Block H Proff 2021 by MMC
Block H Proff 2021 by MMC
Block H Proff 2021 by MMC
2.A patient with renal dysfunction has chronic gout .which one of the following is a xanthine
oxidase inhibitor that would be suitable for treatment of chronic gout in this patient
3.within minutes of a bee sting,15 years opd girl developed generalized pruritus nd hyperemia of
skin followed shortly by swelling of the face nd eyelid ,dyspnea nd laryngeal edema .this
reaction is mediated by which of following
a .Ab.Ag mediated
b. cytotoxic T cell
c. IgA antibodies
d .IgE antiobody
4.A young boy aged 8 yrs old presented with pain in the arm ,on X ray his upper wnd of
humerus domenstrate an expansile lesion in the metaphysis breeching the overlaying cortex
,most likely diagnosis is
a.unicameral bone cyst
b.aneurysmal bone cyst
c. osteoclastoma
d. giant cell tumor
Correct option A
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
d. succinylcholine
Correct option B
6.The most commonly employed physiochemical test to confirm the presence of blood in stain is
a.latex test
b.kastle meyer test
Correct option C
Correct option D
8.In current covid epidemic it has been seen that only 1/3rd of population is immunized nd about
half of population have developed clinical or subclinical infectioj but transmission rate has
decreased as population has developed immunity what is this immunity called?
a.Active immunity
b.passive immunity
c .herd immunity
d. innnate immunity
Correct option C
9 A 65 years old female is diagnosed. She is suffering from chronic obsructive pulmonary
diseases .She experience repeated episode of bronchospasm.which among the following will be
most effective choice for this patient
d.ipratropium bromide
e.salbutamol (selective b2 blocker)
Correct option E
10 A 20 years opd woman present with malar rash ,arthralgias,low grade fever nd high titer
antibodies to double stranded DNA nd to the smith antigen .Which of follownig is primary
mechanism of abnormality in this disorder ?
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
Correct option c
11. Which of the following non probability sampling technique is more close to stratified random
a)convenience sampling
b)consecutive sampling
c)snowball sampling
d)purposive sampling
e)quota sampling
12. A 53 year old man noticed enlargement over two months in the skin lesion on the upper
outer area of his right arm. Histological examination reveals atypical squamous cells with
excessive keratinization . Which of the occupation is this man most likely to have had earlier in
life ?
15. Deliberate intentional acts that cause harm or the threat of harm to a child is known as
a) child abandonment
b) child neglect
c) child discipline
d) child abuse
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
e) none
16. Regarding th1 and th2 which one of the following is least accurate
19. Pakistan stands among the top five countries with the largest number of children not
vaccinated against measles in 2021 . In Pakistan it is included in EPI Infants should get 2
doses of measles vaccine 1st dose at 9 months and 2nd dose at 15 months. The route of
administration of measles vaccine is
a) intra dermal route
b) IM
D) oral
20. A 24 year old post natal had an episiotomy after a few minutes the doctor observed that
there was continuous slight ooze of blood from the external stitch of episiotomy .Which among
the following will be the best option to stop this ooze
a) inj vit C
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
b) inj vit K
c) inj tranexamic acid
d) inj F2a
e)tab PGE2
21)A skeletal disorder phenotypically diverse caused by deficiencies in type 1 collagen and
characterised by skeletal fragility and increased predisposition to fracture is known as
a)osteogenesis imperfecta
b) osteoporosis
c) osteoporosis
d) paget disease
22)A 55 years old female has presented with pain in left hypochondrium .examination reveal
splenomagaly her FBC shows TLC 55 ×10^9/L ,HB 11gm and platelets count 400 ×109/L .Her
peripheral blood film shows predominant neutrophils and metamylocytes ,basophils count is
also increased all true about her condition except
Correct option: c
24) A 25 yrs old female with several serious episodes of bacterial pneumonia in last 5 months
she has not had frequent or unusual infections prior to the onset of these pneumonia which one
of the following is most likely immunodeficiency tha That predispose her to these infections
A)She is likely to have a reduced level of immunoglobulin
B)She is likely to have a defect in her cytotoxic t cells
C)She is likely to have mutation in the gene
D)She is likely to have a defect in one of the genes that encode the class II MHc proteins
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
A It is sympathomylitic agent
B It cause mode elevation
C It cause MAO activation
D It depress hunger center in hypothalmus
E It can be used for constipation
A Birth to 1 year
B Upto 2 yrs
C 2 to 3 yrs
D 3 to 4 yrs
27) the best initial test when one suspect sickle cell disease is
A Peripheral smear
B Bone marrow examination
C Retic count
D Xray chest
Correct option : A
A Discreat variable
B Categorical variable
C Dependent variable
D Independent variable
E Intervening variable
A 337 L1
B 337 L 2
C J.G.J baddiah
D Jurh ghyr jsifah damiah
E Shajaha Khalifa
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
Correct option : b
30 ) in acute cellular rejection an infiltrate with which of the following types inflammatory cell is
most likely to be prominent
A Neutrophils
B Eosinophil
C Lymphocytes
D Mast cells
E Monocytes macrophages
Correct option : E
31.A thirty five years old gentleman is found in a drowsy state,beaten and abandoned by his
kidnappers.He is taken to the hospital where he pass reddish urine after catheterization. His
labs shows hb=14g/dl, TLC=11000/mm3, platelets=250000/mm3, serum creatinine=9mg/dl,
serum potassium=7.5mEq/L . Urinanalysis is negative for red blood cells. What is the next most
appropriate investigation?
