OSCE Checklist Blood Pressure Measurement
OSCE Checklist Blood Pressure Measurement
OSCE Checklist Blood Pressure Measurement
1 Wash your hands and don PPE if appropriate
4 Briefly explain what the procedure will involve using patient-friendly language
6 Position the patient sitting on a chair, with their arm comfortably placed at heart level
7 Check if the patient has a preference as to which arm to use: avoid using an arm that has
local pathology such as post-mastectomy lymphoedema
8 Ask the patient to adequately expose their upper arm on the relevant side by rolling up their
9 Ask the patient if they have any pain before proceeding with blood pressure measurement
14 Palpate the patient’s radial pulse, located at the radial side of the wrist, with the tips of
your index and middle fingers aligned longitudinally over the course of the artery
15 Inflate the blood pressure cuff until you can no longer feel the patient's radial pulse. Note the
reading on the sphygmomanometer at the point at which the radial pulse becomes
impalpable. This reading is an approximate estimate of the patient's systolic blood pressure.
16 Open the valve and deflate the blood pressure cuff
19 Re-inflate the cuff 20-30 mmHg above the systolic blood pressure you previously estimated
20 Then slowly deflate the cuff at around 2-3 mmHg per second