Hsu 2019
Hsu 2019
Hsu 2019
and Precision
Michael R. Hsu, DDS, Carl F. Driscoll, DMD, FACP, Elaine Romberg, PhD, & Radi Masri, BDS, MS, PhD,
Department of Advanced Oral Sciences and Therapeutics, School of Dentistry, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
Keywords Abstract
Condylar inclination; pin opening; precision;
trueness; virtual articulator.
Purpose: To study the effects of altering condylar settings and pin openings on the
trueness and precision of virtual articulators vs. mechanical articulators.
Materials and Methods: Maxillary and mandibular typodonts with fiducial markers
Radi Masri, BDS, MS, PhD, FACP, were mounted on a mechanical Artex-CR articulator, and the mandibular teeth were
Department of Advanced Oral Sciences and prepared to allow guidance solely by the posterior determinants of the articulator and
Therapeutics, School of Dentistry, University the incisal table. The relationship of the mounted typodonts was preserved digitally
of Maryland, 650 W Baltimore St., MD 21201. by scanning using manufacturer transfer plate adaptors. On the mechanical articula-
E-mail: rmasri@umaryland.edu tor, pattern resin was allowed to set between the maxillary and mandibular occlusal
surfaces (area #25-30) at the endpoints of dynamic movements at 3 condylar inclina-
This project was supported a grant from the tions (SCI): 10°, 30°, and 45°, n = 12/inclination, or at 3 incisal pin openings (2, 5,
American College of Prosthodontists and 10 mm, n = 12/opening). All other articulator settings were kept constant. Resin
Educational Foundation. specimens attached to the typodonts were scanned within 5 minutes of setting, then
The authors deny any conflicts of interest
removed, and the articulated typodonts rescanned. Fixed dental prostheses (FDPs)
related to this study. #25-30 were designed on the virtual articulator using identical parameters to the me-
chanical articulator. Dynamic virtual movements were used to sculpt the design, and
Accepted February 5, 2019 a file of the design was saved. The files of both types of samples were aligned and
overlaid. Interocclusal separation was measured in triplicate at the indentation created
doi: 10.1111/jopr.13035 by the mesiolabioincisal point angle on the incisal edge of #8 and the mesiobucco-
occlusal point angle of #3. Trueness and precision of both types of articulators were
calculated and compared using one-way ANOVA, followed by the Tukey HSD test
(α = 0.05).
Results: There was no statistically significant difference at altered pin openings in
either trueness (F = 0.202, p = 0.37) or precision (F = 3.134, p = 0.09) for the majority
of measurements. The only significant difference was in the precision between the 2
types of articulators at 5 mm incisal opening, and only at the anterior measurement
point (F = 15.134, p = 0.0008); however, these differences were less than 100 μm.
When the SCI was altered, there was no statistically significant difference (F = 3.624,
p > 0.05) between the virtual and mechanical articulators in trueness for 5 of the 6
measurements obtained (F = 3.624, p = 0.07) or for all of the precision measurements
(F = 3.529, p = 0.07). The one trueness measurement that was significantly different
(F = 9.237, p = 0.006) occured at SCI of 10°, and it was less than 100 µm.
Conclusions: Dynamic movements on the virtual articulator were shown to be as
true and precise as to the mechanical articulator. When there were deviations, these
deviations were less than 100 µm and thus, these deviations may not be clinically
An articulator is a mechanical instrument representing the save valuable chair time, increase patient comfort, magnify
temporomandibular joints and jaws, to which maxillary and amply light the workspace, and increase treatment
and mandibular casts may be attached to simulate some efficiency.3-5
or all mandibular movements.1 They can be programmed Recent breakthroughs in digital dentistry promise increased
using average values or using custom values obtained from accuracy, lower costs, unprecedented speed, and increased
individual patients.2 The articulator allows practitioners to practicality.5,6 Digital workflows could minimize laboratory
steps, reduce the need for specialized training, increase patient The arc of closure is the circular or elliptical arc created by
comfort, and vastly increase efficiency.6,7 Most current den- closure of the mandible, most often viewed in the mid-sagittal
tal digital design software offers virtual articulators designed plane, in relation to a reference point on the mandible.1 The arc
to replicate the functions of mechanical articulators. Like me- of closure of the mechanical articulator has been established
chanical articulators, virtual articulators can be set using user- as an important factor in accurate fabrication of esthetic and
defined inputs to define the relationships between maxillary and functional dental prostheses.19-21
mandibular teeth. Digital restorations are designed to exhibit Virtual articulators are assumed to be identical to mechanical
intimate static occlusal and proximal contacts. Contemporary articulators in terms of trueness and precision; however, this has
digital dental design programs also allow for the dynamic sim- not been independently verified. For virtual articulators to be
ulation of the movement between the maxilla and mandible. used acceptably, trueness and precision should be comparable
With these digital settings, the planning and design phases of to that of the mechanical articulator.