A. Blood urea
B. Creatinine phosphokinase
C. CT brain
D. Random blood sugar
E. Ultrasound kidneys
Correct option. B
Source. Google
32.Framingham heart study initiated in 1948 to prospectively investigate the epidemiology and
risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Which type of study design is this?
Correct option. B
Source. Google and research slides
33.The most common organism responsible for causing pyogenic osteomyelitis is.
A. E.coli
B. Pseudomonas
C. Staph aureus
D. Klebsiella
E. Hemophilus influenza
Correct option. C
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
Source. Robbin
34 Which one of these is associated with poor clinical prognosis in acute lymphoblastic
Correct option. A
Source. Pathoma pg 55
35 Synovial cell hyperplasia, dense perivascular inflammatory infiltrate of CD4 T cells, plasma
cells and macrophages along with increased vascularity and increased osteoclastic activity in
underlying bone are characteristic morphological features of which of the following lesion.
A. Granuloma
B. Pannus
C. Tophus
D. Joint mice
E. Osteophytes
Correct option. B
Source. Robbin
36. NSAIDS are associated with the adverse effects of gastric ulcers, in order to avoid this
unwanted effect, NSAIDS are available in the market in combination (co- formulated) with which
of the following drugs?
A Alprostil
B Prostacyclin
C Misoprostol
D Latanoprost
E Dinoprost
Correct option C
37.When diagnosing JIA healthcare providers look for joint inflammation that lasts for a
minimum of 6 weeks before the age of
A. 10 years
B. 1 year
C. 16 years
D. 5 years
E. 3 years
Correct option.C
Robbin page 821
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
Correct option B
39. X-ray dorsal apine of a 40 years old male shows bambooing of the spine. The underlying
disease is associated with
Pathoma pg 201
Correct option A
41 Which of the following fractures is called as “fracture of necessity” meaning that open
reduction and external fixation has better results than conservative treatment.
A Fracture radius
B Fracture of the Axis
C Fracture neck of femur
D Fracture Acetabulam
E Fracture Calcaneum
Correct answer :A
Hint: Galeazzi fractures are best treated with open reduction of the radius and the distal radio-
ulnar joint. It has been called the "fracture of necessity," because it necessitates open surgical
treatment in the adult. Nonsurgical treatment results in persistent or recurrent dislocations of the
distal ulna.
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
B. prevent laryngospasm
C produce amnesia
D:prevent postoperative urinary retention
E:prevent cardiac arrest during induction of anesthesia
Correct answer :D
Hint: TARA Pg:75
43 :A 72 year old man presents with increasing fatigue. Physical examination reveals multiple
enlarged non tender lymph nodes with enlarged liver and spleen. Lab examination of his
peripheral blood reveals a normocytic normochromic anemia and a slightly decreased platelet
count and a leukocyte count of 72.000/microliter. Examination of the peripheral smear reveals a
marked increase in the number of mature looking lymphocytes and many smudge cells. What is
the most likely diagnosis .
A Atypical lymphocytosis
B Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
C Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
D Immunoblastic lymphoma
E Prolymphocytic leukemia
Correct answer :C
Hint : ( Chronic Myeloid leukaemia) Robbin pg :467
Smudge cells are ruptured chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells appearing on the blood
smears of CLL patients
44 A 39-year-old woman gives birth to a term infant with an umbilical hernia, Brushfield spots on
the iris, macroglossia, low set ear obligus palpebral fissures, and a heart murmur. The infant
survives to childhood and exhibits only mild mental retardation. Which of the following
chromosomal abnormalities affecting autosomes, is most likely to be present in the somatic cells
of this child.
