C112-96 AE Specification1

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The two-w way full range looudspeaker sysstem shall inco orporate one (11) McCauley 77100-8, 4" (10 02 mm) voice coil,
12" (303 mm)
m diameter LF L transducer, and one (1), 1.4" (36 mm) exxit, 3" (76 mm)) diaphragm co ompression driiver
HF transdu ucer. The LF driver shall be mounted
m in an optimally
o venteed enclosure tuned for maxim mum low frequency
response with
w vent area of such size th hat distortion iss minimized att the rated continuous powerr. The high
frequency transducer shaall be mounted d to a true constant directivitty acoustic horrn with a nominal horizontal
coverage pattern
p of 90°. The vertical co
overage patterrn of the horn sshall be 60° annd shall also provide true con
directivity.. The HF horn shall
s feature a square mountting flange, alloowing the horn n to be rotatedd by 90°.

The systemm frequency response shall vaary no more th han ±3 dB fromm 50 Hz to 18 kkHz measured o on axis. The low
frequency transducer shaall produce a Sound
S Pressuree Level (SPL) off 99 dBSPL at a distance of 1 meter with ann
electrical power
p input off 2.83 Vrms, an
nd shall be capaable of produccing a maximum m peak outputt of 131 dBSPL on
axis at 1 meter.
m The high frequency transducer shall produce
p a SPL of 107 dBSPL oon axis at 1 meeter with an
electrical power
p input off 2.83 Vrms, an
nd shall be capaable of produccing a peak outtput of 135 dBSSPL on axis at 1

The low freequency transd

ducer shall han
ndle 350W of amplifier
a poweer (per AES ref Standard AES2
2-2012) and sh
have a nom minal impedance of 8.0 Ohms. The high frequency transdducer shall handle 75W of am
mplifier power (per
AES ref Staandard AES2-20
012) and shall have a nominaal impedance oof 8.0 Ohms.

The loudsppeaker enclosuure shall have a maximum we eight of 71 lbs. (32.3 kg) and sshall measure 15.08" (383 mm)
wide at fro
ont, 6.66" (169 mm) in width at rear, 27.5" (699 mm) in h eight, and 16.006"(408 mm) in depth. The
enclosure sides shall tape
er at 15° from a maximum frontal width, naarrowing to thhe rear. The strructure of the
enclosure shall be constrructed of 18mmm, 13-ply void--free birch harddwood plywoo od, and shall haave a weather and
wear resisttant ProCoat(tm) polyurea hyybrid finish.

The input connection

c shaall be, one (1) 4-Position,
4 20A
A rated, Pheonnix PC_4-4-ST-77.62, which acccepts single bare
wires up too 10AWG or du ual 12AWG wirres with a ferule. Pins (1+, 1--) shall be wireed to the LF traansducer, whilee pins
(2+, 2-) shaall be wired to the HF transdu ucer. When co onfigured with a passive netwwork, pins (1+,, 1-) shall be in
parallel witth (2+, 2-).

A total of fourteen
f 3/8"-18 UNC thread ded mounting//suspension pooints (four on ttop, four on boottom, two perr side
and two re ear) shall be provided. Six add
ditional mountting points shaall be provided on the top, bo
ottom, and eacch side
configuredd to accept an Omnimount™
O Series 120 bracket or other tthird party harrdware.

Componen nts in the frontt of the enclosu

ure are to be protected
p by a curved grill maade from perfo
orated steel that is
coated witth heat cured epoxy
e powder, and lined withh acoustically ttransparent foaam.

The 2-way full range loud

dspeaker shall be the McCauley Sound moddel C112-96.

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