occluding dental restorations can be adapted to each patient’s In this study, the following null hypotheses were tested: There
dentition before intraoral try-in. is no significant difference in the trueness and precision of a
Several studies investigated the clinical utility of static digital prosthesis designed using virtual and mechanical articulators
articulation.8-10 Gartner and Kordass compared mechanical and when the incisal pin opening is altered (openings of 2, 5, and
virtual articulators by analyzing contact point patterns at max- 10 mm) and when sagittal condylar inclination is altered (angles
imum intercuspation, but did not analyze individual condylar of 10°, 30°, and 45°).
or other articulator settings in detail and did not test alterations
to those settings, finding no significant difference between the
mechanical and virtual articulators.8 Others have evaluated Materials and methods
deviations in virtual articulation using 2D or 3D analysis soft-
Mechanical and virtual model preparation
ware to superimpose and calculate distortions between images
of virtual models but only at a static relationship in maximum Fully dentate maxillary and mandibular models (Nissin;
intercuspation and without movements. These studies demon- Kilgore, Nakagyoku, Kyoto) were used to simulate human
strated that accuracy between mechanical and virtual models dentition. The casts were mounted using low expansion
was comparable.11,12 Common to all of these studies is testing lab plaster (Whip Mix, Louisville, KY) into a single new,
the static relationship of maxillary and mandibular teeth/models calibrated mechanical ARCON type Artex-CR articulator
in the static maximum intercuspation position. To the authors’ (Amann Girrbach, Koblach, Austria) that allows adjustment
knowledge, no studies have been published on the trueness and of SCI, immediate mandibular lateral translation (IMLT),
precision of virtual articulators when dynamic movements are protrusion, retrusion, and distraction, but not intercondylar
considered and how they are influenced by different articulator distance (Fig 1A). This articulator was chosen because it
settings. allowed the most variables to be tested virtually.
Dynamic virtual articulation is the virtual movement of dig- The plaster was allowed to set for 48 hours. The occlusion
ital casts using user-defined information to dictate condylar was adjusted to ensure bilateral even occlusal contacts were
element settings and simulate mandibular movements. True- present in maximum intercuspation between maxillary and
ness of the system can be defined as the value by which the mandibular teeth using 20 µm articulating paper (Accufilm
measured result deviates from the true measurement and rep- II; Parkell, Edgewood, NY) and 8 µm shimstock (Coltene
resents mean deviation (error) of a group of measurements Whaledent, Cuyahoga Falls, OH) at a 0 mm incisal pin
from an original structure or a reference (in this case, the me- opening. All mandibular teeth were prepared to approximately
chanical articulator). Precision refers to the amount of devia- 2 mm occlusal clearance, and teeth #25-30 were prepared
tion between various readings13,14 and represents mean devi- for full-coverage restorations (Fig 1B). The mandibular teeth
ation between repeated measurements. Precision of an instru- were prepared to allow guidance solely by the posterior
ment can be determined by calculating mean absolute devia- determinants of the articulator and the incisal table, without
tions between all possible pairs of measurements within each any interference from the cusps of the mandibular teeth during
group.13,15-17 dynamic movement of the articulator.
Depending on its type and classification, an articulator can Fiduciary markers (Grade G25, 1/4” spheres, 0.25” spheric-
accept user-defined settings including, for example, settings ity; BC Precision, Chattanooga, TN) were attached to the
for sagittal condylar inclination (SCI), immediate lateral maxillary and mandibular models using cyanoacrylate adhesive
translation, incisal pin opening/arc of closure, and lateral (Permabond, Pottstown, PA). These markers were placed 1 cm
condylar inclination. SCI is the angle formed by the path apical to the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) of the canines
of the moving condyles within the sagittal plane compared and first molars in both the maxillary and the mandibular
with the horizontal plane and influences the anterior-posterior models (Fig 1C, D). The mounted models were sprayed with
movement of the articulator.1 Increasing the SCI will increase titanium dioxide power (Quickcheck; Vacalon, Pickerington,
the space that occurs between opposing posterior occlusal sur- OH) scanned using a D2000 Dental Lab Desktop Scanner
faces during mandibular protrusion, known as the Christensen (3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark), and the surface scans were
phenomenon.18 Measuring this separation, generated during saved in an open source surface tessellation language (STL)
mandibular protrusion, makes it possible to assess the effect of file format (Fig 2A). Virtual articulation was generated using
altering SCI settings on point separations at defined locations the Dental Designer Software (v17.2.1; 3Shape) using the
for articulators. manufacturer protocol and transfer plates (Adesso/Artex one
Mechanical articulation
The opening of the mechanical Artex-CR articulator was
increased by changing the settings for the incisal pin (2, 5, and
10 mm). Separating medium (Vaseline; Unilever, Trumbull,
CT) was applied to the maxillary and mandibular teeth.