A Haploidy
B monosomy
C Mosaicism
D tetraploidy
E triploidy
Correct answer : c
45 An 18 years old boy had an open fracture of humerus 3 weeks ago. It was treated at home.
Now he presents to doctor with pus pouring out of wound. What is the most probable organism
involved in this case?
A Pseudomonas aeruginosa
B E-Coli
C Mycobacterium tuberculosis
D Clostridium deficile
E Staph aureus
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
Correct answer :E
Hint : Osteomyelitis caused by staph aureus
46 Within 1 hour after a patient receives blood transfusion, the patient becomes tachycardia
and hypotensive and passes pink colored urine. Which of the following statements best
describes how this reaction mediated?
Correct answer :d
47 A 9 year old girls has difficulty in climbing stairs and combing hair for 6 months. On
Examination Gowers sign is positive and maculopapular rash over metacarpopharyngeal joints
(MCP) . What is the next appropriate investigation to be done.
A RA factor
B Serum Creatinine kinase
C Electromyography
D Muscle biopsy
E None of the above
Correct answer :B
48 A sample frame is
Correct answer :C
A Venodilation
B Hypotension
C Bradycardia
D Mydriasis
E Constipation
Correct answer :C
Hint : Tara pg no :76
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
50 A genetic disorder in which both B&T cells are crippled, due to a genetic defect. Chronic
diarrhea, ear infections, recurrent pneumocystis jirovecci pneumonia & profuse oral candidiasis
normally occur. These babies if untreated die within 1 year due severe , recurrent infections.
Correct answer :E
Hint : Reference: levenson Page 593 combined t and b cell deficiency
51 A 4-year-old girl is being evaluated for the sudden onset of multiple petechiae and bruises.
She is found to have a peripheral leukocyte count of 55,000. 86% of which are small,
homogeneous cells that have nuclei with immature chromatin. Indistinct nucleoli are also
present. Initial tests on these immature cells are as follows: PAS, positive and myeloperoxidase,
negative, Based on these findings, which of the following is the cell of origin of these immature
A Myloblast
B Monoblast
C. Megakaryoblasts
D Lymphoblast
E Erythroblasts
Correct answer D
Hint : ROBBIN Pg 465
Lymphoblast cells are PAS positive and MPO negative
Ans :D
Ans :C
Q53. The most accurate test for diagnosis of sickle cell disease is
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
A.Hemoglobin electrophoresis
C P.smear
D Retic count
E Bone marrow examination
Ans :A
Robbins chapter:12 page 447
Q54.A 45- Year- old woman presents with marked splenomegaly . Her leucokocyte count in
increased to 300,000 microliter. The differential count reveals the presence of small numbers of
myeloblasts and promyelocytes with a predominance of myelocytes, metamyelocytes ,bands
,and segmented neutrophils. Basophils are also increased in number as are platelets. The
patient is not anemic. Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase is decreased. Which of the following
describes a major characteristic of this disorder?
A 9:22 translocation
B Expansion of mature B lymphocytes within multiple lymph nodes
C Hypogammaglobulinemia
D Neoplastic cells exhibiting hair like filamentous projections
E Peak incidence at 65 years of age
Ans :A
Q55. A 5-month old baby presented with a history of crying on touch. The child was exclusively
on cow’s milk. What would be the probable cause?
A Scurvy
C Rickets
D Caffey disease
E Achondroplasia
Ans :D Caffey disease also called infantile cortical hyperostosis; an inflammatory disease of
infants that causes bone changes, soft tissue swelling and irritability. Diagnosed in first 3
Q56. The most important factor which make smoking cessation program successful is
Ans :A [google]
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
Q57. A 76-year-old woman presents to the emergency department following two weeks of
progressive dyspnea and fatigue and a new rash physical examination results are within normal
limits, except for skin pallor and a petechial rash on the lower extremities bilaterally. Complete
blood count with differential is significant for a very raised white blood cell count with40 percent
circulating blasts, hemoglobin 6.7 g/dl and a low platelet count. A bone marrow biopsy reveals a
hypercellular marrow with 22% blasts, consistent with a diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia
(AML) which is myeloperoxidase negative. Myeloperoxidase negative AML is
Ans :A
AML M0 myeloperoxidase negative occurs in old age [google]
A Propylene glycol
B Alpha hydroxy acids
C Minoxidil
D Urea
E Florinithine
Ans :E
florinithine Anti trichogenic: reduces hair growth.
