Reverse Lesson Plan 1 1

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Reverse Lesson Plan #1

Teacher Candidate: CJ Brown

Teaching Context: Elementary General Music Class

Date: 10/19/23

Lesson Sequence Lesson one

Learning Outcomes:

Determine the specific Students will be able to match the teacher and sing/audiate simple
skills, and/or content
vocal warm-up patterns using different visual aids/ demonstrations by
knowledge that those you
teach will engage with the teacher. Students will also be able to echo teacher movements
during this lesson. What physically during the vocal warm-up (Matching what the teacher is
skills and content doing with their body). Students will also be able to accurately match
knowledge do you want pitch and sing in a round while keeping a steady pulse and participate
those you teach to have
in a call-and-response singing style with their teacher.
obtained by the end of the
year? The end of the
quarter? An elementary
student will not have
“developed” a skill or
“obtained” content
knowledge at the end of a
single lesson but will over
several. Meaningful
repetition is key for young
students. How are you
incorporating meaningful
Materials, Multiple large visual poster cards with a line going in different
Equipment, & directions on them, a smart board to present slides with different
Setup: pictures to represent the lyrics to

(Describe the materials,

equipment, and class
setup needed for this

Playlist: “Who put the Rooster in the Stew?”, Rachel Grimsby,

Virginia State Music Creating

Anchor Standard # 1.1 (We didn’t really improvise any thing but we
did do call an response I think)


Anchor Standard # 1.13


Anchor Standard # 1.17


Anchor Standard # 1.5


(Rubrics to evaluate the final unit project.)

UDL Strategies: Multiple Means of Engagement- Students were told to do the
movements to both the warmup and the rooster song in canon.
Multiple means of
Students were also asked to sing if comfortable/ encouraged to sing
representation, and action through the call and response style.
and expression.

**strategies: visuals, entry

points of involvement Multiple Means of Representation- Visually through the poster cards/
(easy/medium/difficult) PowerPoint slides, the instructions were also demonstrated by the
teacher through singing/ demonstrating the physical movements. The
teacher also instructed us to “say what comes next” while learning
the song/activity and encouraged us to both do the physical
movements and vocalize the warm up off of the cards.

Multiple Means of Representation- Students were allowed to do the

movements, sing along, or both for the rooster song. (Encouraged to
do all three) For the warmup students were encouraged to both sing
and move their hands up and down with the exercises, but you can do
either for the activity. Students could also point to each picture on the
slide for the rooster song rather than doing the motions/ singing.

Lesson Activity Scripting

Scripting is one of the most important processes of learning

how to teach. It allows you to be PROACTIVE rather than
REACTIVE when teaching. Scripting is not for you to read as
you teach, but to allow you to develop the skill to think
quickly while you teach which is not something you can
develop upon writing a handful of lessons. This is a skill
which will take you years to develop. Lean in, it is a lot, but
the invested time is worth it.

Visual Schedule This is for FUTURE you.

Vocal Warm-Up Teacher starts class by asking class to look at the design on the
poster board and echo the teacher using their body and their
voice. The teacher then demonstrates the pattern and body
movement and then motions for class to echo. Teacher should
then provide feedback to the class (if people did not sing or
did not do the movement encourage everyone to echo using
both not just one) The teacher then flips note cards to the next
and demonstrates then asks class to echo again. The teacher
moves on to the next notecard and demonstrates one more
time and has the class echo one more time. The teacher then
asks the class to try the next one without her help, they then
flips the card and tell the class to think it in their head, then
motions for the class to sing it out loud. The teacher then
repeats this for the last couple notecards, having the class
audiate the pattern in their heads then vocally sing it, while
doing the body movements

Canon The teacher puts the slide on the board with all the different
pictures to represent the song then demonstrates the song to
the class once while encouraging everyone to stand. The
teacher then demonstrates the song again to everyone this time
doing the hand motions for the class. Then teacher then asks
the students to look at the pictures, do the motions, or both
and then sings the song two more times. The teacher then
encourages the class to sing what comes next and she sings
the stops and motions for the class to fill in the blank and
repeats this twice while the class continues to fill in the blank.
The teacher then motion for the class to not sing and just
audiate the song while doing the motions, the class does this
once then the teacher motions for everyone to sing while
doing the motions. The class does this for 3 times then the
teacher stops the class and motions for one third to begin
singing, after the first third gets through the first line the
teacher brings in the next third, then the last third is brought in
after the middle third finishes the first line. The class then
continues singing in canon for a couple times until the teacher
indicates for the first group to stop etc…

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