in the process of curriculum development as
implementers, adapters, and as researchers. This capacity of the trainees can be enhanced
through the provision of such training opportunity like curriculum and instructional
It is clear that there is acute shortage of well trained curriculum experts and instructional supervisors.
The Department will help the country in rendering professional advice and/or training on:
1. Curriculum Design
2. Curriculum Evaluation and Implementation
3. Instructional planning
4. Conducting action research with the aim to improve the teaching-learning process at secondary
5. Teachers’ professional development
6. active learning methods
7. Continuous assessment techniques , and
8. Such curriculum experts and instructional supervisors could accomplish various tasks.
Hence, the department has made a change in its program delivery system. The change was
made in accordance with the new innovative curriculum changes that are being perceived the
MoE across all higher learning institution. This change requires all higher learning institutes to
make a modularized curriculum. Accordingly, the department has modularized its curriculum.
3. Program Objectives:
As the field of education evolves, today’s educators are constantly challenged to be aware of
and incorporate best-in-class practices, new technologies, and the latest research and trends
within their classrooms to assure quality. In response to this, the Department of Curriculum and
Instructional Supervision offers the Bachelors’ degree in Education. Therefore, the general &
specific objectives of the program are stated as follows:
3.2 Specific objectives
Train curriculum experts who could serve at all levels in reviewing, revising, as well as
implementing and evaluating of curricula of primary and secondary schools;
Train instructional supervisors who could support teachers in designing and
implementing active learning methods, and instructional planning;
Train instructional supervisors who could conduct action research with the aim to
improve the teaching-learning process;
Train curriculum experts who could render consultancy services for governmental and
non-governmental educational institutions.
Train instructional supervisors who could help in the implementation of continuous
assessment in primary and secondary schools, and
Train instructors who could teach pedagogical courses at public and private teacher
training colleges.
Equip to develop and promote the culture of reflective practice to primary and
secondary teachers through CPD programs.
4. Professional Profile
At the end of the University stay, the graduates of the Department could demonstrate the
following competencies:
Provide short term trainings, workshops & Seminars to school teachers, directors &
supporting staff in curricular issues.
5. Graduate Profile
At the completion of the program, the graduates Curriculum and Instructional Supervision will
be able to:
Familiarize with different models of curriculum development, implementation and
curriculum evaluation
Acquire knowledge and skill in designing curriculum at middle level in education.
Practically visit to various education sectors (Elementary, Secondary, TVET, & TTC)
which enable them to secure employment in a wide range of the education sectors.
Learn & get rich theoretical & practical knowledge that enables them to work in such
areas as curriculum core process owners, instructional supervisors, school academic
principals, Education resource development officers, quality assurance officers,
textbooks and assessment experts, and the like.
Get opportunity to work as instructors and researchers.
Know the philosophical and theoretical aspects of educational psychology.
Get basic skills and knowledge needed to analyze, and manage, the educational
6.1 Academic staffs
To implement this program, it needs nine instructors who have M.A degree in curriculum
and Instruction and one graduate assistant who is graduated in Pedagogy/ Curriculum and
• One secretary
• One messenger
• One janitor
7. Program Profile
▶ Applicants should have at least two years of teaching experience or equivalent
▶ Applicants should submit their application to the Student Academic Director office in
three copies.
▶ The program normally shall take a maximum of three academic years divided in to two
semesters for regular and four years for summer and weekend.
• Collaborative learning
• Self- directed learning
• Students’ presentation
• Guest lecture on particular topics
• Interactive lectures
• Case reports
• Roles play
• Brainstorming
• Field observation
• Attend lecture
• Participate in group activities/project work
quizzes, 10%
Tests , 15%
Individual assignment ,10%
Group assignment and Presentation, 10%
Attendance and participation , 5%
8. GRADING SYSTEM : Upon completion of the required course the students will
be graded as per the academic policy.
▶ Pass in all courses and obtain a minimum of CGPA 2.00 for the course work
▶ Peer-evaluation,
▶ Course-evaluation.
