10 Metals v2.1
10 Metals v2.1
10 Metals v2.1
Classen M., Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Tuchschmid M., Jungbluth N., Doka G., Faist
Emmenegger M. and Scharnhorst W. (2009) Life Cycle Inventories of Metals. Final re-
port ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inven-
tories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch
Althaus et al. (2004) Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Classen M. and Jungbluth N. (2004) Life Cycle Inven-
tories of Metals. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss
Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under:
Frischknecht et al. (2006) Frischknecht R., Althaus H.-J., Bauer C., Capello C., Doka G., Dones R.,
Faist Emmenegger M., Hischier R., Jungbluth N., Kellenberger D., Margni M.,
Nemecek T. and Spielmann M. (2006) Documentation of changes implemented
in ecoinvent Data v1.2 and v1.3. ecoinvent report No. 16. EMPA Dübendorf,
Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH.
Part I Part I
Aluminium Aluminium
Part II Part II
Iron and Steel Iron and Steel
Part III Part III (updated)
Copper Copper
Part IV Part IV
Nickel Nickel
Part V Part V
Platinum Group Metals Platinum Group Metals
Part VI Part VI
Chromium Chromium
Part VII Part VII
Manganese Manganese
Part VIII content
Other metals transferred
Part VIII (updated)
Lead, Zinc, Cadmium and Indium
Part IX (new)
Gold and Silver
Part X (new)
Semiconductors: Tellurium, Gallium, Cadmium
Part XI (new)
Tantalum powder
Part XII
Part IX Part XIV
Auxiliary Processes Auxiliary Processes
Part X Part XV
Metal processing Metal processing
Part XVI
Data v2.1 (2009)
Classen M., Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Tuchschmid M., Jungbluth N., Doka G., Faist
Emmenegger M. and Scharnhorst W. (2009) Life Cycle Inventories of Metals. Final
report ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle In-
ventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
Acknowledgement and Summary
We thank Bernard de Gélas and Christian Leroy of the European Aluminium Association (EAA) for providing
the unit process data of their study and for their help with the interpretation of the data. We also thank Eirik
Nordheim of the EAA and Gerald Reblizer of Alcan Technology & Management for their valuable comments to
the report and the data.
The aluminium production is modelled for the European situation, primarily based on data from the European
Aluminium Association (EAA (2000) and personal communications. The mining represents a world-wide situa-
tion primarily based on Mori & Adelhardt (1998).
Some of the datasets described in this report make only sense in the context of the aluminium production and are
therefore not intended for other uses. Intermediate products like aluminium hydroxide and aluminium oxide
however can be used to represent these chemicals in other applications.
The datasets to be chosen to represent aluminium in a LCA study are either the primary aluminium (chapter 5.3),
one of the secondary aluminium datasets (chapter 5.4) or one of the production mixes (chapter 5.5). The deci-
sion whether to use primary, secondary or a mix of the two depends on the goal and scope of the LCA to be con-
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................I
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................I
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
6 LITERATURE ......................................................................................................... 69
1 Introduction
This part deals with primary and secondary aluminium production. Because bauxite, aluminium hy-
drate and aluminium oxide are mainly consumed in the aluminium production, these chemicals are
also included in this report.
A considerable part of the aluminium consumed today is secondary material. Thus also the collection
of aluminium scrap and the recycling process are included.
A simplified overview of the processes is given in Fig. 1.1.
recultivation, aluminium
mine, bauxite hydroxide,
bauxite mine oxide, plant
aluminium aluminium
bauxite, at mine hydroxide, at oxide, at
plant plant
liquid, at
anode, plant aluminium
aluminium, aluminium,
primary, at production
plant mix, cast
alloy, at plant
aluminium secondary,
casting, plant aluminium,
aluminium scrap, new, at from new
melting plant scrap, at plant
mix, wrought
alloy, at plant
scrap, old, at
plant aluminium,
from old
scrap, at plant
scrap mix, at plant
Fig. 1.1 Simplified overview of the processes for the aluminium production
Tab. 2.1 World wide bauxite and aluminium oxide production (Mori & Adelhardt (1998), p. 20)
Aus- Guinea Ja- Brasil China Vene- India Russia USA Europe
trailia maica zuela
% of world bauxite
38 13 10 9 6 5 5 3
% of world alumin-
ium oxide produc- 30 7 5 6 30 10
98% of the industrial production of aluminium is done by electrolysis of aluminium oxide (Hall-
Heroult process). This process requires a big amount of electricity. Thus most of the aluminium smelt-
ers are located in areas with cheap electricity be it from coal, nuclear or from hydro power plants. The
electricity used to produce aluminium for the European market is produced according to Tab. 2.2
(EAA (2000)).
Tab. 2.2 Electricity distributed by energy source for the production of primary aluminium for the European market
Because of the high energy input needed in primary aluminium production, secondary aluminium is an
important resource. The overall share of secondary aluminium on the world aluminium market is esti-
mated to be 32% 2 by industrial experts 3 .
Eirik Nordheim, European Aluminium Assosiation. Personal communication, 15.04.2004
This figure is so low because the aluminium market is growing. The share of aluminium that is recycled after use is very
vaiable depending on the application (e.g. in the building sector in Europe between 92% and 98%).
Dr. G. Rombach, Project manager Recycling, Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH. Personal communication, 1.10.2002
http://www.aluminium.org/statistics/overview.asp, accessed 18.12.2002
Tab. 3.1 Product Specification for aluminium hydroxide
Chemical and physi- Typical Value Min. Val. Max. Val. Quality
cal analysis
Moisture (20°-105° C) % 7.0 5 9 Wet
Al2O3 % 60.5 59 62 Wet
Moisture (20°-105° C) % 0.02 0.00 0.1 Dry
Al2O3 % 65 64.5 65.5 Dry
SiO2 % 0.004 0.003 0.007 Wet and dry
Fe2O3 % 0.009 0.005 0.016 Wet and dry
TiO2 % < 0.001 0.000 0.003 Wet and dry
CaO % 0.004 0.000 0.007 Wet and dry
Na2O % 0.22 0.18 0.26 Wet and dry
V2O5 % < 0.0007 0.000 0.001 Wet and dry
P2O5 % < 0.0004 0.000 0.001 Wet and dry
Ga2O3 % 0.007 0.002 0.013 Wet and dry
Ignition loss (105° - % 34.6 Wet and dry
1200° C)
Particle size < 45 µm % 4 1 12 Wet and dry
Particle size < 90 µm % 45 30 60 Wet and dry
http://www.aos-stade.de/html/home_gb.html, accessed 16.12.2002
Tab. 3.2 Product Specification for aluminium oxide
Chemical and physical analysis Typical Value Min. Val. Max. Val.
Moisture (20°-300° C) % 0.10 0.00 0.40
Bulk density (lose) kg/m³ 970 950 1000
Al2O3 % 99.0 98.5 99.5
SiO2 % 0.006 0.004 0.010
Fe2O3 % 0.014 0.008 0.025
TiO2 % 0.001 0.000 0.004
CaO % 0.006 0.000 0.010
Na2O % 0.34 0.28 0.39
V2O5 % 0.001 0.000 0.002
P2O5 % < 0.0006 0.000 0.001
Ga2O3 % 0.011 0.003 0.020
Ignition loss (300° - 1200° C) % 0.53 0.45 0.60
Angle of repose degree ° 34 32 36
BET surface area m²/g 50 45 60
Particle size < 45 µm % 8 5 15
Particle size < 90 µm % 55 45 65
3.4 Aluminium
Aluminium is a light grey coloured light metal. It has high specific strength, low specific weight, high
electrical and thermal conductivity, good ductility or high hardness (depending on alloy) and due to a
relatively stable and dense oxide layer on its surface, it exhibits good resistance against corrosion.
Some of the most important chemical and physical properties of aluminium are given in Tab. 3.3.
Most technically used aluminium is alloyed. Important alloy elements for aluminium are silicon (Si),
zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and magnesium (Mg). Basically, two types of aluminium alloys are commonly
distinguished: wrought alloys and casting alloys. As a rule of thumb, casting alloys tend to have higher
contents of non-aluminium metals, especially of iron, silicon and/or zinc, whereas wrought alloys tend
to have higher magnesium or sometimes manganese contents.
http://www.aos-stade.de/html/home_gb.html, accessed 16.12.2002
4.2 Aluminium
In 1995, 20.4 Million t of primary aluminium has been used world wide (Mori & Adelhardt (1998)).
The amount has increased steadily in the last decades. The biggest consumer of aluminium is the
transport industry. Also important are the building and packaging sectors. (See Fig. 4.1 and Fig. 4.2)
Fig. 4.1 Markets for aluminium products in Europe (Estimation EAA)
Secondary aluminium is mainly used in cast alloys because they are less sensitive to high content of
silicon and other metals in the scrap and thus can be produced more economically from scrap.
Fig. 4.2 Market for recycled aluminium in Europe in 2000 (estimation EAA)
http://www.aluminium.org/statistics/overview.asp, accessed 18.12.2002
5 System Characterisation
5.1 Bauxite mining
This part is mainly based on Mori & Adelhardt (1998).
5.1.2 Emissions
The only relevant direct emissions from bauxite mining are the dust emissions to air.
5.1.3 Waste
There is no relevant waste produced in the mining process. The overburden is used in recultivation of
the mine and not treated as waste although due to finer fractions and possibly increased weathering
higher amounts of components of the backfilled material might get into the ground water compared to
the situation before the mining activity.
For a lack of information on this topic, the land use, the size and type of buildings and the weight of
the stationary machines used are estimated. The estimation is based on information on other mines
(gypsum, limestone).
Data quality
Data for bauxite at mine are of good overall quality. The infrastructure is roughly estimated but com-
pared to the actual mining activities the influence is negligible. The values for the mining processes
stem from a recent and comprehensive source (Mori & Adelhardt (1998)).
recultivation, bauxi-
bauxite, at mine mine, bauxite te mine
Location GLO 7 GLO GLO
Infrastructure Process 0 1 1
Unit kg unit m2
Data Set Version 2.0 2.0 1.0
Includes the mining with its Includes the infrastructure
land transformation and oc- and their disposal (buildings
cupation and the first me- with their land use and ma- Includes Land transfor-
chanical grinding and sepa- chines) needed to provide the mation and the ma-
Included Processes
ration of the ore from the dried bauxite. Does not in- chines needed. No refill
gangue material. Also in- clude the land use for the material other than the
cluded is the drying of the mine itself nor that for the overburdens from mining
bauxite to 11% moisture. roads in the mine. is included.
Amount 1 1 1
Rekultivierung, Bauxit-
Local Name
Bauxiterz, ab Abbau Mine, Bauxit mine
Refers to the dry bauxite Refers to the recultiva-
General Comment to mass (11% moisture). The It is assumed that the mine is tion of a mine with baux-
reference function Al2O3 content of the bauxite in use for 20 years and has a ite content of about 50%
is 53% (w/w) yearly output of 1E6 t/a (w/w) in crude ore
Start Date 1994 1998 1998
End Date 2002 2002 2002
Data Valid For Entire
Period 1 1 1
Some European datasets
Geography text are used for global proc- European data are used for
esses. buildings and machines
Average bauxite mining Average technology for the Average bauxite mine
Technology text technology world-wide aluminium consumed in recultivation world-wide
(open mining) Europe (open mining)
[%] 79
111E6 t dry bauxite
Production Volume (=137E6 t crude bauxite) in
1994 unknown unknown
Sampling Procedure Literature / Survey estimation Literature / Survey
Extrapolations see Geography none none
Uncertainty is adjusted for
Uncertainty Adjust-
geographical mismatch (us-
ing the pedigree matrix). none none
The country code should actually be RER, since the subsequent processes all are for RER. This will be changed in v2.2
Transformation, from Mori & Adelhardt 1998
transformation resource land 1.07E-04 m2 1 2.00 (1,2,2,1,1,1,8)
arable (p. 43)
(mine) [m2]
Land Transformation, from
Mori & Adelhardt 1998
transformation resource land arable, non-irrigated, 3.41E-05 m2 1 2.00 (1,2,2,1,1,1,8)
(p. 43)
(mine) [m2] fallow
Transformation, from Mori & Adelhardt 1998
transformation torpical rainforest resource land 2.67E-05 m2 1 2.00 (1,2,2,1,1,1,8)
forest, extensive (p. 43)
(mine) [m2]
Recultivation recultivation, bauxite Mori & Adelhardt 1998
80% of mines are recultivated metals extraction No GLO 1.34E-04 m2 1 2.00 (1,2,2,1,1,1,8)
mine mine (p. 43)
Other source (EAA 2001) gives 2.88E-5 Water, unspecified
Water resource in water 5.78E-04 m3 Mori & Adelhardt 1998 1 1.06 (1,2,2,1,1,1,12)
m3 natural origin
diesel, burned in Input includes infrastructure and
construction diesel, burned in
building machine emissions of building machines machinery No GLO 4.39E-02 MJ Mori & Adelhardt 1998 1 2.00 (1,2,2,1,1,1,5)
processes building machine
[MJ] according to their fuel consumption
electricity, medium
Electrical power electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 2.80E-03 kWh Mori & Adelhardt 1998 1 1.06 (1,2,2,1,1,1,2)
UCTE, at grid
Blasting [kg Blasting includes Production of construction
civil engineering No RER blasting 1.56E-04 kg Mori & Adelhardt 1998 1 1.06 (1,2,2,1,1,1,1)
explosive] explosive and emissions of blasting processes
Fig. 5.1 Flows for "bauxite, at mine" and their representation in the ecoinvent database: The percentages given in the resource name are valid for the global situation. The should,
however, be valid for the European situation and thus be 28.1% in Bauxite, 13.4% in crude ore.
low p op ulat io n
wast e heat f rom elect ricit y use air Heat , wast e 1.0 1E-0 2 M J calculat ed 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,13 )
densit y
bauxite, at mine:
low p op ulat io n
Dust t o air [ kg ] 50% of " Dust " is > 10 um air Part iculat es, > 10 um 1.6 0E-0 3 kg 1 1.51 (1,3 ,2,3 ,1,3 ,25)
densit y t o t al amo unt : EA A
20 01 (p ers.
45 % of " Dust " is b et ween 2 .5 and low p op ulat io n Part iculat es, > 2 .5 um, communicat ion),
Dust t o air [ kg ] air 1.4 4E-0 3 kg 1 2 .01 (1,3 ,2,3 ,1,3 ,26 )
10 um densit y and < 10 um f ract io n: CEPM EIP
Dat ab ase - Emission
low p op ulat io n Fact ors
Dust t o air [ kg ] 5 % o f " Dust " is belo w 2.5 um air Part iculat es, < 2 .5 um 1.6 0E-0 4 kg 1 3 .01 (1,3 ,2,3 ,1,3 ,27)
densit y
Fig. 5.1 Flows for "bauxite, at mine" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Land use f or
ro ads in mine Is invent o ried in Land use f or mine
est imat ion, b ased o n
Land use f or A ssumed t hat mine is in use f or 20 Occup at io n, indust rial (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
reso urce land 3.0 0E+05 m2a knowled ge o f o t her 1 2.2 3
build ings years area, built up n.A .,8 ); roug h guess
est imat ion, b ased o n
Land use f or Transf ormat io n, t o (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
ro ugh assump t io n reso urce land 1.50 E+0 4 m2 knowled ge o f o t her 1 2.2 3
build ings ind ust rial area, b uilt up n.A .,8 ); roug h guess
mine, bauxite
Land use f or Transf ormat io n, f rom M ori & A d elhard t (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
55 % f ro m agricult ure / silvicult ure reso urce land 8.2 5E+0 3 m2 1 2.2 3
build ings arable 19 98 n.A .,8 ); roug h guess
Land use f or 27% f rom ext ensive agricult ure Transf ormat io n, f rom M ori & A d elhard t (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
reso urce land 4.0 5E+0 3 m2 1 2.2 3
build ings (st epp e, savannah, desert ) arable 19 98 n.A .,8 ); roug h guess
Land use f or Transf ormat io n, f rom M ori & A d elhard t (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
18 % f ro m t rop ical rainf orest reso urce land 2.70 E+0 3 m2 1 2.2 3
build ings f orest , ext ensive 19 98 n.A .,8 ); roug h guess
Fig. 5.2 Flows for "mine, bauxite" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
t ransf o rmat ion Transf ormat io n, f rom
10 0% f rom mine reso urce land 1.00 E+0 0 m2 calculat ed 1 2.0 0 (1,2 ,2,1,1,1,8)
(f ro m mine) mineral ext ract io n sit e
[ m2 ]
t ransf o rmat ion Transf ormat io n, t o M ori & A d elhard t
55% t o f arm land reso urce land 5.50E-0 1 m2 1 2.0 0 (1,2 ,2,1,1,1,8)
(f ro m mine) arable 19 98 (p .41)
[ m2 ]
Transf ormat io n, t o
t ransf o rmat ion M ori & A d elhard t
22 % t o ext ensive f arm land reso urce land arable, no n-irrig at ed , 2.2 0E-0 1 m2 1 2.0 0 (1,2 ,2,1,1,1,8)
(f ro m mine) 19 98 (p .41)
f allow
[ m2 ]
t ransf o rmat ion Transf ormat io n, t o M ori & A d elhard t
22 % t o f orest reso urce land 2.2 0E-0 1 m2 1 2.0 0 (1,2 ,2,1,1,1,8)
(f ro m mine) f orest 19 98 (p .41)
[ m2 ]
t ransf o rmat ion Transf ormat io n, t o M ori & A d elhard t
1% t o indust rial area reso urce land 1.0 0E-0 2 m2 1 2.0 0 (1,2 ,2,1,1,1,8)
(f ro m mine) ind ust rial area 19 98 (p .41)
[ m2 ]
Recult ivat ion recult ivat ion, b auxit e
met als ext ract io n Y es GLO 1.00 E+0 0 m2
mine mine
Fig. 5.3 Flows for "recultivation bauxite mine" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
http://www.aos-stade.de, accessed 16.12.2002
http://www.qal.com.au, accessed 16.12.02
Fig. 5.4 Bayer process: Extraction of aluminium hydroxide from bauxite and calcination to aluminium oxide (alu-
mina) .
Fig. 5.5 Aerial view of the Aluminium Oxid Stade GmbH (AOS) alumina refinery
The bauxite slurry is pumped through the approximately 4'000 m long heat exchanger system of four
tube digesters in parallel. For digestion, the slurry is heated to approximately 270° C at a pressure of
about 3.5 MPa. Under these conditions, the chemical reactions are rapid:
Thus about 97% of the aluminium components are extracted from the bauxite. After digestion about
30% of the bauxite mass remains in suspension as thin red mud slurry of silicates, and oxides of iron
and titanium. The mud-laden liquor leaving the digestion vessel is flash-cooled to atmospheric boiling
point by flowing through a series of flash vessels which operate at successively lower pressures. The
energy released by flash evaporation is utilised to pre-heat the bauxite slurry. The condensate gener-
ated, which comprises approximately 75 % of the total condensate generated in the plant, is used for
washing processes.
The bauxite slurry, concentrated by the evaporation of water during digestion, is diluted with wash
water from subsequent operations. At AOS 2 dilution tanks with each 1'000 m3 and a height of 15 m
are used. Measured addition of digestion liquor adjusts the desired molar ratio to reduce recovery los-
Red Mud Separation
The coarse fraction of the undissolved bauxite components (sand) is separated by a hydroseparator and
a rake classifier. Next, the slurry flows to the settlers where the remaining undissolved components of
the bauxite (bauxite residue (BR) or red mud) are separated by sedimentation. Flocculants might be
added to the settler feed stream to improve the rate of mud settling and achieve good clarity in the
overflow liquor. The underflow of the settlers is pumped to the first of two washers for pre-washing of
the BR. The filtrate is pumped to the washers in a countercurrent stream for dilution. Slaked lime is
added to the dilute caustic liquor in the washing process to remove carbonate (Na2CO3) which forms
by reaction with compounds in bauxite and also from the atmosphere and which reduces the effective-
ness of liquor to dissolve alumina. Lime regenerates caustic soda, allowing the insoluble calcium car-
bonate to be removed with the waste mud.
The feed material is calcined to remove both free moisture and chemically-combined water. By calci-
nation, aluminium hydroxide is transformed into aluminium oxide at temperatures around 1'000° C.
Calciners can use rotary kilns or the fluid bed process. Fluid bed facilities have proven themselves ve-
ry reliable, are more energy efficient and don't contaminate the product like the rotary kilns.
Rotary or satellite coolers are used to cool the calcined alumina from the rotary kilns, and to pre-heat
secondary combustion air for the kilns. Fluidised-bed coolers further reduce alumina temperature to
less than 90°C before it is discharged on to conveyor belts which carry it to storage buildings or silos
where it is stockpiled for shipment.
5.2.2 Emissions
There are no relevant direct air emissions from these processes beside dust from bauxite handling and
water from the calcination.
At some sites the area of bauxite unloading and the conveyor belt system for transportation of input
materials and products, are enclosed and feature efficient dust removing facilities.
Process water is recycled. Waste water is created only by the operation of the bauxite residue disposal.
Rain water has to be drained from the disposal site. This water is treated before being emitted to na-
ture. After the treatment some NaOH, suspended particles and oxidisable compounds remain in the
5.2.3 Waste
Different waste fractions are resulting from the production of alumina. The main part is the red mud or
bauxite residue, consisting to about 40 % of water and the other part of mineral matters, being undis-
solved in the caustic soda - this is principally inert iron and titanium oxides and silica compounds - de-
riving from the bauxite input. This waste is disposed in special landfills (ponds). Red mud ponds are
controlled landfills with base lining and leachate collection. The red mud disposal is therefore invento-
ried with the model for the residual landfill (Doka (2003), Part III). The red mud is not solidified with
cement (like e.g. landfilled incineration residues are). Still the calcium content of red mud is high
enough (2.2%) to estimate a carbonate phase of longer than 60'000 years (as in the residual landfill
model). No adaptation of transfer coefficients in the model is necessary.
A smaller part is sand waste. For this waste the same composition as for the red mud is assumed.
A generic red mud composition is derived from literature data for red mud from Australia, Jamaica,
India, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Turkey, and Suriname (Altundogan et al. (2002), Anonymous (2001),
McLaughlin et al. (1998), NPI (1999)). It is given in Tab. 5.2.
The other background information to the processes is given in Tab. 5.5, flows and their representation
in the database is shown in:
Data quality
Data for the steps in the aluminium oxide production are of good overall quality. The infrastructure is
roughly estimated but compared to the other activities the influence is negligible. The values for the
processes stem from a recent and comprehensive source (EAA (2000)).
Tab. 5.5 Meta information for the aluminium hydroxide and aluminium oxide processes
Tab. 5.5 Meta information for the aluminium hydroxide and aluminium oxide processes (cont.)
B auxit e [ kg] met als ext ract io n No GLO b auxit e, at mine 1.40 E+0 0 kg EA A 2 00 0 (p. 4 9) 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,3)
Transpo rt of
B auxit e f ro m aluminium hydroxide, at plant; Inputs part 1 t ranspo rt t ransp ort , t ranso ceanic
Transpo rt by ship (o cean) ship No OCE 7.11E+0 0 t km EA A 2 00 0 (p. 50 ) 1 2.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,5)
mine t o plant syst ems f reig ht ship
[ t km]
Transpo rt of
B auxit e f ro m t ranspo rt
Transpo rt by ship (co st al) ship No RER t ransp ort , b arg e 2.0 0E-0 3 t km EA A 2 00 0 (p. 50 ) 1 2.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,5)
mine t o plant syst ems
[ t km]
Transpo rt of
B auxit e f ro m t ranspo rt
Transpo rt by Ro ad ro ad No RER t ransp ort , lo rry 32 t 3.3 4E-0 1 t km EA A 2 00 0 (p. 50 ) 1 2.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,5)
mine t o plant syst ems
[ t km]
Transpo rt of
B auxit e f ro m t ranspo rt
Transpo rt by Rail t rain No RER t ransp ort , f reig ht , rail 1.10E-0 2 t km EA A 2 00 0 (p. 50 ) 1 2.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,5)
mine t o plant syst ems
[ t km]
Grind ing o f
Energy is includ ed in g eneral p ower
bauxit e [ kg / kg
consump t io n
A l2O3 ]
sod ium so dium hyd ro xide, 50 %
only weig ht o f NaOH in solut ion
hydroxid e, 50% chemicals inorganics No RER in H2O, p ro duct ion 3.9 3E-0 2 kg EA A 2 00 0 (p. 4 9) 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
(wit hout solvent )
in H2 O [ kg ] mix, at plant
Transpo rt of
NaOH f ro m Rail; St andard d ist ance f ro m t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
t rain No RER t ransp ort , f reig ht , rail 4 .71E-0 2 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
plant t o plant Eco invent 2 00 0 syst ems A .,5)
[ t km]
Transpo rt of
NaOH f ro m Road ; St andard d ist ance f ro m t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
ro ad No RER t ransp ort , lo rry 32 t 7.85E-0 3 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
plant t o plant Eco invent 2 00 0 syst ems A .,5)
[ t km]
Heat ing o f slurry
Heat included in general heat
and so lut io n EA A 2 00 0
consump t io n
[ M J]
CaO f o r const ruct ion q uicklime, milled,
add it ives No CH 3.0 1E-0 2 kg EA A 2 00 0 (p. 4 9) 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
desilicat ion [ kg] mat erials lo ose, at plant
Fig. 5.6 Flows for "aluminium hydroxide, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Transpo rt of
Rail; St andard d ist ance (f o r t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
CaO f rom p lant t rain No RER t ransp ort , f reig ht , rail 3.0 1E-0 3 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
cement ) f rom Ecoinvent 20 00 syst ems A .,5)
t o plant [ t km]
Transpo rt of
Rail; St andard d ist ance (f o r t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
CaO f rom p lant aluminium hydroxide, at plant; Inputs part 2 ro ad No RER t ransp ort , lo rry 32 t 3.0 1E-0 3 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
cement ) f rom Ecoinvent 20 00 syst ems A .,5)
t o plant [ t km]
Sep arat ion o f
A l(OH)4 - Not invent o ried , Energy includ ed in
So lut io n f rom general po wer / heat co nsumpt ion
resid ue solid s
General heat Includes all heat f rom o il consumed heat ing heat , light f uel o il, at EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
oil No CH 3.59 E+0 0 M J 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,1)
f rom o il (6 5 % o f t ot al alumina prod uct io n) syst ems ind ust rial f urnace 1M W communicat ion)
Inf rast ruct ure aluminium hyd ro xide, (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
Includes land use met als ext ract io n Y es RER 1.6 4E-11 unit calculat ed 1 3.2 3
(p lant ) [ p iece] p lant n.A .,9 ); roug h guess
Fig. 5.6 Flows for "aluminium hydroxide, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
wast e heat f rom elect ricit y use air unspecif ied Heat , wast e 5.0 3E-0 1 M J calculat ed 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,13 )
Dust f ro m
is included in bauxit e at mine --> no t
bauxit e
aluminium hydroxide, at plant; Outputs handling
invent o ried
Fig. 5.6 Flows for "aluminium hydroxide, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Fig. 5.7 Flows for "aluminium hydroxide, plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
f o r ad dit ional concret e No CH and f o undat ion, at 1.00 E+0 2 m3 est imat ed 1 3.0 4 (3,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9)
mat erials
f o undat ion p lant
const ruct ion
Conveyo r b elt machinery Y es RER co nveyor belt , at p lant 6 .40 E+0 2 m est imat ed 1 3.0 4 (3,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9)
plant; part 2
Chro mium st eel chromium st eel 18 / 8 , at
met als ext ract io n No RER 1.8 7E+0 6 kg est imat ed 1 3.0 4 (3,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9)
(st ainless) p lant
St eel low st eel, low-alloyed , at
met als ext ract io n No RER 2 .46 E+0 4 kg est imat ed 1 3.0 4 (3,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9)
alloyed p lant
reinf orced d ispo sal, build ing,
wast e build ing
concret e t o No CH reinf o rced concret e, t o 8.73 E+0 6 kg est imat ed 1 3.0 4 (3,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9)
management demo lit io n
disp osal f inal disp osal
d ispo sal, build ing,
f o undat ion
wast e build ing co ncret e, not
concret e t o No CH 2.2 0E+05 kg est imat ed 1 3.0 4 (3,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9)
management demo lit io n reinf o rced , t o f inal
disp osal
d ispo sal
Part s o f t he aluminium oxyd e plant
needed f o r t he hydroxid e aluminium hyd ro xide,
hydroxid e met als ext ract io n Y es RER 1.00 E+0 0 unit
prod uct io n. Out p ut 122 00 00 00 0 p lant
kg/ a, lif e t ime 50 a
Fig. 5.7 Flows for "aluminium hydroxide, plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
consumed (6 4 % of t o t al alumina nat ural gas No RER ind ust rial f urnace 5.07E-0 1 M J 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,1)
f rom nat ural g as syst ems communicat ion)
prod uct io n) >100 kW
General heat Includes all heat f rom o il consumed heat ing heat , light f uel o il, at EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
oil No CH 1.94 E+0 0 M J 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,1)
f rom o il (3 5 % o f t ot al alumina prod uct io n) syst ems ind ust rial f urnace 1M W communicat ion)
wast e heat f rom elect ricit y use air unspecif ied Heat , wast e 3 .79E-0 2 M J calculat ed 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,13 )
St eam / St eam (0 .530 kg / kg A l2 O3) not
V apo ur invent o ried
A luminium
aluminium o xide, at
oxid e, at p lant chemicals inorganics No RER 1.00 E+0 0 kg
p lant
[ kg ]
Fig. 5.8 Flows for "aluminium oxide, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
st o rag e area
Fig. 5.9 Flows for "aluminium oxide, plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Fig. 5.10 Hall-Héroult cell with prebaked anode: a) carbon anode b) electrolyte, c) insulation, d) carbon lining, e) cur-
rent collector bar, f) thermal insulation, g) steel shell, h) carbon block, i) ledge, j) crust, k) aluminium oxide
cover, l) removable covers, m) anode rods, n) fume collection, o) air cylinder, p) feeder, q) current supply, r)
crust breaker
Metal tapped from the Hall-Héroult cell may be treated in one of several ways. First, it may be trans-
ported in the molten state to a holding furnace, where, along with solid scrap, it is alloyed, fluxed, fil-
tered, and cast into a form suitable for fabrication by rolling, forging, etc., or for remelting by a foun-
dry. It may be transported further (over distances up to 200 km) on trucks, equipped with well-
insulated containers to prevent freezing, to a foundry where it is alloyed and used to make shaped cast-
ings. Both these methods of utilizing the molten metal are favoured because energy required for
remelting is conserved.
Alternatively, where ingot casting facilities or foundries are not nearby, metal is cast using cast iron
moulds into "primary" ingots for remelting. Generally, these unalloyed remelt ingots come as stack-
able 22-, 340-, or 680-kg ingots. Casting machines are often fully automated, with production rates of
up to 20000 kg/h.
Infrastructure is estimated based on information of an average sized electrolysis plant with cast house
in Norway. Production capacity is about 130'000 t/year. About 3'000 tons is secondary material (for
alloying) that can be neglected for our purpose. The aluminium is cast in 7 meter long billets with a
diameter that varies between 178 and 314 mm. Later the billets are sawed, packed and driven to the
quay for shipment. The most important data about the plant are given in Tab. 5.6.
Tab. 5.6 Infrastructure data for a medium sized electrolysis plant with cast house (Soral)
5.3.2 Emissions
Relevant direct air emissions from the anode production (baking) and from the electrolysis itself are
CO, CO2, fluorides, dust, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides. The
casting is responsible for some direct fluoride emissions. The other processes don't emit to air directly.
There are no relevant direct water emissions from these processes
5.3.3 Waste
Several different waste streams are generated. Some of them are recycled or reused and thus not inven-
toried. The others are deposited in landfills. (See Fig. 5.11, Fig. 5.12, Fig. 5.13 and Fig. 5.14)
Anode production waste
In the anode production carbon and tar wastes are produced. The compositions are unknown. 100%
carbon is assumed for tar. A certain amount of waste might be recycled. However, since no data on the
share to recycling is available, disposal in a residual material landfill is assumed.
The "carbon waste" refers to the waste of the anode butt recycling. Thus it is inventoried the same way
as the carbon fraction of spent pot lining.
Cathode production waste
Because the cathode production includes the disposal of the old cathode, the waste of this process is
basically the spent pot lining. It is separated into a carbon fraction (1st cut) and refractory (brick) frac-
tion (2nd cut). A certain amount of these wastes might be recycled. However, since no data on the share
to recycling is available, both wastes are assumed to be landfilled in a residual material landfill. The
ranges for their chemical composition that were presented by R. P. Pawlek at the 10th international Al
symposium in 1999 11 and the values used in this project are given in Tab. 5.7.
Electrolysis waste
The carbon waste of the electrolysis is basically the waste fraction from used anodes that can't be re-
cycled. It is inventoried as the carbon fraction of SPL.
http://www.soral.no/en/produksjon.html, accesed 16.12.2002
http://www.aluminium.sk/prednasky/32.htm, accessed 19.12.2002
Tab. 5.8 Composition of dross
http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/commondata/105385/swen042.pdf?lang=_e, accessed 19.12.2002
Tab. 5.9 Composition of filter dust
http://sperber.lih.rwth-aachen.de/sfb/subpro/sub_pro2/entsorg/filt1_de.htm, accessed 19.12.2002
The other background information to the processes is given in Tab. 5.13, flows and their representa-
tion in the database is shown in:
Data quality
Data for the steps in the primary aluminium production are of good overall quality. The infrastructure
is roughly estimated but compared to the other activities the influence is negligible. The values for the
processes stem from a recent and comprehensive source (EAA (2000)).
Tab. 5.13 Meta information for the aluminium electrolysis and casting processes
Tab. 5.13 Meta information for the aluminium electrolysis and casting processes (cont.)
aluminium, pri-
Name mary, liquid, at aluminium e- aluminium, pri- aluminium
plant lectrolysis, plant mary, at plant casting, plant
Infrastructure Process 0 1 0 1
Unit kg unit kg unit
Data Set Version 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Includes liquid alu- Includes cast alu-
minium production minium ingot pro-
(with its plant), Port, production duction (with its
Included Processes transports of mate- hall, machinery and plant), transports of Production hall, ma-
rials to the plant and administrative build- materials to the chinery and admin-
the disposal of the ings (including dis- plant and the dis- istrative buildings
wastes. posal) posal of the wastes. (including disposal)
Amount 1 1 1 1
Aluminium, primär, Aluminiumelektro- Aluminium, primär, Aluminium giessen,
Local Name
flüssig, ab Werk lyse, Werk ab Werk Werk
Medium sized plant.
Medium sized plant. Output: 130'000 t/a,
Output: 130'000 t/a, life time: 50 years.
life time: 50 years. Site is shared with
General Comment to
Site is shared with electrolysis plant.
reference function
casting plant. Total Total land use is
land use is allocated allocated 50% to
50% to electrolysis, electrolysis, 50% to
50% to casting. casting.
Start Date 1995 2002 1995 2002
End Date 2002 2002 2002 2002
Data Valid For Entire
Period 1 1 1 1
Some Swiss data- Some Swiss data- Some Swiss data- Some Swiss data-
sets are used for sets are used for sets are used for sets are used for
Geography text
European proc- European proc- European proc- European proc-
esses. esses. esses. esses.
Average technology Average technology
for the aluminium Technology of one for the aluminium Technology of one
Technology text
consumed in medium sized plant consumed in medium sized plant
Europe in Norway Europe in Norway
Representativeness [%] 98 98
Production Volume unknown unknown unknown unknown
Sampling Procedure Literature / Survey Internet search Literature / Survey Internet search
Extrapolations see Geography see Geography see Geography see Geography
Uncertainty is ad- Uncertainty is ad- Uncertainty is ad- Uncertainty is ad-
justed for geo- justed for geo- justed for geo- justed for geo-
Uncertainty Adjustments graphical mismatch graphical mismatch graphical mismatch graphical mismatch
(using the pedigree (using the pedigree (using the pedigree (using the pedigree
matrix). matrix). matrix). matrix).
EA A 2 00 0 (p. 4 9) /
p et roleum co ke, at personal
Pet ro l coke [ kg] oil f uels No RER 6.4 9E-0 1 kg 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
ref inery communicat ion B . d e
Gelas, EA A
Transpo rt of
pet ro l coke t o t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
Transpo rt by road ro ad No RER t ransp ort , lo rry 32 t 6.4 9E-0 2 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
anod e plant syst ems A .,5)
anode, aluminium electrolysis; part 1
[ t km]
Transpo rt of
pet ro l coke t o t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
Transpo rt by rail t rain No RER t ransp ort , f reig ht , rail 1.3 0E-0 1 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
anod e plant syst ems A .,5)
[ t km]
EA A 2 00 0 (p. 4 9) /
Pit ch [ kg ] invent o ried as bit umen oil f uels No RER b it umen, at ref inery 1.6 4E-0 1 kg 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
communicat ion B . d e
Gelas, EA A
Transpo rt of
t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
pit ch t o anod e Transpo rt by road ro ad No RER t ransp ort , lo rry 32 t 1.6 4E-0 2 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
syst ems A .,5)
plant [ t km]
Transpo rt of
t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
pit ch t o anod e Transpo rt by rail t rain No RER t ransp ort , f reig ht , rail 3.2 8E-0 2 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
syst ems A .,5)
plant [ t km]
recycling of used b ut t s --> not
anod e but t s 1.8 8E-0 1 communicat ion B . d e
invent o ried
Gelas, EA A
cast iron f or Repo rt et und er " Elect rolysis" b ut EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
met als ext ract io n No RER cast iro n, at p lant 7.8 1E-0 3 kg 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
st ub [ kg ] used in A no des communicat ion)
Transpo rt of
t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
iro n t o anod e Transpo rt by road ro ad No RER t ransp ort , lo rry 32 t 7.8 1E-0 4 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
syst ems A .,5)
plant [ t km]
Transpo rt of
t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
iro n t o anod e Transpo rt by rail t rain No RER t ransp ort , f reig ht , rail 1.56E-0 3 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
syst ems A .,5)
plant [ t km]
Ref ract o ry const ruct ion ref ract o ry, f ireclay, EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
b ricks No DE 1.0 1E-0 2 kg 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
mat erials mat erials p acked, at plant communicat ion)
Transpo rt of
t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
Ref ract o ry Transpo rt by road ro ad No RER t ransp ort , lo rry 32 t 1.0 1E-0 3 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
syst ems A .,5)
mat erials
Transpo rt of
t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
Ref ract o ry Transpo rt by rail t rain No RER t ransp ort , f reig ht , rail 2.0 2E-0 3 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
syst ems A .,5)
mat erials
Fig. 5.11 Flows for "anode, aluminium electrolysis" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
General heat Calcinat io n of pet ro l coke, b aking heat ing heat , light f uel o il, at EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
oil No CH 9 .35E-0 1 M J 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,1)
f rom o il of anod e syst ems ind ust rial f urnace 1M W communicat ion)
anode, aluminium electrolysis; part 2
W at er, co oling ,
Coo ling wat er EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
reso urce in wat er unsp ecif ied nat ural 4.3 1E-0 3 m3 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
[ m3 ] communicat ion)
o rig in
wast e heat f rom elect ricit y use air unspecif ied Heat , wast e 4 .72E-0 1 M J calculat ed 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,13 )
B aP (B enzo-a- EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
air unspecif ied B enzo (a)pyrene 3.18E-0 6 kg 1 3.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,21)
Pyrene) t o air communicat ion)
Carbo n mono xide, EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
CO t o air air unspecif ied 1.0 4E-0 3 kg 1 5.01 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,17)
f ossil communicat ion)
EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
CO2 t o air air unspecif ied Carbo n dio xide, f ossil 2 .53E-0 1 kg 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,24 )
communicat ion)
t o t al EA A 20 01
(p ers.
Dust t o air 42 % > 10 um air unspecif ied Part iculat es, > 10 um 1.3 0E-0 4 kg communicat ion), 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,25)
f ract io n
t o t al EA A 20 01
(p ers.
Part iculat es, > 2 .5 um,
Dust t o air 10 um > 30 % > 2 .5 um air unspecif ied 9 .30 E-05 kg communicat ion), 1 2.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,26 )
and < 10 um
f ract io n
t o t al EA A 20 01
(p ers.
Dust t o air 28 % < 2 .5 um air unspecif ied Part iculat es, < 2 .5 um 8 .68 E-05 kg communicat ion), 1 3.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,27)
f ract io n
Fig. 5.11 Flows for "anode, aluminium electrolysis" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
f luo rid e
EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
(g aseous) t o invent o ried as HF air unspecif ied Hydrog en f luo rid e 9 .00 E-05 kg 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
communicat ion)
po lycyclic
PA H, p olycyclic EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
aro mat ic HC t o wit ho ut B aP air unspecif ied 9 .48 E-05 kg 1 3.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,21)
aromat ic hydrocarbo ns communicat ion)
EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
NOx t o air air unspecif ied Nit ro gen o xides 1.9 0E-0 4 kg 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
communicat ion)
EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
SO2 t o air air unspecif ied Sulf ur dio xide 8.4 0E-0 4 kg 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,15)
communicat ion)
carb on mat erial EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
not invent o ried 2 .65E-0 2 kg
f o r recycling communicat ion)
Fig. 5.11 Flows for "anode, aluminium electrolysis" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Fig. 5.12 Flows for "anode, plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Carb on b locks
generic dat a f rom Ecoinvent 20 00 hard coal f uels No RER hard co al coke, at plant 1.29 E+0 1 M J EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
[ kg ]
Transpo rt of
carb on b locks t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
Transpo rt by road ro ad No RER t ransp ort , lo rry 32 t 1.29 E+0 0 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
t o elect rolysis cathode, aluminium electrolysis; Inputs part 1 syst ems A .,5)
plant [ t km]
Transpo rt of
carb on b locks t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
Transpo rt by rail t rain No RER t ransp ort , f reig ht , rail 2.58 E+0 0 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
t o elect rolysis syst ems A .,5)
plant [ t km]
cast iron f or
EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
elect rical met als ext ract io n No RER cast iro n, at p lant 4.4 4E-0 2 kg 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
communicat ion)
cont act s [ kg]
Transpo rt of
iro n t o t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
Transpo rt by road ro ad No RER t ransp ort , lo rry 32 t 4.4 4E-0 3 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
elect rolysis syst ems A .,5)
plant [ t km]
Transpo rt of
iro n t o t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
Transpo rt by rail t rain No RER t ransp ort , f reig ht , rail 8.8 9E-0 3 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
elect rolysis syst ems A .,5)
plant [ t km]
Ref ract o ry const ruct ion ref ract o ry, f ireclay, EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
bricks No DE 4 .78E-0 1 kg 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
mat erials [ kg ] mat erials p acked, at plant communicat ion)
Transpo rt of
ref ract ory
t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
mat erials t o Transpo rt by road ro ad No RER t ransp ort , lo rry 32 t 4 .78E-0 2 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
syst ems A .,5)
elect rolysis
plant [ t km]
Transpo rt of
ref ract ory
t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
mat erials t o Transpo rt by rail t rain No RER t ransp ort , f reig ht , rail 9.57E-0 2 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
syst ems A .,5)
elect rolysis
plant [ t km]
Collar/ ramming EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
invent o ried as bit umen oil f uels No RER b it umen, at ref inery 1.9 4E-0 1 kg 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
past e [ kg ] communicat ion)
Transpo rt of
past e t o t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
Transpo rt by road ro ad No RER t ransp ort , lo rry 32 t 1.9 4E-0 2 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
elect rolysis syst ems A .,5)
p lant [ t km]
Transpo rt of
past e t o t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
Transpo rt by rail t rain No RER t ransp ort , f reig ht , rail 3.8 9E-0 2 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
elect rolysis syst ems A .,5)
plant [ t km]
Fig. 5.13 Flows for "cathode, aluminium electrolysis" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Fig. 5.13 Flows for "cathode, aluminium electrolysis" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
wast e heat f rom elect ricit y use air unspecif ied Heat , wast e 8.0 1E-0 1 M J calculat ed 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,13 )
emissions o f
cat ho de EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
invent o ried wit h elect ro lysis
prod uct io n communicat ion)
cathode, aluminium electrolysis;
(CO2 , CO,
SOx, ...) ??
A l2O3 resid ue EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
reuse --> no t invent oried 2.2 1E-0 2 kg
[ kg ] communicat ion)
d ispo sal, ref ract ory
So lid wast e
wast e resid ual SPL, A l elec.lysis, 0 % EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
unspecif ied t o landf ill (co nt rolled ) No CH 5.52E-0 3 kg 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
management mat erial landf ill wat er, t o residual communicat ion)
[ kg ]
mat erial land f ill
d ispo sal, ref ract ory
Fig. 5.13 Flows for "cathode, aluminium electrolysis" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
A luminium
aluminium o xid e, at
o xid e, at p lant chemicals ino rg anics No RER 1.9 2 E+0 0 kg EA A 2 0 0 0 (p . 4 9 ) 1 1.0 8 (1,1,2 ,1,1,3 ,3 )
p lant
[ kg ]
Transp o rt o f EA A 2 0 0 0 (p . 50 ) /
A l2 O3 f ro m t ransp o rt t ransp o rt , t ranso ceanic p erso nal
Transp o rt b y ship (o cean) ship No OCE 3 .74 E+0 0 t km 1 2 .0 0 (1,1,2 ,1,1,3 ,5)
p lant t o p lant syst ems f reig ht ship co mmunicat io n B . d e
[ t km] Gelas, EA A
aluminium, primary, liquid, at plant; part 1
Transp o rt o f EA A 2 0 0 0 (p . 50 ) /
A l2 O3 f ro m t ransp o rt p erso nal
Transp o rt b y ship (co st al) ship No RER t ransp o rt , b arg e 2 .0 4 E-0 1 t km 1 2 .0 0 (1,1,2 ,1,1,3 ,5)
p lant t o p lant syst ems co mmunicat io n B . d e
[ t km] Gelas, EA A
Transp o rt o f EA A 2 0 0 0 (p . 50 ) /
A l2 O3 f ro m t ransp o rt p erso nal
Transp o rt b y Ro ad ro ad No RER t ransp o rt , lo rry 3 2 t 1.50 E-0 2 t km 1 2 .0 0 (1,1,2 ,1,1,3 ,5)
p lant t o p lant syst ems co mmunicat io n B . d e
[ t km] Gelas, EA A
Transp o rt o f EA A 2 0 0 0 (p . 50 ) /
A l2 O3 f ro m t ransp o rt p erso nal
Transp o rt b y Rail t rain No RER t ransp o rt , f reig ht , rail 4 .2 0 E-0 2 t km 1 2 .0 0 (1,1,2 ,1,1,3 ,5)
p lant t o p lant syst ems co mmunicat io n B . d e
[ t km] Gelas, EA A
A no d e f o r
ano d e, aluminium
A luminium met als ext ract io n No RER 4 .4 8 E-0 1 kg EA A 2 0 0 0 (p . 4 9 ) 1 1.0 8 (1,1,2 ,1,1,3 ,4 )
elect ro lysis
elect ro lysis [ kg ]
Transp o rt o f
ano d e t o t ransp o rt t ransp o rt , t ranso ceanic EA A 2 0 0 1 (p ers.
Transp o rt b y ship (o cean) ship No OCE 6 .4 0 E-0 2 t km 1 2 .0 0 (1,1,2 ,1,1,3 ,5)
elect ro lysis syst ems f reig ht ship co mmunicat io n)
p lant [ t km]
Transp o rt o f
ano d e t o t ransp o rt EA A 2 0 0 1 (p ers.
Transp o rt b y ship (co st al) ship No RER t ransp o rt , b arg e 2 .6 4 E-0 2 t km 1 2 .0 0 (1,1,2 ,1,1,3 ,5)
elect ro lysis syst ems co mmunicat io n)
p lant [ t km]
Transp o rt o f
ano d e t o t ransp o rt EA A 2 0 0 1 (p ers.
Transp o rt b y Ro ad ro ad No RER t ransp o rt , lo rry 3 2 t 1.6 1E-0 2 t km 1 2 .0 0 (1,1,2 ,1,1,3 ,5)
elect ro lysis syst ems co mmunicat io n)
p lant [ t km]
Transp o rt o f
ano d e t o t ransp o rt EA A 2 0 0 1 (p ers.
Transp o rt b y Rail t rain No RER t ransp o rt , f reig ht , rail 1.6 1E-0 2 t km 1 2 .0 0 (1,1,2 ,1,1,3 ,5)
elect ro lysis syst ems co mmunicat io n)
p lant [ t km]
Cat ho d e f o r
cat ho d e, aluminium
A luminium met als ext ract io n No RER 1.8 1E-0 2 kg EA A 2 0 0 0 1 1.0 8 (1,1,2 ,1,1,3 ,4 )
elect ro lysis
elect ro lysis [ kg ]
Cryo lit e [ kg ] g eneric d at a f ro m Eco invent 2 0 0 0 chemicals ino rg anics No RER cryo lit e, at p lant 1.6 0 E-0 3 kg EA A 2 0 0 0 1 1.0 8 (1,1,2 ,1,1,3 ,4 )
Fig. 5.14 Flows for " aluminium, primary, liquid, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Transport of
cryolite to transport transport, lorry >16t, (4,5,n.A.,n.A.,n.A.,n.
Transport by Road road No RER 1.60E-04 tkm standard distance 1 2.09
electrolysis plant systems fleet average A.,5)
[tkm] aluminium, primary, liquid, at plant; part 2
Transport of
cryolite to transport (4,5,n.A.,n.A.,n.A.,n.
Transport by Rail train No RER transport, freight, rail 3.20E-04 tkm standard distance 1 2.09
electrolysis plant systems A.,5)
Aluminium aluminium fluoride, at
metals extraction No RER 1.87E-02 kg EAA 2000 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3,4)
fluoride [kg] plant
Transport of AlF3
transport transport, lorry >16t, (4,5,n.A.,n.A.,n.A.,n.
to electrolysis Transport by Road road No RER 1.87E-03 tkm standard distance 1 2.09
systems fleet average A.,5)
plant [tkm]
Transport of AlF3
transport (4,5,n.A.,n.A.,n.A.,n.
to electrolysis Transport by Rail train No RER transport, freight, rail 3.74E-03 tkm standard distance 1 2.09
systems A.,5)
plant [tkm]
heat, natural gas, at
General heat
natural gas heating systems No RER industrial furnace 8.40E-02 MJ EAA 2000 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3,1)
from natural gas
General heat heat, light fuel oil, at
oil heating systems No CH 8.90E-02 MJ EAA 2000 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3,1)
from oil industrial furnace 1MW
waste heat from electricity use air unspecified Heat, waste 5.60E+01 MJ calculated 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3,13)
BaP (Benzo-a- EAA 2001 (pers.
air unspecified Benzo(a)pyrene 1.30E-06 kg 1 3.00 (1,1,2,1,1,3,21)
Pyrene) to air communication)
Methane, tetrafluoro-, R- EAA 2001 (pers.
CF4 90% of polyfluorinated carbon air unspecified 2.52E-04 kg 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3,31)
14 communication)
Ethane, hexafluoro-, EAA 2001 (pers.
C2F6 10% of polyfluorinated carbon air unspecified 2.80E-05 kg 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3,31)
HFC-116 communication)
EAA 2001 (pers.
CO to air air unspecified Carbon monoxide, fossil 9.17E-02 kg 1 5.01 (1,1,2,1,1,3,17)
Fig. 5.14 Flows for " aluminium, primary, liquid, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
CO2 t o air air unspecif ied Carbo n dio xide, f ossil 1.50 E+0 0 kg 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,24 )
communicat ion)
part icules t hat are not ret ained b y
EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
Dust t o air t he cyclo ne --> Part icule size < 2 .5 air unspecif ied Part iculat es, < 2 .5 um 2.6 1E-0 3 kg 1 3.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,20 )
communicat ion)
aluminium, primary, liquid, at plant; part 3 um
f luo rid e
EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
(g aseous) t o invent o ried as HF air unspecif ied Hydrog en f luo rid e 5.3 9E-0 4 kg 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
communicat ion)
f luo rid e (no n Part iculat es, > 2 .5 um, EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
invent o ried as part iculat e emission air unspecif ied 6.0 9E-0 4 kg 1 2.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,26 )
gaseo us) t o air and < 10 um communicat ion)
po lycyclic
PA H, p olycyclic EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
aro mat ic HC t o wit ho ut B aP air unspecif ied 4 .57E-05 kg 1 3.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,21)
aromat ic hydrocarbo ns communicat ion)
EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
NOx t o air air unspecif ied Nit ro gen o xides 6 .39 E-05 kg 1 1.4 1 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,29 )
communicat ion)
EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
SO2 t o air air unspecif ied Sulf ur dio xide 8.8 3E-0 3 kg 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,15)
communicat ion)
Fig. 5.14 Flows for " aluminium, primary, liquid, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Land o ccup at io n
f o r b uild ing s
assump t io n: 8 0 % o f t o t al area is Occup at io n, ind ust rial
and o p en reso urce land 1.9 5E+0 7 m2 a est imat ed 1 1.54 (2 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,7)
b uilt up area, b uilt up
b auxit e st o rag e
t ransf o rmat io n
Transf o rmat io n, t o
t o b uild ing s and reso urce land 3 .9 0 E+0 5 m2 est imat ed 1 2 .0 3 (2 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,8 )
ind ust rial area, b uilt up
o p en b auxit e
st o rag e area
Land o ccup at io n
assump t io n: 2 0 % o f t o t al area is Occup at io n, ind ust rial
aluminium electrolysis, plant
f o r veg et at io n reso urce land 4 .8 8 E+0 6 m2 a est imat ed 1 1.54 (2 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,7)
veg et at io n area, veg et at io n
Transf o rmat io n, t o
t ransf o rmat io n
reso urce land ind ust rial area, 9 .76 E+0 4 m2 est imat ed 1 2 .0 3 (2 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,8 )
t o veg et at io n
veg et at io n
B uild ing , mult i co nst ruct io n
b uild ing s Y es RER b uild ing , mult i-st o rey 2 .50 E+0 4 m3 est imat ed 1 3 .0 4 (3 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9 )
st o ry p ro cesses
co nst ruct io n
B uild ing , hall b uild ing s Y es CH b uild ing , hall 1.9 7E+0 4 m2 est imat ed 1 3 .0 4 (3 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9 )
p ro cesses
co ncret e in
co nst ruct io n co ncret e, no rmal, at
reinf o rced co ncret e No CH 1.0 9 E+0 3 m3 est imat ed 1 3 .0 4 (3 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9 )
mat erials p lant
co ncret e
st eel in
reinf o rcing st eel, at
reinf o rced met als ext ract io n No RER 7.56 E+0 5 kg est imat ed 1 3 .0 4 (3 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9 )
p lant
co ncret e
Ind ust rial machine,
heavy machine, co nst ruct io n
machinery Y es RER heavy, unsp ecif ied , at 2 .0 0 E+0 5 kg est imat ed 1 3 .0 4 (3 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9 )
unsp ecif ic p ro cesses
p lant
Po o r co ncret e co ncret e, so le p lat e
co nst ruct io n
f o r ad d it io nal co ncret e No CH and f o und at io n, at 9 .0 9 E+0 1 m3 est imat ed 1 3 .0 4 (3 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9 )
mat erials
f o und at io n p lant
co nst ruct io n
Co nveyo r b elt machinery Y es RER co nveyo r b elt , at p lant 1.8 0 E+0 3 m est imat ed 1 3 .0 4 (3 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9 )
p ro cesses
St eel lo w st eel, lo w-allo yed , at
met als ext ract io n No RER 8 .57E+0 5 kg est imat ed 1 3 .0 4 (3 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9 )
allo yed p lant
reinf o rced d isp o sal, b uild ing ,
wast e b uild ing
co ncret e t o No CH reinf o rced co ncret e, t o 3 .16 E+0 6 kg est imat ed 1 3 .0 4 (3 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9 )
manag ement d emo lit io n
d isp o sal f inal d isp o sal
d isp o sal, b uild ing ,
f o und at io n
wast e b uild ing co ncret e, no t
co ncret e t o No CH 2 .0 0 E+0 5 kg est imat ed 1 3 .0 4 (3 ,4 ,1,1,1,4 ,9 )
manag ement d emo lit io n reinf o rced , t o f inal
d isp o sal
d isp o sal
Out p ut : 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 kg / a, lif e t ime: aluminium elect ro lysis,
elect ro lysis met als ext ract io n Y es RER 1.0 0 E+0 0 unit
50 a p lant
p lant
Fig. 5.15 Flows for "aluminium electrolysis, plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
M ineral / EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
chemicals organics No MY crude palm oil, at p lant 8.00E-0 5 kg 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3,4)
veget al oils [ kg] co mmunicat ion)
Fig. 5.16 Flows for "aluminium, primary, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
wast e heat f rom elect ricit y use air unspecif ied Heat , wast e 5.76E-0 2 M J calculat ed 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,13 )
f luo rid e
aluminium, primary, at plant;
EA A 2 00 1 (pers.
(g aseous) t o invent o ried as HF air unspecif ied Hydrog en f luo rid e 3.0 0E-0 6 kg 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
communicat ion)
Fig. 5.16 Flows for "aluminium, primary, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
aluminium casting, plant
Fig. 5.17 Flows for "aluminium casting, plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
5.4.2 Emissions
If new scrap is clean and uncoated no emissions arise from cleaning or de-coating. Melting and alloy-
ing of new scrap emits HCl and chlorides. Old scrap preparation leads to dust and also HCl and chlo-
ride emission. Melting and alloying of old scrap leads to dust and different inorganic emissions.
The size fractions of the dust emissions are derived by the medium level emissions in cepmeip emis-
sion factor database 14 .
There are no reports of direct water emissions from these processes. The preparation of old scrap how-
ever is expected to emit certain substances to water.
5.4.3 Waste
New scrap production waste
In the preparation of uncoated new scrap no waste is generated.
Aluminium from new scrap production waste
The secondary aluminium production from new scrap generates only some refractory material waste
which is inert and deposited in landfills.
Old scrap production waste
The preparation of old scrap generates different waste fractions:
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/em_factors_results.php?, accessed 08.01.03
- No composition data could be found for ball mill dust, waste filter materials and waste sediments.
All the fractions are assumed to consist mainly of organic coatings of the scrap and to a lower ex-
tent of aluminium oxide. Deposition as hazardous waste in an underground deposit is assumed.
- Filter dust composition is assumed to be the same as in the electrolysis process (see Tab. 5.9).
Disposal in a residual material landfill is assumed.
Aluminium from old scrap processing waste
The secondary aluminium production from old scrap also generates "ball mill dust" and "filter dust".
These wastes are treated as the respective wastes from the old scrap production.
The other background information to the processes are given in, flows are shown in Tab. 5.16:
Tab. 5.16 Meta information for the secondary aluminium production processes
aluminium, secondary,
Name aluminium scrap, new, from new scrap, at aluminium melting
at plant plant furnace
Location RER RER RER
Infrastructure Process 0 0 1
Unit kg kg unit
Data Set Version 2.0 2.0 2.0
Production hall and ma-
chinery (including dis-
posal). Does not include
Included Processes
Includes only transports of Melting, alloying and cast- administrative buildings
new scrap to secondary ing of new scrap to secon- because they are included
aluminium production. dary aluminium billets. in casting plant.
Amount 1 1 1
Aluminiumschrott, neu, ab Aluminium, sekundär, aus
Local Name
Werk neuem Schrott, ab Werk Aluminium Schmelzofen
Medium sized plant. Out-
It is assumed that the new put: 10'000 t/a, life time: 50
General Comment to
scrap is not coated and years. Assumption is
reference function
can be used without treat- based on data for casting
ment. plant.
Start Date 1995 1995 2002
End Date 2002 2002 2002
Data Valid For Entire
Period 1 1 1
Some Swiss datasets are Some Swiss datasets are Some Swiss datasets are
Geography text used for European proc- used for European proc- used for European proc-
esses. esses. esses.
Average technology for the Average technology for the
Technology text aluminium recycled in aluminium recycled in
Europe Europe Assumed technology
Representativeness [%]
Production Volume unknown unknown unknown
Sampling Procedure Literature / Survey Literature / Survey Internet search
Extrapolations see Geography see Geography see Geography
Uncertainty is adjusted for Uncertainty is adjusted for Uncertainty is adjusted for
geographical mismatch geographical mismatch geographical mismatch
Uncertainty Adjustments
(using the pedigree ma- (using the pedigree ma- (using the pedigree ma-
trix). trix). trix).
Tab. 5.16 Meta information for the secondary aluminium production processes (cont.)
aluminium, secondary,
Name aluminium scrap, old, scrap preparation from old scrap, at
at plant plant plant
Location RER RER RER
Infrastructure Process 0 1 0
Unit kg unit kg
Data Set Version 2.0 2.0 2.0
Collecting, sorting and
preparing (cleaning, press- Production hall, machinery Melting, alloying and cast-
Included Processes
ing...) of post consumer and administrative build- ing of old scrap to secon-
aluminium scrap ings (including disposal) dary aluminium billets.
Amount 1 1 1
Aluminiumschrott, alt, ab Aluminium, sekundär, aus
Local Name
Werk Sortieranlage Schrott altem Schrott, ab Werk
Synonyms post consumer aluminium
Medium sized plant. Out-
put: 10'000 t/a, life time: 50
General Comment to
years. Assumption is
reference function
based on data for casting
Start Date 2002 2002 1995
End Date 2002 2002 2002
Data Valid For Entire
Period 1 1 1
Some Swiss datasets are Some Swiss datasets are Some Swiss datasets are
Geography text used for European proc- used for European proc- used for European proc-
esses. esses. esses.
Average technology for the Average technology for the
Technology text aluminium recycled in aluminium recycled in
Europe Assumed technology Europe
Representativeness [%]
Production Volume unknown unknown unknown
Sampling Procedure Literature / Survey Internet search Literature / Survey
Extrapolations see Geography see Geography see Geography
Uncertainty is adjusted for Uncertainty is adjusted for Uncertainty is adjusted for
geographical mismatch geographical mismatch geographical mismatch
Uncertainty Adjustments
(using the pedigree ma- (using the pedigree ma- (using the pedigree ma-
trix). trix). trix).
Data quality
Data for the steps in the secondary aluminium production are of satisfactory overall quality. The val-
ues for the smelting processes stem from a recent and comprehensive source. The proxies chosen to
represent the alloying elements in ecoinvent however are decreasing the overall quality. The collection
of the scrap and the infrastructure are roughly estimated. The infrastructure is of minor importance
compared to the other activities but the transports (scrap collection) could have a noticeable impact.
at plant
Transpo rt of t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
ro ad: 100 km ro ad No RER t ransp ort , lo rry 32 t 1.0 0E-0 1 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
input s t o plant syst ems A .,5)
Transpo rt of t ranspo rt (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.
rail: 2 00 km t rain No RER t ransp ort , f reig ht , rail 2.0 0E-0 1 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
input s t o plant syst ems A .,5)
aluminium aluminium scrap, new,
met als ext ract io n No RER 1.00 E+0 0 kg
scrap , new at plant
Fig. 5.18 Flows for "aluminium scrap, new, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
scrap at plant
new scrap, at plant; part 1
A lloying
element s (pure Silico n as proxy met als ext ract io n No NO M G-silicon, at plant 1.14E-0 2 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.22 (1,1,2,1,3,3 ,4)
f o rm)
A lloying
co pp er, at reg ional
element s Cop per as proxy met als ext ract io n No RER 1.0 4E-0 2 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.22 (1,1,2,1,3,3 ,4)
st orage
(mast er allo ys)
elect ricit y, medium
elect ricit y elect ricit y prod uct io n mix No UCTE vo lt ag e, prod uct io n 1.74E-0 1 kW h EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,2)
UCTE, at grid
heat , nat ural gas, at
Thermal energ y heat ing
nat ural gas No RER b oiler mod ulat ing 3 .04 E+0 0 M J EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,1)
f rom g as syst ems
>100 kW
Thermal energ y
heat ing heat , heavy f uel o il, at
f rom heavy f uel oil No RER 7.0 0E-0 2 M J EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,1)
syst ems ind ust rial f urnace 1M W
Thermal energ y
heat ing heat , light f uel o il, at
f rom lig ht f uel oil No CH 3.3 2E-0 3 M J EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,1)
syst ems ind ust rial f urnace 1M W
Fig. 5.19 Flows for "aluminium, secondary, from new scrap, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
W at er, co oling ,
Coo ling wat er reso urce in wat er unsp ecif ied nat ural 7.8 0E-0 2 m3 EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
o rig in
arg on 1.6 64 kg/ m3 chemicals inorganics No RER argo n, liquid , at p lant 2 .50E-0 3 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
aluminium, secondary, from new
chlorine 3.2 14 kg/ m3 chemicals inorganics No RER p ro duct ion mix, at 3 .86 E-05 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
p lant
so dium chlo rid e,
salt chemicals inorganics No RER 8.9 0E-0 4 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
p owd er, at plant
const ruct ion ref ract o ry, f ireclay,
ref ract ories bricks No DE 1.4 0E-0 3 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,4)
mat erials p acked, at plant
Inf rast ruct ure aluminium melt ing (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
met als ext ract io n Y es RER 2.0 0E-0 9 unit est imat ed 1 3.2 3
melt ing f urnace n.A .,9 ); roug h guess
Inf rast ruct ure aluminium cast ing, (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
met als ext ract io n Y es RER 1.54E-10 unit est imat ed 1 3.2 3
cast ing p lant n.A .,9 ); roug h guess
HCl air unspecif ied Hydrog en chloride 3 .30 E-05 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
Halog enat ed
chlorides air unspecif ied hyd ro carb ons, 3.9 0E-0 6 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
chlo rinat ed
d ispo sal, inert wast e,
non hazardo us wast e inert mat erial
No CH 5% wat er, t o inert 1.50E-0 3 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
wast e management landf ill
mat erial land f ill
skimmings t o recycling --> not invent o ried 3 .27E-0 2 kg EA A 2 00 0
second ary aluminium, seco ndary,
aluminium f rom met als ext ract io n No RER f ro m new scrap , at 1.00 E+0 0 kg
new scrap p lant
Fig. 5.19 Flows for "aluminium, secondary, from new scrap, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
t ransf o rmat ion
Transf ormat io n, t o (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
t o build ings and reso urce land 3 .00 E+0 4 m2 est imat ed 1 2.2 3
ind ust rial area, b uilt up n.A .,8 )
op en bauxit e
st o rag e area
Fig. 5.20 Flows for "aluminium melting furnace" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
t rain No RER t ransp ort , f reig ht , rail 2.4 6E-0 1 t km st and ard dist ance 1 2.0 9
input s t o plant km syst ems A .,5)
elect ricit y, medium
elect rical elect ricit y prod uct io n mix No UCTE vo lt ag e, prod uct io n 6.4 0E-0 2 kW h EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,2)
UCTE, at grid
t hermal f rom heat ing heat , heavy f uel o il, at
oil No RER 1.6 6E-0 1 M J EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,1)
heavy f uel o il syst ems ind ust rial f urnace 1M W
Inf rast ruct ure Out p ut : 100 00 00 0 kg / a, lif e t ime: scrap p rep arat ion (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
met als ext ract io n Y es RER 2.0 0E-0 9 unit est imat ed 1 3.2 3
(p lant ) [ p iece] 50 a p lant n.A .,9 ); roug h guess
Halog enat ed
chloride-gas in
air unspecif ied hyd ro carb ons, 4 .60 E-07 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
chlo rinat ed
t o t al d ust : 0 .00 00 29 , 32 % <2 .5 um, EA A 2 00 0 /
dust air unspecif ied Part iculat es, > 10 um 9.2 8E-0 6 kg 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,25)
48 % >2 .5<10 um, 20 % > 10 um cepmeip
Part iculat es, > 2 .5 um, EA A 2 00 0 /
dust air unspecif ied 1.39 E-05 kg 1 2.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,26 )
and < 10 um cepmeip
EA A 2 00 0 /
dust air unspecif ied Part iculat es, < 2 .5 um 5.8 0E-0 6 kg 1 3.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,27)
Fig. 5.21 Flows for "aluminium scrap, old, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
HCl(hydrog en
air unspecif ied Hydrog en chloride 1.10 E-05 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
d ispo sal, hazard ous
wast e underground
oil (wast e) No DE wast e, 0% wat er, t o 2.6 0E-0 3 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
management dep osit
und erg ro und d epo sit
d ispo sal, hazard ous
ball mill d ust comp osit ion unkno wn, hazard ous wast e underground
No DE wast e, 0% wat er, t o 4.8 1E-0 2 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
(wast e) wast e d epo sit io n assumed management dep osit
und erg ro und d epo sit
aluminium scrap, old, at plant; part 2
by-prod uct : A l-
t o ot her use --> no t invent oried 8.3 0E-0 4 kg EA A 2 00 0
by-prod uct :
t o ot her use --> no t invent oried 9 .52E-0 3 kg EA A 2 00 0
iro n scrap
d ispo sal, inert wast e,
wast e inert mat erial
dirt No CH 5% wat er, t o inert 1.87E-0 3 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
management landf ill
mat erial land f ill
d ispo sal, f ilt er d ust A l
comp osit ion and t reat ment as f ilt er wast e resid ual elect ro lysis, 0% wat er,
f ilt er d ust No CH 3.2 8E-0 3 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
dust of elect rolysis management mat erial landf ill t o residual mat erial
land f ill
d ispo sal, inert wast e,
ref ract ory wast e inert mat erial
No CH 5% wat er, t o inert 8.70 E-05 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
wast e management landf ill
mat erial land f ill
d ispo sal, rub ber,
wast e municipal unsp ecif ied , 0% wat er,
rub ber No CH 2.3 6E-0 2 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
management incinerat ion t o municip al
incinerat io n
d ispo sal, municipal
solid wast e - wast e municipal so lid wast e, 22 .9%
No CH 3.2 3E-0 3 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
unspecif ied management incinerat ion wat er, t o municip al
incinerat io n
d ispo sal, inert wast e,
wast e inert mat erial
st o nes No CH 5% wat er, t o inert 4.16E-0 3 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
management landf ill
mat erial land f ill
d ispo sal, hazard ous
wast e f ilt er comp osit ion unkno wn, hazard ous wast e underground
No DE wast e, 0% wat er, t o 4.4 0E-0 6 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
mat erial wast e d epo sit io n assumed management dep osit
und erg ro und d epo sit
d ispo sal, hazard ous
comp osit ion unkno wn, hazard ous wast e underground
wast e sed iment No DE wast e, 0% wat er, t o 3.3 3E-0 3 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
wast e d epo sit io n assumed management dep osit
und erg ro und d epo sit
Non f ero us
t o ot her use --> no t invent oried 4.0 4E-0 2 kg EA A 2 00 0
met al scrap
aluminium aluminium scrap, o ld, at
met als ext ract io n No RER 1.00 E+0 0 kg
scrap , old p lant
Fig. 5.21 Flows for "aluminium scrap, old, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Inf rast ruct ure aluminium cast ing , (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
met als ext ract io n Y es RER 1.54 E-10 unit est imat ed 1 3 .2 3
cast ing p lant n.A .,9 ); ro ug h g uess
Fig. 5.22 Flows for "aluminium, secondary, from old scrap, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
ammonia (
emissions t o air air unspecif ied A mmo nia 2 .00 E-05 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
NH3 )
Halog enat ed
chloride-gas in
air unspecif ied hyd ro carb ons, 5.00 E-05 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
chlo rinat ed
aluminium, secondary, from old scrap, at plant;
chlorine-g as in
air unspecif ied Chlo rine 4 .90 E-07 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
t o t al d ust : 0 .00 00 24 , 32 % <2 .5 um, EA A 2 00 0 /
dust air unspecif ied Part iculat es, > 10 um 7.68 E-07 kg 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,25)
48 % >2 .5<10 um, 20 % > 10 um cepmeip
Part iculat es, > 2 .5 um, EA A 2 00 0 /
dust air unspecif ied 1.15E-0 6 kg 1 2.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,26 )
and < 10 um cepmeip
EA A 2 00 0 /
dust air unspecif ied Part iculat es, < 2 .5 um 4 .80 E-07 kg 1 3.0 0 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,27)
H2 S (hydrog en
air unspecif ied Hydrog en sulf id e 2.8 0E-0 6 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
sulphid e)
HCl(hydrog en
air unspecif ied Hydrog en chloride 4.10E-0 6 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
HF (hyd ro gen
air unspecif ied Hydrog en f luo rid e 3 .50E-0 6 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.51 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,31)
f luo rid e)
pho sphine Pho spho rus as p ro xy air unspecif ied Phosp horus 5.20 E-07 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
d ispo sal, hazard ous
comp osit ion unkno wn, hazard ous wast e underground
ball mill d ust No DE wast e, 0% wat er, t o 1.45E-0 2 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
wast e d epo sit io n assumed management dep osit
und erg ro und d epo sit
by-prod uct :
not invent o ried 2.18E-0 3 kg EA A 2 00 0
iro n scrap
d ispo sal, f ilt er d ust A l
wast e resid ual elect ro lysis, 0% wat er,
f ilt er d ust No CH 9.6 3E-0 3 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
management mat erial landf ill t o residual mat erial
land f ill
d ispo sal, inert wast e,
ref ract ory wast e inert mat erial
No CH 5% wat er, t o inert 2.0 2E-0 3 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
wast e management landf ill
mat erial land f ill
d ispo sal, municipal
solid wast e - wast e municipal so lid wast e, 22 .9%
No CH 8 .00 E-05 kg EA A 2 00 0 1 1.08 (1,1,2,1,1,3 ,6)
unspecif ied management incinerat ion wat er, t o municip al
incinerat io n
A luminium
not invent o ried 1.19E-0 1 kg EA A 2 00 0
oxid e
second ary aluminium, seco ndary,
aluminium f rom met als ext ract io n No RER f ro m old scrap , at 1.00 E+0 0 kg
old scrap p lant
Fig. 5.22 Flows for "aluminium, secondary, from old scrap, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Transf o rmat ion, t o
t ransf o rmat io n (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
reso urce land ind ust rial area, 7.51E+0 3 m2 est imat ed 1 2 .2 3
t o veg et at io n n.A .,8 )
veg et at io n
B uild ing , mult i co nst ruct io n (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
b uild ing s Y es RER b uild ing , mult i-st o rey 2 .50 E+0 4 m3 est imat ed 1 3 .2 3
st o ry p ro cesses n.A .,9 )
co nst ruct io n (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
B uild ing , hall b uild ing s Y es CH b uild ing , hall 1.6 7E+0 3 m2 est imat ed 1 3 .2 3
p ro cesses n.A .,9 )
co ncret e in
co nst ruct io n co ncret e, no rmal, at (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
reinf o rced co ncret e No CH 1.9 1E+0 1 m3 est imat ed 1 3 .2 3
mat erials p lant n.A .,9 )
co ncret e
st eel in
reinf o rcing st eel, at (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
reinf o rced met als ext ract io n No RER 1.3 2 E+0 4 kg est imat ed 1 3 .2 3
p lant n.A .,9 )
co ncret e
Ind ust rial machine,
heavy machine, co nst ruct io n (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
machinery Y es RER heavy, unsp ecif ied , at 1.54 E+0 5 kg est imat ed 1 3 .2 3
unsp ecif ic p ro cesses n.A .,9 )
p lant
Po o r co ncret e co ncret e, so le p lat e
co nst ruct io n (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
f o r ad d it io nal co ncret e No CH and f o und at io n, at 6 .9 9 E+0 1 m3 est imat ed 1 3 .2 3
mat erials n.A .,9 )
f o und at io n p lant
co nst ruct io n (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
Conveyo r belt machinery Y es RER co nveyo r b elt , at p lant 2.0 0 E+0 2 m est imat ed 1 3 .2 3
p ro cesses n.A .,9 )
reinf o rced d isp o sal, b uild ing ,
wast e b uild ing (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
co ncret e t o No CH reinf o rced co ncret e, t o 5.53 E+0 4 kg est imat ed 1 3 .2 3
manag ement d emo lit io n n.A .,9 )
d isp o sal f inal d isp osal
d isp o sal, b uild ing ,
f o und at io n
wast e b uild ing co ncret e, no t (5,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,n.A .,
co ncret e t o No CH 1.54 E+0 5 kg est imat ed 1 3 .2 3
manag ement d emo lit io n reinf o rced , t o f inal n.A .,9 )
d isp o sal
d isp o sal
Out p ut : 10 0 00 0 0 0 kg/ a, lif e t ime: scrap p rep arat io n
p rep arat io n met als ext ract io n Y es RER 1.0 0 E+0 0 unit
50 a p lant
p lant
Fig. 5.23 Flows for "scrap preparation plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Tab. 5.17 Production mix of "average" aluminium alloys
Data quality
The shares are estimates. Nevertheless they are believed to give a good representation of the overall
Dr. G. Rombach, Project manager Recycling, Hydro Aluminium Deutschland GmbH. Personal communication, 1.10.2002
Dr. G. Ro mb ach,
Project manager
Fig. 5.24 Flows for "aluminium, production mix, cast alloy, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Dr. G. Ro mb ach,
Project manager
mix, wrought alloy, at
aluminium, production
Recycling, Hyd ro
p rimary aluminium, p rimary, at A luminium
met als ext ract io n No RER 9.0 0 E-0 1 kg 1 1.2 4 (3 ,1,1,1,1,5,4)
aluminium p lant Deut schland Gmb H.
co mmunicat ion,
1.10.20 0 2
seco nd ary aluminium, second ary,
aluminium f ro m met als ext ract io n No RER f rom new scrap, at 1.00 E-0 1 kg 1 1.2 4 (3 ,1,1,1,1,5,4)
new scrap p lant
aluminium mix aluminium, p ro duct io n
f o r wroug ht met als ext ract io n No RER mix, wro ug ht allo y, at 1.0 0E+00 kg
alloy p lant
Fig. 5.25 Flows for "aluminium, production mix, wrought alloy, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Dr. G. Ro mbach,
Project manager
Recycling, Hydro
aluminium, production
communicat ion,
1.10.2 00 2
second ary aluminium, seco ndary,
aluminium f rom met als ext ract io n No RER f ro m old scrap , at 1.0 4E-0 1 kg 1 1.24 (3,1,1,1,1,5,4 )
old scrap p lant
second ary aluminium, seco ndary,
aluminium f rom met als ext ract io n No RER f ro m new scrap , at 2.16E-0 1 kg 1 1.24 (3,1,1,1,1,5,4 )
new scrap p lant
aluminium, p ro duct ion
aluminium mix met als ext ract io n No RER 1.00 E+0 0 kg
mix, at plant
Fig. 5.26 Flows for "aluminium, production mix, at plant" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
6 Literature
Althaus et al. (2004) Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Classen M. and Jungbluth N. (2004) Life Cycle Inven-
tories of Metals. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss
Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under:
Altundogan et al. (2002) Altundogan H. S., Altundogan S., Tümen F. and Bildik M. (2002) Arsenic ad-
sorption from aqueous solutions by activated red mud. In: Waste Management,
22, pp. 357-363, Online-Version under: http://www.environmental-center.com/
Anonymous (2001) Anonymous (2001) Local Vegetable Fibres + Industrial and Mineral Wastes for
Composite Materials. Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council
BMTPC of the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, New
Delhi. Online-Version under: http://www.bmtpc.org/fibre.pdf.
Doka (2003) Doka G. (2003) Life Cycle Inventories of Waste Treatment Services. Final re-
port ecoinvent 2000 No. 13. EMPA St. Gallen, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle In-
ventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: http://www.ecoinvent.ch.
EAA (2000) EAA (2000) Environmental Profile Report for the European Aluminium Indus-
try. European Aluminium Association (EAA), Brussels.
Frischknecht et al. (2006) Frischknecht R., Althaus H.-J., Bauer C., Capello C., Doka G., Dones R.,
Faist Emmenegger M., Hischier R., Jungbluth N., Kellenberger D., Margni M.,
Nemecek T. and Spielmann M. (2006) Documentation of changes implemented
in ecoinvent Data v1.2 and v1.3. ecoinvent report No. 16. EMPA Dübendorf,
Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH.
Hudson et al. (1997) Hudson L. K., Misra C. and Wefers K. (1997) Aluminium Oxide. In: Ullmann's
encyclopedia of industrial chemistry (ed. Anonymous). 5th edition on CD-ROM
Edition. Wiley & Sons, London.
McLaughlin et al. (1998) McLaughlin M. J., Maier N. A., Correll R. L., Smart M. K. and Grant C. D.
(1998) In-situ immobilisation techniques to remediate cadmium-contaminated
agricultural soils. pp. 453-460 In: Contaminated Soil '98. Proceedings of the
Sixth International FZK/TNO, London. Online-Version under: http://www.sardi.
Mori & Adelhardt (1998) Mori G. and Adelhardt W. (1998) Stoffmengenflüsse und Energiebedarf bei der
Gewinnung ausgewählter mineralischer Rohstoffe; Teilstudie Aluminium. In:
Geologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. Sonderhefte SH 2. Bundesanstalt für Geowissen-
schaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover. ISBN 3-510-95824-1.
NPI (1999) NPI (1999) Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Alumina Refining. In:
National Pollutant Inventory. Environment Australia, Online-Version under:
Werner (2003) Werner F. (2003) Interdependencies Between LC-modelling And The Use Of
LCA In Product Design-related Decisions; With Special Emphasis On The In-
fluence Of Cognitive Models And Values On The Modelling Of Reuse & Recy-
cling And Other End-of-life Options. In: Diss. 14750. Eidg. Technische
Hochschule (ETH), Zürich.
Werner & Richter (2000) Werner F. and Richter K. (2000) Economic Allocation in LCA: A Case Study
About Aluminium Window Frames. In: International Journal for Life Cycle As-
sessment, 5(2), pp. 79-83.
Classen M., Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Tuchschmid M., Jungbluth N., Doka G., Faist
Emmenegger M. and Scharnhorst W. (2009) Life Cycle Inventories of Metals. Final re-
port ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inven-
tories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
Acknowledgement and Summary
The steel production is modelled for the European situation, primarily based on data from the description of the
current situation in the “Best Available Techniques Reference Document on the Production of Iron and Steel”
IPPC (2000) and on process descriptions.
The mining, beneficiation and partly the sinter and pellet production represent a world-wide situation primarily
based on Roth et al. (1999).
Some of the datasets described in this report make only sense in the context of the steel production and are there-
fore not intended for other uses.
The datasets to be chosen to represent iron or steel in a LCA study are either one of the primary (converter) steel
datasets (chapter 5.6), one of the secondary (electric) steel datasets (chapter 5.7), the cast iron (chapter 5.8) or
one of the production mixes (chapter 5.9). The decision whether to use primary, secondary or a mix of the two
depends on the goal and scope of the LCA to be conducted.
Table of Contents
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................I
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
6 LITERATURE ......................................................................................................... 73
1 Introduction
This part deals with primary and secondary iron and steel production. A rough overview of the cradle
to gate processes of the cast iron and steel production are given in Fig. 1.1.
Mining of
iron ore
Transport to
Lump ore Pellets iron work
Transport to iron
Hot metal/
Sponge iron Pig iron
Pig iron
Transport to
steel work
Iron scrap
Fig. 1.1 Overview of cast iron and steel production (The grey materials and processes are of minor relevance and
not considered in the ecoinvent data)
Tab. 2.1 World wide iron ore production in 1996 (Roth et al. (1999), appendix 2 & 4)
Most of the iron ore is reduced to iron in blast furnaces. About 0.5 kg of coke and smaller amounts of
other fossil energy carriers and electricity are needed for the reduction.
Iron and steel scrap are also important resources because of the lower primary energy consumption
and lower CO2 emissions, compared to the blast furnace – converter production route. The share of
secondary iron on the European market is 34% according to Frischknecht et al. (1996) and the world
average of steel scrap used in steel production is about 40% Steffen (1997).
present in elemental form. The properties of cast iron can be modified within wide limits by adding
elements such as nickel, chromium, manganese, copper, and silicon, which change the metallic struc-
ture. Corrosion-resistant and high-temperature grades are used, e.g., in the chemical industry, in fur-
naces, and in the automobile industry. The cryogenics industry uses low-temperature grades that do
not become brittle at temperatures far below 0 °C. Other important characteristics include its property
of damping vibration, its good resistance to corrosion by weathering, and its good machining proper-
ties. (Kucharcik (1997))
3.6 Steel
Steels are forgeable iron alloys with a carbon content of less than 2.1% (w/w). More than 90% of the
world iron production is used for steel making and more than 3500 different grades of steel are avail-
able today 1 .
The following iron-bearing materials are used for crude steel production:
- Iron melt from blast furnaces (hot metal), mainly used for steel production by the basic oxygen
furnace (BOF) process.
- Scrap, sponge iron, and solidified blast-furnace iron (pig iron), mainly used for melting steel in
electric furnaces.
According to the production process, steels can be classified as converter (BOF) or electric steel.
Tab. 3.1 Limiting concentration of elements in unalloyed steel according to EN 10 020 Kalla & Kalwa (1997)
Element Al B Bi Co Cr 1 Cu 1 La Mn Mo 1 Nb 2
max. con- 3
0.10 0.0008 0.10 0.10 0.30 0.40 0.05 1.65 0.08 0.06
Element Ni 1 Pb Se SI Te Ti 2 V2 W Zr 2 Others 4
max. con-
0.30 0.40 0.10 0.50 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05
If two, three or four of these elements are present in concentrations less than the maximum permit-
ted, their total concentration must not exceed 70% of the sum of the maximum
The same rule applies to these elements
If the manganese content is quoted as minimum, this value applies
Except C, N, O and S
http://www.worldsteel.org/understanding/18; accessed 15.01.2003
For this project a composition of the average low-alloyed steel is derived from literature and from the
production volumes of the different alloying elements. Tab. 3.2 shows the composition and the sources
of the individual numbers.
Chromium Life Cycle Study. http://pubs.usgs.gov/usbmic/ic-9411/ic-9411.pdf; accessed 17.12.2008
Manganese Materials Flow Patterns. http://pubs.usgs.gov/usbmic/ic-9399/9399.pdf; accessed 17.12.2008
Flow Studies for Recycling Metal Commodities in the United States. http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/2004/1196am/c1196a-
m_v2.pdf; Accessed 17.12.2008
http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/mcs/2008/mcs2008.pdf ; accessed 17.12.2008
http://www.worldstainless.org/what_basic.php; accessed 15.01.2003
4.4 Steel
Steel is one of the most important materials in the industrialised world. It is widely used in all indus-
tries and in many products. The yearly world steel production has risen exponentially between 1940
and 1970 to about 700 million tonnes. Since then it has shown a slight increase to about 850 million
tonnes in the year 2000.
5 System Characterisation
5.1 General overview
A rough overview of the cradle to gate processes of the cast iron and steel production are given in Fig.
Mining of
iron ore
Transport to
Lump ore Pellets iron work
Transport to iron
Hot metal/
Sponge iron Pig iron
Pig iron
Transport to
steel work
Iron scrap
Fig. 5.1 Overview of cast iron and steel production (The grey materials and processes are of minor relevance and
not considered in the ecoinvent data)
ing hydraulic excavators and / or belt loaders. Drilling and blasting is needed in some mines with hard
The only processing steps used for ores mined from rich deposits (rich ores) are crushing and screen-
ing. Such ores come mainly from the weathering zones of itabirite deposits. At some mines, washing is
combined with the screening of fines (< 6 – 8 mm) for sintering; very fine material containing kaolin
is thus separated, and the aluminium oxide content is reduced. Low-grade ore is concentrated to lower
transport costs and bring about a chemical composition suitable for the subsequent reduction step
(lower silica content). The concentration of iron ore is generally based on physical differences be-
tween the iron-bearing and gangue minerals (spec. weight, magnetic properties).
Harmful components present in the ore must be removed. Such components include phosphorus, arse-
nic, chromium, copper, vanadium, alkali, sulphur and titanium; these either make metallurgical proc-
essing more difficult or degrade the iron and steel quality. A small quantity of titanium (<0.5 %) is,
however, added to the burden at some ironworks, because it has been found to increase the life of the
blast-furnace brickwork.
5.2.2 Emissions
The only relevant direct emissions to air from iron ore mining and beneficiation are the dust emissions.
Heavy metal and hydrocarbon emissions to water occur in the beneficiation process. They are esti-
mated according to the maximum values given in Anonymous (1998)
5.2.3 Waste
There is no relevant waste produced in the mining and beneficiation process. The overburden is used
in recultivation of the mine and not treated as waste.
For a lack of information on this topic, the land use, the size and type of buildings and the weight of
the stationary machines used in the iron mines are estimated. The estimation is based on information
on other mines (gypsum, limestone).
Tab. 5.1 Meta information for the iron ore mining and beneficiation processes
iron ore, 46% Fe, recultivation, iron iron ore, 65% Fe, at
at mine mine beneficiation mine, iron
Infrastructure Process 0 1 0 1
Unit kg m2 kg unit
Data Set Version 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Mining with its Infrastructure of
direct land use the mine (without
and transport of land use of the
Included Processes
the crude ore to Recultivation and open mine itself)
the enrichment the land trans- Milling and sorting of and of the en-
plant. formation. crude ore. richment plant.
Amount 1 1 1 1
Eisenerz, 46% Rekultivierung, Eisenerz, 65% Fe, ab
Local Name
Fe, ab Abbau Eisenmine Anreicherung Mine, Eisen
This ore has different
It is assumed, grain sizes. It can be
that the crude ore lump ore that can be
residues are used directly in the blast
used for reculti- furnace or it can be ore
vation. The same of smaller grain size that
General Comment to ref-
amount of energy is used for sinter and
erence function
used in building pellet production. Water These data are a
The dust emis- machines that is emissions are estimated rough assump-
sions are esti- used per kg according to the maxi- tion. Yearly out-
mated to be the crude ore is used mal levels for financial put is
same as in baux- per kg residue for support of mining activi- 40000000000 kg,
ite mining. recultivation. ties by the world bank. life Time 30 years
Start Date 1999 2000 1998 2000
End Date 2000 2000 2000 2000
Data Valid For Entire Pe-
riod 1 1 1 1
Other Period Text
Data relate to the Data relate to the global
Geography text
global average average
Data relate to the Milling and mechanical Buildings and
Technology text Data relate to recultivation of sorting. Average iron stationary ma-
open mining open mines yield is 84%. chines.
Representativeness [%] 65 65
Production Volume 1.02E12 kg/a unknown 6.14E11 kg/a unknown
based on litera-
Sampling Procedure
ture estimation based on literature estimation
Extrapolations none none none none
Uncertainty Adjustments none none none none
mine recultivated
recycled water from mine --> not
water 1.15E-05 m3 Roth et al. 1999
diesel, burned in
construction diesel, burned in
building machinery No GLO 2.55E-02 MJ Roth et al. 1999 1 2.00 (1,2,1,1,1,1,5)
processes building machine
machine [MJ]
electricity, medium
electricity electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 1.42E-03 kWh Roth et al. 1999 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,2)
UCTE, at grid
blasting [kg construction
civil engineering No RER blasting 2.71E-04 kg Roth et al. 1999 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,1)
explosive] processes
includes infrastructure needed at mine
infrastructure estimation, based on
(buildings, access roads,...) (exclusive metals extraction Yes GLO mine, iron 8.33E-13 unit 1 3.05 (4,nA,1,1,1,nA,9)
(mine) [unite] knowledge of other mines
building machines)
low population
waste heat from electricity use air Heat, waste 5.13E-03 MJ calculated 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,13)
low population
dust, fine 5 % of "dust" is below 2.5 um air Particulates, < 2.5 um 1.44E-04 kg 1 3.10 (2,5,1,3,3,3,27)
from mine, partly recycled --> not
water 1.07E-04 m3 Roth et al. 1999
the waste is used in the recultivation of
waste 8.82E-04 kg Roth et al. 1999
the mine and thus not inventoried
unrefined iron
46.19% Fe metals extraction No GLO iron ore, 46% Fe, at mine 1.00E+00 kg
Fig. 5.2 Flows for "iron ore, 46% Fe, at mine" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
diesel, burned in
recultivation, iron
the same amount per kg refilled material diesel, burned in (2,4,1,1,1,4,5); rough
building No GLO 5.97E+03 MJ estimated 1 5.00
as per kg crude ore in mining building machine estimation
machine [MJ]
waste form mining and enrichment --> not
refill material 2.34E+05 kg
Fig. 5.3 Flows for "mine, iron" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
diesel, burned in
building recultivation, iron the same amount per kg refilled material
as per kg crude ore in mining
diesel, burned in
building machine
5.97E+03 MJ estimated 1 5.00
(2,4,1,1,1,4,5); rough
machine [MJ]
waste form mining and enrichment --> not
refill material 2.34E+05 kg
transformation Transformation, from (2,4,1,1,1,4,8); rough
resource land 1.00E+00 m2 calculated 1 5.00
(from mine) mineral extraction site estimation
transformation land occupation is included in the mining Transformation, to (2,4,1,1,1,4,8); rough
resource land 1.00E+00 m2 calculated 1 5.00
(to unknown) activity unknown estimation
metals extraction No GLO recultivation, iron mine 1.00E+00 m2
Fig. 5.4 Flows for "recultivation iron mine" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
unrefined iron
raw ore, 46.19% Fe metals extraction No GLO iron ore, 46% Fe, at mine 1.66E+00 kg Roth et al. 1999 1 1.05 (1,2,1,1,1,1,3)
only fresh water. 1.329E-4 m3 recycled Water, unspecified
water resource in water 1.52E-03 m3 Roth et al. 1999 1 1.05 (1,2,1,1,1,1,12)
beneficiation; part 1 water from mine is not inventoried. natural origin
electricity, medium
iron ore, 65% Fe, at
electricity electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 1.87E-02 kWh Roth et al. 1999 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,2)
UCTE, at grid
infrastructure included in infrastructure of mine --> not
(refinery) [unite] inventoried here
low population
waste heat from electricity use air Heat, waste 6.74E-02 MJ calculated 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,13)
included in mining --> not inventoried
water water itself not inventoried 1.16E-03 m3 Roth et al. 1999
water emissions based on maximum levels
estimated according to
to be achieved for world bank support of a
oil and grease water unspecified Oils, unspecified 5.79E-06 kg world bank (Anonymous 1 3.18 (4,5,1,3,3,5,34)
project. Half of maximum assumed as
mean value
cyanide water unspecified Cyanide 5.79E-07 kg 1 1.73 (4,5,1,3,3,5,33)
COD, Chemical Oxygen
COD water unspecified 8.69E-05 kg 1 1.73 (4,5,1,3,3,5,32)
Fig. 5.5 Flows for "iron ore, 65% Fe, at beneficiation" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Fig. 5.5 Flows for "iron ore, 65% Fe, at beneficiation" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Data quality
Data uncertainty is derived using the Pedigree matrix as described in (Frischknecht et al. (2003)) ex-
cept for the recultivation of the mine and for the mine infrastructure where this method would result in
values far too low.
Data for iron ore mining are of good overall quality although the infrastructure is roughly estimated.
Water emission data for beneficiation are based on threshold values and thus exhibit a greater uncer-
5.3.2 Emissions
Sintering and pelletising leads to the emission of dust, various heavy metals and hydrocarbons, hydro-
gen halogenides, NOx, SOx and CO2 from the burning of the fuel gas and some of the coke. These pro-
cesses are also a major source of dioxide emissions. The dioxin emission value for the sinter produc-
tion stems from (Anonymous (2002)).
Dust grain size analysis before treatment shows two distinctive peaks. The first and higher peak is at
about 1 m while the second one is at 100 m (IPPC (2000)). The abatement used in sinter plants has
a high efficiency in removing the larger particles while the smaller alkali and lead chlorides are hard to
remove in the electrostatic precipitators due to their high resistivity. Thus a particle size of < 2.5 m is
assumed for the dust emission after abatement.
The water used in the agglomeration processes evaporates. Thus no relevant water emissions occur.
5.3.3 Waste
Normally all solid wastes originating from the agglomeration plant (dusts from de-dusting devices and
sieving fractions) are recycled to the strand. However, in sinter plants there can be two exceptions:
The first concerns sludge from wet waste gas treatment systems, which is put to landfill. At present,
there are only two plants in Europe operating such a system. The second exception is filter dust from
the last field of electrostatic precipitators (ESP). Most European sinter plants are operated with fully
closed dust cycles. However, some plants exclude fine dust from the last field of the ESP. This dust
mainly consists of alkali and metal chlorides. This so-called partly open filter dust cycle is carried out
in order to improve the operation of ESP or (in one case) of the bag filter, or to reduce alkali and metal
chloride emissions. (IPPC (2000))
In this project we neglect the wastes to landfill because:
- their impact is well below the uncertainty of the impact of the air emissions
5.3.4 Transports
Sinter usually is produced near the blast furnace while pellets are produced near the beneficiation
plant. This is because pellets are made of fraction of the ore so fine that it would ask for elaborate
technologies for transportation (especially loading and unloading).
Masses for transportation of the ore to the sinter plant and of the lump ore and pellets to the blast fur-
nace are estimated according to the supply and demand situation in the different regions of the world.
It is assumed, that as much ore as possible is used within these regions. Thus Western Europe and Asia
are net importers while Eastern Europe / GUS, South America, Australia and Africa are net exporters.
North America produces almost exactly as much iron ore as it consumes. An export mix is generated
according to the export capacity of the net exporters and it is assumed that the imports of the net im-
porters correspond to this mix. Distances within the regions are neglected and those between the re-
gions and the means of transpiration are assumed. Data are given in Tab. 5.2.
Tab. 5.2 Transport masses and distances for iron ore and pellets
Region Iron ore pro- Pig iron pro- Ore needed for Import Export
duction 1995 duction 1995 pig iron produc- demand compo-
tion 1995 total sition
Mio t % of world Mio t % of world Mio t % of world Mio t %
West Europe 34 3.4 125 23.8 211 23.8 177
East Europe /GUS 131 13.1 60 11.3 100 11.3 -31 9.1
Asia 352 35.1 235 44.5 394 44.5 43
Africa 50 4.9 9 1.6 14 1.6 -35 10.4
North America 98 9.7 59 11.3 100 11.3 2
South America 193 19.3 32 6.1 54 6.1 -139 41.2
Australia 145 14.5 7 1.4 13 1.4 -133 39.3
Tab. 5.3 Meta information for the iron ore agglomeration processes
Data quality
Data uncertainty is derived using the Pedigree matrix as described in (Frischknecht et al. (2003)) ex-
cept for the infrastructure where this method would result in values far too low.
Data of input and main output materials for sintering and pelletising are of good overall quality.
Emission data for pelletising stem from all 5 pelletising plants in Europe. These 5 plants produced a-
bout 15 Mt of the 35 Mt pellets used in Europe in 1995. Thus data for European consumption are of
rather high uncertainty.
Emission data for sintering stem from 5 of the 47 sinter plants in Europe. Thus data for European con-
sumption are of rather high uncertainty.
A rough proxy is used for the infrastructure.
transport rail limestone & coke: 200 km train No RER transport, freight, rail 2.00E-02 tkm estimated 1 2.09 (4,5,nA,nA,nA,nA,5)
transport transport, lorry >16t,
transport road 20 km road No RER 2.00E-03 tkm estimated 1 2.09 (4,5,nA,nA,nA,nA,5)
systems fleet average
natural gas, COG and BFgas are used, only
fuel gas for consumption of natural gas is inventoried natural gas, high
natural gas fuels No RER 3.63E-02 MJ Roth et al. 1999 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,1)
heating with the assumption that half of the pressure, at consumer
energy is supplied by natural gas
coke chippings 28.6 MJ/kg hard coal fuels No RER hard coal coke, at plant 1.43E+00 MJ Roth et al. 1999 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,3)
Water, unspecified
water resource in water 5.00E-04 m3 Roth et al. 1999 1 1.05 (1,2,1,1,1,1,12)
natural origin
includes power consumed for air electricity, medium
electricity compression and suction and for exhaust electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 1.00E-02 kWh Roth et al. 1999 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,2)
gaz cleaning UCTE, at grid
infrastructure (5,5,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
aluminium oxide plant used as proxy metals extraction Yes RER aluminium oxide, plant 2.50E-11 unit estimated 1 5.00
(plant) [piece] rough estimation
from electricity fuel gas and coke use
waste heat air unspecified Heat, waste 1.54E+00 MJ calculated 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,13)
(assumption all coke is burned)
dust, fine all "dust" is below 2.5 um air unspecified Particulates, < 2.5 um 2.06E-04 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 3.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,27)
Cd air unspecified Cadmium 1.93E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Cr air unspecified Chromium 2.52E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Cu air unspecified Copper 7.66E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Hg air unspecified Mercury 7.57E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Fig. 5.6 Flows for "sinter, iron, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Mn air unspecified Manganese 1.93E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Ni air unspecified Nickel 1.93E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Pb air unspecified Lead 3.23E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Ti air unspecified Titanium 1.60E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
V air unspecified Vanadium 1.15E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
sinter, iron, at plant; part 2
Zn air unspecified Zinc 8.26E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
HCl air unspecified Hydrogen chloride 3.76E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,31)
HF air unspecified Hydrogen fluoride 2.25E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,31)
NOx air unspecified Nitrogen oxides 5.27E-04 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,16)
SO2 air unspecified Sulfur dioxide 1.26E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,15)
CO air unspecified Carbon monoxide, fossil 2.57E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,17)
CO2 air unspecified Carbon dioxide, fossil 2.04E-01 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,14)
Hydrocarbons, aliphatic,
VOC VOC without PAH and PCB air unspecified 1.38E-04 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,16)
alkanes, unspecified
Fig. 5.6 Flows for "sinter, iron, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Cd air unspecified Cadmium 2.10E-10 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Cr air unspecified Chromium 2.70E-09 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Cu air unspecified Copper 4.60E-09 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Hg air unspecified Mercury 2.50E-10 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Mn air unspecified Manganese 2.30E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Fig. 5.7 Flows for "pellets, iron, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Ni air unspecified Nickel 1.50E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Pb air unspecified Lead 6.65E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
pellets, iron, at plant; part 2
V air unspecified Vanadium 8.55E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Zn air unspecified Zinc 5.62E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
HCl air unspecified Hydrogen chloride 2.50E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,31)
HF air unspecified Hydrogen fluoride 1.99E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,31)
NOx air unspecified Nitrogen oxides 3.15E-04 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,16)
SO2 air unspecified Sulfur dioxide 1.34E-04 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,15)
CO air unspecified Carbon monoxide, fossil 2.10E-04 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,17)
CO2 air unspecified Carbon dioxide, fossil 2.37E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,14)
Hydrocarbons, aliphatic,
VOC VOC without PAH air unspecified 2.25E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,16)
alkanes, unspecified
Fig. 5.7 Flows for "pellets, iron, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
No data have been found on the infrastructure needed for the process. Assumptions made in this pro-
ject are based on different pictures and information on the aluminium production infrastructure (see
Tab. 5.4).
The infrastructure is modelled to be used for 50 years. The replacement of the machines with a life-
time of only 25 years is taken into account by doubling the amount. Thus the values given in Tab. 5.5
are inventoried. For the waste disposal it is assumed that the conveyer belts and the machines are
completely recycled. The disposal of the buildings is already inventoried in the building modules.
Thus only the concrete and the refractory materials are disposed.
- Slag that is used in road building, concrete aggregate, thermal insulation (mineral wool) and as a
cement replacement. Total utilisation of blast furnace slag is a target which has already been met
in many cases.
- BF gas that contains about 20-28% CO, 1–5% H2, inert compounds (50-55% N2, 17-25% CO2),
some sulphur and cyanide compounds and large amounts of dust from the burden. After treatment
and enrichment, BF gas can be used in the hot blast stove or e.g. in the sinter production.
- Electricity recovered of the top gas pressure energy. Many plants with adequate top gas pressure
(> 1.5 bar gauge) and sufficient pressure drop are suitable for installation of expansion turbines.
5.4.2 Emissions
Relevant direct air emissions from the pig iron production are CO, CO2, nitrogen oxides, sulphur ox-
ides and heavy metals. The casting is responsible for most of the direct dust emissions.
CO2 emission given in IPPC (2000) are considerably lower than the calculated C-balance suggests
(Tab. 5.6). The calculated value from the C-balance (0.849 kg/kg) is used in ecoinvent v2.0 Data.
C content = 0.241kg/Nm3
coke oven energy content = 3 MJ/Nm3;
1.20E-02 Nm3 0.241 0.003
gas C content = 0.241kg/Nm3
0.003 Nm3 @ 40 MJ/Nm3 1.20E-01 MJ 0.020 0.002
CO 1.34E-03 kg 0.429 0.001
CO2 8.49E-01 kg 0.273 0.232
There are no relevant direct water emissions from these processes
5.4.3 Waste
Solid waste
Several different waste streams are generated. Some of them are recycled or used for different pur-
poses and thus not inventoried. Others can not be used due to a high contamination and are deposited
in landfills.
The sludge from BF gas treatment can't be reused because the zinc and lead compounds are mainly
separated in the scrubber thus leading to a high contamination of the sludge. Sludge composition data
are average data from IPPC (2000). The difference to 100 % is assumed to be water. (see Tab. 5.7).
There is no representative information available on the fate of the rubble waste/by-product. In some
steelworks it is partly recycled to the BOF or reused for the production of new refractory material. In
other cases it is put to landfill.
Tab. 5.7 Typical composition in [% (w/w)] of sludge from BF gas treatment (IPPC (2000), Tab. 7.6)
Waste water
Overflow of water from slag granulation primarily depends on water availability and is in the range
0.125 – 10 m3/t pig iron produced. Information on chemical composition from one German plant is
given in Tab. 5.8 (IPPC (2000), Tab 7.8).
Tab. 5.8 Waste water composition from pig iron production (IPPC (2000), Tab 7.8)
Data quality
Data uncertainty is derived using the Pedigree matrix as described in Frischknecht et al. (2003) except
for the infrastructure where this method would result in values far too low.
Data of input and main output materials for pig iron production are of good overall quality.
Emission data for pig iron production stem from 4 of 81 blast furnaces in Europe. Thus data for Euro-
pean consumption are of rather high uncertainty.
Data for the infrastructure is roughly estimated.
sinter metals extraction No GLO sinter, iron, at plant 1.05E+00 kg Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24 1 1.05 (1,2,1,1,1,1,3)
pellets metals extraction No GLO pellets, iron, at plant 4.00E-01 kg Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24 1 1.05 (1,2,1,1,1,1,3)
iron ore, 65% Fe, at
lump ore metals extraction No GLO 1.50E-01 kg Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24 1 1.05 (1,2,1,1,1,1,3)
transport ship pellets and lump ore from mine to plant transport transport, transoceanic
ship No OCE 1.49E+00 tkm estimated 1 2.01 (2,nA,1,1,1,3,5)
(ocean) by ship (ocean) systems freight ship
transport ship pellets and lump ore from mine to plant transport
ship No RER transport, barge 1.65E-02 tkm estimated 1 2.01 (2,nA,1,3,1,3,5)
(costal) by ship (costal) systems
pellets and lump ore from mine to plant transport
transport rail train No RER transport, freight, rail 1.51E-01 tkm estimated 1 2.01 (2,nA,1,3,1,3,5)
by rail systems
additives limestone, according to IPPC 2000 additives No CH limestone, at mine 1.00E-02 kg Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,4)
refractory construction refractory, fireclay,
bricks No DE 2.00E-03 kg Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,4)
materials materials packed, at plant
pig iron, at plant; part 1
slag almost total utilisation --> not inventoried 2.70E-01 kg Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24
Water, unspecified
water resource in water 6.00E-03 m3 Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24 1 1.05 (1,2,1,1,1,1,12)
natural origin
coke 0.34 kg/kg @ 28.6 MJ/kg hard coal fuels No RER hard coal coke, at plant 9.72E+00 MJ Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,11)
hard coal mix, at
coal hard coal fuels No UCTE 1.50E-01 kg Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,11)
regional storage
not inventoried because the same amount
electricity total 1.00E-01 kWh Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,11)
is generated (cf. outputs)
steam not inventoried as internally generated 3.00E-02 kg Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24
BF gas Output higher than input 9.00E-01 Nm3 Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24
coke oven gas cut off from coke oven 1.20E-02 Nm3 Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24
natural gas, high
natural gas 0.003 Nm3 @ 40 MJ/Nm3 natural gas fuels No RER 1.20E-01 MJ Roth et al. 1999, Tab 24 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,11)
pressure, at consumer
limestone, refractories, coal & coke: 20 transport transport, lorry >16t,
transport road road No RER 1.00E-02 tkm estimated 1 2.09 (4,5,nA,nA,nA,nA,5)
km; systems fleet average
limestone, refractories, coal & coke: 200 transport
transport rail train No RER transport, freight, rail 1.00E-01 tkm estimated 1 2.09 (4,5,nA,nA,nA,nA,5)
km; systems
metals extraction Yes RER blast furnace 1.33E-11 unit estimated 1 3.23 (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9)
(blast furnace)
from burning of coke, coal and natural
gas. Heat from burning of BFgas and from
waste heat air unspecified Heat, waste 1.43E+01 MJ calculated 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,13)
electricity use is not included because net
energy consumption is zero or negative
5% > 10 um, 5% between 2.5 and 10 um
dust, coarse air unspecified Particulates, > 10 um 1.60E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,25)
and 90% < 2.5 um (CEPMEIP database)
Particulates, > 2.5 um,
dust, medium air unspecified 1.60E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 2.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,26)
and < 10um
dust, fine air unspecified Particulates, < 2.5 um 2.87E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 3.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,27)
Fig. 5.9 Flows for "pig iron, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Mn air unspecified Manganese 7.45E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Ni air unspecified Nickel 1.60E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Pb air unspecified Lead 6.91E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
SOx air unspecified Sulfur dioxide 1.33E-04 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,15)
NOx air unspecified Nitrogen oxides 7.98E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,16)
H2S air unspecified Hydrogen sulfide 1.07E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,31)
CO air unspecified Carbon monoxide, fossil 1.34E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,17)
CO2 air unspecified Carbon dioxide, fossil 8.49E-01 kg calculated from C-balance 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,14)
Value used calculated from C-balance
Dioxins, measured as
dioxin (I-TEQ) air unspecified 2.66E-15 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 3.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,21)
used in road construction --> not
slags 2.61E-01 kg calculated after IPPC 2000
top gas dust used in sinter plant --> not inventoried 1.17E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000
disposal, sludge, pig iron
waste residual production, 8.6% water,
BF gas sludge No CH 4.26E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 3.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,21)
management material landfill to residual material
dust from cast
used in sinter plant --> not inventoried 1.06E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000
house de-dusting
rubble allthough partly recycled total amount is disposal, inert waste, 5%
waste inert material
(refractory assumed to be disposed in inert material No CH water, to inert material 2.07E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
management landfill
material) landfill. landfill
treatment, pig iron
waste wastewater production effluent, to
waste water No CH 1.81E-03 m3 calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
management treatment wastewater treatment,
class 3
pig iron 94 % Fe metals extraction No GLO pig iron, at plant 1.00E+00 kg
net output 0.7 Nm3 (input=900,
BF gas output=1600 Nm3); energy content = 3 1.60E+00 Nm3 Roth et al. 1999
MJ/Nm3; C content = 0.241kg/Nm3
only if of top gas turbine is present. It is
assumed that this is the case for 50% of
electricity the blast furnaces. Thus the electricity 2.08E-01 kWh IPPC 2000
consumption of the average process is
covered by this production.
