Restart Guide Iperespresso Machines 5 2020
Restart Guide Iperespresso Machines 5 2020
Restart Guide Iperespresso Machines 5 2020
Check that you have all the appropriate supplies; measuring beaker (150ml), 3 liter heat-resistant container,
clean towels, Urnex Tabz®, Urnex Rinza® cleaning capsules, Iper Capsules
1. If the water source to the machine has been shut off, turn the water ON before powering
up the espresso machine. The pressure gauge has 2 scales:
Water pressure is the high pressure; the range is 0-15/+. The Steam pressure is low
pressure; the range is 0-2.5/+ (Your machine may have 2 separate gauges)
If both needles on the gauge are at 0 the water source is turned off.
NOTE: If the Machine has been off for more than 30 days the filtration may need to be replaced
Water pressure (0-15/+) Steam Pressure(0-2.5/+)
2. Once the water source has been turned on, the needle on the high pressure gauge
will indicate water pressure by moving off the 0. Power
Proceed to turn on the main power on the espresso machine. No heat Heat
Turn the main power from position “0” to position “1” ( power)
this will turn on the power to fill the machine with water but will not turn on the heat.
NOTE: If you hear a loud grinding sound during the water refill cycle, this is an indicator
the water is off. Turn off the machine and turn on the water before proceeding OFF
3. Once the boiler filling is complete, turn the main power switch to from
position “1” to position “2” (heating). The machine requires 30-40 minutes to
heat fully.
4. After 10 or 15 minutes of machine heating, occasionally open the steam valve to purge
cold pressure from the boiler.
5A If you have a single handle machine with removable handles, remove the filter holder(s)
from the group(s). Push the manual start/stop control and purge 1 liter of water through
each group.
The high pressure gauge should read between 9 & 10 while actively purging water
5B If you have a machine with a single or double attached handle, open the handle(s) and
insert the cleaning capsule(s). Close the handle(s) Push the manual start/stop and
purge 1 liter of water through the group(s).
The high pressure gauge should read between 9 & 10 while actively purging water
NOTE : if no water comes out when you push the manual start/stop with the
cleaning capsules inserted, turn off the manual start stop and contact
illy Technical Service.
6. If the machine is completely heated, the steam pressure (low pressure) gauge should
read between 0.9 and 1.1
7. When the machine is completely heated, backflush the machine with Urnex Tabz®
and clean the steam wands using Urnex Rinza®. (see attached guide for instructions). It may
be necessary to remove the steam tips from the steam wands and clean the inside and out.
9. Using a large heat resistant container, Purge water from the main boiler by opening
the hot water tap. Purge 1/2 liter of water then wait a minute or two for the pressure to
recover; Repeat this process until you have collected 3 liters of water total
10. If the steam pressure, water pressure, and water purged from the boiler and the groups
Make a test coffee on all groups.
If you experience water flow, pressure problems, need a filter change or other issues with the espresso
machine, please contact illy Caffè Technical service at (800) 872-4559 to initiate a service call. One of our team
members will contact you to troubleshoot the issue.
©2020 ICNA Inc. This manual/document and its contents are the property of illy caffè North America Inc. and its parent company, Illycaffè S.p.A
This information is not to be distributed, modified or copied without express written permission of Illycaffè.
DO NOT mix old and new capsules together. Use all open
capsules before Adding more to a dispenser or other storage.
• Store porcelain cups on top of the machine to keep warm, and do not stack more than 2 high.
• Always preheat the cup.
• After the brew cycle has completed, remove the capsule from the handle and discard.
• Never use a capsule more than once.
• Whenever possible, brew directly into serving cup. However, always brew espresso and cappuccino directly
into the cup you are serving in.
• Always use proper tools for measuring ingredients to ensure consistency.
• Do not serve lemon peel with espresso.
Twist open the iper cleaning Remove drain tray grates and
1 capsule. The capsule should
1 wash thoroughly.
NOT have a hole in the bottom.
(If it does, order a replacement
and discard the old one.)
Insert 1 Cafiza tab, reseal and Clean out drain tray. Pour hot
2 insert into the chamber.
2 water in tray to clean drain and
clear the drain hose. NEVER USE
Using the manual start/stop Remove the cups from the top
4 button. Begin the brew cycle and
4 of the machine and wipe Down
run for 10 seconds. the top grates completely.
Twist open the iper cleaning Remove drain tray grates and
1 capsule. The capsule should
1 wash thoroughly.
NOT have a hole in the bottom.
(If it does, order a replacement
and discard the old one.)
Insert 1 Cafiza tab, reseal and Clean out drain tray. Pour hot
2 insert into the handle.
2 water in tray to clean drain and
clear the drain hose. NEVER USE
Using the manual start/stop Remove the cups from the top
4 button. Begin the brew cycle and
4 of the machine and wipe Down
run for 10 seconds. the top grates completely.