Module name: Concentration Course of curriculum
Module number: 03
Module code: CIS-M2012
Delivery time: 1st year 2nd semester
No Courses Course Codes Cr.hrs ECTs
1 Pre- primary and primary CIS1015 3 5
school curriculum
2 Secondary and special CIS 1016 3 5
school curriculum
3 Curriculum of Teacher CIS 1017 3 5
4 Curriculum CIS 1018 3 5
implementation and
5 Curriculum innovation and CIS 1019 3 5
6 Comparative education CIS 1020 3 5
Total 18 30
Module name: Educational Development Course
Module number: 05
Module code: CIS-M2022
Delivery time: 2nd year 2nd semester
No Courses Course Codes Cr.hrs ECTs
1 Policy development and CIS 1027 3 5
2 Design and delivery of non- CIS 1028 3 5
formal and distance
3 Adult and community CIS 1029 3 5
development education
4 Multicultural education CIS 1030 3 5
Total 12 20
Module name: Projects in Curriculum and Instructional Supervision
Module number: 07
Module code: CIS-M2031
Delivery time: 3rd year 1st semester
No Courses Course Codes Cr.hrs ECTs
1 Action Research CIS1031 3 5
2 Project Development in CIS 1032 3 5
Total 6 10
Module name: Seminar and Practicum in Curriculum and Instructional Supervision
Module number: 10
Module code: CIS-M2032
Delivery time: 3rd year 2nd semester
No Courses Course Codes Cr.hrs ECTS
1 Internship and Seminar in CIS 1035 3 5
Curriculum and Instructional
2 Contemporary and Global CIS1036 3 5
issues in Instructional
3 Senior Essay Project in CIS 1037 3 5
Total 9 15
Module name: Supportive Courses III
Module number: 11
Module code: CIS-M2027
Delivery time: 3rd year 2nd semester
No Courses Course Codes Cr.hrs ECTs
1 Theories and application of PSYC 4071 3 5
Guidance and Counseling
2 Entrepreneurship and Small MGMT 2051 3 5
business Management
3 Educational Measurement PSYC 3071 3 5
and Evaluation
Total 9 15
12. Module Competencies
• Understand the major Philosophies of education that greatly influence the educational
view & practices of the world.
• Explore historical development of education in different areas & time.
• Analyze the relationship between educational institutions and the society in their
• Comprehend pertaining issues to cultural diversity, minorities and gender equity with
respect to equal opportunities in education.
• Know how to prepare and utilize curricular materials (master curriculum, syllabus,
teachers guide, student texts, manuals, etc).
• Understand the basic concepts, characteristics, and methodology of educational research.
Module Competency
Relate the general courses with the professional courses in different educational setting.
Recognize the types and development of educational organization.
Know the philosophical and theoretical aspects of educational psychology.
Module name: Concentration Course of curriculum
Module number: 03
Use theories and principles of Curriculum and Instruction in the educational and related
Module number: 04
Module Competency
Assist school principals and teachers on how to design and use Instructional Media.
Design, implement and evaluate Instructional Media resources based on researches and
project activities.
Module number: 05
Module Competency
Module number: 06
Module Competency
Apply issues from the supportive courses in Curriculum design and Instructional
Supervision activities.
Module name: Projects in Curriculum and Instructional Supervision
Module number: 07
Module Competency
Module number: 08
Module Competency
Develop the broad and general skills required to Curriculum design and supervision.
Module number: 09
Module Competency
Module number: 10
Module Competency
Practice and implement curriculum design and instructional supervision in the real places.
Search solution for problems faced in the education sector, especially to curriculum and
instructional Supervision.
Involve in giving solution for crosscutting issues.
Module number: 11
Module Competency
15. Module Objective and Descriptions
Module Name: Foundations of Curriculum and Instructional Supervision
Module Number: 01
Module Code: CIS-M2011
Courses within the module: History& philosophy of education, Introduction to sociology of
Education. Introduction to curriculum development and Introduction to educational research
Course Descriptions
The second part of this course, history of education, discusses the developmental trend of the
major educational practices of the world; it explores historical development of World
education, African Education and lastly Ethiopian Education.
Finally, it deals with the influences of controlling agencies, financial, material and human
resource allocation, as well as issues pertaining to cultural diversity, minorities and gender
equity with respect to equal opportunities in education.
Course Title: Introduction to Curriculum Development
Course credit: 3
Course Code: CISP 1013
This course deals with the various conceptions of curriculum, approaches to curriculum
development, and principles of curriculum organization. Furthermore, it introduces how to
prepare and utilize curricular materials (master curriculum, syllabus, teachers guide, student
texts, manuals, etc).