Fig. 5.9 Flows for "pig iron, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Land occupation
for buildings and Occupation, industrial (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,7);
resource land 3.90E+07 m2a estimated 1 5.00
open storage area, built up rough estimation
blast furnace; part 1
Transformation, to (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,8);
to buildings and assumption: 80% of total area is built up resource land 7.81E+05 m2 estimated 1 5.00
industrial area, built up rough estimation
open bauxite
storage area
Land occupation
Occupation, industrial (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,7);
for vegetation resource land 9.76E+06 m2a estimated 1 5.00
area, vegetation rough estimation
Transformation, to
transformation assumption: 20% of total area is (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,8);
resource land industrial area, 1.95E+05 m2 estimated 1 5.00
to vegetation vegetation rough estimation
Building, multi construction (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
buildings Yes RER building, multi-storey 2.50E+04 m3 estimated 1 5.00
story processes rough estimation
construction (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
Building, hall buildings Yes CH building, hall 1.95E+04 m2 estimated 1 5.00
processes rough estimation
concrete in
construction concrete, normal, at (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
reinforced concrete No CH 1.15E+03 m3 estimated 1 5.00
materials plant rough estimation
steel in
reinforcing steel, at (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
reinforced metals extraction No RER 7.94E+05 kg estimated 1 5.00
plant rough estimation
Fig. 5.10 Flows for "blast furnace" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
industrial machine,
heavy machine, construction (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
machinery Yes RER heavy, unspecified, at 2.02E+07 kg estimated 1 5.00
unspecific processes rough estimation
Poor concrete
construction concrete, sole plate and (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
blast furnace; part 2
blast furnace Output: 1500000000 kg/a, life time: 50 a metals extraction Yes RER blast furnace 1.00E+00 unit
Fig. 5.10 Flows for "blast furnace" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Data quality
Data are based on rough assumptions and of poor quality.
Data uncertainty is not derived using the Pedigree matrix as described in (Frischknecht et al. (2003))
because the resulting values would seem to low.
Tab. 5.10 Meta information for the iron scrap collection and sorting processes
scrap from
production and from recycling --> not inventoried 1.00E+00 kg calculated
iron scrap, at plant
Fig. 5.11 Flows for "iron scrap" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
- to reduce the carbon content to a specified level (from approximately 4% to less than 1 %, but of-
ten lower)
Desulphurisation can be done in the torpedo ladles used for transporting the hot metal from the blast
furnace to the BOF. The most widespread hot metal desulphurisation method used in Europe today is
that based on calcium carbide, which has superseded the previous soda process for waste disposal and
air quality management reasons.
There are several types of reactors used for the basic oxygen steel making process. The most com-
monly used type is the LD converter (Linz-Donawitz) applied for pig iron with low phosphorous con-
tent; in the case of high phosphorous content a modified process is used (LD/AC process = Linz-
Donawitz/Arbed-CRM-process). The converter is a pear-shaped, refractory-lined reactor into which a
water-cooled oxygen lance is lowered. Through this lance pure oxygen (>99%) from an air separation
plant is blown onto the liquid pig iron. The amount of oxygen consumed depends on the composition
of the hot metal (i.e. C, Si, P content). Thus undesired impurities are oxidised with subsequent re-
moval with the off-gas or slag in the BOF furnace. The energy required to raise the temperature and
melt the input materials is supplied by the exothermic oxidation reactions, so that no additional heat
input is required, on the one hand, and scrap or ore have to be added to balance heat on the other hand.
Usually, approximately 10-20% of the converter charge is scrap, but values up to 40% are sometimes
used. The amount of scrap charged depends on the pre-treatment given to the pig iron and the required
liquid steel tapping temperature. Variations in the market value of scrap and the required steel specifi-
cations also have an influence.
The oxidising process in the converter is usually followed by post-treatment comprising a number of
metallurgical operations referred to as "secondary metallurgy". The main objectives of secondary met-
allurgy are:
- deoxidisation
blast oxygen furnace converter amount unit lifetime [a] Material / Module
yearly production capacity (5000h; 300 t/h) 1'500'000'000 kg 50 Yearly production capacity
area of plant (500 x 100 m) 500'000 m2 50 Transformed area
administration building (20x10x10 m3) 2'000 m3 50 Building, multi story
production hall (70% of total area) 400'000 m2 50 Building, hall
torpedo ladle (without lining) 30'000 kg 10 heavy machine, unspecific
furnace & ladle 1'000'000 kg 25 heavy machine, unspecific
lining for furnace & ladle 100'000 kg 25 firebrick
casting machines 10'000'000 kg 25 heavy machine, unspecific
The infrastructure is modelled to be used for 50 years. The replacement of the machines with a life-
time of only 25 years is taken into account by doubling the amount, the amount of torpedo ladles is in-
ventoried five times. The infrastructure is disposed after its useful life in inert material landfills. Thus
the values given in Tab. 5.12 are inventoried. For the waste disposal it is assumed that the conveyer
belts and the machines are completely recycled. The disposal of the buildings is already inventoried in
the building modules. Thus only the concrete and the refractory materials are disposed.
5.6.2 Emissions
The gases produced during oxygen blowing (converter gas) contain large amounts of carbon monox-
ide. In many steel making plants, measures have been taken to recover the converter gas and use it as
an energy source. Both "open combustion" and "suppressed combustion" systems are in use. Open
combustion systems introduce air into the converter flue gas duct, thus combusting the carbon monox-
ide. The heat generated is later recovered in a waste heat boiler. In suppressed combustion, a skirt is
lowered over the converter mouth during oxygen blowing. Thus, ambient oxygen can not enter the
flue gas duct and the combustion of carbon monoxide is prevented. The CO-rich flue gas can be col-
lected, cleaned and stored for subsequent use as fuel. A main advantage of suppressed combustion is
the smaller flue gas flow since no combustion occurs and no additional air-nitrogen is introduced. This
results in higher productivity since oxygen blowing speed can be increased.
The oxygen steel making process also generates considerable quantities of particulate matter, during
charging of scrap and hot metal, blowing and during tapping of slag and liquid steel. All steel making
shops in the EU have taken measures to reduce particulate matter emissions. The overall emissions
given are in the lowest range in (Berdowski et al. (1995)) thus all particles are assumed to be below
2.5 m.
There are no reports of direct water emissions from these processes.
5.6.3 Waste
During the steel making process, slag is formed. Slag control is intended to effectively reduce the a-
mount of undesirable substances contained in the hot metal and to generate slag of high quality that
will be suitable for subsequent processing and usage. Usually, the slag is cooled and crushed, after
which metallic iron is recovered by magnetic separation. The technical properties of the slag make it
suitable for many kinds of application in civil and hydraulic engineering. Because of its structure, LD
slag has high abrasion resistance and is therefore often used for road construction. It is also put to o-
ther uses or disposed of in landfills.
Desulphurisation slag is a heterogeneous slag which is only partially melted. The composition of de-
sulphurisation slag strongly depends on the used desulphurisation agents. The typical composition of
such a slag are given in Tab. 5.13.
Tab. 5.13 Chemical composition of slag from pig iron desulphurisation [% (w/w)] (IPPC (2000), Tab.8.3)
CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO Total Metal- MnO P2O5 Cr2O3 Free S CaO/SiO2
Fe lic Fe CaO
27.0 18 8 10 20 15 0.5 0.2 0.1 5 4 1.5
In this project x is interpreted as x/2
The relatively high sulphur content and unsatisfactory mechanical properties do not make desulphuri-
sation slag ideal for reuse. Partly they are used for landfill construction or for noise protection barriers.
In Europe 41% is landfilled.
The slag from basic oxygen steel making makes up the largest share of residues from BOF steel mak-
ing. The chemical composition of this slag depends on the processes employed (see Tab. 5.14).
BOF slag can be reused by returning it to the iron-making process. It can also be used for fertiliser
manufacture or for road construction. Lime phosphate slag (from LD/AC or OBM processes) is used
entirely for fertiliser production. BOF slag is normally used in civil and hydraulic engineering, road
construction and cement industry. Thereby the relatively high free CaO content has to be considered.
Nevertheless, in the EU a considerable percentage (26%) of BOF slag is still put to landfill. For the
composition of BOF slag used in this project see Tab. 5.14. Katz & Salem (1994) give a chromium
content for steel mill slag of 100-200 ppm and 9’000-48’000 ppm. This indicates a rather wide range
in which the value used in this project is included.
Tab. 5.14 Chemical composition of BOF slag [% (w/w)] (IPPC (2000), Tab.8.8)
Coarse dust waste is usually reused while fine dust, due to high Pb and Zn contamination is partly
landfilled. About 60% of the total dust waste is fine dust of which 42% is landfilled (IPPC (2000),
Tab.8.6, Fig. 8.15). Thus it is assumed that 25% of the total dust is landfilled. The composition of this
dust is assumed according to the information for fine dust of one plant given in Tab. 5.15. The compo-
sition of this dust seems rather incomplete. Especially the lack of Cr and Ni in the dust also for
stainless steel probably is due to these elements not being measured. Considering the high environ-
mental relevance of these elements in landfills, this data gap would lead to considerable underestima-
tion of environmental effects. Data for the electric arc furnace (EAF) dusts are much more comprehen-
sible (cf. Tab. 5.21). For this reason, the disposal modules of EAF dusts are inventoried as proxy for
the disposal of the BOF dust.
Tab. 5.15 Chemical composition of the BOF dust fraction that is landfilled [% (w/w)]. Data not used in this project (cf
text) (IPPC (2000), Tab.8.9)
Tab. 5.16 Chemical composition of the average BOF slag to landfill [% (w/w)]
Data quality
Data uncertainty is derived using the Pedigree matrix as described in (Frischknecht et al. (2003)) ex-
cept for the infrastructure where this method would result in values far too low.
Data of input and main output materials as well as emission data for BOF steel production stem from 4
of 95 basic oxygen furnaces in Europe. Thus data for European consumption are of rather high uncer-
Data for the infrastructure is roughly estimated.
Tab. 5.17 Meta information for the BOF steel production processes
iron scrap metals extraction No RER iron scrap, at plant 2.13E-01 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,3)
iron ore, 65% Fe, at
iron ore metals extraction No GLO 1.35E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,3)
other Fe iron ore, 65% Fe, at
as iron ore metals extraction No GLO 8.50E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,3)
material beneficiation
coke 28.6 MJ/kg hard coal fuels No RER hard coal coke, at plant 2.50E-04 MJ calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,11)
construction quicklime, in pieces,
lime additives No CH 4.25E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,4)
materials loose, at plant
dolomite others No RER dolomite, at plant 2.75E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,4)
ferronickel, 25% Ni, at
alloys as feronickel metals extraction No GLO 6.00E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,3)
oxygen (99%) 1.429 kg/m3 chemicals inorganics No RER oxygen, liquid, at plant 7.15E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,4)
Fig. 5.13 Flows for "steel, converter, unalloyed, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Cu air unspecified Copper 2.50E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Pb air unspecified Lead 5.15E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Mn air unspecified Manganese 6.05E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
NOx air unspecified Nitrogen oxides 1.25E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,16)
CO air unspecified Carbon monoxide, fossil 4.73E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,17)
CO2 air unspecified Carbon dioxide, fossil 7.56E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,14)
Fig. 5.13 Flows for "steel, converter, unalloyed, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
spittings recycled --> not inventoried 4.50E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000
slag from casting recycled --> not inventoried 4.50E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000
mill scale recycled --> not inventoried 3.60E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000
rubble allthough partly recycled total amount is disposal, inert waste, 5%
waste inert material
(refractory assumed to be disposed in inert material No CH water, to inert material 2.90E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
management landfill
material) landfill. landfill
waste water amount and composition not known calculated after IPPC 2000
BOFgas internally used --> not inventoried 4.20E-01 MJ calculated after IPPC 2000
steam internally used --> not inventoried 1.35E-01 MJ calculated after IPPC 2000
unalloyed BOF steel, converter,
metals extraction No RER 1.00E+00 kg
steel slab unalloyed, at plant
Fig. 5.13 Flows for "steel, converter, unalloyed, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Fig. 5.14 Flows for "steel, converter, low-alloyed, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
transport ship iron ore from mine to plant by ship transport transport, transoceanic
ship No OCE 5.94E-02 tkm calculated (Tab. 4.2) 1 2.01 (2,nA,1,1,1,3,5)
(ocean) steel, converter, low-alloyed, at plant; part 2 (costal) systems freight ship
transport ship iron ore from mine to plant by ship transport
ship No RER transport, barge 6.60E-04 tkm calculated (Tab. 4.2) 1 2.01 (2,nA,1,3,1,3,5)
(costal) (ocean) systems
iron scrap: 100 km; coke, lime, dolomite,
transport transport, lorry >16t,
transport road alloys: 20 km; iron ore from mine to plant road No RER 1.53E-02 tkm estimated 1 2.09 (4,5,nA,nA,nA,nA,5)
systems fleet average
by train
iron scrap: 600 km; coke, lime, dolomite,
transport rail alloys: 200 km; iron ore from mine to train No RER transport, freight, rail 1.08E-01 tkm estimated 1 2.09 (4,5,nA,nA,nA,nA,5)
plant by train
for transport of hot metal, BOF process, blast oxygen furnace
infrastructure metals extraction Yes RER 1.33E-11 unit estimated 1 3.23 (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9)
secondary metallurgy and casting converter
from coke, natural gas and electricity.
Waste heat from oxidation of C in pig iron
waste heat air unspecified Heat, waste 1.17E-01 MJ calculated 1 1.08 (1,3,2,3,1,2,13)
to CO and CO2 already included in waste
heat of pig iron.
all dust is fine according to CEPMEIP
dust, fine air unspecified Particulates, < 2.5 um 4.75E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 3.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,27)
Cr air unspecified Chromium 1.85E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Cu air unspecified Copper 2.50E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Pb air unspecified Lead 5.15E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Mn air unspecified Manganese 6.05E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
NOx air unspecified Nitrogen oxides 1.25E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,16)
CO air unspecified Carbon monoxide, fossil 4.73E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,17)
CO2 air unspecified Carbon dioxide, fossil 7.56E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,14)
Fig. 5.14 Flows for "steel, converter, low-alloyed, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
spittings recycled --> not inventoried 4.50E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000
slag from casting recycled --> not inventoried 4.50E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000
mill scale recycled --> not inventoried 3.60E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000
rubble allthough partly recycled total amount is disposal, inert waste, 5%
waste inert material
(refractory assumed to be disposed in inert material No CH water, to inert material 2.90E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
management landfill
material) landfill. landfill
waste water amount and composition not known calculated after IPPC 2000
BOFgas internally used --> not inventoried 4.20E-01 MJ calculated after IPPC 2000
steam internally used --> not inventoried 1.35E-01 MJ calculated after IPPC 2000
low-alloyed BOF steel, converter, low-
metals extraction No RER 1.00E+00 kg
steel slab alloyed, at plant
Fig. 5.14 Flows for "steel, converter, low-alloyed, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Fig. 5.15 Flows for "steel, converter, chromium steel 18/8, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
transport ship
steel, converter, chromium steel 18/8, at plant; iron ore from mine to plant by ship
ship No OCE
transport, transoceanic
freight ship
5.94E-02 tkm calculated (Tab. 4.2) 1 2.01 (2,nA,1,1,1,3,5)
Cr air unspecified Chromium 1.85E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Cu air unspecified Copper 2.50E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Pb air unspecified Lead 5.15E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Mn air unspecified Manganese 6.05E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
NOx air unspecified Nitrogen oxides 1.25E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,16)
CO air unspecified Carbon monoxide, fossil 4.73E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,17)
CO2 air unspecified Carbon dioxide, fossil 7.56E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,14)
Fig. 5.15 Flows for "steel, converter, chromium steel 18/8, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
spittings recycled --> not inventoried 4.50E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000
disposal, dust, alloyed
amount inventoried corresponds to the
waste residual EAF steel, 15.4% water,
dust 25% of the total dust that is landfilled. No CH 1.06E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
management material landfill to residual material
The rest is recycled or reused
slag from casting recycled --> not inventoried 4.50E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000
mill scale recycled --> not inventoried 3.60E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000
rubble allthough partly recycled total amount is disposal, inert waste, 5%
waste inert material
(refractory assumed to be disposed in inert material No CH water, to inert material 2.90E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
management landfill
material) landfill. landfill
waste water amount and composition not known calculated after IPPC 2000
BOFgas internally used --> not inventoried 4.20E-01 MJ calculated after IPPC 2000
steam internally used --> not inventoried 1.35E-01 MJ calculated after IPPC 2000
steel, converter,
BOF chromium
metals extraction No RER chromium steel 18/8, at 1.00E+00 kg
steel slab
Fig. 5.15 Flows for "steel, converter, chromium steel 18/8, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
land occupation
for buildings and Occupation, industrial (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,7);
resource land 2.00E+07 m2a estimated 1 5.00
open storage area, built up rough estimation
blast oxygen furnace converter
Transformation, to (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,8);
to buildings and assumption: 80% of total area is built up resource land 4.00E+05 m2 estimated 1 5.00
industrial area, built up rough estimation
open bauxite
storage area
land occupation
Occupation, industrial (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,7);
for vegetation resource land 5.00E+06 m2a estimated 1 5.00
area, vegetation rough estimation
Transformation, to
transformation assumption: 20% of total area is (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,8);
resource land industrial area, 1.00E+05 m2 estimated 1 5.00
to vegetation vegetation rough estimation
building, multi construction (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
buildings Yes RER building, multi-storey 2.00E+03 m3 estimated 1 5.00
story processes rough estimation
construction (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
building, hall buildings Yes CH building, hall 4.00E+05 m2 estimated 1 5.00
processes rough estimation
industrial machine,
heavy machine, construction (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
machinery Yes RER heavy, unspecified, at 2.22E+07 kg estimated 1 5.00
unspecific processes rough estimation
poor concrete
construction concrete, sole plate and (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
for additional concrete No CH 1.01E+04 m3 estimated 1 5.00
materials foundation, at plant rough estimation
construction refractory, basic, (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
firebrick bricks No DE 2.00E+05 kg estimated 1 5.00
materials packed, at plant rough estimation
disposal, building,
waste building concrete, not (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
concrete to No CH 2.22E+07 kg estimated 1 5.00
management demolition reinforced, to final rough estimation
firebricks to waste building disposal, building, brick, (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
No CH 2.00E+05 kg estimated 1 5.00
disposal management demolition to final disposal rough estimation
blast oxygen furnace
BOF converter Output: 1500000000 kg/a, life time: 50 a metals extraction Yes RER 1.00E+00 unit
Fig. 5.16 Flows for "blast oxygen furnace converter" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
- slag handling
- continuous casting
For high alloyed and special steels (15% of European steel production), the operation sequence is mo-
re complex and tailor-made for the end-products. In addition to the mentioned operations for carbon
steels various ladle treatments (secondary metallurgy) are carried out like
- desulphurisation
- degassing for the elimination of dissolved gases like nitrogen and hydrogen
electric arc furnace converter amount unit lifetime [a] Material / Module
yearly production capacity (5000h; 100 t/h) 500'000'000 kg 50 Yearly production capacity
area of plant (500 x 100 m) 500'000 m2 50 Transformed area
administration building (50x50x10 m3) 2'000 m3 50 Building, multi story
production hall (50% of total area) 250'000 m2 50 Building, hall
furnace & ladle 500'000 kg 25 heavy machine, unspecific
lining for furnace & ladle 50'000 kg 25 firebrick
casting machines 5'000'000 kg 25 heavy machine, unspecific
The infrastructure is modelled to be used for 50 years. The replacement of the machines with a life-
time of only 25 years is taken into account by doubling the amount. The infrastructure is disposed af-
ter its useful life in inert material landfills. Thus the values given in Tab. 5.21 are inventoried. For the
waste disposal it is assumed that the conveyer belts and the machines are completely recycled. The
disposal of the buildings is already inventoried in the building modules. Thus only the concrete and
the refractory materials are disposed.
5.7.2 Emissions
Relevant emissions of heavy metals varying largely with the scrap quality occur in electric steel mak-
ing. Also varying with the scrap quality are chlorinated hydrocarbon emissions such as PCB and diox-
ins. Other VOC emissions can be remarkably high and correspond with the use off coal.
The overall particle emissions given are in the medium range in (Berdowski et al. (1995)) thus 42.5%
of particles are assumed to be smaller than 2.5 m, 42.5% of particles are assumed to be between 2.5
m and 10 m and 15% of particles are assumed to be larger than 10 m.
Drainage water form unpaved scrap-yards can be contaminated, especially in case of oil/emulsion con-
taining scrap like turnings. There is no information available on quantities and pollution of drainage
water. Usually it is at least treated in an oil separator prior to be discharged.
Soil contamination may arise from contaminated scrap in scrap-yards. No information on quantities
and pollutants is available.
5.7.3 Waste
The main waste generated in EAF steel making is slag. Their composition slightly depends on the al-
loy and on the sub-process they are generated in. The differences are not significant and therefore ne-
glected in this study. One average composition is established (see Tab. 5.20). The recycling fraction
also depends on the alloy. While slag from carbon steel and low alloyed steel production are landfilled
to 69% and 59% respectively, only 53% of the slag from high alloyed steel production is landfilled.
Tab. 5.20 Chemical composition of slag from EAF steel making [% (w/w)]
CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO Total TiO2 MnO P2O5 Cr2O3 Free S C
Fe CaO
36 14 5.6 8.7 22 0.31 8.2 0.31 1.5 2.1 0.021 0.34
Na2O K2O V2O5 ZnO CuO NiO
0.47 0.11 0.18 0.021 0.031 0.21
Arithmetic mean of values in (IPPC (2000), Tab. 9.4), linear adjusted to 100% (from 97.5%). In this pro-
ject x is interpreted as x/2
As already mentioned the treatment of off gases (mostly primary off gases together with secondary off
gases) is very often performed in bag filters. The composition of dusts from production of carbon, low
alloyed and high alloyed steel can be seen from Tab. 5.21.
Wastewater also results from off gas treatment in a wet scrubber and from direct cooling from con-
tinuous casting. For the former wastewater no information on applied treatment techniques and dis-
charged quantities and its pollution is available. Latter wastewater contains mill scale (1–3 g/l) and
oil/grease. Usually this wastewater is treated together with other streams from the rolling mills.
Tab. 5.21 Chemical composition of dust from EAF steel making [% (w/w)]
Component Dust from car- Dust from high- Dust from car- Dust from high-
bon/low-alloyed alloyed / stain- bon/low-alloyed alloyed EAF
steel produc- less steel pro- EAF steel in steel in this
tion duction this project project
(IPPC (2000), Tab. 9.6) [% (w/w)] [% (w/w)]
Fe tot 25 – 50 30 – 40 3.59E+01 3.25E+01
SiO2 1.5 – 5 7 – 10 3.11E+00 7.88E+00
CaO 4 – 15 5 – 17 9.10E+00 1.02E+01
Al2O3 0.3 – 0.7 1–4 4.79E-01 2.32E+00
MgO 1–5 2–5 2.87E+00 3.25E+00
P2O5 0.2 – 0.6 0.01 – 0.1 3.83E-01 5.10E-02
MnO 2.5 – 5.5 3–6 3.83E+00 4.17E+00
Cr2O3 0.2 – 1 10 – 20 5.75E-01 1.39E+01
Na2O 1.5 – 1.9 n/a 1.63E+00 1.63E+00
K2O 1.2 – 1.5 n/a 1.29E+00 1.29E+00
Zn 10 – 35 2 – 10 2.16E+01 5.56E+00
Pb 0.8 – 6 0.5 – 2 3.26E+00 1.16E+00
Cd 0.02 – 0.1 0.01 – 0.08 5.75E-02 4.17E-02
Cu 0.15 – 0.4 0.01 – 0.3 2.64E-01 1.44E-01
Ni 0.02 – 0.04 2–4 2.87E-02 2.78E+00
V 0.02 – 0.05 0.1 – 0.3 3.35E-02 1.85E-01
Co 0.001 – 0.002 n/a 1.44E-03 1.44E-03
As 0.003 – 0.08 n/a 3.98E-02 3.98E-02
Hg 0.0001 – 0.001 n/a 5.27E-04 5.27E-04
Cl 1.5 – 4 n/a 2.64E+00 2.64E+00
F 0.02 – 0.9 0.01 – 0.05 4.41E-01 2.78E-02
S 0.5 – 1 0.1 – 0.3 7.19E-01 1.85E-01
C 0.5 – 2 0.5 – 1 1.20E+00 6.96E-01
Basicity 2.0 – 6.5 n/a 4.25E+00 4.25E+00
Moisture 6 – 16 n/a 1.05E+01 1.05E+01
(Energetics (2000), Tab. 5-5)
Fe 28.5 31.7
Zn 19 1
Cd < 0.1 0.16
Cr 0.39 10.2
CaO / MgO 10.7 3.1
This project = arithmetic mean values, linear adjusted to 100% (from 104% and 108% for carbon/low-
alloyed steel and high-alloyed steel respectively)
Tab. 5.22 Meta information for the EAF steel production processes
steel, electric, un- and steel, electric, chromium electric arc furnace con-
low-alloyed, at plant steel 18/8, at plant verter
Location RER RER RER
Infrastructure Process 0 0 1
Unit kg kg unit
Data Set Version 2.0 2.0 2.0
Transports of scrap metal Transports of scrap metal Infrastructure for input
and other input materials and other input materials material unloading and
Included Processes to electric arc furnace, to electric arc furnace, storage, for EAF proc-
steel making process and steel making process and esses and casting and for
casting. casting. administrative buildings
Amount 1 1 1
Elektrostahl, un- und Elektrostahl, Chromstahl Elektrolichtbogenofen,
Local Name
niedriglegiert, ab Werk 18/8, ab Werk Stahl
This process produces This process produces Assumptions for medium
General Comment to refer- secondary steel. Only secondary steel. Only sized plant. Output:
ence function scrap is used as iron scrap is used as iron 500'000 t/a, life time: 50
bearing input. bearing input. years.
Start Date 2001 2001 2002
End Date 2001 2001 2002
Data Valid For Entire Period 1 1 1
Other Period Text
Some Swiss datasets are
Geography text Data relate to plants in Data relate to plants in used for European proc-
the EU the EU esses.
EU technology mix EU technology mix
(mainly furnace with 4th (mainly furnace with 4th
hole, partly with additional hole, partly with additional
Technology text evacuation of building evacuation of building
atmosphere). An average atmosphere). An average
for different alloys is rep- for different alloys is rep- Assumed technology of
resented. resented. medium sized plant.
Representativeness [%]
Production Volume unknown unknown unknown
Sampling Procedure based on literature based on literature Internet search
Extrapolations none none see Geography
Uncertainty Adjustments none none none
Data quality
Data uncertainty is derived using the Pedigree matrix as described in (Frischknecht et al. (2003)) ex-
cept for the infrastructure where this method would result in values far too low.
Data of input and main output materials as well as emission data for EAF steel production stem from
an unknown number of 203 electric arc furnaces in Europe. Thus data for European consumption are
of rather high uncertainty.
Data for the infrastructure is roughly estimated.
iron scrap metals extraction No RER iron scrap, at plant 1.11E+00 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,3)
steel, electric, un- and low-
Fig. 5.17 Flows for "steel, electric, and- and low-alloyed, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Hg air unspecified Mercury 2.24E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Pb air unspecified Lead 1.81E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
plant; part 2
Cr air unspecified Chromium 1.25E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Ni air unspecified Nickel 7.01E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Zn air unspecified Zinc 2.29E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Cd air unspecified Cadmium 3.65E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Cu air unspecified Copper 2.31E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
HF air unspecified Hydrogen fluoride 2.35E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,31)
HCl air unspecified Hydrogen chloride 5.20E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,31)
SO2 air unspecified Sulfur dioxide 7.70E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,15)
NOx air unspecified Nitrogen oxides 1.80E-04 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,16)
CO air unspecified Carbon monoxide, fossil 2.32E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,17)
Fig. 5.17 Flows for "steel, electric, and- and low-alloyed, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
dioxin (I-TEQ) (45% C) air unspecified 4.54E-12 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 3.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,21)
disposal, slag, unalloyed
amount inventoried corresponds to the
slag from waste residual electr. steel, 0% water,
64% of the slag that is landfilled. The rest No CH 8.00E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
furnace management material landfill to residual material
is recycled or reused
disposal, slag, unalloyed
amount inventoried corresponds to the
waste residual electr. steel, 0% water,
slag from laddle 64% of the slag that is landfilled. The rest No CH 1.28E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
management material landfill to residual material
is recycled or reused
disposal, dust, unalloyed
amount inventoried corresponds to the
waste residual EAF steel, 15.4% water,
dust 64% of the total dust that is landfilled. No CH 9.60E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
management material landfill to residual material
The rest is recycled or reused
allthough partly recycled total amount is disposal, inert waste, 5%
refractory waste inert material
assumed to be disposed in inert material No CH water, to inert material 5.00E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
material management landfill
landfill. landfill
un-/low-alloyed steel, electric, un- and
metals extraction No RER 1.00E+00 kg
EAF steel slab low-alloyed, at plant
Fig. 5.17 Flows for "steel, electric, and- and low-alloyed, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
iron scrap metals extraction No RER iron scrap, at plant 5.20E-01 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,3)
steel, electric, chromium steel 18/8,
coal hard coal fuels No UCTE 1.40E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,11)
regional storage
graphite anode, aluminium
metals extraction No RER 3.00E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,4)
electrode electrolysis
construction refractory, basic,
materials bricks No DE 1.35E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,4)
materials packed, at plant
oxygen (99%) density 1.429 kg/m3 chemicals inorganics No RER oxygen, liquid, at plant 5.07E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,4)
natural gas, high
other energy all other energy assumed as natural gas natural gas fuels No RER 9.75E-01 MJ calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,11)
pressure, at consumer
electricity, medium
electricity electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 4.24E-01 kWh calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,2)
UCTE, at grid
scrap, alloys, lime, refractories, coal & transport transport, lorry >16t, estimated (standard
transport road road No RER 1.19E-01 tkm 1 2.09 (4,5,nA,nA,nA,nA,5)
electrode: 100 km; systems fleet average distance)
scrap, alloys, lime, refractories & coal: transport estimated (standard
transport rail train No RER transport, freight, rail 1.21E-01 tkm 1 2.09 (4,5,nA,nA,nA,nA,5)
200 km; electrode: 600km systems distance)
water closed cycle --> not inventoried 0.00E+00 IPPC 2000
for EAF process, secondary metallurgy and electric arc furnace
infrastructure metals extraction Yes RER 4.00E-11 unit estimated 1 3.23 (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9)
casting converter
Fig. 5.18 Flows for "steel, electric, chromium steel 18/8, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
dust, coarse 15% > 10 um air unspecified Particulates, > 10 um 5.86E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,25)
Particulates, > 2.5 um,
dust, medium 42,5% between 2.5 um and 10 um air unspecified 1.66E-04 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 2.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,26)
and < 10um
dust, fine 42.5% < 2.5 um air unspecified Particulates, < 2.5 um 1.66E-04 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 3.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,27)
Hg air unspecified Mercury 2.24E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
at plant; part 2
Pb air unspecified Lead 1.81E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Cr air unspecified Chromium 1.25E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Ni air unspecified Nickel 7.01E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Zn air unspecified Zinc 2.29E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Cd air unspecified Cadmium 3.65E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
Cu air unspecified Copper 2.31E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,22)
HF air unspecified Hydrogen fluoride 2.35E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,31)
HCl air unspecified Hydrogen chloride 5.20E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,31)
SO2 air unspecified Sulfur dioxide 7.70E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,15)
NOx air unspecified Nitrogen oxides 1.80E-04 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,16)
CO air unspecified Carbon monoxide, fossil 2.32E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,17)
Fig. 5.18 Flows for "steel, electric, chromium steel 18/8, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
organic carbon)
carbon are subtracted
benzene (92% C) air unspecified Benzene 2.29E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 2.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,23)
(25 %C) air unspecified Benzene, hexachloro- 2.00E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 2.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,23)
(92%C); benzene and hexachlorobenzene PAH, polycyclic aromatic
PAH air unspecified 3.73E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 3.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,21)
are not included hydrocarbons
PCB (50%C) air unspecified 2.33E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 3.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,21)
Dioxins, measured as
plant; part 3
dioxin (I-TEQ) (45% C) air unspecified 4.54E-12 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 3.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3,21)
disposal, slag, unalloyed
amount inventoried corresponds to the
slag from waste residual electr. steel, 0% water,
53% of the slag that is landfilled. The rest No CH 6.63E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
furnace management material landfill to residual material
is recycled or reused
disposal, slag, unalloyed
amount inventoried corresponds to the
waste residual electr. steel, 0% water,
slag from laddle 53% of the slag that is landfilled. The rest No CH 1.06E-02 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
management material landfill to residual material
is recycled or reused
disposal, dust, alloyed
amount inventoried corresponds to the
waste residual EAF steel, 15.4% water,
dust 34% of the total dust that is landfilled. No CH 5.10E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
management material landfill to residual material
The rest is recycled or reused
allthough partly recycled total amount is disposal, inert waste, 5%
refractory waste inert material
assumed to be disposed in inert material No CH water, to inert material 5.00E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,6)
material management landfill
landfill. landfill
steel, electric,
EAF chromium
metals extraction No RER chromium steel 18/8, at 1.00E+00 kg
steel slab
Fig. 5.18 Flows for "steel, electric, chromium steel 18/8, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Land occupation
for buildings and Occupation, industrial (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,7);
resource land 2.00E+07 m2a estimated 1 5.00
open storage area, built up rough estimation
electric arc furnace converter
Transformation, to (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,8);
to buildings and assumption: 80% of total area is built up resource land 4.00E+05 m2 estimated 1 5.00
industrial area, built up rough estimation
open bauxite
storage area
Land occupation
Occupation, industrial (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,7);
for vegetation resource land 5.00E+06 m2a estimated 1 5.00
area, vegetation rough estimation
Transformation, to
transformation assumption: 20% of total area is (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,8);
resource land industrial area, 1.00E+05 m2 estimated 1 5.00
to vegetation vegetation rough estimation
Building, multi construction (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
buildings Yes RER building, multi-storey 2.00E+03 m3 estimated 1 5.00
story processes rough estimation
construction (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
Building, hall buildings Yes CH building, hall 2.50E+05 m2 estimated 1 5.00
processes rough estimation
industrial machine,
heavy machine, construction (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
machinery Yes RER heavy, unspecified, at 1.10E+07 kg estimated 1 5.00
unspecific processes rough estimation
Poor concrete
construction concrete, sole plate and (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
for additional concrete No CH 5.00E+03 m3 estimated 1 5.00
materials foundation, at plant rough estimation
construction refractory, basic, (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
firebrick bricks No DE 1.00E+05 kg estimated 1 5.00
materials packed, at plant rough estimation
disposal, building,
waste building concrete, not (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
concrete to No CH 1.10E+07 kg estimated 1 5.00
management demolition reinforced, to final rough estimation
firebricks to waste building disposal, building, brick, (5,nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,9);
No CH 5.00E+03 kg estimated 1 5.00
disposal management demolition to final disposal rough estimation
electric arc furnace
EAF converter Output: 500000000 kg/a, life time: 50 a metals extraction Yes RER 1.00E+00 unit
Fig. 5.19 Flows for "electric arc furnace converter" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
5.8.2 Emissions
Air emissions depend mainly on the type of furnaces and the fuel used in them. Emission composition
of the production in a cupola furnace is similar to that of the blast furnace while emissions of the cast
iron production in electric arc furnaces is similar to those of the steel making in those furnaces.
There are no reports of direct water emissions from these processes.
5.8.3 Waste
As for the steel making the main wastes from cast iron production is slag and filter dust. No specific
information was found.
http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/sci/A0858908.html, accessed 12.02.03
Tab. 5.23 Meta information for the cast iron production processes
Data quality
Data uncertainty is derived using the Pedigree matrix as described in (Frischknecht et al. (2003)) ex-
cept for the infrastructure where this method would result in values far too low.
Data are estimates based on a technology that is similar to one of different technologies used in the
cast iron production. Thus data uncertainty is rather high.
Data for the infrastructure is roughly estimated.
iron scrap assumption: 35% scrap, 65% primary iron metals extraction No RER iron scrap, at plant 3.87E-01 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.23 (2,3,2,3,3,3,3)
pig iron assumption: 35% scrap, 65% primary iron metals extraction No GLO pig iron, at plant 7.18E-01 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.23 (2,3,2,3,3,3,3)
cast iron, at plant; part 1
Fig. 5.20 Flows for "cast iron, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
dust, fine 42.5% < 2.5 um air unspecified Particulates, < 2.5 um 1.66E-04 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 3.06 (2,3,2,3,3,3,27)
Hg air unspecified Mercury 2.24E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.06 (2,3,2,3,3,3,22)
Pb air unspecified Lead 1.81E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.06 (2,3,2,3,3,3,22)
Cr air unspecified Chromium 1.25E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.06 (2,3,2,3,3,3,22)
Ni air unspecified Nickel 7.01E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.06 (2,3,2,3,3,3,22)
Zn air unspecified Zinc 2.29E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.06 (2,3,2,3,3,3,22)
Cd air unspecified Cadmium 3.65E-08 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.06 (2,3,2,3,3,3,22)
Cu air unspecified Copper 2.31E-07 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.06 (2,3,2,3,3,3,22)
HF air unspecified Hydrogen fluoride 2.35E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.57 (2,3,2,3,3,3,31)
HCl air unspecified Hydrogen chloride 5.20E-06 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.57 (2,3,2,3,3,3,31)
SO2 air unspecified Sulfur dioxide 7.70E-05 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.23 (2,3,2,3,3,3,15)
NOx air unspecified Nitrogen oxides 1.80E-04 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 1.57 (2,3,2,3,3,3,16)
CO air unspecified Carbon monoxide, fossil 2.32E-03 kg calculated after IPPC 2000 1 5.06 (2,3,2,3,3,3,17)
Fig. 5.20 Flows for "cast iron, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Fig. 5.20 Flows for "cast iron, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Data quality
Data uncertainty is derived using the Pedigree matrix as described in (Frischknecht et al. (2003)).
The shares of the different technologies stem from a statistical yearbook. Thus the data are reliable.
unalloyed basic
steel, converter, estimation, based on IISI
reinforcing steel,
oxygen furnace metals extraction No RER 6.30E-01 kg 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,3)
unalloyed, at plant 2002
at plant
Fig. 5.21 Flows for "reinforcing steel, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
alloyed, at plant
furnace steel
steel, electric, un- and estimation, based on IISI
electric arc metals extraction No RER 3.70E-01 kg 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,3)
low-alloyed, at plant 2002
furnace steel
relates directly to
hot rolling metals processing No RER hot rolling, steel 1.00E+00 kg calculated 1 1.00
low alloyed steel, low-alloyed, at
metals extraction No RER 1.00E+00 kg
steel plant
Fig. 5.22 Flows for "steel, low-alloyed, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
furnace metals extraction No RER chromium steel 18/8, at 6.30E-01 kg 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,3)
chromium steel plant
electric arc steel, electric,
estimation, based on IISI
furnace metals extraction No RER chromium steel 18/8, at 3.70E-01 kg 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,3)
chromium steel plant
relates directly to
hot rolling metals processing No RER hot rolling, steel 1.00E+00 kg calculated 1 1.00
chromium steel chromium steel 18/8, at
metals extraction No RER 1.00E+00 kg
18/8 plant
Fig. 5.23 Flows for "chromium steel 18/8, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
6 Literature
Althaus et al. (2004) Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Classen M. and Jungbluth N. (2004) Life Cycle Inven-
tories of Metals. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss
Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under:
Anonymous (1998) Anonymous (1998) Base Metal and Iron Ore Mining. World Bank. Retrieved
Anonymous (2002) Anonymous (2002) European Dioxin Inventory. European Commission. Re-
trieved from http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/dioxin/stage1/sinter_plants
.pdf. Date of last revision: 22.08.2002.
Berdowski et al. (1995) Berdowski J., Visschedijk A., Creemers E., Pulles T., Pacyna J., Fudala J. and
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trieved from http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/
Energetics (2000) Energetics I. (2000) Energy and Environmental Profile of the U.S. Iron and Steel
Industry. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Industrial Technologies, Online-
Version under: http://www.oit.doe.gov/steel/pdfs/steel_profile.pdf.
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Faist Emmenegger M., Hischier R., Jungbluth N., Kellenberger D., Margni M.,
Nemecek T. and Spielmann M. (2006) Documentation of changes implemented
in ecoinvent Data v1.2 and v1.3. ecoinvent report No. 16. EMPA Dübendorf,
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Frischknecht et al. (2003) Frischknecht R., Jungbluth N., Althaus H.-J., Doka G., Dones R., Hellweg S.,
Hischier R., Nemecek T., Rebitzer G. and Spielmann M. (2003) Overview and
Methodology. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 1. Swiss Centre for Life Cycle
Inventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Frischknecht et al. (1996) Frischknecht R., Suter P., Bollens U., Bosshart S., Ciot M., Ciseri L., Doka G.,
Hischier R., Martin A., Dones R. and Gantner U. (1996) Ökoinventare von Ener-
giesystemen, Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen
und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. 3.
Aufl. Edition. Bundesamt für Energiewirtschaft (BEW/PSEL), Bern.
IISI (2002) IISI (2002) Steel Statistical Yearbook 2002. I nternational Iron and Steel Insti-
tute (IISI). Retrieved from
IPPC (2000) IPPC (2000) Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC); Best Available
Techniques Reference Document on the Production of Iron and Steel. European
Commission. Retrieved from http://www.jrc.es/pub/english.cgi/0/733169
Kalla & Kalwa (1997) Kalla U. and Kalwa G. (1997) Steel; Uses. In: Ullmann's encyclopedia of indus-
trial chemistry (ed. Anonymous). 5th edition on CD-ROM Edition. Wiley &
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Katz & Salem (1994) Katz S. A. and Salem H. (1994) The Biological and Environmental Chemistry of
Chromium. New York. ISBN 1-56081-629-5.
Kucharcik (1997) Kucharcik L. (1997) Cast Iron. In: Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemis-
try (ed. Anonymous). 5th edition on CD-ROM Edition. Wiley & Sons, London.
Meiler (1997) Meiler H. (1997) Iron Production Process; Ores. In: Ullmann's encyclopedia of
industrial chemistry (ed. Anonymous). 5th edition on CD-ROM Edition. Wiley
& Sons, London.
Roth et al. (1999) Roth W., Atmaca T. and Mori G. (1999) Stoffmengenflüsse und Energiebedarf
bei der Gewinnung ausgewählter mineralischer Rohstoffe; Teilstudie Eisen. In:
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schaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover. ISBN 3-510-95828-4.
Steffen (1997) Steffen R. (1997) Steel; Raw materials. In: Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial
chemistry (ed. Anonymous). 5th edition on CD-ROM Edition. Wiley & Sons,
Classen M., Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Tuchschmid M., Jungbluth N., Doka G., Faist
Emmenegger M. and Scharnhorst W. (2009) Life Cycle Inventories of Metals. Final re-
port ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inven-
tories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
The primary copper and molybdenum production is modelled for the global situation, based on data
from various sources. Additionally, the situations for different concentrate-producing regions are
modelled separately. Since most of tellurium and considerable parts of silver originate from copper
production, a specific chapter treats the generation of silver and telluride containing anode slime.
The mining and beneficiation are modelled as coupled processes with copper and molybdenit concen-
trate as outputs.
For copper also the secondary production in Europe is inventoried. Finally a mix is generated to be
used for copper consumed in Europe.
Some of the datasets described in this report make only sense in the context of the copper and molyb-
denum production and are therefore not intended for other uses.
The datasets to be chosen to represent copper in a LCA study are either one of the primary copper
datasets, the secondary copper dataset or the European mix (at regional storage). The decision whether
to use primary, secondary or a mix of the two depends on the goal and scope of the LCA to be con-
If molybdenum is needed as alloying element in an LCA study, molybdenite should be chosen as in-
put. The metallic molybdenum is only used in very specific applications.
Table of Contents
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................I
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
6 LITERATURE ......................................................................................................... 72
1 Introduction
This chapter describes the production of copper from mining of the ore to consumer in Europe and the
coupled production of molybdenum. Inventory data for the copper production is taken mainly from
Krauss et al. (1999) together with background data from IPPC (2002), IPPC (2001), EEA (1999) and
Ayres et al. (2002) (primary copper) and Rentz et al. (1999) and Bruch et al. (1995) (secondary cop-
Since copper is always associated with other metals, the production yields a fraction of other metals
than copper, mainly nickel (Ni), molybdenum (Mo) and platinum group metals. The process of pri-
mary production described in this chapter is formally a multioutput-process with the coupled products
Cu and Mo. No other potential co-products have been considered in this study. This makes it neces-
sary to allocate the inventory to these products. The demand for copper-containing ore is allocated by
mass. The rest of the inventory is allocated by revenue.
Copper is used as pure metal and as alloying element with other metals and in steels. On the other
hand, molybdenum is almost exclusively used as alloying element in steels. Its marketed product form
is molybdenum trioxide and ferromolybdenum.
According to EEA (1999), emissions of sulphur dioxide from non-ferrous metal production, particu-
larly copper production, contribute less than 10% to the total global emissions of this pollutant. How-
ever, copper smelting can be the most important source of sulphur dioxide emissions in certain re-
gions, such as the Kola Peninsula, the Urals, the Norilsk area, and the Fergana region in Russia, Lower
Silesia in Poland, and the Gijon region in Spain. During the copper production process various trace
elements originating from impurities in the ore are emitted to the atmosphere. This process is the ma-
jor source of atmospheric arsenic and copper (about 50 % of the global emissions of the element), and
indium (almost 90 %), and a significant source of atmospheric antimony, cadmium and selenium (ca.
30 %), and nickel and tin (ca. 10 %). The production of copper together with nickel is the major source
of pollution from these and other elements in regions with non-ferrous metal production.
According to mythology, the goddess Venus (or Aphrodite) was born on the Mediterranean island of
Cyprus, formerly Kypros (Greek), where copper was exploited millennia before Christ. Therefore, in
early times the Romans named it cyprium, later called cuprum. This name is the origin of copper and
of the corresponding words in most Romance and Germanic languages, e.g., cobre (Spanish and Por-
tuguese), cuivre (French), Kupfer (German), koper (Dutch), and koppar (Swedish).
Fig. 2.1 Development of copper ore grade in U. S. since 1880 (Ayres et al. (2002)).
Other metallic elements frequently found in copper ores are iron, lead, zinc, antimony, and arsenic;
less common are selenium, tellurium, bismuth, silver, and gold. Substantial enrichments sometimes
occur in complex ores. For example, ores from Sudbury, Ontario, in Canada contain nickel and copper
in nearly the same concentrations, as well as considerable amounts of platinum metals. The copper
ores from Zaire and Zambia are useful sources of cobalt. Many porphyry copper ores in America con-
tain significant amounts of molybdenum and are the most important single source of rhenium. The ex-
traction of precious metals and other rare elements can be decisive for the profitability of copper mi-
nes, smelters, and refineries (Fabian (1997)).
Land-based resources are estimated to be 1.6 billion tons of copper, and resources in deep-sea nodules
are estimated to be 700 million tons (USGS (2003)). A detailed overview over the global refinery pro-
duction and a statistic on US use and production of copper is available in the online version of the
USGS “Mineral Commodity Summary” (USGS (2003)). The world-wide mine production by country
in 2002 and the estimated reserves are listed in Tab. 2.3, copper production over the last seven thou-
sand years is shown in Fig. 2.2.
Exploitable reserves of recoverable copper were estimated at about 100 million tons in 1935; new dis-
coveries raised this to 212 million tons in 1960. Reserves grew again sharply to 340 million metric
tons (MMT) in 1984, but since then they have declined slowly to 321 MMT in 1990 and 310 MMT in
1994. Estimates vary according to prices and assumptions. Total potential resources have increased
somewhat over the same period, from 500 MMT to around 590 MMT. As a matter of interest, cumula-
tive global production of copper between 1970 and 1996 was 216 MMT (Ayres et al. (2002), p. 10).
According to USGS in 2002 (Tab. 2.3) estimated resources amount to 480 MMT (“reserves”) and po-
tential resources to 950 MMT (“reserve base”). With the actual mine production of around 13.5
MMT/a, the reserves would last 36 years and the reserve base 70 years.
Production of tellurium and silver are tightly related to the production of copper. Tellurium occurs in
tellurium-bearing minerals such as sylvanite ((Au, Ag),Te2) in copper and gold deposits. Silver and
tellurium are contained in small traces in the copper ore and arise in the anode slime of the electrolytic
refining of copper. Whereas tellurium is won almost exclusively as by-product from the copper pro-
duction 1 , copper ores contribute to 25-30% to the world silver supply (Klapwijk et al. (2006)).
Tab. 2.1 Resources. The most important copper minerals (Fabian (1997)).
http://www.mmta.co.uk/economicsFacts/miningJournalReview.aspx, “Tellurium” in the Mining Journal Review, The Minor
Metals Trade Association, accessed in July 2007
Tab. 2.2 Occurrence. Typical copper contents of natural materials (Fabian (1997)).
Tab. 2.3 Mine production and reserves of copper in 2001. “Reserves” is referred to as “the part of the reserve base
which could be economically extracted or produced at the time of determination”, while “Reserve base” de-
notes “that part of an identified resource that meets specified minimum (...) criteria related to current mining
and production practices” (USGS (2003)).
Tab. 2.4 World production of copper, silver and tellurium in tonnes per year, tpa. Data compiled after USGS (2003)
through 2004 and USGS (2007) for 2005/6.
Fig. 2.2 History of copper production in logarithmic scale (Ayres et al. (2002)).
1. porphyry deposits in which metallic sulphides are disseminated throughout large volumes of
altered and fractured rock,
3. quartz veins,
4. pegmatites, and
Tab. 2.5 Global reserves of molybdenum. Total recoverable reserves from primary production and as by-product
(Sebenik et al. (1997)).
Tab. 2.6 Sources of copper waste for Europe in 1994 (Bertram et al. (2002)).
3.1 Copper
Copper [7440-50-8], the red metal, apart from gold the only metallic element with a colour different
from a grey tone, has been known since the early days of the human kind. It has always been one of
the significant materials, and today it is the most frequently used heavy non-ferrous metal. The utility
of pure copper is based on its physical and chemical properties, above all its electrical and thermal
conductivity (exceeded only by silver), its outstanding ductility and thus excellent workability, and its
corrosion resistance (a chemical behaviour making it a half-noble metal). Copper compounds and ores
are distinguished by bright coloration, especially reds, greens, and blues. Copper in soil is an essential
trace element for most creatures, including humans. Its common alloys, particularly brass and bronze,
are of great practical importance. Commercial grades of cathode copper today range from 99.95% to
99.97% pure.
Most properties of metallic copper depend on the degree of purity and on the source of the metal. Va-
riations in properties are caused by
- Grade of copper, i.e., the oxygen content: tough-pitch copper, deoxidised copper, oxygen-free
- Content of native impurities (e.g., arsenic) or remnants of additives (e.g., phosphorus), which form
solid solutions or separate phases at the grain boundaries;
- Thermal and mechanical pre-treatment of the metal, which lead to states such as cast copper, hot-
rolled copper, cold-worked (hard) copper, annealed (soft) copper, and sintered copper.
The atomic number of copper is 29, and the atomic mass Ar is 63.546±0.003. Copper consists of the
two natural, stable isotopes 63Cu (68.94 %) and 65Cu (31.06 %). There are also nine synthetic radioac-
tive isotopes with atomic masses between 58 and 68, of which 67Cu has the longest half-life, ca.
58.5 h.
The theoretical density at 20 °C, computed from lattice constant and atomic mass is 8.93 g/cm3. The
international standard was fixed at 8.89 g/cm3. The density of commercial copper depends on its com-
position, especially the oxygen content, its mechanical and thermal pre-treatment, and the temperature.
At 20 °C, a range of values from 8.30 g/cm3 to 8.93 g/cm3 are found.
The corresponding electrical resistivity (ρ) is 1.7241×10–8 W·cm. The theoretical conductivity at 20 °C
is nearly 60.0 MS/m or 103.4 % IACS, and today commercial oxygen-free copper (e.g., C10200 or Cu
– OF) has a conductivity of 101 % IACS.
http://www.stahl-info.de/deutsch/schriften/MB235-WeichundHartloeten.pdf; accessed on 16.04.03
3.2.1 Brass
The series of alloys from which a majority of the industry's products are made are the copper-zinc al-
loys the brasses. The most popular alloy of the group is cartridge brass (70/30 brass). Zinc is by far
the most important alloying element in the copper alloys. Lead can be alloyed to brasses to enhance
the machinability. If secondary material is used to produce copper alloys, contamination with un-
wanted heavy metals (e.g. lead, cadmium, beryllium...) can be a problem.
3.2.2 Bronze
Also of technical relevance are the copper-tin alloys the tin bronzes. Beside about 5% (w/w) (maxi-
mum 10%) Sn, tin bronzes often contain some phosphorus and sometimes lead or silver. These alloys
provide the best combination of strength, electrical conductivity, and resistance to corrosion, as well as
great versatility.
The probably most important family of the speciality alloys is that of the copper-aluminium alloys -
the aluminium bronzes. Aluminium bronzes contain between 2 and 15% (w/w) Al, possibly with other
alloying elements. When cold finished products are to be manufactured, the aluminium content is lim-
ited to 9% (w/w). Aluminium bronze alloys may also contain up to 4.5% Fe, 2 % Sn, 6%, Ni, 3.5%
Mn and 3% Si to achieve special properties. These alloys combine good formability, good conductiv-
ity and high strength.
3.2.3 Solders
Alloys or pure metals are used as solders or brazing alloys. When their liquidus temperature is
<450 °C the process is called soft soldering, and when it is >450 °C it is known as brazing. In high-
temperature brazing, the operation is carried out in the absence of a fluxing agent and air, and the
bonding metal has a liquidus temperature >900 °C.
The main elements used in solders are copper, tin, zinc, silver, lead, cadmium and sometimes nickel,
manganese or cobalt. An important class of brazing solders are the "General-purpose, cadmium-free
brazing alloys". Their melting point is between 700 °C und 1100 °C.
Fluxes are organic or inorganic substances that remove oxides and other harmful layers from the sur-
face to be joined by soldering or brazing. They thereby provide the conditions that allow wetting by
the molten filler metal. Copper, copper - tin, or silver can be brazed in air without fluxes if phospho-
rus-containing copper-based brazing alloys are used. The phosphorus has a similar effect to that of a
lybdenum disulphide in air at 600 °C and may be purified by sublimation. It can also be prepared by
reacting ammonium molybdate at 550 °C with oxygen or by precipitation from an aqueous ammonium
molybdate solution treated with concentrated nitric acid (Sebenik et al. (1997)).
Tab. 3.1 Properties of molybdenum trioxide and dioxide and molybdenum disulphide (Sebenik et al. (1997))
4.1 Copper
Before end-use the pure metal produced in refineries or re-melting plants is manufactured into semi
fabricated products, such as shapes and ingots (known as “semis”). These manufacturing processes are
subdivided into hot working, cold working and, if necessary, process annealing. These processes are
dealt with in Part IXX - Metal Processing.
Few of the semis are ready for use as such. They more typically travel to first-stage manufacturers,
who make metal rods, wire, and casting, and then to component manufacturers who produce such
things as motors, valves, and insulated cables (Fig. 4.1). The components in turn are incorporated by
final-stage manufacturers into a variety of finished products – automobiles, commercial buildings, re-
sidential housing, and so forth. These uses are shown in Tab. 4.1, they account for about 79% of the
world-wide consumption of copper. The figures in Tab. 4.1 are useful guides to the relative use magni-
tudes, albeit these copper containing products are the basis for copper re-use. The relations between
end-use, production and in- and export for Germany are given in Fig. 4.2.
Generally it can be said that copper is losing some traditional markets to other materials. One of them
is for telecommunications cables, mainly due to increasing use of glass fibres and wireless devices for
local distribution – the so-called “last mile”. Other traditional copper markets, such as copper roofing,
copper water pipe, and brass hardware of all kinds are under pressure from cheaper materials, includ-
ing aluminium, galvanised iron and plastics. On the other hand, copper is virtually irreplaceable for
local distribution of electric power, household wiring, motor-generator windings, electronic circuitry
and (as alloy) for some kinds of heat exchangers. Further substitution of copper by aluminium, in par-
ticular, seems unlikely.
Fig. 4.1 Copper “semis” production. An illustration of the transformation of copper from pure metal fabrication
flows through component manufacture (intermediate products) to a selection of final products. I and E indi-
cate import and export flows, respectively (Graedel et al. (2002))
Tab. 4.1 Principal end-uses of copper in 1990. RT is the average residence time of copper in the respective use; S/W
is the estimated distribution between scrap (recovering) and waste (disposal/incineration) at the end of use
(Graedel et al. (2002)).
Fig. 4.2 Copper foundry production, imports, exports & apparent consumption in Germany, 1913 - 1998 (3 year mov-
ing averages) (Ayres et al. (2002)).
Tab. 4.2 Uses of molybdenum and molybdenum alloys (Sebenik et al. (1997)).
5 System Characterisation
In this study the production of copper and molybdenum is modelled as coupled production system. In
a first step the ore – jointly containing copper and molybdenum – is exploited. This mining and ben-
eficiation step is formally a multi-output process, yielding copper concentrate and molybdenite con-
centrate. Depending on whether the raw material was an ore from primary molybdenum porphyry or
from another sulphide deposit, either copper is the co-product or molybdenite. Since the coupled pro-
duced copper from primary molybdenum production is of no further importance, the coupled produced
molybdenite from primary copper production accounts to 55% of the molybdenum production world-
wide. The global molybdenite mix is thus formed together with the 40% “pure” molybdenite produc-
tion, accounting for 95% of the overall molybdenum production (Fig. 5.1).
exploitation copper-ore,
copper, primary, at
concentrate, at
refinery, RNA
beneficiation, RNA
coupleproduction Cu
exploitation copper-ore,
copper, primary, at
concentrate, at
refinery, RLA
beneficiation, RLA
coupleproduction Cu
exploitation copper-ore,
copper, primary, at
concentrate, at
refinery, RER
beneficiation, RER
molybdenite copper, primary, at
concentrate, refinery, GLO
coupleproduction Cu
exploitation copper-ore,
copper, primary, at concentrate,
concentrate, at
refinery, RAS coupleproduction Cu,
beneficiation, RAS
coupleproduction Cu
exploitation copper-ore,
copper, primary, at molybdenite, at plant,
concentrate, at
refinery, ID GLO
beneficiation, ID
concentrate, 42%
coupleproduction Cu
exploitation molybdenite
concentrate, GLO
ore, GLO
copper, concentrate,
coupleproduction Mo,
Fig. 5.1 Schematic representation of the coupled production of copper and molybdenite in ecoinvent. RNA, RLA,
RER, RAS, ID refer to the regions North America, South / Middle America, Europe, Russia / Asia, Indonesia /
Australia; GLO is the global average.
The inventory representing the consumption of copper in Europe consists of a mix of imported pri-
mary metal from different parts of the world, imported copper concentrate which is refined in Europe
itself, and secondary metal, which is partly recycled into foundries and partly into prior metallurgical
steps (Fig. 5.2). As a proxy for Europe, the situation for Germany in 1994 is chosen.
The meta information on the modules described in this chapter are summarised in Tab. 5.1.
exploitation copper-ore, RLA
concentrate, at copper, primary, at
refinery, RLA 7.5% Primary copper, RLA
molybdenite concentrate,
coupleproduction Cu
exploitation copper-ore, ID
copper, primary, at
concentrate, at
refinery, ID 2.2% Primary copper, ID
beneficiation, ID
molybdenite concentrate,
coupleproduction Cu
exploitation copper-ore,
molybdenite concentrate,
coupleproduction Cu
exploitation copper-ore, RER
molybdenite concentrate,
coupleproduction Cu
concentrate, at copper, primary, at
refinery, RER 23.9% Primary copper, RER
copper, secondary,
at reffinery 22.0%
scrap), RER
Copper scrap, 325'000 t
from collection
Secondary Copper
325'000 t (prompt scrap), RER
Transportation to RER
concentrate, at
beneficiation, RLA
(652'883 t)
concentrate, at
beneficiation, RER
Fig. 5.2 Schematic representation of the consumer mix of copper in RER in ecoinvent. As a proxy for Europe, the
consumption pattern for Germany in 1994 is chosen.
Tab. 5.1 Ecoinvent meta information for the processes for the production of primary copper and primary molybde-
Tab. 5.1 Ecoinvent meta information for the processes for the production of primary copper and primary molybde-
num. (continued)
Tab. 5.1 Ecoinvent meta information for the processes for the production of primary copper and primary molybde-
num. (continued)
Tab. 5.1 Ecoinvent meta information for the processes for the production of primary copper and primary molybde-
num. (continued)
Tab. 5.1 Ecoinvent meta information for the processes for the production of primary copper and primary molybde-
num. (continued)
Floating agents consist of collectors (xanthate or aerofloat) and frothing reagent (eg. Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol). Xanthanes
are a broad class of organic salts formed by treatment of an alcohol with carbon disulfide in the presence of an alkali, potas-
sium ethyl xanthate (KC3H5S2O, CAS No: 140-89-6). Aerofloat is a salt of carbonyldithiophosphoric acids. A widely used
frothing reagent is e.g. methyl isobutyl carbinol, CAS: 108-11-2, syn. Methyl Amyl Alcohol.
The layout of the modules with general flow information, remarks, sources, values and uncertainty in-
formation are shown in Fig. 5.3 and Fig. 5.4. Ecoinvent meta information for this process are summa-
rised in Tab. 5.1 on page 17. The following paragraphs describe calculations, sources and assumptions
chosen in this study.
The ecological burden of the copper ore mining is distributed among the coupled products copper con-
centrate and molybdenite concentrate. As allocation procedure the revenue is chosen. The molybde-
num price is quoted as US$ per kilogram molybdenum content in molybdenite concentrate. This price
is stable since 1983 with a value of around US$ 5.75 per kg Mo (USGS (2003)), this gives a revenue
of US$ 3190 per tonne molybdenite concentrate with an assumed composition of 92.5% MoS2. Copper
concentrate is traded in large quantities. The price of copper concentrate could not yet be assessed; it is
estimated with the final bids of three auctions held in 2000 on an online web-auction 4 resulting in an
average price of 15.3 US cents per pound copper payable for refining and smelting. With a copper
price of 0.95 US$/kg a price of 522 US$ per tonne of concentrate with 29.7% copper content is calcu-
lated. These assumptions lead to an average revenue of 17 US$ and 1816 US$ per tonne molybdenite
and copper, respectively, contained in the ore – with the metallurgical yield included – and thus to an
allocation factor of 1% and 99% for molybdenite and copper concentrate, respectively.
Tab. 5.2 Assumptions for the infrastructure used in underground mining exploitation. As lifetime ten years are esti-
mated, and 5000 working hours yearly.
Mix 7.6E-5
In the considered process the ore is mined mainly in open cut operations. According to Martens et al.
(2002) 69.6 % of the copper world production originates from open pit mines, but no further differen-
tiation in regions or countries was available. Hence the world average is used for all regions. The
overburden is disposed in piles near the mine, the standard module for disposal of non-sulphidic over-
http://www.copperconcentrate.com/default.asp, accessed on 01.03.2003
burden was chosen, which includes the land use and transformation through the disposal. No overbur-
den is refilled according to Krauss et al. (1999), the amount is documented for each of the five world
regions. Also water use is documented, but as overall value, which is comprised in the following ben-
eficiation step. Concerning electricity supply mix, Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999) assume for the nickel-
production a share of 60% of hydropower due to the operations high and constant energy demand.
This assumption is used also in this inventory.
Once the ore is mined, it is ground and conditioned for further concentration. Considerable amounts of
lime and flotation agents are added. The separated gangue is disposed in tailings ponds; the concen-
trated ore is fed to the metallurgy, which is assumed to be on-site. The respective standard module
“disposal, sulphidic tailings, off-site” is chosen. (see “Non Ferrous Metal Winning – Auxiliary Proc-
esses”, Chapter “Disposal of Tailings and Overburden”).
The infrastructure of beneficiation is included in the mining infrastructure. Dust emissions comprise
additionally the dust emissions due to mining activities. Like in the mining step, a share of 60% hy-
droelectricity was chosen according to Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999).
Lime: Lime input was documented in Krauss et al. (1999) for each process alternative with a range of
1200–1330g / t ore.
Steel: The steel input for milling (substitution of components for abrasion) was documented and
ranges from 690 to 920 g/t with an average of 765 g/t ground ore assumed herewith. The mill work
consists of special austenitic manganese steel of Hadfield grade, which is inventoried with chromium
steel as a proxy.
Reagents: No exact information on mass and nature of the floating agents used had been available,
therefore general values were assessed in Krauss et al. (1999) based on values in year 1978. Newer
values reported in IPPC (2001) have been taken in this study (Tab. 5.4). For copper mining a range of
25 – 300 g collector and 25 – 250 g frothing reagent per tonne sulphidic ore was recommended in
(Krauss et al. (1999)). This is confirmed by the values in Tab. 5.4. Collector and frother are invento-
ried for ecoinvent as unspecified organic chemicals. According to NPI (2001), xanthates hydrolyti-
cally decompose to 0.53 mg carbon disulphide per mg xanthate. With 189 g xanthates per tonne ore
from Tab. 5.4 this corresponds to 100 g carbon disulphide per t mined ore (Tab. 5.5).
Activator and Depressants – excluding sodium cyanate – are modelled as unspecific inorganic chemi-
cals; their emission to water is covered by the emissions reported from mining sites, which are shown
in Tab. 5.3.
For pH adjustment and leaching, the value for sulphuric acid was considered with 3.74 kg/t ore mined
(Tab. 5.5). As sulphuric acid is a by-product from the metallurgy, its production is regarded as burden
free. Requirement of other acids is neglected. Acid emissions to water due to the use of sulphuric acid
are not accounted.
Since composition and environmental fate of activator, depressant and sulphuric acid is uncertain, re-
ported data for total emissions shown in Tab. 5.4 are taken. Note, that some theoretical emissions due
to the use of the reagents are higher than the reported ones in Tab. 5.3.
Sodium cyanide is widely used for extracting gold and other metals such as silver, copper, and zinc. It
is used as leachate and as depressant for certain sulphidic minerals. A cyanide recovery of 80 – 90% is
reported due to abatement and recovery in the Golden Cross mine in New Zealand (Anonymous
(1998a)). Here a value of 80% is chosen for cyanide-abatement technology. With a reported use of
35 g NaCN per tonne ore mined (Tab. 5.4), this means a direct emission of 3.88 g HCN per tonne ore
mined. An overview of the reagents accounted for is presented in Tab. 5.5.
Water use & Effluents: Water use was documented in Krauss et al. (1999) and has been inventoried
in this study as originating from river without pumping activities. Additional to direct emissions due to
the use of chemicals, total emissions to water are chosen according to Tab. 5.3. These values are from
base metal sites, and are thus only an approximation for the real effluent concentrations in the copper
production. It is assumed here that the effluents also include acid rock drainage (ARD). ARD after
mine closure is modelled in the module “disposal, sulphidic tailings, off-site”. Effluent volume was
not documented in Krauss et al. (1999); for this study it has been assumed that the water requirements
equal the effluents.
Dust: A case study in Anonymous (1998b) on a projected open cut gold-copper mining and process-
ing facility in Australia predicts for dust emissions per tonne of ore mined values between 0.18 kg/t
and 0.46 kg/t. The prediction was made using the Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Mining
(NPI (2001)). The maximum value of 0.46 kg/t is chosen for total dust emissions. According to the
IAEA 5 the dust composition is approximated with values of a specific sulphidic nickel ore in Tab. 5.6.
For PM10 values, the ratio TDS : PM10 : PM2.5 was approximated with values from copper ore mining
101.72 : 50 : 5 g / t ore taken from the CEMIP-database 6 , i.e. one tonne emitted dust corresponds to
491.5 kg PM10 and 49.2 kg PM2.5 respectively. The airborne emissions resulting from mining and ben-
eficiation activities are summed up in Tab. 5.6. In ecoinvent, for particulates differential classes are
used adding up to the total dust emission, i. e. 49.2 kg PM<2.5, 442 kg PM2.5-10 and 508 kg PM>10.
Data quality
Mining; Data for major mass fluxes are satisfactory, while the emissions into water may be overesti-
mated due to different system boundaries of reported effluent volume from (Krauss et al. (1999)) and
total effluent emissions reported in (IPPC (2002)). High uncertainties are reflected by a high standard
deviation (stdev95) of 10.
Beneficiation; Like in mining, the emissions to water can be overestimated. The emissions from tail-
ings are assessed in an external module, which itself contains rough assumptions of a global overbur-
den and tailings composition and a simplified disposal scenario. Emissions though can vary considera-
bly from case to case.
The IAEA Database of Natural Matrix Reference Materials, http://www-naweb.iaea.org/nahu/external/e4/nmrm/, accessed on
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/em_factors.php, accessed 01.03.2003
Tab. 5.3 Composition of effluents from mining activities; values are taken from total emissions to water from base
metal sites in (IPPC (2002)).
Tab. 5.4 Consumption of reagents in base metal mineral processing plants. Data taken from (IPPC (2002)).
Tab. 5.5 Emissions and input due to chemical use in beneficiation in g per tonne treated ore. The values are the ones
chosen in this study. For further details read in text.
Tab. 5.6 Emissions to air resulting from mining and beneficiation. Values for total dust emission are taken from NPI
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu
83.5% yield, 62.1 kg overburden, 35.9 kg ore,
Copper in ground resource in ground 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude 3.56E-01 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,1,1,4,12)
35.1 kg tailings per kg Cu concentrate
ore, in ground
Land transformation
resource land Transformation, from unknown 6.25E-05 m2 (Martens 2002) 1 2.01 (2,2,2,1,1,2,8)
from nature
Land transrormation to Transformation, to mineral
resource land 6.25E-05 m2 (Martens 2002) 1 2.01 (2,2,2,1,1,2,8)
mine extraction site
Occupation, mineral extraction
Land use for mining resource land 1.88E-03 m2a (Martens 2002) 1 1.51 (2,2,2,1,1,2,7)
explosive civil engineering No RER blasting 3.59E-02 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,1,1,4,4)
construction diesel, burned in building
diesel fuel machinery No GLO 2.83E-03 MJ (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,1,1,4,4)
processes machine
electricity from grid, electricity, medium voltage,
Assumption: 40% electricity from grid electricity production mix No UCTE 4.22E-02 kWh (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.14 (2,3,2,1,1,4,2)
mining production UCTE, at grid
electricity, hydropower, at run-
hydropower, mining Assumption: 60% hydropower hydro power power plants No RER 6.33E-02 kWh (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.14 (2,3,2,1,1,4,2)
of-river power plant
infrastructrue, exploration infrastructure, 2000 m belts assumed machinery Yes RER conveyor belt, at plant 2.72E-06 m own assumptions 1 3.36 (5,5,1,1,3,5,9)
conveyor belts
infrastructure of mining 30% underground; life time output of mine 2E10 non-ferrous metal, mine,
metals extraction Yes GLO 1.57E-10 unit own assumptions 1 3.36 (5,5,1,1,3,5,9)
(underground) kg) underground
infrastructure of mining non-ferrous metal, mine,
70% open cut; life time output of mine 2E10 kg) metals extraction Yes GLO 3.59E-10 unit own assumptions 1 3.36 (5,5,1,1,3,5,9)
(surface) surface
waste residual material disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-
overburden, disposed No GLO 6.21E+01 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,1,1,4,6)
management landfill site
overburden, refilled no overburden refilled according to (Krauss 1999) 0.00E+00 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,1,1,4,6)
included in beneficiation effluents, not evident if
effluents, mining 0.00E+00 m3 (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,1,1,4,6)
accounted in (Krauss 1999) or not.
Fig. 5.3 Flows for “Mining of copper-ore, GLO – part mining” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg copper ore.
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
electricity, from grid, electricity, medium voltage,
Assumption: 40% electricity from grid electricity production mix No UCTE 2.51E-01 kWh (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.14 (2,3,2,1,1,4,2)
beneficiation production UCTE, at grid
hydropower, electricity, hydropower, at run-
Assumption: 60% hydropower hydro power power plants No RER 3.76E-01 kWh (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.14 (2,3,2,1,1,4,2)
beneficiation of-river power plant
fresh and processwater
resource in water Water, river 3.59E-02 m3 (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,1,1,1,4,12)
construction limestone, milled, packed, at
lime others No CH 4.28E-02 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.04 reported values
materials plant
steel Abrasion masticator metals extraction No RER chromium steel 18/8, at plant 2.67E-02 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.20 reported values
floating agents, organic chemicals organics No GLO chemicals organic, at plant 8.11E-03 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 2.00 reported values
mining copper ore, GLO; beneficiation
floating agents,
chemicals inorganics No GLO chemicals inorganic, at plant 2.76E-02 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 2.00 reported values
Sodium cyanide chemicals inorganics No RER sodium cyanide, at plant 1.26E-03 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 2.00 reported values
Sulphuric Acid burden-free, since byproduct from metallurgy. 1.34E-01 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 2.00 reported values
including emissions from mining activities. Sum up low population Particulates, > 2.5 um, and < (NPI, 2001), (naweb,
PM2.5-10 air 7.31E-03 kg 1 3.69 (3,2,1,1,5,4,20)
together with other PM fraction to total of dust density 10um 2003), cemip
including emissions from mining activities. Sum up low population (NPI, 2001), (naweb,
PM>10 air Particulates, < 2.5 um 8.40E-03 kg 1 2.69 (3,2,1,1,5,4,23)
together with other PM fraction to total of dust density 2003), cemip
low population
waste heat air Heat, waste 2.64E+00 MJ 1 1.14 (2,3,2,1,1,4,13)
copper, concentrate, at
Copper Concentrate 29.7% Cu metals extraction No GLO 1.00E+00 kg (Krauss, 1999)
molybdenum, molybdenite
55% Mo in concentrate (92.5% MoS2 in
Molybdenite concentrate metals extraction No GLO concentrate, couple 4.11E-03 kg own assumptions
production Cu
Fig. 5.4 Flows for “Mining of copper-ore, GLO – part mining” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg copper ore.
Tab. 5.7 Overview of the shares of different production processes in different regions, in million tonnes, and the
share of SX-EW (Krauss et al. (1999)). Note that the two regions North America and South America are not
distinguished and therefore concerning sulphur dioxide emissions are treated as one in this study.
Commonwealth of Independent States
ent types can be distinguished: the hydrometallurgical and the pyrometallurgical process with a share
of 90.6 % and 9.4 % of the world-wide copper produced in 2004. The hydrometallurgical process is
described in detail later in Section 5.3 Hydrolytic winning of primary copper.
Pyrometallurgy; The pyrometallurgical treatment of copper concentrates includes three types of unit
operation: drying & roasting (pre-treatment), smelting & converting (reduction), and finally refining.
In the roasting step sulphur is driven off as sulphur dioxide and part of the iron is oxidised. In smelt-
ing, the roaster product is melted with a siliceous flux which combines with the oxidised iron to pro-
duce two immiscible phases, a liquid silicate slag which can be discarded, and a solution of molten
sulphides which contains the metal values. In the converting operation on the sulphide melt, more sul-
phur is driven off as sulphur dioxide, and the remaining iron is oxidised and fluxed for removal as sili-
cate slag, leaving a high-grade copper sulphide matte. In several modern operations the roasting step
has been eliminated, and the copper sulphide concentrate is treated directly in the smelter. The con-
verted copper is referred to as blister copper with a purity of 98%.
Refining; Conventional refining comprises three stages: (1) pyrometallurgical or fire refining, (2) e-
lectrolytic refining, and (3) remelting of cathodes and casting of shapes. Fire refining is applied to
crude copper from converters and furnaces, cement copper from hydrometallurgy, anode scrap from
electrolytic refining, and high-grade copper scrap, chiefly unalloyed wire scrap. About 80 % of the
world copper production is refined by electrolysis. This treatment yields copper with high electrical
conductivity and provides for separation of valuable impurities, especially precious metals. Copper
cathodes must be remelted and cast to shapes because the structure of copper formed by electro-
crystallization is not suitable for working to semi finished products. Cathodes are remelted in several
types of special furnaces that perform the tasks of melting, post refining (if necessary), holding, and
5.2.2 Emission
Sulphur dioxide; In every process steps sulphur dioxide is emitted to air. Recovery of sulphur dioxide
is only economic for high concentrated off-gas. SO2 emissions are by far the most important in the
Carbon dioxide; In the beneficiation step, considerable amounts of lime is added to the ore for pH-
stabilisation. Lime forms later flux in the metallurgical step. Lime decomposes into CO2 to form cal-
Dust; Dust carries over from the roasting, smelting and converting processes. Particulate emissions to
air consist of metals and thus are often returned to the leaching process after treatment.
Emissions to water; Metals and their compounds and substances in suspension are the main pollut-
ants emitted to water. The metals concerned are Cu, Ni, Co, As, and Cr. Other significant substances
are chlorides and sulphates. Wastewater from wet gas cleaning (if used) of the different metallurgical
stages is the most important source. The leaching stages are usually operated on a closed circuit and
drainage systems, and are therefore regarded as minor sources.
Also in this step the combustion of sulphur leads to emissions of SO2. Nitrogen oxides are produced in
significant amounts during acid digestion using nitric acid. Chlorine and HCl can be formed during a
number of digestion, electrolytic, and purification processes. Dust and metals are generally emitted
from incinerators and furnaces. Organic compounds, namely dioxins, can be emitted from smelting
stages resulting from the poor combustion of oil and plastic in the feed material. All these emissions
are subject to abatement technologies and controlling. Large quantities of effluents contain substantial
amounts of metals and organic substances.
5.2.3 Waste
Metallurgy & Separation from Non Ferrous Metals
The production of metals is related to the generation of several co-products, residues and wastes,
which are listed in the European Waste Catalogue. Some of the process specific residues can be reused
or recovered in preliminary process steps (e. g. dross, filter dust) or construction (e. g. cleaned slag).
Residues also arise from the treatment of liquid effluents, the main residue being gypsum waste and
metal hydroxides from the wastewater neutralisation plant. These residuals have to be disposed, usu-
ally in lined ponds.
Like in the pyrometallurgical step, considerable quantities of solid residuals are generated, which are
mostly recycled within the process or sent to other specialists to recover any precious metals. Final
residues generally comprise hydroxide filter cakes (iron hydroxide, 60% water, cat I industrial waste).
tails on single process alternatives, e. g. the Outokumpu – process, please consult Krauss et al. (1999)
or IPPC (2001).
Pre-treatment; Flux demand (quartz sand) is documented in Krauss et al. (1999). Additional 250 kg
of limestone per tonne of copper has been assumed in this study according to Ayres et al. (2002). Dry-
ing is done by gas. Of the electricity 40% is assumed to originate from the grid while run-off plants
deliver 60%. Sulphuric acid produced from off-gas is not inventoried (cut-off). All process specific
emissions are inventoried in the smelting step.
Smelting and Reduction; 40% electricity is from grid, 60% hydropower assumed. A production of
steam is reported which is not inventoried as by-product. Dross and slag are reported to be recycled,
for this study however they are assumed to be disposed of in a landfill. In this step the major part of
the sulphur dioxide is emitted, which represent the main impact besides the energy use. The values for
emissions vary in a wide range from 4 kg to 2000 kg SO2 per tonne metal produced (Anonymous
(1998c)), but single values of much higher magnitude are also reported, e. g. nickel-copper smelting in
Norils’k (RUS) with 5300 kg SO2 / t metal produced (Hochfeld (1997)). The target for “best available
technique” in Europe is set to 6 – 16 kg SO2 / t Cu (IPPC (2001)), the World Bank mentions 25 kg
SO2 / t Cu for “modern plants using good industrial practices”. SO2 emissions depend basically on the
possibility of economical recovering. Recovering of sulphur dioxide as sulphuric acid is economic if
the SO2 content in the off-gas is sufficient and therefore is dependent from the production process and
the control-factor (abatement). In this study following emission factors are chosen relating to Tab. 5.7:
reverbatroy furnace and undefined processes (“other”): 2500 kg / t Cu; all other alternatives: 150 kg / t
Cu. The control-factors chosen are shown in Tab. 5.7, they are based on Ayres et al. (2002). For this
calculation the regions North and South America are treated equally due to missing specific data. The
resulting SO2 emissions are shown in Tab. 5.8; they range from 36 kg / t Cu (RER) to 1296 kg / t Cu
(ID) with a world average of 458 kg / t Cu. The calcination of previously added lime (pre-treatment
and beneficiation, see Section 5.1.3 Exploitation of copper-ore in ecoinvent) releases 0.44 kg CO2 per
tonne lime. Several emissions to air are documented for European conditions in EEA (1999); the re-
sulting emissions are chosen for this study (Tab. 5.9). Elaborate abatement technology – values of col-
umn “impact control” in Tab. 5.8 – are applied only for RNA and RER, whereas for the other regions
values corresponding to limited control are chosen. VOC emissions are mentioned in EEA (1999) with
a value of about 0.015 kg / t (unabated, including roasting and smelting). Dust emissions according to
Anonymous (1998c) range between 0.1 kg / t Cu and 20 kg / t Cu, whereas IPPC (2001) mentions for
modern European plants a range of 0.16 kg / t Cu to 1 kg / t Cu. In this study 0.4 kg / t Cu is chosen,
which is assumed to apply for all covered processes. The distribution of particulate sizes is taken from
CEPMEIP 8 (Tab. 5.10). For water use the value for primary nickel production of 1.4 m3 per tonne
concentrate worked is chosen (Hochfeld (1997)). The volume of the effluent is assessed with the value
for water use and respective emissions into water are calculated according to the content in Tab. 5.11.
Refining; No further wastes are considered from this step. Region’s specific production mix is com-
piled with the specific pyrolytical technologies and the specific share in SX-EW – copper.
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/em_factors.php, accessed on 01.03.2003
Tab. 5.8 Pyrometallurgy of copper. Background data per tonne of copper produced for the different regions covered
in this study after (Krauss et al. (1999)).
Tab. 5.9 Metal emission factors to air for primary copper production (EEA (1999)). Chosen value is the average of the
given range. Missing ranges – tagged with * – have been extrapolated from limited / impact control with the
average factor of 20. Values for “impact control” apply only to RNA and RER.
Tab. 5.10 Emissions to air per tonne copper. Data was taken from similar processes in nickel (A) and copper (B) met-
allurgy (IPPC (2001)). The distribution of the particle size is taken from CEPMEIP (C), values for VOC from
EEA (1999) (D).
Tab. 5.11 Composition of different wastewater effluents after treatment. A simple average is chosen. Data from Euro-
pean copper operations (IPPC (2001)).
Data quality
Process data is satisfactory and valid for over 84 % of the primary copper production. The main emis-
sions dominating possibly the whole process is sulphur dioxide, which itself is not reported in Krauss
et al. (1999). Reported values range in two orders of magnitude. Poor data is available on composition
and fate of solid waste, for which the reuse rate was not documented. High uncertainties in volume and
composition of the effluents are assumed.
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
not inventoried in Ecoinvent, energy consumption
Compressed Air 1.31E+00 Nm3 (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,4)
copper, primary, at
Fig. 5.5 Flows for “copper, primary, at refinery, GLO – part pre-treatment” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg copper.
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
silica sand additives No DE silica sand, at plant 7.53E-01 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.51 (5,2,2,3,1,3,4)
electricity, high voltage,
electricity, grid 40% electricity from grid electricity production mix No UCTE 5.62E-02 kWh (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
production UCTE, at grid
electricity, hydropower, at run-
hydropower 60% electricity from hydropower hydro power power plants No RER 8.42E-02 kWh (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
of-river power plant
copper, primary, at refinery, GLO; reduction
Electrode graphite metals extraction No RER anode, aluminium electrolysis 9.06E-04 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 2.07 (5,5,5,6,4,6,4)
Oxygen chemicals inorganics No RER oxygen, liquid, at plant 2.63E-01 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,4)
water use for overall process resource in water Water, river 4.41E-03 m3 (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,1,1,1,4,12)
Inventoried as wastewater treatment w/o treatment, sewage,
waste wastewater
Effluent pollution. For overall process, waterborn emission No CH unpolluted, to wastewater 4.41E-03 m3 (Hochfeld, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,1,1,1,4,13)
management treatment
see Tab. 5.11 treatment, class 3
disposal, nickel smelter slag,
50% recycling assumed --> disposal 50%. Proxy for waste residual material
slag No CH 0% water, to residual material 8.15E-01 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,6)
Ni smelter slag used management landfill
off-gas not inventoried, no data 6.88E+00 Nm3 (Krauss, 1999)
low population (Krauss, 1999),
sulphur dioxide in off-gas comprise emissions from drying and roasting air Sulfur dioxide 4.15E-01 kg 1 1.64 (5,4,1,3,3,5,15)
density (Anonymous 2000)
low population
carbon dioxide (lime) 0.44 kg / kg lime air Carbon dioxide, fossil 9.96E-02 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.89 (5,4,1,3,3,5,7)
Total dust composition in Tab 5.9 and Tab 5.10 9.53E-03 kg (IPPC, 2002)
low population
PM<2.5 see Tab 5.9 and Tab 5.10 air Particulates, < 2.5 um 4.60E-07 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 3.07 (3,2,1,1,3,4,27)
low population Particulates, > 2.5 um, and <
PM2.5-10 see Tab 5.9 and Tab 5.10 air 2.76E-04 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.34 (3,2,1,1,3,4,28)
density 10um
low population
PM>10 see Tab 5.9 and Tab 5.10 air Particulates, > 10 um 9.21E-05 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.50 (3,2,1,1,3,4,29)
low population
Carbon monoxide see Tab 5.9 and Tab 5.10 air Carbon monoxide, fossil 2.72E-05 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 5.08 (3,2,1,1,3,4,22)
NMVOC, non-methane volatile
low population
VOC see Tab 5.9 and Tab 5.10 air organic compounds, 1.36E-05 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.59 (3,2,1,1,3,4,16)
unspecified origin
low population Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-
TCDD see Tab 5.9 and Tab 5.10 air 1.81E-12 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 3.07 (3,2,1,1,3,4,21)
density tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
Fig. 5.6 Flows for “copper, primary, at refinery, GLO – part reduction” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg copper.
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
electricity, high voltage,
copper, primary, at
electricity, grid 40% electricity from grid electricity production mix No UCTE 1.17E-01 kWh (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
production UCTE, at grid
electricity, hydropower, at run-
refinery, GLO;
hydropower 60% electricity from hydropower hydro power power plants No RER 1.76E-01 kWh (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
of-river power plant
natural gas, burned in
fossile energy (gas) natural gas heating systems No RER 2.24E+00 MJ (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,1)
industrial furnace >100kW
off gas not inventoried, no data 2.85E-01 MJ (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,4)
not inventoried, assumed to be burden free (cut
sulfuric acid 2.28E+00 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,4)
dross (dry) internal recovery, not inventoried 9.06E-03 kg (Krauss, 1999)
low population
waste heat (over all) air Heat, waste 1.77E+00 MJ 1 1.14 (2,3,2,1,1,4,13)
copper from SX-EW metals extraction No GLO copper, SX-EW, at refinery 9.42E-02 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,1)
Copper Cathode metals extraction No GLO copper, primary, at refinery 1.00E+00 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1
Fig. 5.7 Flows for “copper, primary, at refinery, GLO – part refining” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg copper.
2. Leaching, chiefly with sulphuric acid or ammoniacal solutions, sometimes under oxidising condi-
tions. In copper production, leaching is used in a number of ways:
- In situ leaching, applied in loose ore bodies. In situ leaching recovers copper from small oxide
ore bodies (too small to mine economically) or worked-out underground mines. Dump leach-
ing is used to recover copper from large quantities (millions of tonnes) of strip mine waste
with a very low grade. Dilute sulphuric acid is trickled through the material. Once the process
starts it continues naturally if water and air are circulated through the heap. The time required
is typically measured in years. Sulphur dioxide is emitted during such operations. Soluble
copper is then recovered from drainage tunnels and ponds. Copper recovery rates vary from
30% to 70%.
- Dump or heap leaching of lumpy or ground material. Heap leaching is essentially the same as
dump leaching, except that it is applied to oxide ores, which are previously ground or crushed
and heaped on a prepared surface.
- Vat or percolation leaching of small-sized material. In vat leaching, oxide ores are crushed and
placed in large concrete vats (up to 18,000 tonnes capacity), then flooded by concentrated sul-
phuric acid, which converts most of the copper to copper sulphate. Extraction of one tonne of
copper from ore with a grade of 1% requires 4400 litres of 96% sulphuric acid. Vat leaching
typically recovers 75% of the copper. The process is fairly rapid (hours to days).
3. Solution cleaning, e.g. by precipitation of impurities and filtration or selective enrichment of cop-
per by solvent extraction or ion exchange. The solvent extraction process comprises two steps: se-
lective extraction of copper from an aqueous leach solution into an organic phase (extraction cir-
cuit) and the re-extraction or stripping of the copper into dilute sulphuric acid to give a solution
suitable for electro winning (stripping circuit).
4. Separation, precipitation of copper metal or copper compounds such as Cu2O, CuS, CuCl, CuI,
CuCN, or CuSO4 · 5 H2O (crystallisation)
5. Post-treatment, e.g., fire-refining of crude cement copper or thermal reduction of copper com-
However, because solvent extraction-electro-winning (SX-EW) requires ten times as much electrical
energy as classical electrolytic refining (2000 – 2600 kWh t–1), and because established solvent extrac-
tion techniques do not work well on copper sulphide ores, electro-winning techniques have remained
complementary to smelting. Today about 10 – 15% of the world copper production is from SX-EW of
copper oxide ores (Graedel et al. (2002) and Krauss et al. (1999)).
Mining; Mining is similar to what is described in Section 5.1 Exploitation of copper-ore, but no ben-
eficiation occurs. No exact information on the mining step is available in Krauss et al. (1999), there-
fore a mining process described in the previous section has been chosen as proxy. This is done with
specific values for diesel use, explosives, and energy according to open pit mining. For further details
please consult the Section mentioned above. Data on ore input, overburden, and gangue are docu-
mented in Krauss et al. (1999). Since no further information is available on presumably used crushing
and grinding operations of the material, they have been estimated with additional energy and mechani-
cal wear (milling equipment) from the conventional copper-beneficiation in RLA. No use of condi-
tioning agents is to be expected.
Pre-treatment: Leaching and extraction; Following Krauss et al. (1999), heap leaching is consid-
ered as leaching process. Of the total electricity use of 600 kW /t Cu, 250 kWh/t Cu and 350 kWh/t Cu
are required for leaching (sprinkling) and extracting (pumping), respectively. Krauss et al. (1999) state
a loss of 171 m3 / t Cu leachate through infiltration and evaporation, and 1.7 t / t Cu sulphuric acid and
276 t / t Cu leaching residues but their fate is not evident. Since no information on the magnitude of
leachate loss into the ground exists, no emissions to water are considered. Thus additional emissions
of heavy metals, and sulphate into the ground are to be expected. Leaching agents were inventoried
with the inventory of ammonia production as proxy.
Electro-winning and Refining; Use of sulphuric acid was in no case inventoried, since it is treated in
this study as by-product of pyrolytical winning of metals from sulphidic ores. No further emissions or
wastes are considered important, since the electrolyte is fully recycled to the leaching stage. Losses in
electrolyte and leachate are inventoried in the pre-treatment step.
Data quality
There is not sufficient information for declaring this data set of good data quality. In particular, uncer-
tainty for energy consumption in a likely additional crushing / milling step (not modelled herewith)
and probable leaching to ground may lead to an underestimation of the environmental impacts. Since
the energy consumption considered for electro-winning is much higher than in the pyrolytical proc-
esses, this will probably dominate the environmental impacts; thus, the disregard of beneficiation and
leaching impacts may be compensated.
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
Copper, 0.99% in sulfide, Cu
70.0% yield, 554.0 kg overburden, 277.0 kg ore,
copper, SX-EW, at refinery, GLO; mining
Copper in ground resource in ground 0.36% and Mo 8.2E-3% in crude 1.43E+00 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,1,1,4,12)
0.0 kg tailings per kg Cu concentrate
ore, in ground
Land transformation
resource land Transformation, from unknown 4.82E-04 m2 (Martens 2002) 1 2.06 (3,2,2,1,3,2,8)
from nature
Land transrormation to Transformation, to mineral
resource land 4.82E-04 m2 (Martens 2002) 1 2.06 (3,2,2,1,3,2,8)
mine extraction site
Occupation, mineral extraction
Land use for mining resource land 1.45E-02 m2a (Martens 2002) 1 1.58 (3,2,2,1,3,2,7)
explosive civil engineering No RER blasting 2.77E-01 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.25 (2,2,2,1,3,4,4)
construction diesel, burned in building
diesel fuel (energy) machinery No GLO 8.31E+00 MJ (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.25 (2,2,2,1,3,4,4)
and leaching
processes machine
electricity from grid, electricity, medium voltage,
Assumption: 40% electricity from grid electricity production mix No UCTE 6.08E-01 kWh (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.25 (2,3,2,1,3,4,2)
mining production UCTE, at grid
electricity, hydropower, at run-
hydropower, mining Assumption: 60% hydropower hydro power power plants No RER 9.13E-01 kWh (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.25 (2,3,2,1,3,4,2)
of-river power plant
electricity, from grid, Assumption: 40% electricity from grid, of total electricity, medium voltage,
electricity production mix No UCTE 1.67E+00 kWh assumption 1 1.58 (4,2,2,3,4,4,2)
beneficiation 15.1 kWh / t raw ore production UCTE, at grid
hydropower, Assumption: 60% electricity from grid, of total electricity, hydropower, at run-
hydro power power plants No RER 2.51E+00 kWh assumption 1 1.58 (4,2,2,3,4,4,2)
beneficiation 15.1 kWh / t raw ore of-river power plant
steel Abrasion masticator metals extraction No RER chromium steel 18/8, at plant 1.91E-01 kg assumption 1 1.20 (4,2,2,3,4,4,4)
infrastructrue, exploration infrastructure, 2000 m belts assumed machinery Yes RER conveyor belt, at plant 2.10E-05 m own assumptions 1 1.58 (4,2,2,3,4,4,4)
conveyor belts
infrastructure of mining non-ferrous metal, mine,
including crushing / grinding facilities metals extraction Yes GLO 1.39E-08 unit own assumptions 1 3.07 (3,2,2,1,3,4,9)
(surface) surface
waste residual material disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-
overburden, disposed No GLO 5.54E+02 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,1,1,4,6)
management landfill site
overburden, refilled no overburden refilled according to (Krauss 1999) 0.00E+00 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,1,1,4,6)
effluents, mining no data, effluents probable, not inventoried 0.00E+00 m3 1 1.13 (2,2,2,1,1,4,6)
Fig. 5.8 Flows for “copper, SX-EW, at refinery – part mining” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg copper.
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
electricity, high voltage,
electricity, grid 40% electricity from grid electricity production mix No UCTE 2.40E-01 kWh (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
treatment and reduction
production UCTE, at grid
electricity, hydropower, at run-
hydropower 60% electricity from hydropower hydro power power plants No RER 3.60E-01 kWh (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
refinery, GLO; pre-
Fig. 5.9 Flows for “copper, SX-EW, at refinery – part metallurgy” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg copper.
Data quality
The overall quality is sufficient for the use proposed. But poor data exist for collection and benefici-
ation of old scrap and no data on leaching agents and emissions from Hydrolytic processes were avail-
able. However, the bias should be negligible because of high level of throughputs and energy demand.
Fig. 5.10 Secondary copper production. Process scheme after Rentz et al. (1999). Scheme relates to the plant “Hüt-
tenwerke Kayser AG”, Germany.
Tab. 5.12 Secondary copper production. Emissions to air from two different sources (EEA (1999) and Rentz et al.
(1999)); the last column shows the value chosen in this study.
Tab. 5.13 Secondary copper production. Emissions to water according to Rentz et al. (1999) for one big plant (Hüt-
tenwerke Kayser AG).
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
Copper scrap proxy for collecting scrap metals extraction No RER iron scrap, at plant 7.39E-01 kg (Rentz 1999) 1 1.13 (2,4,2,3,1,nA,4)
copper, secondary, at refinery,
copper, blister-copper, at
Blister copper metals extraction No RER 1.14E-01 kg (Rentz 1999) 1 1.13 (2,4,2,3,1,nA,4)
primary smelter
Copper alloy scrap proxy for collecting scrap metals extraction No RER iron scrap, at plant 1.99E-01 kg (Rentz 1999) 1 1.13 (2,4,2,3,1,nA,4)
Ext. Intermeiate
proxy for collecting scrap metals extraction No RER iron scrap, at plant 2.27E-01 kg (Rentz 1999) 1 1.13 (2,4,2,3,1,nA,4)
Copper-iron material proxy for collecting scrap metals extraction No RER iron scrap, at plant 1.42E-01 kg (Rentz 1999) 1 1.13 (2,4,2,3,1,nA,4)
RER; inputs
Fig. 5.11 Flows for “copper, secondary, at refinery” (inputs) and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg copper.
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
Slag internal use in building, not inventoried. 4.55E-01 kg (Rentz 1999) 1 1.13 (2,4,2,3,1,nA,6)
disposal, nickel smelter slag,
waste residual material
Anode slime No CH 0% water, to residual material 5.68E-03 kg (Rentz 1999) 1 1.13 (2,4,2,3,1,nA,6)
refinery, RER; outputs
copper, secondary, at
management landfill
Conists of different fractions (PM2.5, PM10, TSP)
Particulate matter 4.70E-04 kg (Rentz 1999) 1 1.52 (2,4,2,3,1,nA,25)
and heavymetals. Composition see Tab. 5.12
low population Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-
TCDD air 5.00E-11 kg (EC 2002) 1 10.00 (2,4,2,3,1,nA,21)
density tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
Inventoried as wastewater treatment w/o
treatment, sewage,
pollution. Pollution after treatment is inventoried waste wastewater
Effluents No CH unpolluted, to wastewater 1.00E-03 m3 (Bruch 1995) 1 1.13 (2,4,2,3,1,nA,6)
extra according Tab 5.13. 1 m3 / t Cu effluents management treatment
treatment, class 3
Lead-tin alloys by-product, no burden 2.10E-02 kg (Rentz 1999)
waste heat from electricity, 100% to air 3.97E+00 kg calculation 1 1.13 (2,4,2,3,1,nA,13)
Copper cathodes metals extraction No RER copper, secondary, at refinery 1.00E+00 kg (Rentz 1999)
Fig. 5.12 Flows for “copper, secondary, at refinery” (outputs) and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg copper.
Tab. 5.14 Import of copper concentrate to Germany in 1994. In the last column values for transport service in tonnes
and kilometres (tkm) are given (Krauss et al. (1999)). Per kg “copper, from imported concentrates” (=13.1%
in the supplyer mix “copper, at regional storage”) 3.38 kg concentrates in average are required (=0.441 kg
concentrates per kg “copper, at regional storage”).
Tab. 5.15 Import of primary copper (=56% in “copper, at regional storage”) to Germany in 1994. In the last column val-
ues for transport service in tonnes and kilometres (tkm) are given (Krauss et al. (1999)).
Tab. 5.16 Copper supply in the European region and the resulting fractions in the supply dataset “copper, at regional
storage, RER” (column “% of total”). Copper supply from imported concentrates means that the copper is
produced within Europe (Germany being reference region) from concentrates that are extracted elsewhere
(see Tab. 5.17).
Tab. 5.17 Concentrate imported for the production of primary copper within Europe (Germany being reference region).
The resulting concentrate requirements in the dataset “copper, at regional storage” are displayed in the last
column “kg / kg ‘copper, at regional storage’”.
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
Primary copper
metals extraction No RLA copper, primary, at refinery 7.51E-02 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,4)
from RLA
primary copper
metals extraction No ID copper, primary, at refinery 2.20E-02 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,4)
from ID
primary copper
metals extraction No RER copper, primary, at refinery 2.39E-01 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,4)
from RER
primary copper No information on origin. Proxy
metals extraction No RLA copper, primary, at refinery 9.40E-02 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,4)
other countries production in RLA chosen
import primary transport, transoceanic freight
transport systems ship No OCE 3.40E+00 tkm (Krauss, 1999) 1 2.00 (2,1,1,3,1,1,5)
copper (sea) ship
import primary
transport systems ship No RER transport, barge tanker 2.90E-02 tkm (Krauss, 1999) 1 2.00 (2,1,1,3,1,1,5)
copper (river)
copper, at regional storage
import primary
transport systems train No RER transport, freight, rail 6.81E-01 tkm (Krauss, 1999) 1 2.00 (2,1,1,3,1,1,5)
copper (train)
import primary transport, lorry >16t, fleet
transport systems road No RER 4.18E-02 tkm (Krauss, 1999) 1 2.00 (2,1,1,3,1,1,5)
copper (lorry) average
copper copper concentrate, at
metals extraction No RLA 1.39E-01 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,4)
concentrate RLA beneficiation
copper copper concentrate, at
metals extraction No ID 1.11E-01 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,4)
concentrate ID beneficiation
copper copper concentrate, at
metals extraction No RER 1.34E-01 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,4)
concentrate RER beneficiation
No information on origin. Proxy copper concentrate, at
concentrate other metals extraction No RLA 5.72E-02 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,4)
production in RLA chosen beneficiation
import copper transport, transoceanic freight
transport systems ship No OCE 5.13E+00 tkm (Krauss, 1999) 1 2.00 (2,1,1,3,1,1,5)
concentrate (sea) ship
import copper
transport systems ship No RER transport, barge tanker 8.10E-02 tkm (Krauss, 1999) 1 2.00 (2,1,1,3,1,1,5)
concentrate (river)
import copper
transport systems train No RER transport, freight, rail 3.63E-02 tkm (Krauss, 1999) 1 2.00 (2,1,1,3,1,1,5)
concentrate (train)
Fig. 5.13 Flows for “copper, at regional storage” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg copper.
- Brass in ecoinvent is cartridge brass (70/30 brass, C26000) composed of 70% (w/w) copper and
30% (w/w) zinc.
- Bronze in ecoinvent is CuSn4 (C51000) composed of 94.97% (w/w) Cu, 5% (w/w) Sn and 0.03%
(w/w) P.
From the multitude of brazing solders the general purpose cadmium-free solders are often used. In this
class, the CuZn40 is an important material that is chosen as "typical" brazing solder in this study.
Production of copper alloys is basically done by melting the different metals and casting of ingots. No
specific data are available for the processes. It is assumed that due to the high vapour pressure of zinc
and tin, parts of these inputs arise as air emissions. It is further assumed that filters are commonly used
to abate these emissions. The filter dust containing mainly zinc or tin is assumed to be recycled.
The casting of brass and bronze to the final form needs the moulds and energy for melting the alloy.
Moulds are either made of metal (steel) or of sand.
Tab. 5.18 Calculation of energy consumption for brass and bronze production
Tab. 5.19 Meta information for the production processes of the modelled copper alloys
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
copper metals extraction No RER copper, at regional storage 7.07E-01 kg calculation 1 1.70 (4,5,3,5,4,5,3)
transport rail 600 km transport systems train No RER transport, freight, rail 6.06E-01 tkm estimation 1 2.09
transport road 50 km transport systems road No CH transport, lorry 28t 5.05E-02 tkm estimation 1 1.30
waste heat from electricity use air unspecified Heat, waste 7.08E-02 MJ calculation 1 1.70 (4,5,3,5,4,5,13)
Zn 0.1% of Zn input to air air unspecified Zinc 3.03E-04 kg calculation / estimation 1 1.95 (4,5,3,5,4,5,31)
waste dust from filters to recycling --> not inventoried 9.80E-03 calculation / estimation
Fig. 5.14 Flows for "brass, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
copper metals extraction No RER copper, at regional storage 9.60E-01 kg calculation 1 1.70 (4,5,3,5,4,5,3)
tin metals extraction No RER tin, at regional storage 5.05E-02 kg calculation 1 1.70 (4,5,3,5,4,5,3)
transport rail 600 km transport systems train No RER transport, freight, rail 6.06E-01 tkm estimation 1 2.09
transport road 50 km transport systems road No CH transport, lorry 28t 5.05E-02 tkm estimation 1 1.30
waste heat from electricity use air unspecified Heat, waste 7.20E-02 MJ calculation 1 1.70 (4,5,3,5,4,5,13)
Sn 0.1% of Sn input to air air unspecified Tin 5.05E-05 kg calculation / estimation 1 1.95 (4,5,3,5,4,5,31)
waste dust from filters to recycling --> not inventoried 1.00E-02 calculation / estimation
Fig. 5.15 Flows for "bronze, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
copper metals extraction No RER copper, at regional storage 6.06E-01 kg calculation 1 1.70 (4,5,3,5,4,5,3)
transport rail 200 km transport systems train No RER transport, freight, rail 2.02E-01 tkm estimation 1 2.09
transport road 100 km transport systems road No RER transport, lorry 32t 1.01E-01 tkm estimation 1 1.30
waste heat from electricity use air unspecified Heat, waste 6.98E-02 MJ calculation 1 1.70 (4,5,3,5,4,5,13)
Zn 0.1% of Zn input to air air unspecified Zinc 4.04E-04 kg calculation / estimation 1 1.95 (4,5,3,5,4,5,31)
waste dust from filters to recycling --> not inventoried 9.70E-03 calculation / estimation
Fig. 5.16 Flows for "brazing solder, cadmium free, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
heat from natural heat, natural gas, at industrial
natural gas heating systems No RER 3.54E-01 MJ calculation / estimation 1 1.70 (4,5,3,5,4,5,1)
gas furnace >100kW
electricity electricity production mix No UCTE 1.97E-02 kWh calculation / estimation 1 1.70 (4,5,3,5,4,5,2)
production UCTE, at grid
waste heat from electricity use air unspecified Heat, waste 7.08E-02 MJ calculation 1 1.70 (4,5,3,5,4,5,13)
Zn 0.1% of zn input to air air unspecified Zinc 3.03E-04 kg calculation / estimation 1 1.95 (4,5,3,5,4,5,31)
waste dust from filters to recycling --> not inventoried 9.70E-03 calculation / estimation
Fig. 5.17 Flows for "casting, brass" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
heat from natural heat, natural gas, at industrial
natural gas heating systems No RER 3.60E-01 MJ calculation / estimation 1 1.70 (4,5,3,5,4,5,1)
gas furnace >100kW
waste heat from electricity use air unspecified Heat, waste 7.20E-02 MJ calculation 1 1.70 (4,5,3,5,4,5,13)
Sn 0.1% of Sn input to air air unspecified Tin 5.05E-05 kg calculation / estimation 1 1.95 (4,5,3,5,4,5,31)
waste dust from filters to recycling --> not inventoried 9.95E-03 calculation / estimation
Fig. 5.18 Flows for "casting, bronze" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Tab. 5.20 Characterisation of different anode slimes. Numbers are in %wt; span relates to reported minimal – maximal
values; the mean value in Cooper (1990) is the median of the reported operations (n=18).
Operations Ag Te Se Cu Source
Canadian smelter 0.2 - 3.5 4 - 25 4 - 15 16 - 24 Chen & Dutrizac (2004)
Noranda slimes 0.52 10.9 21.3 20.3 Knockaert (2002)
Canadian copper re- 21.3 3.19 10.9 20.3 Knockaert (2002)
Nippon mining 20.58 3.64 15.23 4.73 Knockaert (2002)
Inco 6 2 7 17 Knockaert (2002)
18 operations world- 10.8 1.1 7.9 21.3 Cooper (1990)
wide (4.1 - 62) (0 - 3) (0.6 - 46) (2.0 - 53)
cathode, copper, primary copper production copper-telluride cement, from copper production
Fig. 5.19 Process layout of the anode slime generation and its relation to other processes in ecoinvent.
http://www.mmta.co.uk/economicsFacts/miningJournalReview.aspx, “Tellurium” in the Mining Journal Review, The Minor
Metals Trade Association, accessed in July 2007.
Tab. 5.21 Meta information for the dataset anode slime generation, primary copper production.
Both reference flows are intended to be used as raw material in the production of the respective met-
als. For further information on process and inventory of the refined metals refer to the respective Parts
within this report.
Based on anode slime compositions listed in Tab. 5.20, the anode slime is assumed to contain 20% re-
sidual copper, 20% silver and 3% tellurium. The nominal generation of this anode slime is harmonised
with the world production average over the last three years (Tab. 2.4). Considering that 25% of silver
(4’875 t/a average from 2004-2006) and 95% of tellurium (107.6 t/a average from 2004-2006) were
supplied by the copper industry, 326 g refined silver and 7 g refined tellurium are produced per tonne
copper that is extracted (Tab. 5.22). Given an extraction efficiency of 100% for silver (closed cycle)
the amount of 1.63 kg anode slime (20% silver) per tonne cathode copper produced is calculated. Tak-
ing the Te content of 3% in the slime, 49 g Te per tonne copper extracted would then be co-extracted
on a global average. However, this 49 g/t contrast with the 7 g/t Te that are estimated with a top-down
calculation basing on mine production figures. This mismatch between bottom-up and top-down cal-
culation can be explained by the fact, that in many cases the rarer but jointly extracted metals such as
Tellurium are completely recovered on a global average. Many operations do not recover Tellurium at
all. A second reason may be found in the limited extraction efficiency when leaching tellurium.
However, the allocation of the upstream burden from the copper production – which determines this
inventory – is allocated by means of the effective produced amount of silver and tellurium from this
source (top-down figures). Therefore the uncertainty about slime composition and completeness of the
recovery of the resources in the ground do not affect this inventory model but the amount of silver and
tellurium resources required (input flows from nature).
The upstream burden is reflected by the production of one kg copper on a global average; the associ-
ated burdens are allocated to the reference flows by their value. The elementary flows that represent
the depletion of the resource itself for tellurium and silver are introduced using the same extraction
yields as for copper, since the metals are incorporated in the same mineral particles.
Tab. 5.22 Production factors for the by-products silver and tellurium from copper production, three years average
(USGS (2007)).
Year Copper mine Silver from Tellurium from Silver per cop- Tellurium per
production, tpa copper, tpa copper, tpa per, t / t copper, t / t
2004 14'600'000 4'925 88.065 3.37E-04 6.03E-06
2005 15'000'000 4'825 113.05 3.22E-04 7.54E-06
2006 15'300'000 4'875 121.6 3.19E-04 7.95E-06
mean 14'966'667 4'875 107.6 3.26E-04 7.17E-06
Tab. 5.23 Average market price for copper (LME), silver and tellurium in $ per tonne. Data compiled after USGS (2003)
through 2004 and USGS (2007) for 2005/6.
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
Copper input by alloc split metals extraction No GLO copper, primary, at refinery 1.00E+00 kg 1
primary copper production
Tellurium, 0.5ppm in sulfide,
anode slime generation,
Tellurium in
to slime resource in ground Te 0.2ppm, Cu and Ag, in 4.89E-05 kg 1 1.09 (2,2,1,2,1,3,3)
copper resource
crude ore, in ground
Silver, 3.2ppm in sulfide, Ag
Silver in copper
to slime resource in ground 1.2ppm, Cu and Te, in crude 3.26E-04 kg 1 1.09 (2,2,1,2,1,3,3)
ore, in ground
Necessary to correct the
allocation of copper resource to
resource correction, CuMo,
Correction Copper to slime the slime by economic metals extraction No GLO 2.22E-03 kg 1 1.09 (2,2,1,2,1,3,3)
copper, negative
allocation split. Subtract 0.20%
of a total 1.12 kg required.