Low-shrinkage Pattern Resin (GC America Inc, Alsip, IL) was
mixed according to manufacturer instructions and applied to the
occlusal surfaces of mandibular teeth #25-30 (Fig 1C, D). The
articulator was closed until the incisal pin was in contact with
the incisal table allowing the maxillary teeth to occlude and dis-
place the pattern resin. Before the pattern resin was completely
set, the articulator was dynamically opened and closed several
times (Fig 1C, D). Twelve specimens were evaluated for each
C D incisal pin opening. Specimens remained on the mandibular
models, and the entire assembly was sprayed with titanium
Figure 1 Recording dynamic movement on the mechanical articulator: dioxide powder (Quickcheck), before scanning on the articula-
(A) the Artex-CR mechanical articulator with magnetic mounting plates; tor transfer plates to obtain an STL file of the surface scan for
(B) prepared teeth #25-30 taken and reduced occlusal of all mandibu- further analysis (Fig 1). This facilitated comparison with results
lar teeth, lingual view; (C) pattern resin specimen after dynamic move- from virtual articulation. The method of measurement is likely
ments, buccal view. Stainless steel ball bearings were used as fidu- to introduce errors in measurement. Thus, the same method
cial markers; and (D) occlusal view of pattern resin specimen made of was used for both mechanical and virtual experiments. The
dynamic movement. only way to do this was to use resin patterns for measurements.
stripe and two stripes; 3Shape) (Fig 2B-G) and 2 occlusal Virtual articulation
calibration objects (3Shape), thus ensuring that the relationship
between the mechanical models and the mechanical articulator Dental Designer Software (3Shape v17.2.1) was used to design
was preserved in virtual articulation. a fixed dental prosthesis (FDP) from #25-30 at 2, 5, and 10 mm
openings. These FDPs mimicked the design of the pattern resin
specimens generated by the mechanical articulator while allow-
Measurement of effect of altering pin opening
ing multiple prepared teeth to serve as reference markers. The
The effect of altering incisal pin opening on the separation FDP was designed with a circular 6 mm connector and deselec-
of maxillary and mandibular casts was evaluated on both the tion of ‘remove undercuts’ and ‘drill compensation’ (Fig 2B,
mechanical and virtual articulators. Three incisal pin open- C). The virtual pin opening was set before the occlusal surface
ings were tested: 2, 5, and 10 mm. Condylar element settings of the FDP #25-30 was raised until complete overlap of the
were kept constant using the following values: Bennett angle: maxillary occlusal surface was achieved (Fig 2D). Contact was
8°,22-24 SCI: 30°,25 IMLT: 0 mm, and 0° incisal table inclination set to be guided by the incisal plate before virtually opening
(Fig 2D). and closing the articulator (Fig 2E-F) and using the ‘Adjust to
Figure 2 Recording dynamic movement on the virtual articulator: (A) occlusal view of prepared teeth #25-30 with fiducial markers; (B) defining
insertion direction; (C) designing copings without drill compensation or cement gap; (D) defining posterior determinants of occlusion; (E) dynamic
movement performed and recorded in the occlusal surfaces; (F) ‘Adjust to Articulator’TM function performed, and dynamic movement recorded in the
occlusal surface of FDP #25-30; and (G) design saved after dynamic movement recording was completed.