Finally, it discusses the different models of curriculum development, implementation and
curriculum evaluation, causes of curriculum change, types of curriculum change and resistance
to change as well as ways of overcoming the resistance to change.
Course Descriptions
This course enhances students’ ability to take effective action in compels educational
organization settings by providing basic skills and knowledge needed to analyze, manage, and
educational organization of the future. The course centers on four complementary perspectives of
the management of the nature organizations. The first part deals with organizations. This part
deals with basic concepts of educational organization and management including organizational
environments. Types and development of educational organization also discussion in this part.
The second part discuses about organizational issues culture are resented in the timeout parts of
the fourth part deals with organizational climate.
Course Descriptions
This course is aimed at familiarizing students with the realities of childhood education. It deals
with skills of developing appropriate and relevant curriculum at Kindergarten & Primary
School levels. Besides, the different methods of teaching and learning developed by prominent
educators such as Pestalozzi, Montessori, Froebel, etc., will be explored in order to assess their
applicability in Ethiopian context and to initiate innovative practices in teaching and learning
process at Kindergarten and primary school levels.
Finally, document analysis of the current Ethiopian kindergarten and primary school
curriculum and field investigation of their implementation will be discussed upon at classroom
This course deals with different views of secondary and Special curriculum, the historical and
progress of secondary and special curriculum in Europe and developing countries, trends and
current practices of modern system in general and secondary schools of Ethiopia in particular.
It also focuses to develop educators who are competent in structuring an effective secondary
and special curriculum for youth at different ladders of the education system of the country.
The course is intended to familiarize trainees with major issues entertained throughout the
history of teacher education. A major focus will be on explaining the philosophy and nature of
teacher education curriculum of different historical periods. Major traditions witnessed in teacher
education history and their focus areas will be dealt with. More specifically the Academic, Social
Efficiency, Develop mentalist and Social Reconstructions’ traditions of teacher education and
their curricular concerns will be explored in detail in this course. Continued debates on theory
and practice in teacher education will be one major concern of the course. Ethiopian teacher
education curriculum of the different periods will be looked at using the above traditions as
frameworks. Finally, this course will provide the platform for trainees to explore into
philosophical and theoretical bases of the recently introduced Ethiopian teacher
Course Credit: 3
This course discusses the process of curriculum planning and management beginning with the
construction phase until it is ready for implementation in an educational organization. The focus
will be on effective and efficient use of resources derived from a selection process of informed
decision making.
Practical strategies for curriculum planning, implementation and monitoring will be discussed.
Topics include the concept of curriculum development, curriculum development models,
curriculum planning, its management, curriculum management principles, curriculum leadership
and curriculum.
Credit Hours: 3
ECTS : 5
The course is aimed at exposing trainees to the concept of curriculum change and innovation. It
discusses in detail the nature and the process of curriculum change and innovation meaning
political and ideological facts that affect change and invocation. Models used in invocation,
factors that affect diffusion of change, types of change, strategies of change and theories of
change. In addition the course can familiarize students with the knowledge and skills of
implementing change and invocation in the schools properly.
Course Title: Comparative Education
Course Credit: 3
The course concentrates on examining the system (process and practice) of education of
worldwide prospective. To this end, it requires students to study theories, principles, and
factors, methods, influencing education on national & international levels. Besides, the course
includes paper work in which students (individually or in group) analyze educational systems
of various countries on comparative bases in relation to the current Ethiopian school practice.
Students will present their analysis for discussion (seminar) aiming at sharing of experience on
educational processes of different countries. This is believed to help them to see the system of
education Ethiopian is practiced and how it is being done.
Module Number: 04
Course Descriptions
Courses within the module: Principles of Instructional Design, Principles and Practices of
Modern Teaching, Instructional Media and communications, Production, Utilizations and
evaluations of Instructional Media and Technology, Instructional Supervision and leadership,
and Quality in Education.
Course Title: Principles of Instructional Design
Course Credit: 3
This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of instructional design, including the principles
of learning theory, and instructional strategies that are relevant to instructional design. Students
will learn the purpose and approach to completing each phase of the instructional design process
and will produce a set of outputs from each of these phases in accordance with requirements
specified in a final course project
Course Credit: 3
This course discusses the great social processes that have had impact on the development of
modern education, namely the period of enlightenment, industrialization and democratization.