Fig. 5.20 Flows for “anode slime generation, primary copper production” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg copper.
5.8 Molybdenum
Molybdenite is the starting material for molybdenum trioxide and ferromolybdenum, which is the raw
material for alloying steels with molybdenum. Since molybdenite is almost exclusively won from por-
phyry deposits, its production process is related to the exploitation of copper ores. Secondary porphyry
deposits bear lower concentrations of molybdenum, in this case it is won only as co-product in the
copper production (see Section 2.2 Primary Molybdenum on page 7). Molybdenum from co-
production is modelled as co-product in Section 5.2 Winning primary copper. The ecological burden is
distributed between molybdenite and copper concentrate according to their revenue (price times pro-
According to the scheme in Fig. 5.1 a separate module for the exploitation of molybdenite as main
product is necessary as well as a production mix module for molybdenite. These two modules are dis-
cussed in the following sections.
http://www.copperconcentrate.com/default.asp, accessed at 01. 03. 2003
Data quality
The main constraints in this module are missing information on the production process. The choice of
copper production as proxy is a strong simplification. The overall assessment will highly vary with
share – molybdenum as main- or by-product – and price of copper concentrate and molybdenite.
Source for
name in
M olybdenite
e, at plant
M olybdenite concentration 55% met als ext raction No GLO molybdenite, at plant 1.83E+00 kg calculated 1 2.15 (4,5,1,2,5,5,12)
zinc, primary, at regional
zinc met als ext raction No RER 1.00E+00 kg definition 1 2.15 (4,5,1,2,5,5,4)
regional storage
molybdenum, at
exact amount
zinc concentrate, at
zinc concentrate concentration 53% met als ext raction No GLO -1.90E+00 kg calculated 1 1.00 inventoried in zinc
beneficiat ion
resource exact amount
0.013004 kg Cd ore in resource correct ion, PbZn,
correction Cd in met als ext raction No GLO 3.95E-02 kg calculated 1 1.00 inventoried in zinc
0.62565 kg Zn concentrate cadmium, positive
zinc concentrate production
Ressource exact amount
0.00021673 kg In ore in resource correct ion, PbZn,
correction In in met als ext raction No GLO 6.59E-04 kg calculated 1 1.00 inventoried in zinc
0.62565 kg Zn concentrate indium, positive
zinc concentrate production
molybdenum, at regional
M olybdenun met als ext raction No RER 1.00E+00 kg
Fig. 5.21 Flows for “molybdenite, at plant” and “molybdenum, at regional storage” and their representation in ecoinvent.
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ence Document on Best Available Techniques for Management of Tailings and
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01.03.2003 from http://www.jrc.es/pub/english.cgi/0/733169
Isbell (1997) Isbell C. A. (1997) Copper Alloys. In: Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial
chemistry (ed. Anonymous). 5th edition on CD-ROM Edition. Wiley & Sons,
JMB (2002) JMB (2002) Spezialausgabe: Silber - November 2002. In: JMB News. Johnson
Matthey & Brandenberger AG, Zürich, Online-Version under: http://www.
Klapwijk et al. (2006) Klapwijk P., Walker P., Ryan P., Newman P. and others (2006) World Silver
Survey 2006 - A Summary. GFMS & The Silver Institute, Online-Version un-
der: http://www.silverinstitute.org/publications/.
Knockaert (2002) Knockaert G. (2002) Tellurium. In: Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial
Chemistry. Online version, posting date: September 15, 2000 Edition. Wiley-
Interscience, Online-Version under: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/14356007.a26_
Krauss et al. (1999) Krauss U., Wagner H. and Mori G. (1999) Stoffmengenflüsse und Energiebedarf
bei der Gewinnung ausgewählter mineralischer Rohstoffe; Teilstudie Kupfer. In:
Geologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. Sonderhefte SH 9. Bundesanstalt für Geowissen-
schaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover. ISBN 3-510-95831-4.
Martens et al. (2002) Martens P. N., Ruhrberg M. and Mistry M. (2002) Flächeninanspruchnahme des
Kupfererzberbaus. In: Erzmetall, 55(5/6), pp. 287-293.
NPI (2001) NPI (2001) Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Mining. In: National
Pollution Inventory. Environment Australia, Online-Version under:
Renner et al. (2002) Renner H., Schlamp G., Hollmann D., Lüschow H. M., Rothaut J., Knödler A.,
Hecht C., Schlott M., Drieselmann R., Peter C. and Schiele R. (2002) Silver, Sil-
ver Compounds, and Silver Alloys. In: Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial
Chemistry. Online version, posting date: September 15, 2000 Edition. Wiley-
Data v2.1 (2009)
Classen M., Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Tuchschmid M., Jungbluth N., Doka G., Faist
Emmenegger M. and Scharnhorst W. (2009) Life Cycle Inventories of Metals. Final re-
port ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inven-
tories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
The primary nickel and ferronickel production is modelled for the global situation.
Nickel is co-produced with Copper and the model is made accordingly. Allocation is made by revenue.
For a lack of data the secondary nickel production could not be inventoried. However, since most of the nickel is
used in alloys it is not recycled separately but with the alloyed steel.
Mining, beneficiation and the different metallurgical processes are inventoried vertically aggregated because of
difficulties to clearly allocate some of the flows to one single step and because the intermediate steps would not
make sense in another context. The Figures in this report however contain the available information to the single
Table of Contents
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................I
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
6 LITERATURE ......................................................................................................... 39
1 Introduction
This chapter describes the production of Nickel from cradle to consumer in Europe. Inventory data is
taken mainly from (Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999)) together with background data from IPPC (2002) and
IPPC (2001). Market data on nickel and copper are provided by the London Metal Exchange 1 .
Since nickel always is associated with other metals, the production yields a fraction of other metals
than nickel, mainly copper (Cu), cobalt (Co) and platinum gruop metals. The process of primary pro-
duction described in this chapter is formally a multioutput-process with the coupled products Ni and
Cu. This makes it necessary to allocate the inventory to these products. The demand for nickel-
containing ore is allocated by mass. The rest of the inventory is allocated by revenue. The coupled
production of cobalt is neglected because due to a lack of data no meaningful allocation factors could
be established.
Known annual world production capacity of primary nickel products in the early 1990s was approxi-
mately 1240 kilotonnes, 485 of which were in former Soviet and East Bloc countries. In recent years,
annual world production has averaged in excess of 900 kilotonnes. Primary nickel products fall
broadly into two categories - Class I and Class II. Class I products contain at least 99.8% nickel whilst
all other primary nickel products are Class II. Unlike Class I products, Class II products range widely
in nickel content.
London Metal Exchange, daily and monthly stocks and prices under http://www.lme.co.uk/data_prices/ home.html, accessed
at 01.03.2003
Tab. 2.3 Mine production and reserves of nickel in 2001. “Reserves” is referred to as “the part of the reserve base
which cold be economically extracted or produced at the time of determination”, while “Reserve base” de-
notes “that part of an identified resource that meets specified minimum (...) criteria related to current mining
and production practices” (USGS (2003)).
- Allergy of the skin to nickel - resulting in dermatitis. The following image shows a case of nickel
eczema (dermatitis).
- In certain circumstances of exposure in refining, there may be a risk of cancer of the paranasal si-
nuses (close to the nose) and of cancer of the lung. This risk has now probably been completely
removed in most modern plants.
- Nickel tetracarbonyl - an intermediate in the Mond process for refining nickel is very toxic to the
lungs and heart.
property value
Melting Point (mp) 1455°C (1728 K)
Boiling Point (bp) 2730°C (3003 K)
Relative density (25°C) 8.9
Volume increase on melting 4.5%
Heat of fusion (mp) 302 J/g
Heat of sublimation (25°C) 7317 J/g
Heat of vaporization (Tcrit) 6375 J/g
Standard entropy 29.81 J/K
Thermal conductivity (0-100°C) 88.5 W m–1 K–1
Heat capacity (0-100°C) 0.452 J g–1 K–1
Electrical resistivity (20°C) 6.9 /cm
Temperature coefficient of electrical resis- 6.8×10–3 K–1
Thermal expansion coefficient (0-100°C) 13.3×10–6 K–1
Modulus of elasticity 199.5 GPa
Brinell hardness 85
3.2 Ferronickel
Ferronickel (CAS 11133-76-9) is a market product of the nickel industry. It consists of an alloy of iron
with nickel, with a nickel content of 20 - 50 % (Tab. 3.2). It is used in the manufacturing of stainless
Type Composition, %
Ni Co Cu Fe C S O
Class I:
Cathodes >99.90 0.005 0.002 0.01 0.001
Pellets >99.97 5×10 0.001 0.0015 <0.10 0.0003
Powder 99.74 <0.10 <0.10 <0.010 <0.15
Briquettes 99.90 0.03 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.0035
Rondelles 99.25 0.37 0.046 0.022 0.022 0.004 0.042
Class II:
Ferronickel 20-50 1-2 rest 1.5-1.8 <0.3
Nickel oxide 76.0 1.0 0.75 0.30 0.006 rest
Ferronickel 220000 20%
Metal 638000 57%
Oxide sinter 98200 9%
Chemicals 18000 2%
Unspecified 143000 13%
Total 1117200
More than 80 %of primary nickel is consumed in some 3’000 different alloys, grouped generally as
stainless steels, alloy steels, and non-ferrous alloys. About 65 % of primary nickel is used in stainless
steels alone, as shown in Fig. 4.1.
Fig. 4.1 Uses of nickel in different industries. Source: NiDI , 1996
Electroplating accounts for roughly 10 % of primary nickel consumption, with the balance consumed
by foundries and a host of other uses including chemicals, catalysts, batteries, welding rods, coinage,
pigments for enamels/glasses/ceramics, electronics, and printing inks.
Most of the plating, foundry and "other" applications are "end-uses" of nickel; that is to say, the prod-
ucts are used directly by the customer or "end-user". Steels and other nickel alloys, on the other hand,
are "intermediate" products that must be further processed or "transformed" into end-use commercial
products in a number of industrial applications. These applications are shown in Fig. 4.2.
The major end-use sectors for nickel shown in Fig. 4.2 reflect various applications for the many of
known nickel alloys as well as the direct use of primary nickel for electroplated and other products
noted above. The use therefore can be diverted into an intermediate use in the form of metallic nickel
(class I) and Ferronickel and into the end-use as nickel alloys.
Nickel Development Institute, http://www.nidi.org/, accessed at 01. 03. 2003.
Fig. 4.2 Application of nickel Source: NiDI , 1996
4.2 Ferronickel
Ferro-alloys are mainly used as master alloys in the iron and steel industry, because it is the most eco-
nomic way to introduce an alloying element in the steel melt. Ferronickel in this case therefore is used
as master alloy in the production of stainless steels. Further more it is used as starting materials in the
preparation of chemicals and pure metal; as reducing agents (e.g., the use of ferrosilicon to reduce rich
slag); as alloying elements in nonferrous alloys and as starting materials for special products such as
amorphous metals.
Nickel Development Institute, http://www.nidi.org/, accessed at 01. 03. 2003.
Alloy Constituents
Monel metals combinations of nickel and copper
Inconel metals nickel alloys containing chromium and iron
Hastelloy metals combinations of chromium, molybdenum and iron
Illium nickels nickel alloys with chromium, molybdenum and copper
Nickel alloy steels are used in heavy machinery manufacturing, armoured plate, tools, and high-
temperature equipment including gas turbines and scrubbers. Non-ferrous alloys include nickel-copper
alloys, typically containing about 65% nickel, and copper-nickel alloys, typically containing about
10% nickel, used extensively in desalination plants for converting seawater into fresh water. Ni-
Cu/Cu-Ni alloys are also employed in marine equipment and inorganic acid and alkali handling
equipment. Nickel-chromium alloys, containing approximately 40-70% nickel, are used in corrosive
chemical environments and high-temperature applications such as heating elements and gas turbine
aero-engine components. Nickel-copper-zinc alloys, including nickel silver with less than 18% nickel,
are used for decorative purposes, including jewellery.
Different alloy types are used in specific applications. The constitution of some common nickel alloys
is given in Tab. 4.2.
- Corrosion-resistant alloys: nickel, monel, hastelloy, illium, nirolium for use in chemical and proc-
ess plant, plating coinage, food processing and water treatment.
- High temperature alloys: inconel, incoloy, nimonic, nimocast used for furnace components, boiler
components, heat-treatment equipment, power generation, heat exchangers.
- Electrical Alloys: nickel, brightray, nichrome, constantan for use in ferry electronics, heating ele-
ments, industrial furnace elements, resistors, thermocouples and spark plugs.
- Magnetic Alloys: nickel, permalloy, mumetal used in magnetostrictive devices, magnetic shields,
HF transformation, loading cells, transformer and rotor laminations, temperature compensators.
- Controlled-expansion and constant modulus alloys: invar, nile, ni-Span, elinvar, bimetals, thermo-
stats, glass-sealing and weighing machines.
- Miscellaneous alloys: nitinol, hy-stor employed in shape-memory devices, hydrogen storage and
brazing alloys.
5 System Characterisation
The winning of nickel can be classified in two main process chains as shown in Fig. 5.1. The first
process chain represents the winning of nickel from sulphidic ore, yielding Class I Nickel as market
product. This class of nickel is used in a wide range of applications. The other path represents the win-
ning of ferronickel from lateritic ore.
The aim of this study is to inventory the two intermediate products “Nickel Class I” and “Ferronickel”
as raw materials for nickel alloys. These two modules represent the most important application of
nickel. The system boundaries are set at the production gate, both modules represent the production
mix, no transport to the desired region of the application is included.
The meta information of the modules are summarised in Tab. 5.1.
Mining Benefication Metallurgy Applications
Nickel Class I
cathodes other 4%
54% granules coins 3%
6% briquettes plating 6%
ferronickel metallurgy 6%
hydro- stainless
40% lateritic nickel oxide 64%
metallurgy steels
Fig. 5.1 Winning of nickel from ore to application. Two main process chains can be identified, the sulphidic path
yielding Class I nickel and the lateritic path yielding ferronickel. Ferronickel is mainly used in the production
of stainless steel, whereas Class I nickel is used in a wide range of applications.
Tab. 5.1 Ecoinvent meta information for the processes for the production of Class I nickel and ferronickel.
Tab. 5.1 Ecoinvent meta information for the processes for the production of Class I nickel and ferronickel. (cont.)
Fig. 5.2 Overview over some process possibilities for nickel winning. The chosen process depends on the composi-
tion of the ore, the local costs of energy carrier and the local legislation. Scheme from (IPPC (2001))
Pyrometallurgy. The pyrometallurgical treatment of nickel concentrates includes three types of unit
operation: roasting, smelting, and converting. In the roasting step sulphur is driven off as sulphur diox-
ide and part of the iron is oxidised. In smelting, the roaster product is melted with a siliceous flux
which combines with the oxidised iron to produce two immiscible phases, a liquid silicate slag which
can be discarded, and a solution of molten sulphides which contains the metal values. In the convert-
ing operation on the sulphide melt, more sulphur is driven off as sulphur dioxide, and the remaining
iron is oxidised and fluxed for removal as silicate slag, leaving a high-grade nickel – copper sulphide
matte. In several modern operations the roasting step has been eliminated, and the nickel sulphide con-
centrate is treated directly in the smelter.
Hydrometallurgy. Several hydrometallurgical processes are in commercial operation for the treat-
ment of nickel – copper mattes to produce separate nickel and copper products. In addition, the hy-
drometallurgical process developed by Sherritt Gordon in the early 1950s for the direct treatment of
nickel sulphide concentrates, as an alternative to smelting, is still commercially viable and competi-
tive, despite very significant improvements in the economics and energy efficiency of nickel smelting
technology. In a typical hydrometallurgical process, the concentrate or matte is first leached in a sul-
phate or chloride solution to dissolve nickel, cobalt, and some of the copper, while the sulphide is oxi-
dised to insoluble elemental sulphur or soluble sulphate. Frequently, leaching is carried out in a two-
stage countercurrent system so that the matte can be used to partially purify the solution, for example,
by precipitating copper by cementation. In this way a nickel – copper matte can be treated in a two-
stage leach process to produce a copper-free nickel sulphate or nickel chloride solution, and a leach
residue enriched in copper.
Refining. In many applications, high-purity nickel is essential and Class I nickel products, which in-
clude electrolytic cathode, carbonyl powder, and hydrogen-reduced powder, are made by a variety of
refining processes.
The carbonyl refining process uses the property of nickel to form volatile nickel-carbonyl compounds
from which elemental nickel subsides to form granules. Electrolytic nickel refineries treat cast raw
nickel anodes in a electrolyte. Under current the anode dissolves and pure nickel deposits on the cath-
ode. This electrorefining process is obsolete because of high energy demand and the necessity of
building the crude nickel anode by reduction with coke. It is still practised in Russia. Most refineries
recover electrolytic nickel by direct electrowinning from purified solutions produced by the leaching
of nickel or nickel – copper mattes. Some companies recover refined nickel powder from purified
ammoniacal solution by reduction with hydrogen.
The multitude of processing possibilities was reduced in (Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999)) to five major
process routes for nickel winning from sulphidic ores. Their layout is given in Tab. 5.2. This classifi-
cation will be used further.
Tab. 5.2 Overview over the major process routes in the nickel winning from sulphidic ores. After (Hilbrans & Hinrichs
5.1.2 Emission
The major emissions are due to mineral born pollutants in the effluents. The underground mining op-
erations generate roughly 80 % of the dust emissions from open pit operations, since the major dust
sources do not take place underground. Rain percolate through overburden and accounts to metal
emissions to groundwater.
Ore handling and processing produce large amounts of dust, containing PM10 and several metals from
the ore itself. Flotation produce effluents containing several organic agents 4 used. Some of these
chemicals evaporate and account for VOC emissions to air. Namely xanthates decompose hydrolyti-
cally to release carbon disulphide. Tailings effluent contains additional sulphuric acid from acid rock
Metallurgy & Separation from Non Ferrous Metals
Sulphur dioxide. In all of the process steps sulphur dioxide is emitted to air. Recovery of sulphur di-
oxide is only economic for high concentrated off-gas. SO2 emissions are by far the most important in
the metallurgy.
Carbon dioxide. In the beneficiation step, considerable amounts of lime is added to the ore for pH-
stabilisation, lime forms later flux in the metallurgical step. Lime decomposes into CO2 to form cal-
Dust. Dust carry over from the roasting, smelting and converting processes. Particulate emissions to
the air consist of metals and thus are often returned to the leaching process after treatment.
Chlorine. Chlorine is used in some leaching stages and is produced during the subsequent electrolysis
of chloride solution. The chlorine evolved is collected and re-used in the leach stage. The presence of
chlorine in wastewater can lead to the formation of organic chlorine compounds (AOX) if solvents etc.
are also present in a mixed wastewater.
VOC. VOCs can be emitted from the solvent extraction stages. A variety of solvents are used an they
contain various complexing agents to form complexes with the desired metal that are soluble in the or-
ganic layer.
Emissions to water. Metals and their compounds and substances in suspension are the main pollutants
emitted to water. The metals concerned are Cu, Ni, Co, As and Cr. Other significant substances are
chlorides and sulphates. Wastewater from wet gas cleaning (if used) of the different metallurgical
stages are the most important sources. The leaching stages are usually operated on a closed circuit and
drainage systems, and are therefore regarded as minor sources.
Also in this step the combustion of sulphur leads to emissions of SO2. Nitrogen oxides are produced in
significant amounts during acid digestion using nitric acid. Chlorine and HCl can be formed during a
number of digestion, electrolytic and purification processes. Chlorine is used extensively in the Miller
process and in the dissolution stages using hydrochloric acid and chlorine mixtrues respectively. Dust
and metals are generally emitted from incinerators and furnaces. VOC can be emitted from solvent ex-
traction processes, while organic compounds, namely dioxins, can be emitted from smelting stages re-
sulting from the poor combustion of oil and plastic in the feed material. All these emissions are subject
to abatement technologies and controlling. Large quantities of effluents contain amounts of metals and
organic substances.
Floating agents consist of collectors (xanthate or aerofloat) and frothing reagent (eg. Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol). Xanthanes
are a broad class of organic salts formed by treatment of an alcohol with carbon disulfide in the presence of an alkali, potas-
sium ethyl xanthate (KC3H5S2O, CAS No: 140-89-6). Aerofloat is a salt of carbonyldithiophosphoric acids. A widely used
frothing reagent is e.g. methyl isobutyl carbinol, CAS: 108-11-2, syn. Methyl Amyl Alcohol.
5.1.3 Waste
Mining and Beneficiation
Overburden is deposed close to the mine. Tailings are deposed as piles and in ponds. In both the over-
burden and the tailings, acid rock drainage occurs over a long period of time. These effects are han-
dled in section IX “Non Ferrous Metal Winning – Auxiliary Processes”, chapter “Disposal of Tailings
and Overburden”.
Metallurgy & Separation from Non Ferrous Metals
The production of metals is related to the generation of several co-products, residues and wastes,
which are listed in the European Waste Catalogue. Some of the process specific residues can be reused
or recovered in preliminary process steps (e. g. dross, filter dust) or construction (e. g. cleaned slag).
Residues also arise from the treatment of liquid effluents, the main residue being gypsum waste and
metal hydroxides from the wastewater neutralisation plant. These residuals have to be disposed, usu-
ally in lined ponds.
Like in the pyro- and hydrometallurgical step quantities of solid residuals are generated, which are
mostly recycled within the process or sent to other specialists to recover any precious metals. Final
residues generally comprise hydroxide filter cakes (ironhydroxide, 60% water, cat I industrial waste).
Tab. 5.3 Infrastructure in underground mining, assumptions used. A lifetime of ten years are estimated, and 5000
working hours yearly.
In the considered processes the ore is mined underground. The overburden is disposed in piles near the
mine, the standard module for disposal of non-sulphidic overburden was chosen, which includes the
land use and transformation through the disposal. Refilled overburden is assumed to be burden free,
but cement and stowing material (assumption: sand) has to be added as stated in Hilbrans & Hinrichs
(1999). The degree of the refilling is documented for each alternative in Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999).
Also water use and effluent from mining is documented. The use of freshwater was inventoried as
river water, where as the pit water was assumed to be groundwater, which has to be pumped. The
composition of the effluent was taken from IPPC (2002), its values are shown in Tab. 5.4. Concerning
electricity mix Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999) assumes a share of 60% of hydropower due to the opera-
tions high and constant energy demand. This assumption is used also in this inventory. Cement, explo-
sives and sand are assumed to be transported by lorry over 50 km.
Once the ore is mined, it is ground and conditioned for further concentration. Considerable amounts of
lime and flotation agents are added. The separated gangue is disposed in tailings ponds, the concen-
trated ore is fed to the metallurgy, which is assumed to be on-site.
Dust emissions comprise additionally the dust emissions due to mining activities. Like in the mining
step, a share of 60% hydroelectricity was chosen according to Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999).
Lime. Lime input was documented in Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999) for each process alternative. The
specific lime input ranges from 2.0 to 8.5 kg per t ore treated with a weighted mean of 5.5 kg / t ore.
Reagents. No information on mass and nature of the floating agents used are available. For copper
mining a range of 25 – 300 g collector and 25 – 250 g frothing reagent per ton sulphidic ore is recom-
mended (Krauss et al. (1999)). This is confirmed by the values in Tab. 5.5. Collector and frother are
balanced in ecoinvent in their production as unspecified organic chemical. According to NPI (2001)
xanthates hydrolytically decompose to 0.53 mg carbon disulphide per mg xanthate. With 189 mg xan-
thates from Tab. 5.5 this is 100 mg carbon disulphide per t mined ore (Tab. 5.6).
Activator and Depressants – excluding sodium cyanate – are modelled as unspecific inorganic chemi-
cals, their emission to water is covered by reported emissions from mining sites shown in Tab. 5.4.
For pH adjustment and leaching the value for sulphuric acid was considered with 3.74 kg / t ore mined
(Tab. 5.6). As sulphuric acid is a by-product from the metallurgy, it is regarded as burden free. Other
acids are neglected.
Since composition and environmental fate of activator, depressant and sulphuric acid is uncertain, re-
ported data for total emissions shown in Tab. 5.6 are taken. Note that some theoretical emissions due
to the use of the reagents are higher than the reported ones in Tab. 5.4.
Sodium cyanide is widely used for extracting gold and other metals such as silver, copper and zinc. It
is used as leachate and as depressant for certain sulphidic minerals. The environmental fate of cyanide
compounds is complex and could not further be queried. A cyanide recovery of 80 – 90% is reported
due to abatement and recovery in the Golden Cross mine in New Zealand (Anonymous (1998a)). Here
a value of 80% is chosen for cyanide-abatement technology. With a reported use of 35 g NaCN per
tonne ore mined (Tab. 5.5), this means a direct emission of 3.75 g CN- per tonne ore mined.
Effluents. Additional to direct emissions due to the use of chemicals, total emissions to water are cho-
sen according to Tab. 5.4. These values are from base metal sites, thus only an approximation for the
real effluent concentrations in the nickel production. It is assumed here that the effluents also include
acid rock drainage (ARD). ARD after mine closure is modelled in the module “disposal, sulphidic tail-
ings, off-site”.
Dust. A case study in Anonymous (1998b) about a projected open cut gold-copper mining and proc-
essing facility in Australia predict annual dust emissions between 0.18 kg/t and 0.46 kg/t of dust pro-
duced per tonne of ore mined. The prediction was made using the Emission Estimation Technique
Manual for Mining (NPI (2001)). The maximum value of 0.46 kg/t is chosen for total dust emissions.
Underground mining activities are assumed to generate 80 % of the dust emissions compared to open
pit mining (Tab. 5.7) yielding a 0.37 kg dust per tonne mined ore. According to the IAEA 5 the dust
composition is approximated with values of a specific sulphidic nickel ore in Tab. 5.8. For PM10 val-
ues, the ratio TDS : PM10 : PM2.5 was approximated with values from copper ore mining 101.72 : 50 :
5 g / t ore taken from the CEMIP-database 6 , i. e. one tonne emitted dust corresponds to 491.5 kg PM10
and 49.2 kg PM2.5 respectively. The dust emissions resulting from underground activities are summed
up in Tab. 5.8. In Ecoinvent, for particulates differential classes are used adding up to the total dust
emission, i. e. 49.2 kg PM<2.5, 442 kg PM2.5-10 and 508 kg PM>10 per tonne dust
Tab. 5.4 Mining & Beneficiation, emissions to water. Composition of effluents from mining activities, values are
taken from total emissions to water from base metal sites in (IPPC (2002)).
The IAEA Database of Natural Matrix Reference Materials, http://www-naweb.iaea.org/nahu/external/e4/nmrm/, accessed
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/em_factors.php, accessed 01.03.2003
Tab. 5.5 Consumption of reagents in base metal mineral processing plants. Data taken from IPPC (2002).
Tab. 5.6 Emissions and input due to chemical use in beneficiation in g per tonne treated ore. The values are the ones
chosen in this study. For further details read in text.
Tab. 5.7 Dust emissions from typical coal strip-mining operations (Anonymous (1998b)). After this table underground
mining cause roughly 80% of the dust emissions of open pit mining.
Tab. 5.8 Emissions to air resulting from mining activities per tonne mined ore. Values for total dust emission are
taken from Anonymous (1998b), partition of fractions of particulate matter from the CEMIP-database , the
dust composition correspond to an specific nickel sulphide with values taken from the IEAE-database (see
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/em_factors.php, accessed 01.03.2003
bury’s operation 8 . It was chosen because it probably depicts the global situation more accurate than
the much lower values reported in (IPPC (2001)) reflecting the European situation with 0.164 t SO2 / t,
or the much higher value from the Russian operation at Noril’sk (5.3 t SO2/ t) reported in (Hochfeld
Converting (all alternatives). Converting is done by gas. According to Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999),
40% of the electricity consumed is from grid, 60% is hydropower. A production of steam is reported
in (Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999)), which can not be accounted for as benefit. Reported dust emissions
are not fugitive, they are caught in the wet scrubber and form a residue, which has to be disposed. Fu-
gitive dust emissions are inventoried later under “overall process”.
Sulphuric acid production (all alternatives). For production 40% electricity from grid, 60% hydro-
power assumed. The acid formed is not inventoried because it is assumed to be a by-product.
Other processes (all alternatives). Different electricity use from facilities etc. 40% of the electricity
from grid, 60% hydropower assumed.
Leaching / copper separation (alternatives 3, 4 & 5). Pyrometallurgical separation is done by gas.
40% electricity from grid, 60% hydropower assumed. Leaching agents reported in (Hilbrans &
Hinrichs (1999)) are approximated with the inventory for ammoniac production but no process emis-
sions were considered due to lack of data. Ammonium sulphate as by-product from alternative 2 was
not inventoried and assumed to be burden free (cut off).
Overall process. The emissions to air are taken from different sources as shown in Tab. 5.9. Effluents
were approximated with the value of 1.4 m3 per tonne concentrate worked from PGM-operations re-
ported in (Hochfeld (1997)) (Tab. 5.10). The emissions due to the effluent are taken from (IPPC
(2001)). Carbon dioxide from the calcination of lime added in several steps before is released at a rate
of 0.44 t CO2 per tonne lime added.
Purification. Until this step all inventory was allocated according the revenue obtained by co-
production of copper in alternatives 3, 4 & 5 (The only exception is the resource that is allocated by
mass (34% to copper)). In this purification step the inventory is fully allocated to nickel since no cop-
per is present any more. Each alternative differs from each other. An overview over the different con-
tributions is given in Fig. 5.7. No data on chlorine input and related emissions is available. For the re-
duction with hydrogen (alternative 2) a simple stoechiometry Ni:H of 59:1 yielding and a reaction ef-
ficiency of 90% was assumed, yielding a necessary input of 19.1 kg hydrogen per tonne nickel re-
duced. For all electricity use a share of 40% electricity from grid and 60% hydropower was assumed.
globally operating nickel producer, http://www.inco.com
Tab. 5.9 Emissions to air per tonne produced metal. Data was taken from similar processes in nickel (A) and copper
(B) metallurgy and multiplied with the sum of produced metals (PGM, Ni & Cu). Data is taken from (IPPC
(2001)), the distribution of the particle size is taken from CEPMEIP (C). VOC emission from leaching (D). In
this study values for SO2 emissions are estimated roughly with 1.5 t / t Ni as stated in the environmental re-
port of the sudbury operation.
Tab. 5.10 Composition of different wastewater effluents after treatment. A simple average from different reported val-
ues of European copper operations is chosen (IPPC (2001)). Values in the columns “process water”, “sur-
face run off” and “direct cooling water” represent geometric means of the range reported. Values for Cr, Hg
and Sn correspond to a copper semis production site, reported in (IPPC (2001)).
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/em_factors.php, accessed 01.03.2003
Data quality
Mining. Data for major mass fluxes are satisfactory, while the emissions in to water may be overesti-
mated due to different system boundaries of reported effluent volume from Hilbrans & Hinrichs
(1999) and total effluent emissions reported in IPPC (2002).
Beneficiation. Like in mining, the emissions to water can be overestimated. The emissions from tail-
ings are assessed in an extern module, which itself contains rough assumptions of a global overburden
and tailings composition and a simplified disposal scenario. Emissions tough can vary considerably
from case to case.
Metallurgy. Process data is satisfactory and valid for over 90 % of the Class I nickel production. The
main emissions dominating possibly the whole process is sulphur dioxide, which is not reported in
Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999). The chosen value of a single operation is consistent with other reported
values in IPPC (2001) and Hochfeld (1997). Poor data are available on composition and fate of solid
waste, the reuse rate was documented.
Separation of copper and further refining. Main data on energy and mass fluxes is satisfactory,
while data on direct emissions due to hydrometallurgical processes is poor. Namely chlorine emissions
can be considerable, generating both HCl emissions to air and AOX emissions to water – emissions
which are not assessed in this work. An other emission, which is not inventoried due to poor data, is
carbondisulfide used in alternative 5 in considerable amounts.
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
51 kg overburden and 110 kg crude ore per kg Class
I Nickel mined (resulting in 97.2 kg tailings and Nickel, 1.13% in sulfide, Ni
Ni in ground 100% to Ni; mass 12.8 kg concentrate). 82% yield of resource in ground 0.76% and Cu 0.76% in crude 1.26E+00 kg (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,1,1,4,12)
mining/beneficiation, 97% yield of metallurgy --> ore, in ground
Fig. 5.3 Flows for the multi-output process “Nickel production” (part mining) and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg Class
I nickel. Allocation values indicate the amount of the flow that is allocated to the co-product copper.
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
electricity, to Cu;
27% included in mining
benefication revenue
inorganic revenue
to Cu;
Sodium cyanide 27% assumed to be produced on site chemicals organics No RER hydrogen cyanide, at plant 3.85E-03 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 2.00 reported values
part II
to Cu;
Sulphuric Acid 27% burden-free, since byproduct from metallurgy 2.54E-01 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 2.00 reported values
to Cu; Tailings that are disposed of in ponds or other waste residual disposal, sulfidic tailings, off- (2,2,2,3,1,3,6);
tailings, disposed 27% No GLO 6.50E+01 kg (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.10
revenue facilities. management material landfill site reported values
to Cu;
tailings, refilled 27% not inventoried, no ecological burden 3.33E+01 kg (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,1,1,4,6)
effluents, to Cu; composition in Tab. 5.4. The single emissions are (2,2,2,3,1,3,6);
27% 1.52E-01 m3 (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.10
benefication revenue inventoried with a variability of 10 reported values
(IPPC, 2002),
to Cu; From sodium cyanide (35g NaCN per t crude ore,
Emission Cyanide 27% water river Cyanide 4.12E-04 kg (Anonymous 1 1.84 (4,2,2,3,4,4,33)
revenue 80% recovered --> 3.75 g CN- per t crude ore)
emission to Cu; 0.53 kg carbondisulfide out of 1 kg xanthate low population
27% air Carbon disulfide 1.10E-02 kg (NPI, 2001) 1 2.31 (4,2,2,5,4,4,23)
carbondisulfide revenue through hydrolytical decomposition density
including emissions from mining activities. Dust is
to Cu; the sum of particulate emissions represented in
Dust 27% 4.05E-02 kg (NPI, 2001) 1 1.59 (3,2,1,1,3,4,25)
revenue fractions PM<2.5, PM2.5-10, PM>10, including
metals and salts. (Tab. 5.8)
Fig. 5.4 Flows for the multi-output process “Nickel production” (part beneficiation) and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg
Class I nickel. Allocation values indicate the amount of the flow that is allocated to the co-product copper.
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
to Cu; construction limestone, milled, packed, at
Fig. 5.5 Flows for the multi-output process “Nickel production” (part drying/roasting) and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1
kg Class I nickel. Allocation values indicate the amount of the flow that is allocated to the co-product copper.
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
electricity melting, to Cu; electricity, high voltage,
20% oil heating systems No RER industrial furnace 1MW, non- 2.48E+01 MJ (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
melting (oil) revenue
infrastructure to Cu;
27% including infrastructure for separation of copper metals extraction Yes GLO non-ferrous metal smelter 4.61E-11 unit assumption 1 3.30 (4,2,1,5,4,4,9)
smeltery revenue
to Cu;
steam, credit 15% not inventoried, no credits assumed -1.31E+01 MJ (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,4)
part IV
hydropower 15% 60% electricity from hydropower hydro power power plants No RER 8.49E-01 kWh (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
revenue of-river power plant
to Cu; natural gas, burned in
fossile energy (gas) 12% energy carrier assumed to be natural gas natural gas heating systems No RER 3.05E+00 MJ (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,1)
revenue industrial furnace >100kW
to Cu;
steam, credit 13% not inventoried, no credits assumed -2.86E+00 MJ (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,4)
disposal, nickel smelter slag,
to Cu; residues in wet scrubber, approximated with slag waste residual
airborn dust 12% No CH 0% water, to residual material 3.97E-01 kg (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,6)
revenue disposal - module management material landfill
Fig. 5.6 Flows for the multi-output process “Nickel production” (part smelting/converting) and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of
1 kg Class I nickel. Allocation values indicate the amount of the flow that is allocated to the co-product copper.
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
to Cu; electricity, high voltage,
sulf. Acid
electricity, grid 12% 40% electricity from grid electricity production mix No UCTE 4.99E-01 kWh (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
revenue production UCTE, at grid
Fig. 5.7 Flows for the multi-output process “Nickel production” (part sulphuric acid / copper separation) and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the
functional unit of 1 kg Class I nickel. Allocation values indicate the amount of the flow that is allocated to the co-product copper.
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
fossile energy (oil) 0% mass natural gas heating systems No RER 9.93E-02 MJ (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,1)
industrial furnace >100kW
chlorine 0% mass not available
chlorine emission
0% mass not available
disposal, nickel smelter slag,
waste residual
anode slime 0% mass approximated with slag disposal - module No CH 0% water, to residual material 7.48E-02 kg (Hilbrans 1999) 1 2.15 (4,5,1,3,5,5,6)
management material landfill
spoiled anodes 0% mass internal use, not inventoried 1.82E-01 kg (Hilbrans 1999) 1
electricity, high voltage,
electricity, grid 0% mass 40% electricity from grid electricity production mix No UCTE 6.44E-03 kWh (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
purification of
dross from leaching 0% mass internal recovery, not inventoried 1.07E-03 kg (Hilbrans 1999) 1 (2,2,2,3,1,3,6)
Fig. 5.8 Flows for the multi-output process “Nickel production” (part nickel reduction / purification step) and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the
functional unit of 1 kg Class I nickel. Allocation values indicate the amount of the flow that is allocated to the co-product copper.
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
electricity, high voltage,
reduction (2)
electricity, grid 0% mass 40% electricity from grid electricity production mix No UCTE 4.40E-02 kWh (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
production UCTE, at grid
nickel production,
of-river power plant
natural gas, burned in
fossile energy (gas) 0% mass natural gas heating systems No RER 1.37E+00 MJ (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,1)
industrial furnace >100kW
part VII
hydrogen 0% mass chemicals inorganics No RER hydrogen, liquid, at plant 4.56E-03 kg (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.51 (5,2,2,3,1,3,4)
hydropower 0% mass 60% electricity from hydropower hydro power power plants No RER 1.66E-01 kWh (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
of-river power plant
heavy fuel oil, burned in
fossile energy (oil) 0% mass oil heating systems No RER industrial furnace 1MW, non- 1.21E+00 MJ (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,1)
disposal, nickel smelter slag,
dross waste residual
0% mass approximated with slag disposal - module No CH 0% water, to residual material 6.91E-06 kg (Hilbrans 1999) 1 2.15 (4,5,1,3,5,5,6)
carbonyleprocess management material landfill
nickel, class I 0% metals extraction No GLO nickel, 99.5%, at plant 1.00E+00 kg (Hilbrans 1999)
Fig. 5.9 Flows for the multi-output process “Nickel production” (part carbonyl and refining) and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit
of 1 kg Class I nickel. Allocation values indicate the amount of the flow that is allocated to the co-product copper.
5.2 Ferronickel
This part is mainly based on Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999). General process description was taken from
Kerfoot (1997).
Metallurgy. The metallurgy of nickel oxide ores differs from that of sulphides in that oxide ores are
not amenable to most of the standard mineral beneficiation methods due to the chemical dissemination
of the nickel in the oxide minerals. Nickel laterite ores have high moisture contents (typically up to 45
%) as well as chemically bound water in the hydroxide form. For this, the ore has to be dried, usually
direct-fired rotary units operating at about 250 °C, to 15 – 20 % moisture. Calcining to dehydrate the
ore and prereduction prior to electric furnace smelting are generally carried out. Chemically bound
water is released above ca. 400 °C, reduction of the oxides to metal starts at 500 – 600 °C. Dehydra-
tion and pre-reduction of the ore in the kiln prior to smelting, optimises the utilisation of energy avail-
able from the reductants and fuel, thus reducing energy consumption in the smelting operation.
Class II nickel products such as nickel oxide, metallised nickel oxide, and ferronickel, are produced
directly by smelting and roasting. They are sufficiently pure without refining for many nickel applica-
tions such as stainless steel production. The rotary kiln – electric furnace smelting process is now used
almost universally for the production of ferronickel from oxide ores. Also ores with a low Ni/Fe ratio
can be smelted to yield an acceptable ferronickel grade.
Ferronickel refining. Crude ferronickel produced by the conventional rotary kiln – electric furnace
process usually contains high levels of carbon and sulphur. These ferronickels are first treated under
reducing conditions to remove sulphur and are then refined sequentially under oxidising conditions
with suitable fluxes to remove carbon, silicon, and phosphorus. A variety of equipment is used for the
refining of ferronickel, including electric arc furnaces, shaking ladles, and low-frequency induction
furnaces for desulphurisation, and oxygen-blown converters for silicon, carbon, and phosphorus re-
moval. Sulphur is generally removed under reducing conditions by adding soda ash, lime, or calcium
carbide to the molten ferronickel. Good agitation of the melt is essential to ensure effective mixing of
the reagent with the metal phase
5.2.2 Emission
The major emissions are due to mineral born pollutants in the effluents. Mining operations generate
large amounts of dust. Rain percolate through overburden and accounts to metal emissions to ground-
Beneficiation is done by classification, no emissions arise from this step.
Metallurgy & Separation from Non Ferrous Metals
Carbon dioxide. In the ore pre-treatment, considerable amounts of lime are added. Lime decomposes
into CO2 to form calcite.
Dust. Dust carry over from the roasting, smelting and converting processes. Particulate emissions to
the air consist of metals and thus are often returned to the leaching process after treatment. Dust con-
sists to a considerable part of heavy metals.
Other emissions to air. The most important pollutants from the production of ferro-alloys in general
besides dust are SO2, NOx, CO, CO2, HF, PAH and VOC. Only few SO2 coming from metallurgical
coke is formed.
Emissions to water. Metals and their compounds and substances in suspension are the main pollutants
emitted to water. The metals concerned are Zn, Fe, Co, Pb and Hg. Other significant substances are
chlorides and sulphates. Wastewaters from wet gas cleaning (if used) of the different metallurgical
stages are the most important sources. The leaching stages are usually operated on closed circuit and
drainage systems, and are therefore regarded as minor sources.
5.2.3 Waste
Mining and Beneficiation
Overburden is deposed close inside the mine panel. Since no further beneficiation takes place in the
ferronickel production, no beneficiation tailings arise.
Metallurgy & Separation from Non Ferrous Metals
The production of metals is related to the generation of several residues and wastes, which are listed in
the European Waste Catalogue. The most specific residues are filter dusts, sludge from wet scrubbers,
slag from the smelting process, used furnace linings and packaging material like drums or big-gabs.
These residues are partly sold as by-products, recycled to the process or in cases of wastes without
economic utility transported to a deposit or a landfill.
Some of the process specific residues can be reused or recovered in preliminary process steps (e. g.
dross, filter dust) or construction (e. g. cleaned slag). Residues also arise from the treatment of liquid
effluents, the main residue being gypsum waste and metal hydroxides from the wastewater neutralisa-
tion plant. These residuals have to be disposed, usually in lined ponds.
Transformation and occupation of land through direct exploitation are assumed with the standard
value for non-ferrous metals without heap leaching processes of 0.0025 m2/t and 0.075 m2a/t ore
mined, that is 0.055 m2/t and 1.65 m2a per tonne Nickel produced.
Mining facilities and smeltery are inventoried with respective modules according to chapter II “Non
Ferrous Metal Winning – Auxiliary Processes”.
In the considered processes the ore is mined in open cuts. The overburden is disposed in piles inside
the mining panel, therefore no disposal of overburden is assumed (Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999)). Also
water use and effluent from mining is documented in Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999). The use of freshwa-
ter was inventoried as river water, where as the pit water was assumed to be groundwater, which has to
be pumped. The composition of the effluent was taken from IPPC (2002), its values are shown in Tab.
5.4. Concerning electricity mix Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999) assumes a share of 60% of hydropower
due to the operations high and constant energy demand. This assumption is used also in this inventory.
For laterites no further beneficiation is necessary and possible except classification. Therefore no tail-
ings arise.
Energy. In Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999) the energy demand for drying and roasting of the wet ore is
stated, which contributes to a major extent to the overall energy demand in the ferronickel production
(Fig. 5.11).
Flux. The input of limestone is estimated roughly with values reported from the related manufacturing
processes for ferro-chrome and calcium silicate in IPPC (2001). Choosing a geometric mean of the
values a value of 470 kg limestone per tonne ferro-alloy is required. Consequentially 0.44 kg CO2 per
tonne flux is emitted after the formula CaCO3 CaO + CO2.
Dust. The emission of dust is estimated roughly considering values from ferro-chrome production.
There overall values ranging from 0.5 to 1 kg per tonne ferro-alloy is reported in IPPC (2001). In this
study a value of 1 kg per tonne is chosen using a PM-partition reported in CEPMEIP 10 . Dust composi-
tion is approximated with the specific values from class I nickel production in this section, resulting in
emission factors in Tab. 5.11.
Effluent. Specific value of 6.9 m3 per tonne ferro-alloy chosen from IPPC (2001).
Air emissions. No VOC-emissions were assumed since no hydrometallurgical processes are consid-
ered. For TCDD the same values as in class I nickel metallurgy are chosen (IPPC (2001)).
Data quality
Mining. Data for major mass fluxes are satisfactory, while the emissions in to water may be overesti-
mated due to different system boundaries of reported effluent volume from Hilbrans & Hinrichs
(1999) and total effluent emissions reported in IPPC (2002).
Metallurgy. Process data is satisfactory. Poor data are available on composition and fate of solid
waste, which has to be seen as major impact within the overall process due to its big mass.
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/em_factors.php, accessed 01.03.2003
Tab. 5.11 Emissions to air per tonne produced ferronickel. Data was taken as proxy from similar processes in ferro-
chrome (A) and copper metallurgy (B) reported in IPPC (2001), the distribution of the particle size is taken
from CEPMEIP (C).
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/em_factors.php, accessed 01.03.2003
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
Overall 57.5% yield assumed. 18 kg overburden and Nickel, 1.98% in silicates,
Ni in ground resource in ground 1.74E+00 kg (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,1,1,4,12)
22 kg ore required for 1 kg ferronickel 1.04% in crude ore, in ground
Fig. 5.10 Flows for “Ferronickel, part mining” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. The values correspond to the functional unit of the production of 1 kg ferronickel
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
electricity drying, electricity, high voltage,
40% electricity from grid electricity production mix No UCTE 2.60E-01 kWh (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
grid production UCTE, at grid
Fig. 5.11 Flows for “Ferronickel, part drying, roasting and melting” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. The values correspond to the functional unit of the production of
1 kg ferronickel
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
low population
waste heat from total electricity air Heat, waste 3.34E+01 MJ (Hilbrans 1999) 1 1.10 (2,2,2,3,1,3,2)
Ferronickel metals extraction No GLO ferronickel, 25% Ni, at plant 1.00E+00 kg (Hilbrans 1999)
Fig. 5.12 Flows for “Ferronickel, parts others/transports and refining” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. The values correspond to the functional unit of the production
of 1 kg ferronickel
6 Literature
Althaus et al. (2004) Althaus H.-J., Chudacoff M., Hischier R., Jungbluth N., Osses M. and Primas A.
(2004) Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 8.
EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH,
Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Anonymous (1998a) Anonymous (1998a) Cyanide Management. In: Best Practice Environmental
Management in Mining. Environment Australia, Online-Version under:
Anonymous (1998b) Anonymous (1998b) Dust Control. In: Best Practice Environmental Manage-
ment in Mining. Environment Australia, Online-Version under:
Frischknecht et al. (2006) Frischknecht R., Althaus H.-J., Bauer C., Capello C., Doka G., Dones R.,
Faist Emmenegger M., Hischier R., Jungbluth N., Kellenberger D., Margni M.,
Nemecek T. and Spielmann M. (2006) Documentation of changes implemented
in ecoinvent Data v1.2 and v1.3. ecoinvent report No. 16. EMPA Dübendorf,
Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH.
Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999) Hilbrans H. and Hinrichs W. (1999) Stoffmengenflüsse und Energiebedarf bei
der Gewinnung ausgewählter mineralischer Rohstoffe; Teilstudie Nickel. In:
Geologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. Sonderhefte SH 7. Bundesanstalt für Geowissen-
schaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover. ISBN 3-510-95829-2.
Hochfeld (1997) Hochfeld C. (1997) Bilanzierung der Umweltauswirkungen bei der Gewinnung
von Platingruppen-Metallen für PKW-Abgaskatalysatoren. In: Werkstattreihe,
Vol. 101. Öko-Institut, Freiburg i. Breisgau.
IPPC (2001) IPPC (2001) Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC); Reference
Document on Best Available Techniques in the Non Ferrous Metals Industries.
European Commission. Retrieved from
IPPC (2002) IPPC (2002) Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC); Draft Refer-
ence Document on Best Available Techniques for Management of Tailings and
Waste-Rock in Mining Activities. European Commission. Retrieved at
01.03.2003 from http://www.jrc.es/pub/english.cgi/0/733169
Kerfoot (1997) Kerfoot D. G. E. (1997) Nickel. In: Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chem-
istry (ed. Anonymous). 5th edition on CD-ROM Edition. Wiley & Sons, Lon-
Krauss et al. (1999) Krauss U., Wagner H. and Mori G. (1999) Stoffmengenflüsse und Energiebedarf
bei der Gewinnung ausgewählter mineralischer Rohstoffe; Teilstudie Kupfer. In:
Geologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. Sonderhefte SH 9. Bundesanstalt für Geowissen-
schaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover. ISBN 3-510-95831-4.
NIDIS (2003) NIDIS (2003) The Nickel Page. Nickel Producers Environmental Research As-
sociation. Retrieved at 01.03.2003 from http://www.nipera.org
NPI (2001) NPI (2001) Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Mining. In: National
Pollution Inventory. Environment Australia, Online-Version under:
USGS (2003) USGS (2003) Mineral Commodity Summaries. U.S. Department of the Interior,
U.S. Geological Survey. Retrieved at 01.03.2003 from
http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/mcs/. Date of last revision: 26-Feb-
Classen M., Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Tuchschmid M., Jungbluth N., Doka G., Faist
Emmenegger M. and Scharnhorst W. (2009) Life Cycle Inventories of Metals. Final re-
port ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inven-
tories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1.
The primary production of platinum group metals (PGM) is modelled for South Africa and Russia. Together
these two countries produce more than 90% of the world’s PGM.
For the secondary production of PGM the recycling process of automotive catalysts is modelled.
The consumer mixes for PGM in Europe are finally modelled from the outputs of these three modules.
Mining, beneficiation and the different metallurgical processes are inventoried vertically aggregated because of
difficulties to clearly allocate some of the flows to one single step and because the intermediate steps would not
make sense in another context. The Figures in this report however contain the available information to the single
Table of Contents
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................I
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
6 LITERATURE ......................................................................................................... 45
1 Introduction
This chapter describes the production of the platinum-group metals Platinum (Pt); Palladium (Pd) and
Rhodium (Rh) from cradle to consumer in Europe. Inventory data is taken mainly from (Hochfeld
(1997)) with background data from (IPPC (2002)) and (IPPC (2001)). Market data on PGM and non
ferrous metals are provided by Johnson Matthey 1 and the London Metal Exchange respectively 2 .
Since the PGM are associated with other metals, their production always yields a fraction of other
metals than PGM, mainly Nickel (Ni) and Copper (Cu). Hence the process of primary production de-
scribed in this chapter is formally a multioutput-process with the coupled products Pt, Pd, Rh, Ni and
Cu. This makes it necessary to allocate the inventory to these products. The demand of PGM-
containing ore is allocated by mass. The rest of the inventory is allocated by revenue.
PGM are highly valuable, their occurrence is scarce. PGM-containing ores are mined only in few sites.
The deposits in Noril’sk (RUS) and Bushveld (RSA) contribute over 90% to the global PGM-
production. The data on these two PGM winning operations therefore represents the global primary
production of PGM according to their market share.
The great value of the PGM makes recycling profitable to some extent. This secondary production is
approximated with the declared amount of metal from the recycling of automotive catalysts. For
Europe this assumption is reasonable, since automotive catalysts account for over 90% of the metal
The market for PGM is of great importance. On the one hand, market prices determine the profitably
of the PGM winning, both for primary and secondary production. On the other hand the inventory is
allocated by revenue to the different metals. An ecological assessment of PGM therefore is always de-
pendent on the actual market situation. Further more, the producing countries hold stocks of PGM in
order to influence market price and to protect their own PGM-demanding industries. As precious
metal, Platinum in particular is dealt as investment.
Johnson Matthey’s Website “Platinum Today”, http://www.platinum.matthey.com, accessed at 01.03.2003
London Metal Exchange, daily and monthly stocks and prices under http://www.lme.co.uk/data_prices/ home.html, accessed
at 01.03.2003
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10 -1-
2 Reserves and Resources of PGM
Tab. 2.1 Characteristic metal concentrations in the most important PGM-mining sites. Data from Hochfeld (1997)
Fig. 2.1 PGM-reserves by region. Reserves are defined as at the present time profitably workable deposits. The
global PGM-resources are estimated to be 112'900 t. “Multiple of annual demand” indicates the years until
the actual resources are depleted assuming a constant demand.
Today worked ores are from primary deposits, whereas earlier mainly placers in Russia (Ural) were
exploited. Production mainly depends on the market price of the PGMs and the accompanying metals
like Ni or Cu. As seen from geographical distribution of the main resources, major producers are lo-
cated in South Africa (RSA) on the Bushveld Complex (Merensky-Reef and UG2) and in the Russian
Federation (RUS) at Noril’sk-Talnakh. These two major sites account for over 90 % of the PGM pro-
duction world-wide. The deposits in RSA are mined by seven big companies in RUS the company
Norilsk Nickel is responsible for the whole exploitation. Fig. 2.2, Fig. 2.3 and Fig. 2.4 show the de-
velopment of the production of platinum, palladium and rhodium respectively split by country. Other
PGM winning countries are the USA (Stillwater), Canada (Sudbury) and Zimbabwe. They contribute
only little to the global supply even though the capacity of the US palladium deposit has been greatly
increased in recent years.
Fig. 2.2 Platinum production by country. Bold line represents total supply in tonnes. Grey areas indicate the coun-
tries share in the global supply. Data taken from JohnsonMatthey (2003), grey areas correspond to the axis
on the left (percentage of total supply), whereas the total supply correspond to the axis on the right (supply
in tonnes).
80% 250 t
200 t
50% 150 t
30% North America
100 t
20% Russia
South Africa
50 t
Total Supply (tonnes)
0% t
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Fig. 2.3 Palladium production by country. Bold line represents total supply in tonnes. Grey areas indicate the coun-
tries share in the global supply. Data taken from (JohnsonMatthey (2003)), grey areas correspond to the axis
on the left (percentage of total supply), whereas the total supply correspond to the axis on the right (supply
in tonnes).
25 t
20 t
50% 15 t
10 t
North America
20% Russia
10% South Africa
Total Supply (tonnes)
0% t
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Fig. 2.4 Rhodium production by country. Bold line represents total supply in tonnes. Grey areas indicate the coun-
tries share in the global supply. Data taken from JohnsonMatthey (2003), grey areas correspond to the axis
on the left (percentage of total supply), whereas the total supply correspond to the axis on the right (supply
in tonnes).
Large quantities of secondary materials are present in the form of used Pt-Rh gauze, used for catalytic
formation of nitric acid. At the present, the pool of such gauze amounts about 50 t world-wide. Also
the glass industry generates large quantities of defective components for recovery. Defective labora-
tory equipment – crucibles and dishes – makes a considerable contribution. Also large quantities of Pt-
and Rh-containing thermocouple components are provided by the electrical industry (Renner (1997)).
In addition, an increasing proportion of the cars currently being scrapped are fitted with catalysts – it
was only in 1993 that all new gasoline cars in Europe were equipped with catalytic converters. This
will lead consequently to a higher amount of PGM’s recovered.
Often, the recovery operation is included in the sales contract. Materials are sent directly for recovery
and do not appear on the raw materials market. Because of this, no data on the recovery of the existing
PGM pool is available.
3.1 Platinum
Platinum is a silvery-white metal and is probably best known for its use in jewellery. However, jewel-
lery actually represents only about 38% of overall platinum use, an equivalent volume of platinum is
used in catalytic converters, with the remaining 20% being used in other industrial applications.
Platinum is hard and extremely dense. Platinum and its relatives, iridium and osmium, are the most
dense metals known (platinum is nearly twice as dense as lead and 11% more dense than gold). It has
a high melting point and high temperature stability and corrosion resistance; and it is a good oxidation
catalyst, conductive and oxidation resistant. It’s biological compatibility makes it an important com-
ponent in medical applications.
3.2 Palladium
Like platinum, palladium is silvery-white in colour. Its melting point is the lowest of all PMG, but it is
still high compared to other popular metals. It is also the least dense of the PMGs. It has also high
temperature stability and corrosion resistance. The rarest of all PGMs apart from iridium, palladium is
also a good oxidation catalyst, conductive, oxidation resistant and ductile when annealed.
Palladium has the ability to absorb big amounts of hydrogen. This makes it an efficient and safe hy-
drogen storage medium and purifier. It is also used in chemical processes that require hydrogen ex-
change between two reactants, such as that which produces butadiene and cyclohexane, the raw mate-
rials for synthetic rubber and nylon.
Palladium's catalytic qualities make it necessary in catalytic converters and air purification equipment.
Its chemical stability and electrical conductivity lead to more effective and durable plating than using
gold in electronic components.
3.3 Rhodium
Its hardness makes it an alloying agent to harden platinum. With this hardness, along with its high
melting point, high temperature stability and corrosion resistance, rhodium is used in many industrial
processes such as glass, glass fibre and nitric acid production. Like other PGMs, Rhodium has cata-
lytic qualities, an thus is used in catalytic converters.
http://www.platinuminfo.net. accessed at 01.03.2003
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10 -6-
3 Characterisation of the PGMs
Tab. 3.1 Physical and chemical properties of the platinum group metals.
Property unit Rh Pd Pt
Atomic number 45 46 78
Atomic weight g / mol 102.91 106.42 195.08
Rarity in lithosphere ppm 2 10 6 10-4 0.001
Density g/cm 12.41 12.02 21.45
10 cm Ω
6 -1 -
Electrical conductivity 0.211 0.095 0.0966
Tab. 4.1 Main applications of PGMs. Table taken from Johnson Matthey
troz = troy ounce, 1'000 troz correspond to 31.1 kg.
Johnson Matthey’s website “Platinum Today”, http://www.platinum.matthey.com, accessed at 01.03.2003
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10 -8-
4 Use / Application of PGM
Fig. 4.1 Platinum, demand by application in 2001. Values in ounces (1000 troy ounces correspond to 31 kg), data
taken from International Platinum Association
Fig. 4.2 Palladium, demand by application in 2001. Values in ounces (1000 troy ounces correspond to 31 kg), data
taken from International Platinum Association
Fig. 4.3 Rhodium, demand by application in 2001. Values in ounces (1000 troy ounces correspond to 31 kg), data
taken from International Platinum Association
International Platinum Association‘s website, http://www.platinuminfo.net/, accessed at 01.03.2003
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5 System Characterisation
5 System Characterisation
Platinum group metal, which is consumed in Europe, consists of a certain fraction of secondary mate-
rials originating from scrap. This fraction of secondary material is joined before consumption with
primary material, originating from ore. Two single plants are responsible for around 90% of the pri-
mary platinum, palladium and rhodium production – these are the operations in Norsil’sk in Russia
and in the Bushveld Complex in South Africa. The PGM are however not the only noteworthy prod-
ucts of these enterprises. Namely Noril’sk Nikkel production is characterised by the production of
nickel and copper, PGM being a co-product. This fact makes it obvious that the ecological burden aris-
ing from the primary production has to be allocated to the primary products nickel, copper, platinum,
palladium and rhodium. The same is true for the secondary production, where the metal values are re-
covered jointly. Fig. 5.1 gives an overview over the process scheme and the corresponding modules in
mining collection
beneficiation benefication
metallurgy metallurgy
separation of co-
copper, primary, nickel, primary,
from platinum from platinum
group metal group metal
production production
refining refining
Transport to Europe
Rhodium, at
Platinum, at Palladium, at Consumer Mix in
regional Europe (RER)
regional storage regional storage
5.1 Allocation
The PGM production in ecoinvent is described formally as multi output process, yielding the coupled
products nickel, copper and PGM as a mixture. The next chapter explains the allocation procedure in
nickel content is 0.037%. As copper and nickel are leaving the PGM production before the final refin-
ery step, the burdens of refining are allocated only to PGM while the burdens of the other steps are al-
located to copper, nickel and the PGMs. Thus different overall allocation factors for the different in-
ventory flows are established depending on the flows occurrence and magnitude in the different pro-
duction steps.
For all inventories other than ore an allocation by revenue is made, because this reflects economic re-
ality of metal mining in a higher degree than an allocation by mass. Exploitation of an ore is always
dependent on sufficient revenue expected. If a specific ore lacks sufficient revenue expected, it is not
mined. Already mined ore with insufficient metal content usually is put aside for further beneficiation
at a later time, at which market prices allow a profitable production of the metal. As ores contain dif-
ferent metals, the overall accounting of all metals produced is decisive. Even if the winning of a cer-
tain single metal is not profitable, it may be through cross-subsidising by another more profitable co-
product. Thus the standard way chosen to allocate ecological burdens – except the demand of ore – is
the allocation by revenue.
As PGM-mining companies have long term decision horizons, the average price of the last ten year
period was chosen, this is for Pt, Pd and Rh US$ 14’000, US$ 9’420 and US$ 30’700 per kilogram re-
spectively 7 . The prices for Ni and Cu in this time period were US$ 6.65 and US$ 1.99 per kilogram
respectively 8 . The fluctuation in price is documented in Fig. 5.2, Fig. 5.3, Fig. 5.4 and Fig. 5.5. Allo-
cation and environmental burden may change depending on the period the price average is based on.
Tab. 5.1 gives a summary of the values chosen to calculate the allocation factors in the primary pro-
duction. The resulting factors are summed up in Tab. 5.2
Data taken from Johnson Matthey’s Website “Platinum Today”, http://www.platinum.matthey.com, accessed at 01.03.2003
Data taken from “London Metal Exchange”, http://www.lme.co.uk/data_prices/ home.html, accessed at 01.03.2003
Total global rhodium demand of 20.7 t and an amount of 3.08 t recovered from automotive catalysts world-wide gives secon-
dary rhodium a share of 15 % in the global demand.
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5 System Characterisation
Fig. 5.2 Price development of platinum and palladium in the past ten years. Values in US$ per troy ounce.
Fig. 5.3 Price development of rhodium in the past ten years. Values in US$ per troy ounce.
01.89 01.91 01.93 01.95 01.97 01.99 01.01 01.03
Fig. 5.4 Price development of nickel in the past ten years. Values in US$ per tonne.
01.89 01.91 01.93 01.95 01.97 01.99 01.01 01.03
Fig. 5.5 Price development of copper in the past ten years. Values in US$ per tonne.
Tab. 5.1 Assumptions made for allocation in the primary production. Details in the text above.
Tab. 5.2 Resulting factors for allocation based on values shown in Tab. 5.1. These factors allocate the ecological
burden to the respective products. Allocation by mass reflects the PGM composition in the raw material
(ore, scrap). Allocation by revenue is calculated by multiplication of the PGM content in the raw material
with the respective market price. The allocation by mass is solely used for the allocation of PGM-ore to the
respective products.
Transport to Europe
Rhodium, at
Platinum, at Palladium, at Consumer Mix in
regional Europe (RER)
regional storage regional storage
Tab. 5.3 Ecoinvent meta information for the modules of consumption of platinum, palladium and rhodium.
The primary-production is reflected by the production processes of RSA and RUS according to their
market-share. These two countries produce over 90 % of the PGMs. The mix of consumed PGM is as-
sumed to correspond to the production mix shown in chapter 2.1 An average of the share in the global
production over the last ten years was chosen (Tab. 5.5). Due to the importance of PGM, transport is
assumed to take place by plane, the metal being protected with a case of 50% of its mass.
Data quality
Allocations will shift with changing market situation. The recycling rate – i. e. the ratio of secondary
platinum – may be underestimated, as most of the recovered material does not appear on the market.
Tab. 5.4 Demand of secondary and primary PGM. Assessment of the share of the secondary production in the world
wide demand. The recovery from automotive catalysts has to be added to the total demand to obtain the net
demand. For Rh, no region specific figures are available, a world-wide recovery rate is chosen. Values are
taken from JohnsonMatthey (2003). Note that the palladium demand in the US is exceptionally small in 2002,
resulting in an overestimated ratio of secondary production, which was stable at around 5% of the total
consumption until 2001. This is due to the use of stocks by US auto manufacturers in lieu of metal pur-
Tab. 5.5 Production of primary metal in South Africa and the Russian Federation. Ten year averages chosen from
data in JohnsonMatthey (2003).
Deviation 95%
Modul name in
Process Name
mean value
Source for
M e an value
Fig. 5.7 Flows for “Platinum, at regional storage” and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Deviation 95%
Modul name in
Process Name
mean value
Source for
M e an value
Fig. 5.8 Flows for “Palladium, at regional storage” and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Deviation 95%
Modul name in
Process Name
mean value
Source for
M e an value
Fig. 5.9 Flows for “Rhodium, at regional storage” and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Converting. In the converting step, iron sulphide is removed from the low-grade matte by oxidation
and slagging. The slag, which contains high levels of metals, is returned to the smelting step for recov-
ery. The final product is high-grade, low-iron nickel – copper matte, which typically contains 20 % S,
less than 1 % Fe, and also some precious metals. Converting is a batch operation. Air or oxygen-
enriched air is blown through the molten matte to form iron oxides and remove sulphur as sulphur di-
oxide. The iron oxides combine with added silica flux to form an iron silicate slag (formulas 5.4 and
2 FeS + 3 O2 → 2FeO + 2SO2 (5.4)
2 FeO + SiO2 → 2FeO·SiO2 (5.5)
In the processes regarded in this study Pierce-Smith-Converters are used.
5.3.2 Emissions
Major emissions are due to mineral born pollutants present in effluents. Being underground, the min-
ing has less emissions to air than open pit mining. The major dust sources are on the surface therefore
the dust emissions are in the same magnitude like in open pit mining. Rain percolate through overbur-
den and account to metal emissions to groundwater.
Ore handling and processing produce large amounts of dust, containing PM10 and several metals from
the ore itself. Flotation produce effluents containing several organic agents 10 used. Some of these
chemicals evaporate and account for VOC emissions to air. Namely xanthates decompose hydrolyti-
cally to release carbon disulphide. Tailings effluent contain additional sulphuric acid from acid rock
Metallurgy & Separation from Non Ferrous Metals
Sulphur dioxide. In all of the process steps sulphur dioxide is emitted to air. Recovery of sulphur di-
oxide is only economic for high concentrated off-gas. Therefore recovery is not effected in all process
alternatives. SO2 emissions are by far the most important in the metallurgy.
Carbon dioxide. In the beneficiation step, considerable amounts of lime is added to the ore for pH-
stabilisation, lime forms later flux in the metallurgical step. Lime decomposes into CO2 to form cal-
Dust. Dust carry over from the roasting, smelting and converting processes. Particulate emissions to
the air consist of metals and thus are often returned to the leaching process after treatment.
Chlorine. Chlorine is used in some leaching stages and is produced during the subsequent electrolysis
of chloride solution. The chlorine evolved is collected and re-used in the leach stage. The presence of
chlorine in wastewater can lead to the formation of organic chlorine compounds (AOX) if solvents etc.
are also present in a mixed wastewater.
VOC. VOCs can be emitted from the solvent extraction stages. A variety of solvents are used an they
contain various complexing agents to form complexes with the desired metal that are soluble in the or-
ganic layer.
Emissions to water. Metals and their compounds and substances in suspension are the main pollutants
emitted to water. The metals concerned are Cu, Ni, Co, As and Cr. Other significant substances are
chlorides and sulphates. Wastewater from wet gas cleaning (if used) of the different metallurgical
stages are the most important sources. The leaching stages are usually operated on a closed circuit and
drainage systems, and are therefore regarded as minor sources.
Also in this step the combustion of sulphur leads to emissions of SO2. Nitrogen oxides are produced in
significant amounts during acid digestion using nitric acid. Chlorine and HCl can be formed during a
number of digestion, electrolytic and purification processes. Chlorine is used extensively in the Miller
process and in the dissolution stages using hydrochloric acid and chlorine mixtrues respectively. Dust
Floating agents consist of collectors (xanthate or aerofloat) and frothing reagent (eg. Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol). Xanthanes
are a broad class of organic salts formed by treatment of an alcohol with carbon disulfide in the presence of an alkali, potas-
sium ethyl xanthate (KC3H5S2O, CAS No: 140-89-6). Aerofloat is a salt of carbonyldithiophosphoric acids. A widely used
frothing reagent is e.g. methyl isobutyl carbinol, CAS: 108-11-2, syn. Methyl Amyl Alcohol.
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5 System Characterisation
and metals are generally emitted from incinerators and furnaces. VOC can be emitted from solvent ex-
traction processes, while organic compounds, namely dioxins, can be emitted from smelting stages re-
sulting from the poor combustion of oil and plastic in the feed material. All these emissions are subject
to abatement technologies and controlling. Large quantities of effluents contain amounts of metals and
organic substances.
5.3.3 Waste
Mining and Beneficiation
Overburden are deposed close to the mine. Tailings are deposed as piles and in ponds. In both the
overburden and the tailings occur acid rock drainage over a long period of time. These effects are han-
dled in the section “Non Ferrous Metal Winning – Auxiliary Processes”, chapter “Disposal of Tailings
and Overburden”.
Metallurgy & Separation from Non Ferrous Metals
The production of metals is related to the generation of several co-products, residues and wastes,
which are listed in the European Waste Catalogue. Some of the process specific residues can be reused
or recovered in preliminary process steps (e. g. dross, filter dust) or construction (e. g. cleaned slag).
Residues also arise from the treatment of liquid effluents, the main residue being gypsum waste and
metal hydroxides from the wastewater neutralisation plant. These residuals have to be disposed, usu-
ally in lined ponds.
Like in the pyro- and hydrometallurgical step quantities of solid residuals are generated, which are
mostly recycled within the process or sent to other specialists to recover any precious metals. Final
residues generally comprise hydroxide filter cakes (ironhydroxide, 60% water, cat I industrial waste).
separation of co-
copper, primary, nickel, primary,
from platinum from platinum
group metal group metal
production production
Fig. 5.10 Scheme of the multi-output process “platinum group metal production, primary” in Ecoinvent. Its jointly
produced co-products are “platinum, primary, at refinery”, “palladium, primary, at refinery”, “rhodium, pri-
mary, at refinery”, “nickel, primary, couple-production, platinum group metal production” and “copper, pri-
mary, couple-production, platinum group metal production”.
Tab. 5.6 Ecoinvent meta information for the multi-output processes in the primary production of PGM in Russia and
South Africa.
Name platinum group metal production, primary platinum group metal production, primary
Location ZA RU
Infrastructure Proc-
ess 0 0
Unit kg kg
Dataset Version 2.0 2.0
Included Processes The module includes a mining and a benefici- The module includes a mining and a benefici-
ation step with the mining infrastructure and ation step with the mining infrastructure and
disposal of overburden and tailings. Subse- disposal of overburden and tailings. Subse-
quently it includes the metallurgy step with the quently it includes the metallurgy step with the
disposal of slag, the infrastructure and the disposal of slag, the infrastructure and the
separation of the co-products nickel and cop- separation of the co-products nickel and cop-
per, and the refining step yielding the desired per, and the refining step yielding the desired
PGM-mix inclusively the refining infrastruc- PGM-mix inclusively the refining infrastruc-
ture. Production, application and emissions of ture. Production, application and emissions of
most agents used in beneficiation and metal- most agents used in beneficiation and metal-
lurgy are also included. lurgy are also included.
Amount 1 1
Local Name Platingruppenmetalle-Produktion, primär Platingruppenmetalle-Produktion, primär
Synonyms Platingruppenmetall//platinumgroup metal Platingruppenmetall//platinumgroup metal
General Comment The multioutput-process “PGM-Production,
The multioutput-process “PGM-Production, primary” delivers the co-products “platinum,
primary” delivers the co-products “platinum, primary, at refinery”, “palladium, primary, at
primary, at refinery”, “palladium, primary, at refinery”, “rhodium, primary, at refinery”,
refinery”, “rhodium, primary, at refinery”, “nickel, primary, from platinum group metal
“nickel, primary, from platinum group metal production” and “copper, primary, from plati-
production” and “copper, primary, from plati- num group metal production” in the Russian
num group metal production” in South Africa Federation (RU). The module is designed for
(ZA). The module is designed for the use of the use of the metal in technical systems,
the metal in technical systems, where it plays where it plays a minor role like the use in
a minor role like the use in manufacturing of manufacturing of electronic or technical chem-
electronic or technical chemistry using certain istry using certain catalysts. It is not to be
catalysts. It is not to be used if the impact of used if the impact of the PGM within the mod-
the PGM within the modelled process in elled process in scope is considered to be
scope is considered to be high. In such cases, high. In such cases, a more detailed analysis
a more detailed analysis depending on scope depending on scope and allocation proce-
and allocation procedures has to be con- dures has to be conducted. The data used is
ducted. The data used is mainly based on a mainly based on a LCA study for autocata-
LCA study for autocatalysts in Germany. lysts in Germany.
Start Date 1995 1995
End Date 2002 2002
Data valid for entire
period 1 1
Geography Text Some agents used like lime or sodium cya- Some agents used like lime or sodium cya-
nide originate from data sets valid for Switzer- nide originate from data sets valid for Switzer-
land or Europe. Processes like blasting and land or Europe. Processes like blasting and
transport originate from data sets valid for transport originate from data sets valid for
Switzerland or Europe. Switzerland or Europe.
Tab. 5.6 Ecoinvent meta information for the multi-output processes in the primary production of PGM in Russia and
South Africa. (cont.)
In the considered processes the ore is mined underground. The overburden is disposed in piles near the
mine (see. Part II “Non Ferrous Metal Winning – Auxiliary Processes”). Based on IPPC (2002) a
value of 50 % refilled overburden is assumed. Demand for water was not available for the process in
RUS, it was approximated with the value for RSA (of 0.21m3 / t mined ore). Two third of the water
resource use is assumed to be ground water, the rest is surface water. No volume of mining effluents
was available, values for water demand were taken. Composition of mining effluents is approximated
with values taken from total emissions to water from base metal sites (s. Tab. 5.10). Transport from
mine to beneficiation were neglected, it is assumed to take place in direct vicinity of the mine. For die-
sel use the value of 69.2 kJ per tonne mined raw ore for underground mining given in Hilbrans &
Hinrichs (1999) was chosen.
Dust emissions from mining activities are comprised in the beneficiation step below.
Infrastructure of the mine is modelled with the unspecific module “mining infrastructure” from part II
“Non Ferrous Metal Winning – Auxiliary Processes”, chapter “Disposal of Tailings and Overburden”.
The electricity mix is approximated with the UCTE production mix. For the ore demand an overall
yield of 90 % is assumed, based on the 91 % primary yield in the nickel winning process reported in
Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999).
Once the ore is mined, it is ground and conditioned for further concentration. Considerable amounts of
lime and flotation agents are added. The separated gangue is disposed in tailings ponds, the concen-
trated ore is fed to the metallurgy, which is assumed to be on site.
The infrastructure of beneficiation is included in mining infrastructure. Dust emissions comprise addi-
tionally the dust emissions due to mining activities. By approximation again electricity production mix
for the UCTE is chosen. 50 % of the reported energy consumption is assumed to be used to dry the
material, using natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW.
Lime. The value for lime – geometric mean – is taken from copper mining where a range from 1 to 4
kg per tonne sulphidic ore is recommended (Krauss et al. (1999)). This value is confirmed by IPPC
(2002), Tab. 5.11.
Reagents. No information on mass and nature of the floating agents used is available. For copper min-
ing a range of 25 – 300 g collector and 25 – 250 g frothing reagent per ton sulphidic ore is recom-
mended (Krauss et al. (1999)). This is confirmed by the values in Tab. 5.11. Collector and frother are
balanced in ecoinvent in their production as unspecified organic chemical. According to NPI (2001)
xanthates hydrolytically decompose to 0.53 mg carbon disulphide per mg xanthate. With 189 mg xan-
thates from Tab. 5.11 this is 102.4 mg carbon disulphide per tonne mined ore.
Activator and Depressants – excluding sodium cyanate – are modelled as unspecific inorganic chemi-
cals, their emission to water is covered by reported emissions from mining sites shown in Tab. 5.10.
For pH adjustment and leaching the value for sulphuric acid was considered with 3.74 kg / t ore mined
(Tab. 5.11). As sulphuric acid is an by-product from the metallurgy, it is regarded as burden free.
Other acids are neglected.
Since composition and environmental fate of activator, depressant and sulphuric acid is uncertain, re-
ported data for total emissions shown in Tab. 5.10 are taken.
Sodium cyanide is widely used for extracting gold and other metals such as silver, copper and zinc. It
is used as leachate and as depressant for certain sulphidic minerals. The environmental fate of cyanide
compounds is complex and could not further be quarried. A cyanide recovery of 80 – 90% is reported
due to abatement and recovery in the Golden Cross mine in New Zealand (Anonymous (1998a)).
Here, a value of 80% is chosen for cyanide-abatement technology. With a reported use of 35 g NaCN
per tonne ore mined (Tab. 5.11), this means a direct emission of 3.88 g HCN per tonne ore mined. An
overview of the reagents accounted for is presented in Tab. 5.12.
Effluents. For the beneficiation effluents of the Russian production no data was available, the same
value like RSA are taken (0.35 m3 / t mined ore). Additional to direct emissions due to the use of
chemicals, total emissions to water are chosen according to Tab. 5.10. These values are from base
metal sites, thus only an approximation for the real effluent concentrations in the PGM production. It
is assumed here that the effluents also include acid rock drainage (ARD). ARD after mine closure is
modelled in the module “disposal, sulphidic tailings, off-site”.
Dust. A case study in (Anonymous (1998b)) about a projected open cut gold-copper mining and proc-
essing facility in Australia predict annual dust emissions between 0.18 kg/t and 0.46 kg/t of dust pro-
duced per tonne of ore mined. The prediction was made using the Emission Estimation Technique
Manual for Mining (NPI (2001)). The maximum value of 0.46 kg/t is chosen for total dust emissions.
Underground mining activities are assumed to generate 80 % of the dust emissions compared to open
pit mining (Tab. 5.8) yielding a 0.37 kg dust per t mined ore. According to NPI (2001) the dust com-
position is approximated with values in Tab. 5.7 the average earth’s crust. For PM10 values, the ratio
TDS : PM10 : PM2.5 was approximated with values from copper ore mining 101.72 : 50 : 5 g / t ore
taken from the CEMIP-database 11 , i. e. one tonne emitted dust corresponds to 491.5 kg PM10 and 49.2
kg PM2.5 respectively. The dust emissions resulting from underground activities are summed up in
Tab. 5.9. In Ecoinvent, for particulates differential classes are used adding up to the total dust emis-
sion, i. e. 49.2 kg PM<2.5, 442 kg PM2.5-10 and 508 kg PM>10 per tonne dust.
Tab. 5.7 Mineral born dust composition depending on rock. Data taken from (NPI (2001)). Values for earth’s crust are
chosen in this study.
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/em_factors.php, accessed 01.03.2003
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5 System Characterisation
Tab. 5.8 Dust emissions from typical coal strip-mining operations (Anonymous (1998b)). After this table underground
mining cause roughly 80% of the dust emissions of open pit mining.
Tab. 5.9 Emissions to air resulting from mining and beneficiation activities per tonne mined ore.
Tab. 5.10 Composition of effluents from mining activities, values are taken from total emissions to water from differ-
ent base metal sites in (IPPC (2002)).
Tab. 5.11 Consumption of reagents in base metal mineral processing plants. Data taken from (IPPC (2002)).
Tab. 5.12 Emissions and input due to chemical use in beneficiation in g per tonne treated ore. The values are the ones
chosen in this study. For further details read in text.
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/.accessed 01.03.2003
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5 System Characterisation
Emissions of 1’500 kg SO2 / t metal produced in the period between 1997 and 2001. The correspond-
ing values in Hochfeld (1997) are 5’300 for the Russian and 760 kg SO2 / t for the RSA operations.
In Hochfeld (1997) no specific values for the separation step are reported except for energy, water,
dross and the coupled products nickel and copper.
Tab. 5.13 Emissions to air per tonne produced metal. Data was taken from similar processes in nickel (A) and copper
(B) metallurgy and multiplied with the sum of produced metals (PGM, Ni & Cu). Data is taken from IPPC
(2001), the distribution of the particle size is taken from CEPMEIP (C). VOC emission from leaching (D). In
this study values for SO2 emissions are taken from Hochfeld (1997) (E).
Tab. 5.14 Composition of different wastewater effluents after treatment. A simple average from different reported val-
ues of European copper operations is chosen (IPPC (2001)). Values in the columns “process water”, “sur-
face run off” and “direct cooling water” represent geometric means of the range reported. Values for Cr, Hg
and Sn correspond to a copper semis production site, reported in (IPPC (2001)).
Refining of PGM
The refining step is covered only partially in Hochfeld (1997). Only for the operations in RSA elec-
tricity and gas consumption and water demand are reported. These values are added with specific
emissions from five large precious metal refineries from IPPC (2001) in Tab. 5.15.. Values for BOD is
based on the reported value for COD which is assumed to amount 150% of BOD (Zimmermann et al.
(1996)). Values for TOC are calculated using the standard procedure approximating the organic matter
with C6H12O6 (Frischknecht et al. (2003b)). Particle distribution is assessed with values for open
hearth exhausts from steel foundries after ESP control from EPA (1998). Transports are included in
emissions to air.
Precious metal refineries recover simultaneously several precious metals from a variety of raw materi-
als. No information about the way of allocation is available, an allocation by mass is assumed, i. e.
emissions of a tonne precious metal correspond to 1 tonne PGM, notwithstanding any possible co-
For the operation in RUS the same burden is assumed. The PGM-containing matte has to be trans-
ported from Norsil’sk 1500 km up Yenissey river to Krasnojarsk for refining.
Tab. 5.15 Reported emissions to air and water from 5 large refinery processes. Data taken from IPPC (2001). Annual
operation hours assumed with 6000 h / a. Values for BOC, TOC and DOC calculated
Data quality
The uncertainties are assessed using the pedigree matrix (see Frischknecht et al. (2003b)). For detailed
results compare the different flows and the ecoinvent meta information.
Mining. Data for major mass fluxes are satisfactory, while the emissions in to water may be overesti-
mated due to different system boundaries of reported effluent volume from Hochfeld (1997) and total
effluent emissions reported in IPPC (2001).
Beneficiation. Like in mining, the emissions to water can be overestimated. The emissions from tail-
ings are assessed in an extern module, which itself contains rough assumptions of a global overburden
and tailings composition and a simplified disposal scenario. Emissions tough can vary considerably
from case to case, it is not evident, whether the calculated emissions meet the reality.
Metallurgy. Process data is satisfactory and valid for over 90 % of the PGM. The main emissions
dominating possibly the whole PGM process is sulphur dioxide, which is reported for both processes
and found to be consistent with other data Krauss et al. (1999), IPPC (2001) and Hilbrans & Hinrichs
(1999). Poor data are available on composition and fate of solid waste, an overestimation may occur
due to higher recycling and reuse rates than assumed in this work.
Separation of the non-ferrous metals. Main data on energy and mass fluxes is satisfactory, while
data on direct emissions due to hydrometallurgical processes is poor. Namely chlorine emissions can
be considerable, generating both HCl emissions to air and AOX emissions to water – emissions which
are not assessed in this work due to lacking data.
Refining. No data on many specific emissions in to the air was available. Namely high-impact sol-
vents and complexants are not registered. Due to the closed-loop strategies of such refineries, only
small emissions of problematic substances are expected.
Deviation 95%
Mean value ZA Mean value RU
Pt, Pt 4.8E-4%, Pd
90% yield assumed, RU: 89'750 kg
2.0E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, (Krauss, 1999),
Ore (Pt) ore per kg PGM; ZA: 265'000 kg resource in ground 7.53E-01 7.53E-01 kg 1 1.66 reported values
Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E- (Hilbrans, 1999)
ore per kg PGM
2% in ore, in ground
Pd, Pd 2.0E-4%, Pt
90% yield assumed, RU: 89'750 kg
4.8E-4%, Rh 2.4E-5%, (Krauss, 1999),
Ore (Pd) ore per kg PGM; ZA: 265'000 kg resource in ground 3.20E-01 3.20E-01 kg 1 3.90 reported values
Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E- (Hilbrans, 1999)
ore per kg PGM
2% in ore, in ground
Rh, Rh 2.4E-5%, Pt
ore is allocated by mass to 90% yield assumed, RU: 89'750 kg
4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, (Krauss, 1999),
Ore (Rh) the coupled products Pt, Pd, ore per kg PGM; ZA: 265'000 kg resource in ground 3.77E-02 3.77E-02 kg 1 33.19 reported values
Ni 3.7E-2%, Cu 5.2E- (Hilbrans, 1999)
Ni, Ni 3.7E-2%, Pt
90% yield assumed, RU: 89'750 kg
4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, (Krauss, 1999),
Ore (Ni) ore per kg PGM; ZA: 265'000 kg resource in ground 1.64E+02 1.64E+02 kg 1 0.01 reported values
Rh 2.4E-5%, Cu 5.2E- (Hilbrans, 1999)
ore per kg PGM
2% in ore, in ground
Cu, Cu 5.2E-2%, Pt
90% yield assumed, RU: 89'750 kg
4.8E-4%, Pd 2.0E-4%, (Krauss, 1999),
Ore (Cu) ore per kg PGM; ZA: 265'000 kg resource in ground 1.15E+02 1.15E+02 kg 1 0.01 reported values
Rh 2.4E-5%, Ni 3.7E- (Hilbrans, 1999)
ore per kg PGM
2% in ore, in ground
infrastructure, construction
machinery Yes RER conveyor belt, at plant 5.65E-03 1.99E-03 m (Hochfeld, 1997) 1 3.93 (5,4,3,3,5,6,9)
conveyor belt processes
Fig. 5.11 Flows for “PGM-Production, primary – Part mining” and their representation in the ecoinvent database. Values in column “Mean value RUS” correspond to the Russian PGM
production, the values in the column “Mean value RSA” correspond to the South African PGM production. Uncertainty assumptions are identical for both modules. Values re-
late to the production of 1 kg PGM.
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10 - 36 -
5 System Characterisation
Genera l Flow Information Re prese nta tion in ecoinvent Uncerta inty Informations
Deviation 95%
Modul name in
Process Name
mean value
Source for
M e an value M e an value
Fig. 5.12 Flows for “PGM-Production, primary – Part beneficiation” and their representation in the ecoinvent database. Values in column “Mean value RU” correspond to the Russian
PGM production, the values in the column “Mean value ZA” correspond to the South African PGM production. Uncertainty assumptions are identical for both modules. Val-
ues relate to the production of 1 kg PGM.
Deviation 95%
Modul name in
Process Name
mean value
Source for
M e an value M e an value
Fig. 5.13 Flows for “PGM-Production, primary – Part metallurgy” and their representation in the ecoinvent database. Values in column “Mean value RU” correspond to the Russian
PGM production, the values in the column “Mean value ZA” correspond to the South African PGM production. Uncertainty assumptions are identical for both modules. Val-
ues relate to the production of 1 kg PGM.
Deviation 95%
Mean value
Gas, separation natural gas No RER industrial furnace 3.98E+03 0.00E+00 MJ (Hochfeld, 1997) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,3,1,4,1)
resource in water Water, river 1.28E+01 8.27E+02 m3 (Hochfeld, 1997) 1 1.13 (2,2,2,3,1,4,6)
disposal, nickel
waste residual smelter slag, 0%
dross No CH 3.45E+00 6.35E+01 kg (Hochfeld, 1997) 1 1.26 (3,2,1,1,3,4,6)
management material landfill water, to residual
material landfill
As co-product, allocation by
nickel, primary, from
nickel as co- revenue: ZA 2%, RU 47%,
metals extraction No platinum group metal 1.47E+02 2.31E+03 kg (Hochfeld, 1997) 0 0.00 0
product geography corresponding to
respective origin (ZA / RU)
As co-product, allocation by
copper, primary, from
copper as co- revenue: ZA 1%, RU 19%,
metals extraction No platinum group metal 1.04E+02 3.21E+03 kg (Hochfeld, 1997) 0 0.00 0
product geography corresponding to
respective origin (ZA / RU)
Fig. 5.14 Flows for “PGM-Production, primary – Part separation” and their representation in the ecoinvent database. Values in column “Mean value RU” correspond to the Russian
PGM production, the values in the column “Mean value ZA” correspond to the South African PGM production. Uncertainty assumptions are identical for both modules. Val-
ues relate to the production of 1 kg PGM.
Deviation 95%
Mean value
electricity, medium
electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 4.59E+02 4.59E+02 kWh (Hochfeld, 1997) 1 1.25 (2,2,2,1,3,4,2)
refining Total allocation to PGM. UCTE, at grid
Pt:72% - Pd:20% - Rh:8% natural gas, burned in
Gas, refining natural gas
No RER industrial furnace 7.76E+02 7.76E+02 MJ (Hochfeld, 1997) 1 1.25 (2,2,2,1,3,4,1)
Transportatio only RU, 1500 km riverboat from
platinum group metal production, primary (refining) - 6.35E+04 (Hochfeld, 1997)
n, river noril'sl to krasnojarsk
infrastructure chemical plant,
chemicals organics Yes RER 4.00E-10 4.00E-10 unit assumption 1 3.30 (4,2,1,5,4,4,9)
refinery organics
low population
Nox air Nitrogen oxides 3.52E-02 3.52E-02 kg (IPPC, 2001) 1 1.59 (3,2,1,1,3,4,16)
low population
SO2 air Sulfur dioxide 1.86E-02 1.86E-02 kg (IPPC, 2001) 1 1.26 (3,2,1,1,3,4,15)
Fig. 5.15 Flows for “PGM-Production, primary – Part refining” and their representation in the ecoinvent database. Values in column “Mean value RU” correspond to the Russian PGM
production, the values in the column “Mean value ZA” correspond to the South African PGM production. Uncertainty assumptions are identical for both modules. Values re-
late to the production of 1 kg PGM.
During collection and beneficiation no serious emissions are reported. Effluents from refining contain
considerable amounts of metals and organic substances.
Solid residues from pyrometallurgical step are usually re-used in copper facilities, final residues gen-
erally comprise hydroxide filter cakes.
Data quality
The uncertainties are assessed using the pedigree matrix (see Frischknecht et al. (2003b)). For detailed
results compare the different flows and the ecoinvent meta information.
Based on the literature no satisfactory process data was available. The hydrometallurgical step is ap-
proximated with emissions and energy use of the refining in the primary production.
Tab. 5.16 Ecoinvent meta information for the multi-output processes in the secondary production of PGM in Europe
from recycled automotive catalysts.
Deviation 95%
Modul name in
Process Name
mean value
Source for
M e an value
benefication systems
electricity, medium
Electricity production
electricity No UCTE voltage, production 20.00 k Wh 1 1.29 (3,2,1,5,3,4,2)
(grinding) mix
UCTE, at grid
electricity, medium
Electricity production
electricity No UCTE voltage, production 600.00 k Wh 1 1.29 (3,2,1,5,3,4,2)
(smelting) mix
UCTE, at grid
Copper, loss copper, at regional
metals extraction No RER 1.00 kg 1 1.60 (4,2,1,5,4,4,4)
to slag
construction lime, hydrated, loose,
lime binder No CH 80.00 kg 1 1.60 (4,2,1,5,4,4,4)
materials at plant
CO2 due to lime addition air unspecif ied Carbon dioxide, f ossil 35.20 kg 1 1.60 (4,2,1,5,4,4,14)
Fig. 5.16 Flows for “PGM-production, secondary, RER ” and its representation in the ecoinvent database
6 Literature
Althaus et al. (2004) Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Classen M. and Jungbluth N. (2004) Life Cycle Inven-
tories of Metals. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss
Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under:
Anonymous (1998a) Anonymous (1998a) Cyanide Management. In: Best Practice Environmental
Management in Mining. Environment Australia, Online-Version under:
Anonymous (1998b) Anonymous (1998b) Dust Control. In: Best Practice Environmental Manage-
ment in Mining. Environment Australia, Online-Version under:
EPA (1998) EPA (1998) Stationary Point and Area Sources. In: Compilation of Air Pollutant
Emission Factors, AP-42, Vol. 1. Fifth Edition, Online-Version under:
Frischknecht et al. (2003a) Frischknecht R., Jungbluth N., Althaus H.-J., Doka G., Dones R., Hellweg S.,
Hischier R., Humbert S., Margni M., Nemecek T. and Spielmann M. (2003a)
Implementation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods. Final report ecoin-
vent 2000 No. 3. Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH,
Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Frischknecht et al. (2003b) Frischknecht R., Jungbluth N., Althaus H.-J., Doka G., Dones R., Hellweg S.,
Hischier R., Nemecek T., Rebitzer G. and Spielmann M. (2003b) Overview and
Methodology. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 1. Swiss Centre for Life Cycle
Inventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Hagelücken (2001a) Hagelücken C. (2001a) Der Kreislauf der Platinmetalle - Recycling von Kataly-
satoren. In: Autoabgaskatalysatoren, Vol. 612. pp. 95-115. Expert Verlag, Ren-
ningen. Online-Version under: http://www.dmc-
Hagelücken (2001b) Hagelücken C. (2001b) Die Märkte der Katalysatormetalle Platin, Palladium und
Rhodium. In: Autoabgaskatalysatoren, Vol. 612. pp. 95-115. Expert Verlag,
Renningen. Online-Version under: http://www.dmc-
Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999) Hilbrans H. and Hinrichs W. (1999) Stoffmengenflüsse und Energiebedarf bei
der Gewinnung ausgewählter mineralischer Rohstoffe; Teilstudie Nickel. In:
Geologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. Sonderhefte SH 7. Bundesanstalt für Geowissen-
schaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover. ISBN 3-510-95829-2.
Hochfeld (1997) Hochfeld C. (1997) Bilanzierung der Umweltauswirkungen bei der Gewinnung
von Platingruppen-Metallen für PKW-Abgaskatalysatoren. In: Werkstattreihe,
Vol. 101. Öko-Institut, Freiburg i. Breisgau.
IPPC (2001) IPPC (2001) Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC); Reference
Document on Best Available Techniques in the Non Ferrous Metals Industries.
European Commission. Retrieved from
IPPC (2002) IPPC (2002) Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC); Draft Refer-
ence Document on Best Available Techniques for Management of Tailings and
Data v2.1 (2009)
Classen M., Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Tuchschmid M., Jungbluth N., Doka G., Faist
Emmenegger M. and Scharnhorst W. (2009) Life Cycle Inventories of Metals. Final re-
port ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inven-
tories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
This part describes the production of chromite, ferrochromium and metallic chromium from cradle to consumer
in Europe. Chromite is used for the production of chemicals and refractories. Ferrochromium is used as alloy for
steel and chromium is mainly used for special iron free alloys (superalloys), e.g. for high-temperature exposed
components in chemical and petrochemical industries.
Mining, beneficiation and the different metallurgical processes are inventoried vertically aggregated because of
difficulties to clearly allocate some of the flows to one single step and because the intermediate steps would not
make sense in another context. The Figures in this report however contain the available information to the single
Since no chromium is recycled within the chromium industry but directly to the foundries of the stainless steel
industry, no secondary chromium is considered in this study.
Table of Contents
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................I
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
6 LITERATURE ......................................................................................................... 34
1 Introduction
This part describes the production of ferrochromium and metallic chromium from cradle to consumer
in Europe. Inventory data for the ferrochromium production is taken mainly from Adelhardt & Antre-
kowitsch (1998) together with background data from IPPC (2002), IPPC (2001), Papp (1994) and
EEA (1999).
Like many metals used as alloying element, chromium is recycled from steel-scrap in foundries di-
rectly as secondary alloys. Depending on their composition, these secondary chromium containing ma-
terials are used together with ferrochromium as secondary source for chromium. In this study, only the
primary material ferrochromium and metallic chromium is considered. Secondary chromium sources –
i.e. alloys from recycled steel scrap – have to be inventoried in the respective production module, e.g.
in the stainless steel production.
The main environmental impact by producing refractory metals is metal containing dust and hard
metal powder as well as fume from the smelting processes for instance by producing chromium metal.
Dust emissions occur from storage, handling of raw materials and products and the furnace operation,
where both stack and fugitive emissions play an important role. Hydrogen fluoride, which is used in
several processes, is highly toxic and needs therefore to be handled very carefully to avoid any health
problems for the plant staff. Another environmental impact of the production of hard metals is the tox-
icity of metal compounds such as chromium.
Over the last 15 to 20 years, the world pattern of the ferro-alloy market has deeply changed:
- The consumption of the developing countries has vastly increased with the development of their
steel production;
- Their production has even more increased because they have taken a growing share of the tradi-
tional markets of the industrialised countries, where the steel production was stagnant or growing
at a slow rate.
- The ferro-alloy industry is facing a growing proportion of imports, at first from the new industrial-
ised countries and in recent years from the countries of East Europe and the CIS (former Soviet
As a consequence, EU ferro-alloy production has been submitted to a difficult competition that results
in a decreasing trend of the total amount of ferro-alloys produced. Although the last years showed
some stabilisation, even a slightly increase of the production, the European industry remains very sen-
- Stratiform deposits (seam-like) Layers up to a meter thick; e.g. Bushveld Igneous Complex (South
Africa), the Great Dyke (Zimbabwe) and the Stillwater Complex (United States).
- Podiform deposits (shaped like sacks or tubes). Range in size; Ural Mountains, Albania, Zim-
babwe, and the Philippines.
Generally, richer lumpy Cr bearing ores have been preferred for smelting, whereas those with Cr2O3
content less than 40 % have been used in refractories. The internal texture of the chromite ore bodies
varies widely. The closest chromite crystal packing results in the formation of massive ores containing
75 - 85 vol% of chromite.
Production and resources are presented in Tab. 2.1. The largest chromite-ore-producing countries (In-
dia, Kazakhstan, and South Africa) accounted for about 76% of world production. South Africa alone
accounts for more than 45% of world production and has been the major supplier of chromium in the
form of chromite ore and ferrochromium to western industrialised countries (USGS (2003)).
The typical raw materials for the production of secondary ferro alloys are the following residues gen-
erated mainly within the production of stainless steel:
- Grinding dust
Since no chromium is recycled within the chromium industry but directly to the foundries of the
stainless steel industry, no secondary chromium is considered in this study.
Tab. 2.1 Mine production and reserves of chromium in 2001. “Reserves” is referred to as “the part of the reserve
base which could be economically extracted or produced at the time of determination”, while “Reserve
base” denotes “that part of an identified resource that meets specified minimum (...) criteria related to cur-
rent mining and production practices” (USGS (2003)).
- Ores rich in chromium: > 46 % Cr2O3 , Cr : Fe > 2 : 1; for the production of ferrochromium
- Ores rich in iron: 40 – 46 % Cr2O3 , Cr : Fe < 2 : 1; for the production of charge chrome and for
the chemical industry
- Ores rich in aluminium: > 60 % (Cr2O3 + Al2O3), > 20 % Al2O3; for refractories
Metallurgical-grade chromite ores are classified as hard lumpy or friable lump types, fines, and con-
centrates. Concentrates are produced by mechanical upgrading of lean ores or fines. In the production
of high-carbon ferrochromium, generally a lumpy type of chromite ore is necessary. About 80 % of
chromite ores in the western world are fines (< 10 mm). Therefore, efforts have been made to agglom-
erate these. Fines of chromite ores can be used to produce low-carbon ferrochromium.
3.3 Ferrochromium
In the metallurgical industry, the principal product is ferrochromium, a mixture of chromium and iron
with varying amounts of other chemical constituents. Ferrochromium is further classified by its carbon
content as high-carbon, medium-carbon, or low-carbon ferrochromium. By far, the largest production
of ferrochromium is the high-carbon variety. It is the major source of chromium for the production of
steel alloys. 1
Ferrochromium is a master alloy of iron and chromium, containing 45 – 95 % Cr and various amounts
of iron, carbon, and other elements. The ferrochromium alloys are classified by their carbon content
and are known by their French names because basic work in this field was carried out mainly in
Tab. 3.1 Analyses of some chromite ores, metallurgical grade (Downing et al. (1997))
ICDA, International Chromium Development Association, http://www.chromium-asoc.com/, accessed 01.03.2003
Ar 51.996 l
Atomic number 24
mp 1857 °C
bp 2672 °C
Density at 20 °C 7.19 g/cm3
Crystal structure cubic, body centered
Specific heat at 25 °C 23.25 J mol–1 K–1
Molar entropy S°298 23.64 J mol–1 K–1
Heat of fusion 16.93 kJ/mol
Latent heat of vaporization at bp 344.3 kJ/mol
Linear coefficient of thermal expan- 6.2×10–6
sion at 20 °C
Resistivity at 20 °C 12.9×10–8 m
Thermal conductivity at 20 °C 67 W m–1 K–1
Tab. 3.3 Some physical properties of ferrochromium and ferrosilicochromium (Downing et al. (1997)).
Fig. 4.1 The chromium life cycle process from mining to commercial, scheme taken from ICRA’s homepage at
chromite production for 2002 is given in Fig. 4.2 2 . Further details on use of refractories in the glass
industry can be found in Hischier (2003)
The consumption of chromium was reported in Papp (1994) to be 30 t Cr / Mt cement and 450 t Cr /
Mt copper in the cement and copper industry respective. Adelhardt & Antrekowitsch (1998) reports
the use of 2 and 5 kg refractories per tonne of converter and electric steel respectively.
After use, refractories are recuperated in order to remove hexavalent chromium, which is built under
high temperature and oxidising conditions (Adelhardt & Antrekowitsch (1998)).
The aerospace industry is the major source of demand for chromium metal in the form of superalloys,
which are manufactured and consumed mostly in North America and Europe. World chromium metal
demand was increasing by 1’000 t/yr over the last years. Chromium metal production is estimated at
22’000 t in 2001; 21’000 t in 2000; and 20’000 t in 1999. The trend is expected to continue. Besides
aerospace industry, the major end use industries are gas turbine, and petrochemical (USGS (2003)).
4.4 Ferrochromium
Ferrochromium is used principally as a master alloy to produce chromium-containing steel and cast
iron. Chromium in steel imparts corrosion resistance because of the formation of a thin, continuous,
impervious chromium oxide film on the steel surface.
Most ferrochromium is used to manufacture stainless steel. Martensitic grades with ca. 13 % Cr are
used for applications such as knives, whereas ferritic grades with 18 – 22 % Cr are used as deep-
drawing sheets. Austenitic CrNi steels exhibit especially good corrosion (acid) resistance and are used
for equipment in the chemical industry as well as for food-processing machinery. The annual produc-
tion of ferrochromium dropped from 5'720'000 t in 2000 to 4'680'000 in 2001 (USGS (2003)).
Ferrochromium is classified usually into two major groups: low-carbon and high-carbon ferrochro-
mium. It is used as a source of chromium by the steel industry and as a source of chromium for non-
ferrous alloys that permit some iron content.
High-carbon ferrochromium is one of the chromium industry’s most important products with a share
of 91% in the production. Low-carbon ferrochromium production accounts to 9% of the total and
dropped from 792’738 t in 1988 to 413’079 t in 2001; an annual compound growth rate of 0.95 over
the time period (USGS (2003)).
Technological changes in the consuming industry permit the substitution of high-carbon ferrochro-
mium for low-carbon ferrochromium. The substitution is desirable because low-carbon ferrochromium
production is more expensive than high-carbon ferrochromium production.
The annual ferrochromium production for 2002 is given in Fig. 4.3.
Fig. 4.4 Annual production of stainless steel in 2001, the main demand in ferrochromium.
5 System Characterisation
This study focuses on the main processes in the chromium production as shown in Fig. 4.1. As shown
in chapter 4 Use / Application of Material no secondary production of chromium has to be considered,
since the recycling of chromium occurs directly into the foundries in the form of re-melted alloys from
chromium containing scrap.
281'000 t
3'182'400 t
2'901'000 t
Metallurgical Plant high-coal
5'000 t
20'000 t
15'000 t
4'256'000 t
733'000 t
733'000 t
Chromite Chemical Plant Chromium Chemicals
340'000 t
340'000 t
Refractory Industry refractories
Fig. 5.1 Scheme of the chromium production system considered. The study focuses on the production of high-
carbon ferrochromium, which is based on chromite. Chromite itself is used in different other modules in
ecoinvent like “portachrom, at plant” Hischier (2003), “sodium dichromate, at plant” Althaus et al. (2003) and
in the cement production. Metallic chromium is won from two different processes. Values shown are in ton-
nes of chromium contained and are based on USGS (2003) and Adelhardt & Antrekowitsch (1998).
Tab. 5.1 Ecoinvent meta information for the processes for the production of chromite and ferrochromium.
Tab. 5.1 Ecoinvent meta information for the processes for the production of chromite and ferrochromium. (cont.)
According to part IX, chapter 2.1 of this report (Non Ferrous Metal Winning – Auxiliary Processes)
no direct land use for underground mining (71%) is inventoried. Land use for open pit mining (29%)
per tonne of ore is assessed with 0.0025m2/t. Thus the average land transformation for mining (under-
ground and open pit) is 0.000725 m2/t ore and the occupation is 0.0218 m2a/t ore (a lifetime of 30
years is assumed). Mining facilities are inventoried as unspecific module according to part IX (Non
Ferrous Metal Winning – Auxiliary Processes).
Tab. 5.2 Assumptions for infrastructure used in underground mining exploration. As lifetime ten years are estimated,
and 5000 working hours yearly.
Mix 4.32*10-5
According to Adelhardt & Antrekowitsch (1998) 71 % of the chromite world production originates
from underground mines. The overburden is disposed in piles near the mine, 1.77 kg per kg ore mined.
The standard module for disposal of non-sulphidic overburden was chosen, which includes the land
use and transformation through the disposal. No overburden is refilled according to Adelhardt &
Antrekowitsch (1998). In the world-wide average 0.35 m3/t crude ore of the pit water is used for the
beneficiation. The remaining pit water is not inventoried as output but its emissions are inventoried
together with the emissions of the beneficiation step.
Once the ore is mined, it is ground and classified. No flotation is needed in beneficiation. The sepa-
rated gangue is disposed in tailings ponds, the concentrated ore is fed to the metallurgy, which is as-
sumed to be on-site. The respective standard module “disposal, non-sulphidic tailings, off-site” is cho-
sen (c.f. part IX (Non Ferrous Metal Winning – Auxiliary Processes), chapter 2.3 (Disposal of Tailings
and Overburden)).
The beneficiation infrastructure is approximated with a similar facility from the aluminium production
(c.f. part 1 (Aluminium)). Dust emissions comprise additionally the dust emissions due to mining ac-
tivities. Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999) assume for the nickel mining a share of 60% hydroelectricity due
to the operations high and constant energy demand. The same assumption is made for chromite. The
value comprises the electricity demand of the mining, which is expected to be small compared to the
Steel: The steel input (abrasion) for milling is documented in IPPC (2002) for a single Finnish chro-
mite mine (Kula) and amounts to 300 g / t ground ore. The mill (jaws, balls, etc.) consists of special
austenitic manganese steel of Hadfield grade, which is approximated with chromium steel in the in-
Water use & effluents: Water use is documented in Adelhardt & Antrekowitsch (1998) and is inven-
toried in this study as originating from river without pumping activities. Total emissions to water are
chosen according to Tab. 5.3. These values are reported from a chromite site in Finland (Kula) and
recommended values. The reported value of 150 mg / l COD is assumed to amount to 150% of BOD
(Zimmermann et al. (1996)). Values for TOC are calculated using the standard procedure in
Frischknecht et al. (2003) approximating the unknown organic matter with the simplified formula for
organic matter C6H12O6. This gives 58.7 mg / l TOC and DOC respectively.
Dust: A case study in (Anonymous (1998a)) on a projected open cut gold-copper mining and process-
ing facility in Australia predict dust emissions between 0.18 kg/t and 0.46 kg/t of dust produced per
tonne of ore mined. The prediction was made using the Emission Estimation Technique Manual for
Mining (NPI (2001)). The maximum value of 0.46 kg/t is chosen for total dust emissions, the value for
underground mining is assessed with 80% of this amount. The dust composition is approximated with
the chromite ore composition from Tab. 3.1. For PM10 values, the ratio TSP : PM10 : PM2.5 was ap-
proximated with values from manganese ore mining 101.72 : 50 : 5 g / t ore taken from the CEMIP-
database 3 , i.e. one tonne emitted dust corresponds to 492 kg PM10 and 49 kg PM2.5 respectively. The
airborne emissions resulting from mining and beneficiation activities are summed up in Tab. 5.4. In
ecoinvent, for particulates differential classes are used adding up to the total dust emission, i.e. 49 kg
PM<2.5, 442 kg PM2.5-10 and 508 kg PM>10 per tonne of total dust.
Data quality
Mining: Data for major mass fluxes are satisfactory, while the emissions into water may be overesti-
mated due to different system boundaries of reported effluent volume from Adelhardt & Antreko-
witsch (1998) and total effluent emissions reported in IPPC (2002) and Anonymous (1998b).
Beneficiation: Like in mining, the emissions to water can be overestimated. No emissions from the
disposal of the tailings are modelled since no information about such emissions is available.
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/em_factors.php, accessed 01.03.2003
Tab. 5.3 Effluent levels to be achieved during operation and after mine closure according to Anonymous (1998b)
(Maximum value) and reported values from Kemi site (Finnland) after IPPC (2002) (Reported value).
TSS 50 20.6 50
Oil and grease 10 10
Cyanide 1.0 - b)
Free 0.1 - b)
Weak acid dissociable (WAD) 0.5 - b)
COD 150 150
Arsenic 0.1 - c)
Cadmium 0.1 - c)
Chromium (hexavalent) 0.1 - a)
Chromium, ion 0.1 a)
Chromium (in solid) 0.05 -
Copper 0.5 - c)
Iron 3.5 6.9 6.9
Lead 0.2 - c)
Mercury 0.01 - c)
Nickel 0.5 0.5
Zinc 2 - c)
Total metals 10 -
Inventoried in Ecoinvent as trivalent chromium ion. Hexavalent chromium is assumed to oxidise
quickly to trivalent chromium in the course of abatement and aeration.
chromite is no sulphidic ore, therefore no use of this substance and consequently no emission is as-
Maximum values relates to the whole range of base metal extraction. This specific emission is not
assumed to be of importance in chromite exploitation.
Tab. 5.4 Emissions to air resulting from mining activities per tonne mined ore. Values for total dust emission are
taken from Anonymous (1998a), partition of fractions of particulate matter from the CEMIP-database (mining
of manganese ore), the dust composition correspond to the average chromite ore from “3.1 Chromite ore” in
this study.