10 degree
30 degree Virtual
Obtaining measurements
Anterior Posterior
The trueness and precision of the mechanical and virtual articu-
lators were evaluated by analyzing the STL data obtained. The
Figure 4 Interocclusal separation when SCI was altered: Trueness of
aligned files were uploaded and overlaid in Geomagic Control
Virtual and Mechanical Articulators (A) Trueness of sagittal condylar in-
X metrology software (Geomagic v2018.0.1) as in Figures 3A clination. When the SCI was altered, there was no statistically significant
and B. Correct alignment was verified by matching at the fidu- difference (p > 0.05) between the virtual and mechanical articulators in
cial spheres. This process of alignment allowed comparison of trueness for 5 of the 6 measurements obtained (p > 0.07) or for all of
both scanned files at the same location. Changing the artic- the precision measurements (p = 0.07). The one trueness measurement
ulator opening altered the interocclusal separation anteriorly- that was significantly different (p = 0.006) occurs at SCI of 10°, and it
posteriorly relative to the horizontal reference plane. The first was less than 100 µm. (B) Trueness of pin opening. There was no sta-
point in the anterior was measured at the mesiolabioincisal point tistically significant difference at altered pin openings in either trueness
angle on the incisal edge of #8 in contact with the FDP. The sec- (p > 0.37) or precision (p > 0.09) for the majority of measurements. The
ond point in the posterior was at the mesiobucco-occlusal point only significant difference was in the precision between the 2 types of
angle of #3 in contact with the FDP (Fig 3C, D). The fiducial articulators at 5 mm incisal opening, and only at the anterior measure-
markers were segmented, and the centers of the spheres were ment point (p = 0.0008); however, these differences were less than
used to generate a horizontal reference plane (Fig 3C, D). The 100 µm.
linear distances from the horizontal reference plane to the two
points on the FDP were measured (Fig 3C). To minimize opera-
tor error, distances were measured in triplicate, and the average
Measurement of effect of altering SCI
value was used as measurement for each specimen.
Trueness was assessed by comparing differences in the The trueness and precision of the mechanical and virtual ar-
means of the interocclusal separations anteriorly and poste- ticulators were also assessed when the SCI was altered during
riorly between the two systems. These average interocclusal protrusive movements (Fig 4). Three SCI angles were eval-
separations are reported as linear measurements in millimeters uated: 10°, 30°, 45°. The Bennett angle was set to 0° as a
(Fig 4). Precision was assessed by calculating the absolute constant. A 6 mm protrusive movement was chosen on the vir-
mean difference of the interocclusal separation anteriorly and tual articulator because that was the maximum allowed setting
posteriorly and comparing these differences between the two of the screw locking mechanism on the mechanical articulator
systems (Tables 1 and 2). for a protrusive movement.
Table 1 Comparison of absolute mean deviations (precision) at different in an STL file format and aligned to the scanned models with
pin openings (mm) 500+ solve iterations and a tolerance of less than 0.0001 mm
as described above (Fig 3).
Pin opening Mechanical Virtual
Anterior Mean ± SD Mean ± SD F p
Obtaining measurements
2 mm 0.04 ± 0.03 0.06 ± 0.05 1.184 0.29
5 mm 0.04 ± 0.03 0.11 ± 0.05 15.134 *
0.0008 The trueness and precision of the mechanical and virtual artic-
10 mm 0.10 ± 0.10 0.18 ± 0.20 1.506 0.23 ulators was evaluated by analyzing the STL data obtained using
Pin Opening Mechanical Virtual both articulators to obtain the means and absolute mean differ-
Posterior Mean Mean F p ences of the anterior and posterior separation. These average
2 mm 0.07 ± 0.04 0.09 ± 0.08 0.235 0.63 separations were reported as linear measurements in millime-
5 mm 0.06 ± 0.03 0.11 ± 0.09 3.134 0.09 ters (Fig 4B).
10 mm 0.14 ± 0.22 0.15 ± 0.25 0.006 0.94
Significant difference.
Statistical analysis
One-way ANOVA was used to compare the means (trueness)
Table 2 Comparison of absolute mean deviations (precision) at different and absolute mean differences (precision) of the groups for pin
SCI (mm) opening (2, 5, and 10 mm) and of the groups for SCI (10°, 30°,
SCI Mechanical Virtual
and 45°). The absolute value of the difference of all possible
Anterior Mean ± SD Mean ± SD F p
pairs of the triplicate measurements were compared by one-way
ANOVA. Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test was
10° 0.08 ± 0.05 0.10 ± 0.06 0.792 0.38 planned a priori, if necessary, for post-hoc analysis; p < 0.05
30° 0.08 ± 0.04 0.13 ± 0.08 3.529 0.07 was considered significant. Results are reported as mean ± SD.