In addition, it analyzes the nature & characteristics of teaching, principles of teaching, and
approaches of teaching, effective teaching structure & effective teacher, qualities of effective
teaching and components of lesson planning. Finally, it discusses types of classroom,
classroom management and instructional evaluation.
Course Credit: 3
This course relates the nature of human communication and classroom instruction. Definition,
purpose, characteristics, types, models and Elements of communication; factors affecting
Effective communication and implication of communication process to Instructional process
will be adequately discussed. Furthermore, meaning and purposes of instructional media,
Characteristics of good instructional media, factors Affecting effectiveness of instructional
media, classification of instructional media and lastly Dale cone of Experience will be covered.
Course Title: Production, Utilizations and evaluations of Instructional Media and
Course Credit: 3
Course Title: Instructional Supervision and leadership
Course Credit: 3
The course is aimed at exposing trainees to instructional leadership and effective supervisory
services in schools; it discusses the nature and the concept of educational supervision :
meaning, characteristics, purposes, historical development, principles of supervision,
dimensions of educational supervision, the role of supervision in curriculum innovation,
patterns and techniques of instructional supervision and principles of evaluation in supervision
with particular emphasis to the current educational needs of Ethiopia. Additionally, the concept
of educational leadership, purposes, theories, types, factors affecting, qualities of effective
educational leadership will be covered.
Course Credit: 3
This course discusses the concept quality in education, terminologies: quality audit, quality
assessment, quality assurance, quality care, quality improvement, etc.; Importance of quality in
education, Education quality in 21st Century, Aspects of educational quality, and techniques of
improving educational quality and Educational Quality in Ethiopia.
Module Name: Educational Development
Module Number: 05
Courses within the module: Policy development and implementation, Design of delivery of
non- formal and distance education, Adult and community development education, and
Multicultural education
Courses Descriptions
Course Title: Policy Development and Implementation of Ethiopian Education
Course Code: CISP 1027
Course Credit: 3
This course is designed to explore both the theoretical and practical aspects of performing policy
analysis in general and educational policy in particular. Specifically, the course focuses on the
nature of policy; general approach to policy making; the policy planning process; the major
issues associated with policy analysis and the predominant streams of theoretical work in policy
research; the link between educational policy and the policy of other developing sectors; scope
and frame works of educational analysis so that placing students in a position to assess the merits
of a variety of policy situations. The course also will give due attention to the study on the
evolution of education and training policy in Ethiopia; examining past and current policy issues
and different, education sector development programs (ESDP I, II ,III, and IV) of the country.
theories/ approaches; levels of change and innovation: (individual, group, organization and
system); change processes; skills and roles of a change agent, educational institutions as a
change agents; change implementation; factors affecting implementation; strategies for
implementing of change; resistance to change; managing resistance to changes.
Course Title: Design and Delivery of Non-formal and Distance Education
Course Code: CISP 1028
Course credit: 3
This course treats two different modes of education. The first part treats educational views &
practices related to non-formal education; the meaning, characteristics, purpose of non-formal
education and skills of the designing procedures of non-formal education program, its
organization, coordination and the delivery mode of non formal education will be treated.
In its second part, it discusses the concept of distance education, characteristics, purposes,
historical development, theories & models, organization & management, and the design &
production of distance education programs. Finally, non-formal education and distance
education programs in the Ethiopian context will be assessed.
Course credit: 3
The purpose of this course is to aid students in becoming aware of, understanding, and being
sensitive to the needs and interests of ethnic and cultural groups, with the underlying philosophy
being that the differences and similarities that characterize individuals and groups should be
cherished to their worth and cultivated for the benefit they bring to all people. The course is
designed to offer issues such as foundations of multicultural teaching, creating community,
creating multicultural classroom.
Courses Descriptions
of giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing, giving oral reports from their observations,
summarizing and reviewing, critiquing, debating, and public speaking. It also aims at providing
techniques of developing paragraph and essay, and parts of paragraph and essay. They start to
develop descriptive and summary essays and present brief written reports and arguments. The
communicative aspect of some of the widely applied structures in college writing like passive
and active voice, conditionals, relative clauses and direct and reported speech are also covered
in the course.