Modul name
in ecoinvent
mean value
Mean value
Source for
81% yield assumed (19% Cr loss in
Chromium, 25.5 in
Chromium in mining / beneficiation), 1.48kg ore
resource in ground chromite, 11.6% in 0.38 kg (Adelhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,12)
ground and 1.74kg overburcden per kg
crude ore, in ground
explosive civil engineering No RER blasting 1.5E-3 kg (Adelhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,4)
exploration infrastructure, 2000 m construction (5,5,1,1,1,5,9); rough
infrastructrue, machinery Yes RER conveyor belt, at plant 6.4E-8 m estimation 1 3.32
belts assumed processes estimate
conveyor belts
infrastructure of
50 a lifetime; 400'000 t / a -> 5e-11 non-ferrous metal (5,5,1,1,1,5,9); rough
mining metals extraction Yes GLO 5.3E-11 unit estimation 1 3.32
Land (3,2,3,1,1,2,8);
direct land use, represents specific Transformation, from (Martens 2002),
transformation resource land 1.1E-6 m2 1 2.03 calculation based on
share of surface mines unknown calculations
from nature reported value
Land (3,2,3,1,1,2,8);
direct land use, represents specific Transformation, to (Martens 2002),
transrormation to resource land 1.1E-6 m2 1 2.03 calculation based on
share of surface mines mineral extraction site calculations
mine reported value
Land use for direct land use, represents specific Occupation, mineral (Martens 2002),
resource land 3.2E-5 m2a 1 1.53 calculation based on
mining share of surface mines extraction site calculations
reported value
overburden, residual material disposal, non-sulfidic
no overburden assumed to be refilled manageme No GLO 1.77 kg (Adelhardt 1998) 1 1.16 (3,2,3,1,1,2,6)
disposed landfill overburden, off-site
(1.5 - 0.25) m3/t pit water per crude ore (0.25 m3/t used in
beneficiation) without treatment. The composition is given in Tab.
effluents, mining 1.9E-3 m3 (Adelhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,6)
5.3. The emissions are invnetoried with the emisisons of
beneficiation. The uncertainties of the single emissions are high.
Fig. 5.2 Flows for “chromite, at beneficiation – part mining” and their representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg of chromite.
Mean value
Source for
name in
electricity, f rom Comprises electricity demand of electricity, medium
grid w aste heat mining. Assumption: 40% electricity electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 0.0150 k Wh (Adelhardt 1998) (2,2,3,1,1,2,2)
benef iciation f rom grid UCTE, at grid
Comprises electricity demand of electricity,
hydropow er w aste heat mining. Assumption: 60% pow er plants No RER hydropow er, at run- 0.0225 k Wh (Adelhardt 1998) (3,2,3,1,1,2,2)
pow er
hydropow er of-river pow er plant
fresh and
processw ater resource in w ater Water, river 2.7E-3 m3 (Adelhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,12)
(benef iciation)
chromium steel 18/8,
steel Abrasion in mill (steel balls) metals extraction No RER 4.5E-4 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.2 (2,3,2,3,1,3,4)
at plant
infrastrucure of Aluminiumhydroxide production as aluminium hydroxide, (5,5,1,1,1,5,9);
metals extraction Y es RER 3.1E-15 unit estimation
chromite, ore
concentrate, 44.9% Chromium
Chromite metals extraction No GLO concentrate, at 1 kg (Adelhardt 1998)
benef iciation
Fig. 5.3 Flows for “chromite, at beneficiation – part beneficiation” and their representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg chromite.
An example of a high-carbon ferrochromium production process using a closed submerged electric arc
furnace is shown in Fig. 5.4.
Fig. 5.4 Example of a High-carbon ferrochrome production process using a closed submerged electric arc furnace
(IPPC (2001)).
5.2.2 Emission
Air: The main environmental impact by producing ferro-alloys is the emission of dust and fume from
the smelting processes. Dust emissions occur as well from storage, handling and the pre-treatment of
raw materials where fugitive dust emissions play an important role. Depending on the raw material
and the process used other emissions to air are SO2, NOx, CO-gas, CO2, polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-
bon (PAH), VOCs, and volatile metals. The formation of dioxins in the combustion zone and in the
cooling part of the off-gas treatment system (de-novo synthesis) may be possible.
Water: Water emissions are produced from cooling, granulation and other processes and site related
effluents. The wastewater generated by a wet cleaning abatement system plays also an important role.
5.2.3 Waste
Process residues and by-products with a significant amount is slag, filter dust and sludge and spent re-
fractories. These materials are already recycled and reused to a large extent where it is possible. Rich
slag, that means slag with a relatively high proportion of metal oxides, is used as raw material in other
ferro-alloy productions.
Adelhardt & Antrekowitsch (1998) differentiates between old (submerged electric arc furnace) proc-
esses and the newer (Outokumpu, Showa Denko, Krupp-CODIR and plasma), and assumes a share of
50% each.
The module describes the world average production mix for ferrochromium in 1994 based on
Adelhardt & Antrekowitsch (1998). It is designed for the use of the metal as alloying element. The
layout of the modules with general flow information, remarks, sources, values and uncertainty infor-
mation are shown in Fig. 5.5 (inputs) and Fig. 5.6 (output). Ecoinvent meta information for this proc-
ess are summarised in Tab. 5.1 on page 13. The following paragraphs describe calculations, sources
and assumptions chosen in this study. The functional unit of this process is one kg of ferrochrome with
an average chromium content of 68%.
Infrastructure and transport: It is assumed that the bauxite used as flux is transported by ship over
20'000 km, the additives chromite, bauxite, silica, coke, slag and the disposals slag and cake by lorry
over 50 km.
Energy: Adelhardt & Antrekowitsch (1998) calculates an average gross electricity demand of 3533
kWh containing smelting (4000 kWh and 2500 kWh for old and new process respectively), de-dusting
(74.8 kWh), crushing & screening (0.68 kWh) and production of the electrode (207 kWh), assuming
the new and the old process to be equal in production volume. In this study, the production of the elec-
trodes is inventoried in a special module and has to be subtracted from this value, resulting in an aver-
age electricity consumption of 3325 kWh / t Cr. An overview over different in- and output values from
different sources is given in Tab. 5.5
Emissions to air: Air emissions are taken from various sources, they are summarised and discussed in
Tab. 5.6.
Water use and emissions: Water use for European ferrochrome production is reported in IPPC
(2001), the average of 20 m3 per tonne is chosen resulting in 10 m3 of effluent (volume of process wa-
ter). The effluent has to be treated in a communal waste-water treatment plant, a process which is in-
ventoried separately in the chosen module “treatment, sewage, unpolluted, to wastewater treatment,
class 3”. Emissions to water inventoried are based on reported values after internal process water
treatment and before waste water treatment plant (Tab. 5.7).
Tab. 5.5 Production of ferrochrome. In- and outputs for the production of 1 t ferrochrome.
Tab. 5.6 Emissions to air in the production of 1 tonne ferrochrome. Values are form different sources: BREF (IPPC
(2001)), IPCC (IPCC (1996)), EPA (EPA (1998)) and EEA (EC (2002)). Chosen values for this study are the av-
erage of the given range, for contradictory values see notes below.
Tab. 5.7 Emissions to water in the production of 1 tonne ferrochromium. The reported values are before final waste-
water treatment and after internal abatement including lamella thickener, vacuum filter and a sand and car-
bon filter. Based on the chosen values, final emissions into water are calculated.
Data quality
Process data from Adelhardt & Antrekowitsch (1998) is satisfactory and valid for over 74 % of the
world-wide primary chromium production. Process specific emissions to air and water had to be taken
from another source covering another geography and technology. Nevertheless the overall quality of
the modules is fair.
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
chromite, ore
Chromite metals extraction No GLO concentrate, at 2.43 kg (Adelhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,4)
ferrochromium, high-carbon, 68%
not inventoried, assumed to be
slag 0.802 kg (Adelhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,4)
burden free (cut off)
electricity, medium
(Adelhardt 1998), (3,2,3,1,1,2,2); estimate
electricity, grid waste heat 40% electricity from grid electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 1.33 kWh 1 1.16
estimations based on reported value
UCTE, at grid
electricity, hydropower,
(Adelhardt 1998), (3,2,3,1,1,2,2); estimate
hydropower waste heat 60% electricity from hydropower hydro power power plants No RER at run-of-river power 2.00 kWh 1 1.16
estimations based on reported value
hard coal, burned in
fossile energy
Cr, at plant
hard coal heating systems No RER industrial furnace 1- 9.724 MJ (Adelhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,1)
silica sand additives No DE silica sand, at plant 0.0462 kg (Adelhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,4)
(IPPC, 2001),
fluxes metals extraction No GLO bauxite, at mine 0.204 kg 1 1.74 reported values
Electrode anode, aluminium
metals extraction No RER 0.0200 kg (Adelhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,3)
graphite electrolysis
process water resource in water Water, river 0.0100 m3 (IPPC, 2001) 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,12)
Water, cooling,
cooling water resource in water unspecified natural 0.0100 m3 (IPPC, 2001) 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,2)
transport transport, transoceanic
transport (sea) 20000 km for bauxite ship No OCE 4.08 tkm estimate 1 2.11 calculation based on
systems tanker
50 km for chromite, bauxit, silica, transport transport, lorry >16t,
transport (road) road No RER 0.341 tkm estimate 1 2.11 calculation based on
coke, slag, cake systems fleet average
production non-ferrous metal (5,5,1,1,1,5,9); rough
metals extraction Yes GLO 7.2E-12 unit estimate 1 3.32
infrastructure smelter estimate
Fig. 5.5 Flows for “ferrochromium – inputs” and their representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg ferrochromium.
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
treatment, sewage,
Inventoried as wastewater treatment waste
wastewater unpolluted, to
ferrochromium, high-carbon, 68% Cr, at
Effluents w/o pollution. For overall process, manageme No CH 0.010 m3 (Adelhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,6)
treatment wastewater treatment,
waterborn emission see Tab. 5.7 nt
class 3
waste disposal, inert waste,
inert material
dry cake due to effluent, Tab 5.7 manageme No CH 5% water, to inert 0.300 kg (IPPC, 2001) 1 1.33 reported values
nt material landfill
low population
NOx air Nitrogen oxides 5.9E-3 kg (IPPC, 2001) 1 1.99 reported values
NMVOC, non-methane
low population volatile organic
NMVOC air 1.7E-3 kg (IPPC, 2001) 1 1.52 (2,3,2,3,1,3,16)
density compounds,
unspecified origin
Dust consists of PM<2.5, PM2.5-10, PM>10,
including Cr III, Cr VI and CN These specific based on reported
Dust (TSP) 4.0E-2 kg (IPPC, 2001) 1 1.97
emissions are inventoried according to table 5.6, values
but they are not shown in this figure.
ferrochromium, high-
ferrochromium metals extraction No GLO carbon, 68% Cr, at 1 kg (Adelhardt 1998) 1
Fig. 5.6 Flows for “ferrochromium – outputs” and their representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg ferrochromium.
Tab. 5.8 Chromite transports to Germany for low-carbon ferrochrome production in 1994. Mass, distance and result-
ing transport intensity. Data from Adelhardt & Antrekowitsch (1998).
Tab. 5.9 Ferrochromium transports to Germany in 1994. Mass, distance and resulting transport intensity. Data from
Adelhardt & Antrekowitsch (1998).
Mean value
Source for
name in
ferrochromium, high-
ferrochromium ferrochromium, high-
global average metals extraction No GLO carbon, 68% Cr, at 1 kg 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,4)
production carbon, 68% Cr, at plant
Fig. 5.7 Flows for “Ferrochromium, at regional storage” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg ferrochromium.
In the electrolytic process normally high carbon ferrochrome is used as the feed material which is then
converted into chromium alum by dissolution with sulphuric acid at temperatures at about 200 ºC. Af-
ter several process steps using crystallisation filtration ageing, a second filtration and a clarifying op-
eration the alum becomes the electrolyte for a diaphragm cell. Chromium is plated onto stainless steel
cathodes until it attains a thickness of ca. 3 mm. The process is very sensitive. The additional de-
gassing (heating at 420 °C) stage is necessary because the carbon content of the electrolytic chromium
is sometimes too high for further industrial applications. The cooled chromium metal is fragmented
with a breaker prior to crushing and drumming. The generated slag can be reused as refractory lining
or sold as abrasive or refractory material. IPPC (2001).
Cr2O3-production is assumed to originate from natural gas. For the aluminothermic process and refin-
ing a share of 60% hydroelectricity and 40% UCTE-mix is assumed.
Electrolytic process
The rest of chromium (25 %) is still produced from ferrochrome in an electrolytic process. No infor-
mation on material input and output were available. The energy demand is stated in Adelhardt &
Antrekowitsch (1998) to be 18 kWh, whereas Papp (1994) reports 22.7 kWh per tonne chromium cit-
ing industry sources in 1993. In this study the higher value of 22.7 kWh (=81.8 MJ) was chosen. Con-
siderable amounts of hydrogen and ammonia ought to be used for reduction and leaching, but no de-
tailed information is available. Hence none of these emissions are taken in account.
Mean value
Source for
name in
chromite, ore (5,2,2,1,1,5,4);
chromite as raw
metals extraction No GLO concentrate, at 2.53 kg Calculation 1 1.57 estimate based on
benef iciation assumptions
sodium dichromate,
Dichromate chemicals inorganics No RER 0.366 kg Calculation 1 1.57 estimate based on
at plant
Aluminium aluminium, primary, at
metals extraction No RER 0.498 kg Calculation 1 1.57 estimate based on
pow der plant
chromium, at regional storage
Energy for natural gas, burned
chromium assumed to be from gas natural gas No RER in industrial f urnace 103.0 MJ (A delhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,1)
hydroxide >100kW
Fig. 5.8 Flows for “Chromium, at regional storage” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg ferrochromium.
6 Literature
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bedarf bei der Gewinnung ausgewählter mineralischer Rohstoffe; Teilstudie
Chrom. In: Geologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. Sonderhefte SH 3. Bundesanstalt für
Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover. ISBN 3-510-95831-4.
Althaus et al. (2004) Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Classen M. and Jungbluth N. (2004) Life Cycle Inven-
tories of Metals. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss
Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under:
Althaus et al. (2003) Althaus H.-J., Chudacoff M., Hischier R., Jungbluth N., Osses M. and Primas A.
(2003) Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 8.
EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH,
Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Anger et al. (1997) Anger G., Halstenberg J., Hochgeschwender K., Uecker G., Korallus U., Knopf
H., Schmidt P. and Ohlinger M. (1997) Chromium Compounds. In: Ullmann's
encyclopedia of industrial chemistry (ed. Anonymous). 5th edition on CD-ROM
Edition. Wiley & Sons, London.
Anonymous (1998a) Anonymous (1998a) Dust Control. In: Best Practice Environmental Manage-
ment in Mining. Environment Australia, Online-Version under:
http://www.ea.gov.au/ industry/sustainable/mining/booklets/dust/.
Anonymous (1998b) Anonymous (1998b) Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook. The World
Bank Group, Online-Version under: http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/essd/ ess-
Downing et al. (1997) Downing J. H., Deeley P. D. and Fichte R. D. (1997) Chromium and Chromium
Alloys. In: Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry (ed. Anonymous).
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EAA (2000) EAA (2000) Environmental Profile Report for the European Aluminium Indus-
try. European Aluminium Association (EAA), Brussels.
EC (2002) EC (2002) European Dioxin Inventory. European Commission. Retrieved from
http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/dioxin/download.htm. Date of last revi-
sion: 22.08.2002.
EEA (1999) EEA (ed.) (1999) Primary Copper Production (B336). In: EMEP / CORINAIR
Emission Inventory Guidebook. 3rd edition October 2002 Update Edition. Euro-
pean Enviornmental Agency, Online-Version under: http://reports.eea.eu.int/
EPA (1998) EPA (1998) Stationary Point and Area Sources. In: Compilation of Air Pollutant
Emission Factors, AP-42, Vol. 1. Fifth Edition, Online-Version under:
Fabian (1997) Fabian H. (1997) Copper. In: Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry
(ed. Anonymous). 5th edition on CD-ROM Edition. Wiley & Sons, London.
Frischknecht et al. (2006) Frischknecht R., Althaus H.-J., Bauer C., Capello C., Doka G., Dones R.,
Faist Emmenegger M., Hischier R., Jungbluth N., Kellenberger D., Margni M.,
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Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999) Hilbrans H. and Hinrichs W. (1999) Stoffmengenflüsse und Energiebedarf bei
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Papp (1994) Papp J. F. (1994) Chromium Life Cycle Study. IC-9411. U.S. Department of the
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port ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inven-
tories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
This chapter describes the production of ferromanganese and metallic manganese from cradle to consumer in
Europe. Inventory data for the production is taken mainly from Adelhardt & Saiger (1999) together with back-
ground data from IPPC (2002), IPPC (2001) and Wellbeloved et al. (1997).
Only the primary production is inventoried because manganese is mainly used in alloys and recycled in them.
Ferromanganese is to be used for alloying steel while manganese is used for alloying aluminium or for direct use
(e.g. sputtering)
Table of Contents
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................I
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
6 LITERATURE ......................................................................................................... 31
1 Introduction
This chapter describes the production of ferromanganese and metallic manganese from cradle to con-
sumer in Europe. Inventory data for the production is taken mainly from Adelhardt & Saiger (1999)
together with background data from IPPC (2002), IPPC (2001) and Wellbeloved et al. (1997).
Like many metals used as alloying element, manganese is recycled from steel-scrap in foundries di-
rectly as secondary alloys. Depending on their composition, these secondary manganese containing
materials are used together with ferromanganese – and manganese ore – as secondary source for man-
ganese. In this study, only the primary material ferromanganese and metallic manganese is considered.
Secondary manganese sources – i.e. alloys from recycled steel scrap – have to be inventoried in the
respective production module, e.g. in the steel production.
Over the last 15 to 20 years, the world pattern of the ferro-alloy market has deeply changed:
- The consumption of the developing countries has vastly increased with the development of their
steel production;
- Their production has even more increased because they have taken a growing share of the tradi-
tional markets of the industrialised countries, where the steel production was stagnant or growing
at a slow rate.
- The ferro-alloy industry is facing a growing proportion of imports, at first from the new industrial-
ised countries and in recent years from the countries of East Europe and the CIS (former Soviet
As a consequence, EU ferro-alloy production has been submitted to a difficult competition that results
in a decreasing trend of the total amount of ferro-alloys produced. Although the last years showed
some stabilisation, even a slightly increase of the production, the European industry remains very sen-
Tab. 2.2 Mine production and reserves of manganese in 2001. “Reserves” is referred to as “the part of the reserve
base which cold be economically extracted or produced at the time of determination”, while “Reserve base”
denotes “that part of an identified resource that meets specified minimum (...) criteria related to current min-
ing and production practices” (USGS (2003)).
1. Metallurgical grade ore for the iron and steel industry, which generally contains 38 – 55 % Mn.
The phosphorus content should preferably be below 0.1 %, and the concentrations of Al2O3, SiO2,
CaO, MgO, and S are important. The manganese/iron ratio is critical; a 7.5 : 1 ratio, for example,
is required for a standard ferromanganese alloy with 78 % Mn.
2. Battery grade ore, containing 70 – 85 % MnO2 (44 – 54 % Mn). The ore should generally contain
less than 0.05 % of metals more electronegative than zinc, such as copper, nickel, cobalt, and ar-
senic. The suitability of manganese dioxide for use in batteries depends on a number of factors,
including the crystal structure, surface area, pore size distribution, particle shape and size, electri-
cal conductivity, surface conditions, chemical composition, and structure defects.
3. Chemical grade ore whose specifications vary considerably depending on the end use. Included in
this category are feed stocks for electrolytic manganese and manganese dioxide, manganese
chemicals, colorants and, in the Republic of South Africa, an oxidant in uranium extraction.
Compositions of ores of some major operations are given in Tab. 3.1 and Tab. 3.2.
3.3 Ferromanganese
A number of manganese-containing ferroalloys are manufactured which are used largely in the mild
steel, foundry, and stainless steel industries. The principal manganese ferroalloys and their typical
components are high-carbon ferromanganese (78% manganese, 7% carbon, balance mostly iron) and
silicomanganese (66% manganese, 17% silicon, 2% carbon). The names and typical compositions of
these alloys are given in Tab. 3.4.
Tab. 3.1 Analyses of some manganese ores, metallurgical grade (Wellbeloved et al. (1997))
Tab. 3.2 Typical compositions of some important battery grade manganese ores (chemical content on % dry basis,
Wellbeloved et al. (1997)
Producer MnO2 Mn Fe Pb Cu Ni As Co
CVRD, Brazil 76.5 51.0 3.2 0.035 0.050 0.080 0.004 0.035
Comilog, Gabon 83.6 1.8 0.03 0.05 0.095
Tab. 3.3 Some physical properties of metallic manganese (Wellbeloved et al. (1997)).
Tab. 3.4 Types of ferromanganese and their general compositions (Wellbeloved et al. (1997)).¨
Alloy Composition, %
Manganese Carbon Silicon
High-carbon ferromanganese (carburé) 72-80 7.5 <1.25
Medium-carbon ferromanganese (affiné) 75-85 <2.0
Low-carbon ferromanganese (suraffiné) 76-92 0.5-0.75
Silicomanganese 65-75 <2.5 15-25
Ferromanganese silicon 58-72 0.08 23-35
Spiegeleisen 16-28 <6.5 11-45
Fig. 4.1 Summary of manganese products and their process routes (Wellbeloved et al. (1997)).
Fig. 4.2 Simplified diagram for the production of key manganese chemicals (Jones (1994)).
Tab. 4.1 Manganese in alloys. Composition of typical alloys containing manganese (Wellbeloved et al. (1997)).
Tab. 4.2 End uses of ferromanganese, silicomanganese and manganese metal in the U.S in 2001 (USGS (1998)).
5 System Characterisation
This study focuses to the main processes in the manganese production. As shown in chapter 4 “Use /
Application of Material” no secondary production of manganese has to be considered, since the recy-
cling of manganese occurs directly into the foundries in the form of re-melted iron and steel scrap.
ferromanga 5.4 kg ferromanga-
blast furnaces (15%)
nese (75%) nese / t raw steel
uranium extraction,
chemical Brick and ceramic
Industry (3%) coloring, Chemical
oxidiser and catalyst
batteries (4%)
Fig. 5.1 Scheme of the manganese production system considered and applications of its products after Adelhardt &
Saiger (1999). Percentages relate to the total manganese contained. In this study the processes for ore ex-
ploitation, production of high-coal ferromanganese and manganese metal are considered.
According to Fig. 5.1, the following modules cover the manganese production system for the use of
manganese in its main application areas “steel industry” as ferronickel and as manganese metal in dif-
ferent specific uses. They are summarised in Tab. 5.1.
- “ferromanganese, high-coal, 74% Mn, at regional storage” Fig. 5.4, Fig. 5.5
Tab. 5.1 Ecoinvent meta information for the processes for the production of ferromanganese and manganese metal.
Name manganese, concentrate, at benefici- ferromanganese, high-coal, 74.5% Mn, at manganese, pure metal, at regional stor-
ation regional storage age
Location GLO RER RER
Infrastructure Process 0 0 0
Unit kg kg kg
Dataset Version 2.0 2.0 2.0
Included Processes The module includes a mining and a benefici- The module includes the reduction to high-carbon The module production by electrolysis from ore
ation step with the mining infrastructure and dis- ferromanganese. No secondary production con- and by electrothermic process from ferromanga-
posal of overburden and tailings (see part II sidered, since secondary manganese is recycled nese and slag. Transportation to Europe is only
"Auxiliary Processes"). to the foundries and has to be inventoried in the partially considered.
respective module, i. e. when casting the final raw
material in the steel production.
Amount 1 1 1
Local Name Mangan, Erzkonzentrat, ab Aufbereitung Ferromangan, hochgekohlt, 74.5% Mn, ab Regio- Mangan, ab Regionallager
Synonyms Manganese metal // metallisches Mangan
General Comment The module describes the production of manga- The module describes the consumption of ferro- The module describes the consumption of man-
nese ore in 1994 for a world-wide production av- manganese in Europe in 1995. It is designed for ganese metal in Europe in 1994. It is designed
erage. It is designed for the use of manganese the use of the metal as alloying element. This solely for the use of the metal in special applica-
ore as intermediary product in the production of module does not consider secondary sources of tions like sputtering or as alloying element. This
ferromanganese and manganese metal. For the manganese. Process data is taken mainly from a module is explicitly not to be used as alloying ele-
use of this module in the battery manufacture, material flow analysis for the consumption of ment in bulk iron or steel industry. It does not con-
the data quality may not be sufficient. chromium in Germany. Results are used as a sider secondary sources of manganese. Process
proxy for the European situation. This module may data is based on rough estimations; the overall
be used as proxy for the silicomanganese produc- data quality is very poor.
Start Date 1994 1994 2003
End Date 2003 2003 2003
Data valid for entire 1 1 1
Geography Text This module relates to the global situation. This module relates to the consumption in Europe, No information were available on production or
Some modules used like lime, blasting and although the import mix for Germany is chosen. consumption mix.
transport originate from data sets valid for Swit-
zerland or Europe
Name (continued) manganese, concentrate, at benefici- ferromanganese, high-coal, 74.5% Mn, at manganese, pure metal, at regional stor-
ation regional storage age
Technology Text Mining is done 70% open pit and 30% under- The ore is processed in blast furnaces (20%), The metal is won by electrolysis (assumption:
ground, followed by a beneficiation of the ore electric arc furnaces without flux (27%), electric 25%) and electrothermic processes (assumption:
trough classification. Overburden and tailings arc furnaces with calcareous flux (53%). 75%). No detailed information available, mainly
are non-sulphidic , they are disposed near the based on rough estimates.
mining site.
Representativeness 55% 88% n. a.
Production Volume 23.5 million tonnes in 1995 3.4 million tonnes manganese contained in ferro- 140'000 t in 2000
manganese in 2001
Sampling Procedure Literature literature literature
Extrapolations see Geography and Technology see Geography and Technology see Geography and Technology
Uncertainty Adjust- none none none
used module “diesel, burned in building machine” includes the infrastructure of these machines. Use
of conveyor belt was assessed according Tab. 5.2.
The world average manganese content after beneficiation amounts to 42.4%, a yield from mining and
beneficiation of 69.2% can be calculated (Adelhardt & Saiger (1999)).
According to part “Non Ferrous Metal Winning – Auxiliary Processes” no direct land use for under-
ground mining (30%) is inventoried, land use for open pit mining (70%) is assessed with 0.0025m2/t,
yielding a 1.75 10-3 m2/t and 52.5 10-3 m2a/t respectively. A lifetime of 30 years is assumed. Mining
facilities are inventoried as unspecific module according to part IX “Non Ferrous Metal Winning –
Auxiliary Processes”.
Tab. 5.2 Assumptions for infrastructure used in underground mining exploration. As lifetime ten years are estimated,
and 5000 working hours yearly.
Mix 7.6E-5
According to Adelhardt & Saiger (1999) 70 % of the manganese ore world production originates from
surface mining operations. The overburden – 2.61 kg per kg ore concentrate extracted – is disposed in
piles near the mine, the standard module for disposal of non-sulphidic overburden was chosen, which
includes the land use and transformation through the disposal. Refilled overburden is assumed to be
burden free. No overburden is refilled according to Adelhardt & Saiger (1999). In the world-wide av-
erage 0.25 m3/t crude ore of the pit water is used for the beneficiation. The remaining pit water is not
inventoried as output but it's emissions are inventoried together with the emissions of the beneficiation
step. The specific use of explosives vary between 0.1 kg (South America) and 0.3 kg (Africa) per
tonne raw ore with a world-wide average of 0.26 kg / t. Diesel use ranges from 0.7 (South America) to
2,3 (Australia) with an average of 1.2 litre per tonne ore exploited. Electricity demand is comprised in
Once the ore is mined, it is ground and classified, no flotation occurs. The separated gangue is dis-
posed on heaps, the concentrated ore is fed to the metallurgy, which is assumed to be on-site. The re-
spective standard module “disposal, non-sulphidic tailings, off-site” is chosen. (s. “Non Ferrous Metal
Winning – Auxiliary Processes”, chapter “Disposal of Tailings and Overburden”).
The infrastructure of beneficiation is included in mining infrastructure. Dust emissions comprise addi-
tionally the dust emissions due to mining activities. Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999) assume for the nickel
mining a share of 60% hydroelectricity due to the operations high and constant energy demand. The
value comprises the electricity demand of the mining, which is expected to be small compared to the
Steel: The steel input (abrasion) for chromite milling is documented in IPPC (2002) for a single Fin-
nish chromite mine (Kemi site) and amounts to 300 g / t ground ore. Since non information on steel
consumption in the beneficiation of manganese ore is available and the beneficiation process works
analogous to chromite winning, this value is also taken in this study. The mill (rods, balls, etc.) con-
sists of special austenitic manganese steel of Hadfield grade, which is inventoried as chromium steel as
a proxy.
Water use & Effluents: Water use for mining and beneficiation is documented in Adelhardt & Saiger
(1999) and is inventoried in this study as originating from river without pumping activities. As no data
on pit water use are given, the specific water use for chromite exploitation of 1.5 m3 / t raw ore mined
was chosen. The water input for beneficiation is given as 0.8 m3 / t raw ore mined. As no data on
emissions to water could be found, the recommendations of the world bank for base metal sites was
used (Tab. 5.3). These recommended maximum concentrations are multiplied with the sum of effluent
volumes from mining and beneficiation (3.5 m3/t ore). The value of 150 mg / l COD is assumed to
amount to 150% of BOD (Zimmermann et al. (1996)). Values for TOC are calculated using the stan-
dard procedure in Frischknecht et al. (2003) approximating the unknown organic matter with the sim-
plified formula for organic matter C6H12O6. This gives 58.7 mg / l TOC and DOC respectively.
Dust: A case study in Anonymous (1998a) on a projected open cut gold-copper mining and processing
facility in Australia predict annual dust emissions between 0.18 kg/t and 0.46 kg/t of dust produced
per tonne of ore mined. The prediction was made using the Emission Estimation Technique Manual
for Mining (NPI (2001)). The maximum value of 0.46 kg/t is chosen for total dust emissions, the value
for underground mining is assessed with 80% of this amount. The dust composition is approximated
with the manganese ore composition from Tab. 3.1 and the demands on quality for metallurgical grade
ore. For PM10 values, the ratio TSP : PM10 : PM2.5 of manganese ore mining 101.72 : 50 : 5 g / t ore
taken from the CEMIP-database 1 , i. e. one tonne emitted dust corresponds to 492 kg PM10 and 49 kg
PM2.5 respectively. The airborne emissions resulting from mining and beneficiation activities are
summed up in Tab. 5.4. In Ecoinvent, for particulates differential classes are used adding up to the to-
tal dust emission, i. e. 49 kg PM<2.5, 442 kg PM2.5-10 and 508 kg PM>10 per tonne of total dust.
Data quality
Data for major mass fluxes are satisfactory, while the emissions to water and to air are based on as-
sumption. The emissions to water may additionally be overestimated due to different system bounda-
ries of reported effluent volume from Adelhardt & Saiger (1999) and recommendations in Anonymous
(1998b). Furthermore, high uncertainties are associated with the chosen level of impurities of Pb, As,
Cu and Zn in the manganese ore resulting in emissions to water and to air. The emissions from tailings
and overburden are assessed in another module, which itself contains rough assumptions of a global
overburden and tailings composition and a simplified disposal scenario. Emissions tough can vary
considerably from case to case.
Overall, the data quality is not satisfactory for this module. For specific purposes such as the use as
battery grade ore in the battery manufacture further investigations concerning process specific emis-
sions are necessary.
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/em_factors.php, SNAP-code 040616, accessed 01.03.2003
Tab. 5.3 Effluent levels to be achieved during operation and after mine closure according to World Bank Group,
Anonymous (1998b) (Maximum).
TSS 50 50
Oil and grease 10 10
Cyanide 1.0 -b
Free 0.1 -b
Weak acid dissociable (WAD) 0.5 -b
COD 150 150
Arsenic 0.1 0.1 a
Cadmium 0.1 -c
Chromium (hexavalent) 0.1 -c
Chromium, ion -c
Chromium (in solid) -c
Copper 0.5 0.1 a
Iron 3.5 3.5
Lead 0.2 0.1 a
Mercury 0.01 -c
Nickel 0.5 -c
Zinc 2 0.1 a
Total metals 10 -
Metals, which are frequent impurities in manganese ore. Rough assumption.
manganese ore is not sulphidic, therefore no use of this substance and consequently
no emission is assumed.
Maximum values relates to the whole range of base metal extraction. This specific
emission is not assumed to be of importance in manganese extraction..
Tab. 5.4 Emissions to air resulting from mining activities per tonne mined ore. Values for total dust emission are
taken from Anonymous (1998a), partition of fractions of particulate matter from the CEMIP-database (mining
of manganese ore), the dust composition correspond to the average manganese ore from “3.1 Manganese
ore” in this study. The impurities As, Pb, Cu and Zn are based on quality demands for metallurgical manga-
nese ore: Mn ≥ 48%, Fe ≤ 6%, As ≤ 0.18%, Cu+Pb+Zn ≤ 0.3% (Adelhardt & Saiger (1999)), assuming single
emission factors for Cu ≤ 0.1%, Pb ≤ 0.1%, Zn ≤ 0.1%.
Source for
name in
69% yield assumed (31% Mn loss Manganese, 35.7% in
Manganese in in mining / beneficiation), 1.72kg sedimentary deposit,
resource in ground 6.13E-01 kg (A delhardt 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,4)
ground crude ore and 2.61kg overburden 14.2% in crude ore,
per kg ore concentrate in ground
1.2 l / raw ore. Only machines, reported
diesel f uel construction diesel, burned in
electricity demand inventoried in machinery No GLO 7.97E-02 MJ (A delhardt 1999) 1 2.08 values w /
(energy) processes building machine
beneficiation. range
construction civil
explosive 0.26 kg explosives / t raw ore No RER blasting 4.52E-04 kg (A delhardt 1999) 1 1.15 values w /
processes engineering
exploration inf rastructure, 2000 m construction conveyor belt, at (5,5,1,1,1,5,9);
infrastructrue, machinery Y es RER 1.30E-07 m estimation 1 3.32
belts assumed processes plant rough estimate
conveyor belts
infrastructure of
non-ferrous metal, (5,5,1,1,1,5,9);
mining metals extraction Y es GLO 8.30E-12 unit estimation 1 3.32
mine, underground rough estimate
Transformation, f rom (Martens 2002), calculation
transf ormation resource land 3.00E-06 m2 1 2.03
unknow n calculations based on
f rom nature
reported value
Land Transformation, to
(Martens 2002), calculation
transrormation resource land mineral extraction 3.00E-06 m2 1 2.03
calculations based on
to mine site
reported value
Land use f or Occupation, mineral (Martens 2002), calculation
resource land 9.01E-05 m 2a 1 1.53
mining extraction site calculations based on
reported value
Fig. 5.2 Flows for “manganese concentrate, at beneficiation – part mining” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg of man-
ganese concentrate.
Source for
name in
electricity, f rom A ssumption: 40% electricity f rom electricity, medium
grid, total w aste heat grid. V alue comprising electricity electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 3.02E-03 k Wh (A delhardt 1999) 1 1.16 (3,2,3,1,1,2,2)
demand of mining. UCTE, at grid
hydropow er, A ssumption: 60% hydropow er. electricity,
total w aste heat V alue comprising electricity pow er plants No RER hydropow er, at run- 4.53E-03 k Wh (A delhardt 1999) 1 1.16 (3,2,3,1,1,2,2)
pow er
demand of mining. of -river pow er plant
f resh and
0.8 m3/t crude ore (not including
processw ater resource in w ater Water, river 1.37E-03 m3 (A delhardt 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,12)
the recycled pit w ater)
(benef iciation)
steel chromium steel 18/8,
abrasion in mill (steel balls,etc.) metals extraction No RER 5.15E-04 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.62 (5,5,1,1,1,5,4)
at plant
manganese manganese,
concentrate 42.4% Mn metals extraction No GLO concentrate, at 1.00E+00 kg (A delhardt 1999)
benef iciation
Fig. 5.3 “manganese concentrate, at beneficiation – part beneficiation” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg manganese
three electrodes. The reduction of manganese(II) oxide occurs by the contact of carbon with the mol-
ten oxide in the slag phase. The overall reaction is :
MnO + 10/7 C 1/7 Mn7C3 + CO
Large electric furnaces are usually completely closed at the top, and the CO-rich gas leaves the furnace
at approximately 290 °C and is cleaned in cyclones and venturi scrubbers. The gas is then either
flamed off to the atmosphere or, more recently, is used to generate electricity. Smaller furnaces may be
open, the gas then is usually withdrawn by fans and cleaned in a bag-filter plant. In this case the gases
are completely burnt in the furnace and have no commercial value.
After the metal is tapped from the furnace it is cast into moulds formed from ferromanganese fines or
cast iron and allowed to solidify. The alloy is then removed, crushed, and screened into various size
fractions, depending on the requirements of the user. An alternative to this practice is the use of a cast-
ing machine. In this case the metal is tapped directly onto a moving train consisting of small molds.
The metal then solidifies and is ejected from the mould at the end of the strand.
Adelhardt & Saiger (1999) distinguishes between a electric arc furnace process with calcareous flux
and one without flux, where the energy consumption is smaller due to reduction of the ore by excess
CO. The yield of the process without flux is smaller with 70% compared with 75% of the process with
calcareous flux, due to a slag richer in MnO. However, the manganese rich slag – sometimes over 25%
manganese – of the process without flux is used in the production of silicomanganese, enhancing the
overall yield considerably.
The production of silicomanganese is very similar to the ferromanganese production. The main differ-
ence is in the type of flux – silica instead of lime – and of course the composition of the product. Also
the energy demand is some what higher than in the production of ferromanganese. Many plants pro-
duce alternately ferrosilicomanganese and then – processing the developed slag – silicomanganese.
How ever, for purposes of inventorying silicomanganese it is suitable to take ferromanganese as
5.2.2 Emission
Air: The main environmental impact by producing ferro-alloys is the emission of dust and fume from
the smelting processes. Dust emissions occur as well from storage, handling and the pre-treatment of
raw materials where fugitive dust emissions play an important role. Depending on the raw material
and the process used other emissions to air are SO2, NOx, CO-gas, CO2, polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-
bon (PAH), VOCs, and volatile metals. The formation of dioxins in the combustion zone and in the
cooling part of the off-gas treatment system (de-novo synthesis) may be possible.
Water: Water emissions are produced from cooling, granulation and other processes and site related
effluents. The wastewater generated by a wet cleaning abatement system plays also an important role.
5.2.3 Waste
Process residues and by-products with a significant amount is slag, filter dust and sludge and spent re-
fractories. These materials are already recycled and reused to a large extent where it is possible. Rich
slag, that means slag with a relatively high proportion of metal oxides, is used as raw material in other
ferro-alloy productions.
Data quality
Process data is satisfactory and valid for the whole world-wide primary ferromanganese production.
Process specific emissions to air and water had to be taken from an other source, which cover other
geography and technology. Nevertheless the overall quality of the module is fair. The import pattern
may have changed in the recent years with a trend to longer import distances.
Tab. 5.5 Production of ferromanganese and silicomanganese. In- and outputs for the production of ferromanganese
with different processes. The last two columns relate to the production of 1 kg manganese alloy using a
weighted mix for ferromanganese according to the share in global production. (Adelhardt & Saiger (1999))
Data for silicomanganese show, that the production of ferromanganese is suitable as a proxy inventory.
Silico- Silico-
Inventory Unit Ferromanganese manga- manga-
ganese e)
nese nese
Blast Electric arc furnace Electric Total, per 1 kg Total, per
furnace No flux Calc. Flux arc fur- 1 kg
Share in global production 17% 23% 45% 15%
Manganese concentrate t 2.8 3.4 3.1 3.0 2.33E-03 1.98E-03
Electricity kWh 26 3784 4581 4844 2.57 3.25
Process water a) m3 10 10 10 10 0.0075 0.0067
Cooling water a) m3 10 10 10 10 0.0075 0.0067
Fossil energy (coke) kg 2000 400 180 500 0.45 0.34
Electrode graphite kg 23 30 38 1.66E-02 2.55E-02
Silica sand kg 500 0.34
Dolomite kg 100 c) 0.015
Lime kg 100 c) 60 520 0.23
Slag kg 1440 2100 2320 1950 1.55 1.31
Dust kg 130 10 10 10 0.025 6.71E-03
Effluents b) m3 10 10 10 10 7.45E-03 6.71E-03
SO2 d) kg 1.74 6.78E-02 6.78E-02 7.60E-02 2.99E-04 5.10E-05
Ferromanganese kg 1390 1330 1330 1490 1.00 1.00
Manganese concentration % 72% 75% 75% 67% 72.5% 73.4%
values for process water are taken from IPPC (2001) for the similar process of ferrochrome production
volume for effluent equals the process water used.
only sum dolomite plus lime reported, a split 50/50 is assumed.
emission factor for SO2 are taken from IPPC (2001) (see Tab. 5.6)
weighted average of blast furnace and electric arc furnace production..
Tab. 5.6 Emissions to air in the production of 1 tonne ferromanganese. Values are form different sources: BREF
(IPPC (2001)), IPCC (IPCC (1996)), EPA (EPA (1998)) and EEA (EC (2002)). Chosen values for this study are
the average of the given range.
Tab. 5.7 Emissions to water in the production of 1 tonne ferromanganese. The values are reported values for ferro-
chromium production (IPPC (2001)) chosen as approximation. Emissions are before final waste-water treat-
ment and after internal abatement including lamella thickener, vacuum filter an a sand and carbon filter.
Based on the chosen values, final emissions into water are calculated.
Emission to Water Unit IPPC (2001) This Study Resulting values af-
(before treatment) Low High ter treatment
TSS kg / t 5 10 7.5 a) 0.375
PAH mg / t 300 1000 650 b) 65
waste from internal wastewater treatment
dry cake kg / t 200 400 300 c) 300
An elimination of 95% TSS assumed, resulting in an emission after treatment of 375 g TSS / t
Based on Zimmermann et al. (1996) transfer coefficients of 10% to water is assumed, resulting in emis-
sions of 65 mg PAH / t. Resulting emissions to air due to metabolisation as CO2 and NMVOC are ne-
Dry cake results from internal waste-water treatment. In this study it is assumed to be disposed as inert
waste to an inert material landfill.
Tab. 5.8 Manganese import pattern for Germany in 1995 (Adelhardt & Saiger (1999)).
Tab. 5.9 Import of manganese into Germany for different products and resulting transport intensity in [tkm]. Mix is
taken as proxy for the European situation. Values are from (Adelhardt & Saiger (1999)) and estimations
based on distances provided by “dataloy systems” .
http://www.dataloy.com/, acessed 01.03.2003
Source for
name in
metals extraction No GLO concentrate, at 2.33E+00 kg (A delhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,4)
benef iciation
electricity, medium
(A delhardt 1998), estimate based
electricity, grid w aste heat 40% electricity f rom grid electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 1.03E+00 k Wh 1 1.16
estimations on reported
UCTE, at grid
ferromanganese, high-coal, 74.5% Mn, at regional storage
hydro (A delhardt 1998), estimate based
hydropow er w aste heat 60% electricity f rom hydropow er pow er plants No RER hydropow er, at run- 1.54E+00 k Wh 1 1.16
pow er estimations on reported
of -river pow er plant
hard coal, burned in
f ossile energy heating
hard coal No RER industrial f urnace 1- 4.50E-01 MJ (A delhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,3)
(coke) systems
construction limestone, milled, (IPPC, 2001), (5,2,3,1,1,2,4);
lime others No CH 2.32E-01 kg 1 1.52
materials packed, at plant estimations estimate
construction (IPPC, 2001), (5,2,3,1,1,2,4);
dolomite others No RER dolomite, at plant 1.49E-02 kg 1 1.52
materials estimations estimate
Electrode anode, aluminium
metals extraction No RER 1.66E-02 kg (A delhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,3)
graphite electrolysis
Water, w ell, in
process w ater resource in w ater 7.45E-03 m3 (IPPC, 2001) 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,12)
Water, cooling,
cooling w ater resource in w ater unspecif ied natural 7.45E-03 m3 (IPPC, 2001) 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3,2)
transport 50 km f or concentrate, silica, lime, transport calculation
road No RER transport, lorry 32t 2.30E-01 tk m estimate 1 2.11
(ressources) dolomite, coke, slag systems based on
transport transport, calculation
f erromanganes ship No OCE 1.60E+01 tk m (A delhardt 1999) 1 2.02
systems transoceanic tanker based on
e over sea
transport calculation
f erromanganes train No RER transport, f reight, rail 2.02E+00 tk m (A delhardt 1999) 1 2.02
systems based on
e by train
production non-f errous metal,
metals extraction Y es GLO 6.88E-12 unit rogh estimate 1 3.32 (5,5,1,1,1,5,9)
inf rastructure smelter
Fig. 5.4 Flows for “ferromanganese – inputs” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg ferromanganese.
Source for
name in
Inventoried as w astew ater treatment, sew age,
treatment w /o pollution. For overall w aste w astew ater unpolluted, to
Eff luents No CH 7.45E-03 m3 (A delhardt 1998) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,6)
process, w aterborn emission see management treatment w astew ater
Tab. 5.7 treatment, class 3
disposal, inert w aste,
dust in w et from w et scrubber, deposed in w aste inert material
No CH 5% w ater, to inert 2.53E-02 kg (A delhardt 1999) 1 1.13 (2,2,3,1,1,2,6)
scrubber landfill management landfill
material landfill
ferromanganese, high-coal, 74.5% Mn, at regional storage
f erromanganese,
ferromanganese metals extraction No RER high-coal, 74.5% Mn, 1.00E+00 kg (A delhardt 1998)
at regional storage
Fig. 5.5 Flows for “ferromanganese – outputs” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg ferromanganese.
- Distillation of ferro-manganese
Source for
name in
f erromanganese,
f erromanganes (5,5,1,1,1,5,4);
metals extraction No RER high-coal, 74.5% Mn, 1.21E+00 kg Calculation 1 1.62
e rough estimate
regional storage at regional storage
manganese, at
high silica slag not inventoried 9.68E-01 kg Calculation 1 1.62
rough estimate
manganese manganese,
concentrate f or metals extraction No GLO concentrate, at 9.83E-01 kg Calculation 1 1.62
rough estimate
electrolysis benef iciation
electricity, medium based on
Energy f or
electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 2.63E+00 k Wh (Wellbeloved 197) 1 1.14 theoretical
UCTE, at grid values
Inf rastructure, non-f errous metal,
metals extraction Y es GLO 1.06E-14 unit rogh estimate 1 3.32 (5,5,1,1,1,5,9)
unspecif ied smelter
low population
w aste heat air Heat, w aste 9.47E+00 MJ 1 1.16 (3,2,3,1,1,2,13)
manganese, at
manganese metal global average metals extraction No RER 1.00E+00 kg
regional storage
Fig. 5.6 Flows for “Manganese, pure metal, at regional storage” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. Values correspond to the functional unit of 1 kg manganese metal.
6 Literature
Adelhardt & Saiger (1999) Adelhardt W. and Saiger H. (1999) Stoffmengenflüsse und Energiebedarf bei
der Gewinnung ausgewählter mineralischer Rohstoffe; Teilstudie Mangan. In:
Geologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. Sonderhefte SH 8. Bundesanstalt für Geowissen-
schaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover. ISBN 3-510-95830-6.
Althaus et al. (2004) Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Classen M. and Jungbluth N. (2004) Life Cycle Inven-
tories of Metals. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss
Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under:
Anonymous (1998a) Anonymous (1998a) Dust Control. In: Best Practice Environmental Manage-
ment in Mining. Environment Australia, Online-Version under: http://
Anonymous (1998b) Anonymous (1998b) Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook. The World
Bank Group, Online-Version under: http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/essd/ ess-
EC (2002) EC (2002) European Dioxin Inventory. European Commission. Retrieved from
http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/dioxin/download.htm. Date of last revi-
sion: 22.08.2002.
EPA (1998) EPA (1998) Stationary Point and Area Sources. In: Compilation of Air Pollutant
Emission Factors, AP-42, Vol. 1. Fifth Edition, Online-Version under:
Frischknecht et al. (2006) Frischknecht R., Althaus H.-J., Bauer C., Capello C., Doka G., Dones R.,
Faist Emmenegger M., Hischier R., Jungbluth N., Kellenberger D., Margni M.,
Nemecek T. and Spielmann M. (2006) Documentation of changes implemented
in ecoinvent Data v1.2 and v1.3. ecoinvent report No. 16. EMPA Dübendorf,
Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH.
Frischknecht et al. (2003) Frischknecht R., Jungbluth N., Althaus H.-J., Doka G., Dones R., Hellweg S.,
Hischier R., Nemecek T., Rebitzer G. and Spielmann M. (2003) Overview and
Methodology. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 1. Swiss Centre for Life Cycle
Inventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999) Hilbrans H. and Hinrichs W. (1999) Stoffmengenflüsse und Energiebedarf bei
der Gewinnung ausgewählter mineralischer Rohstoffe; Teilstudie Nickel. In:
Geologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. Sonderhefte SH 7. Bundesanstalt für Geowissen-
schaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover. ISBN 3-510-95829-2.
IPCC (1996) IPCC (1996) Reference Manual. In: Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines, Vol. 3,
Online-Version under: http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public/gl/invs1.htm.
IPPC (2001) IPPC (2001) Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC); Reference
Document on Best Available Techniques in the Non Ferrous Metals Industries.
European Commission. Retrieved from http://www.jrc.es/pub/english.cgi/
IPPC (2002) IPPC (2002) Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC); Draft Refer-
ence Document on Best Available Techniques for Management of Tailings and
Waste-Rock in Mining Activities. European Commission. Retrieved at
01.03.2003 from http://www.jrc.es/pub/english.cgi/0/733169
Jones (1994) Jones T. S. (1994) Manganese Material Flow Pattern. IC-9399. U.S. Department
of the Interior, Bureau of mines, Online-Version under: http://pubs.usgs.gov/
NPI (2001) NPI (2001) Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Mining. In: National
Pollution Inventory. Environment Australia, Online-Version under:
USGS (1998) USGS (1998) Manganese Recycling in the United States in 1998. U.S. Depart-
ment of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. Retrieved at 01.03.2003 from
USGS (2003) USGS (2003) Mineral Commodity Summaries. U.S. Department of the Interior,
U.S. Geological Survey. Retrieved at 01.03.2003 from http://minerals.usgs.gov/
minerals/pubs/mcs/. Date of last revision: 26-Feb-2003@09:36.
Wellbeloved et al. (1997) Wellbeloved D. B., Craven P. M. and Waudby J. W. (1997) Manganese and
Manganese Alloys. In: Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry (ed.
Anonymous). 5th edition on CD-ROM Edition. Wiley & Sons, London.
Zimmermann et al. (1996) Zimmermann P., Doka G., Huber F., Labhardt A. and Ménard M. (1996) Ökoin-
ventare für Entsorgungsprozesse; Grundlagen zur Integration der Entsorgung in
Ökobilanzen. Vol. ESU-Reihe Nr. 1/96. Eidg. Technische Hochschule (ETH),
Classen M., Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Tuchschmid M., Jungbluth N., Doka G., Faist
Emmenegger M. and Scharnhorst W. (2009) Life Cycle Inventories of Metals. Final re-
port ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inven-
tories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
3 COUPLED PRODUCTION........................................................................................... 9
7 LITERATURE ......................................................................................................... 71
1 Introduction
Zinc and lead are mined from complex ores that also contain a number of minor metal values, some of
which are almost exclusively produced from such complex ores (Fig. 1.1). Therefore the extraction of
the mentioned metal values is not independent from each other and depends mainly on the carrier
metal at which the extraction of an ore body is aimed at. The coupled occurrence leads to a modelling
approach that relies on multi-output inventory modules. The allocation of environmental burdens to
the reference flows is done by economic criteria. Chapter 6 System Characterisation gives an over-
view to this topic.
Fig. 1.1 The metal wheel displaying combination of jointly occurring metals in ore deposits (Reuter et al., 2004)
Tab. 2.1 Mine production and reserves of lead in 2005. “Reserves” is referred to as “the part of the reserve base
which could be economically extracted or produced at the time of determination”, while “Reserve base” de-
notes “that part of an identified resource that meets specified minimum (...) criteria related to current mining
and production practices” (USGS, 2006b).
Lead value
Lead [$]
1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020
Time [years]
On a global level, the refining of secondary lead has increased from ~ 1’500’000 tons in 1976 to ap-
proximately 2’800’000 tons in 1998 (Dzioubinski & Chipman, 1999). Key source for secondary lead
are lead-acid batteries contributing with 92.0% to the total secondary lead production of the US
(Gabby (2004)). The treatment of such batteries is enforced by adequate governmental directives, for
instance in France (100.0%), Denmark (99.9%) and Portugal (75.0%) (Thornton et al., 2001). Beside
automotive batteries, secondary lead is recovered from used lead-acid rechargeable batteries as for in-
stance applied for back-up power supply in antenna stations of mobile phone networks (Scharnhorst,
In recent years, the primary production has seen a shift from pure primary production to more flexible
technologies that are able to treat increasingly also secondary materials (QSL furnace at Stolberg fac-
itlity, Kivcet furnace at Trail). Hence, the distinction between processing primary and secondary lead
is more and more blurred. The UK based consultancy CHR Metals estimate that the amount of secon-
dary lead production has raised to 58% of the world lead supply (Roberts, 2003). The ILZSG-statistics
indicate a further decrease in the share of primary (mine) production compared to the total reported
metal production, viz. an increase in secondary (post consumer) production (Tab. 2.2).
The earliest documented statistics on secondary lead.
Tab. 2.2 Lead production and consumption worldwide. Statistics taken from ILZSG (2007) and USGS (2006b).
2.3 Zinc
With an average concentration in the earth's crust of 65 g/t (0.0065 %), zinc is the 24th element in or-
der of abundance. It occurs only in the chemically combined state. Like copper and lead, zinc is a
strongly chalcophilic element. It usually occurs as sulphide, mostly deposited from hydrothermal solu-
tions and simic and sialic magmas. Sedimentary deposits are of less importance.
By far the most important zinc mineral today, and probably also the only primary ore, is zinc blende.
The other minerals listed here are of only local importance. Native zinc is practically nonexistent.
Isomorphous components of zinc blende such as cadmium, gallium, germanium, indium, and thallium
do not form deposits of their own. Some of these metals are recovered during zinc ore processing.
Zinc blende (or sphalerite, ZnS) has the theoretical composition 67.09 % Zn, 32.91 % S. It is light yel-
low to black in colour, usually black to brown depending on the iron content, crystallises in the regular
tetrahedral system, and has a Mohs hardness of 3 – 4 and a density of 3.9 – 4.1 g/cm3. The most im-
portant impurity is FeS, which is always present at concentrations between 0.3 and >20 %. Sulphides
of Pb, Cd, Mn, and Cu are often present. Zinc blende also often contains small amounts of As, Sn, Bi,
Co, Hg, In, Tl, Ga, and Ge, and nearly always contains Ag and often Au. The hexagonal modification
of Zinc blende is known as Wurzite (conchoidal or radiating blende). Its density is 3.98 g/cm3. Other
less important minerals are: Smithsonite (zinc spar, calamine) ZnCO3; Hemimorphite , Zn2SiO4 · H2O;
Willemite , Zn2SiO4; Franklinite , (Zn,Fe,Mn)O · (Fe2,Mn2)O3, zinc bloom (hydrozincite), ZnCO3 · n
Zn(OH)2; red zinc ore (zincite), ZnO; and troostite (bainite), (Zn,Mn)2SiO4 (Graf & Schleininger,
According to Ayres et al. (2002), the average concentration of the material currently mined is 3-11%.
The annual mine production and world-wide reserves are listed in Tab. 2.3.
Approximately 30% of the yearly zinc consumption in Europe is secondary or recycled zinc. Ap-
proximately 50% of this secondary zinc is recycled within the industry. This is particularly true in the
galvanising and brass sector. Scrap arising from the production or processing of products can be recy-
cled almost immediately. Residues and scrap, which are relevant and significant to the secondary zinc
industry, include dust from copper alloy making, residues from the die casting industry, ashes, bottom
and top drosses from the galvanising industry, old roofing and other sheet materials, non-ferrous frac-
tion from the shredding of old cars and of other mainly steel containing products, dust from electric
arc steel making and cast iron making and residues from chemical uses of zinc and burnt tyres (IPPC,
Tab. 2.3 Mine production and reserves of zinc in 2006. “Reserves” is referred to as “the part of the reserve base
which could be economically extracted or produced at the time of determination”, while “Reserve base” de-
notes “that part of an identified resource that meets specified minimum (...) criteria related to current mining
and production practices” (USGS, 2006b).
2.4 Cadmium
Cadmium is widely distributed. It occurs in the earth's crust with a content estimated to be between
0.08 and 0.5 ppm. In top soil cadmium content usually lies between 0.1 and 1 ppm. None of known
cadmium minerals such as cadmium sulfide (greenockite, 77.6 % Cd), cadmium carbonate (61.5 %
Cd) and cadmium oxide (87.5 % Cd) is of industrial importance because the deposits are too small.
Only zinc minerals in which cadmium is found as an isomorphic component, with concentrations rang-
ing from 0.05 to 0.8 %, averaging about 0.2 % have economic significance for cadmium recovery. In
addition, lead and copper ores contain small amounts of cadmium, which can be separated during the
roasting and smelting processes (Schulte-Schrepping & Piscator, 2002).
The bulk of the cadmium being recovered is associated with ores of sphalerite (ZnS) that is extracted
for its zinc content. Cadmium therefore is a by-product from the zinc extraction where it accumulates
in flue dust (pyrometallurgical processes) and purification precipitates (hydrometallurgical processes).
Estimated world resources of cadmium were about 6 million tons in 2006, based on identified zinc re-
sources of 1.9 billion tons containing about 0.3% cadmium (USGS, 2007).
The recycling of cadmium is still on a low level. It basically occurs via the recovery of EAF dusts
from zinc manufacturing. Hawkins et al. (2006) estimate that in the U.S. less than 20% of the cad-
mium in the product waste stream is currently collected for recycling. On a world wide average this
number appears to be lower, a level of 10% seems to be a reasonable assumption.
This consideration, together with the assertion that 80% of the primary cadmium produced originates
from zinc extraction (USGS, 2007) and under the assumption of stable stocks, leads to the estimate
that 72% (=80% primary from zinc * 90% primary in supply) of the cadmium supply may be related to
the primary zinc production.
2.5 Indium
Indium does not occur as pure metal. Although widely distributed, it generally occurs in low concen-
trations. The content of indium in the earth crust is estimated to be 0.1 ppm. Indium is found as a trace
element in many minerals and is accumulated during the extraction of the main metal values such as
zinc, lead and copper.
Fig. 2.2 Distribution of ore grade and reserve for different indium bearing deposits (Schwarz-Schampera & Herzig,
Content in 17’ backlight (1.8 kg) 1.76 ppm, in 15’ backlight (1.1 kg) 2.05 ppm for total film thickness of 500 nm.
Fig. 2.3 Indium prices with comments (Teckcominco, 2005; Metal Bulletin, 2006).
Fig. 2.4 Supply of Indium in 2004. Recycling of prompt scrap (ITO targets and the like) plays a vital role in the indium
supply (Teckcominco, 2005).
Fig. 2.5 Estimated sources of Indium. Assumption that all potentials for indium recovery are seized and that the de-
mand will slow down (Stevens, 2007). FPD = Flat panel display, CAGR = compound annual growth rate.
3 Coupled Production
The metals lead, zinc, cadmium, silver (contained in the parkes process crust of primary lead produc-
tion) and indium are mainly found coupled in deposits. A compilation of world production is given in
Tab. 3.1.
Namely the cadmium metal is almost exclusively from Zinc ores. Today approximately 80% of world
cadmium production (=90% of the supply) was derived from mining, smelting, and refining of zinc,
and the remaining 20% came from copper and lead smelting and the recycling of cadmium products
(USGS, 2007). The ratio between the world mine production of Cadmium and Zinc is quite stable over
the last 20 years at about 2 kg Cd produced per tonne extracted Zinc. This corresponds to the average
concentration of Cd found in worked Zn ores of about 0.3%.
Tab. 3.1 World production in metric tonnes per year compiled from Kelly & Matos (2007) through 2004, for 2005 and
2006 the respective mineral commodity summaries from USGS (2006b) were taken.
4.2 Zinc
The remarkably low boiling point of 906 °C is important in pyrometallurgical zinc production proc-
esses. Zinc can be worked at temperatures as low as 120 °C, and its good deformability is the basis for
some of its uses. Zinc is resistant to air because of the self-protective coating formed. It is also resis-
tant to halogens, but is rapidly corroded by HCl gas. Because of its high surface area, zinc dust is
much more reactive and can even be pyrophoric, e.g., reacting vigorously at elevated temperatures
with the elements oxygen, chlorine, and sulphur (Graf & Schleininger, 1997). Zinc is traded in differ-
ent purity grades, which are specified by different authorities. In Northern America, SHG is the high-
est purity zinc grade, followed by HG and finally PW. Comparable specifications for primary zinc
grades can be found in Europe (European Standard EN 1179, Tab. 4.2), in Japan (Japanese Industrial
Standard JIS H 2107), and in Australia (Australian Standard AS 1242).
Tab. 4.2 Composition of different zinc grades in Europe, data provided by IZA .
Tab. 4.3 Some physical properties of zinc, data provided by IZA .
4.3 Cadmium
Features of Cadmium metal are compiled in Tab. 4.4. Due to its toxicity the dissipative use has been
cut down and regulated.
Tab. 4.4 Properties of cadmium .
http://www.iza.com/properties.html, access date may 2007
http://www.cadmium.org/, access date april 2007
4.4 Indium
Indium is a very soft, silvery-white metal that has a bright luster. As a pure metal indium emits a high-
pitched "cry" when it is bent. Both gallium and indium are able to wet glass. Indium has a low melting
point (429.75 K) but a high boiling point (2353.15 K). Indium becomes superconducting at 3.37 K.
Metallic indium is not oxidized by air or oxygen at room temperature. It reacts directly with arsenic,
antimony, the halogens, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, selenium, and tellurium when heated. Indium dis-
solves only slowly in cold dilute mineral acids, but more readily in hot dilute or concentrated acids.
Alkalis do not attack the massive metal. Indium forms alloys with most other metals. Extensive solid
solutions are formed with lead, thallium, and mercury. Some properties of indium are compiled in Tab.
4.5 (Wikipedia Contributors, 2007; Felix, 1996).
Tab. 4.5 Some properties of the element indium (Wikipedia Contributors, 2007; Felix, 1996).
http://www.lme.com/lead_industryusage.asp, accessed in may 2007
5.2 Zinc
Due to its manifold properties, Zinc is used in a broad field of applications (Tab. 5.1). The quantities
of first- and end-use are given in Fig. 5.2. Main uses are as follows (Graf & Schleininger, 1997):
In the industrialised countries, almost 50 % of the zinc consumed is used for corrosion protection.
Commercial zinc (98.5 – 99.5 %) is usually used for hot-dip galvanising in production and jobbing
plants, and high-purity zinc (99.95 %) for the continuous galvanising of steel strip or wire. The metal-
lurgical processes used to produce the less pure grades of zinc means that lead is the main impurity
present. This is an advantage, as the presence of 1 % lead reduces the surface tension of zinc by ca.
40 % compared with that of the high-grade product. The components being galvanised are therefore
more effectively wetted by the molten zinc.
Pressure die casting is another major area of use and is dominated by alloys of the type ZnAl4Cu1 and
modifications thereof. Approximately 50 % of all zinc pressure die castings go to the automobile in-
Zinc-based chemicals, including zinc dust, account for ca. 7 % of the worldwide zinc consumption.
Zinc oxide is quantitatively by far the most important zinc-based chemical product, followed by zinc
dust, zinc sulphate, and zinc chloride in order of importance and quantity. All other zinc compounds
are of minor importance.
Tab. 5.1 Properties, first- and end-use of zinc, data provided by IZA .
- Low melting point Die casting and gravity cast- Automotive equipment, household appliances,
- Fluidity ing fittings, toys, tools, etc.
- Capacity for surface treatment
- Strength
- Alloying characteristics Brass (copper-zinc alloy), Building/construction, fittings, automotive and
aluminium alloys, magnesium electrical components, etc.
- Chemical Zinc oxide, zinc stearate Tyres, all rubber goods, paint pigments, ceramic
glazes, electrostatic copying paper
- Essential nutrient Zinc compounds Food industry, animal feed, fertilisers
- Healing Zinc compounds Pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics industry
5.3 Cadmium
In recent years, the consumption pattern of cadmium in its various applications has shifted away from
the market areas of pigments, stabilisers and coatings to rapidly growing applications in Ni-Cd batter-
ies 7 .
Fig. 5.3 Uses of Cadmium in different applications (reference year 2003 )
http://www.iza.com/zwo_org/, access date 01.03.03
http://www.cadmium.org, accessed in April 2007
5.4 Indium
Today virtually all of the LCD produced use ITO as conducing layer. ITO is the transparent conductor
of choice in terms of high transmissivity of visible light with low electric resistivity compared to other
transparent conductors, such as tin oxide (SnO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) (Granqvist & Hultaker, 2002).
The sputtering of the substrate is done by the display manufacturers. Due to the very large cost of
building TFT factories, the number of major panel vendors is small. Several of the best known are
Sharp Corporation, Samsung Electronics, LG.Philips LCD and AU Optronics. As of April 2006, the
three biggest manufacturers are LG.Philips and Samsung with 22% of the market, followed by AU
Optronics with a 19% share (Wikipedia Contributors, 2006).
Jansseune (2003) estimates that in 2002 45% of the indium supplied went as ITO into coating,
whereas 2004 an estimated 72% of the indium was used for ITO coatings (Jorgenson & George,
2004). End 2006 Hewett (2006) estimated the share of ITO in the total indium supply to 80%. In 2004
perhaps 65 %of the indium used in coating goes into display devices, and the remainder, into transpar-
ent heat reflection. ITO coatings also are used in architectural glass and solar panel applications (high
infrared reflectance), cathode-ray tubes (CRTs), low-pressure sodium lamps, and windshield glass.
(Jorgenson & George, 2004).
In 2005 the USGS estimates that 70% of the Indium was used in coatings, electrical components and
semiconductors, 12%; solders and alloys, 12%; and research and other, 6% (USGS, 2006a).
Fig. 5.4 In 2002, the semiconductor industry accounted for 15% of indium consumption, equivalent to around 50,000
kg. Credit: USGS (Jansseune, 2003).
Fig. 5.5 In 2004 already almost 80% of the indium went into ITO coatings (Teckcominco, 2005).
In 2004 Teckcominco (2005) estimated about 640 tonnes of indium in the end-use, of which ITO coat-
ings amounted to 79% (Fig. 5.5).
Indium's largest use is for coatings. Metallic indium ingots are processed into an oxide and then mixed
with tin-oxide to form indium-tin-oxide (ITO). This material is used to produce sputtering targets.
These targets are placed in a vacuum and the ITO is "sputtered" onto glass for use in display devices
such as laptop computer screens, LCD watches, appliance display panels and portable phones.
ITO is also used in traditional applications such as low-pressure sodium lamps, architectural glass and
oven doors (heat reflector applications).
New applications for indium coatings include high definition televisions and thin screen computer
monitors (Teckcominco, 2006).
Application of ITO coatings is a wasteful process and only around 20-30% of the material actually
ends up on the substrate (Jansseune, 2005). The rest is recycled as prompt scrap.
Indium has a relatively low melting point at 157°C. This enables it to be utilized in alloy production
such as AgInSbTe sputtering target manufacturing for the electronics industry (Teckcominco, 2006).
6 System Characterisation
This chapter describes the mining of sulphidic zinc-lead deposits and the related extraction of lead and
zinc but also minor metal values (metals contained in the ore, whose extraction is profitable) such as
silver, cadmium and indium for which these deposits represent an important source for worldwide
primary production (Silver: 20%, Cadmium: 80%, Indium: ~100%). Therefore, the inventory model-
ling involves a series of multi-output processes in which all burdens are attributed by economic alloca-
tion procedures based on Guinée et al. (2004) and Althaus & Classen (2005) using the average prices
from 2004 through 2006 reported by the U.S. Geological Survey (see Tab. 3.1):
6.1. The module “mining, zinc-lead-deposit” delivers the flows
- “lead, concentrate, at beneficiation” (containing silver) and
- “zinc, concentrate, at beneficiation” (containing cadmium and indium)
6.2. The module “smelting, primary lead production” processes the concentrate to the flows
- “lead, primary, at plant” and
- “parkes process crust, from desilverising of lead” as an intermediate step for the silver chain
6.3. “lead, secondary, at plant”
6.4. “lead, at regional storage” (a blend of primary and secondary lead)
6.5. The module “smelting, primary zinc production” processes the concentrate to the flows
- “zinc, primary, at regional storage” (primary production)
- “cadmium sludge, from zinc electrolysis, at plant” as raw material for cadmium production, and
- “leaching residues, indium rich, from zinc circuit, at smelter” as raw material for indium production.
6.6. “cadmium, primary, at plant”
6.7. “indium, at regional storage”
A graphic representation is shown in Fig. 6.1, the boxes with rounded corners represent reference
flows from multi-output processes, bold lines denote datasets to be used by the LCA practitioner.
mining, zinc-lead-
deposit (GLO)
Fig. 6.1 Graphic representation of the modules and flows resulting from the mining of zinc-lead deposits.
Tab. 6.1 Meta information for the mining of zinc and lead bearing ore.
Name smelter, primary lead production lead, secondary, at plant lead, at regional storage
Location GLO RER RER
Unit kg kg kg
Data Set Version 2 2.0 2
Included Processes The module includes the pro- Collection, sorting and remelting The module includes the pro-
duction of primary lead with the of the lead contained in lead duction of primary and secon-
sinter/blast furnace (ISP) and acid batteries. dary lead for Europe.
direct smelting process, the dis-
posal of slag and final refining of
Local Name Verhüttung, Primärblei Produk- Blei, sekundär, ab Werk Blei, ab Regionallager
Synonyms Recycling of lead acid (PbA)
batteries // Recycling von Bat-
General Comment The module describes the pri- The module describes the pro- This dataset describes the sup-
to reference func- mary production of lead in duction of secondary lead in ply mix of lead used in Europe.
tion Europe. The multi-output- Europe. The feed of secondary It is modelled with a blend of
process "Smelter, primary lead material consists of scrap lead 25% primary and 75% secon-
production" delivers the co- acid (PbA) batteries form auto- dary production, complemented
products "Lead, primary, at motives. The data refers to one with the transport service re-
plant" and "Parkes process big operation in Europe that op- quired to transport the material
crust, from desilverising of erates with representative tech- to the regional storage. In the
lead".. The flow "Lead, …" is nology. global average the secondary
part of the respective European production amounts only 65%.
supply mix. The by-product
"Parkes process crust, …" re-
ceives part of the burden and
enters the silver production
Start Date 2000 2000 2000
End Date 2005 2005 2005
Data Valid For En- 1 1 1
tire Period
Geography text This module represents the pro- This module represents the This module represents the
duction of primary lead on a European production based on consumption mix of lead in
global average. a single major site in Belgium. Europe.
Technology text A mix of 56% direct smelting The referred operation uses a A mix of 25% primary and 75%
and 44% sinter/blast furnace shaft furnace with post combus- secondary production.
(ISP) is chosen. For emission tion, which is the usual technol-
control 56% improved and 44% ogy for secondary smelters.
limited control is chosen.
Representativeness 0.8 %
Production Volume 1'398'000 t in 1994 5'000'000 t in 2005
Sampling Procedure literature literature literature
Extrapolations see Geography and Technology see Geography and Technology see Geography and Technology
Tab. 6.4 Meta information for the production of primary cadmium, at regional storage.
6.1.2 Waste
The overburden is disposed of close to the mine. Tailings are deposed as piles and in ponds. In both
the overburden and the tailings acid rock drainage occurs over a long period of time. These effects are
handled in the part IX (Non Ferrous Metal Winning – Auxiliary Processes, chapter Disposal of Tail-
ings and Overburden) of this report.
6.1.3 Emission
The major emissions are mineral born pollutants in effluents and dust. The prevalently underground
mining operations generate roughly 80 % of the dust emissions from surface operations, since the ma-
jor dust sources do not take place underground. Rain percolates through the overburden and generates
metal leachates to groundwater.
Ore handling and processing produce large amounts of dust, containing PM10 and several metals from
the ore itself. Flotation produces effluents containing several organic agents 8 used. Some of these
chemicals evaporate and account for VOC emissions to air. In particular, xanthates decompose hydro-
lytically to release carbon disulphide. Tailings effluent contains additional sulphuric acid from acid
rock drainage.
Floating agents consist of collectors (xanthate or aerofloat) and frothing reagent (eg. Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol). Xanthanes
are a broad class of organic salts formed by treatment of an alcohol with carbon disulfide in the presence of an alkali, potas-
sium ethyl xanthate (KC3H5S2O, CAS No: 140-89-6). Aerofloat is a salt of carbonyldithiophosphoric acids. A widely used
frothing reagent is e.g. methyl isobutyl carbinol, CAS: 108-11-2, syn. Methyl Amyl Alcohol.
The module describes the global production mix for jointly produced zinc- and lead-concentrates from
sulphidic deposits. The multioutput-process “exploitation, zinc-lead-deposit” delivers the co-products
“lead, concentrate, at beneficiation” and “zinc, concentrate, at beneficiation”. It is designed for the use
of the concentrates as raw material for the production of lead and zinc. The layout of the modules with
general flow information, remarks, sources, values and uncertainty information is shown in Fig. 6.3
and Fig. 6.4. The following paragraphs describe calculations, sources and assumptions chosen in this
study. The functional unit of this process is one kg of added zinc- and lead-concentrates. The meta-
information for this dataset is compiled in Tab. 6.1
Fig. 6.2 gives an overview of the general assumptions made in the mass flows of this module. It is as-
sumed, that two virtually distinctive concentrate products are produced. This of course is not true in
real production, but it is a formal necessity for the further use in ecoinvent in the modules for zinc and
lead production.
The range of concentrate composition described varies considerably. Depending on the processing
technology, a high degree (60-75% of a single metal, lead or zinc) concentrate may be required. Most
smelters accept lower grade concentrates that range 50-60% Pb (e.g. Trail, Mt. Isa). In this study a
content of 55% Pb in the concentrate is chosen. The range of zinc content reported in zinc concentrates
is much narrower than for lead. A compilation of concentrates of 80 mines in (Rodier, 1990) showed a
range between 45 and 60% Zn, with a mean value of 53%. Reuter (2005) states an average zinc con-
centrate to have 50% Zn and uses 54% in his calculations.
In order to comply with the global production figures the assumption is made that not all of the minor
metals cadmium and indium are not entirely recovered. Only a share of the extracted volume is
worked for these metals, the other operations discard these metal values with the gangue. This is rep-
resented by the percentages in white colour in the input arrow in Fig. 6.2.
mining /
ore: 8'028 kg total concentrate: 1'852 kg
Pb 401 kg @ 5% 100% Pb: 95% 693 kg Pb 381 kg @ 55%
Zn 723 kg @ 9% 100% Zn: 85% Ag 0.556 kg @ 802 ppm
Ag 0.59 kg @ 73 ppm 100% Ag: 95%
Cd 24.1 kg @ 0.3% 17% Cd: 95% 1159 kg Zn 614 kg @ 53%
In 0.40 kg @ 50 ppm 39% In: 80% Cd 3.84 kg @ 0.3%
In 0.125 kg @ 108 ppm
Fig. 6.2 Basic assumptions for the mining process of zinc- and lead ore from sulphidic deposits. Values relate to the
production of the sum of 1 tonne metals contained in the concentrate, they are mainly taken from Ayres et
al. (2002) and IPPC (2001).
Tab. 6.6 Infrastructure in underground mining, assumptions used. A lifetime of ten years and 5000 working hours
yearly are estimated.
In the considered processes the ore is mined underground. The overburden is disposed in piles near the
mine, for which the standard module for disposal of sulphidic overburden has been chosen, which in-
cludes the land use and land transformation by the disposal. Overburden refilled into the mine is as-
sumed to be burden free. The degree of the refilling is documented for extraction of nickel-ores in
Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999). This source is also used for water use and effluent volume from mining.
The use of freshwater was inventoried as river water, whereas the pit water was assumed to be
groundwater, which has to be pumped out. The composition of a generic effluent from mines was
taken from IPPC (2002), its values are shown in Tab. 6.8. No waste-water treatment is considered. No
information on the energy production in mining is available. In many cases the electricity used in the
often remote mining operations is made on site by gas or coal fired power plants. In this study a split
of 75% gas fired and 25% coal fired plants was assumed based on own estimations. Specific values
and corresponding inventory flows are shown in Tab. 6.7. Cement, explosives and sand are assumed to
be transported by lorry over 100 km.
For refilling the pit, apart from overburden additional stowing material – mostly sand – and cement are
Once the ore is mined, it is ground and conditioned for subsequent concentration. Considerable
amounts of lime and flotation agents are added. The separated gangue is disposed in tailings ponds, the
concentrated ore is fed to the metallurgy, which is assumed to be on-site.
The infrastructure of beneficiation is included in mining infrastructure. Dust emissions comprise addi-
tionally the dust emissions due to mining activities. Like in the mining step, a share of 60% hydroelec-
tricity was chosen according to Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999).
Lime: Lime input is documented in Hilbrans & Hinrichs (1999) for the beneficiation of lead-/zinc-
sulphide, the input of 554 g / t ore is taken from the specific input in nickel beneficiation.
Reagents: No information on the nature and mass of the floating agents used is available. For copper
mining a range of 25 – 300 g collector and 25 – 250 g frothing reagent per ton sulphidic ore is recom-
mended (Krauss et al., 1999). This is confirmed by the values in Tab. 6.9. Collector and frother are
balanced in ecoinvent as unspecified organic chemical. According to NPI (2001) xanthates hydrolyti-
cally decompose to 0.53 mg carbon disulphide per mg xanthate. With 189 mg xanthates from Tab. 6.9
this is about 100 mg carbon disulphide per t mined ore. This again is modelled as unspecific organic
Activator and Depressants – excluding sodium cyanate – are modelled as unspecific inorganic chemi-
cals. Their emission to water is covered by reported emissions from mining sites shown in Tab. 6.8.
For pH adjustment and leaching, sulphuric acid is considered with 3.74 kg / t ore mined (Tab. 6.10).
As sulphuric acid is a by-product from the metallurgy, its production is regarded in ecoinvent as bur-
den free. Other acids are neglected.
Since composition and environmental fate of activator, depressant and sulphuric acid are uncertain,
reported data for total effluents shown in Tab. 6.8 are taken.
Sodium cyanide is widely used for extracting gold and other metals such as silver, copper and zinc. It
is used as leachate and as depressant for certain sulphidic minerals. A cyanide recovery of 80 – 90% is
reported due to abatement and recovery in the Golden Cross mine in New Zealand (Anonymous,
1998). Here a value of 80% is chosen for cyanide-abatement technology. With a reported use of 35 g
NaCN per tonne ore mined (Tab. 6.9) this means a direct emission of 3.75 g CN- per tonne ore mined.
An overview of the reagents accounted for is presented in Tab. 6.9.
Effluents: Additional to direct emissions due to the use of chemicals, emissions to water are chosen
according to Tab. 6.8. These values are from base metal sites, thus only an approximation for the real
effluent concentrations in the zinc / lead extraction. It is assumed here that the effluents also include
acid rock drainage (ARD). ARD after mine closure is modelled in the module “disposal, sulphidic tail-
ings, off-site”.
Dust: The dust emissions are approximated in both amount and particle distribution approximated
with specific values from copper mining from the CEPMEIP-Database 9 . According to IAEA 10 the
dust composition is approximated with concentrations of the zinc-lead-ore (Tab. 6.11). The dust emis-
sions are summed up in Tab. 6.11. In ecoinvent, for particulates three different classes are used, whose
total corresponds to the total dust emission.
Tab. 6.7 specific input and effluent values used and their corresponding value per t concentrate established in this
inventory. The specific values are approximated by values from sulphidic nickel deposits (Hilbrans &
Hinrichs, 1999).
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/em_factors.php, accessed in 2003
The IAEA Database of Natural Matrix Reference Materials, http://www-naweb.iaea.org/nahu/external/e4/nmrm/, accessed
Tab. 6.8 Emissions to water from mining and beneficiation. Composition of effluents from mining activities, values
are approximations from total emissions to water from base metal sites in (IPPC, 2002).
Tab. 6.9 Consumption of reagents in base metal mineral processing plants. Data taken from (IPPC, 2002).
Tab. 6.10 Emissions and input due to chemical use in beneficiation in g per tonne treated ore. The values are the ones
chosen in this study. For further details read in text and Tab. 6.9.
Tab. 6.11 Emissions to air resulting from mining activities per tonne mined ore. Approximated values derived from
reported emission factors from copper extraction and a single ore composition. Values for total dust emis-
sion and, partition of fractions of particulate matter are taken from the CEMIP-database, the dust composi-
tion correspond to a specific nickel sulphide with values taken from the IAEA-database (see text).
According to the allocation principle pursued throughout the inventory modelling in this report, an
economic allocation for the joint by-products lead and zinc concentrate is envisioned. Since beside the
main constituents lead and zinc, also silver, cadmium and indium are present in the products, also
these values have to be considered. Cadmium is considered contaminant and therefore does not affect
the allocation procedure, since it does not receive a value within the zinc production. The cadmium
containing wastes become valuable only after refining.
Tab. 6.12 Overview over the relevant parameters to determine the allocation split: composition of the by-products and
value of the metals contained.
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
Zinc, in sulphidic Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Pb,
85% yield resource in ground 3.90E-01 kg own assumptions 1 1.58 (4,2,2,1,4,4,12)
ore Ag, Cd, In, in ground
Lead, in sulphidic Lead, 5.0% in sulfide, Pb 3.0%, Zn,
95% yield resource in ground 2.17E-01 kg own assumptions 1 1.58 (4,2,2,1,4,4,12)
ore Ag, Cd, In, in ground
Cadmium, in 95% yield, in only 17% of the oredeposits Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd
resource in ground 1.30E-02 kg own assumptions 1 1.58 (4,2,2,1,4,4,12)
sulphidic ore Cd is extracted 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In, in ground
Indium, in 80% yield, in only 39% of the oredeposits Indium, 0.005% in sulfide, In
resource in ground 2.17E-04 kg own assumptions 1 1.58 (4,2,2,1,4,4,12)
sulphidic ore In is extracted 0.003%, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cd, in ground
fresh and
processwater surface water is chosen. resource in water Water, river 2.54E-03 m3 (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.53 (2,2,2,1,4,4,12)
pit water resource in water Water, well, in ground 3.09E-03 m3 (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.53 (2,2,2,1,4,4,12)
Electricity from
Assumption: 25% electricity from coal hard coal power plants No US electricity, hard coal, at power plant 4.29E-02 kWh (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.58 (4,2,2,1,4,4,2)
Electricity from electricity, natural gas, at power
Assumption: 75% electricity from gas natural gas power plants No US 1.29E-01 kWh (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.58 (4,2,2,1,4,4,2)
gas plant
exploitation infrastructure, 2000 m belts construction
infrastructrue, machinery Yes RER conveyor belt, at plant 1.46E-07 m own assumptions 1 1.33 (4,2,2,1,3,4,4)
assumed processes
conveyor belts
infrastructure of
non-ferrous metal mine,
underground including beneficiation facilities metals extraction Yes GLO 2.17E-10 unit own assumptions 1 3.32 (5,5,1,1,1,5,9)
mining operation
overburden, waste
residual material landfill No GLO disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-site 2.04E+00 kg (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.53 (2,2,2,1,4,4,6)
disposed management
overburden, refilled not inventoried, no ecological burden 9.26E-01 kg (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.53 (2,2,2,1,4,4,6)
Fig. 6.3 Flows for "exploitation, zinc-lead deposit" (GLO) (part mining) and its representation in the ecoinvent database
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
included in mining
fresh and
processwater resource in water Water, well, in ground 6.00E-03 m3 (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.53 (2,2,2,1,4,4,12)
lime others No CH limestone, milled, packed, at plant 2.40E-03 kg (Krauss, 1999) 1 2 reported values
transports, lorry, transportation of lime and chemicals, transport calculation based on
road No RER transport, lorry >16t, fleet average 1.88E-03 tkm calculation 1 2.11
benefication 100km assumed. systems values for lime and
included in infrastructure for mining
floating agents,
Collector and frother chemicals organics No GLO chemicals organic, at plant 9.79E-04 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 2 reported values
floating agents,
Depressant and activator chemicals inorganics No GLO chemicals inorganic, at plant 3.34E-03 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 2 reported values
Sodium cyanide chemicals organics No RER hydrogen cyanide, at plant 1.52E-04 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 2 reported values
burden-free, since byproduct from
Sulphuric Acid 1.62E-02 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 2 reported values
not clear, wether net disposal or partly re-
waste (2,2,2,1,4,4,6); reported
tailings, disposed filled in mine. Here assumed as net residual material landfill No GLO disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-site 2.21E+00 kg (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.53
management values
tailings, refilled not inventoried, no ecological burden 1.13E+00 kg (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.53 (2,2,2,1,4,4,6)
Detailed composition see Tab. 6.9, p. 30
effluents, (2,2,2,1,4,4,6); reported
(variability of the single emissions has 6.00E-03 m3 (Hilbrans, 1999) 1 1.53
benefication values
with stdev95 of 10)
(IPPC, 2002),
Emission Cyanide From sodium cyanide, 80% control water river Cyanide 1.62E-05 kg 1 1.79 (2,2,2,3,4,4,33)
(Anonymous 1998)
Fig. 6.4 Flows for "exploitation, zinc-lead deposit" (part beneficiation) and its representation in the ecoinvent database
There are two methods of refining crude lead: electrolytic refining and pyrometallurgical refining.
Electrolytic refining uses anodes of de-copperised lead bullion and starter cathodes of pure lead. This
is a high-cost process and is used infrequently. A pyrometallurgical refinery consists of a series of ket-
tles, which are indirectly heated by oil or gas. Over a series of separation processes impurities and
metal values are separated from the lead bouillon.
6.2.2 Waste
The production of metals is related to the generation of several by-products, residues and wastes,
which are also listed in the European Waste Catalogue (Council Decision 94/3/EEC). The ISF or di-
rect smelting furnaces also are significant sources of solid slag. This slag has been subjected to high
temperatures and generally contains low levels of leachable metals, consequently it may be used in
construction. Solid residues also arise as the result of the treatment of liquid effluents. The main waste
stream is gypsum waste (CaSO4) and metal hydroxides that are produced at the wastewater neutralisa-
tion plant. These wastes are considered to be a cross-media effect of these treatment techniques but
many are recycled to pyrometallurgical process to recover the metals. Dust or sludge from the treat-
ment of gases are used as raw materials for the production of other metals such as Ge, Ga, In and As,
etc or can be returned to the smelter or into the leach circuit for the recovery of lead and zinc. Hg/Se
residues arise at the pre-treatment of mercury or selenium streams from the gas cleaning stage. This
solid waste stream amounts to approximately 40 - 120 t/y in a typical plant. Hg and Se can be recov-
ered from these residues depending on the market for these metals.
6.2.3 Emission
The main emissions to air from zinc and lead production are sulphur dioxide, other sulphur com-
pounds and acid mists; nitrogen oxides and other nitrogen compounds, metals and their compounds;
dust; VOC and dioxins. Other pollutants are considered to be of negligible importance for the industry,
partly because they are not present in the production process and partly because they are immediately
neutralised (e.g. chlorine) or occur in very low concentrations. Emissions are to a large extent bound
to dust (except cadmium, arsenic and mercury that can be present in the vapour phase).
Metals and their compounds and materials in suspension are the main pollutants emitted to water. The
metals concerned are Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg, Se, Cu, Ni, As, Co and Cr. Other significant substances are fluo-
rides, chlorides and sulphates. Wastewater from the gas cleaning of the smelter and fluid-bed roasting
stages are the most important sources.
Direct smelting process (QSL, Kivcet, etc., 56% of world production, Tab. 6.14)
The inputted raw materials and the emission factors are combined according to the production share in
order to for the inventory in ecoinvent (Fig. 6.5 and Fig. 6.6). No quantitative compilation of electric-
ity production is available, therefore the UCTE production mix was chosen as approximation (year
2000: nuclear 15%; hydro 4%; fossil 81% 11 ).
The two predominant processes differ also in emission factors per tonne lead produced. Where the
older sinter oxidation / blast furnace processes exhibit limited abatement possibilities, higher emis-
sions occur from these (Tab. 6.15). The more recent direct smelting processes in contrast have im-
proved emission control (Tab. 6.16). The combination of the two process technologies combined ac-
cording to their production shares gives the emission factors used in this inventory (Tab. 6.17). Some
of the emissions generally reported in literature and stated in the previous section – Ge, Ga, In, Se,
acid mists, VOC (air); fluorides, chlorides and sulphates (water) – are not covered by this inventory
because no emission factors could be found. The dioxin emissions are approximated with the reported
emission factor of 50 μg-TEQ / t secondary zinc production in EC (2002).
Tab. 6.13 Lead production: Sinter oxidation / blast furnace reduction. Input / output and energy demand reported from
various sources. ISF = Imperial smelting furnace. 44 % of the lead production, emission factors in this table
are combined with 56 % direct smelting in Tab. 6.14
Source Ayres et al. IPPC IPPC (2001) IPPC (2001) This study
(2002) (2001)
Type Unknown ISF 4) Shaft Shaft furn.
furn.(min) (max)
Sec. materials kg 926
Concentrate kg 3312 926
Total raw material kg 3312 1852 1855 1)
Fluxes kg 2691 n. a. n. a. n. a. 2691 1)
Lime kg 92 n. a. n. a. n. a. 92 1)
Coking Coal kg 667 741 150 225 446 2)
Natural Gas MJ 1815 2541 1089
Electricity kWh 180 300 120
Iron kg n. a. n. a. 120 170 145
Sulphur kg 3 n. a. n. a. n. a. 3
Air (Oxygen source) kg 12334 n. a. n. a. n. a. 12334
Slag kg 3661 519 519 3)
Sulfuric acid kg 2021 1296 2021
Lead, refined kg 1000 259 1000 1000 1000
Lead+Zinc kg 1000
Corresponds to the raw material composition given by preceding inventory “mining, zinc-lead deposits”.
Arithmetic mean, processes assumed to be evenly partitioned.
value of IPPC (2001) taken, assuming that this figure represents internal recycling in contrary to the total
value calculated in Ayres et al. (2002)
Values normalised to the sum of 1 t metal (lead and zinc) produced.
n. a. = no values were reported, but not zero.
Tab. 6.14 Lead production: Direct smelting. Input / output and energy demand per tonne lead reported in IPPC (2001).
56 % of the lead production, emission factors are combined with 44 % blast furnace / ISF in Tab. 6.13
Tab. 6.15 Lead: Emissions to air per tonne lead produced – limited control. Values are collected from various
sources; they correspond to the conventional sinter-oxidation / blast furnace reduction process.
Tab. 6.16 Lead: Emissions to air per tonne lead produced – improved control. Values are collected from various
sources. They correspond to the direct smelting process.
Tab. 6.17 Emission factors per tonne lead produced used in this inventory. Combination of limited and improved
emission control according to the technologies and their production share (see Tab. 6.15 and Tab. 6.16).
Tab. 6.18 Emission to air: solid particles. Values taken from CEPMEIP-Database (SNAP 030304). Values might be
overestimated considering that TSP from fuels burned in the smelting process are included in the shown
figures. Additionally, TSP is accounted for in the respective modules for burning of fuels whose require-
ments are in Tab. 6.13 and Tab. 6.14.
Tab. 6.19 Emissions to water. Due to lack of data the values for a Chinese zinc smelter reported in Xiao et al. (2003)
are used.
Tab. 6.20 By-products of primary lead production: Composition, flows and value to derive the revenue-based alloca-
tion factors (Values are the year averages from 2004 through 2006, reported by the U.S. Geological Survey)
Tab. 6.21 Individual correction factors to of the respective by-products in the lead production.
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
Concentrate contains 55% lead
(1.02 kg Pb, yield = 98%) and lead concentrate, at
Concentrate metals extraction No GLO 1.86E+00 kg Calculation 1 1.33 (3,3,2,1,3,5,4)
0.08% silver (1.49 g Ag, yield = beneficiation
smelting, primary lead production (inputs)
Pb resource in concentrate fully
Correction Pb in resource correction, PbZn, lead,
allocated to the Pb bearing by- metals extraction No GLO 3.54E-02 kg calculation 1 1.33 (3,3,2,1,3,5,4)
Conc -> Pb positive
product. Correction Lead
Pb resource in concentrate fully
Correction Pb in resource correction, PbZn, lead,
allocated to the Pb bearing by- metals extraction No GLO 3.54E-02 kg calculation 1 1.33 (3,3,2,1,3,5,4)
Conc -> Ag negative
product. Correction Silver.
Ag resource in concentrate fully
Correction Ag in resource correction, PbZn,
allocated to the Ag bearing by- metals extraction No GLO 1.52E-03 kg calculation 1 1.33 (3,3,2,1,3,5,4)
Conc -> Pb silver, negative
product. Correction Lead
Ag resource in concentrate fully
Correction Ag in resource correction, PbZn,
allocated to the Ag bearing by- metals extraction No GLO 1.52E-03 kg calculation 1 1.33 (3,3,2,1,3,5,4)
Conc -> Ag silver, positive
product. Correction Silver
construction limestone, milled, packed, at
Lime (total) lime + 50% of "Fluxes" others No CH 6.69E-01 kg (Ayres, 2002) 1 1.25 (3,3,2,1,3,3,4)
materials plant
silica sand 50% of "Fluxes" additives No DE silica sand, at plant 6.28E-01 kg (Ayres, 2002) 1 1.25 (3,3,2,1,3,3,4)
Electricity from UCTE mix: nuclear 15%; hydro 4%; electricity, medium voltage,
electricity production mix No UCTE 1.58E-01 kWh (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.33 (3,3,2,1,3,5,2)
Grid fossil 81% production UCTE, at grid
natural gas, burned in industrial
Natural Gas natural gas heating systems No RER 5.77E-01 MJ (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.25 (3,3,2,1,3,3,1)
furnace >100kW
Sulfur not inventoried, negligible 1.32E-03 kg (Ayres, 2002) 1 1.25 (3,3,2,1,3,3,4)
Oxygen chemicals inorganics No RER oxygen, liquid, at plant 2.10E-01 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.25 (3,3,2,1,3,3,4)
Nitrogen chemicals inorganics No RER nitrogen, liquid, at plant 2.07E-02 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.25 (3,3,2,1,3,3,2)
Fig. 6.5 Flows for "Smelting, primary lead production" (inputs) and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Modul name
in ecoinvent
mean value
Mean value
Source for
disposal, nickel smelter slag,
Proxy for disposal of lead smelter waste
smelting, primary lead production (outputs)
Slag residual material landfill No CH 0% water, to residual material 4.24E-01 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.25 (3,3,2,1,3,3,6)
slag. management
used, e.g. in beneficiation --> not
Sulphuric Acid 1.16E+00 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.25 (3,3,2,1,3,3,4)
Cu water river Copper, ion 5.00E-06 kg (Xiao, 2003) 1 5.07 values from Zn-
Pb water river Lead 1.80E-05 kg (Xiao, 2003) 1 5.07 values from Zn-
As water river Arsenic, ion 1.00E-06 kg (Xiao, 2003) 1 5.07 values from Zn-
Hg water river Mercury 4.30E-08 kg (Xiao, 2003) 1 5.07 values from Zn-
Cd water river Cadmium, ion 2.60E-06 kg (Xiao, 2003) 1 5.07 values from Zn-
COD, Chemical Oxygen
COD water river 5.83E-04 kg (Xiao, 2003) 1 1.58 values from Zn-
BOD5, Biological Oxygen calculated, based
BSB5 water river 3.89E-04 kg 1 1.58 values from Zn-
Demand on (Xiao, 2003)
calculated, based
TOC water river TOC, Total Organic Carbon 2.28E-04 kg 1 1.58 values from Zn-
on (Xiao, 2003)
calculated, based
DOC water river DOC, Dissolved Organic Carbon 2.28E-04 kg 1 1.58 values from Zn-
on (Xiao, 2003)
Lead air low population density Lead 3.12E-04 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 5.04 (3,4,2,1,1,4,22)
Antimony air low population density Antimony 2.26E-06 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 5.04 (3,4,2,1,1,4,22)
Mercury air low population density Mercury 8.31E-08 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 5.04 (3,4,2,1,1,4,22)
Arsenic air low population density Arsenic 4.06E-06 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 5.04 (3,4,2,1,1,4,22)
PM<2.5 air low population density Particulates, < 2.5 um 1.65E-04 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 3.04 (3,4,2,1,1,4,27)
Particulates, > 2.5 um, and <
PM2.5-10 air low population density 1.18E-04 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.28 (3,4,2,1,1,4,28)
PM>10 air low population density Particulates, > 10 um 4.72E-05 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.46 (3,4,2,1,1,4,29)
Cadmium air low population density Cadmium 3.26E-06 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.55 (3,4,2,1,1,4,16)
Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8- European Dioxin
TCDD air low population density 5.00E-11 kg 1 10 reported
tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Inventory
Carbon dioxide
0.44 kg CO2 / kg lime air unspecified Carbon dioxide, fossil 2.94E-01 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.58 (4,2,2,3,4,4,14)
from lime addition
Sulphur Dioxide air low population density Sulfur dioxide 3.30E-02 kg (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.19 (3,4,2,1,1,4,15)
Fig. 6.6 Flows for "Smelting, primary lead production " (outputs) and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Tab. 6.22 Unit process data for “lead, secondary, at plant” as given in Fisher et al. (2006).
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
Approximated with the dataset for
Lead acid
collection and preparation of iron metals extraction No RER iron scrap, at plant 1.54E+00 kg Fisher et al (2006) 2 0.08 normal dist +/- 5%
Iron scrap metals extraction No RER iron scrap, at plant 6.15E-03 kg Fisher et al (2006) 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3,4)
lead, secondary, at plant (input)
Sulphur chemicals inorganics No RER secondary sulphur, at refinery 1.38E-03 kg Fisher et al (2006) 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3,4)
Fig. 6.7 Unit process inventories of the data set “Lead, secondary, at plant (inputs)”.
Modul name
in ecoinvent
mean value
Mean value
Source for
waste heat Calculated from electricity use. air high population density No RER Heat, waste 1.95E-01 MJ Calculations 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3,13)
lead, secondary, at plant
SO2 air high population density No RER Sulfur dioxide 1.09E-02 kg Fisher et al (2006) 1 1.52 (1,4,1,3,1,3,31)
Pb air high population density Lead 1.95E-06 kg Fisher et al (2006) 1 1.52 (1,4,1,3,1,3,31)
Sb air high population density Antimony 8.62E-09 kg Fisher et al (2006) 1 1.52 (1,4,1,3,1,3,31)
Lead to processor metals extraction No RER lead, secondary, at plant 1.00E+00 kg Fisher et al (2006) 1
Fig. 6.7 (Continued) Unit process inventories of the data set “Lead, secondary, at plant (outputs)”.
Modul name
in ecoinvent
mean value
Mean value
Source for
A global share of 25%
Primary Lead primary production metals extraction No GLO lead, primary, at plant 2.50E-01 kg Roberts (2003) 4 Uniform dist
lead, at regional
A global share of 75%
Secondary Lead secondary production metals extraction No RER lead, secondary, at plant 7.50E-01 kg Roberts (2003) 4 Uniform dist
Fig. 6.8 Unit process inventories of the data set Lead, at regional storage.
Fig. 6.9 General scheme of zinc production (Dove & Boustead, 1998). The pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical
production processes account for 20% and 80% of the world production, respectively (IPPC, 2001).
metal run-off from the bottom of the second column is high-grade zinc (SHG) of 99.995% purity. The
run-off metal from the first stage is zinc with lead, tin, arsenic, iron, antimony and copper impurities.
This alloy is cooled to separate lead, which is recycled to the ISF splash condenser and an inter-
metallic compound of iron, zinc and arsenic, which is recycled to the ISF itself. The zinc is then
treated with sodium to remove residual arsenic and antimony as sodium arsenides and antimonides,
respectively, which are also recycled to the ISF. The zinc produced in this way is of a lower grade
(GOB), but free of cadmium, and is used mainly for galvanising (IPPC, 2001).
Fig. 6.10 Process scheme, part of the pyrometallurgical process route (rectification). The residues of the first stage
distillation are processed to GOB Zinc (lowest quality, “Good Ordinary Brand”), which is used for galvanis-
ing, where as the SHG Zinc (highest quality, “Special High Grade”) is won by a second distillation (IPPC,
The hydrometallurgical route is used for zinc sulphide, oxide, carbonate or silicate concentrates, mak-
ing about 80% of the total world output. The majority of the EU production facilities use the hydro-
metallurgical process, with a total production capacity of 1’665’000 t/a in 1997. Sulphide concentrates
are roasted first in fluidised bed roasters to produce zinc oxide and sulphur dioxide. Roasting is an
exothermic process and no additional fuel is used to sustain the reaction, the heat generated is recov-
ered. The zinc oxide (calcine) passes from the furnace and is collected and cooled. Roaster gases are
treated in hot electric precipitators to remove dust (which is passed to the calcine). Other dust and
volatile metals such as Hg and Se are removed in a gas cleaning train that incorporates scrubbing sys-
tems and wet EPs. The sulphur dioxide is then converted to sulphuric acid in a conventional recovery
system. Leaching of the calcine is carried out in a number of successive stages using a gradually in-
creasing strength of hot sulphuric acid. The initial stages do not dissolve significant amounts of iron
but the later ones do. The leaching process is carried out in a variety of reactors using open tanks.
Leaching may be stopped after the neutral leach. The leach residue is sent to an ISF and added to the
sinter feed. Zinc, lead and silver are recovered as metals, sulphur as H2SO4. Instead of an ISF, a Waelz
Kiln may be used but SO2 absorption is necessary in such a case. Other metals are also dissolved dur-
ing the process and are removed after leaching. Iron is the major impurity, which is precipitated in
three basic forms; Jarosite, Goethite or Haemetite (IPPC, 2001). Zinc produced hydrometallurgically
does not need to be refined (Graf & Schleininger, 1997).
6.5.2 Waste
The production of metals is related to the generation of several by-products, residues and wastes,
which are also listed in the European Waste Catalogue (Council Decision 94/3/EEC). The electrolytic
production of zinc is one of the main sources of solid waste in the non-ferrous industry. Relatively
large quantities of iron based solids are generated by the leaching process. Jarosite and goethite are
classified as hazardous waste because of the content of leachable elements such as Cd, Pb and As. The
leaching and purification processes and electrolysis of zinc and the refining stages of lead also gener-
ate other metal rich solids. These are usually rich in a specific metal and are recycled to the appropri-
ate production process. The ISF or direct smelting furnaces also are significant sources of solid slag.
This slag has been subjected to high temperatures and generally contains low levels of leachable met-
als, consequently then may be used in construction. Solid residues also arise as the result of the treat-
ment of liquid effluents. The main waste stream is gypsum waste (CaSO4) and metal hydroxides that
are produced at the wastewater neutralisation plant. Some of these wastes are recycled to pyrometal-
lurgical process to recover the metals. Dust or sludge from the treatment of gases are used as raw ma-
terials for the production of other metals such as Ge, Ga, In and As etc or can be returned to a smelter
or into the leach circuit for the recovery of lead and zinc. Hg/Se residues arise at the pre-treatment of
mercury or selenium streams from the gas cleaning stage. This solid waste stream amounts to ap-
proximately 40 - 120 t/y in a typical plant. Hg and Se can be recovered from these residues depending
on the market demand for these metals (IPPC, 2001).
6.5.3 Emission
The emissions to air can escape the process either as stack emissions or as fugitive emissions depend-
ing on the age of the plant and the technology used. Stack emissions are normally monitored continu-
ously or periodically and reported. The main emissions to air from zinc production are sulphur dioxide
(SO2), other sulphur compounds and acid mists; oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and other nitrogen com-
pounds; metals and their compounds; dust; VOC and dioxins (IPPC, 2001).
Main emissions to water are metals and their compounds and materials in suspension are the main pol-
lutants emitted to water. The metals concerned are Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg, Se, Cu, Ni, As, Co and Cr. Other
significant substances are fluorides, chlorides and sulphates (IPPC, 2001).
5000 km transport by ship is assumed. Since Europe is the world leader in zinc production, no imports
of refined zinc is assumed.
Demand in materials and energy: The input of zinc concentrate was taken from Ayres et al. (2002)
to be in line with the material flow. Most other values are taken from Xiao et al. (2003), which inven-
toried one hydro- and one pyrometallurgical smelter in China. Electricity values had to be taken from
IPPC (2001) since the detailed values presented in Xiao et al. (2003) could not be reproduced. Never-
theless they are shown together with the actually chosen values and the resulting mix in Tab. 6.24.
Also the coal gas consumption reported by Xiao et al. (2003) seems to be too high compared to the
values for natural gas reported by IPPC (2001). Since no information on the composition and heating
value of the coal gas was available, the numbers for natural gas given by IPPC were taken in this
study. There are indications that the total energy consumption indicated by IPPC (2001) is 27% and
31% of the values for the Hydro and the Pyro process reported in Xiao et al. (2003). However, since
Xiao et al. (2003) does not characterise energy carrier and end energy uses sufficiently his results re-
main ambiguous an are not taken. No quantitative compilation of electricity production is available,
therefore for pyrometallurgical processes the UCTE production mix was chosen as approximation
(year 2000: nuclear 15%; hydro 4%; fossil 81% 12 ). Since the electrolysis plants depend on cheap and
readily available electricity, they often are located near hydropower dams often owned by the metal-
lurgical enterprise. A compilation of electricity sources for the aluminium electrolysis is given in the
part “Aluminium” of this report, where a specific dataset for the electricity production for the alumin-
ium electrolysis is established. This dataset is chosen to approximate the zinc electrolysis.
Emissions and disposal. Wastewater is reflected by the direct emissions and the volume reported in
Xiao et al. (2003) and IPPC (2001). An additional process covers solely the treatment process itself –
infrastructure, mixing and pumping, without accounting for specific emissions from wastewater– as if
the treated wastewater was unpolluted (Doka (2003)). Emissions are summed up in Tab. 6.25 (particu-
late emission to air) and Tab. 6.26 (other emissions to air and to water). The dioxin emissions are ap-
proximated with the reported emission factor of 50 μg-TEQ / t secondary zinc production in EC
Tab. 6.24 Zinc production: input and output according to different sources. The values chosen in this study reflect the
production split of 80% hydro- and 20% pyrometallurgical production.
Type Hydro Zinc Elec- Pyro (ISP) ISP This study, split
trolysis 80 hydro : 20 py-
(Hydro) ro
Source Xiao et al. IPPC (2001) Xiao et al. IPPC (2001)
(2003) (2003)
unit per t Zn per t Zn per t Zn per t Zn per t Zn
concentrate kg 1855 1)
Water t 16.2 130 39.0
Diesel oil t 6.0E-4 2.5E-3 6.4E-4
steam t 1.24 0.53 1.09
Oxygen t 0.54 0.108
Jarosite t 0.350 0.280
Solid wastes t 0.323 0.582 0.3753)
Total coal t 0.801 2.82 1.1 0.22 2)
Coal gas m3 769 3247 Not defined
Natural gas m3 160 32.0 2)
total fuel MJ 40274 148309
Electricity kWh 3835 4100 918 1050 3490 2)
total energy MJ 54080 151614
Corresponds to the chosen content (55%) and the process yield of 98%.
Energy values given in Xiao et al. (2003) could not be reproduced on the basis of the publication; the
values reported from IPPC (2001) were taken instead.
Including indium and cadmium containing residues and sludges.
Tab. 6.26 Zinc: Emissions to water and air, except particulates & emissions from fuel combustion. Values correspond
to the production of 1 t zinc with hydro- and pyrometallurgical processes. The values chosen in this study
reflect the production split of 80% hydro- and 20% pyrometallurgical production. Some values are not re-
ported by Xiao et al. (2003); for calculations they are approximated with zero.
be regarded as contaminant that has to be isolated from the main product anyway, the cadmium con-
taining sludge is regarded as burden free (cut-off).
Given an extraction yield of 60% and under the assumption, the indium contained in the residue
amounts to 10% of the sales proceeds, a share of 0.09% of the burden is allocated to the indium con-
taining by-product.
In production in tpa / Zn
production in tpa
Fig. 6.11 Quotient of worldwide indium refinery production and zinc mine production as base for the assessment of
the mulit-output relation in ecoinvent USGS, 2006b). For explanations see in text above.
Tab. 6.27 By-products of primary zinc production: Composition, flows and value to derive the value-based allocation
Metal Process zinc concen- cadmium leaching re- Zinc, primary Value
Yield trate sludge sidues, In (output)
(input) (output) (output)
% Content Content Content Content $ / kg
Zn 97 % 53% 100% 1.88
Cd 99 % 45% -
In 60 % 0.01% 77.5
Amount in kg 1.91 0.00338 0.34 1.00
Value contained (in $) - 0.003 1.88
Allocation by Value - 0.14% 99.86%
Tab. 6.28 Individual correction factors to allocate the resource depletion to the respective by-products in order to bal-
ance the mass flow.
in ecoinvent
Modul name
mean value
Mean value
Source for
Concentrate contains 53% zinc
(1.01 kg Zn, yield = 99%), 0.33%
zinc concentrate, at
Concentrate cadmium (1.74 g Cd, yield = 99%) metals extraction No GLO 1.91E+00 kg Calculation 1 1.33 (3,3,2,1,3,5,4)
and 0.01% indium (0.06 g In, yield
smelting, primary zinc production (inputs)
= 60%)
Cd resource in concentrate fully
Correction Cd in Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd Calculation from
allocated to the Cd bearing by- resource in ground -5.55E-05 kg 1 1.33
Conc -> In 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In, in ground concentrate input
product. Correction Indium.
