JMeter OAuth Sampler
JMeter OAuth Sampler
JMeter OAuth Sampler
4/24/09 9:01 AM
JMeter is a great tool for load testing. However, it can't test IDP's API due to the OAuth signing. This plugin adds a new sampler in JMeter so it can handle OAuth calls. Even though this is designed for IDP API testing, the plugin is generic and it should work with all OAuth calls.
1 Overview 2 Installation 3 Usage
The OAuth sampler is added to JMeter in the form of a plugin (or extension). The installation of plugin is very easy. All you have to do is to drop the plugin jar to the lib/ext directory of JMeter. For example,
cp ApacheJMeter_oauth.jar /sw/jmeter/lib/ext
Here is the plugin JAR file. Due to the limitation of the Wiki, the file has to be renamed to zip. Please rename it back. Once the plugin is successfully installed, you should see "OAuth Request" in the Sampler menu like this,
When OAuth returns error, you will see warnings in logs complaining about unknown HTTP auth method. This is normal because OAuth error doesn't look like an request for HTTP Auth.
2009/04/22 11:37:52 WARN
The OAuth Request is an extension to the standard sampler "HTTP Request HTTPClient". You can use it just like HTTP request.
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Most parameters are inherited from the HTTP sampler. Please refer to this page for their usage,
The OAuth specific parameters are, Consumer Key: The OAuth consumer key or IDP site name. Consumer Secret: The OAuth consumer secret or IDP site secret. This parameter is only available when signature method is HMAC-SHA1. Private Key File: The PEM file name for the RSA private key. This parameter is only available when signature method is RSA-SHA1. The PEM file must start with "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY" or "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY". If path is relative, the file is read from the same directory as the test plan. The file is only loaded once and cached. Please restart JMeter if the content is changed. OAuth Token: OAuth request or access token. If non-empty, the token is added in the request as parameter "oauth_token". Token Secret: OAuth token secret. If non-empty, it will be used in signing for HMAC-SHA1. The field is ignored for RSA-SHA1. Signature Method: Select the signature method. PLAIN is not supported here since you can already make PLAIN calls with regular HTTP request. Encode?: If checked, the OAuth parameters need to be URL-encoded. Leave this flag unchecked if the token and token secret are extracted from OAuth response because they are already encoded in response. This flag affects both "OAuth Token" and "Token Secret" parameters. Use Authorization Header: If selected, the OAuth parameter will be sent in Authorization header. Otherwise, they will be included in query string or body depending on the HTTP method. All other OAuth parameters (nonce, timestamp) can also be changed by adding them in the "Send Parameters With the Request:" section. Page 2 of 3
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With the Request:" section. The OAuth result is identical to HTTP request. So the response can be treated just like regular HTTP requests. Retrieved from "" Categories: Authentication | IDP This page was last modified on April 22, 2009, at 18:09.
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