Courses Descriptions
Course credit : 3
This course is organized to provide students of educational planning and management with
fundamental principles and practical ideas about educational projects management and program
evaluation, which is a crucial element in educational development. The course presents origin,
concepts and principles of the project approach in education, the scope and characteristics of
education sector analysis, definition and scope, project preparation methodologies/phases,
project implementation, and project monitoring and evaluation.
Courses Descriptions
Course credit : 3
Course credit : 3
Module Number: 09
Courses within the module: Teachers as Reflective Practitioners, and School and Society.
Course Credit: 3
Course Descriptions : The course is intended to equip students with the theory & practice of
reflective thinking as applied to teaching and learning process. Where reflection, as strategy, can be a
cross-cutting issues , this course particularly gives the candidates the opportunity to examine the
educational theories behind the application of reflective thinking and action to teaching and to exercise it
during the block of time allotted to the course . It also deals with defining the nature of reflection
,reflective thinking /action vs technical rationality ,levels of reflective practice and strategies of reflective
teaching in secondary schools.
Course credit: 3
School and society is a new foundation course in curriculum. The main objective in the course
is to enable the students to have wider understanding of education and curriculum, and issues
relating to it in the world in general and in the societies they live in particular. Moreover, the
course also introduces students to the philosophy and sociology of education and provides with
activities to think through and help to develop framework for action. The key themes addressed
in the course include : family and community relationship, sociological theories of education
,various teaching learning paradigms in the school, school improvement program, goals of
education, how schools can be both site for cultural conflict and site for improvement.
Module number: 10
Courses within the module: Seminar in Curriculum and Senior Essay Projects in Education
Courses Descriptions
Course description
The course focuses on curriculum issues that students critically examine them through seminars
and further readings. Current theories, research and practice are highly emphasized. Some of
the main issues traced in this course include language and curriculum; curriculum and
development the role of stakeholders in curriculum development; curriculum in addressing
contemporary issue of society (special needs, gender, environmental, the different diverse
groups, peace , human rights, culture etc.) public participation in education; issues in quality of
curricular materials; current approaches to curriculum development and curriculum innovation ;
curriculum policy ; curriculum implementation , the hidden curriculum and the practice of
curriculum evaluation.
On the other hand, the course is to provide students with an opportunity to use the knowledge
and skill learned in the class room in an actual work setting. It also enables students to think
about participate in creative, constructive, holistic and realistic assessment of the Ethiopian
devoted curriculum. Students are devoted and their full time efforts to the internship in order to
gain an understanding of, and an appreciation for educational issues and resolve educational
problems from diverse sources and make analysis that validate their own conclusions. The course
requirement consists of weekly assignments, briefing documents, oral presentation and an
educational study proposal.
Course credit : 3
The course deals with current and emerging trends and practices in the field of instructional
supervision across different parts of the world. Under this umbrella some crucial issues like new
innovations in supervision, currently working good practices in supervision and future prospects
of supervision will be addressed. Thus, at the end students will be expected to be acquainted
many comparative / international best experiences. Moreover, they will be able to understand
practices and undertake many successful research works as possible in the field.
Course credit : 3
Course description
First part of the senior essay writing will focus on choosing appropriate topic: formulation of
research question and developing research out line review of literature and collection of
references and data under supervision.
The second part includes writing senior essay: analysis of data interpretation and writing the
project .Students are encouraged using computer for thesis writing. Finally, defense will be made
by the student with his/her advisor and examiner.
Courses Description :
Course Title: Theories and Applications of Guidance and Counseling
Course Code: PSYC 4071
Course credit : 3
This course familiarizes students with guidance & Counseling. The topics to be discussed
include the nature & characteristics of guidance & counseling, goals & types of counseling, some
major theories of counseling, understanding individuals for counseling purposes, sources of
information about the counselees methods of collecting information on counseling, the problems
and causes of students in schools, personality profile/characteristics of a counselor, and
principles & processes of counseling/elements that facilitate counseling effectiveness.
Course Credit: 3
The course acquaints students with the scope of Measurement and Evaluation; basic principles of
measurement and evaluation in education in General and specifically constriction of the various
types of teacher made testes and the principles developing them. In addition, the concept and
practice of continuous assessment and the question of administering, scoring interpreting and
reporting results are treated. Test score analysis is also given due attention in order to equip
students with the necessary skills for using test results for various educational decisions.