Cd resource in concentrate fully
Correction Cd in Cadmium, 0.30% in sulfide, Cd Calculation from
allocated to the Cd bearing by- resource in ground -3.95E-02 kg 1 1.33
Conc -> Zn 0.18%, Pb, Zn, Ag, In, in ground concentrate input
product. Correction Zinc
Zn resource in concentrate fully
Correction Zn in Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Calculation from
allocated to Zinc. Correction resource in ground - kg 1 1.33
Conc -> Cd Pb, Ag, Cd, In, in ground concentrate input
Correction Zn in Zn resource in concentrate fully Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Calculation from
resource in ground -1.66E-03 kg 1 1.33
Conc -> In allocated to Zinc. Correction Indium Pb, Ag, Cd, In, in ground concentrate input
Correction Zn in Zn resource in concentrate fully Zinc, 9.0% in sulfide, Zn 5.3%, Calculation from
resource in ground 1.66E-03 kg 1 1.33
Conc -> Zn allocated to Zinc. Correction Zinc. Pb, Ag, Cd, In, in ground concentrate input
Fig. 6.12 Flows for "Zinc for coating, at regional storage" (inputs) and its representation in the ecoinvent
Modul name
in ecoinvent
mean value
Mean value
Source for
Portion of the waste fraction that is
waste disposal, inert waste, 5% water,
Solid wastes not processed for byproduct metals inert material landfill No CH 3.20E-02 kg (Xiao, 2003) 1 1.25 (3,3,2,1,3,3,6)
management to inert material landfill
but disposed of.
low population
Pb (air) air Lead 1.04E-04 kg (Xiao, 2003) 1 5.04 (3,4,2,1,1,4,22)
low population
Zn (air) air Zinc 2.08E-03 kg (Xiao, 2003) 1 5.04 (3,4,2,1,1,4,22)
low population
Hg (air) air Mercury 2.29E-05 kg (Xiao, 2003) 1 5.04 (3,4,2,1,1,4,22)
low population
As (air) air Arsenic 1.26E-05 kg (Xiao, 2003) 1 5.04 (3,4,2,1,1,4,22)
low population
PM<2.5 air Particulates, < 2.5 um 1.88E-04 kg CEPMEIP 1 3.04 (3,4,2,1,1,4,27)
low population Particulates, > 2.5 um, and <
PM2.5-10 air 3.60E-05 kg CEPMEIP 1 1.28 (3,4,2,1,1,4,28)
density 10um
low population
PM>10 air Particulates, > 10 um 3.60E-05 kg CEPMEIP 1 1.46 (3,4,2,1,1,4,29)
low population Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8- European Dioxin
TCDD air 5.00E-11 kg 1 10 reported
density tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Inventory
low population
SO2 (air) air Sulfur dioxide 1.75E-02 kg (Xiao, 2003) 1 1.19 (3,4,2,1,1,4,15)
high population
waste heat Calculated from electricity use. air No RER Heat, waste 1.26E+01 MJ Calculations 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3,13)
Fig. 6.13 Flows for "zinc for coating, at regional storage" (outputs) and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Fig. 6.14 Sources and process routes for cadmium production. The most common production path is the electrolysis
from processed cadmium sludge from hydrometallurgical Zinc operations (Schulte-Schrepping & Piscator,
2002), modelled in this study.
Further secondary starting materials mentioned above may be added to potential primary raw materials
without causing large alterations in the refining process. The different raw materials are dissolved in a
Cadmium is extracted by oxidizing the enriched starting materials solutions. In order to oxidize the
cadmium, either air is blown in or manganese dioxide is added. Cadmium is precipitated from the so-
lution as a metal sponge by reduction with zinc dust. The precipitated sponge contains 90 % cadmium
and only 2.5 % zinc.
Today, the largest amounts of cadmium are recovered electrolytically. The cadmium sponge is precipi-
tated directly in the tank with the electrolytic acid. The anode consists of lead, which does not dis-
solve, whereas the cathode is aluminum sheet. The current yield is ca. 93 %; the energy consumption
is 1250 kWh per tonne of cadmium cathode sheet deposited. Typical impurity levels in electrolytic
cadmium sheet are 5 – 10 ppm Cu, 15 – 20 ppm Pb, 5 – 10 ppm Tl, and 5 ppm Zn.
The layout of the modules, general flow information, remarks, sources, values and uncertainty infor-
mation are shown in
Fig. 6.15. The following paragraphs describe calculations, sources and assumptions chosen in this
study. The functional unit of this process is one kg of refined cadmium sheet. Tab. 6.4 in the begin-
ning of this chapter summarises the meta-information for this dataset.
Precipitation. The zinc dust used for cementation of the cadmium sponge is recovered later in the
sludge of the electrolysis and will be returned into the zinc cycle. Therefore no account for zinc dust is
Oxidation. The oxidation of the sponge is often done with air, therefore no chemicals consumption is
considered in this step. Also no additional heat for drying is assumed.
Electrolysis. The consumption of 1.25 kWh electricity per kg sheet is considered in this inventory as
reported in Schulte-Schrepping & Piscator (2002). Taking copper electrowinning as approximation,
0.2 m3 electrolyte per tonne is bled (drained) and purified for recycling into electrolytic refining
(Davenport et al., 2002). It is assumed that all of this volume is replenished with fresh electrolyte (180
kg H2SO4 per m3), since no process data on the purification of spent electrolyte are available.
Because of the lack of a complete and contiguous LCI study that treats the production of cadmium and
the absence of problematic processes and auxiliaries employed, no emissions to air and water could be
Modul name
in ecoinvent
mean value
Mean value
Source for
Cadmium starting cadmium sludge, from zinc
metals extraction No GLO 2.24E+00 kg Calculations 4 uniform dist +/- 5%
material electrolysis, at plant
cadmium, primary,
Electricity for electricity, medium voltage, Schulte-Schrepping
electricity production mix No UCTE 1.25E+00 kWh 4 1.13 (1,2,3,3,1,3,2)
electrolysis production UCTE, at grid (2002)
Fig. 6.15 Input and output flows for "cadmium, primary production, at regional storage"
Based on the above mentioned sources it can be concluded that most of the indium produced today is
won in hydrometallurgical zinc operations like the Akita refinery in Akita, JP or the Zhouzhou smelter
in Hunan Province, China, Cominco’s Trail operation (30 tonnes per year 13 ) or Falconbridge’s Kidd
Creek Refinery, Canada. These operations process ores from close-by mines and indium bearing in-
termediate products, prompt scrap and post consumer scrap.
A typical process scheme for this type of operations is given in Fig. 6.16 on the example of the Kidd
Creek refinery. The process is similar to the descriptions given in Kudo & Maruyama (2001) and
Power Porto (1990).
Fig. 6.16 Process scheme of Falconbridge’s Kidd Creek refinery
The leach solution which carries indium has usually a concentration of 120 ppm in Zinc residue
(Akita, Alfantazi & Moskalyk, 2003), 50-70 mg / L after first leaching (Akita, Felix, 1996) 690 mg / L
(typical zinc plant after concentration, Fortes et al., 2003), 200 mg / L (Laboratory setting, Liu et al.,
2006, 0.4% (in secondary oxide, 0.68% after preleaching Felix, 1996), 2.7% chloride slag (capper
pass, Felix, 1996). Stevens (2007) indicates a range of 300-500 ppm for high indium concentrates.
This solution is concentrated either by SX or a row of neutralisation-precipitation steps to ca. 1 g / L
(Power Porto, 1990), or 2 g / L (Akita; Felix, 1996). From this solution sponge indium is precipitated
either on aluminium sheets or with zinc powder. The resulting sponge is cast to raw indium anodes
with a purity of 95-99.5 %.
As Tomii & Tsuchida (1981) put forward, a main challenge of the neutralisation process is the re-
moval of accompanying contaminants, therefore this quite unspecific procedure is highly complicated,
costly and does not yield the purity required for subsequent refining to 5N (five nines = 99.999%)
quality. Within the different concentration techniques SX today is regarded as one of the most promis-
ing separation operations (Paiva, 2001).
In 2005, http://www.teckcominco.com/operations/trail/production.htm, accessed in april 2007
http://www.xstrata.com/, accessed in april 2007
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10 - 65 -
6. System Characterisation
However, because of the presence of ions with similar extraction tendency as indium, it is difficult to
prepare high purity indium (>4N) only by electrowinning unless several combinations of purification
methods are applied (Zhou & Ruan, 2006).
Therefore a sequence of (i) solvent extraction (ii) cementation with zinc powder (iii) anode casting is
considered to be the most appropriate process for gaining raw indium that meets the requirements for
further refining to over 5N quality. This process corresponds to the study set-up in Power Porto (1990)
that is shown in Fig. 6.17.
Fig. 6.17 Study set-up of a semi industrial extraction facility by Power Porto (1990) that reflects an up-to-date solvent
extraction process scheme. Process covers solvent extraction and cementation; the resulting cementate
(“In-Zementat”) is cast further into anodes, which is not depicted in this figure.
uum. The impurity metals, which are not well removed by chemical methods, are easily removed by
vacuum refining at relatively low temperatures (Lee & Sohn, 2003).
2006 BHP Billiton Annual Report, Information on the Company: Pinto Valley Operation produced 8’500 t in 2006
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10 - 67 -
6. System Characterisation
No information on electrorefining of indium was available. However, this process – where the anode
dissolves anodically – usually ranges between 0.2 to 0.5 kWh per kg. In this inventory a value as re-
quired in copper refining is chosen. In Davenport et al. (2002, Tab 16.4) for electrorefining of copper a
range of 0.25 to 0.35 kWh / kg is given. Taking the upper value, an electricity consumption of 0.35
kWh per kg indium cathode sheet is assumed.
Belsky et al. (1980) state a current density of 0.015 to 0.03 A / cm2 (150 to 300 A / m2) for the elec-
trorefining of indium, which is comparable to copper (200 to 300 A / m2). Zhou et al. (2005) deter-
mine optimal conditions of 0.2-0.3 V bath voltage but at lower current densities of 50-80 A / m2.
In Davenport et al. (2002) it is stated that 0.1 to 0.2 m3 electrolyte is bled per tonne of copper, i.e. re-
circulated for purification. In Zhou et al. (2005) the electrolyte is a low concentration solution of sul-
phuric acid. We assume a value of 0.15 kg 25% H2SO4 per kg indium refined.
Vacuum refining
A continuous process is described in McNamara et al. (1989) on behalf of Indium Corporation of
America Inc. In the proposed installation liquid indium is heated under vacuum (10-7 to 10-8 torr) to
1’400 °C in order to volatilise remaining impurities. The original patent by Belsky et al. (1980) re-
mains less specific but claims the process duration of two heating phases of 1-5 h at 850-940°C fol-
lowed by 0.5-2 h at 950-1100°C. The long duration of this refining step is also confirmed by Lee &
Sohn (2003) who found slow evaporation rates. In this study we assume that a RF induction heated
Vacuum furnace is employed that uses 0.5 kW per kg load. This assumption corresponds to a batch of
30 kg indium that is heated for 4 hours in a 15kW furnace as often used in lab-scale. Commercial fur-
naces 16 exhibit energy supply from 36 kW (0.01 m3 volume) to 90 kW (0.127 m3 volume). Assuming
that one third of the heated volume can catch the indium load (7.3 g / cm3) a somewhat higher span of
0.5 – 0.3 kW per kg batch size results. Inductotherm Corp. reports 0.15 kW per kg for its Acutrac (R)
furnace 17 . However, bearing in mind that the metal is very costly and no large batch sizes are sup-
posed to be processed, the upper value of this span is justified.
Additional power consumption for vacuum preparation is disregarded due to a lack of reliable sources
and because this particular process is expected to be of minor importance compared to the overall im-
pacts, Also the inert gas atmosphere is supposed to be of minor importance for the environmental im-
pacts and is therefore not inventoried.
http://www.vacuumfurnace.com/, accessed in may 2007
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10
http://www.inductothermgroup.com/, accessed in may 2007 - 68 -
6. System Characterisation
Modul name
in ecoinvent
mean value
Mean value
Source for
leaching residues, indium rich, from
Leach solution metals extraction No GLO 1.00E+04 kg 1 1.32 (3,2,1,2,3,5,3)
zinc circuit, at smelter
based on a copper SX
H2SO4 mist operation, approx with air low population density Sulfuric acid 4.34E-02 kg 1 1.62 (4,2,1,2,1,5,18)
HCl (Electrolyte)
Replenishment of
sulphuric acid electrolyte, H2SO4, 25% chemicals inorganics No RER sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant 3.75E-02 kg Davenport 2002 1 1.38 (4,2,1,2,3,5,3)
Approximated with
"chemical plant,
Facilities organic", which as an chemicals organics Yes RER chemical plant, organics 8.00E-10 unit Assumption 1 3.32 (5,1,1,1,3,5,9)
output of 50'000 t per
year (25 year lifetime)
Calculated from
waste heat air high population density No RER Heat, waste 4.06E+01 MJ 1 1.05 (1,1,1,1,1,1,3)
electricity use.
Fig. 6.18 Flows for "Indium, at regional storage" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
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Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
This part documents the inventories for primary and secondary silver and gold, respectively, as well as
the production of copper telluride cement, which is a by-product of the treatment of copper anode
slimes in order to recover silver. The inventories for primary gold are compiled country specifically
according to the environmental reports of the world leading gold producers. These inventories also
cover the production of silver from auriferous ores in a multi-output module. The rest of the primary
silver production is reflected by the processing of silver bearing by-products of lead / zinc (Parkes
crust) and copper (anode slimes) production. Secondary gold and silver production is reflected by the
recovery processes in complex integrated smelters (Boliden, SE).
Table of Contents
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................I
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 5
6 LITERATURE ........................................................................................................114
1 Introduction
This life cycle inventory (LCI) of gold and silver is meant to be used as background data sets for the
preparation of life cycle assessments (LCA) of technical products such as electronic components. This
LCI includes data sets of gold mining and refining in Australia, Canada, Chile, Peru, Papua New
Guinea, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania and the USA, as well as of the gold supply to Europe. It also
includes data sets of silver as a by-product of gold production in Chile, Peru, Papua New Guinea and
Data in this report are based mostly on environmental reports of large multinational companies. How-
ever, it must be assumed that these sources represent rather the best practices for gold mining. Various
NGOs like Berne Declaration, Greenpeace 1 etc. report on severe impacts of gold mining on environ-
ment, local communities or human rights concerning projects or mines of important companies like
Barrick Gold and Newmont Mining, the two largest gold companies of the world today. Controversial
issues are for example a mine project in Chile involving relocating/destroying of three glaciers in the
Andes which are of crucial importance to the Pascua Lama Highlands, or the development of a mine in
Nevada, USA in the Wester Shoshone Lands, which is expected to have a negative effect on the re-
gion’s scarce water resources and to destroy Shoshone sacred places. The nodirtygold campaign 2 de-
nounces among others the problem of tailings dam failures which release large amounts of cyanide-
laden tailings in rivers. Such impacts of the gold mining are very difficult to quantify and include in
LCI due lacking of data and also because of the punctual character of the events. Therefore it must be
assumed that the environmental impacts of gold mining are rather underestimated in the following data
sets, which consider only regular operation.
See also http://www.evb.ch/researchcs, http://www.evb.ch/researchubs, http:/www.greenpeace.ch, etc.
See http://www.nodirtygold.org
2.1 Gold
2.1.1 Gold from primary resources
“Gold abundance in the Earth’s crust is 0.002 per 106 atoms of silicon. Gold average economic abun-
dance in the ore is today in the range of 0.1 to 0.2 oz/ton or 3.42-6.84 gram per ton of ore, but also de-
posits with a tenth of those values, are exploited.” (Gasparrini, 1993)
In the last years gold was produced in following countries:
Tab. 2.1: Annual share of gold mine production .
The total volume of gold production is rather stable. However, substantial changes occurred by the
country. South Africa’s production diminished between 2000 and 2004, whereas production in Russia,
China and Peru increased considerably.
This life cycle inventory is based on data from Australia, Canada, Chile, Peru, Papua New Guinea,
South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania and the United States of America. The data set „gold primary, at re-
finery“ takes into account the average production shares 2000-2004 of these countries (Tab. 2.2). Pro-
duction in African countries is approximated by South African and Tanzanian production, production
in South and Central America by Chilean and Peruvian production, production in Asia (incl. Middle
East) and Pacific by production in Papua New Guinea, and production in Europe by Swedish produc-
tion. The production from Russia / former USSR is approximated with Canadian production, due to
similar geographical and meteorological conditions.
Tab. 2.2: Shares of the countries in mine production and the respective share in data set „gold primary, at refinery“
2000-2004 This project Remark
South Africa
15.3% 18.6% incl. half of African countries
12.0% 12.0%
Australia 11.0% 11.4% incl. New Zealand
Canada 5.8% 18.4% incl. Russia
Papua New Guinea 2.7% 18.8% Pacific, Asia, Middle East, excluding Russia
Chile 1.7% 5.3% incl. half of South- and Central American countries
Peru 6.1% 9.7% incl. half of South- and Central American countries
Tanzania 1.5% 4.8% incl. half of African countries
Sweden 0.2% 1.2% Europe (incl. Turkey)
Rest of the World 46%
Total 100% 100%
Gold price
Gold [$/t]
1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020
Time [years]
Key sources for the refinement of secondary gold, however, are new and old metallic scrap. In 2000 it
was estimated that about 280 tonnes of gold were present in electronic goods (Holliday & Goodman,
2002). Gold can be extracted from the scrap in a number of subsequent steps (depending on the re-
quired degree of purity) with a purity between 90.0 % (Doré) and 99.99 % (Boliden Contech A.B.,
1995). Again, depending on the intended application of the final product, the recovered gold is either
added as bullion or higher grade secondary gold to primary gold. Along with the extraction of gold
from new and old electronic scrap, typically silver, palladium and (in case) selenium are co-extracted
(Boliden, 2000; Boliden, 2002a; Boliden Contech A.B., 1995).
2.2 Silver
The extraction of silver from true silver ores – in which silver is practically the only valuable metal –
is by far not the biggest source for supply. Depending on the price of silver, it can be cost-effective to
process materials containing 0.01 % (100 ppm) silver, or even less. The most important primary
sources of silver are traditionally argentiferous lead and lead-zinc ores that are widely distributed.
They constitute the most important fraction of the mine production. However, since the mine produc-
tion of lead declined in the last years, these deposits became less important for the worldwide supply.
The separation and recovery of silver during lead production is profitable even for a silver content of a
few ppm. Argentiferous copper ores, which sometimes also contain nickel and cobalt, satisfy another
important share of the world silver demand. Even very low contents of silver can be recovered profita-
bly from copper ores, since almost all the copper is electrorefined, and the silver remains in the anode
slimes. The largest argentiferous copper reserves in the world are in Canada (Sudbury, Ontario, No-
randa-Rouyn, Quebec). Extraction of silver from gold ores is carried out mainly in the Republic of
South Africa, and also in Canada, Alaska, and Sweden. The quantity obtained from these deposits is
around 10-20% of the world mine production. Silver-containing tin deposits are concentrated in Bo-
livia (Cerro de Pasco, Potosi) but also occur in Burma and Argentina. Silver produced from tin ores
amounts to only 2 % of world silver production. (Renner et al., 2002b).
“Silver – An Economic Geologist Perspective”, http://www.gold-eagle.com/editorials_04/nmaund072004.html
Source Renner et JMB (2002) Nigel H Klapwijk et Primary produc- Mix primary and
al. (2002b) (Silver insti- Maund al. (2006) tion assumed in secondary
tute) this study
year 1996 2002 2004 2006
Lead / Zinc 50% 35% 31% 31% 24%
Copper 30% 24% 25% 25% 20%
Silver 10% 25% 28% 28% 22%
Gold 10% 15% 14% 14% 11%
other 1% 2% 2% 2%
Secondary 21% 21%
Mine 70%
Hedging 2%
Gov sales 7%
Tab. 2.4 Shares of the countries in the data set „silver mix, from combined gold / silver production, at regional stor-
age“, Source: Klapwijk et al. (2006)
% project: Remark
incl. Central & South america
Central & South America Chile 28.8% 32.0% Chile excluding Peru
“Silver – An Economic Geologist Perspective”, http://www.gold-eagle.com/editorials_04/nmaund072004.html
Prices were relatively stable between 1996 and 2001, whereas a strong demand in the years 2005 to
2006 lead to a sharp increase in 2006 (see Tab. 2.5). Relative shares remained about constant.
Tab. 2.5: Price of gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc 1996, 2001, 2005 and the average prices 2004-2006, used in this
project (sources see text).
Property Value
Melting Point 1064.43°C
Boiling Point 2808°C
Density at 20°C 19.32 g/cm3
Density at 1065°C 17.32 g/cm3
Vapor pressure at 1064°C 0.002 Pa
Atomic volume at 20°C 10.21 cm3/mol
Electrical resistivity at 0°C 2.06×10–6 Ω cm
Thermal conductivity at 0°C 3.14 Wcm–1K–1
Specific heat 0.138 Jg–1K–1
Enthalpy of fusion 12.77 kJ/mol
Enthalpy of vaporization 324.4 kJ/mol
Tensile strength 127.5 N/mm2
3.2 Silver
“Silver has a moderately high melting point (961.9°C) and the highest electrical and thermal conduc-
tivity of all metals. When in the metallic form, silver is unaffected by water or oxygen, but is altered
by ozone with the formation of silver oxide, and by sulphur and other sulphur compounds with the
formation of silver sulphide” (Gasparrini, 1993). Tab. 3.2 summarises some physical properties of ele-
mental silver.
Tab. 4.1 World Gold demand in different application fields (World Gold Council ).
Fig. 4.1 World silver demand in different application fields (Silver Institute ).
http://www.gold.org/ accessed in july 2007
http://www.silverinstitute.org/supply/, accessed in july 2007
5 System Characterisation
The production of silver is heavily interlaced with the production of other metals, namely lead and
zinc, copper and gold. This is taken into account by establishing a complex LCI model (Fig. 5.1, for
supply mix see chapter 5.6 Silver, at regional storage). However, not every source contributing to the
worldwide production of gold and silver could be evaluated in ecoinvent version 2.0.
Due to a considerable lack of systematic information on processes in the artisanal mining of gold, no
inventory on these processes could be established. The production of silver as main product – which
accounts for 22% of the world supply – has been disregarded in this study for two reasons: first, a
coverage of 78% seems fair enough to represent silver. Second, the production of silver as main-
product occurs with the same technologies as the production of silver as by-product and thus can be
approximated by these datasets. An overview over the system boundaries chosen for the inventories in
this chapter is given in Fig. 5.2.
Silver Gold
Mining of gold Artisanal mining
Primary silver Primary silver bearing ores of gold
from copper from lead and
production lead-zinc cycle
Primary silver
Primary silver from from gold bearing
argentiferous ores 20% ores
24% 38%
Recycling of
Silver metal scrap containing Gold metal
21% precious metals 50%
Silver powder for solder pastes, sintered films, Gold powder for
powdermetallurgy p/m alloys powdermetallurgy
gold, at beneficiation
refining, copper-
gold, at precious metal gold, at refinery
silver, in smelter plant
silver, from
combined gold-
silver production,
silver, at precious at refinery
metal plant PG, CL
precious metal
refining, secondary
secondary, at gold, secondary, at gold, at regional
precious precious metal refinery storage
metal refinery
Fig. 5.2 System lay-out in ecoinvent data v2.0. Boxes with rounded edges indicate reference flows from multi-output
The gold-bearing solution is pumped through electro-winning cells or through a zinc precipitation
circuit where the gold is recovered from the solution.
The gold is then melted in a furnace at about 1’064°C and poured into moulds, creating doré bars.
Doré bars are unrefined gold bullion bars containing between 60% and 95% gold.
The bars are sent to a refinery for further processing into pure gold.
Tab. 5.1: Quantity of machinery as well as surface and volume of buildings for a “non-ferrous metal mine, surface”,
Source: see corresponding section in this report
Land use is based on the aggregated figures from the environmental report (Tab. 5.2). Not the entire
area of the mine is in active use at one time; the value in Tab. 5.2 is assumed to be the average share of
the mine area in use (see line “Disturbed area in active use”). The total area is occupied during an av-
erage of about 11 years according to the following formula:
Tab. 5.2 Land use of the Aitik, Boliden Area and Garpenberg Mines in 2005 (Boliden, 2006d)
Tab. 5.3 Unit process raw data of the polymetallic mines in Sweden
mine, gold-
Name silver-zinc- GeneralComment
Location SE
InfrastructureProcess 1
Unit unit
product mine, gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper SE 1 unit 1.00E+0
technosphere building, multi-storey RER 1 m3 2.75E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
building, hall CH 1 m2 1.25E+4 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
industrial machine, heavy, unspecified, at plant RER 1 kg 8.50E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
conveyor belt, at plant RER 1 m 6.00E+2 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
resource, land Transformation, from unknown - - m2 1.98E+8 1 2.01
report, Boliden 2005
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to mineral extraction site - - m2 1.98E+8 1 2.01
report, Boliden 2005
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Occupation, mineral extraction site - - m2a 2.33E+9 1 1.51
report, Boliden 2005
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, from mineral extraction site - - m2 1.98E+8 1 2.01
report, Boliden 2005
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural - - m2 1.19E+6 1 2.01
report, Boliden 2005
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to unknown - - m2 1.97E+8 1 2.01
report, Boliden 2005
The energy and water requirements as well as the emissions are allocated to the different metals on the
basis of their economic value calculated with the prices shown in Tab. 2.5. Tab 5.4 summarizes the
concentrate production (expressed in metal quantity) of the considered plants for the year 2005.
Tab 5.4: Production (quantity of metals) in year 2005 of the mines Aitik, Bolden and Garpenberg mines (Boliden,
The recovery rate (proportion of valuable material physically recovered in the processing of ore 8 ) is
taken into account in order to define the resource extraction. It is estimated 90% on the basis of global
data. The average concentration (head grade, expressed in kg metal per kg ore) of metals in ore for
Sweden is calculated with the quantity of ore milled and the corresponding production rate.
The turnover of the production sites (Table 5.5) is calculated with the metal quantity multiplied with
the prices (2005) in Tab. 2.5. The share in turnover is used as allocation factor for the respective metal.
Table 5.5: Calculated turnover (prices 2005) and derived allocation factors for the Swedish mines
Energy and water requirements as well as emissions of the considered mines are summed up in Table
5.6. Water emissions are assumed to be emitted to rivers.
The recovery rate is generally stated as a percentage of the material recovered compared to the total material originally
present ([Barrick, 2007 #2767]).
Table 5.6: Total energy, material requirements, and emissions of the Swedish multi-metal mines in 2005 (Boliden,
2006a); n.a. = not available
Water resources
Water use m3 1.00E+06 5.25E+06 6.27E+05 6.87E+06 Share is calculated with global
percentage of Boliden-Group
Surface Water Use m3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.58E+06 In LCI as Water, river
Groundwater Use m3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 2.75E+05 In LCI as Water, well, in
Municipal Water m3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 6.87E+04 in LCI as tap, water
Recirculated Water m3 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.44E+06 recycled Water, not
accounted for in inventory
Emissions to Water
Zinc kg 8.80E+01 1.70E+03 3.76E+02 2.16E+03
Copper kg 8.20E+01 1.55E+02 1.60E+01 2.53E+02
Lead kg 8.00E-01 9.00E+00 1.26E+02 1.36E+02
Emissions to Air
Total based on Aitik-Mine,
Zinc kg 4.50E+00 n.a. 0.00E+00 5.11E+00 scaled by total milled ore
Total based on Aitik-Mine,
Copper kg 1.63E+01 n.a. 0.00E+00 1.85E+01 scaled by total milled ore
Total based on Aitik-Mine,
Lead kg 5.30E+00 n.a. 0.00E+00 6.02E+00 scaled by total milled ore
Carbon Dioxide Calculation, based on data
(from explosives) kg n.a. n.a. n.a. 3.30E+06 from Newmont (2005)
The unit process raw data of metal mining in Sweden are summarized in Tab. 5.7 and Tab. 5.8. Cya-
nide consumption is estimated with the average of US-Data from Barrick (2006b) and Newmont
(2005b) (scaled by the produced gold), other material requirements are estimated with Australian data
(scaled by the produced gold and silver). Material requirements are estimated only for the gold and
silver production. Since the module “blasting” does not include the CO2 emissions from explosives,
they are calculated with the factor of the mines of Newmont (2005b) (0.16 kg CO2 per kg explosive).
Transport of materials is calculated on the base of standard distances (Frischknecht et al., 2004). Data
about tailings disposal is approximated with data from Papua New Guinea.
Tab. 5.7: Unit process raw data of the metal mining in Sweden
mining, gold-
Name silver-zinc-lead- GeneralComment
copper deposit
Location SE
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit a
allocated gold, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 4.47E+3
products silver, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 2.26E+5
copper, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 8.69E+7
lead, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 3.25E+6
zinc, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 1.46E+8
technosphere electricity, medium voltage, at grid SE 0 kWh 5.74E+8 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
hard coal, burned in industrial furnace 1-10MW RER 0 MJ 3.15E+8 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
diesel, burned in building machine GLO 0 MJ 1.72E+8 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW RER 0 MJ 8.60E+7 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, non-modulating RER 0 MJ 1.15E+8 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
(1,3,3,5,3,3); Calculation, based about
sodium cyanide, at plant RER 0 kg 2.32E+5 1 1.27
average US-data
(1,3,3,5,3,3); Calculation, based about
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 5.18E+5 1 1.27 thesis on Australian precious metal
production, data for 1999
(1,3,3,5,3,3); Calculation, based about
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix, at plant RER 0 kg 9.54E+4 1 1.27 thesis on Australian precious metal
production, data for 1999
(1,3,3,5,3,3); Calculation, based about
zinc, primary, at regional storage RER 0 kg 2.37E+4 1 1.27 thesis on Australian precious metal
production, data for 1999
(1,3,3,5,3,3); Calculation, based about
charcoal, at plant GLO 0 kg 1.39E+5 1 1.27 thesis on Australian precious metal
production, data for 1999
(1,3,3,5,3,3); Calculation, based about
sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant RER 0 kg 5.45E+3 1 1.27 thesis on Australian precious metal
production, data for 1999
blasting RER 0 kg 2.07E+7 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Annual report
(1,3,3,5,3,3); Calculation, based about
hydrochloric acid, 30% in H2O, at plant RER 0 kg 1.12E+5 1 1.27 thesis on Australian precious metal
production, data for 1999
(4,5,na,na,na,na); Calculation, based
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 2.35E+6 1 2.09
about standard distances
(4,5,na,na,na,na); Calculation, based
transport, freight, rail RER 0 tkm 1.92E+7 1 2.09
about standard distances
mine, gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper SE 1 unit 2.00E-2 1 3.02 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
tap water, at user RER 0 kg 6.87E+4 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-site GLO 0 kg 7.28E+8 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
emission air, low
Copper - - kg 1.85E+1 1 5.02 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
population density
Carbon dioxide, fossil - - kg 3.30E+6 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
Lead - - kg 6.02E+0 1 5.02 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
Zinc - - kg 5.11E+0 1 5.02 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
(2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report,
Heat, waste - - MJ 2.06E+9 1 1.14
emission water, river Copper, ion - - kg 2.53E+2 1 3.02 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
Lead - - kg 1.36E+2 1 5.02 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
Zinc, ion - - kg 2.16E+3 1 5.02 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
resource, in water Water, salt, ocean - - m3 3.51E+6 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
Water, well, in ground - - m3 2.75E+5 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
Water, river - - m3 1.58E+6 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, Ag 9.7E-4%, Zn 0.63%, Cu 0.38%, Pb 0.014%, in
resource, in ground - - kg 4.97E+3 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
ore, in ground
Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, Au 9.7E-4%, Zn 0.63%, Cu 0.38%, Pb 0.014%, in
- - kg 2.51E+5 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
ore, in ground
Zinc, Zn 0.63%, Au 9.7E-4%, Ag 9.7E-4%, Cu 0.38%, Pb 0.014%, in
- - kg 9.66E+7 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
ore, in ground
Copper, Cu 0.38%, Au 9.7E-4%, Ag 9.7E-4%, Zn 0.63%, Pb 0.014%,
- - kg 3.61E+6 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
in ore, in ground
Lead, Pb 0.014%, Au 9.7E-4%, Ag 9.7E-4%, Zn 0.63%, Cu 0.38%, in
- - kg 1.62E+8 1 1.14 (2,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
ore, in ground
Tab. 5.8: Allocation factors applied on mining data of the different metals. Material requirements were calculated on
the basis of average data for gold and silver processing and extrapolated with the mined quantity of gold
and silver. They are therefore only allocated to these two metals
gold, from silver, from copper, from lead, from zinc, from
mining, gold-
combined metal combined metal combined metal combined metal combined metal
Name silver-zinc-lead-
production, at production, at production, at production, at production, at
copper deposit
beneficiation beneficiation beneficiation beneficiation beneficiation
Location SE SE SE SE SE SE
InfrastructureProcess 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unit a kg kg kg kg kg
allocated gold, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 4.47E+3 100 - - - -
products silver, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 2.26E+5 - 100 - - -
copper, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 8.69E+7 - - 100 - -
lead, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 3.25E+6 - - - 100 -
zinc, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 1.46E+8 - - - - 100
technosphere electricity, medium voltage, at grid SE 0 kWh 5.74E+8 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
hard coal, burned in industrial furnace 1-10MW RER 0 MJ 3.15E+8 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
diesel, burned in building machine GLO 0 MJ 1.72E+8 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW RER 0 MJ 8.60E+7 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, non-modulating RER 0 MJ 1.15E+8 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
sodium cyanide, at plant RER 0 kg 2.32E+5 54.0 46.0 - - -
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix, at plant RER 0 kg 9.54E+4 54.0 46.0 - - -
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 2.35E+6 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
transport, freight, rail RER 0 tkm 1.92E+7 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
mine, gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper SE 1 unit 2.00E-2 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
tap water, at user RER 0 kg 6.87E+4 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-site GLO 0 kg 7.28E+8 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
emission air, low
Copper - - kg 1.85E+1 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
population density
Carbon dioxide, fossil - - kg 3.30E+6 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
Lead - - kg 6.02E+0 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
Zinc - - kg 5.11E+0 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
Heat, waste - - MJ 2.06E+9 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
emission water, river Copper, ion - - kg 2.53E+2 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
Lead - - kg 1.36E+2 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
Zinc, ion - - kg 2.16E+3 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
resource, in water Water, salt, ocean - - m3 3.51E+6 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
Water, well, in ground - - m3 2.75E+5 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
Water, river - - m3 1.58E+6 8.8 7.6 48.8 0.5 34.3
Gold, Au 9.7E-4%, Ag 9.7E-4%, Zn 0.63%, Cu 0.38%, Pb 0.014%, in
resource, in ground - - kg 4.97E+3 100.0 - - - -
ore, in ground
Silver, Ag 9.7E-4%, Au 9.7E-4%, Zn 0.63%, Cu 0.38%, Pb 0.014%, in
- - kg 2.51E+5 - 100.0 - - -
ore, in ground
Zinc, Zn 0.63%, Au 9.7E-4%, Ag 9.7E-4%, Cu 0.38%, Pb 0.014%, in
- - kg 9.66E+7 - - 100.0 - -
ore, in ground
Copper, Cu 0.38%, Au 9.7E-4%, Ag 9.7E-4%, Zn 0.63%, Pb 0.014%,
- - kg 3.61E+6 - - - 100.0 -
in ore, in ground
Lead, Pb 0.014%, Au 9.7E-4%, Ag 9.7E-4%, Zn 0.63%, Cu 0.38%, in
- - kg 1.62E+8 - - - - 100.0
ore, in ground
The total production in 2005 of the smelter in Rönnskär amounted to 223’400 tonnes of copper,
27’000 tonnes of lead, 35’000 tonnes of zinc, 430 tonnes of silver and 17 tonnes of gold. A high share
of the production is recycled metal, e.g. 74%for gold. Since the production of secondary gold and sil-
ver from scrap is investigated in a dedicated chapter of this report, only material requirement and
emissions from the treatment of primary material is considered (see Tab. 5.10). Gold and Silver are
treated in the PGM plant in Rönnskär, the other metals undergo other treatments.
Tab. 5.9 Metal production volume 2005 from primary material (Boliden, 2006b)
The allocation on the basis of the revenue (estimated with the prices of Tab. 2.5) results in 54% of the
requirements and emissions attributed to gold and 46% attributed to silver for the PM-plant (Precious
metal plant). The allocation for the refining of the other metals results in 6% attributed to zinc, 91% to
copper and 3% to lead (see Tab. 5.10).
Tab. 5.10: Metal production volume in 2005, calculated turnover and shares in turnover of the different products in the
Rönnskär Smelter (Boliden, 2006b). The revenue is calculated on the basis of the metal prices in Tab. 2.5
(average from the years 2004-2006). The PM-Plant is a sub process of the refinery, dedicated to the refine-
ment of gold and silver.
Production Zinc kg 2.87E+07 5.39E+07 5.2% refining, copper- 6.0% Price per kg: 1.9 US$
Production Copper kg 1.83E+08 8.21E+08 79.6% zinc-lead 91.2% Price per kg: 4.5 US$
Production Lead kg 2.22E+07 2.55E+07 2.5% 2.8% Price per kg: 1.2 US$
Total 1.03E+09 100%
The total annual energy and material requirements as well as emissions of the refinery are summarized
in Tab. 5.11. LPG use is approximated with the data set “natural gas, burned in industrial furnace”.
The SO2 emissions of the combustion of heavy fuel oil and coal are already included in the data set
“heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, non-modulating” and “hard coal, burned in indus-
trial furnace 1-10MW”, respectively. Particulates fractions are determined with standard data for non-
ferrous metal industry 9 . Transport requirements are estimated to be 250 tkm lorry and 250 tkm train
(average distance from the mines to the smelter, according to environmental report), for fossil fuels an
average energy density of 40 MJ/kg is used. Where available, data from the PGM-plant is used to de-
termine the requirement of gold- and silver treatment (Boliden, 2004). In this case, the energy re-
quirements of the PGM-Plant are indicated in Tab. 5.11 as share of the whole refining process.
PM2.5 82%, PM10 92% (http://www.iiasa.ac.at/~rains/cgi-bin/rains_pm, retrieved 6.4.2004).
Tab. 5.11 Annual energy consumption, material requirements and emissions of the Rönnskär smelter (Boliden, 2004;
Boliden, 2006b)
Electricity kWh 4.95E+08 99.67% 1.62E+06 0.33% SE, electricity mix, Source: Boliden (2004), (2006)
Oil MJ 3.76E+08 99.76% 9.06E+05 0.24% In LCI as: heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial
furnace, Source: Boliden (2004), (2006)
Coke MJ 0.00% 7.55E+04 100% in LCI as: hard coal, burned in industrial furnace 1-
10MW, Source: Boliden (2004), (2006)
Natural Gas MJ 1.48E+07 99.96% 5.59E+03 0.04% in LCI: natural gas, burned in industrial furnace,
>100kW, Source: Boliden (2004), (2006)
Lime kg 1.89E+06 no lime is used for gold/silver purification, in LCI
as "limestone, milled"
Caustic kg 1.89E+07 no caustic soda is used for gold/silver purification,
in LCI as "sodium hydroxid"
Carbon kg 4.48E+07 no carbon is used for gold/silver purification, in LCI
as "charcoal"
Ammonia kg 1.40E+06 no ammonia is used for gold/silver purification, in
LCI as "ammonia, liquid"
Oxygen Nm
3 6.90E+07 Source: Boliden (2006)
Oxygen kg 9.31E+07 Recalculation with an average density of 1.35
Seawater m
3 8.17E+02 100% data for PGM-Plant, allocated to gold and silver, in
LCI as water, salt, ocean (Boliden, 2004)
Emission to Water
Copper kg 3.86E+02 Source: Boliden (2006)
Lead kg 4.19E+02 Source: Boliden (2006)
Zinc kg 1.97E+03 Source: Boliden (2006)
Cadmium kg 4.93E+01 Source: Boliden (2006)
Arsenic kg 9.86E+02 Source: Boliden (2006)
Mercury kg 1.15E+02 Source: Boliden (2006)
Nickel kg 1.56E+02 Source: Boliden (2006)
Emissions to air
Dust kg 2.63E+04 99.75% 6.45E+01 0.25% Source: Boliden (2004), (2006)
Copper kg 1.15E+03 Source: Boliden (2006)
Lead kg 2.79E+04 Source: Boliden (2006)
Zinc kg 4.19E+03 Source: Boliden (2006)
Cadmium kg 5.75E+01 Source: Boliden (2006)
Arsenic kg 1.89E+02 Source: Boliden (2006)
Mercury kg 1.07E+02 Source: Boliden (2006)
Sulphur Dioxide kg 3.16E+06 not accounted in LCI, as the emissions are
included in the datasets of diesel and naturalgas
refining, copper-
Name zinc-lead-gold- GeneralComment
silver, in smelter
Location SE
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit a
allocated zinc, from combined metal production, at refinery SE 0 kg 2.87E+7
products copper, from combined metal production, at refinery SE 0 kg 1.83E+8
lead, from combined metal production, at refinery SE 0 kg 2.22E+7
gold, from combined metal production, at refinery SE 0 kg 4.47E+3
silver, from combined metal production, at refinery SE 0 kg 2.26E+5
technosphere zinc, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 2.87E+7 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
copper, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 1.83E+8 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
lead, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 2.22E+7 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
gold, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 4.47E+3 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
silver, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 2.26E+5 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
electricity, medium voltage, at grid SE 0 kWh 4.95E+8 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2004 / 2006
heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, non-
RER 0 MJ 3.76E+8 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2004 / 2006
hard coal, burned in industrial furnace 1-10MW RER 0 MJ 3.76E+8 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2004 / 2006
natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW RER 0 MJ 1.48E+7 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2004 / 2006
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 1.89E+6 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2006
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix, at plant RER 0 kg 1.89E+7 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2006
charcoal, at plant GLO 0 kg 4.48E+7 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2006
ammonia, liquid, at regional storehouse RER 0 kg 1.40E+6 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2006
oxygen, liquid, at plant RER 0 kg 9.31E+7 1 1.13 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2004 / 2006
facilities anode refinery, secondary copper SE 1 unit 2.67E-2 1 3.55 (5,5,2,2,4,5); Rough Estimation
facilities precious metal refinery SE 1 unit 7.52E-2 1 3.55 (5,5,2,2,4,5); Rough Estimation
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 2.61E+7 1 2.09 (4,5,na,na,na,na); Estimation
transport, freight, rail RER 0 tkm 2.61E+7 1 2.09 (4,5,na,na,na,na); Estimation
resource, in water Water, salt, ocean - - m3 8.17E+2 1 1.30 (4,5,na,na,na,na); Estimation
emission air, low population (1,4,1,3,1,3); Calculation based on environmental report,
Particulates, < 2.5 um - - kg 2.16E+4 1 3.02
density Boliden 2004
(1,4,1,3,1,3); Calculation based on environmental report,
Particulates, > 2.5 um, and < 10um - - kg 2.63E+3 1 2.02
Boliden 2004
(1,4,1,3,1,3); Calculation based on environmental report,
Particulates, > 10 um - - kg 2.10E+3 1 1.52
Boliden 2004
Copper - - kg 1.15E+3 1 5.02 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2006
Lead - - kg 2.79E+4 1 5.02 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2006
Zinc - - kg 4.19E+3 1 5.02 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2006
Cadmium - - kg 5.75E+1 1 5.02 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2006
Arsenic - - kg 1.89E+2 1 5.02 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2006
Mercury - - kg 1.07E+2 1 5.02 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2006
Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin - - kg 1.81E-3 1 3.02 (1,4,1,3,1,3); Environmental report, Boliden 2006
Tab. 5.13 Allocation factors of the data set “refining, copper-zinc-lead-gold-silver in smelter” (Boliden, 2004; Boliden,
zinc, from copper, from lead, from gold, from silver, from
refining, copper- combined combined combined combined combined
Name zinc-lead-gold- metal metal metal metal metal
silver, in smelter production, at production, at production, at production, at production, at
refinery refinery refinery refinery refinery
Location SE SE SE SE SE SE
InfrastructureProcess 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unit a kg kg kg kg kg
allocated zinc, from combined metal production, at refinery SE 0 kg 2.87E+7 100 - - - -
products copper, from combined metal production, at refinery SE 0 kg 1.83E+8 - 100 - - -
lead, from combined metal production, at refinery SE 0 kg 2.22E+7 - - 100 - -
gold, from combined metal production, at refinery SE 0 kg 4.47E+3 - - - 100 -
silver, from combined metal production, at refinery SE 0 kg 2.26E+5 - - - - 100
technosphere zinc, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 2.87E+7 100.0 - - - -
copper, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 1.83E+8 - 100.0 - - -
lead, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 2.22E+7 - - 100.0 - -
gold, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 4.47E+3 - - - 100.0 -
silver, from combined metal production, at beneficiation SE 0 kg 2.26E+5 - - - - 100.0
electricity, medium voltage, at grid SE 0 kWh 4.95E+8 6.0 90.9 2.8 0.18 0.15
heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, non-
RER 0 MJ 3.76E+8 6.0 91.0 2.8 0.1 0.1
hard coal, burned in industrial furnace 1-10MW RER 0 MJ 3.76E+8 - - - 53.6 46.4
natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW RER 0 MJ 1.48E+7 6.0 91.1 2.8 0.0 0.0
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 1.89E+6 6.0 91.2 2.8 - -
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix, at plant RER 0 kg 1.89E+7 6.0 91.2 2.8 - -
charcoal, at plant GLO 0 kg 4.48E+7 6.0 91.2 2.8 - -
ammonia, liquid, at regional storehouse RER 0 kg 1.40E+6 6.0 91.2 2.8 - -
oxygen, liquid, at plant RER 0 kg 9.31E+7 5.2 79.6 2.5 6.8 5.9
facilities anode refinery, secondary copper SE 1 unit 2.67E-2 5.2 79.6 2.5 6.8 5.9
facilities precious metal refinery SE 1 unit 7.52E-2 5.2 79.6 2.5 6.8 5.9
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 2.61E+7 5.2 79.6 2.5 6.8 5.9
transport, freight, rail RER 0 tkm 2.61E+7 5.2 79.6 2.5 6.8 5.9
resource, in water Water, salt, ocean - - m3 8.17E+2 - - - 53.6 46.4
emission air, low population
Particulates, < 2.5 um - - kg 2.16E+4 6.0 91.0 2.8 0.1 0.1
Particulates, > 2.5 um, and < 10um - - kg 2.63E+3 6.0 91.0 2.8 0.1 0.1
mine, gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper mining, gold-silver-zinc-lead-copper deposit refining, copper-zinc-lead-gold-silver, in smelter
Location SE SE SE
InfrastructureProcess 1 0 0
Unit unit a a
Type 1 5 5
Version 2.0 2.0 2.0
energyValues 0 0 0
LanguageCode en en en
LocalLanguageCode de de de
Person 44 44 44
QualityNetwork 1 1 1
DataSetRelatesToProduct 1 1 1
This data set includes the extraction of metals
This data set includes combined mining of and by products from concentrates and recycled
Land use, buildings and machinery of a gold, silver, copper, zinc and lead in Sweden raw materials. It includes energy and water
combined metal mine incl. energy and material use, water and air consumption, concentrate inputs, transports,
emissions of metals and land use. waste disposal, infrastructure use as well as
emissions into air and water.
Amount 1 1 1
LocalName Raffination, Kupfer-Zink-Blei-Gold-Silber in
Mine, Gold-Silber-Zink-Blei-Kupfer Abbau Gold-Silber-Zink-Blei-Kupfer-Lagerstätte
This multi-output process "mining, gold-silver-
zinc-lead-copper deposit" delivers the five co-
The multi-output process "refining, copper-zinc-
products "gold/silver/copper/zinc/lead, from
This data set includes land use of the Swedish lead-gold-silver in smelter" delivers the five co-
combined metal production, at beneficiation".
considered mines incl. revegetated areas as products "copper/zinc/lead/gold/silver from
The metals consisting of 1kg metal in the
well as generic estimates of buildings and combined metal production, at refinery". This
product, further refining is required for pure
machinery of the mine based on the data set data set describes the raffination of gold and
non-ferrous metal, mine, surface/underground. silver in a Swedish smelter. Allocation is based
This data set includes the mining in Sweden in
on economic value.
open pit and underground mines incl. land use.
Allocation is based on economic value.
InfrastructureIncluded 1 1 1
Category metals metals metals
SubCategory extraction extraction extraction
LocalCategory Metalle Metalle Metalle
LocalSubCategory Gewinnung Gewinnung Gewinnung
StartDate 2004 2004 2004
EndDate 2006 2006 2006
DataValidForEntirePeriod 1 1 1
OtherPeriodText Period of public environmental report Period of public environmental report Period of public environmental report
Text Material requirements for gold and silver are
Land use for Sweden, other inputs based on Energy use and emissions are from Swedish
estimated with Australian data, cyanide
rough assumptions. mines.
consumption is estimated with US-Data
Text Assumptions for buildings and machinery
based on the data set "non-ferrous metal,
open pit mines and underground mines modern swedish refinement plant
mine, surface/underground with 50 years life
Percent 20
ProductionVolume >2.32E7 t ore >2.32E7 t ore >2.36E+5 t of metals
SamplingProcedure environmental report for landuse only environmental report environmental report
Extrapolations Buildings and machinery are based on global
assumptions. The figures were extrapolated on See Geography, air emissions are estimated
the basis of the ore production (2.32E10 kg per with data of one mine
UncertaintyAdjustments none none none
Person 43 43 43
DataPublishedIn 2 2 2
ReferenceToPublishedSource 10 10 10
Copyright 1 1 1
AccessRestrictedTo 0 0 0
Validator 51 51 51
Details automatic validation in Excel automatic validation in Excel automatic validation in Excel
OtherDetails none none none
Tab. 5.15: Production volume 2000 / 2006, calculated turnover and shares in turnover of the different products of the
Misima and the Porgera Mine (Placer Dome Inc., 2001, Barrick, 2006a), Basis: prices 2004-2006 according to
Tab. 2.5
Mining infrastructure
This data set includes land use as well as rough estimates on buildings and machines necessary in gold
mining. It is assumed, that the quantities of machinery as well as surface and volume of buildings are
equal to the generic mine. This approach is rough, and the uncertainity is rather high. As the mined ore
from the generic mine is some orders of magnitude lower than the mine in focus, a proportional scal-
ing by milled ore will lead to a higher mistake (see Tab. 5.1: Gold and Silver production in Sweden).
The lifetime of mines is assumed to be 50 years.
Land use is based on the figures from the environmental report (Tab. 5.16). Not all the area of the
mine is in active use (disturbed area) at one time; the value in Tab. 5.16 is assumed to be the average
share of the mine area in use. Therefore, the total area is occupied during an average of about 25 years
according to the following formula:
Tab. 5.16: Land use of the Misima and Porgera Mines in 2002 (Placer Dome Inc., 2002a)
Tab. 5.17: Unit process raw data of the gold and silver mine in Papua New Guinea
Unit mine, gold
Name GeneralComment
and silver
Location PG
InfrastructureProcess 1
Unit unit
product mine, gold and silver PG 1 unit 1.00E+0
technosphere building, multi-storey RER 1 m3 2.75E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
building, hall CH 1 m2 1.25E+4 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
industrial machine, heavy, unspecified, at plant RER 1 kg 8.50E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
conveyor belt, at plant RER 1 m 6.00E+2 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
resource, land Transformation, from unknown - - m2 2.32E+7 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2003
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to mineral extraction site - - m2 2.32E+7 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2003
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Occupation, mineral extraction site - - m2a 5.87E+8 1 1.51
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2003
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, from mineral extraction site - - m2 2.32E+7 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2003
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural - - m2 9.56E+6 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2003
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to unknown - - m2 1.37E+7 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2003
Tab. 5.18: Material and energy requirements of the Misima Mine in 2000 (Placer Dome Inc., 2001) and the Porgera Mine
in 2002 / 2006 (Placer Dome Inc., 2002b, Barrick, 2006b)
Emissions to Water
Arsenic kg 2.40E+01 4.87E+02 5.11E+02 Corrected value for Misima
Value of Porgera scaled from emission in 2003 by
Cadmium kg 9.50E+01 2.30E+03 2.39E+03 milled ore
Value of Porgera scaled from emission in 2003 by
Copper kg 9.76E+04 3.52E+04 1.33E+05 milled ore
Value of Porgera scaled from emission in 2003 by
Cyanide kg 1.70E+05 4.57E+04 2.16E+05 milled ore
Value of Porgera scaled from emission in 2003 by
Lead kg 2.83E+02 6.77E+01 3.51E+02 milled ore
Value of Porgera scaled from emission in 2003 by
Mercury kg 0.00E+00 5.43E+00 5.43E+00 milled ore
Value of Porgera scaled from emission in 2003 by
Nickel kg 6.67E+02 3.11E+04 3.18E+04 milled ore
Value of Porgera scaled from emission in 2003 by
Zinc kg 6.36E+03 8.41E+05 8.47E+05 milled ore
Emissions to Air
Carbon Dioxide (from Calculation, based on data from Newmont (2005)
explosives) kg 2.50E+05 5.49E+05 7.99E+05
Zinc kg n.a. n.a. 2.50E+00 based on Swedish data, scaled by milled ore
Copper kg n.a. n.a. 9.05E+00 based on Swedish data, scaled by milled ore
Lead kg n.a. n.a. 2.94E+00 based on Swedish data, scaled by milled ore
Placer Dome Inc. (2002), in LCI: Disposal, sulphidic
Disposal kg 6.09E+09 1.96E+09 8.05E+09 tailings
Electricity in Misima is produced from diesel and heavy fuel oil. Porgera's principal source of power is
supplied by a 73-kilometre transmission line from the gas fired and PJV-owned Hides Power Station.
The station has a total output of 62 megawatts (“MW”). A back up diesel power station is located at
the mine and has an output of 13MW. The average power requirement of the mine is about 60 MW.
The environmental impacts of electricity use in Papua New Guinea are considered in the modules
“diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set” and “heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace”.
An 18 MW diesel fired power station supplies electrical power. Diesel was used in the station due to
the unavailability of previously supplied heavy fuel oil.
Process water is supplied from pit dewatering bores and in-pit water. Potable water is sourced from
boreholes in the coastal limestone. The figure in the environmental report is 3.33E+12 l. However, as
the discharge in 2002 is about 7.0E+9 l, the value in the report is assumed to be 1000 times too high
and corrected to 3.33E+09 l.
The main water supply of the mine is the Waile Creek Dam, located approximately 7 kilometres from
the mine. The reservoir has a capacity of approximately 717, 000 m3 of water. Water for the grinding
circuit is also extracted from Kogai Creek, which is located adjacent to the grinding circuit. The mine
operates four water treatment plants for potable water and five sewage treatment plants.
The figure in the environmental report from 2000 was 0.24 kg. However, 2001-2003, the values are
23-47kg, so the figure for 2000 is assumed to be 100 times too small and is corrected to 24 kg.
The figures are allocated on the basis of the allocation factors shown in Tab. 5.15. Air emissions (zinc,
copper and lead) are approximated with Swedish data. As Swedish data stem from a combined proc-
ess, they were allocated to gold and silver for Sweden and scaled by the milled ore for Papua New
Guinea. Transport distances are estimated to be 600 km for the materials on land (corresponds to the
average distance from capital Port Moresby to the mines).
Since the mines produce doré gold (unrefined gold bullion bars containing between 60% and 95%
gold), the refinery process is less complex than the refinery process of Rönnskär in Sweden. It is as-
sumed, that the gold doré-bars undergo the treatment of Wohlwill electrolysis (for details see,
“Gold / Silver, secondary, from electronic scrap in ecoinvent”). Due to the lack of specific data, the
figure of refinement from electronic scrap is used: 1.63 kWh per kg gold (Renner et al., 2002a). The
refinery of silver requires 0.6 kWh per kg of silver (Möbius electrolysis). No emissions were assumed,
since on the one hand the high value of the processed material requires an efficient emission control
and on the other hand, refinement is a hydrometallurgical process with low impact. The infrastructure
is approximated with the facility of precious metal refinery. The unit process raw data are summarized
in Tab. 5.19.
Tab. 5.19: Unit process raw data of gold and silver mining and refining in Papua New Guinea
mining and
Name refining, gold- GeneralComment
silver deposit
Location PG
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit a
allocated gold, from combined gold-silver production, at refinery PG 0 kg 2.36E+4
products silver, from combined gold-silver production, at refinery PG 0 kg 2.40E+4
technosphere diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set GLO 0 MJ 2.82E+7 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
diesel, burned in building machine GLO 0 MJ 3.68E+9 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
transport, van <3.5t RER 0 tkm 1.51E+5 1 2.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, non-
RER 0 MJ 9.87E+8 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW RER 0 MJ 5.33E+9 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
acetylene, at regional storehouse CH 0 kg 2.78E+3 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
sodium cyanide, at plant RER 0 kg 2.98E+6 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 2.94E+7 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
(2,3,2,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix, at plant RER 0 kg 2.74E+5 1 1.15 thesis about Australian precious metal
production, data for 1999
(2,3,2,5,1,3); Environmental report,
chemicals organic, at plant GLO 0 kg 7.01E+5 1 1.15
Placer Dome Inc. 2003
(2,3,2,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
charcoal, at plant GLO 0 kg 7.89E+5 1 1.15 thesis about Australian precious metal
production, data for 1999
(2,3,2,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
zinc, primary, at regional storage RER 0 kg 6.82E+4 1 1.15 thesis about Australian precious metal
production, data for 1999
(2,3,2,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant RER 0 kg 8.74E+4 1 1.15 thesis about Australian precious metal
production, data for 1999
(2,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report,
hydrochloric acid, 30% in H2O, at plant RER 0 kg 3.07E+5 1 1.11
Placer Dome Inc. 2003
(2,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report,
steel, converter, chromium steel 18/8, at plant RER 0 kg 6.79E+6 1 1.11
Placer Dome Inc. 2003
(2,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report,
blasting RER 0 kg 4.99E+6 1 1.11
Placer Dome Inc. 2003, Barrick 2006
(2,4,na,na,na,na); Calculation, based on
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 2.79E+7 1 2.02
estimated distance of 600km
disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-site GLO 0 kg 8.05E+9 1 1.30 (4,5,na,na,na,na); Environmental report
infrastructure mine, gold and silver PG 1 unit 2.00E-2 1 3.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
facilities precious metal refinery SE 1 unit 7.83E-3 1 3.09 (4,5,na,na,na,na); Environmental report
emission air, low (2,4,2,3,1,3); Calculation, based on
Copper - - kg 9.05E+0 1 5.02
population density Swedish production
(2,4,2,3,1,3); Calculation, based on
Lead - - kg 2.94E+0 1 5.02
Swedish production
(2,4,2,3,1,3); Calculation, based on
Zinc - - kg 2.50E+0 1 5.02
Swedish production
Carbon dioxide, fossil - - kg 7.99E+5 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
emission water,
Arsenic, ion - - kg 2.40E+1 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Cadmium, ion - - kg 9.50E+1 1 3.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Copper, ion - - kg 9.76E+4 1 3.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Cyanide - - kg 1.70E+5 1 3.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Lead - - kg 2.83E+2 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Mercury - - kg 0 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Nickel, ion - - kg 6.67E+2 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Zinc, ion - - kg 6.36E+3 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
emission water, river Arsenic, ion - - kg 4.87E+2 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Cadmium, ion - - kg 2.30E+3 1 3.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Copper, ion - - kg 3.52E+4 1 3.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Cyanide - - kg 4.57E+4 1 3.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Lead - - kg 6.77E+1 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Mercury - - kg 5.43E+0 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Nickel, ion - - kg 3.11E+4 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Zinc, ion - - kg 8.41E+5 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
resource, in water Water, well, in ground - - m3 2.85E+7 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
Water, unspecified natural origin - - m3 3.30E+6 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
resource, in ground Gold, Au 2.1E-4%, Ag 2.1E-4%, in ore, in ground - - kg 2.62E+4 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation
Silver, Ag 2.1E-4%, Au 2.1E-4%, in ore, in ground - - kg 2.67E+4 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation
Tab. 5.20 Allocation factors of the data set “mining and refining, gold-silver deposit”
gold, from silver, from
mining and combined gold- combined gold-
Name refining, gold- silver silver
silver deposit production, at production, at
refinery refinery
Location PG PG PG
InfrastructureProcess 0 0 0
Unit a kg kg
allocated gold, from combined gold-silver production, at refinery PG 0 kg 2.36E+4 100 -
products silver, from combined gold-silver production, at refinery PG 0 kg 2.40E+4 - 100
technosphere diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set GLO 0 MJ 2.82E+7 97.6 2.4
diesel, burned in building machine GLO 0 MJ 3.68E+9 97.6 2.4
transport, van <3.5t RER 0 tkm 1.51E+5 97.6 2.4
heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, non-
RER 0 MJ 9.87E+8 97.6 2.4
natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW RER 0 MJ 5.33E+9 97.6 2.4
acetylene, at regional storehouse CH 0 kg 2.78E+3 97.6 2.4
sodium cyanide, at plant RER 0 kg 2.98E+6 97.6 2.4
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 2.94E+7 97.6 2.4
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix, at plant RER 0 kg 2.74E+5 97.6 2.4
steel, converter, chromium steel 18/8, at plant RER 0 kg 6.79E+6 97.6 2.4
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 2.79E+7 97.6 2.4
disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-site GLO 0 kg 8.05E+9 97.6 2.4
infrastructure mine, gold and silver PG 1 unit 2.00E-2 97.6 2.4
facilities precious metal refinery SE 1 unit 7.83E-3 97.6 2.4
emission air, low
Copper - - kg 9.05E+0 97.6 2.4
population density
Lead - - kg 2.94E+0 97.6 2.4
Tab. 5.21 Ecospold Meta information of gold and silver production in Papua New Guinea
Name mine, gold and silver mining and refining, gold-silver deposit
Location PG PG
InfrastructureProcess 1 0
Unit unit a
Type 1 5
Version 2.0 2.0
energyValues 0 0
LanguageCode en en
LocalLanguageCode de de
Person 44 44
QualityNetwork 1 1
DataSetRelatesToProduct 1 1
IncludedProcesses This data set includes the combined mining and
refining of gold and silver in open pit mines in
Land use, buildings and machinery of a gold
Papua New Guinea incl. energy and material
and silver mine
use, water and air emissions of metals and land
Amount 1 1
LocalName Mine, Gold und Silber Abbau und Raffination, Gold-Silber-Lagerstätte
GeneralComment This multi-output process 'mining and refining,
gold-silver deposit' delivers the two co-products
This data set includes land use of the
'gold, from combined gold-silver-production, at
considered mines incl. revegetated areas as
refinery' and 'silver, from combined gold-silver-
well as estimates of buildings and machinery of
production, at refinery'. This data set includes
the mine based on the data set non-ferrous
the mining in Papua New Guinea in open pit
metal, mine, surface/underground.
mines incl. land use. Air emissions are
InfrastructureIncluded 1 1
Category metals metals
SubCategory extraction extraction
LocalCategory Metalle Metalle
LocalSubCategory Gewinnung Gewinnung
StartDate 2000 2000
EndDate 2006 2006
DataValidForEntirePeriod 1 1
OtherPeriodText Period of public environmental report Period of two public environmental report
Text Material requirements are estimated with
Land use of Papua New Guinea-plant, other
Australian data, Air emissions are estimated
inputs based on rough assumptions.
with Swedish data.
Assumptions for buildings and machinery
based on the data set "non-ferrous metal, mine, Refinement is estimated with electrolysis-data.
surface/underground with 50 years life time.
ProductionVolume 11.3 Mill. t ore per year 23.57 t gold and 24 t silver per year
SamplingProcedure environmental report for landuse in the year environmental report of one mine in the year
2000 and one mine in 2006 2000 and one mine in 2006
Extrapolations Buildings and machinery are based on global
Emissions to water are calculated with older
assumptions. The figures were extrapolated on
data of one mine
the basis of the ore production.
UncertaintyAdjustments none none
Person 44 44
DataPublishedIn 2 2
10 10
Copyright 1 1
AccessRestrictedTo 0 0
Validator 51 51
Details automatic validation in Excel automatic validation in Excel
OtherDetails none none
The La Coipa Mine produces gold and silver and is an open pit mine. Tab. 5.22 shows the production
volume 2002 and calculated turnover of the La Coipa Mine. The recovery rate (proportion of valuable
material physically recovered in the processing of ore) is taken into account in order to define the re-
source extraction. The average concentration (head grade, expressed in kg metal per kg ore) of metals
in ore for Chile is calculated with the quantity of ore milled and the corresponding production rate.
Tab. 5.22: Production volume 2002, calculated turnover and shares in turnover of the different products of the La
Coipa Mine (Placer Dome Inc., 2003a). Basis: prices 2005 according to Tab. 2.5.
Production La Coipa
Ore milled kg 3.17E+09
Production Gold kg 2.99E+03
Production Silver kg 1.12E+05
Value Gold US$ 4.69E+07 Value of 1kg Gold: 15680 US$
Value Silver US$ 3.01E+07 Value of 1kg Silver: 269 US$
Allocation Gold 60.9%
Allocation Silver 39.1%
Head grade
Gold kg/kg 1.11E-06
Silver kg/kg 4.16E-05
Recovery rate 85%
Mining infrastructure
This data set includes land use as well as rough estimates on buildings and machines necessary in gold
mining. It is assumed, that the quantities of machinery as well as surface and volume of buildings are
equal to the generic mine. This approach is rough, and the uncertainty is rather high. As the mined ore
from the generic mine is some orders of magnitude lower than the mine in focus, a proportional scal-
ing by milled ore will lead to a higher mistake (see Tab. 5.1: Gold and Silver production in Sweden).
The lifetime of mines is assumed to be 50 years.
Land use is based on the figures from the environmental report (Tab. 5.23). Not all the area of the
mine is in active use at one time; the value in Tab. 5.23 is assumed to be the average share of the mine
area in use. Therefore, the total area is occupied during an average of about 43 years, according to
Tab. 5.23: Land use of the La Coipa Mine in 2002 (Placer Dome Inc., 2004).
This figure is 0 in the original data, which is assumed to be a mistake. The area in active use is there-
fore calculated as the area disturbed during life of mine minus area available for revegetation and
area revegetated.
Tab. 5.24: Unit process raw data for the gold and silver mine in Chile.
mine, gold
Name GeneralComment
and silver
Location CL
InfrastructureProcess 1
Unit unit
product mine, gold and silver CL 1 unit 1.00E+0
technosphere building, multi-storey RER 1 m3 2.75E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
building, hall CH 1 m2 1.25E+4 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
industrial machine, heavy, unspecified, at plant RER 1 kg 8.50E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
conveyor belt, at plant RER 1 m 6.00E+2 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
resource, land Transformation, from unknown - - m2 1.34E+7 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2002
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to mineral extraction site - - m2 1.34E+7 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2003
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Occupation, mineral extraction site - - m2a 5.80E+8 1 1.51
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2004
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, from mineral extraction site - - m2 1.34E+7 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2005
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural - - m2 3.00E+4 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2006
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to unknown - - m2 1.34E+7 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2007
Table 5.25: Energy and material requirements of the La Coipa Mine in 2002 (Placer Dome Inc., 2002b).
Water resources
Water resources m
3 2.87E+04 Scaled from Peruvian Mine by milled ore, in LCI: Water,
unspecified natural origin
Emissions to Water
Arsenic, ion kg 1.24E+02 estimated with Data from PG, scaled by milled ore
Cadmium, ion kg 5.80E+02 estimated with Data from PG, scaled by milled ore
Copper, ion kg 3.21E+04 estimated with Data from PG, scaled by milled ore
Cyanide kg 5.22E+04 estimated with Data from PG, scaled by milled ore
Lead kg 8.49E+01 estimated with Data from PG, scaled by milled ore
Mercury kg 1.32E+00 estimated with Data from PG, scaled by milled ore
Nickel, ion kg 7.70E+03 estimated with Data from PG, scaled by milled ore
Zinc, ion kg 2.05E+05 estimated with Data from PG, scaled by milled ore
Emissions to Air
Carbon Dioxide (from explosives) kg 2.75E+05 Calculation, based on data from Newmont (2005)
Zinc kg 6.99E-01 estimated with Data from SE, scaled by milled ore
Copper kg 2.53E+00 estimated with Data from SE, scaled by milled ore
Lead kg 8.24E-01 estimated with Data from SE, scaled by milled ore
Disposal kg 2.25E+09 estimated with data from PG, in LCI as: Disposal, sulphidic
Chilean electricity mix in 2005 (Nationmaster, 2004): fossil fuel 47%, hydro 51.5%, other 1.5%.
There are existing facilities for water extraction in the Salar de Maricunga, which is located 50 kilome-
tres southeast of La Coipa. There is a water pump system that collects the water from five wells. The
water is accounted for as ground water (water, well, in ground).
Water emissions are approximated with figures of the mines in Papua New Guinea, material use (with
exception of cyanide) with figures of Australian data for gold and silver production (Stewart, 1999),
see also chapter 5.1.9), air emissions (zinc, copper and lead) with Swedish data. As Swedish data stand
for a combined process, they are allocated to gold and silver for Sweden and used in this form for
Chile. Cyanide is accounted for as sodium cyanide, which is commonly used in the gold mining. Since
the module “blasting” does not include the CO2 emissions from explosives, they are calculated with
the factor of the mines of Newmont (2005b) (0.16 kg CO2 per kg explosive). Water emissions are as-
sumed to be emitted to rivers. Transports of materials are estimated to be 600 km by truck. Data on the
amount of tailings disposal is approximated with data of mines in Papua New Guinea.
Since the mines produce doré gold (unrefined gold bullion bars containing between 60% and 95%
gold), the refinery process is less complex than the refinery process of Rönnskär in Sweden. It is as-
sumed, that the gold doré-bars undergo the treatment of Wohlwill electrolysis (for details see,
“Gold / Silver, secondary, from electronic scrap in ecoinvent”). Due to the lack of specific data about
primary refinement, the figure of refinement from electronic scrap is used: 1.63 kWh per kg gold
(Renner et al., 2002a). The refinery of silver requires 0.6 kWh per kg of silver (Möbius electrolysis).
No emissions were assumed, since on the one hand the high value of the processed material requires
an efficient emission control and on the other hand, refinement is a hydrometallurgical process with
low impact. The infrastructure is approximated with the facility of precious metal refinery. The unit
process raw data are summarized in Tab. 5.26.
Tab. 5.26: Unit process raw data of gold and silver mining and refining in Chile
mining and
Name refining, gold- GeneralComment
silver deposit
Location CL
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit a
gold, from combined gold-silver production, at
allocated CL 0 kg 2.99E+3
silver, from combined gold-silver production, at
products CL 0 kg 1.12E+5
electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE,
technosphere UCTE 0 kWh 1.60E+8 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
at grid
diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set GLO 0 MJ 4.18E+8 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
diesel, burned in building machine GLO 0 MJ 9.44E+7 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
(2,4,2,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
sodium cyanide, at plant RER 0 kg 2.14E+6 1 1.14
precious metal production, data for 1999
(2,4,2,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 1.89E+5 1 1.14
precious metal production, data for 1999
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix, (2,3,2,5,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
RER 0 kg 3.48E+4 1 1.15
at plant precious metal production, data for 1999
(2,3,2,5,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
charcoal, at plant GLO 0 kg 5.07E+4 1 1.15
precious metal production, data for 1999
(2,3,2,5,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
zinc, primary, at regional storage RER 0 kg 8.65E+3 1 1.15
precious metal production, data for 1999
(2,3,2,5,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant RER 0 kg 1.99E+3 1 1.15
precious metal production, data for 1999
(2,3,2,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
hydrochloric acid, 30% in H2O, at plant RER 0 kg 4.08E+4 1 1.11
precious metal production, data for 1999
blasting RER 0 kg 1.72E+6 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on peruvian Data
(2,4,na,na,na,na); Calculation, based on estimated distance
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 3.10E+8 1 2.02
of 600km
disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-site GLO 0 kg 2.25E+9 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3); Estimation
infrastructure facilities precious metal refinery SE 1 unit 1.89E-2 1 3.09 (4,5,na,na,na,na); Environmental report
mine, gold and silver CL 1 unit 2.00E-2 1 3.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
emission air, low
Copper - - kg 2.53E+0 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on Swedish Data
population density
Lead - - kg 8.24E-1 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on Swedish Data
Zinc - - kg 6.99E-1 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on Swedish Data
Carbon dioxide, fossil - - kg 2.75E+5 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on Swedish Data
Heat, waste - - MJ 5.76E+8 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Calculation
emission water, ocean Arsenic, ion - - kg 1.24E+2 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on PG-Data
Cadmium, ion - - kg 5.80E+2 1 3.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on PG-Data
Copper, ion - - kg 3.21E+4 1 3.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on PG-Data
Cyanide - - kg 5.22E+4 1 3.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on PG-Data
Lead - - kg 8.49E+1 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on PG-Data
Mercury - - kg 1.32E+0 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on PG-Data
Nickel, ion - - kg 7.70E+3 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on PG-Data
Zinc, ion - - kg 2.05E+5 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on PG-Data
resource, in water Water, unspecified natural origin - - m3 2.87E+4 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on PG-Data
Gold, Au 1.1E-4%, Ag 4.2E-3%, in ore, in
resource, in ground - - kg 3.52E+3 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation
Silver, Ag 4.2E-3%, Au 1.1E-4%, in ore, in
- - kg 1.32E+05 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation
Tab. 5.27 Allocation factors of the data set “mining and refining, gold-silver deposit”
gold, from silver, from
mining and combined gold- combined gold-
Name refining, gold- silver silver
silver deposit production, at production, at
refinery refinery
Location CL CL CL
InfrastructureProcess 0 0 0
Unit a kg kg
gold, from combined gold-silver production, at
allocated CL 0 kg 2.99E+3 100 -
silver, from combined gold-silver production, at
products CL 0 kg 1.12E+5 - 100
electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE,
technosphere UCTE 0 kWh 1.60E+8 60.9 39.1
at grid
diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set GLO 0 MJ 4.18E+8 60.9 39.1
Name mine, gold and silver mining and refining, gold-silver deposit
Location CL CL
InfrastructureProcess 1 0
Unit unit a
Type 1 5
Version 2.0 2.0
energyValues 0 0
LanguageCode en en
LocalLanguageCode de de
Person 44 44
QualityNetwork 1 1
DataSetRelatesToProduct 1 1
IncludedProcesses This data set includes the combined mining and
refining of gold and silver in an open pit mine in Chile
Land use, buildings and machinery for mining
incl. energy and material use, water and air emissions
of metals and land use.
Amount 1 1
LocalName Mine, Gold und Silber Abbau und Raffination, Gold-Silber-Lagerstätte
GeneralComment This multi-output process 'mining and refining, gold-
This data set includes land use of the considered silver deposit' delivers the two co-products 'gold, from
mines incl. revegetated areas as well as estimates of combined gold-silver-production, at refinery' and
buildings and machinery of the mine based on the 'silver, from combined gold-silver-production, at
data set non-ferrous metal, mine, refinery'. This data set includes the mining in Chile in
surface/underground. open pit mine incl. land use. Air emissions are
InfrastructureIncluded 1 1
Category metals metals
SubCategory extraction extraction
LocalCategory Metalle Metalle
LocalSubCategory Gewinnung Gewinnung
StartDate 2002 2002
EndDate 2006 2006
DataValidForEntirePeriod 1 1
OtherPeriodText Period of public environmental report Period of public environmental report
Text Land use of Chilean-plant, other inputs based on Material requirements are estimated with Australian
rough assumptions. data
Text Assumptions for buildings and machinery based on
the data set "non-ferrous metal, mine, Refinement is estimated with electrolysis-data.
surface/underground with 50 years life time.
ProductionVolume 3.2 Mill. t ore per year 2.99 t gold and 112 t silver per year
SamplingProcedure environmental report environmental report
Extrapolations Buildings and machinery are based on global
assumptions. The figures were extrapolated on the See Geography
basis of the ore production.
UncertaintyAdjustments none none
Person 44 44
DataPublishedIn 2 2
ReferenceToPublishedSource 10 10
Copyright 1 1
AccessRestrictedTo 0 0
Validator 51 51
Details automatic validation in Excel automatic validation in Excel
OtherDetails none none
kg of gold. Minera Yanacocha consists of five open pit mines, four leach pads, two gold recovery
plants, and a crushing and agglomeration facility.
The recovery rate (proportion of valuable material physically recovered in the processing of ore) is
taken into account in order to define the resource extraction. The average concentration (head grade,
expressed in kg metal per kg ore) of metals in ore for Peru is calculated with the quantity of ore
milled, the corresponding production rate and the recovery rate.
Tab. 5.29 Production, Allocation and Recovery rate of the various metals produced in 2005 by the Yanacocha-Mines
(Newmont, 2005a; Arana, 2002), the prices are from Tab. 2.5.
Production Gold kg 1.03E+05 Value of 1kg Gold: 15680 US$
Production Silver kg 3.67E+04 Value of 1kg Silver: 269 US$
Allocation Gold 99.4%
Allocation Silver 0.6%
Ore milled kg 7.85E+10
Head grade
Gold kg/kg ore 1.54E-06
Silver kg/kg ore 5.49E-07
Recovery rate 85%
Mining infrastructure
This data set includes land use as well as rough estimates on buildings and machines necessary in gold
mining. It is assumed, that the quantities of machinery as well as surface and volume of buildings are
equal to the generic mine. This approach is rough, and the uncertainty is rather high. As the mined ore
from the generic mine is some orders of magnitude lower than the mine in focus, a proportional scal-
ing by milled ore will lead to a higher mistake (see Tab. 5.1: Gold and Silver production in Sweden).
The lifetime of mines is assumed to be 50 years.
Land use is based on the figures from the environmental report (Tab. 5.30). Not all the area of the
mine is in active use at one time; the value in Tab. 5.30 is assumed to be the average share of the mine
area in use. Therefore, the total area is occupied during an average of about 42 years, according to the
following formula:
Tab. 5.31: Unit process raw data of the gold and silver mine in Peru.
mine, gold
Name GeneralComment
and silver
Location PE
InfrastructureProcess 1
Unit unit
product mine, gold and silver PE 1 unit 1.00E+0
technosphere building, multi-storey RER 1 m3 2.75E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
building, hall CH 1 m2 1.25E+4 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
industrial machine, heavy, unspecified, at plant RER 1 kg 8.50E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
conveyor belt, at plant RER 1 m 6.00E+2 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
resource, land Transformation, from unknown - - m2 3.19E+7 1 2.01 (1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report, Newmont 2005
Transformation, to mineral extraction site - - m2 3.19E+7 1 2.01 (1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report, Newmont 2005
Occupation, mineral extraction site - - m2a 2.68E+7 1 1.51 (1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report, Newmont 2005
Transformation, from mineral extraction site - - m2 3.19E+7 1 2.01 (1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report, Newmont 2005
Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural - - m2 3.37E+6 1 2.01 (1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report, Newmont 2005
Transformation, to unknown - - m2 2.86E+7 1 2.01 (1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report, Newmont 2005
Tab. 5.32: Energy and material requirements of the Yanacocha-Mines in 2005 (Newmont, 2005a)
Yanagocha Remark
Electricity for mining kWh 3.37E+08 Environmental report, Peruvian mix 1) approximated with
the Brasilian mix
Electricity for refining kWh 1.89E+05 assumed with Möbius / Wohlwill-electrolysis, Peruvian mix
1) approximated with the Brasilian mix
Diesel (generators) MJ 7.88E+06 Diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set
Diesel (mobile equipment) MJ 4.86E+09 Diesel, burned in building machine
Petrol l 4.38E+04 converted in transport, van <3.5t (0.38l/tkm)
Oil MJ 1.41E+08 heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, non-
Materials .
Cyanide kg 4.40E+06 In LCI as sodium cyanide
Lime kg 1.19E+08 Environmental report
kg 1.20E+06 Scaled from australian value by processed gold and silver,
Caustic accounted for as Sodium Hydroxid
kg 1.75E+06 Scaled from australian value by processed gold & silver,
Carbon accounted for as Charcoal, at plant
kg 2.99E+05 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold and silver,
accounted for as zinc, primary, at regional storage
kg 5.43E+05 Acids (hydrochloric, sulphamic and sulphuric) consumption
is divided in half sulphuric, half hydrochloric (Newmont,
Sulphuric Acid 2006)
Hydrochloric Acid kg 5.43E+05 Environmental report
Explosives kg 4.26E+07 Partly ANFO explosives, approximates with Tovex
Water resources
3 4.40E+05 in LCI: Water, river
Surface Water Use m
3 2.72E+05 in LCI: Water, well, in ground
Groundwater Use m
3 2.77E+06
Mine dewatering Use m recycled Water, not accounted for in inventory
Emissions to Water
Arsenic, ion kg 3.07E+03 Estimation with PG-Data, scaled by milled ore
Cadmium, ion kg 1.44E+04 Estimation with PG-Data, scaled by milled ore
Copper, ion kg 7.96E+05 Estimation with PG-Data, scaled by milled ore
Cyanide kg 1.29E+06 Estimation with PG-Data, scaled by milled ore
Lead kg 2.10E+03 Estimation with PG-Data, scaled by milled ore
Mercury kg 3.26E+01 Estimation with PG-Data, scaled by milled ore
Nickel, ion kg 1.91E+05 Estimation with PG-Data, scaled by milled ore
Zinc, ion kg 5.07E+06 Estimation with PG-Data, scaled by milled ore
Emissions to Air
Arsenic kg 9.07E+00 Environmental Report
Carbon Monoxide kg 9.60E+04 Environmental Report, not accounted for
Carbon Dioxide (from explosives) kg 7.00E+06 Environmental Report
Lead kg 4.54E+01 Environmental Report
Mercury kg 3.45E+02 Environmental Report
Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) kg 1.50E+05 Environmental Report, not accounted for
Particulates kg 1.31E+04 Environmental Report, not accounted for
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) kg 6.04E+04 Environmental Report, not accounted for
1 Peruvian electricity mix in 2005 (Nationmaster, 2004): fossil fuel 14.5%, hydro 84.7% others: 0.8%,
Brazilian electricity mix: fossil fuel 9.9%, hydro: 83.7, others: 6.4%
Since no reliable measures or values are available, water emissions are approximated with the figures
of the mines in Papua New Guinea. The use of charcoal and zinc is estimated with figures of Austra-
lian data for gold and silver production (Stewart, 1999, see also chapter 5.1.9). Airborne emissions as
carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, particulates and sulfur dioxide due to burning of fossil fuels are al-
ready inventoried and therefore not accounted in this LCI. The disposal of charcoal has been ne-
glected. Since the module “blasting” does not include the CO2 emissions from explosives, they are
calculated with the factor of the mines of Newmont (2005b) (0.16 kg CO2 per kg explosive). Cyanide
is accounted for as sodium cyanide, which is commonly used in the gold mining. Water emissions are
assumed to be emitted to rivers. Transports of materials are estimated to be 600 km per truck. Data
about amounts of tailings disposal is approximated with data of gold/silver mines in Papua New
Since the mines produce doré gold (unrefined gold bullion bars containing between 60% and 95%
gold), the refinery process is less complex than the refinery process of Rönnskär in Sweden. It is as-
sumed, that the gold doré-bars undergo the treatment of Wohlwill electrolysis (for details see,
“Gold / Silver, secondary, from electronic scrap in ecoinvent”). Due to the lack of specific data, the
figure of refinement from electronic scrap is used: 1.63 kWh per kg gold (Renner et al., 2002a). The
refinery of silver requires 0.6 kWh per kg of silver (Möbius electrolysis). No emissions were assumed,
since on the one hand the high value of the processed material requires an efficient emission control
and on the other hand, refinement is a hydrometallurgical process with low impact. The infrastructure
is approximated with the facility of precious metal refinery. The unit process raw data are summarized
in Tab. 5.33 .
Tab. 5.33: Unit process raw data of gold and silver mining and refining in Peru
mining and
Name refining, gold- GeneralComment
silver deposit
Location PE
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit a
gold, from combined gold-silver production, at
allocated PE 0 kg 1.03E+5
silver, from combined gold-silver production, at
products PE 0 kg 3.67E+4
technosphere electricity, medium voltage, at grid BR 0 kWh 3.37E+08 1 1.20 (3,4,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set GLO 0 MJ 7.88E+06 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
diesel, burned in building machine GLO 0 MJ 4.86E+09 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
transport, van <3.5t RER 0 tkm 1.15E+05 1 2.24 (5,3,1,1,1,3); Estimations
sodium cyanide, at plant RER 0 kg 4.40E+06 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 1.19E+08 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
(3,3,3,5,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix,
RER 0 kg 1.20E+06 1 1.20 on Australian precious metal production,
at plant
data for 1999
hydrochloric acid, 30% in H2O, at plant RER 0 kg 5.43E+05 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
(3,3,3,5,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis
zinc, primary, at regional storage RER 0 kg 2.99E+05 1 1.20 on Australian precious metal production,
data for 1999
(3,3,3,5,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis
charcoal, at plant GLO 0 kg 1.75E+06 1 1.20 on Australian precious metal production,
data for 1999
sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant RER 0 kg 5.43E+05 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
blasting RER 0 kg 4.26E+07 1 1.09 (1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 1.76E+08 1 2.24 (5,3,1,1,1,3); Estimations
disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-site GLO 0 kg 7.85E+10 1 1.17 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
infrastructure facilities precious metal refinery SE 1 unit 2.29E-02 1 3.09 (4,5,na,na,na,na); Environmental report
mine, gold and silver PE 1 unit 2.00E-02 1 3.05 (1,3,1,2,3,3); Annual report
emission air, low
Arsenic - - kg 9.07E+00 1 5.04 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
population density
Carbon dioxide, fossil - - kg 7.00E+06 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
Lead - - kg 4.54E+01 1 5.02 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
Mercury - - kg 3.45E+02 1 5.02 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
Heat, waste - - MJ 1.21E+09 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Calculation
(3,3,2,5,1,3); Estimated with data from
emission water, river Arsenic, ion - - kg 3.07E+03 1 5.04
combined production, PG
(3,3,2,5,1,3); Estimated with data from
Cadmium, ion - - kg 1.44E+04 1 3.03
combined production, PG
(3,3,2,5,1,3); Estimated with data from
Copper, ion - - kg 7.96E+05 1 3.03
combined production, PG
(3,3,2,5,1,3); Estimated with data from
Cyanide - - kg 1.29E+06 1 3.03
combined production, PG
(3,3,2,5,1,3); Estimated with data from
Lead - - kg 2.10E+03 1 5.04
combined production, PG
(3,3,2,5,1,3); Estimated with data from
Mercury - - kg 3.26E+01 1 5.04
combined production, PG
(3,3,2,5,1,3); Estimated with data from
Nickel, ion - - kg 1.91E+05 1 5.04
combined production, PG
(3,3,2,5,1,3); Estimated with data from
Zinc, ion - - kg 5.07E+06 1 5.04
combined production, PG
resource, in water Water, well, in ground - - m3 4.40E+05 1 1.17 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
Water, river - - m3 2.72E+05 1 1.17 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
Gold, Au 1.3E-4%, Ag 4.6E-5%, in ore, in
resource, in ground - - kg 1.21E+05 1 1.17 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
Silver, Ag 4.6E-5%, Au 1.3E-4%, in ore, in
- - kg 4.31E+04 1 1.17 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
Tab. 5.34 Allocation factors of the data set “mining, gold-silver deposit”
gold, from
silver, from
mining and combined gold-
combined gold-
Name refining, gold- silver
silver production,
silver deposit production, at
at refinery
Location PE PE PE
InfrastructureProcess 0 0 0
Unit a kg kg
gold, from combined gold-silver production, at
allocated PE 0 kg 1.03E+5 100 0
silver, from combined gold-silver production, at
products PE 0 kg 3.67E+4 0 100
technosphere electricity, medium voltage, at grid BR 0 kWh 3.37E+08 99.42 0.6
diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set GLO 0 MJ 7.88E+06 99.42 0.6
diesel, burned in building machine GLO 0 MJ 4.86E+09 99.42 0.6
transport, van <3.5t RER 0 tkm 1.15E+05 97.6 2.4
sodium cyanide, at plant RER 0 kg 4.40E+06 99.42 0.6
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 1.19E+08 99.42 0.6
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix,
RER 0 kg 1.20E+06 99.42 0.6
at plant
hydrochloric acid, 30% in H2O, at plant RER 0 kg 5.43E+05 99.42 0.6
5.35 EcoSpold Meta information of gold / silver mining and refining in Peru
Name mine, gold and silver mining and refining, gold-silver deposit
Location PE PE
InfrastructureProcess 1 0
Unit unit a
Type 1 5
Version 2.0 2.0
energyValues 0 0
LanguageCode en en
LocalLanguageCode de de
Person 44 44
QualityNetwork 1 1
DataSetRelatesToProduct 1 1
This data set includes the combined mining and
refining of gold and silver in open pit mines in Peru
Land use, buildings and machinery for mining
incl. energy and material use, water and air
emissions of metals and land use.
Amount 1 1
Mine, Gold und Silber Abbau und Raffination, Gold-Silber-Lagerstätte
This multi-output process 'mining and refining, gold-
This data set includes land use of the considered silver deposit' delivers the two co-products 'gold,
mines incl. revegetated areas as well as estimates from combined gold-silver-production, at refinery'
of buildings and machinery of the mine based on and 'silver, from combined gold-silver-production,
the data set non-ferrous metal, mine, at refinery'. This data set includes the mining in
surface/underground. Peru in open pit mines incl. land use. Air
emissions are estimated.
InfrastructureIncluded 1 1
Category metals metals
SubCategory extraction extraction
LocalCategory Metalle Metalle
LocalSubCategory Gewinnung Gewinnung
StartDate 2004 2004
EndDate 2006 2006
DataValidForEntirePeriod 1 1
OtherPeriodText Period of public environmental report Period of public environmental report
Text Material requirements are estimated with Australian
Land use of Peruvian-plant, other inputs based on
data, water emissions are estimated with Data from
rough assumptions.
Papua New Guinea
Assumptions for buildings and machinery based on
The mining of ore from open pit mines is
the data set "non-ferrous metal, mine,
surface/underground with 50 years life time.
ProductionVolume 78.5 Mill. t ore per year 102.64 t gold and 36.66 t silver per year
SamplingProcedure environmental report environmental report
Extrapolations Buildings and machinery are based on global
See Geography, estimations have been made for
assumptions. The figures were extrapolated on the
refinement of Gold
basis of the ore production.
UncertaintyAdjustments none none
Person 44 44
DataPublishedIn 2 2
ReferenceToPublishedSource 10 10
Copyright 1 1
AccessRestrictedTo 0 0
Validator 51 51
Details automatic validation in Excel automatic validation in Excel
OtherDetails none none
The mines produce only gold. Campbell and Musselwhite are underground, Porcupine has under-
ground and open pit mines. Tab. 5.36 shows the production volume in year 2002 of the Campbell,
Musselwhite and Porcupine Mines. The recovery rate (proportion of valuable material physically re-
covered in the processing of ore) is taken into account in order to define the resource extraction. The
average concentration (head grade, expressed in kg metal per kg ore) of metals in ore for Canada is
calculated with the quantity of ore milled, the corresponding production rate and the recovery rate.
Tab. 5.36: Production volume in 2002 of the Campbell, Musselwhite and Porcupine Mines (Placer Dome Inc., 2003a).
Mining infrastructure
This data set includes land use as well as rough estimates on buildings and machines necessary in gold
mining. It is assumed, that the quantities of machinery as well as surface and volume of buildings are
equal to the generic mine. This approach is rough, and the uncertainty is rather high. As the mined ore
from the generic mine is some orders of magnitude lower than the mine in focus, a proportional scal-
ing by milled ore will lead to a higher mistake (see Tab. 5.1: Gold and Silver production in Sweden).
The lifetime of mines is assumed to be 50 years.
Tab. 5.37: Land use of the Campbell, Musselwhite and Porcupine Mines in 2002 (Placer Dome Inc., 2002b).
Land use is based on the figures from the environmental report (Tab. 5.37). Not all the area of the
mine is in active use at one time; the value in Tab. 5.37 is assumed to be the average share of the mine
area in use. Therefore, the total area is occupied during an average of about 22 years, according to the
Tab. 5.38: Unit process raw data for the gold and silver mine in Canada.
Name mine, gold GeneralComment
Location CA
InfrastructureProcess 1
Unit unit
product mine, gold CA 1 unit 1.00E+0
technosphere building, multi-storey RER 1 m3 2.75E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
building, hall CH 1 m2 1.25E+4 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
industrial machine, heavy, unspecified, at plant RER 1 kg 8.50E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
conveyor belt, at plant RER 1 m 6.00E+2 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
resource, land Transformation, from unknown - - m2 1.14E+8 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2002
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to mineral extraction site - - m2 1.14E+8 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2002
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Occupation, mineral extraction site - - m2a 2.53E+9 1 1.51
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2002
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, from mineral extraction site - - m2 1.14E+8 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2002
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural - - m2 1.39E+7 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2002
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to unknown - - m2 1.00E+8 1 2.01
report, Placer Dome Inc. 2002
Tab. 5.39: Annual requirements and emissions of the Campbell, Musselwhite and Porcupine Mines in 2002 (Placer
Dome Inc., 2002b).
Electricity for kWh n.a. n.a. n.a. 2.22E+04 assumed with Möbius / Wohlwill-electrolysis
Diesel (generators) MJ 7.42E+05 2.56E+06 6.70E+06 1.00E+07 Diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set
Diesel (mobile l 1.02E+07 3.53E+07 9.24E+07 1.38E+08 Diesel, burned in building machine
Propane (LPG) MJ 7.10E+07 2.45E+08 6.41E+08 9.57E+08 2)
Transport, van tkm 1.20E+05 3.32E+05 8.69E+05 1.32E+06 Approximation for gasoline, calculated with
<3.5t specific fuel consumption (0.35l / tkm)
Cyanide kg 2.49E+05 4.15E+05 1.19E+06 1.85E+06 In LCI as sodium cyanide
Lime kg n.a. n.a. n.a. 8.60E+05 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold
Caustic kg n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.58E+05 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold,
accounted for sodium hydroxide
Carbon kg n.a. n.a. n.a. 2.31E+05 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold,
accounted for as charcoal
Zinc kg n.a. n.a. n.a. 3.94E+04 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold,
accounted for as zinc, primary, at regional
Sulphuric Acid kg n.a. n.a. n.a. 9.06E+03 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold
Hydrochloric Acid kg n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.86E+05 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold
Explosives kg n.a. n.a. n.a. 2.16E+05 Scaled from US-Mines by milled ore, in LCI:
Water resources
Groundwater m
3 9.55E+05 2.68E+06 1.10E+06 4.74E+06 in LCI: Water, well, in ground
Water from onsite 5.80E+05 0 0 5.80E+05 Recycled Water: not accounted for in inventory
Emissions to
Arsenic, ion kg 8.00E+00 4.10E+00 5.10E+01 6.31E+01 Environmental Report (Placer Dome, 2002)
Cadmium, ion kg 0.00E+00 5.00E-01 1.40E+01 1.45E+01 Environmental Report (Placer Dome, 2002)
Copper, ion kg 1.30E+01 7.60E+00 1.52E+02 1.73E+02 Environmental Report (Placer Dome, 2002)
Cyanide kg 1.80E+01 4.20E+01 3.21E+02 3.81E+02 Environmental Report (Placer Dome, 2002)
Lead kg 7.00E-01 4.90E+00 2.60E+01 3.16E+01 Environmental Report (Placer Dome, 2002)
Mercury kg 1.00E-02 2.00E-02 1.50E-01 1.80E-01 Environmental Report (Placer Dome, 2002)
Nickel, ion kg 4.20E+01 2.10E+00 1.69E+02 2.13E+02 Environmental Report (Placer Dome, 2002)
Zinc, ion kg 2.30E+01 9.70E+00 5.20E+01 8.47E+01 Environmental Report (Placer Dome, 2002)
Emissions to Air
Carbon Dioxide kg n.a. n.a. n.a. 3.45E+04 Calculation, based on data from Newmont
(from explosives) (2005)
Zinc kg n.a. n.a. n.a. 4.95E-01 estimated with Data from SE, scaled by milled
Copper kg n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.79E+00 estimated with Data from SE, scaled by milled
Lead kg n.a. n.a. n.a. 5.83E-01 estimated with Data from SE, scaled by milled
Disposal kg n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.59E+09 estimated with data from PG, in LCI as:
Disposal, sulphidic tailings
Electricity mix Canada in 2000 (GENI (2004)): fossil 26%, hydro 61%, nuclear 12%, other 2%. Camp-
bell mine uses only hydro power.
The consumption of the different energy sources in Musselwhite and Porcupine is calculated on the
basis of their share in the figures of the Campbell mine.
Material use is approximated with figures from Australian data for gold and silver production
(Stewart, 1999), whereas air emissions (zinc, copper and lead) are modelled with Swedish data. As
Swedish data stem for a combined process, they are allocated to gold and silver for Sweden and used
in this form for Canada. Electricity supply mix of Canada is approximated with the NORDEL electric-
ity mix (Nordic countries power association) that has a related share of hydroelectric power production
(The higher part of fossil electricity generation in NORDEL is somewhat compensated by the use of
exclusively hydro by the Campbell-Mine). Explosive use is estimated with Data from US. Since the
module “blasting” not includes the CO2 emissions from explosives, they are calculated with the factor
of the mines of Newmont (2005b) (0.16 kg CO2 per kg explosive). Water emissions are assumed to be
emitted to rivers. Estimation of transport is based on standard distances. Data about amounts of tail-
ings disposal is approximated with data of mines in Papua New Guinea.
Since the mines produce doré gold (unrefined gold bullion bars containing between 60% and 95%
gold), the refinery process is less complex than the refinery process of Rönnskär in Sweden. It is as-
sumed, that the gold doré-bars undergo the treatment of Wohlwill electrolysis (for details see,
“Gold / Silver, secondary, from electronic scrap in ecoinvent”). Due to the lack of specific data, the
figure of refinement from electronic scrap is used: 1.63 kWh per kg gold (Renner et al., 2002a). No
emissions were assumed, since on the one hand the high value of the processed material requires an
efficient emission control and on the other hand, refinement is a hydrometallurgical process with low
impact. The infrastructure is approximated with the facility of precious metal refinery. The unit proc-
ess raw data are summarized in Tab. 5.40.
Tab. 5.40: Unit process raw data of gold mining and refining in Canada.
Infrastructure Process
Name gold, at refinery GeneralComment
Location CA
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
product gold, at refinery CA 0 kg 1.00E+0
electricity, medium voltage, production
technosphere NORDEL 0 kWh 2.25E+4 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
NORDEL, at grid
diesel, burned in diesel-electric
GLO 0 MJ 7.35E+2 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
generating set
diesel, burned in building machine GLO 0 MJ 1.01E+4 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
natural gas, burned in industrial furnace (2,4,2,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
RER 0 MJ 7.03E+4 1 1.14
>100kW precious metal production, data for 1999
(2,4,2,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
transport, van <3.5t RER 0 tkm 9.70E+1 1 2.02
precious metal production, data for 1999
(2,4,2,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
sodium cyanide, at plant RER 0 kg 1.36E+2 1 1.14
precious metal production, data for 1999
(2,4,2,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 6.32E+1 1 1.14
precious metal production, data for 1999
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, (2,3,2,5,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
RER 0 kg 1.16E+1 1 1.15
production mix, at plant precious metal production, data for 1999
(2,3,2,5,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
charcoal, at plant GLO 0 kg 1.70E+1 1 1.15
precious metal production, data for 1999
(2,3,2,5,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
zinc, primary, at regional storage RER 0 kg 2.89E+0 1 1.15
precious metal production, data for 1999
(2,3,2,5,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant RER 0 kg 6.65E-1 1 1.15
precious metal production, data for 1999
(2,3,2,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on Australian
hydrochloric acid, 30% in H2O, at plant RER 0 kg 1.36E+1 1 1.11
precious metal production, data for 1999
blasting RER 0 kg 1.59E+1 1 1.11 (2,3,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on US-Data
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 2.29E+2 1 2.02 (2,4,na,na,na,na); Calculation, based on standard distances
transport, freight, rail RER 0 tkm 4.58E+2 1 2.02 (2,4,na,na,na,na); Calculation, based on standard distances
disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-site GLO 0 kg 1.17E+5 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation
infrastructure facilities precious metal refinery SE 1 unit 1.65E-7 1 3.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation
mine, gold CA 1 unit 1.47E-6 1 3.01 (2,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report
emission air, low
Copper - - kg 1.32E-4 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on Swedish Data
population density
Lead - - kg 4.28E-5 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on Swedish Data
Zinc - - kg 3.64E-5 1 5.02 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on Swedish Data
Carbon dioxide, fossil - - kg 2.54E+0 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Estimation, based on Swedish Data
Heat, waste - - MJ 8.11E+4 1 1.14 (2,4,2,3,1,3); Calculation
emission water, ocean Arsenic, ion - - kg 4.64E-3 1 5.01 (1,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
Cadmium, ion - - kg 1.07E-3 1 3.01 (1,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
Copper, ion - - kg 1.27E-2 1 3.01 (1,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
Cyanide - - kg 2.80E-2 1 3.01 (1,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
Lead - - kg 2.32E-3 1 5.01 (1,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
Mercury - - kg 1.32E-5 1 5.01 (1,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
Nickel, ion - - kg 1.57E-2 1 5.01 (1,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
Zinc, ion - - kg 6.22E-3 1 5.01 (1,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
resource, in water Water, well, in ground - - m3 3.48E+2 1 1.10 (1,3,2,3,1,3); Environmental report (Placer-Dome, 2002)
resource, in ground Gold, Au 7.1E-4%, in ore, in ground - - kg 1.18E+0 1 1.10 (1,3,2,3,1,3); Estimation
Mining infrastructure
This data set includes land use as well as rough estimates on buildings and machines necessary in gold
mining. It is assumed, that the quantities of machinery as well as surface and volume of buildings are
equal to the generic mine. This approach is rough, and the uncertainty is rather high. As the mined ore
from the generic mine is some orders of magnitude lower than the mine in focus, a proportional scal-
ing by milled ore will lead to a higher mistake (see Tab. 5.1: Gold and Silver production in Sweden).
The lifetime of mines is assumed to be 50 years.
Land use is based on the figures from the environmental report of Newmont (2005b) and the previous
environmental report of Placer Dome Inc. (2002b). Not all the area of the mine is in active use at one
time; the value in Tab. 5.56 is assumed to be the average share of the mine area in use. Therefore, the
total area is occupied during an average of about 43 years, according to the formula:
Tab. 5.42 Production volume 2005 of the Golden Giant, Nevada, Bald Mountain, Cortez, Golden Sunlight, Goldstrike, and Round Mountain mines (Barrick, 2006b; Newmont,
GoldenGiant Nevada Bald Mountain Cortez Golden Sunlight Goldstrike Round Mountain United States Remark
Production Gold kg 5.04E+03 7.46E+04 8.65E+03 1.31E+04 2.89E+03 5.79E+04 2.12E+04 1.83E+05
Recovery rate n.a. n.a. 91% 89% 78% 88% 88% 88% Recovery rate, average value for the United States, based
on data of Placer-Dome, (2002)
Ore milled kg 8.35E+08 2.32E+11 6.04E+09 3.08E+10 3.08E+09 1.28E+10 6.60E+10 3.52E+11
Head grade
Gold kg/kg ore 6.85E-06 3.66E-07 1.79E-06 5.43E-07 1.37E-06 5.84E-06 4.14E-07 5.93E-07
Tab. 5.43 Land use of the Golden Giant, Nevada, Bald Mountain, Cortez, Golden Sunlight, Goldstrike and Round Mountain mines (Barrick, 2006b; Newmont, 2005b)
Land use GoldenGiant Nevada Bald Mountain Cortez Golden Sunlight Goldstrike Round Mountain United States Remark
Area disturbed during m
2 2.72E+06 1.33E+08 1.50E+07 2.89E+07 9.49E+06 3.80E+08 2.50E+08 8.19E+08 Transformation, from unknown and Transformation, to
life of mine mineral extraction site,
Disturbed area in active m
2 2.12E+06 9.87E+07 8.63E+06 2.25E+07 4.14E+06 3.40E+08 2.28E+08 7.04E+08 Occupation, mineral extraction site, during 50 years
Area available for m
2 2.00E+04 7.69E+06 1.30E+06 1.05E+06 1.28E+06 3.15E+07 2.80E+07 7.08E+07 Transformation, to unknown
Area revegetated m
2 5.80E+05 2.43E+07 5.04E+06 5.30E+06 2.30E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.55E+07 Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural
Tab. 5.44: Unit process raw data for the gold and silver mine in the USA.
Name mine, gold GeneralComment
Location US
InfrastructureProcess 1
Unit unit
product mine, gold US 1 unit 1.00E+0
technosphere building, multi-storey RER 1 m3 2.75E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
building, hall CH 1 m2 1.25E+4 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
industrial machine, heavy, unspecified, at plant RER 1 kg 8.50E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
conveyor belt, at plant RER 1 m 6.00E+2 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
(1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental
resource, land Transformation, from unknown - - m2 8.19E+8 1 2.01
report, Newmont 2005
(1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to mineral extraction site - - m2 8.19E+8 1 2.01
report, Newmont 2005
(1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental
Occupation, mineral extraction site - - m2a 3.52E+10 1 1.51
report, Newmont 2005
(1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, from mineral extraction site - - m2 8.19E+8 1 2.01
report, Newmont 2005
(1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural - - m2 3.55E+7 1 2.01
report, Newmont 2005
(1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to unknown - - m2 7.83E+8 1 2.01
report, Newmont 2005
power through the regulated power system. The average power requirement of the mine is about 160
Further information about the mines and their infrastructure can be found in the corresponding chap-
ters of Barrick (2006b); Newmont (2005b) and Barrick (2006b). The following table (Tab. 5.45)
shows the requirements and emissions of the considered mines as well as the US total.
Material use of zinc and carbon is approximated with figures from Australian data for gold and silver
production (Stewart, 1999). The consumption of Lime and caustic (Sulphuric Acid / Hydrochloric
Acid) was taken from the environmental reports (where available), other ways estimated with the Aus-
tralian values (Stewart, 1999).
The water emissions are estimated with data of Australia, it is assumed that they are emitted to rivers.
Since the module “blasting” does not include the CO2 emissions from explosives, they are calculated
with the factor of the mines of Newmont (2005b) (0.16 kg CO2 per kg explosive). The transport of ma-
terials is calculated with ecoinvent standard distances for Europe. Data of tailing disposal are ap-
proximated with data from Papua New Guinea.
Since the mines produce doré gold (unrefined gold bullion bars containing between 60% and 95%
gold), the refinery process is less complex than the refinery process of Rönnskär in Sweden. It is as-
sumed, that the gold doré-bars undergo the treatment of Wohlwill electrolysis (for details see,
“Gold / Silver, secondary, from electronic scrap in ecoinvent”). Due to the lack of specific data, the
figure of refinement from electronic scrap is used: 1.63 kWh per kg gold (Renner et al., 2002a). No
emissions were assumed, since on the one hand the high value of the processed material requires an
efficient emission control and on the other hand, refinement is a hydrometallurgical process with low
impact. The infrastructure is approximated with the facility of precious metal refinery. The unit proc-
ess raw data are summarized in Tab. 5.47.
Tab. 5.45 Annual requirements of or attributed to the Golden Giant, Nevada, Bald Mountain, Cortez, Golden Sunlight, Goldstrike and Round Mountain mines and total for US
Energy GoldenGiant Nevada Bald Mountain Cortez Golden Sunlight Goldstrike Round Mountain United States Remark
Electricity, medium voltage, US, share for Barrick-Mines is
Electricity for mining kWh 1.14E+08 1.37E+09 1.44E+06 3.45E+07 2.77E+07 2.04E+08 3.28E+07 1.79E+09 based on actual total energy consumption for older share
of electricity (Placer Dome, 2002)
Electricity for refining kWh n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 2.99E+05 assumed with Wohlwill-electrolysis
Diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set, share for
Diesel (generators) MJ 0.00E+00 3.20E+04 4.66E+07 6.43E+08 1.67E+08 3.04E+09 4.90E+08 4.39E+09 Barrick-Mines is based on actual total energy consumption
for older Diesel in generators (Placer Dome, 2002)
Diesel, burned in building machine, share for Barrick-
Diesel (mobile Mines is based on actual total energy consumption for
MJ 2.01E+07 5.27E+09 4.74E+08 1.71E+09 3.26E+08 4.14E+09 1.66E+09 1.36E+10
equipment) older share of diesel in mobile equipment (Placer Dome,
converted in transport, van <3.5t (0.38l/tkm), consumption
Petrol l 2.57E+03 1.20E+05 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.23E+05
in Barrick-Mines is included in Diesel (mobile equipment)
heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW, non-
Oil MJ 2.66E+06 1.33E+08 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.36E+08 modulating, consumption in Barrick-Mines is included in
Diesel (mobile equipment)
Materials . .
Cyanide kg 1.10E+05 9.38E+06 1.35E+06 4.52E+06 1.97E+06 4.91E+06 1.15E+07 9.49E+06 In LCI as sodium cyanide
Data for Golden Giant and Nevada from environmental
Lime kg 5.09E+05 2.01E+08 5.47E+05 8.29E+05 1.83E+05 3.66E+06 1.34E+06 2.08E+08 report, other data estimatet from Steward (1999) by
processed gold
Data for Golden Giant and Nevada from environmental
Caustic kg 0.00E+00 3.29E+04 1.01E+05 1.53E+05 3.37E+04 6.74E+05 2.46E+05 1.24E+06 report, other data estimatet from Steward (1999) by
processed gold
Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold, accounted
Carbon kg 8.55E+04 1.27E+06 1.47E+05 2.23E+05 4.91E+04 9.82E+05 3.59E+05 3.11E+06
for as Charcoal, at plant
Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold, accounted
Zinc kg 1.46E+04 2.16E+05 2.50E+04 3.80E+04 8.37E+03 1.67E+05 6.12E+04 5.31E+05
for as zinc, primary, at regional storage
Data for Golden Giant and Nevada from environmental
Sulphuric Acid kg 2.08E+04 3.59E+07 5.75E+03 8.73E+03 1.92E+03 3.85E+04 1.41E+04 3.60E+07 report, other data estimatet from Steward (1999) by
processed gold
Data for Golden Giant and Nevada from environmental
Hydrochloric Acid kg 2.08E+04 3.59E+07 1.18E+05 1.79E+05 3.95E+04 7.89E+05 2.89E+05 3.73E+07 report, other data estimatet from Steward (1999) by
processed gold
Explosives kg 2.39E+05 3.35E+07 5.38E+03 1.52E+04 4.27E+03 1.94E+04 7.21E+03 3.38E+07 Partly ANFO explosives, in LCI: "blasting"
Water resources
Surface Water Use m 1.01E+05 0.00E+00 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.01E+05 in LCI:Water, river
Groundwater Use m 0.00E+00 8.45E+06 2.09E+05 3.68E+06 5.65E+05 1.23E+07 6.74E+06 3.19E+07 in LCI:Water, well, in ground
Mine dewatering Use m 1.90E+04 2.48E+07 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 2.48E+07 recycled Water, not accounted for in inventory
Tab. 5.46 Annual emissions of or attributed to the Golden Giant, Nevada, Bald Mountain, Cortez, Golden Sunlight, Goldstrike and Round Mountain mines and total for US
Emissions to Water GoldenGiant Nevada Bald Mountain Cortez Golden Sunlight Goldstrike Round Mountain United States
Arsenic kg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 9.80E+03 Total based on australian value, scaled on milled ore
Cadmium kg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 4.42E+03 Total based on australian value, scaled on milled ore
Copper kg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 8.01E+04 Total based on australian value, scaled on milled ore
Cyanide kg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.31E+05 Total based on australian value, scaled on milled ore
Lead kg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 2.70E+05 Total based on australian value, scaled on milled ore
Mercury kg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 4.91E+03 Total based on australian value, scaled on milled ore
Nickel kg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 4.42E+04 Total based on australian value, scaled on milled ore
Zinc kg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 4.91E+05 Total based on australian value, scaled on milled ore
Emissions to Air GoldenGiant Nevada 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 United States
Total based on Golden Giant, environmental report of
Antimony kg 2.63E+02 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.11E+05
Newmont (2005)
Total based on Golden Giant, environmental report of
Arsenic kg 9.07E+00 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 3.82E+03
Newmont (2005)
Beryllium kg 0.00E+00 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.02E+03 Total based on australian value, scaled by milled ore
Cadmium kg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 5.42E+01 Total based on australian value, scaled by milled ore
environmental report of Newmont (2005), not accounted
Carbon Monoxide kg 1.40E+03 2.41E+05 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. -
for in LCI as emissions are already included in fossil fuels
Carbon Dioxide (from Total based on Nevada, environmental report of Newmont
kg 7.00E+06 7.00E+06 2.16E+05 7.23E+05 3.14E+05 7.86E+05 1.84E+06 1.40E+07
explosives) (2005)
Chromium kg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 8.86E+03 Total based on australian value, scaled by milled ore
Cobalt kg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.53E+03 Total based on australian value, scaled by milled ore
Total based on Golden Giant, environmental report of
Lead kg 9.07E+00 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 3.82E+03
Newmont (2005)
Manganese kg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 4.80E+04 Total based on australian value, scaled by milled ore
Total based on Nevada, environmental report of Newmont
Mercury kg 9.07E+00 3.90E+02 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 5.91E+02
environmental report of Newmont (2005), not accounted
Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) kg 4.96E+03 1.18E+05 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. -
for in LCI as emissions are already included in fossil fuels
Tab. 5.47: Unit process raw data of gold mining and refining in USA.