45° 0.09 ± 0.05 0.09 ± 0.07 0.020 0.89
SCI Mechanical Virtual
Posterior Mean Mean F p Results
10° 0.07 ± 0.04 0.08 ± 0.06 0.244 0.63 Altering incisal pin opening
30° 0.09 ± 0.04 0.13 ± 0.18 0.894 0.35
45° 0.07 ± 0.03 0.09 ± 0.04 0.771 0.39
Trueness was tested by comparison of the means. Precision was
tested by comparison of the absolute mean deviations. An n of
12 was used for each pin opening (2, 5, and 10 mm). Results
are reported as (value ± standard deviation). Each specimen
Mechanical articulation was measured in triplicate, and the mean reported as the mea-
The same articulated models described above were used for surement value of the specimen (Fig 4A).
evaluation of SCI; sufficient occlusal clearance was given to As the pin opening was increased, overall measurement of
prevent interference from the dentition during protrusive move- interocclusal separation increased. Figure 4A shows results
ment. On the mechanical Artex-CR articulator, Pattern Resin obtained on each type of articulator. For both articulators,
was applied to mandibular teeth #25-30 (Fig 1C, D). The artic- the anterior measurement of separation, measured at the
ulator was closed until the pin touched the incisal table to allow mesiolabioincisal point angle on the incisal edge of #8,
the maxillary teeth to occlude in the pattern resin as before, increased proportionally more than the posterior, measured at
and 6 mm protrusive movement was performed. Twelve spec- the mesiobucco-occlusal point angle of #3 (Fig 4A).
imens were evaluated at each SCI. These specimens, with the
corresponding maxillary and mandibular casts were scanned Trueness
on transfer plates to obtain an STL file to facilitate comparison
At a 2 mm pin opening, there was no significant difference
with results from virtual articulation (Fig 3A, B).
in the mean posterior separation for the mechanical articulator
(1.01 ± 0.65 mm) and the virtual articulator (0.90 ± 0.61 mm)
Virtual articulation
when values of posterior separation were compared (F = 0.202,
Within the Dental Designer software, FDP #25-30 were de- p = 0.66). No significant difference was found in mean ante-
signed at SCI 10°, 30°, 45° (Fig 2D). Other posterior determi- rior measurements between the mechanical articulator (1.60 ±
nants were kept constant, and the incisal table was kept at 0° 0.50 mm) and the virtual articulator (1.19 mm ± 0.01 mm)
inclination (Fig 1E). Adjustments were made to the FDP by when these values were compared (F = 0.274, p = 0.61) as
the software, with the Adapt Designs software function in the seen in Figure 4B.
virtual articulator, using a 6 mm protrusive movement setting At a 5 mm pin opening, there was no significant difference
entered directly in the settings menu. This allowed for dy- in the mean posterior separation for the mechanical articulator
namic anterior-posterior adaptation of the prosthesis based on (2.45 ± 0.58 mm) and the virtual articulator (2.25 ± 0.58 mm)
articulator SCI settings (Fig 2D-G). Adaptations to the design when values of posterior separation were compared (F = 0.652,
suggested by the virtual articulator, based on these movements, p = 0.43). No significant difference was found in mean ante-
were accepted without further user input. Twelve specimens rior measurements between the mechanical articulator (3.73 ±
were evaluated at each SCI. The resulting design was exported 0.44 mm) and the virtual articulator (3.62 ± 0.46 mm) when
difference was found in precision when values of absolute mean the mechanical and virtual articulator at 45° in either trueness
difference were compared out of 12 results. This was found at or precision. At 30°, no significant differences were found,
a pin opening of 5 mm in the anterior measurement. although the posterior measurement approached significance.
It is possible that virtual reproduction of this component is
Discussion difficult to achieve accurately. At 10°, there was a significant
difference (p = 0.01) for the anterior measurement, which was
The trueness and precision of virtual articulation has not been the smallest of all measurements taken and might accordingly
tested. In this study, the Artex-CR articulator was investigated be most affected by errors. There was no significant difference
in dynamic movement by altering the incisal pin opening (2, 5, at the 10° posterior measurement. As the SCI decreased, a
and 10 mm) and SCI (10°, 30°, and 45°). significant difference developed in the anterior region. Tooth #8
When the pin opening was changed, no statistically signifi- is the furthest tooth from the posterior aspect of the articulator,
cant difference was found in trueness between the virtual and the location where the SCI is actually changed. A change in
mechanical articulator. One statistically significant difference angle is most measureable at a distance furthest away from the
was found between the mechanical and virtual Artex-CR ar- vertex.