Q59. A 50-year old male is brought to the emergency department with acute heart failure. He
requires immediate treatment in order to improve his cardiac function. Which among the
following would be the most beneficial for the patient?
A Albuterol
B Nor-epinephrine
C Dobutamine
D Phenylephrine
E Epinephrine
Ans :C
Q60, examination findings of RTA victim’s lower limb are grinding compression of the tissues,
degloving of skin and crushing of the muscles underneath. The injury may be labelled as;
A Internal laceration
B Avulsion
C Split laceration
D Stretch laceration
E Tear
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
A allergen
B antigen
C antibody
D chemokine
E cytokine
62)A student wanted to conduct a research on a detailed account of the life of Imran khan.
Which one of the following would be an appropriate qualitative study design?
A case study
B content analysis
C Ethnography
D Historical
E narrative
63) A 22 years old man presented with one month history of severe pubic itch that worse at
night.He was diagnosed as scabies patient .what is the most appropriate topical treatment ?
A Hydrocortisone
B Hydroxyzine
C mupiricin
D permethrin
E selenium sulphide
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
E teriparatide
• option C # Forensic
67) Tumors composed of more than one neoplastic cell types derived from more than one germ
cell layer is:
A) pleomorphic adenoma
B) wilm,s tumor
C) Fibrosarcoma
D) teratoma
E) lymphangioma
Correct option A
69) A newly described neurological disorder is found to affect multiple family members in three
generations that were available for the first generation two sisters and one brother are
affected and in the 2nd generetion all of the children of the first generetion sisters were effected
but none of the decendents of first generetion son .In the third generetion all of the children of
the affected 2nd generation women were affected but none of the decendents of the 2 nd
generetion man the mood of inheretince exemplified here is
A) autosomal dominant
B) Autosomal recessive
C) mitochondrial
D) X linked dominant
E) X linked recessive
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
70) A 23 years old women come to the emergency department with markedly increased
menstraul bleeding .gum bleeding when she brushes her teeth and petechie on physical
examination .physical examination is otherwise normal.The platelate count is 27 000/ul .what is
the most appropriate next step in therapY
78. A middle aged woman presented with Nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia,
breathlessness and drowsiness.There is history of procuring abortion by use of some plant root
by Dai 24 hours ago. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Oleander poisoning
B. Digitalis poisoning
C. Conium poisoning
D. Opium poisoning
E. Nicotine tabacum poisoning
Ans.oleander poisoning
79. A known patient of congenital Hemophilia A has bleeding followed by a Sharp object. He
has been brought to the emergency department. Which of the following drugs will be the best
option for this patient to stop bleeding?
A. Factor VIII B. Factor X
C. Factor IX
D. Amino caproic acid
E. Tranexamic acid
Ans.factor viii
80. A young doctor transferred blood group A +iv to a patient having blood group O+ive. Which
of the following reaction is most likely to occur?
A. Extra - vascular hemolysis
B. Air embolism
C. Transmission of CMV (cytomegalo virus)
D. Febrile reaction
E. Fat embolism
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
81. A drug is being used in combination therapy for cancer. It acts by nucleophilic attack on
DNA that causes disruption of base pairing leading to fragmentation and strands breakage .
which of the following drug it could be .
a . cyclophosphamide
b. fluorouracil
d. Prednisone
e. thioguanine
answer... a...
82. An old man died in road traffic accident. police investigating officer send the dead body for
POSTMORTEM examination . in such cases ideally an autopsy is required to.
83. the expected percentage of beta thalassemia major in infants born beta thalassemia trait in
both father and mother.
a. ...
b. 25%
c. 50%
d. 75%
answer. b...