Name gold, at refinery GeneralComment
Location US
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
product gold, at refinery US 0 kg 1.00E+00
technosphere electricity, medium voltage, at grid US 0 kWh 9.76E+03 1 1.29 (3,4,1,5,3,3); Environmental report
diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set GLO 0 MJ 2.39E+04 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
diesel, burned in building machine GLO 0 MJ 7.42E+04 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW,
RER 0 MJ 7.40E+02 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
transport, van <3.5t RER 0 tkm 1.76E+00 1 2.03 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
sodium cyanide, at plant RER 0 kg 5.18E+01 1 1.14 (3,3,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 1.14E+03 1 1.17 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
(3,3,3,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix,
RER 0 kg 6.76E+00 1 1.17 on Australian precious metal production,
at plant
data for 1999
hydrochloric acid, 30% in H2O, at plant RER 0 kg 2.04E+02 1 1.14 (3,3,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
(3,3,3,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis
zinc, primary, at regional storage RER 0 kg 2.89E+00 1 1.17 on Australian precious metal production,
data for 1999
(3,3,3,2,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis
charcoal, at plant GLO 0 kg 1.70E+01 1 1.17 on Australian precious metal production,
data for 1999
sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant RER 0 kg 1.96E+02 1 1.14 (3,3,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
blasting RER 0 kg 1.84E+02 1 1.14 (1,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 1.76E+00 1 2.24 (5,3,1,3,1,3); Estimations
disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-site GLO 0 kg 1.92E+06 1 1.14 (3,3,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
infrastructure facilities precious metal refinery SE 1 unit 1.65E-07 1 3.05 (1,3,1,1,3,3); Annual report
mine, gold US 1 unit 1.09E-07 1 3.05 (1,3,1,1,3,3); Annual report
emission air, low
Arsenic - - kg 2.08E-02 1 5.03 (3,4,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
population density
emission air, low
Antimony - - kg 6.04E-01 1 5.03 (3,4,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
population density
Carbon dioxide, fossil - - kg 7.63E+01 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Beryllium - - kg 5.58E-03 1 5.04
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Cadmium - - kg 2.96E-04 1 5.04
Australian data
Lead - - kg 2.08E-02 1 5.03 (3,4,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Chromium - - kg 4.83E-02 1 5.04
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Cobalt - - kg 8.37E-03 1 5.04
Australian data
Mercury - - kg 3.22E-03 1 5.03 (3,4,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Manganese - - kg 2.62E-01 1 5.04
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Selenium - - kg 1.54E-01 1 5.04
Australian data
Heat, waste - - MJ 3.51E+04 1 1.22 (4,3,1,1,1,3); Calculation
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
emission water, river Arsenic, ion - - kg 5.35E-02 1 5.04
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Cadmium, ion - - kg 2.41E-02 1 3.03
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Copper, ion - - kg 4.37E-01 1 3.03
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Cyanide - - kg 7.14E-01 1 3.03
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Lead - - kg 1.47E+00 1 5.04
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Mercury - - kg 2.68E-02 1 5.04
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Nickel, ion - - kg 2.41E-01 1 5.04
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Zinc, ion - - kg 2.68E+00 1 5.04
Australian data
resource, in water Water, well, in ground - - m3 5.51E-01 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
Water, river - - m3 1.74E+02 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
resource, in ground Gold, Au 1.4E-4%, in ore, in ground - - kg 1.14E+00 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
InfrastructureIncluded 1 1
Category metals metals
SubCategory extraction extraction
LocalCategory Metalle Metalle
LocalSubCategory Gewinnung Gewinnung
CASNumber 007440-57-5
StartDate 2003 2003
EndDate 2006 2006
DataValidForEntirePeriod 1 1
Tab. 5.49: Production volume of the South Deep Mine in 2005 (Western Areas Limited, 2006).
South Deep
Production Gold kg 1.43E+04
Ore milled kg 2.14E+09
Head grade
Gold kg/kg ore 6.92E-06
Recovery rate 97%
Mining infrastructure
This data set includes land use as well as rough estimates on buildings and machines necessary in gold
mining. It is assumed, that the quantities of machinery as well as surface and volume of buildings are
equal to the generic mine. This approach is rough, and the uncertainty is rather high. As the mined ore
from the generic mine is some orders of magnitude lower than the mine in focus, a proportional scal-
ing by milled ore will lead to a higher mistake (see Tab. 5.1: Gold and Silver production in Sweden).
The lifetime of mines is assumed to be 50 years.
Land use is based on the figures from the previous environmental report of Placer Dome Inc. (2002b)
see Tab. 5.50).
Tab. 5.50: Land use of the South Deep Mine in 2002 (Placer Dome Inc., 2002b)
Tab. 5.51: Unit process raw data of the gold mine in South Africa.
Name mine, gold GeneralComment
Location ZA
InfrastructureProcess 1
Unit unit
product mine, gold ZA 1 unit 1.00E+0
technosphere building, multi-storey RER 1 m3 2.75E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
building, hall CH 1 m2 1.25E+4 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
industrial machine, heavy, unspecified, at plant RER 1 kg 8.50E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
conveyor belt, at plant RER 1 m 6.00E+2 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
resource, land Transformation, from unknown - - m2 4.61E+6 1 2.01
report, Placer-Dome 2002
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to mineral extraction site - - m2 4.61E+6 1 2.01
report, Placer-Dome 2002
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Occupation, mineral extraction site - - m2a 2.31E+8 1 1.51
report, Placer-Dome 2002
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, from mineral extraction site - - m2 4.61E+6 1 2.01
report, Placer-Dome 2002
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural - - m2 0 1 2.01
report, Placer-Dome 2002
(1,3,2,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to unknown - - m2 4.61E+6 1 2.01
report, Placer-Dome 2002
Tab. 5.52: Requirements and emissions of the South Deep Mine in 2002 (Placer Dome Inc., 2002b).
Energy Remark
Electricity for mining kWh 1.68E+08 1)
South African electricity mix is approximated with the
CENTREL mix, because of ist high share of fossil energy
Electricity for refining kWh 2.34E+04 assumed with Wohlwill-electrolysis
Diesel (mobile equipment) MJ 9.22E+07 Diesel, burned in building machine
Petrol l 2.38E+03 converted in transport, van <3.5t (0.38l/tkm)
Materials .
Cyanide kg 2.46E+06 In LCI as sodium cyanide
Lime kg 5.01E+06 In LCI as Limestone, milled
Caustic kg 5.83E+05 in LCI as sodium hydroxide
Carbon kg 5.50E+04 from environmental report, in LCI as charcoal, at plant
kg 4.15E+04 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold, accounted for
Zinc as zinc, primary, at regional storage
kg 6.60E+04 organic compounds as flocculent / flotation / magnafloc 351, in
Organic compounds LCI as fatty alcohol
Hydrochloric Acid kg 1.11E+03 from environmental report
kg 1.07E+06 estimated with 0.5kg per ton of ore, approximated with Tovex
Water resources
3 2.19E+06 in LCI: Water, well, in ground
Groundwater Use m
Mine dewatering Use kg 0.00E+00 recycled Water, not accounted for in inventory
Emissions to Water South Deep
based on older environmental report, scaled by milled ore
Arsenic kg 7.94E+01 (Placer-Dome, 2002)
based on older environmental report, scaled by milled ore
Cadmium kg 8.90E+00 (Placer-Dome, 2002)
based on older environmental report, scaled by milled ore
Copper kg 4.40E+02 (Placer-Dome, 2002)
based on older environmental report, scaled by milled ore
Cyanide kg 4.40E+03 (Placer-Dome, 2002)
based on older environmental report, scaled by milled ore
Lead kg 5.29E+01 (Placer-Dome, 2002)
based on older environmental report, scaled by milled ore
Mercury kg 8.90E+00 (Placer-Dome, 2002)
based on older environmental report, scaled by milled ore
Nickel kg 1.01E+03 (Placer-Dome, 2002)
based on older environmental report, scaled by milled ore
Zinc kg 6.61E+02 (Placer-Dome, 2002)
Emissions to Air
Antimony kg 2.31E+00 based on Australian value, scaled by milled ore
Arsenic kg 1.06E+02 based on Australian value, scaled by milled ore
Beryllium kg 6.22E+00 based on Australian value, scaled by milled ore
Cadmium kg 3.30E-01 based on Australian value, scaled by milled ore
Carbon Dioxide (from explosives) kg 1.71E+05 Calculation, based on data from Newmont (2005)
Chromium kg 5.39E+01 based on Australian value, scaled by milled ore
Cobalt kg 9.33E+00 based on Australian value, scaled by milled ore
Lead kg 2.62E+00 based on Australian value, scaled by milled ore
Manganese kg 2.92E+02 based on Australian value, scaled by milled ore
Mercury kg 1.50E+02 based on Australian value, scaled by milled ore
Selenium kg 1.78E+02 based on Australian value, scaled by milled ore
South African electricity mix in 2007 (Nationmaster, 2004): fossil fuel 93.5 %, hydro 1.1%, nuclear
Since the mines produce doré gold (unrefined gold bullion bars containing between 60% and 95%
gold), the refinery process is less complex than the refinery process of Rönnskär in Sweden. It is as-
sumed, that the gold doré-bars undergo the treatment of Wohlwill electrolysis (for details see,
“Gold / Silver, secondary, from electronic scrap in ecoinvent”). Due to the lack of specific data, the
figure of refinement from electronic scrap is used: 1.63 kWh per kg gold (Renner et al., 2002a). No
emissions were assumed, since on the one hand the high value of the processed material requires an
efficient emission control and on the other hand, refinement is a hydrometallurgical process with low
impact. The infrastructure is approximated with the facility of precious metal refinery. The unit proc-
ess raw data are summarized in Tab. 5.53.
Tab. 5.53: Unit process raw data of gold mining and refining in South Africa
Name gold, at refinery GeneralComment
Location ZA
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
product gold, at refinery ZA 0 kg 1.00E+00
electricity, medium voltage, production
technosphere CENTREL 0 kWh 1.17E+04 1 1.29 (3,4,1,5,3,3); Environmental report
CENTREL, at grid
diesel, burned in building machine GLO 0 MJ 6.43E+03 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
transport, van <3.5t RER 0 tkm 4.36E-01 1 2.03 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
sodium cyanide, at plant RER 0 kg 1.71E+02 1 1.14 (3,3,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 3.49E+02 1 1.17 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix,
RER 0 kg 4.06E+01 1 1.17 (3,3,3,3,1,3); Environmental report
at plant
hydrochloric acid, 30% in H2O, at plant RER 0 kg 7.72E-02 1 1.14 (3,3,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
(3,3,3,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis
zinc, primary, at regional storage RER 0 kg 2.89E+00 1 1.17 on Australian precious metal production,
data for 1999
charcoal, at plant GLO 0 kg 3.83E+00 1 1.17 (3,3,3,2,1,3); Environmental report
fatty alcohol, petrochemical, at plant RER 0 kg 4.60E+00 1 1.14 (3,3,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
blasting RER 0 kg 7.45E+01 1 1.14 (1,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 4.36E-01 1 2.24 (5,3,1,3,1,3); Estimations
disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-site GLO 0 kg 1.49E+05 1 1.14 (3,3,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
infrastructure facilities precious metal refinery SE 1 unit 1.65E-07 1 3.06 (1,3,1,5,3,3); Annual report
mine, gold ZA 1 unit 1.39E-06 1 3.05 (1,3,1,1,3,3); Annual report
emission air, low (4,3,1,5,1,3); Estimation, based on
Arsenic - - kg 7.40E-03 1 5.07
population density australian Data
(4,3,1,5,1,3); Estimation, based on
Carbon dioxide, fossil - - kg 1.19E+01 1 1.25
australian Data
(4,3,1,5,1,3); Estimation, based on
Lead - - kg 1.83E-04 1 5.07
australian Data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Manganese - - kg 2.03E-02 1 5.04
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Cadmium - - kg 2.30E-05 1 5.04
Australian data
Antimony - - kg 1.61E-04 1 5.03 (3,4,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Beryllium - - kg 4.34E-04 1 5.04
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Chromium - - kg 3.76E-03 1 5.04
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Cobalt - - kg 6.51E-04 1 5.04
Australian data
(3,3,1,5,1,3); Calculation, based on
Selenium - - kg 1.20E-02 1 5.04
Australian data
(4,3,1,5,1,3); Estimation, based on
Mercury - - kg 1.05E-02 1 5.07
australian Data
Heat, waste - - MJ 4.21E+04 1 1.22 (4,3,1,1,1,3); Calculation
(3,3,2,1,3,3); Estimation, based on
emission water, river Arsenic, ion - - kg 5.53E-03 1 5.07 previous environmental report (Placer-
Dome, 2002)
(3,3,2,1,3,3); Estimation, based on
Cadmium, ion - - kg 6.20E-04 1 3.07 previous environmental report (Placer-
Dome, 2002)
(3,3,2,1,3,3); Estimation, based on
Copper, ion - - kg 3.07E-02 1 3.07 previous environmental report (Placer-
Dome, 2002)
(3,3,2,1,3,3); Estimation, based on
Cyanide - - kg 3.07E-01 1 3.07 previous environmental report (Placer-
Dome, 2002)
(3,3,2,1,3,3); Estimation, based on
Lead - - kg 3.69E-03 1 5.07 previous environmental report (Placer-
Dome, 2002)
(3,3,2,1,3,3); Estimation, based on
Mercury - - kg 6.20E-04 1 5.07 previous environmental report (Placer-
Dome, 2002)
(3,3,2,1,3,3); Estimation, based on
Nickel, ion - - kg 7.01E-02 1 5.07 previous environmental report (Placer-
Dome, 2002)
(Estimated with data from other
mine,3,2,1,3,3); Estimation, based on
Zinc, ion - - kg 4.61E-02 1 5.06
previous environmental report (Placer-
Dome, 2002)
resource, in water Water, well, in ground - - m3 1.53E+02 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
Water, river - - m3 0.00E+00 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
resource, in ground Gold, Au 6.7E-4%, in ore, in ground - - kg 1.03E+00 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
InfrastructureIncluded 1 1
Category metals metals
SubCategory extraction extraction
LocalCategory Metalle Metalle
LocalSubCategory Gewinnung Gewinnung
CASNumber 007440-57-5
StartDate 2002 2002
EndDate 2006 2006
DataValidForEntirePeriod 1 1
OtherPeriodText Period of public environmental report Period of public environmental report
Text Material requirements for gold concentration as
Land use of South-African mine, other inputs
well as emissions to air are estimated with
based on rough assumptions.
Australian data.
Assumptions for buildings and machinery based on
The mining of ore from underground mines is
the data set "non-ferrous metal, mine,
surface/underground with 50 years life time.
ProductionVolume 2.1 Mill. t ore 14.34 t gold
SamplingProcedure environmental report environmental report
Extrapolations Buildings and machinery are based on global
assumptions. The figures are extrapolated on the See Geography, electricity mix is extrapolated
basis of the ore production.
UncertaintyAdjustments none none
Person 44 44
DataPublishedIn 2 2
ReferenceToPublishedSource 10 10
Copyright 1 1
AccessRestrictedTo 0 0
Validator 51 51
Details automatic validation in Excel automatic validation in Excel
OtherDetails none none
Tab 5.55 shows the production volume in 2005 of the considered Australian mines. The recovery rate
(proportion of valuable material physically recovered in the processing of ore) is taken into account in
order to define the resource extraction. The average concentration (head grade, expressed in kg metal
per kg ore) of metals in ore for Australia is calculated with the quantity of ore milled, the correspond-
ing production rate and the recovery rate.
Tab 5.55: Production volume 2005 of the Kalgoorlie, Jundee, Tanami and Pajingo Mines (Newmont, 2005b).
Mining infrastructure
This data set includes land use as well as rough estimates on buildings and machines necessary in gold
mining. It is assumed, that the quantities of machinery as well as surface and volume of buildings are
equal to the generic mine. This approach is rough, and the uncertainty is rather high. As the mined ore
from the generic mine is some orders of magnitude lower than the mine in focus, a proportional scal-
ing by milled ore will lead to a higher mistake (see Tab. 5.1: Gold and Silver production in Sweden).
The lifetime of mines is assumed to be 50 years.
Land use is based on the figures from the environmental report (Tab. 5.56). Not all the area of the
mine is in active use at one time; the value in Tab. 5.56 is assumed to be the average share of the mine
area in use. Therefore, the total area is occupied during an average of about 28 years, according to the
Tab. 5.56: Land use of the Kalgoorlie, Jundee, Tanami and Pajingo Mines (Newmont, 2005b)
Disturbed area in m
2 1.09E+07 1.01E+07 1.05E+07 1.76E+06 3.33E+07 Occupation, mineral extraction
active use site, during 50 years
Tab. 5.57: Unit process raw data of the gold mine in Australia
Name mine, gold GeneralComment
Location AU
InfrastructureProcess 1
Unit unit
product mine, gold AU 1 unit 1.00E+0
technosphere building, multi-storey RER 1 m3 2.75E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
building, hall CH 1 m2 1.50E+4 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
industrial machine, heavy, unspecified, at plant RER 1 kg 6.50E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
conveyor belt, at plant RER 1 m 6.00E+3 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
(1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental
resource, land Transformation, from unknown - - m2 6.00E+7 1 2.01
report, Newmont 2005
(1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to mineral extraction site - - m2 6.00E+7 1 2.01
report, Newmont 2005
(1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental
Occupation, mineral extraction site - - m2a 1.67E+9 1 1.51
report, Newmont 2005
(1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, from mineral extraction site - - m2 6.00E+7 1 2.01
report, Newmont 2005
(1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural - - m2 2.08E+7 1 2.01
report, Newmont 2005
(1,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to unknown - - m2 3.91E+7 1 2.01
report, Newmont 2005
Tab. 5.58: Production of gold / silver and material requirement in gold / silver mining in the year 1999 (Stewart, 1999)
The following table (Tab. 5.59) sums up the total requirements and emissions of the Kalgoorlie, Jun-
dee, Tanami and Pajingo Mines in 2005. Information stems from the environmental reports. Carbon
and zinc consumption is calculated with data from Stewart (1999).
Tab. 5.59: Energy and material requirements of the Kalgoorlie, Jundee, Tanami and Pajingo Mines (Newmont, 2005b)
Energy Kalgoorlie Jundee Tanami Pajingo Australia Remark
Electricity for kWh 2.00E+08 - 9.76E+07 5.40E+07 3.51E+08 1)
Australian electricity mix is
mining approximated with the CENTREL mix,
because of its high share of fossil
energy sources
Electricity for kWh n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 9.36E+04 assumed with Wohlwill-electrolysis
Diesel (generators) MJ - - 6.98E+07 - 6.98E+07 Diesel, burned in diesel-electric
generating set
Diesel (mobile MJ 2.09E+09 4.77E+08 1.43E+09 1.21E+08 4.12E+09 Diesel, burned in building machine
Petrol l 2.70E+03 - 1.12E+06 4.52E+01 1.13E+06 converted in transport, van <3.5t
Oil MJ 3.23E+07 1.66E+07 1.44E+07 8.08E+06 7.14E+07 heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial
furnace 1MW, non-modulating
LPG MJ - 4.66E+08 - - 4.66E+08 natural gas, burned in industrial
Materials . . . .
Cyanide kg 3.94E+06 5.18E+05 7.85E+05 1.41E+05 5.38E+06 In LCI as sodium cyanide
kg 6.53E+07 8.20E+06 3.71E+06 6.02E+05 7.78E+07 in LCI as limestone, milled, packed,
Lime at plant
Caustic kg 5.11E+06 4.30E+05 6.70E+05 3.62E+05 6.57E+06 in LCI as sodium hydroxide
kg 4.32E+05 1.80E+05 2.61E+05 1.01E+05 9.74E+05 Scaled from Steward (1999) by
processed gold, accounted for as
Carbon Charcoal, at plant
kg 7.37E+04 3.07E+04 4.44E+04 1.73E+04 1.66E+05 Scaled from Steward (1999) by
processed gold, accounted for as
Zinc zinc, primary, at regional storage
kg 8.96E+05 2.86E+05 8.17E+04 6.91E+04 1.33E+06 Acids (hydrochloric, sulphamic and
sulphuric) consumption is divided in
half sulphuric, half hydrochloric
Sulphuric Acid
Hydrochloric Acid kg 8.96E+05 2.86E+05 8.17E+04 6.91E+04 1.33E+06 see Sulphuric Acid
kg 1.81E+07 2.10E+06 8.48E+05 9.25E+05 2.20E+07 Partly ANFO explosives, in LCI:
Explosives "blasting"
Water resources
3 1.80E+06 - 2.54E+06 3.21E+05 4.66E+06 in LCI: Water, river
Surface Water Use
3 4.59E+06 1.66E+06 - 2.57E+04 6.27E+06 in LCI: Water, well, in ground
Groundwater Use
Mine dewatering m
3 3.70E+05 1.87E+05 - 1.50E+04 5.71E+05 recycled Water, not accounted for in
Use inventory
Australian electricity mix (Nationmaster, 2004): fossil fuel 90.8%, hydro 8.3%, other 0.9%)
Water emissions are taken from data of the Granny Smith Mine (Placer Dome Inc., 2003a) for arsenic,
and from data of the Henty Mine (Placer Dome Inc., 2003a) for the other water emissions. They are
assumed to be released into rivers. Data about amounts of tailings disposal is approximated with data
from Papua New Guinea. Since the module “blasting” does not include the CO2 emissions from explo-
sives, they are calculated with the factor of the mines of Newmont (2005b) (0.16 kg CO2 per kg explo-
Since the mines produce doré gold (unrefined gold bullion bars containing between 60% and 95%
gold), the refinery process is less complex than the refinery process of Rönnskär in Sweden. It is as-
sumed, that the gold doré-bars undergo the treatment of Wohlwill electrolysis (for details see,
“Gold / Silver, secondary, from electronic scrap in ecoinvent”). Due to the lack of specific data, the
figure of refinement from electronic scrap is used: 1.63 kWh per kg gold (Renner et al., 2002a). No
emissions were assumed, since on the one hand the high value of the processed material requires an
efficient emission control and on the other hand, refinement is a hydrometallurgical process with low
impact. The infrastructure is approximated with the facility of precious metal refinery.
Tab. 5.60 Emissions of the Kalgoorlie, Jundee, Tanami and Pajingo Mines (Newmont, 2005b)
Emissions to Remark
Water Kalgoorlie Jundee Tanami Pajingo Australia
Emission based on data for Mine "Granny
Smith", Placer Dome Inc. (2002), scaled
Arsenic kg 2.75E+03 3.90E+02 1.33E+02 3.58E+01 3.30E+03 by milled ore
Emission based on data for Mine "Henty",
Placer Dome Inc. (2002), scaled by milled
Cadmium kg 1.24E+03 1.75E+02 5.99E+01 1.61E+01 1.49E+03 ore
Emission based on data for Mine "Henty",
Placer Dome Inc. (2002), scaled by milled
Copper kg 2.24E+04 3.18E+03 1.09E+03 2.92E+02 2.70E+04 ore
Emission based on data for Mine "Henty",
Placer Dome Inc. (2002), scaled by milled
Cyanide kg 3.66E+04 5.20E+03 1.78E+03 4.77E+02 4.41E+04 ore
Emission based on data for Mine "Henty",
Placer Dome Inc. (2002), scaled by milled
Lead kg 7.56E+04 1.07E+04 3.66E+03 9.84E+02 9.09E+04 ore
Emission based on data for Mine "Henty",
Placer Dome Inc. (2002), scaled by milled
Mercury kg 1.37E+03 1.95E+02 6.66E+01 1.79E+01 1.65E+03 ore
Emission based on data for Mine "Henty",
Placer Dome Inc. (2002), scaled by milled
Nickel kg 1.24E+04 1.75E+03 5.99E+02 1.61E+02 1.49E+04 ore
Emission based on data for Mine "Henty",
Placer Dome Inc. (2002), scaled by milled
Zinc kg 1.37E+05 1.95E+04 6.66E+03 1.79E+03 1.65E+05 ore
Emissions to Air
Data for Pajingo estimated with data of
Kalgoorlie, Environmental Report,
Antimony kg 8.16E+01 4.54E+01 0.00E+00 1.06E+00 1.28E+02 Newmont 2005
Arsenic kg 2.83E+03 2.68E+03 3.54E+02 1.81E+01 5.88E+03 Environmental Report, Newmont 2005
Data for Pajingo estimated with data of
Kalgoorlie, Environmental Report,
Beryllium kg 1.81E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.27E+02 3.45E+02 Newmont 2005
Data for Pajingo estimated with data of
Kalgoorlie, Environmental Report,
Cadmium kg 9.07E+00 9.07E+00 0.00E+00 1.18E-01 1.83E+01 Newmont 2005
Tab. 5.61: Unit process raw data of gold mining and refining in Australia.
Name gold, at refinery GeneralComment
Location AU
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
product gold, at refinery AU 0 kg 1.00E+00
electricity, medium voltage, production
technosphere CENTREL 0 kWh 6.12E+03 1 1.29 (3,4,1,5,3,3); Environmental report
CENTREL, at grid
diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set GLO 0 MJ 1.22E+03 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
diesel, burned in building machine GLO 0 MJ 7.18E+04 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
transport, van <3.5t RER 0 tkm 5.16E+01 1 2.03 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
heavy fuel oil, burned in industrial furnace 1MW,
RER 0 MJ 1.24E+03 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
natural gas, burned in industrial furnace
RER 0 MJ 8.11E+03 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
sodium cyanide, at plant RER 0 kg 9.38E+01 1 1.14 (3,3,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 1.35E+03 1 1.17 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O, production mix,
RER 0 kg 1.14E+02 1 1.17 (3,3,3,3,1,3); Environmental report
at plant
hydrochloric acid, 30% in H2O, at plant RER 0 kg 2.32E+01 1 1.14 (3,3,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
(3,3,3,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis
zinc, primary, at regional storage RER 0 kg 2.89E+00 1 1.17 on Australian precious metal production,
data for 1999
(3,3,3,2,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis
charcoal, at plant GLO 0 kg 1.70E+01 1 1.17 on Australian precious metal production,
data for 1999
sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant RER 0 kg 2.32E+01 1 1.14 (3,3,1,3,1,3); Environmental report
blasting RER 0 kg 3.84E+02 1 1.14 (1,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 5.16E+01 1 2.24 (5,3,1,3,1,3); Estimations
disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-site GLO 0 kg 2.06E+06 1 1.14 (3,3,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
infrastructure mine, gold AU 1 unit 3.48E-07 1 3.05 (1,3,1,1,3,3); Annual report
facilities precious metal refinery SE 1 unit 1.65E-07 1 3.05 (1,3,1,1,3,3); Annual report
emission air, low
Manganese - - kg 2.82E-01 1 5.04 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
population density
Cadmium - - kg 3.18E-04 1 5.04 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
Antimony - - kg 2.23E-03 1 5.03 (3,4,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
Beryllium - - kg 6.01E-03 1 5.04 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
Chromium - - kg 5.20E-02 1 5.04 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
Cobalt - - kg 9.01E-03 1 5.04 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
Selenium - - kg 1.65E-01 1 5.04 (3,3,1,5,1,3); Environmental report
Arsenic - - kg 1.02E-01 1 5.02 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
Carbon dioxide, fossil - - kg 6.14E+01 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
Lead - - kg 2.53E-03 1 5.02 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
Mercury - - kg 1.45E-01 1 5.02 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
Heat, waste - - MJ 2.20E+04 1 1.22 (4,3,1,1,1,3); Calculation
emission water, river Arsenic, ion - - kg 5.76E-02 1 5.09 (3,4,2,1,3,3); Environmental report
Cadmium, ion - - kg 2.59E-02 1 3.07 (3,4,2,1,3,3); Environmental report
Copper, ion - - kg 4.70E-01 1 3.07 (3,4,2,1,3,3); Environmental report
Cyanide - - kg 7.68E-01 1 3.07 (3,4,2,1,3,3); Environmental report
Lead - - kg 1.58E+00 1 5.09 (3,4,2,1,3,3); Environmental report
Mercury - - kg 2.88E-02 1 5.09 (3,4,2,1,3,3); Environmental report
Nickel, ion - - kg 2.59E-01 1 5.09 (3,4,2,1,3,3); Environmental report
Zinc, ion - - kg 2.88E+00 1 5.07 (3,3,2,1,3,3); Environmental report
resource, in water Water, well, in ground - - m3 8.12E+01 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
Water, river - - m3 1.09E+02 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
resource, in ground Gold, Au 4.9E-5%, in ore, in ground - - kg 1.09E+00 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
InfrastructureIncluded 1 1
Category metals metals
SubCategory extraction extraction
LocalCategory Metalle Metalle
LocalSubCategory Gewinnung Gewinnung
CASNumber 007440-57-5
StartDate 2001 2001
EndDate 2006 2006
DataValidForEntirePeriod 1 1
OtherPeriodText Period of public environmental report Period of public environmental report
Text Land use of Australian mine, other inputs based on
the electricity mix has been estimated
rough assumptions.
Text Assumptions for buildings and machinery based on
The mining of ore from open pit and underground
the data set "non-ferrous metal, mine,
mines is considered.
surface/underground with 50 years life time.
ProductionVolume 118.5 Mill. t ore 57.4 t gold
SamplingProcedure environmental report environmental report
Buildings and machinery are based on global Material requirements for gold concentration are
assumptions. The figures are extrapolated on the estimated with older data from an Australian thesis,
basis of the ore production. several values are scaled from one mine
UncertaintyAdjustments none none
Person 44 44
DataPublishedIn 2 2
ReferenceToPublishedSource 10 10
Copyright 1 1
AccessRestrictedTo 0 0
Validator 51 51
Details automatic validation in Excel automatic validation in Excel
OtherDetails none none
Tab 5.63: Production volume in 2004 of the North Mara Mine (Placer Dome Inc., 2005).
Mining infrastructure
This data set includes land use as well as rough estimates on buildings and machines necessary in gold
mining. It is assumed, that the quantities of machinery as well as surface and volume of buildings are
equal to the generic mine. This approach is rough, and the uncertainty is rather high. As the mined ore
from the generic mine is some orders of magnitude lower than the mine in focus, a proportional scal-
ing by milled ore will lead to a higher mistake (see Tab. 5.1: Gold and Silver production in Sweden).
The lifetime of mines is assumed to be 50 years.
Tab, 5.64: Land use of North Mara Mine in 2004 (Placer Dome Inc., 2005).
Land use is based on the figures from the environmental report (Tab. 5.56). Not all the area of the
mine is in active use at one time; the value in Tab. 5.56 is assumed to be the average share of the mine
area in use. Therefore, the total area is occupied during an average of about 39 years, according to the
Tab. 5.65: Unit process raw data of the gold mine in Tanzania.
Name mine, gold GeneralComment
Location TZ
InfrastructureProcess 1
Unit unit
product mine, gold TZ 1 unit 1.00E+0
technosphere building, multi-storey RER 1 m3 2.75E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
building, hall CH 1 m2 1.25E+4 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
industrial machine, heavy, unspecified, at plant RER 1 kg 8.50E+5 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
conveyor belt, at plant RER 1 m 6.00E+2 1 2.39 (4,5,5,5,5,5); Rough estimates
(1,3,3,1,1,3); Environmental
resource, land Transformation, from unknown - - m2 3.72E+6 1 2.02
report, Placer Dome 2003
(1,3,3,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to mineral extraction site - - m2 3.72E+6 1 2.02
report, Placer Dome 2004
(1,3,3,1,1,3); Environmental
Occupation, mineral extraction site - - m2a 1.46E+8 1 1.53
report, Placer Dome 2005
(1,3,3,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, from mineral extraction site - - m2 3.72E+6 1 2.02
report, Placer Dome 2006
(1,3,3,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to heterogeneous, agricultural - - m2 3.00E+4 1 2.02
report, Placer Dome 2007
(1,3,3,1,1,3); Environmental
Transformation, to unknown - - m2 3.69E+6 1 2.02
report, Placer Dome 2008
Tab. 5.66: Requirements and emissions of the North Mara Mine in 2005 (Placer Dome Inc., 2005).
Petrol l 2.90E+05 calculate with the specific fuel consumption of delivery van, converted
in transport, van <3.5t (0.38l/tkm)
Electricity for refining kWh 1.89E+04 assumed with Wohlwill-electrolysis, electricity demand for refining is
approximated with CENTREL-mix
Cyanide kg 1.15E+06 In LCI as sodium cyanide
Lime kg 7.31E+05 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold
kg 1.35E+05 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold, accounted for sodium
Caustic hydroxide
kg 1.96E+05 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold, accounted for as
Carbon charcoal
kg 3.35E+04 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold, accounted for as zinc,
Zinc primary, at regional storage
Sulphuric Acid kg 7.70E+03 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold
Hydrochloric Acid kg 1.58E+05 Scaled from Steward (1999) by processed gold
Explosives kg 1.55E+06 Partly ANFO explosives, in LCI: "blasting"
Water resources
3 in LCI: Water, unspecified natural origin
Water from river m 9.25E+05
Emissions to Water
Arsenic kg 4.43E+01 estimated with ZA-data, scaled by milled ore
Cadmium kg 4.97E+00 estimated with ZA-data, scaled by milled ore
Copper kg 2.46E+02 estimated with ZA-data, scaled by milled ore
Cyanide kg 2.46E+03 estimated with ZA-data, scaled by milled ore
Lead kg 2.96E+01 estimated with ZA-data, scaled by milled ore
Mercury kg 4.97E+00 estimated with ZA-data, scaled by milled ore
Nickel kg 5.62E+02 estimated with ZA-data, scaled by milled ore
Zinc kg 3.70E+02 estimated with ZA-data, scaled by milled ore
Emissions to Air
Carbon Dioxide (from Calculation, based on data from Newmont (2005)
explosives) kg 2.48E+05
Antimony kg 3.11E+00 estimated with AU-data, scaled by milled ore
Arsenic kg 1.43E+02 estimated with AU-data, scaled by milled ore
Beryllium kg 8.36E+00 estimated with AU-data, scaled by milled ore
Cadmium kg 4.43E-01 estimated with AU-data, scaled by milled ore
Chromium kg 7.24E+01 estimated with AU-data, scaled by milled ore
Cobalt kg 1.25E+01 estimated with AU-data, scaled by milled ore
Lead kg 3.52E+00 estimated with AU-data, scaled by milled ore
Manganese kg 3.92E+02 estimated with AU-data, scaled by milled ore
Mercury kg 2.02E+02 estimated with AU-data, scaled by milled ore
Selenium kg 2.30E+02 estimated with AU-data, scaled by milled ore
Disposal kg 2.04E+09 estimated with data of PG, in LCI as: Disposal, sulphidic tailings
1 Neither a Tanzanian electricity mix nor the exact place of refinement are available, therefore we
assumed the use of CENTREL-electricity mix for its high share of fossil electricity generation.
2 Estimation, based on emissions in South Africa, scaled by processed gold (Placer-Dome, 2002).
3 Estimation, based on emissions in Australia, scaled by processed gold.
Since the mines produce doré gold (unrefined gold bullion bars containing between 60% and 95%
gold), the refinery process is less complex than the refinery process of Rönnskär in Sweden. It is as-
sumed, that the gold doré-bars undergo the treatment of Wohlwill electrolysis (for details see,
“Gold / Silver, secondary, from electronic scrap in ecoinvent”). Due to the lack of specific data, the
figure of refinement from electronic scrap is used: 1.63 kWh per kg gold (Renner et al., 2002a). No
emissions were assumed, since on the one hand the high value of the processed material requires an
efficient emission control and on the other hand, refinement is a hydrometallurgical process with low
impact. The infrastructure is approximated with the facility of precious metal refinery. The unit proc-
ess raw data are summarized in Tab. 5.67.
Tab. 5.67: Unit process raw data of gold mining and refining in Tanzania
Infrastructure Process
Name gold, at refinery GeneralComment
Location TZ
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
product gold, at refinery TZ 0 kg 1.00E+00
diesel, burned in diesel-electric
technosphere GLO 0 MJ 8.64E+04 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
generating set
diesel, burned in building machine GLO 0 MJ 4.59E+04 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
transport, van <3.5t RER 0 tkm 6.60E+01 1 2.03 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
electricity, medium voltage, production
CENTREL 0 kWh 1.63E+00 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
CENTREL, at grid
sodium cyanide, at plant RER 0 kg 9.97E+01 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
(3,3,3,5,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 6.32E+01 1 1.20 Australian precious metal production, data for
(3,3,3,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on
sodium hydroxide, 50% in H2O,
RER 0 kg 1.16E+01 1 1.17 Australian precious metal production, data for
production mix, at plant
(3,3,3,2,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on
charcoal, at plant GLO 0 kg 1.70E+01 1 1.17 Australian precious metal production, data for
(3,3,3,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on
zinc, primary, at regional storage RER 0 kg 2.89E+00 1 1.17 Australian precious metal production, data for
(3,3,3,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on
sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant RER 0 kg 6.65E-01 1 1.17 Australian precious metal production, data for
(3,3,3,3,1,3); Calculation, based on thesis on
hydrochloric acid, 30% in H2O, at plant RER 0 kg 1.36E+01 1 1.17 Australian precious metal production, data for
blasting RER 0 kg 1.34E+02 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
(4,5,na,na,na,na); Estimation, based on
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER 0 tkm 1.33E+04 1 2.09
standard distances
disposal, sulfidic tailings, off-site GLO 0 kg 1.76E+05 1 1.16 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Estimation
infrastructure facilities precious metal refinery SE 1 unit 1.65E-07 1 3.03 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
mine, gold TZ 1 unit 1.73E-06 1 3.03 (3,4,1,2,1,3); Environmental report
emission air, low
Antimony - - kg 2.68E-04 1 5.05 (3,3,3,5,1,3); Estimated with data from AU
population density
Arsenic - - kg 1.23E-02 1 5.05 (3,3,3,5,1,3); Estimated with data from AU
Beryllium - - kg 7.22E-04 1 5.05 (3,3,3,5,1,3); Estimated with data from AU
Cadmium - - kg 3.83E-05 1 5.05 (3,3,3,5,1,3); Estimated with data from AU
Carbon dioxide, fossil - - kg 2.14E+01 1 1.20 (3,3,3,5,1,3); Estimated with data from AU
Chromium - - kg 1.08E-03 1 5.05 (3,3,3,5,1,3); Estimated with data from AU
Cobalt - - kg 3.04E-04 1 5.05 (3,3,3,5,1,3); Estimated with data from AU
Lead - - kg 3.39E-02 1 5.05 (3,3,3,5,1,3); Estimated with data from AU
Mercury - - kg 1.99E-02 1 5.05 (3,3,3,5,1,3); Estimated with data from AU
Manganese - - kg 1.74E-02 1 5.05 (3,3,3,5,1,3); Estimated with data from AU
Selenium - - kg 0.00E+00 1 5.05 (3,3,3,5,1,3); Estimated with data from AU
emission water, river Arsenic, ion - - kg 3.83E-03 1 5.10 (3,3,3,5,3,3); Estimated with data from ZA
Cadmium, ion - - kg 4.30E-04 1 3.08 (3,3,2,5,3,3); Estimated with data from ZA
Copper, ion - - kg 2.13E-02 1 3.08 (3,3,2,5,3,3); Estimated with data from ZA
Cyanide - - kg 2.13E-01 1 3.08 (3,3,2,5,3,3); Estimated with data from ZA
Lead - - kg 2.56E-03 1 5.09 (3,3,2,5,3,3); Estimated with data from ZA
Mercury - - kg 4.30E-04 1 5.09 (3,3,2,5,3,3); Estimated with data from ZA
Nickel, ion - - kg 4.85E-02 1 5.09 (3,3,2,5,3,3); Estimated with data from ZA
Zinc, ion - - kg 3.19E-02 1 5.09 (3,3,2,5,3,3); Estimated with data from ZA
resource, in water Water, river - - m3 7.99E+01 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
resource, in ground Gold, Au 4.3E-4%, in ore, in ground - - kg 1.09E+00 1 1.14 (3,3,1,1,1,3); Environmental report
InfrastructureIncluded 1 1
Category metals metals
SubCategory extraction extraction
LocalCategory Metalle Metalle
LocalSubCategory Gewinnung Gewinnung
CASNumber 007440-57-5
StartDate 2003 2003
EndDate 2006 2006
DataValidForEntirePeriod 1 1
OtherPeriodText Period of public environmental report Period of public environmental report
Text Material requirements for gold concentration are
Land use of Tanzanian mine, other inputs based on estimated with Australian data. Emissions to water have
rough assumptions. been estimated with South-African, emissions to air with
Australian data.
Text Assumptions for buildings and machinery based on the
The mining of ore from open pit and underground mines
data set "non-ferrous metal, mine, surface/underground
is considered.
with 50 years life time.
ProductionVolume 2.9 Mill. t ore 11.57 t gold
SamplingProcedure environmental report environmental report
Extrapolations Buildings and machinery are based on global
See Geography, electricity mix has been estimated with
assumptions. The figures are extrapolated on the basis
foreign mix
of the ore production.
UncertaintyAdjustments none none
Person 44 44
DataPublishedIn 2 2
ReferenceToPublishedSource 10 10
Copyright 1 1
AccessRestrictedTo 0 0
Validator 51 51
Details automatic validation in Excel automatic validation in Excel
OtherDetails none none
Tab. 5.69: Unit process raw data for „gold, primary, at refinery“, Source: Tab. 2.2
Name primary, at GeneralComment
Location GLO
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
product gold, primary, at refinery GLO 0 kg 1.00E+0
(1,1,2,1,1,3); average gold production 2000-2004 &
technosphere gold, at refinery ZA 0 kg 1.86E-1 1 1.08
approximation for remaining countries
(1,1,2,1,1,3); average gold production 2000-2004 &
gold, at refinery US 0 kg 1.20E-1 1 1.08
approximation for remaining countries
(1,1,2,1,1,3); average gold production 2000-2004 &
gold, at refinery AU 0 kg 2.39E-1 1 2.00
approximation for remaining countries
(1,1,2,1,1,3); average gold production 2000-2004 &
gold, at refinery CA 0 kg 5.81E-2 1 1.08
approximation for remaining countries
gold, from combined gold-silver (1,1,2,1,1,3); average gold production 2000-2004 &
PG 0 kg 1.88E-1 1 1.51
production, at refinery approximation for remaining countries
gold, from combined gold-silver (1,1,2,1,1,3); average gold production 2000-2004 &
CL 0 kg 5.28E-2 1 2.00
production, at refinery approximation for remaining countries
gold, from combined gold-silver (1,1,2,1,1,3); average gold production 2000-2004 &
PE 0 kg 9.69E-2 1 2.00
production, at refinery approximation for remaining countries
(1,1,2,1,1,3); average gold production 2000-2004 &
gold, at refinery TZ 0 kg 4.75E-2 1 1.08
approximation for remaining countries
gold, from combined metal (1,1,2,1,1,3); average gold production 2000-2004 &
SE 0 kg 1.17E-2 1 2.00
production, at refinery approximation for remaining countries
Tab. 5.70: Unit process raw data for „silver, from combined gold-silver production, at refinery”, Source: Tab. 2.4.
Infrastructure Process
Name GeneralComment
gold-silver production,
at regional storage
Location RER
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
silver, from combined gold-silver
product RER 0 kg 1.00E+0
production, at regional storage
silver, from combined gold-silver (1,1,2,1,1,3); average silver production 2000-2004 &
technosphere PE 0 kg 3.13E-1 1 1.08
production, at refinery approximation for remaining countries
silver, from combined gold-silver (1,1,2,1,1,3); average silver production 2000-2004 &
CL 0 kg 3.20E-1 1 1.08
production, at refinery approximation for remaining countries
silver, from combined gold-silver (1,1,2,1,1,3); average silver production 2000-2004 &
PG 0 kg 1.48E-1 1 2.00
production, at refinery approximation for remaining countries
silver, from combined gold-silver (1,1,2,1,1,3); average silver production 2000-2004 &
SE 0 kg 2.19E-1 1 1.08
production, at refinery approximation for remaining countries
Tab. 5.71 Ecospold Meta information of gold & and silver mixes in ecoinvent v2.0
Fig. 5.3 Concept of the Rönnskär (Boliden) process. The processing steps relevant to the dataset are those the elec-
tronic scrap passes through. They are encircled in red colour (adopted from Boliden, 2000).
Pretreatment: Normally no pre-treatment (mechanical) is applied to the electronic scrap. Instead the
plastics fraction of the gold containing scrap is used as energy carrier in the pyrometallurgical ap-
proach (Boliden, 2006c).
Converting: The actual recovery process begins with feeding the electronic scrap into the KALDO
smelter unit (Boliden, 2000; Isaakson & Lehner, 2000; Ludvigsson & Larsson, 2003). This in 1977
patented Boliden-own technology Peterson & Lundquist (1977) comprises in principle a brick-lined
vessel made of stainless steel that has an effective volume of 2 m3 (Ludvigsson & Larsson, 2003). This
vessel is tiltable along its horizontal axis and can also be rotated during operation. For smelting, the
vessel is fed with oxygen (via a lance), coke breeze and heat (oil). Key products of this treatment step
are selenium-rich off-gas (which is then treated in the selenium plant) and black copper (74-80% Cu,
6-8% Sn, 5-6% Pb, 1-3% Zn, 1-3% Ni, 5-8% Fe). The latter is subsequently further processed in the
Aisle converter unit.
In the Aisle converter unit the black copper is converted into blister copper. Secondary lead and slag
are separated from the process stream. Technologically, the Aisle converter is a brick-lined (magne-
site-chromium), horizontally aligned converter unit fed with hydrocarbon fuel, industrial oxygen and
calcium oxide (Fig. 5.4, Davenport et al., 2002; Outokumpu, 2006).
Fig. 5.4 Detail of a converter unit (adopted from Davenport et al., 2002).
Refining. The processing of the electronic scrap in the Aisle converter is followed by a further re-
finement in a) the anode casting plant and b) the electrolytic refinery. At BOLIDEN’s Rönnskär facil-
ity a new Twin M-16 anode casting facility (Fig. 5.5) is deployed to cast the hot blister copper into
anodes. The facility consists of an inlet through which the hot blister copper is transported to the
loader. Increasing the processing efficiency, the loader alternately feeds the blister copper into two
wheel caster (Outokumpu, 2004).
Fig. 5.5 Sketch of a twin-wheel anode caster (adopted from Outokumpu, 2004) and the key infrastructure materials.
Once cast, the anodes are then finished and stored in the anode container. The anode sheets typically
have a size of 1.00 m * 1.40 m (approximated based upon Outokumpu, 2004) and consist of 99.5%
copper including, however, impurities of sulphur, oxygen and traces of precious metals (Davenport et
al., 2002). In the next step the copper anode is processed in the electrolytic refinery plant. This facility
is a large hall with a large number of cells.
Fig. 5.6 Sketch of an electrolytic cell (adopted from Corrosion Technology International, 2006) and the key infra-
structure materials
In 1999, the Rönnskär plant was equipped with 644 electrorefining cells and with 2 circulation tanks
(Boliden, 2006c; Corrosion Technology International, 2006). The cells are made of stainless steel and
reinforcement of glass fibre. The volume of the cells can vary considerably depending upon the proc-
ess it is intended to be applied. The cells are continuously circulated by water spiked with copper, sul-
phuric acid and chloride (Davenport et al., 2002) Typically, the circulation time is about 0.02 m3/min
and the power consumption ranges from less than 300 kWh/t material to nearly 400 kWh/t material
(Davenport et al., 2002). The final products of the electrolytic step are copper and nickel. As a resid-
ual, precious metal containing anode slime is generated, which is finally treated in the precious metals
plant in order to recover secondary gold, silver, palladium, and platinum.
Anode slime treatment. In a first step the precious metals containing anode slime is decopperised.
The remaining residues are dried and processed by pyrometallurgical means. There also exists a hy-
drometallurgical route (Pesl & Anzinger, 2002). Whereas the pyrometallurgical route is apt to process
large quantities of well defined anode slime from primary production, the hydrometallurgical route is
more flexible to changes in feed composition as it occurs in the processing of slimes from secondary
copper smelters. However, in Boliden the pyrometallurgical route is applied (Ludvigsson & Larsson,
2003). After de-copperising and precipitation of copper telluride the residue is dried and pyrolytically
refined to silver rich dorée metal, which is cast into anodes for a subsequent electrorefining of silver
(Moebius electrolysis) and Gold (Wohlwill electrolysis). The remaining slime consists mainly of PGM
(platinum group metal) that is recovered.
Fig. 5.7 Diagram of pyro- and hydrometallurgical process routes for anode slime treatment (Pesl & Anzinger, 2002).
Fig. 5.8 Sketch of the anode slimes treatment and precious metal recovery approach applied at Rönnskär
(Ludvigsson & Larsson, 2003).
5.2.1 Waste
The recovery of precious metals, such as gold, is associated with the generation of a number of by-
products off-gases, sludge, slag, waste heat and dust (Umweltbundesamt, 2001). Most of the by-
products are captured by appropriate filters (Umweltbundesamt, 2001). From an environmental per-
spective, most important, is the treatment of the residuals of the cyanide-containing sludge generated
while concentrating gold from doré-grade gold. This sludge is treated applying sulphur-dioxide and air
before it is dumped into tailing ponds (Boliden, 2002b). Concerning the other by-products and their
treatment, no utilisable information could be compiled.
5.2.2 Emissions
Despite of the application of modern filter technologies, the precious metals recovery process is also
associated with the generation of emissions to the environment (HELCOM, 2002). In particular the
following emissions to air are considered problematic: dust, copper, lead, zinc, cadmium, arsenic,
mercury, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, fluoride, chloride and PCDD/F. Emissions to water are in-
clude copper, lead, zinc, cadmium, arsenic, mercury (Mark & Lehner, 2002 and Umweltbundesamt,
metals are extracted from the anode slime in the final step. The production of secondary gold and sil-
ver therefore consists of a series of three consecutive multi-output datasets:
Secondary Copper Conversion
The meta information for these processes is compiled in Tab. 5.74, the reference flows for the multi-
input processes are displayed in Fig. 5.10, Fig. 5.11 and Fig. 5.12.
Based on process descriptions and corporate reports a mass flow balance has herewith been estab-
lished that serves as skeleton for the three models of the three multi-output processes (Fig. 5.9). The
mixed feed of the copper refinery considered does not exclusively consist of electronic scrap. The in-
termediate reference flows “metal values from electric waste, in blister-copper, at converter” and “PM
from electric waste, in anode slime, at refinery” therefore relate only to that part of the metals con-
tained in the blister copper and the anode slime that is attributable to the electronic scrap in the input
feed (Tab. 5.72). The reference flows do not reflect the intermediary, but the intended metals con-
tained in the intermediary. This is reflected by the naming of these flows (in analogy to the naming of
elementary flows), denoting the content and not the container.
Fig. 5.9 Mass Balance of the tree consecutive multi-output processes for Gold / Silver, secondary from electronic
scrap. Mass is scaled to 1 kg gold output.
Tab. 5.72 Constituents of the intermediate reference flows in the system model (Fig. 5.9).
Allocation procedures
Based on the amount, the composition and the market prices of the materials involved, the burdens are
allocated to the coupled reference flows based on their value (Tab. 5.73). The values contained were
assessed according to the three years average from 2004 through 2006 based on USGS (2007).
Tab. 5.73 Allocation of the burdens to the coupled multi-output reference flows according to their values depending
on composition (Tab. 5.72) and the values (three years average from 2004 through 2006 based on USGS,
Tab. 5.74 Meta information for the modelled production processes for secondary gold from electric scrap.
Black copper (74-80% Cu, 6-8% Sn, 5-6% Pb, 1-3% Zn, 1-3% Ni, 5-8% Fe)
Converter unit
Building Aisle converter Slag, silica, at converter
Fig. 5.10 Unit process presentation of the converter step within the secondary copper plant. This multi-output proc-
ess yields the flows “secondary copper conversion”.
The arising slag is calculated from the content of ceramics in the scrap feed. Of the electronic scrap
31% consists of ceramics (Motorola, 2005). The yearly emissions for the converter aisle (“anode fur-
nace” in source) and for the Kaldo plant have been taken from Umweltbundesamt (2001) and Mark &
Lehner (2002), respectively. The distribution of differential PM classes have been adopted from cop-
per smelting and amount PM<2.5 : PM2.5-10 : PM>10 = 3 : 2 : 1 (CEPMEIP-Database, SNAP code
030304). The emissions have been allocated to electronic scrap processing according to their share in
the production of lead and copper respectively (Tab. 5.75). The infrastructure is housed on an area of
1’200 m2 (Boliden, 2000). The infrastructure was considered with the respective module “Facilities
anode production, secondary copper” (Tab. 5.78). A service life time of 50 years and yearly produc-
tion of 250’000 tons of combined copper and lead per year.
Tab. 5.75 Emssions to air and and water during the converter step. Respective Data for Kaldo plant taken from
Umweltbundesamt (2001) and Mark & Lehner (2002) for converter aisle. Calculation bases on 27’000 t of lead
and 223’000 t of copper, of which 2.37% and 6.58% originate from electronic scrap.
Anode casting unit Anode casting plant Others (Al, Ca, Fe, Sn)
Building 25%
Electrolyte cell
copper, secondary, from electronic and electric
Building Electrolytic refinery scrap recycling, at refinery
Fig. 5.11 Unit process representation of the electro refining step within the secondary copper plant. This multi-output
process yields the three (main) flows “Precious metals (PM) from electric waste”, “copper, secondary” and
“nickel, secondary”.
The electrorefining consumes 320 kWh per t of copper cathode. An amount of 0.2 m3 electrolyte per
tonne is bled and purified for recycling into electrolytic refining. It is assumed that all of this volume
is replenished with fresh electrolyte. The main constituent in the electrolyte is 180 kg sulphuric acid
per m3. Other additives like HCl, bone glue, thiourea, and avitone are disregarded, since they all range
from 20 to 100 g / m3. The 45 kg Copper per m3 electrolyte is assumed to originate from the anode
material or salts from within the operation. It is thus not inventoried. To heat the electrolyte from 20°C
to 65 °C no additional energy requirements are assumed, since the electrolysis heats up the electrolyte.
No heat recovery between circulations is assumed.
The data for the emissions (Tab. 5.76) originate from HELCOM (2002) and Umweltbundesamt
The infrastructure is reflected with the specific inventory (see section Infrastructure for Secondary
gold production). There the lifetime production of the respective unit is said to amount to 6’900’000 t
cathode copper output. The infrastructure requirements in this dimensioned according to the copper
Tab. 5.76 Emissions to air and water during the refining of the copper anode. Respective data taken from
Umweltbundesamt (2001) and Mark & Lehner (2002) Calculation bases on 223’000 t/a cathode copper and .
- Electrowinning of Silver
- Electrowinning of Gold
A diagram of the multi-output process is given in Fig. 5.12
leaching vessel
kaldo oven Slime conversion
electrolysis cells
2.8% 92.1%
gold, secondary, at precious
metal refinery silver, secondary, at precious
metal refinery
Fig. 5.12 Unit process representation of the precious metal refinery within the secondary copper plant. This multi-
output process yields the flows “gold”, “silver” and “palladium, secondary, from electronic and electric
scrap recycling”.
Pressure leaching. The slime is leached with electrolyte taken from the tankhouse under pressure (3-7
bar) and at elevated temperature of 115 °C. In Chen & Dutrizac (1990) we learn that the leaching can
occur in a single stage for 5 h at 100 psi O2 in a solution of 250 g/l H2SO4 and 10% NaCl to prevent
Ag from dissolution. This reduces the mass of the slime to 77% of the initial value. Assuming a vol-
ume of the leaching vessel of 10 m3 and a reaction mass of 5 m3 and a batch leaching procedure of
2’500 kg anode slime, 23 kg O2 per batch or 0.00925 kg O2 / kg slime are required. The sulphuric acid
is assumed to originate from the electrolyte bleed and the NaCl is regarded not to be consumed by pre-
cipitation reactions. To heat up the 5’000 l electrolyte from 65 °C to 115 °C an additional
0.17 kWh/kg slime is needed, assuming 70% heat conversion efficiency.
Drying. 0.1 kWh electricity per kg are assumed to be required for drying.
Smelting / Refining. For fuel oil and requirements of oxygen as reducing agent the specific values for
the conversion step in the Kaldo oven is taken as a proxy. Also the specific emission factors are taken
(Kaldo furnace, Tab. 5.75) that derive from dividing the yearly emissions of the Kaldo furnace by the
produced 27’000 t lead per year and scaling it to the metal produced by this process. According to
Peterson & Lundquist (1977), the Kaldo process consumes 52.9 l oil and 123.5 Nm3 of oxygen per
tonne of charge (45% lead) or 4 MJ light fuel oil and 0.369 kg oxygen per kg lead bullion produced.
These figures are multiplied with the total metal output of this inventory.
Möbius electrolysis. The silver concentration in the electrolyte is ca. 50 g/l. The free HNO3 is 10 g/l
and the anodic current density is 400 – 500 A/m2. The cell voltage is 2.0 – 2.5 V. The anodes and
cathodes are usually arranged in parallel in the cell, and the energy consumption is ca. 0.6 kWh per kg
of pure silver. To compensate for the anodically dissolved base metals that are not removed at the
cathode (mainly copper), silver nitrate solution is fed into the electrolyte to prevent depletion of silver
(Renner et al., 2002b). However, no additive consumption and replenishment of the electrolyte was
considered. Likewise no emissions were assumed because of the purity and the high value of the mate-
rial processed.
Wohlwill electrolysis. This process uses an electrolyte containing 2.5 mol/l of HCl and 2 mol/l of
HAuCl4 acid. Electrolysis is carried out with agitation at 65 – 75 °C. The raw gold is introduced as
cast anode plates. The cathodes, on which the pure gold is deposited, were for many years made of
fine gold of 0.25 mm thickness. These have now largely been replaced by sheet titanium or tantalum
cathodes, from which the thick layer of fine gold can be peeled off. In a typical electrolysis cell, gold
anodes weighing 12 kg and having dimensions 280×230×12 mm (0.138 m2 surface) are used. Opposite
to them are conductively connected cathode plates, arranged by two or three on a support rail. One cell
normally contains five or six cathode units and four or five anodes. The maximum cell voltage [V] is
1.5 V and the maximum anodic current density [A] 1500 A/m2 (Renner et al., 2002a). The South Afri-
can Rand refinery (Auerswald & Radcliffe, 2005) gives a specific gold production rate of 0.2 kg per
hour Wohlwill electrolysis. Assuming a current efficiency of 95% the energy consumption is [V] x [A]
/ 0.2 [kg/h] = 1.63 kWh per kg gold refined. No emissions were assumed because of the purity and the
high value of the material processed. The resulting sludge contains the PGM present in the electric
scrap and is sold for further processing.
Fig. 5.13 Flows for the multi-output process "secondary copper conversion" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (part I, continued on next page)
low population
Zinc to air See table and text in the respective section air
Zinc 1.79E-07 kg APME 2000 1 5.00 uncertainty estimated
See table and text in the respective section water lake Zinc, ion 1.17E-08 kg 1 5.00 uncertainty estimated
lake Questionaire 1999
low population
Cadmium to air See table and text in the respective section air
Cadmium 3.23E-09 kg APME 2000 1 5.00 uncertainty estimated
low population
Mercury to air See table and text in the respective section air
Mercury 6.46E-09 kg APME 2000 1 5.00 uncertainty estimated
low population
Fluor to air See table and text in the respective section air
Fluorine 5.49E-08 kg APME 2000 1 5.00 uncertainty estimated
low population
Chlorid to air See table and text in the respective section air
Chlorine 6.85E-06 kg APME 2000 1 5.00 uncertainty estimated
calculation linked
Waste, heat,
emissions to air
air unspecified Heat, waste 4.53E-01 MJ to electricity 1 1.14 calculation
lead, secondary, from
By-product of Kaldo plant/Converter Aisle
Lead bullion
at 1.2 $ / kg, recieves 0.14% of the burden
metals extraction No SE electronic and electric scrap 4.36E-02 kg
recycling, at plant
Blister Copper, metal values from electric
Key output of the process at 36.1 $ / kg,
to anode
recieves 99.86% of the burden
metals extraction No SE waste, in blister-copper, at 1.00E+00 kg
casting converter
Fig. 5. Flows for the multi-output process "secondary copper conversion" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (part II, continued from previous page)
Metal values 64% copper from electric waste contained, metal values from electric
from e-scrap, in corresponds to a feed of 39 kg bilster metals extraction No SE waste, in blister-copper, at 6.04E+01 kg Calculations 1 3.02 (3,3,2,1,1,1,9)
blistercopper copper. converter
Heat, waste, based on electricity consumption air unspecified Heat, waste 4.49E+01 MJ Calculation
Nickel, nickel, secondary, from
By-product at 4.5 $ / kg, recieves 12.86% of
the burden
metals extraction No SE electronic and electric scrap 5.49E+00 kg
from bleed recycling, at refinery
copper, secondary, from
Copper main at 13.8 $ / kg, recieves 5.60% of the
cathodes burden
metals extraction No SE electronic and electric scrap 3.90E+01 kg
recycling, at refinery
precious metals from
Anode slime, at By-product at 1105 $ / kg, recieves 81.54%
refinery of the burden
metals extraction No SE electric waste, in anode 1.00E+00 kg
slime, at refinery
Fig. 5.14 Flows for the multi-output process "secondary copper refining" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Fig. 5.15 Flows for the multi-output process "secondary copper, precious metal refinery" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
Tab. 5.77 Meta information for the infrastructure in the production of secondary gold from electric waste.
Name facilities copper conversion, facilities anode refinery, sec- facilities precious metal refin-
secondary copper ondary copper ery
Location SE SE SE
Infrastructure Proc- 1 1 1
Unit unit unit unit
Data Set Version 2.0 2.0 2.0
Included Processes Construction of facilities and Construction of facilities and Construction of facilities and
housing, and their disposal. No housing, and their disposal. No housing, and their disposal. No
transports and construction work transports and construction work transports and construction work
considered. considered. considered.
Amount 1 1 1
Local Name Anlagen Blisterkupfer Verhüt- Anlagen Anoden Raffinierung, Anlagen Edelmetall Hütte
tung, sekundär Kupfer Sekundär Kupfer
Synonyms Kaldo Converter
General Comment to Production of Kaldo converter Production of twin anode casting The precious metal plant is
reference function and converter aisle: chromium wheel and electrolytic cells: equipped as follows: 1 Electro-
steel, refractory bricks and con- chromium steel, refractory bricks lyte cell, 1 Eluation cell, 5 Elec-
crete foundation. Building hall and concrete foundation. Build- trowinning cell, 1 Calcination
houses the facilities, covering ing hall houses the facilities, furnace, 1 Smelting furnace, 1
1200m2. Service lifetime 50 covering 6’883m . Service life- Electrorefining cell. A building
year, 250'000 t of metals pro- time 30 years, yearly capacity of hall houses the equipment cov-
duced per year. 230'000 t copper refined. ering 5'000m . The service life
time assumed is 25 years, the
yearly capacity of anode slime
treatment is 243 t.
Start Date 2002 2002 2002
End Date 2005 2005 2005
Data Valid For Entire 1 1 1
Geography text Data describes a Swedish plant Data describes a Swedish plant Data describes a Swedish plant
that is singular in the region and that is singular in the region and that is singular in the region and
ranges worldwide among the big ranges worldwide among the big ranges worldwide among the big
producer. It may be taken as producer. It may be taken as producer. It may be taken as
approximation for the global approximation for the global approximation for the global
situation situation situation
Technology text Due to high temperature chro- Due to high temperature chro- Due to high temperature chro-
mium steel and refractory mate- mium steel and refractory mate- mium steel and refractory mate-
rials are used. rials are used. rials are used.
Extrapolations see Geography and Technology see Geography and Technology see Geography and Technology
Uncertainty Adjust- see Geography and Technology see Geography and Technology see Geography and Technology
For the furnaces a concrete foundation of 130 m3 was assumed. The converter aisle and the Kaldo
plant modelling was based on official commercial descriptions (Tab. 5.78). The housing was estimated
to be 1’200 m2 large, based on the corporate environmental report. The foundation was assessed with
product descriptions to amount 130 m3, of which one third consists of exacting concrete, the rest of
sole plate concrete. The disposal of the refractory lining is approximated with the disposal of nickel
smelter slag. The steel is assumed to be recycled completely at the end of life of the facilities. Follow-
ing the general modelling principles of ecoinvent, the steel therefore leaves the system burden-free and
no disposal processes for steel are considered. The complete inventory is shown in Fig. 5.16.
Tab. 5.78 Calculations for the infrastructure of the converter; 50 years service lifetime, 250’000 t production of total
metals per year.
Tab. 5.79 Calculations for infrastructure of the anode refinery. 30 years service lifetime, 230’000 t copper per year.
Casting Electrolyte
Materialisation anode refinery Total
unit cell
Requriements units 1 674
Chromium steel 18/8, at plant kg 1.47E+05 2.97E+03 2.15E+06
Section bar rolling, steel kg 4.40E+04 4.40E+04
Sheet rolling, chromium steel kg 1.03E+05 2.97E+03 2.10E+06
Glass fibre reinforced plastic, polyamide, injection mould-
kg 7.41E+02 4.99E+05
ing, at plant
Graphite, at plant kg 7.49E+03 7.49E+03
Electronics for control units kg 3.50E+01 3.50E+01
Disposal, refractory SPL, Al elec.lysis, 0% water, to re-
kg 3.71E+03 2.50E+06
sidual material landfill
trorefining / electrowinning cells, 1 Kaldo furnace. The material consumption and disposal of the
equipment is displayed in Tab. 5.80. The land use was assessed calculating with the 2’000 m2 and the
considered 25 year life time.
The electrowinning cell was reflected with the required steel for the vessel, the production of the steel
wool (electrode, approximated with wire drawing) and a lead electrode, according to a operation for
copper electrowinning described in Davenport et al. (2002). The other equipment parts have been ma-
terialised based on estimations and datasheets of the producer. The steel is assumed to be recycled
completely at the end of the facilities life time. Following the general modelling principles of ecoin-
vent, the steel therefore leaves the system burden free and no disposal processes for steel are consid-
ered. The facilities produce 243 tonnes precious metals – silver, gold and palladium – per year.
Tab. 5.80 Calculations for equipment of the precious metal plant. 25 years service lifetime, 243 t PM per year.
Requirements unit 1 5 1 5
Chromium steel 18/8, at
3.45E+03 6.39E+01 1.99E+03 5.63E+02 8.58E+03
plant kg
Section bar rolling, steel kg 1.99E+03 1.11E+02 2.55E+03
Sheet rolling, chromium
3.45E+03 4.21E+02 5.63E+02 8.37E+03
steel kg
Wire drawing, steel kg 6.39E+01 3.19E+02
Glass fibre reinforced plastic kg 7.41E+02 2.09E+02 1.79E+03
Concrete, exacting, at plant m3 7.24E-01 3.62E+00
Refractory, basic, packed, at
1.02E+05 2.33E+03 1.14E+05
plant kg
Lead, at regional storage kg 5.41E+02 2.70E+03
Tin, at regional storage kg 5.29E+00 2.64E+01
Calcium carbide, technical
7.47E-02 3.74E-01
grade, at plant kg
Disposal, refractories kg 1.02E+05 1.02E+05
Disposal, El. Cells kg 3.71E+03 3.71E+03
Disposal, concrete kg 7.24E-01 3.62E+00
Process Sub- Loca- Modul name in Mean Mean StDv General
Input Output Remarks Category struc- Unit Source Type
Name category tion ecoinvent value value 95% Comment
Disposal, nickel
smelter slag, 0% disposal, nickel smelter slag,
waste residual
water, to Proxy for the disposal of refractory bricks
management material landfill
No CH 0% water, to residual material 3.32E+06 kg 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,6)
residual landfill
material landfill
Disposal, steel
from converter
Recycled, not inventoied due to cut off. 6.16E+04 kg 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,6)
Fig. 5.16 Flows for "facilities copper conversion" and its representation in the ecoinvent database.
and plate.
disposal, refractory SPL, Al
Disposal, El. waste residual
Approx with disposal Al Electrolysis
management material landfill
No CH elec.lysis, 0% water, to residual 2.50E+06 kg 1 1.51 (2,1,1,3,4,1,6)
material landfill
Disposal, steel,
anode cast
Recycled, not inventoied due to cut off. 1.47E+05 kg 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,6)
Fig. 5.17 Flows for "facilities anode refinery" and its representation in the ecoinvent database.
at plant
Concrete, exacting, at construction
concrete No CH concrete, exacting, at plant 3.62E+00 m3 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,3)
plant materials
Refractory, basic, construction refractory, basic, packed, at
packed, at plant
bricks No DE
1.14E+05 kg 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,3)
Lead, at regional
metals extraction No RER lead, at regional storage 2.70E+03 kg 1 1.51 (2,1,1,3,4,1,3)
Tin, at regional
metals extraction No RER tin, at regional storage 2.64E+01 kg 1 1.51 (2,1,1,3,4,1,3)
Calcium carbide,
calcium carbide, technical
technical grade, at chemicals inorganics No RER
grade, at plant
3.74E-01 kg 1 1.51 (2,1,1,3,4,1,3)
Building, hall, steel construction building, hall, steel
To house the precious metal plant.
buildings Yes CH
2.00E+03 m2 1 1.21 (4,1,1,3,1,1,3)
Only real industry facilities taken into
Transformation, from
account, no other areas (e.g. parking resource land Transformation, from unknown 2.00E+03 m2 1 2.00 (1,1,1,1,1,1,8)
places) considered
Transformation, to
Transformation, to industrial
industrial area, built resource land
area, built up
2.00E+03 m2 1 2.00 (1,1,1,1,1,1,8)
disposal, nickel smelter slag,
Disposal, Approximated with Nickel smelter slag waste residual
refractories disposal management material landfill
No CH 0% water, to residual material 1.02E+05 kg 1 1.78 (5,1,1,3,4,1,6)
disposal, refractory SPL, Al
Disposal, El. waste residual
Cells management material landfill
No CH elec.lysis, 0% water, to residual 3.71E+03 kg 1 1.78 (5,1,1,3,4,1,6)
material landfill
Disposal, steel Recycled, not inventoied due to cut off. 5.62E+03 kg 1 1.07 (2,1,1,3,1,1,6)
facilities precious metal
(Precious electronics Metals Yes SE
1.00E+00 Unit
Fig. 5.18 Flows for "facilities precious metal refinery" and its representation in the ecoinvent database.
Tab. 5.81 Meta information for the production processes of silver from lead production.
Energy demand
Electricity demand for the different process stages is reported in Reuter (2005) per kg silver as fol-
lows: Vacuum Distillation: 1.44 kWh; Cuppellation: 4.53 kWh; Moebius Electrolysis: 0.60 kWh.
Process emissions
Rentz et al. (1999) report process emissions related to different processes in the lead and zinc industry
in Germany. Since no emission factors for the silver production are available, values for comparable
best available technologies (Remelting plant and New Jersey Retort) are taken as approximation. The
distribution of differential PM classes have been adopted from copper smelting and amount PM<2.5 :
PM2.5-10 : PM>10 = 3 : 2 : 1 (CEPMEIP-Database, SNAP code 030304). No emissions to water are
Since the parkes crust is supposed to be processed on site and only a small part of the feed is assumed
to be acquired from supply external to the facility, no transports of the feed are considered. The infra-
structure is reflected with the generic dataset for a metal smelter that is based on inventories from alu-
minium and iron industry. Lifetime: 50a, output: 2'650'000 t metal per year, reporting to the total
amount of silver, zinc and lead intermediate produced.
Tab. 5.82 Emissions to air from parkes crust processing. Approximation from BAT processes in German Zinc industry
(Rentz et al., 1999), geometric mean of the lowest and highest value.
Variability based on
18.1% Silver contained, overall parkes process crust, from
Parkes crust feed recovery yield of 97.4%
metals extraction No GLO
desilverising of lead
5.77E+00 kg Reuter 2005 1 1.10 values reported in
Hot pressing: 0.00 kWh; Vacuum
Total electricity Distillation: 1.44 kWh; Cuppellation: electricity, medium voltage,
4.53 kWh; Moebius Electrolysis: 0.60
electricity production mix No UCTE
production UCTE, at grid
6.57E+00 kWh Reuter 2005 1 1.24 (3,1,2,1,1,5,2)
silver, from lead production, at plant
33% share in the total dust emissions low population Particulates, > 2.5 um, and < Rentz et al 1999,
PM 2.5-10to air
of 69 g per tonne crust processed
density 10um
1.33E-04 kg
1 2.67 (1,2,1,3,5,3,26)
50% share in the total dust emissions low population Rentz et al 1999,
PM <2.5 to air
of 69 g per tonne crust processed
Particulates, < 2.5 um 1.99E-04 kg
1 3.67 (1,2,1,3,5,3,27)
low population
Waste heat air
Heat, waste 2.37E+01 MJ Calculation 1 1.06 (1,2,1,3,1,1,13)
Fig. 5.19 Flows for "silver, from lead production, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
- Electrowinning of silver
In the decopperising leaching process of copper refinery slimes, a considerable amount of tellurium
dissolves (70-80% and 95% under atmospheric pressure leaching and pressurized leaching, respec-
tively). The precipitation of telluride is done by copper choppings that are arranged in a column. The
leach solution is led through the column and telluride precipitate on the surface (Shibasaki et al.,
1992). Fig. 5.20 shows the process as done in Mitsubishi’s Naoshima refinery.
Fig. 5.20 Processing of anode slimes to retract silver and tellurium at Naoshima refinery, Mitsubishi Materials Corp.
(Shibasaki et al., 1992).
cement, from copper production" and "silver, from copper production, at refinery". The product "cop-
per-telluride cement, …" is an intermediary in the production of telluride and is not intended to be
used by the LCA practitioner. The flow "silver, …" is a by-product of this process that receives part of
the burdens. It must not be used to reflect silver. For silver and telluride, please refer to the respective
adequate datasets.
The raw anode slime is inventoried by the by-product dataset “anode slime, silver and tellurium con-
taining, primary copper production” (Fig. 5.21). The slime represented contains 20% Silver and 3%
Tellurium which in turn reflects the coupled production ratio of silver and tellurium from copper pro-
duction industry on a global average (see Part III “Copper” in this report).
cathode, copper, primary copper production copper-telluride cement, from copper production
Fig. 5.21 Model overview and interrelation of silver production with copper extraction. For detailed information see
Part III “Copper” in this report.
The anode slime processing corresponds to a part of similar processes described in the chapter
Gold / Silver, secondary, from electronic scrap in ecoinvent. Hence, the respective values are adapted
for the processing of silver and telluride containing slimes.
Tab. 5.83 Meta information for the production processes of silver from copper production.
Pressure leaching. The slime (5 kg) is leached with electrolyte taken from the tankhouse under pres-
sure (3-7 bar) and at elevated temperature of 115 °C. From Chen & Dutrizac (1990) we learn that the
leaching can occur in a single stage for 5 h at 100 psi O2 in a solution of 250 g / l H2SO4 and 10%
NaCl to prevent Ag from dissolution. This reduces the mass of the slime to 77% of the initial value.
Assuming a volume of the leaching vessel of 10 m3 and a reaction volume of 5 m3 and a batch leach-
ing procedure of 2’500 kg anode slime, 23 kg O2 per batch or 0.00925 kg O2 / kg slime are required
(see calculations in Gold / Silver, secondary, from electronic scrap in ecoinvent). The sulphuric
acid is assumed to originate from the electrolyte bleed and the NaCl is regarded not to be consumed by
precipitation reactions. To heat up the 5’000 l electrolyte from 65 °C to 115 °C an additional
0.17 kWh/kg slime is needed, assuming 70% heat conversion efficiency. A process efficiency of 90%
is assumed, the rest of the Tellurium reports to the residual solution.
Precipitation. The copper telluride is precipitated from the leach solution by solid copper. This pre-
cipitation – or stripping – is spontaneous given the optimal reaction time. Hence only the metallic
copper choppings are accounted for, that are used to strip the raw copper telluride. They are contained
in the produced raw copper telluride by 50%wt.
Drying. 0.1 kWh electricity per kg dry product is assumed to be required for drying.
Smelting / Refining. For fuel oil and requirements of oxygen as reducing agent the same specific val-
ues as for the conversion step in the Kaldo oven is taken as a proxy. Also the specific emission factors
are taken (Kaldo furnace, Tab. 5.75) that derive from dividing the yearly emissions of the Kaldo fur-
nace by the produced 27’000 t lead per year and scaling it to the metal produced by this process. Ac-
cording to Peterson & Lundquist (1977), the Kaldo process consumes 52.9 l oil and 123.5 Nm3 of
oxygen per tonne of charge (45% lead) or 4 MJ light fuel oil and 0.369 kg oxygen per kg lead bullion
produced. These figures are multiplied with the total metal output of this inventory. Eventual electric-
ity consumption for furnace operation is assumed to be low and therefore is disregarded in this step.
Möbius electrolysis. The silver concentration in the electrolyte is ca. 50 g/L. The free HNO3 is 10 g/L
and the anodic current density is 400 – 500 A/m2. The cell voltage is 2.0 – 2.5 V. The anodes and cath-
odes are usually arranged in parallel in the cell, and the energy consumption is ca. 0.6 kWh per kg of
pure silver. To compensate for the anodically dissolved base metals that are not removed at the cath-
ode (mainly copper), silver nitrate solution is fed into the electrolyte to prevent depletion of silver
(Renner et al., 2002b). However, no additive consumption and replenishment of the electrolyte was
considered. Likewise no emissions were assumed because of the purity and the high value of the mate-
rial processed.
Allocation procedure. The allocation of the subprocesses copper telluride and silver formation is not
evident to solve, since only the final commodity prices are known but no in-firm price for the CuTe
cement, on which the allocation would rely. Also the share of the products in total costs (gross sales
method as proposed in Guinée et al. (2004) and Guinée et al. (2001)) is not easy to estimate. The by-
product allocation problem – the joint production of silver and copper telluride – is reduced here by a
subdivision of the sub-processes (according to Ekvall & Finnveden, 2001). The tellurium production
from the raw copper telluride is treated in a distinct inventory. Hence it is the task to allocate the bur-
dens between the silver and the CuTe cementate, whereas for latter no published price is available.
As starting point for an estimation it is assumed that the profit margin for the production of copper tel-
luride cement corresponds to the company’s performance. Taking an arbitrary performance value of
10% - which reflects the general profit expectations of major enterprises – the value of the cement cor-
responds consequently to 10% of the proceeds from sale of copper telluride. Therefore 10 % of the
copper telluride price is taken to estimate the value of the cement.
The composition and the corresponding values in the by-products result in a split of 8% to the copper
telluride cementate and 92% to the silver (Tab. 5.84). The values contained were assessed according to
the three years average from 2004 through 2006 based on USGS (2007).
Tab. 5.84 Allocation factors for copper telluride and silver using economic criteria.
Sulphur dioxide specific values for Kaldo oven, no emissions low population
(air) from electrolysis considered
Sulfur dioxide 3.50E-04 kg HELCOM 2002 1 5.00 uncertainty estimated
Nitrogen oxide specific values for Kaldo oven, no emissions low population
(air) from electrolysis considered
Nitrogen oxides 4.51E-04 kg HELCOM 2002 1 5.00 uncertainty estimated
specific values for Kaldo oven, no emissions low population Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8- Lindström, 2001,
PCDD/F (air)
from electrolysis considered
density tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
3.26E-09 kg
HELCOM, 2002
1 5.00 uncertainty estimated
Silver, from
Main Product at 269 $ / kg, recieves 99.9% silver, from copper
of the burden
metals extraction No GLO
production, at refinery
1.00E+00 kg
Main Product at 8 $ / kg, recieves 0.1% of copper telluride cement,
Telluride, by-
the burden
metals extraction No GLO
from copper production
4.89E-02 kg
Fig. 5.22 Flows for "Silver, from copper production, at plant" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
A default distance of 250 km from the refinery to the airport and 250 km further to the regional dealer
is assumed. Transport distances are estimated on bee-line measures (see Tab. 5.85) and reflect the
mine production mix in Tab. 5.69. The resulting inventory is displayed in Fig. 5.25
http://www.gold.org/value/markets/supply_demand/recycled.html, accessed in july 2007.
Christian Beinhoff (Unido, 2005) http://www.unido.org/file-storage/download/?file_id=10644, accessed in may 2007.
(Tab. 5.85). A default distance of 250 km from the refinery to the airport and 250 km further to the re-
gional dealer is assumed. The resulting inventory is displayed in Fig. 5.24.
12 13
Tab. 5.85 Silver mine production in 2005, country share on total of 20’000 t and distance to Europe .
http://www.silverinstitute.org/, accessed in may 2007
http://www.nucleus2000.de/, accessed in may 2007
Silver from Lead 31% share in world mine production, which silver, from lead production, Silver institute
/ Zinc
in turn accounts for 70%
metals extraction No GLO
at refinery
3.21E-01 kg
1 1.05 (1,1,1,1,1,1,3)
Silver from
silver, at regional 25% share in world mine production, which silver, from copper Silver institute
in turn accounts for 70%
metals extraction No GLO
production, at refinery
2.59E-01 kg
1 1.05 (1,1,1,1,1,1,3)
14% share in world mine production, which silver, from combined gold- Silver institute
Silver from Gold metals extraction No GLO 1.45E-01 kg 1 1.05 (1,1,1,1,1,1,3)
in turn accounts for 70% silver production, at refinery 2005
silver, secondary, at
Secondary Silver Accounts for 21% of the world supply metals extraction No SE 2.75E-01 kg Klapwijk 2006 1 1.05 (1,1,1,1,1,1,3)
precious metal refinery
Based on share of countries supplying
primary silver from Pb/Zn, Cu and Au transport
Plane airplane No RER transport, aircraft, freight 8.89E+00 tkm calculations 1 2.00 (2,1,1,1,1,2,5)
production, beeline. 50% additional weight systems
due to packaging.
2 x 250 km; 50% additional weight due to transport transport, lorry >16t, fleet
lorry road No RER 7.50E-01 tkm calculations 1 2.00 (2,1,1,1,1,2,5)
packaging. systems average
Silver metals extraction No RER silver, at regional storage 1.00E+00 kg
Fig. 5.24 Flows for "Silver, at regional storage" and its representation in the ecoinvent database.
Primary gold,
production mix
According to the producting countries metals extraction No GLO gold, primary, at refinery 6.89E-01 kg Estimation 1 1.22 (4,3,1,1,1,1,3)
Fig. 5.25 Flows for "Gold, at regional storage" and its representation in the ecoinvent database.
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Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
Comments on version 2.1
This version corresponds to version 2.0 with changes of the errors detected in the meantime.
The cadmium emissions to air were too high due to a mistake regarding the filtration of airborne emissions in the
cadmium purification process. The correct values are given in Tab. 1.
Tab. 1 Corrected values of cadmium emissions ( to air/high population density) of the “cadmium, semiconductor
grade” datasets
The waterborne cadmium emissions in the dataset “cadmium sulphide, semiconductor-grade, at plant,
US, [k]”are mismatched as “from nature”. However, they are emissions “to nature”.
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 4
2 TELLURIUM ............................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Reserves and resources of tellurium...................................................................................... 5
2.3 Characterisation of tellurium................................................................................................. 5
2.4 Use and application of material............................................................................................. 6
2.5 Production process ................................................................................................................ 7
2.6 Life cycle inventory .............................................................................................................. 9
5 LITERATURE ......................................................................................................... 32
1 Introduction
Several metals feature semi conductive behaviour. For this they have to be purified to a high degree and ar-
ranged in layers onto a carrier. This part describes the extraction and purification of some of the most important
semiconductor materials:
Tellurium raw material from copper production (part III)
Gallium, semiconductor grade raw material from aluminium production (part I)
Cadmium, semiconductor grade raw material of lead-zinc production (part VIII)
Cadmium Telluride, semiconductor grade raw material of lead-zinc production (part VIII)
Cadmium Chloride, semiconductor grade raw material of lead-zinc production (part VIII)
Cadmium Sulphide, semiconductor grade raw material of lead-zinc production (part VIII)
The raw materials for these metals often are by-products of base metal production. For information on these,
please refer to the respective part within this report.
2 Tellurium
We thank Vasilis Fthenakis and Olliver Krahl for the information provided in a personal communica-
2.1 Introduction
Tellurium (CAS-Number: 13494-80-9) is a metallic element that is often extracted as a by-product of
processing copper, lead, gold, and bismuth ores. Tellurium has 8 natural stable isotopes and some 21
additional artificial unstable isotopes are known (Knockaert (2002)). A Hungarian scientist discovered
tellurium in 1782. For a long time, only minor amounts were extracted. One reason for the increasing
demand of tellurium is the application in the new field of thin film solar cells. Other common applica-
tions are thermoelectric devices and as an alloy for the production of free-machining steel.
Tab. 2.1 Reserves and resources of tellurium (t), Source: Guilinger (1999d))
Chemical Symbol Te
Atomic mass 127.60 g/mol
Density 6.24 g·cm−3
Melting point 449.5° C
Boiling point 988 °C
−1 −1
Heat capacity 25.73 J·mol ·K (25 °C)
Mohs hardness 2.25
CAS registry number 13494-80-9
The world production per year is in the range of 200 to 300 metric tons. Knockaert (2002) states a
broad trade of concentrate, blister and anode copper. This complicates a detailed estimation about the
global refinery production. The different market sectors are given in Georg (2004). Some further de-
tails are described below:
Improvement of steel by addition of small quantities of tellurium (up to 0.1%), It helps to con-
trol the chill depth of rapidly cooled surfaces and produces hard, wear-resistant top layers.
Tellurium is used in combination with other components in many catalysts (chemical reac-
tions: oxidation, ammonisation, (de-) hydrogenation, (de-) halogenations, etc.)
In electronics, tellurium is a well-known additive in selenium-photoreceptors. Tellurium in-
creases the sensitivity and broadens the spectral response of the photoreceptor.
Polycrystalline cadmium telluride is used in photovoltaic solar cells; CdTe has a direct band
gap of 1.5eV and a high optical absorption coefficient.
Tab. 2.3 Market share of tellurium (data for United States), Source: Georg (2004)
The price for tellurium has increased rapidly in the last 2 years, mainly due to the increased demands
from China and solar cell manufacturers worldwide. In November 2004 the price was about US$ 50
per kilogram (Georg (2004). In 2005 the price ranged from US$ 110 to US$ 150 per kg tellurium
(Metal Bulletin (2006), respectively US$ 100 to 140 US$ according to PPM Pure metals. 1 Knockaert
Personal communication: Olliver Krahl, PPM Pure Metals GmbH, Germany (24th of January 2007)
(2002) reports that tellurium 99.99% (4N) is normally 40-50% more expensive than tellurium 99.9%
(3N) and tellurium 99.999% (5N) is more than double price of the standard-grad tellurium (3N).
Tab. 2.4 Composition of several copper anode slimes, Source: Knockaert (2002)
Fig. 2.1 Example flow sheet for anode slime treatment, Source: IPPC (2001)
The tellurium content in the copper varies. The mentioned “United States Bureau of Mines” estimates
an average tellurium content of about 0.065 kg per ton of copper (Knockaert (2002). The tellurium
content in the sludge varies from 0.5% to 10%. Three copper-producers stated a typical tellurium con-
centration of 2%, 3.2% and 3.64%, with a geometrical mean of 2.85% (Tab. 2.4).
As the tellurium is separated from the slime as copper-telluride-cementate, the life cycle assessment
starts with the separation of tellurium from the cementate, the Pre-treatment is not assessed in this
dataset. The following processes are considered (see also Fig. 2.2):
(i) Dissolving of copper-cementate with sulphuric acid
(ii) Electrolysis of tellurium from the solution
(iii) Purification of cathode-tellurium with Zone melting
Dissolving cementate and electrolysis: The cementate of copper-telluride is treated with sulphuric
acid. The next step is the electrolysis of the solution to extract the tellurium at the cathode. Further de-
tails and chemical reactions can be found in Knockaert (2002).
Purification: According to Fthenakis (2004), high purity tellurium is produced by electrolytic purifi-
cation and subsequent melting and atomization or by vacuum-distillation. According to industrial
sources in the mentioned report, electrolytic purification does not produce any emissions and all waste
is recycled. On the other hand, it is mentioned that for the production of 0.6 kg tellurium (99.999% or
5N) 0.75 kg tellurium (99.99% or 4N) is required. 2 This represents a tellurium loss of 20% during this
phase of purification.
Personal communication: Email from V. Fthenakis to N. Jungbluth, Nov. 2006
Steinberger (1997) analysed the life cycle of CdTe-solar cells, though the assumptions for the production and purification of
tellurium were to rough. Therefore no data from the mentioned thesis has been used.
content in the cementate is 50% (Shibasaki et al. 1992), an overall process yield of 90% is assumed.
The arising copper rich solution is recycled to the copper electrowinning cells and leaves the system
burden free.
During the process of leaching, for each tonne of copper-telluride 150 kg of H2SO4 (25%) is used
(Davenport et al. 2002). The demand of energy is reported by Fthenakis (2004). It is assumed, that the
energy carrier is electricity. Since there is no specific process-data available for the tellurium produc-
tion, the data from the corresponding chapters about the hydrometallurgical zinc-production was taken
instead for water-use. However, the uncertainty is fairly high.
Emissions: Fthenakis (2004) states that “emissions in hydrometallurgical / electrolytic plants are
likely to be negligible unless the sulphuric-acid tanks are open to the atmosphere.” For emissions,
proxy-data of zinc-production has been used: Assuming a production with 50% open tanks, a value of
9.55g sulphuric acid per kg tellurium was chosen (Xiao et al. (2003), cited in the chapter about zinc-
Infrastructure: The infrastructure of a chemical plant, organics has been taken as an assumption with
the mentioned output of 50’000 tons per year and a lifespan of 50 years.
Emissions to air
Xiao et al. (2003), cited in the chapter for g
SO2 9.55 9.55
zinc production
Name semiconductor- GeneralComment
grade, at plant
Location GLO
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
technosphere copper-telluride cementate, from copper production GLO 0 kg 2.78E+0 1 1.17 (2,3,3,1,1,4); Literature (Shibasaki, 1992)
3 Gallium, semiconductor-grade
3.1 Introduction
Gallium (CAS-Number: 7440-55-3) is a metallic element, similar in many characteristics to alumin-
ium. Gallium is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity and has a melting point of 29.8° C. It can
be extracted from bauxite ore by several different processes. Gallium is widely used in the field of op-
toelectronics (e.g. LEDs), telecommunication, aerospace and many commercial and household items
such as alloys, computers and DVDs (Moskalyk 2003).
Tab. 3.1 Production capacity and production in 2005, Source: Guilinger (1999c)
Production capacity Production 2005 Market Share
Country t t
Australia 50 21.3 34%
Germany 20 8.5 14%
Kazakhstan 20 8.5 14%
Russia 19 8.1 13%
China 8 3.4 5%
Hungary 8 3.4 5%
Slovakia 8 3.4 5%
Japan 7 3.0 5%
Ukraine 5 2.1 3%
United States 3 1.3 2%
Worldwide 148 63 100%
Company average 16 companies 3.9 t / a
Estimation (based on the world production in 2005 of 63 tons of gallium, assuming that each enterprise has the same ra-
tio of production / production capacity)
gallium spectroscopically in 1875 (Latin Gallia meaning Gaul, essentially modern France) (Guilinger
Tab. 3.2 Physical properties of gallium, Source: Greber (2005) and Moskalyk (2003)
Chemical Symbol Ga
Atomic mass 69.723 g/mol
Density 5.91 g·cm−3
Melting point 29.76°C
Boiling point 2204°C
Heat capacity 25.86 J·mol−1·K−1 = 370 J·kg−1·K−1 (25°C)
Mohs hardness 1.5
Heat of fusion 5.59 kJ/mol
CAS registry number 7440-55-3
Tab. 3.3 Market share of gallium in United States, Source: Kramer (2005)
Gallium (kg) %
Optoelectronic devices
Laser diodes and light-emitting diodes 3880 20.6%
Photo detectors and solar cells 219 1.2%
Integrated circuits:
Analogue 11700 62.3%
Digital 115 0.6%
Research and development 2800 14.9%
Other 76 0.4%
Total 18700 100%
The gallium extraction plant is usually located within or very near to the aluminium oxide plants. Fig.
3.1. shows the gallium extraction within the chain of aluminium production.
Fig. 3.1 Flow diagram showing gallium extraction by Rhõne-Poulenc-Process, Source: Greber (2005)
Three types of processes are mainly used to extract the gallium. Below is a short summary of each
process. A description in more details can be found in Greber (2005) and Power Porto (1990).
(1) extraction with chelating agents (the Rhône-Poulenc-Process)
In 1974, it was discovered, that hydroxyquinolines could be used to extract gallium from so-
dium aluminates liquors. The aluminate liquor is brought into contact with a solution of
Kelex 100 5 in kerosene. Gallium is thereby extracted from the liquor along with aluminium
and sodium. Most of the aluminium and sodium is scrubbed from the extraction by a treatment
with dilute acid. The gallium itself is then stripped with concentrated sulphuric acid. The
metal can be isolated from this concentrate by direct electrolysis. Although the process solu-
tions are recycled, considerable quantities of waste acid is generated (Greber 2005). 35 to 40
tons of gallium is produced via this route.
(2) electrolytic processes (the Alusuisse-Process)
The electrolytic process depends on the fact that mercury forms an amalgam with gallium
Kelex100 is a well-known solvent extraction product, chemical name: 7-(4-ethyl-1-methyloctyl)quinolin-8-ol CAS-
Number: 29171-27-5
from which the gallium may be extracted with a caustic soda solution. The mercury is recy-
cled to produce again sodium amalgam. Hence the mercury circulates in a closed system.
This process requires special conditions to reach economically acceptable values (like > 150
g/l sodium and very low concentrations of vanadium, tungsten and molybdenum). The envi-
ronmental problems associated with mercury further discourage the use of electrolytic proc-
(3) fractional precipitation (the Péchiney-Process)
The gallium-containing sodium aluminate solution is treated with carbon dioxide to precipitate
its pure aluminium hydroxide. This increases the gallium content of the liquor. Further treat-
ment wit fractional precipitation is used to separate the gallium. Finally metallic gallium is ob-
tained by electrolysis. This process is labour and energy-intensive. China produces gallium by
this process.
Izumi (2004) describes some laboratory-scale processes about the re-extraction and recycling of gal-
lium from electronic scrap. However, no recycling processes are taken into account since there is no
data available.
Since the Rhône-Poulenc-Process dominates the production and is the least-cost effective, the focus of
the following life-cycle inventory was set on this process (Moskalyk 2003).
3.5.2 Purification
Different procedures can be used to remove the impurities such as mercury and zinc:
vacuum distillation
washing with aqueous acids and alkalis
fractional distillation of liquid gallium compounds
fractional crystallization
single crystal growth
The purest gallium is obtained by fractional crystallization (Meijer et al. 2003) or single crystal growth
with a purity of 99.999999% (Power Porto 1990). The fractional crystallization process purifies a raw
gallium material utilizing segregation. Since solid gallium is lighter than liquid gallium, the solid gal-
lium floats in the form of a small mass on the surface of the liquid gallium. Seed crystals are present in
a melted raw gallium material and at surface. The melted raw gallium material is cooled with a gas to a
temperature less than its melting point. The gallium material is then solidified on the seed crystals as
nuclei with unidirect solidification (Maeda & Kadokura 1993). Bautista (2003) gives an overview
about the different purification methods.
organic solvents can be re-used for one year. Since the average production is about 3.9 t per company
and year, the calculation has been made with a recycling-rate of 3900 times at a production rate of
1 kg per cycle. It is assumed, that sulphuric acid is taken for stripping.
Krauss et al. (1999) reports for the “mixing and pumping of diluted leach, extracting agent and old
electrolyte” in the copper-extraction an energy consumption of 350 kWh per t. Therefore this value
has been taken as a proxy.
Electrolysis (Reduction): The resulting liquor after solvent extraction has an average gallium concen-
tration of 145 g / litre. From this solvent, the gallium can be directly extracted via electrolysis. Since
of missing data for electro winning, the related value for copper has been used: 2.22 kWh per kilogram
of Gallium (Dresher 2001).
Meijer et al. (2003) assumed a material efficiency of 90% for electrolysis and purification (including
partial reuse of waste), therefore an overall efficiency of 81% was assumed. However, the uncertainty
is relatively high.
Tab. 3.6 Consumption of solvent and acid, Source: Selvi et al. (2004)
Transports: As the installations for gallium extraction are within the aluminium-plants, no transport
of the Bayer liquor has been accounted for. Since it is assumed, that the production takes place in
Europe, the transport of solvents and limestone is calculated with the standard distance from ecoinvent
(see Tab. 3.7).
Purification: Meijer et al. (2003) describes the process of fractional crystallization for producing
semiconductor grade gallium. The theoretical values for fractional crystallization are estimated with
the energy needed for heating the metal from room temperature to melting-temperature and the heat of
fusion. It is assumed that this process has an energy efficiency of 50%. No other purification methods
have been taken into account.
Infrastructure: As there is no specific data about the gallium production available, proxy-data has
been used: For the processes of enrichment and extraction, the infrastructure of “chemical plant, or-
ganics” is considered, the electrolysis takes place in the plant of “aluminium electrolysis”.
Waste and Emissions: No specific data is available. Richardson (2002) reports a typical loss of
0.05% of feedstock on refinery storages. Therefore a yearly loss of 0.05% * 8520 l = 4.26 litre of or-
ganic solvent is emitted to the air. It is assumed, that 50% of this stream consists of NMVOC. The sul-
phuric acid is neutralized with calcium carbonate, each Mol of calcium carbonate neutralize 1 mol of
sulphuric acid. The worst-case scenario represents the fact, that carbonate and sulphate are emitted as
ions into the water. It is more likely, that they will be precipitated as salt.
It is assumed, that solvents as Kelex 100, Versatic 10, n-decanol or Kerosene, which have to be re-
placed, are sent to hazardous waste incineration.
Tab. 3.10 Unit process raw data for gallium, in Bayer liquor from aluminium production, at plant
gallium, in Bayer
liquor from
Name aluminium GeneralComment
production, at
Location GLO
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
product gallium, in Bayer liquor from aluminium GLO - - 0 kg 1
resource, in
gallium, 0.014% in bauxite, in ground - resource in ground - kg 1.00E+0 1 1.05 (1,1,1,1,1,1); data from literature (Selvi, 2004)
Tab. 3.11 Unit process raw data for gallium, semiconductor-grade, at plant
Name semiconductor- GeneralComment
grade, at plant
Location GLO
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
product gallium, semiconductor-grade, at plant GLO - - 0 kg 1.00E+0
gallium, in Bayer liquor from aluminium
technosphere GLO - - 0 kg 1.23E+0 1 1.59 (2,4,2,1,4,5); Literature (Selvi, 2004)
production, at plant
electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE, at (4,4,2,2,4,5); Literature (Dresher 2001) &
UCTE - - 0 kWh 2.63E+0 1 1.64
grid (Meijer 2003)
sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant RER - - 0 kg 2.18E+0 1 1.84 (5,4,2,2,4,5); Literature (Bautista 2003)
(3,3,2,2,3,5); Calculation (for neutralization of
lime, hydrated, packed, at plant CH - - 0 kg 2.24E+0 1 1.33
sulphuric acid)
kerosene, at regional storage RER - - 0 kg 1.68E+0 1 1.84 (5,4,2,2,4,5); Literature (Bautista 2003)
(4,4,2,2,4,5); Literature (Bautista 2003), similar
fatty alcohol, petrochemical, at plant RER - - 0 kg 1.70E-1 1 1.64
to n-decanol
(5,4,2,2,4,5); Literature (Bautista 2003), sas a
EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, at plant RER - - 0 kg 2.84E+1 1 1.84
proxy value to Kelex 100
(5,4,2,2,4,5); Literature (Bautista 2003), as a
adipic acid, at plant RER - - 0 kg 1.10E-1 1 1.84
proxy value to Versatic 10
chemical plant, organics RER - - 1 unit 4.00E-10 1 3.76 (4,3,2,2,5,5); Estimation
aluminium electrolysis, plant RER - - 1 unit 7.69E-9 1 3.76 (4,3,2,2,5,5); Estimation
transport, freight, rail RER - - 0 tkm 6.96E+0 1 2.09 (4,5,na,na,na,na); standard distances (200km)
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER - - 0 tkm 3.48E+0 1 2.09 (4,5,na,na,na,na); standard distances (100km)
disposal, solvents mixture, 16.5% water, to
CH - - 0 kg 3.04E+1 1 1.33 (3,3,2,1,3,5); Calculation
hazardous waste incineration
emission air, high
Heat, waste - air high population density - MJ 9.46E+0 1 1.33 (3,3,2,1,3,5); Calculation
population density
NMVOC, non-methane volatile organic (3,3,2,1,3,5); Estimation, Literature (Richardson
- air high population density - kg 1.09E-3 1 1.33
compounds, unspecified origin 2002)
emission water, river Calcium, ion - water river - kg 1.12E+0 1 1.33 (3,3,2,1,3,5); Calculation
Sulfate - water river - kg 2.18E+0 1 1.33 (3,3,2,1,3,5); Calculation
Tab. 3.12 Unit process raw data for gallium, semiconductor-grade, at regional storage
Name GeneralComment
grade, at regional
Location RER
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
gallium, semiconductor-grade, at regional
product RER - - 0 kg 1.00E+0
technosphere gallium, semiconductor-grade, at plant GLO - - 0 kg 1.00E+0 1 1.21 (1,1,2,2,1,5); Calculation
(4,5,na,na,na,na); estimated distances, based
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average RER - - 0 tkm 3.00E-1 1 2.09
on standard distances
transport, aircraft, freight RER - - 0 tkm 4.30E+0 1 2.28 (5,5,na,na,na,na); Estimation (4300km)
We thank Vasilis Fthenakis for the information provided in a personal communication.
The cadmium compounds consist of the elementary materials of cadmium, tellurium, sulphur and
chlor. Therefore no reserves or resources are mentioned here, estimations about the resources can be
found in the corresponding chapters.
Tab. 4.1 Physical properties of Cadmium compounds, Source: ESPI Metals (2007) and Schulte-Schrepping & Pisca-
tor (2002)
Purification of cadmium: For an industrial production. A larger reactor is assumed for a continuous
production. Due to the better ability of control, the energy source is electricity. Fthenakis 7 reports an
energy consumption from 12’200 kJ/kg to 15’800 kJ/kg. For this project, the geometric mean of
13’880 kJ/kg was used.
Three stages of purification are necessary to obtain a purity of 99.9999%. Each stage has an average
yield of 77%. The total yield is 46% for a purification setting of 3 cycles. The loss of 54% is captured
CIS stands for Copper-Indium-Diselenid
Personal communication of V. Fthenakis to N. Jungbluth, November 2006
in HEPA-Filters 8 , as described in Fthenakis (2004). The efficiency of HEPA filters in collecting par-
ticulates is reported with 99.97%, the rest is emitted to the air. It is assumed, that the filtrate can be
used again for a new purification cycle.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure has been roughly assessed with the dataset of the organic chemical
Transports: The transport has been calculated with the standard distances of ecoinvent (see Tab. 4.2).
Emissions and Waste: As there are no other materials used in the processes, only the emissions of
cadmium into the air has been taken into account: (1-99.97 %) * 2 % * 1 kg Cd = 6*10-6 kg per kilo-
gram purified cadmium.
Tab. 4.3 Unit process raw data for cadmium, semi-conductor grade, semi-conductor grade
Location US
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
(5,4,2,1,5,5); calculated based on
Technosphere cadmium, primary, at plant GLO 0 kg 1.00E+0 1 2.30
formula and loss of air emissions
(5,4,2,1,5,5); personal communication
electricity, medium voltage, at grid US 0 kWh 3.86E+0 1 2.30
from Fthenakis
HEPA stand for High Efficiency-Particulate Air
taminates can cause an explosion. CdTe can only be produced in small batches of around 1.3 kg, be-
cause of the volatility of the chemical reaction.
Harman (1985) reports the preparation of CdTe for substrates: “Elements are sealed in evacuated, car-
bon-coated quartz tubes. The capsule is placed in a single furnace which is initially in a nearly hori-
zontal position. A slight tilt in the furnace keeps the liquid and solid material at the small diameter end
of the tube. The temperature of the furnace is raised to its final temperature of about 1110°C, at the
conical tip end approximately 100°C lower. The temperature of the growth tube is held for about 16 to
20hrs, then the furnace is rotated about 90° to a vertical position. After the temperature is stabilized,
the tube is lowered at a rate of about 1.2mm/hr until the solution has completely solidified.”
Production and purification of cadmium telluride: Since no production details about the use of re-
sources are available, we assume the following production:
Resources: The reaction is according “the stoichiometric quantities of high purity elements “
(Harman (1985)): 1 Mol Te (= 127.6 g) + 1 Mol Cd (112.4g) → 1 Mol CdTe (240 g)
According to Frischknecht et al. (2004), a yield of 95% was assumed.
Energy: Fthenakis (see Footnote 7) report the needed energy for different processes and/or
producers: Minimal 37’400 kJ/kg produced CdTe have to be used, the maximal value is
53’600 kJ/kg. In this project, the geometrical mean of 44’770 kJ/kg is used for an average
production process. As the process needs a precise controlling, electricity is used as energy
Infrastructure: The infrastructure has been roughly assessed with the dataset of the organic chemical
Transports: see Tab. 4.2 in Section 4.4.1
Emission and Waste: With a yield of 95% and the mentioned HEPA-filters, the emissions are:
(1-99.97 %) * 2 % * 1 kg CdTe=6*10-6 kg of CdTe. The emissions are accounted as “cadmium emis-
sion into air, high population density”.
Tab. 4.4 Unit process raw data for cadmium telluride, semi-conductor grade
Explanations Name GeneralComment
grade, at plant
Location US
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
(5,3,1,3,3,5); personal communication
electricity, medium voltage, at grid US 0 kWh 1.24E+1 1 1.63
we assume that from 0.645 kg Cadmium 77% are converted into cadmium chloride, the rest is cap-
tured in HEPA-filters with an efficiency of 99.97%: (1-99.97 %) * 2% * 0.645 kg Cd = 3.876*10-6 kg
per kilogram cadmium chloride. The generated hydrogen is also emitted into the air.
StandardD eviation
Explanations Name GeneralComment
grade, at plant
Location US
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
drogen sulfide flow. The hydrogen sulfide is shut off and nitrogen is introduced while cooling
the material to ambient temperature.”
Production of cadmium sulphide: Since no specific information about the production process is
available, this part is mainly based on assumptions. It is assumed that the reaction is according the
stoichiometric quantities: 1 Mol CdCl2 (= 183.3 g) + 1 Mol H2S (34.1) → 1 Mol CdS (144.5 g) + 1
Mol HCl (112.4 g) According to Frischknecht et al. (2004) , a yield of 95% was assumed. As no in-
formation about the energy consumption is available, the proxy-value of cadmium chloride (see sec-
tion 4.4.3) is used instead (14 kJ per kg produced cadmium sulphide). As no information about a puri-
fication are available, presumably the environmental impacts are underestimated.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure has been roughly assessed with the available dataset of the organic
chemical plant.
Transports: see Tab. 3.7 in Section 4.4.1
Emission and Waste: Guilinger (1999a) stated that “(The production) does generate a cadmium con-
taminated liquid waste stream that is environmentally difficult to handle and neutralize.” Therefore, a
cadmium stream into the water is assumed. As a first estimation, the related value from zinc produc-
tion has been chosen (2.60*10-6 kg cadmium per kg cadmium sulphide). However, this value is fairly
Name GeneralComment
grade, at plant
Location US
InfrastructureProcess 0
Unit kg
cadmium sulphide,
product US - - 0 kg 1
semiconductor-grade, at plant
cadmium chloride,
technosphere US - - 0 kg 1.34E+0 1 2.30 (5,4,2,1,5,5); calculated based on formula
semiconductor-grade, at plant
hydrogen sulphide, H2S, at
RER - - 0 kg 2.48E-1 1 2.31 (5,4,2,5,5,5); calculated based on formula
chemical plant, organics RER - - 1 unit 4.00E-10 1 3.82 (4,5,2,5,5,5); assumption
electricity, medium voltage,
US - - 0 kWh 3.89E-3 1 1.93 (4,5,5,1,4,5); assumption
production US, at grid
(4,5,na,na,na,na); standard distances in US
transport, freight, rail RER - - 0 tkm 3.17E-1 1 2.09
transport, lorry >16t, fleet (4,5,na,na,na,na); standard distances in US
RER - - 0 tkm 1.58E-1 1 2.09
average (100km)
water, unspecified Cadmium, ion - water unspecified - kg 2.60E-6 1 4.00 (5,5,2,1,5,5); estimation
emission water,
Chloride - water unspecified - kg 5.16E-1 1 4.00 (5,5,2,1,5,5); estimation
emission air, low
Heat, waste - air low population dens - MJ 1.40E-2 1 2.33 (5,5,2,1,5,5); estimation
population density
Tab. 4.7 EcoSpold Meta Information of cadmium purification and cadmium compounds
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ber U.S. 4642142, held by
IPPC (2001) IPPC (2001) Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC); Reference
Document on Best Available Techniques in the Non Ferrous Metals Industries.
European Commission. Retrieved from http://www.jrc.es/pub/english.cgi/0/
Izumi (2004) Izumi S. (2004) Environmental safety issues for semiconductors (research on
scarce materials recycling). In: Thin Solid Films, 461, pp. 7-12.
Karpov et al. (2005) Karpov V. G., Shvydka D. and Roussillon Y. (2005) Physics of CdTe Photovol-
taics: from Front to Back. In proceedings from: MRS Spring Meeting 2005, San
Francisco, United States.