ticulator in measurements of interocclusal separation. A sta- Studies on different models of the Artex articulator have
tistically significant difference was found when values for the found deficiencies in transferring the information captured in a
absolute mean difference for 5 mm anterior measurement were mounted articulator with magnetic mounting plates.28,29 With a
compared. Thus, the null hypothesis was rejected. virtual articulator, the position of the dental model in 3D space
Overall, one statistically significant difference in trueness might be preserved electronically and render moot the problem
between the mechanical and virtual Artex-CR articulators was of transferring from one articulator to another. In vitro studies
found out of 12 total results. This was found at SCI of 10° have shown that some mechanical articulator systems are more
in the anterior measurement. One statistically significant dif- accurate and precise than others.30 Hatzi et al30 measured light
ference was found in precision when values of absolute mean transmission through static occlusal registrations as a quantita-
difference were compared out of 12 results. This was found at tive measurement of the interchangeability of articulators. This
a pin opening of 5 mm in the anterior measurement. interchangeability would allow clinicians to use one articulator
There were no clinically important differences in trueness and transfer casts to a lab with the assurance that positional ac-
using virtual and mechanical articulators at both the tested curacy could be maintained on a similar articulator. They found
incisal pin opening and SCI. Additionally, there was no that no articulator system was exact and that no articulator was
clinically important difference in the precision of a prosthesis an exact duplicate of another; however, they concluded that
designed using virtual and mechanical articulators when the the Artex brand reproduced dental cast positions more con-
incisal pin opening and SCI were altered. It is expected that a sistently than the other systems tested (Whip Mix, Kavo).30
virtual representation of a mechanical articulator should reflect When a virtual articulator is used, it is not necessary to send
the original closely. The results of this study confirm this a programmed physical articulator to the laboratory, thereby
expectation. There was no significant difference in trueness avoiding all the concomitant risk that may occur in mailing and
between the mechanical and virtual articulator at pin openings transport (damage to the articulator, time cost, financial cost,
of 2, 5, or 10 mm. Both proportionally increased at the etc.) and interchanging articulators.
same rate. The mechanical and virtual systems behaved as Transferring patient information can produce errors that will
expected and proportionally decreased as the pin was closed carry through to the final restoration. One example of this is
and similarly increased as the pin was opened. the location of the kinematic hinge axis. Articulation without
Precision was tested by comparison of the absolute mean the correct hinge axis location may produce errors.31 How-
difference of the triplicate measurements of interocclusal sepa- ever, such errors may be small if the arbitrary hinge axis is
ration. A statistically significant difference was found in preci- within 5 mm of the kinematic hinge axis location.31 In such
sion at the anterior measurement of the 5 mm pin opening. The an instance, the error produced in a final restoration might be
absolute mean difference was 0.04 ± 0.03 mm for the mechan- up to 200 µm. An error of 200 µm, which is greater than the
ical and 0.11 ± 0.05 mm for the virtual. This could have been amount of error found in the present study, was considered
due to chance and/or the difficulty of measuring small differ- clinically insignificant because intraoral adjustment is easily
ences. At any rate, an error of 0.04 mm (40 µm) or 0.11 mm achievable.31 Furthermore, an occlusal discrepancy of over 161
(110 µm) may not amount to a substantial error clinically. µm for metal-ceramic crowns fabricated by casting, milling,
With the data collected by Riis and Giddon,27 using thin and sintering has been reported.32 Occlusal discrepancy of this
plastic strips (12.5, 25, 50, and 100 µm thick), Dubner et magnitude is within the range reported in the present study and
al26 described the mean discriminatory capability for unanes- further suggests that the error between virtual and mechanical
thetized incisors to be 14 µm and 40 µm for anesthetized articulator may not be clinically significant.
teeth. The clinically relevant interdental sensory threshold can Virtual dynamic articulation is rising in popularity. No stud-
therefore be estimated to be 14 µm. The differences between ies, prior to this one, on the trueness and precision of virtual dy-
the virtual and mechanical articulators can be adjusted to a namic articulation have been published. No other studies have
value within this range. supporting data for speculation on the accuracy of the digital ar-
For the precision of SCI measurements, no statistically sig- ticulator in dynamic movement. This study provides validation
nificant difference was found between mechanical and virtual of another component of the digital workflow. Tools neces-
articulation. No significant differences were found between sary for the use of the digital articulator have been described,
including a virtual facebow transfer technique for transfer- model scanner-CAD systems and articulation method. J
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