84. Blood clot can develop in the lower leg (deep veinous thrombosis) during prolong journey by
air or motor vehicle .How often one should move around to keep the circulation normal
a. every min
b. every hour
c. every 2-3 hours
d.every 4_5 hours
e. every 6_7 hours
85. 41 years alcoholic man presenting with increasing fatigue lethargy and muscle weakness.
his CBC reveal decrease number of erythrocytes leukocytes and platelets along with increase in
MCV of erythrocytes. his blood smear shows hypersegmented neutrophils . which of the
following can be deficient in this individual.
a. Vit B 12
b. ascorbic acid
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
c. Folic acid
d. retinoic acid
e. venillyl mendelic acid
87. A macrophage ingest a virion and degrades it so the viral capsid peptides can be linked to
class 1 HLA heavy chain and B2 microglobulin . This trimer is transported to the macrophage
cell surface and displayed . which of the following cells has receptor that can interact with
displayed MHC peptides complex
a. CD 8+ lymphocytes
b . Langerhans cells
c. macrophage
d. mast cell
e. neutrophils
answer... A
88. Constellation of changes that include loss of uniformity cell as well as loss in there
architectural orientation is terms as
a. dysplasia
b. metaplasia
c. hyperplasia
d. Hypertrophy
answer...a ..robin
89. Which of the following type of arthritis predominantly involved articular cartilage .
a. rheumatoid arthritis
b. osteoarthritis
c. gouty arthritis
d. infectious arthritis
e. pseudogout
answer...b... Robin
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
90. One of the key areas for workers welfare in the occupational health in field of ergonomics.
Ergonomics basically means.
Answer....e... excel
91) Rofecoxib was used initially as a selective COX-2 inhibitor . The use of this drug has been
banned by FDA because of it's association with
A) hepatotoxicity
B) arrhythmias
C) cinchonism
D) renal failure
E) myocardial infarction
Ans E
{Because of the higher incidence of cardiovascular thrombotic events ...... Ref:katzung}
92) Which of the following is most specific investigation for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis
Ans B
(Anti-CCP also known as ACPA)
93) self-administration of drug for non-medical reason in quantities & frequencies Which may
impair an individual's ability to function effectively and which may result in social physical and
emotional harm is best named as
A) drug dependence
B)drug tolerance
C) drug abuse
D) self-medication
E) drug therapy
Ans C
94) Philadelphia chromosome positive in CML, is reciprocal translocation between which of the
following chromosomes
A) t(9;22)
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
B) t(2;8)
E) t(8;14)
Ans A
Ans B
96) a febrile 8-year-old boy complaint of left leg pain for 3 days . A radiograph of left leg shows
changes suggesting acute osteomyelitis of femur. Culture of the infected bone is most likely to
grow which of the following organisms ?
A) heamophilus influenza
B) neisseria gonorrhoeae
C) salmonella enterica
D) staphylococcus aureus
E) streptococcus pneumoniae
Ans D
Ans E
( Ref: gout ;robbins)
98) if patient began oral therapy with alendronate, she should be adviced to drink large
quantities of water with the tablets and remains in upright position for at least 30 minutes and
until eating the first meal of the day these instructions would be given to decrease risk of which
of the following
A) cholelithiasis
B). Diarrhea
C) constipation
D) erosive esophagitis
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
E) pernicious anemia
Ans D
99) on autopsy examination the colour of postmortem lividity is almost black, most probable
cause of death is,
A) burning
B) chlorate poisoning
C) phosphorus poisoning
D) opiates poisoning
E) septic abortion
Ans D
100) Child labour is any work performed by children that is dangerous or harmful to them and
affect their physical and mental development. This form of work deprive children of their
childhood and interferes with child's ability to attend and participate in school fully by obligating
them to leave school prematurely .So fundamental convention 1973( No.138) sets by
international Labour organisation that the general minimum age for admission to employment or
work is
A) 12 years
B) 13 years
C) 14 years
D) 15 years
E) 16 years
Ans C
102)A 23year old man of Northern European lineage present with anemia .His father and
paternal aunt has similar illness that was treated successfully with splenectomy .His was
diagnosed with hereditary spherocytosis which additional abnormalities are expected.
c) jaundice,
Options D.(but c also seems correct)
Block H past paper|Modular medical circle
103)A one year old boy is treated in shoukat khanum hospital Lahore getting chemotherapy for
carcinoma .A polio case has been detected in his residential locality due to which pediatrician
decided to protect him against poliomyelitis by giving him .
a) chemoprophylaxis with antiviral
b) human normal immunoglobolin
c) human specific immunoglobolin
d) oral polio vaccine
e) inactivated polio vaccine.
Correct option D
104)A 45year old woman had a bout of sneezing a week ago after which she develop watery
nasal discharge .the discharge is intermittent ,non sticky and increase with stooping .the patient
is afebrile but has mild headache .which is most likely
a) allergic rhinitis
b) chronic rhinosinusitis
c) rhinitis medicamentosa
d) csf rhinorrea
e) pyogenic granuloma
Correct option c