Knockaert (2002) Knockaert G. (2002) Tellurium. In: Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial
Chemistry. Online version, posting date: September 15, 2000 Edition. Wiley-
Interscience, Online-Version under: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/14356007.a26_
Kramer (2005) Kramer D. A. (2005) U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Yearbook 2005 - Gallium.
USGS, Online-Version under: http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/commod-
Krauss et al. (1999) Krauss U., Wagner H. and Mori G. (1999) Stoffmengenflüsse und Energiebedarf
bei der Gewinnung ausgewählter mineralischer Rohstoffe; Teilstudie Kupfer. In:
Geologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. Sonderhefte SH 9. Bundesanstalt für Geowissen-
schaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover. ISBN 3-510-95831-4.
Maeda & Kadokura (1993) Maeda H. and Kadokura H. (1993) Process for purification of gallium material.
Patent Number United States of America
Meijer et al. (2003) Meijer A., Huijbregts M. A. J., Schermer J. J. and Reijnders L. (2003) Life-cycle
Assessment of Photovoltaic Modules: Comparison of mc-Si, InGaP and In-
GaP/mc-Si Solar Modules. In: Prog. Photovolt. Res. Appl., 11(2003), pp. 275-
287, Online-Version under: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pip.489.
Menezes (2001) Menezes S. (2001) Electrochemical approach for removal, separation and re-
trieval of CdTe and CdS films from PV module waste. In: Thin Solid Films, 387,
pp. 175-178.
Metal Bulletin (2006) Metal Bulletin (2006) Prices & Archive: Various metals from http://www.metal-
Moskalyk (2003) Moskalyk R. R. (2003) Gallium: the backbone of the electronics industry. In:
Minerals Engineering, 16(921-929).
Pinheiro (2006) Pinheiro W. (2006) Comparative Study of CdTe Sources Used for Deposition of
CdTe Thing Films by Close Spaced Sublimation Technique. In: Materials Re-
search, 9(1), pp. 47-49.
Power Porto (1990) Power Porto G. F. (1990) Abtrennung von Gallium, Germanium und Indium im
Rahmen der hydrometallurgischen Zinkgewinnungsprozesse. Aachen.
Richardson (2002) Richardson S. (2002) Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook. Third Edi-
tion. EMEP: Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the
Tantalum Powder
Data v2.1 (2009)
Classen M., Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Tuchschmid M., Jungbluth N., Doka G., Faist
Emmenegger M. and Scharnhorst W. (2009) Life Cycle Inventories of Metals. Final
report ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle In-
ventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: http://www.ecoinvent.ch.
Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
The inventories of mining of tantalum containing ores and the production of capacitor grade tantalum powder
are documented in this report. The inventory is bases on the environmental reporting of the most important pro-
ducer. The production of capacitor grade tantalum powder is based on theoretical models, similarity assump-
tions, and estimations. No recycling (secondary tantalum) is modelled. Hence, this dataset represents primary
tantalum powder.
The production of tantalum metal, as it is used in the steel industry for alloying, follows a different process path.
It includes the processing of K7TaF7 with subsequent remelting in electron beam furnaces, which gives much
higher burdens than the process described in this chapter. Therefore, the tantalum powder dataset described in
this report is not recommended for use to represent tantalum metal manufacturing
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 5
4 USE ....................................................................................................................... 9
7 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 20
1 Introduction
The main uses of Tantalum are in the alloying of high temperature steels and as metal powder in ca-
pacitors used in the microelectronic industry. Today the biggest share of Tantalum goes into the ca-
pacitors used in mobile applications such as mobile phones, handheld and laptops. Due to its easy
processing and favourable electric properties it is widely used. Although the price for Tantalum has
risen drastically, discussed alternatives – alumina or niobium based capacitors – are in their infancy.
The price boom has led to a proliferation of small scale mining activities mainly in the Republic
Congo during the Civil War in 1998 – 2004 that led to uncontrolled exploitation (Behrendt et al.,
Since the production of capacitor grade Tantalum is extensive and the material itself is used in microe-
lectronics in comparatively large amounts, it plays a key role in the environmental assessment.
2 Material Characterisation
Tantalum is dark, dense, ductile, very hard, easily fabricated, and highly conductive of heat and elec-
tricity. The metal is renowned for its resistance to corrosion by acids; in fact, at temperatures below
150 °C tantalum is almost completely inert to attack by the normally aggressive aqua regia. It can be
dissolved with hydrofluoric acid or acidic solutions containing the fluoride ion and sulphur trioxide, as
well as with a solution of potassium hydroxide. Tantalum's high melting point of 3017°C (boiling
point 5458°C) is exceeded only by tungsten and rhenium (Wikipedia Contributors, 2006.).
3.1.1 Ores
Tantalum is mainly gained from Pegmatite as Tantalite. The tantalum production rates from tin slags
(25%) and from secondary resources (20%) imply a global share of primary production from Tantalite
ores of 55%. The main producer of tantalum is the company Sons of Gwalia (SGW) that mines today
50% of the known primary Tantalite reserves (Polyakov & Polyakova, 2003). The company has been
producing around 55-60% of the world’s tantalum from two mines in Western Australia, and in 2003
this figure reached almost 70% (Forrest, 2004). The reserves at Greenbushes and Wodgina mines to-
gether amount to 49’000 t Ta2O5 at 240 ppm and an additional 47’000 t at 162 ppm (Sons of Gwalia,
The USGS data shows the high dynamic of the mine production during the last ten years. Today the
production of ores is estimated to amount 1’500 t and 1’900 tantalum (contained in various intermedi-
ates and commodities) for the years 2004 and 2005 respectively (USGS, 2006).
3.3 Production
The Tantalum Niobium International Study Centre TIC used to keep track of the production and de-
mand of worldwide tantalum market until 2001. Data gathered from various sources show the devel-
opment in the last ten years (Tab. 3.2). The supply of primary tantalum is largely monopolised by two
large producers: HC Stark/Bayer GP (Germany) and the Cabot Corp. (U.S.). These two companies ac-
count for 85% of the world production of tantalum powder, tantalum wire, and tantalum oxides
(Polyakov & Polyakova (2003)).
Tab. 3.2 Compilation of Production, supply and demand of tantalum. Data has been drawn from different sources indicated
YEAR Tantalum Supply, Tantalum Demand Mine Reserve Reserve Ba- Reserve
5 5 6
Production from tan- production se Reach
talite, slags & scrap
Year t Ta contained t Ta contained t Ta contained ’000 t Ta cont. ‘000 t Ta cont. years
1 1
1991 549 907
1 1
1992 596 905
1 1
1993 644 1035
1 1
1994 800 1017 325
1 1
1995 1281 1303 356
1 1
1996 1532 1227 383 22 35 57
1 1
1997 1274 1495 413 15 26 36
1 1
1998 1437 1478 454 14 24 31
1 1
1999 1639 1736 495 19 24 38
1 1
2000 2143 1766 836 12 36 14
2 3
2001 2026 (1664) 1300 28 60 22
2 3
2002 1219 (1563) 1540 39 110 25
2 4
2003 1147 1461 1210 39 110 32
2004 n. a. 1633 1270 43 150 34
2005 n. a. 1742 1910 43 150 23
1 2 3
dme (2002); Anonymous (2004), comprise production from slag and tantalite only; Interpolation between 2000 and 2003;
4 5 6
Forrest (2004); USGS (2006) and preceding; Obtained dividing the number in column “Reserve” by the corresponding
number in column “Mine production"
2500 60
Years (reach)
Tonnes per year
Reach in years
supply Processor 20
receits, TIC
0 0
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
Fig. 3.1 Compilation of data on production and demand of tantalum. Different sources are used (see Tab. 3.2).
4 Use
The Brussels-based Tantalum Niobium International Study Centre (TIC) estimates that in 2003 50% of
the tantalum went into powder for capacitors, 15% into metal for chemical plants in corrosion resistant
alloys, 10% into temperature resistant superalloys, 10% into cutting tools as TaC and 15% into speci-
ality applications (Forrest, 2004). Most probably the special applications correspond to a great extent
to the application in the military sector as liner material and in anti-armour warheads (Muller, 1996).
TIC estimated that tantalum demand in 2003 reached 1’900 tonnes Ta2O5 and increases at a rate of
7 to 8% to 2’200 tonnes in 2005 (Forrest, 2004).
The major use for tantalum, as metal powder, is in the production of electronic components, mainly
capacitors and some high-end audio-grade resistors. Tantalum electrolytic capacitors exploit the char-
acteristic of tantalum to form a protective oxide surface layer, using tantalum foil as one plate of the
capacitor, the oxide as the dielectric, and an electrolytic solution as the other plate
(Wikipedia Contributors, 2006).
Today, the tantalum electrolytic capacitor industry requires approximately 68 percent of the world's
tantalum production. Tantalum capacitors are characterized by a very high volumetric efficiency of
capacitance and very high reliability under extreme conditions. Compared with aluminum or ceramic
capacitors, tantalum capacitors show a distinctly lower temperature and frequency dependence of their
electrical properties. The typical application area of application of tantalum capacitors is shown in Fig.
4.2 (H.C. Starck, 2006).
Beside electronics, tantalum is used as alloying element in metals and superalloys as well as carbide
for hard metals (Fig. 5.1). However, these applications are not covered by this dataset and are not dis-
cussed further.
5 System Characterisation
Depending on the intended product and company, a multitude of processes are applied to extract the
tantalum and to manufacture products from it. Different technologies exist to produce metallic tanta-
lum products:
From its heptafluoride by means of Electrochemic reduction (KF/KCl,) or metallothermic re-
duction with potassium (Yoon et al., 2005).
From its pentoxide by means of a reduction with gaseous magnesium.
Both processes are to be found in the schematic in Fig. 4. As feedstock, slag from tin production is
used apart from ores. Low grade tin slags are either enriched with scrap to form synthetic ores that can
be subjected to the liquid-liquid extraction with MIBK (methyl isobutyl ketone, 4-methyl pentan-2-
one) or else pass, together with tantalum containing scrap from electronic scrap, the calcination route.
Secondary tantalum raw materials are always extracted by hydrometallurgical processes via tantalum
pentachloride or oxide (Fig. 5.1).
Fig. 5.1 General overview of the production of tantalum products from different feeds (Andersson et al., 1996) and
selection for the inventoried system (red).
Tantalum powders or semi finished products such as wires and sheets for applications in alloys and
steel industry are mainly processed by the reduction of K2TaF7 with sodium. The powder obtained is
then pressed to bars, that are formed to ingots by electron beam melting and shaped to the desired
form. This process therefore differs much from the capacitor powder production. Further information
on the respective process is given in Albrecht & Ingalls (1983) and is not further discussed here.
In this report no overview of all processes can be given, but only the technologies relevant to the pro-
duction of capacitor grade tantalum powder is regarded. Three different processes are applied in ca-
pacitor grade tantalum powder production (H.C. Starck, 2006), namely:
Electron beam melted process (via K2TaF7)
Na-reduced process (via K2TaF7)
Mg-reduced process (via Ta2O5)
For capacitor powders, e.g. from H.C. Starck, all these three different processes are applied in depend-
ence of the desired application. To cover the needs for higher volumetric capacitance and lower rated
voltage, the magnesium reduced process is employed (Fig. 5.2). Since the miniaturisation of capacitors
that are used in microelectronics require ever higher specific electric capacitance, the magnesium re-
duced process via the tantalum oxide is considered relevant in the context of this inventory.
Fig. 5.2 Tantalum powder production processes according to the application fields (H.C. Starck, 2006).
Tab. 5.1 Ecoinvent meta information for the processes for the production of 1 kg tantalum powder for capacitors.
distribution approximated with specific values from copper mining from the CEPMEIP-Database 1 .
The infrastructure has been approximated with the respective dataset for a generic non ferrous metal
mine with 20’000 Mt ore throughput in 50 year lifetime. The use of conveyor belts has been assumed
to be of the same specific value per tonne ore mined as in the copper production as approximation (see
Tab. 5.2). Land use and occupation has been taken from Sons of Gwalia (2003). The remaining mass
after separating the tantalite is the tailings that must be disposed of. The transport services reflect the
transportation of tantalum oxide to the harbour by train (60 km) and further by ship to Germany
(14’000 km) and train inland to the manufacturer (400 km).
Tab. 5.2 Specific values for infrastructure employed for mining and of tantalite concentrate
Tab. 5.3 Process data of mining and beneficiation per 1 t Ta2O5 contained in the resulting tantalite concentrate.
Tailings disposed t 7064 Calculation
PM<2.5 kg 35.3
PM2.5-10 kg 318
PM>10 kg 365
Water effluents m 5.21
Concentrate at 38% Ta2O5 kg 2632
Ta2O5 contained in concentrate kg 1000
http://www.air.sk/tno/cepmeip/em_factors.php, accessed in 2003
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10 - 13 -
5. System Characterisation
Fig. 5.3 Hydrometallurgical Processing of Niobium and Tantalum (Eckert et al., 2001)
The ore concentrate, up to 40% Ta2O5 (in this study 38%, see 5.1.2 Mining of Tantalumpentoxide), is
dissolved in concentrated hydrofluoric acid (Andersson et al., 1996). Petrova et al. (1997) report ex-
traction efficiency for artificial tantalum concentrate (including TaC bearing scrap) of 80-85% in tradi-
tional industries in 1996 and 95% with optimised parameters.
Gupta (2003) gives a stoichiometry in the leaching process of 16 moles of HF per 2 moles H2TaO6 in
solution. Eckert (1996) indicates large amounts of HF (2 t), H2SO4 (3 t) and NH3 (700 kg) required in
1990 to produce one tonne pure Ta2O5. Although the process advanced since then regarding regenerat-
ing the acids, no quantitative indication on the specific net requirements of the process chemicals can
be made. In this study therefore the values of Eckert (1996) (also cited in Polyakov & Polyakova,
2003) are used.
The following reaction was assumed for subsequent calcination (dehydration):
(Ta2O5) 2 H2O → Ta2O5 + 2 H2O vapour (40.65 kJ per mole evaporation enthalpy)
This results in a theoretical energy requirement of 0.23 MJ heat per kg oxide, assuming an efficiency
of 80%. The electricity demand for pumping was disregarded, because no information on this was
available. Ammonia recovery is assumed to amount to 99.9% of the used ammonia in a 28% NH3 so-
lution (Eckert, 1996), the rest being emitted into the air. Also the spent HF is recovered as diluted so-
lution. No process information for recovery of the spent reactants is available. Both recovered solu-
tions are therefore regarded here to be by-products and leave the system burden free without substitu-
tion for process chemical inputs.
Ammonia emitted kg 0.00070 0.1 % of the ammonia employed.
Ta2O5, purified kg 1 Contains 0.82 kg tantalum
Tab. 5.6 Specific values and assumptions used for calculation in the reduction step.
Tab. 5.7 Process data for the reduction of 1 kg tantalumpentoxide with magnesium vapour.
Wastewater kg 5.594 Loaded with SO4, solved 0.557 kg MgO, 0.0369
kg solved unreacted Mg, by-product, not
counted, estimation
Pure Tantalum Powder kg 1
Water Consumption Environmental Report 2003 resource in water Water, river 6.70E+00 m3 SGW (2003) 1 1.13 (2,2,1,1,1,4,12)
Fig. 5.4 Flows for "tantalum, powder, capacitor-grade, at regional storage" and their representation in the ecoinvent database.
HF chemicals inorganics No GLO hydrogen fluoride, at plant 2.44E+00 kg Polyakov (2003) 1 1.16 (2,2,3,1,1,4,4)
H2SO4 chemicals inorganics No RER sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant 3.66E+00 kg Polyakov (2003) 1 1.16 (2,2,3,1,1,4,4)
Magnesium with Mg 10% in excess metals extraction No RER magnesium, at plant 3.69E-01 kg 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,1,5,4)
MJ / mol Mg for evaporation. electricity production mix No UCTE 7.20E-01 kWh 0 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,1,5,2)
reduction production UCTE, at grid
Heating-up considered by heat
exchange from reaction.
Assuming 5 m3 Volume per 100
Argon chemicals inorganics No RER argon, liquid, at plant 8.92E-02 kg 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,1,5,4)
kg Tantalum powder
Dilute sulphuric acid estimations chemicals inorganics No RER sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant 3.00E+00 kg estimation 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,1,5,4)
ultrapure water estimations water supply production No GLO water, ultrapure, at plant 2.00E+00 kg estimation 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,1,5,4)
Fig. 5.4 (cont.) Flows for "tantalum, powder, capacitor-grade, at regional storage" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
7 References
Albrecht & Ingalls (1983) Albrecht W.-W. and Ingalls D. P. (1983) E4 Hochtemperaturreinigung von Tan-
tal und Niob. In: Raffinationsverfahren in der Metallurgie internationales Sym-
posium; Hamburg, 20.-22.Oktober 1983. pp. 302. Gesellschaft Deutscher Met-
allhütten- und Bergleute, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Verlag Chemie,
Weinheim u.a.
Althaus et al. (2003) Althaus H.-J., Chudacoff M., Hischier R., Jungbluth N., Osses M. and Primas A.
(2003) Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 8.
EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH,
Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Andersson et al. (1996) Andersson K., Reichert K. and Wolf R. (1996) Tantalum and Tantalum Com-
pounds. In: Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Fifth Edition Edi-
tion. Wiley-Interscience.
Anonymous (2004) Anonymous (2004) Tantalum Production: Stability Returns, Increases Predicted.
In: Eng Min J, 205(4), pp. 10.
Behrendt et al. (2007) Behrendt S., Kahlenborn W., Feil M., Dereje C., Bleischwitz R., Delzeit R. and
Scharp M. (2007) Rare metals - Measures and concepts for the solution of the
problem of conflict-aggravating raw material extraction - the example of coltan.
In: Texte 23. Umweltbundesamt.
Burt (1996) Burt R. (1996) Beneficiation of Tantalum ore - how is it Achieved and Could it
be better. In proceedings from: Tantalum. 125th TMS Annual Meeting and Ex-
hibition, Anaheim, Ca.
dme (2002) dme (2002) The Tantalum Market. A Micro-Economic Analysis. Report
R37/2002. The dme. Minerals and Energy Department of the Republic South Af-
Eckert (1996) Eckert J. (1996) The Industrial Application of Pyrometallurgical, Chlorination
and Hydrometallurgy for Producing Tantalum Compounds. In proceedings from:
Tantalum. 125th TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Anaheim, Ca.
Eckert et al. (2001) Eckert J., Reichert K., Schnitter C. and Seyeda H. (2001) Processing of Colum-
bite-Tantalite Ores and Concentrates for Niobium and Niobium Compounds in
Electronic Applications. In proceedings from: International Symposium Nio-
bium 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2-5, 2001.
Forrest (2004) Forrest M. (2004) Tantalum tantrums? In: Materials World, 12(11), pp. 27-29.
Gille et al. (2006) Gille G., Gutknecht W., Haas H., Schnitter C. and Olbrich A. (2006) Die Re-
fraktärmetalle Niob, Tantal, Wolfram, Molybdän und Rhenium. In: Winna-
cker/Küchler. Chemische Technik: Prozesse und Produkte. Band 6b Metalle,
Vol. 6b. 2006 Edition. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.
Gupta (2003) Gupta C. K. (2003) Chemical Metallurgy. Principles and Practice. Wiley-VCH
Verlag GmbH & Co., Weinheim. ISBN 3-527-30376-6.
H.C. Starck (2006) H.C. Starck (2006) Tantal Kondensatoren. H. C. Starck. Retrieved from
Muller (1996) Muller J. F. (1996) An Overview of the Application of Tanalum and its Alloys
as Warhead Liner Materials. In proceedings from: Tantalum. 125th TMS Annual
Meeting and Exhibition, Anaheim, Ca.
Petrova et al. (1997) Petrova V. A., Palant A. A. and Reznichenko V. A. (1997) Breakdown of artifi-
cial tantalum concentrate by hydrofluoric acid. In: Russian Metallurgy(5), pp.
32-35, Online-Version under: <Go to ISI>://000073839400007
Polyakov & Polyakova (2003) Polyakov E. G. and Polyakova L. P. (2003) Current trends in the production of
tantalum and niobium. In: Metallurgist, 47(1-2), pp. 33-41.
Shekhter et al. (2001) Shekhter L. N., Tripp T. B. and Lanin L. L. (2001) Method for Producing Tan-
tallum/Niobium Metal Powders by the reduction of their Oxides with gaseous
Magnesium. Patent Number U.S. US 6,171,363, held by H.C. Stark, Inc.
Sons of Gwalia (2003) Sons of Gwalia (2003) Environmental Report. Online-Version under:
Sons of Gwalia (2006) Sons of Gwalia (2006) Corporate Website at November 2006 from
USGS (2006) USGS (2006) Tantalum. In: Mineral Commodity Summaries:. U. S. Geological
Survey, Online-Version under: http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/commod-
Wikipedia Contributors (2006) Wikipedia Contributors (2006) Tantalum. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Retrieved at 31 October 2006 from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=
Tantalum&oldid=84645326. Date of last revision: 30 October 2006.
Yoon et al. (2005) Yoon J. S., Park H. H., Bae I. S., Goto S. and Kim B. I. (2005) Production of
tantalum powder by external continuous supply of feed materials and reductant
(Reprinted by Japan Inst. Metals, vol 68, pg 247-251, 2004). In: Materials
Transactions, 46(2), pp. 272-276.
Data v2.1 (2009)
Classen M., Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Tuchschmid M., Jungbluth N., Doka G., Faist
Emmenegger M. and Scharnhorst W. (2009) Life Cycle Inventories of Metals. Final
report ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle In-
ventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: http://www.ecoinvent.ch.
Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
The production of tin is inventoried in the modules described in this report. Data reported are mainly based on
theoretical models, similarity assumptions and estimations. Secondary sources of tin (recycling) is not consid-
ered, thus the overall data quality is poor.
Within ecoinvent, these data are used for representation of materials of minor importance. If in an LCA study
one of these materials is of importance, the data should not be used.
This part is the excerpt from “Part VIII Other metals” in Althaus et al. (2004) that has been reorganised for the
actual version 2.0. No changes from the original dataset v 1.1 are reported, hence no adjustments have been ac-
complished for the update to version 2.0. Note that the flow names in the tables displaying unit processes have
not been updated to reflect the name changes with version 2.0.
Table of Contents
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................I
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 5
6 LITERATURE ......................................................................................................... 20
1 Introduction
The information available for these inventories was rather sparse. Thus the data quality must be de-
scribed as poor. One important shortcoming is the neglecting of tin recycling. Within ecoinvent, these
data are used for representation of materials of minor importance. If in an LCA study one of these ma-
terials is of importance, the data should not be used.
http://www.tintechnology.com/library/detail/library_/Tin%20Mining.htm, access date 14.03.03
http://www.itri.co.uk/market.htm, access date 14.03.03
Tab. 2.1 Western World Tin Production by Country (tonnes)
Tin is also gained from recycling. On one hand there is the recycling of "new scrap" that can be done
easily. On the other hand there is the recovery of tin from tinplate which is becoming increasingly dif-
ficult, as the change to electrolytic methods of tinning is leading to very thin coatings which some-
times diffuse into the steel sheet. The recycling of this material will continue to be a technically and
economically difficult task. In principle, two processes are used today for recovering tin from tinplate:
the alkaline electrolytic method and the alkaline chemical method. Processing tin-containing alloys is
easier than recovering tin from scrap tinplate. However, the tin content of many alloys has decreased
over recent years, and cheaper materials have in some cases replaced alloys. Both these developments
have tended to limit the potential for recovering secondary tin, and also explain why the amount of re-
covered tin in Europe has decreased from 15 800 t in 1980 to 13 300 t in 1990. (Graf (1997))
3 Characterisation of Tin
This information is based on Graf (1997).
Tin (Sn) exists in two crystalline modifications, the - and -forms. -tin is also called grey tin while
-tin is referred to as white tin. Some physical properties of - and -tin are listed in Tab. 3.1.
In the periodic table, tin lies on the boundary between metals and non-metals. The transformation of
the - to the -modification is accompanied by a complete change of lattice structure, affecting the
physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. The transformation of -tin (white tin) into -tin (grey
tin) is of practical importance, as it involves a volume increase of 21 %. The transformation process
requires a high energy of activation, and can be very strongly hindered. White -tin can therefore exist
for many years at –30 °C. The presence of -tin seed crystals is important for the transformation proc-
ess, and these are formed by repeated phase transitions. Foreign "elements" also affect the transforma-
tion temperature and rate. These can consist of impurities and deformations. Tin vapour consists of Sn2
Natural isotopes 10
Relative atomic mass 118.69
Transformation temperature -Sn -Sn 286.2 K
Enthalpy of transformation 1966 J/mol
Density of -tin (20 °C) 7.286 g/cm3
Density of -tin 5.765 g/cm3
Density of liquid tin (240 °C) 6.992 g/cm3
Molar heat capacity of -tin (25 °C) 27.0 J mol–1 K–1
Molar heat capacity of liquid tin 28.5 J mol–1 K–1
Melting point 505.06 K
Enthalpy of fusion 7029 J/mol
Boiling point 2876 K
Enthalpy of vaporization 295'763 J/mol
Coefficient of thermal conductivity of -tin at 0 °C 0.63 W cm–1 K–1
Specific electrical resistivity of -tin (0 °C) 5×10–6 Wm
Specific electrical resistivity of -tin (25 °C) 11.15×10–6 Wm
Tin is stable in dry air, but is considerably more rapidly oxidised at a relative humidity of 80 %. Bright
metallic tin becomes dull within 100 d even in indoor atmospheres. Oxygen is rapidly and irreversibly
chemisorbed, and the oxide layer formed grows at an exponentially increasing rate. Typical impurities
present after metallurgical production (e.g., Sb, Tl, Bi, and Fe) promote oxidation. Treatment with
carbonate or chromate solutions leads to passivation. For the use of tin in food packaging it is impor-
tant that lactic, malic, citric, tartaric, and acetic acids do not react at all at normal temperatures or do so
to a negligible extent, especially in the absence of atmospheric oxygen. This is also true for alcohols
and hydrocarbons.
- Food packaging and culinary uses: Tinplate (sheet steel coated with a thin layer of tin) is the pri-
mary material for food canning and shares the beverage can market with aluminium.
- Electronics: The principal use of tin in electronics is in the use of solders for the joining of elec-
tronic components. But there are many other varied uses in the general electronics field.
- Tin chemicals: The biggest single use of tin chemicals is as PVC stabilisers, but besides this they
are used in a very wide range of applications, for example as polymerisation catalysts in silicone
resins and polyurethane foam manufacture, and in ceramic pigments.
- Plumbing solders: Plumbing solders containing lead are being replaced by safe tin-silver (usually
96.5 percent tin/3.5 percent silver) or tin-copper (97 to 99 percent tin/1 to 3 percent copper) alloys,
particularly for drinking water systems.
- Pewter and bronze: Pewter (an alloy containing about 92 percent tin with small amounts of other
metals added for strength) has long been known for its decorative appearance and ease of working
as a craft metal. Tin bronzes (alloys of copper with 5-20% tin) are renowned for their use in art
castings and as bell metals.
- Dental amalgams: Dental amalgam contains about 13 percent tin by weight together with silver
and mercury.
- Anti-corrosion and engineering coatings: Tin and tin-alloy coatings are widely used in the manu-
facture of bearings and in many kinds of machinery and fabricated parts, both for their anti-
corrosion and lubricant properties.
- Wine capsules: A tin coating acted as a barrier layer in traditional lead-based capsules to prevent
contact between the lead and the wine. Tin-lead capsules are now being replaced with other mate-
rials but the most prestigious and closest in feel to the traditional capsules, are made from almost
pure tin.
Consumption of tin in the western world is around 200’000 tonnes per year. The dominant consumers
are Europe (33%), USA (17%) and Japan (12%). The distribution of tin consumption is unusually
weighted toward Europe where 46% of all beverage containers are tinplate in contrast to the USA
where tinplate is not used for beverage containers. Consumption can be divided into four segments,
tinplate (30%), solder (29%), alloys and coatings (25%) and chemicals (16%). 4
http://www.tintechnology.com/library/detail/library_/Applications%20for%20Tin.htm, access date 14.03.03
http://www.murchisonunited.com.au/operations/renison.asp#production, access date 28.03.03
5 System Characterisation
This chapter is mainly based on Graf (1997).
5.1 Overview
Tin is mined, beneficiated, smelted and refined. Fig. 5.1 gives an overview of the processes.
sorting (flotation)
sorting (flotation)
thermal ore
http://www.tintechnology.com/library/detail/library_/Tin%20Mining.htm, access date 14.03.03 and
http://www.murchisonunited.com.au/operations/renison.asp#production, access date 28.03.03
Recoveries of around 75% of the tin are achieved by this beneficiation. Unacceptably high losses of
material would occur if ore concentrates with higher tin contents were produced. Therefore, a py-
rometallurgical "thermal ore beneficiation" stage is necessary prior to the actual reduction process.
This is a volatilisation process that exploits the fact that the iron compounds and other slag formers
have low vapour pressures at 1000 – 1500 °C, while SnO and especially SnS volatilise very readily.
This technique can also be used to treat tin-containing slags. In the process where tin ore or slag is
heated together with pyrite (FeS2) the SnO reacts to SnS and the FeS2 to FeO. With careful process
control, 90 – 95 % of the tin can be recovered as an oxidised product containing 40 – 60 % Sn.
Although this is at the lower end of the commercial viability we assume an average tin content of 0.1%
in the crude ore that is mined underground and an average recovery of the tin minerals of 70%. Thus
1.43 tons of material has to be mined to gain 1 kg of tin from underground mines. With the assumed
average density of 1.5 tons/m3 crude ore this corresponds to 0.95 m3 crude ore.
For a lack of specific information the energy consumption and the amount of explosives used for min-
ing are calculated based on the values derived for platinum group metal (PGM) mining. The assump-
tion underlying the calculation is that the respective consumption is proportional to the mass of crude
ore extracted. The electricity needed for mechanical beneficiation is taken from Richter et al. (1996)
and the water consumption is estimated. The in- and outputs for the thermal beneficiation step given in
Tab. 5.2 are calculated with the values given in Tab. 5.1.
Tab. 5.1 Values used for calculation of in- and output flows of the thermal beneficiation step.
Tab. 5.2 In- and outputs for underground mining and beneficiation of tin ore per kg of tin
Tab. 5.3 In- and outputs for smelting per kg pure tin (based on Richter et al. (1996))
5.4 Refining
The crude tin obtained by the reduction process is insufficiently pure for most applications. Refining
can be done pyrometallurgically or by electro-refining.
Electro-refining can only be operated at low current densities, leading to low process rates and ineffi-
cient utilisation of energy. Thus electro-refining is only worthwhile if the tin contains high concentra-
tions of noble metals. It is therefore not considered in this study.
There are different types of pyrometallurgical refining depending on the impurities that have to be re-
moved. All the processes have in common that liquid tin is treated in a way that the impurities form
intermetallic compounds that can be removed. For removing arsenic it is even necessary to have a
vacuum over the liquid metal. Graf (1997) gives an energy demand of 400 to 700 kWh per ton tin for
heating and providing the vacuum. The average of this value is used as electricity input for lack of
other information.
5.5 Emissions
5.5.1 Air
Beside the emissions from heat generation there are dust emissions from mining, SO2 emissions from
beneficiation and CO2 emissions from the reduction of SnO with carbon.
5.5.2 Water
No information about emissions to water is available. The beneficiation process being predominantly
mechanical is not believed to be a relevant source of water emissions. Some emissions are likely to oc-
cur from waste gas treatment in the thermal beneficiation of the ore from underground mining.
5.6 Waste
The overburden of mining is refilled in the mine and not treated as waste. Acid rock drainage (ARD)
that is possibly occurring where sulfidic ores are present is thus not modelled for this waste fraction.
The only waste considered as such is the secondary slag that is landfilled. No detailed information
about the composition of this slag was found. From the composition of the crude ore it is assumed that
the slag contains mainly Sn, SiO2, Fe, Ta2O5, TiO2, Al2O3, CaO, Nb2O5 and As.
For a lack of better data the disposal of slag form unalloyed steel making in the electric arc furnace
(EAF) is inventoried as a proxy.
for mean
name in
recovery of tin f rom ore = 70%; 20% of tin
Tin, 79% in
production; cassiterite = 0.127% in mined
cassiterite, 0.1% in
Underground mining and beneficiation (20% of tin
tin ore ore
material, Sn = 79 % in cassiterite --> 1 kg resource in ground 2.86E-01 kg calculation 1 1.415 (4,5,3,5,1,5,12)
(resource) crude ore, in
Sn in ore corresponds to 790kg of ore and
to 1t of mined material
land use
no land use inventoried f or underground
burned in
recovery of tin f rom ore = 70%; 20% of tin construction diesel, burned in calculation based
building machinery No GLO 2.83E+01 M J 1 2.382 (5,5,1,5,3,5,5)
low population
w aste heat f rom electricity use air Heat, w aste 6.65E+01 M J calculation 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,13)
Fig. 5.2 Flows for "tin, at regional storage" and its representation in the ecoinvent database
for mean
name in
electricity, medium
beneficiation of recovery of tin f rom ore = 70%; 20% of tin Richter et al.
electricity electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 4.09E-01 k Wh 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,2)
production 1996
tin from UCTE, at grid
Water, unspecif ied
w ater 1m3 / ton crude ore assumed resource in w ater 4.09E-01 m 3 assumption 1 1.69 (5,5,1,5,3,5,12)
natural origin
low population
w aste heat f rom electricity use air Heat, w aste 1.47E+00 M J calculation 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,13)
electricity, medium calculation based
electricity electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 1.14E+00 k Wh on Richter et al. 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,2)
of tin production)
low population
w aste heat f rom electricity use air Heat, w aste 4.11E+00 M J calculation 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,13)
recovery of tin f rom ore = 70%; 20% of tin low population calculation based
SO2 air Sulf ur dioxide 2.78E-01 kg 1 1.938 (5,5,1,5,3,5,31)
production density on assumptions
Fig. 5.2 Flows for "tin, at regional storage" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
for mean
name in
recovery of tin f rom ore = 90%; 40% of tin
Tin, 79% in
production; cassiterite = 0.127% in mined
tin ore ore cassiterite, 0.1% in
material, Sn = 79 % in cassiterite --> 1 kg resource in ground 4.44E-01 kg calculation 1 1.415 (4,5,3,5,1,5,12)
(resource) crude ore, in
Sn in ore corresponds to 790kg of ore and
Mining and beneficiation of tin from open pit mining (40% of tin production)
to 1t of mined material
land use
recovery of tin f rom ore = 90%; 40% of tin Occupation, mineral calculation based
(mine) resource land 5.92E-01 m 2a 1 1.938 (5,5,1,5,3,5,7)
production extraction site on assumptions
transforma Transf ormation, calculation based
resource land 5.92E-02 m 2 1 2.382 (5,5,1,5,3,5,8)
tion (mine) from unknow n on assumptions
Transf ormation, to
transforma calculation based
resource land mineral extraction 5.92E-02 m 2 1 2.382 (5,5,1,5,3,5,8)
tion (mine) on assumptions
burned in calculation based
construction diesel, burned in
building machinery No GLO 4.06E+00 M J on Iron and 1 2.382 (5,5,1,5,3,5,5)
processes building machine
machine bauxite
electricity, medium calculation based
electricity electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 2.46E-01 k Wh on Iron and 1 1.69 (5,5,1,5,3,5,2)
UCTE, at grid bauxite
Water, unspecif ied
w ater resource in w ater 6.36E-01 m 3 assumption 1 1.69 (5,5,1,5,3,5,12)
natural origin
input includes inf rastructure needed f or
infrastruct calculation based
mining and benef iciation (buildings, access
ure (mine) metals extraction Y es GLO mine, iron 9.85E-11 unit on Iron and 1 3.376 (5,5,1,5,3,5,9)
roads, machines...) (exclusive building
[unite] bauxite
machines); iron mine as proxy
low population
w aste heat f rom electricity use air Heat, w aste 8.86E-01 M J calculation 1 1.69 (5,5,1,5,3,5,13)
calculation based
dust, recovery of tin f rom ore = 90%; 40% of tin low population Particulates, > 10
air 1.79E-01 kg on Iron and 1 1.938 (5,5,1,5,3,5,25)
coarse production density um
calculation based
dust, low population Particulates, > 2.5
air 1.61E-01 kg on Iron and 1 2.382 (5,5,1,5,3,5,26)
medium density um, and < 10um
calculation based
low population Particulates, < 2.5
dust, f ine air 1.79E-02 kg on Iron and 1 3.376 (5,5,1,5,3,5,27)
density um
Fig. 5.2 Flows for "tin, at regional storage" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
for mean
name in
recovery of tin f rom ore = 90%; 40% of tin
Tin, 79% in
production; cassiterite = 0.127% in mined
tin ore ore cassiterite, 0.1% in
offshore mining (40% of tin production) material, Sn = 79 % in cassiterite --> 1 kg resource in ground 4.44E-01 kg calculation 1 1.415 (4,5,3,5,1,5,12)
Mining and beneficiation of tin from
(resource) crude ore, in
Sn in ore corresponds to 790kg of ore and
to 1t of mined material
land use
recovery of tin f rom ore = 90%; 40% of tin Occupation, mineral calculation based
(mine) resource land 5.92E-01 m 2a 1 1.938 (5,5,1,5,3,5,7)
production extraction site on assumptions
Transf ormation,
transf orma calculation based
resource land f rom sea and 5.92E-02 m 2 1 2.382 (5,5,1,5,3,5,8)
tion (mine) on assumptions
Transf ormation, to
transf orma calculation based
resource land industrial area, 5.92E-02 m 2 1 2.382 (5,5,1,5,3,5,8)
tion (mine) on assumptions
burned in calculation based
construction diesel, burned in
building machinery No GLO 8.49E+00 M J on Iron and 1 2.382 (5,5,1,5,3,5,5)
processes building machine
machine bauxite
calculation based
hard coal mix, at
coal 31.4 MJ/kg hard coal f uels No UCTE on Richter et al.
2.59E-01 kg 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,3)
regional storage
Ore smelting
low population
w aste heat f rom burning of coal air Heat, w aste 8.39E+00 M J calculation 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,13)
calculation based
low population Carbon dioxide,
CO2 f rom burning of coal air 8.55E-01 kg on Richter et al. 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,14)
density f ossil
Fig. 5.2 Flows for "tin, at regional storage" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
for mean
name in
electricity, medium calculation based
electricity electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 1.38E-01 k Wh on Richter et al. 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,2)
UCTE, at grid 1996
calculation based
anode, aluminium
electrodes 31.4 MJ/kg metals extraction No RER 9.77E-04 k g on Richter et al. 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,3)
calculation based
hard coal mix, at
coal 31.4 MJ/kg hard coal f uels No UCTE 2.17E-02 k g on Richter et al. 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,3)
Secondary slag smelting
regional storage
calculation based
construction gypsum, mineral, at
gypsum others No CH 1.19E-02 k g on Richter et al. 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,3)
materials mine
calculation based
limestone additives No CH limestone, at mine 6.93E-03 k g on Richter et al. 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,3)
calculation based
low population Carbon dioxide,
CO2 f rom burning of coal air 7.47E-02 kg on Richter et al. 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,24)
density f ossil
disposal, dust,
unalloyed EA F
dust f rom unalloyed electric steel w aste residual Richter et al.
w aste No CH steel, 15.4% w ater, 1.36E-01 k g 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,6)
production to landf ill as proxy management material landf ill 1996
to residual material
landf ill
electricity, medium assumption
electricity electricity production mix No UCTE voltage, production 5.50E-01 k Wh based on Graf 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,2)
UCTE, at grid 1997
low population
w aste heat f rom electricity use air Heat, w aste 1.98E+00 M J calculation 1 1.415 (3,5,1,5,3,5,13)
Transport transport,
Transport to
ocean 10'000 km, 1.2 kg per kg tin ship No OCE transoceanic 1.20E+01 tk m assumption 1 2.382 (5,5,1,5,3,5,5)
Fig. 5.2 Flows for "tin, at regional storage" and its representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
6 Literature
Althaus et al. (2004) Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Classen M. and Jungbluth N. (2004) Life Cycle Inven-
tories of Metals. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss
Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under:
Frischknecht et al. (2003) Frischknecht R., Jungbluth N., Althaus H.-J., Doka G., Dones R., Hellweg S.,
Hischier R., Nemecek T., Rebitzer G. and Spielmann M. (2003) Overview and
Methodology. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 1. Swiss Centre for Life Cycle
Inventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Graf (1997) Graf G. G. (1997) Tin, Tin Alloys, and Tin Compounds. In: Ullmann's encyclo-
pedia of industrial chemistry (ed. Anonymous). 5th edition on CD-ROM Edition.
Wiley & Sons, London.
Richter et al. (1996) Richter K., Brunner K. and Bertschinger H. (1996) Ökologische Bewertung von
Wärmeschutzgläsern, Integraler Vergleich verschiedener Verglasungsvarianten.
Eidg. Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt (EMPA), Dübendorf.
Magnesium and
Magnesium Alloys
Data v2.1 (2009)
Classen M., Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Tuchschmid M., Jungbluth N., Doka G., Faist
Emmenegger M. and Scharnhorst W. (2009) Life Cycle Inventories of Metals. Final
report ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle In-
ventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
The authors thank Johanna Öster-Haagensen and Liv Kari Sivertsen from the research centre of Norsk
Hydro in Porsgrunn, Norway for her support while interpreting and using the environmental data pro-
vided by Norsk Hydro.
Magnesium, metal alloys containing magnesium, i.e. AZ91, AlMg3, and die castings are important
construction materials, e.g. in the automobile sector or for electric equipment. The environmental im-
pacts of magnesium production are investigated as a unit process over the life cycle from raw material
extraction until the gate of the factory. The investigation is based on environmental data provided by a
producer and on a literature research. High uncertainties still exist for the average energy and SF6 use
in magnesium industry.
AlMg3, Aluminium alloys, AZ91, Magnesium, Magnesium alloys, Magnesium die casting
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................I
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................I
KEYWORDS ....................................................................................................................I
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
ABBREVIATIONS.......................................................................................................... 10
6 LITERATURE ......................................................................................................... 11
1 Introduction
The metal magnesium is getting more and more important as a construction material for different
technical purposes. It is used as a lightweight material and as an addition to metal alloys such as
MgAl3. This inventory for magnesium and related materials is meant to be used as a background unit
process for the life cycle assessments of technical products such as e.g. equipment for electricity
transmission or photovoltaic systems.
Magnesium is used for different technical purposes. The consumption of magnesium in the western
world is summarized in Fig. 4.1 (Avedesian & Baker (1999)). Aluminium alloys and production of
die-castings are the main purposes for consumption.
Fig. 4.1 Consumption of magnesium in Western world in 1997 (total 333’700 tonnes). Amount used for magnesium
alloys (die castings) is shown shaded (Avedesian & Baker (1999)).
5 System Characterisation
The main production processes are electrolysis of magnesium chloride melts (made from resources
like seawater and dolomite) and the metallothermic reduction of magnesium oxide with a share of 80%
and 20%, respectively for the total production (Hoy-Petersen et al. (1999)). The different producers in
the world use different processes. Fig. 5.1 shows a block diagram for the process used by Norsk Hydro
that is investigated here. Magnesium is produced from seawater and dolomite. The production of
Mg(OH)2 includes calcination of dolomite, mixing with sea water and precipitation and filtration of
Mg(OH)2. Thereafter Mg(OH)2 filter cake is calcinated to MgO. Water free MgCl2 is prepared through
pelletisation and chlorination of MgO. MgCl2 is electrolysed and ingots are produced in the foundry
(Haagensen et al. (1996)).
Fig. 5.1 Block diagram of the dolomite and seawater process for magnesium production in Porsgrunn, NO
(Haagensen et al. (1996))
5.1.1 Magnesium
The life cycle inventory investigates the production of magnesium from seawater for a modern pro-
duction plant based on data from a Norwegian producer. All processes from seawater uptake until the
magnesium leaves the plant are included in the inventory.
Energy is used for the preparation of dolomite lime, making MgCl2 cell feed from seawater and acid
generation. Tab. 5.1 shows an overview for the energy requirements of magnesium production investi-
gated by different authors. Different methodologies are used for the reporting of the energy require-
ments. Large differences exist for the reported energy requirements for the production of one kilogram
magnesium. But, it has to be considered that some of the data have been investigated in the seventies.
Thus a higher energy efficiency (a lower specific energy consumption) can be assumed for today’s
Tab. 5.1 Energy requirement of magnesium production as investigated in different studies. It has to be noted that
assumptions for the calculation of the total energy requirements vary among different studies
Further remarks about type of energy use and references,
Products and processes types of
>year of first publication
energy use
Electrolysis of magnesium Electricity use (Hoy-Petersen et al. (1999:568,>1977-87)).
Electrolysis of magnesium Electricity use (Celik et al. (1996)).
Silicothermic reduction of magne- 61
Electricity use (Celik et al. (1996)).
sium -72
Metallothermic (Pidgeon process)
108 Total energy requirement (Hoy-Petersen et al. (1999,>1980)).
reduction of magnesium
Metallothermic (Bolzano process) 25
Energy requirement of furnace (Wilson et al. (1995,>1980-81)).
reduction of magnesium -26
Recycling of magnesium 10.8 Electricity use (Kammer et al. (2000))
Total energy requirement for recycling (Wilson et al.
Recycling of magnesium 6.7
Magnesium 267 Total energy requirement (Wilson et al. (1995,>1974)).
Total energy requirement at Dow in 1978. Reduction of 15%-
Magnesium 325
20% over ten years (Hoy-Petersen et al. (1999,>1980)).
Total energy requirement, Split up: 5%, 23%, 62%, 10% for
Magnesium 378 dolomite preparation, MgCl2 cell feed from seawater, electroly-
sis, and acid regeneration, respectively (Barclay (1977)).
Total energy requirement, Split up: 6%, 45%, 45%, 4% for sea-
Magnesium 358 water treatment, evaporation, electrolysis, and acid recovery,
respectively (Barclay (1977)).
329 Total energy requirement (Boustead & Hancock
-487 (1979:345,>1972-75)).
Total energy requirement 1 (Albright & Haagensen (1997); Haa-
Magnesium 144
gensen et al. (1996)).
Total energy requirement (Albright & Haagensen (1997); Haa-
Magnesium alloy AZ91 151
gensen et al. (1996)).
Total energy requirement for the production stage (Barclay
Magnesium sheet manufacture 75
(1977); Wilson et al. (1995)).
Magnesium extrusions manufac- Total energy requirement for the production stage (Barclay
ture (1977); Wilson et al. (1995)).
Magnesium die-casting produc- 21 Total energy requirement for the production stage (Barclay
tion -45 (1977); Wilson et al. (1995)).
Total energy requirement. 50% / 60% / 70% yield from die-
Magnesium (from magnesite) al- 229 / 220 /
caster. Including recycling of diecaster returns (Hydro Magne-
loy AZ91 cast part from diecaster 214
sium (1999a)).
Magnesium (from seawater and Total energy requirement. 40% / 60% / 80% yield from die-
205 / 182 /
dolomite) alloy AZ91 cast part caster. Including recycling of diecaster returns (Hydro Magne-
from diecaster sium (1999b)).
Johanna Öster Haagensen (Norsk Hydro, email communication 10.8.2000): The total energy demand for the production of
pure Mg, including hydro power electricity, fossil fuel and other sources such as steam. The system boundary is from cradle
to gate for "all" raw materials (life cycle perspective). This means that production of hydropower electricity is included in
the 144MJ/kg, as well as extraction, production and transport of fossil fuels and so forth.
The inventory for the production of magnesium is mainly based on the environmental reports of Norsk
Hydro for the year 1998 2 and on an LCA for the production of magnesium and magnesium diecastings
by Norsk Hydro. Tab. 5.2 shows the results of the cumulative life cycle inventory published by Norsk
Hydro for magnesium and magnesium die-castings (Albright & Haagensen (1997); Haagensen et al.
(1996); Hydro Magnesium (1999a); Hydro Magnesium (1999b); Norsk Hydro (1999)). There is no
explanation for the origin of some of the emissions, e.g. dioxins.
Production data are proprietary information. Therefore, these reports present only aggregated figures
of the life cycle inventory. Thus it was unavoidable to disaggregate some data with uncertain assump-
tions or use cumulative data in order to achieve an inventory table for this study.
Tab. 5.2 Cumulative energy consumption, direct emissions and waste data for the production of 1kg magnesium and
AZ91 part from die-casting at Norsk Hydro. All stages in the life cycle from cradle to gate are considered in
the inventory data for the alloys (Albright & Haagensen (1997); Hydro Magnesium (1999a); Hydro Magnesium
The newest figure for the cumulative energy use of total 144MJ/kg (Albright & Haagensen (1997)) is
used. This figure has to be disaggregated to the type of energy uses. It is assumed that about 60% of
the energy is delivered by electricity produced in Norway with a conversion efficiency of 82% (ac-
cording to the ratios shown in Tab. 5.2). Other energy uses are steam consumption, the use of gas and
due to the transports. This is estimated with 40% or 49MJ cumulative energy demand and a conver-
sion efficiency of 67%. Thus 39MJ/kg of natural gas are used. The uncertainty of the data for the en-
ergy use is high as the summary in Tab. 5.1 shows because a full disaggregating of the found data is
not possible.
An important factor for the environmental impacts is the use of SF6. It is used to protect molten mag-
nesium from oxidation in the cast house, in the production of ingots and at the diecaster. Sulphur diox-
ide has been known to fulfil this function for a long time, but SO2 is toxic in higher concentrations and
in contact with humidity it will enhance corrosion of steel equipment. The quantities used in different
Environmental information on http://www.magnesium.hydro.com/ (26.7.2000). The facility in Porsgrunn was closed down
1st of April 2002. A new activity has been established in a part of the old factory. This new remelting facility is called Hydro
Magnesium Alloys. Process scrap from magnesium users and pure magnesium from China are used to produce magnesium
alloys (Personal communication, Liv Kari Sivertsen, 14.5.02).
plants varies between 0.1kg and 11kg SF6 per ton produced magnesium components. The use of SF6
for die-casting is not included in this figure (Gjestland et al. (1996)). Norsk Hydro has reduced the
emissions from formerly 4kg/t to 0.7kg/t in 1998. 3 Estimates for the worldwide average specific con-
sumption vary between 1.3kg/t and 7kg/t (Maiss & Brenninkmeijer (1998:3084)). We assume an aver-
age emission figure of 2.9kg/t for the magnesium production with data for the Norsk Hydro plants
(0.7kg/t, 34% production share) and other plants (4kg/t).
The inventory for other emissions (e.g. SO2, dioxin, chlorinated hydrocarbons to water) is based on the
data published in the environmental reports of Norsk Hydro (Tab. 5.2, Norsk Hydro (1999)). Charcoal
is used for the chlorination of magnesia in an amount of 0.45kg/t (Hoy-Petersen et al. (1999:562)).
The import from Asia by ship has been considered for this material. The theoretical emission of
1.32kg CO2/kg magnesium has been calculated from the charcoal use which is used as a reduction
agent. The unit process raw data and data quality indicators for magnesium production are shown
inTab. 5.3. Transport of raw materials have been estimated with standard distances.
Large uncertainties exist for data on energy use and SF6 emissions during magnesium production. For
the energy use and the SF6 emission a literature review has been used to estimate the standard devia-
tion. The highest uncertainties exist for the SF6 emissions which might be as high as 11kg/t. Emission
data are used for cumulative emissions. Thus they overestimate the direct emissions in an unknown
Tab. 5.3 Unit process raw data and data quality indicators for the production of magnesium. References and as-
sumptions for the inventory are presented in the text.
magnesium, Uncertainity
Name Deviation General Comment
at plant Type
Location RER
Infrastructure Process 0
Unit kg
Tecnosphere charcoal, at plant 4.50E-01 1 1.26 (3,4,1,3,1,5); Literature
sulphur hexafluoride, liquid, at plant 2.90E-03 1 1.22 (1,3,1,3,1,5); Estimation based on literature
tap water, at user 2.48E+02 1 1.22 (1,3,1,3,1,5); Data from env. report
disposal, decarbonising waste, 30% water, to residual material landfill 1.86E-01 1 1.57 (1,3,1,3,4,5); Environmental report, type of
waste not clear
disposal, separator sludge, 90% water, to hazardous waste incineration 5.74E-02 1 1.57 (1,3,1,3,4,5); Data from environmental report,
type of sludges not clear
treatment, sewage, from residence, to wastewater treatment, class 2 2.48E-01 1 1.31 (1,3,1,3,3,5); Data from env. report
transport, transoceanic freight ship 6.20E+00 1 2.05 (4,na,na,1,na,na); Imports of Mg from China,
imports of charcoal from overseas 10000km
transport, freight, rail 2.72E-01 1 2.10 (4,5,na,na,na,na); Standard distance 600km
electricity, medium voltage, production NORDEL, at grid 2.15E+01 1 1.25 desaggregated from cumulative energy
natural gas, burned in industrial furnace >100kW 3.87E+01 1 2.00 desaggregated from cumulative energy
demand with assumption of 67% conversion
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average 1.43E-01 1 2.10 (4,5,na,na,na,na); Standard distance
magnesium plant 2.00E-10 1 3.10 (4,4,1,3,1,5); 50a of uses with a production of
limestone, milled, packed, at plant 1.95E+00 1 1.31 (1,3,1,3,3,5); Estimation for dolomite use
Resource use Magnesium, 0.13% in water 7.52E-01 1 1.22 (1,3,1,3,3,3); Data from env. report
Emissions Carbon dioxide, biogenic 1.32E+00 1 1.24 (4,1,3,1,1,3); Calculation from charcoal use,
Dioxins, measured as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 2.33E-11 1 3.01 (1,3,1,3,1,3); Data from env. report
Heat, waste 4.97E+01 1 1.22 (4,1,1,1,1,3); Calculated from electricity
Hydrogen chloride 2.00E-03 1 2.01 (1,3,1,3,1,3); Data from env. report
Sulfur dioxide 2.42E-03 1 2.01 (1,3,1,3,1,3); Data from env. report
Sulfur hexafluoride 2.90E-03 1 4.10 Estimation, large variations for different
Chlorinated solvents, unspecified 2.48E-08 1 2.01 (1,3,1,3,1,3); Data from env. report
Reference flow magnesium, at plant 1.00E+00 - - -
Johanna Öster Haagensen (Norsk Hydro, email communication 8.8.2000): The total amount of SF6 is depending on the total
weight of magnesium handled. Norsk Hydro is in the process of changing production routines and SF6 will be phased out.
Hydro is also selling SO2 diecast equipment and competence to diecasters and is offering service. Some diecasters have ne-
ver used SF6 and are still using SO2.
Tab. 5.4 Unit process raw data and data quality indicators for the magnesium production plant and data quality con-
magnesium Uncertainity
Name Deviation General Comment
plant Type
Location RER
Infrastructure Process 1
Unit unit
Tecnosphere Occupation, industrial area 5.00E+05 1 1.60 (4,4,1,3,1,5); Estimatimation from map
Resource use Transformation, from unknown 5.00E+07 1 2.10 (4,4,1,3,1,5); Application of standard
Transformation, to industrial area 1.00E+06 1 2.10 (4,4,1,3,1,5); Application of standard
Reference flow magnesium plant 1.00E+06 - - -
Tab. 5.5 Unit process raw data and data quality indicators for the production of magnesium alloy AZ91. References
and assumptions for the inventory are presented in the text.
magnesium- Standard
Name alloy, AZ91, Deviation General Comment
at plant 95%
Location RER
Infrastructure Process 0
Unit kg
Tecnosphere magnesium, at plant 9.09E-01 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
copper, at regional storage 1.02E-03 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
manganese, at regional storage 3.05E-03 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
zinc, primary, at regional storage 7.11E-03 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
MG-silicon, at plant 2.03E-03 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
transport, freight, rail 2.11E-02 1 2.10 (4,5,na,na,na,na); Standard distances
electricity, medium voltage, production NORDEL, at grid 1.51E+00 1 1.30 (4,2,1,1,1,5); Literature disaggregated
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average 1.06E-02 1 2.10 (4,5,na,na,na,na); Standard distances
aluminium, production mix, cast alloy, at plant 9.24E-02 1 1.30 (4,2,1,1,1,5); Literature disaggregated
Emissions Heat, waste 5.43E+00 1 1.30 (4,2,1,1,1,5); Literature disaggregated
Reference flow magnesium-alloy, AZ91, at plant 1.00E+00 - - -
Confirmed by Liv Kari Sivertsen, Norsk Hydro, NO, 14.5.02 in a personal communication.
The production of AlMg3 (AA 5754 or EN AW-5754) is also investigated with the content of differ-
ent metals used for the alloy. This aluminium alloy contains 3% of magnesium and little amounts of
other metals (Lang (1999:9)).
The additional cumulative energy for producing the alloy is 7MJ/kg (conversion efficiency estimated
with 82%) and it is assumed that it is delivered by the electricity mix of the aluminium industry.
Transports are considered for the alloying metals but not for the main ingredients, as it is assumed that
the alloy production is close to the magnesium or aluminium production plant. A material loss of 1.5%
during production (assumed by Albright & Haagensen (1997 for magnesium alloys)) is considered for
the inventory. It is assumed that the production takes place at the magnesium (or aluminium) produc-
tion plant. Thus an additional infrastructure is not considered. The inventory is shown in Tab. 5.6. In-
formation for further magnesium alloys can be found in the handbook of KAMMER et al. ( (2000)).
Tab. 5.6 Unit process raw data and data quality indicators for the production of magnesium aluminium alloy AlMg3.
References and assumptions for the inventory are presented in the text.
aluminium Standard
Name alloy, AlMg3, Deviation General Comment
at plant 95%
Location RER
Infrastructure Process 0
Unit kg
Tecnosphere magnesium, at plant 3.05E-02 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
cast iron, at plant 4.06E-03 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
chromium, at regional storage 3.05E-03 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
copper, at regional storage 1.02E-03 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
manganese, at regional storage 5.08E-03 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
zinc, primary, at regional storage 2.03E-03 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
MG-silicon, at plant 4.06E-03 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
(4,5,na,na,na,na); Standard distance
transport, freight, rail 3.86E-03 1 2.10
electricity mix, aluminium industry 1.59E+00 1 1.30 (4,2,1,1,1,5); Literature disaggregated
(4,5,na,na,na,na); Standard distance
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average 1.93E-03 1 2.10
aluminium, production mix, cast alloy, at plant 9.65E-01 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
Emissions Heat, waste 5.74E+00 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
Reference flow aluminium alloy, AlMg3, at plant 1.00E+00 - - -
RAUCH Fertigungstechnik, Austria, 22.8.2000, http://www.rauch-ft.com/englisch/magnes/gas.html.
sumed that only electricity is used (2.22kWh/kg). The inventory for die castings is shown in Tab. 5.7.
Data for the infrastructure were not available.
Tab. 5.7 Unit process raw data and data quality indicators for magnesium die-casting. References and assumptions
for the inventory are presented in the text
alloy, AZ91, Uncertainity
Name Deviation General Comment
diecasting, at Type
Location RER
Infrastructure Process 0
Unit kg
Tecnosphere magnesium-alloy, AZ91, at plant 1.67E+00 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
sulphur hexafluoride, liquid, at plant 1.00E-03 1 1.20 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
transport, freight, rail 3.35E-01 1 2.10 (4,5,na,na,na,na); Standard distance
electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE, at grid 2.22E+00 1 1.50 200k /600k
Literature estimation
transport, lorry >16t, fleet average 1.67E-01 1 2.10 (4,5,na,na,na,na); Standard distance 100km
Emissions Heat, waste 8.00E+00 1 1.30 (4,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
Sulfur hexafluoride 1.00E-03 1 1.60 (2,2,1,1,1,5); Literature
5.3 Conclusions
The environmental impacts of magnesium production have been investigated as a unit process over the
life cycle from raw material extraction until the gate of the factory. The investigation is based on envi-
ronmental data provided by a producer and on a literature research. High uncertainties still exist for
the average energy and SF6 use in magnesium industry. The inventory can be used in life cycle as-
sessment for complex products where magnesium or metal alloys are used.
AZ91 Magnesium-aluminium (9.1%) alloy
AlMg3 Aluminium-magnesium (3%) alloy
6 Literature
Albright & Haagensen (1997) Albright D. L. and Haagensen J. Ö. (1997) Life Cycle Inventory of Magnesium.
In proceedings from: Magnesium Trends, Toronto, CA.
Althaus et al. (2004) Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Classen M. and Jungbluth N. (2004) Life Cycle Inven-
tories of Metals. Final report ecoinvent 2000 No. 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss
Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under:
Aroule (1998) Aroule P. (1998) Magnesium demand and supply. In proceedings from: Fifth
International Magnesium Conference.
Avedesian & Baker (1999) Avedesian M. M. and Baker H. (1999) Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys. In:
ASM Specialty Handbook. The Materials Information Society (ASM), US.
ISBN 0-87170-657-1.
Barclay (1977) Barclay J. A. (1977) Energy consumption in primary magnesium production. In
proceedings from: International conference on energy conservation in produc-
tion and utilization of magnesium, Massachusetts, USA, 25-27.5.
Boustead & Hancock (1979) Boustead I. and Hancock G. F. (1979) Handbook of Industrial Energy Analysis.
Ellis Horwood Ltd.
Celik et al. (1996) Celik C., Peacey J., Bishop G., White C., giasson E. and Avedesian M. (1996)
Magnola: An Innovative Prcess for Magnesium Production. In proceedings
from: Third International Magnesium Conference, Manchester, UK.
Gjestland et al. (1996) Gjestland H., Westengen H. and Plahte S. (1996) Use of SF6 in the Magnesium
Industry: An Environmental Challenge. In proceedings from: Third International
Magnesium Conference, Manchester, UK.
Haagensen et al. (1996) Haagensen J. Ö., Opheim B. and Westengen H. (1996) Life Cycle Inventory of
Magnesium - Results Reliability and How to Use them in the Automotive Indus-
try. In: Ganzheitliche Betrachtung im Automobilbau: Rohstoffe - Produktion -
Nutzung - Verwertung, Vol. VDI-Bericht 1307 (ed. VDI (Verein Deutscher In-
genieure)). pp. 175-182. VDI-Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf.
Hoy-Petersen et al. (1999) Hoy-Petersen N., Aune T., Vralstad T., Andreassen K., Oymo D., Haugerod T.
and Skane O. (1999) Magnesium. In: Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial
chemistry, Vol. A 15 (ed. Elvers B., Hawkins S. and Schulz G.). 6 Edition. pp.
559ff. VCH.
Hydro Magnesium (1999a) Hydro Magnesium (1999a) Life Cycle Environmental Data for Production of
Magnesium Diecastings: Hydro's Process using Magnesite as Raw Material. Be-
cancour, CAN, Online-Version under: www.magnesium.hydro.com.
Hydro Magnesium (1999b) Hydro Magnesium (1999b) Life Cycle Environmental Data for Production of
Magnesium Diecastings: Hydro's Process using Seawater and Dolomite as Raw
Materials. Porsgrunn, NO, Online-Version under: www.magnesium.hydro.com.
Kammer et al. (2000) Kammer C., Kammer U., Ditze A., Scharf C., Wasserboden J., Schmid-Fetzer
R., von Buch F. and Riehmann W. (2000) Magnesium Taschenbuch. Alumin-
ium-Verlag, Düssedorf, D. ISBN 3-87017-264-9.
Klaus & Dinkel (1999) Klaus T. and Dinkel F. (1999) Stoffflussanalyse Schweiz: Fluorkohlenwass-
erstoffe und Schwefelhexafluorid. Carbotech, Basel.
Lang (1999) Lang S. (1999) Entwicklung einer neuen AlMg-Legierung für Aussenhaut-
Karosseriebleche mit verbesserter Umformbarkeit. Dissertation. TU München.
Maiss & Brenninkmeijer (1998) Maiss M. and Brenninkmeijer C. a. M. (1998) Atmospheric SF6: Trends,
Sources, and Prospects. In: Environ. Sci. Technol., 32(20), pp. 3077-3086.
Norsk Hydro (1999) Norsk Hydro (1999) Environmental Report 1998. Oslo, NO, Online-Version un-
der: www.hydro.com.
Schwarz & Leisewitz (1996) Schwarz W. and Leisewitz A. (1996) Aktuelle und künftige Emissionen treib-
hauswirksamer fluorierter Verbindungen in Deutschland. 106 01 074/01. Büro
für Umweltforschung und -beratung GmbH im Auftrag des Umweltbundesam-
tes, Frankfurt am Main.
Wilson et al. (1995) Wilson G., Claus K. G., Earlam M. R. and Hillis J. E. (1995) Magnesium and
Magnesium Alloys. In: Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 15 (ed.
Kroschwitz J. I. and Howe-Grant M.). 4 Edition. pp. 622ff. John Wiley & Sons,
New York.
Classen M., Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Tuchschmid M., Jungbluth N., Doka G., Faist
Emmenegger M. and Scharnhorst W. (2009) Life Cycle Inventories of Metals. Final
report ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle
Inventories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
In this part, the modelling of disposal of sulphidic and non sulphidic tailings and overburdens and that of mine
and smelter infrastructure is described. These modules are used in the production of different non ferrous metals.
The long term emissions from sulfidic tailings due to acid rock drainage are believed to be of major importance
for the LCI of metals from sulphidic ores. For version 2.1 a dedicated tailings disposal model was taken up.
Table of Contents
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................I
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
2 SYSTEM CHARACTERISATION................................................................................... 2
2.1 Land Transformation and Land Use in Mining and Beneficiation........................................ 3
2.1.1 Facilities ................................................................................................................................ 4
2.1.2 Direct land use....................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.3 Land use for waste rock disposal .......................................................................................... 5
2.2 Infrastructure in the non-ferrous metal industry.................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Process description................................................................................................................ 7
2.2.2 Non-ferrous metal, mine, underground in Ecoinvent............................................................ 8
2.2.3 Non-ferrous metal, mine, surface in Ecoinvent..................................................................... 8
2.2.4 Non-ferrous metal, smelter in Ecoinvent .............................................................................. 9
2.3 Disposal of Overburden and Tailings.................................................................................. 16
2.3.1 Process and infrastructure ................................................................................................... 16
2.3.2 Emissions ............................................................................................................................ 16
2.3.3 Disposal of Sulphidic Tailings in ecoinvent ....................................................................... 17
2.3.4 Disposal, non-sulphidic tailings, off-site in ecoinvent ........................................................ 23
2.3.5 Disposal of overburden in ecoinvent................................................................................... 23
3 LITERATUR ........................................................................................................... 27
1 Introduction
Several production processes of the non ferrous metal industry are similar to each other. Namely the
winning of the metal bearing ore and the beneficiation processes depend mainly on throughput of
minerals. Process specific differences are rather linked to the type of metal carrying ore than to the
desired metals present in the ore. Most of the non ferrous metals originate from sulphidic ores which
present different implication for processing than e.g. oxidic ores. Different metals, e.g. nickel and
copper, often are coexistent in the sulphidic ore and are won jointly by the same metallurgical
processes. Also infrastructure of mines, beneficiation facilities, metallurgical plants and refineries do
not differ greatly from one metal winning process to another. Due to these similarities several
auxiliary processes and infrastructure are not differentiated further in ecoinvent. The modelled
disposal-processes for overburden and tailings are valid for all non-ferrous-metal industries. The only
difference is made for sulphidic tailings, which undergo acid rock drainage – reactions with enhanced
leaching and considerable acidification. In v2.1 of ecoinvent a dedicated model for sulfidic tailings
was introduced.
2 System Characterisation
In this chapter several auxiliary processes of the non-ferrous metal industry are discussed:
- disposal processes,
- infrastructure.
Fig. 2.1 gives an overview over these impacts discussed in this chapter and the modules in ecoinvent
they are inventoried in. Basically three types of activities can be distinguished when inventorying
mining operations.
Operation: Extraction of ore effects a direct type of impact. For each tonne concentrate excavated a
certain amount of land is transformed to become an extraction site for a certain time. Additionally
infrastructure like hauling trucks, bucket wheel excavator and conveyor belts are required. The
demand in these resources (land) and processes (infrastructure) are inventoried directly within the
respective mining module, they are direct proportional to the mass 1 of ore processed. Also the
leaching of metal from ore is considered as extraction, the land use for leaching – which is
considerable – therefore also is where appropriate inventoried within the mining module. In the case of
froth flotation the ore is ground in mills. The mill heads and jaws are severely strained, the
consumption in these parts is also inventoried as direct impact in terms of demand in austenitic
manganese steel (2.1.2 Direct land use).
Infrastructure: The infrastructure is inventoried as separate modules, each for underground mine,
open pit mine, beneficiation and smelter. These are pure infrastructure modules and comprise the
building of the mining, beneficiation, etc. facilities, roads, docks etc inclusively the disposal. These
modules do not refer to the direct impact in the mineral extraction site where the ore is mined, but to
the facilities for ore-processing, maintenance buildings, staff accommodation, etc. The functional unit
is infrastructure units per kilogram raw-material processed, thus the functional unit refers to the input
(2.2 Infrastructure in the non-ferrous metal industry).
Tailings / overburden: The extraction of metal ore is actually a concentration process. First, the ore
has to be separated from rock, be it to access the veins, be it to clean the extracted material from
unwanted fractions. This unwanted material is referred to as overburden. In a second step, the metal
bearing ore is concentrated further using different mechanical and/or chemical beneficiation methods.
The unwanted mineral fraction is referred to as tailings. Tailings consist of ground mineral and often
form a slurry after separation, which is disposed in large ponds lined with dams. Apart from the
considerable land use, also emissions arise from disposing the material. It is assumed, that the
disposed material is alien to the place where it is disposed (off-site) and therefore virtually all of the
substances leached over time have to be regarded as emissions. The functional unit of these modules is
the mass of tailings or overburden disposed (c.f. 2.3 Disposal of Overburden and Tailings).
Rehabilitation of tailings: In this study no rehabilitation of the tailings and overburden disposal site
is considered. It is assumed, that the disposal site never will turn to its natural state and consequently Kommentar [gd1]: d.h.
no energy and materials are used for rehabilitation. This situation probably presents the norm in a infinite land use?
global view.
This assumption might be biased in the case of infrastructure like processing plants. The choice of the material’s volume
would probably more correct. Since the density is not exactly known in most cases and the difference in densities is expected
to be small from ore to ore, the mass is chosen as functional unit.
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10 -2-
2. System Characterisation
transformation to
mineral extration
Mining and benefication of metal containing
extraction site
howling trucks,
conveyor belts
Fig. 2.1 Overview over infrastructure, land use and rehabilitation of the mineral extraction site. Rehabilitation of
infrastructure (production site) and tailings are not considered in this study.
- Direct land use trough exploration and beneficiation (excavation, eventually heap leaching)
2.1.1 Facilities
The land use of the facilities comprise roads, buildings, stationary equipment like screens, feeder,
conveyor belts, docks, crusher, mills, cyclones, etc. A good dependency of the Area covered with the
yearly production capacity of the operation is found in Martens et al. (2002). Results and assumptions
are shown in Tab. 2.1. This land use is inventoried in the infrastructure modules
Tab. 2.1 Specific land use by facilities in open cut and underground mining. These figures comprise Beneficiation
facilities. Data for land use is a function of the production capacity as described in (Martens et al. (2002)).
Tab. 2.2 Land use through direct exploration of the mine. A lifetime of 30 years was assumed. The lowering of the
ground through underground mining is not regarded as ecologically relevant and thus is not inventoried.
Log-log dependency: Area open cut[m2] = 23.869 Yield open cut[t/a]0.662 and Area underground[m2] = 0.322 Yield underground[t/a]1.028
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10 -4-
2. System Characterisation
Tab. 2.3 Assumptions and calculations regarding land use and eventual rehabilitation from tailings. Duration of mine
operation phase is 30 years. The tailings are covered with 0.8 m of earth and a density of 0.8 kg / l. After 100
year the disposal site is assumed to be rehabilitated naturally.
Fig. 2.2 Picture of a flotation mill with crusher, concentrator, thickener and several flotation cells. The output of the
mill is stated to be 6’000 – 10’000 t per day (around 2.5 Mt per year).
Tab. 2.5 Infrastructure mine, underground. Assumptions made and inventory chosen.
Mine, underground Demand Unit Material / Module Life time Life time demand
Yearly production capacity 400'000'000 kg Yearly production capacity 50 a 400'000'000
Area needed total [m2] 184'830 m2 Transformed area 50 a 184'830
Administration building 25'000 m3 Building, multi-storey 50 a 25'000
(50x50x10 m )
conveyor to storage [m] 300 m conveyor belt, at plant 25 a 600
Storage building (hall for 5'000 m Building, hall 50 a 5'000
100'000 t = 50'000 m3;
average height 10m) [m ]
10 Hoists [kg] 100'000 kg Industrial machine, heavy 25 a 200'000
3 Truck shop (50x50) 7'500 m Building, hall 50 a 7'500
2 Warehouses 50'000 m Building, multi-storey 50 a 50'000
(50x50x10 m3)
Accommodation building 100'000 m3 Building, multi-storey 25 a 200'000
(100x100x10 m3)
Fix Equipment 25'000 kg Industrial machine, heavy, 25 a 50'000
(cranes, screens)
Mobile Equipment 120'000 kg Industrial machine, heavy 10 a 600'000
Tab. 2.6 Infrastructure mine, surface. Assumptions made and inventory chosen.
Mine, surface Demand Unit Material / Module Life time Life time demand
Yearly production capacity 400'000'000 kg Yearly production capacity 50 a 400'000'000
2 2
Area needed total [m ] 122'011 m Transformed area 50 a 122'011
Administration building 25'000 m Building, multi-storey 50 a 25'000
(50x50x10 m3)
conveyor to storage [m] 3'000 m conveyor belt, at plant 25 a 6'000
Storage building (hall for 5'000 m2 Building, hall 50 a 5'000
100'000 t = 50'000 m ;
average height 10m) [m ]
4 Truck shop (50x50) 10'000 m2 Building, hall 50 a 10'000
2 Warehouse 50'000 m3 Building, multi-storey 50 a 50'000
(50x50x10 m3)
Accommodation 100'000 m Building, multi-storey 25 a 200'000
(100x100x10 m )
Fix Equipment 5 x 5t 25'000 kg Industrial machine, heavy 25 a 50'000
(cranes, screens)
Mobile Equipment 12 x 10t 120'000 kg Industrial machine, heavy 10 a 600'000
52% yield
17.0 x
Electrolysis (130'000
1'153'281 t / a
t / a)
65% yield 50%
ore input: 8.47 x 2'214'300 t / a metal output
sintering /
6'775'758 t / a roasting 3'660'000 t / a pure metal 2'653'281 t / a
(800'000 t / a)
39% conc. 4'428'600 t / a 1.22 x 1x
Blast furnace converter
Fig. 2.3 Scheme of the infrastructure modules building up the metallurgical step. The modules are scaled to a
specific throughput, which is set to be 1'500'000 t output per year at the converter. The modules for
sintering/roasting, electrolysis and blast furnace are scaled to meet the requirements. The concentration in
the ore is calculated to be 39%, which is true for many metals.
Fig. 2.4 Example of a pyrometallurgical process step in the copper industry 3 . Off-gas is captured in the sulphuric
acid plant. The smelting furnace is followed by a flash converter, the metal leaves after a final refining step.
This final refining is part of the metallurgical step and is not to be confused with the process denoted as
refining in this study, which is more of a chemical plant than a smelter.
Picture provided by Outokumpu Inc., http://www.outokumpu.com, accessed at 01.03.2003
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10 - 11 -
2. System Characterisation
Tab. 2.7 Ecoinvent meta information for non-ferrous-metal mines and smelters.
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
Land trans-
Transformation, from (nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,n
formation, initial resource land 1.85E+05 m2 rough estimate 1 5
construction (nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,n
Bulidings buildings building, multi-storey 2.75E+05 m3 rough estimate 1 3
processes A,9)
construction (nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,n
Halls buildings building, hall 1.25E+04 m2 rough estimate 1 3
processes A,9)
industrial machine,
construction (nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,n
Machines machinery heavy, unspecified, 8.50E+05 kg rough estimate 1 3
processes A,9)
at plant
Fig. 2.5 Flows for “non-ferrous metal mine, underground” and its representation in the ecoinvent database.
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
Land trans-
Transformation, from (nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,n
formation, initial resource land 1.22E+05 m2 rough estimate 1 5
unknown A,8); estimate
construction (nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,n
Bulidings buildings building, multi-storey 2.75E+05 m3 rough estimate 1 3
processes A,9)
construction (nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,n
Halls buildings building, hall 1.50E+04 m2 rough estimate 1 3
processes A,9)
industrial machine,
construction (nA,nA,nA,nA,nA,n
Machines machinery heavy, unspecified, 6.50E+05 kg rough estimate 1 3
processes A,9)
at plant
Fig. 2.6 Flows for “non-ferrous metal mine, surface” and its representation in the ecoinvent database.
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
Roasting / aluminium oxide,
metals extraction 8.47E+00 unit rough estimate 1 5 estimate
Sintering plant
non-ferrous metal
Electrolytical aluminium
metals extraction 1.70E+01 unit rough estimate 1 5 estimate
plant (50%) electrolysis, plant
Smelter (50%) metals extraction blast furnace 1.22E+00 unit rough estimate 1 5 estimate
Fig. 2.7 Flows for “non-ferrous metal smelter” and its representation in the ecoinvent database.
2.3.2 Emissions
The overburden is assumed to emit no relevant pollutants. The low pH in sulphidic tailings however is
a distinctly different chemical environment than the overburdens original location. Also tailings are a
finely ground rock meal, mixed with water and exposed to atmospheric oxygen. This leads to
additional emissions from formerly inert minerals.
The tailings are often subject to acid rock drainage (ARD), where sulphur oxidises in the presence of
metal, water and oxygen promoted by bacterial activity to form sulphuric acid. The reactions are
complex and persistent. Mines worked by the Romans in Spain and the Vikings in Scandinavia
continue to generate ARD today. This makes it an even bigger issue than cyanide leakage, which is
chemically unstable and does not persist in the environment. Once exposed to oxygen ARD reactions
on mineral surfaces will continue for thousands of years.
No considerable emissions to air are reported. In arid climates wind-blown erosion can be a relevant
emission pathway for tailings.
Data was taken from ATSDR 1997; ATSDR 2006; Boulet & Larocque 1998; Dorronsoro et al. 2002; Downing & Gravel
2006; EPA 1994; Garcia-Meza et al. 2006; Hadjibiros et al. 2005; Hernandez et al. 2007; IAEA 2003; IPPC 2004; Koerth
2002; Laliberte & Tremblay 2002; Lazar 2002; Matheis et al. 1998; McLemore et al. 2006; MIMI 2004; Muwanga 1997;
Nash 2000; OK Tedi 2002; Robinson et al. 2004; Thoms 2006; Tyler et al. 2004; Van Zyl 2002; Wels et al. 2000; Ye et al.
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10 - 17 -
2. System Characterisation
Fig. 2.8 Wind blown tailings in Clayton mine, Idaho, USA Fig. 2.9 Nickel Tailings in Sudbury Ontario, Canada
(Hammarstrom et al. 2002) (Burtynsky 1996)
A part of the infiltrated water flows preferentially through the tailings. Due to the fine grain size of
tailings, the amount of preferentially flowing water is assumed to be only 5%, and the residence time
of preferential water is assumed to be 18 weeks (=Tp). The water content of stabilised tailings is
assumed to be 30 w-%. It is assumed that preferentially flowing water has little contact with the
tailings materials and carries no pollutants from the landfill 5 . Based on model formulas given in Doka
If landfills dry out periodically, then preferential water might wash out evaporites and be significantly burdened. This effect
is not heeded here.
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10 - 18 -
2. System Characterisation
(2003:III.30ff.) it follows that the amount of effective, i.e. polluted annual leachate volume is
0.0067 litres per kilogram tailings (=Veff).
Transfer coefficients are calculated for two time horizons, 100 years (short-term) and 60'000 years
(long-term). In Doka (2003) a long-term time frame of 60'000 years was chosen to represent an
'ecological planning horizon': by that time the Swiss midlands will probably be covered again with
glaciers, that remodel the Swiss landscape. At that time the Swiss ecosphere will be redefined, creating
new boundary conditions for environmental goals. The emissions over 60'000 years therefore
represent a coarse mean expectation value of the burden inflicted on the ecosphere as we know it now
and are concerned about. In other regions this ecological planning horizon might be dissimilar.
Especially in tropical regions very long periods of climatic stability can be expected 6 . For simplicity a
long-term time frame of 60'000 years for all tailings sites was chosen.
Due to lack of data, certain transfer coefficients are estimated by chemical similarity. Transfer
coefficients for halogens are based on data from fluorine. Transfer coefficients for nitrogen are based
on sulfur. Transfer coefficients for scandium are based on the arithmetic mean of antimony and
selenium. Transfer coefficients for tungsten are based on the arithmetic mean of molybdenum and
selenium. All these proxies are for completeness only and make up only very minor contributions to
the LCIA results for this dataset (less than 0.1 percent).
Even after 60'000 years only a part of the deposited tailings are leached. With the modelled transfer
coefficients roughly 8% of the toxic potential in tailings is emitted, and 92% are retained in the
Comparison with residual material landfill
The transfer coefficients of the tailings landfill can be compared with the transfer coefficients of a
residual material landfill 7 from (Doka 2003), as shown in Fig. 2.10.
0.000% 0.001% 0.010% 0.100% 1.000% 10.000% 100.000%
W Oxianions
1.000% Other solubles
Mg Sr Na
Other elements
Be Se
Cd Co Sc
Mn Ti Cl Br I
F 0.100%
ZnSn Ni K
V Cr
Fe Sb As 0.010%
Ag Al
Ba Si 0.001%
short-term transfer coefficients residual material landfill (100a)
Fig. 2.10 Comparison of short-term transfer coefficients for residual material landfill (x axis) and tailings deposit (y
In such regions ecological planning horizons might be defined by very rare events like climate changes after meteorite
impact (cf. Cretaceous-Tertiary impact winter 65 million years ago) or by very slow processes (glaciation after continental
drift). For example, about 400 million years ago most regions that are tropical today were close to the south pole. However,
currently tropical regions drift towards the equator and not towards the poles.
The Swiss residual material landfill is for inert, inorganic waste materials sometimes solidified with cement.
ecoinvent v2.1 report No. 10 - 19 -
2. System Characterisation
Tab. 2.8 Average sulfidic tailings composition from Tab. 2.9 Modelled short- and long-term transfer
literature survey coefficients for the sulfidic tailings deposit
given as "kg emitted per kg deposited"
It is apparent that oxianions have reduced relative mobility in the tailings deposit (red area in Fig.
2.10). Oxianions are more mobile at high pH values. Since residual landfills have high pH values, but
tailings deposit often have low pH values, the modelled behaviour is realistic. On the other hand there
is a cluster of elements with higher mobility in tailings deposits (blue area in Fig. 2.10), that contains
elements that are easier soluble at low pH values. While the uncertainties in these coarse models are
high, it is an encouraging fact that they succeed in depicting chemically reasonable mobility
behaviour, without any information on such mobility characteristics being entered into the models
beforehand. The results of the model are reasonable and not overly dependent on the variable nature of
the fundamental data. Otherwise such clustering of elemental types could not be distinctly observed. It
is a sign that the sample size of the applied literature data is large enough to represent typical tailings.
Tailings impoundment land use
Land use is based on a generic final height of a tailings impoundment of 50 meters. Thus, per kilogram
tailings with a density of 2200 kg/m3 a land area of 9.1·10-6 m2 is necessary. The land is assumed to be
converted from unknown origin to dump site. After an operational phase of 30 years, spontaneous
restoration of a consolidated state is assumed to be reached after one hundred years. The total
occupation time is therefore 130 years and the land occupation per kilogram tailings 1.18·10-3 m2a.
Representation of sulfidic tailings disposal in the ecoinvent database is still very coarse: there is only
one single dataset for any sulfidic tailings deposit. Much remains to be done, which was not possible
due to time and money constraints: in the future the tailings disposal inventory should be differentiated
according to the mined metal, the tailings site climate and other important conditions.
Data quality
Uncertainty in this dataset is high, but not only due to a high aggregation level resulting from a
worldwide average. The subject matter is inherently uncertain due to the stochiastic processes in the
earth's crust, leading to very diverse ore bodies, and thus to very variable data relating to tailings even
for one single mining site. Hence, the level of uncertainty is high and likely to remain high, even if in
the future more differentiated tailings models for single sites or regions are created. The sample sizes
for almost all relevant (toxic) elements are in the range of 80 – 140 data points. Presuming the
literature data is representative, these sample sizes are large enough to yield significant LCIA results
for the observed data variability.
The uncertainty range for the emission data is derived according to the procedures applied in Doka
(2003). In a worst case, all tailings material will be weathered or eroded within 60'000 years. This
worst case is taken to represent the upper confidence value of a lognormal distribution. Together with
the inventoried mean emission, the geometric standard deviation is defined.
Rehabilitation and tailings management as it is done in certain parts, can alter the ecological impacts
greatly. Due to the lack of reliable data, no deliberate rehabilitation is assumed here.
disposal, sulfidic
tailings, off-site
Location GLO
Unit kg
Sulfate water ground- kg 0.00559
Nitrate water ground- kg 0.000013
Phosphate water ground- kg 0.000595
Boron water ground- kg 0.0000272
Chloride water ground- kg 3.91E-09
Bromine water ground- kg 4.47E-10
Fluoride water ground- kg 0.00000161
Silver, ion water ground- kg 6.59E-10
Arsenic, ion water ground- kg 1.89E-08
Barium water ground- kg 4.56E-09
Cadmium, ion water ground- kg 1.56E-08
Cobalt water ground- kg 3.44E-08
Chromium VI water ground- kg 3.82E-09
Copper, ion water ground- kg 9.29E-08
Mercury water ground- kg 2.79E-11
Manganese water ground- kg 0.00000139
Molybdenum water ground- kg 0.000000162
Nickel, ion water ground- kg 1.49E-08
Lead water ground- kg 9.14E-09
Antimony water ground- kg 6.1E-09
Selenium water ground- kg 1.74E-08
Tin, ion water ground- kg 1.07E-08
Vanadium, ion water ground- kg 5.35E-09
Zinc, ion water ground- kg 0.000000629
Beryllium water ground- kg 4.11E-09
Scandium water ground- kg 8.05E-09
Strontium water ground- kg 0.000000587
Titanium, ion water ground- kg 8.41E-09
Thallium water ground- kg 1.11E-09
Tungsten water ground- kg 0.00000014
Silicon water ground- kg 0.00000141
Iron, ion water ground- kg 0.00000434
Calcium, ion water ground- kg 0.000151
Aluminum water ground- kg 0.00000152
Potassium, ion water ground- kg 0.00000904
Magnesium water ground- kg 0.000042
Sodium, ion water ground- kg 0.00000985
Sulfate water ground-, long-term kg 0.0383
Nitrate water ground-, long-term kg 0.0000893
Phosphate water ground-, long-term kg 0.000916
Boron water ground-, long-term kg 0.000283
Chloride water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000138
Bromine water ground-, long-term kg 0.000000158
Fluoride water ground-, long-term kg 0.000569
Silver, ion water ground-, long-term kg 0.000000395
Arsenic, ion water ground-, long-term kg 0.0000111
Barium water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000273
Cadmium, ion water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000714
Cobalt water ground-, long-term kg 0.0000186
Chromium VI water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000223
Copper, ion water ground-, long-term kg 0.0000556
Mercury water ground-, long-term kg 1.67E-08
Manganese water ground-, long-term kg 0.000835
Molybdenum water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000686
Nickel, ion water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000893
Lead water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000547
Antimony water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000357
Selenium water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000532
Tin, ion water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000643
Vanadium, ion water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000311
Zinc, ion water ground-, long-term kg 0.000377
Beryllium water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000145
Scandium water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000253
Strontium water ground-, long-term kg 0.000111
Titanium, ion water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000504
Thallium water ground-, long-term kg 0.000000664
Tungsten water ground-, long-term kg 0.00000961
Silicon water ground-, long-term kg 0.000843
Iron, ion water ground-, long-term kg 0.0026
Calcium, ion water ground-, long-term kg 0.0117
Aluminum water ground-, long-term kg 0.000911
Potassium, ion water ground-, long-term kg 0.00414
Magnesium water ground-, long-term kg 0.00735
Sodium, ion water ground-, long-term kg 0.00142
Transformation, from unknown resource land m2 0.00000909
Transformation, to dump site resource land m2 0.00000909
Occupation, dump site resource land m2a 0.00118
- land transformation
- land use
Tailings without considerable content of sulphur do not undergo ARD reactions. The pollution
potential is therefore lower than in sulfidic tailings for the classic heavy metal pollutants. However
also non-sulfidic tailings are mechanically compromised (ground into a dust), mixed with water and
exposed to atmospheric oxygen. This can result in distinctly different behaviour compared to the
original setting in the ore vein. No model for non-sulfidic tailings was created here, so no emissions to
soil or water are considered, solely the land transformation and land use are modelled with similar
figures as in 2.3.3.
The flux of this module and its representation in ecoinvent are presented in Fig. 2.12.
Data quality
Land use and occupation are calculated based on figures from only few sites. Rehabilitation and
tailings management as it is done in certain parts, can alter the ecological impacts greatly. Due to the
lack of reliable data, no rehabilitation is assumed here.
- land transformation
- land use
Overburden is assumed to be piled on spherical heaps with a diameter of 20 m and a volume of
16'755 m3. With an in-situ density of 1.8 t / m3 this is 0.0418 m2 and 5.43 m2a per tonne overburden
disposed. The land is assumed to be converted from unknown origin to dump site. Restoration of the
natural state is assumed to be reached after one hundred years naturally, yielding an occupation of 130
years with the mine operation duration included.
No rehabilitation by human activities is assumed. Rehabilitation of coarse material often is done by re-
vegetation. Per m2 a mass of roughly 0.5 kg seeds would be necessary, which is 0.021 kg per tonne,
transported over a distance of 100 km ( = 2.1 10-3 tkm / t).
Overburden, which is refilled, is not inventoried at all.
The flux of this module and its representation in ecoinvent are presented in Fig. 2.13.
Data quality
Land use and occupation are calculated assuming a spherical heap. This can lead to overestimate the
land occupation of bigger piles. Rehabilitation and tailings management as it is done in certain parts,
can alter the ecological impacts greatly. Due to the lack of reliable data, no rehabilitation is assumed
Tab. 2.11 Ecoinvent meta information for disposal processes in PGM winning operations (to be completed).
disposal, non-
disposal, sulfidic tailings, off- sulfidic disposal, non-
site overburden, off- sulfidic tailings,
site off-site
Location GLO GLO GLO
Infrastructure Process 0 0 0
Unit kg kg kg
Data Set Version 2.1 2.1 2.1
Waste-specific short- and long-term
emissions to ground water from
Included Processes
tailings impoundment leachate.
Land transformation and occupation.
Amount 1 1 1
Entsorgung, sulfidische Berge, Entsorgung, nicht-sulfidischer Abraum,
Local Name
neben Gelände deponiert neben Gelände deponiert
General Comment to The module is designed for unspecific use
reference function for disposal of sulphidic tailings in non-
ferrous metal extraction. The module
includes land use. No rehabilitation is
CAS Number
Start Date 2003 2003 2003
End Date 2003 2003 2003
Data Valid For Entire Period 1 1 1
Average waste composition from
literature references. Transfer
Other Period Text
coefficients from prospective,
tailings-specific model.
No geographical Land use of average
Geography text context, inventory global mining
based on calculations operation
Mechanically stable tailings
Technology text impoundment. Spontaneous
renaturation after closure. No rehabilitation is assumed
Representativeness [%]
Production Volume nA nA nA
Tailings model based on observed
leachate concentrations in literature.
Extrapolated to 60'000 years
Sampling Procedure
heeding chemical characteristics.
Initial waste composition from
various literature sources. Literature Literature
Extrapolations see Geography and Technology see Geography and Technology
Uncertainty of waste input
composition data derived from large
literature survey. Mean long-term
emissions are the emissions during
Uncertainty Adjustments
a generic ecological planning
horizon (60'000a). Maximal long-
term emissions are the complete
emissions of all landfilled material. none none
Expl truct disposal, Standard
Locati SubCate Uncertainty
anati 401 Name
urePr Unit sulfidic tailings, Type
Deviation GeneralComment
on oces 95%
Fig. 2.11 Flows for “disposal, sulphidic tailings, offsite” and its representation in the ecoinvent
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
sulfidic overburden,
Land trans- Transformation, from
resource land 5.10E-05 m2 (IPPC, 2002) 1 2.06463 (1,3,1,3,3,4,8)
formation, ground disposal, non- unknown
Fig. 2.12 Flows for “disposal, non-sulphidic tailings, offsite” and its representation in the ecoinvent database. The two tailings disposal modules are identical, except that from non
sulphuric disposal no emissions are inventoried.
mean value
Mean value
Source for
name in
Land trans- Transformation, from
sulfidic tailings,
Land trans-
Transformation, to
formation, resource land 5.10E-05 m2 (IPPC, 2002) 1 2.15521 (4,4,1,3,3,5,8)
dump site
Land use for Occupation, dump
average lifetime of 130 a assumed resource land 6.63E-03 m2a (IPPC, 2002) 1 1.6872 (4,4,1,3,3,5,7)
overburden site
disposal, non- residual
waste disposal, non-sulfidic
sulfidic tailings, off- material No GLO 1.00E+00 kg
management tailings, off-site
site landfill
Fig. 2.13 Flows for “disposal, non-sulphidic overburden, offsite” and its representation in the ecoinvent database.
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Classen M., Althaus H.-J., Blaser S., Tuchschmid M., Jungbluth N., Doka G., Faist
Emmenegger M. and Scharnhorst W. (2009) Life Cycle Inventories of Metals. Final re-
port ecoinvent data v2.1, No 10. EMPA Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inven-
tories, Dübendorf, CH, Online-Version under: www.ecoinvent.ch.
Final report of updated Swiss National Life Cycle Inventory Database "ecoinvent", version 2.1
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
6 WELDING ............................................................................................................109
6.1 Definition and fundamentals of welding ........................................................................... 109
6.2 Manual Gas Welding of Steel ........................................................................................... 110
6.3 Arc welding of steel .......................................................................................................... 114
6.4 Arc welding of aluminium ................................................................................................ 120
7 ENAMELLING .......................................................................................................123
7.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 123
7.2 Resources of Enamel ......................................................................................................... 123
7.3 Characterisation of the Product ......................................................................................... 123
7.4 Application of Enamels ..................................................................................................... 123
7.5 System Characterisation .................................................................................................... 124
7.6 Life Cycle Inventory of Enamelling.................................................................................. 125
7.7 Data Quality Considerations ............................................................................................. 128
7.8 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 128
12 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................168
1 Introduction
This part deals with the forming and coating processes and with welding of different metals.
Metals, can be subjected to plastic deformation in the solid state by the application of external forces,
i.e. it can be formed into new permanent shapes. Here, the term "forming" means the intentional and
controlled change of the geometry of a work piece, usually from a simple geometry to a complex one
with regard to the shape, size, accuracy and tolerances, appearance and properties. The mass, composi-
tion, and state of the material remain unchanged. If, however, the plastic limit is exceeded so that the
change in geometry is not controlled, forming with defects occurs, and the desired product is not ob-
tained. The phenomenon of plasticity results from the crystalline structure of metals. Their engineering
and industrial use depends on forming technology (Kümmerling (1997)).
Coating of metals is done for different purposes. In the version ecoinvent data v 1.01 zinc coating and
enamelling of steel and selective coating for solar collectors is addressed.
Many different welding techniques are industrially applied. Here two different techniques for welding
steel and one for welding aluminium are assessed.
All the processing data have in common that they relate only to the actual processes. Thus e.g. coating
of steel does not include the steel sheet to be coated. The same is true for forming and welding.
2 Steel forming
Authors: Silvio Blaser, Hans.Jörg Althaus, EMPA Dübendorf
Review: Roland Hischier
Thanks goes to Dr. Christoph Zeltner, from Stahl Gerlafingen AG in Gerlafingen, Switzerland, for the
information about the consumed energy of the hot and cold rolling process and the wire drawing proc-
ess; for the help in understanding the forming processes and the guided tour trough the steel forming
plant in Gerlafingen.
- Large degree of deformation possible in one forming step, with consequent reduction in process-
ing time,
- Beneficial effect on the structure, and hence on the properties of the workpiece,
- Very high cost of heating the workpiece compared with the energy required for forming,
- Very severe tool wear due to the very hard and brittle scale that forms on the surface of the work-
- Reduced working life of the tools due to the thermal load and increased wear.
Typical in-going slabs are 400 to 2500 mm wide and 40 to 500 mm thick and can be rolled to a thick-
ness of 1.2 to 20 mm by the hot rolling process. Products obtained from hot rolling are usually classi-
fied in two basic types according to their shape: flat and long products. In (IPPC (2001a)) production
volume of hot rolled products is given: "Total EU production in 1996 of hot rolled (HR) products was
127.8 million tonnes of which flats accounted for 79.2 million tonnes (ca. 62%). Germany is the larg-
est manufacturer of the flats, with 22.6 million tonnes followed by France with 10.7 million tonnes,
Belgium 9.9 million tonnes, Italy 9.7 million tonnes and UK 8.6 million tonnes. The vast majority of
HR flat products is wide strip. The remaining 38 % of HR products are long products with about 48.5
million tonnes in 1996. The two major manufacturing countries are Italy with about 11.5 million ton-
nes and Germany with 10.3 million tonnes; followed by UK (7 million tonnes) and Spain (6.8 million
tonnes). The largest part of the long products sector in tonnage terms is the production of wire rod
which stands for roughly a third of the total production followed by reinforcing bars and merchant
bars with an approximate share of one quarter of the production each." Fig. 2.1 shows an overview of
products manufactured for various purposes and applications.
Hot rolling usually comprise the following process steps (IPPC (2001a)):
- Descaling,
- Rolling (roughing including width reduction, rolling to final dimension and properties),
2.2.3 Descaling
Scale, which is formed during heating, must be removed prior to rolling in order to avoid a contamina-
tion of the stock surface by scale impressed by the rolls (so-called 'rolled in matter').
COG: Coke oven gas
BFG: Blast furnace gas
A common method of descaling is breaking and spraying off the scale by means of high-pressure wa-
ter. Water with pressures of 120 to 250 bar (exceptionally 600 bar) is applied via flat jet nozzles onto
the material surface (IPPC (2001a)).
The main wastes of descaling are iron oxides, oil free and oily scale and waste water.
Tab. 2.1 Composition of purified waste water and of the arising sludge
Data quality
Data is taken almost exclusively from IPPC (2001a), some estimations are also made. The values can
vary considerably depending on the degree of deformation.
Uncertainty is calculated assuming a lognormal distribution and the high value given in IPPC (2001a)
representing the 95 % geometric standard deviation. Where no range is given in IPPC (2001a), the
data quality is estimated by mean of the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al. (2003)).
Source for
name in
Variations of 20% in consumption and emissions
propane/ butane, at
Propane are possible w hen the e.g. thickness of a slab is oil f uels No RER 5.30E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.22 (1,5,1,1,1,3,1)
increased f rom 200 to 250 mm.
Oxygen chemicals inorganics No RER oxygen, liquid, at plant 7.15E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.22 (1,5,1,1,1,3,1)
Dust emitted in cleaned w aste gas.
Corresponding geometric mean value of the
concentration is 0.024 g/m3. The air f low
Dust <2.5 theref ore is 0.373 m3/kg dust. It is assumed that air unspecif ied Particulates, < 2.5 um 8.94E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 8.94
particle size of the emitted dust is below 2.5
micrometers, because the source of the dust is a
combustion process.
Chromium dust Values in source f or oxides, metal content
hot rolling, steel, scarfing
Fig. 2.2 Flows for "hot rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Source for
name in
It w as assumed, that the same air f low as f or
scarf ing is arising. A s the source of the dust is Particulates, > 2.5 um,
Dust 2.5-10 air unspecif ied 5.11E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.83
mechanical abrasion, it w as estimated, that half and < 10um
hot rolling, steel, grinding of the dust is betw een 2.5 and 10 micrometers
It w as assumed, that the same air f low as f or calculated f rom
scarf ing is arising. A s the source of the dust is max value
Dust >10 air unspecif ied Particulates, > 10 um 5.11E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.83
mechanical abrasion, it w as estimated, that half assuming
of the dust is bigger than 10 micrometers lognormal
Chromium (in distribution
air unspecif ied Chromium 3.54E-07 k g IPCC 2001 1 5.77
Nickel (in Dust) air unspecif ied Nickel 2.24E-07 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.83
Manganese (in
air unspecif ied Manganese 1.29E-07 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.58
No data available about amount of sw arf output
Sw arf f rom grinding. Sw arf is assumed to be n.a. IPCC 2001
completely recycled --> not inventoried
Scale (dry
>99% recycled --> not inventoried 2.65E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 13.2
In continuous f urnaces blast f urnace gas, coke
oven gas, BOF gas, natural gas and dif f erent natural gas, burned in
Natural Gas combinations of these gases (mixed gases) are natural gas No RER industrial f urnace 1.56E+00 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.41
hot rolling, steel, furnace
used. In this study the w hole consumption is >100kW
inventoried as natural gas.
Data f or the f urnace is given in (IPCC 2001) but
calculated f rom
not used in this study, because the f low s are
Dust 3.16E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 3.16 max value
already inventoried in the utilised EI-Module f or
natural gas in industrial f urnace >100kW.
NOx f rom low -
2.74E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.83 distribution
NOx burner
SO2 1.34E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 44.7
CO 6.52E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 13
Hydrocarbon 2.50E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 2
Only 10.3% of total scale is landf illed and thus disposal, average
inventoried. More detailed values f or single types w aste incineration residue,
Furnace Scale material No CH 2.23E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 21.7
of Mills are available in (IPCC 2001, p.65). management 0% w ater, to residual
landf ill
Deposition of f lue gas cleaning device as proxy material landf ill
Fig. 2.2 Flows for "hot rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
disposal, basic oxygen
Only 3.6% of total scale is landfilled and thus is residual
hot rolling, w aste f urnace w astes, 0%
Oil Free Scale inventoried. Main component of scale is assumed material No CH 4.83E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 4.47
management w ater, to residual
steel, to be soot (elemental carbon). landf ill
material landf ill
disposal, dust,
w aste unalloyed EA F steel,
Filter dust Collected f rom rolling stands material No CH 8.72E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 8.72
management 15.4% w ater, to
landf ill
residual material landf ill calculated f rom
max value
NMV OC, non-methane
No values are given to make a distinction assuming
Fugitive Oil volatile organic
betw een aromatic- und aliphatic hydrocarbons. air unspecif ied 2.83E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 2.83 lognormal
Emissions compounds,
Inventoried as NMV OC. distribution
unspecif ied origin
Fig. 2.2 Flows for "hot rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Inf rastructure f or w aste w ater treatment plant is
comprised in the inf rastructure module f or the
w hole rolling mill plant. V alue f or energy use is
Waste process Water, unspecif ied
comprised in the broad range of uncertainty the resource in w ater 5.50E-03 m 3 IPCC 2001 1 2
w ater natural origin
energy data f or the rolling mill have. Water is
containig suspended solids, oil, etc. but no exact
hot rolling, steel, Waste water treatment plant
Fig. 2.2 Flows for "hot rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Copper (in DW) w ater unspecif ied Copper, ion 2.66E-07 k g IPCC 2001 1 5.37
2.75E-08 k g
(in DW)
Manganese (in
w ater unspecif ied Manganese 5.61E-07 k g IPCC 2001 1 2.55
Iron (in DW) w ater unspecif ied Iron, ion 4.26E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 2.58
Nickel (in DW) w ater unspecif ied Nickel, ion 7.78E-07 k g IPCC 2001 1 14.1
Mercury (in
w ater unspecif ied Mercury 2.75E-08 k g IPCC 2001 1 2
Free Chlorine
w ater unspecif ied Chloride 1.23E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 2.24
(in DW)
Assumption: same amount and composition per disposal, sludge f rom
Water residual
cubic meter as f or w aste w ater f rom cold steel w aste steel rolling, 20%
Treatment material No CH 1.63E-02 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.22 (2,5,1,1,1,3,6)
rolling. Only a part of the sludge goes to landf ill -- management w ater, to residual
Sludge landf ill
> 59.4% invetoried material landf ill
Fig. 2.2 Flows for "hot rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Only amount that is going to leave the system as
scrap to recycling. A ssumption basing on the steel, converter,
Primary steel metals extraction No RER 5.00E-02 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.31 (4,5,1,1,1,3,3)
values f or cold sheet rolling taking into acount a unalloyed, at plant
hot rolling, steel, Overall better f ormability do to the high temperature
cardboard cardboard
board single w all, at plant
Fig. 2.2 Flows for "hot rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
- Very small dimensions (sheet thickness ca. 10 μm, wire diameter ca. 10 μm)
- Reduced wear (effective lubricants can be used, the thermal load is low, and scaling does not oc-
Cold rolled sheets and plates production (wide strip) was 39.6 millions tonnes in 1996. The main pro-
ducing countries were Germany with 10.6 million tonnes followed by France with 6.3 million tonnes,
Italy 4.3 million tonnes, UK 4.0 million tonnes and Belgium 3.9 million tonnes. Cold rolled narrow
strip, obtained from cold rolling narrow hot strip or from slitting and cold rolling hot rolled sheet,
amounted to about 8.3 millions tonnes in 1994 (2.7 million tonnes of cold rolled and 5.5 million ton-
nes of slit strip). In 1994, Germany produced about 35 % of the slit strip, with 1.9 million tonnes, fol-
lowed by Italy and France each with a production of 0.9 million tonnes. (IPPC (2001a)).
The cold rolling mills for steel usually comprise the following process steps (IPPC (2001a)):
- Cold rolling,
- Annealing,
- Temper mills,
Roll shop.
A short description of every single process step is given below.
The infrastructure of cold rolling mill for carbon steel is described in chapter 1.1. It comprises build-
ings where production processes take place and for storage, surroundings and machinery fore the sin-
gle process steps (e.g.: furnace, rolls, cutting devices, etc.).
2.3.1 Pickling
The entire surface of the hot rolled coil is covered with a thin layer of scale containing oxides, which
must be removed prior to cold rolling. Normal steels are usually pickled in sulfuric acid at 95–100 °C,
or hydrochloric acid at 60–70 °C in three or four fully enclosed pickling baths. Before the actual pick-
ling process, there is usually a stretcher–bend–leveling device which also causes mechanical descal-
ing. This preliminary descaling is very important, as there must be a certain percentage of free iron
surface in the pickling bath, so that pickling can start. Once the strip or sheet is pickled, it must be
thoroughly rinsed with de-mineralised (or equal quality) water and subsequently dried. Oiling is done
either with rolling oil or anticorrosive oil. The used acid can be regenerated, in the case of sulfuric acid
by precipitating iron sulfate as its heptahydrate in a crystallizer. Hydrochloric acid can be regenerated
by decomposing the iron chloride to hydrochloric acid and iron oxide, by a spray process at 450 °C, or
in a fluidized bed at 850 °C (IPPC (2001a); Wiegels (1997))
2.3.3 Annealing
The following chapter is taken from (IPPC (2001a))
The basic stages of the annealing process comprise:
- Cooling.
This annealing process may be carried out in batch furnaces or continuous furnaces. The annealing cy-
cle has a significant influence on the mechanical properties and, consequently, on the formability of
the steel strip. The main parameter controlling the annealing cycle is the temperature profile.
Continuous annealing and batch annealing are considered to be complementary processes and not fully
interchangeable. Production related issues are integral to the selection of the annealing technique.
Batch Annealing
Prior to the annealing process the strip may be cleaned (degreased) to produce a cleaner surface. The
most frequently used cleaning agents are phosphates, alkaline silicates, caustic soda and soda ash. The
steel sheet is unwound from the coil and passed through cleaning tanks, which may be stirred to im-
prove the cleaning effect. Subsequently, the steel is rinsed with water and recoiled. The degreasing so-
lution can be regenerated and recycled.
The cold rolled coiled strip is stacked in a hood furnace for annealing. The combustion chamber
(space between heating and protecting hood) is heated by oil or gas burners. Heat passes through the
protective hood into where the steel coils are stacked. A circulating fan provides as uniform tempera-
ture distribution as possible. The atmosphere in conventional plants is usually HNX gas (a nitrogen-
hydrogen mixture with a hydrogen content close to the flammability limit). The atmosphere can also
be 100 % H2 as in parts of the working cycle of high convection furnaces.
The heat passes into the coils through their outer edges, so that these areas are always hotter than the
inner windings, especially during heating up. The heat treatment causes the organic residues of the
emulsion to partly burn off; partly a distillation process takes place. Products of the reactions taking
place are CO/CO2, H2, FeOx and CH4. The strip is heated to re-crystallisation temperature, and an-
nealed at about 700 °C resulting in complete re-crystallisation of the cold rolled steel. For cooling the
coils, the heating hood is removed. The cooling effect can be enhanced by spraying water on the pro-
tecting hood; by covering it with a cooling bell and blowing air on it or by using a cooling by-pass
system which cools the protective atmosphere under the protective hood. The time necessary for an-
nealing depends on the annealing temperature and the weight of the charge and can take 2 to 7 days.
Annealing in this type of furnace is very slow and also the cooling rate is not suitable for certain steel
grades. Therefore an annealing process in a 100 % hydrogen atmosphere was developed yielding in
shorter annealing times and more rapid cooling.
Continuous Annealing
For continuous annealing the coils are welded together on the entry side of the plant and subjected to
the following process steps:
- Cooling (slow jet cooling, high gas jet cooling (using cooling rates up to 150 °C/s, hot water
quench (HOWAQ), overaging, roll cooling, final cooling, misting jet cooling).
The continuous annealing is carried out by passing the steel strip through a multi-zone heating furnace
with heating chamber, annealing chamber, cooling zone, tempering zone and a second cooling zone.
The steel is heated to a range between 650 °C and 830 °C and then cooled by gas jets, gas-water
sprays, contact rolls or water quenching, depending on the desired metallurgical properties. These fur-
naces are usually fired by gas (direct or indirect) or electrically heated. The steel can be protected by
an inert gas atmosphere or a reducing gas atmosphere in parts of the furnace. Continuous annealing
gives a shorter processing time (about 10 minutes), less intermediate storage, uniform mechanical
properties and a superior surface cleanliness. Continuous annealing is more appropriate for the produc-
tion of higher strength steels. The layout of the furnace facilitates energy recovery from the exhaust
2.3.4 Tempering
After annealing the surface finish and mechanical properties of the steel are modified in line with the
customer requirements. This is done by temper rolling which consists of subjecting the strip to a light
rolling pass with a thickness reduction between 0.3 and 2 %. Before tempering the strip temperature
must be less than 50 °C. Temper rolling is carried out in the temper mill which comprises typically
one or two four-high stands, although two-high or six-high stands are also possible (IPPC (2001a)).
- Sampling to determine the mechanical and technological properties, the strip roughness structure
and the content of residue of particles from roll wear and carbon on the strip surface (statistical
- Oiling the strips with electrostatic oiling machines or with oiling machines equipped with sprays
or rolls oiling machines (anticorrosive oils or prelubes),
- Marking the finished products with coil number, production date, etc.
Data quality
Data is taken almost exclusively taken from IPPC (2001a), some estimations are also made. The val-
ues can vary considerably depending on the degree of deformation.
Uncertainty is calculated assuming a lognormal distribution and the high value given in IPPC (2001a)
representing the 95% geometric standard deviation. Where no range is given in IPPC (2001a), the data
quality is estimated by mean of the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al. (2003)).
Source for
name in
Only amount that is going to leave the system as steel, converter,
primary steel metals extraction No RER 8.55E-02 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.31 (4,5,1,1,1,3,3)
w aste to recycling. unalloyed, at plant
HCl (33%) w ith hydrochloric acid, 30%
chemicals inorganics No RER 3.97E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.13
regeneration in H2O, at plant
sheet rolling, steel, HCl-pickling (Assumption 50% of sheet
A nticorrosive
Lubricating oil as proxy chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 7.07E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.41
Steam f or bath heat, unspecif ic, in
chemicals organics No RER 2.29E-02 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.53
heating chemical plant
electricity, medium
Electrical production calculated f rom
electricity No UCTE voltage, production 4.81E-03 k Wh IPCC 2001 1 2.31
energy mix max value
UCTE, at grid
Caloric energy natural gas, burned in
heating lognormal
(natural gas or natural gas No RER industrial f urnace 3.16E-02 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.58
systems distribution
LPG) >100kW
Industrial &
w ater, deionised, at
demineralised w ater supply production No CH 2.54E-02 k g IPCC 2001 1 2.55
w ater
Concentration multiplied w ith the amount of
Fig. 2.3 Flows for "sheet rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Source for
name in
sulphuric acid, liquid, at
H2SO4 (96%) chemicals inorganics No RER 4.18E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.2
A nticorrosive
Lubricating oil as proxy chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 1.06E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.41
Steam f or bath heat, unspecif ic, in
chemicals organics No RER 3.54E-02 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.41
sheet rolling, steel, H2SO4-pickling
heating chemical plant
(Assumption 50% of sheet rolling)
electricity, medium
Electrical production
electricity No UCTE voltage, production 4.39E-03 k Wh IPCC 2001 1 1.58
energy mix calculated f rom
UCTE, at grid
max value
H2 air unspecif ied Hydrogen 7.27E-10 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.41
SO4 air unspecif ied Sulf ate 3.46E-08 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.41
SO2 air unspecif ied Sulf ur dioxide 3.16E-07 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.58
disposal, used mineral
Only 22.8% w hich are landf illed are inventoried, hazardous
Oil contamined w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
the rest is recycled. Oily w astes are w aste No CH 5.55E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.41
w aste management hazardous w aste
approxiamted by used mineral oil incineration
The sludge can be aproximated by Fe(OH)3. The
amount of Fe in Fe(OH)3 (=76.66%) is
Sludge cake soil unspecif ied Iron 1.47E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.83
inventoried. A bout tw o thirds are recycled -->
35% landf illed is inventoried
Scale dust
Ref erence contains neither composition nor
(collected by
amount of collected dust. No inf ormation is n.a. IPCC 2001
available about the share that can be recycled.
calculated f rom
max value
Strip head / tail
recycled --> not inventoried 2.04E-02 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.1 assuming
Fig. 2.3 Flows for "sheet rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Industrial & calculated f rom
w ater, deionised, at
demineralised w ater supply production No CH 1.18E-02 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.69 max value
w ater assuming
Rolling oil sheet rolling, steel, Tandem Mill (Assumption 50% of sheet rolling) chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 3.87E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 2.58 lognormal
Other oils
(hydraulic, no quantitative inf ormation n.a. IPCC 2001
heat, unspecif ic, in
Steam chemicals organics No RER 8.66E-03 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.73
chemical plant
calculated f rom
electricity, medium
Electrical production max value
electricity No UCTE voltage, production 3.40E-02 k Wh IPCC 2001 1 1.22
energy mix assuming
UCTE, at grid
Caloric energy natural gas, burned in
heating distribution
(natural gas or natural gas No RER industrial f urnace 3.00E-03 M J IPCC 2001 1 6
LPG) >100kW
Dust2.5-10 to Size distribution: mechanical process, no burning Particulates, > 2.5 um,
air unspecif ied 2.40E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 2.05 (1,5,1,1,1,3,26)
air process involved. and < 10um
Size distribution: mechanical process, no burning
Dust>10 to air air unspecif ied Particulates, > 10 um 2.40E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.56 (1,5,1,1,1,3,25)
process involved.
NMV OC, non-methane
Hydrocarbons volatile organic
air unspecif ied 3.50E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 2.05 (1,5,1,1,1,3,23)
to air compounds,
unspecif ied origin
NMV OC, non-methane
volatile organic
Oil to air air unspecif ied 9.85E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 2.05 (1,5,1,1,1,3,23)
unspecif ied origin
disposal, used mineral
Oil contamined Only 22.8% w hich are landf illed are inventoried, hazardous
w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
w aste the rest is recycled. Oily w astes are w aste No CH 2.28E-08 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.22 (1,5,1,1,1,3,6)
management hazardous w aste
(disposed) approxiamted by used mineral oil incineration
(internally recycled --> not inventoried 4.06E+00 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.62
calculated f rom
max value
disposal, basic oxygen assuming
Most of it is recycled --> 12.4% landf illed is w aste f urnace w astes, 0% lognormal
sludge cake material No CH 7.20E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.29
inventoried management w ater, to residual distribution
landf ill
material landf ill
Scrap, of f -
recycled --> not inventoried 8.50E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1
cuts, etc.
Fig. 2.3 Flows for "sheet rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Industrial &
w ater, deionised, at
demineralised w ater supply production No CH 1.73E-02 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.73
w ater
Rolling oil chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 5.24E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.05
electricity, medium
Electrical production calculated f rom
sheet rolling, steel, Reversing Mill
(Assumption 50% of sheet rolling)
electricity No UCTE voltage, production 3.37E-02 k Wh IPCC 2001 1 1.01
energy mix max value
UCTE, at grid
Caloric energy natural gas, burned in
heating lognormal
(natural gas or natural gas No RER industrial f urnace 1.17E-05 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.02
systems distribution
LPG) >100kW
NMV OC, non-methane
volatile organic
HC to air air unspecif ied 4.61E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.1
unspecif ied origin
NMV OC, non-methane
volatile organic
Oil to air air unspecif ied 5.40E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.22 (1,5,1,1,1,3,6)
unspecif ied origin
Fig. 2.3 Flows for "sheet rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
electricity, medium
Electrical production calculated f rom
electricity No UCTE voltage, production 1.18E-02 k Wh IPCC 2001 1 1.41
Fig. 2.3 Flows for "sheet rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Chemicals f or
alkaline and
no quantitative inf ormation IPCC 2001
sheet rolling, steel, Continuous annealing (Assumption 50% of sheet
electrolytic pre-
electricity, medium
Electrical production calculated f rom
electricity No UCTE voltage, production 2.82E-02 k Wh IPCC 2001 1 1.18
energy mix max value
UCTE, at grid
Caloric energy natural gas, burned in
heating lognormal
(natural gas or natural gas No RER industrial f urnace 5.36E-01 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.38
systems distribution
LPG) >100kW
heat, unspecif ic, in
Steam chemicals organics No RER 5.95E-02 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.22 (1,5,1,1,1,3,1)
chemical plant
Inert gas
no quantitative inf ormation n.a. IPCC 2001
Wet temper
rolling agent
(f or rough no quantitative inf ormation n.a. IPCC 2001
pass, electrical
A nticorrosive
no quantitative inf ormation n.a. IPCC 2001
SO2 - Arithmetic mean value, because the low er value
air unspecif ied Sulf ur dioxide 5.00E-07 k g IPCC 2001 1 2
reversing mill of the range is zero.
SO2 -
Arithmetic mean value, because the low er value
continuous air unspecif ied Sulf ur dioxide 1.03E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 2
of the range is zero.
NOx -
air unspecif ied Nitrogen oxides 4.50E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 10
reversing mill calculated f rom
NOx - max value
continuous air unspecif ied Nitrogen oxides 5.59E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 22.4 assuming
mills lognormal
Waste heat distribution
(steam, can be recycled --> not inventoried 2.69E-02 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.45
disposal, used mineral
Containing oil. Oily w astes are approxiamted by hazardous
Sludge cake w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
used mineral oil. Most of it is recycled --> 12.4% w aste No CH 5.70E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 5.11
(disposed) management hazardous w aste
landf illed is inventoried incineration
Scale dust no quantitative inf ormation n.a. IPCC 2001
Oil sludge f rom
no quantitative inf ormation n.a. IPCC 2001
Fig. 2.3 Flows for "sheet rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Industrial &
w ater, deionised, at
demineralised w ater supply production No CH 2.82E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.41
w ater
electricity, medium
Electrical production
sheet rolling, steel, electricity
No UCTE voltage, production
UCTE, at grid
1.52E-02 k Wh IPCC 2001 1 2.74
calculated f rom
max value
Tempering f luid
Temprering 5% solutions of w et temper rolling agents, nitrite
chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 5.74E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 5.22 assuming
concentrate based. Lubricating oil as proxy
Lubricating oil as proxy chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 4.47E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.12 distribution
disposal, used mineral
Oil Oily w astes are approximated by used mineral hazardous
w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
contaminated oil. Only 22.8% landf illed are inventoried, the rest w aste No CH 1.32E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.12
management hazardous w aste
w ater is recycled. incineration
Tempering /
recycled --> not inventoried n.a. IPCC 2001
cooling f luid
Sludge cake recycled --> not inventoried 3.51E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.41
Leakage oil soil unspecif ied Oils, unspecif ied 3.85E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.12
Lubricating oil as proxy chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 2.83E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.41
A ssumed as irrelevant --> input not inventoried,
Singing ink inventoried f or transport and in a w aste mix f or 6.32E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 12.6
sheet rolling, steel, Finishing (cutting,
w aste disposal
packaging f ilm, LDPE,
Film (clear) plastics processing No RER 8.49E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.06
at plant
No description available in ref erence --> paper & packaging kraf t paper,
Paper (blue) No RER 2.68E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 2.98
inspection, packing)
Fig. 2.3 Flows for "sheet rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
emulsion Lubricating oil as proxy chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 5.66E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 14.1
(f resh) calculated f rom
Shot grain One of the most important abrasive materials is max value
chemicals inorganics No RER silicon carbide, at plant 4.47E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.12
(SBT) taken as proxy assuming
Soluble oil lognormal
Lubricating oil as proxy chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 5.48E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.1
concentrate distribution
Chromium salt sodium dichromate, at
sheet rolling, steel, roll maintenance
Fig. 2.3 Flows for "sheet rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Demineralized w ater, deionised, at
w ater supply production No CH 7.73E-02 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.55
Water plant
Cooling w ater Sum of the dif f erent process steps resource in w ater unspecif ied natural 2.70E-02 m 3 assumption 1 1.22 (1,5,1,1,1,3,12)
water and water
One part of the incomin cooling and process
Fig. 2.3 Flows for "sheet rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
One part of the incoming cooling and process
w ater leaves the system as treated ef f luent; it is
assumed to be discharged in surf ace w ater -->
not inventoried. Inf rastructure f or w aste w ater
Treated w aste
treatment plant is comprised in the inf rastructure 6.00E-03 m 3 assumption 1
w ater
module f or the w hole rolling mill plant. V alue f or
sheet rolling, steel, water and water treatment
Fig. 2.3 Flows for "sheet rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Rolling Shop
metals processing Y es RER rolling mill 1.62E-09 unit Estimation 1 3.04 (3,4,1,1,1,4,9)
Fig. 2.3 Flows for "sheet rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
- Cold rolling,
- Tempering,
Personal communication on 25. February 03 from Dr. Ch. Zeltner, Stahl Gerlafingen, Swiss Steel Ltd.
passes through the cooling section and may be cooled using gas jets, air, water sprays or water
quenching. Continuous annealing is generally combined with a descaling/pickling plant to form a con-
tinuous annealing and pickling line.
After annealing the steel is descaled to produce a steel surface suitable for cold rolling. Mechanical
descaling such as shot blasting or scale breaking may be used prior to chemical pickling to remove the
heavy scale burden. However, careful control of such mechanical processes is necessary to minimise
damage to the strip surface, which could affect the final product quality. Final scale removal including
the removal of the chromium depleted layer beneath the scale is generally done by pickling in a mix-
ture of nitric and hydrofluoric acids at temperatures of up to 70 °C.
The chemical reactions that take place during the pickling of stainless steels are complex and involve
the removal of the adherent scale layer by the combined action of the acids used. For further details
consult directly the source (IPPC (2001a)).
Pickling line design is usually the same as for pickling of low alloy steels. Except, that on exit from
the last pickling tank the steel strip is rinsed with water to remove traces of acid, dried, but no applica-
tion of oil is necessary because of the corrosion resistance of the steel.
Bright annealing is generally conducted in an electrically heated or gas fired furnace with a protective
inert atmosphere of nitrogen and/or hydrogen. Both batch annealing and continuous annealing may be
used. Degreasing of the steel surface is required to prevent surface discolouration.
Material with a ‘2B’ surface finish is generally processed on continuous annealing and pickling lines.
The furnace design and operation is generally similar to that for the annealing of hot band material de-
scribed above. The steel is unwound and passed through one or more furnaces, which are usually gas
fired. Annealing takes place in an oxygen rich atmosphere. This is necessary to ensure that the scale
generated in the furnace is of a composition that is readily removable by the downstream chemical
pickling processes. Stainless steels are to an increasing extent being annealed in bright annealing
plants, as this process enables the bright surface produced by cold rolling, and typical of special steels,
to be retained.
Unlike the descaling of hot band material described above, mechanical descaling techniques cannot be
employed to assist in the removal of this scale due to the surface damage which would result for the
final cold rolled strip. Therefore only chemical pickling is applied. This is done in the same manner as
described above for hot band pickling. Scale of high alloy steel, due to the presence of oxides of alloy-
ing elements, cannot always be removed in just a single acid descaling step. Additional treatment or
pre-treatment processes may be necessary. These may include scale removal by an initial electrolytic
descaling process (using e.g. sodium sulfate) installed prior to the mixed acid section.
Data quality
Data is almost exclusively taken from IPPC (2001a), some estimations are also made. The values can
vary considerably depending on the degree of deformation.
Uncertainty is calculated assuming a lognormal distribution and the high value given in IPPC (2001a)
representing the 95 % geometric standard deviation. Where no range is given in IPPC (2001a), the
data quality is estimated by mean of the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al. (2003)).
Tab. 2.4 Ecoinvent meta information for "sheet rolling, chromium steel"
Source for
name in
Primary Only part of the steel that leaves the system as chromium steel 18/8, at
metals extraction No RER 5.16E-02 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.31 (4,5,1,1,1,3,3)
chromium steel scrap to recycling is inventoried plant
Industrial &
w ater, deionised, at
demineralised w ater supply production No CH 9.06E-02 k g IPCC 2001 1 6.06
sheet rolling, chromium steel, Pickling and annealing
w ater
One of the most important abrasive materials is
Shot chemicals inorganics No RER silicon carbide, at plant 2.12E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.41 calculated f rom
taken as proxy
max value
Nitric acid 1.4 kg HNO3 (50%) is used as proxy f or 1 kg nitric acid, 50% in H2O,
chemicals inorganics No RER 7.67E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.83 assuming
(HNO3 70%) HNO3 (70%) at plant
Hydrof luoric hydrogen f luoride, at
chemicals inorganics No GLO 4.33E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.73 distribution
acid (HF 70%) plant
0.7 kg of hydrogen peroxide (50%) is used as hydrogen peroxide,
peroxide (H2O2 chemicals inorganics No RER 3.83E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.83
proxy f or 1 kg H202 (35%) 50% in H2O, at plant
Electrical energy needed to compress the air is
Compressed air assumed to be included in the overall process n.a. IPCC 2001
electricity demand. The air is not inventoried
electricity, medium
Electrical production
electricity No UCTE voltage, production 1.56E-01 k Wh IPCC 2001 1 1.25
energy mix calculated f rom
UCTE, at grid
max value
Caloric energy natural gas, burned in
heating assuming
(natural gas or natural gas No RER industrial f urnace 2.37E-03 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.39
systems lognormal
LPG) >100kW
Steam (acid heat, unspecif ic, in
chemicals organics No RER 1.73E-04 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.73
heating) chemical plant
Metal oxide
and/or scale
no quantitative inf ormation n.a. IPCC 2001
particles, shot
f ragments
Particle size distribution f rom mechanical
Particulates, > 2.5 um, calculated f rom
Dust2.5-10 descaling is assumed to be 50-50 smaller and air unspecif ied 7.07E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.41
and < 10um max value
bigger than 10um
Dust>10 air unspecif ied Particulates, > 10 um 7.07E-06 kg IPCC 2001 1 1.41
HF air unspecif ied Hydrogen f luoride 8.25E-07 kg IPCC 2001 1 4.12
NOx air unspecif ied Nitrogen oxides 1.10E-04 kg IPCC 2001 1 36.5
SO2 air unspecif ied Sulf ur dioxide 1.00E-06 kg IPCC 2001 1 1.22 (1,5,1,1,1,3,15)
Fig. 2.4 Flows for "sheet rolling, chromium steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Source for
name in
calculated f rom
The sludge can be aproximated by Fe(OH)3. The
sheet rolling, chromium
max value
amount of Fe in Fe(OH)3 (=76.66%) is
Lubricating oil as proxy chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 1.41E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.41
electricity, medium
Electrical production
electricity No UCTE voltage, production 1.92E-01 k Wh IPCC 2001 1 1.15
energy mix
UCTE, at grid calculated f rom
alloy reversing mill
Fig. 2.4 Flows for "sheet rolling, chromium steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Industrial &
w ater, deionised, at
Singing ink inventoried f or transport and in a w aste mix f or 6.32E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 12.6
w aste disposal
packaging f ilm, LDPE,
Film (clear) plastics processing No RER IPCC 2001 1 1.06
(cutting, inspection, packing)
8.49E-05 k g
at plant
No description available in ref erence --> paper & packaging kraf t paper,
Paper (blue) No RER 2.68E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 2.98
assumption kraf t paper as proxy cardboard papers unbleached, at plant
No description available in ref erence --> paper & packaging kraf t paper, bleached,
V CI Paper No RER 1.60E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.06
assumption kraf t paper as proxy cardboard papers at plant calculated f rom
Ref erence contained no f urther description of max value
the product. Steel sheet w as choosen as proxy. steel, electric, un- and assuming
FLEX-Stripes metals extraction No RER 2.36E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.1
V olume w as calculated w ith an assumed sheet- low -alloyed, at plant lognormal
thikness of 0.55 mm. distribution
FLEX-Stripes metals processing No RER sheet rolling, steel 2.36E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.1
saw n timber,
w ooden
Wood extraction No RER sof tw ood, raw , air 1.85E-06 m 3 IPCC 2001 1 1.05
dried, u=20%, at plant
electricity, medium
Electrical production
electricity No UCTE voltage, production 7.86E-03 k Wh IPCC 2001 1 1.41
energy mix
UCTE, at grid
disposal, used mineral
Oil containig w astes are approximated by used hazardous
Oil contamined w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
mineral oil. Only the 22.8% being landf illed are w aste No CH 2.93E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.07
w aste management hazardous w aste
inventoried incineration
Scrap recycled --> not inventoried 3.16E-02 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.26
Fig. 2.4 Flows for "sheet rolling, chromium steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
emulsion Lubricating oil as proxy chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 5.66E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 14.1
(f resh)
calculated f rom
Shot grain One of the most important abrasive materials is
chemicals inorganics No RER silicon carbide, at plant 4.47E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.12 max value
(SBT) taken as proxy
sheet rolling, chromium steel, roll maintenance
Soluble oil
Lubricating oil as proxy chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 5.48E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.1 lognormal
w ood preservative,
Chromium salt
Inorganic salt containing chromium as proxy paintings production No RER inorganic salt, 1.50E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.07
containing Cr, at plant
Dust2.5-10 to Size distribution: mechanical process w ithout Particulates, > 2.5 um,
air unspecif ied 2.09E-08 k g IPCC 2001 1 2.05 (1,5,1,1,1,3,26)
air burning process and < 10um
Size distribution: mechanical process w ithout
Dust>10 air unspecif ied Particulates, > 10 um 2.09E-08 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.56 (1,5,1,1,1,3,25)
burning process
Chromium air unspecif ied Chromium 4.18E-09 k g IPCC 2001 1 5.06 (1,5,1,1,1,3,22)
disposal, sludge f rom
Grinding w aste steel rolling, 20%
Water treatment sludge as proxy material No CH 1.41E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.41
Sludge management w ater, to residual
landf ill
material landf ill
Grinding w heel inventoried in inf rastructure module 9.49E-07 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.05
disposal, used mineral
Oil containig w astes are approximated by used hazardous
Waste w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
mineral oil. Only the 22.8% being landf illed are w aste No CH 1.21E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.51
emulsion management hazardous w aste calculated f rom
inventoried incineration
incineration max value
disposal, used mineral assuming
Oil Oil containig w astes are approximated by used hazardous
w aste oil, 10% w ater, to lognormal
contaminated mineral oil. Only the 22.8% being landf illed are w aste No CH 3.40E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.15
management hazardous w aste distribution
w aste inventoried incineration
SBT (Shot Blast Texturing): This is a mechanical
SBT-dust2.5- Particulates, > 2.5 um,
application of the texture onto the roll using grit air unspecif ied 2.24E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.12
10 and < 10um
blasting. Theref ore the size distribution
SBT (Shot Blast Texturing): This is a mechanical
SBT-dust>10 application of the texture onto the roll using grit air unspecif ied Particulates, > 10 um 2.24E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.12
blasting. Theref ore the size distribution
Fig. 2.4 Flows for "sheet rolling, chromium steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Demineralized w ater, deionised, at
w ater supply production No CH 7.73E-02 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.55
Water plant
management production
electricity, medium
calculated f rom
electricity No UCTE voltage, production 8.33E-02 k Wh IPCC 2001 1 1.5
energy mix max value
UCTE, at grid
heat, unspecif ic, in
Steam Steam used as energy source chemicals organics No RER 4.47E-02 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.12 lognormal
chemical plant
disposal, steel in car
Disposed Rejects made mainly of steel. Only the 34% being w aste municipal shredder residue, 0%
No CH 7.91E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 2
w aste: rejects landf illed are inventoried, the rest is recycled. management incineration w ater, to municipal
disposal, used mineral
Disposed Oil containig w astes are approximated by used hazardous
w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
w aste: Used oil mineral oil. Only the 22.8% being landf illed are w aste No CH 7.63E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.05
management hazardous w aste
+ w ater inventoried incineration
Water, cooling,
Cooling w ater Sum of the dif f erent process steps resource in w ater unspecif ied natural 5.32E-02 m 3 IPCC 2001 1 1.22 (1,5,1,1,1,3,12)
sheet rolling, chromium steel, Overall
Fig. 2.4 Flows for "sheet rolling, chromium steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Flocculating calculated f rom
construction lime, hydrated, loose,
agents binder No CH 4.74E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.2 max value
materials at plant
(Ca(OH)2;95%) assuming
Personal communication by G. Doka --> inorganic chemicals inorganic, at lognormal
Polyelectrolytes chemicals inorganics No GLO 1.38E-08 k g IPCC 2001 1 2
chemicals as proxy plant distribution
One part of the incomin cooling and process
sheet rolling, chromium steel, Waste water treatment plant
Fig. 2.4 Flows for "sheet rolling, chromium steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Pickling is mostly done in a batch process. Each roll of wire rod is immersed in the acid bath. The acid
slowly dissolves the oxide layer by transforming it into iron chlorides or sulphates. When pickling in
HCl an H2-inhibitor is used to suppress the reaction: 2 HCl + Fe -> FeCl2 + H2 and reduce the un-
wanted loss of iron. After pickling the wire rod coils are rinsed in water. This is usually done in cas-
cade rinsing (e.g. rinsing 3 times) to yield maximum rinsing efficiency and minimum water consump-
- Batch annealing,
- Patenting,
- Stress-relieving.
A considerable percentage of the output of the wire industry does not need any heat-treatment. The
heavy deformation of the metal crystal structure caused by drawing increases the hardness and the
strength of the wire in the axial direction (IPPC (2001a)).
Batch annealing
Drawing profoundly deforms the shape of the metal crystals of the wire. Annealing is one of the dif-
ferent methods to re-obtain a suited crystal shape. Batch annealing, typically used for low carbon steel
wire to obtain a very soft and ductile end product, is done in bell or pot furnaces, in chambers filled
with a either neutral or reducing protective gas (nitrogen, hydrogen, nitrogen/hydrogen mixtures and
partly oxidized natural gas) and typically heated by gas or fuel. The warming up from room to peak
temperature (roughly 700 °C) takes several hours; also cooling down again takes several hours. In or-
der to keep an over-pressure in the "pots" or "bells", a fraction of the protective gas is continuously
purged. In some cases, the wire is oiled immediately after annealing (IPPC (2001a)).
Patenting is a heat-treatment method typically used for high-carbon and alloyed steel products to cre-
ate a special crystal structure, which allows easy further deformation. In contrast to annealing where
iron and iron/carbon compounds tend to be separated, patenting yields a structure where the carbon is
homogeneously distributed in the iron. Patenting is done by heating the wire to 850 - 1000 °C, then
cooling fast to 450 - 600 °C and keeping the wire for a while a this temperature, and finally quenching
in water (IPPC (2001a)).
The goal of stress-relieving is to remove internal stresses in the wire caused by a previous processing
steps, without changing the shape and structure of the steel crystal. The internal stresses can be caused
by deformation (mechanical stresses) or by fast cooling (thermal stresses). Stress-relieving as a stand-
alone heat-treatment step is a typical process step for the production of PC-strand (wire for prestressed
concrete). Stress-relieving can be done at various temperatures (200 - 500 °C), dependent on the de-
sired characteristics of the final product. Typically a normal oven is used, with electrical heating or di-
rect heating with a typical combustion gas, but also inductive heating can be used. After stress-
relieving, the wire is cooled relatively slowly in air or water (IPPC (2001a)).
Data quality
Data is taken almost exclusively taken from IPPC (2001a), some estimations are also made. The val-
ues can vary considerably depending on the degree of deformation.
Uncertainty is calculated assuming a lognormal distribution and the high value given in IPPC (2001a)
representing the 95 % geometric standard deviation. Where no range is given in IPPC (2001a), the
data quality is estimated by mean of the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al. (2003)).
Source for
name in
Only part of the steel that leaves the system as
steel, converter,
primary steel scrap to recycling is inventoried. A ssumed to be metals extraction No RER 4.28E-02 k g Estimation 1 1.31 (4,5,1,1,1,3,3)
steel, Wire
unalloyed, at plant
drawing, 50% of scrap f rom sheet rolling
Fig. 2.5 Flows for "wire drawing, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Source for
name in
Dry draw ing
A ssumption: lubricant is composed 50-50 of w ashing
(pref ormulated
alkali soap +
wire drawing, steel, Dry alkali soap and lubricating oil agents
tensides No RER soap, at plant 1.00E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 2
calculated from
max value
Dry draw ing
lubricant chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 1.00E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 2
(lubricating oil)
disposal, used mineral
Spent dry hazardous
Oil contamined w aste is approximated by used w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
draw ing w aste No CH 2.00E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 2
mineral oil management hazardous w aste
lubricant incineration
Soap dust
n.a. IPCC 2001
Pref ormulated
w ashing
concentrated tensides No RER soap, at plant 1.58E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 3.16
wire drawing, steel, Wet
soap emulsion
Pref ormulated
concentrated oil chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 1.58E-03 k g IPCC 2001 1 3.16
calculated from
max value
Spent Wet
Draw ing
Emulsion disposal, used mineral
Oil contamined w aste (containing COD (20-80 hazardous distribution
(including w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
g/l) and Metals (0.2-1 g/l)) is approximated by w aste No CH 6.08E-02 k g IPCC 2001 1 3.54
sludge management hazardous w aste
used mineral oil. incineration
removed by incineration
f iltration/decant
Fig. 2.5 Flows for "wire drawing, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
calculated f rom
max value
Only an estimated 25% of the output of the w ire lead, at regional
Lead metals extraction No RER 9.68E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 3.87 assuming
industry is annealed. storage
energy consumption calculated as energy
Energy f or needed f or heating up the lead bath f rom ambient natural gas, burned in
heating the lead to melting temperature Overall ef f iciency of 25% natural gas No RER industrial f urnace 7.03E-05 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,3,3,1)
bath - gas assumed. A ssumption: 50% of plants using gas >100kW
and 50% of plants using f uel.
Energy f or light f uel oil, burned in
wire drawing, steel, Continuous annealing
heating the lead oil No RER industrial f urnace 7.03E-05 M J IPCC 2001 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,3,3,1)
bath - f uel 1MW, non-modulating
Only an estimated 25% of the output of the w ire
Lead w aste disposal, dust,
industry is annealed--> only 25% inventoried as residual
(lead oxides + w aste unalloyed EA F steel,
dust from EAF process. The proxy chosen to material No CH 9.68E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 3.87
spent bath management 15.4% w ater, to
represent the w aste probably overestimates landf ill calculated f rom
cover) residual material landf ill
some heavy metals (e.g. Cr). max value
SS in quench assuming
w ater inventoried in the w ater treatment plant n.a. IPCC 2001 lognormal
overf low distribution
Pb in quench
w ater inventoried in the w ater treatment plant 1.77E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 3.16
overf low
Ref erence contained no data about the air f low
of w aste air. Thus the amount of exhaust gas
Pb to air f rom HCL-pickling tanks f rom cold sheet rolling is air unspecif ied Lead 7.91E-09 k g IPCC 2001 1 5.11 (2,5,1,1,3,3,22)
assumd. Only an estimated 25% of the output of
the w ire industry is annealed.
Ref erence contained no data about the air f low
of w aste air. Thus the amount of exhaust gas
f rom HCL-pickling tanks f rom cold sheet rolling is
Particulates, > 2.5 um,
Dust to air assumd. Only an estimated 25% of the output of air unspecif ied 1.37E-07 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.62 (2,5,1,1,3,3,25)
and < 10um
the w ire industry is annealed. A ssumption: Dust
emissions f rom lead bath are betw een 2.5 and
10 um.
Ref erence contained no data about the air f low
of w aste air. Thus the amount of exhaust gas
NMV OC, non-methane
f rom HCL-pickling tanks f rom cold sheet rolling is
volatile organic
TOC to air assumd. Only an estimated 25% of the output of air unspecif ied 2.21E-07 k g IPCC 2001 1 2.1 (2,5,1,1,3,3,23)
the w ire industry is annealed. NMV OC used as
unspecif ied origin
proxy w ith the assumption that C-content of
NMVOC is 80%.
Heating Emissions arising f rom f uel and gas consumption
n.a. IPCC 2001
emissions are included in the invtoried burner modules
Fig. 2.5 Flows for "wire drawing, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
calculated from
max value
max value
wire drawing,
Fig. 2.5 Flows for "wire drawing, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Patenting is done tipically f or high alloyed steel.
Lead w aste A mount of chromium steel w ire is about 10% of disposal, dust,
residual calculated from
(lead oxides + total steel w ires --> only 10% inventoried as dust w aste unalloyed EA F steel,
material No CH 3.16E-04 k g IPCC 2001 1 3.16 max value
spent bath f rom EA F process. The proxy chosen to management 15.4% w ater, to
landfill assuming
cover) represent the w aste probably overestimates residual material landf ill
some heavy metals (e.g. Cr)
SS inventoried in the w ater treatment plant n.a. IPCC 2001
Pb inventoried in the w ater treatment plant 7.07E-07 k g IPCC 2001 1 3.16
Ref erence contained no data about the air f low
of w aste air. As proxy, the amount of exhaust
gas f rom HCL-pickling tanks f rom cold sheet
wire drawing, steel, Patenting
Pb to air rolling is taken. Patenting is done tipically f or high air unspecif ied Lead 1.41E-09 k g IPCC 2001 1 5.11 (2,5,1,1,3,3,22)
alloyed steel. A mount of chromium steel w ire is
about 10% of total steel w ires --> only 10%
Ref erence contained no data about the air f low
of w aste air. As proxy, the amount of exhaust
gas f rom HCL-pickling tanks f rom cold sheet
Dust to air rolling is taken. A ssumption: Dust emissions f rom air unspecif ied Particulates, > 10 um 5.48E-08 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.62 (2,5,1,1,3,3,25)
lead bath are bigger than 10 um. Amount of
chromium steel w ire is about 10% of total steel
w ires --> only 10% inventoried
Ref erence contained no data about the air f low
of w aste air. As proxy, the amount of exhaust
gas f rom annealing from cold sheet rolling is
taken. Patenting is done tipically for high alloyed
steel. Amount of chromium steel w ire is about
CO f rom Carbon monoxide,
10% of total steel w ires --> only 10% air unspecif ied 5.48E-06 k g IPCC 2001 1 5.11 (2,5,1,1,3,3,17)
f urnace fossil
inventoried. As gas is burned w ith O2-shortage,
this CO-emission is added to the emissions
inventoried in the module for burning the natural
gas. A mount of chromium steel w ire is about
10% of total steel w ires --> only 10% inventoried
NOx f rom
ne gligible IPCC 2001
f urnace
SO2 f rom
ne gligible IPCC 2001
f urnace
Fig. 2.5 Flows for "wire drawing, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
A ssumption: w aste w ater treatment is construction lime, hydrated, loose,
agents binder No CH 6.32E-05 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.31 (2,5,1,1,3,3,4)
comparable w ith the WWT of hot and cold rolling materials at plant
inorganic chemicals as proxy (personal
communication w ith G. Doka). A ssumption: chemicals inorganic, at
Polyelectrolytes chemicals inorganics No GLO 1.84E-08 k g IPCC 2001 1 1.31 (2,5,1,1,3,3,4)
w aste w ater treatment is comparable w ith the plant
WWT of hot and cold rolling
One part of the incoming cooling and process
w ater leaves the system as treated ef f luent; it is
assumed to be discharged in surf ace w ater -->
wire drawing, steel, Waste water treatment plant
Fig. 2.5 Flows for "wire drawing, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Water used for dif f erent purposes: rinsing,
cooling, dillution, quenching w ater. Sum of the
wire drawing, steel, Overall dif ferent process steps, mainly consisting of
resource in w ater
Water, cooling,
unspecif ied natural 3.50E-02 m 3 IPCC 2001 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,3,3,12)
cooling w ater, w ich amount has huge variations.
A ssumption: w aste w ater treatment is
comparable w ith the WWT of hot and cold rolling
Fig. 2.5 Flows for "wire drawing, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
- Seamless tubes.
- Welded steel tubes of circular cross -section up to and including 406.4 mm in outside diameter to-
gether with welded steel tubes of non-circular cross-section of any perimeter.
In steel tube manufacture, the EU, which produced 11.8 million tonnes in 1996, (20.9 % of total world
production) is the largest producer followed by Japan and the U.S. The European steel tube industry
has a highly concentrated structure. Five countries – Germany (3.2 million tonnes), Italy (3.2 million
tonnes), France (1.4 million tonnes), United Kingdom (1.3 million tonnes) and Spain (0.9 million ton-
nes) - account for roughly 90 % of total EU production. About 26.4 % of the tubes produced are seam-
less tubes, of the remaining 73.6 % welded tubes about 18.9 % are of large diameter. The major part of
the total steel tube sector is small diameter tubes with a share of 54.7 %.
Nevertheless this type of pipes represent only about one quarter of total production, in this study the
focus was laid on the manufacturing of seamless pipes. The reason is that, if LCI data is needed about
welded tubes, they can be gained easily, combining different ecoinvent modules. In fact welded tubes
are produced from cold rolled or hot rolled steel strip; hot rolled wide strip; or thick plate. In principal
the production sequence comprises bending of the strip or plate to an open tube and closing the gap by
welding. Therefore ecoinvent modules of steel, of steel sheet production and welding are needed.
Seamless tube production consists basically of the following manufacturing steps:
- Elongation/Stretching.
- Final Rolling.
- Heat Treatment.
The most important types of plants used today are mandrel mills, plug mills, push bench mills and
pilger mills. Raw material for the production of unalloyed and medium-alloy steel tubes are continu-
ously cast round billets or blooms, the raw material for high-chrome steel tubes are mainly round bars,
rolled from cast billets.
The input is heated to rolling temperature in rotary hearth furnaces fired with natural gas or oil. Then a
hollow billet (ingot) is produced by piercing. The most important hole-piercing process uses inclined
rollers. Longitudinal rolling, transverse rolling, or presses are used for the elongating stage. The most
important one is the continuous tube rolling process, as it is one of the most efficient and productive
Tubes for undemanding applications can be shipped immediately after rolling. For more exacting qual-
ity requirements, especially good toughness properties, separate heat treatment is usually carried out
after rolling. This can include normalising and tempering.
The infrastructure of steel and chromium steel pipes drawing is described in 1.1. It comprises build-
ings where production processes take place and for storage, surroundings and machinery fore the sin-
gle process steps (e.g.: furnace, rolls, cutting devices, etc.).
Data quality
Uncertainty is estimated by mean of the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al. (2003)).
Data quality
Uncertainty is estimated by mean of the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al. (2003)).
Tab. 2.6 Ecoinvent meta information for "drawing of pipes, steel" and "section bar rolling, steel"
Source for
name in
pipes, steel
Tube drawing of metals processing No RER w ire draw ing, steel 1.10E+00 k g Estimation 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,3,3,4)
Tube draw ing metals processing No RER draw ing of pipes, steel 1.00E+00 k g
Fig. 2.6 Flows for "drawing of pipes, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Source for
name in
Section bar
rolling, steel
section bar
metals processing No RER w ire draw ing, steel 5.00E-01 k g Estimation 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,3,3,4)
Fig. 2.7 Flows for "section bar rolling, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Data quality
Uncertainty is estimated by mean of the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al. (2003)).
Personal communication on 25. February 03 from Dr. Ch. Zeltner, Stahl Gerlafingen, Swiss Steel Ltd.
Source for
name in
Occupation, industrial Vist to one site,
occupation- resource land 3.88E+03 m 2a 1 1.62 (4,5,1,3,1,n.a.,7)
area, built up estimation
The value f or land use of the buildings and the Occupation, industrial Vist to one site,
occupation- resource land 1.10E+04 m 2a 1 1.62 (4,5,1,3,1,n.a.,7)
green surroundings w as subtracted area estimation
occupation- Occupation, industrial Vist to one site,
resource land 5.81E+02 m 2a 1 1.62 (4,5,1,3,1,n.a.,7)
surroundings- area, vegetation estimation
Transf ormation, f rom Vist to one site,
transformation resource land 3.10E+02 m 2 1 2.1 (4,5,1,3,1,n.a.,8)
unknow n estimation
f rom
Transf ormation, to Vist to one site,
transformation resource land 7.75E+01 m 2 1 2.1 (4,5,1,3,1,n.a.,8)
industrial area, built up estimation
to buildings
Transf ormation, to Vist to one site,
transformation resource land 2.21E+02 m 2 1 2.1 (4,5,1,3,1,n.a.,8)
rolling mill
Fig. 2.8 Flows for "rolling mill" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
3 Aluminium forming
Authors: Silvio Blaser, Hans.Jörg Althaus, EMPA Dübendorf
Review: Roland Hischier
As for steel, the outputs of the aluminium production are slabs with relatively coarse shape, which can
be further formed to sheets, foils or section bars.
Data quality
A standard precision of 5% percent of the value is given in EAA (2000)(), to obtain a more detailed
view of the data quality, the uncertainty is estimated by completing the pedigree matrix, according to
(Frischknecht et al. (2003)).
Aluminium, ingot
1.012 kg
Sawing, scalping
Energy carriers
Emissions to
air, water and
Aluminium rolling,
Fig. 3.1 Aluminium sheet rolling process; values are aluminium flows (modified from EAA (2000))
Source for
name in
Rolling aluminium casuses scrap losses w ich
Primary cannot be recovered, therefore 0.012 kg of aluminium, primary, at
metals extraction No RER 1.20E-02 k g EAA 2000 1 1.07 (1,2,1,1,1,3,3)
A luminium primary aluminium per per kg of material rolled is plant
Rolling Oil chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 3.80E-03 k g EAA 2000 1 1.07 (1,2,1,1,1,3,11)
Water, cooling,
Water resource in w ater unspecif ied natural 6.00E-03 m 3 EAA 2000 1 1.07 (1,2,1,1,1,3,12)
light f uel oil, burned in
Fuel Oil oil No RER industrial furnace 1.45E-02 M J EAA 2000 1 1.07 (1,2,1,1,1,3,1)
sheet rolling, aluminium, rolling
1MW, non-modulating
natural gas, burned in
Gas natural gas No RER industrial furnace low - 2.11E+00 M J EAA 2000 1 1.07 (1,2,1,1,1,3,1)
NOx >100kW
electricity, medium
Electricity electricity No UCTE voltage, production 5.47E-01 k Wh EAA 2000 1 1.07 (1,2,1,1,1,3,2)
UCTE, at grid
It is assumed, that the same volume of material is
Rolling mill rolled per year. Density of steel is 7850 kg/m3 metals processing Y es RER rolling mill 4.72E-09 unit EAA 2000 1 3.36 (4,5,1,3,4,5,9)
and f or aluminium 2700 kg/m3
transport (4,5,n.a.,n.a.,n.a
Lorry 32 t road No RER transport, lorry 32t 5.07E-03 tk m EAA 2000 1 2.09
systems .,n.a.,5)
NMV OC, non-methane
volatile organic
VOC to air air unspecif ied 4.40E-04 k g EAA 2000 1 2 (1,2,1,1,1,3,23)
unspecif ied origin
Water 6.00E-03 m 3 EAA 2000 1 1.45 (4,5,2,1,3,5,4)
COD, Chemical Oxygen
COD in Water w ater unspecif ied 7.90E-05 k g EAA 2000 1 1.51 (1,2,1,1,1,3,32)
BOD5, Biological
BOD w ater unspecif ied 7.90E-05 k g EAA 2000 1 2.79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32)
Oxygen Demand
DOC, Dissolved
DOC w ater unspecif ied 2.60E-05 k g EAA 2000 1 2.79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32)
Organic Carbon
TOC, Total Organic
TOC w ater unspecif ied 2.60E-05 k g EAA 2000 1 2.79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32)
Fig. 3.2 Flows for "sheet rolling, aluminium" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Source for
name in
disposal, hazardous
Hazardous w aste undergroun
Fig. 3.2 Flows for "sheet rolling, aluminium" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Data quality
A standard precision of 5% percent of the value is given in EAA (2000)(), to obtain a more detailed
view of the data quality, the uncertainty is estimated by completing the pedigree matrix, according to
(Frischknecht et al. (2003)).
http://www.energysolutionscenter.org/HeatTreat/MetalsAdvisor/aluminum/process_descriptions/extrusion.htm, accessed
Aluminium, ingot
1.013 kg
Sawing, scalping
Energy carriers
Stretching, sawing
Emissions to
air, water and
1.000 kg System boundaries
Aluminium rolling,
Fig. 3.3 Aluminium profile extrusion process; values are aluminium flows (modified from EAA (2000))
Tab. 3.2 Ecoinvent meta information for "section bar extrusion, aluminium"
Source for
name in
Primary aluminium, primary, at
metals extraction No RER 1.30E-02 k g EAA 2000 1 1.09 (1,3,1,1,1,3,3)
A luminium plant
Caustic soda chemicals inorganics No RER soda, pow der, at plant 2.80E-02 k g EAA 2000 1 1.09 (1,3,1,1,1,3,4)
Water, cooling,
Water resource in w ater unspecif ied natural 1.70E-02 m 3 EAA 2000 1 1.09 (1,3,1,1,1,3,12)
light f uel oil, burned in
Fuel Oil oil No RER industrial furnace 2.77E-02 M J EAA 2000 1 1.09 (1,3,1,1,1,3,1)
section bar extrusion, aluminium, exxtrusion
1MW, non-modulating
natural gas, burned in
Gas natural gas No RER industrial furnace low - 3.00E+00 M J EAA 2000 1 1.09 (1,3,1,1,1,3,1)
NOx >100kW
electricity, medium
Electricity electricity No UCTE voltage, production 1.14E+00 k Wh EAA 2000 1 1.09 (1,3,1,1,1,3,2)
UCTE, at grid
It is assumed, that the same volume of material is
Rolling mill rolled per year. Density of steel is 7850 kg/m3 metals processing Y es RER rolling mill 4.72E-09 unit EAA 2000 1 3.36 (4,5,1,3,4,5,9)
and f or aluminium 2700 kg/m3
transport (4,5,n.a.,n.a.,n.a
Lorry 32t road No RER transport, lorry 32t 2.25E-02 tk m EAA 2000 1 2.09
systems .,n.a.,5)
disposal, hazardous
Hazardous w aste undergroun
contains 15% aluminium No DE w aste, 0% w ater, to 1.60E-03 k g EAA 2000 1 1.09 (1,3,1,1,1,3,6)
w aste management d deposit
underground deposit
disposal, used mineral
Oil is reprocessed/burnt; here it is assumed to be w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
Oil w aste No CH 1.70E-03 k g EAA 2000 1 1.09 (1,3,1,1,1,3,6)
incinerated. contains 5% aluminium management hazardous w aste
disposal, filter dust A l
Spent 70% of f ilter dust w ith 0% w ater, as proxy f or w aste electrolysis, 0% w ater,
material No CH 2.03E-02 k g EAA 2000 1 1.09 (1,3,1,1,1,3,6)
bath/sludge sludge w ith 30% w ater. Contains 15% aluminium management to residual material
disposal, municipal
Solid w aste, Municipal w aste as proxy. contains 33% w aste municipal solid w aste, 22.9%
No CH 2.23E-02 k g EAA 2000 1 1.09 (1,3,1,1,1,3,6)
unspecif ied aluminium management incineration w ater, to municipal
disposal, aluminium,
Losses during the rolling process that are not w aste municipal
Scrap No CH 0% w ater, to municipal 9.66E-04 k g EAA 2000 1 1.09 (2,2,1,1,1,3,6)
included in the dif f erent w astes management incineration
Heat w aste air unspecif ied Heat, w aste 4.11E+00 M J EAA 2000 1 1.09 (1,3,1,1,1,3,13)
Fig. 3.4 Flows for "section bar extrusion, aluminium" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Source for
name in
cardboard & packaging, corrugated
Paper, paper &
aluminium, packaging
corrugated No RER board, mixed f ibre, EAA 2000 1 1.09 (1,3,1,1,1,3,4)
section bar extrusion,
3.00E-03 k g
cardboard-alpr cardboard
board single w all, at plant
Fig. 3.4 Flows for "section bar extrusion, aluminium" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Copper and copper alloys are melted continuously or in batches and cast for the production of shapes
suited for the further fabrication step. The cast products are precursors for a variety of materials such
as sheets, strips, sections, bars, rods, wires and tubes (IPPC (2001b)).
contamination unless they are stored and handled correctly. Fugitive emissions can be highly signifi-
cant (IPPC (2001b)).
Copper Slab
or Cake
1.010 kg
Hot Rolling
Packing Finishing
Sheet or
Strip rolling
Fig. 4.1 Copper sheet rolling process; values are copper flows
Data quality
Data quality is estimated by filling in the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al. (2003)),
taking into account the different more or less rough estimations and assumptions by approximating the
copper sheet rolling with the values of the aluminium sheet rolling process.
Source for
name in
It is assumed, that about the same volume of
copper, at regional
Primary Copper primary material is lost due to scratch losses as metals extraction No RER 3.96E-02 k g Estimation 1 1.45 (4,5,2,1,3,5,3)
it is for aluminium sheet production
Basing on values f or hot rolling of steel and
Rolling oil chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 4.00E-03 k g Estimation 1 1.45 (4,5,2,1,3,5,11)
aluminium sheet rolling
Basing on values f or hot rolling of steel and Water, cooling,
Water aluminium sheet rolling considering the resource in w ater unspecif ied natural 6.00E-03 m 3 Estimation 1 1.45 (4,5,2,1,3,5,12)
temperatures reached in the process origin
Basing on values f or hot rolling of steel and
aluminium sheet rolling. A s no data w ere
light f uel oil, burned in
available about the f raction of oil and gas heating
Fuel Oil oil No RER industrial furnace 8.00E-01 M J Estimation 1 1.45 (4,5,2,1,3,5,1)
burners used, the amount of thermal energy is systems
1MW, non-modulating
distributed by one half f or f uel oil and natural gas
sheet rolling, copper, rolling
natural gas, burned in
Gas natural gas No RER industrial furnace low - 8.00E-01 M J Estimation 1 1.45 (4,5,2,1,3,5,1)
NOx >100kW
electricity, medium
Basing mainly on the values of aluminium sheet production
Electricity electricity No UCTE voltage, production 1.81E+00 k Wh Estimation 1 1.45 (4,5,2,1,3,5,2)
rolling mix
UCTE, at grid
It is assumed, that the same volume of material is
Rolling Mill-Cu rolled per year. Density of steel is 7850 kg/m3 metals processing Y es RER rolling mill 1.43E-09 unit Estimation 1 3.18 (4,5,2,1,3,5,9)
and f or copper 8920 kg/m3
The packing and w orking material is assumed to
transport (4,5,n.a.,n.a.,n.a
Lorry 32 t be transported over 300 km in Europe bef ore road No RER transport, lorry 32t 1.41E-02 tk m Estimation 1 2.09
systems .,n.a.,5)
using it in the rolling mill
NMV OC, non-methane
10% of rolling oil assumed (based on values of volatile organic
VOC to air air unspecif ied 4.00E-04 k g Estimation 1 2.19 (4,5,2,1,3,5,23)
steel and aluminum rolling) compounds,
unspecif ied origin
Water Same value as f or aluminium rolling assumed 6.00E-03 m 3 Estimation 1 1.45 (4,5,2,1,3,5,4)
COD, Chemical Oxygen
COD Same value as f or aluminium rolling assumed w ater unspecif ied 7.90E-05 k g Estimation 1 1.73 (4,5,2,1,3,5,32)
BOD5, Biological
BOD Same value as f or aluminium rolling assumed w ater unspecif ied 7.90E-05 k g Estimation 1 2.79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32)
Oxygen Demand
DOC, Dissolved
DOC Same value as f or aluminium rolling assumed w ater unspecif ied 2.06E-05 k g Estimation 1 2.79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32)
Organic Carbon
TOC, Total Organic
TOC Same value as f or aluminium rolling assumed w ater unspecif ied 2.06E-05 k g Estimation 1 2.79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32)
Fig. 4.2 Flows for "sheet rolling, copper" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Source for
name in
disposal, hazardous
Hazardous w aste undergroun
Contains 15% copper No DE w aste, 0% w ater, to 1.55E-02 k g Estimation 1 1.45 (4,5,2,1,3,5,6)
Fig. 4.2 Flows for "sheet rolling, copper" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Data quality
Data quality is estimated by filling in the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al. (2003)),
taking into account the different more or less rough estimations and assumptions by approximating the
copper wire drawing with the adapted values of the aluminium sheet rolling process.
Source for
name in
It is assumed, that f or each step, the w ire rod
rolling and the w ire draw ing, about 50% of
copper, at regional
Primary Copper primary material is lost due to scratch losses as metals extraction No RER 3.96E-02 k g Estimation 1 0.08 (4,5,2,1,3,5,3)
it is for copper sheet production. Thus in the
same amount is inventoried.
The w ire rod production step requires less rolling
oil than sheet rolling (factor 0.8 assumed), due to
Rolling oil the smaller degree of def ormation. For the w ire chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 7.20E-03 k g Estimation 1 0.01 (4,5,2,1,3,5,11)
draw ing step the same amount as f or sheet
rolling is assumed.
The rod production step needs the same amount
wire drawing, copper, rolling
Fig. 4.3 Flows for "wire drawing, copper" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Source for
name in
Water Same value as f or aluminium rolling assumed 1.08E-02 m 3 Estimation 1 0.01 (4,5,2,1,3,5,4)
COD, Chemical Oxygen
COD Same value as f or aluminium rolling assumed w ater unspecif ied 7.90E-05 k g Estimation 1 0 (4,5,2,1,3,5,32)
BOD5, Biological
wire drawing, copper, rolling BOD Same value as f or aluminium rolling assumed w ater unspecif ied 7.90E-05 k g Estimation 1 2.79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32)
Oxygen Demand
DOC, Dissolved
DOC Same value as f or aluminium rolling assumed w ater unspecif ied 2.06E-05 k g Estimation 1 2.79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32)
Organic Carbon
TOC, Total Organic
TOC Same value as f or aluminium rolling assumed w ater unspecif ied 2.06E-05 k g Estimation 1 2.79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32)
disposal, hazardous
Hazardous w aste undergroun
Contains 15% copper No DE w aste, 0% w ater, to 1.55E-02 k g Estimation 1 0.03 (4,5,2,1,3,5,6)
w aste management d deposit
underground deposit
disposal, used mineral
Oil is reprocessed/burnt; here it is assumed to be w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
Oil w aste No CH 4.32E-03 k g Estimation 1 0 (4,5,2,1,3,5,6)
incinerated; Contains 5% copper management hazardous w aste
disposal, municipal
Solid w aste, w aste municipal solid w aste, 22.9%
Municipal w aste as proxy; Contains 33% copper No CH 2.32E-02 k g Estimation 1 0.04 (4,5,2,1,3,5,6)
unspecif ied management incineration w ater, to municipal
Losses during the rolling process that are not
Scrap 2.95E-02 k g Estimation 1 0.06 (2,2,1,1,1,3,6)
included in the dif f erent w astes. Recycled
Heat w aste air unspecif ied Heat, w aste 1.30E+01 M J Estimation 1 13 (4,5,2,1,3,5,13)
The same amount of packing material as f or one
cardboard & packaging, corrugated
Paper; cubic meter of aluminium sheet product is paper &
copper, packaging
Fig. 4.3 Flows for "wire drawing, copper" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Data quality
The uncertainty is estimated by completing the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al.
(2003)). A lognormal distribution is assumed. The different more or less rough estimations and as-
sumptions are taken into account. Overall data quality is poor.
Tab. 4.3 Annual loads discharged to water from a copper semis production plant (IPPC (2001b))
Tab. 4.4 Ecoinvent meta information for contouring of brass and bronze
brass met als ext ract io n No CH brass, at p lant 3 .96 E-02 kg Est imat e 1 2.3 9 (4,5,5,5,5,5,4 )
Same as f o r co pp er sheet ro lling
ro lling o il chemicals organics No RER lubricat ing oil, at plant 4 .00 E-03 kg Est imat e 1 2.3 9 (4,5,5,5,5,5,4 )
f or deg reasing / p ickling. A mo unt as
sulphuric acid HCl f o r d egreasing / pickling of st eel chemicals inorganics No RER sulphuric acid, liq uid, at plant 3.4 0E-0 1 kg Est imat e 1 2.3 9 (4,5,5,5,5,5,4 )
sheet f o r p owd er co at ing
wat er
wat er prod uct io n No RER t ap wat er, at user 6.0 0E+00 kg Est imat e 1 2.3 9 (4,5,5,5,5,5,4 )
supp ly
contour, brass, part 1
W ast e heat air unspecif ied Heat , wast e 6 .52E+00 MJ calculat io n 1 2 .56 (5,5,5,5,5,5,13 )
NM V OC, non-met hane vo lat ile
CO t o air air unspecif ied organic co mpo unds, 4.50 E-05 kg IPPC 20 01 1 2 .61 (4,5,5,5,5,5,3 1)
unspecif ied o rig in
wast e wat er 5.50E-0 3 m3 Est imat e
COD, Chemical Oxygen
COD wat er unspecif ied 7.90 E-05 kg Est imat e 1 2 .79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32 )
Same value as f o r ho t rolling of st eel B OD5, B iolo gical Oxyg en
B OD wat er unspecif ied 7.90 E-05 kg Est imat e 1 2 .79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32 )
assumed Demand
DOC, Dissolved Org anic
DOC wat er unspecif ied 2 .06 E-05 kg Est imat e 1 2 .79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32 )
Carb on
TOC wat er unspecif ied TOC, Tot al Org anic Carb on 2 .06 E-05 kg Est imat e 1 2 .79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32 )
Fig. 4.4 Flows for "contour, brass" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Cu wat er unspecif ied Cop per, ion 1.73 E-06 kg IPPC 20 01 1 6 .45 (5,5,5,5,5,5,35)
contour, brass, part 2 Zn wat er unspecif ied Zinc, io n 3 .93 E-06 kg IPPC 20 01 1 6 .45 (5,5,5,5,5,5,35)
Cr Relat ion Cr / Cr V I as f o r wast e wat er unspecif ied Chro mium, ion 1.51E-07 kg IPPC 20 01 1 6 .45 (5,5,5,5,5,5,35)
Fig. 4.4 Flows for "contour, brass" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
bronze met als ext ract io n No CH bronze, at plant 3 .96 E-02 kg calculat io n 1 2.3 9 (4,5,5,5,5,5,4 )
Same as f o r co pp er sheet ro lling
ro lling o il chemicals organics No RER lubricat ing oil, at plant 4 .00 E-03 kg Est imat e 1 2.3 9 (4,5,5,5,5,5,4 )
f or deg reasing / p ickling. A mo unt as
sulphuric acid HCl f o r d egreasing / pickling of st eel chemicals inorganics No RER sulphuric acid, liq uid, at plant 3.4 0E-0 1 kg Est imat e 1 2.3 9 (4,5,5,5,5,5,4 )
sheet f o r p owd er co at ing
wat er
wat er prod uct io n No RER t ap wat er, at user 6.0 0E+00 kg Est imat e 1 2.3 9 (4,5,5,5,5,5,4 )
supp ly
contour, bronze, part 1
W ast e heat air unspecif ied Heat , wast e 6 .52E+00 MJ calculat io n 1 2 .56 (5,5,5,5,5,5,13 )
NM V OC, non-met hane vo lat ile
CO t o air air unspecif ied organic co mpo unds, 4.50 E-05 kg IPPC 20 01 1 2 .61 (4,5,5,5,5,5,3 1)
unspecif ied o rig in
wast e wat er 5.50E-0 3 m3 Est imat e
COD, Chemical Oxygen
COD wat er unspecif ied 7.90 E-05 kg Est imat e 1 2 .79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32 )
Same value as f o r ho t rolling of st eel B OD5, B iolo gical Oxyg en
B OD wat er unspecif ied 7.90 E-05 kg Est imat e 1 2 .79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32 )
assumed Demand
DOC, Dissolved Org anic
DOC wat er unspecif ied 2 .06 E-05 kg Est imat e 1 2 .79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32 )
Carb on
TOC wat er unspecif ied TOC, Tot al Org anic Carb on 2 .06 E-05 kg Est imat e 1 2 .79 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32 )
Fig. 4.5 Flows for “contour, bronze" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Cu wat er unspecif ied Cop per, ion 0.0 0E+00 kg IPPC 20 01 1 6 .45 (5,5,5,5,5,5,35)
Ni wat er unspecif ied Nickel, ion 0.0 0E+00 kg IPPC 20 01 1 6 .45 (5,5,5,5,5,5,35)
contour, bronze, part 2 Zn wat er unspecif ied Zinc, io n 0.0 0E+00 kg IPPC 20 01 1 6 .45 (5,5,5,5,5,5,35)
Cr Relat ion Cr / Cr V I as f o r wast e wat er unspecif ied Chro mium, ion 0.0 0E+00 kg IPPC 20 01 1 6 .45 (5,5,5,5,5,5,35)
Cr V I wat er f ro m pickling st eel wat er unspecif ied Chro mium V I 0.0 0E+00 kg IPPC 20 01 1 6 .45 (5,5,5,5,5,5,35)
Fig. 4.5 Flows for “contour, bronze" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
The hot-dip galvanising of steel involves the application of a zinc coating onto the surface of steel by a
process wherein the steel is immersed into molten zinc to apply the coating. The zinc reacts with the
steel to form the galvanised coatings. The time the steel is immersed in the zinc along with post-
galvanising treatment controls the coating thickness, appearance and other characteristics. Hot dip gal-
vanised coatings are applied to steel to improve the anti-corrosion performance of the steel to ensure
that it lasts as long as possible with a minimum of maintenance or to provide a decorative appearance.
Since zinc has to be heated to a temperature of approximately 455 °C or higher for the galvanising
process to be implemented correctly, the process is referred to as a “hot dip” process.
There are two common practices for applying zinc in hot-dip galvanising. One involves the application
of zinc onto steel sheet as it is passed as a continuous ribbon of steel through a bath of molten zinc at
high speeds. Hence, the term “continuous” hot-dip galvanising.
The other process involves the application of a zinc coating to the surface of steel parts after the parts
have been fabricated. This process is not a continuous process in that the parts are immersed as a dis-
crete “batch” into the zinc bath. Hence, the names “batch”, “after fabrication” and “general” galvanis-
ing are applied to this process (extracted from Pankert (1997) and internet 6,7 ).
- An entry-end welder to join the trailing edge of one coil to the leading edge of the succeeding coil,
- Heat treatment; annealing furnace to heat the steel to high temperatures to impart the desired me-
chanical properties (strength and formability) to the steel sheet,
http://www.galvinfo.com/GalvInfoNote%20PDF's/GalvInfo9.pdf, accessed 03.03.03
http://www.corp.indgalv.com.au/technical/pdf/zfile02.pdf, accessed 03.03.03
http://www.galvinfo.com/GalvInfoNote%20PDF's/ginote2.pdf, accessed 03.03.03
- Finishing treatment (cooling section, temper mill, tension leveller, surface treatment section and a
Continuous wire galvanising plants involve the following steps: pickling, fluxing, galvanising, finish-
ing. Wire is hot dip coated with zinc (galvanised) or tin. Zinc coating is mainly applied as corrosion
protection. Tin gives the wire a shine appearance and also provides a solder adhesive layer. As the
flows for the two processes are similar, in this study only the continuous galvanising lines for sheets
and trips were inventoried. A more detailed description of every single step is given below.
The infrastructure of continuous hot dip zinc coating comprises buildings where galvanising processes
take place and for storage, surroundings and machinery fore the single process steps. The assumed
lifetime for the infrastructure is 50 years. As no information is available, the infrastructure is approxi-
mated by the infrastructure for rolling.
The production of continuous hot dip coating lines in EU 15 was 15 Mt in 1997. The vast majority of
coated products, as shown in Fig. 5.1, were galvanised steel.
Fig. 5.1 Production share for different hot dip coatings IPPC (2001a)
- Drying.
Description is taken from (IPPC (2001a)) and the internet 9 .
- Sendzimir Furnace; this type of furnace is no longer used in modern coating lines, but some older
plants might still operate this horizontal continuous furnace,
- Direct flame furnace (D.F.F; non oxidizing type); this type of furnace cleans the coil surface and
does not require any prior degreasing of the metal, but air emissions are generated as the remain-
ing oil from the surface is burnt,
- Radiant Tube Furnace (R.T.F.); this furnace is a variation with indirect heating. The combustion
gases circulate through radiant tubes and do not get in contact with the strip. The annealing fur-
nace is combined with an alkaline degreasing equipment.
Fuels used are desulphured coke oven gas and (inventoried in this study) natural gas. Description is
taken from (IPPC (2001a)) and the internet 10 .
http://www.galvinfo.com/GalvInfoNote%20PDF's/ginote2.pdf, accessed 03.03.03
http://www.galvinfo.com/GalvInfoNote%20PDF's/ginote2.pdf, accessed 03.03.03
The bath temperature is therefore optimised to meet the individual quality requirements of the final
coated product.
In the coating bath, the strip passes around a submerged roll and then exits the bath in a vertical direc-
tion. At the exit point, a set of air or nitrogen knives (high pressure air jets) wipe off excess molten
metal leaving behind a closely controlled thickness of molten metal. The system is usually controlled
by an automatic gauge, which measures the thickness of the coating using X-ray measurement tech-
nology or a similar technique. Description is taken from (IPPC (2001a)) and the internet10.
- Oiling; applying a wet film coat with thickness between 0.25 - 3 g/m2/side,
- Passivation; a treatment with solvents containing chromic acids, applied by spraying or applicator-
rolls, with coat thickness of a few nanometer only,
- Mini or No Spangle Treatment; the strip is either cooled more rapidly or steam sprayed with a
chemical additive (usually phosphate based) or sprayed with zinc powder,
- For certain applications, an edge cutting must be done in order to obtain the width tolerance
needed and to avoid little dog bone defects.
The continuous strip is sheared at the weld that was made at the entry end of the line to remove the
weld as well as to maintain coil-to-coil identity. Description is taken from (IPPC (2001a)) and the in-
ternet 11 .
http://www.galvinfo.com/GalvInfoNote%20PDF's/GalvInfo9.pdf, accessed 03.03.03
Data quality
For values represented by the geometric mean, uncertainty is calculated assuming a lognormal distri-
bution and the high value given in (IPPC (2001a)) representing the 95% geometric standard deviation.
For the arithmetic means of ranges given in (IPPC (2001a)) and the values from (Frischknecht et al.
(1996)), the uncertainty is estimated by completing the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et
al. (2003)).
Source for
name in
hydrochloric acid, 30% Frischknecht et (1,n.A.,3,1,1,n.A
HCl-in chemicals inorganics No RER 3.40E-01 k g 1 1.11
in H2O, at plant al. 1996 .,4)
A ssumption: same amount per m2 product
A nticorrosive
surf ace as f or HCl-pickling in cold rolling sheet. chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant IPPC 2001 1 1.41 see text
zinc coating, coils, Pickling
1.77E-02 k g
Lubricating oil as proxy
Frischknecht et (2,n.A.,2,1,1,n.A
HCl to air air unspecif ied Hydrogen chloride 5.05E-02 k g 1 2
al. 1996 .,23)
A ssumption: same amount per m2 product
calculated from
surf ace as f or HCl-pickling in cold rolling sheet.
max value
The sludge can be aproximated by Fe(OH)3. The
Sludge cake soil unspecif ied Iron 9.94E-03 k g IPPC 2001 1 5.28 assuming
amount of Fe in Fe(OH)3 (=76.66%) is
inventoried. About tw o thirds are recycled -->
35% landf illed is inventoried
A ssumption: same amount per m2 product
disposal, used mineral
surf ace as f or HCl-pickling in cold rolling sheet. hazardous
Oil contamined w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
Only 22.8% w hich are landf illed are inventoried, w aste No CH 1.39E-06 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.56 (1,5,1,1,1,3,41)
w aste management hazardous w aste
the rest is recycled. Oil containig w astes are incineration
approximated w ith used mineral oil.
A ssumption: same amount per kg product as for
Strip head / tail
HCl-pickling in cold rolling sheet. Recycled --> not 4.69E-01 k g IPPC 2001 1
calculated from
sodium hydroxide, max value
zinc coating, coils, Degreasing
Detergents NaOH as proxy chemicals inorganics No RER 50% in H2O, 3.52E-03 k g IPPC 2001 1 2 assuming
production mix, at plant lognormal
Na as proxy (amount ref ers to Na in NaOH) air unspecif ied Sodium 4.49E-07 k g IPPC 2001 1 2.05 (1,5,1,1,1,3,23)
Na as proxy (amount ref ers to Na in NaOH) w ater unspecif ied Sodium, ion 4.04E-03 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.56 (1,5,1,1,1,3,33)
w ater
calculated from
disposal, used mineral
A ssumption: detergents not contained in the oily hazardous max value
w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
Oil sludge. Oil containing w astes are approximated w aste No CH 7.03E-04 k g IPPC 2001 1 2 assuming
management hazardous w aste
by used mineral oil disposal incineration lognormal
disposal, used mineral
Oil containing w astes are approximated by used w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
Oily sludge w aste No CH 2.81E-03 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.56 (1,5,1,1,1,3,41)
mineral oil disposal management hazardous w aste
Fe2O3, FeSO4 Ref erence contained no data n.a. IPPC 2001
Fig. 5.2 Flows for "zinc coating, coils" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Source for
name in
hydrogen, liquid, at
Hydrogen chemicals inorganics No RER 1.92E-03 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.83
zinc coating,
coils, Heat
Nitrogen chemicals inorganics No RER nitrogen, liquid, at plant 6.30E-01 k g IPPC 2001 1 2.48
6.79E-01 k g
, coils,
regional storage
Plate scrap recycled --> not inventoried 1.15E-01 k g IPPC 2001 1 4.9
Zn containing
recycled --> not inventoried 3.52E-02 k g IPPC 2001 1 2
Ref erence contained no data. A ssumption: Same
amount per m2 product surf ace as f or cold
Oil-in chemicals organics No RER lubricating oil, at plant 3.54E-02 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.22 (1,5,1,1,1,3,4)
rolling chromium steel sheet. Lubricating oil as
Now adays, the oily protection is mainly applied
Oil-out by electrostatic oily machines, w hich produce ne gligible IPPC 2001
negligible emission levels
inhibitors, partly Ref erence contained no data n.a. IPPC 2001
zinc coating, coils, Waste water
Ref erence contained no data n.a. IPPC 2001
treatment plant
sodium bromide
agents: Ref erence contained no data. A ssumption: Same
aluminium sulphate,
A luminium amount per kg product as f or steel f orming chemicals inorganics No RER 6.07E-05 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.22 (2,5,1,1,1,3,4)
pow der, at plant
sulphate, process. A luminium sulphate as proxy.
One part of the incoming cooling and process
w ater leaves the system as treated ef fluent; it is
assumed to be discharged in surface w ater -->
not inventoried. Infrastructure f or w aste w ater
Waste w ater 6.72E-03 m 3 IPPC 2001
treatment plant is comprised in the infrastructure
module. V alue f or energy use is comprised in the
range of uncertainty of inventoried overall
Fig. 5.2 Flows for "zinc coating, coils" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Suspended solids, calculated from
TSS w ater unspecif ied 5.33E-06 k g IPPC 2001 1 8.53
unspecif ied max value
Iron w ater unspecif ied Iron, ion 1.15E-05 kg IPPC 2001 1 8.17 assuming
zinc coating, coils, Waste water treatment plant Nickel w ater unspecif ied Nickel, ion 1.98E-07 kg IPPC 2001 1 3.16 lognormal
Zinc w ater unspecif ied Zinc, ion 1.56E-06 kg IPPC 2001 1 20 distribution
Lead w ater unspecif ied Lead 1.31E-07 kg IPPC 2001 1 5.06 (1,5,1,1,1,3,35)
Chromium w ater unspecif ied Chromium, ion 1.44E-06 kg IPPC 2001 1 2 calculated from
Cr6+ w ater unspecif ied Chromium V I 6.72E-08 kg IPPC 2001 1 2 max value
COD, Chemical Oxygen assuming
COD w ater unspecif ied 4.28E-04 k g IPPC 2001 1 5.48
Demand lognormal
BOD5, Biological calculated f rom
BOD w ater unspecif ied 4.28E-04 k g 1 11 Tw ice the
Oxygen Demand COD
uncertainty of
DOC, Dissolved calculated f rom
DOC w ater unspecif ied 1.99E-05 k g 1 13.4 COD
Organic Carbon TOC
calculated from
max value
TOC, Total Organic
TOC w ater unspecif ied 1.99E-05 k g IPPC 2001 1 6.69 assuming
Hydrocarbons w ater unspecif ied 1.16E-06 k g IPPC 2001 1 3.05 (1,5,1,1,1,3,34)
unspecif ied
Oil and f at w ater unspecif ied Oils, unspecif ied 6.94E-06 k g IPPC 2001 1 6.08
calculated from
Phosphorus w ater unspecif ied Phosphorus 1.17E-07 k g IPPC 2001 1 9.35
max value
Water Waste w ater treatment sludge f rom steel f orming disposal, sludge f rom
residual assuming
treatment processes is inventoried as proxy. 1.2 times the w aste steel rolling, 20%
material No CH 7.26E-03 k g IPPC 2001 1 3.87 lognormal
sludge (dry amount is inventoried to accuont f or the w ater management w ater, to residual
landfill distribution
material) content of the proxy material landf ill
Waste w ater treatment sludge f rom steel f orming disposal, sludge f rom
Chemical residual
processes is inventoried as proxy. 1.2 times the w aste steel rolling, 20%
treatment material No CH 2.25E-03 k g IPPC 2001 1 5.06 (1,5,1,1,1,3,35)
amount is inventoried to accuont f or the w ater management w ater, to residual
sludges landfill
content of the proxy material landf ill
Frischknecht et
Chloride w ater unspecif ied Chloride 3.13E-05 k g 1 1.56 (1,5,1,1,1,3,33)
al. 1996
Fig. 5.2 Flows for "zinc coating, coils" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Demineralised w ater, deionised, at
w ater supply production No CH 4.03E+00 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.55
Water plant
Process and Water, unspecified
resource in w ater Y es CH 1.18E-02 m 3 IPPC 2001 1 1.22 (1,5,1,1,1,3,12)
cooling w ater natural origin
Process and cooling w ater evaporated
Water (uncontamined --> not inventoried) or already 9.16E-03 m 3 IPPC 2001 1 1.22 (1,5,1,1,1,3,12)
included in the w aste disposal
natural gas, burned in
Natural gas natural gas No RER industrial furnace 1.84E+01 M J IPPC 2001 1 1.47
systems calculated from
max value
electricity, medium
production assuming
Electricity electricity No UCTE voltage, production 3.41E-01 k Wh IPPC 2001 1 1.78
mix lognormal
zinc coating, coils, Overall process
UCTE, at grid
heat, unspecif ic, in
Hot w ater chemicals organics No RER 4.64E-01 M J IPPC 2001 1 1.48
chemical plant
Frischknecht et (1,n.A.,3,1,1,n.A
Soda chemicals inorganics No RER soda, pow der, at plant 1.67E-03 k g 1 1.11
al. 1996 .,12)
Transport, transport Frischknecht et (4,5,n.a.,n.a.,n.a
road No RER transport, lorry 32t 1.52E-01 tk m 1 2.09
Lorry 32t systems al. 1996 .,n.a.,5)
Dross recycled n.a IPPC 2001
Particle size f rom mechanical process: Frischknecht et
Dust >10 air unspecif ied Particulates, > 10 um 5.70E-03 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,25)
assumption 50 % >10 um. al. 1996
Particle size f rom chemical process: assumption
Particulates, > 2.5 um, Frischknecht et
Dust 2.5-10 2.5-10 um. In addition 50 % of the mechanical air unspecif ied 1.71E-02 k g 1 2.05 (1,5,2,1,1,3,26)
and < 10um al. 1996
Frischknecht et
NH3 air unspecif ied Ammonia 1.09E-01 k g 1 2.05 (1,5,2,1,1,3,23)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
As air unspecif ied Arsenic 3.71E-09 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Cd air unspecif ied Cadmium 2.56E-08 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Pb air unspecif ied Lead 6.63E-08 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Zn air unspecif ied Zinc 1.31E-05 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Fe air unspecif ied Iron 2.73E-05 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
10% of rolling mill f or steel f orming per kg output
Inf rastructure metals processing Y es RER rolling mill 2.54E-12 unit estimation 1 3.07 (4,4,1,3,1,4,9)
as rough approximation
Heat w aste air unspecif ied Heat, w aste 1.23E+00 M J IPPC 2001 1 1.22 (1,5,1,1,1,3,13)
Zinc coating of
metals processing No RER zinc coating, coils 1.00E+00 m 2
Fig. 5.2 Flows for "zinc coating, coils" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
- Fluxing – applying a flux coating to reduce surface oxide and allow for the growth of a zinc-iron
intermetallic layer necessary for proper galvanising,
- Galvanising – dipping parts in the kettle containing molten zinc and lead.
http://www.oit.doe.gov/nice3/factsheets/ferrotech.pdf, accessed 03.03.03
Concentration, bath temperature and immersion time of the work-pieces determine the efficiency of
the degreasing baths. The normal temperature range for indirectly heated degreasing baths is 30 –
70 °C, although in some cases hot degreasing is applied at a temperature of about 85 °C. The baths
consists of a sodium-hydroxide solution (1 - 10 %) plus other alkaline reagents, such as soda, sodium
silicate, condensed alkaline phosphates and borax, and specific surfactants, emulsifying agents and
dispersion agents. After degreasing, rinsing is necessary to prevent carry-over of degreasing agents
which would shorten the life of pickling baths and reduce the re-usability of the bath.
An alternative method is acidic degreasing; but it is not considered in this study.
Description is taken from (IPPC (2001a)) and the internet 13 .
http://www.galvinfo.com/GalvInfoNote%20PDF's/GalvInfo9.pdf, accessed 03.03.03
http://www.galvinfo.com/GalvInfoNote%20PDF's/GalvInfo9.pdf, accessed 03.03.03
http://www.galvinfo.com/GalvInfoNote%20PDF's/GalvInfo9.pdf, accessed 03.03.03
immersion time provides a thicker alloy layer (in Frischknecht et al. (1996), values of 65 m for both-
sided and of 130 m for one-sided coating are given), a thicker alloy bond layer is often desired to
provide a longer life to the final product, that is, a longer life before the onset of rust. Like the zinc it-
self, the alloy layer is galvanically protective to the steel part; thus, a thicker alloy layer means longer
life. Yes, the alloy layer is hard and brittle, but since the part is already fabricated, there is no need for
additional forming.
The molten zinc has a temperature of 440 – 475 °C. Kettle dimensions vary greatly; typical dimen-
sions are 7 m long by 1.4 m wide by 2.6 m deep. The kettle is normally heated externally, commonly
by gas or oil-fired burners.
The zinc bath usually also contains very small amounts of other metals, which either are impurities of
the zinc input or are added as alloying elements. A typical bath composition is: Zinc 98.9 wt-%, lead
1.0 wt-%, iron 0.03 wt-%, aluminium 0.002 wt-%, cadmium 0.02 wt-%, traces of other metals (e.g. tin,
copper). Aluminium and lead are added because of their influence on the thickness and the appearance
of the coating (lead causes the formation of the typical, attractive large spangled surface, which
through the years was “the way to identify galvanised coatings”). Lead helps to wet the steel before
galvanising and the zinc to flow from the surface after galvanising. In some instances today, bismuth
is being substituted for lead to achieve free drainage of the excess zinc. Lead can also be used to pro-
tect the kettle. The thickness of the kettle's steel walls is measured on a regular basis to prevent break-
ing. A small number of plants carry out 'high temperature galvanising' using refractory lined vessels,
which allow the zinc bath to be operated at higher temperatures, usually about 530 °C. Description is
taken from (IPPC (2001a)) and the internet 16
5.2.5 Finishing
The steel parts are withdrawn from the zinc bath; excessive zinc is removed by wiping or, in some
cases, by rattling. They are then cooled and inspected. Small surface imperfections are repaired and
the parts are removed from the jigs and made ready for dispatch. After hot dip coating some steel
products are quenched in water to give them special properties. As protection against white rust, the
products may be covered with oil emulsions or may be chromated. Other details of variations of this
process step for pipes and small components are also reported in (IPPC (2001a)).
5.2.6 Environmental issues of the batch process for zinc coating of steel
The main environmental issues for batch galvanising are emissions to air (HCl from pickling, and dust
and gaseous compounds from the kettle); spent process solutions (degreasing solutions, pickling baths
and flux baths), oily wastes (e.g. from cleaning of degreasing baths) and zinc-containing residues (fil-
ter dust, zinc ash, hard zinc), (IPPC (2001a)).
As wastewater is treated in the factory, post treatment wastewater composition and ancillary products
for the water treatment as given in IPPC (2001a) are used to calculate the expenditures and the water
emissions of the water treatment process.
http://www.galvinfo.com/GalvInfoNote%20PDF's/GalvInfo9.pdf, accessed 03.03.03
(Frischknecht et al. (1996)) are already mean values and do not have any information about minima
and maxima or distribution.
The background information to the process "zinc coating, pieces" is given in Tab. 5.2, flows are shown
in Fig. 5.3
Data quality
For values represented by the geometric mean, uncertainty is calculated assuming a lognormal distri-
bution and the high value given in (IPPC (2001a)) representing the 95% geometric standard deviation.
For the arithmetic means of ranges given in (IPPC (2001a)) and the values from (Frischknecht et al.
(1996)), the uncertainty is estimated by completing the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et
al. (2003)).
Source for
name in
sodium hydroxide,
Degreasing solution of 10 % needed, --> 1/5 of 50% solution
chemicals inorganics No RER 50% in H2O, 6.33E-03 k g IPPC 2001 1 2
agent is inventoried
production mix, at plant
zinc coating, pieces, Degreasing
Water, unspecif ied
Water_ resource in w ater 1.67E-04 m 3 IPPC 2001 1 2
natural origin
Assumption: each energy carrier is used f rom heating heat, light fuel oil, at
Oil_ oil No RER 3.35E-01 M J IPPC 2001 1 2 calculated f rom
the same number of plants systems industrial f urnace 1MW
max value
natural gas, burned in assuming
Natural gas natural gas No RER industrial f urnace 3.35E-01 M J IPPC 2001 1 2 lognormal
>100kW distribution
electricity, medium
Electricity electricity No UCTE voltage, production 9.29E-02 k Wh IPPC 2001 1 2
UCTE, at grid
heat, unspecific, in
w aste heat chemicals organics No RER 3.35E-01 M J IPPC 2001 1 2
chemical plant
Liquor and Including discarded degreasing bath. Recycled --
4.50E-02 k g IPPC 2001 1 2
sludge > not inventoried
disposal, used mineral
w aste oil, 10% w ater, to
Oily sludge_ disposed w aste No CH 2.67E-03 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.56 (1,5,1,1,1,3,41)
management hazardous w aste
Hydrochloric hydrochloric acid, 30%
chemicals inorganics No RER 3.20E-01 k g IPPC 2001 1 2.09
acid (30%) in H2O, at plant
chemicals organic, at
zinc coating, pieces, Pickling
Fig. 5.3 Flows for "zinc coating, pieces" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Source for
name in
A ssumption: same amount of w aste gas per kg
of product as f or HCl-pickling in cold sheet rolling air unspecif ied Hydrogen chloride 1.18E-06 k g IPPC 2001 1 7.07
pieces, Pickling
zinc coating, of steel
A ssumption: same amount of w aste gas per kg
calculated from
max value
of product as f or HCl-pickling in cold sheet rolling Particulates, > 2.5 um, assuming
Dust air unspecif ied 5.00E-05 k g IPPC 2001 1 2
of steel. Assumption: particle f rom chemical and < 10um lognormal
process are betw een 2.5 and 10 um distribution
Waste acid and
assumed as recycled --> not inventoried 3.33E-01 l IPPC 2001 1 2
Discarded Ref erence contained no data about composition
n.a. IPPC 2001
pickle liquor and amount of discarded pickling liquor.
Hydrochloric hydrochloric acid, 30%
chemicals inorganics No RER 5.00E-02 k g IPPC 2001 1 2
Water, unspecified
Water resource in w ater 5.83E-05 m 3 IPPC 2001 1 2
natural origin calculated from
Spent strip max value
assumed as recycled --> not inventoried 2.24E-02 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.12
liquor assuming
Flux agent chemicals inorganic, at
Inorganic chemicals as proxy chemicals inorganics No GLO 2.50E-02 k g IPPC 2001 1 2 distribution
zinc coating, pieces,
Water, unspecified
Water resource in w ater 1.67E-04 m 3 IPPC 2001 1 2
natural origin
Fig. 5.3 Flows for "zinc coating, pieces" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Water, unspecified
Water Inventoried f or the overall process resource in w ater 1.67E-04 m 3 IPPC 2001 1 2
natural origin
V alues f rom the tw o references are almost the zinc for coating, at
Zinc metals extraction No RER 1.05E+00 k g IPPC 2001 1 3.16
same regional storage
Recovered zinc recycling --> not inventoried 1.25E-01 k g IPPC 2001 1 2
A ssumption: 49% of the plants is using f uel as heating heat, light f uel oil, at
Oil oil No RER 1.25E+01 M J IPPC 2001 1 2.36
energy carrier for heating up the zinc bath systems industrial furnace 1MW
calculated from
A ssumption: 49% of the plants is using natural natural gas, burned in
heating max value
Natural gas gas as energy carrier f or heating up the zinc natural gas No RER industrial furnace 1.25E+01 M J IPPC 2001 1 2.36
systems assuming
bath >100kW
electricity, medium
A ssumption: 2% of the plants is using electricity production distribution
Electricity electricity No UCTE voltage, production 1.41E-01 k Wh IPPC 2001 1 2.36
zinc coating, pieces, Rinsing
disposal, dust,
w aste unalloyed EA F steel,
Filter dust Dust f rom low -alloied EAF-steel as proxy material No CH 2.45E-01 k g IPPC 2001 1 2.45
management 15.4% w ater, to
residual material landf ill
Fig. 5.3 Flows for "zinc coating, pieces" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
Ref erence contained no data. A ssumption: Same
Flocculating aluminium sulphate,
amount per kg product as f or coil coating. chemicals inorganics No RER 1.51E-05 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.22 (2,5,1,1,1,3,4)
agents pow der, at plant
A luminium sulphate as proxy.
One part of the incoming cooling and process
w ater leaves the system as treated ef fluent; it is
zinc coating, pieces, Waste water treatment plant
assumed to be discharged in surface w ater -->
not inventoried. Infrastructure f or w aste w ater
treatment plant is comprised in the infrastructure
Waste w ater 1.67E-03 m 3 IPPC 2001 1 1.22 (2,5,1,1,1,3,4)
module. V alue f or energy use is comprised in the
range of uncertainty of inventoried overall
energy. A ssumption: ratio betw een treated and
untreated w ater is the same as f or coil coating
A ssumption: same amount per m3 treated w ater, Suspended solids,
TSS w ater unspecif ied 3.74E-06 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.57 (2,5,1,1,1,3,32)
as f or coil coating process unspecif ied
Iron w ater unspecif ied Iron, ion 4.10E-07 kg IPPC 2001 1 5.06 (2,5,1,1,1,3,35)
Nickel w ater unspecif ied Nickel, ion 1.67E-08 kg IPPC 2001 1 5.06 (2,5,1,1,1,3,35)
Zinc w ater unspecif ied Zinc, ion 2.63E-07 kg IPPC 2001 1 5.06 (2,5,1,1,1,3,35)
Lead w ater unspecif ied Lead 2.51E-08 kg IPPC 2001 1 5.06 (2,5,1,1,1,3,35)
Chromium w ater unspecif ied Chromium, ion 1.10E-07 kg IPPC 2001 1 5.06 (2,5,1,1,1,3,35)
Cr6+ w ater unspecif ied Chromium V I 1.67E-08 kg IPPC 2001 1 5.06 (2,5,1,1,1,3,35)
COD, Chemical Oxygen
COD w ater unspecif ied 2.20E-04 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.57 (2,5,1,1,1,3,32)
BOD5, Biological
BOD w ater unspecif ied 2.20E-04 k g IPPC 2001 1 2.5 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32)
Oxygen Demand
DOC, Dissolved
DOC w ater unspecif ied 4.95E-06 k g IPPC 2001 1 2.45 (5,5,5,5,5,5,32)
Organic Carbon
TOC, Total Organic
TOC w ater unspecif ied 4.95E-06 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.57 (2,5,1,1,1,3,32)
Hydrocarbons w ater unspecif ied 1.98E-06 k g IPPC 2001 1 3.05 (2,5,1,1,1,3,34)
unspecif ied
Oil and f at w ater unspecif ied Oils, unspecif ied 1.73E-06 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.57 (2,5,1,1,1,3,32)
Phosphorus w ater unspecif ied Phosphorus 1.50E-06 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.57 (2,5,1,1,1,3,33)
Water Waste w ater treatment sludge f rom steel f orming disposal, sludge f rom
treatment processes is inventoried as proxy. Assumption: w aste steel rolling, 20%
material No CH 1.51E-03 k g IPPC 2001 1 1.22 (2,5,1,1,1,3,6)
sludge (dry same amount per m3 treated w ater, as f or coil management w ater, to residual
material) coating process. material landf ill
Fig. 5.3 Flows for "zinc coating, pieces" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Source for
name in
transport Frischknecht et (4,5,n.a.,n.a.,n.a
Lorry 32t road No RER transport, lorry 32t 1.34E-01 tk m 1 2.09
systems al. 1996 .,n.a.,5)
Frischknecht et
Soda zinc coating, pieces, chemicals inorganics No RER soda, pow der, at plant 1.67E-03 k g
al. 1996
1 2.05 (1,5,2,1,1,3,5)
A mmonia
Overall process chemicals inorganics No RER
ammonia, liquid, at
5.10E-04 k g
Frischknecht et
1 1.22 (1,5,2,1,1,3,4)
regional storehouse al. 1996
Water w ater, deionised, at Frischknecht et
w ater supply production No CH 3.33E+00 k g 1 1.23 (2,5,2,1,1,3,12)
(sof tened) plant al. 1996
Process and cooling w ater evaporated
(uncontamined --> not inventoried) or already
Frischknecht et
Water included in the w aste disposal. Assumption: ratio 2.51E-03 m 3 1 1.23 (2,5,2,1,1,3,12)
al. 1996
betw een treated and untreated w ater is the
same as f or coil coating process.
10% of rolling mill f or steel f orming per kg output
Inf rastructure metals processing Y es RER rolling mill 2.71E-12 unit estimation 1 3.15 (4,5,1,3,3,4,9)
as rough approximation
Heat w aste air unspecif ied Heat, w aste 1.26E-01 M J IPPC 2001 1 1.22 (1,5,1,1,1,3,13)
Particle size f rom mechanical process: Frischknecht et
Dust>10 air unspecif ied Particulates, > 10 um 2.58E-05 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,25)
assumption 50 % >10 um. al. 1996
Particle size f rom chemical process: assumption
Particulates, > 2.5 um, Frischknecht et
Dust 2.5-10 2.5-10 um. In addition 50 % of the mechanical air unspecif ied 7.73E-05 k g 1 2.05 (1,5,2,1,1,3,26)
and < 10um al. 1996
zinc coating, pieces, Overall process
Frischknecht et
HCl air unspecif ied Hydrogen chloride 2.04E-04 k g 1 2.05 (1,5,2,1,1,3,23)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
NH3 air unspecif ied Ammonia 7.27E-04 k g 1 2.05 (1,5,2,1,1,3,23)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
As air unspecif ied Arsenic 3.16E-09 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Cd air unspecif ied Cadmium 2.18E-08 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Pb air unspecif ied Lead 5.67E-08 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Zn air unspecif ied Zinc 1.12E-05 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Fe air unspecif ied Iron 2.33E-05 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Chloride w ater unspecif ied Chloride 3.13E-05 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Ion Zinc w ater unspecif ied Zinc, ion 3.13E-05 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Ion Iron w ater unspecif ied Iron, ion 9.38E-05 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
coating of
metals processing No RER zinc coating, pieces 1.00E+00 m 2
Fig. 5.3 Flows for "zinc coating, pieces" and their representation in the ecoinvent database (cont.)
Data quality
The uncertainty is estimated by completing the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al.
(2003)). A lognormal distribution is assumed.
Tab. 5.3 Ecoinvent meta information for "zinc coating, pieces, adjustment per um"
Source for
name in
transport Frischknecht et (4,5,n.a.,n.a.,n.a
Lorry road No RER transport, lorry 32t 1.50E-03 tk m 1 2.09
zinc coating, pieces, systems al. 1996 .,n.a.,5)
adjustment per um
zinc for coating, at Frischknecht et
Zinc metals extraction No RER 1.54E-02 k g 1 1.22 (1,5,2,1,1,3,12)
regional storage al. 1996
Frischknecht et
As air unspecif ied Arsenic 4.86E-11 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Cd air unspecif ied Cadmium 3.35E-10 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Pb air unspecif ied Lead 8.72E-10 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
Frischknecht et
Zn air unspecif ied Zinc 1.72E-07 k g 1 1.57 (1,5,2,1,1,3,31)
al. 1996
zinc coating, pieces,
Coated product metals processing No RER 1.00E+00 m 2
adjustment per um
Fig. 5.4 Flows for "zinc coating, pieces, adjustment per m" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
6 Welding
Author: Hans.Jörg Althaus, EMPA Dübendorf
Review: Roland Hischier
The autogenic torch is simple, lightweight, and cheap. It is much used for repairs and for simple jobs
in the workshop. The gas supply consists simply of oxygen and acetylene bottles with tubing to con-
vey these gases to the welding area. The main uses of autogenic torches are for welding pipelines in
chemical plant construction, general industrial plants, shipbuilding, and heating plants, where its value
depends more on the manual skill of the welder than on high melting rates.
Acetylene is used exclusively as the fuel gas in gas welding, as of all the hydrocarbons it has the high-
est heat of formation per unit mass, and gives the highest combustion temperature (Fig. 6.2), combus-
tion rate, and hence heat flux and heat transfer from the flame to the workpiece. This is especially use-
ful for the rapid heating of small surfaces. To prevent scaling and decarburization of the workpiece,
the acetylene flame is adjusted to a neutral state, i.e., with no excess of either oxygen or fuel gas (vol-
ume ratio of oxygen to acetylene ca. 1.05). The rest of the oxygen required by the stoichiometry is
provided by the surrounding air.
Fig. 6.2 Temperature profile along the flame axis when burning acetylene and propane Brandt & Weiler (1997).
As autogenic welding is done manually with no or very little infrastructure- and material demand for
the machinery, those inputs are neglected in this study.
The transports of the steel feed and gas is inventoried according to the quality guidelines (see
Frischknecht et al. (2003))
The background information to the process "welding, gas, steel" is given in Tab. 6.1, flows are shown
in Fig. 6.3.
Data quality
The uncertainty is estimated by completing the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al.
(2003)). A lognormal distribution is assumed.
Source for
name in
steel, low -alloyed, at
Steel metals extraction No RER 5.36E-02 k g calculated 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,1,5,4)
A rgon chemicals inorganics No RER argon, liquid, at plant 2.37E-02 k g calculated 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,1,5,4)
carbon dioxide liquid,
Carbon dioxide chemicals inorganics No RER 4.11E-03 k g calculated 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,1,5,4)
at plant
Oxygen chemicals inorganics No RER oxygen, liquid, at plant 9.15E-04 k g calculated 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,1,5,4)
calculated f rom
electricity, medium personal
Electricity electricity No UCTE voltage, production 2.75E-02 k Wh communication, 1 1.32 (3,5,1,3,1,5,2)
UCTE, at grid Tenconi SA ,
steel 600 km, gases 100 km. Gases tw ice the transport (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.
transport rail train No RER transport, f reight, rail 6.66E-02 tk m estimated 1 2.09
welding, arc, steel
w eight f or the bottles systems A .,n.A .,5)
steel and gases 50 km. Gases tw ice the w eight transport (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.
transport lorry road No RER transport, lorry 32t 5.55E-03 tk m estimated 1 2.09
f or the bottles systems A .,n.A .,5)
construction electronics for control
Inf rastructure pow er transistor buildings No RER 1.00E-05 k g estimated 1 3.59 (5,5,5,3,3,5,9)
processes units
Cr (II, III) air unspecif ied Chromium 2.81E-05 kg Künniger 1998 1 5.42 (1,5,5,3,3,5,22)
Cr (V I) air unspecif ied Chromium V I 3.00E-08 kg Künniger 1998 1 5.42 (1,5,5,3,3,5,22)
Cu air unspecif ied Copper 2.10E-07 kg Künniger 1998 1 1.92 (1,5,5,3,3,5,31)
Fe air unspecif ied Iron 8.74E-05 kg Künniger 1998 1 1.92 (1,5,5,3,3,5,31)
Mn air unspecif ied Manganese 1.13E-05 kg Künniger 1998 1 5.42 (1,5,5,3,3,5,22)
Mo air unspecif ied Molybdenum 2.16E-06 kg Künniger 1998 1 5.42 (1,5,5,3,3,5,22)
Ni air unspecif ied Nickel 1.13E-05 kg Künniger 1998 1 5.42 (1,5,5,3,3,5,22)
Zn air unspecif ied Zinc 4.20E-07 kg Künniger 1998 1 5.42 (1,5,5,3,3,5,22)
sum of oxides of the metal emissions and the
partikel <2.5 air unspecif ied Particulates, < 2.5 um 1.41E-04 k g calculated 1 3.41 (4,5,5,3,3,5,20)
f luoride above
Carbon monoxide,
CO air unspecif ied 6.67E-05 k g Künniger 1998 1 5.42 (1,5,5,3,3,5,17)
NOx air unspecif ied Nitrogen oxides 2.00E-06 k g Künniger 1998 1 1.92 (1,5,5,3,3,5,16)
O3 air unspecif ied Ozone 9.06E-06 k g Künniger 1998 1 1.92 (1,5,5,3,3,5,31)
Waste Heat air unspecif ied Heat, w aste 9.90E-02 M J calculated 1 1.32 (3,5,1,3,1,5,13)
MA G w elding metals processing No RER w elding, arc, steel 1.00E+00 m
Fig. 6.3 Flows for "welding, gas, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
- It compensates for the loss of alloying elements from the cored wire and the parent metal
- It can introduce seed nuclei into the weld pool and hence grain refine the weld metal
- It can alloy with the material of the welded joint and hence modify its chemical composition
Cored wire is usually used to achieve a composition that matches that of the alloy being welded as
closely as possible. The special requirements of manual electrodes are met with the aid of the coating
used. The coatings on manual welding electrodes have compositions similar to those of submerged arc
welding powders, and usually contain silicon, manganese, calcium, titanium, magnesium, aluminum,
potassium, and sodium, as, well as gas formers such as cellulose for certain applications.
Two important types of steel electrode are:
- The rutile (titanium dioxide) type with a high proportion of titanium dioxide in the coating, with
which simple manual welding tasks can be quickly carried out
- The basic lime (calcium carbonate) type with a high proportion of calcium carbonate in the coat-
ing, which can produce welds with the best quality characteristics, especially toughness
High-performance electrodes have coatings containing a high proportion of metal in powder form.
These give a higher melting rate than normal electrodes for the same electricity consumption.
Plasma Welding
With the plasma arc, the gas rate is usually much higher than with the TIG arc. Also, the temperature
of the arc is increased by a factor of 2–4 and the energy density by a factor of ca. 10. This is achieved
by greatly constricting a TIG arc together with the protective gas stream surrounding it with the aid of
a water-cooled copper nozzle, forcing the entire gas stream to pass through the arc.
In plasma welding, the plasma jet is always surrounded by a protective gas layer. As the plasma jet
usually penetrates into the sheet, the result is a key-lock effect similar to that produced by autogenic
rightward welding. There is an upper limit to the weldable sheet thickness, but the welding speed is
significantly higher than in other arc welding processes. The amount of heat applied per unit length of
weld is small.
A very wide range of power outputs can be used in plasma welding, and the process can therefore be
used for sheet thicknesses in the approximate range 0.01–10 mm. So-called microplasma welding is a
low-power process using an "untransferred" arc, i.e., between the tungsten electrode and the nozzle
wall. In the medium to higher power range, the plasma welding arc is "transferred," i.e., it is between
the tungsten electrode and the workpiece. The usual plasma gases are argon and hydrogen.
Plasma welding is also used for resurfacing metal, which can be plated over large areas to a thickness
of ca. 2–8 mm. It is mainly used in the construction of chemical equipment. There are two variations:
plasma welding of powder coatings and plasma welding of wire.
In plasma welding of powder coatings, the powder is fed from a holding vessel to the plasma stream,
where it melts. In the hot wire process, two wires are fed in parallel to the welding zone. Electric cur-
rent from an auxiliary source is passed through the wires, heating them (because of their ohmic resis-
tance) to a temperature just below their melting point close to the welding zone. The plasma burner
oscillates and can therefore apply metal to a wide fusion zone.
Metal Inert Gas (MIG) and Metal Active Gas (MAG) Welding
In MIG and MAG welding, high-power processes, the arc is produced between a wire electrode, fed
from a coil, and the workpiece. This method of supplying the electric current gives a high electrode
current density (ca. 100 A/mm2) and hence a high melting rate.
The wire electrode is fed to the electric arc by a motor whose speed can be varied according to the
wire diameter and electric current. The current to the welding wire is fed through a tubular contact in
the "welding pistol" close to the arc. Only direct current is used in the MIG and MAG process, the
electrode usually being the positive pole. The metal is then transferred as small droplets and penetra-
tion is deep. If the electrode is negative, larger drops of metal are transferred and there is less penetra-
The difference between MIG and MAG lies in the gas used:
The metal inert gas (MIG) process uses an inactive, i.e., noble gas shield
In the metal active gas (MAG) process the protective gas is active, e.g., carbon dioxide or mixtures
or argon with carbon dioxide and/or oxygen is used
The MIG process, with argon (or sometimes helium) as the protective gas, can be used to weld work-
pieces of thickness >3 mm made of non-ferrous metals and alloy steels. With pulsed direct current of
variable magnitude and pulse frequency, the transfer of droplets can be controlled. In this pulsed arc or
pulsed MIG process, each pulse of current causes a droplet of metal that has been melted in the back-
ground current phase to be thrown off. The droplet size and frequency can be influenced by the type of
pulse used. The pulsed MIG process is very suitable for welding in difficult situations.
The MAG process is mainly used for welding plain carbon and low-alloy steels. As the protective gas
has an oxidising effect, the filler metal must contain a high proportion of deoxidising components
(e.g., manganese, silicon, aluminium). The metallurgical reaction that takes place gives increased nu-
cleation and hence grain-refined weld metal.
small amount of powder is consumed by the welding process, and the unused powder is sucked away
and reused. The powder blanket essentially performs the same function as the coating on manual elec-
trodes. The welding speed is high, and in equipment with several filler wires the melting capacity is
also high. The process can be used only in situations where the sheet metal is not steeply sloped.
- Two wires, which have been subjected to plastic deformation to give a predetermined internal
stress, are guided into the two corners of the welding gap, giving a defect-free root position
- In the second system, a wire preformed to a waved shape so that it alternately fills each corner of
the region to be welded inside the narrow gap performs this function.
Narrow gap welding can also be carried out by the submerged technique. While gas-shielded narrow
gap welding can be used for gap widths of ca. 10 mm, the gap must be wider for submerged welding.
Data quality
The uncertainty is estimated by completing the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al.
(2003)). A lognormal distribution is assumed.
personal communication, G. Willhelm, EMPA Dübendorf, 08.05.03
Source for
name in
steel, low -alloyed, at
Steel metals extraction No RER 5.36E-02 k g calculated 1 1.38 (4,5,1,1,1,5,4)
acetylene, at regional estimated /
acetylen chemicals organics No CH 9.76E-03 k g 1 1.68 (4,5,1,1,4,5,1)
storehouse calculated
oxygen chemicals inorganics No RER oxygen, liquid, at plant 1.14E-02 k g calculated 1 1.68 (4,5,1,1,4,5,4)
steel 600 km, acetylene 600 km, oxygen 100 km. transport (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.
transport rail train No RER transport, f reight, rail 4.62E-02 tk m estimated 1 2.09
Gases tw ice the w eight f or the bottles systems A .,n.A .,5)
steel, acetylene and oxygen 50 km. Gases tw ice transport (4,5,n.A .,n.A .,n.
transport lorry road No RER transport, lorry 32t 4.80E-03 tk m estimated 1 2.09
the w eight f or the bottles systems A .,n.A .,5)
welding, gas, steel
Fig. 6.4 Flows for "welding, arc, steel" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
Data quality
The uncertainty is estimated by completing the pedigree matrix, according to (Frischknecht et al.
(2003)). A lognormal distribution is assumed. The data are based on rough estimations and of poor
overall quality.
http:/www.brazing.com/techguide/procedures/aluminium.asp, accessed 17.03.03
Source for
name in
aluminium, production
A luminium metals extraction No RER 1.65E-02 k g estimate 1 1.93 (5,5,5,3,3,5,3)
mix, at plant
aluminium, production
Silizium metals extraction No RER 1.83E-03 k g estimate 1 1.93 (5,5,5,3,3,5,3)
mix, at plant
argon, crude, liquid, at
Helium chemicals inorganics No RER 3.57E-03 k g estimate 1 1.93 (5,5,5,3,3,5,3)
electricity, medium
UCTE voltage, production
welding, arc, aluminium
Fig. 6.5 Flows for "welding, arc, aluminium" and their representation in the ecoinvent database
7 Enamelling
Author: Niels Jungbluth, ESU-services, Uster
Review: Mischa Classen, Hans-Jörg Althaus, Rolf Frischknecht
We thank Gabriela Lowitz for the information provided in a personal communication.
Enamel is a glass of a particular chemical composition and physical nature determined for the surface
protection of metal. The major interest for the enamelling process in this database is the application for
hot water boilers. The inventory has been elaborated for the European situation. The basic inventory is
split up into the major process stages degreasing, corroding, cleaning and firing as well as an inventory
for the materials used for enamelling. The life cycle inventory is based on the data investigated in a
study for the new single layer enamelling process. General assumptions are used for transport dis-
tances. The inventory of enamelling can be considered as a basis for the assessment of this process in
connection with technical applications.
7.1 Introduction
Enamel is a glass of a particular chemical composition and physical nature determined for the surface
protection of metal. This results in a composite material of glass and metal, which combines positive
qualities of both materials. The process of firing this glass on metal is called enamelling and thus the
object, which has had its surface protected and improved, is referred to as enamelled (Wendel-Email
(2002)). Some of the early vitreous enamelled relics date back to the 13th Century BC (IVE (2002)).
The word enamel comes from the High German word “smelzan” and later from the Old French “es-
mail”. In American English it is referred to as Porcelain Enamel. It should not be confused with paint,
which is sometimes called ‘enamel’. Paints cannot be enamel. They do not have the hardness, heat re-
sistance and colour stability that is only available with real vitreous enamel (IVE (2002)).
cookers will use it on the outer parts. A cast iron or steel bath may also have been vitreous enamelled.
Less obvious are the storage silos on farms, usually blue or green (IVE (2002)).
Enamel is become more used as a protective coating for hot water tanks, like solar boilers and water
heaters, since the availability of appropriate powder application equipment for such products (Ditmer
Due to its mechanical, thermal, optical and chemical properties, enamel offers a good surface protec-
tion for any enamelable metal. Not only can metals be protected against corrosion by being enamelled,
but they can also be made more interesting by the use of colour (Wendel-Email (2002)). Vitreous
enamel can be applied to most metals. For jewellery and decorative items it is often applied to gold,
silver, copper and bronze. For the more common uses, it is applied to steel or cast iron. There are some
specialised uses on stainless steel and aluminium (IVE (2002)).
Fig. 7.1 Layout of a powder enamelling plant for hot water tanks (Ditmer (2002)).
The boilers are loaded onto a conveyor near the testing station after the welding department and then
they are transported to the shot blaster. They remain stationary in front of the sliding doors until this
machine is ready for operation. The doors will open automatically at the end of each cycle and the
boilers will move to the blasting positions where they are clamped into a centring device. During the
first stage the boilers will be centred and rotated, while a rigid multi nozzle lance enters the product to
blast the interior. Remaining shot medium will be washed away by means of compressed air during the
next stage. At the end of this cycle boilers will be moved to the automatic powder application system,
which also comprises of two stages (Ditmer (2002)).
At the first stage the boilers will be centred while the interior is sprayed with powder enamel by means
of extended automatic guns mounted on a PLC controlled reciprocator. At the second stage, the spray-
ing operation will be repeated in order to obtain the required enamel layer thickness. An automatic
transfer unit picks the boilers one-by-one from the pre-treatment / application conveyor and places
them carefully on the furnace conveyor (Ditmer (2002)). Fig. 7.2 shows a picture of an enamelling
plant for hot water tanks.
Fig. 7.2 Picture of an enamelling plant for hot water tanks (Ditmer (2002)).
The basic inventory is split up into the major process stages degreasing, corroding, nickel-plating,
cleaning and firing as well as an inventory for the materials used for enamelling. According to the in-
formation provided by an expert 19 is the process of nickel-plating not used for the enamelling of boil-
ers (which are the major product of interest). It has thus not been considered for the inventory.
Gas, oil and electricity are used as energy carriers by different manufacturers, but the share of these
energy carriers in today plants was not known. Lowitz (1998) assumed that all energy is delivered by
electricity which was at this time the dominating energy used. The energy for the pre-treatment proc-
esses was not split up to the different stages. For some special chemicals there are no background data
available. Their use has been assessed with the generic data for organic or inorganic chemicals. Trans-
ports of materials are calculated with the standard transport distances. Data for some process specific
emissions are also shown in the study of Lowitz (1998). They are considered for the unit process raw
Data for the infrastructure and land use of such facilities were not available. They have been roughly
assumed with data for a metal coating plant. More Information about threshold limits for effluents and
air emissions in Germany can be found in dev (1999). But, it was not possible to relate these informa-
tion to the functional unit investigated in this inventory. Further background information for the enam-
elling process is given by Petzold (Petzold & Pöschmann (1992)).
Personal communication with E. Voß, Wendel-Email, 14.6.2002. Corroding or sandblasting are used as pre-treatment proc-
Tab. 7.1 Unit process raw data and data quality indicators for the enamelling process (Lowitz (1998)
Name Unit enamelling GeneralComment degreasing corroding (not cleaning firing
InfrastructureProcess 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unit m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2
output enamelling RER 0 m2 1.00E+0
(3,4,2,3,3,5); Other energy carriers
technosphere electricity, medium voltage, production UCTE, at grid UCTE 0 kWh 1.44E+1 1 1.35 possible. Some manufacturers use 2.57E+0 2.57E+0 2.57E+0 2.57E+0 1.17E+0 5.56E+0
also gas or oil.
aluminium oxide, at plant RER 0 kg 4.60E-2 1 1.26 (3,4,2,3,1,5); Literature 4.60E-2
Borax, anhydrous, powder, at plant RER 0 kg 2.89E-1 1 1.26 (3,4,2,3,1,5); Literature 2.89E-1
boric acid, anhydrous, powder, at plant RER 0 kg - 1 1.26 (3,4,2,3,1,5); Literature 1.00E-2
(3,4,2,3,3,5); Literature, special
chemicals inorganic, at plant GLO 0 kg 4.02E-2 1 1.35 chemicals (corroding agent, nickel 2.20E-2 3.00E-2 1.82E-2
(3,4,2,3,3,5); Literature, Organic
chemicals organic, at plant GLO 0 kg 1.80E-2 1 1.35 1.80E-2
limestone, milled, packed, at plant CH 0 kg 3.43E-2 1 1.26 (3,4,2,3,1,5); Literature 3.43E-2
potassium nitrate, as K2O, at regional storehouse RER 0 kg 2.70E-2 1 1.26 (3,4,2,3,1,5); Literature 2.70E-2
silica sand, at plant CH 0 kg 3.05E-1 1 1.26 (3,4,2,3,1,5); Literature 3.05E-1
(3,4,2,3,1,5); Literature, Cleaning
soap, at plant RER 0 kg 5.00E-3 1 1.26 5.00E-3
sulphuric acid, liquid, at plant RER 0 kg 3.00E-2 1 1.26 (3,4,2,3,1,5); Literature 3.00E-2
metal coating plant RER 1 unit 3.33E-7 1 3.95 (5,5,1,3,5,na); Rough estimation
tap water, at user RER 0 kg 7.30E+1 1 1.26 (3,4,2,3,1,5); Literature 2.00E+0 1.10E+1 2.00E+0 6.00E+1 6.00E-4
(4,5,na,na,na,na); Standard